#one of them called me a princess when i wore a big poofy dress and that made my year tbh :)
studywithvictory · 8 months
perfume and galaxy!
perfume: favorite scent ok im not a brand ambassador by any means but i L-O-V-E the smell from cake beauty products. it's like sweet, but not artificial or too strong? a mix of vanilla, caramel, and honey?? makes me feel like a pastry! <3
galaxy: what fascinates you?
near my place is a little daycare. i love seeing those little kiddos walk together with the little rope to keep them together. hearing the pure things they say gives me warmth and hope for the future!!
Send me some pretty asks!
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runeterrankhaleesi · 2 years
i'm still too shy to come off anon (i did once before but I'm too scared to do it again >_<) but i'll be banana renekton anon, maybe just banana anon for short!
if your requests are still open, could i request a fem!s/o with jhin that dresses like gwen does? very prim and proper and pretty, but also very dark and broody. like gothic lolita style ♡ but behind closed doors she loves cute, pink frilly things and stuffed animals and watches children shows for comfort? what do you think he'd think about that?
i love your writing by the way ♡ every time i play with a zed i think about you!
[A/N: Hello darling. It’s okay if you’re not comfortable going off anon, no pressure! This blog is a safe haven, you've got nothing to fear. And it makes me happy to hear that you remember me whenever you play with a Zed, it makes me realize what kind of impression I left on you darlings. Thank you for making a request. You may ask again for more.]
Headcanons of Jhin with a Gothic Lolita Female s/o
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Jhin finds you to be the most compelling and most adorable person he's ever met.
It intrigues him that a person can dress in such brooding colors-with a matching personality to boot-but practically fawn over pink, pretty, and cute stuff behind closed doors.
He's a fan of your gothic lolita style. The dark and grim colors with sheer or lace poofy skirts and knee high socks paired with chunky boots or doll shoes, sometimes including a pair of gloves to complete the whole look-reminds him very much of beautiful porcelain dolls sitting atop a shelf of a toy store.
That said, he very much treats you a like a doll (and sees you as a muse and inspiration).
This man knows how to sew (it's for his actors, mainly). Thank the gods of Ionians that he pursued arts and learned how to sew, he's now proud of it more than ever because he gets to dress you in pretty dresses, like you woild to any doll.
And yes, he has made a doll that is a carbon copy of you that he keeps in his studio (It was out of love). One dressed as a gothic lolita and one dressed in a pretty pink dress like a princess.
He has also made stuffed toys of your favorite animals since you love to surrounded by those and hug them in times when you need comfort. (There has been one instance where Jhin deliberately accidentally kicked a plushie away, saying "Why are hugging these toys when you can hug me?". Please just give this man a hug.) 
You're his muse, of course this man has painted you. There was one particular painting where you wore a pink dress with ribbons, your hair was braided and decorated with flowers and pink tassels, and you were surrounded by flowers and birds. You truly looked like a princess in fairy tales. 
He knows your comfort shows like the back of his hand. He never and will never call them "kid shows", he would never want to be the person to ridicule someone who watches a series that "aren't for adults". Yes, he thinks that those kind of people are idiots and that they should be dead. 
Jhin has a sixth sense when it comes to you. He feels whenever you need extra comfort. He'll get a big floofy blanket, enough to wrap you both comfortably, and just proceed to dump it on you-lovingly, laugh a little before he snuggles up beside you and wraps you in his arms, resting his chin on your head (if you're smaller than him), then mumbles the word "I love you", kissing the top of your head. 
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honey-dewey · 4 years
Here Comes the Bride (and the Boys)
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/Reader
Word Count: 2,039
Warnings: None!
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
You’re is getting married! But, to get married, you need a dress. And instead of family at the dress appointment, the Reader brings some rather unusual guests. Her fiancé’s three weird best friends. 
“First of all, you’re wrong!”
You laughed, bent in half and gripping the dashboard for support as Benny and Will argued in the backseat. You were taking the boys dress shopping, and you hadn’t anticipated the disaster that would be the Miller brothers sitting in the car together.
“Fuck you, a single Twinkie is absolutely bite sized!” Benny said angrily, taking a Twinkie out of his pocket and ripping the package open. “See?” And then he stuffed it in his mouth, proving that it was, in fact, one bite.
Will laughed, punching his brother lightly. “You’re disgusting. We are on our way to a distinguished wedding dress appointment and you’re here stuffing your face with twinkies.”
Santiago, who had the misfortune of driving, sighed. “Lord help me,” he said, turning into the parking lot of the bridal place. “I am surrounded by morons.”
Still smiling, you texted Frankie, who was sitting at home and trying to decide what the wedding’s color scheme would be.
You: Your bffs are fucking idiots
Goldfish: I’m sorry?
You: Benny just ate a whole ass Twinkie in one bite
Goldfish: Wow. Tell him he’s disgusting
You: Will already did. Gtg, we’re there
Goldfish: love you
You: Love you too babe
Getting out of the car, you suddenly rethought your decision to bring the boys to help you choose a wedding dress. But you really didn’t want to do it alone and no one in your family could make it. So you’d grabbed what you hoped was the next best thing. Frankie’s friends.
But it was too late. You pulled the door to the place open and walked in, smiling at the receptionist. “Hello! I’m here for an appointment.”
The receptionist eyed your group and nodded. “Of course. Last name?”
“Morales.” Technically that wasn’t your last name yet, but you’d been engaged for almost a year now and using Frankie’s last name just felt natural.
Once you were checked in, you waited on a couch with the boys.
“So what kind of dress are you getting?” Benny asked, looking at a dress that looked, and this was the nice way of saying it, like an overly decorated pastry.
“Not that,” you said. “I dunno. Maybe A-line? The last fancy thing I wore was when Frankie and I went out to that restaurant last New Years, but that had no back, and I’m not going that slutty for my wedding day.”
Will snorted. “Okay. So the requirements are currently as follows. It must have a back, and it cannot be, in your words, slutty.”
“It has to be white,” you added. “And I want a floor length dress.”
“Well that’s not enough to work off of.”
You shrugged. “It’s what I got.”
Your consultant came in at that point. “Oh! Well, I guess I don’t have to ask who’s the bride!” She said. “I’m Zoe. Who’d you bring with you? Any family?”
“Nope!” You said, looking at the boys. “These are my fiancé’s three best friends, Santiago, Benny, and William.”
Zoe nodded. “Okay. How long have you been engaged?”
You shrugged. “A year, give or take. My fiancé, Frankie, was military until about four months ago, when he went on his last mission.” You could still remember how defeated he’d been coming home, the pain in his eyes as he told you about Tom and everything else. “We’re getting married in September.”
“Awesome!” Zoe said. “So, budget?”
“Frankie and I put aside about two thousand.”
Zoe nodded again. “And are we looking for any specific style of dress?”
You shook your head. “Nope. I just know I want it a bit more conservative, but not something that covers every inch of skin I’ve got.”
“Okay then,” Zoe said. “Let’s go look at some dresses!”
Unsurprisingly, the boys were apprehensive about this part. Benny was the first to recover, happily diving in and pulling a few dresses to ask you about them. Once he found his groove, Will and Santi quickly followed suit.
“What about this?” Santi asked, showing you a dress.
“Eh,” you said, looking over. “I don’t like that feathery bit on the bottom.”
It was interesting, shopping for a wedding dress. You’d only wear it once, but it was so damn important. You passed over dress after dress, dismissing most of them. Eventually, after a fair amount of searching, you and the boys had picked out a few dresses that were all decent contenders.
Trying the dresses on, that was a completely different story. The first dress Zoe brought you, which was one of Santi’s picks, was gorgeous, and actually made your tear up a bit.
“Oh dear, tears already?” Zoe asked, handing you a tissue.
“I just,” you said weakly, wiping your eyes. “I love Frankie so much, and I can’t believe after everything we’ve been through, I’m finally able to officially call him mine.”
Zoe rubbed your back. “I get it hon,” she consoled. “He must be one hell of a man.”
“Oh he definitely is.”
After a few more minutes of admiring the dress and composing yourself, you walked out to show the boys.
Immediately, they went quiet, admiring your dress. You stood on a small pedestal, turning and admiring the dress in the big mirror. “I like it.”
“But?” Santiago prompted.
“I don’t get that big wow feeling,” you finished, almost guilty. “Sorry Santi.”
Santiago shook his head. “It’s okay,” he promised. “But you do like it?”
You nodded, swishing the dress around. “Yeah. It’s got the right amount of pop.”
“Pop?” Benny asked.
“Details,” you elaborated, running a hand along the subtly flowered waistline. “Flair. Call it whatever. And the shape is nice.”
Will nodded. “The sleeves aren’t your thing, are they?”
“Yeah, absolutely not.” You put a finger under the short sleeve. “It’s tight across the shoulders and I feel like I can’t lift my arms.”
“So no short sleeves?” Santiago asked.
“We can eliminate short sleeves,” you decided.
The next few dresses were all like the first. Decent and very pretty, but not your dress. You managed to eliminate a few other things you weren’t too fond of, like the super tight mermaid dresses and the overly poofy princess dresses. Sleeveless was still on the table, but you were hesitant about that. The boys gave amazing criticism, and no one started any drama, which was nice. But still, you found yourself wishing Frankie were here. He’d know exactly what to recommend. You could almost hear him whispering in your ear as you examined yet another not right dress.
“I’m sure you’ll get it eventually, margarita.”
You sighed, deeming the dress a flop and heading back to try something else on.
And then you passed a dress on the way back to the changing room that made you stop in your tracks.
“What is it?” Zoe asked, stopping right behind you.
“What’s that?” You asked, pointing to the dress.
Zoe followed your finger. “Oh. That’s a dress we just got. It’s from a small designer who specializes in unique dresses.”
“Can I try it on?” You asked, still mesmerized.
“Sure.” Zoe grabbed the dress. “It’s not floor length though.”
You shrugged, still watching the dress with nothing short of awe. “I’m willing to bend for this dress.”
The dress fit you perfectly, and when you turned around to look at it for the first time, you were dead silent for a whole minute before starting to cry again.
“Still good tears?” Zoe asked hopefully, helping you step back into your white flats.
“This is my dress,” you said softly. “This is my dress.”
Zoe smiled. “It looks really good on you,” she said. “Shall we show the boys?”
You nodded, smoothing your hands down the textured fabric of the skirt.
Walking out to show the boys was the hardest thing you’d done in a while. The dress was perfect, it was definitely the one, but what if they didn’t agree?
You heard gasps from the group when you stepped onto the pedestal, back facing them.
“So?” Zoe prompted. “What do you think?”
“It’s my dress,” you said yet again. “It’s perfect.”
“It is,” Santiago agreed. “C’mon, turn for us, let us see.”
You turned, facing the boys.
Immediately, Benny, who was smiling, threw his hands up. “Okay, so we threw all the rules out for this dress.”
You laughed, feeling the skirt swish around your calves. “It’s perfect Benny. I had to break the rules for the daisies.”
“I don’t get it,” Benny said, leaning back. “Why daisies?”
“That’s what Frankie calls me,” you said softly. “I’m his margarita. It’s Spanish for daisy.”
You turned to examine the dress again. It was still white, which would placate your mother and gave you that bride feeling in the pit of your stomach. But the thing that sold you was the thin layer of sheer white fabric on top, the layer with the small daisies on it. The sleeves were nice, loose without being a hazard and tight without being too restricting. The V neck was modest enough for a wedding, and the smooth white ribbon around your natural waist really helped define the shape of the dress.
Zoe came out with a matching flower crown and placed it on your head, causing you to tear up when you faced yourself in the mirror again.
“Oh honey,” Santiago said, standing and wrapping you in a hug. “Is it group hug time?”
You nodded, feeling the warm embrace of the boys around you. “Thank you,” you said softly, surrounded by friends. “My mother would’ve had an aneurysm if I tried this on for her.”
Benny laughed, rubbing your back. “We get it,” he said. “And trust us, Fish is gonna adore it.”
Seven months later, you were freaking out, trying not to cry in your small tent, twenty minutes before you were supposed to walk down the aisle.
“What if he doesn’t show up?” You asked one of your bridesmaids, Luca. “What if he doesn’t wanna get married anymore?”
Luca put her hands on your shoulders. “Hey. I’m sure he’s just as nervous as you, and I’m absolutely positive he’s sticking around.”
You took a breath, anxiety spiking again as a knock echoed on the door.
“Can we come in? We have a gift for the bride.”
You eagerly accepted the boys in, embracing them each in turn.
“You look like a goddess,” Will complimented, holding you at arm’s length and smiling. “He’s so nervous.”
“Told you so!” Luca shouted.
Benny laughed. “He told us to give you this.”
You took the small box, opening it hesitantly and pressing a hand to your mouth before the tears bubbled over. It was a necklace, nothing seemingly expensive or fancy. It had a thin silver chain, and on the end of the chain was a circle of resin, no bigger than a quarter, with a beautiful pressed daisy in it.
Luca helped you slip the necklace over your head. The daisy pendant sat on your skin, just above the V neck, barely visible.
“Are you ready?” Santiago asked, placing the necklace box down.
You nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”
The next almost half hour of waiting was agony. You texted Frankie, both of you anxious and both of you very ready for the ceremony to be over. Then, Frankie stopped responding, and you heard the music. It was time.
You father took your arm and guided you out of the tent, into the park you’d picked for the venue. Plenty of people were waiting for you, but you only had eyes for one of them.
Frankie turned, his entire face lighting up as he saw you walking towards him. He looked amazing, all clean and neat in a suit with a small daisy tucked into his lapel. He wasn’t wearing his hat, but you almost wished he was. He’d shaved, but that tiny spot where he constantly complained about the lack of facial hair was still there and obvious.
You father smiled, placing your hands in Frankie’s. He squeezed them, and you felt pure joy humming through your veins. You were getting married.
“Ready?” Frankie asked you softly, so softly you almost didn’t hear him.
You didn’t even hesitate to answer. “I’m ready.”
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Traditions of the Court
Fandom: Criminal Minds (Royalty AU)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Summary: You grew up around Spencer, since his mom was your teacher growing up. You two grow up together and he ends up taking his mother’s place, while you become ready to become Queen. But what’s to happen when you and he realize that you have feelings for each other?
A/N: this is like 3.5k words because I didn’t feel like breaking it up into chapters. Anyway, sit back, relax, and enjoy!
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“But mother-”
“No, Y/N. You need to attend your classes like everyone else. Just because you’re the princess, doesn’t mean you can’t get an education like the other children in the court.”
You groan as you drag yourself into the library where several other children of royal court members are. Mrs. Reid’s face lightens up when she sees you, “Y/N, dear! Wonderful! We’re just about to start! Take any available seat and we’ll get started.”
You sigh as you trudge over to an empty seat near the back next to a boy who doesn’t look like a he’d be a child of the court, “Who’re you?” the young boy is startled when you address him and pushes his glasses up his nose, “I’m, um, Spencer. Spencer Reid. My mom’s the teacher.”
“Are you even allowed to be here?”
He nodded, “Yes, uh, the Queen, your mother, said it was alright. Do-Do you want me to move, Princess Y/N?”
You sigh and shake your head, “No, it’s okay. And you can just call me, Y/N.”
“Oh, okay, Y/N.” Spencer mumbles and goes to pay attention to his mother’s instructions. Throughout class, he sees you looking sad, dejected. So while his mother is helping another student, he leans over, “Are you okay?”
You shrug, “Not really fond of going to class.”
“How come?”
“I don’t think it’s very interesting. I’d rather be learning how to defend myself with my father and the Royal Guards.”
“Well, if you’re going to be queen someday, it’s important for you to know this stuff. The geography of our kingdoms and surrounding kingdoms, the history of our country and your family, how to speak publically, appear proper, all of that stuff.”
You look at him a little confused, “You’re not even a court member’s child. Why are you here? It’s not important for you.”
He shrugged, “I like to learn new things, plus, I’ll be taking over teaching when my mom gets too old. So it’s better to learn stuff now rather than later. I remember all kinds of stuff.”
You hummed, looking down at the books in front of you, “Think you can help me then? Since all of this isn’t my kind of thing?”
