#one of the main things that i wanted aphmau to go in on were katelyns brothers
star-boi0720 · 4 months
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Katie and my version of her brothers
so names and order of age after Katie:
Katie: pretty much her original self a few things changed nothing crazy tho
green background, Kaden: He's a shadow knight or what I call them, warlords and has a past with Gene and Dante
purple background, Kameron (or Able not 100% yet): I made him a minor villain in like season 2 or 3 lots of trauma there
red background, Kain: yes I made him a cowboy and no I'm not sorry about it still lots and lots of trauma, lots of mommy issues, want to give him a centaur girlfriend but still on the fence about it
Yellow background my special boy Kacey: basically, he's a cyborg kind of, I made him this thing called a keeper basically he's in charge of watching over some magic place. His is the labyrinth kinda works like how it does in Greek myths/Percy Jackson. magic maze that's all under the world and constantly moves around to trick people who are trying to steal the relic hidden inside the one that its protection is Kulzack's (I think that's How you spell it)
still workin out things but thats what I got for them rn
srry for any mistakes
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theladyofrosewater · 5 months
So I was browsing the MCD wiki (which sidenote thank you @/lggy for maintaining the wiki you are a godsend) and I noticed that because of the sepia or whatever filter they used, Zianna and Aaron's wife Lilly look really similar so I thought "what if I made them sisters"
THINK ABOUT IT FOR A SECOND. If I make it so that Lilly and Aaron get married early that would effectively make Zianna the sister of the Lord of Falconclaw and a pretty valuable person to marry in terms of alliances so Zianna would make the decision to marry Garte and therefore O'Khasis would never move on Falconclaw and hey if Garte died early (most descendants of Esmund have a habit of dying young in my rewrite) that would effectively let Zianna rule O'Khasis as long as she had an heir that could wield Esmund's relic.
It also would make Aaron more involved in the plot because I will be honest, while I do not hate Aaron because I can separate him from Jason enough. Aaron feels like a character who would have been a one-off character or at least one who was a side character to the level of say Lucinda. I know the Divine Warriors and Irene are supposed to be the kinda main story but I will be honest with you the Ro'Meaves and their absolute chaos are way more interesting to me. Zane was the season one's villain, Garroth and Vylad were mysteries that we got to upwrap with both Ru'aun as a whole and some stuff about the Shadow Knights. In making Aaron Zianna's brother-in-law and the uncle of Garroth, Zane and Vylad to me, besides just making him more connected to the main plot, does two main things.
Aaron in current MCD canon is really only connected to two characters Aphmau and Zane. I'm changing his relationship to Aph to be more of a mentorship one because I think he sees the young daughter he and his wife wanted to have but never got too because of Zane. to me it makes the massacre at Falconclaw be that much more personal because instead of this random priest just killing your wife, child, and entire village for no real reason imagine this. You're a lord of a village and relatively recently two of your nephews have died and one of them quite gruesomely, you've got one nephew left and he requests a family visit and you accept because hey the kid has always been a bit weird but he just lost both of his brothers and he probably needs support right now so you extend an invitation for him to visit. He gets there and he somehow got to be the head of the major religion in your area and the kid's not even 19 yet and looks like he hasn't slept in days so you rush the tour and send him to your home, maybe your wife can get him to eat something, or your son might cheer him up for at least a little while. You think nothing of it and keep doing your job until you hear screaming and see so many dead. Your wife is dead, your son is dead everyone is dead and the only one alive is your nephew and when he looks at you he fucking smiles and says it "it was necessary but don't worry I'm sure you'll join them soon enough" before walking off leaving you to bury bodies for years. Making Aaron be related to the Ro'meaves in my opinion changes his story from just a fridging backstory to a classic tragedy because it becomes a betrayal bathed and forged from blood.
I think it would give him a better motivation to risk his life to get Garroth back and it would make him interact with the other characters because he wants to know what kind of man his non-evil nephew turned into. That causes him to be more and more social with everyone. Maybe he spars and trains with Katelyn, He teaches Dante and his kids how to fish because Aaron never got to teach Jacob how, but still wants to pass on that skill. Maybe he knows things about shadow knights that most people don't, and he promises to teach Laurance in case he might help him. Maybe he takes Travis hunting because Travis never got to go on hunting trips with a parent. And then he sacrifices himself. Katelyn ignores the painful feeling she gets when she looks at the spare chalk and wrappings she has for spars. The fishing poles in Dante's house get covered with dust and cobwebs, the strings rotting away and snapping. Laurance and maybe Vylad struggling with being shadow knights as the call gets stronger and wondering if Aaron would have known how to deal with it. Travis out of anger snaps his bow in half before realizing what he did and breaking down. I want Garroth to be horrified when he finally is home and realizes just who they lost to get him back. I want them to care about him and I want his sacrifice to be more than love triangle fodder
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stellisketches · 1 year
I think the fight between Aphmau and Garroth at the end of season 2 reads a lot better if you don’t look at it from a “who’s right and whose wrong” perspective and just absorb it as a natural consequence of the narrative.
These two had gone through the emotional ringer leading up to the confrontation, and one way or another something was bound blow over. As a side note, I don’t think either of them were that out of character during the scene either, which I’ve seen some people argue.
Two of Aphmau's main character flaws is that she a) wants everyone around her to be happy all the time and b) she forgets to consider the full consequences of her actions. Part B is obvious in this situation, and as for part A, she had plenty of chances to tell Garroth she was pregnant before the whole invasion but chose not to because she didn’t want to make him unhappy (this was confirmed by Katelyn). She’d honestly prefer to tell Garroth bad news when he’s already upset and make him feel worse rather than tell him when he was happy/content and interrupt the peace (though I doubt she’s consciously aware of it).
And we’ve seen that Garroth is fully capable of being cold and snapping when he’s upset, though he seems to reserve it for people he genuinely dislikes or is deeply upset with. We’ve just never seen him reach that point with Aphmau (arguably save for end of s1, but I still chock that up to magick-fuckery). Because she was the one person who kept him grounded, and he did not ever want for her to see him in an uncaring light.
Was it morally right of Garroth to yell at her after being told? No. Did he come off as manipulative when he questioned if she had ever cared about him? Yeah. Was he acting as though she betrayed him when he knew they were never officially together? Pretty much.
Was it understandable that Garroth would be outwardly upset after being told the woman he loves is having another man’s child after weeks of building stress? Yes. Directly after finding out his mother was about to be executed and his home had been laid to siege? Double yes. Was him questioning his entire relationship with her a natural, instinctual response after realizing she had kept it from him for a substantial amount of time? I’d say yes.
Was it morally wrong for Aphmau to sleep with Aaron? No. Was she obligated to tell anyone about her intimate relationships? No. Was she responsible for the way Garroth acted? No.
Was it incredibly stupid for her to have told Garroth right after he found out his mother was going to be executed? Yes. Should she have anticipated that it was probably a bad time to announce she was pregnant? Yes. Was Aphmau toeing the line at feeling sorry for herself and playing the victim in order to initiate sympathy from Garroth throughout that conversation? Personally, I’d say yes.
They both acted in a way that was manipulative, as is what happens when two people are upset and in conflict. You want the other person to feel a certain way, and you say and do things that aren’t necessarily fair in order to make them feel it. It’s not about right and wrong, its just about making yourself and your misery heard. It is natural, and nature does not have a moral compass.
