#one punch man chapter 171
opmedits · 2 years
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"Who the hell is he..”
One Punch Man Cover 172
268 notes · View notes
johnsbleu · 5 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 171
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warnings: nsfw hmh masterlist
It’s been about three weeks since Logan has moved in with you, and it’s been pretty good. He kept to himself a lot that first week but when he did want to talk, he confided in John, which was really nice to see. You were just happy that he was talking to someone about what was going on. When Tonya was here, Logan kept to himself, which you were happy about since she’s a demon and you didn’t want Logan around her.
Today, John and Logan been sitting on the dock and chatting. It’s not that you’re not included when he wants to talk, but with John saying he sees himself in Logan, it makes more sense for him to talk to him about what’s going on.
A smile breaks across John’s face as he and Logan walk up to the house, and you get butterflies when he looks at you--no matter what, that man can turn you into mush. You grin wide and immediately wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, hugging him tight. Ronan squeals and rushes over to Logan when he leans down to hug her. You kiss John one more time then you let go and look at Logan.
“She’s ready for some shopping.”
John rubs your sides, “You’re going shopping?”
“Yeah, Logan needs some things, so we thought we’d go to the shopping center in Brighton.” you say as you start to smile, “Do you want to come with us?”
“I mean,” he scratches the back of his neck and shrugs--he’s so damn cute. “I’m not doing anything else.”
You start to laugh, “Well, yeah, as long as we’re your last resort.”
“Stop!” he wraps his arm around your shoulders and hugs you tight to his side, “Of course I want to hang out with you. I just didn’t want to invite myself along.”
You playfully roll your eyes at John before you reach down and pick up Ronan. You gather up your things and head to the car with Logan and John, and you get Ronan into her car seat. Logan crawls into the back despite your protests to take it, and John smiles when you look at him.
“So, Logan,” you look over your shoulder at him, “Jimmy said he helped you get your bank stuff figured out.”
“Yeah, it was super easy. I wish I had just done that from the start but my dad…”
You nod your head, giving him a soft smile, “I get it. But it’s all taken care of now, so that’s good. It’s all your money. You can do whatever you want with it.”
Since Logan’s money was in his parent’s bank account, they wouldn’t allow him access to his last paycheck. They threatened legal action that probably really wouldn’t do shit but it just stressed out Logan, so he cut his losses. He said he had quite a bit of money in it since he never really bought anything for himself, but he also said he had been stashing his money. He’d get out money every few days and hide it away in his room.  
Not only did Greg threaten legal action about that, but he also did with John punching him too. John isn’t too worried about that and says that he’ll either give it up or the court will throw it out.
Since getting all new clothes, a phone, and any other little things would completely eat up what little money he did have, you and John decided to pay for his things. It’s not a big deal and it took the stress off of Logan, which is what you want. Making this transition as stress free as you can is what you want more than anything.
You glance over your shoulder at Logan as you head down the street, and he looks over at his house. There’s a For Sale sign in the yard now that makes you all perk up. You furrow your brow when you look at John, and he shrugs his shoulders and tilts his head giving you a “Good riddance” kind of look.
“Guess they’re moving.” Logan says, his voice quiet and sad.
You look back at Logan, “Do you think your sister will be okay?”
Logan nods as he looks down, “They never were…mean to her. It was always me. She’ll be fine.”
Leaving another child in the house isn’t the best thing but Logan is certain that she’ll be fine. It’s apparent that Logan was the one who was abused. Even from what you witnessed, his sister was a very loved child.
“Hey,” you reach back and take his hand, smiling softly, “Everything is going to be so much better now.”
“Yeah,” he smiles at you before he sits back and looks out the window.
John takes a deep breath and looks over at you, then he reaches for your hand and gives you a small smile, silently reassuring you that everything will be okay.
“Do you remember…” John stands in front of you and smiles, “When we came here--”
“And I met Jen and was insanely jealous because I couldn’t figure out why you had broken up with her--she’s hot--and gotten with me.” you start to laugh, rolling your eyes playfully, “It’s a vague memory.”
John chuckles as he leans down to kiss you, “You’re hot.”
“Jen is hot, don’t lie.”
“Jen is pretty,” he nods, laughing when you give him a blank stare, “What? She is, but come on, look at you! Look at you!”
You playfully pose as John laughs, “Okay, true, I’m pretty cute.”
“No, well, yeah, you’re cute, but…” John shakes his head and leans closer, “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and I’m not even kidding. I want you so bad right now. I always want you.”
You smirk as you look up at him, “How bad?”
“So…” he leans closer and kisses just under your ear, sending shivers down your spine, “So bad.”
Leaning back to look at him, you cup his face and bring his lips to yours before you both start to laugh. He gestures for you to sit down on the bench, so you take a spot and hold his hand when he sits next to you. Logan is currently on the carousel with Ronan right now, so thankfully no one was around to hear that conversation between you and John.
“I was thinking that tonight after Ro is down, we could have a movie night.” John says, and you look over at him, “Logan is going to hang out with Devin, so…”
You watch John’s eyes dip down to your lips for a moment before you start to smile, “You’ve been very…”
John starts to smile, “Very what?”
“Very horny lately,” you whisper, and a laugh bursts out of him before he gestures to you, “No, what is going on with you? Why do you want me so much?”
“Oh, come on,” he shakes his head as you smile, “It’s no more than usual.”
You scoff, “It’s waaaay more than usual, Wick.”
“I don’t know!” he laughs, throwing his hands up a little, “You’re sexy. What can I say? I’m attracted to my wife.”
“Hmm,” you squint your eyes at him jokingly, “I don’t know…”
John wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him, “You’re weird.”
“You’re weird!”
“Well, if I’m weird, then you’re weird for marrying me.”
You laugh loudly, “Yeah, I won’t argue that.”
Logan smiles as he walks over holding Ronan in his arms, “I think she’s getting hungry.”
“Oh, probably,” you take her and set her in your lap, “Should we grab something to eat before we do some more shopping? What else do you need?”
“Uh,” Logan looks at his phone, “Just need some more clothes, then I, uh, I needed a laptop.”
John nods, “Oh, yeah. Then you’re all good, right?”
Logan nods his head as you get up and put Ronan into her stroller. He likes to push her, so you move so he can take it. John reaches for your hand and chats with Logan as you all head to the restaurant, and you smile to yourself. It’s so sweet how John has really taken Logan under his wing.
You finally make it to the row of restaurants in the mall, and you all decide to try out the burger place that is decorated like a 50’s diner. You haven’t tried it yet, so you’re looking forward to it. Logan slides into the booth on the opposite side of you while John gets Ronan into the highchair they’ve provided.
“This place is cool,” Logan says as he looks around, “Reminds me of this show my mom used to watch all the time.”
John sits next to you, leaning over to look at the menu, “Menu looks good.”
You all fall silent as you look at the menu, you and John both pointing at things that sound good, and you only glance up every so often to check on Ronan, who is playing with a toy and a pamphlet she grabbed from a jewelry shop when you were letting her walk earlier.
John wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer, pressing his lips to your shoulder before looking back at the menu, “You smell good.”
“Thanks,” you laugh, looking at him and smiling, “You look very handsome today.”
He chuckles, then he leans over to kiss you, “You look beautiful.”
You smile as you lean over and rest your forehead against his lips before checking out the menu. When the waitress comes over, she asks if you’re ready, which you’re not, so she grabs you some drinks and brings out a kid’s menu for Ronan.
For Ronan, you order some mac and cheese, along with some fruit and veggies, then you and Logan both get the same cheeseburger, while John gets some complicated burger that you’re not sure you’d ever be able to even finish. He also orders a chocolate shake since you said it sounded good.
“So,” you sit back and smile at Logan, “How’s work?”
“Really good. Jimmy is certain that he’s going to be getting this house, so he asked if I want to learn more. Obviously I said yeah.” he laughs, shrugging bashfully, “I like working there, it’s cool.”
John nods, “Jimmy says you’re doing really well too.”
You switch spots with John when Ronan gets a little fussy, and he continues talking to Logan while you play with her. You get some crayons from the waitress and scribble on the paper menu that she was given, and she squeals and kicks her legs happily.
“Logan?” a voice says from behind you, and you look over at the woman standing there. “What are you doing here?”
Logan sits up, “Mrs. Graham.”
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” she says to you, and you sit up straight. “Taking a child from his mother. How proud of yourself are you?”
“Considering he was being treated like shit, pretty damn proud.” you say, then you laugh humorlessly, “And I didn’t take Logan. He left. He wanted to leave and get away from Laura and Greg. We offered him a place to stay, and that’s that.”
The woman turns her nose up and crosses her arms, “Laura was right about you. You just look--”
“Watch your words,” John says from behind you, his voice sending chills down your arms, “I won’t allow you to speak about my wife like this, especially not in front of the kids.”
“The kids?” she laughs, rolling her eyes, “As if he’s your kid. He’s not your child!”
John exhales sharply, “Ma’am, I understand that you’re frustrated on behalf of your friend, but this is not your business. This is between Logan, his parents, and us. You don’t need to concern yourself in other people’s business.”
“Look, I get it. You’re hearing Laura’s side of things and believing her, but no one has listened to Logan. We did. We listened to him and we came up with a solution for him.” you say, and she just blinks at you. “Do you know how your friend has been treating her own son? Terribly. I won’t even tell you because it’s not my story to tell, but Logan needed out of that house. We provided a safe place for him.”
“Well, I just think it’s wrong for you to do that. They could have worked it out on their own.”
You scoff, “Obviously not. Have a nice day, ma’am.”
“One last thing,” she says, leaning closer to you, “You should be ashamed of yourself for bringing a child into the world with a man like him.”
You see red as you look at this pathetic woman, “You fucking bitch--”
Just as you start to get out of the booth, John grabs your arm and stops you. He pulls you back into the booth and wraps his arm around you so you can’t go anywhere, then he holds your gaze and shakes his head a little before looking over at Ronan, who is blissfully unaware of what’s been going on and is scribbling on the paper. Thank god!
“This man right here is a hundred times better than your husband could ever wish to be--”
“I don’t have a husband!” she says, and you laugh loudly.
The jokes write themselves.
“Yeah, well, it’s no wonder. Don’t you ever fucking speak on him, me, or my daughter again. A matter of fact, don’t speak on anyone at this table. Including Logan! You don’t know me, you don’t know my husband, and you clearly don’t know your friend. Why don’t you mind your own damn business and worry about yourself instead?” you say, and she just look at you with wide eyes, “Next time, I won’t be this nice. You can leave our table now.”
Logan frowns when you look at him, then you see him perk up a little before quickly putting his head down. You look over your shoulder to see the woman walk back over to her group of friends, and you spot Laura.
“Do you want to leave?” you ask Logan, but he shakes his head. “We can get our food to go. It’s okay.”
“No, I don’t want to.” he shakes his head again, “I’m tired of running away from her. She can leave.”
You take a deep breath and look over at John, “Don’t listen to her.”
“I don’t care what people say, peach. I never have.”
“You know what she said isn’t true. You’re the best dad.” you whisper to him and he smiles softly, “And I’m so glad I had a baby with you. Best daddy ever. There’s no one else I could imagine having kids with.”
John laughs, “Thanks.”
Ronan squeals loudly and reaches out for John, “Dada!”
“See? She loves you.”
You get Ronan out of the high chair and hand her off to John, who just holds her and loves on her. He says it doesn’t bother him, but you know deep down it probably bothers him a little bit.
“What are you wearing?”
You freeze with your mascara wand in front of your left eye as you look over at John, “Do I look bad?”
“What are you wearing?” he asks again, just staring at you.
You pout as you drop your arms to your side, “I thought I looked good. I can change. I mean, I’m not even completely dressed yet.”
“Come here,” he says, curling a finger and beckoning you over to him, and you slowly walk over, “Turn around.”
You quickly spin around and face him, “Do I look bad? John, answer me!”
“Slower this time,” he demands, and you huff as you slowly spin, only to be completely shocked when he spanks you hard on the ass.
“Jonathan Wick!” you gasp, turning around to look at him.
John bites his bottom lip as he starts to smile, “Do you realize how sexy you are?”
“Stop,” you start to walk back to the mirror but John grabs your arm and pulls you back to him, kissing you hard on the lips, “You like it that much?”
John ushers you over to the mirror and gestures to your body, “Yes!”
You start to laugh, tilting your head back to see him, “You’re sweet.”
“You look amazing, baby.” he says softly against your temple, then he rests his hand on your hip, “Are you going to wear just this today?”
You look at him through the mirror, “It’s a body suit, you dork. No, I’m going to wear some jeans.”
John hums, “Hmm, that’s a shame. Your ass look great.”
“Stop it!” you blush as he grins at you. You turn around and lean over to kiss him before he sits down on the bed and watches you, “What’s up?”
“Nothing. Ro is napping.” he says, and you smile at him. He’s bored. “Logan is out with a friend, but he’ll be back before we leave.”
Tonight is date night for you and John--he planned it for tonight. The two of you take turns planning whatever it is, and you two have several dates throughout the month. Usually about one a week. Wednesdays are always for just the two of you since Ronan goes to your parents house, but sometimes that doesn’t always mean there’s a date. Sometimes it’s just hanging out at home and tidying up, then ending the night on the couch with a bowl of pasta or something, which is still a date in your mind; you don’t always need to go out and spend money for a date night. But Wednesday is just a mid-week reset for you and John.
But tonight is date night! You told John that you didn’t want to do anything too crazy since Logan would be watching Ronan tonight. He volunteered all on his own to watch her when he heard John mention date night. Of course you said that you’d be more than okay with taking Ronan to stay with Tess for a few hours, but Logan insisted.
“Nothing crazy tonight, right?”
“Nope,” John shakes his head and smiles as you narrow your eyes, “I’m serious! You said you didn’t want to do anything crazy, and you know me, I always follow rules.”
You laugh loudly, “If there’s one thing you don’t do, it’s follow rules. Mr. Excommunicado.”
“Hey!” he laughs, “That was different.”
“Okay, true.”
John lounges back on the bed, resting on his left elbow as he watches you, “But it’ll be nice. It’s something we haven’t done in a while.”
You immediately look back over at him, “What?”
“Like I’m telling you.”
