#one time someone retweeted a smeyer hate post
bellasberrycobbler · 4 years
The thing about Jasper being a confederate soldier that shocks me and pisses me off isn’t as much the fact that Jasper was a confederate soldier- it’s that Smeyer thought that that was an offense that someone could come back from.
Jasper wasn’t JUST a confederate soldier. He wasn’t old enough to b a confederate solider, so he actively lied about his age to become a confederate soldier, then he was so GOOD at being a white supremacist that he advanced through the ranks. Jasper was fucking PASSIONATE about enslaving black ppl. He was LIVING the mission. I dont rlly care what his motive was. But isn’t it crucial to note what a zealot he was? Like he wasn’t just a white supremacist he was part of THE white supremacists.
Given that he was egregiously racist, one would think that an offense of this magnitude would merit some HUGE redemption arc. Like, it’s fucking SLAVERY. I personally don’t know what kind of redemption arc one would need to go through to come back from literally fighting to enslave an entire group of ppl, but it should be significant right? No. Smeyers clearly doesn’t think his white supremacy is enough of a problem to warrant a redemption arc. She would’ve written about it if she thought it important (maybe it had happened behind the scenes, but we as readers don’t know cus Smeyers thought we would just get over it). Perhaps this is a reflection of her mormonism. Mormonism also thought black ppl were inferior+slavery was just and then changed their mind as “times changed. Or maybe she’s racist and also a Mormon. I don’t rlly care what it’s a reflection of. It’s just rlly messed up and strange how smeyers just nods and smiles.
Everyone just accepts that he was a confederate soldier. Bella hears that he is and she’s just like, “sure.” I’m SURE that the WP hears about him being a confederate soldier, and we never hear about their indignation. Carlisle known for his sense of justice and empathy, CARLISLE WHO IS A FUCKING DOCTOR AND TREATS BLACK PATIENTS, never mentions it. No one refers to his past as unfavourable or distasteful (and those r very fucking mild words). These ppl all just go along with it. And it’s not even like his racism is an issue that never comes up. They talk about his time in the South time and time again. But no one seems to think twice about it.
Jasper’s power comes from supposedly being exceptionally charismatic in his “past life.” So like, once again, he was using a gift that he had to enslave ppl. Not only that, but he’s feeling everyone else’s emotions too. HOW would ANYONE feel the anguish of enslaved ppl with them and then just shrug and carrying on with their newborn wars ro wtvr tf. The utter lack of empathy is fucking astonishing.
Edward says Jasper probably wouldn’t be vegetarian if not for Alice. So, basically Jasper’s only sense of morality comes from loving a white girl....... which...... need i say more? Both sexist and racist (unsurprising coming from smeyer)
The fact that stephenie meyer is a racist bag of shit is news to no one. But the way she’s not even just ~coded racist~ like JK Rowling with jewish people, like she’s just straight up doing the racism ™️ rlly fucking pisses me off.
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