It was during class and the extra tutoring on the side that you and Spencer ended up getting close. From when you were seven year olds up to when you were eighteen, he’d been by your side. He’d read while you attended your fencing and archery lessons. He’d wait for you while you shadowed your parents during court meetings. He was there when your father died due to an unknowing heart attack. He was there for it all until...
“You’re leaving me?” you looked at him with saddened eyes. 
“It’ll only be for a few years. I want to travel around and learn as much as I can before I come back and take my mother’s place as the court’s educator.” his hands rest on your shoulders and you look down in solemn, “It’s not forever, Y/N.”
“But we’re always together, Spence. You’ve been there for everything and-and-”
“Do you want me to stay?” he asks softly. You look up at him and he asks again, “Y/N, do you want me to stay? If you do, then I’ll stay.” you search his eyes and see that he’s completely serious. But you also see the yearning in his eyes, the need to explore and learn more.
“I do, but I won’t ask you to say. I can’t be selfish with you, Spencer.” you sigh and choke back a sob, “You’ll write to me, right?”
“Every chance I get,” he says with a smile and he pulls you into a hug, “I’ll miss you, Y/N.”
You hug him back with a sigh, “I’ll miss you too, Spencer.”
3 Years Later
Spencer leans against the carriage watching landscape and farmlands pass by. It’s been seen he’s left his home. In the three years he’s earned higher levels of education, learned so many new things, met so many new people. And then when his three years was up, he was going back home. 
He was so anxious to be home again. In a good way and a bad way. Good because he gets to see his mother again, bad because, well, he’ll be seeing you again. 
Within his first year abroad, you and Spencer exchanged letters. When the second year rolled around, the letters lessened. Eventually, the third year, he received no word from you. He didn’t know if something happened or if you just no longer wanted to keep contact. Either way, he didn’t send a letter back to you, not wanting to be a nuisance. 
Growing up by your side, a love blossomed within Spencer. A love for you. Yes, you struggled with your lessons, but the more Spencer helped, the more you were able to get it. Eventually, you didn’t need him to tutor you anymore, but you still wanted him around. You two played with each other, read in the library. You tried to teach him fencing, but that didn’t go well. Despite your differences, you found friendship within one another. And for Spencer, he found love. 
He was fourteen when he realized he loved you. You and he were in the gardens. He sat under a tree reading while you went around collecting flowers. He didn’t look up until he heard you giggling. 
He saw the mischievous look in your eyes, “What are you up to?”
“Nothing. I have a gift for you.”
“What is it?” from behind your back, you pulled out a flower crown you’ve woven together of branches and flowers, “That’s for me?”
“Yup!” you bend down to rest it on his head, “There. You’re the king of the gardens now!” you giggled, sitting beside him and resting along the trunk of the tree. 
Spencer looks to you and he feels his breath hitch when he sees that soft smile on your lips. You looked so pretty, so happy. He imagined leaning in and kissing you, but that wasn’t right. You’re the princess and he’s just the son of your teacher. You could never be.
From then on, despite his ever growing love for you, he kept his feelings hidden. And it broke his heart when he told you that he was leaving. It broke his heart even more when you stopped exchanging letters with him. 
But all of that must be pushed aside. He has a job to do now.
“This is so unnecessary,” you groan at the big poofy dress you were currently trying on. Your friends, Emily and Jennifer, or as she liked to be referred to as JJ, both snicker at you, “Tradition is tradition,” Emily jests and you roll your eyes. 
“Once I’m queen, to Hell with tradition,” you grumble, causing your friends to snicker more, “No more poofy dressed or corsets forced upon me or any lady of the court!” Your bedroom doors swing open and you dive behind the changing screen with a yelp. You peek from behind and see Penelope rushing in.
“Oh, it’s you, Penelope,” you step out from behind the changing screen.
Penelope practically stumbles over to you, slightly out of breath, “I-I-You-You need to-” she stops, clutching her sides, “Hold on,” you, Emily, and JJ smirk at each other in amusement and Penelope straightens up, “You will not believe who I saw!”
“Do tell, my analyst friend.”
“Spencer Reid!” she exclaimed with a squeal. 
Emily and JJ sat up, “Spencer Reid? As in our teacher’s son?” JJ asked.
“The Spencer who attended lessons with us and the one that Y/N was sooo in love with when we were children?”
You scowled at your friends, marching over to your bed and whacking them with your pillow, “I wasn’t in love with him!”
“Yes, you were!” the three women, proceeding to giggle at your frown. 
“Whatever! We haven’t exchanged letters within a year and a half. I don’t owe him my presence and I don’t expect him wanting to see me.”
Your door begins to open again and, with another yelp, you dive back behind the changing screen. 
You hear your mother’s voice as she greets the three ladies in your room and then she addresses you, “How does the gown fit, Y/N?”
You frown when you come out from behind the screen once more, “I hate it.”
“As did I when I was your age.”
“So why do I have to wear it?!”
Your mother sighs and shakes her head, “Y/N, this dress has been passed down for decades. Many women from the royal family wore this dress on their twenty-first birthday. It has a special significance in this family. And since you’re part of this family, you’re wearing it.”
You mumble out a, “Fine,” and your mother nods, “Perfect. Now change out of that and hang it. Also, someone would like to see you in the gardens. Don’t keep them waiting.”
Your mother leaves and once she’s gone, Emily, JJ, and Penelope help you out of your gown and corset.
Spencer has never felt so unsure about himself. Despite your lack of contact, he never once stopped thinking about you, never stopped caring about you. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he shouldn’t have requested your presence at all. He slips your birthday present back into his satchel and he’s ready to leave, but he hears your voice and it makes him freeze.
“You requested to see me, sir?”
He turns around and he’s taken back. In the three years he’s been away, you’ve grown into a beautiful young woman. The day that your day gown hangs around your body, the way that the sunlight hits your skin, it creates this glow about you that makes you seem...ethereal. 
“S-Spencer,” you practically whisper.
He approaches you but still keeps some distance away, “Hi, um, Y/N-Princess-Princess Y/N?”
You can’t help the giggle that escapes you, “Y/N is still fine, Spencer.”
“Oh. Okay, um,” he opens his satchel and digs out your present, “Happy birthday.” he holds it out and you see that it’s a book with a ribbon of your favorite color wrapped around it.
You take it, undoing the ribbon and flipping open the book. You see Spencer handwriting and your name written out - Dear Y/N...
You flip through other pages, seeing your name at the header and he proceeds to tell you what he’s done throughout his day, what he’s learned. You see little doodles, pressed leaves and flowers within the pages. 
You close the book and look back at Spencer, “What is this?”
“After our letters stopped, I-I don’t know-I felt the need to continue to write to you so I started a journal. Telling you everything about my time away from home.”
“...Because I missed you.”
“If you missed me, you shouldn’t have stopped writing me back.”
Spencer looks at you with confusion, “I didn’t stop writing you back. You stopped writing me back!”
“No, I didn’t!”
“Yes, you did! I sent two or three letters within weeks of each other and I never heard a word back! You just stopped replying!”
“Princess Y/N,” you look back to see Lady Strauss looking at you with a stern gaze, “You’re needed at court.”
You clench your jaw and look back to Spencer, “I need to go,” you push the book back to Spencer and pick up your gown, walking away from him. You pass Lady Strauss with a nod and she watches you head to the court room.
Lady Strauss then turns to Spencer, “Know your place, boy. She’s a princess. You’re a teacher. You’re from two different worlds. It’s not meant to be.” with that, the older woman leaves, leaving Spencer to feel confused and dejected.
“The audacity of him!” you gasp when your handmaidens pull at the strings of your corset, “He really thinks that I stopped replying to his letters? Why would I? How could I? And erase our years of friendship together? I can’t believe him!” you gasp again and your maidens apologize, “It’s alright. These things are just....horrendous,” you grumble.
It took hours to get you ready for your birthday ball, but you were ready. You waited for everyone to enter the ballroom, standing by your mother’s side. This was supposed to be a happy event, but you just felt so sad and angry. 
“Smile, darling. It’s a joyous occasion,” your mother mumbles before the doors swing open for you two to enter the ballroom. You put on a fake smile and entered the room, everyone bowing as you passed them. 
“Everyone, please enjoy yourselves!” your mother announced. The band started up again and you immediately went for some wine. 
“Already?” you hear as you gulp down an entire glass. You turn to see JJ and Emily smirking at you.
You roll your eyes, “I’ve had a long day.”
“So...how was seeing Spencer again?” JJ asked with a smirk and you narrowed your eyes at her, “What? Word travels fast!”
You took another glass of wine, gulping that down, “I swear, Jennifer, you’ll turn out to be likes these gossiping hags,” you muttered, causing Emily to burst into laughter. 
“If it wasn’t your birthday, Y/N, I would pour wine over that hideous dress.”
“Please, do.”
You smile at your best friends as you hook your arms around theirs, “Now let’s go mingle, ladies.”
After dinner, your mother stood up, wine glass in hand, “Everyone. I’d like to thank you again for coming tonight to celebrate my Y/N’s twenty-first birthday. Not only does this year signify you finally becoming a woman, Y/N, it also means that this will be the year that you will find a husband.” you nervously gulp as your mother raises her glass up, everyone, including you, doing the same.
“To Princess Y/N!”
“To Princess Y/N!” 
Like earlier before, you gulped down your wine, excusing yourself for some air. You move to a balcony that overlooks the kingdom. The cool air refreshes your face. The music and festivities continue inside while you’re trying to calm yourself outside.
“Are you okay?” you jump, hearing a sudden voice. 
You look over your shoulder to see Spencer. He’s in a white button-up with black slacks. It’s not as luxurious as what the other men are wearing inside, but you had admit he still looks good.
You look back out to the kingdom when you ask, “What are you doing here? I don’t recall you being invited.”
“My mom was invited and I’m her plus one,” he states as he joins you at the stone railing of the balcony. He lets out a deep breath and rests his drink onto the platform, “What happened to us, Y/N?”
“You stopped-”
“I didn’t. But apparently neither did you, so it begs the question: who stopped our letters from reaching each other?”
“Princess Y/N,” you both turn around to see Lady Strauss, “You should really be mingling with your guests inside instead of this peasant boy.”
Spencer’s jaw clenches and nose flares in anger. For the second time today, Lady Strauss has interrupted you both and has insulted Spencer. Again, you excuse yourself from Spencer’s presence. 
“What did I say-”
“She looked upset. I was just checking on her, that’s it,” he sneers and moves to leave, but Lady Strauss grabs him tightly by the wrist, “Stay away from her, boy. You can never be together. What do you have to offer her? A sickly mother and an annoying array of knowledge? You have nothing to provide for a princess. So whatever silly feelings you had for her growing up, get rid of them,” she sneers and let’s go of his wrist. 
Spencer rubs his wrist as he goes back to his mother. How does Lady Strauss know so much about him?
Spencer allowed his mother to continue teaching until the end of the month. In the meantime, he’d be refreshing up on information in another part of the library, while also doing a secret project on the side. The librarian and historical analyst, Penelope, aided him whenever he needed. Penelope had a certain set of skills that were very helpful on finding certain information. 
“So what Sir Derek from the Royal Guards told me that he heard from Lady Emily that she heard from Lady JJ that she-”
“Right! So, Strauss assigned some men to interfere with your letters. According to whoever our sources may be, she didn’t like how you two got very close, thus ruining her plans of getting our dearest princess wedded to her son.”
“It was her behind this all along. That-That-That hag! Because of her, I’ve lost my friendship with Y/N and now I may never get to tell her how I really feel!”
“Well, my knowledgeable friend, our dear princess will be coming in soon to read to some of the court’s children. You can tell her then!”
Spencer liked the idea but he shook his head, “I can’t. Despite my anger towards Lady Strauss, she’s right. Y/N and I are from two different worlds. If she did return my affections and we did end up together, I’m to be king alongside her. I’m not king material, Penelope.”
The analyst shrugged, “You’re kind, loyal, caring, logical, strategic. Sounds like a king to me.”
“But I can’t protect the kingdom if need be. I never found interest in swordfighting or archery.”
“Y/N does, so that means you don’t need to worry about that.”
“But still Y/N. I’m...I’m not enough.”
“Let me decide on that,” Spencer heard your voice and looked up to see you standing there some distance away. 
“Y/N!” he stood up abruptly, “I-uh-”
“Uuuuhhh coming!” Penelope cried out and scrambled away from the two of you. 
You slowly approached him and he gulped, “H-How much of that did you hear?”
“Which part? The part about Lady Strauss being a scheming hag? Or the part about you having affections for me and being afraid that I won’t return the sentiment?”
“I was so heartbroken when your letters stopped coming in. I thought-I thought you no longer wanted to speak to me, that you found comfort in someone else. I loved you and I felt my heart shatter when I didn’t hear a peep from you. And now it turns out that one of my mother’s advisors was behind my heartbreak and not you. It’s...overwhelming.”
“You loved me?” Spencer asked in disbelief and you nodded, “I thought it was obvious, honestly. How I always wanted to spend time you, how I barely entertained being the presence of other boys.”
“I thought it was because we were best.”
“No, it was because I loved you. And seeing you again on my birthday, despite me being upset with you, everything came rushing back. I don’t think I ever really stopped loving you, Spencer.”
“Neither did I,” he breathed out, hands coming up to cup your face, “May I-May I kiss you?”
“Please,” you whispered, leaning in for your lips to meet his. The kiss was soft and gentle and everything you always imagined a first kiss to be. 
When you both pull away for air, you’re both smiling and chuckling, relishing the feeling of being in each other’s arms.
“Marry me,” he murmurs.
“We’ve loved each other since we were children. And I can’t promise that I will be a good king, but I’m willing to learn to be, as long as you’re by my side.”
“Do you mean it?” you ask with such elatedness.
He nods, “Yes. So, will you?”
“Yes! Oh god, yes, I will marry you!” you kiss him again, but pull back with a gasp, “What will my mother say?”
“She will say that you have her blessing,” you see your mother standing there beside a nervous Penelope. 
“I’m-I’m sorry, Y/N. She was looking for you and she’s the queen and I didn’t think you two would be-well-”
You chuckle out, “It’s okay, Penelope.”
Your mother walks towards the both of you, hands clasped in front of her, “I always knew you two were meant for each other, ever since you were children. It doesn’t surprise me that you love each other and want to be with one another.” she has a fond smile on her face as she glances down at your intertwined hands.
“You really give us your blessing, mother? Even if Spencer isn’t part of the court?”
“Well, you always said that some traditions need to die out. Might as well start now,” she smiles widely and you throw your arms around her, whispering, “Thank you.”
Months later into the year, you’re standing beside Spencer wearing a beautiful red and gold dress while he stands before you wearing the most regal uniform you’ve ever seen. Your wedding, a month previous to this, was a beautiful one filled with love, tears, and kisses. 
The officiant holds out the crown above you, “I now pronounce you Queen Y/N and King Spencer. Long live the king and queen!”
With crowns donning your hands, you and Spencer stand, hand in hand, while everyone proclaims, “Long live the king and queen!”
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embrassemoibebe · 5 years
the final interview ― michael langdon
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pairing ― Michael Langdon/Reader
summary ― Michael calls you for a final interview to decide if you deserve to live in his new world but the test isn’t like any other. It’s to test you neediness, desire, and fertility. And Michael has great plans for you. 
warnings ― [soft] Dom! Michael, Smut, Teasing, Dirty Talk, Degradation, Fingering, Oral (Male Receiving), Penetration, Breath Play.
word count  ― 3000
additional notes ― All that’s revealed is that Michael is the antichrist and the end of the world so no spoilers?? The reader is purple, uses fem pronouns. Open to rewriting it to use male pronouns/body parts if you want that. Dom! Michael throughout most but there's a moment where he’s more soft dom! Michael.
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        You had been in this room twice before. It’s larger than your bedroom, despite being a purple, probably three times that size. It had light walls, dark wood floors, and was filled with bookshelves. Near the middle of the room was where Mr. Langdon sat, staring at you so intensely like he always did.          He was dressed beautifully as always. His long strawberry locks curled at the end hitting just below his broad shoulders, he wore a black jacket, his undershirt was a blood-red button-up made of silk, and he matched it with black pants and boots. His face was still, like usual, and his demeanor was unreadable so you were slightly grateful when he finally spoke: “Do you know why you’re here, Ms. Y/L/N?”