“Well, now you’re obligated.” you point your mascara wand at him, “Tell me or no nookie tonight.”
John scoffs, “You always threaten that, but let’s be honest…you could never.”
“You wanna test it out?” you try to be serious, but you immediately fail and laugh as you walk over to straddle his waist, “It’s annoying how addicted I am to you.”
“I know the feeling,” he whispers as you lean down to kiss him. He spanks you a few times as he sits back up, “Finish getting ready, mouse.”
You get off his lap and walk over to finish getting ready, and you look through the mirror and smile when you see John just simply watching you like you’re his favorite TV show. He smiles back and leans his elbows on his knees, still watching you. You finish up your make-up and walk to the closet to get some jeans, then you fluff up your hair before turning around to look at him, giving him a ‘What do you think?’ look.
“So beautiful, baby.” he says softly, reaching for your hands, “I’m so in love with you.”
“You can’t make me cry. I just finished my make-up.”
John stands up and takes your arms to wrap them around his neck as he holds your gaze, then he takes you into his arms, “I just need to hold you for a minute.”
Your laugh is muffled against his chest, “Okay.”
He is genuinely the cutest, sweetest man you’ve ever met in your life. It’s so sweet how sometimes he just needs to hold you to ground him. As a kid, he didn’t get the affection he desperately craved, so now he’s become a grown man who wants to give it all the time. It’s the best.
John slowly sways back and forth with you in his arms, then he presses a kiss to the top of your head, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you lean back to look into his eyes, “You’re pretty cute, you know that?”
You wrap your arms around him a little tighter, “About what the woman said--”
John shrugs it off as if it didn’t hurt him, “It’s fine.”
“It’s not,” you lean back and look into his eyes, “It’s not fine. I would have pummeled that woman if Ro and Logan hadn’t been there. What she said was completely wrong and so not true. You know this, Jonathan. Deep down, you know that there is no one else who is more perfect to be her dad. You are so good at being a dad, John. Words can’t express how happy I have that you are her dad. You’re so patient and attentive. You’re encouraging and kind. You’re exactly what I would have wanted in a dad and I know that’s a really weird thing to say, but it’s true. I’ve already told you that you’ve healed the little girl in me, but I am so fucking happy that you won’t have to heal anything in Ronan. She’s going to be just fine because she has you for a dad.”
John inhales deeply, his eyes a little glassy with tears, “You really think all that?”
“Of course I do. If I didn’t think you’d be a good dad, I wouldn’t have had a baby with you. I like to think I’m a good judge of character.”
“And you’re really smart too…” his voice is so soft that you just melt.
You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully, “Exactly. Don’t ever, ever, ever question whether or not you’re a good dad because you are. I can see it when Ronan looks at you. She is obsessed with you, babe. She loves you more than anything. If there’s one thing that is absolutely true, it’s that that baby is the biggest daddy’s girl, which I completely understand because I’m so obsessed with her daddy too.”
“I’m certainly obsessed with her and her momma,” he whispers, and you smile at him. “Thank you, baby.”
“I’ll still kick that woman’s ass, by the way.”
John smiles, “I thought I was gonna have to bail you out of jail.”
“Next time some bitch decides to wants to brave and say that shit, she better hope our daughter isn’t there because I will fight her.” you say, shrugging, “I won’t hesitate.”
“You certainly didn’t hesitate last night. Thank you for sticking up for me, my peach.”
You cup his face and kiss him, “I will always stick up for you, Wick. We’re a team.”
“My favorite teammate,” he chuckles softly before kissing your forehead and letting go of you when the front door opens. “That must be Logan.”
You let go of him but he takes your hand and looks back at you. You nod your head since you’re ready to go. He holds tight to your hand and heads downstairs, and you give Logan a wave when he walks into the living room.
“Hey. Have fun?”
Logan nods, “Yeah, we went fishing. Caught some but nothing too big so we threw them all back. You two heading out?”
“We just wanted to wait until Ronan got up from her nap, but…” John looks at his watch, “She might be down for a little longer, so not sure.”
You shrug, “She’ll be okay if Logan gets her. She knows him so it’s not like she’ll freak out. She’ll just be hungry and want something to eat, but you’ve watched her before and you know what she likes.”
“Yeah, of course.” Logan nods, looking back and forth between you and John. “I can get her something to eat, then we’ll play with some toys, maybe build a fort.”
You smile, “She’ll love that.”
“We won’t be out long.” John says, looking at his watch again, “We’ll be back before she needs to go to bed.”
“I used to watch my sister all the time,” Logan says, frowning a little, “So it’s okay if I have to put her to bed.”
You feel your eyes burning as you look away to keep yourself from crying. He must miss his sister so much. “Have you talked to her at all?”
Logan shakes his head, “No, but I thought I might go visit her at school one day. They’re going to be having a choir concert soon, so I might sneak in there to see her.”
You look over at John just as he looks at you, then you plaster a smile back on your face, “I bet she’d love to see you.”
John stands behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, squeezing them lightly, “Well, should we head out? We’ll be back by 8 or so.”
“I’ll have my phone with me the whole time if you need to call, and don’t forget that Tess is just across the street too. She’s home tonight, so you can always call her if something comes up.” you say, and Logan nods his head and starts to laugh when John widens his eyes playfully and shakes his head.
“We’ll be back in a bit.” John says, lightly pushing you towards the door.
Logan laughs as he sits down on the couch, “See you later.”
John takes your hand and leads you over to the car. He stops and digs in his pocket for a moment and pulls out a hair tie. You furrow your brow and look up at him.
“You’ll need this tonight.”
You start to smile, “Jonathan Wick, are you hinting that you want me to go down on you in the car?”
“That would be totally cool if that’s what you want to do, but no, that’s not what this is for.”
“It’s for my hair?”
He nods, “Yes, of course, but not for what you think.”
“I’m very curious.”
“We need to leave now though. Before the sun sets.” he says, and you immediately squint your eyes at him. “We have somewhere we need to stop first so we can get something for tonight.”
You groan when John gestures to the car, “You’re being cryptic.”
“You’ll know as soon as we’re there what’s happening, so you just have to wait 20 minutes. I promise, peach,” he kisses your temple and opens the door for you to get in, “We’ve done it before but not for a long time, and it’s time we do it again. You said it was one of our favorite dates we’ve ever had.”
“That doesn’t help me! I say that about every date because you’re so good at planning them.” you pout, looking over at him, “Please tell me.”
John laughs, “You’re very cute when you pout. Oh, I almost forgot.”
“You almost forgot how cute I am?”
“No,” he laughs as he opens the backseat door, “I’ll never forget that. I almost about this!”
You turn a little to see a large bouquet of flowers. Snapdragons, roses, dahlias, tulips, and baby’s breath. It is the most stunning collection of flowers in a very peachy color with little pops of white and green throughout. Just from the color alone, you know John picked everything himself.
“Peach…” you say, and he smiles proudly. “You’re so cute. These are beautiful. Thank you very much.”
“You’re very welcome,” he says before kissing you, “Ready for our date?”
You smile, “Ready to tell me where we’re going?”
After kissing you quickly, John makes sure you’re in the car, then he shuts the door and rushes to the driver’s side. You playfully squint your eyes at him, and he laughs as he backs out of the driveway.
“We’re getting our oil changed?” you ask incredulously when John pulls up to Aurelio’s auto shop. You look at him and furrow your brow as you laugh, “What a lovely date.”
John laughs, “No, we just need to get something.”
As soon as John pulls into the garage, Aurelio gets up and walks over. He opens your door and helps you out, and you’re taken aback when he leads you over to a nice 1960’s Corvette that has the top down. You begin to smile as you look back at John. He gives you a wink and hurries over to help you get in the car.
Aurelio hands the keys off to him and shakes his hand, “Have fun.”
“I’ll have the car back by eight.” John says, but Aurelio waves it off, “Okay, maybe nine.”
You start to laugh as John gets in the car, then you look back at Aurelio, “Maybe 10.”
“Take your time. You know someone is always here,” he says, waving at the two of you as you back out of the garage.
You grin as you look over at John, and he pulls you closer to him on the seat since it’s a bench seat. You pull your knees up and rest your head on his shoulder, and he drapes his arm across your legs.
The last time John got a car from Aurelio, he drove to Brighton to this little restaurant right near the beach. You sat outside and watched the sunset while you ate dinner, and it was perfect. The drive home was amazing since the air was still warm, and you just clung to him and him to you. It was perfect, and it absolutely was one of your favorite dates.
“So, where are we heading?”
“Thought we’d go watch the sunset.” he says, and you nod your head. “Grab some burgers and shakes at the restaurant right on the shore too. Too late for us to go to Brighton, but Oyster Bay Cove will be perfect for tonight.”
You can feel your eyes just forming hearts as you look at him, and he laughs before he leans down to kiss you. You cup his face to keep him from moving away since you’re at a red light, and he laughs against your lips.
“You’re the best.” you wrap your arms around his bicep and close your eyes as the wind blows through your hair.
Yup, you’re definitely going to need that hair tie. For more than one reason.
You and John stumble into the house as you laugh, both shushing one another since you’re definitely being way too loud--you’re both a little drunk on love right now. John puts his hand over his mouth as he laughs, turning around to lock the door as you walk into the living room. You freeze when you see Logan laying on the chaise lounge with Ronan tucked into his side, both fast asleep and their blanket fort left unmade on the ground.
John comes up behind you and rests his cheek against your head, “Pretty cute, huh?”
“She adores him.”
“He adores her.”
You sigh as you nod, “He misses his sister. Would it be bad if I reached out to Laura to see if they would be okay with him visiting her?”
“I don’t think that’s your job, sweetheart,” he turns you to him and shrugs, “Laura and Logan will have to figure that all out on their own. I know he misses his sister. I’m sure it’s hard being away from her. And I know you, so I know you want to help. I know your mom instincts are kicking in, but this isn’t for you to fix.”
Inhaling deeply, you nod your head and look up at John as you squint your eyes and scrunch your face up. A smile tugs at John’s lips before a grin breaks out and you sneeze loudly into your elbow.
“Shit,” you turn around and look at Logan and Ronan as they both jolt awake, “Sorry!”
Ronan sits up and smiles wide when she sees you and John, and she crawls off the couch and runs over, reaching up for you. You pick her up and hug her tightly, closing your eyes and kissing her cheek with a big ‘mwah!’
“Did momma wake you up?” you ask Ronan and her sleepy little eyes, and she nods her head despite the fact that she’s grinning, “Did you miss me?”
“Yeah,” she nods, then she looks at John, “Daddy.”
John smiles, rubbing the top of her head and messing up her brown hair, “Hey, bug.”
Ronan leans her chin against your shoulder and giggles sleepily when John plays peek-a-boo with her. You hug her tight and look over at Logan as he watches her.
“How was she tonight?”
“Really good,” he nods as he sits up, “She ate all of her dinner, then we played with her toys for a bit--I’ll pick those up.”
John waves it off, “Don’t worry about it.”
“We sat down to watch Coco and just fell asleep, I guess,” he laughs, and Ronan kicks her legs to be let down. She runs over to him and jumps into his lap, squealing when he lifts her up, “Hey, we gotta go night-night, don’t we?”
Ronan nods her head, then she points upstairs to her room, telling Logan that they need to go. He chuckles as he gets off the couch, and you give Ronan a kiss. She waves at you and John from over Logan’s shoulder, and you wave back and smile before walking into the kitchen.
“She just loves him. Look at that! He’s just taking her up to bed and she’s not even crying.” you set your purse on the counter and look over at John as he tosses his keys into the bowl next to the landline that’s probably from like 1987. “I’m so proud of her. I remember for a while she wouldn’t even let Tess or Jimmy put her down, but now she’s so much more comfortable.”
“Yeah, I’m really proud of her too,” he smiles, looking over at you, “We did a good job with that one.”
You smile, “And we still are.”
“Tonight was fun,” he whispers, pulling you closer to him until you’re in front of him. He lifts you up and sets you on the counter, and you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. “Did you have fun?”
“I did. I had a lot of fun,” you run your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp lightly before wrapping your arms around his neck again, “Wish we could have kept the car a little longer.”
John grins, “I could have. All it would have taken was a phone call.”
Squinting his eyes, John smirks, “Why did you want the car for longer?”
You move your hands down to his chest, “You know why.”
“Mrs. Wick, were you hoping to have some car sex?” he asks, and you feel your cheeks burn as you laugh. “Look how cute you are.”
“Stop!” you put your hands over your face, “You’re making me blush.”
John presses several quick kisses to your cheek, “We don’t have the car anymore, but we can still have some sex.”
“Sounds good, but we have to be super quiet.”
“We have a basement,” he suggests as you laugh.
You wrap your arms around his waist and lean against him, closing your eyes as he holds you, “I had a really good time tonight. Thank you.”
“I’m glad, sweetheart,” he murmurs into your hair, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you lean back to look at him, then you cup his face and kiss him.
John is just inches from your lips as he looks into your eyes, then he leans forward and kisses you tenderly, cupping your face in his hand. You wrap your legs around him and pull him closer, and he nips at your bottom lip.
Logan clears his throat, and you and John both look down like you’re two teenagers who just got caught. John glances up at you and smiles, then he walks around to stand on the other side of the counter for obvious reasons--you’re flattered. He discreetly adjusts himself while Logan makes himself busy with the magnets on the fridge.
“Is she asleep?” you ask, and Logan nods his head. “You can turn around, Logan.”
He waits a few seconds before he turns around, “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Oh, you’re alright. John just loves smooching on me,” you laugh, shrugging it off as John walks back over to stand in front of you. He leans with his back against the counter, and you rest against his back, “No biggie.”
Logan inhales deeply and nods his head, “You two are so different from my parents.”
He nods as he looks at you, “You actually interact with each other and don’t seem like you want to kill each other.”
“Yeah, no, I definitely don’t want to kill him. I’d be completely lost without him,” you say, and John chuckles. “He’s my best friend. I can’t imagine doing parenthood without him. Or just life in general.”
Logan leans against the counter opposite of you, “My parents wouldn’t be caught in the same room, let alone hugging or kissing.”
You sit up, “Is this making you uncomfortable? Because if it is, we can absolutely cut it out.”
