#one kid performed a song from kingdom hearts
words-from-school · 1 year
"No live sex at Open Mic night"
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melinda-straykids · 2 months
Kingdom: Legendary War
Day One
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°Literally everyone's #1 Hype Girl
°Almost had a mental breakdown seeing BTOB come into the arena. Chan had to be the one to make sure she didn't faint on the spot. Minho, on the other hand, encouraged their sunbaes to fluster her as much as possible.
"Melinda-shi, you're a Melody, right?"
"Yes, since your debut!"
"Who's your favorite member?"
"Ah, I'm flattered, really! It warms my heart that someone as talented as you has chosen me for their bias~"
"Don't say things like that, you're gonna make her cry."
"Melinda-shi! Let's work on a song together!"
"Absolutely, give me your number!"
Melinda x Minhyuk x Eunkwang
Changsub x Peniel
Kingdom: Legendary War EP 1
°Always screaming words of encouragement for everybody's performances.
"Noona, please shut up!"
Melody x Jeongin
Kingdom Legendary War EP 1
°Immediately became a fan favorite for showing her obvious fangirl side
°Surprised the other groups with her on-stage persona being VASTLY different from her off-stage persona.
"Is that the same girl?"
"That's actually insane-"
Bobby (ikon) x Eunkwang (BTOB)
Kingdom: Legendary War, EP 1
°Although she was super supportive of the other groups and their performances, she was too hypercritical of her own part in Stray Kids' performance.
"Everyone else does amazing things. I don't really think I bring anything to the table, but that just means I'm gonna push myself harder to make sure Stray Kids isn't brought down."
Melinda, Kingdom: Legendary War EP 1
°While critical of herself, she's really just there to have fun with her boys, and hopes that they really just do their best.
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jungkookslipring · 1 year
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“Because of Me”
AN: THIS IS PURELY FICTION (with some nonfiction moments). While the performance, interview, hiatus, and IN crying when they got back to the dorms was true (according to Changbin in 2 kids 1 room) what happened after the kingdom scene is fiction. Of course I don’t know how it went down completely, but like I said this is purely for entertainment purposes. Also f*ck kingdom.
Kingdom was a joke. Everyone knew it. The artists, the fandoms, even the fandoms that didn’t get along came to a mutual agreement that Kingdom was a joke. The one good thing that came out of the program were the interactions between groups and the friendships that were made. When it came to one of the last performances, the pressure was on. They did their best, gave it their all, but there was one artist in particular who felt he could’ve done better. I.N. The sweet maknae felt his heart sink when his voice cracked during his solo in the last 10 seconds of the song. Unfortunately, right after the performance, he was pulled for an interview, and of course, the interviewer asked about his performance. He sat there for a few seconds before he answered.
“I practiced really hard on singing live, but it was worse than what I thought”, he answered looking down.
“Maybe it was because I was so nervous. My whole body tensed up before I knew it. I wanted to show 120 percent, but I feel like I only got to show 40 percent”, he said sadly. I.N could feel his throat closing up and the familiar stinging behind his eyes.
“I feel sorry. Because of me…” he paused.
“The performance…” he tried to clear his throat. He didn’t want to cry, he really didn’t. Not in front of these people he didn’t know. He bit his lips in an attempt to stop the tears but it didn’t work. His breath hitched before he continued. He just wanted the interview to be over already.
“It little…no, alot…” he looked away. He was so tired, he just wanted one if not all of his hyungs to save him. His interview concluded and he was allowed to go back to the waiting room. Everyone else had an interview before they had their team interview. Chan was in the room waiting for him. When the door opened, he looked up with a smile that immediately turned into a frown when he saw the state I.N was in. He quickly got up from his spot on the couch and walked over to the youngest.
“Innie?? What’s wrong? What happened?” Chan asked as he rushed to the maknae. I.N Shook his head as his lip wobbled. Chan stood there silently with his hand on I.N’s shoulder waiting for him to respond. I.N quickly realized that there were still cameras in the room, and he looked at Chan with a panicked expression, scared that his reaction would end up on the show. Chan looked around and then pulled him into the closet out of sight from the cameras.
“I’m sorry, I messed up tonight…” I.N whispered. Chan cocked an eyebrow.
“What? I.N you did good! Which part?” Chan was genuinely confused. He didn’t know about I.N’s super minor slip up.
“As a whole… I did terrible.” he answered thickly as more tears formed in his eyes.
“No, that’s not true,” Chan said as he pulled his baby into another hug.
“It’s okay, man.” Chan said in English as I.N let out a choked sob. Chan continued to hold I.N as the youngest cried into his shoulder.
“When did you get so big? I can’t even hug you now,” Chan exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood. Once I.N’s crying reduced to sniffles, Chan kept a hold on him. He rubbed his back as he started to speak.
“Just think of it as a phase, you can do better next time,” Chan said soothingly. He knew I.N beat himself over the littlest things in fear that he isn’t holding his end as a member. His hyungs never scolded him for it, never saw less of him, never loved him less, but he always tried to give it his all.
“Yes,” I.N. nodded into Chan’s shoulder. Chan held him a little tighter.
“Besides, I also made quite a few mistakes,” Chan whispered. He giggled while I.N. let out a wet chuckle. Chan patted I.N.’s hair being mindful of how it was styled since they still had a group interview to do. I.N. didn’t want to be in front of the cameras for the rest of the night, but they still had the interview and they still had to sit through the ranking, and a group picture. Everyone grouped up before their interview, and once everyone saw I.N, they went into protective hyung mode.
“I.N-ah what's wrong?” Felix asked as he put a shoulder on his dongsaeng. I.N shook his head and looked to the ground. He didn’t want to cry again, they were going to get called into that room any minute for the interview. He closed his eyes to keep the tears from falling before he looked up at Felix.
“I’m sorry for tonight’s performance…” he said as he bit his lip. Felix had no idea what he was talking about. He didn’t notice anything. None of them did. Chan explained to the group why I.N was so shaken up by the performance, and not a second later they all started speaking at once.
“Honey, it's not your fault!”
“We all make mistakes I.N.”
“I didn’t even notice!”
“You did amazing I.N, you always do!”
“Nooo, baby don’t cry!”
I.N quickly dabbed away at his eyes trying not to smudge the stage makeup. He really didn’t want to do the group interview now. He just wanted to go home already, but they had another few hours. They were finally called for the group interview. As they all sat down, each member kept an eye on I.N. The interviewer asked about the performance. Each of them kept a professional face on even though on the inside they were pissed. They knew what the interviewer meant when they were asked that question. They weren’t being asked about their group performance, they were asking about I.N’s. Lee Know started responding first.
“I.N worked harder than anybody else. We all know how much effort he has put in.” He exclaimed with no hesitation.
“I.N really rocked. He was so much cooler and way more awesome than when he practiced or rehearsed,” Han said with confidence. I.N looked away as Chan stared at him with admiration.
“All our Stray Kids members, including our youngest I.N did a great job,” Chan said as he began to clap. Everyone else, including I.N followed suit. He felt a little bit better hearing his hyungs stick up for him, but he still felt so much guilt. When it came to their picture, no one smiled. Everyone was so mad that mnet made I.N cry, no one bothered to raise the corner of their mouth in the slightest. I.N felt much worse when it came to the ranking. Their rankings had dropped. I.N felt a surge of even more guilt. He held it together for the rest of the taping, and their ride back to the dorms. Once they were home, everyone finally got to unwind and chill in the living room. Everyone except for I.N were in the living room watching TV. I.N sat at the dining room table reflecting on today’s events. He believed there was no other reason as to why their rankings had dropped if it weren’t for his mistake. Tears welled up in his eyes and this time he didn’t even try to suppress them. His head dropped into his hands as sniffles turned into little whimpers and whimpers turned into full on crying.
“I.N-ah?” asked Changbin as he looked away from the TV, realizing his youngest was missing. He heard the sniffles and immediately jumped up from the couch. Everyone else quickly followed suit. As they rushed into the kitchen, their hearts broke. They saw their maknae sitting alone with tears flowing down his face, and his eyes already getting puffy.
“What’s wrong? What’s the matter?” they all asked frantically. I.N let out a sob.
“Because of me…because of me,” he sobbed into his hands.
“What are you talking about, baby?” Changbin asked as he laid a hand on I.N’s. The maknae gripped onto his hand tightly and started apologizing profusely.
“I’m so s-sorry h-hyungs,” I.N cried out. “Its all m-my fault…p-please don’t h-hate me,” he hiccuped and cried even harder. Felix sighed sadly as he walked up behind the youngest to hug him.
“Baby we could never hate you, you know that,” he whispered before dropping a kiss on the top of his head.
“Are you talking about your performance? Sweetheart, we talked about this, we didn’t even notice it,” Chan said softly as he knelt in front of his distressed maknae. He put a hand on his thigh and started rubbing it gently.
“Our r-rankings went down b-because of me, h-hyung”, I.N whispered. “We lost b-because I couldn’t…” I.N couldn’t finish as he let out another sob. Felix started rocking I.N gently as Changbin continued to hold his hand while Chan rubbed his leg.
