#one day ill draw something serious for them
soapoet · 1 year
describing the dynamic...
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...a requested continuation of this post.
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like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: First day of my life by Bright Eyes
This feels like home. It is familiar and it is sweet. The two of you create an air of comfort, which draws in various orphans of the storm. Like a safe haven amidst stormy seas. A lighthouse. This has the blueprint of starting a found family. Your union echos with lots of laughter, the kind that brings tears and stomachaches. The joy here is tangible and it is imprinted in everything. Your dynamic is like an evolved version of puppy love. It's nervous, but adoring. Giddy and rosy. It feels like best friends falling in love. They know you and you know them at a deep level. The foundation upon which this relationship stands could withstand hurricanes, though there isn't much to worry about. Most issues that crop up seem a little silly, and you may laugh about them afterwards. Personal doubts and misunderstandings are the worst that can happen here, which are mostly due to the doglike loyalty and care you have for one another. Ever seen the face of a pooch when they've done something they shouldn't have? They appear so sheepish even though their mistake or mischief really isn't all that bad or serious. We often laugh at our beloved pets when they appear so apologetic because it is so often wildly out of proportion for their actual crime. The same applies to this relationship. Doubts may occasionally become bigger in your heads and cause a similar out of proportion shame or guilt or concern about how the other will react. Many inside jokes may stem from these situations, actually. Despite the occasional and shortlived whirlwind of doubt and concern about the status of the relationship, your communication is very good and open and clear. You might both simply have a hard time expressing yourselves when it comes to negative feelings and experiences, likely stemming from your upbringing. Which brings me to the point of healing. A key feature of this relationship is just that. Healing. The two of you treat each other the way you wish you had been treated growing up. As though you are raising each other's wounded inner child in a much better, loving, and attentive environment. There is a lot of validation and tenderness present. The reciprocation is beautifully balanced. When one is feeling low, the other takes on a guardian role, comforting and supporting them in various ways. Need a doctor's appointment but you're too anxious to call? Your partner gotchu. Next time they're ill you'll be making them soup and wrapping them up in a blanket. The give and take feels natural, like neither of you need to think twice about it, and best of all: nobody's keeping score.
Shufflemancy: High heels by Mando Diao
Once this one gets going, it's long distance, not a sprint. Considering the delays this relationship experiences before it begins, however, the steady movement doesn't feel slow at all. And although this relationship is very spontaneous and fun, there is a balancing act at play wherein plans for the future are made early on. They want to make sure you're both on the same page and have an idea of where the relationship is headed right from the start to avoid conflicting ideas later. There are some traditional elements to this relationship because they lead a busy life professionally. Plans may be made to have you stay at home once things get serious, though they are very supportive of any business ideas you come up with or already have when you enter into the relationship. This person values ambition and drive, probably just as much as you do, and is very supportive of any endeavours you decide to pursue, and is likely to help fund or network to boost your success.
Expect frequent date nights. This person enjoys romance and works hard to keep the spark alive, so long as they don't feel smothered. When given the space and time they love to shower you with gifts and make you feel special. Travelling also figures strongly, and you may cross many destinations off your bucket list with this person. They favour quality over quantity, though, and may make it a point to spend big bucks on a resort for an extended period of time to really make the most of the destination and the time you get to spend together. It's possible the two of you eventually purchase a second home somewhere you like to visit. The two of you enjoy a rich social life as well, and may frequently entertain people in your home or at different venues. Your energy is contagious and other people are naturally drawn to the two of you because of the fun and welcoming energy created by your union. I'm not seeing much in terms of issues, mostly because the element of fun is so strong here. It feels very balanced because each of you gets to be in your favoured energy and feel appreciated for what you bring to the relationship. Very strong mutual respect. Each of you seem to succeed in life and your careers and projects better because the other is by your side. Reaching higher and farther because of the support of the other. This has an air of'us against the world', as though you are building an empire together. Your success is very new-money and modern. Flashy and extravagant, but still down-to-earth and humble in a way in which you really count your blessings and have much gratitude for what you have together and where you came from. The two of you may help or give back to your community, or donate to charity. It's possible they pay off your family's mortgage or do some other big financial gesture towards your family after the two of you commit. There is a lot of passion in this relationship. Very flirty, and there is a strong sexual attraction. The two of you make each other laugh a lot and may pull pranks on each other. Check out Destene and Brandon on youtube, because their dynamic mirrors this group a lot!
Shufflemancy: Mary on a cross by Ghost
This is the one that will feel like things are too good to be true. You will want for nothing. The dynamic here is almost that of a knight and the one they have sworn to protect, or the royal and the peasant they chose for love. There is much adoration here, and it feels old-timey in a way. If you have been kissing frogs before, this one will really surprise you. They enjoy traditional courting and may look down upon the modern era of dating and the attitudes surrounding it, and don't like most of the people making them offers. They also appear to compensate for time spent apart through lavish gifts, and making sure you have everything that you need. There are a lot of calls and messages being sent back and forth, especially during their time away. They're very supportive of your studies or the projects you're working on, and will do everything in their power to create a good environment for you to do what you need to do. There is a strong possibility of them asking you to accompany them on their business travels, in an effort to help the two of you spend more quality time together. You have an energy that differs so much from what they have to deal with in their professional life, and they derive a big boost of motivation and confidence from it. It is almost as though they see you as their lucky charm.
The primary cause of friction appears to come from outside the relationship. You may frequently receive strange looks when you're together, or the way you differ somehow causes tension amongst your partner's peers. They, however, are incredibly proud of you and encourage you to speak your mind and stay true to yourself. They think you're perfect and don't want you to change, especially not through pressure from the kinds of people they find shallow or even fake. There could be instances where people try to steal your partner, but they fail horribly because of your partner's devotion to you. This can also go the other way, wherein people begin to pursue you in an attempt to steal you away from your partner, as if to spite them. You may receive invitations, offers, and gifts from people, especially ones you meet through your partner. This reveals a jealous streak in your partner which is very prevalent, but not in a toxic or controlling way. Because they have such social grace and know how to play the game, they never target you with their jealousy and dismay, but those who try to get in between. They are protective of what's theirs, but are very graceful and strategic in their methodology of solving problems. This also lends itself well to any wrinkles that need ironing in the relationship, because they don't appear to get angry and have a mentality that it's not you vs. them, but the two of you vs. the problem.
This dynamic may sometimes lead to waking up alone, but there is sure to be a lovely note left behind, or they may send flowers. They like to let you sleep in, and find you to be at your most beautiful when you're asleep because of the serene look on your face. You really help them feel at peace, which is something quite difficult for them to achieve on their own. They have trouble relaxing or doing things without it somehow boosting their qualifications or adding to their resume. You help them pick out books to read just because, watch movies regardless of their acclaim and accolades, go thrifting for the fun of it or visit the sweet little side street boutiques and unknown cafés. They really just feel like they have access to more oxygen when you're around, as though they've spent their whole life holding their breath and they can breathe easily and deeply around you.
Shufflemancy: Me the machine by Imogen Heap
There is a whole lot going on here mentally. The two of you spend a lot of time talking, for hours upon hours. "Is that the sun?" can become a frequent phrase used when time slips through your fingers as you talk the night away to watch the sunrise. The two of you love to debate, especially in regards to matters you agree on, because it seems you reach the same conclusion from different angles and enjoy discussing each other's detours. They love picking your brain and value your opinions. There is a bit of a hopeless romantic in them, which may catch you off guard every time due to their cerebral nature. They might leave you notes or share songs to express their feelings. To them you are an equal, a missing puzzle piece that helps them see the bigger picture. You two are like the seeker and the explorer. They like holding hands and being close to you, but seem a little hesitant, even months into the relationship. You are certainly the more open and affectionate one, whilst they tend to be a little shy. Their awkwardness is quite charming, though, because they do try their best to show their love and support. Support plays a big role here, too, as they have a lot to teach you in various areas of life and you will grow quite a bit during this relationship. They are an excellent mentor and encourage you to chase your dreams, but are also good at holding you accountable. They can be a little blunt and clumsy with their words, but they mean well and wish for you to be the best that you can be and never sell yourself short. They really won't let anybody talk down on you, least of all you yourself. They have very high standards so any self-loating on your part feels insulting to them. They wouldn't date you if they didn't think you were incredible.
They enjoy your company and express genuine interest in your thoughts and ideas. You share many interests and engaging in them together is a big part of this relationship. You two are stronger together and can face many hardships with greater ease due to how you complete one another. Not in that you aren't whole on your own, but that your individual strengths and weaknesses balance each other out. Where you lack, they're abundant, and vice versa. It really makes for a dynamic duo, albeit one that may from the outside appear mismatched or peculiar. That does not stop you, though, and they especially have very little care for what other people think. The two of you may collaborate on various projects, or work together towards both joint and separate goals. Your minds and talents blend beautifully together, and your relationship is potent with inspiration and motivation. Tackling difficult tasks and the daily grind appears easier when you can delegate things depending on your individual strengths. The source of strife mostly stems from misunderstandings. Both of you value communication, but on occasion words are left unsaid or too much is said without prior thought and one of you gets hurt. This does not seem to ever be on purpose, just accidental slip-ups and thoughtlessness.
Shufflemancy: Boys do cry by Marius Bear
Which one of you brought the gasoline? The dynamic here is hot and heavy. Passionate, as though desperation and need is causing you to crawl into each other's skin and wear each other's hearts. It can get a little crazy, fast paced and wild, in most things that you do. And you may get into quite a bit of trouble together, too. When Billie Eilish said 'I'm the powder, you're the fuse; let's add some friction' the two of you were taking notes. There is a lot of push and pull, and the relationship contains a lot of drama. Though I don't feel like that is wholly unwelcome, strangely enough. It seems beneficial for the two of you to keep each other on your toes, like you both crave some explosive feelings to feel fulfilled. This relationship really isn't for the faint of heart. But whilst others watch in horror, you make each other feel alive in this almost feral dance. They are very protective of you, and you of them. It's like you give each other scary dog privilege because nobody else can swoop in to steal a heart while the other stands on watch. You're both a little possessive, but it boils down to the deep connection you have feeling so intertwined with the very cores of your beings that losing the other would feel like losing yourself. Definitely worth checking yourselves for co-dependency to be sure it does not go overboard, but so long as you keep your individuality intact, this one is one hell of a ride. A ride or die, in fact. You are truly partners in crime and feel dangerously powerful together, like you could take over the world and overcome anything.
I won't sugar coat this: there is a lot of turmoil that the both of you conjure up. Most of the issues in this dynamic stem from the heightened emotions you are both capable of, and if either of you start wielding them as weapons it will cause even more explosive emotions. I will say, though, that this only gets physical in the make up part of the show, as the actual strife is emotional and verbal in nature. Because you care a lot for each other, neither would dare lay a hand on the other. The thought of you getting hurt by them or anyone or anything else would upset them greatly, and it's the same in reverse. You mirror each other a lot, and have much to learn from each other. Much of it will feel heavy and burdensome since you will be facing your own demons within the other person, and that's never easy. Fortunately there is a lot of gentle care here, too. Since you both feel things so strongly and have similar experiences in life, it is much easier for you to sympathise with each other and support each other. This is one of those relationships where you truly do not need to hide or be on your best behaviour, because you have both weathered storms and do not easily flinch when the thunder and lightning begin to roar, and you both provide each other shelter when needed.
Shufflemancy: Light by Sleeping at last
I remember seeing a writing prompt once upon a time with the premise of seeing in greyscale until you lock eyes with your soulmate, and this has that exact energy. It really seems as though this person lead a very monotonous life until you barged in, inviting the sunshine into their life. Because in many ways they view you as the light of their life, they are very protective of you. You bring them much joy, laughter, and relaxation, all things they do very little of, at least successfully, and find themselves more able to partake in the joys of life in your presence. You are a breath of fresh air, as though someone finally opened up a window inside a stuffy office. They see stars in your eyes and they want nothing more than to preserve them, and make them shine even brighter. There is a little bit of a saviour complex here. Anything you struggle with they don an armour for to protect and to serve. Because you nurture their soul and heal their wounds with your tender love and care and expand their horizons with your sense of wonder, they feel compelled to take care of you. It feels almost familial, but not in a weird way. It is as if they want to keep your childlike wonder alive and well, and right any wrongs that come your way. They take a load off your shoulders frequently, and may especially take on all your mundane tasks and paperwork. They love your playful energy and can see that the stuffy stressors of life cage that bird in, and they want to see you soar. This is a very healing connection for both of you. You balance each other out whilst being a mentor for each other, teaching each other your strengths so that you two can feel whole and capable all in your own right. You are both willing to bend, to try new things, allow the other to show you new worlds and explore possibilities. Very likely to lead to marriage, and it would be a very happy and functional one because of the growth you inspire in one another both as individuals and together as one. It's like your relationship begins as a little sapling, slow, but once it has been given the space to grow it grows big and strong and will withstand any storm and leave behind a legacy, like your future children putting up a swing for their children on the tree you two once sowed.
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yeeterthek33per · 1 year
Girls Like You (Katrina Gorry x Reader)
A/n y'all wanted part 2, so here she is 😊
Warnings: teeny mention of bad times. Little bit of mention of some violence, not much, though. Mentions of mental health. Some mention of illness.
Also, buckle in, guys. She's a long one.
Part one
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Katrina was sure she'd left her favourite shirt on the top shelf. That way, it was away from grabby hands and accidental spillages. Of course, now that she actually needed it, it was missing.
Harper's sat on the bed, playing with an electronic drawing pad. (She made the mistake of giving her actual non-toxic markers one day. Never again.)
As she digs through the large pile of clothing now on the floor, there's a small knock at her bedroom door.
"Hey, Min, just me and Kyra, you need help with anything?"
She sighs softly, standing up again and walks to the door, pulling it open.
"Yeah, I can't find my favourite shirt. Have you guys seen it?"
Charlie thinks for a second.
"You mean that blue sleeveless one?"
"No, the white button-up."
Charlie frowns for a second.
"Don't you own like ten of those?"
Katrina shakes her head. "No, Harper keeps spilling things on them, and at the rate she's doing it, my washing machine can't keep up, so I'm pretty sure I'm down to one again."
She rubs at her face softly. This really wasn't helping her nerves now. Charlie sighs softly before pushing the girl to the bathroom.
"Just put on your other clothes, and get ready. I'll have a look while you finish up."
"Thanks Cha."
She waves her off and continues digging through the mess that she'd probably end up having to lock in the wardrobe and clean up when she got back.
She puts on a pair of blue denim shorts and a simple tank top, so she's not wearing nothing when she steps out.
Twenty minutes of makeup, and another twenty for hair, later, and she walks out of the bathroom.
She can see Charlie sitting on the bed beside Harper, chatting with the small girl, keeping her occupied while she draws as well.
"Oh wow, is that a soccer ball?"
The girl eagerly nods her head.
"That's so coool. I love it. Who'd you draw it for?"
"Mummy! Soccer makes her happy, I made it for her."
Katrina's heart just melts that little bit more. Charlie turns to Katrina with the same expression, hand over her chest.
"Any luck?"
"Yup, it was on the top shelf in the corner still."
She rolls her eyes, and Charlie tosses the shirt to her.
"Of course it was."
She puts the flowy white shirt on and checks her reflection, huffing slightly.
"Nerves?" She hears from behind her.
Charlie's watching her with a small smile.
"Little bit. Nothing I don't normally deal with. In theory, this should be the easiest thing I've done all week."
The blonde only leans her head into her palm. She knows that's not really the case.
"Buuuut?" She prompts gently.
"But.. ugh, I don't know. She makes me a little nervous, is all."
"A little? Min', you've been jittery all week. What's making you so nervous? She obviously has the hots for you, and she set this date up, despite the fact you asked her out, so she obviously wants to go out."
"I know, but like, what if I end up being a disappointing date or something?"
Charlie gives her a pointed look.
"You're kidding, right? Min', I love you and care about you, and I'm gonna say this in the nicest way possible while your child is currently crawling all over me." Harper grins up at the defender.
"You are the nicest, sweetest, protective, and most caring person and a brilliant mother and one heck of a footy player. If you're disappointing to her, she's losing out on a world of love that she won't ever find elsewhere."