I’ve seen a TON of arguments on a ton of different platforms arguing about whether it was Aphmau or Garroth who was being manipulative towards the other and it all totals up to be pretty 50-50, and tbh I think that is the best seal I can get for my claim. People usually side with whoever they think is most morally correct, and everyone has opinions and biases they’ve settled into that impact who they side with. With a score that even, you know it really comes down to a personal moral standpoint.
Thing is, this wasn’t a moral argument. it was simply a well of building emotions that hit its limit and flooded way over capacity.
It’s not about who deserved to get yelled at. It’s not about who deserved to get rejected. When it comes down to it, it is about two people at their own personal breaking points who spiral into reverberating their anguish on one another. They were neither entirely justified or condemnable for feeling the way they did or for the way they spoke to one another.
And that is why it makes it so frustrating and uncomfortable to the audience.
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faun-the-hound · 1 month
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MyStreet picrews
will (eventually, maybe) draw the MCD and MyS versions myself, but I wanted a baseline design idea. I keep going back to a PDH/MyS rewrite in between all my Thoughts about MCD and wanted to make the main characters on one of my favourite picrews.
A few additional head canons/AU facts:
-Nana makes her own jewellery, all of her bracelets and necklaces are hand-made, so are the chokers Aph and Katelyn are wearing
-Aphmau was born with wings and white runes up her arms and on her face, no one knows quite why, but doctors have assumed she's a rare type of magi
-Zane's white streaks are natural, he wasn't born with them, but they started growing in when he was two/three (also applies to MCD Zane)
-Aaron is covered in scars from various fights with other werewolves, he refuses to use his wolf form when fighting, so he gets hurt more often
-Travis had to have his left leg amputated as a child and now has a prosthetic and uses a cane, only Dante knew him before his leg was removed
-Katelyn has really long, thick hair (almost to her hips) but she shaves one side of it almost religiously because her first girlfriend ever said it made her look badass, and she revels in that idea
-Lucinda got her first tattoo (butterfly on her chest) illegally as a teenager, Katelyn and Nicole have matching butterflies on their ankles they got at the same time
-Laurance is very far-sighted, man can't see shit more than three feet in front of him, this leads to him tripping/walking into things a lot, hence all the band-aids on his face
-Michi's parents were very not good to her and Mikai when they were little, and the two of them lived with their aunt throughout all of high school, she's not currently in contact with any of her relatives
-Dante is hard-of-hearing and wears hearing aids, which messes up his Magick when he tries to use it (siren magi, can't hear properly = can't do sound-based Magick properly)
-Garroth knows sign language and preferred to use it in high school as opposed to speaking, this was due to his stutter, though he learned initially for Zane (who is a selective mute)
-Nicole never knew who her mother was, but her father has told her a number of times she was a magi (a witch), Nicole doesn't know if that's true though, as she's never had any Magick of her own
will probably draw them all myself at some point, but there's a lot of characters and designs are hard. might try doing Dante again, I couldn't figure out his hair with the picrew I used
Picrew link:
TOON ME! ⟪ A ⟫|Picrew
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So I am thinking of a fanfiction that I should write as an idea blot that I can have coinciding with my other fanfic, but it's Garroth x Kul'Zak. Specifically, Kul'Zak who keeps staring at Garroth with the saddest and most lost eyes, and Garroth feeling immense hate to a man he does not know. This will also fall into my favorite fantasy trope of immortal x disgruntled 30 year old.
I think the main point of the story will be about two people finally taking genuine interest and action IN THEIR OWN LIFE. With Garroth finally deciding to break the cycle of "destiny" and Kul'Zak deciding to finally take what he wants in life. I also believe that Kul'Zak could be used to further Aphmaus progression of " You are not Irene, and that is a wonderful thing, you are you. Now live."
I think I am going to have Kul'Zak be third season and take the place of Liochant and Lo. Make him a crafty guard of his "Ex-But-Kinda-Still-Bestfriend" kids who likes disguises. He will have a tendency to refer to everyone by their divine warrior correlation with the exception of Aphmau, who is soley Aphmau for she is better than his old friend. Travis will occasionally get called Enki, Katelyn Menphia, Garroth Esmund, and Lucinda will sometimes be referred to as Hyria.
This story will also revolve around the idea that the divine warriors were not good people, and their worship only made some of them crueler. Definitely will lean into my headcannon of Travis mom not being the descendant of Enki but the Demon Warlock being what remains of Enki. Also gonna be the one to include cannibalism, but is consuming from an immortal truly sacrificial cannibalism when they won't die from it?
If you want more of me using your asks as a sounding board for this, I can go into how I believe he got his immortality next.
Absolutely yes I do tell me more
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dantedeservedbetter · 2 years
I don’t think anyone understands just how much I want origin stories of everyone else in Mystreet like they all have really interesting backgrounds that are just tossed to the side of the main plot points (lol abt to be a really long threat again sorry)
Aaron- Didn’t actually get character lore OR a personality until S3 but like I want MORE because tbh I feel like his parents gave him a lot more trauma than what’s shown in the series, and even the stuff IN the actual seasons (the emotional neglect, his military schooling, the tense relationship w/Melissa etc;) are fixed and shoved off like no he might ACTUALLY need therapy bruh PLEASE
Katelyn- I think she was (?) in therapy in the beginning for her anger issues and the loss of her mother but like it was kind of forgotten about tbh. I think she needs more positive moments in the series honestly bc in the later seasons we’re shown she’s partially abusive towards Travis the first time they went out, and ends up being written off as prejudice towards werewolves bc of past experiences??? Naw the Katelyn I know would never do that. AND HER DREAMS OF WORKING IN THEATRE TOO HELLO??? Also, her mom quite literally used her in the Forever Potion experiments as a child?? I feel like that’s important to her character too :/
The Ro’meave Brothers- I don’t actually know where to start tbh because I feel like ALL THREE of them could use some kind of character depth aside from Dumb Blonde, Emo One, and the Forgotten One. Especially Vylad, probably having to witness this entire Lycan situation grow from an outsiders perspective with no contact from his family in forever. It’s shown that Zane is immensely interested in the family business too like hello??? Garroth himself is kind of just written off as a comedic effect most of the time, but he quite literally has no other goals (possibly because he KNOWS he’s going to inherit the business one day whether he cares to or not).
Laurance- He’s not really a character anymore, but from what we’ve actually SEEN in Mystreet he had enough development to become something outside of a potential love interest for Aphmau. He has a fondness for cooking and was seen to be EXCEPTIONAL at it, and I think he still carried an interest in baseball (or idk it was SOME sport asdfghjk the point is he was good). And he was also shown to still help out his family here and there (babysitting Caleb, his baby brother, in numerous episodes). Idk, I feel like there were so many pieces of Laurance that could’ve been explored and touched upon and we hardly got anything. Also… Garrance. Quite literally hate to be that person but it was literally the biggest piece of queerbaiting I’ve ever seen fr I wish it was explored as much as Aarmau was :( (willing to bet the popularity had something to do with what I call the ‘Heartstopper’ treatment but that’s just me tho)
Nana (KC)- The most under appreciated character in-universe I actually had to go and make a separate post about this LOLOL expect it in like five minutes from now bc I just save everything in my drafts.
