#okay thanks for letting me get that off my chest
The Feral Medic
Chapter 3
Not edited or beta read
Pairings: poly141xoriginal character, GhostxSoap 
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, sexual situations, anal sex (male receiving and giving), medical inaccuracies, military inaccuracies 
“Here's your office, through that door is the medical examination room. Look around and tell me anything you need ordered from the hospital on base I’m not sure how the inventory is in there.” John states as Aurora glances around the small office. There’s a small desk with a computer and rolling chair, behind it are large bookshelves filled with medical books. To the right, there is a locked filing cabinet beside a door with a window leading into the medical exam room. 
Aurora smiles as she nods. “Of course Captain.” She says as she glances at the other pack mates standing at the door. “The filing cabinet should have the medical files for the four of us. I would show you the rest but I need to meet with Laswell so I’ll have Gaz show you the rest of the building.” John says as he pats Aurora on the shoulder. “Welcome to the pack.” He says in a gruff voice before turning to leave. 
Aurora watches as Kyle steps forward. Her bright eyes shine with humor as she stares up at him. “Let’s go mister your guide.” She says playfully causing him to let out a small chuckle as he turns to head back down the hallway. 
Aurora listens intently as he shows her the common room, the meeting room, and the office space where Price and Ghost's office are before stopping at a door that leads down a long hallway. 
“Our quarters.” Kyle says as he walks down the hall. “Price is at the end of the hall, the door at the direct end. My room is to his right.” Kyle says as he points to the door at the end and the door next to it. “Then Soap is next to me with Ghost right across.” He says as he continues to walk. “The door next to Soap leads to the bathroom, it’s communal sadly except of course Price has a private bathroom. Next to Ghost is the laundry.” Kyle says patting the two doors before stopping at the door across from his, between Ghost and Price's large suite. He opens the door and smiles. 
“This will be yours.” He says as the door swings open. Aurora glances inside to see her bags and suitcases sitting on and around the full-sized bed that sits in the middle of the room. Her things carry her scent, a strong mix of strawberries and something floral wafting from the room. 
Aurora takes in the room, not noticing the way the three men stiffen as her scent hits their noses. Ghost coughs to cover up a growl that seems to come from his chest. 
“The next building over has the mess and the gyms. I know you’re used to military so we do breakfast at 0600, lunch at 1200, and dinner at 1800 but the kitchen in the common room has snacks and you’re free to buy whatever and keep it in there.” Kyle says as he smiles at Aurora. 
“Oh wow okay, thank you.” She smiles as Kyle clears his throat. “Well, we will leave you to get packed. We will come get you for lunch. If you need anything let me know.” Kyle says as he gives a small wave and heads back out of the living area. 
Johnny and Ghost are standing there with Johnny looking up at Ghost curiously, trying to read his expression through the mask. “Do we have to wear scent-blocking patches or is it just up to us?” Aurora asks Johnny as she moves into her room. “It’s up to you Lass most of the time no one wears them unless they’re meeting someone new. Price thought it’d be a good idea since we’ve never met you before. We mainly wear them on missions honestly.”Johnny says as Aurora nods. “Good I hate them, they cause so many skin issues.” Aurora says as she reaches up and peels the thick patch off her neck and begins removing the ones on her wrists. Outside the door, Ghost takes a deep breath as her unfiltered, fresh scent hits his nose through the mask. His hands tighten into fists as he grabs Johnny by the back of the neck. 
“See you at lunch.” Ghost says gruffly as he practically drags Johnny back down the hallway toward the offices. Aurora watches them go curiously before turning back to her room to begin unpacking. 
“Shite LT you’re going to rip my spine out!” Johnny practically yells as his Alpha drags him into his office e before shutting the door. Ghost finally releases his tight hold as he shuts and locks the door. 
Johnny watches Ghost with a raised eyebrow as he begins removing the patches on his neck and wrists. As soon as the patches are removed the deep scent of gunpowder and tobacco permeates the room. 
“Bleeding Jesus.” Johnny gasps as the scent hits his nose the darkening of the scent causing his head to spin slightly. “What’s got you so worked up?” Johnny says as he watches Ghost fix him with an intense stare through his mask. 
Ghost ignores him as he slowly stalks towards him. “Ah, I see the little Omega has you all ready to go huh?” Johnny smirks as he backs up slightly, enjoying teasing his Alpha. 
“Johnny.” Ghost practically growls in warning, his voice deeper with his Alpha timber causing a shiver to go down Johnny's spine. Johnny smiles as Ghost finally grabs him around the back of the neck his hands making quick work to remove the patch lying there. When the patch is removed the smell of citrus and rain fills the office, and the smell is slightly dark as well. 
“Not the only one worked up by the ‘Mega.” Ghost grunts as he lifts his mask to reveal his mouth. Johnny groans as Ghost leans down and begins nipping at his neck causing him to let out small whimpers. Ghost glances at the clock behind his desk, 1100. “Gotta be quick.” He murmurs before pulling Johnny in for a rough kiss full of teeth and tongue. 
Ghost leans around Johnny and opens the top drawer of his desk, removing the bottle of lube he keeps there due to him cornering Johnny or Kyle in his often more often than not. Johnny whimpers when he hears the drawer open, a growl escaping his lips as he’s roughly spun around, his hands slapping on the desk loudly. 
Ghost makes quick work of the button and fly on Johnnys pants, barely shoving them down to his knees. He uncaps the lube and presses against Johnny's lower back to force him to bend over. “Come on, you know how I like it.” Ghost growls as Johnny lays his front flat on the desk and spreads his legs as much as he can. Ghost groans as he spreads the lube on Johnny's hole before slipping a finger inside to quickly prep him. Johnny releases whimpers as he’s quickly stretched before the ghost adds another. 
“Simon, please.” Johnny whimpers with his face pressed against the desk. A deep growl escapes Ghost's chest as he quickly undoes his pants, not bothering to pull them down more than enough to free himself. He lines himself up before releasing a loud growl as he slowly slides inside. 
Aurora smiles as she looks at her room. She had managed to move the bed so it was up against the far wall with the desk directly under her small window. All of her clothes were folded and put away in the closet and dresser. 
The bed was a mountain of pillows and blankets, a true Omega nest. She had just finished changing into more casual clothes, noticing that on base the dress code was much more lax for the task force, when a knock sounded at her door. She opens it to find Kyle smiling at her. “Lunch time.” He says with a smile. The scent of spearmint and linen fills the small space causing Aurora to smile at the relaxing scent of beta. 
“Good, I’m starving even though I know mess hall food isn’t the best.” Aurora laughs as she steps out and shuts her door. “It’s not, but it’s better than one of us cooking inpromise.” Kyle jokes causing Aurora to laugh slightly as they head to the mess. 
Aurora fills her plate with food and follows Kyle to a table in the corner where Ghost and Johnny are already seated. As she approaches and sits across from Johnny she notices that Ghost stiffens slightly. She can swear she hears him take a breath in as he continues to stare at his food. 
Kyle sits next to her and they begin to eat silently. After a moment Kyle sniffs the air and stares at Ghost and Johnny, noticing their scents are blending. Upon a harder look, Kyle starts smirking as he notices a fresh bite mark on Johnnys neck. “How was your paperwork LT?” Kyle says with a smirk as Ghost looks at him. “Fine.” Ghost grunts out as Johnny looks at Kyle with a smile. 
Aurora glances between the two betas and alpha before smirking as she notices the bite mark as well. “Ghost had a tendency to bite.” Kyle leans over to whisper through a laugh. She shakes her head with a laugh as she continues to eat her food. After a moment she feels eyes on her and glances up. Her heart practically stops as she meets Ghost's eyes, his pupils dilated as he stares at her. He doesn’t falter when he notices her staring back. After a moment Kyle clears his through causing her to jump and look at him. 
“So Cap said you were going to have to give us all exams and possibly some vaccines?” Kyle says as Aurora nods. “Yeah after lunch I’m going to go check the inventory and look at everyone’s files and then I’ll let you all know what you’re all missing and need to get caught up on.” She says as she takes a bite of her pizza. Kyle nods as he looks at the other three. 
“I’ll probably start the exams and stuff tomorrow morning after your training.” She says as she glances at Ghost. “You’ll go last for obvious reasons.” She says as she points her fork at him after taking a bite of salad. Ghost bristles slightly at that, squaring his shoulders and sitting up a bit taller. Aurora raises an eyebrow at his attempt to intimidate her. She doesn’t back down and continues to stare at him until Johnny leans over a places a hand on Ghost's shoulder causing him to relax and return to staring at his food. 
The group finishes their meal and breaks off, promising to see each other at dinner. Aurora heads to the medical office and the boys head off to training. 
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murrpa · 2 days
heart wrecking angst⇩
In Deadpool 4, Logan discovers his presence in Wades universe messes up cycle of events and if he continues to live in it— the universe can collapse (butterfly effect kind of thing), so in the end of the movie B-15 and minute men show up dramatically a they do at Wades apartment, and escort Logan back into the headquarters planning to send him back to his “home”. Both Logan and Wade see the scale of this, and Wade soon is taken to talk to him one last time before never seeing him again since B-15 felt generous that day. So she give them this moment.
Wade scoffs: So now is the time? Hah, I should’ve known, TVA has every event written down to nanoseconds… I swear, it puts someone’s strict mother’s skill to plan the whole year in advance and never let her kid see the light of day without her permission at shame!
All that while Logan looks at him. Though he has so much to say, to confess, but decides not to do it, maybe because it’ll hurt letting him go more than it already is.
Wade approaches him: I… ugh, was not prepared, otherwise I would’ve pulled out my 100 page essay and read it to you in British accent as you walk further away from me into the sunset.
Logan: Wade?
Wade: Yeah?
Logan struggles. What is there to say now? His heart is aching, and cracks with each passing second there’s left. He wanted to say his life was at its fullest by Wade’s side, how he’s now changed man, all because of him. For him. That he will continue being that person in his world simply because Wade will be proud.
Logan: I might have my own place, my house and whatnot… But I never dared to call it my home, y’know?
Wade listens, no longer daring to quip a sound. And hazel eyes of Logan glisten in nothing but sadness. If that emotion could be painted— it would be him. Right now.
Logan: I wish the world was on my side, fair to me, to us, Wade.
His voice shakes. And he no longer cares to control the tear that soon oozes out the corner of an eye, to his hope, telling at least a tenth of all what his heart wants to say. Then it finally hits merc. Is this really it?
Wade: Peanut, I promise, it’s okay.
No. It fucking hurts. Wade never hated to say goodbye so damn much like now, but understands, that to love someone is letting them go.
He’s only doing it for Logan, for his universe. Sure there’s something that’s waiting for him, something better than this. Which what Logan deserves, after non consensual involvement in Wade’s goal to save his own world. After what he had been through.
Logan softly sobs: It shouldn’t be, I wish I had a choice. Because coming back is long time off my list.
Wade realizes his emotions reveal, a hot heavy tear drops off his chin, and fake but bitter smile grows to comfort Wolverine. Ignoring everything what’s falling into pieces in his chest.