Katrina looks down, fighting a small flush creeping up her neck.
"Okay, but what if the fact that I have a child scares her off?"
"Are you serious? You better not be."
Katrina only blushes more at that. Charlie sighs softly.
"Min', aside from the circumstances you both met in and the fact she met your child before meeting you. She said yes to a date, knowing full well you had a kid. In fact, she messaged you just yesterday, asking if the date went well enough, Could you both spend your second date doing something with Harper. It's been four days, and she already loves this little human being. And I certainly don't blame her."
She trails off, giving Harper a big kiss on the cheek, making the girl giggle.
"Yeah, okay, I get your point." A smile makes its way onto her lips at the sight.
"You better. I'm serious Min', you're too good for her not to know what she'd be missing."
She gives her a grateful smile.
The older woman sits back on the bed, and Harper jumps out of Charlie's arms and into her mother's.
"Hello, little miss."
It makes her little one giggle again, and she hugs her tight, Harper is very much happy to do the same. She's so grateful to have her. She's been light in her life for the two years since she'd been born.
A ping on her phone pulls her back to reality. It's from you.
"Hey! I'm on my way, be about twenty minutes or so? Say hi to Harps for me.😊"
There's a tingle that runs through her when she reads the message.
Charlie just gives her the I-told-you-so look.
Katrina gives her a small shove and texts you back.
"Hey, all good 😊See you soon 😉. Also, will do!"
"I'm still nervous, Ash, It's my first date in like four months. What if I fuck it?"
"Dude, just don't fuck HER on the first date and it's fine."
Your sister's voice plays over the speaker in your car. You'd called her the moment you left the house, nerves grating you down a bit.
You roll your eyes at her.
"Yeah, there's no chance of that happening on the first date. You forget she's got a kid that she still has to go home to. Plus, she doesn't seem like the type to have sex on the first date and take off."
"She doesn't have to stay the night for you both to-."
"Alright! Jesus, I get the point. But still, she seemed genuinely nervous about asking me out."
"Wait, so why are you arranging the date then?"
"I don't know? I messaged first, she was happy to let me take the lead on that one, I'm assuming she's just a little busy, that's why I jumped in. Figured it would be nice for someone to take her out."
She pauses for a second.
"You said she's a professional football player?"
"Yeah why?"
"What's her name again?"
"Ashley, I'm not letting you stalk her, you already scared my last date off, I'm not letting you scare this one off too."
She gets defensive.
"I was not going to stalk her, I was just curious where she plays is all."
"Uhuh, right. Thats exactly what you were looking for."
"You want my help or not?"
"Not if you're gonna internet stalk the poor woman."
"I'm just making sure she's genuine and not some serial killer."
"Oh my fucking god, Goodbye Ashley."
"I was just looki-."
You hit the hang up button. You were just about to pull up at Katrina's place anyway.
You pull over on the side of the road and quickly check yourself in the mirror.
You went with a rolled up white rolled see-through button up tucked into a pair of black jeans and a black bra underneath. That and a pair of your lucky white skate shoes.
You try and steel your nerves a bit, wiping your palms on your pants and spray a quick bit of mint breath freshener in your mouth.
You get out of the car and make your way to the door and hit the door bell.
"Ooh, shes heerrreee." Charlie takes off down the stairs.
"Charlotte Layne Grant! Do not answer that door!"
By the time she tells Kyra to watch Harper and runs down the stairs she's already got the door open.
"Hey, Y/n! She's just coming down now. Now, no funny business, we want her home by no later than ten and- Hey!"
She gets shoved away from the door by a very annoyed looking Katrina.
You watch on, biting your lower lip to hide a laugh, flowers in hand.
You hear her scold the blonde mildly and then she returns to the door a little flustered.
Her hair is down straight but tucked back just over shoulders. The white flowy shirt, rolled back to just below her elbows, shows off her wrist tattoos and her collarbone. Your eyes trail over it before meeting her eye again with a small grin noticing her having done the same.
"Hey, you."
"Hi." She says it with a grin of her own.
You offer her the flowers, and she pulls you towards her into a hug. Your arms wrap around her, keeping the flowers from being crushed. She's only a little bit shorter than you, so you're able to rest your chin on her shoulder as her arms wrap around you.
It's a short embrace, but she leaves a lingering touch to your waist as she lets go looking up at you.
She takes them inside for a second while you wait and returns swiftly.
You step back, holding out your hand for her's.
She takes it, her hand warm in yours.
"As ever."
As you both walk down the drive and you open the passenger side door for her to step in, she gives you a grateful smile and a small peck to the cheek. You hear one final yell from behind you.
It's Charlie at the door, sporting a glare. "Home by ten." And gives you an I'm-watching-you gesture. You chuckle and salute at the blonde while Katrina yells back.
"You better be watching my daughter, Charlotte Layne."
Charlie's eyes widen slightly, and the front door slams shut behind her when she takes off inside again.
You close the door once she's settled and return to the driver's seat.
"Alrighty, Clicked in? Let's go."
As you pull away, she watches you carefully, waiting for an explanation as to where you guys are headed.
You hum softly. "So, I wasn't sure entirely as to your preferences, so I've got a few places we're going to, if you agree that is, we don't have to go if-"
Her hand rests on yours, your arm having been leant on the centre console.
"I'll go where you've picked for us. Im not fussed, I'm just here with you."
You smile and nod, her fingers intertwining with yours for the rest of the ride. When you pull up in a spot beside a blank modern style building, there's a little confused look on her face that's adorable.
"C'mon, you'll see once we get inside."
You nod your head towards the place. Katrina raises a brow slightly but decides to trust you as you both step inside.
It suddenly makes sense to her as you both step into a crowded bar.
It's an open mic night. In a gay bar.
It's somewhere you're a regular at, to the point where the bartender, Aiden, yells out to you the moment you both step in the door.
"Ayyy, look who's here, ladies, theydies and gents!"
There's a few cheers around the bar as some of the locals spot you. The bar isn't packed, there's only maybe forty or so people in the room, but there's a stage and a mic setup where the current half tipsy singer has stopped to cheer as you come in as well.
Your face flushes as you turn back to Katrina, a really curious look on her face now. "I'm a bit of a regular... for the karaoke, that is." You rub the back of your neck.
"Well then, miss singer, sign me up, let's see what you've got."
You smile and lead her over to the bar.
"Ms L/n, the usual?"
You shake your head at Aiden.
"Virgin tonight, and another entry for, oh, Katrina, this is my best man, Aiden. He's the one who built this bar from the ground up."
He shakes his head as he fills a glass with some lime juice, sprite, mint, and a little soda water.
"Not on my own. Your girl here runs the place when I'm not in town."
Katrina raises her brows at that. You just smile sheepishly. It certainly explained why you were a regular then.
"Okay, I may have lied a little bit about only coming for the karaoke. But it definitely is a highlight, I swear."
She just gives you an amused look.
"What about you, love, anything to drink?"
"Just a soda water, thank you." He nods and pours her drink. He processes the drinks, but when you go to tap your card, his hand jumps in ahead of yours with another.
"Little bugger, you're gonna get me in trouble, man. Paying for my drinks."
"Who said I was paying for yours?"
He playfully winks at Katrina beside you, and you tut and whack him softly, knowing he's joking with you.
"Don't mind him. He can't keep a husband, so he steals my dates instead."
He puts his hand to his chest, giving you a mock offended look.
"How dare you? I'll have you know, it's husbands, not husband."
You stick your tongue out at him. "Too bad none of them could teach you to finance either."
He raises his hands in surrender, with a small laugh. "Got me there. What's getting added to the queue tonight ladies?"
You look at Katrina, but she just gestures for you to take your pick.
"You're the karaoke expert."
You raise your brow but take the tablet from Aiden. Putting in an intrumental that you know well enough and she'll probably know.
"Up for some gender bent Maroon 5?"
Katrina nods and you both grab your drinks.
You take a seat at one of the open tables.
As you both wait for the queue to progress, you talk about what led you to take over part ownership and what Katrina's life is like playing professionally.
"Honestly, he was desperate for someone to babysit the bar at the time. He knew me from back in Uni, knew I'd graduated with some certs in business management, finance, and accounting. So he calls me up and asks me to take over for a few weeks. I kind of latched onto the place after that, and now I do his yearly taxes for him in exchange for a few free drinks and a lifetime entry to the karaoke. What about you, what's the league like?"
"It gets kind of busy during the season, particularly during the summer months. I get asked to play in other spots, and it gets complicated. I play for the Brisbane Roar currently, so media duty is something I get asked to do regularly."
You raise a brow at that. You knew she played professionally, but to what level? You had no idea.
"That's really cool, and that's November through April, right?"
She nods.
"I was in Sweden for a bit with Harper, but I wanted to come home again. At least for a while."
You nod in understanding.
"I was actually in Sweden for about six months doing international work for a company I used to work for."
She tilts her head slightly.
"Really, when was that?"
She takes a drink.
"I came back about a year ago, so June through November."
"Was it meant to be that long?"
"No, it was supposed to be a permanent move, but I got homesick too quickly, didn't know anyone, and I was living on my own for five out of six months."
"So you told them to bring you back?"
"Ha, no, I just quit. They refused, so I left and never turned back. They were underpaying me anyway, I don't regret it whatsoever. Life is less stressful when you work for yourself."
"So what do you do now?"
"Well, when I'm not here doing Aiden's paperwork, I work as a freelance financial advisor/accountant, it pays decent but the residential market in Brisbane is kind of crap, so I live with my sister and her wife in the meantime, do you do anything between seasons?"
She kind of hesitates for a moment, but as she goes to speak, next in the queue is called up.
"That's us." You take a long sip of your drink and hold out your hand for Katrina to take.
She looks a little nervous, now suddenly overcome with a little stage fright.
"C'mon, these guys aren't scary, just drunk and happy to listen to us sing gay shit all night."
She puffs out her cheeks and takes your hand.
You lead her ip the stage and the small audience in the room cheers.
You take the mic for a second.
"Evening everybody, another night in for me. Bringing you Girls Like you by Maroon 5, covered by yours truly, aand."
You gesture to your date.
"Katrina, my new partner in crime."
You nod at Aiden to hit play.
It's a soft piano based melody compared to the usual guitar intro she's used to, but she knows the song.
Spent 24 hours
I need more hours with you
You spent the weekend
Getting even, ooh ooh
You start out singing, hoping to calm the girl's nerves and let her get used to the atmosphere as well.
She's pleasantly surprised by your singing voice, although given the cheers you got, she'd suspected you weren't exactly terrible either at that point.
We spent the late nights
Making things right, between us
But now it's all good, babe
Roll that Backwood babe
And play me close
You gesture the mic to her, grabbing her hand to pull her closer to you and nudge her to sing with you.
'Cause girls like you
Run around with gals like me
'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah, yeah
You grin when she sings into the mic with you. She's pretty good, actually. It shouldn't surprise you, though. The smoothness in her voice makes your heart jump a little.
Girls like you
Love fun, yeah me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah, yeah
You start to sway a little, and her hand squeezes yours as you meet her gaze. You use the moment to watch her sing. Her blue eyes are sparkling under the orange-yellow lights. Her eyes crinkle slightly, and her nose scrunches when the guys in the audience cheer and whistle.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I need a girl like you
She blushes when the crowd cheers louder and lets you take over again.
I spent last night
On the last flight to you
Took a whole day up
Trying to get way up, ooh ooh
The mic stays in your hand this time, and Katrina steps back a little to watch you sing. The way you smile brightly while singing, the way your eyes close as you let the music take over you, it has her heart racing a little.
We spent the daylight
Trying to make things right between us
And now it's all good babe
Roll that Backwood babe
And play me close
You motion her back over and she bites her lip, hiding a smile as she shakes her head, wanting to hear you sing instead. You raise a brow as you continue, stepping and grabbing her hand to pull her back towards you.
'Cause girls like you
Run around with gals like me
'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
You brush your shoulder with hers, your other hand settling on her back and you feel hers settle low on your hip, you turn and give her a wink as you continue.
Girls like you
Love fun, yeah me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Your hand is warm on her back, and she can smell your vanilla perfume from her position beside you as it floods her senses. Your voice is soothing, calming her more energetic side and allows her to relax into you as she sings with you.
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you
The song rounds out and the audience applauds you both, whooping and clapping and you take a playful bow and turn to Katrina to applaud her as well, giving her a proud smile.
You both step down off the stage, a little hot from the heat of the lamps facing the stage.
"So we gonna talk about the athletically talented mother soccer player being able to sing?"
She coughs slightly and turns her head away. "Nope."
You try to meet her eye again, a small pout on your lips.
"No? Aw c'mon, you were so good up there."
Her face flushes as her head whips back to you.
"Says you. When was that gonna come out? Professional singing level talent."
You end up with a blush matching hers.
"I.. never really pursued it. Not worth it in my opinion."
A raised brow in your direction.
"What? Just not something I was interested in pursuing. Was never stable enough for people so.."
Her face softens, realizing exactly what you meant there.
When her hand grabs a hold of yours again, there's a small tingle that runs up your arm.
Instead of commenting further though, you nod your head at the door.
"You hungry?"
She knows you're avoiding it but she's not going to push, not on a first date. She could actually eat though, she hadn't had food since that morning, a little too stressed about the date and also making sure there no possible way for Charlie and Kyra to screw up looking after Harper again.
"Yes, who knew singing worked up an appetite?" It's said in a joking tone, and you laugh with her as you wave goodbye to Aiden and some of the others.
The moment you step outside, the warm afternoon air has set in with a light breeze. You jog over to the door when you get closer to the car again, opening it for her with a cute bow that makes her laugh. God, you could listen to that all day.
"Such a gentlewoman."
You grin and wink at her, before moving to get in yourself.
"Alright, where to next?"
"How's seafood sound?"
Katrina's face lights up.
"And you just became my favourite person. Seafood sounds perfect, lead the way."
Your laugh gives her butterflies and she swears her heart stutters for a second.
"Yes Ma'am."
And with that, you drive for about twenty-five minutes to a place closer to the water. A little restaurant you'd picked up on while out with your sister.
Katrina's hand is in yours the second you pull out onto the road, her fingers interlocking yours. You graze your thumb gently over the back of her hand. You talk about her early days as a player, her days in the academy and you almost get into her being asked to play somewhere when you pull into a spot.
The restaurant is a quaint little spot, beach themed, because of course it is, and a bar stands on the outside facing the water. Stools line the counter and the waft of cooked fish blows your way in the ocean breeze.
"This place is so good. I come out here when I need to process and just get away, even if it's not too far from home."
"Smells good too."
You wander up to the bar and take a seat behind one of the extended counters meant for two people with the bar window to your right and Katrina sits on the other side.
You order from the employee through the window and get your food without issue.
The woman's soft groan from her first bite makes this worth it.
You chuckle. "Good, right?" She covers her mouth slightly, cheeks reddening as she nods.
She swallows. "Seriously, where the heck do you find these places?"
You shrug, "Honestly, I have no idea, I like to think luck has something to do with it."
"If, and this is gonna sound bad, I don't really do it so much anymore, but, if I'm having a rough day or I'm feeling lost or just, I need a breather, I tend to wander out into the world for a few hours. Furthest I've gone is like, four hours further inland. Exploring has always been my mental stabiliser. Keeps me cool, keeps me calm when I'm stressed. I don't crave it, and I don't expect it when it does happen but it just kind of happens."
"Where's the worst you've ended up?"
"Well, there's been a few and honestly in my younger years I was kind of stupid too, so I've ended up where I really shouldn't. I was down in Melbourne for four months when I was twenty. In the last month I was there, I ended up wondering somewhere on foot. Keep in mind, it was just a crap way to go about it."
You kind of look off into the waves as they crash.
"But, I ended up being fired that day by a contracting company, they decided they didn't like the fact I was so young and that I wanted more for my qualifications than 10 bucks an hour. So I just left my apartment. Ended up with a missing wallet and a black eye. Turns out my dumb ass had walked where it shouldn't have and pissed off some gang members. After that one, I moved back home again to just focus on my studies."
"I'm sorry that happened. What about the best place you've been?"
You wave her off.