        “I believe so,” you spoke “Another interview?”         He nods “Yes, that would be correct. I’ll be blunt, Ms. Y/L/N, you are a strong candidate for our new world,” his lips almost perked up but not just.         You give him a slight smile "I'm flatter, Mr. Langdon."         You think you hear him chuckle for a moment but you can't be sure, his lips perk up "Well, isn't that great. There's just one final part of this interview - a test per se - Y/N," he tells you his voice carries a sort of warning to it "Feel free to leave if it gets to be too much for you." You furrow your eyes brows, too much for you, what kind of test requires that warning. You can tell in his voice he isn't there for questions and almost sensing your thoughts he begins to speak again.
        "As we discussed periodically through your interviews one of our biggest concerns about our new world is repopulation, along with parenting and genetics, we only want to choose the best. There are only a few chosen for this and this test is going to be your last obstacle to if you make it into our new world," he leaves his chair slowly walking to you and softly, slowly takes one of his long ring clad fingers and brushes a strand of your hair out of your face "Tell me, Y/N, how far will you go for a place in my new world?"
        "The farthest."        
        It was all he needed to hear. He could see inside your head, hear inside of your tone, that you meant it and he smiled knowing he could carry out his father's order perfectly "Then strip." He could see a hesitant glance in your eyes but it did prevent you from standing in front of your superior as you begin to unbutton the top your purple dress. You slip your arms out of the short sleeves that are trimmed with frilly lilac lace, and begin working on your long poofy skirt, Michael can't help but roll his eyes. Bringing his large hands to your skirt and grabbing both sides before pulling it apart making you gasp. He quickly begins work on your corset as you put your hands on his chest. 
        As you stand before him completely nude he lets his hands trail up your thighs and they grab at your ass making your whimper and bite your lip, looking up at him with wide, hazy eyes "Do you like that?" he teasingly asks. 
        You swallow the lump in your throat "Yes..."
        "Yes, what?
        "Master?" you ask hesitantly.
        He smirks and nods "Good girl," he lets go of you as and moves his hand to your neck, slightly grabbing it before quickly trailing his fingers up to your mouth his thumb teasing your lips. You part them for him and he hums in approval leading it into your mouth instinctively you suck on it, closing your lips around it and letting your tongue slightly brush his thump. "Have you thought about this before?" he thinks aloud "Me staring above your forcing my fingers into your pretty mouth? I think you have. I'm sure every time you leave this room you go to yours and let your tiny hands take off your dress and then let your fingers explore your body. Rubbing, fingering, and pleading to find release as your thoughts only see me and hear my name," he finishes. Your breathing had sped up and you could already imagine a sport forming in your panties as he spoke so confidently. You sucked on his finger hard swirling your tongue around it with a small moan - an offering - and clarity of truth.
        His other hand finds your shoulder as he shoves you to your knees "If you want to use your mouth, pet, then use it properly."
        You nod and start taking off his belts licking your suddenly dry lips as you pull his black pants down and feel him through his underwear. He feels big and you look up at him as you finally take him completely into your hands and give a kitten lick to his head. You try to hide the nervousness his girth and length give you and start off slowly. He lets out a groan "No teasing, pet."         "Yes master," you say your eyes catching him as your stroke his length. Keeping eye contact your bring your mouth to hard member and take his head into it, swirling your tongue just like you did around his thumb and your relish in the groan that leaves his perfect mouth. You begin to bob slowly up and down up and down your worries of not being able to fit his large cock in your mouth subside as it seems like a perfect fit, stretching you to the point the corners of your lips have a slight burn but it feels oh so good. 
        Michael felt equally as lecherous, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as you worked on his length. His hand fought into your hair as he let out little hums and moans. Maybe, his father was right, you were meant to be his. Everything fits so perfectly - though that may need further testing. "Ah, such a good girl," he praised you, using the make-shift ponytail as a way to guide on his cock. You let him looking up at him with your large eyes as he face-fucked you, drool leaking out of the sides of your mouth as you took it like a champ. So good, so perfect he thought. He could smell your want and wetness in the air "Don't touch yourself," he orders "Or I'll punish you."
        You tried your best not to cough, finding breathes when he would pull you down letting his cock leave your throat. Even with the roughness it still felt so wonderful and you fought the feeling of wanting to touch yourself. Keeping your hands obediently on your knees just like he ordered. Suddenly, he stopped and let you pull away gasping. His long fingers caressed your hot cheeks and he gave you a comforting smile "You're doing so good pet," he praises "You deserve a reward."
        He held out one of his hands and you take it letting him softly lead you over to his desk. He lets go of your hand for a moment and undresses fully taking off his jacket and button-up before he sits down and spreads his legs, softly patting for you to sit. You take a seat on one of his lips and he trails his nose up your neck and uses his hand to part your legs. "Tell me how you please yourself," he whispers into your ear slightly nibbling the shell of it lightly. You let out a quiet breath and try to swallow some spit to help wet your dry throat, however, as he notices Michael grabs a cup on his desk gives a soft "Drink," to you. You grasp it and take a sip, to your surprise it's coffee and you savor the taste. How does he have coffee? "You can have all the coffee you want when you complete your test," he says with a hum "So, be a good girl, and tell me how you please yourself."
        You nod at him and turn your head to face him letting one of your hands rest on his chest "Do you please yourself, Master?"         He smiles "Call me Michael," and lets his fingers trail up your bare thighs "Your so wet, pet. Do you want me to take care of that for you?" he asks letting his fingers slide in between your slick folds causing a moan to leave your mouth. You nod vigorously and murmur yes to him. He immiedetly lets two fingers lazily rub at your clit as he nuzzles into your neck "Talk princess."         You let out a soft moan and try to gather your thoughts "When I touch myself at night. I think of you. Sometimes it's during one of our interviews you'll start to ask those personal questions and I'll feel your foot trail up my leg or you'll walk over and start to touch me. Telling me to keep answering the questions or you'll stop. Sometimes you tell me to be quiet and - oh!" you stop as he suddenly thrust his fingers inside your cunt.         "Keep talking or I'll stop, my little slut," he teases.         You scratch at his skin and swallow another moan "And," you start again "When I make a noise you tell me that I'm a bad girl and that people who can't follow your rules don't belong in your world but then you say I can make it up to you. And you tell me to get on my knees, sometimes, or you grab me by my throat and force me to bend over your dress before telling me not to make a noise and you shove yourself inside of me and it's so hard not to when you fuck me so hard," you tell him letting out gasp and mewls as you do.          "Do you like that? Be choked? Having someone fuck you with all their anger while their hand is wrapped around your pretty neck?"         You mewl pathetically on his lap "Yes, Michael!"         Michael has a hard time to keep his breath steady as you tell him your fantasy. He gets the eagerness to follow through with them and push you against the desk and fuck you hard as you want but he keeps working at your cunt. As you go to talk again he hushes you "It's fine, pet, just enjoy yourself now. You did well." His fingers speeding up and taking a moment to curl them up against your g-spot. Making you moan aloud. Michael keeps his fingers at the pace and curls them up "There you go, your such a good girl. Cum for me. Cum for your master, Y/N," he urges you biting his lips at the symphony that is your build up as your hands have found their way to his neck and you're simply withering on his lip. As you hit your peak he bends his head down capturing your lips in his, silencing your moans in a passionate kiss. You ride out your high with his tongue in your mouth, his fingers still thrusting into you as you buck back at them. Finally, you calm and pull away from him, you let out gasps of breath as you try to rest.
        But Michael doesn't give you the chance. Picking you up as your legs wobble as putting you on his desk stomach down. He spanks you once and you let out a moan. "Do you want to rest?" he asks mockingly, grabbing your hair "Little sluts don't get to rest and that's what you are, aren't you?"         You moan "Yes!"         "Say it," he orders spanking you again "Tell Master your a dirty little slut."         "I'm a dirty little slut, Master!"         You feel the head of his large cock drag against your lips as he continues to tease you "Do you want this? Hmm? Want to feel me inside of you, fucking you hard as you wanted since your first fantasy. Tell me how much you want it... tell me why you deserve it."         "Please" you whine "Please Master! Please fuck me. I want you to use me in any way you want and do whatever you want to me.  I'll take all of it and beg for me, please, make me your little slu-"         He cuts you off as he shoves himself inside of you completely. Filling you to the brim perfectly. Its a mixture of pain and pleasure as he starts bucking into you immediately, giving you no time to adjust to him. He stretches your cunt so much and from the angle, he laid you at every time he thrust your clit grinds against the wood desk underneath you. You're practically screaming during his rough assault against you, one hand smacking your ass until it's raw and the other grabbing your neck and pull you up against you. "If only you could see yourself?" he degrades "So pathetic. Like a greedy little fuck doll," you only respond by moaning (at least what you can get out) "Still," he says stopping his assault on your ass to bring his fingers to your sensitive clit rubbing fast and rough and loosens his grip on your throat "I think I'll keep you."         You mewl at his words "Thank you, Master!"       
        He continues his rough attack letting you fall back into doggy as you moan underneath him. It's not long before you coming again, his fingers working at you as you. He eggs you on as you cum telling you how your such a good girl. His peak isn't far away either and his eyes turn black as he thinks about last night. When he was first told who you truly were. Not just a random girl who felt a strange pull towards - you were his. Made perfectly for him - your body, your mind, your soul. And now, he had finally got to have you to himself. And all he wanted to do was feel that sweet feeling his father had told him about; bliss.         You whine at the emptiness as he pulls out of you but he quickly pulls you up and turns you the face him. You climb up onto his desk again still looking at his handsome face. He leans down and presses his lips against yours you kiss him back feverishly. Letting your fingers go into his soft hair. One of his hands goes to your waist and the other starts to lazily stroke your clit making you whine a little "I can't," you mumble.          "Yes, you can," he says moving his hand from your waist and to his cock as he aligns himself with your cunt. He gives a soft thrust into you but quickly picks up the pace still rubbing at your clit as you both moan and groan. His other hand pulls you closer to him and you both share a french kiss. You stare up at him and he rests his forehead against yours, "You were made for me," he says gazing into your eyes "And now, we're going to start the new world together."         You don't know why but you find yourself nodding "Please," you beg quietly "I want it so much."         Once again your lips meet but only for a quick second as Michael speeds up and throws his head back groaning "Come with me," he says and starts rubbing at your clit quickly. As you two stay together your moans fill up his entire office and your sure Veneable and the others can hear. You reach your peak scratching at his back and suddenly an unhuman growl tears from Michael making you look at him as you come down and as he hits his peak you swear his face turns to something white, ghastly, and unholy but it doesn't scare you. All you do is hold onto him tighter as he cums deep inside of you, and he feels that buzz of bliss in his head. This was it - the new world.
        As you rest Michael picks you up bridal style and cradles you in his arms before opening the door to his bedroom and putting you in the silk-coated bed. He'd let you rest now. Tomorrow, he'd show you the wonders of his world. The things they had hidden from you - laptops, a forever food supply, and completely reign beside him. For that, though, you need to be at full energy, in the meantime, he'll lay beside you and admire the work you've both done. He had created the new world - one you'll reign with him - and it just increased by three, if that's anything to say for the lives growing inside of you. 
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I hope you enjoyed this! if you do then please reblog and feel free to give constructive criticism. I have other work posted so check that out if you enjoyed it. request are closed, taglist is open.
michael langdon taglist:
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queensdivas · 5 years
That Silly Wig!
I’ve never written a short so fast in my entire life of my God! Not a super long one because I have other stuff to do sadly! 
I was deeply inspired by the recent drawing of @eileen-crys​ with her comic and I literally threw everything aside to write this! I gotta stop doing this kind of crap so much so I can focus on my remaining school work! But anyway. Hope you enjoy! 
That lovely artwork of hers!
@filmslutt​ @mexifangorl​ @leah-halliwell92​ @i-live-for-queen​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @brianmydear​ @bonafiderocketqueen​ @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​ @painkiller80​ @seven-seeds-of-rhye​ @seven-seas-of-fuck-you​ @sevenseasofky​
@yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @minigirl87​ @natalijalucreziah​ @crayonwriting​ @owensgrxdy​ @deacyspatronusisacheesetoastie​ @darlingyourebeingabore​ @queenwouldyourathers​
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Rounding up what Freddie calls the Deaklings was a lot more difficult than you could ever imagine. Have to make sure that Laura has her favorite stuffed animal, making sure Michael wasn’t annoying Robert too badly, then packing the diaper bag for Josh and his favorite toys. And all without a nanny! Super Mom right here! Though Chrissy has made it very appealing to finally get one but Robert and Michael are basically grown children so it’s a little easier now in a sense. 
But today is meant to a very good day for the six of us which includes Deaky. We’re finally spending some family time by taking them out for a picnic in Bushy Park! We’ve been wanting to take the kids there for a while, yet our timing has been non existent. He has to do some filming for a new music video then on lunch he plans on taking a longer one for us to go. 
“Alright kids! We’re moving in t-minus five minutes!” Yelling up the stairs for the thunder of children to start running down the stairs. Robert and Michael were the first ones down as Laura was slowly making her way down with her stuffed Fox Brian gave her when she was born. 
Grabbing Josh's diaper bag from the floor to throw on my shoulder to then pick him up from his play crib. He wrapped himself around me as I picked him up. Kissing the top of his forehead as I walked out of the house, locking the door to see the kids are already in the car ready to go. Man did we raise some very well behaved kids! Until Robert and Michael start fighting over their toys. 
We arrived to the set where they were filming their new music video as the kids beginning to bounce around in the backseat. I pulled into the parking spot to see Brian coming out with his hairs all in plastic curls in his hair and in his regular clothes. 
“Uncle Brian!” Laura screamed as they all rushed out of the car to hug their Uncle. I got out to unbuckle Josh for him to cling himself on me again. Ever since Josh was born he’s always just kept himself attached to me and for a reason he hasn’t really had much interest in John which is very concerning. Maybe it’s just a very long phase. 
“Well hello there Daisy! What brings you to our neck of the woods?” Brian picked up Laura who gave him a huge hug. 
“We’re going on a picnic to Bushy Park!” Richard yelled as we began walking into the set for the hustling and bustling of the crew. 
“Say. Where’s Chrissy anyhow?” Asking Brian as he put down Laura. 
“She’s got work and the kids are off with my parents for the week so Chrissy and I could have some us time.” Nodding as we turned the corner for Roger to come strutting out in a school girl outfit! Trying to not laugh but Robert was already losing it. 
“Uncle Roger is dressed like a girl!” He began strutting himself towards us to make Laura and even Josh giggle a little bit. 
“Can’t believe you managed to round up all Dealings in such a fashion!” Roger commented as Robert finally stopped laughing at Roger’s getup. I’m guessing that this was either his idea or Freddie’s idea. But I’m definitely leaning towards Roger at this point because he’s really enjoying himself. 
“Let me guess Roger. This was all you?” Asking as he took off his sunglasses to wink at me. Oh goodness it was! Well he looks fantastic! Brian took off his robe to appear in a pink nightgown and to slip on his pinky bunny slippers. Oh dear God! Wait. ARE THOSE JOHNS PINK BUNNY SLIPPERS!? I got John those slippers back in college because he always complained about his feet getting cold whenever he would come over for homework! He still kept them? 
“Love the slippers.” Even one of the buttons is missing when Robert pulled them out when he was a baby. I know it seems stupid to be happy about a old pair of bunny slippers but ya know. We’ve been together for so long and with all our children, it's easy to forget the times when we would do silly stuff like that all the time. 
“Mommy where’s Dad?” Laura asked as we could hear John and Freddie laughing down the hallway as Paul came out of the dressing room. He looked at us to roll his eyes and continue on his way to wherever he was going. Paul says that bringing our kids to the studio or the set isn’t a good idea, so John always makes sure we stop by to say hello. 