Travis- Lol no surprise here but him too dude honestly I have no idea where to start with him atm, his entire family’s lore needs a full in depth analysis on themselves because Aphmau’s series just BARELY touches the surface of Travis’s character
Dante/Gene- Honestly BOTH of them were done so dirty I find it funny how no one ever talks abt it because they’re so beautiful to me. Gene already had his redemption arc so I can kind of see why they just tossed him aside but Dante literally had nothing tbh. He had a messy relationship with KC in PDH and then made that same mistake in LLP. Okay, cool, give us more of that. Let him learn from his mistakes and be self aware now. Or better yet let him grow without tossing love interests into the formula in order for it to happen!! Seems like his family life is pretty good though, worst thing abt him was the peanut allergy.
Lucinda- Queen actually has very little to no background that actually centers around her. We know she had a really bad relationship with Ivan but like I’m pretty sure that’s it.
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little-estrellita · 2 months
Update on my Mystreet binge {Spoilers for season 5, Starlight}
I remembered most of this season after all! I actually stopped watching shortly after the engagement episode. Right before Derek {Aaron's father} spilled all the secrets to Melissa {A's sister}.
I really did miss the BIG reveals and the downhill roller coaster that is Angel's fall. With this season's finally, I'm terrified of season 6. Only hearing that its.. chaotic to say the least.
Most of the episodes were great. I found myself feeling embarrassed about the whole "alpha" spiel. But that's more due to how the word is used now-a-days that made me cringe in a bad way. Idk where the whole Maria plot was going, thought she was going to try to cause a rift between the main couple?
I loved the cute moments this season! The bonding with Aaron and Aphmau seemed more chill than over the top lovey dovey stuff. They are cute without the pressure of appearing cute. Unlike Travis and Katelyn, which was a great constrast and gave a few giggles. Still find it a bit creepy that EVERYONE is so into their relationship. But rather that than the guys hoping for their downfall just to get Aph. Sylvanna telling her daughter that becoming a werewolf "just because" was disrespectful towards the culture explained why I was so off put by it. Still, think the whole try not to compare Aaron to a dog was funny. {but where did Celestia go? She was there day one then vanished...??}
I also loved Zane and Nana's relationship.. for the most part. I like that Nana was pushy with it while Zane wanted to take things slow. I'm just surprised that he let a lot go by in the name of not rocking the boat. The whole accidental cheating with the brother plot.. it's one of those scenes you know it happened but happily skipped over a bit to save yourself the second-hand embarrassment. Their kiss {while later on said it was just to keep him interested} was adorable! I feel like it was just the way Nana would confess her feelings. And with Zane? He might not have taken the hint otherwise. Garroth's "about time" response to the news was perfect. It showed that he had improved on keeping his baby brother's feelings in mind.. so much so that he noticed the chemistry between him and Nana before they did!
The proposal was also nice. We all knew it was coming, but it still felt special. Only a bit sad that their announcement to his parents didn't go as planned. Especially with Garroth getting snipped. Poor dude can't catch a break. Experimented on when young {which might explain why Garte favors him}, ladies ran from him, and now he's bedridden because.. as Zane would put it .. he's a boob( ╥ω╥ )
Rant over. Have a smug bastard {derogatory, he would make a funny reaction meme tho}
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attourney-at-lycan · 2 years
okay, lets start off with pdh (im ignoring the aarmau in pdh because i refuse to accept that shit happened. that was a collective fandom fever dream).
What did he do other then throw guy out window that one time in episode 1? Yeah, he was kinda rude (especially to Aphmau), he got detention a lot, basic delinquent kid stuff.. but so did Gene, Zenix, and Sasha? Meanwhile, Laurence and Garroth quite clearly stalked Aphmau (discussion for another day), Gene did so much mean shit (literally discord mod. called aphmau kitty or smth istg), Katleyn was just a dick, and Kawaii~Chan threw potions at people who disagreed with her in any way.
I’d say him and Zane are on similar playing fields of “we’re treated like villains here even though we aren’t”. AND YES, I SAY ZANE IS IN THE SAME BOAT. He’s a discussion for another day, but I will just say this: pdh Zane was literally just a dick. Katelyn and him were both just dicks, but in different ways. Katelyn feels different because she’s violent, she was mean to Travis, and she felt more like a bully. Zane felt like he was just sort of. Rude. Like a coworker who ignores you or writes passive aggressive sticky-notes. Again, topic for another day.
Now, fcu. First off, who the actual fuck remembers what happens here?? I remember briefly that like. Aaron had a bunch of simps, there was some goth werewolf, and Aphmau got harassed but like. Literally what was this series.
Anyways, from what I do remember: Aaron was basically going through emotional abuse at home, he was isolated from his peers, he had people stalking him, and the person he actually was friends with was stalked and harassed, leading him to be anxious talking to her.
I can’t go into as much detail for fcu, but it sounds like Aaron went through a really rough time during this. I feel really, really bad for him. He didn’t even do much wrong here.
Since mys is Long, I’ll do short summaries for each.
Season 1: Actually a really chill guy. He respected boundaries the most out of everyone I’d say, and his biggest “fault” was that he looked sort of intimidating.
Season 2: He was certainly teetering the line of intimidating and threatening, but he was still pretty chill. He was able to put up with the shit-show that is the rest of the cast, but I do think some moments he had were a bit more.. overly rude. Still, he’s better then pdh Gene.
Season 3: imma be totally honest i dont remember half the shit that went on here. I feel like he was pretty solid here. He had a good reason for wanting to progress his relationship the way he did (i dont wanna spoil anything for anyone), and I honestly give him props for not being a total dick to Zane, even though Zane so deserved it.
Season 4: Ougghhhhhdfsgsgs….. Season 4… While saying this in the least, absolute least spoiler way I can: Aaron took the situation, and acted appropriately to a broad extent. Authorities exist in this universe. So I’m cautious as to why authorities weren’t contacted. Magic is reversible. Getting the authorities involved could leave plenty of room for Lucinda, or any other witch to find the cure or something. I feel like he reacted good until he uh. Fight scene with the one in the blue dress (WHAT WAS THAT OUTFIT BTW?). He did a bit too much iffy things for me to put him at the top of the moral scale though.
Season 5: Pure fluff. Man was just pure fluff here. Pretty chill, I feel like he was treated more of a “frequently recurring side character” then a main character. His personality was boiled down to “generic good boyfriend!”. He had his cute moments, yeah. He seemed to be a little bit hot-headed, quick-tempered, whatever you wanna call it. I’d say the worst thing he did was uh. Garroth. (i swear he doesnt fuck garroth you guys)
Season 6: Okay folks listen here!! DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO NOT SEE SPOILERS FOR THIS SEASON. I LITERALLY CAN’T NOT SPOIL SOMETHING. Okay so anyways. Aaron murdered. A lot of people. He murdered one of his friends. Who was in his support group! Yes, he doesn’t remember it and yes, it wasn’t fully in his will. But he still MURDERED PEOPLE!!! THOSE GUYS ARE DEAD! NOT ALIVE, NO MORE AIR!! I don’t remember a lot of season 6 either, but sTILL!! HE KILLED PEOPLE!!!!!!!
Anyways, in conclusion: If I were making a tier-list of these characters from morally best to morally worst, Aaron would be right above the middle. I can’t put him at second or first best, and I can’t confidently say that he’s in the middle because he’s too good for that (middle is most of the forgotten PDH guys and also Travis).
im so glad we agree aarmau in pdh never happened. denial <33
i will probably come back to this post when i finish all of mys first though since i gotta make sure what i reply w/ is my full on opinion
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vyladromeave · 2 years
The thing is that Diaries, when at its best, was an inversion of tropes.