“Baby, you know thats not true,” Chan said. I.N shook his head. He wanted to interject, but everytime he tried to talk he’d dissolve into another sob. This performance really shook him up. Chan felt bad for all of them. This entire competition was stupid and it was making all of his kids question their talent. Changbin gently squeezed I.N’s hand before he began to speak.
“This show is nothing but for entertainment purposes. Kingdom has nothing to do with who you are or how talented you are. No matter which team wins, it won’t change who we are as a group. This show doesn’t define you, or me, or the rest of us, yeah?” Changbin said ever so softly so I.N wouldn’t get even more stressed out. I.N nodded softly. It was Bang Chan’s turn to speak.
“Is there anything else besides this performance, love? I’ve never seen you this shaken up before…” Chan tried to say as gently as possible. They’ve all made mistakes before. Whether it was during practice or on stage, for award shows or on tour, they’ve all had their fair share of minor mistakes and for the most part they’ve all been able to shake it off. Sure there have been tears in the past but they’ve all been able to let it go after a while. I.N was absolutely devastated, and Chan was sure there was another reason.
“Is it because of all thats going on right now?” Han asked. Felix felt I.N tense under his arms, and then begin to shake again. Just from the movement, they all knew. I.N scrunched his eyes and hid in his hand that wasn’t accompanied by Changbin’s. He let out a gut wrenching sob that immediately sprung tears in some of the members' eyes. I.N missed Hyunjin. They all did; doing a stupid show without their Hyunjinnie- who wasn’t even on hiatus by choice- took a toll on all of them. It was hard to stay focused on work knowing a piece of them was missing. They didn’t know when he would come back, and they were scared whether or not he would even come back. I.N has always been super close to Hyunjin, and Hyunjin saw I.N as the little brother that he never had. It had been 2 months since he was suspended, and I.N was taking it especially hard.
“Oh baby, come here.” Lee Know said as he reached out to I.N. He and Felix helped stand I.N on his feet and walk him over to the couch. Lee Know plopped down on the couch as he and Felix set I.N. on Lee Know’s lap. I.N hid his face into his hyungs neck and gripped onto his shirt as his tears made his way down his face. He was exhausted. Nothing was going right, everything was messed up, and this damn performance was the final straw that broke the camel's back. Felix sat next to Lee Know and side hugged the both of them. Han sat on the opposite side and rubbed I.N’s knee. Changbin and Seungmin sat on the floor near the pair whispering words of encouragement. Chan had run off to grab water for his kid. Seungmin had noticed that Chan had been gone for a hot minute, so he slipped out. When he walked into the kitchen he saw his leader with his back to him, looking up at the ceiling. Seungmin followed his line of sight to whatever was so intriguing to Chan, but when he saw nothing, he slowly walked over and put a hand on Chan’s shoulder.
“Hyung? Are you okay?” he whispered. Chan hesitantly turned around. His eyes were glossy.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m fine,” Chan laughed a little but Seungmin wasn’t stupid. They all get emotional when one of theirs is upset, Chan especially. Seungmin shook his head.
“Channie-hyung, I love you, but I know you don’t mean that.” Seungmin could visibly see more tears filling up in Chan’s eyes as he tried to blink them away. Chan hated seeing his kids upset. It was a hard situation for Seungmin because he wanted to take care of his brothers so bad, but with I.N crying about Hyunjin, and Chan crying about I.N crying, he didn’t know what to do.That shattered his heart. Chan’s lip wobbled for a sec before he cleared his throat.
“I just wanted to pull myself together before going back in there.” Chan said as he tried to blink back the damned tears that kept trying to make their way out. Seungmin gave a half smile and patted his shoulder.
“Don’t hide your feelings from us hyung, we’re all in the same boat,” Seungmin said as he pulled Chan into a hug. Chan chuckled as he returned the hug. He had managed to swallow the tears and even though his eyes might be a tad bit pink still, he let Seungmin lead him back into the living room where everyone else was. I.N still had tears flowing but his hyungs had managed to get him to just sniffles and the occasional whimper, which is no better but it was a start.
“I miss Hyunjinnie hyung,” I.N whispered thickly. Lee Know kissed his forehead and continued to scratch at his scalp.
“We know you do bubs, we do too,” Lee Know said trying to contain his emotions.
“It’s not fair…the show, Hyunjin Hyung, nothing is fair…” I.N whispered as we wiped his eyes. Lee Know rubbed his shoulder as a stray tear fell from the youngest’s eyes.
“Let’s get you to bed Innie, we could all get some rest yeah?” Chan asked the group. Everyone murmered in agreement as they all slowly got up from where they were seated. They all went to their respective rooms, not without saying a quick goodnight to each other in the form of hugs, kisses, or both. I.N walked into his and Han’s room and plopped down on the bed. Han was not far behind when he closed the door.
“How are you doing, aegi?” He asked as he sat on I.N’s bed. I.N kinda laughed at the question as he went to pat Han’s leg.
“I’m sorry for everything tonight. Not just the performance, but for, you know,” he said as he made a hand Gesture showing his red and puffy eyes. Han shook his head.
“You don’t ever have to apologize for that kind of thing Innie. Everyone has bad days. And it’s completely valid. There’s a lot happening right now,” Han said as he went to hold I.N’s hand. The youngest of the two looked up at the ceiling, contemplating the thoughts going on in his head right now. Of course his roommate noticed.
“I can hear the gears turning Innie, what’s on your mind?” He asked while rubbing the back of his hand with his thumb. I.N wanted to say nothing, but his hyungs are too good at reading his mind.
“Can you sleep with me tonight?” I.N asked hesitantly. Han smiled at that question and ruffled his fox’s hair.
“My cute I.N-ah of course I will,” he said as he went to turn off the lights. They both climbed into I.N’s bed and threw the covers over themselves. Han offered an arm as I.N snuggled into his side. Han wrapped both arms around I.N and kissed the top of his head.
“We got you I.N, everything is going to be okay, yeah?” Han whispered. I.N nodded and snuggled even further into Han’s grip. The next morning, the guys found I.N and Han snuggled up together, cooing at the fact that I.N has 7 brothers to look after him no matter what.
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louisupdates · 1 year
Louis Tomlinson at Cynthia Woods Pavilion
July 08, 2023 | By: Angeline Abrera
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Louis Tomlinson is back on tour for his solo sophomore album, Faith in The Future, released just last November. I had the honor of attending his show at The Woodlands Pavilion and, of course, he did not disappoint! It is crazy to think that I saw One Direction live for the first time on June 24th, 2012 at this same venue. If you would have told my 12-year-old directioner-self that I would be covering Louis’ show 11 years later, I wouldn’t have believed you. This definitely was a big, full-circle moment for me.
Louis was accompanied by the lovely Andrew Cushin and The Snuts, both incredibly talented acts from the United Kingdom. With Louis also growing up in the UK, it was amazing to see him bring on acts from his side of the pond. As someone who listens to various genres from KPOP to R&B, it was very refreshing to see artists I’ve never heard of before. That being said, I will definitely be checking out their music!
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Before Louis’ set, fans handed out bracelets to trade, which spelled out different quotes and phrases relating to Louis’ life and discography. Almost every audience member had fan-made bracelets on their wrists, even the adults who brought their kids to the show. Though I had no bracelets to trade myself, fellow photographers there were sweet enough to give me some of their own so I could also feel included. With attending countless shows of varying genres within the past few years, it's beautiful to see how each fanbase and music genre has its own tradition before the artist comes out on stage.
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Louis’ music has such a unique sound, evident throughout his entire album for this tour, Faith in The Future. With hints of rock and strong guitar riffs sprinkled throughout his songs, he has developed his own musical style within the past few years of creating music. He also had a hand in writing each song in the album, putting his lived experiences and “Faith in The Future” into a musical form. The clear amount of thought and effort put into this project was then translated into his performance that night.
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In addition to singing songs off of said album, he performed a few throwbacks such as Back to You featuring Bebe Rexha, and two One Direction songs, Night Changes and Where Do Broken Hearts Go. Despite these songs technically being a part of his discography as a whole, he added his own personal spin that speaks to his music today, which you would think that these three songs were off of his sophomore album as well.
After two hours, Louis ended the night with Silver Tongues, a single that he released last year. This was the perfect closing performance, with fans shouting out the lyrics after each chorus, “But I don't feel like going home!” It’s safe to say that this truly was a nostalgia-filled night with an even more nostalgic closing song to leave the fans wanting more, in hopes the night would never end.
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Louis Tomlinson, FITFWT23: Woodlands, 8.7.223
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kangaracha · 11 months
everything you should watch while reading each chapter
hihihi. i recommend watching these after each chapter so that you can find all my lil easter eggs etc but do as you like. possibly minor spoilers for things like the interludes if you haven't immediately clocked where they're coming from. spoilers for upcoming chapter names & concepts for the rest of the miroh arc.
if you see the name of a song and nothing else; that indicates the music video. if you see 'listen to', disregard the music video in that instance if there is one. misc videos are listed as they are named on YouTube.
