#one of my favorite games ever is hamtaro ham ham Olympics
pups-2-dust · 11 months
I love hamtaro sooo much hamtaro was a huge part of my life from like 9-13 I love hamtaro
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tchotchkedlc · 5 years
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Hamha Ham-Hams! omfg its been literal years since I've typed that. Anyone remember the show Hamtaro? It was my favorite show as a kid. Like. Literal favorite. It was one of the first shows that I also made like...real fan-art 'cause they didn't sell merch that I could get ahold of. So instead I made Hamtaro heads out of paper. ...it was weird honestly, but I still have a few so I might post them sometime? Who knows, lol. and like. i saw a post on twitter and i was reminded of it but so many people were just talkin' about hamham heartbreak, which was an awesome as hell game for real, but the other games were so fun too? rainbow rescue, ham-hams unite, and the olympics ones, i played the shit out of those games. and hamham heartbreak was one of the few games i've ever completed...gah, i wanna play them all again. so bad.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 8 years
11, 19, 38, 67!
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? 
Hmmm…..now that I think of it, I really haven’t. ^^; I have played with friends, of course (you should know =P), but in all cases I can think of, I met them beforehand, and not because of video games
19. Favorite handheld console? 
I still have my old original!DS I got back on the Christmas the year it was released. I can’t play it anymore because the charger’s broken, but I have a LOOOOOT of memories with it. Such a GREAT library of games, and also backwards compatible with the GBA (though looking back, the only thing I really used that for was Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak and for transferring old Pokemon from Ruby to Platinum). So many great games I’ve played on that old thing.
I love the 3DS, too, but there’ve only been three games on it that I’ve really put a LOT of hours into since I’ve got it (Mario Kart 7, Moon, and of course Smash)
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? 
Though to be honest, “like” is a pretty strong word. More like “I have a nostalgic attachment to”. And even back then, I really only liked PARTS of it. Not the whole thing. Which is still a better opinion than most people, yeah, and I think it’s been a bit overhated….
For a better example of a game I still like to this day……Hmmmm…..I’ve enjoyed a couple of the Mario And Sonic At The Olympic Games games, and I guess the aforementioned Ham-Ham Heartbreak can qualify here too, for people who’ve never played it probably assume it’s terrible, though it’s FAR from a guilty pleasure for me
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? 
Well, there’s a LOT of them, and I’ve shared a few of them before. From what I remember, they’ve all been related to Kirby Air Ride or SA2B. So I’m gonna stray away from those this time
Hmmmmm….OH! One that I’ve never shared is my first encounter with Latios in Pokemon Ruby (first main series game BTW). In gen 3, roaming Legendaries - in this case, just Latios and Latias - were encountered PURELY through random chance the first time. There was no way to check their location until you’ve seen them once. On top of that, there was no cutscene that set them off - you simply watched TV after you beat the game and that was it, good luck. And the TV broadcast was so tiny that I completely forgot about it after a while, and on TOP of that, I was only 11 and hadn’t started using the internet excessively yet
(I still knew who Latios was because of the movie, though)
It’s one of those memories I remember down to the last detail. I was playing Ruby upstairs in my room, and I was wondering around that route to the west of Lilycove - the one with the fences, that I believe had a lot of rich Trainers on it? I don’t remember the route number, but it was that one. I was training up my Pokemon for the Battle Tower, I remember, and I was so used to seeing the same wild encounters over and over, when suddenly…..
“A wild LATIOS appeared!”
I. Flipping. SHRIEKED.
No joke, I actually shrieked. I’d never do that nowadays! I did NOT know that he was in the game, or what a “roaming Legendary” even WAS. To me, I just randomly encountered a boss battle out of flipping nowhere! My sister and I had pretty much agreed that Latios and Latias were anime-only (which….yeah)
My mom immediately said “LAURI, WHAT’S WRONG!?” and I answered something like “LATIOS IS IN MY GAME!!!!” “WHAT!?” “LATIOS IS IN MY GAME!!” And my sister asked me to come down and show her, and I showed off even though I hadn’t caught him yet XD
After he fled, we immediately went to the computer to look up what the crap happened, I learned about the Pokedex trick, and used that it track him down and catch him in my Master Ball
(And of course, he’s in Platinum now)
It’s not an amazing story, but……it’s something that can never happen again XD
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