#one is from his tattoo the other is actual bacon model from both games
jnixz · 2 years
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*it is a mystery plays in the background* peepaw disassociating moments
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calypsoff · 4 years
Thirty Nine. Part 6
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Suddenly my drive has heightened, I mean that too because all of a sudden I want to ride Chris so many times. I am going to get my way, but he is currently asleep. I don’t want to wake him, but I am awake planning in my head that I need to get this over with. If I am right, then all this sex should get me pregnant, it’s hitting at the same time as my ovulation so I think I should. If I am married by next month, then I won’t be pregnant on my wedding day, so I’m trying to work around this. I’m not putting all my eggs in one basket for ending up pregnant, I’m just praying that I do because I really want to be a mother, I just want something of my own. I really want that, but I will let god guide me to be pregnant. Looking over at Chris asleep still, I slept for a while, but I woke up and ordered breakfast. I am hungry and I’m planning, I think hand on my heart, I will get my way, but I also want Chris to explore Barbados too, just us. A knock at the door, that must be breakfast. Tightening the robe around my body as I made my way to the door, I had a shower. I needed it; it would be rude to be walking around like that. Unlocking the door and dragging it open “your breakfast madam” opening the door wider “please place it here, I will wheel it out” Chris is asleep and to be honest, I don’t want anyone seeing his naked self “not to worry” he wheeled in the tray full of food “enjoy” he walked by me, letting the door close. A smile formed on my face; I now have to wake him up. I know it’s early, but I think it’s not good just sleeping in, I want Chris to see Barbados, I realised my auntie store is not far, he can meet my auntie and some of my family members, he can see and meet the Barbadian people, see how I grew up and the people I know, I want that actually for today. I always wanted to bring Chris here too.
Placing my hand on his shoulder, a smile played on my face. I can’t believe I am his fiancé, he wanted to marry me. I know I have mentioned marriage to him, but I didn’t think he would do it, I didn’t think he would do it so soon but I am over the moon, he’s made me feel so much more better about me, I don’t know. It’s weird but my confidence is just sky high, lightly shaking Chris “poppa” I was going to scare him awake but that would be mean so I will stick to being kind with him, he seemed pretty tired last night after I gave him head, it was like I took his energy from him, it was just so easy to please him “poppa, wake up. Breakfast is here” he is really not waking up, climbing onto the bed “Christopher” leaning down and pressing lots of kisses to his face “what, what, what?” He said all grumpy and annoyed that I even did this “oh don’t be annoyed but breakfast is here. Come out and eat with me, please” the fact I know Chris is not impressed, his eyes are firmly shut but I know he is not happy that I woke him up “please” I said nicely “ok I will, just let me open my eyes” shuffling off of the bed, let me leave him to wake up “scared me awake” watching him turn onto his back “I was trying to do it all nicely but you wasn’t waking up, I will wait for you outside” let me go, I think poppa is annoyed which is not my fault. I don’t like he is annoyed with me; he gave me such a dirty look because I woke him.
I am waiting for poppa to come out, I saw his bare ass walk across to the bathroom he should be out soon. Reaching over and grabbing a watermelon slice, placing it in my mouth watching Chris step out into the sun “why are you so grumpy?” Is he serious, watching him walk over to me “I’m not” walking around the table, he leaned over and pressed a kiss to my lips “morning” oh he is grumpy, watching him walk to the chair, I am side eyeing him right now “is it because I woke you?” Chris huffed out sitting down on the chair “a little, I am tired that is all” nodding my head, dragging my eyes down to his body. I can’t believe Chris has got a six pack, that is amazing “I like that little V shape you got going on there, forgot to mention. Please smile” he’s going to learn how to smile, he did the fakest smile “I am playing, I’ll get over it. Is this mine?” He pointed at his plate, knowing full well that is his plate “yeah why?” Finishing off my watermelon “they put bacon on my plate, you know this. Me don’t like it” I snorted laughing “you are hanging around my family too much, then put it on mine. I did say no bacon, but whatever. Maybe I should have kept you asleep for a little longer” Chris waved me off “I’m cool, I get to sit out here. Get a tan” his body does need a tan “well I want us to spend all the time we can together, we have missed out on a lot” we really have so I just want us to spend time together “I get what you mean, last night was a lot. I mean I’m ready for more, seeing as you made a damn game up? Next month married? Damn” Chris is acting like it’s quick, like he didn’t want us to get married this quick “why? What is the difference, I mean why wait? It’s stupid to do that, anyways I want to eat” it’s too early for politics right now, I want some food first.