It felt fairly obvious to me while watching Diaries, even before Aaron was introduced, that despite setting us up with the whole love triangle two hot guys vie for the main girls attention trope, Aphmau wasn't going to end up with either of them. And this in itself was actually interesting right up until she ended up with Aaron instead, which destroyed all the work put into inverting that sort of love triangle rivalry thing beforehand. Not even necessarily because she ended up with Aaron (although that still bothers me in and of itself lmao), but because she felt it was necessary to destroy Laurance and Garroth as characters in order to end up with Aaron.
Aphmau being Irene was, on a certain level, interesting. So, so much of S2 was built up on saying that hey, Maybe Irene and the powers that I have because of her are wrong. Maybe it’s bad to try to fit myself into something I know I am not. Maybe Irene wasn't a good person. Aphmau makes multiple comments on her powers feeling "evil" and "wrong" when she uses them. The demon Warlock himself alludes to agreeing with her, literally taunts her with the line "There's no way such a beautiful form can be bad, right?" when she refuses to use those powers further against him. Only for all of this to get thrown away and ignored by the S2 finale. We were given this big ol Chosen Hero Ultimate Power Prophecy trope, had it flipped on its head with the conclusion that Aphmau, as a character, is self-made. Everything she is in S1 is things she established for herself, without having anything to start with or go off of due to her lack of memories and knowledge of the world. (Disregarding her ability to understand the wyverns, but hey she's the protagonist you gotta toss her something.) Aphmau not only did not want Irene's power, but also came to the realization that the power itself was possibly bad in the first place. And then the narrative just... forgot.
Garroth himself is an inversion of the typical knight in shining armor trope. He spends most of S1 running away from his problems instead of facing them, he's honorable and valiant and devoted to Aphmau's safety right up until he isn't. Laurance himself is an inversion of the Casanova trope on multiple levels. Once when we realize he really only has eyes for Aphmau, and seemingly only has ever had eyes for Aphmau (her kissing him during the werewolf wedding was, according to him, his first kiss), and once again when we realize that he only really presents himself as a Casanova initially because he literally doesn't know how else to act. 
Vylad is literally portrayed as a villain for a good portion of the entire show and it isn't unless you were looking closely at his actions beforehand do you realize that your entire interpretation of him was wrong. Katelyn goes from one of Aphmau's many looming threats to one of her greatest allies in like, ten episodes. The S1 finale and reveal of the 15 year timeskip is literally Aphmau winning the battle and losing the war. There are werewolves and you're told they're angry and brutish and evil and then they're actually nice and thoughtful and loyal and smart and become very very close allies and they treat Aphmau like family. The goddess and her godly allies who everyone reveres as just and good and never wrong were maybe a little fucked up and evil! The overarching villain who’s named Shadow McDeath Dictatorship Jones actually maybe had a little bit of a point to be fucking pissed at them for it!
Everything in this series is not as it seems initially. Thats the point! You're given these expectations for how things should go because that's how things always go in fantasy stories, and then you're proven wrong! MCD is full of inversions while still remaining a very authentic and honest fantasy series that flips tropes on its head while never making fun of itself for it or sacrificing its story and that is so so so SO rare, even within stories today. And it’s these moments that make MCD truly special. 
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My pals from discord and I were talkin shit about Aphmaus Minecraft series and two of them wanted to rewrite Diaries n Mystreet respectively and the more we talked the more I wanted to rewrite Diaries as well so now Im gonna watch/rewatch it and write my notes down here
Ive only actually watched the first season before bc I really liked Zane in Mystreet when he was a bastard asshole and ive heard that he was the villain in Diaries but then I wanted to look up his age on the wiki and found out that he really wasnt too important in seasons 2 n 3 so I never watched anything of aphmaus again. until now
Heres my notes on ep. 1:
Im considering renaming Aphmau (as a character obvs) to Jess/Jessica or smth. Idk like, all the other characters (aside from maybe Kawaii-chan but I'd prefer not to think abt her in general) have these very normal kinda generic names (Katelyn, Garroth, Zane, Lucinda, Lawrance, Aaron n god knows who else) so Aphmau as a name just seems really out of place but im not fully sure yet
Okay, so I think im gonna keep the plot stuff about how their Lord recently passed away and now everythings in chaos and theyve lost contact to all those other village states and theyre running low on resources oh no, I think thats a good excuse to keep it contained to one single place in the beginning as everyone is trying to deal with this shit. I dont remember too much about the plot from when I last watched this series though, so I might change some stuff later to have some foreshadowing and maybe make things more cohesive
Because this is a Minecraft Roleplay Aphmau doesnt really have a backstory which makes perfect sense in the context of it being a Minecraft Roleplay since we (the audience) dont really need to know anything about what happened prior the RP starting, however, Im trying to approach this like more of a traditional story so I think thats kinda necessary. I actually kinda already rewrote Diaries when I first watched it a few years back (but I was also using my own OCs back then so idk if it really counts) and the way I dealt w/ it there was just, the Main Character has amnesia. The full backstory was that she was actually the daughter of a noble (idk if it was the noble running the community she stumbled upon but its likely) and they did some magic/herb bullshit to make her forget everything but her name in order to protect her from being killed like the rest of their family and then shes just kinda a helpful nice girl in this struggling community until her past catches up w/ her yknow? I'd like to basically just do that but w/ Aphmau here
Im gonna go more into detail when we actually get to it, but I know towards the end of the first season they reveal that Aphmau is actually the reincarnation of Irene (whos basically Jesus in this world) and I feel like thats a bit much?? So im just gonna say shes like, Irenes only child or her only living child instead and sort of tie that into my previous idea, but again Im gonna get more into it when we get to that part
Im also leaning a bit more towards realism here (obvs its still fantasy I'd just rather nor have Minecraft physics yknow)
Aphmau finding the village is gonna go like this: She sees Vylad on patrol or some shit, follows him to the village, sees the other guards and kinda hides in the bushes nearby, eavesdrops on them (hears Garroth n Zenix have their exposition talk, (G) "I dont think anyone in the village will listen to any of the guards. Not after how horrible the last Lord was..." (Z) "Now that the Lord is gone the village is in chaos. What are we going to do?"), wonders whats going on and sneaks to the village without alerting the guards
Aphmau is staying more or less lowkey and just kinda walks around the village for a bit, sees all the villagers and all that, maybe has some little interactions with them idk
She nabs some carrots from one of the fields bc shes hungry (this is basically all just like it is in the OG Diaries but less Minecraft RP-ey yknow)
After that ya girl jusg sort of wanders around in the village, maybe pointing out some stuff that needs fixing and thinking about how she could help (bc shes definitely not leaving) and its kinda like foreshadowing her being this really good and helpful presence in this struggling village n shit
Im not fully sure how Im gonna deal w/ the Minecraft stuff initially, like, before it transitions into pure story and more or less cuts out all the modded!Lets Play shit. Bc in the RP, they dont really craft things (if I remember correctly) they just. get them somehow but Aphmau is gonna be crafting quite a bit in these early episodes im pretty sure. Now I have tried to convert this type of MinecraftRP into a proper story before, and the way I dealt w/ the crafting aspect there was by having a sorta Fullmetal Alchemist style magic system, where you have to put raw resources in this summoning circle thing and they work exactly a crafting bench but more Mystical n Magical but Im not sure if that would work that well