Wade: I just… I just never want you to get into dangerous shit cause of me. I want you to be okay.
But Logan doesn’t care, even if his old life promises to be as peaceful as Swedish government. In the end, being next to Wade— suddenly makes chaos worth it.
Logan: I was okay, Wade, I was… so happy— but as soon as my foot steps through the teleporter…
Logan breaks as more tears rush down his face. His gaze locked with Wade’s.
Logan: … I will comeback being the same pitty guy you picked up at the bar.
But Wade protests.
Wade: No, nope, you’ll comeback better than ever.
He gives up smiling, then reaching out for the man, locking him in the most loving hug, arms wrapping waist, one digging fingertips into the shirt, and second one cards Logan’s hair. Which makes older man hate himself for not hugging Wade often before, when they were so happy, and lived under one roof not knowing this day would come.
Wade: You are, and always will be the best wolverine.
Logan hides his face in Wade’s neck, ashamed someone might see him, how destroyed he is with pain of leaving him, forever.
Wade: Thank you infinitely, for staying, saving my world.
Wade’s hushed voice sends chills, and throat begins to burn, yearning to say one last thing as he hears footsteps approaching.
Logan: Thank you for becoming mine.
(lmk if you’re interested in me writing full fic based off of this💛❤️)
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raccoonsface · 2 days
“My Baby.”
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A little fluff for Jenna’s B-Day. SHES SO OLD. I swear last week she was just 20.
*Please don’t mind my terrible sleep deprived writing*
Jenna’s POV
I’m so tired. I’ve been working all day and haven’t been able to see Y/n… I miss her so much, my birthdays tomorrow so I have the day off
I just wanna spend my birthday relaxing to be honest with myself. I wanna be in bed with Y/n and cuddle till the days over, maybe do something else…
Either way I’m way too tired for all of this and I still have to take a shower before I even step foot into my bedroom. I’m all dirty from filming today.
Wednesday Season two is harder than the first time around. Even though I know mostly everyone and I know how to act, it’s a little hard to help write the show while acting it all out.
Ugh I’ll have to think about it all some other time tonight and tomorrow I relax with Y/n..
Y/ns POV
Jenna’s coming home in about five minutes and I wanted to get a bath set up for her so I set up a bath with some roses and red wine with glasses.
I want Jenna to relax and to let go for tonight, her birthdays in about two hours and I don’t wanna have her be all grumpy when her phones being blown up from it.
You were setting down the last of the candles in the bathroom for Jenna’s bath when you heard the lock twist.
You walked out of the bathroom to find a tired Jenna walking into the apartment slowly, dragging her feet across the floor. She immediately took off her heels when she closed the door, and locked it.
She then proceeded to walk over to you without a word and hug you tiredly.
“Hi, baby.. you tired?” You say quietly, and she softly nods to answer your question, you can feel her start to relax in your embrace
“I drew a bath for you,” You whisper as you massage her shoulders and kiss her temples. “Okay,” she mumbled into you’re chest before backing up with her eyes closed slightly
“Can you come in with me?” She asked taking off her jacket and throwing it over the couch, “Yeah, of course I can,” you responded softly walking to the bathroom with her, watching her tiredly move.
You make it to the bathroom and watch as her face lights up slightly at the sight of the bathtub filled with bubbles and roses.
“You picked my favorite wine..?” She says slightly surprised and slightly questioning you’re decision, not in a bad way though “uh yeah I thought you should relax before your birthday,” you respond
“Thank you baby.. this is really nice of you,” she says in awe admiring the work you’ve done “anything for you Jenna,” you say looking at her lovingly, admiring her
She looks at you once before turning away and undressing, you then turn and do the same, when you’re both done you both step into the bath.
Jenna lays on top of you while you’re just laying back, you grab the wine and give Jenna a glass before pouring it into your guys’ glasses
You both take a couple of sips before you set them down. You caress Jenna’s arm to help relax her, she leans her head back and closes her eyes in response.
“Thank you for this Y/n, it means a lot to me,” she says opening her eyes, looking up at you lovingly. You smile down at her, “you’re welcome honey, I don’t want you all stressed on your birthday,” she giggles at you before getting up
She gets up and grabs a towel as you get up, she then wraps the towel around both of you guys, “why’d you get up so soon?” You ask her
“I’m tired baby, I need sleep,” you look at her and then step out of the shower with her. You drain the bath and put away the wine after putting on your undergarments,
When you’re all finished you go into the bedroom to find Jenna all cuddled up in the bed, asleep
“Oh… My Baby.” You say while walking over to Jenna’s side and sitting down by her legs, you reach your hand over her face and caress it with your thumb.
You lean closer to Jenna and kiss her forehead, “I love you Jen, sweet dreams,” you say before getting u beneath the covers with her and going to sleep.
Jeez I just had a really random writing motivation moment… well I mean here you go I guess… I love you my raccoons. Happy birthday to Jenna though, cannot believe she’s 22.
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paladin--strait · 2 days
soulmates part 3
luke hughes x reader
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part 1 here! part 2 here! series masterlist here!
tw!!: some language, use of y/n, reader can be depicted as any body shape/size. this story moves kinda fast, since I want it to only be a couple of parts long.
warning: this is a complete work of fiction. I am no way saying or implying that these people act the way they do in the story. I am open to any sort of constructive criticism! thank you!
oh shit. it's quinn. my eyes go wide and luke's head slowly turns around to see who it is. his head turns back me quickly, eyes wide and his throat moves with a nervous gulp. his eyes are looking around, almost like he's looking for an escape. i shake my head at him, silently telling him that we should accept our fate.
quinn walks up slowly, face red from anger and frustration. "well well well...what do we have here? two run aways, it looks like." he says, hands in his pockets.
"quinn listen-" luke says, hand on the table, but he looks like he's about to jump out of the booth.
"nope. i'm not listening to you." quinn say, hands now out of his pockets and now wrapped around his chest. "i hope you know that i'm on a goddamn life360 with her and i know where she is at all times."
"quinn, let luke talk before you go off on him." i say, hoping quinn will give luke some grace.
"fine. scoot." he says with a sigh, signaling for me to move further into the booth, which i do so he has room to sit beside me.
"listen quinn, we just wanted to get out of there and have some fun. as soon as we woke up, i rushed home so y/n wouldn't get in trouble with you." luke says, looking down at his hands. "i didn't want you guys to think that we did something that i'm not supposed to do with her. once we saw how you reacted, we just didn't want to be yelled at for an accident we made."
"okay." quinn says. his single word makes luke and i look at each other nervously.
"uhm...is that all? just okay?" luke says, looking at me before looking back at quinn in confusion.
"yeah." quinn shrugs, lip turning up on the side.
"quinn," my eyes flicker to luke, my hands shaking and clammy from nervousness. "you're kinda scaring me...?"
"well, maybe you shouldn't have scared me by running away like that." quinn states, words flat like they have no meaning but luke and i both know that they hold all quinn's feelings about the situation. quinn looks at luke before speaking, "i hope you know, i'm not mad. i'm just upset with the fact that you two are acting like some high school couple who's parents are preventing them from being together."
i look down at my fingers, picking at the skin that's around my nail beds. the silence is deafening, despite the sounds of the chefs behind the counter cooking and banging their utensils on the stove, and the sound of people carrying on conversation at the nearby tables.
we sit in silence for what feels like forever until luke speaks up. "quinn, listen." luke pauses, taking a sip of his drink. "we fell asleep on the boat on accident. i already told you why we ran, but i thought you should know that-"
luke's rant is cut off my the ringing on my phone. i apologize and pick the phone up to see who's calling. it's the social media manager, kelly. "shit...i'm sorry guys, i have to take this. it's my boss..." i click the green button to answer and the two boys look at me and sit in silence while i talk to her.
our conversation is short, but her words ring out in my head. once i hang up, i sit still in my seat. "uhm...they need me back in vancouver."
i see confusion contort onto both of their faces. i also take notice of the head tilt of confusion that luke gives me. it reminds me of quinn, every time he gets upset, confused, or is just plain out of his, his head lulls to the side.
"why?" quinn is quick to ask. "they said you could have the rest of the summer off. i'm not gonna let them steal that time from you. from us." i can sense the upset in his words and i immediately feel horrible.
"they need me to come back and train new recruits. apparently, some time after i left the other day, the longer working employees started some sort of riot and quit because they weren't happy with their pay." i explain, taking a sip of my drink and sighing. "they told me i would get a raise if i come in..."
quinn looks down, disappointment flooding his face. i reach over and grab his hand, holding it in mine. "quinn...i'm sorry."
"no, i understand..." he says, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb, something he always does when he notices i'm upset. "i can come with you, if you want."
"no quinn, stay here and enjoy your summer. i'm just glad i could spend some time with you and your friends." i say, smiling softly. i look over at luke who's lips are pursed, like he has something to say, but he won't say it.
the similarities between quinn and luke are insane. that empty look in their eyes, their smile, their actions, and they way that they can make you feel bad by just looking at you with those sad, puppy dog eyes.
i frown looking at luke, mouthing a quick i'm sorry. he shakes his head and mouths back, "its okay."
i feel bad to leave, even though it's only my third day off and my second day here, i've had fun. "uhm...kelly said my flight is at 8pm tonight. so, i better go home and pack so i can spend the rest of my time with you guys before i have to go."
"sounds good, i can drive you back to the lake house?" quinn says and i immediately take him up on his offer. drives with quinn are always fun. music, loud singing, and just plain stupidity. but, i have a feeling this ride won't be that way. with everything that happened with luke last night and today, plus with me having to leave, it's bound to be awkward.
we call over the waitress to pay for our food and luke hands her his debit card. she comes back a few minutes later to hand us our receipt and to thank us for coming. we pack up our things, and go outside. i thank luke for breakfast and get into the passenger seat of quinn's car after he opens the door for me.
i buckle my seatbelt while quinn shuts my door and i sigh. i hate to leave but i need the money and if they need help, then i should go. quinn would tell me the same thing if i told my boss no.
the car ride back is as i imagined, silent and awkward. luke follows us in his truck, pulling in the driveway right behind us. i see the door open and jack steps out with trevor and jamie behind him. jack has his arms crossed and he has this bossy look on his face.
luke opens my door for me and i get out of the car along with quinn. "well well well. look who decided to come home." jack yells out from the porch while we walk up. "the two runaways."
i roll my eyes at his words, looking over at quinn. "jack, that's enough. let us in, y/n has to pack for her trip back to vancouver."
"wait what? she's going back to vancouver?" jamie asks, confusion on his face as he peeks out of the doorway further.
"why?? she just got here!" trevor complains, looking at quinn with a look of surprise and disbelief.
"quinn, what did you say to her to make her want to go back?" jack asks, no emotion in his question, almost like he's mad at quinn.
"i didn't say anything. she got a call from her boss and they need her help at the arena. she has to train new employees and if she does it, she gets a raise. she needs to go." quinn explains, walking in the doorway with luke and i.