“Dad is probably getting ready so we shouldn’t disturb him okay.” I told her as she held onto her toy fox a little tighter. She is definitely daddy’s little girl and at this age feels kind of empty without him. Trust me it’s difficult when he’s at the studio for ungodly hours and she wants John to read her a bedtime story. She doesn’t throw temper tantrums or anything, just gets all quiet and holds onto her fox a little tighter. Such as she’s doing now. Brian bought that for her on her first birthday and she loved it ever since. Trust me she will never let go of it even if her life depended on it. But it is pretty cute so who could blame her. 
Roger began walking us to where they were getting ready with Michael riding on his shoulders and Robert walking ahead of us. Not sure why but Michael has always found Roger to be his favorite out of the three of them with Robert being close to Freddie since he spoils the living hell out of them for birthdays and holidays. 
“How’s the music going Rog?” I asked him as we rounded the corner to hear Freddie laughing. 
“It’s going great! Freddie’s got another hit in the works so it should be something pretty good as always.” 
“Awesome! And how's Dom?” 
“She’s doing fantastic! Plan on taking her to Switzerland for the week to celebrate our anniversary.” Oh my god when John and I went to Switzerland before Michael was born was such a wonderful time! 
“That’s awesome! Tell her I said hello obviously.” Smiling to see Freddie coming out of their dressing room in their costume. Oh my god they look terrific! Freddie wearing a beautiful black wig with huge pink earrings and pink lipstick. He wore a pink sleeveless top and a black leather skirt. 
“The Deaklings!” He laughed as Robert ran towards him and gave him a big hug. Like I said Robert was his favorite and Freddie loved Robert. Hell I think Freddie would want to be his godfather. 
“Uncle Freddie! Did Dad tell you we finally got a cat!? She’s super fat, super furry, and the biggest green eyes!” Robert told him which made me smile. 
“Never thought she would let you! What’s its name!?” Robert dug into his coat pocket to pull out his Polaroid of the new cat. 
“Her name is Matilda!” He handed Freddie the pic as he smiled for the fuzzy cat on the picture. Yes we finally got a cat for the family because they’re easy to take care of, and hello! It’s a cat! 
“She absolutely gorgeous. Oh my goodness she’s humongous! Can’t wait to meet her whenever I come over for tea!” Him and Robert began going off as John came out of the dressing room looking like an old lady with puffy grey wig. I couldn't help myself to start laughing for my husband to be looking like my own mother! What on earth is Roger doing to my husband! 
“My dear husband what has Roger done to you?” Walking over to him as he placed his hand on top of Josh's head to kiss him. Josh turned himself to start reaching for John to scoop him up and give him another forehead kiss to leave a lipstick mark on his head. 
“He’s brought me to misery.” He groaned as he leaned in to kiss me. Giving each other peck to see Robert giggling again at John with Michael just smiling. 
“Dad why are you dressed up like grandma!?” Robert laughed with made Freddie laugh. Robert definitely gets Deakys witty comments and his ability to make everyone laugh. 
“I think you look cool Dad!” Michael cheered. 
“Thank you Michael!” John smiled at the children as Freddie grabbed their hands to start walking them to the set for the free food. 
“I’m assuming you’re having loads of fun.” Keeping my eye on Josh for him to latch himself around John as I was hoping in the end. Phew. 
“Darling of course.” He kissed my lips again as Laura was still hiding behind me. She squeezed her stuffed Fox trying to hold back her sniffling. Her eyes began to water as her sniffling continued to grow a little more louder. 
“That’s not my dad, that old lady doesn’t look like dad..where’s dad..” Wait what? We looked down to see her starting to cry. 
“THAT’S NOT MY DAD! WHERE IS PAPA!” Laura exploded in tears as we both looked down at her in confusion. She hid her face behind her stuffed Fox for not knowing her own father before her. 
“Laura that’s papa! He’s just wearing a silly costume.” Trying to make her smile but it was not working whatsoever. She was still sobbing as John kneeled down to me to hand me Josh. He moved her in front of her so he could face her and try to calm her down. 
“Laura, my princess it’s me! It’s just a costume and a little makeup.” He whipped her tears away so she could see John in all his makeup. She still wasn’t convinced so he ripped off his wig for his poofy hair to expand!
“See? A silly wig and makeup!” He smiled to toss the wig on the ground for her to stop crying. She moved the fox away from her face as she jumped into his arms. 
“You scared me Papa!” He got up with her in his arms as her fox dangled behind his neck. 
“I’m sorry Princess! Papa wouldn’t scare you on purpose!” John held her tightly as he was so upset he made Laura cry. Even though he’s busy with his work, he loves our little Deaklings with all his soul and hates it when they’re upset. Especially his princess. 
“Mr. Hamish doesn’t want you to cry now does he.” He grabbed her fox to place in front of her so she could hold it again. 
“No Mr. Hamish doesn’t want me to cry Papa.” She giggled as he put her down on the ground to hold her hand. He even went so far to scoop Josh from me so he could walk with his kids to the set. Grabbing his wig from the floor to watch as he walked away with our children laughing with them. 
How is it even possible to love someone so much? I feel like my love for him could explode as he’s such a wonderful father, a loving husband, and one cheeky devil. 
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macdentrash · 6 years
hey writing prompt here.... the gang on various game/reality shows... specifically say yes to the dress or like guys grocery games like the family ones
“What the hell are you trying to do to me? Do you hate me? This is horrendous” Dee says to the Kleinfeld worker as she pulls out various dresses for Dee to appraise.
“I’m sorry ma’am, your requested styles were quite confusing. I wasn’t sure what to grab for you”
“Confusing? How is ‘classy with just the right hint of slutty’ confusing? I thought that this place was the best of the best, the workers should really be trained better. Why else would I have dragged my ass here to be on this dumbass show? Speaking of that, is there any prizes or anything because I am feeling pretty screwed right about now” Dee practically spits at the woman who is still holding a dress up towards her, she looks frightened.
“No, there’s not any prizes. The purpose of this is to find you the wedding dress of your dreams—“ the woman is cut off by Dee
“No prizes? Really? Are you sure? This is getting ridiculous. Just go out and find me something in this goddamn store that won’t make me look like a bird” Dee says to the woman.
The worker quickly hustles out of the room like she can’t get away quick enough. Dee sighs and looks at herself in the mirror, she rolls her eyes at herself and turns away. Suddenly, Dee hears noise outside the dressing room door. Somebody starts knocking loudly.
“Dee would you please hurry up? We’re all dying of boredom out here” Dennis whisper hisses at Dee from outside of the dressing room.
“I’ll be out as soon as that lady comes back with something that doesn’t make me gag” Dee says.
“Dee, if we have to wait until you find something that you look even moderately good in then we’re going to sitting out here until the fucking world ends. White is so not your color, it totally clashes with your undertones” Dennis says with a sigh.
“Ok, ok, I will come out as quickly as I can! Now will you please fuck off?” Dee asks.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll fuck off” Dennis says. Dee hears his footsteps retreat and she is alone with her thoughts again.
Dee has just started to settle into the silence when the Kleinfeld woman comes back into the room, her arms full of white dresses in varying materials. She puts the pile of dresses down and Dee moves towards the pile and starts sifting through the new options. Dee pulls out a simple silk dress in a pearly white, it has a few embellishments here and there but isn’t overly gaudy. Dee quickly undresses and slips the silky dress over her head. She glances at herself in the mirror, she isn’t offended by the image of herself staring back and she thinks that she actually looks pretty. Dee turns from the mirror and heads out the dressing room door.
When Dee walks up the family area she sees her group all sitting around the couch, bickering as usual. Directly in front of where the couch sits there is a platform and a mirror.
“Dude, that’s total bullshit. An alligator would totally beat a bear in a fight. How is this even a question to you? This whole conversation is fucking ridiculous” Charlie says to seemingly no one in particular.
“When would an alligator and a bear even encounter each other in order to do battle? They live in different environments. Call me if you ever see an alligator climbing a tree in pursuit of a goddamn bear” Dennis shoots back at Charlie.
“Well, what if a bear was trying to like catch a fish and then an alligator popped up and wanted to battle over the fish? There’s only so many fish out there to catch man” Mac says, joining the conversation.
Frank stares at all of them in disbelief and pulls Artemis closer to him. God, Dee hopes that they don’t have sex in the bathroom of the bridal shop.
Dee clears her throat and everybody turns to look at her. They’re all quite (for once) as she climbs up onto the platform and does a spin for them.
“Fucking finally” Dennis says. Mac and Charlie nod in agreement.
“Wow, look at you Deandra. My little girl all grown up. You don’t look like a skank for once” Frank says.
“You’re not my dad Frank but thank you, I think.” Dee says.
“As I said earlier, white is not your color but it doesn’t look as bad as I thought it might” Dennis says.
“You look… good Dee. Is that the one you want? Can we leave now?” Charlies asks.
“This is the first dress that I’ve tried on Charlie! No, it’s not time to leave” Dee gives Charlie a look that should shut him up for a couple of minutes at least.
“Well, we’ve all seen the dress. I’m going to go put on another and come back out” Dee says and starts climbing off the platform. Soon she disappears back into the dressing room.
Mac turns to Dennis and says “Dude, you are so right. White is definitely not her color. Aren’t you only supposed to wear white to a wedding if you’re a virgin? She’s definitely deluding herself”
Dennis nods and says “She should try something different. I don’t know if she can pull off a bold wedding dress color but she should do like a beige or something. Beige is good right?”
Mac leans in to respond but is cut off when Dee stumbles back out and onto the platform. This time she is in a big poofy princess wedding dress.
The whole group starts to laugh and point, barely able to contain themselves. Dee’s face flushes a bright red and flips them off.
“Fuck you guys, I look like a goddess” Dee says with venom in her tone.
“Dee, you look like a fucking cupcake!” Frank wheezes out in between laughs.
“It’s just so… not you that it’s hilarious” Mac says.
“Can I add that it’s not doing your body any favors? You really need to work on your dress selection. Dress for your body Dee! This is just sad. It looks like that atrocious prom dress that you wore during the underage drinking scheme” Dennis says.
Dee flips them all off again and heads to her dressing room. She comes in and out a few times sporting different styles of dresses. She gets mixed reactions but all of the dresses are pretty basic and boring. She is starting to get tired of walking back and forth in these goddamned dresses.
While Dee is busy in the dressing room, the gang is getting into more trouble as time goes on. Charlie gets caught trying to cut up pieces of a lace dress, muttering something about needing more suitable material for his rats’ nest. Frank is trying to step into a wedding dress and Artemis is flirting unabashedly with the dressing room woman that Dee had harassed earlier. Mac and Dennis are caught making out in one of the dressing rooms, making extremely loud noises. They are all ushered back to their places on the family couch. Usually the store would just throw them out but they don’t want to waste such entertaining footage for their show.
Dee comes out in the original silk dress and steps onto the platform. She spins around a few times and smiles down at everyone.
“Didn’t we see that one already?” Mac asks
“Yes, we did Mac. Deandra can we move on? Why are you trying on things we’ve already seen?” Dennis says.
“God, you dicks! I have this one on again because I think this is the one. It’s classy with just the right amount of slutty which is just what I wanted” Dee smiles at them.
“If you like that one so much then why have you been trying on so many others?” Charlie asks.
“I wanted to make sure that this was the one and it is! Be happy, at least I picked one and now we can get out of here” Dee says
“Are you saying yes to the dress Deandra Reynolds?” the Kleinfeld worker asks enthusiastically.
“Yes!” Dee squeals and hugs the worker.
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yoosungiib · 7 years
RFA + Minor Trio reacting to their daughter picking out wedding dresses and she finds the perfect one.
RFA + Minor Trio reacting to their daughter picking out the perfect wedding dress
★ Yoosung ★
Yoosung was so happy that his daughter asked him to accompany her to pick out their wedding dress.
With you being away and her friends busy, the daughter thought this would be a perfect time for bonding with her dad, and not only that, she thought dress shopping with him would be fun.
She wasn’t expecting to find the one, but it just so happened that after the tenth dress or so, she found the dress that fit her perfectly, looked elegant on her, and she felt comfortable in.
Yoosung was in tears.
He was so happy.
His little girl just looked so beautiful and happy. The dress really was perfect. 
“Y-y-you look so b-b-beautiful, I’m s-so happy I was able t-t-to w-witness you finding the p-p-perfect dress.”
“Aw, dad.”
Yoosung wants to pay for the dress. This is on him. He’s not financially stable at the moment but he has already paid a lot towards the wedding. He can buy the dress-
“24 thousand fucking dollars?”
Nevermind, they do split sys.
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♪ Zen ♪
He gets really bored shopping to be honest, so normally when you or his daughter asks him to come dress shopping he declines and says he has work,
But his daughters wedding dress?
Oh, he’s coming for that.
You and him watch your daughter come back and forth with different dresses on. 
All of them are gorgeous but none of which she felt was the one.
That was of course until your daughter came out in a stunning dress that’s poofy at the bottom and lacy at the top.
Zen is flabbergasted at how beautiful his daughter looks. He’s speechless.
You are beside him crying, your daughter is shedding a few tears and he just can’t believe his daughter is getting married. And he can’t believe he was able to witness her finding the perfect dress!
He smiles and pulls his daughter into a hug, careful not to tear the dress.
“You look absolutely beautiful. I’m so happy you found the one”
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❀ Jaehee ❀
Every dress her daughter sported, Jaehee loved and thought could be the one. But she remembered back to her wedding with you and just how stressed she got trying to find the perfect dress, so she sympathized with her daughter who was freaking out unable to find a dress.
“Don’t worry, honey. You’ll find one. This process takes time, so calm down.”
Jaehee was getting really bored though.
She was really starting to believe that her daughter finding her perfect dress was hopeless.
Every dress she tried on she hated.
But then finally, after what seemed like hours, her daughter came out from behind the curtains in tears as she declared this dress was the one.
Jaehee smiled, pulling her daughter in her embrace, and turned back to face the mirror, her hands on her daughters shoulders. “You look stunning. I’ve never seen such a beautiful bride… well, after your mother. Speaking of your mother, let’s take a picture and send it to her.”
At the wedding, Jaehee couldn’t help but chuckle when she saw her daughter had made some adjustments to the dress, like splashing some colour onto it.
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☂ Jumin ☂
Jumin was unable to go with his daughter to pick out her wedding dress, but you went with her.
Originally, Jumin really wasn’t that bothered. He knew his daughter would look perfect in any dress she wore, and as much as he remembered how his wedding was a big deal, he didn’t really think a wedding dress that would only be worn once a year should be made into such a big deal.
But while he was in a meeting he received a text from you and a picture of his daughter in the perfect dress, the one, and he just bursted into tears.
Everyone in the meeting was s h o o k.
“M-mr. Han? Are you alright?”
“Assistant Kang. Bring me the projector this instance. Everyone needs to look at this.”
Everyone agreed that his daughter looked gorgeous.
Jumin rushed home and gushed to his daughter about how proud he was of her and just how beautiful he thought she was. He really regretted not going with you and her in the end.
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☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
“No, dad, I’m not wearing a dress made of honey buddha chip bags.”
Seven loves shopping. Especially for dresses.
To his disappointment they are not for him, but getting a dress for his daughter’s wedding is pretty nice too.
He took her to all the dress shops he knew,
And he helped her to find the perfect dress.
When she finally did find the dress that fit her just right, made her feel like a princess, Seven was ecstatic, and shed a few tears.
He was a very proud father at that moment.
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❆ V ❆
When his daughter asked him to accompany her dress shopping, V just smiled, putting down his camera and taking her hand.
He went to every shop she wanted to go to. Every dress she tried on, V smiled and gave compliments to it as well as critiques.
He wished that you could share this experience with his daughter too but alas you had work.
He made sure to take many posed and candid photos of her trying on dresses to show to you.
The girl found the perfect dress after a couple hours of searching. It showed off all her curves, went down to her feet,
And a perfect dress for a wedding that will be in Sweden. Lolz.
“You look wonderful, darling. Is this the one?”
She nodded her head slowly as a few tears slipped down her face. He wiped them away and pulled her into a hug. “Thank you for coming with me, dad.”