Stray Kids: Prequel (Highlight Reel)
listen to: Grr (Law Of Total Madness)
CHAPTER 2 + 3: NO PLACE FOR YOU HERE title: district 9
I Am Not Trailer
District 9
listen to: NOT!, Awaken
listen to: Heyday
CHAPTER 5 + 6: THERE'S SO MANY VOICES title: voices
District 9
Voices Performance Video
listen to: Mirror
CHAPTER 7 + 8 + 9 + 10: THIS WON'T CHANGE MY HEART title: scars
I Am You
Chapter 10: listen to: Entrance
CHAPTER 11: TELL ME YOU HATE ME (A MEMOIR) title: red lights
Red Lights
Miroh (Kingdom Stage Vers.)
Miroh Instrumental With Congo Chant
CHAPTER 12: OUR SONG BURNS RED title: maze of memories
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Mixtape #4
Stray Kids "20190325"
CHAPTER 13: A WORLD FULL OF BLINDS title: maze of memories
UNVEIL: TRACK "승전가(Victory Song)"
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Miroh
CHAPTER 15: TELL THE CITADEL; DREAM title: maze of memories
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Miroh
CHAPTER 16: A MOMENTARY SILENCE title: maze of memories
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Boxer
CHAPTER 17: RING, THE VICTORY SONG title: victory song
Victory Song (Performance Video)
listen to: Boxer
CHAPTER 18: TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK title: chronosaurus
listen to: Chronosaurus
CHAPTER 19: COUNTDOWN, COUNTDOWN title: chronosaurus
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Road Not Taken
CHAPTER 20: THE ROAD NOT TAKEN title: road not taken
Cle 2: Yellow Wood Trailer
listen to: Road Not Taken
CHAPTER 21: NERVOUSNESS title: side effects
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moonjxsung · 6 months
tofu sends all her love to you too and soju boops you (she isn’t that bad, she’s just insane).
first group trip to san diego sounds so fun!! im glad you have that opportunity! and the matching tattoos!! my friends and i want to get one with this specific artist but she’s booked till like forever and getting our schedules to work is so hard (we want to get ✨cats✨). i love tattoos so much, i only have one😩 but i have the itch to get another one soon (probs after lolla though, another bday gift😂). when you get them, you must show them to me (if you’re comfortable ofc)🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 and the pc holder! the fact that you were indecisive and got the best of both worlds!! we love that! i love keroppi, underrated king.
i’ve watched the sherlock performance like 7 times im not even kidding (plus all the reels & tik toks i’ve seen😭), im obsessed. my new cover roman empire (tired with “ill be your man” from kingdom). i just love shinee so much and sherlock is one of my fave songs/performances from them! so skz literally killed me with that. choi minho has my heart, every time i see the hard or s class tik toks i either die a lil or gain a lil life, idk yet. i love all of the members fr, i played russian roulette with it and chose minho (then i just loved his personality so much, he’s so sweet). taemin is my wrecker too! (and one of my bf’s ults, he’s obsessed with taemin). i’m suuuuper sacred for the future of shinee comeback too bc i really really really want to go see them someday, ik taemin signed as a member of shinee but not solo (like the BP members) so im hoping for at least one comeback & tour with the four of them🤞🏻.
(also, i read your answer like at 3 am like 80% asleep and i dreamt that you, a person that i’ve never seen in my life so you were just a faceless human layout, were going to tattoo me -it was actually such a cute cat design, do you tattoo by any chance?😂- and then we would go to a shinee concert 😭😂)
ily bb! i hope you have a great week!💕
(Soju I still love you 💔) Ughhhh I so feel you on waiting for a specific artist 😭 the artist who did my first ever tattoo was only an apprentice when I met her and shortly after my tattoo she randomly skyrocketed in popularity and bookings and now it’s IMPOSSIBLE to book w her I would give anything to get tatted by her again ☹️ plus the shop she works at is women-only so it just has such a comforting vibe to it but they’re booked out like an entire year 😀 rip. BUT my new artist is also really cool and she can usually fit me in within a few months so I’m not complaining!!!! I love female artists they’re always so talented and sweet also YESSSS I will absolutely post my tattoos on here when I get them !! 🫶💘
PLEEEEASE I HAVE WATCHED THE SKZ SHINEE PERFORMANCE SOOO MANY TIMESSSS especially Jisung’s high notes????:!:!:!:!:!:!/ I CANNOTTTTT also have you been seeing all the beautiful Choi Minho tik toks we are being blessed with. He’s so beautiful fr on his Roman Holiday I NEED HIMMMM 😦 Taemin being your boyfriend’s bias wrecker is SOOOO REAL he’s for everyone frfr. I truly think Taemin is otherworldly like his concepts and his talent and the way he thinks…… if I could be any kpop idol I would hands DOWN pick Advice era Taemin the fucking HAIR the suits the concepts the music and choreography…. He’s like everything I want to be 💔💔💔💔💔 when I die I hope I come back as Advice era Taemin
THAT IS SOOOO FUNNY OH MY GODDDD PLWKKWKEKDKSKS I would be SO bad at tattooing but I would love to try using a tattoo gun at least once so if anyone needs a really shitty tattoo, I’m ur girl 🫶 I hope you can get another tattoo soon!! If you get one after Lolla I would so love to see it (if you’re comfortable ofc!) MANIFESTING MORE TATTOOS ALWAYSSSS 👼 this also reminds me I want a shinee tattoo so bad I would love one for each member and then an Ot5 tattoo ughhh a Taemin tattoo would go so hard I wouldn’t even be able to choose one !!
ILY BBYYYY I’m virtually tattooing a little heart on you 🫶💓💖💗💞💕💘💝👼
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jinhogae · 1 year
Hi i think i'm falling in love with HONGJOONG please help me. please. what are some of your favorite videos of him / all of ateez even? 🤲🏻 i am going crazy
kjuhzgtzhujik i am HAPPILY of help anon u have no idea how much this thrills me. tho there are many people who have been fans of ateez much longer, the hongjoong bias is still rare around here so i am happy about everyone joining ranks !!! hello hi !!! have fun !!!
so mandatory viewing of my ateez (hongjoong centric) experience:
deja vu mv (he serves so much raw cunt here it's insane. it changed me as a person like i was a mere casual listener but this one. sealed the deal over a year ago. i have yet to come up for air)
don't stop mv (second most insane moment in the hongjoong-fication of me. he's actually an actor it's crazy he didn't get a baeksang for best music video acting while trying to maintain 20 safety regulations. that category doesn't exist but it Should)
answer mv (this song was the only one to make me cry at my concert and i wasn't even a big fan yet .... song of ALL time tho !!! she is too good)
hongjoong's lemon tree cover (if you are in your mid-20s or older and european you will know this song. if you aren't, open your heart! he also wrote his own verse for it bc he's a bad bitch a virtuous icon)
ateez's wonderland on kingdom (i only watched one other video from kingdom but this is the most famous one anyway. took the house down as the kids would say. no survivors, i fear.)
ateez's it's live session: promise (first video i have ever seen of them perform and one of my fave ateez songs still. every session they did for this is great tho)
say my name comeback stage (kq's block b money was running out. ateez debuted with the most asinine space oddity meets metropol meets matrix group concept meant to span most of their career and releases. no one was tuning in. it was dire. they had one shot. and they delivered like the dorm was flooded and lights were all shut off the day prior. kq has to kiss their feet for this performance alone actually. ALSO. mullet hongjoong <3)
horizon comeback stage (sister release to answer. LIVES were once more on the line. this is to me their best song ever. the choreo is a feat of art and i do not say this lightly. spot some sweet and respective yeosang and yunho actions for the key parts of this song.)
hongjoong's log 1day (all of his vlogs or any ateez vlogs are easy background watching. i am not too deep into variety but whenever groups i like drop short vlogs, they're very fun ways to share non-music stuff in a way they feel comfortable with. also a man who is in such dire need of a dye job <3 he's just like me <3)
ateez wanted special 2022 (for their debut anniversary trip last year. the entire series is hilarious and shows a lot of their variety / on camera personas. hongjoong, seonghwa, and jongho were my faves here)
ateez's logbook #72 (their own behind the scenes series! i usually just watch these randomly when i have to kill time. the one during eternal sunshine promo has lots of hongjoong with mingi and jongho <3)
wanteez home appliance quiz (styled like a 90's/00 quiz show, they are fighting to win home appliances for their parents. the 98z' team chant is the meme sound of a t-rex. it's great)
wanteez friendship test (what it says on the tin!)
ateez @ sunmi's showterview (everyone was roasting mingi left centre and right but it is soooo fun overall. sunmi's showterview is hilarious)
that's it for now! i am terrible at watching mv's and big variety content, i am much more of a listener than a watcher jhgzhujik but with hongjoong i find any of his vlogs / covers / live stages are great content. ateez has also been on weekly idol and naver now usually livestreams hongjoong and yunho's season of idol radio, so these are fun to check out as well <3
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leaderoffestivals · 2 years
EnStars x Merc Storia Chapter 2: The Prince of The Land of Tears
Madara: 😏✨ 
Mayoi: Why in the world are you looking my way―― C-can it be that you’re actually referring to ME? Th-that’s IMPOSSIBLE! You can’t offer someone like ME up to our benefactor―… Uuu~ Aira-san, SOMEONE, please say somethinggg―!
Scenario Writer: ? Season: ? Characters: Mikejima Madara, Amagi Hiiro, Shiratori Aira, Ayase Mayoi, Kazehaya Tatsumi (EnStars: MaM & ALKALOID) Merc, Yuu, Rustoa, Segideel, Theatre Troupe Girl, Chairman (Merc Storia)
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Rustoa: ―Someday definitely~, I’ll be able to smile. And that is why I~, will continue to look forward~!