"Honestly, I'm past that. That's nothing. I'm lucky, but it was definitely my dumb ass that got caught out. As for the best place? I mean, Aidan's place. We met while in Uni and I stumbled into the bar one night after a rough day about two years later. He picked me back up and we became buddies after that."
"Alright, what place surprised you the most?"
"The four hour one, I wasn't expecting to find much. I found something, though. I ended up going on a hike and found this amazing lake that just went down forever. Massive open mouth cave and a waterfall. It just looked so untouched and peaceful. It was so green and colourful and it just makes everything in the city feel so grey."
You push around your food. Take another bite and then gesture to Katrina.
"What about you? Before you had Harper, what was going on then?"
"Depends, which part?"
"Why have Harper?"
"I've always loved the idea of having kids. At first, I kind of wanted to wait until I found someone to have a child with, but in my profession, that just doesn't come easy enough. I ended up out injured and right before I came back. That was the moment where I was like, 'Screw it, with or without a partner, I want my own child.' So I walked into an IVF Clinic in Norway, picked the donor I wanted, and started right away. My timing was perfect, and the first try was a success, and now I have little Harps. There isn't a single day in my life where I ever regretted my decision."
Your hand slides across the table as she talks, her's sat unoccupied, and as you listen, you slowly grab it. Letting it sit in your palm and without much thought, she let's you.
You toy with her fingers, running the tip of your index down each one. And then half intertwine them. She squeezes your hands closed, and it settles you fully for the first time since you moved to Sweden and back. Or before that even.
"She's been a light in my life, I feel so lucky to be her mother, ya know, it's Harper's world, and I'm just living in it. The girls on the national team are so good with her."
Your head perks up at that. National team? You ask exactly that.
"National team?"
Katrina's expression winces, realizing her slip up.
"Oh yeah, that too. I've been playing with the national team since I got called up in 2012."
Your brows raise at that.
"As in..."
"Australia. For Australia."
Oh. That. Was. Not what you expected.
"Wow, that's really big. Congratulations..? Sorry, that sounded weird. That's amazing, though. I can't imagine how much hard work that is. I mean, for real, a kid right in the middle of that, and you come back to play. That must be some strength you've got."
Her head ducks slightly.
"Honestly, I'm just glad it worked out the way it has. Harper has twenty aunts and two unofficial sisters that look at her like she's hung the stars. That and achieving my dream is all I care about. Harper, more so. I think, if having Harper had taken me out. I would've okay with that. I'm perfectly happy with it, actually. If anything, having Harper actually saved me a bit, too."
"How so?"
"I ended up with an infection, and it ended up swelling up the muscles between my two pelvic points. The pregnancy actually completely took out the swelling entirely. The pain just stopped one day and never came back. Even after Harper was born."
"I really admire the level of resilience you have. To push back on any expectation, to say fuck it, if that's what you want, you'll make it happen. It's actually really attractive. I'm sorry you had to go through so much though."
She shaked her head, squeezing your hand.
"I wouldn't go back and change a thing about how it happened. It's turned me into the person and player I am. I don't regret any of it."
You smile, watching her eyes as they flick down to your lips for a second and then away. You don't know if she noticed she did it, but you did.
Your hand loosens from her grip, fingertips tracing her wrist up to the tattoo on her forearm and then back down to her palm. Her skin tingles with every touch.
It feels mildly intimate, and you realise she's been silent this whole time, watching you do this. You look up to meet her gaze, a small apologetic smile.
"Sorry, little distracted, I am listening though. Continue?"
She just gives you a soft smile in return.
"What about where you grew up?"
You ponder for a moment.
"I grew up in a small town in New South Wales, actually. We moved to Brissy later, but that's another story. A place like a couple hours south of Sydney. It's really gorgeous there, I haven't been since I was a teenager but the place was really nice. Most of the folks living there were friendly. The schools were kind of crap but that's just the public system. We had a place in the more urban side of the region. Small brick house, big gum tree in front. Good sized backyard. The town had yearly markets. They were okay. Mostly to bring in tourists, though. It worked, and the place ended up really busy right before we left. I loved it when storm season came around. The rain was always a relief to have after hot summers. I love thunderstorms. The rain always helps me sleep better, too. Just anything rain, honestly."
While you speak, she repeats your earlier actions, fingers trailing gently over the veins in your wrist or the slenderness of your fingers. They trace the once obvious scars left there. They're subtle, but they're there. Years of healing over the top of what she assumed was a particularly dark time for you. Your hands are soft but are mildly scarred in their own right. A small scar above your wrist. A big one across the back towards your thumb.
"The town was a part of a bigger community region. The next town over was known for the museum there for one of the more famous sports folk of Australian history. There was the cricket oval in town, too. Just an average joe half rural town to live in honestly."
Her fingers continue their path around your hand, tracing the creaselines in your palm and the callus that sits just on the inside of your left pinky.
"What about your home life? What are your parents like?"
"My parents were... okay. Not great to be real with you. Hence why I'm staying with my sister rather than my parents. Kicked me out at seventeen and haven't looked me in the eye since."
She feels a small amount of anger flare up in her chest.
"Why would they do that?"
"Same cliché as any. Found out I was into girls over guys. Tried to have me cured. My sister had already moved out when this was going on. She knew they were strictly homophobic and took off the first second she could. I don't blame her for that. When they realised I wouldn't conform to their bullshit, I was kicked out. To experience the cruel harsh world, they said. The assholes just realised their children wouldn't give them biological and 'natural' grandchildren."
You roll your eyes as you remember the disgust and disappointment in your birth-giver's eyes.
"What the hell kind of parents do that to their own child? The one they're supposed to love and protect. And care for. And-"
Your hand squeezes hers, and you push the now empty plates aside to grab it with the other.
"Hey, I'm okay. Im fine. I dont miss them, and they'll never get the chance to miss who I am. They'll never get to hear about who I meet or who I'm with. I'm dead to them for all I care."
Katrina takes a small breath and uses your grasp on her hand to calm a bit before shooting you an apologetic look.
It's the first date, dude. Chill pill. So she tells herself.
Your heart swells at her protectiveness. She really was born to be a good mother.
"I hope they never get to see this side of you. Or who you are and who you'll be in five or ten years."
You blush lightly.
"Thank you." It's a soft murmur, and you duck your head slightly.
She smiles softly, and her thumb rubs at your hand.
You gesture to the worker and hand back your plates, and move to the register to pay.
There's some bickering, but after a sneaky slip of the card to the worker, you end up paying for it. Though that does earn you a soft shove and a whine when she hears the eftpos machine beep.
You chuckle softly.
"We better get going. I've got one more place for us to go, and I want to be there before complete sundown." You say lightly joking.
"Well, come on then!" She jogs ahead with a grin on her face, dragging you with her.
You play your routine part of valet and it earns you a tip, consisting of a kiss to the cheek that's far too close to the corner of your mouth and it makes you freeze for a second. She just chuckles, and you shake your head lightly and shut the door.
"It's about a half hour there, so feel free to pirate the aux cord."
You dig it out of the console and offer it to her.
"Aye aye, captain." She gives you a wink while she plugs in her phone.
You hear a familiar tune, and you immediately shoot her an impressed look.
"You, Ma'am, have amazing taste."
She smirks and nods as she starts singing along to the lyrics.
The drive passes by quickly with both of you yelling to various songs.
There's a small beach cove that opens up to a really nice view of the ocean. And it allows the sun to come down on the majorly clear water with a nice sparkle, too. You'd only come across it about a month ago, but it was a regular spot for you.
There was something else you'd wanted to do for a bit of fun, but it seems stupid now, considering her profession.
When you pull in to the driveway leading up to the spot, she gives you a funny look.
The driveway is completely surrounded by shrubbery, so it doesn't really surprise you.
She makes a joke, "Is this where I'm supposed to find out you're secretly a serial killer?"
You roll your eyes good naturedly and give her a slight push as you get out. She jumps out with you, and you both make your way up the path.
The dirt path turns to sand, and you stop, starting to take your shoes off.
"It's only getting sandier from here, so you might wanna take your shoes off."
She nudges you softly and does the same.
"Yeah, I did have another thing for us to do, but I'm afraid you'll kick my butt if we do it."
She has a mischievous look on her face.
"It was beach soccer, wasn't it?"
You smile sheepishly and give her a slight nod.
"Oh, you're on now. Go get it."
You raise a brow at her and jog to go get the ball and some mini cones.
The sun's just starting to set as you return with the stuff and a bag slung over your shoulder that you'd forgotten to grab.
Katrina's standing there staring out at the water when you walk up again. You quietly set the stuff down on the sand and move to stand next to her.
"You find places like this all the time?"
"Sometimes, it's a hit or miss kind of thing. This one was pure luck because I hadn't even meant to come down this way. It was the next street over."
"It looks amazing out here."
"Water is pretty good too."
She raises a brow in your direction but doesn't say anything. You move to set up the cones and lay out the blanket that was in the bag you had.
The moment you start, you realise how physical playing with her is. You keep up for the most part, but at one point, she wraps her arms around your waist to try and steal the ball and you both topple over, her landing sitting on you, legs either side of your hips.
The smug grin she gives you makes your heart flutter, and you lean up on your elbows.
"You give up yet, newbie?"
You give her a mock offended expression and accept the hand up she offers when she stands.
"Surrender?" You think for a few seconds.
You stride over to her, a mischievous glint in your eye. You lean down slightly and whisper in her ear. Her head tilts slightly.
"I'll think about it." At that, you take off with the ball.
"Oi, little cheater."
You cackle and try as you might to keep the ball away. She ends up stealing it from you. Her foot sits on the ball, hands on her hips as she watches you. You're practically dying at this point, huffing. Man, you needed to hit the gym more.
"Surrender yet?"
You flop onto your back onto the sand and give her a pleading hands motion.
"I think I'm dying here."
She just shakes her head at your antics and drags the blanket over to you, leaving the ball by the cones.
You both settle on the blanket, the sun finally going down enough to enjoy the view fully.
You sit, leaning back on your hands, and she does the same beside you, legs crossed.
As your breathing calms and the late afternoon breeze sets in, the waves start to crash a little more than the tiny laps at the sand that they were.
Katrina sighs softly, taking in the feel of the open air and the salty wind and the smell of harsh greenery.
The serenity of the scene put her more at ease than she'd felt in a while. She sits up a bit and shuffles closer to you, shoulder to shoulder, and nudges you softly.
"Thanks for bringing me out tonight."
You smile, "Thank you for agreeing to come out with me."
"I feel like I should be saying that."
"Maybe, but I'm the one that planned."
"I still asked first." You poke your tongue out at her cheekily, and she just laughs.
You clutch at invisible pearls.
"So mean."
"Oh, I'm sorry." There's a jested look on her face, and she moves to straddle you. Her hands settle on your shoulders, and yours find her hips.
You playfully huff with a half smile.
"Better be."
Her eyes flicker down to your lips, gaze darkening as the air around you shifts, your brow raised slightly when she meets your gaze again. You let out a shaky breath as her hand slides up to cup your cheek.
"Kiss me?" It's mumbled, but she still hears it.
Your lips are parted slightly.
"Don't even have to ask."
She leans down and captures your mouth with her own, and your eyes drift shut. The noise around you drifts away as your lips move together.
Her fingers tangle in your hair, tugging you closer to her, deepening the kiss slightly. One of your hands slips up to settle in the small of her back, holding her against you.
She pulls away from you with a playful nip to your bottom lip. You steal one more kiss, and her hands settle back on your shoulders, pushing you onto your back.
You raise a brow at the spark in her gaze, and she kisses you again, hands settled beside your head.
You stay there for a while. Until you're both breathless and have to come up for air.
Your pupils are dilated, and her hair is slightly mussed from you, having had your hands in it just seconds earlier. Her fingers are tracing at the hem of your shirt, just barely having dipped under the fabric to feel the skin beneath.
Her hands are cold, but they leave heated sensations where they travel along your stomach. It sends shivers down your spine, and you have to resist moving your hands where they probably shouldn't go. Not here or now, not yet.
She has the same thought and has to pull her hands back slightly, going back to settle beside your head.
Her teeth nip at your lower lip again. And you groan softly, going to kiss her again, only for her to pull away slightly, an amused look on her face.
"We're both gonna get in trouble if we stay out here any longer." You look around, noting the sun's gone down fully now, and the sky has cleared to stars, twinkling brightly.
"I forgot, we're both on curfew here."
She slaps your shoulder, a cute pout forming on her face. You kiss it away, and she groans, feeling her phone buzz in her pocket, and she pulls away again.
"Seriously, those two will kill me if I don't get home before ten. They hate being left alone with each other for too long, I have to play referee to keep them from fighting after a while. They love each other, but they get along about as well as sisters do. Plus, Harper is most likely loaded up on ten tonnes of sugar, so I'll be putting her to bed after that, too."
You chuckle, nodding in understanding.
"Mine's gonna report me missing if I don't get home soon too."
Katrina reluctantly gets off you, and you both pack up the gear and walk back to the car, shoes in hand.
The drive back is pretty quiet but peaceful. There's music playing softly in the background.
Your linked hands sit in her lap for most of the drive, and you get an occasional hum out of her as you sing softly along.
You get her home at about 9:30pm, having stopped halfway back to raid an ice cream freezer in a servo and some more kissing in the carpark. Almost reminding you of your teenage years, sneaking around kissing girls in the back of your parents' jeep.
Only this one feels a lot more passionate. Permanent. There's a lot more emotion behind each brush of her lips against yours, and it leaves you aching for more. To feel her pressed into you.
"I'd let you walk me to the door, but I'm afraid Charlie might actually interrogate us both."
It's only half joking this time. Knowing by now, that was well true.
"Let you out with a kiss goodnight instead?"
Her breath is ragged. "Please?"
Katrina's feels like she's addicted to your kisses at this point. A breath of fresh air. Your touch sends tingles through every nerve ending in her body.
You get out of the car, and when you open the door, she hops out and grabs you by the shirt, pulling you down into her, and smashes her lips on yours.
You steady the both of you, one arm leaning against the door frame, the other around her waist while her fingers tangle in your hair.
You finally pull away, leaving one last peck to her lips and a dazed look on both of you.
"Message me when you get home safe?"
"Of course."
She smiles and slowly steps away from you, hands slipping off your shoulders with a lingering squeeze.
"Good night, hot stuff."
"Good night, sleep well gorgeous. Give Harps a hug for me."
She nods and turns back to the house. The door slamming open makes her jump.
"Excuse me, young lady, you're one minute past ten 'o' clock. Why are you late?"
Her face flushes red, and she groans.
"Charlie, I swear to god."
The blonde just shakes her fist at you, still leaning against your car as you watch her go inside. A small smirk appears on your face as you wave to both of them and get back in, driving off.
Katrina brushes past the girl, and she calls out after her.
"You're so grounded"
She rolls her eyes, and as she goes upstairs to find Kyra and Harper, she can't drop the giddy grin on her face as she bids Kyra good night and puts Harper to bed.
Hot stuff❤️🥵
"Hey, made it home, alright. Sister might kill me though 😳😅😂"
Katrina 🔥❤️
Hot stuff ❤️🥵
"Yeah, turns out she did some digging while I was out... I forget she's a soccer nut sometimes, annnd... well, you can probably guess. 👀"
Katrina 🔥❤️
"Tell her I'm happy to sign anything she wants as long as she leaves you alive. You're not getting away from me just yet."
Hot stuff ❤️🥵
"I'll arrange something, I like being alive."
Katrina 🔥❤️
"I like you being alive, too."
Hot stuff ❤️🥵
"I like you 👀"
Katrina 🔥❤️
"You better, I don't kiss just anyone on the first date."
Hot stuff ❤️🥵
"Does that mean I get a second one?"
Katrina 🔥❤️
"😉 Ask me"
Hot stuff ❤️🥵
"Aboslutely beautiful, gorgeous, sweet Katrina, go on a date with me?"
Katrina 🔥❤️
Katrina 🔥❤️
Hot stuff ❤️🥵
Katrina 🔥❤️
"I'm kidding you dork, of course I will. Call me tomorrow too and I'll plan this time?"