V smiled into his daughters hair and patted her back, careful of the dress. “Of course, my lovely daughter.”
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☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
The ice cream he was eating fell out of his mouth as he gaped at his daughter standing in front of him, asking him to join her in finding her wedding dress.
“You want me to go with you? What about your friends? Or your mother?.”
“Mom is away and my friends are busy at work. Besides, I want you to join me. You have good taste,” she says with a wink which causes Saeran to huff.
He acts like he really doesn’t want to, but his daughter, and he, knows that he really wants to and is happy he was asked to go with her.
It didn’t take long for his daughter to find the perfect dress,
And when she did, Saeran swore he was looking at an angel.
She resembled so much of you in her dress. She had your hair, your eyes, and your beautiful smile. 
Saeran was speechless as he watched his daughter twirl in her dress, a few happy tears falling down her face.
He was a little shocked when he reached his hand up to his face to feel his cheeks damped.
He glares when he hears his daughter chuckling at his tears, but it doesn’t stop him from crying. His daughter is so beautiful. And he is so proud of her.
“Sweetie, you… you look wonderful. You are gorgeous. This dress… you… are perfect. I’m so proud to call you my daughter.”
Takes many pictures.
You call him crying because you weren’t able to go. Saeran comforts you that night by showing you all the pictures and kissing you. He also encourages you to give your daughter the veil you wore at yours and Saeran’s wedding.
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✌ Vanderwood ✌
Refuses to cry. Refuses to cry.
“Dad? Are you crying?”
He really dislikes who his daughter is marrying. Can’t stand the guy/girl. But you are happy, and that is all that matters to him.
And he has really good fashion taste. So he’s the best person to have when shopping for dresses.
Vanderwood can be really critical of the dresses, not of his daughter, but of the dresses. 
He doesn’t think they’re pretty enough, does think the quality is good.
He just wants his daughter to feel comfortable and happy in her wedding dress, so he wants to make sure she really does find the perfect one,
And when she does he sheds a single tear.
He is really proud of his daughter, and cannot believe that you and him created such a wonderful woman.
“You look… beautiful.”
That is all he can say because it’s true. He has no criticisms, no nothing. He thinks she is gorgeous and agrees she has found the perfect dress.
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Requests are closed right now, but to find rules of requests you can check out my masterlist page!
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nerdstablook221b · 6 years
Once upon a Tyranny
aight so theres this short story I had to make and I think it’s pretty cute so love to or hate it my dudes
Once upon a time there lived two little girls named Mayla and Lillian. Mayla had light brown skin, short tan colored hair with highlights of purple that partially covered her cherry red eyes. She also had a baby fang that barley hung out of her mouth, (she would have had two but she lost it’s pair last week) and of course she was covered in freckles. She wore her favorite button down back dress completed with silver buttons with matching long black gloves, black flats with gray and lavender striped socks (she loved how the purple matched her hair) and she never left home without her magical dress up fairy wings. They matched her socks with a gray and lavender purple scheme and hardly ever took them off. Lillian on the other hand dressed quite different. She had dark brown skin and bubble gum pink hair that she kept in two fluffy buns that sat on the top of her head and bright ocean blue eyes. She wore an adorable poofy light blue floors length princess dress with a deep blue heart and matching layers on the front. Of course she also brought her fairy wand wherever she went as well. The two girls were best friends and did everything together. They played games, learned magic spells, hosted tea parties, trained baby dragons and played dress up. However the two wanted one thing more than anything else; to become real princesses. When they weren’t learning spells or training dragons,  they were coming up with ideas of how they could take over an empire or kingdom and become the new rulers. 
“ What if we just ask them?” Said Lillian while coloring a picture of a castle. 
“I don’t think they would listen to just the two of us.”
“Well what about if we asked nicely? I’m very persuasive.” The two discussed the topic of how to take over a kingdom many times but they could never think of something that would work. (usually it was Mayla who disagreed with Lillian’s ideas because they were not exactly how she would have done it but Lillian never minded to much because the ideas never left paper.) Just then their teacher, Sorcerer Mayhem walked it with a tray of cookies and milk for the girls. He was a tall, ancient sorcerer who has lived in Dove-fire manor for hundreds of years and has only ever been seen wearing his large gray hooded cloak. The cloak covered his whole face except for two large white circles for eyes and he spoke with a deep menacing voice. However he got bored living all alone and decided to take on an apprentice. That’s when Mayla’s parents sent her away to train in the ways of magic with Mayhem and she found he was really a sweet man behind a bitter facade as for Lillian, Mayhem had been a close family friend who had agreed to also train her when they knew she could make a friend and that she did.
“I think you should ride in on your dragon and scare the people into listening to you.” Mayhem said levitating the tray over to the girls.
“Papa Chaos!” Mayla exclaimed and ran over to her teacher hugging his legs as he scooped her into his arms. (the two had become very close and when Mayla started calling him Papa chaos, he never bothered to correct her. Frankly he was quite fond of the name and was honored to be called it.) “We thought of that already but what if the people try to hurt the dragons and they get scared and fly off without us? That wouldn’t be fun.” Mayla said trying to sound serious but Mayhem found it cute.
“Nothing scares a dragon small ones, they are fierce, mighty beasts who are ridden into battle for they are brave and bold.
“Then how come Astrid got scared when she saw a mouse yesterday?” Lillian asked, nibbling on a cookie. Mayhem laughed and put Mayla down and knelt .
“She is still only a baby, in time she shall become just as mighty and fierce as any other dragon to charge into battle. Until then you two should learn there basic tips for taking over a kingdom to claim as your own.” Mayhem slowly pulled a small cauldron and a few potions out of his cloak and carefully poured them into the cauldron. (Mayla never did know where he kept all the things in his cloak.) as he poured in the potions, the girls watched as it overflowed with a pale purple smoke that soon danced in the air before coming together to form a moving sculpture of men riding on the backs of dragons. “the first thing you will need is an army of your own. You won’t get very far without one my dears. The girls watched in awe as the smoke once again danced around into a tall person and a short person shaking hands with one another. “The next thing you will need is is trust and loyalty within your army. Without loyalty, your army will crumble and fall before you can rule anyone. The girls kept staring with large wondering eyes and nodding as their teacher went along. The smoke then once again changed its shape to look like two small figures in dresses holding hands “The last thing,” he says, “is indeed the most important, so remember this my dears. One cannot rule all on her own and needs a good friend by her side in order to make decisions that are best for everyone. There will always be something one needs the other for that they cannot do herself. Great minds rule alike like I always say my dears. besides, the more friend you have, the bigger your army.” Mayhem said with a wink and a chuckle. Suddenly the smoke swirled and faded away into the air. “Now, if you got all that then I believe it’s time for Lillian to head on home. It’s getting late and young princesses need their beauty sleep to rule effectively.” Lillian had a cookie in her mouth and only pointed to the tray that now held only a few cookies. “Yes you may take the cookies.” With the flick of his wrist, Mayhem had the cookies in a small royal purple velvet bag and in Lillian’s hands as she was escorted out of the room and Mayla waved goodbye. 
“Gather an army, earn their trust. I can do that.” Mayla thought as she nibbled a cookie of her own. “gather an army, earn their trust. Gather an army, earn their trust.” Mayla was so focused on the first two that she had completely forgotten about the last and most important tip to ruling a kingdom. (But more on that later.) Mayla made her way to her room so she could come up with her own plan and take action….. Just as soon as she got a good night sleep. That night she dreamt of army of her own as she rode on the back of a mighty dragon as her hair flew in the breeze. 
The next morning Mayla ate her breakfast quickly and rushed to the door. “where are you off to in such a rush my dear?” Mayhem asked as he followed the girl to the door as he pulled her fairy wings out of his cloak. “you are in such a rush that you almost forgot these.”
Thanks Papa Chaos,” Mayla said quickly slipping on the wings. “I’m going to the dragon stables to recruit an army to take over the kingdom.”
“Lillian is to meet with me for lessons today, are you not going together?”
“No just me, it was my idea.” Mayhem’s large white circle eyes squinted at the girl. 
“I thought you two were going to rule the kingdom together. You didn’t forget what I told you girls yesterday did you?” 
Of course not Papa Chaos, Get an army, get their trust and take the kingdom.”
But what about-“
I have to go before I miss everyone, I’ll be back later!” Mayla added as she gave him a quick hug before and raced out of the manor. On her way to the stables she passed Lillian who called to her to stop. 
“Mayla! Where are you going? I thought we had lessons today.”
“You do, but I’m heading to the dragon stables.”
“I’m going to ask some of the knights to be my army so I can take over the kingdom.”
“Whoa so cool! I wanna come too! That’s a great idea May!“ Lillian was bouncing at the idea as she spoke. “They could be a big help and I bet that if I-“
“No, this is my idea. I’m going to get the army, I can do it myself.”
But- but I wanna help too! I thought we were going to rule together. What about what Papa Chaos told us yesterday?” Lillian stopped bouncing and looked as if she might cry.
“I do remember, get an army, get their trust, then I can get the kingdom all by myself.” Lillian only stared at her friend with sad eyes.
“We were going to rule together. I thought we kept making plans together to become princesses. Don’t you want to rule together? ”
“I can do this all by myself. I don’t need help. Papa Chaos told us the most important things about ruling so I can do it.” Mayla said crossing her arms. Both girls were getting frustrated with one another.
“He gave us three rules! But you didn’t care enough to listen.” Lillian said teary eyed and grabbing the end of her dress as she bolted away from Mayla. “he gave us three rules!” Lillian’s words echoed in her mind. 
“What was the third? I guess I wasn’t paying attention.” Mayla shook it off. “that doesn’t matter. If I can still get an army, I can take over the kingdom.” Mayla then turned to the stables and took of in that direction. As soon as she reached it, she saw a gaggle of dragons as they were being groomed and trained by their knightly owners. They seemed like strong warriors who could accompany her on her as she faced the king to overthrow him in power and become the new ruler of their kingdom…or whatever she heard Chaos tell her the first time she told him she wanted to be a princess. The knights were in a rush and quickly passed one another to get their work done. Mayla poked the first person she could grab to get their attention. “Excuse me. Umm excuse me?” She asked louder.
The tall warrior looked down to see two ruby red eyes staring back at her. “oh uh hello. Did you need something kid? We’re kinda busy right now.”
“I need some help. I need an army.” 
The knight chuckled and ruffled Mayla’s hair. “Oh? And why is that?”
“Because I wanna be a princess, and every princess needs an army at her side.”
“Sorry kid, but we’re really busy right now. We don’t have time to play around. Maybe if you come back later we’ll be free okay kid?” With that the knight walked of to tend to her businesses again before Mayla could get in another word. She tried with multiple other knights with about the same results as the first. (but one did let her brush his dragon.) the more she tried, the more frustrated Mayla got until she finally decided to just leave and go back home. When she  reached Dove-fire manor she found that Lillian was no where on the house. Papa Chaos, where’s Lilly? I thought you said she had a lesson today.”
“She did,” Mayhem started, “But she seemed sad so I sent her out by the creek to practice a few water spells. Those are her favorite after all. Now when she got here she said you were, and I quote, “being a real meanie.” Now my dear, why don’t you tell me what happened and what you did.” Mayhem sat on a chair and gestured for Mayla to sit in his lap.
“i don’t know what I did wrong Papa Chaos. I came up with a plan to get the kingdom by myself so I wanted to get the army by myself. But Lillian was sad that I she couldn’t help when it was my plan but no one would listen to me. I guess she’s better at talking then I am.” Mayla pouted and snuggled into his cloak as he wrapped his arms. Around her.
“Ah I see, you thought of the first two rules but not the third. Did you forget the most important one of all?” Mayla only nodded into his cloak. “The most important thing my dear, the most important thing is to have someone to rule at your side. One does not hold all the answers on their own, they need a good friend to stand at her side to make decisions together that work well for everyone. Does that make sense?”
Mayla nodded again and sat up. “I was a meanie to Lilly. I thought I could do it on my own but I can’t.”
“well what are you telling me all this for? Go tell Lillian herself. She’s the one who needs to hear it all.”
Mayla hopped out of his lap. “Yeah, you’re right Papa Chaos.”
“Of course I am my dear, when you get to be my age, you will learn a thing or two yourself. “ he said with a wink and a laugh. “Now off you go then.”
With that Mayla gave him another quick hug and was off again down to the creek where she saw two fluffy pink hair buns sticking up from behind a rock. “Lilly?”
“Lilly isn’t here. She moved to Not Here Land.” Mayla climbed over the rock where she saw her friend hugging her knees with her face to her knees. “And even if she was not in Not Here Land she wouldn’t wanna talk to you because you’re a meanie.
Mayla sat next to her friend and also hugged her knees. “You’re right. I was being a meanie. I was wrong and I can’t do everything myself. I tried but I couldn’t get anyone’s attention and I need your help. I’m sorry. Can you tell Lilly I said all that and I hope she comes back from Not Here Land?”
Lillian lifted her head up and smiled at her friend. “She was just visiting there and will be back soon. The two laughed and hugged each other and stood up from behind the rock. 
“Come on, Im sure that together we can get the knights to listen to us. You are very persuasive.” The two giggled and ran off to the stables once more. Once they were there they were greeted by the same knight Mayla had asked first when she had been there by herself.
“Oh hey kid, I see you brought a friend. Sorry girls but we don’t have time to play right now.”
“No, we’re not here to play.” Lillian started. “We need an army to help us face the king and become real princesses. Plus I’ll bake you all some double chocolate chunk cookies.”
“Well, maybe we’ll have a little time, especially if you’re promising cookies! Hey Fellas!” The knight called. “This kid is promising us free cookies if we help her and her friend out to see the king you guys in?” All the knights were interested and went over to saddle up their dragons then helped Mayla and Lillian onto two of the dragons where they would ride with a knight each to keep them safe. (They were only little kids after all.) Together all the knights and the girls rode off to the castle where they landed their dragons and were greeted at the front gate by two other guards. 
‘These two wish to see the king.” One knight said. “They have promised cookies if they do.” Immediately the guards opened the gate and the girls were lead through the castle into the throne room where they saw his royal highness on his throne. 
“State your purpose before me children.” Mayla was at a loss for words but as always, Lillian knew just what to say;
“We, uh.. we want to be princesses sir. If you let us take power, we’ll give you cookies. They’re double chocolate chunk and very yummy. The king, not being a heartless man and being quite fond of cookies himself agreed on a compromise. 
“How about this young ladies. I will allow to be royal princesses for a day and you will allow me to taste one of these cookies you talk so much about. Do we have a deal?”
Both girls found this to be a fair trade and agreed with the king. “Deal.” they said together.
The next day the girls were waving from the balcony of the castle onto their temporary adoring, loyal subjects. “i told you I was persuasive.” Lillian said with a large smile. Both girls agreed that they could always try to become real princesses for longer some other time but for now, this would do. Mayhem of course was cheering from the crowd the loudest of anyone for he was so proud of his girls. As for the rightful king and knights, they cheered along happily munching on Lillian’s delicious cookies. (She did learn from the best sorcerer/baker in the world after all.) And they all lived happily ever after. The End.
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shirewalker · 7 years
If you’re writing things for those royal AU prompts could you pretty please do Nikolina - “i grew up not knowing i was royal and now i guess i’m heir to a throne and you’re the guy who’s supposed to be teaching me how to be royal bc i suck at it and oops we made out” ✨
Sorry it took so long, but it is finally done and ready for posting :D
Rated T for expected making out sesh. (also on ao3)
“Again.” He said, a bit tired after three hours of trying to get theprincess to recite the Constitution’s first three and most important points. Sofar she wasn’t doing terribly, except when she’d say it right three times andthen wrong five times. By this rate she’d be thirty before she would be able toglare to cinders anyone that dared to pass a stupid law in council.
“I got it right five times already. Can’t we take a break?” She groanedfrom her sofa, her petite frame lost somewhere within the layers and layers ofher pale golden dress.
He walked up to the music player, “All right, princess, I guess fortoday it is enough of Constitution.” He hit play and a soft, jazzy song filledthe room, “Now, etiquette rules. You know the drill, all of them.”
