#okay. okay bye 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
cerealmonster15 · 2 years
New Memories in Good Company [Twst fic]
[read on Ao3]
Rating: G
Wordcount: 4,082
Summary: Cater takes Riddle out for a day on the town in an attempt to teach him to relax and just be a teenager.
“Riddle!” Cater’s cheerful voice broke through the silence in Heartslabyul’s common room as he came bouncing down the stairs and plopped down next to Riddle on the couch. “You busy?”
“I was just doing a crossword puzzle this morning,” Riddle replied, “But I actually just finished. Did you need something?”
Cater’s smile widened as he clasped his hands together. “Ooh, perfect timing for Cay-Cay! Wanna come shopping in town with me?”
Riddle tilted his head. “What could you possibly need to go buy that requires an extra set of hands to carry back?”
Cater tilted his head back, mirroring Riddle’s confused expression. “Huh? Carry? No, I don’t need anything specific.”
“Then why go? I don’t have anything I needed either, if that’s what you were thinking. Perhaps you heard Trey talking about the weekly grocery trip-”
“No, Riddle!” Cater whined. “It’s not shopping with a purpose, it’s shopping for funsies!” 
Riddle only looked more confused. “For.. whatsies?”
Cater sighed dramatically, leaning back on the couch and idly kicking his feet. “Y’know, walking around the shops just ‘cause! Maybe finding something exciting to take home, maybe not. We’ll go just to hang out!”
Riddle continued to peer at Cater with curiosity and uncertainty. “What would be the purpose of taking a trip to the store just to ‘hang out’,” he said, making air quotes as he spoke, “if we have no business there? You could just as easily spend time with a friend on campus.”
“OMG, Riddle, you’re killin’ me here!” Cater’s eyes grew wide as he sat back up, leaning close into Riddle’s space. “Are you saying you’ve never just wandered around a shopping center without purpose? Like, you only go clothes shopping or whatever when you specifically need something?!”
Riddle leaned back from the sudden encroachment on his personal space. “I am not one to spend my time frivolously. As for clothes…” Riddle pinched the hem of his own shirt between his fingers. “...My mother had full control over my wardrobe back home. I only went with her so she could be sure her selection fit me properly.”
Cater gasped and slapped his hand to his chest in melodramatic horror. “You mean you’ve NEVER been allowed to pick out your own clothes? Not ONCE!?”
Riddle’s cheeks reddened as he averted his gaze away from Cater and towards the floor. “Does it really matter, if what I have fits me just fine and suits my needs?”
Cater’s face softened. “There’s more to clothes than functionality, you know. It’s fun to get to personalize your wardrobe and express yourself!
“Why would-?”
Before Riddle could question any further, Cater jumped up and took Riddle by the hands, pulling him to his feet. “Change of plans; we ARE shopping with a purpose today. I’m taking you out right now, and we are gonna find you a fun new outfit!”
“So, is there any kind of look that you’ve been dying to try out?” Cater asked Riddle as they walked through the racks of clothing, pausing to feel a fluffy white sweater that was peeking out from amidst the rest.
Riddle squinted  at the sweater. “...Not particularly. I’d never really given it much thought before. I suppose…” His gaze fell on the rest of the rack, and Riddle felt a bit overwhelmed at the sheer volume of choices before him. “I can’t exactly say that I know what I like...”
Oh, the way this boy could consistently break Cater’s heart with statements like that. 
“Well, now’s the perfect time to find out!” Cater hummed, putting a hand to his chin as he thought about what to choose for this game of dress-up. “Why don’t we try experimenting with something new? You’re always in such proper, preppy clothes… Let’s do something bolder!” He ran his hand through a nearby rack, pushing the hangers around until his face lit up. “Oh my god, Riddle, please try this on.”
Riddle looked at the garment Cater pulled out, and scowled. “...You want me to wear a studded leather jacket? I’ll look ridiculous.”
“Not if you coordinate it properly! Here, it’d look so perf with these jeans!” Cater handed the jacket to Riddle and lunged at another rack, pulling out a pair of black jeans he’d eyed and tossed that at Riddle as well before he had the chance to protest.
Before he knew it, Riddle found himself in the dressing room, with Cater buzzing around outside, waiting in anticipation.
“C’mon, lemme see, Riddle!” Cater called from the other side of the door. “Look, I promise I won’t be like your mom and make you try on a million outfits for me. I just wanna see you in this one first, y’know, to break the ice! I think you’ll totally have an easier time picking stuff out once you get started.”