Hot stuff ❤️🥵
"Will do 🥰"
Hot stuff ❤️🥵
"Sleep tight, gorgeous 😘"
Katrina 🔥❤️
"You too 😘🥰"
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russellsppttemplates · 8 months
Ngl those pictures of kika @the hospital with Pierre got me thinking of y/n and him straight away. Like, Pierre taking care of y/n while she's ill and getting worried to the point he takes her to the hospital. Or or or, even better: if she's expecting one of the kiddos(probably the first one, cause they'd be clueless) and she's just feeling bad with like the flu or even just nausea and they (Pierre) get so worried they go to the emergency to get checked out. He's so soft with her and her baby sister my mind went there in a sec!
Cw: mentions pregnancy, sickness, hospital emergency visit, drawing blood, IV fluids
"This isn't okay, amour", Pierre said as he rubbed your back, coaxing you through as you emptied your stomach into the toilet, breathing heavily as you tried to understand if there would be anymore before flushing.
"It's morning sickness, just every time of the day, it will pass, everyone I know says that", you tried again, knowing it would hardly be any use. It was an ongoing conversation for the past few days. You telling Pierre this was to be expected and him running around like a headless chicken trying to make you feel better and tend to your needs.
"I need help to get to the bed, I don't trust myself to not knock into things", you nudged him after cleaning your mouth, feeling his arms under your knees and around your shoulders, kissing your forehead multiple times as he brought you back to your bed, laying down with you and cuddling you to his chest, "if you can't eat anything by tomorrow morning, we're going to the hospital", he heard you groan, "I know you don't want to, but I'm not risking anything happening to you or little one, deal?", he said, kissing your lips one last time, "fine".
Like you promised he could do, you were in the hospital less than 24 hours later, the bracelet on your arm as you laid on the bed, eyes closed and hands shielding them from the bright lights.
"My wife is pregnant, and she hasn't been able to keep anything she eats down for the last forty-eight hours. We came in to check if she has something serious, maybe the flu", Pierre said to the doctor taking you in, giving all the information he needed, "we'll take some blood samples, an ultrasound and cultures if we see anything concerning. I'm just going to get the materials", he smiled.
Pierre sat next to you, letting you rest on his chest as they drew out blood and collected that they needed, "the ultrasound looks good, your little one is doing fine amidst all of this", the technician said, soothing your worries as one of the nurses gave you some fluids, "This has the nutrients to keep you going while we work around the results, call us on this button if you need anything. The fluids should help your nausea and your tiredness, too", she smiled.
Pierre cuddled you on the hospital bed, pulling you closer to him and taking advantage of the fact that you had privacy in the room to kiss and coddle you as much has he wanted, "is the IV making you feel better?", he asked, "I know you hate all of this, but we just need to make sure you're both doing fine, I hate to see you like this", he mumbled into your skin, rubbing his nose there and tickling you slightly.
"I don't feel so hot, I think", you muttered, "the IV hasn't kicked in yet, but it should help. I haven't had many nutrients in me, so my body should just take it while it is ahead", you giggled softly, inhaling his scent and thankful that you hadn't grown nauseous to it.
"You were wise to come in and get checked out, but you seem to have the flu. It's been around for a few weeks and it seems like it got to your household, too. Lots of rest and fluids, and keeping up with your prenatals should help. In case you have any issues with eating, let us know and we'll adjust the medication", the doctor came back after a while, handing you discharge papers, "thank you".
By the time you got home, you managed to successfully keep a piece of toasted bread down, "are you agreeing with mama again? Please, let this be that, little one", you tapped your belly, "Mama really wants to eat real food, and papa is very worried, so do us all a favour and agree with this, okay?".
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Transmasc Sanji coming out to the gang and of course everyone is incredibly supportive. Chopper even manages to get him the One Piece equivalent of testosterone (may be actual testosterone but also I feel in a world where there’s a viral illness that gets you all boobed up there may be funnier options). Hurrah!
…. Except hat Sanji is afraid of needles and his T-shot is absolute agony for him every time. He can’t do it himself. The only people he trusts with it are Chopper, Nami and Robin. Until one day Usopp asks him if he can try it, because those three are currently otherwise occupied and Sanji has been kind of moping about it all day. Sanji agrees thinking it will be hell and prepares himself to constantly tell Usopp “NOT THERE!” “Make it quick!” “Please for the love of god don’t hit anything important I don’t want- …. What are you doing?”
He locks eyes with Usopp whose tongue is poking out, a pen in his hand, drawing on his leg. “Taking aim.” Sanji looks down at himself to see the bullseye painted onto his thigh. “What-“ The sniper pulls down his goggles with a comically serious expression “Target locked.” “Pff.” “Three. Two. One.” It still startles Sanji despite his laughter, but the needle pierces his skin like butter. Usopp forgoes the theatrics for a second to make sure he does the rest of the injection correctly, just like he had watched Chopper do it a hundred times before. When he pulls back his expression remains dead serious. “Target eliminated.” And that’s when Sanji breaks out into hysterical laughter “God! GOD that’s so stupid!” He needs a minute to calm himself down again, looking at his friends beaming face, happy that it all went down so smoothly. “Thank you…” “What can I say?” Usopp responds, twirling the needle between his fingers and making show out of blowing imaginary smoke from its tip “I’m an expert marksman.”
I've always loved the headcanon of Sanji being scared of needles because of Germa's experiments,,, And this is just so sweet. He finally gets to be himself around his family!! And he's thrilled and so so grateful that Chopper and the others are willing to help him go through this. But of course, the fear of needles doesn't go away easily.
Not that he actually tells people about it. He only says he trusts Chopper and the girls more when it comes to gentle, medical stuff and he doesn't want the clumsy idiots in his crew to get near him with something sharp. Which is, you know, perfectly understandable. So nobody thinks twice about it.
But Usopp knows. Usopp knows because he has seen Sanji close his eyes tightly while doing this, whether it's with the girls or Chopper. He has seen him shaking before getting into the sickbay. He has seen Sanji sighing deeply, trying to calm himself down minutes prior. He has noticed him being a bit too emotionally exhausted after doing it. Usopp knows exactly what fear feels like, so he knows Sanji is scared.
So when nobody else is free to help him, Usopp asks. He knows he won't let the others do it (for obvious reasons) and he's tired of hearing Sanji complain and also feels a bit sad and guilty seeing him like that. The whole thing about Usopp being all dramatic and theatrical about it is so perfect for them. Usopp acts silly to distract him and Sanji used to think those things were stupid and for kids. But-- There's just something about Usopp here.
He's doing this act for him. Because he knows he's scared and he cares and he's being oh so gently with him. Besides, he's so close to him, too. Sanji starts to wonder if he has ever been so close to him before and why the hell he looks so pretty now. Not even with the girls and Chopper he gets so distracted. So much that the whole thing happens quickly. Painless. And it's so damn dumb that Sanji can't help but laugh.
So between Sanji's laugh being the only noise around and startling Usopp with a new feeling inside of him, and Sanji realizing he has never been more comfortable and happy around another person... A new relationship blossoms. So I guess Sanji will be the one asking Usopp for help with his T-shot more frequently now.
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Arthur Morgan Headcannons
I just wanted to write some headcannons, about Arthur, literally anything, I don't care what it is exactly so that's what you're getting.
Some of the headcannons might be a bit more oriented towards a female reader, but not all, I myself am a woman, so, I'll more than likely put some in.
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Arthur Morgan is a man who will gladly enjoy any person, regardless of size, but let's be real, I think he has a bit of a soft spot for bigger women. Chunky or thicc, he likes 'em
He thinks that with more there, there's more for him to grab and less of a chance that he'll break something when he's with you, whether it's in a bit more intimate situation, or even when he's just giving you a small hug or kiss.
Arthur is extremely observant. He pays attention to the things you like, and he is literally always on top of doing the things you like or buying you whatever will make you smile. 
If he finds out how much you like his voice? Uses it against you, because he doesn’t want to torture you, but he does want to see you riled up. 
You like how warm he is? He’ll always be watching to see when you get cold, and the moment you do he’s right behind you with his arms around your waist. 
Arthur has a SEVERE gambling addiction. You thought his smoking was bad? He plays poker almost every single night that he’s in camp, and sometimes it’s a blessing and others it’s a curse. He can go rounds at a time, winning each one, but as soon as he has one bad round, they all go bad, but he’s never willing to give up until you make him, and by the end of the ordeal he’s lost more money than made. 
He also has a huge ego problem, obviously he’s mentally ill and he’s depressed with who he is as a person, and he doesn’t think very highly of himself, but the moment you manage to boost his ego, that little swagger walk of his that you so dearly love grows more confident. 
Hell, sometimes even you just saying good morning can change his whole mood, and he’ll even be nice to other people in camp when he usually only tolerates them.
Arthur has this thing, that when he leaves camp for a certain amount of time, anything that’ll be longer than a day really, but usually when its about a week of being away. He’ll come back to camp, make a beeline for you, and whisper only loud enough for you to hear “Can you be quiet for me while I fuck you or do I have to take you outta camp?” 
And thus, you are prepared, obviously.
He’s like a dog in heat, mainly because he hadn’t been with anyone in so long and after a while he’d stopped going after working girls. No one had really made his body react like you did, so it never became a problem until he got with you. 
He draws you all the time, obviously he draws, he’s got a whole sketchbook dedicated to it, but he draws you almost any chance he can. Not because he’s some corny “I love you more than life itself” kind of person, which, he is, but because he thinks that out of everyone in camp you are the most fun to draw, your features are just more entertaining and enjoyable to make out with a pencil.
Arthur loves to eat good food, and while Pearson does a decent job it’s not exactly what he would consider gourmet food, so whenever he gets the chance to try new food, or get good food at least, he’ll splurge the money. The only reason he hasn’t gotten completely fat, though he is a little on the chubbier side, which you absolutely love, and think is hot as hell, is because of all the work he does for the gang.
He calls you all kinds of nicknames and pays attention to the ones that get the biggest reaction out of you. 
He’s found that Princess does a particularly great job at getting a rouse out of you, but he’s also found that if he says it in his normal tone it doesn’t have the same effect, he has to lower his voice for it to work the way he wants it too. 
Darlin’ and Sweetheart have about the same effect, although Darlin’ seems to make you feel a little more for him in serious situations. 
Sugar makes you go beet red in the face, and he’s figured out that one is another one he can lower his voice for. 
Honey is one that he thinks you like, but he also thinks you’re a little neutral on it. Sometimes it works, other times you just don’t seem to care that much. You’ll answer to it, but that’s about all.
Good Girl, or My Girl, regardless of tone, but especially when lowered, always gets you messed up and he knows it, which is exactly why he waits until you’re at the fire surrounded by the gang to whisper it in your ear. 
On the other hand, you have only a few nicknames for him.
Cowboy, it’s tried and true, describes him, basically to a Tee, although Outlaw works better. 
Honey, again, a neutral one. 
You are the only person, and I mean, only person he allows to call him Pretty Boy, if anyone else tries it they’re liable to find a knife beneath their neck.
Big Boy will send him skyrocketing, his face will flare so hard his ears will turn red and he’ll start stuttering over his words like a newborn calf stumbling on its legs. 
Good Boy will really get him motivated and usually if you say it to him in public, he has to excuse himself until he gets rid of his problem. 
You hate to admit it, because you know it’s bad for him, but you think that when he smokes cigarettes, he’s at one of his hottest points. When he finds this out, he makes it his goal to smoke more around you.
Occasionally he’ll wait until you wake up and walk out of his tent shirtless and lean against the wooden poles to smoke, and he’ll send a smirk your way, that he knows you like. 
When you start to share his tent together, he does the same thing, however, rather than getting up he just simply leans over you and grabs the smokes, he’ll light a match against the wagon and puff away with his hands behind his head. 
His absolute favorite thing to do is smack you on the ass and run away, he thinks it’s the absolute funniest thing ever to watch you chase him, he’s got longer legs, so it’s easier to stay away from you. 
He also loves it when you wear his hat, however, if you do, he’s going to use it as an excuse to take you to the tent. 
If you get him drunk, first off, I’m sorry, second off, you better have a leash. He’s a lot happier drunk, he likes to sing and talk, and he compliments everyone, but he also likes to stumble around and go adventure, and if you don’t keep a good eye on him he’s liable to mount up on his horse, albeit slowly, and then make his way into the nearest town to cause mayhem.
Do not let him drink with John, because rather than being a fun loving drunk he will start trying to fight John and then the night is ruined for everyone. 
He also gets more handsy when he drinks, he was already handsy before, but now, when he’s drunk and he couldn’t care less about what people thought about him, he was going to touch wherever he wanted on you. 
Your stomach? He’s got his arms around it.
Your ass? Being grabbed any time he’s walking, or stumbling rather, with you. 
Tits? Regardless of gender? They have been honked at least twice. 
He will kiss you, if it’s on the lips or on the neck, that is anyone’s gamble. 
He’ll even talk dirty to you, and not quietly like he would if he was sober, he’ll do it for everyone in camp to hear, and the only way to shut him up is to either kiss him or somehow drag all two hundred and forty pounds of him into his tent. 
All in all Arthur Morgan is Arthur Morgan and if you make the decision to be his you better be ready to deal with it.
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swallowedbyfandom · 4 months
Her chambers soon begin to look like a florist shop. Colin has been a busy bee, she will give him that. He has sent her beautiful elaborate bouquets everyday this week with sweet little cards attached. In the week since that awful dinner at Bridgerton house Colin has managed to purchased a home in Bloomsbury. He has also interviewed and hired several servants to fill household positions. There have been trips to the lawyers and other legal affairs that has the Ton holding their breath. It is clear to all he is preparing to take a wife.
Her mother observes the situation with a shark's predatory anticipation. It is almost makes Penelope sad that her mother cannot see what he does not do. He has not gone to see a doctor yet nor has he had one come to call. She is serious about that, she had once overheard a midwife tell her mama that certain illness can led to infertility. While at the time she did not understand, what they were speaking on she does now. Her Papa's whoring likely left her mama unable to carry a child again. Colin has not come to call and he still has not come to her mama to formally declare his intentions to court her.
Frankly she has stated clearly what her expectations are for a suitor. That he is still falling short of her expectations is his own doing. He had eight weeks to work with. He just burned nine days of that with half measures. Flowers are a nice gesture but they are an empty gesture when she has a home filled with gentlemen callers daily. When they take time from their day to hand deliver her flowers and sweets. When they line up and wait to spend time with her. He is stalling, and falling woefully behind.
She is standing with Agatha who has used her dragon's glare to give her succor during the last three balls. The pickings of available bachelors worth spending time with tonight is minuscule. They are in the middle of giggling like schoolgirls over Lord Duncan trying to hide behind a curtain, when she spots Francesca looking uncomfortable with Lord Samadani. She lets out an aggravated sigh.
"Please pardon me. I must rescue Fran from the Queen's import. Please let her Majesty know they are incompatible. He wants an army of children and Francesca does not want more than two." Agatha lets out a snort, with a knowing smirk.
She makes her way over to Fran who is politely trying to give the Marquis a not so subtle hint. She flashes Fran a reassuring smile and smoothly cuts into Lord Samadani's ramble.
"Please pardon my interruption, my Lord. Francesca, Lady Danbury has been trying to get your attention. I believe she has a message from your mama to pass along."
Francesca gives her a relieved smile, before turning to excuse herself from Lord Samadani. Penelope opens mouth to excuse herself also, when she spots Fife making his way over to her.
She grabs Lord Samadani's arm and turns her wide panic filled eyes on him. She speaks rapidly.
"You must sign my card and take me to dance immediately."
To his credit he reaches for her dance card as he speaks.
"Why am I breaking the rules of etiquette to dance with a Lady I have not yet been introduced to?"
"You are a gentleman are you not? I am a Lady in distress. What better reason is there?"
They take their positions on the dance floor.
"Are you really in distress?" He asks her.
She places her hand on his shoulder and relaxes her frame while responding.
"I assure you my Lord, any Lady with sense would be distressed by Lord Fife. I am sure that if I am forced to dance with him once more tonight I shall stab him with a dessert fork."
He releases a deep rich laughter that draws attention to them. He smirks at her.
"May I have the name of the violent lady I am to dance with?"
Giggles escape her as she demurs.