Looking over at Chris on his phone, I am being nosey “who is that?” I pointed, I know I see a girl’s name on there “she’s a scout for our clothing line, she was congratulating me and then asked me a few work related things” squinting my eyes “go back a page” I would like to see the girl, Chris laughed and just gave me his phone “and you want to marry me? Don’t trust me” grabbing his phone “you yes, others no” oh she likes to have her body out “did you pick her out of thin air? How did she come around” I mean I would like to know “so when I went to Drake’ place she was there, and we got talking and she knows a lot of people and she said she would help me scout models for the clothing line, she is wearing my stuff too” tapping on the picture “with her booty out? Pornstar” Chris is laughing but I am being serious “so you found her at Drake’ home” tapping on his direct messages and onto her messages “thank you ma” I read his message out “you’re so young and getting married, don’t blame you when you got Rihanna but she is lucky to have you, so sweet” I am unsure on how to take that “if you don’t trust me then we won’t work, this is stupid” scrolling up on the messages “you’re her boss but she calls you sexy? See I know that thirst trap picture would do that” backing out of his messages and it’s just full of women, like women sending pictures to him “these girls know you’re with me, wow” this is crazy “I don’t respond at all, I don’t care about them. If I wanted to cheat I could have at Tyga’ house and I’m being dead serious, girls were throwing themselves at me and it’s all on the down low, but I was like nah, I got my girl away and I am counting the days to when she is back, I don’t care” I didn’t think he would be getting this much, it’s a lot of girls.
I look like a crazy fiancé but I just wanted to check it all, Chris continued to eat without a care. I am not annoyed with him but the fact this is happening, and those types of things are being sent to him when it’s uncalled for, he is taken by me and these bitches know that “is that it?” Placing his on the table “yeah” I breathed out “why would I cheat on you? You have helped me back to who I am, I love you Robyn and that is it. Why would I start speaking on the future with you just to cheat? It’s not logical, so please just trust me on this. I don’t care for any other female” nodding my head “just I’ve seen happy couples get married and then their husband still cheat, so yeah. It can happen, if you are ever unhappy with me I rather you did say it to me. Don’t ever cheat on me, seeing your messages is crazy. I thought it was spam but it’s not, girls are throwing themselves at you, I just didn’t think it” I really didn’t “oh yeah, when I was at Tyga’ place they were just straight asking me to cheat. They just said we signed a waiver, this is secret. Rihanna won’t know, I was like uhuh no, I am fine. I went there for just fun, not that fun. I know my limits, I think they assume because I am not famous and I am on the come up they want to have sex with me, just so down the line they can say they had sex with me. Even on my single days I wouldn’t want that, I am not into white girls, they were very fake. Not me Robyn” shaking my head “they were saying very crude things on there, look I am going to drop it because there is really nothing on there but, I am not saying you are ugly. No way I am saying that I just didn’t think they would be so desperate. I am not insecure, but I know men do cheat with the nastiest bitches” Chris laughed “I am not going anywhere, trust me. So we good? I don’t want this to come up again, I am not interested. It takes two to cheat, I am not playing that” nodding my head, I am proud of him, but I won’t say that.