She groaned again, “Really?”
Amusement tugged at his lips, “Alina, love, you have to be ready beforethe Winter Solstice or the council and all the old white men in it will run youinto the ground.”
Her head snapped up and fire burned in her eyes, “Don’t call me love,Nikolai.”
The smirk he flashed had her insides flipping like acrobats, “All right,princess. What should I call you then?”
She sat up, back straight, head poised, hands on her lap. Just like he’dtaught her, “Princess is fine. Alina is fine as well, as long as it’s behindclosed doors.” His eyes sparked with a private joke and her cheeks heated up,“And all those royal titles you keep calling me.”
He arched a brow, “Your highness?”
For a moment she was lost, why was he calling her ‘etiquette’? But thenher brain kick-started and she groaned again. Saints damn the man, all he hadto do was smile a little longer at her and she would lose grip on her carefullygroomed self-control. Why did he have to be her coach? Why this insufferableexemplar of a man? Just because he was the only one close to her age in a widepool of royals in Ravka? It wasn’t because of his lineage, the Lantsovs had longlost any right to the throne, all thanks to some Vasily losing everything insome stupid situation of… Oh what was the point? She couldn’t even rememberimportant points in Ravka’s history! Still, the point remained. Why was Nikolaiher coach and not some old lady? It would be so much easier.
Because the truth that she would never admit out loud was that NikolaiLantsov happened to be the biggest distraction in the room. And she could neverconcentrate properly when he was around. Which was always.
Why? Because he was an insufferable git. Obviously.
He raised both brows, “So…?”
“What? Oh. Right.” And again she’d lost track of things… “Can’t we dosomething else? Something less theoretical?” Maybe go for a run. Or ride thehorse. Not that she enjoyed it that much, but it would be preferable overtrying to recite rules of etiquette when her mind was already too tired. Anddistracted. Saints damn her, there it was, that smirk again! Wait… Somethingsank in her stomach. This was the mischievous smirk. The one that had gottenher in that big, poofy dress the first time. The same that had gotten her introuble with Baghra.
“All right, princess. I guess we could do something more… practical.” Heturned to the music player again and chose another track.
He offered a hand, “Waltz?”
She cursed herself. Why couldn’t she accept her fate and stick toetiquette? Whatever, what’s done is done. Resigned, Alina walked to him andtook his hand, willing her body to not tremble, nor sweat, nor blush duringthis dance. She really didn’t need that. Nikolai would never let that go. Hemight even do more things just to get her all worked up.
Nikolai pulled her in, his other hand settling on her waist. A gaspescaped her self-control, surprised as she was with the soft touch. His eyesshined but silence remained. And then, finally, the dance started. One, two,three. One, two, three. So far so good. Alina hadn’t stepped on him, neitherhad she blushed too hard. And Nikolai was quiet, which meant death threats werekept on a low number today.
One, two, th—
Nikolai hissed as Alina missed a beat and stepped forward too late.Despite the stumble, Nikolai continued dancing, shaking softly his head, achuckle on his lips, “Something distracting you today Alina?”
She looked away, “What? No. Why?”
“Well,” his voice was laced with humour, “You never step on me thisearly in the waltz. Always after ten steps. Today it was a lot earlier.Something must be occupying your mind.” He turned her outwards, her skirtsrustling with the movement, “Do share.” Following the momentum of the step,Alina twisted back into his arms.
She really shouldn’t have, but the second she was back in place, hereyes locked on Nikolai’s. Those beautiful, hazel eyes that always seemed tohave a playful spark ready to ignite. Today they looked particularly golden,the brown overtaking those specks of green that always had her thinking ofemeralds. She’d always thought blue eyes were the best ones, but that was untilshe’d seen Nikolai’s. No blue eye could ever compare. No! She shouldn’t bethinking this. She really, really shouldn’t. She had to look away. Now!
Reluctantly she looked away, however, her gaze didn’t stray far, fallingeasily on his lips. Oh saints. She’d never been this close to his lips beforeand something she would never admit to anyone ever came to her mind. Those werethe most perfect and lush lips she’d ever seen. The slope of his lower lip, thedip of his cupid’s bow, the perfect and soft texture… Her own had never beenlike that, always on the verge of cracking. Nikolai, Nikolai had perfect lips.Before she could stop herself, her mind was already wondering what it would belike to kiss those lips.
Wait, was he… was he getting closer?
She blinked. No. She was the one. No… They were both leaning in.
Her heart let out a startled ‘oh’ as their lips met. The pressure of hislips soft, tentative. Her eyes fluttered closed and she placed her hands on hisshoulders, holding herself up as her body threatened to melt to nothing. Then…Then the kiss changed. The pressure changed and suddenly his lips were moving,goading her own, luring her deeper into it the kiss. His arm circled her waistand pulled her closer, until there was nothing left between the two of them. Ahand cupped her nape and Alina buried her hands deep into Nikolai’s hair, thegolden locks thick and silky between her fingers.
Stars, she was starting to see stars. And saints help her, this waseverything. As Nikolai’s teasing tongue deepened the kiss, Alina couldn’t helpthe soft and delighted moans that formed in her throat and poured intoNikolai’s mouth. Her knees were butter, melting away as she let herself getlost in this kiss. She’d been kissed before, of course she had. After all,she’d had a normal life until she’d turned eighteen. But this? Oh saints, thoseother kisses were nothing compared to this. The way her body seemed to be onfire in all the places Nikolai was touching her, the way he leaned her backever so slightly, as lost in the kiss as he was, the way his lips moved againsthers. Saints, her heart couldn’t handle it all. It would explode from all theexcitement, surely.
Footsteps sounded outside the door.
She snapped her eyes open, her lips still busy in another world. Duringthe split second before she broke the kiss, Alina had the chance to see the wayNikolai scrunched his eyebrows in the heat of the moment. It was… quite asight. But soon the moment was gone, the footsteps now loud enough that even focused-on-the-kissNikolai heard them.
Where there had been nothing between them a second earlier, now theystood three paces away from each other, their breathing erratic, their cheeksflushed. Nikolai barely had time to comb his hair back into place before therewas a soft knock and a maid entered the room.
The maid was startled to see two pairs of eyes staring at her, “Oh!” Shequickly covered her surprise with a bow, “Apologies, Your Highness. But I havea message from your Tailor.”
“Oh? What is it? And please, you don’t have to address me like that.”
“Of course, princess.” She cleared her throat, “The Royal Tailor hascalled to announce there has been a change in plans. Her plans for the day havebeen delayed a bit, so she won’t be here until sometime in the middle of theafternoon. She also said she would call in advance to confirm youravailability.”
Somehow, Alina didn’t think her Tailor had spoken like that. Genya wasone of the few people that still talked with Alina like a normal person. Shewas certain her friend had said something among the lines of being late andonly having time in the afternoon. But she couldn’t blame the maid for wantingto do her job well. With as much graciousness as her rushing heart allowed her,Alina nodded and dismissed the maid with a heartfelt thank you.
The distancing footsteps echoed in her head and within the chambers ofher heart, that damned thing still beating hard as she stood there frozen.
Not a moment and a blink later, Nikolai stood in front of her again. Shelooked up and saw his eyes searching her face, looking for something. He put upa tentative hand and slowly brushed his knuckles on her cheek, the touch solight that Alina wondered if she was imagining it. The need to lean into histouch was irresistible. But this was Nikolai, the insufferable git that droveher mad with his witty remarks and his ill-timed smirks and that lazy pace ofhis and oh, that gaudy teal coat he always wore everywhere.
“I want to kiss you…” it was a breathy confession, Nikolai still at aloss for air as he’d been a minute ago. It made her heart flutter inside herchest and do all sorts of crazy acrobatics. Again.
Her lips twitched, “You already have…”
That smirk of his found its way back to his lips and oh, who was Alinakidding? Nikolai was insufferable, but he was certainly the only one that madeher feel the way she did when they were together. Any and all worries flew outthe window and everything seemed so much easier to handle. All with Nikolaishowing up for the day.
He leaned in, his hand moving back to her nape. “I want to kiss you…again…”
Oh. In that case… Standing on her tip toes, Alina grabbed his lapels andpulled him in for a kiss. Unlike the first one that started slow, this one washungry from the start. Perhaps this was what happened when one bottled down alot of feelings for their royal coach. Nikolai dived into the kiss just as eagerlyas Alina, blindly directing the two in the general direction of a loveseat thatwas somewhere by the garden windows. She vaguely thought about the exposure ofsuch location, but Nikolai’s lips and hands and oh, saints, was that a groan?Saints damn her, what was she thinking about just now? Probably nothingimportant, if she’d forgotten all about it with just that sound.
Finding out she was the crown princess of Ravka didn’t seem like such ahorrible situation now. After all, it had led her to a loveseat and a very,very incredible make out session with her insufferable royal coach.
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Getting a Job part 2
Read part 1:https://theamazinguchihabruhs.tumblr.com/post/163948245691/getting-a-job-part-1 Part 2
I looked at the screen of my phone. This seemed to be the address the man had given me, but I was expecting some sketchy neighbourhood. This however, was just the business center. I swear Madara’s building is, like, four blocks from here. I kept walking until I stood right in front of a building that seemed to be a cafe. It was called…
“Heaven” I read outloud. It didn’t look shady at all, but Heaven did sound like strip club. I would really stand out between those pole dancers. I am pretty good. I pushed the door open, ready to see people throw money on the stage while drinking their alcoholic beverages.
I blinked a couple of time. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
“Kitty, you made it!” The man who gave me his card walked towards me and instead of a handshake, he hugged me.
“K-Kitty?” I felt attacked. Had Shisui put me up to this?! Was this a test?! I looked around the cafe, but I didn’t see anyone that resembled any of my brothers.
“Yes, your name will be Kitty if you decide to take the job” He wrapped an arm around me. “Slim waist, you are a perfect fit”
“Perfect fit?” I asked, looking around this place. “Heaven…is a…maid cafe?”
“Yes! Exactly!” The man snapped his finger. “You will be a waiter, all you have to do is bring the food and beverages to the customers, have small talk and be cute”
“Cute? Really? I can actually be really sexy, did I mention I can pole dance?” I felt ignored by this guy. He gave me a tour around the place and introduced some of the people working there such as “Sugar, Cinnamon and Cookie” I could only assume it wasn’t their real names. We ended up at the back of the café, in his office. He pulled the chair out for me to sit and I did. I had to be honest. I was good if this was a stripclub, but…a maid cafe? It seemed more lewd than a strip club.
“So?” He asked, crossing his legs and winking at me.
“I don’t know, man…it is just not me-”
“You get paid ten bucks an hour and you can keep the tips…which is a lot-”
“You had me at ten bucks an hour” I said, “Where do I sign?” I asked, grabbing a pen from his desk.
The man grabbed a sheet of paper and before he could even go through it, I signed my name on it.
“So when do I start?” I asked, shoving the contract back.
“Yeah~” I stood up. “Walk me through it”
He stood up and grabbed something from a box.
“So your name is going to be Kitty, you are half-cat, these are your cat ears, your shoes and your uniform, you can get your tail from Foxy, he is the redhead, he will walk you through everything on the work floor, so please get dressed” The man put everything on his desk and just looked at me.
“Oh…OK!” I went to unbutton my shirt, but the guy stopped me. A blush was spread across his face and dollar signs appeared in his eyes. “Such a natural…there is a locker room next to my office”
I grabbed the clothes and nodded.
“Sure thing” I walked to the locker room, got dressed in the light purple, poofy cocktail dress with a navy stripe around the edge of the fabric combined with a dark blue apron that was tied around my middle and reached over my crotch. The dress had a purple bow on my chest and to top it all off I wore elbow high navy gloves.
I put my clothes away and looked in the mirror. Years of unnecessary leg shaving has worked so good for me. I put my shoes on before sliding my hand over my baby soft legs. Yup…baby oil made them soooooo~  smooth.
“Kitty?” I looked up. I felt kinda busted. I got up seeing a young man, not much older than I was. He had red hair and fox ears.
“You must be Foxy…but really, what is your real name?” I asked.
“None of your business” He said, frowning slightly. “Come with me” He demanded as he turned around. I saw a fox tail and I wondered where it was attached to. I could only assume it was a butt plug. How did he even walk with that?!
“Let me get your tail-”
“T-Tail?!” I spatted out, “Oh no, I am not going to wear a butt plug, I am a virgin!” I raised my voice, causing almost everyone in the cafe to stare at me.
“It is a belt, idiot” Foxy said, putting both hands on his hips, “You just wear it around your waist”
“Oh…oooohh~” I felt stupid now. “Was it weird of me to assume-”
“Yes” Foxy said. He indicated me to follow him and I did. He grabbed the belt for me with the black cat tail hanging from it. I put it on and it was the perfect fit!…oh…that was what the boss meant with perfect fit.
I followed Foxy the first couple of hours. Just accompanying him got me tips from these people. For no reason but walking around with Foxy and occasionally answering a question like ‘What’s your name? ’ and ‘How old are you?’.
So, it was time to do my first table by myself. I put on brave face and walked towards the table with four middle-aged men sitting there. I was holding my purple notebook and my pencil with the paw eraser on the end.
“Good afternoon, my name is Kitty and I am your waiter, have you made up your mind already?” I asked, faking a smile.
“You name is really Kitty?” One of them scoffed.
“Actually my real name was supposed to be princess…” I talked to myself, putting the eraser against my chin, “But for you it is Kitty” I said.
“Alright Kitty, I’ll take a margarita, just coffee for him and…” The third person put the menu down.  
“I take scotch”
“Ah, my daddy used to love a good plain scotch, would you want a Highland Park 12 Year Old or Johnnie Walker Double Black? They are different in price” I said.
“What does your daddy like?” He asked, nodding his head a little.
“Well, my daddy was a fan of Laphroaig Quarter Cask he use to say ‘This is the scotch-drinker’s scotch, a scotch that tastes like scotch’, it is not on the menu, but we have a bottle, so I can probably get you a glass for fair a price”
“Y’know, Kitty” He took his wallet and grabbed a fifty dollar bill, “See what you can get me” He said, holding it between his fingers.
“For fifty, I can get you an entire bottle? But I wouldn’t want you to get drunk” I said. The man whistled, looking at his friends. “Oh Kitty~”
“Yeah, who is supposed to notice me then? You think legs shave themselves?” I rolled my eyes, writing the orders down. “Fifty gets you a glass” I said.
“No, silly, two, one for you and one for me” I said, “Something has to get me going through this long day”
“Will you be joining me in a drink?” He asked.
“Hmmm…” I was thinking deeply, “Why the hell not? We are not busy today anyway” I said before walking away. I returned with their drinks before grabbing a chair.
“Cheers, Kitty” He said, holding his glass up.
“Cheers” I said, taking a sip before spitting it back in my glass and making a disgusting look. “Ugh” I wrapped a hand around my throat. That was disgusting.
“Ooh, this baby is strong” He said. I knew he was talking about his drink, but…he kept looking at me.
“Ugh, it has a disgusting taste” I got up, “I have to wash my mouth” I walked to the kitchen.
“Hey, what ya doing?” My boss asked.
“Washing the taste of disgusting scotch out of my mouth?” I gave him a questionable look when he handed me a glass of milk.
“This will do fine, now go amuse the customers” He said, pushing me back towards the table.
“Oh…you got some milk?”
“Yeah, milk with honey or something. It apparently helps” I wanted to take a sip, but it was one of those prank glasses that made me spill most of the milk over my uniform. I put the glass away and turned my head to my boss who put his thumb up.  
“He is picking on the new guy already” I muttered before looking at the sticky white substance over my chin, chest, fingers and lap.
“This is such a bad day for me…Foxy, can you get me napkin?” I turned my head to the redhead who looked rather impressed. I know…only I could make such a mess.
“No, no, you have made our day” I looked at the man holding his cellphone up. He was either looking for a signal or Beyonce was standing behind me and he was snapping pictures like a paparazzi.
My boss suddenly grabbed his phone and had this strict look.
“No pictures allowed” He pointed at the sign, “I will have to ask you guys to leave”
“What no~” I complained,”They are my first-” I couldn’t even finish my sentence when I saw all their eyes turned to me.