"aww...i wanted to hang out more!" trevor says, reaching his arms out to hug me. i hug back immediately, patting his back. "i miss you already."
i laugh, "trev, i'll miss you too. i don't even know you that well, but you seem like a genuinely nice guy that cares about his teammates and friends. i wish i could've hung out with you more this summer." he smiles at me and fixes his hair, it's getting too long for it to stay out of his eyes.
once we finish talking, i go up the steps and into my bedroom, grabbing my suitcase and beginning to pack. good thing i haven't unpacked very much of my stuff yet. i grab my toiletry bag and put all of my products in it, organizing it along the way. i found that if i don't organize things the way i have them when i originally pack it all, they don't fit. so i often take a picture to follow as guide almost.
i eventually finish packing and zip up my suitcase. i look at my bed that has luggage all over it. blankets and a pillow beside it. i grab my phone, checking all my messages before i go downstairs. when i make it to the living room, i find some of the guys on the couch.
john looks up from his phone and smiles at me. "hey, y/n. i heard you have to go back to vancouver later?" he says, suddenly frowning.
"yeah, my boss called, said that a whole bunch of people just quit and they need me to come and help train rookies. at least i'll get a raise." i respond, sitting down on the couch beside nico.
"oh, well a raise is good! sucks that you have to leave, though." nico says, looking over at me and smiling softly, almost as if he feels bad for me.
"yeah, i haven't even been able to get to know you yet! i've heard such good things about you from quinn and he was so excited when you showed up here. wouldn't shut up about you last night." curtis says, throwing his arms up in the air during his first sentence.
"really? he wouldn't shut up about me?" i ask, confused about what's he's been telling them about me.
"yeah. after dinner when we were all in the game room, he couldn't stop talking about you. he told us all about you twos pregame and postgame routines, how much y'all hang out, and whenever you're off work, you even show up to games wearing his jersey and stuff." nico responds, looking over at me, trying to recount his memory of what quinn told them.
"oh..." i say, looking down at my fingers, picking at the skin around my nails that i had previously picked at. "he really told you guys all that?"
"yeah. he's all the time talking about you." brock says, "trust me, i know this because i'm almost always with him. he talks about you on and off the ice, too." he nods at his own words.
my eyes widen, i never realized just how much time i spend with quinn. i stop to think. no matter the day, we always take time to hang out. i never realized he talked about me so much.
brock shortly continues his words, "i remember when some other player chirped you during a game one day," i snap my head to look at him, never having heard about this. "quinn went ballistic on the dude. i've never seen him so mad in my life."
"i remember that. i had to pull him off the guy." j.t. says, nodding his head at the memory. "i never realized how nasty of a mouth quinn has. he spouted out so much shit that night that i thought i was either dreaming, or had gone crazy." he states, laughing.
"hmm..." i look up at the ceiling, slightly remembering quinn getting ejected for fighting one game. "i think i remember that. is that really what happened? quinn wouldn't tell me why he fought the guy."
"yeah, that's what happened. quinn would protect you from anything. even if it costed him his job. or even his life." brock says, looking at me in the eyes before he checks his phone. "it's almost like he's in love with you or something."
i laugh almost too much at his words. "what? no! quinn is like a brother to me. he wouldn't think of me like that. right?" i ask, suddenly unsure of what quinn really thinks of me.
"well, from what i've seen of you two together, i'd say that quinn-" nico starts, sighing before he spoke.
"me what? what'd i do this time?" quinn walks in from the patio door, looking confused at the mention of his name. i make eye contact with nico, and he looks at me with a knowing look.
"uhm, we were just talking about how you might want to go back to vancouver with y/n." brock says, quickly saving our backs.
"yeah, i just wasn't sure if you were coming with me or staying here. you seemed like you wanted to come with me earlier so i was just asking them if you'd said anything to them about it." i say, looking over at quinn.
"oh. well, i thought about it. do you want me to come back with you?" quinn asks, luke, jack, and jamie walking in behind him. "i'll go if you want me to. you know i will." he says, smiling at me.
"it's up to you if you wanna come or not. but, i'd prefer you stay here and enjoy the rest of your summer. you never know, the training could be quick and i might come back before the summer ends if you guys are willing to have me." i say, looking at them nervously.
"of course you're welcome back here!" jack says, smiling wide. "you'll always be welcome here."
"thanks, jack." i smile back at him, thankful for his words. i look down at my phone, the time is 5:30. "well, i should get going. it's a 45 minute drive to the airport and i still have to call an uber. i wanna get there early." i say, standing up.
"don't call an uber." quinn says, walking over to me. "i'll take you. where's your luggage?"
"oh, it's upstairs in my room. i was about to go get it." i say, walking over to the base of the stairs. "do you think you can help me?" i ask, quinn obviously nods, walking up the stairs with me.
after we grab all my luggage, we head back down the stairs also i can say my goodbyes to the guys. trevor is the first to come over to me, "i miss you already, y/n. i wish you didn't have to leave."
"you'll see me again, don't worry. if i can't come back this summer, i'll see you at the games." i say, patting his back while we hug. i hear him whine slightly and when he pulls away, he's looking at me with a frown. "i miss you already, trev."
curtis is next, the nico, jack, jamie, then luke. i hug them all tightly, saying a quick goodbye to all of them. j.t. and brock give me a quick hug and a short kiss on the head.
"see you later, tiny." brock says, looking down at me. "take care of yourself."
"i will, love you, brockey." i say, pulling out the nickname i gave him that he hates so much. he laughs, shaking his head. he says a quick i love you back and takes his seat back on the couch.
i say my last goodbyes, and grab a couple of my bags, walking out the door to quinn's unlocked car. we set my bags in the back and quinn once again opens the car door for me. i get in, buckling up and getting comfortable. i can already feel myself getting tired.
"tired?" quinn says, pulling out of the driveway and onto the road. "you can sleep, i won't mind."
i nod, accepting his offer. i grab my pillow from the back and put it up against the window, setting my head against it and closing my eyes with a loud yawn. "thank you for driving me, quinner..."
he just smiles at me, looking back at the road and trying to find his next exit.
when i wake up, quinn is shaking my shoulder. "y/n, we're here. you don't wanna miss your flight." i groan, the sudden darkness confusing me.
"oh...okay." i say, sitting up and pulling the pillow away from the window. i yawn once again, stretching as much as i can in the truck.
i open my own door this time, getting out and grabbing my things from the back. i sling the backpack over my back and hand some bags to quinn. we walk into the airport, quinn saying a few hellos to some fans.
he helps me check my bags in and get my ticket. "well, this is it. have a safe flight, y/n." he says, looking at me with a frown.
"thank you, quinn. and i'm sorry about all that stuff with luke, i hate that it took up so much time of me being there with you guys..." i admit, looking down at my shoes.
"hey, it's okay. i understand. uhm, i'll miss you. please take care of yourself, i know how you forget to take your medicine and sometimes you get so wrapped up in work you forget to eat or hydrate. please don't forget."
"i won't quinn. and if you're so worried, text me to remind me and even if i just ate or drank, i'll do it again." i say, smiling.
"you know i will anyway." quinn laughs, pulling me in for a hug. "i love you."
his words linger in my head for a bit, leaving a pink hue on my cheeks. remembering that conversation earlier makes me rethink almost everything that he's saying to me. what does he mean by 'i love you'? does he really mean it? or is he just saying it in a friendly way?
i shake it off quickly, patting quinn on his back and telling him a quick i love you too before i have to walk off into the tunnel. i look back at him when i make it halfway into the long hallway, and he's staring at me with a sad look on his face. i wave sadly at him, before turning back around.
almost my whole flight i think of quinn. what was nico going to say that he couldn't finish? i should've gotten his number so i could ask later. i can just ask jack for his number when i land. i sigh, leaning back in my seat.
i soon find myself tired from all of my thoughts and i close my eyes, getting more comfortable in the hard and not cushiony at all airplane seats. i hope that when i wake, i'll finally be able to figure out what nico was going to say. but i guess i'll find out later.
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bigtreefest · 21 hours
A Celebration Just For Us
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
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Summary: You want to celebrate Steve’s actual birthday, none of that 4th of July bs
Word count: 920
Content/warnings: essentially straight-up fluff, kissing, lotsa happy smiles, friend Bucky, time switching between past and present
A/N: This is thanks to the discussion of Steve’s actual birthday from @thezombieprostitute and @peyton-warren. I just love the thought of him having to keep it a secret because of a contract he signed a lifetime ago, only letting his closest family and friends in on it.
I’d love to hear what you think. More than happy to gush with you in response to comments, reblogs, or asks💗 thank you for reading
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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The lights were off and there were guards around the perimeter, ready to relocate any possible onlookers or overly curious paparazzi. Surely the abundance of cars parked outside the complex could’ve drawn attention, but no more than any other gathering, you were hoping. The curtains were drawn shut, tight as can be so no light could make it through, although there wasn’t much besides the flickering flames that lit up your face.
You were crouched over in the corner of the kitchen counter in your small apartment, further cozied by the dozen or so people who crammed into the small space, all here to celebrate your wonderful boyfriend, Steve Rogers as you used your lighter in a frenzy so the first candle wouldn’t melt before you finally reached the last one.
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Once you first found out about it, you couldn’t help but bust out into laughter. Steve did his best to keep a straight face, telling you the story as you were leaning against him on the small couch in your apartment a few months after the two of you started dating.
“Steve, why? Just…why? Why did you agree, why did they make you do it in the first place?”
Steve let out a chuckle and threw his hands up in a shrug as he continued his explanation.
“It was in the contract! I just wanted to serve my country. I guess they thought it would drum up more patriotism? I had no problem faking it until the war was over, but I had no idea I’d be around this long. There’s no end to it. I’ve just gotta hide my real birthday from the public forever, however long that ends up being.”
You snuggled into his chest and giggled.
“Yeah, you have been around for awhile. But I’m so happy it led you here. Now you just get to have two celebrations. One that’s small and special, private, shared with friends, and the other that you share with the people.”
Steve smiled as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head and squeezed around your waist, pulling you closer as you shuffled back into him.
“I’m gonna try and let it slide that you called me old because I love you, and I love the idea of my day being just for us.”
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Bucky had come over earlier in the day to help you set up for the small party you were surprising Steve with. Tony and Nat had taken him out for a day in the city doing who knows what, but it gave the two of you plenty of time to decorate and prepare.
Just before guests started arriving, you were putting candles on the cake, only up to seventy-five.
“Buck, how the heck am I supposed to fit any more candles on this cake? I’m not even three-quarters of the way finished and I’m running out of room!”
Bucky looked over at you from his spot on the ladder where he was hanging streamers and smiled when he saw the cake. He was happy his friend had found someone amazing. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t get along with you almost as well as Steve. He’d become a good friend over the year or so you’d been dating.
“Um…put the candles closer together? It’s definitely gonna mess up that frosting you worked so hard on, but I guess that’s the cost of celebrating old men like us.”
You smiled and shrugged as you continued on. “Yeah, that’s what it’s looking like it’s gonna be. You think he’ll be okay with that?”
Bucky nodded. “More than okay. He’ll love it.”