I cooed out “Awww Bang Bang put, I knew these two would be married when they got their matching tattoos, he is a great guy and Rihanna chose well. I will remember when he sat next to you and held your hand as I tattooed your neck and how he helped pick out the tattoo, such attention to detail. First ever picture with the couple, can’t wait to see you both together soon. Oh my god, that is so sweet, this is like the first picture of us together with someone else that knew of us” liking the post “that us super dope of him, I was scared that the tattoos were going to turn out wack. I am on a million followers you know: it’s going up and up. Wild, your name holds power, let me change my name to FentysBitch” I chuckled as I finished off typing my thank you post to Bang Bang “do it, but you about to make a name for yourself. No more thirst traps though, I can’t take the bitches speaking on how big your dick is, it’s not it. They are lusting over you” Chris is just laughing, he finds this funny “crazy, people are so happy for us Robyn. I like that” nodding my head “are you going to get ready? We are going to go and see my auntie shop, I want to show you where I hung out” I am excited for this “cool, yeah. I am just going to have a shower first; I didn’t have it last night. I smell like you” I can imagine that he does.
Walking out of the bathroom I had to do double take, I stopped to stare at Chris currently taking a picture in the mirror. Chris laughed probably laughing that I am just staring at him “am I not invited to this picture taking, you doing thirst traps again” pouting my lips out, he really just taking picture of himself now “these shorts are a little tight, you changing?” Chris turned to me “oh the booty was tight but that bulge, it’s a no from me. Mhmmm you looking fine though, did my auntie give you this shirt? Was this in the bag?” Chris nodded his head “yeah, you think this kind of salmon pink suits me. I stole your shades too” pulling his shirt closed “mhmmm” he really showing out “stop fussing, let me just take the picture” leaning against him, Chris placed his arm around me but placed his hand on my booty. Resting my head against his chest “let me see” he held the phone out to me, taking his phone to inspect the pictures but more so to see what pictures he took of himself “these shorts really that bad? I am still waiting on my suitcase?” sliding across to the pictures of him, oh Chris does love himself “nosey” he snatched the phone from me “nice to know you agree too” rolling my eyes “shall we go now” I will have to accept that until he gets his suitcase.
Chris lightly pulled me ahead of him to go into the store first “Robbie!!” my auntie shouted, “I came!” letting his hand go, my auntie clapped her hands running to me “awww my niece came, you mentioned it but I didn’t think you would because you are resting” hugging my auntie “I seen you a few days ago, you so drama” she really is “you barely here anymore Robyn, you know that. It’s so so good to see you” I love my family so much “you remember Chris auntie, he come to see you and also say thank you” my auntie got her arms open to him “awww sweet baby, you not get your clothes back yet” hugging my cousin Nikia “you walk here cousin? Where is Mel?” she knows I would have had Mel with me “we are staying at a hotel, so we came to visit you, show Chris my home. The places that mean a lot to me, where is Noella. She not come?” moving back from the hug “bitch I am here!” Noella came out from the back “you doing work? That ain’t like you, where my niece? You left her alone” hugging Noella “she in the back, she got to start early Robyn. She needs to start doing work now already” waving Noella off, she is being dumb “you lost America boy” Noella said to Chris “America boy? Who that, me?” he is playing dumb “welcome, I am joking” Chris is looking around like he expected luxury and whatever “what’s up?” I questioned “just how you walking around, no bodyguard. Is it safe for you?” nodding my head “of course, this is my home Chris. I always do this when I come home” he is not used to it.
Noella nudged me and then stood next to me “he is fitting in well, rather the famous one now. It’s like they feel he is marrying the Queen of Barbados so the treat him like Royalty, crazy right” it’s crazy to see “I know, I am glad he is fitting in. I mean they don’t want pictures with me anymore. The kids are all over Chris about it, I caught Chris texting a female that works for him, a scout” turning to Noella “wait, hold up what!?” I laughed “it’s not bad, I read it. She did call him sexy, like that is weird but just going through his messages. He has so many women thirsting over him, I just feel like because of him getting this attention and then gaining a six pack, and just getting this exposure. He is just becoming so big headed I guess. Not a bad thing but just the females feed of it, he needs to also not like comments too. I am not worried about him cheating, just the women were throwing themselves at him, sending nudes to him. He is a good guy, but I feel like if he isn’t careful someone will create a rumour that he can’t prove is not true to play with us, nobody likes anyone happy really. I got a little annoyed even though I am assured he won’t do that, he didn’t reply but saw it, the messages he knew were there. He is a handsome guy, more so now. His glow up from before is just amazing, I am protective of my poppa” Noella cooed out “I wouldn’t look through his phone again though, I feel like if you continue to that it will drive him crazy when you don’t need to be like that, women are thots, some anyways. All you need to know he is faithful to you, he is a family man that proposed to you” Noella is right.