“You dirty Kitty, let me help you clean up” Foxy’s hands suddenly grabbed my shoulders. He then grabbed my arm and pulled me to the kitchen. I was expecting some sort of scolding because I messed up my first customers.
“You are a natural!” He said, squeezing my cheek.
“I-I did okay?” I asked almost shocked. Dude, I always messed up. I must be in some kind of alternative universe.
“No, you are perfect””  Foxy said, grabbing a napkin, “Let’s clean you up and prepare you for the next customers” He winked at me. I can’t believe…I was actually good at something.
I exhaustively dropped myself on the couch before taking a deep breath. It was soooooo~ busy today. I am wondering why it was always like that when I was working. I laid my head on the armrest before feeling a hand stroke my hair.
“Hey, otouto”
I raised my head by Itachi’s voice.
“How was work?” He asked.
“It was very busy” I said, putting my head back on the armrest. I was already two weeks in and I got promoted. Promoted apparently meant going from cocktail dress to navy mini skirt and crop top with an orange apron around the waist and stripes around the edges of the fabric. I guess I am…the head waiter now…or some shit.
But even though I meet a lot of strange people, saying strange stuff and giving me weird looks. All my co-workers called me a natural and a lot of customers seem to like me…I guess I am likeable person after all.
“How does going out to dinner sound? Are you up for that?” Shisui asked. “It’s just the three of us tonight anyway”
“Wonderful” Itachi said, his hand still stroking my hair.
“I guess” I said. Both of them remained quiet.
“You…you are willing to go out…instead of ordering take out?”
“Uhu, what is the big deal? You are driving and I am the one getting to drink” I raised my head, “Right?”
“First, he starts taking regular showers, then he started brushing his hair without complaining and now he is willing to go to a social place…what the hell did that diner do to him?” Shisui whispered.
“I know right…it is like they brainwashed him”
“Uhu” Shisui agreed with Itachi.
“I am right here” I stood up from the couch. “Let’s go I am starving”
We went to an italian place and naturally I ordered a pizza and just listened to Itachi and Shisui gossip about their co-workers like I wasn’t even there, but hearing them talk was quite amusing. It is like watching Gossip Girl or Meangirls.
“Guys” I interrupted them, “It’s ten o'clock and I have to go to work in the morning”  I yawned. “I am very tired”
“Aww, princess” Shisui turned his head to Itachi, “Isn’t it adorable how hardworking he is?”
“But…dessert…” Itachi had a pouting expression on his face.
“We have ice cream at home” I reminded them, my face leaning on my hand. I turned my head to the waitress. “Hey, can we get the check?” I asked. I turned my head back to Shisui who was searching his pockets. He looked at Itachi.
“I forgot my wallet” He whispered.
“I have mine in my coat…which is in the car” He said, wanting to get up to get it.
“I can get this one” I said, grabbing my wallet. “Oh, and…” I grabbed a twenty dollar bill and handed it to the waitress “Buy yourself something nice, cutie” I winked at her. A blush spread across her cheeks. I wanted to get up and go back to the car, but both Shisui and Itachi were giving each other weird looks. They had one of their telepathic conversations again.
“Did he just call her cutie?” Itachi knitted his eyebrows.
“Did he just sound like a fucking pimp?” Shisui nodded.
“Did you see the amount of cash he had? That is concerning, right?” Itachi raised an eyebrow before indicating to me.
“You think he is a stripper?” Shisui’s eyes widened.
“How else does he have so many one dollar bills?” Itachi looked worried.
“Princess cannot be a stripper!” Shisui had a panicking expression on his face.
“I know! My baby brother?!” Itachi had the same expression.
“Guys!” I interrupted their conversation. “I am just a waiter…I get tons a tips”
“Promise to the grave of our father that you are not a stripper” Itachi demanded.
I rolled my eyes at nissan’s words. He always thought the worse of me.
“I swear on the grave of my daddy that I am not a stripper” I chuckled , “And I am talking about the biological one”  
“Did he just make a sex joke?” Shisui asked.
“He did” Itachi confirmed, the serious expression still on his face.
“Come on!” I can’t believe them sometimes!
===edited by @failureoftheyear
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LoT 6x05 spoilers:
ASTRA IS BACK and I love her so much! But no Mick or Gary. The cost was high, but I'm okay with paying it for an episode focused on Astra.
John did just throw Astra out there and not even try to help her out. I know he was busy doing other stuff with the Legends but like seriously?? John I love you but you're an idiot.
Behrad was so concerned for Astra! I feel like they might push a romance there and while I'm not entirely opposed to it... there's a long way to go before I would be happy about it.
I get why the Legends were trying to convince Astra not to take the racist neighbor's soul, but... all I'm saying is he deserved it.
The animated segment was hilarious. Official Disney Princess™ Astra Logue when? Also I want every outfit she wore in this episode, that animated dress included.
But then??? John gave up his magic for Astra and the Legends! When we first met him (on his own show) I really don't think he would have done that. Even when he first made his guest appearance in the Arrowverse he wouldn't have done that. He's grown so much! I really do love him.
I'm still not sure how the Sara plot actually ties in with anything else this season. I guess we'll figure it out eventually, but I also don't care? I only care about it when they give Gary something to do and he wasn't here in this episode?
I did appreciate the meta joke of "They really figured the show out in season 2 and just went with it" because yeah, they really did. I do really miss Leonard and Kendra though. Season 1 had some really great stuff. They just tried taking it way too seriously. Imagine all the good stuff from season 1 but combined with the "we don't talk about the logic" attitude they have now!!!
Overall, great episode. They just need to get me to care about Sara's plot and then we're set.
-Quarantine Anon
This was such a good episode! Yeah, no Gary or Mick sadly, but Olivia knocked it out of the park! This was her episode and she absolutely killed it.
John really let Astra fall into the deep end of the pool of mortality and trying to be a functional adult. The least the Legends could have done is give her a good fake ID. And when she was trying to find a job? Felt that one hard.
Yeah, there are some glimmers of Astra and Behrad, but I'm not sure if they'll go that way. If they do, I want to see more build up to it. Give me proper build up. Give me some close calls. Give me some pining.
I wish the racist had stayed dead. Good fucking riddance.
Astra's wardrobe is incredible. Like my dress sense in generally Zari 1.0 or Ava, but Astra's outfits are amazing. And that dress was sooooo poofy and gorgeous! And the animation? It made me laugh so much harder than when the Legends were turned into objects. Nate being happy about being patted on the head. Spooner's little hat. Ava going pew pew pew. It was all great!
John has had growth. He's still an asshole, but he's growing. The Legends and Zari have been a good part in that. Also I am warming more to Hellstar now. But yeah, Constantine pilot John would have never dreamed of giving up magic. This one...he's learning not everyone he cares for will be ripped away.
I don't get Sara's plot either yet. Bishop wants her as a partner? Okay....sure. But yeah, I want to know more about Gary. And after seeing the promo, my hopes feel a bit dashed because I feel like the toilet is going to be another big joke thing. I don't know yet though.
But Bishop...@somebodyhelpthenotdeadfreds told me about this. When you think back to S1, Rip's family died in 2166. Druve said the Thanagarian invasion was in...what 75 years? Bishop said the invasion was in 2213 or something. Now, the Legends writers might have flubbed the math and Crisis did happen, but the dots are connected there. Although @lostinthespeedforce reminded me we can't get Thanagarians bc of Covid restrictions, I want to have hope for S7 giving me them.
Side note on Bishop- he's mad and scary but he's also very hot. And I know he was experimenting on himself...is that how he survived Sara breaking his neck?
I never picked up on the meta-ness of that joke until you pointed it out to me. Because yeah, Legends started hitting the stride more in S2 because I don't think they expected renewal, but they got extra episodes added to help them find their groove. By S3, they got it down to a solid formula. But ohhh I do miss Leonard and Kendra. I miss all the Legends who have left really.
Sara's plot still needs a hook beyond 'the woman who can't be killed'.
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
metr0con 2019 saturday diary
cosplayed/breakfast: same as the other 2 diaries. snack: a twin kitkat.
my eyes only, buckaroo. for future me.
can i b real w u i waited until 3 am to type this n a lot (esp from panels/early in the day) is HELLA fuzzy!!! sry! ;w; also it’s like. 4 am as im typing this n im not in the mood to write a diary! recalling everything is tiring, yknow? n i need to go to bed ghh... anyway!!
we left late bc i couldnt decide who to cosplay n i arrived late :(( anyway, it hadnt been 5 minutes there when i dropped my plastic purple heart ring i had from the dentist n i was so sad :( but i went to the bn-ha panel n i dont remember a lot of it sry. i remember iida wore a giant floppy sunhat that said Sunny Vibes on it tho n momo wore a black n white striped dress w sunflowers!
After this was cafe-stuck and it was fun! everyone kept calling jade a furry n i asked nepeta if she’d ever seen Nyan Neko Sugar G!rls to which she said no n someone asked her if she’d heard of/seen nek0para n she said she’d heard of it but it was “a bit.. too Extreme/Much for me.....” and someone asked the group (vriska, jade, john, dave, nepeta, tavros, aradia) why they were doing this and they said it was equius’ and john’s (i think?) prank that got way too out of hanf bc kanaya made the outfits for reals. someone asked vriska if she was a furyr cuz she had a spidersona and throughout the panel vriska and tavros kept talking abt how vriska took away his legs/him not having any. i asked the aradia n vriska if they’d work good together to make a good hall0ween themed cafe if this cafe were real n they were like “what’s hall0ween?” n the others told them it was a holiday that had candy n dead bodies n stuff! n someone asked abt who has the least human rights or just rights in general n john was like “jade u dont rights, ur an animal” n jade was like “trans rights”.
i decided to skip the d-dlc panel bc i didnt rly wanna write poetry cuz i do that at home n i dont rly care abt theories n discussing stuff like that so! i went walking around the dealers room n stuff. my crown actually came off at this time n i remember feeling like my crown had fallen off bc i thought i heard the mini whoosh it makes when it falls down but when i looked behind me, it wasnt there so i checked the aisles nearby n it wasnt there so i assumed someone had snatched it off my head but after a lot of walking, i found it half-underneath a con table w black tablecloth?? so i picked it up n went to the cosplay help desk and the guy safety-pinned it to my wig so i was all good to go!!
after that, i tried to look around to see if i could find any ens-tars cosplayers bc the meerup but i didnt see any so i was like oh well whatever im going to the LL panel anyway. so i went to the aki hana panel n i have videos of it! so im not rly gonna talk abt it. they played kings game there tho and “who’s most likely”! they said “who’d like an!mal crossing the best” n my immediate thought was rin so i raised my hand but the answer they had thought of was kotori, which actually makes much more sense haha. they said my answer was valid tho. i still got candy for answering! anyway the punk set ruby next to me ended up being the hifumi from yesterday that gave me the flower tin n they said it was nice to see me again n i said i wasnt able to go to the ES meetup bc i was only told when it was, not where it was, n they said that Eri/Eli (?) 9im guessing that was the host of the meetup) had to cancel it n i went oh. at the end of the panel i received a kotori pic! also a girl dressed up as a witch complimented my tsukasa outfit n i knelt down n said “thank you, princess” or smth i was like “i had a ring that i was gonna use to like. pretend to give to pretty girls but.. i lost it” n they seemed flattered but we parted ways!
after this was the aqours panel n the hanamaru did a dance n the you also did one but then they started playing the p0cky game n Headphones n i got kind of bored so i left n i heard “tsukasa!” n it was the jakurai from yesterday (that told me abt the meetup) dressed as mao in a yukata w their friend as oni ritsu n they looked so good! the jakumao apologized saying the meetup was cancelled. i think we talked for a sec then i went to go check out the rw-by q n a n it was a whole lot of roasting from the audience haha bc they did questions one at a time (ex: questions for yang, now questions for blake...) n i asked yang how she gets her hair so nice n she went “...nice?” w an unbelieving laugh/tone then they moved on n i was confused but oh well! they asked summer how she felt abt sloppy seconds bc taiyang n how taiyang’d feel abt a 3rd wife n nora got asked how many pancakes she could eat at a time n she was like “how much time do ya have?” n after the qna they started playing a weird game n it was rly boring so i left but the panel was almost over anyway. 
after i left i ran into a ramuda n they recognized me as tsukasa n they’re into ES n they said they hadnt watched the anime yet n they were surprised to see valkyrie in it bc they thought they werent gonna b but they said they hope the anime doesnt butcher shhu bc they like shu n know a lot of ppl hate shu n stuff. we talked abt the ES cosplayers at the con for a bit n i told them abt the ritsu+mao cosplayers n we had anice time talking n they said they rly liked rabits n i was like oh dude me too!! “i havent met anyone who hates ryu-seitai. like, Good.” n they were like “how could you hate ryu-seitai, they all wanna b nice n make friends” n i was like “yea mayb except midori” there was more but yea! i also ran into the witch girl n her friend from earlier bc they went “tsukasa!!!” n her friend (cosplayin smth from hn-k) showed me they had/got a leo plush n i was like “OH MY GOD. HE’S FINALLY BEEN FOUND!! HOLD ON CAN WE HAV A PIC W IT” so we took a pic of the leo plush beside my “where is leo??” sign like!! hell yea! n i was like “leo needs to pay child support. he’s evading his taxes. tax fraud” or smth around this point i think. at some point, on the escalators, i noticed a juto n a samatoki but when they got off the scalator they were heading for the exit so i couldnt rly ask for their pic so i decided to try n find em later.
then i went to the bn-ha panel but it was full to the BRIM but i made the mistake of sliding into the middle of an empty row for a good seat but the prson sat in front of me had big poofy hair so i couldnt see like half of the characters n ppl filld all the seats to my left n right so i couldnt leave. i was rly bored n trapped so i went on my ipad for almost all of thepanel n read part of a chiana/zu fic n stuff until the girl w the big hair left then i focused a Little more on the panel but i was still bored so wehn i noticed the ppl to my right all leave except the one guy next to me, i left the panel. i was sad bc at the time of that panel, there was a DR murder mystery panel that i couldve tried to attend instead but i was trapped so i couldnt :((
after that i decided to wander around for a bit before idolfest but when i went in at 5 pm, i 4got just how small that room was n how few chairs it had, n there were ppl standing against the walls so i leaned my sign against the right of the double doors BUT I LOOKED AHEAD N THERE WAS!! A HYPM!C PERFORMANCE STARTING TO HAPPEN!! DIVISION RAP ANTHEM WAS STARTING UP N MTR WAS ON THE STAGE!! but there were tall ppl standing in front of me n i was crowded against the back so i raised my ipad way above my head n started recording n watched them thru my ipad util someone opened the right door n i had to scramble tog rab my sign n lean it against me somehow n it made my fildiming falter but!! god i was just so exciting bc i wasnt expecting A HYPM!C PERFOAMNCE!! they did so good too ;w; after that, it was a solo hanayo perfoamnce then 3 songs from a non-anime-specific idol group that did 3 voca songs (one of which was LUVVVORATORY!!) n another non-anime dol group that did kpop songs (they were rly pretty n good) n then a you solo then a you/hane duet! ALSO during the hypm!cperformance, te juto n sama n a gentaro were dancing in front of me n right after the perfoamcne, a BB group opened the door but realized they missed the hypm!c performance n left n i decided to try n find em later too. 
after the last performance, there was still time, so a samus came over to me n asked to take a pic of my sign n they said they like ens-tars too n they said they cosplay tsukasa too n they ran a panel as him back in georgia n we talked abt best boys n i showed them all the keychains on my bag n when i pointed at mika n said 2nd best boy they went “:o me too!” n there was a lot more said but we went on talking for a while abt ens-tars n they showed me pics of the tori n arashi cosplayers that day they saw. 