I am~ the Prince~, of The Land of Tears~ ♪
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Aira: … … …
(“The Prince of the Land of Tears”―That’s the title of the script that’s been written and directed wholly by Rustoa-san alone… …
I really like this heart-warming story about a lonely Prince who used to live alone in the Land of Tears, but then sets out in search of friends and manages to develop bonds with various people he meets along the way―
―The pair of brothers who regretted the rash parting of ways after a quarrel, the princess who lacked confidence in herself, a lost boy who did not know his way home… … 
The setting’s a little too complex in some places, but there are many interesting characters too. Howeverrrr… …)
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Segideel: Fuwawaa~...
Rustoa: Oh~hh, my Prince~, please tell me~, how may I~, be able to dry your tears~? ♪
Mayoi: A―about that, please hold! It’s commendable that you’re focusing on the song, but you also happened to be neglecting the steps there― 
And since you’re playing multiple roles by yourself, even a seemingly negligible delay can and will affect your performance greatly later on.
I know it must be greatly annoying to be told such by someone like me, but let’s start over again―this time, with the same precision as the hands of a clock. 
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Rustoa: YES, MASTER!
Mayoi: EEEEK―NO! Please! Do not bow your head to meeee!
Madara: Haha~! Isn’t it wonderful to have such a hardworking disciple, thouuugh? 
Aira: (... … …
I never imagined things would turn out like this… …) 
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And what even is Mehterhaane!? Does such a place even exist in Japan? Or is it from someplace overseas―?
Yuu: Hm~m… … Mehterhaane has 18 countries, but I don't remember ever hearing of one named ‘Japan’ listed among them.
Aira: N―no way… …!
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Mayoi: Could it be… … that we’ve somehow been transported to another world―one different from the one we know? 
Tatsumi: It’s hard to believe when you say it so suddenly, but―
―we’ve indeed encountered those unknown creatures called ‘monsters’ which do not exist in our world, and witnessed the power of Healing techniques―
All of that makes Mayoi-san’s theory of us having been transferred between worlds seem increasingly plausible. 
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Madara: Hmm~m. If that were true, was our transfer here an accidental occurrence, or an intentional one? 
… … …
Yuu-san, a question; is this a phenomenon that’s a common occurrence in this world?
Yuu: Eh? No… … At the very least, I have never heard about anything like this happening before.
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Mayoi: In other words, we’re just like lost children, brought here without knowing the reason why and with no way of knowing how to get back home, aren’t we?
Aira: You’re kidding me… … Please don’t tell me Hiiro-kun’s knowledge of roughing it outdoors is actually gonna come in handy in our situation like this?
Hiiro: Umu! I’ll be happy if it proves to be helpful!
Aira: That isn’t something to be genuinely happy about! 💢
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Tatsumi: Everything will be alright. As the saying goes, “When three people gather to exchange ideas, great wisdom equal to that of the sages may deign to arise.” We have more than that number gathered here, and more importantly, we are all comrades who know each other well. 
I’m sure we will definitely find a way to get back home. 
Aira: Tattsun-senpai… … …
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Hiiro: (... … I want to bring laughter to the lives of others with my singing and dancing. That’s what I said to Nii-san during MDM. 
I want to become an idol. Even though I still do not understand what the essence of being an idol means.
Together with everyone from ALKALOID, here… …)
We will get back home, Aira. Together with everyone here, as well. 
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Aira: … …!
Yes, you’re absolutely right. We’ve overcome all those ordeals and were able to continue being idols together. We definitely can’t stumble or falter in a place like this!
I have to grit my teeth and strive harder as a member of ALKALOID―Our fans are waiting for us to do just that, too. Alright~, I’m starting to feel more positive about our situation now!
Hiiro: If Aira’s feeling cheerful again, that makes me happy too!
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Rustoa: What an exquisitely beautiful camaraderie you have… …! Alright! It’s decided! I will do everything I can to help you guys!
Aira: Eh~? 
Rustoa: I’m only a fledgling actor who just finished his debut performance, but I’ve managed to establish a pretty wide circle of contacts from that. 
I’ll ask among everyone I know if there’s anyone in the same situation as you guys!
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Yuu: Then, that goes for us as well. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. 
Merc: We’d be absolutely delighted to assist you!
Aira: Would you guys really do that for us~?! Ahhhh… … That would really help us out!
Hiiro: It’s really reassuring to have the number of allies around us increase when we’re in such unfamiliar territory!
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Tatsumi: We will strive to give our best as well. With these numbers here, we’ll be able to gather information even if we have to split up our party.
Rustoa: In the case, let me lead you to the event venue. That’s where everyone who’s involved in the event is gathered right now. 
Aira: Yes, thank you so much~!
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Madara: (... … Rustoa-san―and Yuu-san and Merc-san too. All of them are such kind-hearted people that I can’t help feeling worried about it. However, it’s a fact that all of us were saved because of that kindness too… … …)  
I’m a person who lives by the principle of returning the favour received in kind. If you’re ever in need of a helper on stage, do feel free to call on me anytime! 
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Rustoa: Do you really mean that~!?
Well, you see~... … In truth, the Rustoa Theatre Company I belong to consists of only two members―me, and my partner, Segideel. I’ve always wished for someone to give me some objective feedback about my performance!
I would really like it if you could come and view my rehearsals during any pockets of free time you might have… … Would that be too much to ask? 
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Aira: Not at all! If it’s just something like that, I’d be more than happy to help you out anytime! 
Madara: That’s riiight. Come to think of it―acting might not be their specialty, but we do have someone who’s exceedingly capable of giving advice on both singing and dancing with us~! ✨
Mayoi: Why in the world are you looking my way――― C-can it be that you’re actually referring to ME?
Th-that’s IMPOSSIBLE! You can’t offer someone like ME up to our benefactor―… Uuu~ Aira-san, SOMEONE, please say somethinggg―!
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Aira: Yes, yes! That’s a great idea! I’ve been taught by Mayo-san before, so I can totally vouch for Mayo-san’s ability as a mentor!
Rustoa: Are you truly such an amazing person?! Please, I implore you! Grant me your support!
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Mayoi: AHHHHH―STOP―PLEASE! The only thing a person like meeEE is capable of is smashing each and every one of your expectations to the groUNDDDD!
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Aira: (All that happened one day ago… …
And that’s how we ended up mentoring Rustoa-san on his acting skills in our free time, huh…
… …Hmm?)
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Theatre Troupe Girl: Ah, Chairman! Look, our costumes have finally arrived! That means that everything's ready for the actual show!
Chairman: Indeed. Everything’s looking good from my side, too!
Theatre Troupe Girl: Ahh~! I’m so excited, I just can’t wait for the actual performance to begin! Chairman, please join me for practice! Lalala~ ♪
Chairman: Hey! Wait a minute! Where are you going while singing like that!?
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Aira: … … Ahaha~
? ? ?: … … Ra…Ku
Rustoa: Aira-kun? 
Aira: UHYAAA~!? Ru-RUSTOA-SAN―WHEN DID YOU GET HERE~!? Weren’t you just up on stage a moment ago… …? 
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Hiiro: Mayoi-senpai instructed us to take a break just now. 
Aira: Oh, is that so?
Tatsumi: Yes. We’ve been moving without a break since this morning. It’s important to keep oneself properly hydrated too. 
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Rustoa: Haaa~. It looks like there are still many areas I’ve got to work and improve on. However, I won’t give up now!
This is a really rare opportunity for me to receive personal coaching from an idol after all… … ALL RIGHT, LET’S DO THIS! 
Mayoi: NO~! That’s why I’m telling you, PLEASE, take a short break now… …!
Madara: Haha~! You’re reeeally a lot tougher than I thought you’d be, though!
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Rustoa: Even though I may look like this, I used to be a soldier in the employ of a private army. 
I would guard the safety of travellers touring throughout this Kingdom, and I’d have to battle monsters sometimes too, so I’m pretty confident about my physical stamina and endurance, you know!
Besides, I need to make this show a success, no matter what. I’ll do everything I can to make it happen.  
Aira: No matter what… …―
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Rustoa: That’s right. No matter what.
Tatsumi: … … I do think it’s natural for actors to wish for the success of their performances, but I can sense an especially strong personal will from you as well. 
Is there any particular reason for that? 
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Rustoa: You’re right, there is. 
I mentioned earlier that I used to belong to a private army, didn’t I? 
I had to quit because of a reason… … But then, it so happened I was invited to watch a stage play to raise my spirits… … 
And there, I had my heart stolen from me, by that performance. 
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Rustoa: I was so moved by the actors’ singing, dancing and their entire story―I couldn’t control the emotions welling up inside me at all. 
Throughout that performance, I had a thought. O​​hhh. I want to be an actor. 
I want to be an actor who can touch the audience’s hearts and make them feel joy.  
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​​Rustoa: And so after that, I kept attending auditions desperately. I really wanted to be an actor, with all my heart, you see. 
However… … none of it worked out. I was terrible at both singing and dancing. I couldn’t catch the attention of any theatre group or convince them to take me in. 