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The combined flame from the hundred or so candles smushed side-by-side was hot on your smiling cheeks as you walked towards the grin being mirrored on Steve. Everyone around you was singing as you set the cake down in front of him on the counter, watching him finally take a deep breath and blow out the mound of wax that sat atop a cake specially baked in his favorite flavor. There was no red, white, and blue. No patriotism in sight. Just the pure celebration of a man who affected all of you as a person. An individual with an amazing, beautiful, selfless personality, separate from what everyone else in the world saw him as.
Steve wrapped an arm around your hip as smoke faintly rose from the extinguished candle lump and pulled you tight to his side. Your hand went to his hair, idly stroking through it as the friends surrounding you cheered.
“Wish for anything good, Stevie?”
He titled his head up to look at you, beaming with love and satisfaction.
“I know I’ll get made fun of for saying I have everything I could ever want right here, so yes. But I will also say, it’s not that far off.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at him. He always knew just what to say. You leaned down to give him a peck before you heard a groan from behind you. It was Tony.
“Okay, love birds. We get it. Happy secret birthday, Rogers. Now hurry up and get your thousand candles outta here. It’s time for cake!”
You helped Steve to pull the candles off the cake, holding one out here and there for him to lick the frosting off. He hummed at the flavor, happy you knew him so well and that he knew there were many more special celebrations, just like this, to come.
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Bonus A/N: hehehe, happy birthday Steve. Let the man be happy in the modern day. Cake actually sounds so good rn
Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly @mercurial-chuckles
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aquagirl1978 · 3 days
Can i request Ellis Twilight with the prompt butterfly?
Thank you for the request
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ellis twilight x reader | prompt: butterfly | word count: 750 | tags: mentions of blood and violence; a bit angsty
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It was a perfect evening. The sky above was a painted canvas, shades of pale pink and muted purples blending together, highlighted by the last golden rays of the sun, as day shifted into night; an early autumn breeze kissed the air, a much needed reprieve from hot summer months. 
Except it wasn’t. There was nothing perfect about it.
You were walking hand in hand with Ellis, and the streets were quiet. Too quiet. Instead of providing a sense of calm one doesn’t get while living at Crown castle, the quiet was the perfect breeding ground for intrusive thoughts to invade your head. 
“Are you okay?” Ellis asked, his soft voice pulling you from your melancholy. Finching, you slowed your steps and tilted your face towards his. Ellis continued to speak, his voice still soft in the still air. “You haven’t been yourself since we left…”
His voice trailed off, allowing you to fill in the blanks in your head – the docks. 
“How can anyone…” You paused, then forced yourself to continue, the scene at the docks – and the smell of blood – still fresh in your head. “... be okay after witnessing that?”
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The scene was grisly, more grisly than any scene you had ever witnessed before. The mission was supposed to be simple – well, simple was a relative word when compared to other Crown missions. Go in, scare some goons, get the information, and get out. With Jude taking charge and Ellis acting as his assistant, it should have been simple. 
You smelt the salty sea air before you saw the water, the waves crashing loudly against the restraining walls signaling that you were close. Jude was a few steps ahead, ready to warn you of any trouble ahead.
“What in blazes…. What’re ya doin’ here?”
Ellis stopped and bowed his head. “Ah, Jude, not again. Whatever happened to being quiet?” Ellis muttered to himself. He caught your gaze and tilted his head towards Jude’s voice. “Let’s go. Hopefully, I don’t have to save his ass again.”
“Lemme guess, Victor got all the information he needed and yer skippin’ straight to the execution.”
A light, melodic laugh filled the air. “That’s right.” 
You glanced over at Ellis. “William’s here?”
Ellis sighed. “I’m so sorry.” 
You didn’t have a chance to wonder why Ellis was apologizing; instead, you were distracted by a butterfly that slowly glided across your path, its large orange wings still easy to spot in the waning daylight. 
It must still be looking for a place to rest for the evening, you thought to yourself. There was a twinge in your heart as you watched the butterfly flapping its bright wings, fluttering in the sky. 
Knowing what would most likely happen, a part of you hoped it would find a more peaceful place than here at the dockyards.
“Let’s go,” Ellis whispered, tugging on your arm.
And like that, the butterfly was gone, off to find a place to sleep for the night. 
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“Take this knife and slit your throat.”
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Ellis pulled you into an embrace, his long arms wrapping around your waist, and placed a gentle kiss upon the crown of your head. “If I knew it was gonna happen like that, I would have never brought you tonight.”
Closing your eyes, you saw William’s face. His smile, despite having just murdered those men. The drops of blood splattered on his cheek. Blood that matched his eyes. Blood that wasn’t his.
“This is my life,” Ellis continued. “This is the darkness I live with every day. It’s a part of me. And sometimes I forget you’re not used to that part of my life.”
Nuzzling your face against his chest, the scent of freshly washed linen comforted you.
Ellis tilted your face with his thumb so that you were looking up at him. “Why don’t we get you a hand pie. I think the stand is still open.”
“It's going to take more than a hand pie to make me feel better,” you said with a small smile.
“I'll do anything to make you happy.”
That’s right, Ellis absolutely would. Taking his hand, you walked off together towards the stand. Ellis wouldn't be able to erase the events of tonight, but he was able to soothe you and make things easier. 
Not long ago, you felt like the butterfly, lost while searching for your place to rest. Glancing over to Ellis, his profile handsome against the darkening skies, you knew you finally found your place. 
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival   @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee    @kookie-my-little-sunshine    
@ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer   @nightghoul381 @randonauticrap @xbalayage
@xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia
@lunaaka @ikesenwritings @sh0jun @natimiles @valkyyriia
@candiedcoffeedrops @lucyw260   @nightfoxqueen
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adropofmelanin · 2 days
Sanji x Kiss It Better
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A/N: Alrighty folks, it’s been a loooong mfn time since I wrote anything lol but this right here is just to shake the dust off.
I’ve also been DEEP into One Piece! So here’s a practice one shot of my sweet bb boi Vinsmoke Sanji , Live action AND Anime !!
BUT ANYWAYS, let me know if you want more.. I’m writing these for mySELF lol but I’m willing to share ✨
Summary: You and your dearest husband have a bit of a disagreement and Sanji wants to make it better.
Rating: Fluffy, Suggestive
(Part 2)
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I do not own any content regarding One Piece
“You know what Sanji,” You take a deep breath and a step back from your dearest husband with hands in the air, “I love you too much to argue like this and with how I’m feeling, I don’t want to say anything out of anger..”
You’ve had your fair share of miscommunications, emotionally fueled dialogue, and misunderstandings to know when it’s time to take a step back.
It’s okay to want to resolve the issue , but it’s not okay to say things out of current emotions.
Sanji however, was taken aback by the use of his first name, being use to pet names in spite of any argument. You must have really been upset with him. At that point he couldn’t even remember what it was the both of you were arguing about , all he wanted to do was make it better.
But, no matter how bad he wanted to, coming up to you immediately would only piss you off even more , Sanji figured that out while in the courting stage of your relationship. You were so use to being rushed to “feel better” in other life situations as well as romantic and platonic relationships, not being given a chance to fully process and heal. This would only cause you to hold in things that still bothered you, those little things eventually becoming big things, then you were right back at square one.
Sanji takes a deep breath, raking his fingers through his golden locks before reaching for the box of cigarettes on the kitchen counter. Getting ready to spark up a fresh stick, he was then hit with realization. This was the cause of the argument.
Smoking in the new house. With finally getting out of apartment living and buying a new home thanks to the success of Sanji’s restaurant and the opening of your music and fine arts program for the youth in the community, life was on the rise.
But it would be foolish to say that the two of you weren’t stressed from the success. Grateful yes, very much so, but still a little stressed. He was starting to smoke more than usual and you’d be lying if you said that the spike didn’t bother you.
He’d been trying to get better about that since becoming new homeowners, but it was proving to be difficult due to being so deep into the habit.
You managed to kick your weed smoking habit all together, but that was your choice. It wouldn’t be fair to Sanji to try and force a big change onto him like that, at the time opting to compromise to only smoking on the back deck of your shared apartment. But ever since buying a home , pride took over and he let it get the better of him. Especially after being in a run down apartment for the first few years of your marriage.
“I should be able to smoke in my own home, why does it matter?”
“Because .. Ji ! It messes up the walls and causes a lasting smell in EVERYTHING..”
“I can just pay for it , so what’s the big deal?”
“We shouldn’t have to spend money on something we have the ability to prevent.”
“I think you’re overreacting just a bit..”
An annoyed groan rumbles in his chest, why the fuck did he say that? What was his problem, he made a promise to you and was blatantly going against it. And saying you were overreacting just topped it off.
No excuses , if the love of his life was concerned about the longevity and presentation of your shared space, the least he could do was be mindful.
Give a woman a house and she will make it a home, that’s exactly what you were trying to do. But he was the one making it difficult for you. You wanted to take care of him and he was willing to give everything to provide for you, that’s what made the relationship even better. You were thinking long term , while he was opting to think in the moment.
Sanji was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of your bass guitar. He knew you were trying to calm down. Guilt filled his belly a bit as he followed the beautiful sound to your in-home recording/art studio. The door was slightly cracked so he was able to see your pretty self in your element while Rihanna’s Kiss it Better whispered under the sweet music you were playing.
Going from following the main bass line to adding your own bit of razzle dazzle to the tune.
He was then reminded why he fell in love with you. The first time you met, he was still working under his mentor and father figure, Zeff. You came to eat with a group of friends. Later meeting again at his part time bartending gig at a bar that played live music, you were the beautiful bassist for the band that was performing that evening. Your locs were freshly styled and you sported a dress that fit your curves oh so nicely, hypnotizing the poor man with every sway of your hips.
He remembered being distracted with how your personality shown on stage, laughing and engaging with the crowd as well as other band members. In fact, he was so distracted that he messed up a few drinks that evening, more focused on following your beauty. You were completely in your element , your beautiful smile sporting those pretty dimples. Sanji remembers being so excited to have a conversation with you at the bar during a break the band was taking. He had complimented your skills and beauty, also bonded over the fact you were both friends with the lead artist , Brook.
And the rest was history
Sanji watched in awe at the way your fingers danced along the fretboard. Your eyes were closed and your head was slowly swaying with the music as if it were your hips, gently harmonizing under your breath.
Man, fuck your pride.. just take it on back, take it on back babe…
Sanji couldn’t help but cringe a little at the verse, having his toes metaphorically stepped on. But his admiration for you never wavered. He was grateful to be married to the most beautiful and amazing musician in the world, and no one would be able to convince him otherwise. Seeing you in your element like this made him want to literally kiss it all better and take you right where you were.
He could fill his heart swell as you took the adlibbed notes and runs higher, reaching tones your voice alone may not be able to project in that moment . Big Daddy, the bass named after your beloved late grand father, was practically singing for you.
Sanji took it upon himself to push the door open a bit more to stand in the doorway, hands in the pockets of his sweats as he listened to the concert you didn’t know you were giving.