Aphmau is exploring the area a bit (and collecting some stones for better resources, if I'll actually go for my idea w/ the crafting benches) and hears weird creepy noises?? I dont remember if that leads anywhere, but Im putting it here in case it actually does or in case I can use a scene like this for something else
She doesnt really worry about finding a home and just kinda does her thing for a bit, exploring the area and all that, but then she realizes Oh Shit. Its Night Time and everyone already went home and locked their doors so dhes kinda fucked. She tries knocking on some doors but no one opens her but she fortunately manages to find a house thats seemingly abandoned and stays there for the night
(Also, Im keeping the hostile minecraft mobs)
And yeah, thats pretty much it for the first episode/chapter??maybe
Im not sure how close I wanna keep it to the OG but we'll see
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mcd-ms-rants · 3 years
the s1 post as promised :)
here u go
• This is probably the only season where Aphmau does not act like a literal child so props for that
• Also I liked the ‘Don’t tell mom!’ episode cuz Ro’meave supremacy
• k I’m gonna stop telling the boring stuff here’s the actual start
• Ok so at this point mystreet was basically a sandbox roleplay of mcd characters in a modern day setting which is NOT A BAD THING but it did lead to a lot of mcd references, whether it was Garroth and Laurance changing into their mcd forms or Zane somehow brandishing his sword from thin air. Again, NOT A BAD THING but it did make it a bit weird especially after the whole ‘mcd and mys are related‘ plotline s4 onwards
• Dante should not have had a crush on Aphmau like no hate if you ship it but the way canon dealt with it he never stood a chance. once again no hate :)
• Aarmau was a bit rushed in my opinion, tho it isn’t so evident. but the fact that Aph just unquestioningly gets closer to Aaron doesn’t sit right with me. just like mcd s1 it feels like she’s just going off a script, which she technically is but it isn’t supposed to be that evident. I would’ve liked Aphmau to question her relationship, tell aaron that she needed time or to take it slowly. They couldve still gotten together at the end of the season with a much better narrative. I dont exactly focus on ships involving aphmau that much but even I can appreciate some well written slowburn. which this was not. let’s not get into the age gap in pdh THAT WAS NOT OK but I’ll elaborate on it in a separate post otherwise I’ll just keep ranting about it here
• Garrance literally kiss on screen and nothing happens?? I don’t exactly remember what happened after it cuz I haven’t rewatched in a while but I’m pretty sure that they just went back to normal :/ (correct me if I’m wrong tho!!) is this queerbait? can I call this queerbait?? can we not have queerbait please?
• IM SORRY WHAT WAS KC’S CHARACTER. She was so nice in mcd. she worked well as a side character and her writing was done well in my opinion. WHAT HAPPENED HERE. This girl is literally a walking aarmau advertisement. I get it you wanted to promote the main ship but at least don’t ruin her character for it. I don’t really like her mys version for this reason and I prefer to use my hc version (tho this goes for all characters) Please give this girl some actual character development. by the end of this season all we know about her is that her name is kawaii~chan, she likes pink, she loves ships, yay aarmau is sailing, don’t get in the way of kawaii~chan’s ship!! Name ANYTHING ELSE THAT WE KNOW ABOUT HER LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE
• I really don’t like how some potentially triggering and more serious themes were joked about here. You can make it a comedy show without making serious topics funny. Travis makes perverted comments that I feel really border on sexual harassment at times, Katelyn keeps punching Travis every time he speaks and if that isn’t anger issues idk what is, Garroth and Laurance literally stalk Aphmau multiple times when she’s out with Aaron and KC has a goddamn aarmau shrine in her basement. The first time I watched it, it slipped past me but the second time I really looked at it and said why do we need THIS to make a show funny. • The story of Zane becoming Aphmau‘s friend was literally him taking a cat version of her home on Christmas and tearing up when she (somehow??) gave him her sweater. what was he even going to do with a cat-sized sweater?? How was THAT the good deed that turned her back into a human?? How was it going to help him?? I get that magic exists in this world and this incident can definitely be a part of their friendship story...but don’t make it the ONLY part of their story. youre telling me that THIS is the reason he’s willing to turn himself into a relic in s6 amidst all the blood and death and chaos??
• STOP BABYING ZANE HE‘S A GROWN MAN. I HATE it when Aph keeps cooing at him in a baby voice, especially since I hc him as autistic. the way he’s written really makes me feel that he is autistic and this ruins it
• once it’s revealed that Zane likes mlh, most of his screen time is just focused on that. He has other aspects of his character too which are never really shown and this makes him so one-dimensional which is ironically the same problem his MCD counterpart had. GIVE HIM DEVELOPMENT PLS
• Lucinda is like the ONLY character who has their shit together. good for you girl <3
• WHERE DID JEFFORY GO?? I really liked his character and we never see him after s1...in fact we barely see him IN s1. he keeps zooming in and out and then he just...stays out forever. for the record, WHERE DID BRENDAN GO?? He was like in three episodes and then he just dipped MORE MINOR CHARACTER REPRESENTATION PLS
• MORE VYLAD PLS. I get it he’s traveling the world but Aphmau is literally god so don’t say that it’s not doable
• Showing Katelyn actually recognizing her anger issues would’ve been great, and maybe joining therapy or taking a group lesson or even doing meditation would’ve been such a great development to her character and would’ve paved the way for much healthier interactions in s2. she would not have been able to fix them completely since these things don’t just go away in one day, so the s2 talk between her and Travis would still happen but it would better in my opinion (and I’ll elaborate more on this when I do a rant for s2)
• Can we have more nb and lgbtq+ representation in general?? this point is gonna be in every rant I make istg it needs to be said.
ya umm this is all that I can think of rn
thanks to everyone who follows me and even those who liked and reblogged my posts!! Your support means the world to me <3 <3 <3
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undercovermcdfan · 7 years
the calm before the storm | prologue 1
title: travis: 3:56 am, Saturday
summary: what should you worry more about: why the lake is so still or what will cause the ripples of chance? Zombie AU. Travlyn. Lucidenza. Vylance.
a/n: This is the prequels to the MCD/Mystreet Zombie AU I’m finally writing. This is just story and character set up, as well as asserting what would the main couples to the upcoming main series. You don’t have to read this to get into the main story but it would be nice if you read and reblogged.
warning(s): mild violence, zombies, pining, character building
prologue: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
main series: —-
Check it out on AO3
The funny thing: the end of the world didn’t happen all at once.
No, in actuality, he—like everybody else—watched as the world they knew slowly but surely get devoured by the End. Denial and delayed panic was what killed society, he remembered Laurance would say; how so many of them didn’t want to see, so they all played and clung to the words of those in higher power would sort this out.
This isn’t some regular ‘crisis’. Fucking look—those shots were definitely going through and they keep getting back up, keep walking.
The video was freaky. Some nondescript warzone, far far away his little off-campus apartment, as bulky soldiers took aim at a tattered-clothed woman who limped with a lifeless gait. The noise was almost hard to pick up between the gun shots, but low, gut-twisting moan, animalistic and inhuman coming from the woman. The video continued, the woman finally goes down but where she falls, descended from alleys and further down the road.
He shouldn’t be scrolling through comments, because they always unnerved him more than the video himself. People chiming in and linking posts, more videos, foreign articles, etc. of ‘proof’ that whatever was going down overseas wasn’t another exotic disease to spook flyers from traveling out of the country.
He clicked another tab, scrolling over his timeline—and it’s like another mind frame, people peacefully oblivious and instead enthusing about how excited they were for the upcoming summer, their plans, rants about some T.V. show. Maybe they’re like him, quietly reading and researching and losing sleep over the possibility of a horror movie scenario come to life. Maybe they didn’t care. He glanced at the notification of a new direct message, from a smiling woman, though her smile was reserved, with blue hair and giving a peace sign as her icon.