I was so ridiculously untalented, it was just laughable. As an actor, I was quite simply put, an underachiever.
Aira: (An underachiever… …) 
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Rustoa: The one and only talent I have in me, is the will to keep trying, with everything I’ve got. There was a child who made me realise that… …
And that’s how I came to start my own theatre company, even though its members consist of just me and Segi-san now.
Aira: (Wanting to achieve something so badly, desperately trying to make it come true… … However, reality is just that cruel… …
… … Even so, it’s simply impossible to even think about giving up on that dream. Rustoa-san is just the same as I was. The ‘me’ who just couldn’t give up on being an idol… …)
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Rustoa: My comrades from the private army have always supported me even though I’m like this.
All the props I’m using on the stage today have been gifted by them. They even went and ordered this custom-made instrument from another country called an ‘electric guitar’, which is quite wasted on me, but―
I want to create a stage with our performance and their props which can make everyone in the audience smile with all their hearts.
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Tatsumi: And therein lies the reason as to why you need the performance to succeed, ‘no matter what’. 
Rustoa: Yes, that’s right. 
Mayoi: … … Even though it may be troubling for you if someone like me were to give you my support, but―
Aira: ―We will definitely cheer you on as you strive towards your dream, Rustoa-san. 
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Rustoa: … …!
Thank you. 
Hiiro: Umu! I’m really looking forward to seeing Rustoa-san’s performance on stage!
Rustoa: Right! Ahh~ even so… … I’d really love to see you guys perform on stage sometime as well. I’m sure it’ll definitely be a very glamorous and thrilling stage too!
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Madara: A free-for-all performance, huh… …? Ohhh, I see~, that sounds really interestiiing!
Aira: Mikejima-senpai? What’s with that look on your face… …? What in the world are you thinking of doing… …? 
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Yuu: Ah~! There you guys are! We’ve brought some refreshments for you!
Merc: We have lots of sweets and tea for everyone here!
Segideel: Fuwawaaa~!
Rustoa: Ah, it’s Yuu-kun and Merc-san! Segi-san is here, too!
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Segideel: Fuwaaa~... …!
Hiiro: … … Are you offering those refreshments to me? Thank you so much!
Segideel: FUwaAAA~ 🌸 
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Aira: Ahaha, he’s started to dance. It feels so healing to watch Segi-san like this, huh~... …
(I was really surprised to hear that he was Rustoa-san’s partner, but I guess a Healed monster can be considered an excellent companion like this too… …?
However… …)
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Segideel: Fuwa, FUWAAA~
Madara: Ohh~! Are you offering those to me too~~? Mama is reeeally grateful for that!
Aira: (I guess we really ARE in a different world after all… …)
—————-To be continued——————-
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
Translator’s Notes
1) This is unproofed, so if there’s any feedback, please DM me. 
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I love them so much. You've got Bang Chan and his seven insane children.
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Bang Chan/Chris Bang: leader. Born in Seoul but raised in Sydney, Australia. In skz itself, he's a vocalist and composer/producer, but he's also part of 3racha, a rap/production team he was in predebut with Changbin and Jisung. Songs for Chan...god, he's amazing in all of them. I can't pick one. Lol.
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Lee Know (Lee Minho): Dance leader. Pretends he has zero heart but actually is all heart. Devoted cat dad to his babies soonie, doongie, and dori. Lino actually used to be a backup dancer for BTS during Fire era! Case 143 is their newest title track and he's got some really beautiful parts in it.
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Changbin (Seo Changbin): the definition of "looks like he could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll." Man is buff as hell and basically lives at the gym, but he's a squishy little aegyo king. He was called the "dark rapper" but idk man. He's the cutest little bean. He's also in 3racha. His song Streetlight is really underrated but gives you a really good sense of his skills.
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Hyunjin (Hwang Hyunjin): a dancer and rapper, Hyunjin's dance style reminds me a lot of Jimin. Check out his Play With Fire dance cover, it's amazing. Hyunjin is possibly the most dramatic little shit on the planet, but we wouldn't have him any other way. He's also an incredible painter.
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Han (Han Jisung): Han was born in Korea but spent a lot of time in Malaysia as a kid, and his English is excellent. He's a brilliant writer and does a lot of the lyrical work with 3racha. Wish You Back is an incredible song he did that's said to be based off the anime You Name. He's been open about his mental health struggles and had to take some time off in 2019 due to severe social anxiety, but he's doing a lot better these days. He's an introvert and a nerd and I love him.
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Felix (Felix Lee/Lee Yongbok): Our sunshine! Felix is also Australian, born and raised in Sydney to Korean parents. He's very sweet and sensitive (usually the first to cry during ending ments 🥺) and his voice WILL throw you for a loop. It doesn't match his face at all. 😂 If you watch God's Menu, you'll know what I mean. A rapper and our resident tiktok king, Lix is always trying to cheer up Stay.
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Seungmin (Kim Seungmin): You want sass? Seungmin has the sass for you. He loves the guys, but if there's an opening to roast, he'll be the first one to jump in - especially Chan. 😂😂😂 Seungmin is the lead vocalist and has the voice of an angel - watch the cover of Love Song by IU that he did on Kingdom with BtoB's Eunkwang and ateez's Jongho!
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I.n (Yang Jeongin): our maknae, our baby, the love of everyone's life. Innie has maknae privilege oozing out of every pore in his body and he makes full use of it. He's probably the least outwardly affectionate of the guys and is constantly trying to fight off their attempts at skinship - especially Han and Felix. He really does love them though. For a good giggle, watch his song Maknae on Top that he did with Chan and Changbin.
This playlist is for Song Camp: Howl in Harmony, which is a 6-episode miniseries skz did where they worked on their unit songs for their Noeasy album. You can see a lot of their interactions here which is nice. For incredible group performances, I recommend their cover of Pray (I'll Be Your Man) from Kingdom as well as their song Wolfgang. The Kingdom performance of that is incredible, but I recommend watching another one as well or instead as Hyunjin couldn't participate in Kingdom and having him missing really does suck.
Okay novel over but seriously I will yell about these men anytime 😅
😬 oh no
imma bout to feel real bad making them not good guys in eot 😬😬😬
So many of them have such squishy cheeks oh my word I wanna squishhhhh
Felix is the one with the super deep voice right? At the beginning of Maniac?
Upon initial impressions I think Lino is the cutest, but that may change over time and as I see them perform and with different hairstyles and colors
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Name: Cadence Symphonie
Japanese: ケイデンス・シンフォニー (Keidensu shinfonī)
Quote: "Don't listen to them, do for your career."
Age: 17 y.o
Birthday: October 23th
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 169 cm
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Eyes Color: Yellowish Gold
Race: Human
Species: None
Homeland: Melodie Kingdom
Aniket Symphonie (Father)
Unnamed mother (deceased)
Calliope Symphonie (Aunt)
Nicknames / Aliases:
Cady (by her friends)
Wanyue Jiang 江婉约 (Chinese name)
Cady-senpai (by freshmen)
Goddess of Clouds / Elegance (idol name)
Useless child (by her aunt)
Fairy of Rhythms (by her music fans)
School Facts and Fun Facts
Dorm: Melodiamour
School Year: 2nd year (Sophomore)
Class: 2-A
Dorm Leader of Melodiamour
Private singer
Choreographer to Crystal Tiara Production
Best Subject: Music
Worst Subject: Culinary Arts
Dominant Hand: Both (Left-handed)
Favourite Colors: Mango Yellow, Lotus Pink, Milky White
Favourite Food: Pork Rib Lotus Soup
Least Favourite: Porridge
Likes: Her father, music, fun, movies, books about romance and silly moments, freedoms, her friends, helping people, working, music instruments, Eastern cultures
Dislikes: Strict rules, her aunt, forced, loud noises, manipulated, rats, alone, being the one who blamed, arguments, lazy people, gossips
Hobbies: Visiting cafés, singing, dancing, writing songs, training
Talents: Fast reflex, playing music instruments, dancing, sound manipulation, voice mimicking, body balance, identifying the songs
Idol Stat
Performance: A bright, mature, girly voice with a high tessitura that clarifies the audience's heart. Her voice can break the spell of darkness by imitating the audience's familiar voice.
Choreography: Cadence had been trained to dance since she was a kid. She can balance her body well after spinning. In occasional, she showing with various of dance, for example, fan dance and sword dance.
Shimmery Wings outfits: Cultural • Elegant • Cool
Idol Brand
The most interestingly Cadence has two idol brands, unlike others. During the performance, she rarely use her first brand, and mostly to a second brand.
Floral Harmonic
A brand that feature Asian clothes with a slight hybrid from other styles. The clothes are inspired by the Northern Wei Dynasty and several other Asian cultures, it also feature some intricate patterns that depict music notes and flowers. There are also hybrids with European clothing styles. This is one of the two brand that Cadence used.
Shimmery Wings: Cultural • Cool • Classical
Miracle Mélodie
A brand that shows the cherishment of a music fairy who missed her late mother in her past. The clothes feature some soft and light colors with musical note and cloud pattern, even the clothes are derived from Japanese and Chinese traditional. It has silver accessories and jade stones. This is the brand that Cadence used when she goes on stage as the "Goddess of Clouds / Elegance" with her guqin.