"Penelope Featherington, my Lord. However I dispute the claim that I am violent. I prefer the term vigilant." She frowns as she continues speaking. "Lord Fife is swine. He enjoys making comments that are improper. While I may not understand the actual innuendos, I understand his leering looks enough to be uncomfortable."
The Marquis looks decidedly less amused by that. His frame carries a tension now it did not before. She distracts him with questions about his country. He is surprisingly charming and intelligent. He escorts to her to Albion after their set is complete and once he sees Lord Fife approaching again, this time trailed by Colin he signs her card for a second dance. Thankfully it is her last spot available on her dance card. She gives him a curtsy while graciously thanking him for his aid. Now she has a viable reason to deny Fife and Colin both a dance.
Colin is lucky she is not holding a drink in her hand when he asked why she did not keep a dance available for him. She for certain would have thrown it into his face at that moment. The hubris of that question fills her with rage. They have been at this ball for hours if he wanted to dance with her he should have asked when she arrived. She has danced six sets tonight with a variety of different gentlemen. She has danced an additional four sets that were second dances. Lord Samadani will be the fifth Gentleman she has a second dance with that night. That Colin thought he would swoop in the last hour of the ball and finally grace her with his presence. He must believe her desperate or still a silly girl waiting for crumbs of his attention.
The carriage ride back is entirely too long in Penelope's opinion. Her mother has spent the ride blatantly evaluating Penelope. She allows her mother to look her fill without comment until she figures out which question she wants to ask. Finally Portia seems to make up her mind.
"Have you finally given up on Mr. Bridgerton?"
She rolls her eyes. God, her mama is so short sighted.
"Contrary to what you like to believe I had never really set my sights on Mr. Bridgerton."
Her mother scoffs in response.
She makes a dismissive gesture with her hand, before she continues speaking.
"You don't have to believe me. Your opinion in the grand scheme of things matters very little. I have always adored the Bridgertons as a whole. It is also true I have always held tender feelings for Colin. However I never expected anything to come from it. I was aware that our close childhood bond would always have him viewing me as a little girl. I did not try to entice him. I never felt the potential fallout with his family to be worth the risk."
"If I were as blinded by love as you believe, I would have accepted his proposal. I did not because I am no longer certain he would be an ideal husband for me. He has allowed peer pressure to dictate a change in his values and behavior. What use would I have for a fickle husband?"
"If he wants to be my husband he will prove it. He will swallow his pride, eat his words and court me publicly. He doesn't get a pass because we were childhood playmates. We are not children any longer. I will not marry unless I am sure my husband will not leave me and our children in dire straits the way papa did to us. I am more practical than you believe."
"I do not need to be in love to marry well. I am looking for a stable partner I can grow to love. I am looking for a man who will think disappointing me is a fate worse than death. Who will choose me and our children before anything else. I would rather be a spinster than settle for less than that."
Her mother's lips are white with how hard they are pursed together.
"Colin Bridgerton looks down on our family, mama. He thinks he would be doing me a favor by marrying me, and saving me the shame of the Featherington name. Our family may be a scandalous mess, but we are survivors. While I am not proud to be a Featherington, I am proud to be Penelope Featherington. If I allow him the upper hand of being my white knight now, he will have it forever."
Her mama looks so pensive. Penelope allows herself to lean forward and drop a kiss on her forehead.
"I have been caring for myself for years now, mama. Put your efforts on my sisters they need you, I do not."
Her mama seems to startle at that. " I have tried my best with all of you girls. You know that right?"
Penelope exhales heavily she is too tired and short tempered for this conversation.
"No you did not. You tried and failed with my sisters. Phil and Pru are helpless and without a single drop of cunning. You married them to idiots. Albion and Philippa I can understand. They are in love and happy but neither of them is particularly bright. They are one shady steward away from poverty. Albion needs someone to teach him how to run an estate. Hopefully his parents will do so."
"Pru and Harry are doomed. Harry is sweet and simple, Pru will take advantage of him. While the Dankworth fortune is sizable, it is not so sizable that it can withstand Prudence's spending and inheriting the debt remaining on the Featherington estate."
"That your daughter's are completing to inherit that debt, should tell you everything you need to know. Yes a son will secure the title of Baron but it will also inherit the mess Papa and Jack made. If either of my sister's had sense they would pray for a daughter. If you had sense you would remarry and wash your hands of papa's mess. That is why I have finally entered the marriage mart. I am looking to wash my hands of our family."
"You have never tried to help me succeed, mama. Everything I am, I am in spite of you. Perhaps you were trying to make me strong? I doubt it though you are not a long term planner. You love me. I know this but you do not like me. That is fine. I feel the same way. We do not have to play pretend with each other, mama. We are adults."
Her mother remains quiet after that. She knows she has broken something irreparable between her mother and her. However they have been broken for years. Why should she be the only person to carry that burden?
She has carried the Featheringtons far enough. She has kept them off the streets. The more she thinks on it the more she realizes that the money she has set aside for her mother is unearned. Why would she leave almost half her earnings for her mother to spend on tacky gowns? Let her mother count on her son in laws or let her remarry.
She has worked hard to secure her future. Why the hell would she leave behind half her fortune? No. She isn't leaving anything behind. She has already done more for them, than they ever did for her.
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xxanaduwrites · 4 months
much ado about nothing, major
ii. bluell & blue skies
the main hub
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pairing: john “bucky” egan x (ofc) maude “blue” bluell
warnings: this story will contain mature themes, descriptions of injury, blood, sexual content, swearing, as well as, physical and mental illness. proceed with caution.
— ii. some inappro-pro jokes courtesy of curt & mentions of beating a dude up, that’s all i got folks !
word count: 5.5k
there must be something or nothing at all.
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The sound of clinking glasses, chattering men, giggling women, and tapping feet amongst the beat of swinging jazz filled the Officer’s Club and the ears of one Maude Bluell at roughly around 2100 hours.
The newly polished nurse of Thorpe Abbot’s infirmary leaned rather uncomfortably against a nearby wall with her fellow colleagues observing the function. Now changed out of her more suitable work attire, she stiffened like a board in the confines of her neatly pressed Red Cross issued uniform. Already becoming rather used to her usual loose white ward dress and cap, the fitted material of the more proper wear seemed foreign to her. Too foreign to be a uniform worn just a week prior, in route for base transfer.
The more she spent in the infirmary, the more time was proving itself to be heavier conceptually speaking and lighter actuality speaking. The truth of the matter was that Nurse Bluell witnessed enough loss in one week that could very well add up to more than whole lifetime.
So maybe — just maybe the Dirty Shirley Q was attempting to shove into Maude’s hand — wasn’t such a bad idea after all. “‘S not all that bad, Blue. Just a cherry little thing with a pinch of alc. ‘S like sucking up straight candy.” Susie slurred and the bright red liquid swayed like a wave in a storm trapped in glass.
“Not everyone wants to rot out their teeth and stain their tongues red like you, Q.” Lottie pointed out and grimaced at the concoction with a sweet cherry on top. To prove her point further, the blonde took a sip of her less colorful drink — a simple gin and tonic.
If the concept of “two sides of the same coin” could be defined by people, Maude was certain Lottie and Q were the perfect definition.
It became quite apparent early on that Lottie upheld a more serious and resolved persona, taste aligning simplistic and rather blander than her bubbly and eccentric colleague Q who flourished in a rather colorful nature.
In an odd way, even though the two could get into the occasional spat over their differences, they overall leveled each other out in a way where Blue wasn’t sure where she exactly fit in. How she found fit into such an established dynamic.
“And not everyone wants to deny every name on their dance card, but here you are,” She countered, clearly commenting on something Maude was unfamiliar with. Something that spiked a nerve in Lottie. The red headed nurse noticed the newbie's confusion drawing prominently in her features. “Lots has a look but no touch policy,” She explained, the drink flailing about even more dangerously as she exasperated, enough for Maude to accept this drink from her without a word.
Crossing her arms over her chest, the all work, no play blonde ignored her former colleague and turned to her new one. “It’s not entirely true. You see, I look at it this way. We touch men all day long –” Sue promptly cut Lottie off with a well timed snort, and Lottie sighed but continued on, “rotating between check-ups, wrapping wound after wound, and seeing them in their most vulnerable states…I just – I don’t know, something about it doesn’t sit right with me,” she shrugged nonchalantly, not knowing that her words laid heavily on Maude’s own chest.
“But, there’s no denying that the girl lovesssss to look!” Sue chirped in, nudging her friend’s shoulder who’s mischievous grin was hidden behind the rim of her gin and tonic. “Speaking of, has anyone caught your eye yet, Blue? See anything you like?” She mused, fishing for the hot gossip as she liked to do.
Had anyone caught her eye? Well a very certain major who had waltzed his way into the infirmary just this morning had, but could she admit such a thing when she was trying to convince herself otherwise?
“Oh I – I dunno,” Maude finally spoke up and blushed madly, cheeks promptly dusting pink.
She suddenly felt grateful for the Dirty Shirley and took a sip, the tart yet sweet mixture coating her tongue in a delightful way. The condensation of the glass felt cool against her now heated skin, and she prayed it would cool down her unease in the current conversation. If not, at least she could simply blame it on the drink. Not that she knew very well what it was like for herself. She wasn’t much of a drinker to begin with, but she had been around enough functions with family and friends alike to know how flushed face one could get on a glass or two – worse with a few more added into the mix.
“Give the girl some time. She just got here after all and we haven’t given her a run down yet on who’s who.” She noted. “Wait, have we?” She asked, turning to Blue for confirmation to which she shook her head in a delcarative no. “Oh then, this’ll be a thrill. Perfect timing then, ain’t it Sue.”
“Absolutely! You’re in good hands Maude Bluell. Can’t go wrong with Lots full boring government names in conjunction with my fun nicknames for the full effect.” Sue added.
“It’s not boring, it’s official and makes our job a whole lot easier.” Lottie reasoned. “At least I can identify each pilot by their title and rank efficiently with no hiccups on their health charts.”
“Hey! It was just one time, and in my defense it’s not my fault that two Majors decided to have the same goddamn nickname, and it’s no help when Croz only refers to them as the “two Buckys” in conversation.”
“Two Buckys’?” Maude questioned, rather perplexed.
“Yes, see the blonde over there. Strong cheekbones. Full lips. Bright blue eyes,” Lottie — as loud as Maude could hear over the blaring music and as subtly as she could, a good two gin and tonics in — pointed to the definition of such a man seated right in front of the Officer’s band.
Maude followed her eye and nodded in confirmation.
“That’s Major Gale Cleven,” She said in her left ear.
And on her right side Sue added in, “Buck, or in other words — if you couldn’t tell — the man Lots was fawning for before she found out he’s got a girl back home.”
Lottie shot her a look.
“What? Made it real obvious with those detailed descriptors. I’m simply stating facts.” Sue regarded Lottie while fetchinf the cherry out of her own Dirty Shirley “Anyways, Name’s Marge. Short for Marjorie. High School sweethearts from Wyoming or something like that.
Major Gale “Buck” Cleven — Maude repeated over in her head, trying to commit it to memory.
“Couldn’t help it. He’s a real gentleman. Quite reserved but extremely smart. Doesn’t drink. Doesn’t smoke. Doesn’t gamble. Doesn’t dance with a single girl. It intrigued me.” Lottie concluded and then continued on, “next to him, to the right is Major John Egan.” Lottie trained Maude’s gaze just where she wanted her and just where Maude herself had not expected to be.
Major John Egan. Major Egan. The man Lieutenant Payne had mentioned in his demotion and replacement from today’s mission. The man who walked right into the infirmary at 0900 hours and churned something deep inside her, yet to be deciphered.
Out of his flying gear and signature sheepskin jacket, she took in the sight of Major Egan in his more formally pressed uniform, and her breath hitched. There was no denying how handsome he looked all cleaned up, but she wouldn’t make that known to them. Not now and especially not here.
“That’s Bucky.” Q was back in her right ear, and Maude wondered if this is what it felt to have an angel and a devil on your shoulders, whispering different things. “Confusing, aye?”
“Bucky,” she repeated aloud, a small laugh escaping the nurse as she twirled the straw around in her drink. “So it’s Buck and Bucky then, not the Buckys.”
“Technically, yes.” Lottie nodded.
“Quite redundant.”
“Precisely, but for good reason I suppose. Sue can explain that one further.”
“Oh yes!” She lit up. “So apparently, Major Egan has always been known as Bucky back home and when he first saw Major Cleven, well he couldn’t get over how much he looked like some fella named Buck from Manitowoc, Wisconsin — also his home — and they’ve been stuck like glue ever since. All in good word from Curt of course who filled me in on all this business.”
“Right…and oh! Over here is Captain Bernard Demarco.”
“Benny.” Sue cut in again.
“He’s the one that has that sweet pup Meatball running around, and….” Lottie kept the flow going, canning the conversation on the redundant nature of the Buckys.
Maude tried her best to stay attentive, taking in the passing faces and attaching them to their respected names, yet she couldn’t help but draw her gaze back to Major Egan who’s long fingers were tapping against the arms of the chair he occupied to the beat of smooth jazz as he spoke to his friend next to him. She attuned her bouncing stare to the drink starting to take effect in her system, but also to her remembrance of why she truly pulled up to the function — to find Lieutenant Crosby and properly congratulate him on his promotion.
Yet, through the whisking crowd of people, the target of her mission became indetectable.
At some point Katherine “Tatty” Spaatz, daughter of Lieutenant Carl Spaatz, and Helen — both Red Cross volunteers for the Clubmobile circling the Eighth Air Force’ First Air Division — joined in on the conversation, greeting the nurses, and meeting the new addition to their circuit.
Tatty recounted stories to Lottie of countless pilots trying to get in her good graces just to secure a promotion from her father. It never worked, while Helen continued to help Sue familiarize Maude with the crew on base. Helen was in the middle of trying to point out another pilot to the nurse when the band started playing a new song — a popular song that not only Sue knew very well, but Maude too. Blue Skies by Irving Berlin. Maude hummed it to herself the past week any chance she got. Any time she was feeling rather blue so to speak — ironically enough. And Sue — well Sue wasn’t one not to be observant.
“Blue!” She interrupted Helen’s tagging game by latching onto Maude’s arm. “It’s your song.” She proposed excitedly.
Maude, taken aback for just a moment, collected herself enough to correct the notion and Helen’s sudden raised brow. “Oh — I — ‘S not my song. I just like it.” She shrugged.
“But your Bluell. Blue. Blue Skies!” Q slurred shirly as ever. “Come on Blue. Sing for us.”
“Oh no I — I don’t sing,” The shy nurse mumbled out, not lying so to speak but not telling the truth either. Sure, Bluell sang, but only when she was alone. When no one else was present. When she had a good sense of privacy. Humming was one thing, but singing no — singing was a whole other ball game.
“‘S not true. I’ve heard you.” She assured, making escaping this proposition even more impossible.
Maude gasped. “When?”
“Just the other day. When you were out hanging the sheets up on the line,” the red head recalled, not giving up by any means.
As a newbie of sorts, Maude was appointed to hang up the freshly washed sheets outside to dry before the beds were made back up — neat and clean in preparation for the inevitable return of injured pilots. Q usually came out with a basket to collect the dry ones, and on one particular day, she had caught the nurse there — singing away in what she assumed to be a rather private area. Instead of making herself known, Q took a moment to listen to the newbie's voice, connecting to what she could only imagine to be what fluffy clouds would sound like if you could hear them in one’s ears, if clouds could in fact sit in such a way — soft and airy on a summer’s sunny day.
“My, well I —I” Embarrassment dusted Maude’s features as she found herself at loss for words in being discovered.
“Yes, she has quite the voice!” Lottie suddenly overheard the conversation, added in, piquing the interest of the Clubmobile girls.
Maude silently wondered if her colleagues and newfound friends were really her friends at all.
“Oh! Now I must know. Would you sing for us?” Tatty asked, absolutely intrigued by this information and ever-so slightly tipsy herself.
“I – I dunno,” Maude replied shyly, her fingers reaching up to the edge of her collar, tugging the material away from her now heated skin.
“It would boost morale,” Helen reasoned, actually considering the state of their boys and how music seemed to ease their souls.
Especially one Major John Egan who, little to Maude’s current attention, was absolutely fizzing with delight just across the way.