“No,” he shakes his head as he laughs, “It’s actually really nice. I’ve just never been around it before, so it’s different. It’s a good different though. It’s…”
“Refreshing?” you ask, and he nods. “Yeah, I know the feeling. My ex wasn’t affectionate at all and was…incredibly mean to me. When I met John, I was so blown away by the affection he gives and how naturally he gives it. One of the things I’ve loved most about my relationship with him was the fact that he never made me feel like I needed to work for his affection. I was deserving of his love just by being myself, like I said, he just gave it so naturally. I didn’t even feel like I deserved his love. He’s so sweet to me, and he’s so good to Ro too. I’m so beyond happy that she has him for a dad.”
John looks over his shoulder at you and smiles, “I’m pretty lucky too. She’s pretty great--both of my girls.”
“Anyway,” you roll your eyes playfully, “If we are ever being inappropriate or making you uncomfortable, let us know. Obviously we don’t plan on just…you know, right in front of you or anything.”
Logan laughs, “Yeah, I get what you mean.”
You look at him for a moment and hold his gaze, “You’ve had the…the…”
Logan furrows his brow, “What?”
“You’ve had the…” you lean a little closer and whisper, “You’ve had the sex talk, right?”
John puts his hand over his mouth as he laughs, “Peach!”
“Well, I don’t know!”
Logan laughs as he nods his head, “Yes, Mrs. Wick, I’ve had The Talk. I am eighteen, by the way. I know things.”
“I don’t know!” you put your hands up and shrug, “I didn’t know if you had the talk or not yet. God, sorry!”
“You just made this so weird, peach.” John says, and you hop off the counter, “I’m just being honest.”
Logan continues laughing when you look at him, “I’m sorry, but that’s funny. I appreciate you asking.”
You didn’t know if his parents had that talk with him since they were shit at being parents. Obviously he probably found out stuff from his friends, but you didn’t know! You certainly weren’t looking forward to having the conversation with him by any means, but you were willing to do it.
“I just wanted to be helpful,” you say, and John grins. “I don’t see you volunteering to do it, Mr. Wick!”
John laughs, shaking his head, “Hell no. No offense, Logan, but I’m not ready for that stuff yet. I’m still trying to get the hang of having a baby.”
“I was willing to completely embarrass myself and give you the talk, so you better be grateful!” you say, teasing him.
“I am very grateful,” Logan laughs, then he nods his head and smiles, “Trust me, I’m very grateful for everything you two have done for me.”
John wraps his arm around your shoulder, “Don’t mention it, kid.”
“I should head to bed, I have to work in the morning.” he says, and you smile at him. He turns to leave but stops and looks at you and John again, “Seriously, it is really cool how you two are, you know, hugging and dates and stuff. Ronan is really lucky to have parents like you. I know she’ll realize that when she’s older.”
“Thank you,” John smiles, giving him a small wave, “Sleep tight.”
You inhale deeply and give him a smile but as soon as he leaves, you turn to John and bury your face in his chest as you tear up. He holds you and presses a kiss to the top of your head, swaying you from side to side.
How sad is it that he’s never seen his parents just hug or kiss, or show any sort of basic affection? You always knew that that was something you wanted Ronan to grow up with. Obviously you’re not making out with John in front of her, but you and John share a few kisses and always cuddle on the couch. You want her to grow up in a home where affection is shown and love is never on short supply. You want her to see what she deserves in a relationship, and you never want her to settle for less.
“You have such a good heart, you know that?” John tilts your head back and kisses your forehead before leaning down to kiss the center of your chest, “The best heart.”
“Thank you.”
John smooths your hair back and pulls you back into his arms, “Let’s go to bed, baby.”
Holding John’s hand, you make your way upstairs after locking the doors and turning the lights off. You say a quick goodnight to Ronan, then you change into your pajamas and crawl into bed with John, immediately falling onto him and kissing him. He cups your face for a moment before sliding his hand down to your waist, then to your leg, pulling you on top of him.
You sit up straight on John and look over your shoulder to make sure the door is shut, then you pull your nightgown over your head and toss it aside. John smiles as he gazes up at you, his eyes raking over inch of your body. He sits up and kisses you, then he leans down and sucks on your nipple.
Biting your lip, you close your eyes and tilt your head back, “Do you want me, John?”
“So bad,” he places his hand on the back of your neck and tilts your head back up so you’ll look at him, “Can you feel how bad I want you?”
You shimmy down into his lap more and smile when you feel him hard against your leg. You pull your panties aside, then you grin as you move his hand between your legs.
“Can you feel how bad I want you?”
John closes his eyes as his fingers play with you, “Fuck, you're so wet.”
“You made me that wet,” you whisper to him, and a noise comes out of the back of his throat, “You make me so fucking wet, John.”
“I want you to sit on my face,” he whispers against your lips, which elicits a moan from you, “I want you to ride my face until you come, then I want to fuck you until you come again. Until your legs are shaking and you’re screaming my name.”
You laugh with your lips pressed to his, “I probably shouldn’t scream your name, but everything else can be arranged.”
“We have pillows,” he suggests, and you laugh as you push him to lay down so you can scoot up to straddle his face. He looks up at you with so much adoration, then he licks his lips, “Mm, mm, mm.”
You stand up on the bed to quickly take off your underwear, then you get back down and kiss John before sitting right on his face while he hums happily. You close your eyes and tilt your head back when you feel his warm tongue between your legs, then you quickly press your hand on to your mouth.
“There’s no way I’m going to be quiet,” you say to him, and he peeks at you, “I’m never quiet with you.”
“I know,” he grins from ear to ear, “I love it.”
As you roll your hips, firmly clutching the headboard, you gaze down at John. He reaches up and caresses your breast as he eats you out, and you press your hand to your mouth when you moan. Your knuckles are turning white from gripping the headboard so tight and you start to move your hips faster until you feel yourself tipping over the edge.
John keeps you from moving off of him as you start to climax, and he pulls you down closer to his mouth while you press your hands over your mouth. You moan loudly into your hands and your eyes rolls shut, an electric surge running through your body. John holds you as he sits up, then he plops you down on the bed and crawls on top of you.
He makes sure to give your body plenty of attention with little nips and kisses. He licks up your stomach to the valley between your breasts, then he sucks on your nipple and closes his eyes when you moan. You reach down to touch him over his boxers, which elicits a moan from him. He quickly pulls his cock from his boxers and slides between your legs, instantly pressing his hand to your mouth when you moan.
“Holy shit, John,” you laugh quietly, “You’re so hard.”
“You turn me on, what can I say?” he smiles, and you lean up to kiss him passionately as he starts to thrust his hips.
Arching your back, you grip John’s bicep as your teeth begin to chatter and you squeeze your eyes shut before looking up at him. John smiles proudly and leans down to kiss you a few times, jerking his hips hard and knocking the breath out of you.
“Oh, shit…” you manage to choke out, “Oh, fuck!”
“Here,” John hands you a pillow and grins, “Look like you’re gonna need it.”
taglist: @lilithlinen @mutlifandombliss @ruby-octo @tnu-ree @sakurachan-9 @beingnerdyissupercool @scream-queen-25 @ladyren33 tumblr tagging system is wack so let me know if the tags worked!
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
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One Punch Man chapter 171 cover page
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grimalkhiindi · 2 years
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Am I interpreting this wrong or does Genos look insanely jealous here?
314 notes · View notes
snownyann · 2 years
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CH 171 Coloring!
Saitama, Rover and Black Sperm!
Saitama now has pets 😍😍😍 how adorable!
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theomnicode · 2 years
I have many thoughts for what might happen in the next chapter, but since it's gonna be a short one, it'll be preface for the next arc I'm guessing. Probably no fighting at least.
I have many predictions how it could go down:
Dream scenario.
Rover appears and guides Saitama somewhere.
We see Garou again. Garou is gonna get in trouble.
A riverside.
Saitama chills in Kuseno's place and goes to bed because he feels tired.
We go back a week, before Genos and Saitama left the scene of destruction where we left off in 169.
Continuation from 170 and stuff isn't as it first appears.
3 imposing characters appear.
Coded message
So I'm going to throw a really wild prediction curveball. Instead of something one might expect, like an actual continuation of the story, we're gonna subvert some expectations.
There's gonna be a completely new character, a family man and they have a pet. He's dressed in Hakamas and has a sword. There may be a martial artist around and another dude who is shrouded in black. Suddenly, housefire. His house burns down with rest of his family inside. His wife tried to save their child but perished. The man weeps and breaks down because he could not save his loved ones and he blames himself. (He may commit seppuku to restore his honour.)
Saitama wakes up and wonders what the hell was that dream. Then promptly forgets it and goes about his day.
I do wonder, if we'll get some sort of midpoint reversal type of narrative.
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Chapter 9 - Let The Show Begin!
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As everyone got seated and marveled at not only how the VIP seats were filled with famous politicians and world leaders, but also, the announcer was the most beautiful woman in the world, Miss Sayaka, who is the Chairman's daughter. Kisara wanted so badly to go down there and cheer on Cosmo personally, as he was the debutant fighter, against an American brawler guy who represents some Burger company... But Ohma and the others were there, so she could only attempt to sit down, albeit, agitated as hell. She wanted to get up and cry out from the top of her lungs and cheer on the young boy. But he was going to win regardless, so might as well enjoy the show.
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's get right to it! Introducing the fighter! He's got an infinite sense for combat - He may be small, but he can take down any opponent he faces! Don't let his mild looks fool you! Can this young jiu-jitsu master bring some charm to the opening of the tournament?!" oh, she was good at describing the fighters to make them more impressive and to root for him! Not only that, she's got an amazing voice that resounded through the stadium perfectly. "Standing 171 cm tall, weighting in at 68 kg, with a kengan match record of 21 wins and 0 losses, total assets aquired at 79, 212 billion yen - Representing Nishihonji Security Services... THE KING OF GRAPPLERS... IMAIIIIIIII COOOOOOOOOSMOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Cosmo was down there, walking inside the fighting pit in that pretty Tshirt of his. Kisara only found out the truth after Takeshi explained, but Cos has very soft and delicate skin, so the friction from his low grappling on the ground is bound to tear his skin apart and make him heavily bleed. "COSMO! KILL HIM, COSMO!" Kisara got up and cheered on her little brother. "You're very excited, aren't you?" Rin chuckled a bit embarrassed. "What, can't I cheer on my friend?" the red head's cheeks changed a hue darker, realising she was the only one to display any kind of external support for a fighter, around their area. "Not so shy for other men, huh?" her partner teased her lightly. "Gah, you guys are awful. At least none of my friends have matches before you. I'll desert this place!" she huffed dramatically, crossing her arms and watching as the American fighter, Adam Dudley, was introduced, and he strutted cockily inside the pit.
The Emperor, as he was nicknamed, had his four front teeth golden and engraved with the word "Fuck", sporting almost double Cos's weight, and significantly taller than him. It wasn't going to be easy using low grappling moves, but as they say, the small ones can bring down the big ones, just like with the story of Goliath who got defeated by David.
The referee announced the beginning of the fight and Cos was the first to spring into action and attempt a barrage of punches that were blocked by the bigger man. Punch, kick, feint, jab and many more were thrown at a rapid pace until Adam got thrown off balance by a kick to his legs. Cosmo retreated and began doing some footwork, waiting for Dudley to strike - He attempted an eye-gouging technique, but he got hit with a scissor throw  - slammed to the ground face first, as Cos was wrapped around his leg. They were wrestling on the ground - This will decide the flow of the match, everyone knew this was a decisive fight.
Cos was able to mount the big guy with relative ease, holding down his wrist - This position was rather lethal for a striker like him. The people watching couldn't hear what the two fighters were speaking to each other, but the way Cos was punching down onto Dudley's face made it look rather one-sided, until the American showed the younger one the middle finger and rushed to punch Cosmo's side. The grappler was made to unmount as a way to dodge the fatal strike - Rumours and chattering from the crowd spoke about how Adam was once a notorious hockey player, as everyone watched the unnatural way the man got up from the ground. It is said that he could easily knockout enemies thanks to his build.
As Cos started doing more footwork and sprung into action to hit his enemy, he got grabbed by his shirt and punched into oblivion - Slammed into the ground so hard that he bounced off, and the whole crowd was cheering loudly. He then got picked up by the head and punched again, but the younger one stopped his long stumbling and went back to his speedy assault towards his larger opponent, only to be sent flying away once again.
This repeated a few, times, until Cos put some distance between them and ruffled up his hair, taking a deep breath and getting himself mentally prepared for the next strike. Adam adapted a typical brawler style stance while Cosmo went for his usual low grappler stance, and they both dashed forward - And little Cosmo won with a Triangle Choke, and Adam was unconscious.
"THAT'S ENOUGH, WE HAVE A WINNER!!! And that's a PERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFECT Triangle Choke for you, folks! The King of Grappling, Imai Cosmo, has shown us his pride as a practitioner of Jiu-Jitsu!!!" Sayaka shouted loudly, but her voice was drawn out by the even louder crowd, most likely, the happy betters, just like Kisara was. She saw 'The Zone' once, during one of Cosmo's fights, and she was very impressed by him and his ground-breaking techniques. He truly was a prodigy in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and this grappling style - Small, but fast and agile. Adam most likely had no idea that he had just suffered a humiliating defeat, in a last fight that took less than a second. Still, no matter how proud and cocky Cos looked now, he was evidently injured and needed a lot of rest. The fact that he had the whole day and the next one free, was good for him and his health, more or less.
The next fight was that of Nentendo's representative fighter, Kono Haruo, who was probably the biggest person she's ever seen before, both wide and large altogether, against Wakasa Life Insurance's Akoya Seishu, whose clothes kinda resembled an adjusted Karateka outfit, and his muscles were bulging. His face was grave, glaring and filled with hatred. He was a man capable of murder.
As the two men got introduced by Sayaka, the referee had them take their stance and begin the fight, which Haruo began with a lunge and a punch. It was almost boring where Kisara stood as barely anyone was talking out loud or explaining any of the moves, or any fighter and their styles... But she was going to evade, sooner than later, and find where her friends stood so they could discuss the match, just like how they did before.