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augustjcrdan · 4 years
{ kj apa ♔ 24 ♔ he/him } well, well, well if it isn’t [august ‘aj’ jordan ] running around peach hollow. legend has it, they come from [olive avenue] and have lived here for [all their life]. if you’re wondering what they’ve been up to, i hear they’re an [NFL player] for a living. they have been known to be [naive] yet [CHARMING]. a word of advice to them, always look over your shoulder. you never know who is watching. { adri ♔ 26 ♔ est ♔ she/her }
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basic information ↴
full name : August Michael Jordan nickname(s) : AJ preferred name(s) : AJ birth date : November 3rd age : Twenty Four zodiac : Scorpio gender : Male pronouns : He/Him romantic orientation : Straight sexual orientation : Heterosexual nationality : American ethnicity : Samoan, Scottish current location : Peach Hallow, Atlanta living conditions : Bought his own home recently in the same town he grew up in. Had it designed & built from scratch
background ↴
birth place : Atlanta, Georgia hometown : Peach Hollows, Georgia social class : Upper-Class education level : Went to college for 4 years before entering the NFL draft, but didn’t graduate. Was one semester short of getting his teaching degree parents: Divorced  father : Mike (girlfriend Gwen) mother : Christina (married to Jake) sibling(s) : 6 biological, 4 step siblings previous relationships : Angel - high school sweetheart
occupation  ↴
nfl tight end for the atlanta falcons.  wears number 83 does endorsement deals helps promote giving back to the city helps out a lot with children events at hospitals has appeared on lot of social media campaigns, has his own workout plan to purchase
physical appearance  ↴
face claim : KJ Apa eye color : Honey Comb hair color : Red with darker roots sometimes hair type/style : slicked back with some gel or just free flowing dominant hand : Right height : 6′1weight : 200lb build : super lean, abs for days tattoos : 8 but wants more piercings : both of his ears marks/scars : one in the middle of his eyebrows
When August’s parents were in college, both out of state and newbies to Atlanta, they found themselves with an unplanned pregnancy and a decision to make.
Mike and Christina decided to keep their son when they were 20 and 21, raise him in an off campus apartment while they finished up their degrees and figure out things along side their friends and extended family. 
They moved to Peach Hollow when Christina finished college. August has lived in quite a few places throughout the town as he grew up and loved it.
His dad, a Chicago native was a huge basketball fan. Being named Michael Jordan growing up, he thought he was the man and wanted more than anything for his kid to love basketball. When August came out with firey red hair, Mike thought that was the sign and called him basketball head for most of his life. But little did he know, AJ had a completely different plan.
His mom, a soccer player in college, was never going to push sports or anything onto her baby. Her parents were super hard on her and disappointed that she would never make the USA team after having a baby in college, so she wanted to raise August to pick whatever he wanted in his life to do.
Christina was more laid back in the parenting department and Mike was more demanding and short tempered. This caused for a lot of fights and a lot of blow outs that AJ witnessed at a young age. One of those fights resulted in his scar that he got in between his brows that he tells everyone was a slam dunk gone wrong.
Once Christina got the balls to leave Mike after a failed marriage, she found herself starting a lifestyle magazine in Atlanta along with a boutique. It wasn’t long after that she met her now husband, Jake, who already had a son and the two went on to have 2 more kids. Giving them the picture perfect, 4 kids, white picked fence life. Jake was in business and Christina’s life really took off.
Mike on the other hand wasn’t stable at all. He worked all different kinds of dead end jobs and bounced from one girl to the next, having 3 with 3 different women thinking that was his ticket to getting them to stay. The unstableness was uneasy for Christina to deal with having in August’s life and she had to often keep her son from seeing his dad for long stretches of time. 