“Do you know what this is missing?” The Major probed suddenly to the blonde Lottie described in heavy detail only moments prior.
Buck, knowing his friend and exactly what he would be up to whenever music was involved did not hesitate in replying. “Nothing.”
“Vocals.” John announced, totally disregarding his friend’s input on the matter.
With a sigh, Gale reiterated, “no, it’s not.”
“I’m gonna sing.” John proposed, as if it was not already obvious enough to Gale.
Already ten steps ahead of his antsy friend, Gale’s reflexes proved to be on par and he eased John back down in his seat just as fast. In complete conjunction as one Nurse Maude Bluell was being eased herself. Right in front of the band and the lone microphone propped on a stand next to the conductor. A conductor who found himself rather confused with the sudden presence as well as the rest of the club when she nervously tapped it with a cherry red nail, freshly done up by Q. A necessity as the red head liked to say in her chain of convincing for the night. A chain that Maude had found herself unmistakably tied to for the rest of the evening with a reasoning of Biddick’s MIA on center stage.
“Looks like a lady has beat you to it.” Gale hummed in complete amusement. An amusement not reciprocated by his friend, slouched in defeat with his arms crossed over his chest in utter disappointment.
The nurse cleared her throat suddenly, trying to stifle her nerves and block out the faces that were drawn to her every move. So much so that she even had one Major John Egan attuned, eyes glued to her like a hawk catching their prey.
A twinge of familiarity washed over him as he took in the young woman with full red lips and pinned up hair, a complete contradiction to the nurse he saw in scrubs just a few hours prior attending to Lieutenant Joseph Payne. Yet, what captivated him, what really set in that sense of recognition were her eyes. Those hazy green eyes that had almost rendered him speechless in completing his promotional tasks for Croz.
“B—Blue Ski —“ the raven haired woman’s vocal chords betrayed her rather quickly leading the men — with a lack of better judgment enraptured with booze filled minds — to laugh at her mishap.
“Learn your place sweetheart!” Someone hollered far away. Too far away for Bucky to attach a face to voice so to speak, but close enough that he could make out every single syllable, every single word clustered in a sentence that made his blood boil tenfold.
He was no singer himself — hell he couldn’t carry a note for the life of him, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that singing — singing your heart out was freeing. It was fun. It was a way to forget the truth of it all. The truth of this reality, adhered to a war wrapped in violence and a future of uncertainty. A future only men lucky enough could promise.
Instead of jumping out of his seat, finding the man, and beating him to a pulp like he really wanted to for speaking to a lady in such a disrespectful manner — he decided on a different approach. An approach that would ease the clear embarrassment of the pretty raven haired nurse in front of him.
“Jack,” he whispered over to the pilot on his left, cringing at the scene. “should I sing?” He asked him, hoping to gain a better sense of backup clearly not tuned to his level headed friend.
To Bucky’s misfortune, Jack was with Buck on this one. “No.”
He tried again, this time with another colleague adjacent to buck. “Should I sing?” He motioned again.
And again. “No. You’ll just make it worse.”
John sighed. “Alright, you’re right. You're right.” He feigned a nod in agreement, putting on a facade that did not last long enough to see the light. Looking back at the nervous nurse caged in laughter of no good nature, John knew there was no shot in hell he’d leave her there imprisoned. Whatever bit of jealousy had set him off as he saw her hit the stage of sorts was long gone.
So, he hyped himself up, readying himself to take flight just as he did every time in a B-17, and tapped his fingers against the wooden edges of his chair. Letting out a breath, he finally stood up and danced his way over to the mic, leading Gale to send him a classic knowing glance of his that was reserved to him alone anytime he whipped up an antic.
“It’s my song, Buck!” He reasoned to his best friend just before turning around and coming face to face with the green eyed goddess.
Completely surprised, Maude nearly gasped at the sudden intrusion but collected herself enough to follow his gaze as he fitted himself behind her.
“May I?” The Major whispered against her ear, his arm brushing against her hip as he reached for the microphone in front of her.
His touch proved to be magnetic — electric even, and it shot something within her enough to keep upright and reply ever-so carefully. “My yes. Of — Of course, Major.” She went to step out of the way, but a warm and gentle hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her up against John’s side.
She could have melted then in his embrace, fitted so perfectly next to him as he grasped the mic and stared down at her as he began to sing….
Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
And then, just as she was starting to feel comfortable being serenaded, but considering the prospects of a duet, Major Egan’s hand flexed at her side, signaling the tilt of the mic close enough in her direction that they could sing together.
Yet, to her surprise he let her have her moment alone.
When you’re in love. My how they fly.
And the lines came out clear — clearer than she could ever imagine, but that was all she would contribute. She’d let the Major take the reins on the rest of the song with a simple nod of encouragement.
Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on
With a final flourish, he dipped the young nurse. Her heart dropped to her stomach at the sudden movement, sending shock waves throughout her whole body in a reminiscent way. One that reminded her of her childhood. It brought back memories of the very first time she ever rode the Coney Island Cyclone with her father. The creeks of the wooden structure probed nervous jitters as the roller coaster went up, up, up — only to bring sweet relief as the cars swooshed down, down, down. And down she was now with Major Egan’s charming features in her direct line of sight. Pretty pearly whites, deep blue eyes, and large warm hands leaving her breathless yet grounded in his embrace.
If it wasn’t for the cheers that rounded out amongst the ladies and the hardy laughs that echoed from the men, the Major and nurse could have very well been locked in their own world — where it was just the two of them, alone. But they weren’t alone. They were surrounded by a bubbly crowd of fellow airmen and red cross members alike who were now making their way to the floor to dance out their newfound excitement.
Yet, the caging of it all felt rather intimate to Maude — who was now being pulled right back up by Major Egan. With a bit of a stumble and a trip of a heel, he caught her before she could trip — a strong arm wrapping around her lower back, urging her upright like a straight torpedo.
Her cheeks reddened ripper than the deep shade of lipstick coating her lips as her hand subconsciously found itself situated on Egan’s chest. Palm fizzing against the eloquent beat of his heart.
“Hi,” he mused, eyes sparking in delight as he took in the small frame of the nurse in front of him — her lack of height noticeable at this newfound proximity.
His prominent figure towered above her, forcing her to crane her neck back and head upward to look him in the eye. It wasn’t surprising. Truly it wasn’t. His stature became apparent the moment she first saw him. But now, standing right in front of him, practically caged over his towering presence was intimidating. “H-Hi.” She managed out and then tumbled in a frantic frenzy. “Bucky — I mean J— Major.” She sighed in an effort to compose herself and settled on, “Major Egan.”
Maude’s fumble did not fail to surprise the Major. It struck a pitch of laughter out of him instantly.
A pitch that Maude didn’t catch as a reaction to his sudden charm of her. “My apologies.”
So John, well he would swing until he got a home run. “No need to fret, doll.” He reassured her. “‘M not a formalities type anyways. Nothing good comes out of being a tyrant in team sports.”
“You’re an athlete then?” Maude questioned, trying to annunciate her words as loud as possible considering the boisterous music in the room.
Bucky chortled and matched her. “Far from that. Much more enjoy being an observer. A listener. More of a reader nowadays to keep up with the score.”
“Understandable.” She nodded, tilting her head ever-so subtly to get a better reading of him. “And what team has the pleasure of your devotion, Major?”
“Bucky. Please. Call me Bucky.” He corrected her. “And baseball. The New York Yankees,” he replied and her eyes alit with a familiarity John picked up on without fail. “You like the Yanks, doll?”
“Yes — well no. I mean being from Brooklyn it’s only customary for me to be a Dodgers fan. But you — you’re not a New Yorker, so I’ve heard.”
“That’s right. You’re fairly acquainted with me, ain’t yuh? Yet, I can’t recall the same for you. No shot in hell would I ever forget a gal quite as pretty as you.”
“That’s rather kind of you, Maj — Bucky.”
“Got a name, doll? A nickname even? Rank?”
“Maude. Maude Rue Bluell. American Red Cross Nurse for the 100th bomb group. Just touched down last week. But, I’ve found myself replying to the call of Blue. Quite redundant in name. I know. Yet, I have a bit of suspicion that it’s more complimentary of my mood as of late,” she revealed, more than she intended. More than she even expected. Usually — in matters such as this one — she’d find herself to be rather shy and timid. Especially in the presence of such a devily handsome man as Major Egan himself.
But something — something in the way he spoke to her was easing. His teamwork mantra proved to be a strong suit in his personality. She could tell he was a good leader just by his attitude and stance — equalizing himself against a woman in such an untraditional light. Subconsciously, it made Maude more drawn to the young man in uniform.
The edge of his lip curved up in a smirk. “Blue, huh?”
Bluell only had a second to nod in confirmation before the Major grabbed her hand, spinning her in a circle in accordance to the music. He pulled her back just as fast, her back aligning perfectly against his broad solid chest. A strong arm wrapped around her stomach, slender fingers taking shelter against her hip.
He leaned over then, the combination of his lips and mustache tickling the delicate skin of her ear quickened the pace of her heart. “Seems I’ve found myself my very own Blue Sky then,” he whispered.
She let out a laugh. A real genuine one. Lips perking up in a sweet smile.
“Smooth, yeah?” He mused, his lips still close enough to brush a smile against her ear a second time and his voice still low yet husky enough to warm up her insides.
“Mhm,” she hummed simply, rolling her emerald eyes playfully in an attempt to conceal her affections. “Out of the park.” She mused, swaying back and forth in his hold.
“That’a girl!” He chirped as she spun out of his hold.
Their hands puzzled right back together instantly, feet tapping to the beat as they danced with the rest of the pairings on the floor. There they were, forgetting all their troubles in the heat of the party. Just as the other girls intended. Just as John intended. Maybe for once, Maude could admit that the Club was the best medicine for her troubles, even if it would wear off come morning.
John and Maude danced well off into the night, until the nurse’s heels left blisters on her soles and a sheen of sweat dusted the curls on Bucky’s forehead. The Major was one to take notice, channeling his inner gentleman as he excused himself to fetch the two of them refreshments from the bar.
Alone, she moved out of the boisterous crowd to meet the girls but stopped short once she noticed Lieutenant James Douglas approaching them.
Meanwhile, John was situated at the bar next to Buck when a call came through for them. “Buck. Egan”
“Sir.” Buck replied as John took a swig of his drink, waiting patiently for Maude’s to be fixed up.
“From who?” Bucky asked intrigued.
“Operator, I have Majors Cleven and Egan…” Red murmured before passing the phone to Buck.
Buck took it with ease, a chorus of his name ringing out of the speaker from a far too familiar New York accent. “Yup.”
“Ayeeee Buck is that you?” Lieutenant Biddick exclaimed on the line just as John was leaning over to listen in on the conversation.
“Curt.” Buck confirmed, leading John to follow suit an octave louder in a Bucky like fashion.
“Curt!” John banged his fist on the table, pleased to know Curt had made it.
Susie being nosey as she tended to be, did not fail to excuse herself from the flirting attempts of Douglas on Helen. She whipped across the floor in an instant, locking a careful arm around Bluell, dragging her to the bar with her. “It’s Curt!” She chirped, beaming from ear to ear.
“Buck! Buck!” Curt repeated as the girls found themselves at the bar. Q fitting herself right next to Gale on his right – Maude sandwiched between her and Red.
“Yeah, it’s Buck and John. Susie’s here too. Where’d you end up?” Gale spoke for the two of them.
“Ughhhh, that’s a very very good question, but we’re safe and sound ‘er.” Curt replied amidst his own boisterous surroundings. He pulled the phone away for a moment to ask, “Hey! Aye, wh – where am I?”
“Where are ya?” Someone asked far away. Too far away for John or the girls to grasp, but close enough for Gale to catch the tail end of.
“Where am I?” Curt repeated.
“In the devil’s dope son!”
“Ugh–ah we made a wee bit of a mess up ‘er.” Curt explained. “Well – the people are really swell and they’re looking after us. It turns out they don’t like the English much either, but they like me because I’m Irish!”
Again muffled voices took over. “You’re not Irish.”
“I’M IRISH!” Curt yelled, brushing smiles across the faces of Buck, Bucky, and the girls.
“No you’re not.”
“Hey, my family's Irish.” He was still going on, the group trying their hardest not to burst out in laughter. “I told ya I’m an American but anyways… Buck – hold on, hold on.” A rustling sound took over for a moment as Curt resituated himself. “Ugh, I wanted to call you and to let Sue know I’m ‘ight but…Thank you Buck…Thank both of you for saving our asses. I mean it.”
“Yeah, well alright you just get back here soon, Curt.” Buck replied.
“We miss you Curt. We’re glad you’re still with us!” John yelled.
“He’s okay. He’s really okay!” Susie bit back a smile.
“He’s quite alright.” Maude assured, resting a gentle hand on her friend’s shoulder.
“Eh – John said he misses his little spoon.” Buck joked and Sue laughed.
“Heyyyy I’m the big spoon ‘er remember?” Curt chided. “Just ask my Sue. Where’s my Sue?” He asked, unraveling the lollipop she supplied him earlier.
“It’s gonna be cold tonight Curt!” John added.
Curt’s voice became muffled as he shoved the petite treat in his mouth.. “Gotta tell ‘er I’m sucking ‘er cherry rye now.”
“W–What?” Buck’s eyes widened up in surprise and embarrassment at the rather inappropriate and unexpected joke.
John did not fail to miss the twist of Gale’s features. He picked up on it rather quickly, his interest peeking instantly. “What he say? What he say?”
“Nothing.” He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “You know what Curt. Lemme pass the phone. Sue, Curt wants to talk to you.”
She squealed excitedly and grabbed the phone. “Hi baby!” Soon her fingers were wrapped around the cord, mirroring how wrapped up she was in conversation with her man.
Maude watched her friend beam with a newfound sense of radiance. Her joyfulness bounced off of her like bright sunbeams, warming up Bluell just as much.
She was so stuck on the picture of her friend, she didn’t realize John had weaseled his way next to her until he was nudging his shoulder with hers. “Doll..” He pushed a glass of water across the table in front of her.
“Thank you.” She hummed. A smile was still plastered across her face as she took a sip.
“So much for being blue, huh?” John mused, completely infatuated with her smile. “Nothing but blue skies…from now onnnn…” He sang in her ear.
Her cheeks began to sting from smiling so much. “You're something else, Major Egan.”
“Well – I’d hope so. Rather be something than nothing at all, you know?” He replied thoughtfully, so thoughtfully that his simple yet profound words settled deeply within the confines of her chest.
“I –” She began to say something, anything really but lost her train of thought in an instance when a fellow pilot interrupted across the Club to make an announcement.
“Come on everybody! Bike race in the mess hall – who’s in?”
“I am.” Bucky stated.
“Me too.” Buck agreed.
And that was that. It was settled. The boys would be racing and Maude and the rest of the ladies would be pulled along to watch.
John grasped Maude’s hand then to do just that, but stopped her in his tracks as he leaned over to whisper, “wait – don’t I get a good luck kiss?”
His forwardness took her by surprise, and even though his charm was very well infectious, she found herself hesitant to appeal to his wishes. “I wouldn’t suggest pushing your luck, Major, but I’m not the kind of lady to oppose a reward in the face of a victor.”
“Ah,” He held their conjoined hands up and kissed the back of hers, sending goosebumps across her fully clothed skin. “More reason for me to win then, hm.”
“Precisely.” She hummed in agreement, right before he took off, dragging her along. Leaving her in a fatal attempt of matching his long strides as she giggled and yelped out his name.
Before she knew it, she found Lottie and the rest of the girls in the Mess, perched and ready to watch the race along with Croz who was mounting a bike not too far away. She congratulated him in passing, and he was happy to see her. It was all a frenzy of fun and games, absolute excitement – until it wasn’t. Until the boys were just reaching the finish line, – Bucky right behind Buck – and the alarms were going off. Alarms that reminded them of the war they were truly in. A war that kept them on their toes and left them taking shelter. Left John without his kiss and Maude running dry of her medicine.
There would be more blue days than blue skies for Nurse Maude Rue Bluell and Major John Bucky Egan – but this night – this very night proved to be the catalyst of something new for the two.
Something that would become much ado.