He wasn’t completely alone in this. Finding weird solace from a person he didn’t think he would find, the serious looking Katelyn from the theatre course they taken in fall together—clicking the message, she linked a couple of articles with a following message:
I couldn’t sleep. Sorry. – 5 mins ago
In the dark, only lit by his phone screen, Travis chuckled.
              DW :)
              I couldn’t either lol
              Been watching that video you sent yesterday— like is that forreal??? – secs ago
He clicked the articles she sent.
They were all the same; different politicians who say Nothing to worry about yet their actions show the opposite, as ‘outbreaks’ of ‘riots’, cities declaring state of emergency and quick federal government actions. Small time local news who report who uptick in rabid cases were reported and safety precautions to watch out any animals who could carry the disease. As well as Mayor Malik updated the curfew, initiating tomorrow at midnight.
Their friendship blooming out over paranoia over the possible end wasn’t what he had in mind when he stumbled across her late night links to some strange and obscure website five months back. She deleted them an hour later but… it didn’t stop him or his big mouth from asking, “What the hell was that last night.”
There was a moment of embarrassment flash in her eyes, her shoulders squaring in a defensive position as she turned herself fully towards him. “Do you really want to know?” Her tone asked a different question, one trying to gauge how serious he was. He nodded.
And it went down from there.
She didn’t say they were friends, but soon their discussion over the weird things they dug up turned to casual talk—and the causal talk, in real life and online, turned into something every day. It almost became their thing, as they started to withdraw from other people. They chatted about what if scenarios, plans and as the months showed more, more and more cases of this epidemic, they started to stockpile supplies.
              How did shooting range go with Jeff today? – secs ago
Her icon appeared with ellipses.
              I don’t think I’m cut out for guns. – secs ago
Travis hummed, acutely aware of the way his smile widen and the turn-around with his mood.
              Well it would be unfair if you were perfect at everything :P
              I kid I kid; all u need is practice, blue
              did that ivy chick tag along too? –secs ago
A moment passed.
The eclipses appeared. Then disappeared. Then reappeared.
              I’m starting to think this license was a mistake haha
              And yeah. Yknow, you should come along next time
Jeff is pretty good teacher.
And it was last time– three mins ago
He stared at the message longer than needed, as if doing so would decipher a hidden message. It didn’t—but it was worth a shot, pun intended. Lately, despite the possible end of the world being imminent that spurred this doom-prepping fanaticism within them, he wondered if she was catching the hints.
Of course, their friendship was sincere. As well as his panic and general anxiety about the stately affairs of the world.
He was but a person, nonetheless. And sometimes, shallow feelings turned into actual feelings saddled up next to that friendship borne of strange circumstance. True, he was scared to gamble away what they got—but the curiosity took hold like a cat.
              I was hoping it was the two—Delete
              Jeff doesn’t have to—Delete
              Sure :) when’s the next time you’re free? – secs ago
The eclipses appeared immediately.
              Tomorrow afternoon. Around 1 pm. We can meet up at the rec center in city.
              You know Aphmau, right? She wanted to come along
              Apparently her bf is on the same force as Jeff and she wanted to take some lessons
              Is that okay? – secs ago.
Well, at least three won’t be the crowd he had to worry about. He pursed his lips, his eyes lighting up as his slight frown returned into an almost devilish smirk.
And ofc Ik Aph!!! We took a history class together
              She’s terrible at work citing but man
              Her cooking tho
Tho huh im sad to hear she has a bf now lolol – five mins ago
Then Katelyn’s typing begun again.
              Why are you sad to hear that –secs ago.
              Becauseeeee. She was a cutie.
              Well duh, she’s beautiful
              ….but why do you care if she has a boyfriend or not?
              Why do you care if I care? lolol
              I don’t.
              Answer the question.
              Uh oh
              Ur using periods at the end of ur sentences
              Interesting – six mins ago
Katelyn’s typing stopped. Then started, much less disappearing and reappearing of the eclipses now.  
              What’s that suppose to mean?
Travis smiled. He could see his two options clearly—and though, the one funniest one would lead her to giving him the cold shoulder, the temptation to his sleep-denied mind was too great.
              Ur annoyed @ me
Katelyn shoot back:
              Why would I be annoyed
Travis laughed.
              A little jealous that I’m not calling you a cutie? –fifteen mins ago
              Uk Im kidding rite? Aph isn’t my type lolol
              Im just messing with you
              ….hmmm i rlly pushed it didn’t i? lol
              well im going to bed but before I gooooo pls remember
              I like u best :) – eight hours ago
              Like u best too – message unread
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mariakarina-blog1 · 7 years
Cupcakes and Cherry Blossoms- 5: Agony
"Lucinda and Laurance?"
"Uhuh! Kawaii~Chan was texting Lucinda~Chan before the power went out, she said that she had Laurance~Kun over to help her with a potion that required an extra set of hands."
"Ughhhhh" A voice sounded from a small corner in the room. Zane was huddled in a ball on his phone, the brightness down on the lowest setting.
"Why did Lucinda ask Laurance of all people?"
"Kawaii~Chan doesn't know, she didn't say. But Lucinda~Chan texted me a bit ago saying they were both trapped inside, so that should be eventful!"
"Uggghhhhhhh," Zane drew out his sighs, clearly annoyed by the sounds of the ladies' gossiping.
"Awe yeah Lucy, get it!" Aphmau punched the air, clearly excited over the news.
"Kawaii~Chan ships it!!" The pink haired girl's hair bounced up and down as she did, even more excited than Aphmau.
"UUUUGGGGGHHHHH" Zane spoke, louder and longer this time, desperate to not be forgotten in the corner. Aphmau turned to him, almost as annoyed as he was.
"Zane, I get that you don't wanna come over here and gossip with us, but you don't have to be a jerk about it."
"Yeah," Kawaii~Chan agreed, "and isn't your phone going to die soon? Don't you want to save the battery, Zane~Kun?"
"What I do with my phone is none of your business, missy."
"Hmph," Kawaii~Chan turned and leaned against the wall, knees pressed against her chest. She fiddled with something in her hands. "What do you two even do, anyways? The only thing you have in common is ponies! Kawaii~Chan doesn't even see how you could be friends!"
There was an awkward silence that blanketed the room. No one wanted to leave the conversation at that, but no one knew what to say. Aphmau sighed.
"I guess we just... Like each other's company. It's hard to explain." They sat in silence for a bit, tension building in the air. No one knew what to say or do next, and so the trio sat, listening to the rain. Then, the light coming from the corner dimmed, until it was completely gone.
"Dangit! My phone died!"
Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan laughed, and Zane fumed.
"Zane, we told you ages ago to save your battery, but you wouldn't listen! This," she gestured to Zane's phone, which he had tossed to the ground. "Is your punishment."
"UGH" Zane threw himself to the ground in agony. "Now what are we supposed to do..." He said, muffled.
"Ooh!" Kawaii~Chan clapped as she jumped up. She dropped whatever it was in her hands, but she didn't notice. "Why don't we play truth or dare?"
"NO" Zane snapped at her. "We are NOT becoming the cliche. At least not while I'm here."
"Besides," Aphmau started, "we don't really have enough people to play."
"Then what do we do now, Aphmau~Senpai?"