Mike was quick to turn to alcohol and get drunk to deal and cope with how he failed as a father in many ways. And there were many drunk phone calls made to their home, restraining orders, the whole nines. It wasn’t something he really told many people about.
Jake was a great step dad, and his brother was cool, but at the young age of 7 - August really wanted to play football and have an escape from his life. He wanted to play the game he loved to watch on tv. Whether it was the Falcons, Bears or the Eagles (Since his mom is originally from Pennsylvania) he was mesmerized by the plays, the positions and the entire game.
Once he played in his first game, AJ was in love. He was tall for his age so jumping others and ‘mossing’ other children, August fell in love with being a tight end. There was no other position that he loved more. He got to be physical, block, protect the qb but also score touchdowns and create them all at the same time.
His workouts and daily routines became intense. He was talented and wanted to ride out his dream, he promised his mom if she let him go through with this, he was going to give it is all and he always has.
Having abs at 14 was something that was nice to impress girls his age with, but never did he think that older women would be hitting on him? Sure, cheek pinches and all of that were nice but when his mom took too much interest in him, he really didn’t know what to do.
She was someone his family trusted, someone they used to help further AJ’s career in high school and beyond and behind everyones back, she was taking advantage of him and sleeping with him. Her name is Macy and she still haunts his thoughts today.
Throughout high school, she took photos when he was asleep, would use them against him for blackmail to get time with him. She caused him so much pain, anxiety and depression that he couldn’t tell anyone about. Regardless of knowing he could take her down, she had some mental hold over him and he hated it. Plus, most people don’t think guys/men can get abused/raped and when AJ tried to tell his dad once, he said an older woman is every high school kids dream. She’s not. It’s not. It’s a nightmare.
Once he was able to get away from Peach Hollow, he attended PSU for four years and flourished. He was able to shake away Macy and though he missed someone from his past, still loved the hell out of her and wanted to be with her, he has always told himself he was protecting and saving her from the wrath of Macy.
Atlanta wasn’t where he was expecting to get drafted. Not at all. He was actually hoping and praying it would be to any other city for another fresh new start, but they took him in the first round. As a TE, that was huge. He was their ‘hometown’ hero guy that earned the nickname red jordan or red around the league easily thanks to the hair.
Now that he’s been playing and signed a huge, multimillion dollar deal with the falcons, along with tons of endorsements, a new management and pr team, he decided to move back to Peach Hollow and build a home on the lot he always admired on his walks home from school. It was another dream he was able to make a reality. Along with taking care of his mom.
His dad is still a mess, he’s with a girlfriend now and they’re having another baby on top of the 6 combined they have together. He asks AJ for money constantly and it’s the hardest thing in the world to have to turn down supporting his father, but once you give someone an inch, they usually take a yard. That’s exactly how he would describe his alcoholic, still over the top, biological father.
random headcanons  ↴
has two dogs; max & luna. had one growing up that was his best friend named scar. loves cars. has 5 favorite drink is whiskey straight or rum and coke. will do as many shots as you tell him to and is king of keg stands. will never shy away from jumping behind the bar. had to learn how to play the guitar in high school for an extra curricular class and still from time to time picks it up and jams out. he can’t really dance, so the guitar it is. if you put bacon on anything, he will eat it. hangs out with celebrities and acts like it’s no big deal. has issues knowing how to dress for events? he likes to keep it casual and relaxed like every day looks, so needs to hire someone to dress him. is obsessed with hats to hide his red hair. hates being asked if he was born in august. his mom picked the name out of a baby book, he wishes there was a cooler story behind it. his mom has been filmed on RHOA a few times and it gets to her head if you talk to her about it. so please don’t.
wanted connections  ↴
best friends step brother possible sibling like cousins/grew up together childhood friends matched on a dating app sports world friends hookups/one night stands models/girls he’s taken out on dates college friends anything/everything. i like to build off our characters and what they want/need in their lives!
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