God, he loves you. Lived to love you. And was very proud of you for figuring out creative ways to turn emotions into works of art. Whether it be writing a poem, short stories, singing, painting, or playing bass and drums. He knew his beloved wife was a Jack of all trades , but nothing would send chills through him like the slight rasp in your singing voice.
Oh how he enjoyed the way your sweet voice wrapped him up in a warm soulful blanket. Whenever you were feeling goofy, which was quite literally everyday, you’d sing damn near everything to him. Be it praising him, narrating what it is he was doing, or singing some random phrase. He loved every ounce of your goofy self.
Ooooh , tell me what you’re willing to dooo
He closed his eyes and began to think on the words you were singing. Soon he was hit with a risky plan. He allowed his bare feet to step into your space, gently so that he wouldn’t startle you until he was standing in front of you. You seemed to have felt him , because your beautiful eyes fluttered open and looked up at him through damp lashes.
Sanji’s heart got caught in his chest at the sight of faint tear streaks that stained your cheeks through your locs. You put the bass down on the stand and just looked up at him from your place in the futon, Rihanna still humming in the background.
“Ji.. I’m sorry for overreacting..” Your voice was horse, yet again taking blame for something that wasn’t your fault. This caused Sanji to go to his knees and place his hands on your bare thighs.
“Mon amour,” His voice was gentle and he shakes his head, “No no no. You stop it right there, you did nothing wrong.”
Sanji places sweet delicate kisses along your knees and thighs before parting your legs to rest himself between them. More gentle yet long kisses took over your face and neck, Sanji humming as each one made contact with your beautiful cinnamon skin.
His efforts were rewarded with a giggle from you as you leaned back in a mock attempt to get away from the lovely invasion.
Alright, she’s calm , Sanji thought to himself
“I am the one at fault, you are perfectly right to be upset with me. We made a compromise that I would smoke outside and I broke that. Not only did I do that but I placed the blame upon your shoulders. That was wrong of me. I’m grateful that you want to preserve the beauty of this great accomplishment we achieved together, as a team. What kind of man, no, HUSBAND would I be to sully that?” His words were true , “I’m sorry , my beloved.”
Not soon after that, your cheeks were being held in sweet gentle hands. Sanji rubbed his thumbs along the old trails of tears , pulling you into a gentle kiss, “Please, don’t feel like you must take blame in order to keep the peace, my love. Hmm?”
Sanji searches your face to see that you were almost about to cry yet again, but this time with the corner of your lip tugging to a gentle smile, “You don’t have to do that anymore.. remember?”
You nod your head and let your sweet husband wipe your tears with his thumbs. He began to whisper words to you in French. You were able to make out a few phrases, but only because you were together long enough for you to pick out key words. You loved when he spoke to you in his native tongue, regardless of knowing what fuck all he was saying.
When did he become this handsome, was he always this smooth? I love this man so much..
Now it was your turn to be pulled out of your thought. You could feel Sanji’s gentle kisses slowly becoming longer against your skin. Going from your neck to your plump lips, earning a soft moan and a slight buck of the hips from you. Sanji’s fingers dig into your thigh before roaming up and down.
Your husband raises up a bit between your legs to deepen the kiss, his tongue practically begging for access and permission to taste you.
You obliged and smiled into the kiss , trying to mock escape yet again. Sanji let out a growl and placed his large hands on your lower back, holding you still. Shivers going down your spine. You needed to breathe , so in order to do that while keeping your dear husband engaged, you bite his bottom lip and pull back looking him right in the eyes.
Sanji couldn’t help the moan that followed and leaned forward , desperately wanting more of you.
“You play so dirty mon amor,” Sanji whispered gruffly into you. This earned another giggle from you as you let your fingertips rest along his stubble.
“You’re the one playing dirty,” You close your eyes and sigh lovingly dropping your head back once more, relishing in the feeling of Sanji’s love against your skin. The both of you moaning and laughing against one another.
“My little songbird,” Sanji’s gruff whisper sending heat straight to your core, “my beautiful dove.”
You let out a sigh as you returned to his lips. The kiss was needy, yes. But it was never messy , almost like a practiced dance routine. A dance neither of you grew tired of. Sanji momentarily breaks from the kiss to return to your neck and collar bone. His name leaving your lips in a needy whimper and small giggle as you grip onto his oversized shirt, earning satisfied chuckle in response from your sweet husband.
“Puis-je l’améliorer, mon amour ?”
Sanji’s voice was deep in your ear now, you look back at him and hit him with a comical “Huh?”
Your husband couldn’t hold the chuckle and repeated himself, but this time in English. “Can I make it better, my love?”
You could feel the electricity course through you. Why was his voice so deep now, and why did you like it so much? Without hesitation, you nodded with your bottom lip between your teeth. Sanji then placed another kiss on your lips before his fingers go to the band of your panties. Easy access since all you were wearing was one of Sanji’s tshirts.
“What are you going to do?” Your voice unintentionally comes out in a shiver as you watch your beloved. You couldn’t contain the blush creeping up your neck to the top of your head.
It was true that you’d been married to Sanji for a few years now, but for some reason whenever he took control, it made you feel small in the best way. Tossing the fabric aside , you shivered as the air made contact with your already slicked sex.
“I’m going to make it better , mon amor,” Sanji declared before placing your legs on his shoulders and indeed making everything better. Earning a song composed just for his ears alone.
You were a mess. A mess just for him.
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weepingwillowwonder · 15 hours
guess who back w answers & clarification-
lil bit of clarification(?) for my last request, i was thinking some hc of him getting all dolled up/in drag (tucking(???), getting his makeup on, doing his hair/wig, choosing a dress, etc.) and the reader getting ABSOLUTELY FLUSTERED CAUSE LOOK AT HIM-
maybe he has a show? he preforms for us/makes us watch a public show?? asks us what we think??? if we like this dress, or that one, this eyeshadow with this eyeliner, what heels we prefer etc. then, idk… FucksTheReaderWhileStillInDrag-
(srry if this was a bit of a rant lmao)
Hello again!!!!!
Okay sooo, low keyyyy I didn't exactly follow the prompt 👉👈 BUT I would consider making a part two if enough people like it. ANYWAY here ya go!
Dragqueen!Angel Dust x Reader [NSFW, MDNI 🔞]
CW: Suggestive content, Teasing, A bit of touching with Angel's feet
The most exciting part about watching Angel perform was being there beforehand to see him get dolled up for the show. You'd sit quietly as he shuffled through his closet, pulling out the most glitsy, most glamorous, items that he had. His eyebrows would furrow and his lips would be pursed in a pout as he contemplated his options. 
Angel wouldn't notice you checking him out at first, but when he did, he would lock eyes with you, first giving you a look of surprise, then a flirty smirk. Sure he wasn't fully dressed up yet, but that was exactly it. He wasn't fully dressed yet. Seeing him wrapped in a towel after his shower, already was getting you hot, and even though he didn't acknowledge it, the look on his face told you he already knew. 
"Whaddya think?" He'd ask holding up two outfit options while his other hands rested on his hips. You knew he wanted you to choose since he genuinely valued your opinion, but you couldn't help but give him the most honest answer. "I think you look good in everything.." you mumble shyly, averting your eyes back to your phone. You miss the slight pink tinge that appears on his face and he turns around considering his options again. When he seems to pick one and heads back into the bathroom, your eyes flicker up to watch the door shut behind him.
As expected, it takes sometime before Angel comes out of the bathroom again. You already knew Angel normally took his time getting ready, but preparing for a show was a completely different ballgame. Luckily for you, Fat Nuggets was keeping you company in his absence, plus it gave you plenty of time to cool off.
When the the bathroom door finally clicks open, Angel emerges mostly put together. His head tilts to the side as he puts on his earrings and walks back to the closet to pull out a pair of heels that more than compliments his dress nicely. Your mouth falls open embarrassingly as you watch him move around. When he turns to look at himself in the mirror, you see that he has a hand on his chest to keep the mini dress he wore from falling, the zipper also undone in the back.
"Hey, would you mind giving me a hand?" He give you a knowing smile through the mirror and your entire face heats up as your mouth immediately shuts. "Y-yeah sure!" you squeak out embarrassingly. He stands still as you rise from the bed and approach him, unsure hands reaching to brush against his back. Its not like you and Angel hadn't been this close before, but somehow it felt more intimate this way. The silence bringing forth some sort of tension in the air, only broken by the sound of the zipper. 
When you're finished, you remove your hands and take a small step back allowing him to fully look at himself in the mirror. "Thanks dollface, promise I'm almost ready..." he gives you a cheeky grin before grabbing his shoes and sitting on the bed. You roll your eyes jokingly as your fingers  motion in air quotes, "uhuh yeah 'almost ready.'" Angel sticks his tongue out at you and awkwardly bends down to put on his shoes, in an attempt to avoid flashing you as his dress hikes further up his thighs.
"Oh here, let me help!" You offer, getting on your knees before him and slipping on his shoes. As you buckle the clips together, you hum as he murmurs your name above you, "You know...you clean up nicely.." he confesses, eyeing you the same way you were to him earlier. Normally when you rendezvous with Angel, the setting is casual. When he invites you over, you might go out for drinks or stay in to watch a movie, among other things. But it would be your first time seeing him like this.
You tighten the last buckle of his shoe before you respond, "You do too." Your eyes flicker up to his and you watch as his eyes lower slightly, his tongue peeking out to swipe across his lips. You both heatedly stare at each other in silence for a moment before you break eye contact first. A small whine of his name leaves your lips in embarrassment. "Angel..."
He giggles and leans forward, taking your chin in his hand to look at him. "I know what you're thinking, and yes I promise I want it to..." he starts lowly, leaning in close to your lips. When you try to kiss him, he leans back slightly.  "Buuut, you know I can't be late..." You reach up to set your hands on his thighs, testing the waters. 
"Hmm okay, you won't be late then." Your hands slowly spread his legs, only for him to press the toe of one of his heels against your chest, making you sit up straighter. "Down tiger," He giggles, leaning back and putting his weight against his hands. With a playful smirk and a slight tilt of his head, he drags his toe lower. "We gotta leave in like five minutes..." 
You shift and not so subtly, spread your legs for him as the toe of his heels presses down between your legs. "That's enough time..." you breathe out. Your hand holds on to his ankle as you start to get desperate for him to continue. He gives you a toothy grin, "Oh baby, normally I'd agree, but even you know that's not enough time. Val would kill me if I'm late. Pluuus...I wanna take my time with you this time. So you'll have to wait until after the show. Can you do that?” The pressure of his shoe pressing into you increases, forcing a moan from you. "You can be good and wait for me, right?" He coos. 
A gasp catches in your throat, so you opt to nod your head instead of answering.  After all, you really weren't in a place to argue. Angel's hand finds its way to hold your cheek as he bends down to kiss the other, "So good for me~ I promise I'll treat you well later, kay?"
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hi!!! i love all your writings🫶 youre the best
can i request reader x sleep token first date?
sending love! ♥️
Thank you for your kind words, lovie. Also… Stop, i love this…
This guy would come up with something so specific and I’m saying that with love. So, I picture him taking you to an art gallery or a museum of sorts. Something he’s passionate about. And he’s giving you your private tour with the most random facts and getting all shy about telling them. “You’ll think it’s stupid”, he would chuckle under his breath. “No, come on, I want to hear it”, your hand would reach for his as you stepped closer.