"I dunno." She replied, then laid down on the sleeping bags and stared at the ceiling for a while.
The next couple of hours were spent that way, in silence, no one knowing what to say or do at that time. The rain kept pouring, patting on the roof, making the silence comfortable instead of awkward. One thing was for sure though, the trio was awestruck by the immense chaos occurring outside. The streets were becoming a river due to the copious water pouring from the sky, trees were being uprooted from the ground, houses were being flooded. The basement of their house was flooded now, with no hope of saving it, (Kawaii~Chan had cleared out her shipping shrine as soon as she saw the first drop of water) and now even the main floor was getting water, forcing the group to migrate upstairs to Aphmau's room. The three did all they could to block the water, but there was no hope. The house was completely flooded.
"Aphmau~Senpai, Do you think Katelyn~Sama is okay?" Kawaii~Chan, who was sitting by the window, asked. "Kawaii~Chan knows that the guys' house doesn't have a second floor, so Kawaii~Chan can't help but worry."
"Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn will be fine. I texted her, and I'm sure she'll reply soon. Don't worry."
Aphmau sat down on her bed, cuddling her plush husky. She looked down at Zane and chuckled. He was curled up asleep in the pink sleeping bags, with disheveled hair and his mask around his neck, it had fallen off in his slumber. Kawaii~chan looked over as she heard Aph laugh, and blushed, then she bounded over, curious.
"I didn't know Zane~Kun had freckles."
Aphmau turned and sat up on the edge of her bed. "He likes to hide them. Doesn't like how they make him look."
Kawaii~Chan crouched down in front of him, her face just inches from his. Aphmau smiled knowingly.
"What are you thinking?"
Kawaii~Chan blushed and sat down, not replying. Though, under her breath, she spoke to herself, barely audible.
"Cute. He looks cute."
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My rant on Aphmau 7/21/2017
I've been seeing hate about the Zane Chan ship. It was declared cannon 3 days ago and people are getting bitter over Zanevis not happening. What many people don't realize is that Zane and Kawaii Chan's "relationship" is following the same path as Aaron and Aphmau. They start out not liking each other, which is one of the main points people are getting flustered about, but they don't remember that Aaron and Aphmau didn't start out as an "ideal" couple either. They "hated" eachother while still believing and admitting the other person was attractive. That's how "Zane Chan" started. In an episode of MyStreet KC says that she thought Zane was cute before he acted like a jerk, and that was before we had all of the voice actors working on cast. That means the "ship" was kinda floating around at the time. They also say the line, "What do you know about me..." followed by the male characters' names. While Aaron tells Aphmau everything she does that he notices, Zane is told by Kawaii Chan that her name is not, in fact, Kawaii Chan and of how she has always felt ignored and "unspecial". Two episodes later she tells him that her name is really Nana. This sentimental moment is quite ground breaking in their "relationship". Zane also admits later in the Starlight series that all his life he felt as if he was living in his older brother's shadow. As many also say, "They've only been friends for a month!" in which I say, that is not true, they have been friends for a year. Zane tells KC at the beginning of 'Aphmau's Year' that Aaron was hurt, not a werewolf or the Ultima. During the Starlight series, KC is caught and told to keep it a secret, this means that off camera Zane and Kawaii Chan talked and are friendly to each other , in the least. Now, all I've been talking about is"Zane Chan", but what about "Zanevis?" Well, that ship doesn't show any signs of sailing, sadly, Travis only shows interest in Katelyn and is only perusing her at the moment. Sorry, guys there isn't much else to say. ...but I have something else I want to bring up. Aphmau's father and his relations with Terry, Garte, Zianna, and Mr. And Mrs. Lycan. Everyone has been so distracted with ship wars, they haven't tried to figure out what is going on! It's been bugging me. Open your eyes every one, why fight when we can work together to see what Aphmau's father is planning? What about the man Ein mentioned? What about when Aaron saw Irene? There are so many mysteries the haven't been debunked that have been swirling in my head for months and no one will help. And one more thing... WHAT ABOUT ERIC?! He wanted to be a were wolf for Sylvanna. He wanted her to think he was attractive. What is he going to do? We need to open our eyes people! Something BIGGER is going on. Something sinister...
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I should probably get started on this one hc ask.
I need to actually watch the series to do that one so here is just a ship hc post. (Part one at least)
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^ @zach-the-mukuro-stan
There were a few different people requesting things. So I’ll dedicate a post per person.
Don’t be afraid to request more ships if you want to see them. Because honestly, I enjoy this.
A ship that’s canon in my rewrite because… women.
Zoey is one of the only people that can do anything with Aphmau’s hair. Which is a combo of Aphmau not letting anyone near her hair and also no one knowing what to do with it. since her hair is one of the curliest out of the main cast (third, after Aaron and Lucinda).
When Aphmau overworks herself, Zoey basically carries her home. Because tall elf lady won’t let her teeny Saint gf get too tired.
Zoey sometimes puts little barrier magicks on her to keep her safe on her travels.
Aphmau writes little poems and stories and leaves them in Zoey’s room. Usually they’re romantic and include a very detailed description of a woman being inlove with an insanely tall Ed lady.
Levin calls them ‘tall mama’ and ‘small mama’ growing up. Which they also jokingly refer to eachother as.
Their relationship takes a hit after the 15 years but eventually, as Aphmau comes to terms with what happened, they start building it back up.
Zoey is pretty chill with Aphmau seeing other people alongside her. Elven society isn’t heavy on monogamy, and also Aphmau’s too stupid to understand what monogamy is and Zoey knows that. So. Y’know. She’s fine with Aphmau having her romances with the boys.
Aphmau makes little bracelets out of grass and daisys for Zoey because she can have little phases of not being great with her words. So they’re her way of saying she loves her.
Im still working out their MyS version since there’s no canon MyS interactions between them… so. I might have to make a separate post for that.
Also canon.
MCD: Katelyn gets freaked out by him sometimes. Especially his demon form. Because he just does things that are gross and creepy.
MCD: Katelyn sometimes kills small creatures for him so that he doesn’t have to kill them himself.
MCD: She’s the one that monitors what he eats, but she sometimes sneaks him snacks that the others wouldn’t approve of. She’s the only one allowed to give him snacks, though.
MCD/MyS: Travis loves cuddling up with her. He adores it. It’s his favourite thing to do. Especially when she lets him lay between her legs, because he usually has to lay beside her. So laying between her legs is a little treat.
MCD/MyS: he also likes having his head between her legs. Just a personal thing.
MCD/MyS: She’s the only person he’s ever truly been inlove with.
MCD/MyS: He let her tattoo him once. It didn’t go well, because she had no experience. But he loves the little squiggle on his arm despite the very painful experience of getting it.
MCD: Katelyn loves his horns. She likes grabbing them especially. Because they feel cool.
MCD: She helped him learn how to shapeshift. He can’t do much, even with her help, but he can do more than he could before her assistance.
MCD: Travis never really spoke about his childhood and stuff. So when Katelyn found his mother’s diary in his bag, and all the entries he made in it as a kid, pretending to be her, she started being really soft on him. It just made her realise that he had been through so much.
MCD/MyS: Travis has a hard time opening up about his problems. And so does Katelyn. But Katelyn insists he tells her what’s wrong because she know it’ll make him feel better.
MyS: Katelyn used to have a crush on Travis Pre-Transition, and she had no clue he was the same person when she saw him again after he transitioned. And so her crush on him like left. And he only learnt that in FCU. And she still didn’t know it was him at that point. So he was like crying inside.