Haruo punched Akoya so hard that he got thrown back onto the wall, but he didn't break his defensive stance even though the wall did. The only one with some statistical knowledge was Kaede, who explained some stuff about Haruo's, or rather, his company's reputation amongst the kengan universe. As the big guy continued to strike, it seemed that he did no damage altogether - His arms acted like the greatest shields, until finally, he retaliated with a punch great enough to stir the bigger one. No, that wasn't a punch... It was something similar to Razor's Edge, but better.
But no, Rihito was quick to explain that it was far from the truth - In fact, this technique called "Ripper" is used to cut the skin with bone by rotating his fist, catching his knuckles on the opponent's skin to cut it, though it's not as damaging, despite the blood loss. Ohma, however, was pretty bored and decided to go to sleep. "Have fun, Hasashi Kisara. I know you're enjoying this." he pat her head and left to their shared room to take a quick nap before his fight.
The way Akoya blocked all punched from the big guy, it looked like he was thoroughly analysing his enemy's pattern so that he could defeat him with ease and strategy. Despite how exhausted Haruo looked, Akoya had no real damage on his body. In an instant, Akoya's stance changed, and he stood upright, glaring at the lunging big guy. As Haruo got in Akoya's striking radius, he got hit at a rapid pace - Right lower side kick, left lower punch, and a right palm strike to the skull, right on the eye. Haruo continued getting rushed by Akoya's endless hits, and no matter what the big guy tried, it was useless. He fought with no tactics or strategy, merely relying on his body strength, height and weight... But this wasn't the right opponent to be clueless against.
Akoya's reflexes were fantastic, Kisara thought - But more than that, she wondered whether or not she would be able to top his speed and reflexes, considering that's what she also relied on. Haruo let out a war cry, saying he didn't want to go home, or something weird like that, but he got easily plummeted by Akoya's strikes, until he was down on the ground, crying. He got up again, only to have the enemy's fingers jammed into his open wound from his forearm... That must be an agonizing pain, especially adding the two liver blows he received. Akoya truly looked like some kind of fantastic marionette, as if he could read Haruo's mind, or he already knew each and every hit that he was going to attempt.
With one last strike, Akoya hit his knee in Haruo's face until he got knocked down... No, he didn't faint. Haruo got up, as if he was a robot, emanating some kind of dark, menacing aura... Something like he was in some kind of trance. Actually - He wasn't conscious, Kisara realised - Considering the way he was standing up, he definitely wasn't conscious. It reminded her of some movie where one of the protagonist got up and fought against an enemy through sheer will alone, because he was unconscious. Fascinating, she never thought this was possible, scientifically speaking. Well - Human beings are truly capable of extraordinary things, after all, defying any law of medicine or rationale.
Haruo's speed  amplified, along with the strength of his punches, considering the way Akoya could barely defend them anymore. For some odd reason, as Rin mentioned, the way Kono sweated like crazy somehow made his appearance look more... Refreshed? As if he wasn't some obese fatass who only eats junk food. The body fat was beginning to burn away. This was truly a fascinating medical specimen and she wanted someone to have some clinical study on him and the way his brain and body work, because this - This was beyond amazing. A caloric expenditure that serves as a form of detoxification... How abnormal.
Akoya was on the ground, on his back, guarding, and Haruo was going to punch down on his body... But he got flipped over with a kick to Haruo's weakened knees, because of his weight. One more kick to the knee, and another high kick to his face, the same way Kisara did to Ivan Karaev, and Akoya Seishu was declared the winner. Interesting fight. Cosmo was going to have to fight this monster of a guy in the second round, and it definitely won't be easy. She wasn't sure whether or not Cosmo ever fought anyone with such a strong murderous vibe around him, ready to annihilate anyone that stands in his way, but this was going to teach a lesson or two. He was, after all, the youngest fighter in the tournament.
The third fight... The last one, just before Ohma's... The winner of this mess of a fight will be fighting Ohma in the second round... So why the hell was he sleeping, instead of watching his enemy?! The two people fighting were Raian from the Kure clan, and he came into the stadium with blood splattered all over him, while his opponent was Mokichi, that vicar blond guy against whom Kisara and Cosmo played volleyball against. With each strike that one tried to hit, the other either parried or dodged, easy as a breeze, and everyone was watching with their breath hitched in their throat, too afraid to blink, in case they missed something. It was a beautiful, majestic dance, just like a romantic tango, but between nemesis. But Raian was a dirty fighter, and he used the blood on his body to blind Mokichi - Well, this was an annihilation tournament, a dead or alive one, so it didn't matter if any, or both fighters died, as long as a winner was declared. However, the Kure's cheap trick didn't work, for Robinson managed to get his hands in finger locks, attempting to get the palm down and amp up the man's pain. He may as well break his fingers with ease.
No... That wasn't it. Raian was faking it. By the way his smirk, he was beginning a fight of dominance with his looks alone, a battle of auras and testosterone, of wits and cunning. Raian, though, was the first to move, and he grabbed a hold of Mokichi's neck of the blouse and headbutted him - Or, at least, he attempted to, because Mokichi hit him with a short uppercut. Then, the vicar started doing some intricate footwork and grabbed Raian's wrist, twisting it and hitting the life out of him. He got hit continuously, until Mokichi ended the fight with a full shoulder throw, landing Raian with his head in the ground like an ostrich. But they were wrong. Before the referee could declare the fight to be over, Raian got up and activated some kind of secret technique that oddly resembled, but at the same time, it also didn't, Ohma's 'Advance' trump card. This was called 'Removal' and apparently, he could eliminate the barrier that was restricting the body's natural strength... And his release capacity was to the top. An outstanding 100% release. The whole stadium was quiet, save for a few gasps of shock, or fascination at seeing the Kure Clan's technique in action, but there was one voice alone, loud and growling, like some kind of demon. "We're not highschool baseball players her. A fair fight? A fascinating match? Fuck that!!  I'm not interested in that kinda masturbation. I don't like 'fighting'. I like 'one sided domination' - Now, time to dominate you!"
Kure Raian was a complete different person now, just like Ohma is when using his technique. His blows were heavier, faster an much more direct and pin-pointed. Such as that he sent his opponent flying on the other side of the stadium. Although Mokichi tried to fight again, he got picked up by the neck, slammed around roughly, his palm digging into his throat - It was a bloodthirsty, barbaric fight, he was showing off. He even let Mokichi escape, only to toy around with him, like a feline playing with its prey, before eating it, proving, that even his secret Baritsu technique was useless against.
A loud snap resounded through the stadium amongst the painful silence. Everyone watched as Mokichi's head fell backwards, down on his back, at an awkward angle. A single cry of despair, that of a young girl, was heard, breaking people's hearts. Young Elena fell down to the ground, engulfed down in an abyss of darkness. Her elder brother was killed right before her very eyes. Raian laughed, and slammed down to the ground his opponent's lifeless body. Nobody was cheering for the Kure winner, yet surely, the ones who betted on his fight must have been happy with the victory. As Mokichi's body was taken away, Kisara realised, it was time for Ohma's match against Inaba Ryo of the Penasonic company. The odds were 8.10 for Ohma and 1.13 for Inaba... So, it was the perfect time for a well placed bet. 10 million yen. Perfect.
Smirking, Kisara ran towards Ohma's room, watching as the trio was complimenting his new fight shorts and underpants, and she couldn't deny, he looked at perfect as ever. After many, many compliments, a beautiful lady walked in, informing him that it was time to make his way towards the arena. "Well, I'm off. Let's go, Hasashi Kisara." he dropped his heavy arm down on her shoulders and dragged her towards the door, only to be stopped by his manager. "Ah! Ohma! I, uh... Probably shouldn't be saying this right before your match, but... If you ever think you don't stand a chance, just throw the match. I mean - I don't want to be burdened with debt, but your life means more to me than any money does!" what a tear-striking speech! "Hah! You're a real meddler, aren't you, Yamashita Kazuo? I'm not losing." Ohma chuckled lowly. "And I want meat for my victory party~♪" "Such a sweet old man." Kisara chuckled, walking towards the stadium fighting pit entrance. "Well - You'll be earning your meal tonight, dear. The odds are 8 to 1, so once you win, I, too, will be winning money to last for a lifetime. Make me proud, love~❤︎" "You're playing a dangerous game, betting, Hasashi Kisara. I and that guy don't fight for money and you know that." he grunted, looking down with a hard expression at the girl. "Yes, but you loved getting large, expensive meals, didn't you? I need money for that. Besides - I've been betting since I've known you, and I've been travelling and having fun with that money since that same time. Like it or not, not everyone can live a life like yours, nor do I want to. Not to mention... I'm going to crush those two traitors some day soon, and show them that I don't need to rely on them to live good. Some day, I'll have them killed, and I'll take over the company." she grinned up at him deviously, only to have his hand press her head down hard, as if he was scolding her. "That's for the future. Now, I better hear you cheering on me from all the way out there, or I'll get jealous." he teased her, flicking her forehead and waiting for his introduction. "Fuck him up, darling~❤︎"
"It's time to introduce Yamashita Trading Co.'s fighter! The man making storms in the Kengan association is on the scene! The driving force of this tournament is making his bold entrance! His background is completely unknown! This mysterious new fighter's about to shake up the tournament! Standing 182 cm tall, weighing in at 85 kg, with a Kengan match record of 3 wins and no losses, total assets acquired at 15,414 billion yen! THE ASHURA... TOKITAAAAA OOOOOHMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" thus, as the crowd began to cheer, so did Kisara, watching the silhouette of her beloved take step and step inside the pit. Being down here, alone, was still better than staying with those boring guys with no fighting knowledge or expertise. He was jumping up and down on his toes, warming himself up and getting ready for the fight. The way his freshly washed hair was bouncing was rather endearing - She only wished she could see his focused, dark face as well. For lack of better words, Ohma was the most attractive when he was fighting and being a cocky little brat, and she loved every second of that.
"And now, introducing the fighter for Penasonic - It's the menacing assassin's long-awaited match! He specializes in bare-handed combat, and his only target is the championship! Standing 155 cm tall, weighing in at 62 kg, he's by far the smallest and lightest fighter in the tournament! This is his first kengan match - THE BLACK PHANTOM, INABAAAAAAAAAAA RYOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" she cried out, but he was nowhere to be seen, for the longest time. Still, the red headed medic was surprised to see a fighter... An assassin, nonetheless, being shorter than her. She was feeling rather proud of herself. The young man appeared out of nowhere, hunchbacked... With his pale skin and beautiful, long, black hair making him look like an onryo, yet his posture reminded the girl of some kind of anime protagonist that had frog-like powers, or the ghosts that used their hair to catch the victims, digging into their skin and flesh, not letting them go.
As the referee called out for the two fighters to take their stance, the beginning of the fight was declared, and the two dashed towards each other, but Ohma's speed was far greater than that of Inaba, so it took the smaller one off guard. Ohma was able to keep the match to his own pace, until Inaba started changing his footwork strategy, getting faster, and with that whipping hair, confusing his enemy so much that he even managed to hit Tokita with those hit and run tactics that are meant to inflict damage over time, gradually. It was obvious that in a front fist-fight, Inaba stood no chance against Ohma's brawl... However, what he doesn't know, is that Ohma isn't only a sexy pack of muscles, but he's a cunning, witty little bitch too. He's been measuring with his tongue the timing intervals at which Inaba would pass him, though his movements were hard to predict. Ohma started using his Niko style, using his most beloved technique, the Flame Kata - With a high speed rush of hits to his opponent's body, Tokita finished with a punch to the smaller one's side, throwing him away. He approached the onryo-like man, ready to hit him with a roundhouse kick, but... His leg got stopped? By hair? So his hair really DID work in his advantage!
Kisara couldn't help but grin, realising that her supernatural supposition was proven right - She held no fear that Ohma would lose in any way, so she was able to be amazed and analysed such an amazing hair technique. To have hair so long and strong she wondered how was he treating it? She wanted to treat her hair the same way he does! "My turn~♪" the boy lifted the long hair from his face, revealing that cute visage of his, which earned a few gasps and awe's at how adorable he was, tugging at even Sayaka's heartstrings. Although Ohma tried to jerk away his foot and tear the hair away, it was of no use - The incredible power of Inaba Ryo's hair was proven extraordinary, and he propelled Ohma's almost 100 kgs body, smashing him on the ground, on the other side of the stadium. She knew what he would use - That Adamantine Kata that he always tried to avoid using, since it wasn't his strongest move, and now, too, it was obvious, he wasn't able to tighten his muscles enough... Though he promised to teach her the logic behind it, Kisara realised it wasn't something easily achievable, even for someone who dedicated their whole life to fighting, just like him. Ohma punched her arm lightly every night as an exercise of at least getting the basic hang of the technique, but each time, she would clutch that sore place and whine about how bad it felt - Though he was cocky, proving to her how shitty and lame that technique was, she wasn't about to let go of it... And neither would he.
Now, more than ever, he would have liked to be proficient in this stupid move, as Inaba used his hair like a whip used by some dominatrix on an unwilling victim... Truly, hair was magnificent, something so thin, but put together, capable of even pulling a double-decker. Now, Inaba was holding his ground against Ohma, who was desperately trying to pull back his bound leg, while keeping his balance on the other - He got slammed again on one of the stadium walls, and now, not only his right foot, but his right hand got wrapped tightly with that magical hair. Ohma kept suffering from those fluid moves of those hair whips, constant, fast and multiple, until even his neck and face were wrapped, suffocating and blinding him. Though she couldn't see perfectly at that angle, she wondered if that hair, considering how strong it was, was capable of digging into his flesh and making him bleed. No - That was the truth, the hair was tearing him apart, his body was dripping with blood from whenever he was bound... Ohma was in a really tight spot, held down tied by those piano wire-like hair threads, but... If he felt like a cornered animal, would he be using his secret technique as well? That technique, that was going to possibly kill him, sooner rather than later?
No, Ohma, don't use it... You can beat Inaba with your strength and Niko style alone, don't fall prey to that thing...