“Did you know that Dalí once arrived at a lecture in a deep-sea diving suit?”, he says in one breath. You blink at him before letting out a chuckle, “What?”. Vessel just nods, “It’s a metaphor like… a deep dive into the subconscious”, he nods along, glancing at the painting. “That’s…”, you breathe out. “Weird I know, I’m sorry…”, he cringes slightly feeling as if he might have ruined his shot. “No, so fucking interesting”, you chime in, “How do you know that?”, and here you are actual excitement on your face, a completely different reaction as to what Vess had expected. “I just read… a lot”, he chuckles with a shrug. “Okay what about this painter”, you point at yet another painting, Vessel squeezes your hand ever so slightly as you move along, “Oh, you’re in for a treat with this one”, he chuckles under his breath as he dives into yet another story.
A random fair, a market, or some vintage pop up at the city center on a sunny Saturday. That’s the vibe. He wants it casual. Not one to make a big deal about it and don’t get me wrong when I say that. He just wants it to feel natural. Wants it to blend into the life he lives. Wants to share his fun spots instead of sitting in front of a table full of plates.
Also, bigger crowds mean that he can hold your hand the whole time or even better, drape a hand over your shoulders as he pulls you closer to him.
“That’s nice”, you point to a vase, already full of dried flowers. “You like that?”, he would hum, stopping to assess what caught your eye. “I have a table that’s screaming for something like this”, you tilt your head slightly. “And you said that you like green”, iii adds making you turn to him. “You remember”, smiling you reach out to lace your finger through his. “Baby, I remember everything you say to me”, he shrugs smirking slightly, “All up here, ready to be put to good use”, he taps against his temple.
“Flirt”, you push against his chest slightly, shaking your head. “Got to bring my A game if I want to win the dream girl”, he leans in brushing a kiss onto your cheek. “Hey, we will take the vase, any chance you can wrap up the flowers too?”, he’s turning to the guy in the stand, with a smile before you can say anything word.
His place. He’s cooking. A button-up. Slightly undone. Sleeves rolled up. Tatts peaking. Salivating yet? I am.
No, but he would want something intimate. I feel like the date would come up a nice while of you just being friends. So he knows you and feels okay with bringing you into his space. Is he shitting fucking bricks before that? Hell yeah. The man was on his knees the night prior scrubbing the fucking floor and making sure everything looked perfect.
“I hope it is edible”, he chuckles under his breath as he pulls the baking dish out of the oven. “I’m sure it’s lovely, it smells wonderful”, you smile at him, twirling the wine in your glass. “I had my mom up on Facetime all morning”, he chuckles, “She lost faith in me midway”, that gets you both laughing. And you can’t help but feel your heart swell just by the thought of him wanting to go that extra mile for you.
“And here I was thinking it was you alone to praise”, you shake your head. It lets out a slight groan, “Can’t say praise when a man is handling hot pans, love, dangerous”, he shakes his head playfully, “Now off to the table you go”, he urges you with a nod. “Yeah, chef”, you salute him, making him reach out to you as he moves his hand onto your side, tickling you, making you let out a squeal as you laugh.
For ages. And I mean for ages, I have it set in my brain that this man would take you out on a sunset date. Maybe a seaside one or somewhere more out of the city, a little hike to watch it all. He would have a big backpack on. A nice blanket there with some snacks to share, maybe a drink. All you get to carry is a second blanket, one that didn’t fit in the bag, one he brought for you because he knows that you get cold quickly, one you had to drag out of his hands because he insisted on carrying it.
“I go on hikes here with my dog”, he mutters as you two walk through the lush greenery. “You have a dog? Why didn’t you tell me?”, you let out a slight squeak, making Ivy chuckle, “Careful, I might turn into that annoying parent that spends the whole time talking about their kid”. You join him as you giggle yourself, “The crime is that you didn’t bring him”, you shake your head. “She’s a girl”, Ivy corrects you politely. “And he’s also a girl Dad”, you throw your head back.
“Careful”, he’s quick to steady your step as you trip slightly over the root. “Look at me already quite literally falling for you”, you mutter. “I rather you fall internally not literally even if I would bandage you up”, he shrugs. “Aren’t you a charmer”, you shake your head, “Dinosaur plasters?”, you ask pointing a finger at him. Ivy only laughs, “You got it”.
21 notes · View notes
p4ranormaluv · 20 days
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amidst trying to keep your gpa up and not get kicked off the cheer team, you take your friend’s advice and ask jake sim, one of the smartest students in your campus, to tutor you. you see him as a snarky know-it-all who’s obsessed with correcting your every mistake, and he sees you as a dumb cheerleader with a rep for breaking hearts. but as things unfold, you discover you both have something to learn from each other, and it’s a lot more than just algebra.
pairing) nerd!jake x cheerleader!reader
genre) smut/pwp, enemies to lovers, college au, fluff, angst
contents) f!reader, popular!jake/reader, jake's a smart a.ss [& a jerk at first but let him cook], basketball player!heeseung/jay, temporary reader x hee, exes, misunderstood reader, brief conversation about throwing up, eventual pining, desc. of anxiety, fear of emotional intimacy, jealousy, lack of communication, happy ending, [ft. itzy's chaeryeong, skz's felix, & layla]
smut warnings) under cut!
wc) 14.5k
now playing) bed chem — sabrina carpenter
notes) i took the lyrics “come right on me, i mean camaraderie!” and ran with it. fic’s moodboard here!
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smut warnings) several smut scenes, switch!jake/reader, angry s.ex?, s.ex in locker room, jake fu.cks reader in cheer uniform, ti.tty sucking, or.al fixation!jake, munch!jake, or.al s.ex, degra.dation, begging, hair pulling, c.um swallowing, exhibi.tionism, reader makes jake almost c.um in his pants during class, s.ex in janitor’s closet [they do it in a bed eventually lol], lots of kissing, praise, flexible!reader, pull out method [dont], jake slaps reader’s thigh once, petnames [baby, little/baby/good girl], reader mentions being on the pill, raw s.ex
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the gym is bustling, filled by cheerleaders and the basketball team as you all practice for the game on wednesday.
“okay! 5 minute break and then we’ll start those high kicks again!” your cheer captian announces after confirming to your coach with some silent hand gestures.
you follow your team as they walk to the bleachers, most grabbing their water bottles or sitting down and wiping the sweat off their skin with a towel.
you reach into your duffel bag, rummaging with your hand blindly for a few moments before realizing you don’t feel your water bottle. unzipping it completely, you search for a bit before letting your head drop with an exhausted sigh.
“what’s wrong?” chaeryeong asks from the seat above yours as she redoes her ponytail.
“i somehow forgot my water.”
“oh, you can have some of mine!” she offers, raising her owala to you.
“do you know how much bacteria is probably in that?” you smile with a teasing grimace, even though you really do mean what you say.
“wow, not even a thank you!” chae pretends to be hurt, putting an offended hand to her chest. “i bet you’re a stanley girly, aren’t you?”
“nope. just a plain water bottle i got from target. secure screw cap, no straw, easy to clean.”
“are you trying to sell it to me?” chae quirks a playful brow and you laugh, waving a hand in front of you as you start to walk towards the gym’s exit. “if you want to drink from your mold filled bottle go ahead. i’m gonna go to the water fountain.”
chaeryeong sticks her tongue out at you just as you enter the hallway, so you make sure to pop your head back in and do the same childish expression at her before approaching the fountain and leaning down to take a drink.
“oh! s-sorry.” a deep voice says as you see sneakers suddenly appear in your downward view. you wipe your mouth and lift your head up to see heeseung, who evidently just came out of the restroom and almost walked right into you.
his hair remains in his face despite him brushing it back with a muscular arm, glistening biceps almost distracting you enough that you forget to answer. but once your eyes travel from his sculpted arms, to his jersey that clings to his sweaty chest, and finally his sweet, doe eyes that stare at you, you remember that he’s expecting you to reply.
“no, it’s okay! don’t worry about it.”
“did you forget your water too?” he chuckles, the sound sending a flurry of butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
“yeah…” you answer lamely.
apparently all of your hot cheerleader mojo goes down the drain when you’re in front of lee heeseung, your college’s top basketball player. (it also doesn’t help that you’ve been crushing on him for a good month now.)
“too?” you echo, unable to think of anything else to keep the conversation going but desperately wanting to. despite having regular practices in the same vicinity, this is the first conversation you’ve had, aside from some lingering stares and a few shared smiles.
“jay usually brings a cooler of drinks, but he didn’t this time. probably forgot.”
“oh, pre game nerves, perhaps?” you joke, smiling and tilting your head teasingly.
“we’re not nervous.” heeseung smirks with a flirty tone. “we always win.”
“cocky, are we?”
“maybe. or maybe you cheering for me throughout the game is my lucky charm.”
you bite down your grin to keep yourself under control, delighted at how well your dry conversation has turned into some playful flirting. you hoped he was into you, but you’re not going to assume that from a few distant smiles.
“what makes you think i’m cheering just for you?”
heeseung chuckles and steps closer, you noting how he has to tilt his head down to look at you because he’s so damn tall. his eyes zero in on yours, an intensity filling the air as he takes a breath to speak—
but right before he can, another voice interrupts as it echos down the hallway.
“yo, hee! they’re needing you back, man.” a shorter man runs up, it not taking you long to recognize him.
it’s jake sim, one of the smartest seniors on your campus.
you feel like you’re from completely different worlds whenever you see him. he’s popular like you, yes. but he has a pretty clean rep with perfect grades to match. professor’s love him for his kiss-ass attitude and students…well.
they want to fuck him— or him fuck them. either way. nothing really matters to anyone when your face is as cute as his and you have a hot aussie accent.
not that you relate to the any of those sentiments. you actually find him annoying as fuck.
“oh,” jake mumbles when he notices you behind heeseung’s larger frame, sounding almost bothered by your presence.
well the feeling’s mutual.
“come on, dude. they sent me to get you.” he further urges, grabbing heeseung’s arm.
“what are you even doing here, jake?” you ask with a hand raising to your hip, only a hint of your annoyance at the interruption showing in your tone. he’s not on the basketball team, neither cheer. he has no reason to be here.
“not right now, pom-poms.” the boy dismisses, not even bothering to look at you as he drags heeseung off.
you scoff in utter disbelief at his rudeness.
he always steals the spotlight when you’re about to answer a question in your one shared class, and now he’s stealing your man? (granted, he’s not your man— but he could have been, if jake hadn’t ran over!)
you stand and wonder what he was about to say. what if that conversation could have ended with him finally asking for your number!
“y/n! c’mon, girl! it’s go time!” one of your team member’s call out from the gym doorway.
you sigh before running to join your squad.
it’s taken you to nearly be under your minimum gpa to admit that you’re failing algebra, a course you’re required to take. not only can this harm your future, but you could get kicked off the cheer team.
“well, you have to do something!” chaeryeong whisper-yells at you as you sit in physics class.