Riddle let out a sigh. Honestly, the things he let Cater get away with…
He pulled on the sleeveless top and the jacket, and paused to check how they looked in the mirror. While he didn’t think this particular look would be his style, he had to admit that Cater had a good eye for finding clothes that compliment each other well.
Then, he went to change his pants. He picked up the jeans to get a closer inspection, but scowled as they unfolded.
“Cater,” Riddle said through the door. “I think you grabbed a defective pair of jeans.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“There are holes all over!” He scrunched his nose as he stuck his finger through the gaping spots. “Honestly, how did something like this get past quality control?”
Cater only laughed. “No, Riddle, the holes are supposed to be there!”
“What?” Riddle stared at the jeans in confusion. “Why would anyone want a pair of purposefully destroyed jeans!?” 
“Don’t think about it too hard, Riddle; it’s fashion! It doesn’t have to make sense, it’s just gotta be fun!”
Riddle didn’t know what was ‘fun’ about wearing damaged garments, but he supposed there was no harm in trying it on…
A few moments later, the door creaked open, and Riddle stepped out apprehensively.  “Um-”
“Oh my god, YES!” Cater grinned, clapping his hands together. “You look so different! The black outfit really makes the redness of your hair pop. C’mon, lemme take a pic!”
Riddle scowled. “Absolutely not. I would never hear the end of it from our classmates if they saw me in such a ridiculous outfit!”
“Aww, but it’s so fun! Pleeeaase?” Cater pouted. “I’ll keep it our little secret! No posting this one- promise.”
Riddle took one look at Cater’s pleading expression and sighed. “...Fine. So long as you keep your word of respecting my privacy.”
“Yay, thanks! You can count on me!” Cater said with an excited and lightning fast click of the camera on his phone. “Ahh, you look SO cute! C’mon, let’s have you pick something out, next!”
The two spent what felt like hours going through rack after rack of different outfits in styles that Riddle didn’t even know existed. He’d started to think the two of them would be there until closing time, but, as he currently stood in the changing room, admiring the outfit he’d just put together…
Cater knocked on the door. “Riddle! What’d you find? C’mon, I wanna see!”
Riddle stepped out in a loose fit T-shirt, plain white, save for a palm-sized emblem of a red rose on the corner pocket. He’d paired it with simple blue jeans, and the most casual pair of gray sneakers he’d ever worn in his life.
Cater broke out into a huge grin. “Oh my god! It suits you perfectly!” He was already pulling out his phone, and started snapping pictures. “The simplistic style of that shirt, with the red rose motif for our dearest Heartslabyul Housewarden? I can’t think of anything better. And you look so comfy!”
Riddle’s face grew hot from Cater’s intense enthusiasm. “A-Alright, that’s enough of that! Let’s just go pay.”
Cater just laughed. “Oki-doki! But you have to put that outfit on again after we pay. I want more pics of the new you!”
“Fine, fine.”
Once Riddle changed back and they headed to the check out, something caught Cater’s eye, halting him in his tracks.
Riddle nearly crashed into his back. “Wh- Cater?! Why did you stop in the middle of the walkway? You’re blocking the path for other patrons.”
Cater just grinned, taking Riddle’s arm and pulling him to the side. “Look!” He picked up what appeared to be a round, brightly colored, stuffed cat. 
Riddle looked at it, confused. “You’re… Excited over a children’s toy?”
“It’s more than that, Riddle!” Cater pushed it into Riddle’s hands as he browsed the shelves for more. “These things are all the rage on Magicam! They were really popular when we were kids, and they’ve been making a #Nostalgia comeback lately, so the company put out a new line lately as like, an homage to the good ol’ days!” He gasped, reaching out to touch what appeared to be a stuffed, round puppy. “Aw, I remember having one like this when I was younger!” He smiled at Riddle. “What about you? Don’t these totally bring back memories of your favorite stuffed animal?”
Riddle gazed into the bright, shiny eyes of the kitty plush in his hands. “...Not really.”
Cater gave him a puzzled look. “No? Well, what kind of toys did you play with when you were a kid?”
“I… Didn’t really have much in the way of frivolous toys, I suppose. My mother had me focused on schoolwork and more practical hobbies for as long as I could remember.”
Cater looked horrified. “You didn’t have, like, any toys?!”