Kisara was holding her hands tightly intertwined at the fingers over her chest, praying that her partner wouldn't be so desperate and foolish as to shorten his life-span from the first round... It just wasn't worth it, and he could win regardless! It was Ohma they were talking about, not some run off the mill fighter like Rihito! Still... If it keeps up, those sharp hair strands may be capable of cutting the arteries... He is an assassin, after all, and that's what they specialise in. "Hehehe... I owe you one. You have my thanks, Inaba Ryo, you've lit me on fire for the first time in a while." Ohma's voice resound through the place at a low, almost animalistic growl... The veins on his body were pulsating and he was beginning to tremble... He activated his 'Advance'. Damn it, Ohma.
While in this new state, however, he was easily able to rip Inaba's hair off in one pull. "Getting ripped, getting punched, getting thrown... Then crushing your opponent after they've thrown everything they have at you... How could there be anything better than that...?! C'MON! I'M GONNA HEAT YOU UP!" Ohma's sudden appearance change seemed to earn a wave of gasps and oooh's from the crowd, and they got in their stances again, before dashing at each other at an even greater speed than before. This time, however, things were a bit different - No matter what Ryo tried, he couldn't block any of Ohma's hits. Glabella, solar plexus, liver, philtrum, heart or pancreas... He couldn't block any of them. No amount of new moves from Inaba were able to land a kick, for he was immediately countered and hit into oblivion. Everything amounted to this last moment - A combination of two techniques that slammed Ryo down hard, destroying not only him, but the ground as well.
Before his consciousness faded, and Ohma was back to his normal self, Inaba could see Ohma's victorious grin - He was satisfied with how the battle took place. "Did you have fun, Inaba Ryo? Come find me if you ever want a rematch." his opponent spoke to him as he stepped out of the rink. "Well, well, look what we've got here~❤︎" Kisara was leaning back on the wall, her arms crossed as she was smirking up at the winner. "How's it feel, champ?" "Fired up and hungry. Too bad the next match won't be until the day after tomorrow." he scoffed in amusement, approaching the girl as his body was dripping with sweat like a cascade. "No, don't get closer. Here, let's get you dried up, you're like the Niagara Falls or something." she chuckled softly, unwrapping the large towel from around her waist and starting to dry him up. "If you wanted to touch me, you should have just said so." he teased her, reaching out to touch the girl with his sweaty arms, but she evaded and went behind him. "Not when you're drenched. My clothes are too pretty to be soaked and stinky." she nudged his sides lightly, but unlike any other normal person, he didn't budge - He wasn't ticklish, lucky him. "You don't need clothes at night." hearing him say that, Kisara simply started walking ahead and threw the towel at his head. "... No, you don't. Perv." she chuckled leisurely. "Ah, before I forget - It's Takeshi's fight now, so I won't stay long with you. Go ahead and eat without me. We have a short break between blocks, so I'll go look for him." she explained, watching as he caught up to her. "Sure." he hummed in acknowledgement. As they walked farther ahead, they spotted Yamashita Kazuo speaking to what seemed to be the CEO of Penasonic, and they were talking about some kind of bet or something. Knowing Ohma, he wasn't a fan of betting of attributing a worth to a match between two fighters who just want to see who is stronger - Though, not everyone had the same mind view or philosophies, especially businessmen... Kisara included, provided she's been earning fortunes and living off of kengan betting for the past almost 4 years. Take that, Hasashi snobs. "I don't know what you're giving us, but we don't need it. Inaba Ryo and I didn't fight for anything petty like that - We were just fighting to see who was stronger. Don't go bringing your bullshit into OUR fight." looking at the older man, he was obviously freaking out. Yamashita must be missing out on a huge deal because of Ohma's inspirational speech. "I'll bet ya he feels the same - Right, Yamashita Kazuo?" way to plunge the dagger in an open wound. "M-Mr. Yamashita, you're too kind -- No! I'm afraid I can't retract this. All bets in the kengan association are absolute. You absolutely MUST accept it! Go on, Mr. Yamashita Kazuo!" the young CEO of Penasonic was insisting on giving his promised end of the bet. "I-I-I... Don't know what you're talking about... I don't remember ever making a bet with you..." oh, poor man, so deep in debt, but still having to part with a huge amount of money... "There was never any bet to begin with... Let's just leave it at that. We must respect the will of the fighters that shed their own blood for us..." poor old man was on the verge of crying - So close, yet so far... However... A simple smile and a heartfelt 'Thank you' from Ohma was enough to ease the man's pain. "Let's go get some meat, I'm getting hungry." however, just as Ohma declared that, he was jumped on by none other than Kure Karla who was beginning to undress... Was she even of age? "Ohma~❤︎ Congratulations, Ohma~❤︎! I was cheering on you the whole time~❤︎! NOW LET'S START MAKING BABIES!" though Kisara couldn't help but sweatdrop at how insistent Karla was, Yamashita was trying to stop her from undressing, saying it wasn't proper practice in public. Not that she even listened to begin with. "E-Excuse me... Mr. Yamashita..." behind the old man, a young girl around Kisara's age was bowing deeply on the ground, with tears in her eyes. "THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!" meekly, she raised her head. "As a token of my gratitude, please step on my head." both Kisara and Yamashita were freaking out by her odd behaviour, somehow even weirder than Karla's. "My company's been saved now, thank to you, I swear I'll return the favour!" the old man was so bewildered that he couldn't help but give her a small reply, though he was scratching the back of his head in confusion. "Also, Tokita Ohma..." the woman approached Ohma, putting a small piece of paper in his palm, as with the other, he was trying desperately to keep Karla's face at arm's length. This woman, Suoh Mihono as she introduced herself, clung onto Ohma's other arm, and began speaking seductively into his ear. "It's my room number~❤︎ Feel free to drop by any time~❤︎" she proposed, before waving her dress around her knees and leaving, not before sending Ohma a flying kiss. "Hasashi Kisara, do something about this." Ohma was incredibly done with life, irked that he was being kept away from his lunch. "What am I supposed to do?! It's not my fault you were born attractive." she shrugged simply. "Yamashita Kazuo, do something about this." Ohma repeated his order. "Wh-Why me?! What can I do?!" poor man was freaking out just as much. "Anything." his tone got a bit more pressed. "Pick her up and put her down, then let's go." Kisara gave him an idea, before leaving ahead and searching for the waiting room of the Furumi Pharmaceuticals -  Though it wasn't easy, she managed to find the right room.
Carefully, she peeked inside, happy to see only Wakatsuki, sitting hunched on a small bench, and... Listening to music? She hummed softly to herself, amused, and stepped in front of him - Though she'd usually attempt to bend a bit at the waist to get at whoever's eye sight level, there was no need with Wakatsuki, he was far too tall for that. The two looked at each other, and Takeshi could only blink, a bit confused, at why the girl was in front of him, smiling so casually and swinging back and forth on her toes.
"Aren't you going to offer me one of your earbuds?" she leaned dramatically on the side, her long hair cascading down. "I'm not actually listening to anything. If you want, you can have it." he took off both earbuds and handed her his phone. "Ohh, I see! You must have been so deep in thought that you forgot to put on some music, huh? It happens often to me... Or, I just don't realise what songs play." she quickly picked up the phone and scrolled down, analysing the music. "Ah, wonderful, we have similar taste in music! Here, here, let's listen to this - Strongest Man Alive... What a nice song!" he truly is the strongest man alive, Kisara thought, but even if he is, he still needs support sometimes. He is, after all, still just a man. "Well, you see - It wasn't that I forgot to put music. I guess I just wanted some peace and quiet." he said, taking off his earbud at around the middle of the song. "Oh, is that so? Then I'm sorry!" she quickly stopped the music, watching as he intertwined his fingers and looked ahead, as if lost in thought. "Takeshi... Are you okay?" her voice was much softer and tender, not as joking as before. "Honestly? I'm afraid." his voice was solemn, and his declaration made Kisara's eyes go wide with shock. "You? Afraid? Of some small fry? No way, I don't believe you." she declared, yet he didn't budge. "Haha... Of course I am. I'm just like you, Kisara. Remember how anxious you were when we first met? Well, you don't show those worries the same anymore, though, after many years of training with Hatsumi, you've learnt how to mask it - Your feelings are still there, and you feel them. We are born this way, and even if things get better or worse with the way we externalise them, they still exist. Am I wrong?" despite speaking directly to her, he didn't cast his gaze up to hers. "No... You're exactly right. And it's exactly because you're right, that I also have to remind you... That you've always been so humble and underplaying your own capacity.  How many times did you tell your employer that you probably couldn't pull off some fights, even though you're the strongest man out there? Countless of times! You're not against Kano Agito nor against Hatsumi, and you won't be any time soon. I'm sure you'll be doing a knockout on whoever that guy is, from a single punch - Actually, there's an anime called just that! You could be that protagonist!" she declared, making the man shake his head lightly. "Thanks for trying to reassure me, but that's just how I feel. Every time I go into a match, I want to run away from the pressure. I think, in this match, that I won't be able to hold anything back. I think I'll have to go all-out from the first round. My opponent isn't just a small fry, and if you go into a fight with that mentality, you'll find yourself at a disadvantage." he explained, only to find the girl stepping in front of him, her arms extended, as if requesting permission to hug him. Seeing that, his stone expression softened and he released his fingers, letting his hands fall down his sides. As the opportunity arose, Kisara took one more step forward and hugged the man's head, patting his hair. "Doesn't matter who your opponent is. You're still gonna crush him. You're Takeshi, of course you'll win." hearing those words, Wakatsuki wrapped his arms around the girl and allow himself a small smile. "Thanks, Kisara." was all he said. After the long embrace, Kisara sat down on his leg and put on one earbud, and the other in his ear, putting some nice music before his match started. Little time passed, all equal to three songs, before Wakatsuki's CEO arrived. Just before he did, however, Kisara heard Takeshi say one last thing.
"This will be a rematch."
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Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 164: Black Friday, pt. 2
Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 164: Black Friday, pt. 2
Pairing:  Captain Swan
Summary:   A series of unrelated, fluffy one shots featuring Killian Jones and  Emma Swan and the relationship that makes us all swoon. Will contain  both canon and AU stories. My contribution to Operation Rainbow Kisses  and Unicorn Stickers (aka, my attempt to drown out the season 4 finale  angst with ridiculous levels of fluff.)
Other Chapters: ( 1) (2)  ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) (6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) (156)  (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163) (165) (166) (167) (168) (169) (170) (171) (172) (173) (174)
(ao3) (ff.net)
“Um excuse me,” Emma said with a frown, “this book is mine.”
The person standing before her didn’t relinquish the book in question, and Emma glanced up at him…and then promptly wished she hadn’t.  This guy was hot.  Like middle-of-summer in Phoenix hot.  Like compared-to-him-the-sun-was-kind-of-warm hot.  No one had a right to look that damn good this early in the morning.  She should just arrest him and haul him off to jail for that alone.
Very much against her will, her heart swooped and her breath caught at his very proximity.  She saw the exact moment he noticed her reaction.  A sly, maddening, delighted (sexy) grin came over his face.  Emma frowned thunderously up at him, as angry with herself at her reaction as she was at him for his…well, his very existence.
“Much as I hate to contradict a lady,” he drawled (Oh gods, even his voice and accent were hot.  She was in serious, serious trouble), “I believe this book, in fact belongs to me.  I was here first.”
Her frown deepened.  “I don’t think so.  Give me my item before I punch you in the face.”
He chuckled, leaning forward and crowding her space. (Her stupid, traiterous heart picked up yet again.)  “Oh Darling, I can think of some far, far more pleasant ways we can spar than a bout of fisticuffs.”
Was it suddenly hot in here?  
“Look, I don’t have time for this,” she said with a sigh, her voice beginning to raise.  “Just stop being a jackass and give me the book.”
Suddenly a small man with a brown beard, a grumpy look on his face, and a hat that read “security” stepped forward.  “There a problem here folks?”
“None I can’t handle,” Emma gritted out.  “Soon as this guy admits I got here first and gives me my merchandise I’ll get out of your hair.”
“On the contrary,” the man said.  “I was the first one to claim this particular prize.”
The security guard, who wore the name tag “Leroy”, glanced back and forth between the two of them for a moment, and then shrugged.  “Look, I won’t have any fighting in this store.  Work it out among yourselves, or I’m kicking you both out.  Then neither one of you gets the stupid book.”
For a moment Emma merely glared at the man, and he looked back at her, a look of steely determination on his face.  Finally he sighed.
“Look, love, the security guard’s right,” he said. “While quite enjoyable, our standoff will get us nowhere.”
Was the (hot as hell) guy going to actually be reasonable and give in?
“So here’s what I propose,” he said.  “We purchase the book and then adjourn elsewhere to discuss the particulars of whose prize it will be.  Perhaps you’ll allow me to buy you a cup of coffee at Granny’s?”
She crossed her arms across her chest.  “Are you seriously asking me out right now?”
He chuckled, and the sound did things to her, things that brought the color to her cheeks and stole her breath clean from her lungs.  He leaned even closer, so close she could feel his minty-fresh breath against her cheek.  “Sadly no.  I was merely proposing a parlay of sorts, a chance for us to settle our differences like adults.  However, if you’re hoping for a romantic evening out on another occasion, I could certainly accommodate you.”
“In your dreams!”
He wiggled his eyebrows.  Actually wiggled them!  “Perhaps.”
Emma growled.  “Are you kidding me right now?  It’s too early for this!”
He seemed to sense he’d pushed her as far as was prudent, and he sighed.  “I vow to be the perfect gentleman.  IIf we at least secure the item, we can then decide later who is the victor.”
She gave him a quick look and could see the sincerity in his eyes.  She was good at spotting when someone was lying, after all.  Finally she sighed.  “Fine.  But we both buy it–split the cost fifty-fifty.  That way neither one of us can claim ownership of the book before we get everything ironed out.”
“Here you are folks,” the perky brunette waitress said half an hour later.  “One black coffee and one hot cocoa with cinnamon.
Killian heard the waitress lean whisper “Emma, he’s hot” to the woman on the other side of the booth.
She growled and whispered “Ruby, shut it!” back.
He chuckled.  This was turning into one of the most delightful mornings he’d had in ages.  When the waitress had flitted over to another set of customers, Killian leaned back and grinned at his companion.  “She’s right, you know,” he said.  ‘I have been called devilishly handsome.”
“I’ll give you the devilish part,” she said with a wry quirk of her brow.  “Look…what did you say your name was?”
