#omfg i'm doing another series that nobody wanted
finnofamerica · 5 years
Thompson - Reg Slivko X Reader
Summary: Y/n and Reg Slivko have a rough history. After suffering from over a year's worth of PTSD, what happens when the two of them meet up again? Will the memories get worse? Or will they finally heal? 
Word count: 566
Date Posted: 6.14.2019
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“Your neck.” You brought your hand up but resisted touching it in case it was still painful.
“Yeah, I scratched it and it started bleeding again, but I think it’s mostly okay.” He gently touched it, trying not to cringe when it stung.
“Here.” You pulled him to the hammock. “Sit.”
You wet a little cloth pulling over the desk chair so you could sit level with him. Cleaning his wounds as gently as you could, apologizing every time he hissed in pain. You admired your work once the blood was cleared away.
“Nothing.” You grinned. “Even with the scratches, you’re still the cutest person I’ve met.”
Slivko blushed as he cupped your hand that still had the bloody cloth in it, his other hand finding your cheek.
“You don’t mean that,” He said.
“But I do.”
“The girls back home think I’m dorky.”
“You are dorky,” You beamed, “but I like that about you.”
“I’d like to kiss you,” His voice dropped like he was telling you a secret he didn’t want anyone to hear.
“I dare you.”
So he did. Only gently at first, but as your fingers played with the hairs on the back of his neck he became desperate.
He knew when he saw you that first day at that meeting that if he didn’t talk to you he’d regret it for the rest of his life. You were standing to the side wearing a grey tank top and an overshirt tied around your waist. You’d looked kind of bored as you listened, but he thought you were gorgeous and too pretty to be in this kind of gig. He was sold from the second you opened your mouth, pointing out a flaw in the plan.
Your entire senses were consumed by him: smell, touch, taste. He was gentle and passionate and made you laugh. He was very quickly becoming a source of comfort you’d never had before. As his lips moved with yours, you couldn’t help but think about how you were going to miss this when he went back home to Detroit. At the end of this all you’d’ve known him for two weeks and three days and a lifetime worth of trauma.
“Wow,” You breathed, breaking for air. Slivko looked at least a little proud of himself - for taking your breath away or actually kissing you, he didn't know.
"Thank you for, um, helping me with my neck." He let his hand drop, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to back away yet.
"It's no pro-blem." You shrugged, a yawn interrupted your last word. Slivko shifted, letting you settle into the hammock while he turned off the lights.
That's how the remainder of the week progressed. Most nights you spent in each other's bed. Unfortunately, you knew all good things had an end.
With that end came quiet goodbyes to the friends you'd made over your short time together. Mills was first, flying out to Key West. You asked him to pour a drink for you now and again. The was Conrad who gave you a hug and told you to keep in touch. Marlow and Slivko left soon after. One by one they all left until it was just you. You, your one-way ticket back home and a sliver of hope that Slivko would find the note you tucked into the pocket of his backpack.
Tags: @carolinesbookworld
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