Riddle did his best to think, but nothing particularly came to mind. “I suppose it’s possible I had a few when I was an infant, but I’d have been too young to remember such things.”
Cater gave him a pained look, clutching his chest with one hand for dramatic effect, and putting the other on Riddle’s shoulder. “This cannot go on, Riddle. We’re buying you one of these right now!”
“What?! Cater, don’t be ridiculous. I-I’m not a child,” Riddle said, putting the cat plush back on the shelf. He crossed his arms, cheeks tinted pink, and stared at the floor.
Cater’s heart ached at the sight before him. He scanned the shelves in front of him, racking his brain for some kind of solution…
“Well…” Cater said, reaching for something further back that he spotted on the shelf. “I def need to take one of these home for my Magicam account.” He held up his find: a brown, very round, stuffed hedgehog.
Riddle’s eyes widened. 
It was really, really cute.
Cater couldn’t help but smile at the look of childlike wonder on Riddle’s face. “So this little guy’s just gonna have to come back to Heartslabyul with us! Don’t you think it’ll look super cute if we pose it with the lil’ hedgies in the dorm?”
Riddle could not deny the high adorability factor of such a concept. “I… Suppose that would make for a nice photo setting, yes.”
“Great!” Cater bounced on the balls of his feet with excitement. “Let’s go check out.”.
The pair walked for a while through the town streets, taking in the different shops and sights as they passed by. A performing musician stood on a street corner, her sweet violin music drawing their attention. Without any words, the two found themselves wandering over to observe the performance. It was pretty, gentle, and attention-grabbing.
But, though Riddle was thoroughly enraptured by the performance, he instead felt Cater’s eyes staring intently at him, rather than the performer.
“...Cater, if you have something to say, then come out with it.” Riddle said, speaking quietly as to not disturb the performance, even though they were outside on a fairly bustling street full of conversations.
“Oh, sorry, Riddle! You’re just so cute, I can’t help but stare,” Cater winked.
Riddle only responded with an unimpressed, silent stare right back.
“Okay, okay,” Cater laughed. “You caught me! I was just thinking, since we’re out here finding the new you and all…” He reached out and pushed some of Riddle’s hair behind his ear. “And I was just thinking that the perfect finishing touch to this new outfit of yours would be if you got your ears pierced!”
Riddle’s eyes widened. Surely he heard Cater wrong. “Excuse me!? Have you lost your mind, Cater?”
“I think you’d look cool!”
“I think you’re delusional.”
“Oh, c’mon, hear me out!” Cater pleaded.
“My mother would have my head if I showed up with piercings in any part of my body!” Riddle practically shouted, forgetting about the performer as they spoke.
Cater couldn’t help but grin as the two continued down the street. “Exactly, dear! What better way to embrace your own identity and stick it to your overbearing mother than doing something bold and daring like this?! And, besides,” he flicked his own earring as he spoke, “we could be matchy-matchy!”
“I cannot believe you’re so nonchalant about this.”
“I mean, I got mine pierced a while ago, and I didn’t die. Neither will you.” Cater offered a gentler smile to Riddle. “Honestly, it’s not so bad, and it feels so freeing. Like, you unlock another level of self expression, from the ears! And, besides, what’s your mom gonna do if she hates it? Once they’re all healed up, she can’t exactly unpierce your ears.” He gave Riddle a pat on the shoulder. “When it comes down to it, it’s your choice, no matter what anyone says! Not mine, not your mom’s, no one’s choice but yours, Riddle.”
No one but Riddle…
Riddle stood, eyebrows furrowed with intense concentration as he let Cater’s words sink in.
Cater was elated that Riddle seemed to even be considering the idea at all. Had he suggested such a thing just one year ago, Cater was sure he wouldn’t have even gotten the full sentence out before getting shot down. He probably wouldn’t have even tried asking, really, as the Riddle from one year ago was much different from the one that stood in front of Cater today. Sure, he was still a strict and hot-headed rule-follower, but Cater had been there since Riddle’s first day at Night Raven College. He and Trey had stood by Riddle’s side as his right-hand men ever since Riddle took over as Housewarden of Heartslabyul dorm after his first week of school. He was a force to be reckoned with, and everyone knew that. Sure, Cater wasn’t an official Vice Housewarden, like Trey, but he was often involved with helping lead nearly just as many tea party preparations and underclassmen supervising, and such a role didn’t come from blind trust.
To an outsider, Riddle might seem like the same rule-following robot he appeared to be on his first day through the mirror.