“i don’t want to have to pay for a tutor, i’m broke enough as it is.”
“then ask one of your friends.” chae suggests.
“…none of my friends are that smart,” you giggle under your breath, chaeryeong slapping you on the arm and causing an echo to resound in the room. like two mischievous children, chae retracts her hand to her lap and you straighten your posture, waiting to make sure no one is looking over at you.
a few moments later, and chae leans closer to you, eyes staring forward in an attempt to be more subtle.
"just ask jake. he's an engineer major. he’s gotta be good at algebra. and i heard he's loaded, so he doesn’t even need your money."
"hell no." you answer plainly, lips falling into a straight line as you glance over at the boy who’s rows away from you, nearly at the front of the class.
try hard.
"oh, come on, y/n. he's not that bad."
"he is. and besides, we’re not friends and i couldn’t ever bring myself to ask a favor of him, nevertheless for free!”
“he’s your best shot, dude. it’s either this, or officially screw yourself over.”
chaeryeong’s words— though not eloquently put, are true. and they annoyingly ring in your head for the remainder of the class.
chae hurries out to go to her next class, as does most everyone else. but you have a little bit of time.
so you linger in your seat, watching how meticulous jake is about placing his things in his backpack, wondering how he manages to straighten his glasses in the most egotistical way possible. you wait until jake starts walking towards the exit and is farther away from the professor, not wanting to have this conversation right in front of him. finally (reluctantly) you stand up and catch up to jake’s side.
he doesn’t bother slowing down, continuing to walk.
“hey, uh- jake,” you begin, feeling weird to say his name to his face. you cut to the chase, not caring enough to keep up impressions with him. “look, i need a tutor. i’m-“
“no, sorry.” he cuts you off simply, leaving you a tad stunned as your stride is broken. you stare at the back of his head until he turns a corner, then you go jogging after him.
“what? but, i-i”
“i don’t want to have to spend my free time tutoring someone.” jake explains, glancing at you before looking away just as quickly.
“i can pay you.” you say, innerly embarrassed at how fast your resolve has crumbled. chaeryeong would be laughing at you if she could see this right now.
“not interested.”
you can almost hear her in your brain…
“well, there’s gotta be something!”
jake finally comes to a sudden halt, almost causing you to run into his backpack before he turns to face you.
“i’m assuming it’s grammar you need help with?”
your initially surprised expression drops into a glare as you reply with a clearly fed up, “no. algebra.”
jake seems to ponder this for a moment, before smiling at you in a way that actually seems like it may be genuine (or at least not entirely snarky).
“walk my dog.”
“huh?” is that a euphemism for something?
“my dog, layla. she’s full of energy but sometimes i’m just too tired after classes or work. do you like animals?”
“i’m a biology major.”
jake looks a bit stunned, eyes blinking to open wider as they skim over your appearance for a second.
“what?” you start, very clearly offended. “why do you look so surprised?”
“i just thought it’d be…something else.”
“like what?”
“i don’t know. something in the creative field?”
“that’s stereotypical.”
jake bites on his bottom lip, you realizing he’s trying to conceal a smile, but before you can get mad about it— he continues.
“look, if you want it, we have a deal. yes or no, pom-poms?”
a flare of anger sparks inside you every single time he refers to you as ‘pom-poms’.
with lips pressed into an agitated line, you stretch out your open palm demandingly. “give me your phone.”
“so i can give you my number and type in the contact name myself. my names y/n, not pom-poms.”
jake laughs under his breath, handing you his phone and watching as you type in your information.
“so is that a yes?”
“yes. can we meet tomorrow?”
“at my place.” jake agrees. “jay’s my only roommate so it should be less distracting for you.”
you hand jake back his phone, the man giggling at the little wave emoji you sent to yourself through his number so you’d have it in your phone.
“by the way, i already knew your name.”
“then why do you always call me pom-poms?”
“becaause…you always have them?” jake answers like it’s obvious. you scoff, putting an unamused hand to your hip.
“i don’t have them right now, do i?”
“no, and it’s honestly a little eerie.” he smirks, clearly intentionally getting under your skin and enjoying every second of it.
“whatever,” you exhale, completely over the conversation. “i gotta go to my next class. see ya.”
“see ya, pom-poms.”
heeseung was right, they won the game, and his team wanted to go out and celebrate. it wasn’t a big win or anything, just a casual competition, but every now and then they like to celebrate their wins by going out to eat or a casual hang out at someone’s dorm. you also think they do it so they have an excuse to invite you and your cheer squad to hang out.
and this time was no different. after the game you all piled in friend’s cars and headed over to a small but good local restaurant nearby. unfortunately, you never got a chance to talk to heeseung. the restaurant was smaller and a bit packed with all of you in there, and you and hee ended up being seated far away from each other. all the different conversations and bustle of the restaurant covered up anyone’s voices besides who was right next to you, so you couldn’t even hear him.
still, it was fun. you ended up rolling into bed a little past 1 am.
which you’re now really regretting as you had to wake up at 5 am to get ready and rush to conditioning practice. once you’ve finished your drills, showered, and are walking to your first class of the day, you decided to text jake.
you: hey 👋 we still down for today
jake sim: Yes.
okay. one text and you’re already seeing some similarities in how he texts with your 60 year old uncle.
you: there a certain time i should come
you: also can u give me ur building number
jake: Is there*
you: huh
jake: IS there a certain time I should come?*
jake: Do you have something against vowels and punctuation?
you: omg!!
you: just tell me the fuckin time and address!!?!
you: is that enough punctuation for you?
jake: …
jake: Fucking*
after cheer practice you hop in your car and enter in the address that was like pulling teeth for jake to finally give you. you can tell by looking at the address that it’s off campus, and as you pull up in jake’s driveway you realize chaeryeong was right when she said jake was loaded.
okay, maybe not loaded loaded, but he’s definitely well off, judging by the outside of his very nice home, perfectly stripe cut grass and shapely shrubbery. there’s even multiple cars here, which you note with a bit of confusion.
you stand and knock at the big, sculpted wooden doors for a minute, before simply trying the knob, which is luckily unlocked.
when you step inside you here distant voices.
deciding to follow the sound, it leads you to a billiard room where you see heeseung, jake and jay playing pool. they’re all stood around while a blonde haired man has his back to you, leaned over as he angles his shot. they still haven’t noticed your presence yet, and you feel incredibly awkward despite being invited to be here.
at your voice, all the men turn at once, the blonde man revealing his face to you.
you’re struck with horror as you both stare wide eyed at each other. someone’s speaking but you don’t catch it, everything sounding like it’s under water.
it’s lee felix. aka your ex that you abruptly ghosted after almost a year into your relationship.
“y/n?” felix utters, and it’s like you just breached the water’s surface, a sudden wave of consciousness washing over you as everything comes back into focus.
“y/n, i’m so sorry! i legitimately forgot!” jake says, and you take your opportunity to look at him and away from felix.
“it’s- its okay, i just…um,” you’re about to offer to leave, before heeseung speaks up.
“just stay, y/n. ever played pool?” he smiles sweetly, and the goosebumps that have raised on your skin soothe a little at his comforting expression.
“yeah! we can play cutthroat!” jay exclaims, already going over to the rack to get you a cue.
“she can just use mine.” heeseung stops him, coming to your side and causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
“we’ve come close enough to poking someone’s eye out already, i don’t think we need more pointy sticks in the equation.” he laughs.
“okay, but i’m going first, since i was going to win that last game anyways.”
“as if, bro!” jay tries with jake. “i was gonna win!”
as heeseung moves to intervene the two boys and rearrange the balls on the table, at some point felix silently appears by your side, startling you as he softly says “have you played cutthroat before?”
“no,” you answer just as softly as the boys fill in the silence with their bickering. “i don’t even know how to play regular pool.”
felix laughs with a shining smile, and your chest fills with bittersweet nostalgia at the familiar yet almost forgotten memory of the deep timber of felix’s laugh and the crinkle of his nose that often pairs with it.
“don’t worry, cutthroat is actually a pretty good game for your first time despite the name. want me to show you how to hold your cue?”
“is that the stick thing?” you ask, and felix bursts into higher pitched giggles, the warmth of his aura making the tension in your body melt away.
so much for jake’s place being ‘less distracting’. it’s 9 pm and you don’t think you’re actually going to have a session with jake tonight. but oh well, you’re actually having fun!
after about two hours of playing pool and just hanging out, you ask jake where the bathroom is before walking down the long hallway.
as you’re walking back, coming up to the archway of jake’s living room you all ended up migrating to, you hear heeseung speaking.
“i didn’t know you were tutoring her?”
“yeah,” jake answers with a huffed laugh. “i haven’t actually tutored her yet, and i probably never will.”
your brows furrow as you halt your feet, standing in the hallway silently to listen.
“what do you mean?” another voice asks. you think it’s jay.
“i don’t think she’s really looking to brush up on her algebra, man. she’s a typical dumb cheerleader, she’s probably just over here because she knows i’m friends with the basketball team.”
“dude-“ heeseung starts, but another thicker aussie accent interrupts.
“that’s fucked, man! how can you say that about her?”
there’s a tense few moments of silence, and you’re not sure if you wished you could see what’s happening or glad that you can’t. you blink as moisture starts to build up in your eyes.
“me? what about you? i’m surprised you’re defending her. didn’t she drop you like you meant nothing to her right when your relationship started to get serious?”
you can’t. you can’t listen anymore.
as quiet and quickly as possible, you head back to the bathroom before a watery gasp can expose your presence. a hand is rubbing at your eyes as tears stream down your face when your hands feel the cool metal of the doorknob.
you shut the door behind you and slide down it, onto your butt, crying into your knees that you wrap your arms around.
then you feel something wet swipe up your leg and you flinch, looking up to see a blonde little dog looking at you curiously.
“oh,” you whisper aloud to yourself, trying not to think about how stuffy you sound. “you must be layla, huh?”
the dogs mouth opens up to let her tongue hang out, appearing like she’s giving you a smile as she sits down obediently, tail wagging behind her.
you can’t help but let out a somber little giggle, wiping a tear off your cheek before leaning over to pet her on the head.
“you’re cute.” you smile, letting her soft fur and rhythmic panting calm you down.
a few minutes later the door opens, jake’s head popping in.
“oh, there you are.” he says, watching how layla is spread out on her back in your lap as you pet her belly.
“did you get lost?”
“uh, yeah.” you take the excuse, gently pushing layla off and standing up. “couldn’t find the bathroom.”
“heeseung and felix are about to leave, but they wanted to say bye.” jake explains, and you follow him out the door and to wherever the boys are.
“okay.” you reply, trying to make your voice sound smooth and not like you were just crying.
“hey, jake?”
the aussie looks over at you as you continue walking.
“can we still get a short tutoring sesh in?” you ask innocently on the outside, but inwardly there’s the burn of spite in your lungs. “i know it’s kinda late but i really need it.”