MCD/MyS: When Travis has long hair, Katelyn likes to play with it.
MCD/MyS: He has called her mommy before.
Also canon. In MyS at least. Because it’s part of the Quad (Aaron, Aphmau, Laurence and Garroth)
MCD: Garroth always tries to duel with Laurence to ‘get better’. But honestly there’s just something he enjoys about Laurence winning against him. Hopefully he’s just messed up and it’s not a weird sex thing.
MCD: During the time where Garroth was in the Irene dimension and the others weren’t, Laurence (someone who isn’t at all religious) would pray for him back every night before he slept.
MyS: Laurence is Garroth’s queer awakening. Because hot ginger Emo dudes are so his type.
MCD: Laurence is Garroth’s queer awakening. Because hot ginger flirty dudes are so his type.
MCD/MyS: Garroth asked out Cadenza once because he was into Laurence but couldn’t accept that he was queer, and, well, despite not being related, they look pretty similar.
She said no.
MCD: Laurence was sort of happy Aaron was dead. Partially because he hated Aaron. Mostly because he got his boyfriend back.
MyS: Zianna jokingly referred to Laurence as Garroth’s boyfriend for ages before she eventually realised that Garroth was into him. And then she called Laurence his husband. To be extra teasing.
MCD: Laurence would listen to Garroth’s heartbeat a lot. He did this with Aphmau too. It just made him feel better, I guess.
MyS: Laurence does like listening to Garroth and Aphmau’s heartbeats. But mostly because he just likes having his head on their chests. Because everyone in the polycule has fat boobs. And Laurence likes boobs.
MyS: Occasionally Laurence will dye his hair back to ginger. Since he knows Garroth likes it. He has been considering buying a wig but he’s sort of evaluated that it probably wouldn’t last very long. Because. Like… Garroth really likes ginger hair. Fukkin weirdo
MyS: Laurence’s family adores Garroth. Like they absolutely love him. Garroth’s family isn’t all the same with Laurence. But his mother is. So that’s enough
MCD: Garroth really respects Laurence. Like, deeply. He could never imagine doing anything disrespectful to him. Much to Laurence’s own upset. Since, well, Laurence is very much interested in Garroth’s doing disrespectful things to him.
MyS: the previous HC doesn’t apply. Garroth very much enjoys doing disrespectful things to Laurence. Especially when he’s ginger.
there wouldn’t be so many sex references in this if they weren’t complete manwhores in my rewrite. Like, Laurence we knew of already. But Garroth got sluttified majorly.
And we love him for it.
We really went from, ‘aw sweet’ to ‘aw sweet- he wants to what?’ To just ‘ he wants to what?’ And we love that transition.
It definitely has nothing to do with all of my male characters being absolute whores. I’m sorry. It’s the only way I know how to write them.
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mythical-fangirls · 7 years
Mystreet: Emerald Secret I Love You Aaron
............. *claps as tears roll down my face*...... Thank you.... For this amazing season, and here’s for more to come..... Thank you to the VAs, editors, producers, animators, writers, graphic artists, asset creators, storyboard artists, production assistants, assistant editors, assistant producers, assistant/co-writers. Just everyone who made this amazing series possible.... Thank you from the bottom of my heart.... This is, so far, the best season yet. And here’s more to come... (My Thank yous and appreciation aside I wanna just fangirl discuss)
Now, about the end of the episode. After the credits, and the final moments before that. I have a few things to talk about. And for you non-Diaries viewers some things might confuse you.
1. Aphmau wanting to learn healing magick. This could be the reason as to why Aphmau in Diaries lost her magic, but who knows. Aph learning healing magic makes sense, she doesn’t want to hurt Aaron. If she can, she would have helped him heal. If she learns how, she can help him. She can undo the damage Ein made her do.
2. Aaron’s trigger to control his eyes. Makes sense as to why it’s Aph, she was the main one that made him feel loved and cared for. She was the only person Aaron ever cared for. That’s a love that is so tried and true. A love so strong it can go over oceans, mountains, even dimensions and time itself.
3. Aarmau being apart for a year.... It... hurts... Not just for the fandom, but for Aphmau as well. Being apart from a man who cared about you so much.. Him risking his life for you.... Coming back from the dead for you! Honestly..... Aphmau has stayed so strong... I understand why Aaron needs to be gone.... Knowing humanity.... they would probably kill Aaron..... I don’t want Aphmau to suffer as much as she did in Diaries.... Not again..... Reuniting in Starlight Wonderland.... Is perfect.. The love they have will reignite and burn even stronger than before....
4. Not as important, but Kim & Ghost. Honestly I’m curious as to what will happen between Kimmy and Ghost, made the ghost will just haunt Kim now. Being bounded to her. But who knows?
5. The Ro’meave brothers... Garroth.... Thank you for taking the time to at least try and understand your brother..... The bond between you two will grow stronger... I know it... Here’s to the development and improvement of GarGar and ZuZu’s relationship!
6.Tatina [Wolf Girl] not being turned back is... sad... But I am thankful to her and her pack. Thank you for ripping Ein to absolute shreds. Hope you and your pack live a happier life now that he’s gone!
7. Rachel [Aaron’s Mom/ Mrs. Lycan] being a werewolf...... I know she was originally human..... She was turned by Aaron.... Wasn’t she? Or was she turned by her husband with a bite for safety? What ever happened.... It was because of the ultima... Speaking off...
8. The Ultima Werewolf going out to the public... Shoot.... Humanity... As a whole... Fictional or not.... Fear things different from them..... That’s why the Ultima should not go out to the public.... Trust me...... But... the others not knowing..... How will this be explained? After the emotional trauma Aphmau, Zane, Garroth, Lucinda, and Kim went through... How will Aaron being gone be taken? ‘Oh a recent incident caused Aaron to go away’ It’s so close to the recent Ultima incident that it’ll be impossible for them to avoid not telling them....
Spoilers ahead for those who didn’t watch pass the credits.
Lastly, Aaron, Garroth, Travis, and Aphmau’s fathers. Now. We all know that for sure Zane & Aaron’s father was there. We could tell it was Travis’ dad since... Well Travis was with him.
Aphmau’s dad... It was him. Zack/Zach said his little girl wasn’t taking the divorce too well, and he stated that Travis was around her age. The only person in Mystreet who doesn’t have a father, and is at Travis’ age, along with their father knowing the Ro’meaves, is Aphmau. We know it’s Aphmau’s father and Sylvana’s ex. Because he knows the Ro’meaves, and around the age the three brothers were at. They would barely remember Aph. Plus Aphmau never grew up with her dad around.
Travis’ dad.... This is the first time we see him outside of Diaries (In which he was the demon warlock, making Travis half-demon.) There was a close up shot of his father’s eyes. It looked like that of a snake. Travis’ dad is the snake-eyed man. Mr. Valkrum.
So this means that.... Aphmau, Garroth, Zane, and Aaron were all connected since childhood.. Via their fathers... But Vylad and Travis are thrown into the mix.... We know Travis’ father has a role in this... But what of his son? Will Travis find out about what happened before the others would like to reveal? What of Vylad? Which we haven’t even seen since like season 1.
Or shall I assume the worst? The pain of Emerald Secret will follow us to next season. With Travis, and Vylad definently joining in for the fun. Maybe even Katelyn and Dante due to their connection to the Valkrum. We’ll see... In next season.
Code name: Starlight Wonderland Short version: Starlight
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