after that i just walked around for like 45 minutes until the samus saw me again n waved me over so i was talking w them n they were apparently drinking alcohol despite being 18 n their friend was 23 n we were just talking abt stuff n i noticed a trigger group on the escalator n we called out to them n i took their picture n samus was like “dude it’s so cool that ur into id0lish7 too” n then we kept talking n at one point the samus was like “tsukasa i luv u” n made a lil finger heart n i tried 2 make one but my hands were kinda full but i managed to make one! they also said earlier today, they saw a sasuke cosplayer getting arrested n they took a pic of it for their snapchat lmao n it was them in front of a cop car n they said the person said “dont touch me!!” to the cop. the friend w samus said the only idols he knows were the combie one n that saki was def best girl hands down like, its a fact n i was like “ur right. it not even a hot take, its the Facts.” anyway then i wnted to walka round a bit more so i did n at like. 7:10 i decided “why not go near the photosoot area n registration to see more cosplayers that r there bc ive just been walking repetitive loops around the dealers room entrance n the con floor so! there could b some new cosplayers there! n lo n behold i found a tenn n ryuu that i had seen briefly earlier! n took their pic! then less than a few ftaway, i tried to walk past some ppl but there was a bag in the way so i stepped over it (like, not on it, i mean. like, Over, to avoid it) but i noticed it was an MTC itabag n the person next to it had bunny ears n it!! was the juto n sama i was looking for! so i took their pic n was talking abt how cool it is to see more hypm!c cosplayers here this yr until some guy came up n started telling the samatoki they looked like kaworu n they mistook them for kaworu n they said they didnt kno who i was supposed to b but i looked nice (iirc?) so i left n near the prop check table, I SAW THE BB BOYS! so i ran up to them n asked for a picture n then i started talking abt the hypm!c thing n there being so many this yr when there were none last yr n the jiro was like “aa ur tsukasa” n we started talking abt ES a lil bit n the anime then i complimented their ritsu+mao plushies on their bag n left!
after that i just roamed the halls until 8 pm. then the v0ltron panel! keith n lance hd like, a roasting rivalry going on n keith was like “i keep getting bullied! i dont deserve this!” n i kept askiing questions. me, a green ranger, a dave, n the dave’s friend were mainly the ones asking questions lmao. anyway keithd b like “lance dont touch me oh ew” and i asked keith what his fav anime was since he said he was a weeb n he said blue ex0rcist n i asked keith if hed seen LL (bc LL cosplayers were dancing to the music outside the panel room n i heard it) n lance was like “oh yea, he knows all the dances. he does them in his room” n keith denied it n at one point, i was like “since keith n lance share one braincell, who has it the most” n they said keith. the bonding moment was also mentioned a lot and alluras death n how lance can get much more “game” than keith (like, ladies. sorry im tired they might hav used another term) and an amami in the audience told lance to fortnite dance with him aftr thelance fortnite danced n!! just. a lot happened. it was a very casual-ish panel imo. haha.
after that i 4got that the bn-ha panel was at 10 not 9 so i just decided to wander then hit up the dance floor for most of the duration n i spotted the juto n sama n a nurse ramuda that i remember the samus talking abt n also someone who looked like the arashi the samus showed me but in an ali!ce madeness returns dress  o i asked the ramuda for a pic and then started dancing and the juto got into one of the dance circles n just started going hard as HELL n i was just dancing in the area they were near n out of the corner of my eye i’d see juto just absolutely KILLING IT w their dance moves bc they were dancing in front of their friends (occasionally w samatoki or posing w them) n i was just jamming out n during a slow song i pulled up a pic of chiaki on my ipad n started slowdancing w my ipad n the girl near me was like “that’s a Mood” n i think i heard the possibly-arashi n the others laugh a bit bc i was slow-dancing w “chiaki’ haha but god the dance floor was WILD! there was a guy w a saxophone at some point playing along w the music then a guy w a guitar! n we yelled lyrice to dont stop believing n stuff.
the the bn-ha panel! ...i was bored. most of the time i put tape on my leo sign and looked up wigs on ebay n stuff n sometimes i couldnt hear v well bc i sat near the back. they started up like, truth or dare but w a beach ball to decide who got to ask the dare or w/e? but i noticed a gentaro in the back of the room so i was like “ill just wait until the end of the panel then ask for their picture” then trivia started n they eventually asked what episode dabi appeared in n i was thinking “ep 7 of the most recent season” n some guy guessed that (he was the only one who fuessed) but the izuku n katsuki looked at their paper n i heard them mutter “episode 31″ so after somebody guessed ep 42 n the panelists said ‘”guess between 30-42--” i said ep 31 n went up n got a pack of aiw stickers but i shoulve taken the superhero shirt tbh. aftr that i decided to leave n asked the gentaro for a pic n they were one of the ryuus earlier they said n also a jakuarai from yesterday! they were like “oh! ur the tsukasa i keep seeing/running into!” n i was like “oh! hi!”
idk what convo this was in but someone was like “do u like how they did anzu?” n i was like “oh she’s so cute they rly said Fuck Anzu Haters” n they agreed.
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kysaito · 6 years
Happy Three Years!
November 3, 2018
Dear Karis,
Happy 3rd birthday! 
(As usual, this post is coming a little late.)
This year, we celebrated your birthday at least 6 times. :)
The first was at Griffith Park with Uncle Kenny, Rosa, Auntie Alice, and Grandma Fely. We had a picnic, then went on the carousel, then on the train, then you rode on a pony! (A kid in front of us was scared to leave his mommy to go on the pony, but you let go of my hand and walked straight into the ring without a glance back – you were so excited!)
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Then on your actual birthday we did everything just as you planned it (yes, you were very specific about what you wanted). Here’s a version of what you would say to me leading up to your birthday:
“I want to be Cinderella, and Mama will be Pocahontas, and Auntie Lyssa will be Jasmine, and Grandma Fely can be Snow White, and Dada can be the Prince. And all the kids will sing, ‘Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Karis, happy birthday to you,’ like that, and then I’ll blow out my candles.”
You also mentioned wanting to go to Kid Space, and the day before your birthday, we went to eat dinner and played at a nearby arcade afterward, so you added a visit to the arcade to your birthday list, as well. And guess what… we did all that (and more!)
You and I went to IHOP for breakfast (we ordered the cupcake pancake combo), then I took you to preschool all dressed up in your Cinderella gown, glass slippers and all, then Grandma Jo brought strawberry cupcakes to school that she and Uncle B made (as you requested). You looked so happy and elegant, sitting there in the middle of the room at the table with the princess tablecloth, your friends sitting with you beaming excitedly – proud to be sitting at the same table as the birthday princess. After everyone sang happy birthday to you, you blew out your candles, then we packed up and went to Kidspace, then to dinner, then to the arcade, then back to our place – and you wore your Cinderella dress and crown proudly the whole time. At home, we had more cupcakes, then opened presents – so many princess presents!
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You make me so proud, little Bear. I even made an Instagram post:
HBD, sweet Karis girl. You bring healing and light wherever you go and have made me braver, stronger, kinder, and just better. :) And you’ve helped me believe that tutus really can go with everything. Love you forever.
I love how brave and free you are. You seemed a little nervous as we were walking toward the classroom and I did start to worry that someone would say or do something to make you feel silly and want to change, or that maybe the teachers would have you change because your dress was too poofy to do activities or sleep during nap time. But when we returned at the end of the day for cupcake time, and I saw you sitting there surrounded by your friends, still in your dress, crown, and slippers, smiling proudly – I realized I didn’t need to worry about you at all. Aside from how beautiful you looked, what made me so proud was that I knew you feltbeautiful, and you weren’t letting self-consciousness or fear of what others might think keep you from soaking it all in.
One little girl even came up to me and told me she liked your dress, and a little boy came up to Grandma Jo and said he wanted to play with you, but that “Veda wouldn’t let me.” (Veda is your preschool BFF.)
We also celebrated with our small group and with Grandpa and Estella! And Kyrie and Auntie Danes took you out for a movie and ice cream, too. :) 
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So let’s have a talk…about everything that happened since I last wrote! 
(You love starting conversations like that – “Let’s have a talk, Mama” – as you pat the seat beside you.)
You started preschool!
The biggest thing is probably that you started preschool! You go to the Enchanted Castle at Pasadena Montessori (sounds like a mouthful, but one day before we even intentionally taught you the name of your new school, you said, “Am I going to Pasadena Montessori today?”)
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Caption: Your first day of preschool.
We were a little nervous about how you’d handle the transition from Judy’s to preschool, but you did so well! You jumped right in there and didn’t even look back (or shed a single tear!) Sometimes you’ll bring it up (“Remember how when I was a little girl, I used to go to Judy’s?”), but when I ask if you want to go back you say no because you’re “a big girl now.” The teachers tell us that everyone is falling in love with you and that you’re a happy little chatterbox. JYou come home telling us about playing with Veda, and the “jobs” you do (that’s what they call the assignments you work on), and how you took a numbers test… by the way, here’s one of the first numbers tests you brought home… 100%!
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You’re a ballerina!
You also started ballet classes! You seem to love it – you are able to follow the routines the teacher shows you, and we can really see the concentration and determination in your eyes! You also practice your moves outside of class... click here and here to view your little airport ballet performances. :)
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You are a happy, silly, funny, bold, generous, thoughtful, loving, insightful, artistic, beautiful little girl. 
I could go on but those words are ones I have pictures and stories I want to share about with you.
Happy, silly, funny. Those are actually your words. I was telling you one night about all the wonderful things you are, and you jumped in and finished my sentence with, “and happy… and silly… and funny…” I love that you use those words to describe yourself.
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Bold. You’ve stepped up and gone to the front of the room when volunteers were asked for, even though we could tell you were feeling a little shy about it – from holding medium-sized snakes to being the magician’s assistant, and a few other things in between.
Generous. Mommy and Daddy went to Tijuana, Mexico in June to help build a house. When we came back and I was showing you pictures (Click here to see!) and telling you all about it, you kept saying (and still bring up at times) that you want to go to Mexico and build a house with us. And when I showed you a photo of the family, the first thing you said was, “How come the kids don’t have any shoes?” I explained that they didn’t have a lot of money, and you said, “I can give them my sparkle shoes.” And a few days ago, you caught a bag of toys that I had packed up to give away. It seemed that you were going to get upset (“Hey, that’s my elephant! That’s my Minnie toy!”), but then we sat down and I told you about how we were giving the toys away to kids who didn’t have any toys to play with… and you let it all go (and even brought up how you could give them your sparkle shoes, again).
Thoughtful. When an ambulance goes by or we see an accident on the road, you’ll ask what happened, and then pray. You also say the sweetest prayers at mealtime and bedtime. They’re usually something like, “Dear Jesus, thank you for… Help Mommy and Daddy to feel better… dear Jesus, amen.” More recently, your prayers for Mommy and Daddy have been replaced with, “Help Maggie to not eat grapes or pomegranates.” A few weeks ago, Grandma Fely hadn’t been doing too well because of her toothache. It had been a few days since we’d seen her, and I had forgotten all about it, but at dinnertime, out of nowhere you asked how Grandma Fely’s tooth was and wanted to call her. It made her day.
Loving. Daddy was sharing in front of the whole church last weekend, and you were sitting with me in the back. I was holding you up so you could see him, when you turned to me and said you wanted to go see him, so I put you down and said, “Okay, go ahead!” Then you ran all the way to the front and he picked you up and held you while he shared. Later, he asked why you came up to the front and you said, “because I love you.”
Insightful. Daddy and I were fighting one time and then daddy left. I found you sitting quietly in your room and when I apologized for the fighting, you responded ever so gently, “was it your fault?” while tapping my nose with your finger. That’s just one example of many when you’ve helped one of us re-center by gently speaking truth into us.
Artistic. I’m not sure this is the best word. But I feel like you’re a craftsman, for sure. You love drawing, painting, and tracing. You’re very precise and your drawings actually look like what you say they are!
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Beautiful. We get told this all the time about you by strangers and friends alike, but you carry a unique beauty that I believe comes from the Holy Spirit’s presence on you. If there are kids around who you don’t know, you’ll want to befriend them. With the younger ones you do know, you like to take their hands and guide them. We want to the beach to watch Uncle Corey and Auntie Dana get baptized, and though we barely said anything to you about what was going on (just talked about it around you), you said to me at dinner later, in an almost distressed voice, “Mama, I didn’t get baptized!” (You actually said, “I didn’t get washtide” first and I had no idea what you were saying. I tried brushing it off – “oh don’t worry, we can get it another time,” but you were persistent in reiterating what you wanted until I understood.) You have a tender heart that makes your eyes sparkle.
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You continue to make your way around the world.
You’ve been to Prague, Hawaii, Napa, San Francisco, San Diego, Big Bear, Ventura/Oxnard, and this year, Las Vegas, NV, Arizona, and North Carolina! 
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(Las Vegas, NV) The “diamonds” at the Cosmopolitan, sun bathing and shark tank at the Golden Nugget. 
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(Slide Rock, AZ) Sorry, not the best pic of you but I wanted you to see the rock slides! Your Daddy and I both went down -- very slippery and very cold!
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Apple picking in North Carolina with Julia and Dennis!
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Driving along Blue Ridge Parkway 
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Your first East Coast College Tour -- to Duke and UNC (you slept through most of Duke).
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Moravian Falls, in the presence of angels
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Fearrington Farm
We just celebrated Halloween together as the Disney royals (per your request)
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Things I’ve been learning…
Your dad cherishes me… and I could do a better job of cherishing him. Cherishing is love that goes out of its way to honor, protect, showcase, encourage, and bring out the best. If I want to see someone change for the better, I should make the effort to intentionally cherish them. This means affirming them in how far they’ve come rather than pointing out how far they have to go, it means conquering contempt and the temptation to critique by protecting them and practicing thankfulness. Cherishing can bring healing and bring out the best in someone – where criticizing never will. Cherishing is a choice. (This is all from Cherish by Gary Thomas.)
Take care of the little ruptures. Sometimes when I’m upset with someone, I struggle with whether to say something or not. But if I don’t say it and can’t let it go, then I start building up resentment… and then love for that person starts to fade. “Love doesn’t magically disappear, but it can slip away if you’re not choosing to fight for it over and over” (228). “There were 1,000 little ruptures that never got repaired” (227). (This is from I’d Like You More If You Were More Like Me, John Ortberg.) If the person matters to you, even if it’s uncomfortable or you just don’t feel like it, it’s worth it to take the time to address the little ruptures.
Be willing to interrupt what you’re doing, even if it’s inconvenient, to put the things that matter most first! There are so many times I’m faced with decisions and I’m not sure what to do, or I don’t even think and just choose based on what’s most convenient in the moment! I find that I often pick the thing that makes me look better to others – even if it means sacrificing my health, time with you, time with God, or compromising how I treat Daddy. Those are the very things that give me strength and joy. Without them, I get run-down and defeated. But with them, I am strong, content, and at peace. When you find your everyday decisions pulling you away from the things that ultimately matter most to you, stop, and force yourself to choose those things first.
Shake the dust off your feet… there’s just no pleasing them all. This keeps coming up again and again for me, and I have a feeling it will for you, too – simply because you’re my daughter. And also (this is a secret from 3-year-old you) but you’re already exhibiting signs of possibly being an achievement-oriented perfectionist (sorry). You can do your best and someone will think you’re not good enough. You can have pure intentions and someone will be offended by you. You can be nice and someone will think you have a secret agenda. You can try over and over to make things right with people, to make them see what you intended, to make them own your version of the truth… but you will lose lots of sleep, harbor too much anger and hurt, and you will always feel very, very tired. Oh, and it still won’t be enough. So again, focus on what’s true and unwavering and the people who matter most. Be willing to fight for those things. But beyond that… “shake the dust off your feet” and move on. Leave the rest to God’s judgement. (Matthew 10:14-15).
I love you so much my sweet precious Karis girl.
P.S. Other fun photos from these past few months...
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Obon, July 2018
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Kidspace (You insisted on sitting in the back while someone drove you, and refused to accept that I wasn’t going to fit in the driver’s seat... then this little boy drove up and offered to take you for a ride. The Kidspace employee commented, “she was made to be chauffeured.”)
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Showing up in style for a drizzly day at Kidspace (you picked your outfit)
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Tanaka Farms with Cam
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Doing the Worm at the family reunion/Cousins’ 50th in Vegas.
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