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iiii!! idk how i feel about this but enjoy peeps. feedback would me amazeballs. also curt is wilddddddd 👀🍒🍭
love ya’ll,
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poppyandzena · 6 months
Dude what is happening between you and Courtney Orchard? Why does she think you leaked her Discord? That doesn’t seem like you at all.
I was actually in Courtney's server before I knew Milena in November 2023. Over time I had concerns about moderation in regards to their Lily Orchard and PZ channels. As you know, Lily Orchard and Poppy Diabolique are impossible to talk about without addressing intense, traumatic sexual situations. I actually didn't realize there were minors there until I checked for ages in the intro channel. I felt really uncomfortable upon realizing and felt like I would contribute to the problem if I didn't personally do something. I officially ceased posting there on 11/30/2023. I think there's a few single posts scattered, but not in-depth convos like I used to have. And honestly I stopped even looking in there aside from brief glances.
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[This is a DM. The context is me not posting in the pz or lily channels until the minors were barred from those channels.] Early March, 2024, I saw the tumblr of the pedophile involved with the PZ mess (the article) posted in the PZ chat that contained minors.
My words were "I oppose to this. You know how minors will be inclined to go and interact with these people. Minors should not be involved in investigating these situations." Because there was at least one minor who has been in that server "investigating" PZ since even before I made this blog (and they still are). Courtney told me I was "on thin ice" and said they were angry because I was directly challenging their authority. Another member told me off for "infantilizing a 15 year old." So I backed off, but held my stance. It just reinforced my discomfort I had in November.
In regards to screenshots, Milena recalled a post she made in the server about predicting Poppy's rape accusation against Noehflake. I was asked to save that for her, with only her post on that subject. I did also tell Milena about what they were saying about her in Courtney's server, because what was being discussed quickly spiraled into unsubstantiated pedo-jacketing and smearing, and I would want someone to inform me of those serious accusations were I in Milena's position. I would do that if it were anyone else. You don't have to like Milena, how she acts, or what she's done. I draw the line at those accusations. Even with Poppy, I'm not going to call her a pedophile without seeing actual, verifiable proof with my own eyes. Honestly, the environment in that server made me ill and my attempt to speak up about my discomfort was met with intense aggression. I think I was kicked on the day of Lux's stream but I don't know what Courtney was specifically mad about because I wasn't looking at the server. I just saw I was kicked and carried on with my day.
Courtney is entitled to their anger, but I am also entitled to the opinions I have for their treatment of that server.
I respect Courtney's story of what Poppy and Zena did to them, as well as their abuse at the hands of Lily Orchard. But I am not their friend and I don't agree with everything they do. No matter what, Courtney's experience with Poppy and Zena will stay archived on my blog under the #courtney tag so that those experiences won't be forgotten.
I simply ask to be left alone, and I do not want to contact or be contacted by them.
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kopifurann · 5 months
Idk how much you care about history but I just learned this
In 1806 Napoleon incorporated Liechtenstein in the Confederation of the Rhine and made it a sovereign state. At the Vienna Congress the sovereignty of Liechtenstein was approved. Liechtenstein became a member of the German Confederation in 1815. This membership confirmed Liechtenstein's sovereignty.
And now I can't help but imagine some noble school AU or something where Liechtenstein is getting kinda pushed around by other students as "not a real noble" or whatever, only to be swept off her feet by France as he tells everyone to back off and respect her as one, and she's just there thinking "oh god, why does my face so hot and heart so fast all of a sudden"
Also uh yeah any ideas on France and Liechtenstein's relationship?
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SOBS THATS SO FUCKING ADORABLE also tagging @lunartexan since u have been asking for it lol
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Honestly i was going to draw a small comic about that scenario but i don't have too much time as i start working so ill just add things about them!!! For me FraLiech is so cute in Cardverse but i want to add a bit of Shoujo spice in it so, ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Francis is a crown Prince of Diamond, known for being this playboy lil shit who got himself to lots of problem because, well, considering he will become a King one day, he just though his freedom to fool around would end as soon as he's crowned (alas he would just say he found things boring because being melancholic seemingly would become out of character for the image he have in the public)
But despite this 'imperfect' behaviour of his, he's still adored by the peers and girls in this royal school since he's very good being this charming playful Prince that's kind.
Though it need to be known he's not really favoured by the nobility because of his 'image' since the motto of Diamond is like, "A diamond earns its sparkle from the pressure it endures" so he do got lots of whispers, gossips and the likes despite how hard he tried to be perfect. Basically this Prince always pushed to strive more than just enough because as he's going to be a King who represents the richest, flamboyant and vain Kingdom, he better be suited to carry the burden. (So ye you get why he can be a very mischievous and a huge playboy to cope)
Liech/Elise is a low born nobility who got pushed around by the high society in school. Though the school itself implemented how once students set their foot in the premise tittle should be shed, it's honestly can only be seen as suggestion often by the high rank nobility.
So one day she were bullied by her peers at the secret garden away from people to see , however, Francis just happen to be around to take a smoke (it's not allowed in the school premise, that's why he went there because nobody really go there) and helping Elise shoo'ing em away. Francis wasn't really care about Elise problem, though he do play around that he found those ladies who's bullying her were vulgar and foolish. Elise, being young and naive ofc fall for the Prince, albeit she also aware that there's no chance for them to be together because of their status. In the end though, i don't think something significant would happen between them when they were in school (at least not something to really progress their relationship romantically because at this age Francis don't really crave a serious relationship since he was aware how messy it is to pick a girl that one day would become a Queen so he pretty much just leave it his Father's vassal). Though Francis would help her around if things happen to her (Because it's would suit his 'kind and charming' image) but Francis graduate a year later and Elise stay as she's a first year. Years later Francis crowned and marrying Joan Who also used to be his personal Knight so she's also were in school. I would like to think she and Elise would have platonic friendship for a while and it's continue once Elise reach adulthood after graduating. They would have small tea parties from time to time, though Francis not often involved when the ladies have their own time. Years later, suddenly, Joan died. Struck with heavy grief, Francis mourn by himself while ignoring everything. His vassals beg for him to came out so he can quickly find a replacement for the Queen. Francis, out of spite, picking Elise, a woman with a very low status and have not much power in her family name to be his Queen.
So yeah, if im going to do RP about these two, i would probably have these as the premise lol.
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epiclamer · 2 years
Okay so I dunno if anybody else has asked for anything similar (probably have) but I'd just like to say that I absolutely LOVE the Cocky/Fun Hero x Stoic/Serious Villain trope
So could I have some of that 👀 you can have a field day with it, I'd just love to see it
We don’t really have personas?? But you can draw us of course. Use your imagination~
Cw: this is smutty if you couldn’t already tell from the title
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Pathetic Puppy
Hero’s eyes followed their nemesis, watching them pace calmly from one side of the room to the other, hardly batting an eye at the crime-stopper they had so conveniently kidnapped earlier that morning. Twirling a small knife between their fingers with care, unaffected by any of the other’s remarks.
The hero on the other hand was sat in an ill-fitting metal chair, wrists tied tightly behind their back, forcing them to sit up straight to avoid further discomfort. However, despite their position, Hero couldn’t shut up.
“So when are you going to get to the actual fun stuff?” Villain shot them a glare, but made no other recoil. “I mean, if you’re going to tie me up and spread me out all pretty like this… Why waste an opportunity, am I right?”
The smirk in Hero’s tone was so obvious it made Villains blood boil. They had to remain serious. They had kidnapped the hero for answers not teasing, Villain couldn’t bear another second of it.
“I hate to break it to you, but you actually have to touch the other person to edge them—”
“Shut. Up.”
Villain halted their pacing, turning to face their captive as they crowded in on their personal space. Placing the point of their dagger against the column of Hero’s throat.
“Do you ever just shut up? Can’t you take anything seriously?”
A beat of silence passed, Hero’s eyes wide as they blinked innocently up at their nemesis who was towering over them. Then, Hero grinned, eyes dancing from the blade at their throat to the fuming Villain above.
“Is this a bad time to tell you that I’m into this?”
The villain sighed exasperatedly, rubbing their free hand over their face in annoyance. They needed a nap, anything over fifteen minutes with the hero was exhausting. How did they have such smugness to their demeanour all the time.
“What. You have something for knife play?”
Hero snickered, swallowing shallowly to avoid being sliced open by the villain’s knife. “Kidnapping and torture actually. It’s why I became a hero.”
Villain tossed their weapon the side, groaning out of pure spite and utter hatred for their cocky captive. They couldn’t pretend anymore that it didn’t drive them insane, every business talk turned into flirting and every serious conversation became a tactic of seduction.
Some part of them was convinced this was an attitude Hero kept up with everyone they met, but never had Villain actually been able to prove it.
“Well you obviously aren’t drained enough of your energy and charisma to talk about your facility plans, so how about I leave you to stir for a couple hours and then come back.” Villain leaned forwards, placing their hands on Hero’s thighs—not even considering the consequences this action might bring—and squeezing lightly.
Hero dropped their face in an instant, head angled towards the ground and breathing coming in shallower. Villain squeezed harder, nails digging into their enemy’s thighs at their lack of compliance.
“How does that sound, hm? You like that?” Villains thumbs worked the inside of Hero’s thighs as they spoke, gently pushing into the plush skin, lips by Hero’s ear and breath hot against their neck.
Genuinely, Villain didn’t think anything of it. To them it was a fear tactic, your enemy up close and in your space threatening you with potential longtime sensory deprivation? That scared the hell out of the criminal. They figured Hero felt the same way.
But then, Hero whimpered. They fucking whimpered.
A whiny strained sound that caught Villains immediate attention. It did something Villain had never experienced before, the sound their nemesis made set their whole body ablaze.
Not in a bad way, no not at all. No, this was a good fire. One that ignited feelings Villain hadn’t felt in years and all of a sudden, they wanted more.
The one in question didn’t move, didn’t even make a sound besides the shuddering of their breath. Eyes still glued to the floor and face still tucked into their chest.
Villain, however, didn’t have time to sit around and wait. One hand moving swiftly from the hero’s thigh to a strong grip at the roots of their hair, wrenching Hero’s head up as far as it would go.
Hero yelped, gasping, pain centred at their scalp and their neck of which Villain pulled at uncomfortably. Squeezing their eyes tightly closed to avoid the sudden onslaught of light in their face.
Villain merely smirked, examining the hero’s look with great detail. Red in the face, mouth slightly agape and taking in short bursts of air, tousled hair, frantic eyes as they opened, sweat beating their forehead, throat bobbing up and down.
“God. You look so pathetic.”
Hero consequently whined helplessly at the remark, trying to look anywhere, but in the villain’s eyes.
“Oh yeah? You’re into that? You like it when I call you pathetic? When I degrade you about how powerless and needy you are?” Villain had never acted like this before, it somewhat surprised themselves, but the hero was different, there was something so addictive and intoxicating about the sounds they made that left all of Villain’s ego behind. All of that business meetings and facility plans were far gone in the dust now.
“Go on, sweetie.” Villain egged, “Make another pretty whimper for me, hm?”
Hero complied right away. Spilling some pleas and whines and whimpers from their red lips desperately. Promises to be good and obedient for the villain were mindlessly tripping off their tongue, lost entirely in the heat between their nemesis and themselves.
Villains eyes lit up, humming softly as they brought their other hand to trace Hero’s jawline, down to their neck and across their tensed shoulders.
“You’re such a good puppy… So good for me, hm?”
Every word that came out of Villains mouth seemed to embarrass Hero to a new extent, but when Villain took a glance between Hero’s restrained thighs they could see the effect Hero couldn’t help themselves from having against it.
It was pitiful. Fuck, everything about Hero was pitiful and defenceless and the way they acted so tough, but couldn’t handle two seconds of touch nor two words of degradation? It was exhilarating.
“Hmm…” Villain travelled their free hand across and down Hero’s body, finally teasing between their legs as they began to stroke with their thumb.
“I think it’s my turn to have some fun, no?”
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I thought of this while falling asleep, so stick with me.
I have a very specific image in my head of jisung/chan/noona laying in bed all day and struggling with their mental health, like depresh sesh fr. And then seungmin sees it after he went to school and came back and they were in the same position. (Especially chan, bc we know he has experienced depression irl). So seungmin texts the pack and everyone goes into help the sad mode. Felix makes baked goods and lays with them, Minho makes dinner and makes sure they drink water (he knows when he doesn't need to be a snarky baby, so he lets them live), hyunjin helps with self care and gets them to shower, changbin talks to them and tries to get to the root of the issue, jeongin tries to get them to play games with him or just cuddles up to them and holds them tight like Felix. (Babies) at the end of the night, everyone is piled up in someone's bed watching a kdrama.
Also, ig i could ask the pack this too. If someone is being seriously depressed, how does everyone help? Who usually has the worst of it, if you wanna answer?
(This is so sweet. Thank you for sharing. Because as someone who struggles with mental health (as most of us do!) this was so comforting to read and imagine and take into consideration. <3)
Triggers (only discussed, nothing specific but please take care of yourself): Self Harm, Depression, Anxiety, Mental Illness, Suicide
"This is a serious ask." Changbin remarks somberly, lips drawing into a thin, pressed line.
"It is," Chan agrees, nodding. "But it's also incredibly important to talk about. But first-" He gives a soft little smile. "I wanna give all of you guys a big hug and tell you you're doing your absolute best-no matter where you are on your journey-that we're proud of you, and we love you."
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He settles back into his seat, folding his hands into his lap, glancing around at the other members of the pack.
"Is there anyone who feels comfortable discussing this? Or would you like me to go first?"
You glance to him. "I think we've all talked about this amongst each other before, but I don't know if we've ever really talked about it outside of the pack. So maybe it's best you go first, Channie."
He nods once and lets out a long breath between his lips. "Okay. Well, I've had a long, hard road of mental health struggles, it's not a secret I don't believe." He pauses for a moment, gathering his words, and then continues. "I've always had bouts of depression, but it got a lot worse when I moved from Australia to Korea to study."
"I was alone, I didn't know anyone, I was just a kid. I felt like no one cared, like I was adrift without anyone or anything to support me. I turned to school and music and producing to try and fill the void, but the weight of the darkness was increasing, and none of those things felt like enough."
You reach out silently and cover his hand with your own. He gives you a slight smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, and squeezes your fingers between his own gratefully.
"It got so bad, eventually I never left the studio-I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I didn't take care of myself. At my lowest, I seriously considered just being done with it all. No one would miss me anyway. At least that's what I'd convinced myself-and the depression agreed."
He blows another long sigh out through his teeth, and the pain in his dark eyes is heartbreaking.
"But-" He shifts, sitting up straighter and shaking off some of the heaviness, glancing to Changbin now. "-Then some asshole convinced me to partner up with him for a semester project."
Changbin shrugs and gives a rueful half grin in response. "What can I say? I wanted the best."
Chan gives a little chuckle, shaking his head slightly at the other alpha's teasing. "The depression didn't go away. The weight didn't just disappear over night. But over time, I realized that maybe I did have something, was really someone, that people would miss. At least, certain people that mattered."
He glances around at all of you now, affection flashing across his features, and he gives your hand another squeeze.
"It's still hard some days. I still get too in my head, the darkness never really disappears, it just takes the back seat for awhile, but I've learned how to cope with it better, to turn to people I trust for help, instead of withdrawing and being alone and letting it consume me."
"We're proud of you, Christopher." Minho states plainly, and you can see how much the words mean to Chan as they settle like a blanket around his shoulders.
"Anyway-" Chan gives a little laugh, the tips of his ears going red, as he shifts and rakes a hand through his curls. "Enough about me, someone else go."
"No, but wait-" You stop him, and he glances at you curiously. "-I think it's important to talk about and realize the triggers, the tells, of someone you know and love when it comes to mental health. Because sometimes, when they feel the darkness creeping back in, they can't vocally express that need for help."
Chan nods thoughtfully. "Very true."
"Hyung has very specific tells." Changbin adds, studying Chan. "He starts to withdraw, he spends a hell of a lot more time alone-in the studio, his room, etc.-which leads to him not taking care of himself. He gets quiet, like he's in his head and not with us, and I think everyone's gotten to the point where they can tell 'regular Chan quiet' from 'overthinking, sinking Chan quiet.'"
Chan is nodding again, shooting the other alpha a wordless, grateful look.