Shimmery Wings: Cultural • Elegant
Cadence is the name considered to be "rhythmic" or "flowing", but it can also mean "falling", since the Italian word cadenza derived from the Latin word cadere (meaning "to fall").
Symphonie is comes from Greek roots that literally meaning “sounding together, harmony of sound.”
To her Chinese name, Wanyue (婉约) means "graceful and restrained". While the surname, Jiang means "Yangtze River".
Character Inspired
Cadence was inspired by
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Musa (Winx Club)
Mulan (Disney)
Jiang Cheng (MDZS)
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mejomonster · 2 years
I started First Love on Netflix against my better judgement
Points against it:
1. I hate first love stories, I think the idea of ending up with one's first love is horrifying af (and while it can work in some people's real lives I like to avoid the fictional storyline like the plague)
2. I don't like fluff romance and that name implied it. But mostly first point, because I truly truly hate "fall back in love with childhood love again" stories. Hate hate hate. My only exception Sometimes is if the story is teens falling in love (so no adults going back to exes), or if it's friends to lovers and they weren't lovers prior (like Bad Buddy) and tjis second case ONLY if they were friends (cause I also nearly never can handle the "ran into each other as children and connected, now falling in love again" trope which is rampant in like 90% of cdramas and kdramas and a major reason I rarely watch fluff romance dramas)
But... the points for it?
1. Opened by saying it was inspired by 2 Utada Hikaru songs I like, specifically right in this time period of my life where I've been playing tons of Utada Hikaru songs again so. It feels fated.
2. I saw Testuya Nomura was set decorator and while I hope to high heaven its just a similar name and has nothing to do with the Tetsuya Nomura I'm very familiar with, the idea of kingdom hearts creator Testuya Nomura going to go decorate a romance show set made me laugh hysterically
3. The show opens with a regular aged adult woman, who it's implied has a kid and is over 30 and single, with a not glamorous quite realistic job, and this is not the typical romance drama lead. I appreciate the way she feels like a real person I'd know instead of a perfect person or the kind of hyper rich person I'd never meet. I also like the shows choice to go for set design realism as there was the choice to go polished upper middle class bright sets (which many a show does like Kieta Hatsukoi and Heartstopper both go this route), but instead it went for regular looking job and imperfect clothes and muted color scheme and basically more realistic over glamorize (it's okay to do the brighter than life most shows do, it's quite normal even Teen Wolf does it and Pretty Little Liars and even Buffy The Vampire Slayer put its characters in designer clothes). I personally like the choice for realism over polished beautified in this case, because it implies this will not be "fluff romance" which eases some of what could have made me hate this. It reminds me of My Beautiful Man in the color scheme and set choices.
4. Is the lead guy the same actor who plays Ruroni Kenshin???? I only saw half of Ruroni Kenshin but I loved what I saw and the actor did amazing and. Idk I went into First Love expecting a lead actor I'd be neutral towards or dislike if things go fluff city. But this guy... OH MY GOD I LOOKED IT UP IT IS THE SAME GUY FROM RURONI KENSHIN!!! ITS TAKERU SATOH oh my fucking god!!!! Well firstly, Kenshin really made him look delicate and lovely and just kind of otherworldly almost with grace. This show? He looks rough and real life like some dude you run into at the supermarket that gets up and walks off without hearing your apology. I knew that lovely face looked familiar though. oh my god ITS HIM. Well I can say with comfort now he is a solid actor, so his performance will be enjoyable. I can't believe it's him! I know like 4 japanese actors and I just happen to accidentally tend to watch things they're in apparently.
5. I'm pretty sure the cab ride sampled a Utada Hikaru love where their first love is called a sad story. And I sincerely sincerely hope this means the show will NOT go fluff city ahhh we were first loves so now we are destined to be together~~~ since "sad story" implies they broke up for a reason, they grew apart and aren't still friends for a reason. Which I hope means, in a best case (unless the writers can do better than my hopes which hey that'd be cool): they broke up as first loves for whatever sad reason. They remeet as adults and it's a bit bittersweet. They have to gradually get to know each other again and fall in love, it's not fate or a sure thing - they have to earn that love again and build it as adults who understand stuff kids didn't and can avoid past mistakes. And perhaps they also have to confront the pain of why they stopped talking before this newfound getting to know each other happens. That's best case I can imagine? Maybe writers can do better. Please DO NOT SPOIL ME.
So yeah. I'm terrified this show will go the fluff city first love idealized route I am absolutely horrified by.
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mooncatmelodies · 1 year
by Josefina Gaspar
The highly-anticipated collaborative album between JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown has finally been released. This album has been on my radar for quite some time now, ever since Peggy expressed his desire to collaborate with Danny Brown on Twitter. After numerous leaks and posts on social media, I was eager to listen to this album and see if it would live up to my expectations. So, when it finally dropped, I waited until I got home, put on my headphones, and pressed play. And I must say, it did not disappoint. Without further ado, let's review the new record by JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown, "SCARING THE HOES."
The album kicks off with Lean Beef Patty, and it sets the tone for the rest of the record quite well. Right from the beginning, you can hear the production style of Peggy's previous release, LP!, in the production. While there has been some criticism online about the production quality, mostly on reddit, I feel that it complements the style of the album. This project has more of a mixtape feel to it rather than a traditional album, and Lean Beef Patty serves as an excellent opening track. Peggy's performance is, as always, fantastic, but it doesn't feel like he's trying to replicate what made LP! great. Although Danny's verse is shorter than expected, it still adds to the overall quality of the track.
Moving on to the next track, Steppa Pig does an excellent job of maintaining the high energy established in the opening track. Danny delivers a spectacular performance, not overdoing it but adding enough to satisfy the listener. Peggy's verse is impressive, showcasing his ability to rap flawlessly along with the instrumentals he produced. The title track, Scaring the Hoes, is also noteworthy, especially with the unique, moist sample in the beginning. However, I did feel that the track could have been more, as it felt slightly drawn out. Nevertheless, it's still a great track overall. Garbage Pale Kids is possibly one of the better tracks on the album, and it's also one of my personal favorites. Peggy's sampling skills are on full display here, demonstrating his incredible talent. Similarly, Fentanyl Tester is another great track that features an unexpected but successful sample from Kelis's Milkshake.
Burfict! is another prime example of Peggy's exceptional beat-making and producing skills, as the track bursts with energy. The use of "super-bowl-ahh" horns is particularly impressive, and I would love to hear more tracks in the future incorporating horns in the mix. By this point in the album, I realized that I had been listening to the first five tracks in absolute awe. The album had completely captivated me, and I found myself shutting my mind off and just listening. The energy doesn't let up with the very next track, Shut Yo Bitch Ass Up / Muddy Waters. Every track on the album thus far has been great. One of the things I appreciate about this track is that it feels like Danny Brown has his moment to shine. Although he's featured on every song, it often felt like the album was more of a New Solo JPEGMAFIA record with lots of Danny Brown features. However, this track made me feel like it was truly a collaborative effort between Danny Brown and JPEGMAFIA, rather than a solo project with supporting features.
Moving on to the next track, "Orange Juice Jones," it offers a moment of respite and allows for some reflection after the high-energy first half of the album. While not quite an interlude, it still provides a break from the intense tracks that preceded it. "Orange Juice Jones" is still a great track that showcases Peggy and Danny's standard of talent. It's a reminder that even when they slow down the tempo, they still maintain their skill and ability to create captivating music. The next track on the album is "Kingdom Hearts Key," which is possibly my favorite track on the entire record. It features the only artist besides Peggy and Danny, and that artist is redveil. The energy on this track is electrifying and it stands out in every aspect - from the production to the beat switches and the overall performance from the artists. Peggy's first verse is a great start with his flawless flow and production, especially with his beat switch section. The track is so mesmerizing and catchy that it was my number one song on my playlist. Danny's performance is an excellent complement to the track, and you can really feel the chemistry between the two artists. The amount of fun they had while creating this album is evident in their work. Finally, I can't forget redveil's flow and style. While there are criticisms about redveil's solo work, he really shines on this track. His ending verse is outstanding, and it's impressive how he is the only artist featured throughout the entire project.
God Loves You, another great track, does a really good job at building and maintaining energy. I absolutely adore everything from this project, and it’s just amplified with this track. Jack Harlow Combo Meal, on the other hand, is a standout for me. The piano sample used in the beat is amazing, and it's a great change of pace from the more aggressive tracks on the album. Plus, hearing Peggy's singing on this track is just beautiful. HOE (Heaven on Earth) should’ve been the ending track. It’s everything that this album is, it’s a project from the two legends of experimental hip-hop having fun. The ending part of this track is my favorite thing they sampled throughout this entire record. But finally, the last track, Where Ya Get Ya Coke From. While a great track, I do wish that this would’ve made it in the middle section of this record. Still a really good track. I don’t think there really was a track that I really didn’t like.
Overall, this album blew me away. I already knew this was going to be a record that I had on repeat, however, I think I underestimated the absolute greatness these two growing legends would produce. And to think that JPEGMAFIA isn’t done this year. He already announced, some time last year, that this was the one out of the three records he would be releasing. I can already predict what one of the releases would be, however, I won’t say much. Besides, I am just speculating. This album is simply a 9/10
My top 3 favorite songs are:
Kingdom Hearts Key (feat. redveil)
HOE (Heaven on Earth)
Least favorite song:
Run The Jewel's
you know this is all an opinion, right?