“Did I fail to introduce myself?  How very rude of me.  Killian Jones, at your service,” he said with a bow.  Her cheeks colored alluringly at his formality, and Killian was delighted at her reaction to him.
She was utterly captivating, and the truth was, he hadn’t been so quickly, completely and charmingly smitten with anyone since Milah.  Though he very much wanted to attain the fairy tale book for his Alice, he couldn’t say he regretted the complications this morning had brought.
He didn’t know what possessed him to ask this woman to coffee.  All he knew as they stood facing off in the bookstore was that he did not want their time together to be at an end anytime soon.
“Emma Swan,” she muttered.
A fit of pure devilishness came over him, and he reached over, took her hand and brought it to her lips.  “Enchanted.” he whispered.
Her quick, indrawn breath made his grin widen, and she quickly pulled her hand back and busied herself with taking a sip of her beverage.
“So, Killian Jones,” she said, her voice not quite steady, “what are we going to do about this book?  I don’t mean to be a jerk about it, but I really need this book.  My son…well, this is the only thing he’s asked for, and it’s been a rough year for him.  I just…I just want to be able to give him this one thing so maybe I don’t feel like such a failure as a parent.”
His heart turned over.  He could tell she’d said more than she’d intended.  Emma Swan didn’t strike him as someone who let her walls down quickly or shared her feelings of inadequacy with strangers.
“As a single parent myself, I can relate to the feelings, love,” he said, “but I’ve no doubt book or no book, you’re hardly a failure as a parent.”
“Yeah, well,” she said, glancing uncomfortably aside.  “I feel like it.”
Killian was silent for a long moment, taking a sip of his coffee.  If it weren’t for Alice, he’d give up his claim on the book in a moment, but it was for Alice.  Was there any way they could both get what they wanted?
“I don’t wish to be intransigent either,” he said finally, “and my behavior today is not a matter of mere stubbornness.  My daughter also has her heart set on this particular book.”
Her eyes softened at his statement, acknowledging their dueling claims as parents wanting the best for their respective children.  “Yeah, I get it, so that brings me back to my original question.  How do we decide who gets the book?”
Suddenly an idea struck him.  It was unorthodox to say the least, unorthodox to the point of being downright bizarre, but it did have it’s merits–namely the fact that, should she agree to it, they’d be forced to see each other again on a fairly regular basis.
“I do have an idea,” he said slowly, “but it may sound positively daft.”
She gave him an assessing look, taking another dainty sip of her cocoa.  “Okay, I’m listening.”
“What if we share the book?” he blurted out.
“Share it?  What do you mean?”
“I mean,” he said, “what if we trade off?  Your lad gets the book one week, and then my Alice gets it the next, and so on.”
Her brow furrowed.  “You mean like…joint custody…of a book.”
He shrugged with a grin.  “I told you it would sound daft.”
Killian was encouraged by the fact that Emma didn’t outright shoot down his (odd) idea.  She seemed to consider it, staring into space for several moments, before briefly nodding.  “It is a weird solution, but I think it might be the best way we can both get what we want.  Can’t believe I’m saying this, but you have a deal.”
 Notes:  Merry week before Christmas!  Sorry it’s taken me several weeks to get back to this story, but as always, it’s a busy time of year.  I was hoping to get this story finished in this installment, but these two just wouldn’t stop flirting and being all sexual tension-y long enough for me to finish the story, so surprise!  You’ll get a part 3 next week!  (I do promise to finish it in a week this time!)
                                                                        NEXT CHAPTER-->
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breaniebree · 4 years
A Second Chance
For those who have been asking... this is my master list once more:
ASC Chapter Titles as If They Were Friends Episodes
Part One: Harry’s First Year With His Dads (Chapters 1-49)
1. The One Where They Were Dead 2. The One Where the Rat Is Out of the Bag  3. The One Where James and Lily Die  4. The One Where Moony and Padfoot Make Up  5. The One Where Harry Meets Padfoot  6. The One Where Sirius Kidnaps Harry  7. The One Where Sirius Punches Vernon Dursley  8. The One Where Harry Meets Remus  9. The One Where Sirius and Harry Make Grilled Cheese  10. The One With Thea  11. The One Where Harry Asks What a Kiss Is  12. The One With the Library Card  13. The One Where They Remember the Past  14. The One With the Tonkses’  15. The One With Harry’s First Nightmare  16. The One With Professor Moony  17. The One With The Puppy  18. The One With the Second Best Day Ever  19. The One Where Harry Meets An Excellent Secret Keeper and Her Brother  20. The One Where Sirius Learns What He Missed in Azkaban  21. The One With the Brownies 22. The One With the Date  23. The One With the Weasleys  24. The One With the Bad Dreams  25. The One Where Sirius Learns the Key to Moony's Secret Pranking Success  26. The One With Operation Prank the Piss Out of Harry Potter  27. The One With the Wolfsbane Fight  28. The One Where the Marauders Discover A Wolf  29. The One With the Spanking  30. The One With the House Rules and Where Sirius and Ted Build a Treehouse 31. The One With the Wolf  32. The One Where Remus Tells Sirius To Deal with the Blacks  33. The One Where Harry Asks About Boobies  34. The One With the Locket  35. The One With Blackbird  36. The One With the Birthday Orgasms  37. The One With the Three Brothers  38. The One With Godric’s Hollow  39. The One Where Sirius Speaks French 40. The One With the First Christmas  41. The One With the Pensieve  42. The One With the Memories Part I  43. The One With the Memories Part II  44. The One When Padfoot and Prongs Become Blood Brothers  45. The One Where Harry Has A Sleepover  46. The One With the Tickle War  47. The One With the Viscount of Falmouth  48. The One With Roni  49. The One With the Birthday Planning 
Part Two: Harry Growing Up With A Family, Ages 7-11 (Chapters 50-61)
50. The One With the Best Birthday Ever  51. The One Where Padfoot and Moony Know Nothing About Sick Kids  52. The One Where Remus Slaps Sirius  53. The One With the Giant Cheese Fort 54. The One With Operation Get Lily Evans to Fall in Love With Prongs  55. The One Where Remus Thinks He’s a Very Bad Man  56. The One Where Harry Asks About Sex  57. The One Where Tonks Turns 17  58. The One Where Remus Feels Like He’s Robbing the Cradle  59. The One Where Remus Learns He Has A Mate  60. The One Where Sirius Shags the Realtor 61. The One With the Letter 
Part Three: First Year (Chapters 62-73)
62. The One Where Harry Gets Hedwig  63. The One Where Harry Understands the Fear of Voldemort  64. The One With The Sorting  65. The One Where Sirius Was Almost Bitten By a Panther… And Totally Didn’t Pee His Pants  66. The One With the Youngest Seeker In Over a Century 67. The One With the Three-Headed Dog  68. The One With Zee  69. The One With Sheer Dumb Luck  70. The One Where Sirius Lets Zee Drive His Bike  71. The One Where the Weasley Boys Come Over for Christmas  72. The One Where Minnie Tells Sirius To Get A Job  73. The One Where No One Listens So Harry Has to Do Everything and His Friends Follow Him So He Doesn't Die 
Part Four: Second Year (Chapters 74-105)
74. The One Where the Whole School Knows  75. The One Where Harry is Jealous  76. The One Where Sirius Eats Crow  77. The One Where Zee Meets Minnie  78. The One With the Proud Enough to Cry Letter 79. The One Where They Realize Their New Professor is a Moron  80. The One Where Remus Gets His Shit Together  81. The One Where Harry Meets His Fanboy  82. The One Where Binns Doesn’t Put His Class to Sleep For Almost Ten Whole Minutes 83. The One Where Sirius Finds Out  84. The One When Remus Punches Lockhart  85. The One With the Mad House Elf  86. The One With the Great Shoebox Capture  87. The One Where Sirius Tells Zee About the Marauders  88. The One Where Harry is Homesick  89. The One Where Sirius Says I Love You  90. The One With the Sex Talk 91. The One With Ted Walking in on Remus Fingering Tonks… And Remus Adds Another Finger  92. The One Where Draco Comes to Christmas  93. The One Where Sirius Actually Gets a Job  94. The One Where Sirius Asks About Cursed Scars  95. The One Where Remus Tells Tonks and She says ‘Duh!’  96. The One Where Fred Hears the Name Padfoot  97. The One With Peter’s Trial Part I  98. The One With Peter’s Trial Part II  99. The One Where Ginny Tells Harry She Has A Pen-Pal  100. The One With the Eyes As Green As a Fresh Pickled Toad  101. The One Where Tonks Is Under the Desk  102. The One Where Harry Writes in the Diary  103. The One Where It’s Not Follow the Butterflies  104. The One Where Sirius Is Sent Home Without An Explanation 105. The One Where Ginny is Scared Harry Will Never Speak To Her Again 
Part Five: Third Year (Chapters 106-143)
106. The One Where Sirius and Remus Demand Answers  107. The One With Prophecies and Horcruxes  108. The One Where Harry Learns to Drive  109. The One Where Bill and Charlie Talk About the Importance of Being A Good Big Brother 110. The One Where Sirius Realizes He Wants Zee Forever But Is Too Chicken To Say It 111. The One With Operation Fuck Up Voldemort’s Plans  112. The One Where Cissy Tattles on Abraxas  113. The One Where Harry Sees More Than He Should Between His Roommates  114. The One Where Colin Tells Ginny To Get Over It  115. The One Where Theo Comes Out  116. The One Where Sirius Tells Lucius If He Fucks Up He Will Kill Him  117. The One With the FUVP Pow-Wow  118. The One Where They Return to the Chamber of Secrets  119. The One Where Harry Finds Out  120. The One Where the Marauders Prank Snape 121. The One Where Draco and Theo Make Bad Detectives  122. The One With Nyx  123. The One Where Harry Throws a Tantrum  124. The One Where They Skive Off Class Because Harry Talks 125. The One Where Harry Asks Out Cho  126. The One With Harry’s First Date  127. The One Where Sirius, Remus, and Dumbledore Fuck Up  128. The One With Moody  129. The One Where Harry Gets Slapped  130. The One Where Sirius and Tonks Decide To Fuck With Snape  131. The One With Lily’s Ghost  132. The One With the Gaunt Property  133. The One With the Defence Club  134. The One With the Wizengamot  135. The One Where Harry Meets the Americans  136. The One Where They Forget to Tell Sirius  137. The One With the Insomniacs Club  138. The One Where Bellatrix Shows Up  139. The One With the Time Turner  140. The One With Umbitch's Creepy Song  141. The One With the Wolf in the Cage  142. The One Where Harry Shouts at Sirius and He Just Shouts Right Back  143. The One Where Both of Them Feel Like Shit 
Part Six: Fourth Year (Chapters 144-179)
144. The One With the Elder Wand  145. The One Where Sirius Tells Harry Not to Drink  146. The One Where Sirius Acts the Adult and Tells the Grangers  147. The One Where They Drink the Potion  148. The One Where Harry Can’t Change His Arm Back  149. The One Where Ginny Sees Harry Naked  150. The One When Harry Calls Remus a Bad Dog 151. The One Where Theo Goes to the Burrow  152. The One Where Harry Has a Fling  153. The One Where Sirius Panics Over Commitment  154. The One Where Zee Takes Harry Shopping  155. The One With the Quidditch World Cup  156. The One With Winky  157. The One With Babymort 158. The One Where Sirius Asks Zee to Move In  159. The One Where Snape Apologizes and Harry Thinks The World Ended  160. The One With the Pretty Boy, the Biggest Flirt, and the Flying House 161. The One Where Tonks Wants A Boob Job 162. The One Where Drama Queen Sirius Learns About Pens  163. The One Where Zee Just Wants A Damn Telephone But Sirius Can’t Stop Bitching 164. The One Where Girls Giggle and Ginny Looks Different 165. The One Where Harry Outflies a Dragon… Almost  166. The One Where Zee Tells The Paper to Back the Fuck Away from Her Son  167. The One Where Harry Thinks It’s the Formal Wear  168. The One Where Mr Weasley Thinks ‘Oh, Bloody Hell!' 169. The One Where Sirius Takes A Bath  170. The One Where Harry’s in Denial  171. The One Where Harry Thinks He Has Two Hostages  172. The One With the Love Potion  173. The One Where Zee Seduces Sirius in the Work Shed  174. The One With the Secret Swimming Pool  175. The One With the Bats From the Crotch 176. The One That Ends With ‘Oh Shit!’  177. The One Where Everyone Dies  178. The One With the Lullabye  179. The One Where Tonks Marks Remus 
Part Seven: Fifth Year (Chapters 180-222)
180. The One Where Remus Proposes  181. The One Where Lucius Gets Arrested  182. The One Where Remus Proposes Again and Harry Dies  183. The One With the Coconut Smell 184. The One Where Tonks Isn’t Pregnant 185. The One Where Dean Realizes He Fancies Seamus  186. The One With Baby, I Love You  187. The One Where Theo Meets Voldemort  188. The One Where Harry Calls Ginny His and Then Denies It  189. The One Where Everyone Breaks Out of Azkaban  190. The One With the War Council 191. The One Where Harry is Dumped  192. The One Where They Discuss The Size of Remus’ Package  193. The One Where Harry Learns About the Potters  194. The One Where Harry Finds the Tower Room  195. The One Where Zee’s in France  196. The One Where Harry Gets Constantly Interrupted  197. The One Where the Glacier Finally Melts  198. The One Where Harry Finally Asks  199. The One Where Sirius Cuddles and Zee Buys A Motorbike  200. The One Where Everyone Is Worried About Theo  201. The One With the Frying Pan  202. The One With the Fluke  203. The One Where Minnie Walks In  204. The One Where Remus Finds A Present Under the Tree  205. The One With Bellarosa and the Snake  206. The One Where Everyone Gets Motorbikes  207. The One Where Padfoot Suggests Pranking Umbitch to Fred and George  208. The One With the Great Escape from Umbitch  209. The One With Prince Finley and the Switching of Teacups  210. The One Where Theo is Courted and Dean Admits He's in Love  211. The One Where Hinny Says I Love You and the Fluke Continues  212. The One Where Sirius Picks Out A Star  213. The One With the Cathedral Star 214. The One Where Sirius Answers the Phone 215. The One Where George Gets the Girl  216. The One Where They Compare Proposals  217. The One Where Sirius Has the Man-Flu and Gives it to Zee  218. The One Where Ginny and Theo Are Kidnapped and Remus Hears Heartbeats  219. The One With the Thing After Learning the Thing  220. The One Where Everyone is in Shock 221. The One Where Zee Confirms  222. The One With the Will 
Part Eight: Sixth Year (Chapters 223-Present)
223. The One Where Remus Finally Lets Go  224. The One Where Hermione is Blind But Her Mum Isn’t 225. The One Where the Dragon’s in Trouble and George Snogs the New Bat 226. The One Where Ginny Tames Ebony and Theo Goes to Tara  227. The One With the Sovereign Chalice and Zee’s Dream  228. The One With the Party  229. The One Where Ginny Claims Her Man  230. The One Where Harry Has a Really Great Birthday  231. The One Where Harry Asks Remus For Sex Advice  232. The One With the Surfing  233. The One Where Harry Buys a Pgymy Puff  234. The One With the Naughty Dream  235. The One Where Harry’s Afraid of Grandpa  236. The One With the Race  237. The One Where Ron and Hermione Almost Fluke  238. The One Where Bill Gets a Headache  239. The One With Compass and Bad Puns  240. The One Where Harry Uses Parseltongue For Something New  241. The One Where Slughorn Is An Armchair  242. The One Where Its All Fluff  243. The One Where Draco Calls Blaise A Stupid Son of a Bitch  244. The One With the Patronus and the Lingerie  245. The One With Advanced Potion Making and World War One  246. The One With Luna’s Question  247. The One With All the Smut and Where Ron and Hermione Fluke Again 248. The One Where Minnie Freaks Out on Walburga  249. The One With the Fruit Basket  250. The One Where Percy Gets a Date and Remus Skives Off Work  251. The One With the Iron Blade  252. The One Where the Fairytale Ends  253. The One With the Golden Dagger  254. The One With Charlie’s Surprise  255. The One With The Bet  256. The One Where They Celebrate Christmas Without Sirius  257. The One With the Tantrum About Heels  258. The One Where Lucius Fucks Up  259. The One Where Tonks Plays Bad Auror  260. The One With the Goblin Potato 261. The One Where Fred is Scarred for Life  262. The One Where We Hear From Althea 263. The One Where Harry Is Told He Owes Theo A Fruit Basket 264. The One Where Neville Plants A Tree
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jetravenex · 3 years
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I posted 1,140 times in 2021
11 posts created (1%)
1129 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 102.6 posts.