But, Cater was no outsider. 
Cater was Riddle’s friend.
He was Riddle’s friend, and he knew better. Riddle still had his flaws, sure. Who didn’t, especially at a school like Night Raven College? But, despite his hang-ups, Riddle was someone who was trying. He helped Deuce understand basic math concepts that he’d struggled  with. He created a magicam account just to help trick Cater into studying for an exam. He was… doing his best not to have a meltdown over EVERY little Queen of Hearts rule infringement.
Riddle was, like any other teenager, a work in progress.
And he was Cater’s friend.
And Cater’s friend was now looking up at Cater, with a determined look in his eye.
“I’ll do it.”
“Wait, for real?!” Cater gasped, his eyes lit up with glee. “You’ll come with me to get your ears pierced? Seriously!?”
Riddle took a slow breath. “...Yes. I want to pierce my ears. For me.”
Cater grinned, reaching out to take Riddle’s hand, and guided him over to the local piercing shop. “You’re gonna love it, I promise.”
“Riddle, I can’t get over how adorbs you look!” Cater said as the two exited the shop. “Those are gonna look SO good with the dorm uniform!”
Riddle resisted the urge to touch his earlobes, wanting to give them a chance to heal. He had chosen small, golden studs shaped like little crowns.
Fitting, for the Queen of Hearts motif that his uniform carried. Even in the face of teenage rebellion, Riddle still wanted to look his best.
 “Oooh, look; let’s go into that new café over there!” Cater said, pointing to a tiny little shop at the corner of the path. “I heard it just opened, and the reviews have all been crazy good.”
“I’m not particularly hungry,” Riddle said as he followed Cater through the entrance, “but I don’t mind accompanying you.”
“No, but… Riddle!” Cater complained. “We talked about this; you’ve gotta try the full experience! Let me buy you a fun drink or something, at least! You can take it with you if you don’t finish, but you gotta try. Please?”
“Cater, I do not drink things ‘for fun.’”
“Yeah, you’re tellin’ me.” Cater rolled his eyes playfully and led Riddle to the counter with him, pointing up to the menu. “It doesn’t hurt to have something extra once in a while. Live a little!”
Riddle peered at the menu, feeling once again intimidated by the large list of strangely named drinks that awaited to be chosen from. “Um…”
“Want me to make a suggestion?” Cater asked with an eager smile.
“If you insist.”
“Hmm, well, you like sweet things, right? Like, Trey’s strawberry tarts and stuff.” Cater tapped his chin. “...Oh, I’ve got it!”
Moments later, Cater and Riddle were seated at a secluded table off in the corner with their drinks. Cater had ordered himself a simple latte, and of course, he’d requested the barista to surprise him with some cute latte art for his magicam feed.
He’d happily received one with a cute little cat smiling up at him, its foam paws sticking out over the edge.
And for Riddle…
“Is this… a drink, or a dessert?” He asked, staring at the cup. Inside was what appeared to be a scoop of strawberry ice cream, partially submerged by coffee, and topped with chocolate shavings.
“It’s both! Or, well… No, I think it’s just a dessert, actually,” Cater laughed. “It’s an affogato, kinda. I don’t think they usually make ‘em with strawberry ice cream, but I asked for a substitution, just for you!” He said with a wink.
Riddle smiled. “Thank you, Cater. It looks quite good.”
“No prob! But, lemme take a pic, first. Ooh, actually, let’s take a drink selfie!” Cater scooted his chair over beside Riddle, putting his arm around him and angling the camera upward to make sure to get the drinks in frame with their smiling faces. He reached the hand on Riddle’s shoulder up as they posed, and tucked the hair behind his ear, before clicking the shutter. “Had to make sure we got those sweet new studs in the pic!”
Riddle picked up his spoon and tried his new dessert, as Cater flashed the phone in his direction.
“Look how cute we are! Riddle, you’ve gotta let me post this one. Please?” Cater asked, with his sweetest pleading face.
Riddle sighed, unable to resist the soft smile on his face. “Alright, if you must.”
“Yes!” He cheered, and got to tapping out the perfect hashtags. He made sure to tag Riddle’s Magicam account, as unused as it normally was. 
The photo had only been posted for a few seconds, before Cater’s phone pinged with a comment notification
Ace Trappola: no way. theres NO WAY those are real. i refuse to believe that u got HOUSEWARDEN RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS to pierce his ears!!! who is that cater. who did u pay to pretend to be riddle? tell me rn.