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Favourite K-Pop Releases of October 2022
1. Mamamoo: ILLELLA
Title: The queens are back! And they brought us a bop! This song is just so incredibly catchy, the hook was stuck in my head just from the teasers. Usually repetitiveness is the worst feature a song could have to me, but here the melody just so catchy it still works for me, and there's more than enough going on to keep me from getting bored. The vocals and rap are perfect as always, and of course Mamamoo sells the hell out of this song during performances.
Album: Now, do I think that calling three songs a "minialbum" is ridiculous? Absolutely. However, I do see why they kept to these three songs, they just work so well with each other. I'm actually having a hard time to choose my favourite, it's always the one I heard last. Still, more songs of this type in an album would have been too much, but adding other songs with different sounds could have made for a really weird listening experience. They should have called it a single album, though.
2. Kingdom: Long Live The King
Title: I've always been interested in Kingdom because of their concept, but this release is what fully pushed me into becoming a fan. This song is just so exciting! I love the electro-retro vibe at the beginning of the song (would have loved for that to feature more) as well as the dramatic-orchestral chorus. The up-beat section in the final chorus is my favourite part, it's so fun! The MV aesthetic and styling is amazing, I love how hard they committed to it.
Album: I don't really have a lot to say about the album, though I did save all the songs. The standout track to me is Poison.
3. (G)I-DLE: Nxde
Title: I'll admit it, when I first heard this I wasn't sure whether or not I liked this song, but it definitely grew on me a lot. I love the cabaret vibes and the sample in the chorus is incorporated so well. I really like Yuqi's deep voice here. And then there's the MV and concept, which is just amazing. I love the message, and in general I'm always happy to see groups with feminist concepts that go beyond looking badass.
Album: All the songs fit together nicely, the ones that stood out to me are Sculpture and Dark (X-File).
Honourable Mentions
Other songs I enjoyed this month, in no particular order:
Onewe: Still Here
Seulgi: Los Angeles
DKZ: Uh-Heung
Rolling Quartz: Sing your Heart out
Stray Kids: Case 143, Give me your TMI, Can't Sleep
Dreamcatcher: Vision, Fairytale, Some Love
Kihyun: Youth, Bad Liar, Star Dust
What were your favourite releases?
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Fics Written in 2015 Masterlist
chips of glass (ao3) - asymmetric calum/ashton E, 40k
Summary: A month before 5 Seconds of Summer’s first gig, Calum puts up an ad on craigslist.
Ashton is the one who answers.
come alive and bring the thunder (ao3) - merlypops michael/luke E, 36k
Summary: Prince Luke of the Faeries is forced to marry King Michael after a War between kingdoms threatens to tear their lives apart… and maybe Luke and Michael fall in love too. Maybe.
do it better (ao3) - lourrygum OT4 N/R, 8k
Summary: takes place during the time michael lost his passport and was stuck in the US while his band performed in the UK. He feels upset about it and stops answering their calls and may or may not unfollow them on twitter, leading to questions and anxiety.
or, ¾ of 5sos go to the US to see michael and end up fucking him senseless.
Grabby Hands (ao3) - antisocialhood calum/ashton, michael/luke/ashton N/R, 7k
Summary: Ashton likes wearing big sweaters, curling up with his daddy and sucking him off while they watch TV, and sometimes Calum likes to treat his princess to something special.
he’s got blue eyes deep like the sea (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton M, 5k
Summary: He groans, a sickening pain shooting through him. He can feel something wet beginning to trail down his leg, and in his hazy mind, he just barely manages to put together that it’s slick, and he’s just presented.
Fuck, he’s an omega.
(or, the one where luke goes into his first heat at a party, and it all goes downhill from there.)
Hold my hand and kiss my cheek darling (the world is watching us) (ao3) - Abbypd luke/ashton, michael/calum G, 23k
“But why do I need a fake boyfriend to come out?” Ashton asked, glaring at his manager – a woman in her forties who usually knew exactly what she was talking about. This time, the young singer wasn’t too sure. “Because why else would you have waited for two whole years to come out? With a boyfriend you can just tell them you didn’t know you were into guys until you met him. It will be romantic and everybody will love it.”
Or Luke and Ashton are both idiots who are too scared to admit that their kisses aren’t just for the cameras.
i am a pale imitation of a boy in the sky with a cap in his hand and a knot in his tie (ao3) - antisocialhood michael/luke, luke/oc N/R, 8k
Summary: It’s just, Michael likes Luke and Luke likes how good Michael is at sucking him off.
me and you just singing our song (ao3) - rory_the_dragon luke/ashton E, 6k
Summary: Luke’s come a long way from the kid he used to be.
He doesn’t know if anyone else has noticed, but Luke feels the difference.
And as soon as Ashton Irwin walks into Michael’s garage, Luke suddenly feels fifteen and blushing all over again.
(Or: the one with the very first band practice)
Never (ao3) - notonguexwithbutt michael/luke M, 41k
Summary: “I rub him through his jeans and he pushes against me as he sucks on my lips and scrapes his fingers across my back, undoubtedly leaving marks. After a minute I don’t think I can wait any longer so I sit up again and reach for the waistband of his jeans. His arms fall beside him and he reaches up to grip his hair, looking up at me with his swollen lips parted and eyes dark from being so dilated. He looks so wrecked and I haven’t even properly touched his dick yet.”
Michael and Luke work together at a pizza shop and Michael seems to hate Luke but really he’s just in denial. Michael’s POV.
Oil and Water (ao3) - dafeedil michael/calum E, 25k
Summary: Calum’s heart sinks a little bit, and he’s not entirely sure why. Maybe it’s because he’s allowed himself to fall victim to Michael’s seduction yet again, or maybe it’s because he’s disappointed in himself for being so willing to try something that could so easily be dangerous. Or maybe, the most likely of all, it’s because he can hear Mali’s voice in his head telling him how stupid he’s been to have found himself—quite literally—backed against the wall like this, with a boy he barely knows whispering dirty promises into his ear when he doesn’t even know the first thing about real relationships.
Or, Calum spends a night with the boy that smells like smoke, and as it always is with bad addictions, he keeps getting sucked right back in.
rhythm of the night (ao3) - lourrygum michael/luke, calum/ashton, ot4 E, 6k
Summary: It was great when Calum and Ashton finally stopped being dumb and got together but its not so great when the lines between where they can and can’t fuck get a little blurry and Luke and Michael have to endure it
or, Michael and Luke are turned on by Ashton and Calum’s sex sounds and also by each other.
Shameless (ao3) - HeartnArrow N/R, 39k
Summary: Luke is captain of the hockey team, one of the most popular guys in school along with calum hood, came out as gay last year. ashton is a nerd who gets straight a’s and has yet to have his first kiss at the age of 17. michael is his best friend who isn’t really a nerd but has known ashton since preschool. ashton has always watched luke from afar, admiring him at the hockey games and in the hallways. he’s had a crush on him since freshman year but luke doesn’t even know his name. or Luke was looking for a fuck buddy while Ashton was looking for love.
Something Better (ao3) - notonguexwithbutt michael/luke M, 10k
Summary: “It’s like Luke is trying to say so many things with one look and somehow Michael is understanding them all. Or is he? Because to him it looks like Luke is saying ‘push me up against a wall and fuck me’ or maybe it’s something more like 'do something, I dare you.’ Or maybe Michael’s just really turned on by the sight of his best friend covered in sweat and staring at him with dark, dilated eyes.”
Luke gets his wisdom teeth removed and feels quite affectionate and honest in the haze of his anesthesia. Later, he’s embarrassed about the things he confessed to Michael, so Michael does what he can to even out the field.
Something to Prove (ao3) - velvethood (orphan_account) michael/ashton E, 18k
Summary: “Ashton, he showed you his new song.” And okay, Calum doesn’t need to explain it any further for Ashton to know what that means. Michael is always so reluctant to show the words in his head, because they’re a little darker and deeper and colder than the other boys’ writing, but Michael came to Ashton without a second thought. He knows what that means.
The Demon In My Nightmares (ao3) - Shirosaki michael/luke N/R, 15k
Summary: A tear streams down Luke’s cheek as he remembers his nightmare. “He’s not real.” Luke tells himself quietly as he looks down at his bed sheets, shaking. “He’s not real, calm down Luke.” He hears a dark chuckle from the corner of his room, causing the blonde to freeze. His eyes widen as he hears footsteps coming toward him. “Y-you’re not real.” Luke says shakily. A low laugh comes in response. The blonde closes his eyes tightly, and then reopening them, waiting for the person in the corner of his room to disappear.
In other words, Luke is having nightmares with a demon named Michael in them.
This is the Beat of My Heart (ao3) - bogshops michael/luke M, 22k
Summary: “It was just like any other day; the blond boy had decided to walk home, saying he needed to take a breath, and as he finished walking down the staircase that lead inside the Church, he spotted a different face in the crowd. An odd boy staring deeply at the various faces coming out of the old building.