I added 171 tags in 2021
#knight rider - 46 posts
#persona 5 - 29 posts
#kitt - 27 posts
#akira kurusu - 13 posts
#p5 - 11 posts
#michael knight - 11 posts
#knight rider 08 - 10 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 8 posts
#persona 5 protagonist - 8 posts
#ann takamaki - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#i used to have a different pic of kitt as my icon on skype and everyone was like 'oh yeah jet's icon is the weird red and black one' xp
My Top Posts in 2021
Happy Valentine’s Day Friends! 
Today I bring you the 5th chapter of my multi crossover fanfiction Coming Together!
Chapter 5: The Collector’s Wager
With so little time to get through the palace, Joker and the Phantom Thieves make a bet with Shadow Miyakawa to speed up taking her treasure. If they win, the route’s secured. But if they fail, their leader will be taken as the palace ruler’s prize.
3 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 04:31:02 GMT
Watched the Latest Marvel What-if
I don’t know why I opted to watch the dark and scary episode during Lunch when I’m stressed but I did. And much regret.
Not that it was bad! I actually genuinely enjoyed it. I’d seen a lot of gifs on Tumblr that made me go ‘huh’ and so I had to watch it and see for myself. 
Spoilers beneath the cut:
So admittedly it was DARK. Like I remember people going into it like ‘Pft, Disney going to pull all the punches’ 
Hahahaha, nope. I’m not a big horror/gore fan but it felt like the right dose for me. I mean yeah they weren’t GRATUITOUS but they definitely had some on screen deaths. Played up the horror. Didn’t solely rely on jumpscares.
The only one really was kind of Peter accidentally jumpscaring Kurt which was great XP.
I did get spoiled that Vision was feeding people to Wanda. But when I read that he fed T’Challa to her... I thought ‘Well RIP T’Challa.’ but instead I’m like ‘OH YAY! You’re ALIVE!’
I was DEVASTATED when Hope died. I was like ‘no girl NO.’
And then she dies after going giant I’m like ‘Well... you do realize she’s going to become a giant zombie- oh we’re just leaving her there. Okay.’
And admittedly it didn’t hit me until AFTER the fact, but man they killed off ALL the ladies! Like we couldn’t have kept Okoye? 
Like we couldn’t have Vision yank her from Wanda at the last minute rather than have her just be BOOM dead. 
I admittedly can’t pick which of the guys I’d RATHER have died. But I just would’ve liked to have at least ONE lady survive with them. Just one! 
I will say having Hope do the Antman strat everyone on the net joked about... is it dark that it was like ‘yes this is what likely would’ve happened.’
I’m actually shocked they did that.
I mean yeah they didn’t focus on it, just ‘suddenly Wasp’
I do wish it hadn’t led to her getting infected though :(
I mean I guess in theory Captain Marvel is still in existence in the Zombies universe so we’ve got A female hero? Maybe? (Plz).
Though admittedly that ending... oof.
I couldn’t tell if Thanos was already IN wakanda. The shield was still up so I assume no. But it was hard for me to tell tbh. 
But seeing zombie thanos with the gauntlet just. The dread skyrocketed. He has all of them EXCEPT the mindstone, and we’re down to 2 avengers with T’Challa down a leg. 
REALLY wish they’d had Okoye survive! 
at least then we’d have three... not sure how that evens the odds but it’d make me happier.
Anyways I do REALLY love Bruce’s send off telling Peter to ‘Avenge us’. I LOVED that. It felt so good.
And I also just loved Hulk vs. Wanda. Since it seemed Hulk can’t get infected and we know Wanda’s OP sure. But we don’t SEE Hulk bite the dust so maybe.
Bucky though I think he’s gone. Considering that Wanda went for Hulk.
That’s another thing that bugs me, we see all three women die pretty conclusively but the men it’s more up in the air, though highly unlikely (I mean Scott survived despite being ground zero so y’know XP).
A lot of people are noting that Hank Pym is doing a LOT to the MCU. I like the comparison to Reed Richards XP. We don’t have him yet so we need one, and I’d honestly rather Hank Pym over Tony Stark.
Tony had to be the one to take the fall for making Ultron in the MCU.
I’m down to see Hank Pym being the one to mess stuff up in What if? 
Though who knows whats to come XP
Overall pretty spoop gonna need to chill after all that.
4 notes • Posted 2021-09-09 19:31:31 GMT
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I have a new chapter of my massive crossover centered in Persona 5 XP
Right here!
6 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 17:53:58 GMT
New Chapter of Coming Together is now up!
It has been a few months but I think I now have a rhythm to keep pushing on!
This chapter was a KITTcentric one to establish him a little bit. 
There’s a lot of introspection, but he’s doing his best XP
9 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 06:13:38 GMT
Knight Rider Reboot
Me: *has started being active on Twitter*
Me: I don’t have enough Knight Rider content appearing... I should change that. 
*searches Knight Rider on Twitter*
First result:
Me: ... I was not aware of this being a thing.
Me: *gets up from chair*
Also me: *kicks open door to Tumblr with megaphone* WE’RE GETTING A KNIGHT RIDER REBOOT PEOPLE! BRAND NEW CONTENT HERE WE COME!
18 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 04:15:16 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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opmedits · 2 years
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"What a nice dog”
One Punch Man Cover 171
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fennbirn-fandom · 7 years
Okay I know this is a lot but reading this guy’s thoughts gives you all the feels of reading the book all over again and it is amazing (x)
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1. Okay first of all I am SO excited it’s starting back at Greavesdrake 2. Love this little poison bitch 3. “These are only a bit of fun.” I am living 4. I cannot wait for this reunion omg I can’t wait for ANYTHING
5. Book one Katharine vs. book two Katharine:
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6. Fifty bucks says Thomas and Michael don’t make it to book three 7. Maybe it would be easier if Joseph didn’t make it to book three 8. Omg that’s right if Arsinoe wins as a poisoner then the poisoners will want to claim her as their own dang there is so much going on 9. I LOVE THIS BOOK 10. Wait did they never kiss in the first book 11. Are you kidding me Joseph and Mirabella shacked up in a seaside cavern and the real royal couple is out here willing to die for each other without ever having locked lips?? 12. Ew imagine someone spit on you I would scream 13. “Next time it won’t be spit. Next time it’ll be a knife!” LMAO WHAT 14. Can you IMAGINE 15. They’re already going to fight I can’t believe this 16. I love Bree 17. I’m screaming Kat just enjoys RUNNING PEOPLE DOWN in her free time 18. WHO IS THIS GIRL 19. Black marble and spitting gargoyles is such an aesthetic 20. I lied the GODDESS STONE is an aesthetic 21. Omg she’s referring to herself as “us” this is amazing 22. Luke/Hank 2020
25. I love that every single character is like “Well I don’t WANT to kill them, but also I myself do not want to die, so,”
26. Except for Jules she would absolutely kill a man
27. Do I love or hate Madrigal? I just don’t know 28. WHAT 29. Omggg I love this I love Jules 30. Wait DROWN HER these people are so DRAMATIC 31. I want to know more about every single gift 32. They’re gonna fight!! 33. They’re gonna fight!!!!!!! 34. Mirabella the bear isn’t there just KILL HER
35. Ok if these girls didn’t have such a flair for drama I guarantee this war would already be over
36. “Mirabella has found her nerve.” Yes she has 37. Lmao jokes she still won’t kill her 38. Like… just do it!!! Just kill her!!!!!!!!!! 39. WELP now you CAN’T because there’s a BEAR 40. Katharine is insane THAT’S FUN 41. You know I’ve always wanted to learn how to throw knives 42. Omg Pietyr?! 43. Jk 44. I don’t know Nicolas but I love him 45. Don’t you DARE throw my queen off a cliff 46. “He doesn’t smell like the last one.” Billy the last one was dead 47. BILLY’S GOING TO THE WESTWOODS 48. Honesty, the DRAMA 49. “Because I saw you first,” ugh I love them
50. I can’t believe I’m only a quarter of the way through this book I need a nap
51. Ugh why doesn’t anyone love Mirabella 52. Don’t worry I love you Mirabella
53. PREGNANT 54. SHE’S PREGNANT 55. Oh my god 56. Thomas and Michael are here someone get the death cannon ready 57. AHHH 58. What did I say 59. “At least they were cousins,” Katharine PLEASE 60. I want a buddy-cop spinoff where Natalia and Luca fight crime 61. Aw okay at least Mira has a friend Billy is nice
62. “Where is your bear?” “WELL HE’S NOT IN MY POCKET.”
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63. I love Billy Chatworth, Worst Cook on Fennbirn Island ™
64. Nicolas lmao wtf 65. WHO IS THIS GUY 66. PIIIIIEEEETTTYYYYYRRRRR 67. “But you will never have me again.” Bye I just screamed 68. You know I think I’d want the war gift it’s so vague and powerful
69. “It only gives you powers over weapons,” you say 70. “ANYTHING CAN BE A WEAPON,” I scream in response
71. I love Katharineeeeeeee 72. Omg wait and Rho can’t publicly help Mirabella 73. So much is happening 74. Oh my god 75. Yeah curse the queens THIS SEEMS LIKE A GOOD IDEA 76. Can’t wait for this one to go wrong 77. “What’s this gonna do btw?” “Oh lmao idk” Super 78. Oh my god 79. Ohhhhh my god 80. Here we GO 81. Can I just say again that I love Nicolas the psychopath 82. Pietyr is going to slap him 83. “This is your life. Don’t tell me to stay out of it.” 84. Imagine this book from Braddock’s POV 85. Omg just KISS ALREADY
86. This is all VERY High School Musical 2
87. Imagine a plot twist that reveals Billy as the true naturalist queen 88. “I’ll love you for as long as I live.” Oh no 89. Everyone is ready for surprise murder but I’m watching Hairspray as I read this and it’s creating quite the interesting mood 90. Lmao I love Katharine and Nicolas!!! What little psychopaths!!!!!! 91. I love Katharine!!!!!!!!!!!! 92. This is amazing 93. I LOVE DRAMA 94. “But that is not fair!” Mira, buddy, pal, 95. SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE ENTIRE FESTIVAL LMAO NO!!! 96. JULLIENNE MILONE!!!!! 97. HOW IS THERE STILL MORE THAN HALF THE BOOK LEFT 98. This girl is literally being HUNTED 99. Omg please Braddock go go go follow her 100. Mirabella NO!!!! 101. Omg omg omg omgggggg 102. I’M SO STRESSED 103. Sidenote I love Mirabella and Arsinoe together 104. WHAT 105. WHAT!!!!!!! 106. JULES 107. JULES IS HERE 108. JULES!!!!! 109. LMAO THEY STOLE HER HORSE I’M SCREAMING 110. Oh my god Katharine no don’t SAY THAT
111. Honestly I don’t super remember Bree from the first book but would I die for her now? Absolutely
112. I’m so stressed 113. THEY WENT TO CARAGH 114. Lol TBH makes it sound like a jewelry commercial 115. “They went to Caragh!” Madrigal will cry, clutching her diamonds 116. “Until they were six, they were mine.” 117. Um @ the Young Queens WHERE ARE YOU 118. Mirabella/Billy 2020 119. Lmao yo I am so freaking excited for Arsinoe to make her dramatic return 120. I’m just thinking about it!! Ah!!!! 121. A DUEL 122. This is madness I need a break and a nap and a snack immediately 123. Katharine!!!!! You can’t just THROW BACK a cup of poison!! Honestly!!!
124. “You cannot kill,” she says, causing me to GASP, “what is already dead.”