Cater giggled as he read the comment out to Riddle. “Looks like Acey’ll be waiting for us with questions when we get back.”
Riddle sighed. “He should be focusing that much attention on his studying, not other people’s ears.”
Another notification popped up.
Deuce Spade: woah :0?!?!?!?!?
And another.
Trey Clover: Glad you two are having fun :)
“Trey’s so dorky when he writes Magicam comments. He sounds like such a parent,” Cater laughed.
Notification after notification kept popping up as they sat, and Cater moved back to sit beside Riddle so he could put the phone between them, where they could both read the comments as they appeared on screen.
Chen’ya: Ooohoho, we should swap earrings sometime :3
Epel Felmier: omg riddle u look so badass!!!!
Kalim Al-Asim: YES!!!!! ♥💜🧡❤💛💖🕺🕺🕺 welcome to the earring buddies club riddle!!!! :D!!!! you look sooo good!!!!
Jamli Viper: Nice.
Floyd Leech: GOLDFISHIE PIERCED HIS EARS 👀👀👀👀?!?!!?!? hahahahahaha omg i didnt think u had it in ya!!! thats so funny lol
Riddle glared at the phone as Cater hastily swept that notification away from view. 
Jade Leech: Oh my. A rather bold choice from our dear Riddle. They look very nice on you. I look forward to seeing this change for myself, in person.
Azul Ashengrotto: How unexpected. Do let me know if you need any assistance finding discounts on quality jewelry in the future. I’d be more than happy to assist.
“Ugh,” Riddle rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his dessert. “Are those guys just sitting around Mostro Lounge on their phones and scheming together?!”
“Knowing Octavinelle? Probably!” Cater swiped away the notifications, as more came in.
Rook Hunt: Oh, si magnifique, Roi de Roses 🌹👑💖!!! I cannot wait to bask in your splendor when you arrive back on campus. You look truly lovely, embracing this new side of yourself ✨✨✨
Lilia Vanrouge: if you're ever looking for something bolder, you are free to visit my wardrobe sometime :3
Silver: 👍
A different sound tone played, as Cater received a text instead of a comment.
Vil Shoenheit: Just how much sugar are you feeding that boy, Cater? Is that even considered a drink?
Cater huffed in offense as he picked up his phone to text Vil back.
Cater Diamond: Whatever!!! You wont even follow me back on magicam, and yet you’re peepin’ my posts 👀?? How’d you even see that??
Vil Schoenheit: I’m sitting next to Rook.
Cater Diamond: lmao you’re basically following me by association
Vil Schoenheit: And yet, that’s not enough to keep you from pestering me for a follow, is it?
Cater Diamond: Nope 🧡
Vil Schoenheit: Hah. You’re hopeless 💜
Cater just laughed as he put his phone back down. 
Riddle shook his head. “Why does it feel like you and Vil have that same conversation every week?”
“Because we do,” Cater grinned. “And I am nothing if not dedicated! It’s basically a challenge at this point, Riddle!” He said as he finished off the last of his latte. 
“Ugh, I’ll never understand you and your social media fascination…” Riddle said, as he, too, finished his dessert-drink thing.
“You don’t have to! You’ve done plenty for me, just looking super cute, and bringing in the post engagement! You’re gonna steal the hearts of all my Magicam followers, with just your ears!”
Riddle couldn’t help but laugh, as the two stood to leave.
As Riddle returned to his bedroom, he turned the shopping bags from the day over and slid the contents out onto his bed so that he could properly fold and put away the extra clothes. His eyes widened, as he noticed an unexpected item tumble out of one of the shopping bags. 
It was a brown, very round, stuffed hedgehog. Cater must have snuck it into his bag when he wasn’t looking…
Riddle gently picked up the hedgehog, running his hand over the soft plush fabric. He felt a warm smile forming on his face, and he moved to tuck the hedgehog within the pillows on his neatly made bed.
Riddle sat on the edge of his bed, and pulled out his phone. He opened his camera, pointing it at the neatly made bed, with the hedgehog centered, and clicked to take a photo.
He opened Magicam, the selfie Cater posted with him earlier popping up first thing on his feed. 
A few more taps on his phone, and he’d made his first post in months.
Seconds later, a notification appeared on his screen.
Cater Diamond: Best shopping trip 🧡🧡🧡
Riddle smiled, tucked his phone into his pocket, and went to put away the rest of his clothes.
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