The boy was pale; he had dark hair and a bottle of beer between his lips. For a split moment Luke got himself lost in the figure across the street, the slim boy looked like he was around his age, with piercing green eyes and the best lips Luke had seen in his entire life.”
or the one where Luke is a religious boy, until Michael appears in his life, takes advantage of him and Luke decides to have a little revenge.
Three Thirty AM (ao3) - lourrygum michael/luke E, 7k
Summary: Michael feels bad. Worse than bad. He feels like the ultimate knob and he knows he should stop encouraging Luke to talk in his sleep, to talk about Michael in his sleep, to talk about getting fucked by Michael in his sleep. He knows this, and he knows that he definitely shouldn’t respond when he talks, shouldn’t push his hair out of his face so he can see his eyes squeeze closed a little tighter, his bottom lip quiver, his skin flush.
He absolutely should not tell Luke how much he does want him, how he loves how wrecked he looks when he’s barely even touched him, and how much hotter he’ll look when it’s Michael getting him off as opposed to him doing it himself.
or, Luke is sleep talking and Michael really shouldn’t be encouraging him.
Two, Two, Four (ao3) - cashcakeplz ot4 N/R, 9k
Summary: “So, let me get this straight. You…want to have a foursome…tonight?” Luke asked, raising an eyebrow at Calum.
or the one where Calum and Luke seduce their boys into a foursome.
unlikely lighthouses (ao3) - asymmetric Michael/Calum E, 37k
Summary: In the middle of the North American leg of the ROWYSO tour, Calum builds a friendship bracelet and Michael starts to have dreams of another version of them
We’ve been waiting for a smell like yours. (ao3) - Abbypd ot4 5k
Summary: “Are you alright?” he asked, and Luke turned his head to face the boy. He opened his mouth to answer but the boy sniffed him and pulled a face Luke could not quite place. “Fuck, want me to get you to Ashton safely?” he asked, and Luke looked at him, confusion very obvious in his eyes. “The scent isn’t very strong yet, but it’ll get worse within a few minutes.” He explained, though Luke still didn’t understand. Niall started pulling Luke with him. “What is going on?” the youngest blonde asked, following the boy towards the exit of the classroom because he didn’t really have a choice.
Or where Luke goes into heat in a class he doesn’t share with his three alpha’s
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aquaticlime · 5 months
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Projects I take part in that are important in my career!
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❝ [A brief summary]
"Embark on a journey of teenage chaos and mayhem in the musical adaptation of the classic comedy film, it’s a thrilling and engaging theatrical experience that successfully captures the dark and twisted humor of the original. The songs themselves are catchy and memorable, effortlessly drawing audiences into the world of high school drama and teenage angst."
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I play Heathers McNamara (the yellow one) which was my second ever role. I was cast before my first movie even debut because there was so much buzz surrounding my name. It also warms my theater kid heart to be apart of this production, however I was chosen for this role specifically because my schedule was pretty full just before and after march for ‘The Queen of Hearts’ press stuff.
‘𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒅’
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❝ [A brief summary]
"Join Ariel as she embarks on a perilous journey to experience the world beyond her undersea kingdom, and discovers the power of true love against all odds. The Little Mermaid is a stunning cinematic experience that is both a faithful adaption of the beloved Disney classic and an intriguing new take on the familiar story. With breathtaking visuals, an unforgettable and stirring score, and a moving and heartbreaking tale of true love and sacrifice, this film is surely to wow audiences of all ages and leave them feeling as though they have truly been transported into the magical tale. The performances of the cast are fantastic and the direction is superb, creating an impactful and emotional film that leaves an indelible impact."
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Disney heard about my casting in the Heathers movie musical and asked me to come audition for this project, and of course I got the job. Another movie I was cast in even before any project I’d worked on was released. Even in my OR I wanted to play Ariel if I ever had the chance, so of course I made it happen. Ariel is my favorite, and Aaron Johnson was cast as Prince Eric, what a cute story for our future kids!
‘𝑨𝒕𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒔: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆’
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❝ [A brief summary]
“A naive-but-determined museum cartographer Milo Thatch, dreams of completing the quest begun by his late grandfather, a famous explorer. When a journal surfaces, an eccentric billionaire funds an expedition and the action shifts to high gear.”
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Another live action remake of an animated film I like. In this one I’ll play Helga because she’s hot and so am I she’s kind of a villain and I feel like that would be a fun character to play.
‘𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒂𝒅: 𝑳𝒆𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔’
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❝ [A brief summary]
“The brave mariner Sinbad battles raging elements, mutinous dogs and fearsome monsters to retrieve the Book of Peace after being framed by the treacherous Goddess of Chaos. A live action remake of a DreamWorks animation.”
❝ [Added commentary]
I loved this movie when I was younger and always liked the character Eris, so of course I’ll play her in the live action adaptation. Seriously she is one of the most iconic characters how could I not.
'𝑴𝒓. 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑴𝒓𝒔. 𝑺𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒉'
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❝ [A brief summary]
“John and Jane Smith a couple in a stagnating marriage, live a deceptively mundane existence. However, each has been hiding a secret from the other: they are assassins working for adversarial agencies. When they are both assigned to kill the same target, Benjamin Danz, the truth comes to the surface. Finally free from their cover stories, they discover that they have been assigned to kill each other, sparking a series of explosive attacks.”
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Since Aaron and I are the Hollywood couple we were an obvious choice for this remake. I thought it would be fun since Brand and Angelina were also in the same position.
‘𝑱𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒅’
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❝ [A brief summary]
“James Bond, the skilled secret agent, is tasked with finding and stopping a dangerous terrorist group that is intent on destroying the world. He must navigate the complex web of secrets and intrigue as he attempts to thwart the evil plan and save the world."
❝ [Added commentary]
In this movie I play a Bond girl, I haven’t, nor will I, scripted anything about this movie. Aaron Johnson will play James Bond just like in this reality, so I thought it would be a fun excuse to be in another movie with him. Since we’re the Hollywood IT couple I’m sure studios would love to capitalize off it.
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blogtozone · 1 year
Perfect Piano Notes | Ed Sheeran
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Perfect Piano Notes
Notes :-  I found a love, for me D4# F4 G4# G4#, C5 A4# G4# C5 Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead A4# C5 C5 C5 A4# G4# G4# G4# A4# C5 A4# Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet C5 A4# G4# C5 A4# G4#, D5# C5 A4# G4# G4# Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me G4# A4# C5 C5# C5# C5 A4# A4# G4# G4# A4# C5 A4# C5 'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love D5# D5# D5# F5 C5 A4# C5 C5 C5 Not knowing what it was C5 A4# G4# C5 C5 C5 I will not give you up this time C5 A4# G4# C5# C5 A4# G4# D4# C5 C5# C5 A4# But darling, just kiss me slow C5 A4# G4# C5 C5 C5 Your heart is all I own C5 A4# G4# C5 C5 C5 And in your eyes, you're holding mine C5 A4# G4# C5# C5 A4# G4# D4# A4# G4# A4# Baby, I'm dancing in the dark D5# C5 A4# G4# G5# G5 F5 G5 C5 With you between my arms D5# C5# C5 A4# G4# Barefoot on the grass G5# G5 F5 G4# C5 Listening to our favourite song D5# D5# D5# D5# F5 C5 A4# G4# When you said you looked a mess C5 D5# G5# G5 F5 G5 C5 I whispered underneath my breath But you heard it G4# A4# C5 D5# C5# C5 C5# C5 A4# C5# C5 Darling, you look perfect tonight G4# A4# C5 A4# A4# G4# G4# G4#
About Song :-
"Perfect" is a romantic pop song by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. It was released on September 26, 2017, as the fourth single from his third studio album, "÷" (Divide), which was released earlier that year. The song received widespread acclaim and became one of Ed Sheeran's biggest hits. Here is some information about the song: Artist: "Perfect" is performed by Ed Sheeran, who is known for his heartfelt and relatable songs. Composition and Lyrics: Ed Sheeran co-wrote and co-produced "Perfect" with Will Hicks, Benny Blanco, and Jacob Kasher. The song is a beautiful love ballad that tells the story of a perfect and enduring love. The lyrics are filled with romantic imagery and heartfelt emotions. Success: "Perfect" was a commercial and critical success. It topped the charts in several countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Australia. The song also received numerous awards and nominations. Wedding Anthem: Due to its romantic and heartfelt lyrics, "Perfect" became a popular choice for weddings. Many couples have used it as their wedding song for the first dance. Music Video: The music video for "Perfect" was released on November 9, 2017, and it features Ed Sheeran himself. It was filmed in the Austrian Alps and depicts a romantic winter love story. Live Performances: Ed Sheeran has performed "Perfect" at various live events and concerts. The song is often a highlight of his live shows and is known to resonate deeply with his fans. Chart Performance: "Perfect" spent multiple weeks at the top of the charts in various countries and was certified multi-platinum in many of them. It also received a Diamond certification in the United States for selling over 10 million copies. Impact: "Perfect" is considered one of Ed Sheeran's signature songs and is a testament to his songwriting and storytelling abilities. Its enduring popularity has made it a timeless love song. Overall, "Perfect" is a heartfelt and beautifully composed love song that has captured the hearts of many listeners worldwide. It remains a popular choice for romantic occasions and is one of Ed Sheeran's most iconic tracks. Read the full article
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