"Jisung and I both struggle incredibly with anxiety and panic attacks." You bring up next, looking to the beta, who is nodding beside Changbin. "Although, just because we have the same diagnosis, it doesn't mean our triggers or even our symptoms are the same."
"Yeah-" Jisung agrees, jumping in. "It's important to note that you can struggle from the same mental issues as someone else, and still realize that that doesn't mean you know anything about what the other person is going through. A similar diagnosis can look completely different for someone else."
"In my case, my anxiety revolves around uncertainty and the 'what ifs', and certain scenarios are really triggering for me." You continue, giving Jisung a breather before you give him the option to express his feelings. "If someone is later than normal getting home from school or work, I panic, coming up with all the worst case scenarios in my head until I can't breathe."
"Communication is absolutely key for you and the type of anxiety you struggle with." Chan agrees, nodding.
"Yeah, we've implemented check ins or communication methods when someone is going to be late or somewhere unexpected." You nod, giving Chan a little half smile. "It's really helped, and I really appreciate you guys doing that for me, even if it feels silly."
"Hey, Hyunjin-hyung never has to check in." Jeongin suddenly complains, as if he's only now just realized.
You grin. "Hyunjin is always late, so I've just come to expect it."
Hyunjin smirks like a cat, all sharp teeth and feline eyes. "You know me so well, baby."
Jisung takes in a deep breath, and you take that as his silent signal that he's ready to discuss his own struggles now.
You glance to him, and give him a little encouraging nod.
"On the other hand, I have a hard time with anxiety and panic attacks in social situations, or when dealing with crowds. I don't like to be around a lot of people that I don't know."
Changbin reaches over and stops the beta's nervous twisting of his hands in his lap, giving him a little warm smile.
Jisung steels himself with the alpha's encouragement and goes on. "I don't like feeling like people are counting on me, or expecting something from me that I can't give. In social situations, there's too many variables and too many unknowns, and I feel like I'm guaranteed to fail no matter what I do."
"The buddy system is a great way to help Sungie when he's feeling anxious." Felix interjects, giving the beta a dazzling smile. "We always stick around him in social situations or gatherings, just so he has someone he knows well to joke with or talk to."
"Yeah." Jisung lets out the breath he'd been holding, seem to relax a little. "That helps a lot."
"And Minho-hyung and noona are great at talking him down when he's in the full throes of an actual panic attack." Seungmin adds, throwing an arm around the other beta's shoulders in a silent show of support. "They let him breathe and take his time, and then convince him his feelings are valid and okay, and that he's safe."
Jisung nods again wordlessly, and you see Changbin squeeze his hands.
"As far as everyone helping out-" Felix looks thoughtful now, his brow creased. "-I feel like we all suffer from certain levels of mental issues, and that's to be expected, and everyone kind of just knows how to help in the right way depending on what pack member is feeling down."
"You were absolutely spot on with your scenario of what Channie likes though." You laugh, referencing the previous thoughts. "He needs people to pull him out of his head, help him take care of himself, and mainly snuggle and be there for him. He likes the entire pack to pull around him when he's in a rut."
"Minho-hyung on the other hand-" Changbin speaks up, giving the elder a pointed look. "-he'll bite your head off the first day. He likes his space until he's come down a little, and even then, he wants one or two specific people to just exist with him for awhile."
"And who are those one or two people?" You ask, already knowing the answer, laughing a little.
Minho rolls his eyes as Changbin answers without hesitation, "Chan and Felix of course."
"Ah, Aussie line!" Chan crows triumphantly, and Felix grins at him from across the room as Minho looks annoyed at having been called out.
"Anyway, as we said-" You continue, threading your fingers through Chan's. "-this is a super important topic to talk and be open about, and please, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to or confide in, find someone you trust-a therapist, a friend, a sibling, a parent-"
"A stranger on the internet." Jisung adds cheekily, grinning.
You laugh. "-a stranger on the internet. Just know you don't have to struggle alone, and that there are always people who will be there for you, even if the darkness makes you doubt that."
"We love you guys." Chan adds seriously, nodding. "And I think I've said it all at this point, so let's end with another big hug."
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tenyrasims · 2 days
The Sims is love. List 5 facts about a favorite sim couple of yours, and why you love them so much. Then pass this on to 5 others, whose sim couple(s) you also love. 💘💕
Naa😭 thats a REAL hard question for me. I love all of my couple but its hard to choose between Kiyoshi&Daiki and Ashina&Aidan because I love them the same amount. But since I need to choose ill go with Kiyoshi and Daiki ♥ Maybe with the next one. So here 5 facts ~
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☆ One reason why I love the two of them so much is that they are actually as different as black and white, but fit together perfectly in every way. Daiki is so pure and full of joie de vivre. That's why he didn't judge Kiyoshi from the first minute. He finds joy and laughs at the smallest things in life. He also has a fondness for art, drawing and nature. Whereas Kiyoshi is more on the serious and pessimistic side. He likes structure and doesn't like it when things get out of line. He actually always thought that it was bad if something was uncontrollable. ☆ Kiyoshi never loved anyone or anything in his life till he met Daiki. He didnt know how it felt like. He had girl and boyfriends because u know hes BI but never cared about something like feelings. Specially not someone like Daiki he always thought dudes of his kind are just "too much work". Its a weakness for him.
☆Same goes for Daiki. He had boyfriends before but never had a boyfriend like Kiyoshi, they are just not his type normally. He dont seems like it sometimes but hes a smart little boy. Almost too smart to fall for such a dude like Kiyoshi. But still happend ~ well i mean they were quite pushed into eachother am i right? 😊 ☆ I love the fact that Daiki actually knew Kiyoshi very good from the beginning. at least his attitude. The thing that wonders him is "how can someone be so perfect in everything hes doing without wanting it?" If Kiyoshi does something its always perfect - without any effort. He got good grades, can do every sport and martial art, is smart and got a good intuition. Well ... at least if it comes to someone else than Daiki😂 ☆While for Kiyoshi Daiki is a damn secret, even today. You could catch him staring at him while Daiki draws, cooks, listens to music and hums. Because he still wonders "how can a person be so fluffy, clumsy, without a care in the world and still live?"😂 In fact, he even wonders how he has survived to this day. Because he knows how cruel life can be.
Thanks for the ask~♥
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camprell-art · 3 months
So, I got back home yesterday, but I slept for only 2 hours, just that was enough for me to not have that much energy to draw or answer asks, and even after all that tiredness, I still had trouble to fall asleep.
When I woke up this morning I started feeling ill, I think it's not anything serious, it might be just the combo of "I didn't eat anything healthy the whole day except for a tangerine" and the usual nausea I feel when I wake up, that I'm almost certain it's happening because I ran out of one of my meds and by stopping taking it so abruptly, I must be feeling some side effects.
I'm just telling you all that because if I really do stay off of the internet or just passively interact with simpler asks or some commentaries on my posts, it's because I can either be a little tired or I got worse than what I'm feeling now, and I didn't want anyone feeling like I'm ignoring them or not interested in what they're saying.
And this reminded me to say that, if you gave me an idea, or just asked something a bit more complex, I'm actually saving it to think of a good response or waiting for a time that I have more patience and inspiration so I won't be making art or saying things that might look or sound lazy! So don't worry if you sent me an ask and it's taking longer than usual for it to get a response, I will try to get to it eventually because even if I'm not a fan of the idea, I like to at least show that I care :)
Also don't worry about my health! I have people here to help me if I need, so I'm pretty sure I won't suffer too much, independently of how long or how bad it can get.
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itstaisstuff · 10 months
omg?? do tell me about your reverse 1999 rarepair if youd like that sounds intriguing 👀
(psst - also new chapter of if then else, my longfic!! hehehehe) - silly anon
The thing is, it's not actually a rarepairing. It's just... One of the characters just got added to the game. They haven't interacted once (and i doubt they ever will) but hey. Hey. Listen. Doesn't a ghost photographer and a horror movies nerd sound like a great duo???? In other words, let me introduce you to the Clickpedia, the ship that killed me. (It's funny how i had a tangdubs au pretty close to whatever they are.)
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This is Click. War photographer, super quiet and careful. Yep. He's dead. In game you can actually have him as both human and ghost!!! He died at the age of 19. Honestly, im pretty sure he is the most determined character with the best sense of justice. Trying to show the world the real horrors of war through photos by risking his own life? Yep. That's my boy. Besides all the tragic stuff, he often takes pictures of anything silly, like kitties and just people around him.
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So basically the is that super nice quiet guy with the sweetest smile and tragic past. He deserved a better ending.
And then there's... Him.
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This is Horropedia. The most annoying character in the event and im surprised noone has slapped him in the face. (I started waiting for this game to release on global when first saw him on beta. I started playing because of him. It's been half a year and he's finally there. I cried. I am so normal about him.) Yeahhh well... What can i say. He's weird and probably has ADHD. He has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public places. That's not even a joke, he is so fucked up because he just wants to investigate into stupid horror stories so he just runs away. Surprisingly he is actually smart!!
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I like thinking about the fact this his greatest invention is bullets which shoot directly at the target, no matter where you aim. So his weapon is a gun he always carries around. And his ghost bf is traumatized by guns and war.
Yep. That's them. That's my silly little guys. They mean everything to be tbh. Remember how i said it's not really a rarepairing? Well because there is almost no content with Horropedia atm, and there is... Something with them both. So in terms of shipping, if you look at it from Horropedia's pov, that's the most popular ship with him! That's cool. Considering that i thought i was cured to love only rarepairings till the day i die. Well. Idk what to day. Once im done with my winter exams i will surely draw them. I swear i will. Surely...
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk, cya next ask
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daydream-cement · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to make a request for a Larissa X reader one-shot where the reader slowly starts to distance themself from her (sometimes the thoughts just win, ya know) and Larissa is concerned, trying to get them to talk to her and open up about what's happening, but they shrug it off as being tired. Reader falls into some no so healthy habits and coping mechanisms, eventually going to her because they're scared of what they might do if they continue down that path.
As I type this I realise how dark it sounds but I would be so interested to see where you take it, I absolutely love all of your other stories!!
Talk To Me
Larissa Weems x Reader
Authors Note: I’m going to write what I know here. I know there are more extreme coping mechanisms, but I’m not looking to trivialize experiences that I, myself, do not fully understand.
Warning: veiled descriptions of depression and mental illness
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You sat on the couch watching reruns of you-didn’t-care-what. Actually, you weren’t watching, you were scrolling on your phone. Even your scrolling through your apps was more mindless. You could have sworn that the inside of your skull was filled with a black fog that just wouldn’t go away.
“How are you doing, honey?” Larissa came over the back of the couch, her lips pressing themselves to your temple. She had just gotten home from work and you could tell she was happy to see you. You were struggling to feel much of anything lately. You hated the numbness and it was beginning to scare you.
“Mmm, good. And you?” You don’t look up from your phone or turn to kiss her.
Larissa doesn’t seem to notice as she hangs her jacket over the back of a chair and drops her back into its seat. She walks around the couch and plops down next to you, drawing you into her embrace, “Talk to me. You okay, honey? You seem a little off. Something happen at work?”
How could you explain to her the pain you felt without having any visible injuries?
“No, no, I’m okay. I’m just tired, I think.” You lied. You knew something was wrong, but the emotions felt too complex to articulate.
“Okay, baby. If you need anything, you know you can talk to me.” Larissa didn’t press, but you could tell that she didn’t believe you.
You skipped work three days in a row. Larissa typically would have never noticed, but when she came home to find you laying in the living room, there was no hiding it any longer. You hadn’t left your pajamas, didn’t have your phone, and the TV was off. You had chosen to just sit in the quiet room with your thoughts.
“Y/n… What’s going on…?” Larissa was slow in her movements. She set her things down and gingerly made her way to your side. She sat on the floor by your face so she could look at you.
Tears were already running down your face, you needed to tell her, you needed to share something with her. Larissa couldn’t take it when she saw you cry. She guided you off the couch and pulled you into her lap so she could hug and hold you.
When you finally calmed down your tears, you were able to verbalize some of your emotions, “I’m just so empty. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“There is nothing wrong with you. Many people go through this, y/n.” Larissa was quick with her reply and her serious tone made you know her words were honest and true.
“But I want it to stop…” You were able to say before you started crying again.
Larissa sat and rocked you for a moment, gently shushing you before she spoke, “Then we may need some help. Perhaps we could find someone for you to talk to. Everyone needs someone to talk to sometimes.”
You liked how she said ‘we’. You knew you weren’t in this alone. You kept talking to her, describing the emotions and how they made you feel. You truly felt a little bit better after talking about it with her. Getting the feelings out on the table made everything feel that much more bearable.
“You and me, baby. We will get through this.” Larissa held you close, like she was never going to let go. In that moment, you knew that with her support, you were going to find ways to cope and feel better.
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rivka-kopelman · 5 months
Crepuscular Lemur: Log 0.1
[April Xth, 30XX]
hi, today i went to Sleazeslaw & Colebag's Slipper Emporium.
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Since I'm not busy today and I have slipper problems, I went in. Colebag was a human with a broom, gathering the day's dust into a little pile.
Sleazeslaw was a nearsighted aardvark (big glasses). He was hunched over the counter, doing some embroidery. I examined the shelves of neatly arranged slippers.
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“R u gonna buy anything or just look?” asked Colebag.
“Hi I was wondering if u have anything like this?” I showed her my slippers. “...But without a hard rubber sole?
Colebag took my slipper and turned it over.
“Without a hard sole u won't be able to walk around outside.”
“Yea I know, I don't want to wear them outside, just inside.”
“Well it still won't hurt u to have a sturdy sole, obviously!”
“But it loudly clacks on the floor. I want soft ones.”
She sighed and shook her head. “Here how about this orange set? She showed me some vibrant slippers with a pattern of citrus fruit embroidered on it and a fluffy inner lining.
“No I like slippers just like these.” I pointed at my blue slippers she was still holding. “Cause they're warm and I like them.
She rolled her eyes and went over to Sleazeslaw and dropped them noisily onto the counter.
“What is it Colebag u fucking bitch?” he demanded. "What a damnable bitch!"
Then Colebag told him everything I told her, like the conversation he just heard by being in the room.
“Uh huh . Uh huh . I see. I can just remove the rubber bottom from these and replace it with something spongy, but it will be difficult to wash.”
“That's ok I don't have a washing machine haha.”
“Alternatively...” Sleazeslaw went on, squinting at my slipper from another angle. “I could just make u new pair. These are not tailored for a lemur paw.”
He nodded sagely. “It's true. This was made for a baboon.”
How embarrassing I didn't even know.
“Um ok I'd like a new pair of slippers please.”
Sleazeslaw nodded again slowly. He looked pleased but quite serious too.
“Ill take your measurements... step into this paint for me if u please.”
He produced a bucket of green paint.
“Ok,” I say, and step in with both feet.
“Perfect. Now step on this piece of paper.”
“Ok,” I say, and step on it. Sleazeslaw held up my runny green footprint page and squinted at it.
“I see, I see... It will take me some time to create your new slippers,” he said.
“How long?”
“Six minutes and ten seconds. You can get your fortune read while you wait. It's complimentary.”
“Ok cool,” yep that's fine
“Colebag come u have a customer here,” he snapped. The human stomped over and got behind the counter. She put on a baseball cap that said I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS
“What's your fave colour?” She brusquely asked.
“Grey,” I answer. She looks at the lines of my palm and coughs.
“It's not looking good,” she confesses. “Not good at all.”
“What's gonna happen to me?”
Her nostrils flared. “Ohh you don't wanna know.”
“Oh. Hmm can u check again?”
“Yeah,” she said. Colebag took out a pack of cards from her purse and shuffled them then told me to hold them to my heart. I did so.
“Now, since you are a lemur, draw three cards,” she instructs me. I turn over my first card onto the counter.
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“Ah, the Sesame Seed. The meaning of this card is quite interesting.”
And then my second card. It's another Sesame Seed.
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“Ah, looking seedy,” sighed Colebag.
I draw my third card and it's the Shining Meteor.
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“Ah, this triplet is a clear omen.”
“What does it mean?”
She waves her hands mystically over the cards. She lowers her head. “An omen is a sign of what is to come.”
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