126. I can’t decide if I want Katharine, Pietyr, and Nicolas to all destroy each other or if they are the toxic, murderous OT3 of my dreams 127. The venn diagram of those two things may just be a circle
128. KAT JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THE CHALLENGE 129. Omg she’s throwing a TANTRUM I’m living 130. “I will hold a ball the night before,” This is my ideal dark gothic aesthetic
131. “What if the Goddess is on her side?” “It does not matter. They are on mine.”
132. Why do I picture Madrigal exactly as Alice Cooper from Riverdale 133. She’s going to help Mirabella!!! She’s going to help Mirabella!!!!!!! 134. I’m serious can I vote for Mirabella and Billy on the ticket in 2020 135. Oh my god no 136. No no no I refuse to believe they have their hooks in him 137. THEY CANNOT HAVE THEIR HOOKS IN BILLY 138. He’s a horrible cook he would never fit in with the feast-loving Arrons 139. I love Mirabella
140. Oh my god Katharine 141. Oh my goddddd 142. LMAO WHAT THE F#&K 143. “We have not been your Katharine since you threw me down the Breccia Domain.” WHAT THE F#&KKK!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!?! 144. HE’S GOING BACK TO THE BRECCIA DOMAIN!!
145. Meanwhile, Arsinoe, on a mule, 146. Just looking at the names of the chapters left is stressing me out 147. NAT IS SLEEPING WITH BILLY’S DAD I just CHOKED
149. Oh thank god their hooks are not in Billy yet 150. Omg omg Jules is at the ball here we go here we GO it’s happening
151. “Before Katharine and her suitor take their place amid the Arrons, dazzling in their snakes and scorpions, Katharine cocks her head at Mirabella and winks. Nicolas smiles at Billy and discreetly spits onto the floor.” I’m just obsessed with this entire snippet
152. Oh Joseph honey no go home 153. ARSINOE!! 154. “Dancing with my sister,” Oh my god 155. This is what I LIVE FOR 156. “I am not afraid. I am angry.” 157. “I may be the weakest, but I am a queen, through and through.” 158. Oh my god
160. “They are tired of it.” I SCREAMED
161. Oh my godddd he’s going in 162. HE’S GOING IN THE BRECCIA DOMAIN 163. Oh my god 164. Oh my g o d d d 165. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH 166. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 167. Oh my GOD WHAT A SCENE I SHOULD NOT HAVE READ THIS AT NIGHT!!!
168. Pepper………… 169. Of all the characters I love… I would be ok with Rho dying at any time 170. @ Kendare just fyi 171. Oh my god they pulled it off HOW 172. Of course Arsinoe is thinking of food though 173. F#&k f#&k f#&k here we go 174. I am horrified for what Katharine’s reign of terror would mean 175. Tag yourself I’m the priestess weeping as she fastens Mirabella’s dress 176. Ugh Kat 177. Ok she’s horrifying but she’s also amazing this arena entrance is everything 178. THERE THEY ARE!!!!! 179. “Yes, me again.” JULES FOR QUEEN 180. SHE KNOWS THAT ARSINOE REMEMBERS HER 181. Omg I’m so emotional 182. JULES!!! “She punches the first in the eye and knocks back another three.”
183. “I’m sorry you thought I was dead.” “I’m sorry I agreed to marry your sister.”
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184. Oh no Luca no don’t 185. A concept: Madrigal slapping Natalia Arron 186. “Or perhaps there were more sides to a woman than he had ever understood.” Lol oh Billy you simple boy 187. Ugh it was WILLIAM 188. Omg the throwbacks to the very first chapter of the first book I’m dying 189. A tattooed crown they are NOT f#&king around 190. NICOLAS MARTEL 191. “Arsinoe has been banging her head against the stone wall for what seems like hours. But there is no way to tell for sure.” Me in class
195. AND THERE’S A WEDDING 196. Ew Nicolas I changed my mind I don’t love him not one bit 197. “Though perhaps this is what he truly is underneath. Angry, and ugly, and small.” Aren’t all men 198. Oh my god 199. THIS WAS NOT A FIGHT I WAS EXPECTING 200. Ohhhhhh my god 201. YES RHO 202. I lied Kendare thank you for this fierce and wonderful gift of a character 203. “Roll him up in a rug,” LMAO 204. “After all, Mirabella’s first tears were real, before she looked down and realized that Arsinoe was grinning.” I can’t I love them so much 205. Omg wait if Natalia… what does that mean for her deal with Luca?! 206. “Oh!” I LIED I WANT A MIRABELLA/ARSINOE BUDDY-COP SPINOFF 207. God bless Joseph taking responsibility for his actions 208. “How I love you, Jules.” I’m so emo 209. ARSINOE!!!!! 210. Ew someone please kill Nicolas already 211. “… So hard that she hears a crack. That must be good,” I’m dying 212. I LOVE MIRABELLA 213. I WANT HER TO BURN THE ENTIRE CITY DOWN 214. Oh god Joseph 215. THE WARRIORS 216. Oh my god 217. Oh my god oh my goddddd what 218. That is BRUTAL 219. What a way to go, my man
220. “I failed you once. I betrayed you once. But I will not again.”
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221. “I’m fine,” Joseph says, CLEARLY LYING 222. Oh my god Genevieve 223. THIS IS SUCH A DYSFUNCTIONAL TRIO 224. AND NOW THEY KNOW EVERYONE HAS ESCAPED 225. Oh my god so much is happening 226. Pietyr is the one true king someone bring him the Iron Throne or whatever the f#&k they have on this cursed and twisted island 227. “It is just that she will be the last.” 228. Omg they’re gonna GOOOO 229. Third time’s the charm, maybe??
230. I’m telling you Jules and Pietyr are going to have to duel and that will decide who the true ruler of Fennbirn Island will be
231. Jules will obliterate him and I will be sad for approximately thirty seconds and then extremely happy for my new queen
232. Aw I loved Madrigal in this book 233. I LOVE THIS LIL’ MOTLEY CREW 234. Lmao I wonder how long Genevieve will last now. What will she do 235. “Then she looks back at the sea and the confrontation that is about to take place there.” I’m so scared for my lil’ motley crew!!! 236. FINALLY!!!! THE KISS!!! 237. Omg come on Mirabella come onnnnn
238. Oh no 239. Oh no Joseph 240. … Oh my god? 241. Oh my god did they do it??? 242. THEY DID IT 243. Oh n o
244. JULES NO!!!
245. WHAT THE F#&K, MAN 246. … I’m telling you she needs to be queen 247. Oh my god 248. I can’t believe they… made it 249. Oh my g o d
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kakkoiimanga · 5 years
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One Punch-Man Chapter 171 Bahasa Indonesia One Punch-Man Chapter 171 Bahasa Indonesia Alternative Titles Synonim: Onepunchman, Onepunch-Man, Onepanman English: One-Punch Man Japanese: ワンパンマン
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jmyers104 · 5 years
A Review of Spurgeon’s “Lectures to My Students”
Spurgeon, Charles. Lectures to My Students. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1979.
            In the classic Lectures to My Students, Spurgeon addresses a plethora of important issues in pastoral ministry. Although many topics are covered, much of his content can be placed into one of two categories: the minister’s private life, and the minister’s public ministry. Both of these with be discussed in turn.
            Spurgeon unpacks several crucial elements of the minister’s private life, the chief of which is prayer. The minister “is always praying” (Spurgeon, 43). Even though the minister is not always physically on his knees in prayer, his spiritual posture is one that expresses dependence on God. Spurgeon writes, “All our libraries and studies are mere emptiness compared with our closets” (Spurgeon, 44). Far from discounting the importance of Bible study, here he is highlighting both the importance and effectiveness of prayer. Our study of Scripture is intended to point us to Christ and drive us to our knees in prayer, and the minister who fails to pray regularly will see little fruit in his life and ministry.
            Another crucial element of the minister’s life is his “self-watch” (Spurgeon, 9). Rather than relying on his own abilities, the minister is to seek strength from the Strong One (Spurgeon, 17). The minister must also reject the notion that he is “on the clock.” There is no timecard to punch at the end of the day; he is at all times an ambassador of Christ, seeking to honor God every moment of the day and serving the flock when needs arise. “A policeman or soldier may be off duty,” Spurgeon writes, “but a minister never is” (Spurgeon, 172).
            Vigorous piety must characterize the minister’s life. Two quotes from Spurgeon drive this point home. First, “We had need live very close to God, if we would approve ourselves in our vocation” (Spurgeon, 15). Second, “We have need of very vigorous piety, because our danger is so much greater than that of other believers” (Spurgeon, 15). Indeed, the minister is not immune to temptation. In many ways, the minister faces temptations that arise with greater frequency and force. Thus, it is critical that he examine his life regularly to ensure that he is living a life pleasing to God.
Moving to the topic of public presence, Spurgeon highlights the critical nature of pulpit ministry. When preaching, the minister must be clear and unmistakable in his delivery of biblical content. Though he must be thorough, he must package the content in a way that the audience can digest. Citing a fellow minister, Spurgeon wrote, “Make your sermons like a loaf of bread, fit for eating, and in convenient form” (Spurgeon, 80). Regardless of the passage being preached, ministers must “be sure incessantly to bring forth the soul-saving truth of Christ and him crucified” (Spurgeon, 79). Indeed, “He (Christ) is the whole gospel” (Spurgeon, 82).
When he descends from the pulpit, the minister must take care in how he converses with his fellow man. In Spurgeon’s day, there seemed to have been a problem among the clergy in which they were “trying to be too much a minister” (Spurgeon, 171). In our day, the opposite error is prevalent, as ministers go to great lengths to “fit in.” Spurgeon’s assessment of the minister’s character serves as a remedy for both errors. Ministers are to be earnest in zeal for God’s Word and work; if the minister is not passionate about God’s kingdom, he cannot expect his congregation to be (Spurgeon, 326). They are to be sociable (even if they are introverts), and they more they come to love God and His people as a result of their private life, the more natural it will be to socialize. The minister is to have a face that says “welcome,” not “beware of the dog” (Spurgeon, 173). He is also to cheerful; assuming he is indeed spending the time in prayer, study, and self-examination that he should, his cheerful disposition will come naturally. Such a man will not have to adorn a fake smile because he wears heaven in his face (Spurgeon, 175). 
            This author only finds disagreement with Spurgeon only on one point, and that pertains to Spurgeon’s words on choosing a text to preach on. In reading the chapter On the Choice of a Text, it seems that Spurgeon was not keen on preaching straight through books of the Bible. In fact, he was actually critical some preachers who planned out a series of sermons. In recalling one sermon series on Hebrews preached by another preacher, Spurgeon writes, “Paul…exhorts us to suffer the word of exhortation, and we did so” (Spurgeon, 98). Granted, there is danger in preaching through a book in the Bible, in that the preacher can begin to lose focus and meander through passages at the expense of clarity. However, in such instances, the problem is with the messenger rather than the message. There are many Bible expositors in our age that have blessed the church beyond measure. Many have been captivated, for example, by Dr. John MacArthur as he spent over four decades preaching through the entire New Testament. Spurgeon, however, seemed to prefer topical preaching over expositional preaching. While the danger with expositional preaching is to lose focus and get lost in a fog, the danger with topical preaching is that the preacher runs the risk of taking a verse out of context and preaching a message that was not intended by the author. Further, when a preacher exclusively preaches topical sermons, there are certainly doctrines that fall to the wayside. Expositional preaching ensures that no doctrines are neglected. The preacher would do well to utilize both forms of preaching, as they both have their benefits.
            To be fair, Spurgeon does mention that preaching through books is not always something the congregation “suffers” through. Still, to Spurgeon, “the exceptions are few, for it is even said of that wonderful expositor, Joseph Caryl, that he commenced his famous lectures upon Job with eight hundred hearers, and closed the book with only eight!” (Spurgeon, 98). His point is well-taken, but there is no denying that there are definite benefits in preaching through books of the Bible. Spurgeon no doubt believed this as well, as demonstrated by his magnum opus Treasury of David, but it unfortunately seems that he saw little use for an expositional series in the pulpit.
            Beyond this one critique, this author finds no fault with Spurgeon’s lectures. More than that, this work is a delight to read, as Spurgeon is a master wordsmith, crafting illustrations to emphasize his points, and even injecting humor when discussing more lighthearted matters. On more than one occasion, this author laughed audibly when reading certain portions of Spurgeon’s lectures. To give but one example of Spurgeon’s beautiful use of the English language, consider Spurgeon’s advice to the minister concerning arguing with others: “Try to avoid debating with people. State your opinion and let them state theirs If you see a stick that is crooked, and you want people to see how crooked it is, lay a straight rod down beside it; that will be quite enough. But if you are drawn into controversy, use very hard arguments and very soft words” (Spurgeon, 178).
            Spurgeon’s delivery of his content leads to the evaluation portion of this paper. This book makes some significant contributions to the field of pastoral ministry. One of the most important aspects of this book as a whole is Spurgeon’s delivery of his material. The lectures are extremely readable, theologically profound, and immensely practical. The structure of the book is well-organized, and his train of thought is easy to follow throughout each chapter. This is an important lesson for the minister as he prepares his own lesson plans. Many books in the academic world provide facts about the Bible but lack a certain pastoral warmth. Spurgeon’s lectures definitely challenge the mind, but not at the expense of nurturing the heart and calling the minister to action; indeed, he is well-balanced in his appeals to the whole man. In observing Spurgeon’s mode of teaching here, the reader can learn how to relay God’s Word in a way that will stir the affections of his hearers.
            Another notable contribution to the field is Spurgeon’s teachings on the Holy Spirit. There are many “how-to” books available on ministry, teaching how to prepare sermons, study the Bible, grow a church, and other various topics. Unfortunately, many of these books miss the mark in a sense, as they fail to mention the Holy Spirit’s role in the life of the minister to ensure his success. Spurgeon does not allow us to make this mistake. He writes, “If we had not believed in the Holy Ghost we should have laid down our ministry long before this, for ‘who is sufficient for these things?’ Our hope of success, and our strength for continuing the service, lie in our belief that the Spirit of the Lord rests upon us” (Spurgeon, 196). This author wholeheartedly recommends Spurgeon’s Lectures to My Students to any Christian serious about their walk with the Lord.
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opmedits · 2 years
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Anime season 3 production confirmed!
One Punch Man Cover 171
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opmedits · 2 years
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“I’ll have just to risk it...“
One Punch Man 171
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