“oh…yeah, sure.” jake answers, looking away from you.
you bite down a salty smirk.
after going over to jake’s house you turned his texts to mute and haven’t looked ever since.
it’s saturday night, which means football competition. a neighboring team is at your college’s home field to play head to head, and right now, it’s anybody’s game.
you’re in the middle of a cupie stunt right now, your base holding your body up with one hand as you focus on balancing and keeping on a big smile.
once your team’s routine is over you go to sit on the sidelines as the announcer’s voice booms over the speakers.
“hey, i’m gonna go get a gatorade.” chaeryeong taps on your shoulder, pointing at the food vendor who walks up the bleacher steps. “do you want anything?”
you turn to look, which proves to be a mistake as you make direct eye contact with none other than jake sim, who’s staring right at you amongst the crowd (and he looks a little ticked).
you snap your head back straight, letting out a yelped ‘no’. chae luckily doesn’t really pick up on your change of tone with how loud the crowd is, and replies with an ‘okay’ before jogging after the descending vendor.
she comes back a few moments later with her drink and a bag of chips.
“i don’t know how you eat during the games, aren’t you afraid you’ll get sick during a routine?”
“you’re on tiktok too much.” chae replies as she pops open the bag. “stop watching those horrible clips. it’s not very likely to happen at all. and i’m not a flyer like you. even if i puked, it wouldn’t get on anyone.”
“okaay! sorry i brought it up, getting grossed oout!”
chaeryeong laughs, bumping her shoulders with yours.
“hey, tell me about how it went with jake?”
you sigh with a roll of your eyes. “he only taught me for like, an hour.”
“oh!” chae squeals amidst chewing. “perhaps that was because you were too busy falling in love?!”
“oh my god, shut up, chae!”
the girl takes a quick swig of her drink before doing the exact opposite of what you asked. “do you know how many couples start off hating each other? you know, that burning anger you have for him could make for some hot se—“
“chaeryeong!” you gasp and chae laughs at how you sound like a scandalized victorian woman who just saw someone’s ankles. “stop it! that’s never happening.”
“i bet you’d have really good bed chem.” she states like it’s a fact.
“whatever.” you say just as the stadium erupts.
your home team doesn’t win, but your cheer squad goes out on the field to do your last routine anyways. you all go to the locker room to change after, most of your team moving quick to go to some party.
“you not coming, y/n?” your friend asks, chaeryeong also looking at you for your answer.
“i don’t think so, guys. maybe next time.”
eventually everyone walks out, leaving you alone as you set your pom-poms down.
amidst taking off your top, your hair falls into your face, leading you to shake your head as you blindly place your shirt inside your locker. when you open your eyes, you spot jake in your peripheral, staring at you wide eyed like an idiot while holding open the door.
“jake!” you screech, moving to cover your chest with your arms. “what the fuck!”
“i’m- i-i’m sorry, i was just trying to find you-“
“i don’t care, pervert! don’t come in the locker room!”
even with the distance, you can see how jake’s ears turn red. his face morphs from embarrassed panic to mad (and still embarrassed), the boy stomping closer until he’s right in front of you.
“i’m not a pervert, you kept ignoring my texts! we had a deal, you know!”
“well, you pissed me off!”
“me! how did i piss you off?”
“you- you’re…so fucking annoying!” you let out, not even knowing where you’re going with this as you get up in jake’s face.
“you ruined my chances with heeseung and act like an ass all the time!”
“ruined your chances! how did i ruin your chances with hee?” jake asks, and you back down a bit, not wanting to tell jake that you heard what he said that night.
at your silence, jake takes the opportunity to continue. “i mean, yeah. i don’t want you to be with heeseung, but that doesn’t mean i’d meddle—“
“and why don’t you want me to be with heeseung,” you interject, getting closer inch by inch to jake’s face as he stands his ground, giving you the same piercing eyes you challenge him with. “is it because…you think i’ll break his heart?”
you try to ask the question with just as much bite as your previous, hoping your insecurities don’t show through.
jake blanches, slightly taken aback by the directness of your question before he doubles down ten fold, pressing closer to you until your noses almost touch.
“yeah. maybe i do.” he grumbles to admit, breath puffing into your face.
you inhale to scoff, but then your chest brushes up against his, and suddenly you both remember that you’re only in a bra and cheer skirt.
jake glances down, eyes flitting over how your boobs press together when you have your arms angrily crossed, before meeting your gaze again.
the next thing you know, your lips are on his.
you don’t know who leaned in first, all you know is that he tastes like lemonade, tart but sweet enough to leave you wanting more.
his hands immediately go to your breasts, pushing you up against the lockers in his haste as the metal clangs and echos around the room, covering up your soft moan of shock.
your hands naturally move to rest at his stomach, where your surprised to feel the firm divots and raises of abs.
“do you-…do you workout?” you pant after parting from jake’s lips to take a breath. the boy doesn’t bother stopping, trailing his mouth from the corner of yours to down your neck, kissing and mouthing along your bra strap.
“can i take this off?” he asks, ignoring your question. you nod with a quiet little ‘yes’, jake reaching behind you to snap open your bra with one hand.
you try not to be too impressed (and fail), noting to yourself that the rumors must be true and this nerd does indeed fuck.
jake hastily guides your bra down your arms and tosses it to the side, latching his plush lips to your bud as his veiny hands continue to kneed at your breasts.
“oh my god,” you whisper under your breath, fingers moving to run through his hair as you let your head lean back against the locker. jake lets out a breathy groan at the feeling of you on his tongue and how you’re unconsciously giving small tugs to the tufts of his hair.
you whimper and flinch at the ghost of jake’s teeth on your nipple, quite literally feeling the curve of his smile on your skin as he glances up at you, not bothering to detach from your tits as his eyes sparkle with mischief. you let out a sigh as you smirk down at him, giving a now conscious, firm pull to his hair and watching how jake’s eyes shut in the stinging pleasure, a throaty moan escaping him.
“you’re a jerk.”
jake kisses from the swell of your breast and down your stomach in response, as though apologizing. now on his knees, he pauses at the waistband of your skirt. your hands move to take it off before jake stops you, sliding his palms over the material and to your thighs, squeezing at the plushness of them as he moves his head downward.
butterfly kisses are now being pressed up your legs until jake’s face is fully under your skirt. you put a hand over your mouth as you feel jake slowly sliding your panties down, trying to contain a needy moan at his teasing.
“damn, you’re wet.” jake whispers, the breath of his voice tickling your skin and causing your legs to tremble.
“please?” you whine, but only barely, still trying to hold on to some of your dignity.
“please what, pom-poms?” jake asks, and you can hear the smugness in his tone even while his face is hidden.
your eyes roll.
“oh my god, jake. please just shut the fuck up and eat me out!”
“can do.”
that’s all the warning jake gives before burying his face in your pussy, going at it like he’s starved.
you bite down on your lip to keep from crying out, not wanting jake to know just how good his mouth feels. (god knows his ego doesn’t need the boost.) you think you’re doing pretty good at keeping quiet, even when jake flicks your clit with his tongue, you only flinch slightly.
but jake takes notice of your silence, and it’s pissing him off.
so he runs a digit through the wetness of your pussy before pressing the entirety of it into your hole roughly, feeling how tightly your walls clench around him.
“f- fuck!” you startle.
it’s only one finger, but the length of it and the stretch his knuckles provide as he pumps them in and out of you mercilessly is making you come undone quicker than you would have thought.
jake’s making lots of slurping noises as his tongue licks at your leaking hole, nose nuzzling over your pulsing clit.
fuck, this man knows how to eat pussy. and when he presses a second finger inside of you, you know you’ve lost the quiet game. a whine comes from your throat as you squeeze your eyes shut, hips moving in small motions to meet the thrust of jake’s fingers.
he’s growling against you, eyes shut as he seems lost in the taste of you.
it isn’t until your head rolls to the side in pleasure that you notice he’s tugged his pants down just enough for his (to your shock, very big) cock to spring out, jerking himself off furiously as pre cum dribbles from the head.
“are you- fucking serious?” you laugh breathlessly, jake not stoping but opening his eyes to give you a confused glare.
“you’re getting off just from eating my pussy? how many of your hookups know you’re a munch?”
jake’s suddenly pulling his mouth off and fingers out of you with a cold look, but the hand on his cock never slows. if anything, it gets faster.
“if you’re gonna be a brat then i’m not making you cum.”
you’re thrown off, not expecting him to react this way, or how strangely embarrassed yet turned on it makes you feel. something about how angrily jake glares at you while he fists his big cock, even while he’s the one kneeling at your feet, it makes you feel oddly small.
and as much as it pains you to admit, desperate.
“i’m- i’m…sorry?”
jake lets out a humored scoff, shaking his head.
“you’re gonna have to do better than that. beg.”
you grit your teeth as you let out a frustrated sigh, unable to make eye contact as you force yourself to speak.
“please…make me cum.”
jake gives you an utterly unimpressed expression. “or i can just leave-“
“no! please, i- i’m sorry. i’ll be good, i wont be a brat anymore. just please make me cum?”
jake’s lips slowly stretch into a smirk that makes chills run down your spine, watching as his hand returns to his dick to rub over the leaking tip.
you unconsciously lick your lips and swallow.
“you’re gonna be a good girl for me?” he asks darkly.
“y- yes. i’ll be a good girl.”
jake’s diving back in with double the passion, his fingers slipping right back in as he curls them just right inside of you, hurling you towards climax.
“ah, j-jake, please! need- can i?” you pant, hardly able to get a word out as he’s sucking at your clit, giving it special attention.
he hums and you take it as a yes, thighs trembling as you cum all over jake’s chin.
“my turn.” jake growls, standing up and pushing you down to kneel in front of him, barely giving you any time to catch your breath before he’s shoving his dick in your mouth. still, you moan out happily, admittedly dying to have him in your mouth the moment you saw his pretty, pink tip and how big he is.
“that’s it, suck my cock like a good little slut.” jake orders, admiring how hot you look sitting on the floor in your short little cheer skirt. he grabs your hair in two fists, chuckling at how it looks like makeshift pigtails as he pulls on your hair to guide you further down his cock.
you sputter, struggling to take his bulbous tip down your throat but loving it and the stretch your jaw has to make to accommodate him.
he’s literally fucking your face, letting out little groans as he harshly snaps his hips against you.
once he looks down and sees your pretty eyes already looking up at him, it’s over.
jake deeply growls when he presses your face flat against his pelvis, cock shoved deeply down your throat as he pumps out his hot load, forcing you to swallow it all. (not that you wouldn’t have anyway.)
jake pulls you off of him with a wet pop, trying to it to ogle at how you lick his cum off your lips.
tucking himself back inside his pants, you look for your own clothes as jake finds a towel to wipe his hands and face off with, before tossing it in a nearby hamper.
“um,” jake starts, biting his lip as an awkward air takes over between you. “i am actually sorry, about…whatever i did that’s made you feel like i ruined it with heeseung for you.”
“it’s…it’s whatever. i’m sorry too, i kinda lost it.”
jake laughs softly, the sound breaking a little of the tension as he looks up to make direct eye contact. “i think we both did, but it’s okay. maybe we should just call it even?”
“sure,” you smile, combing your hair out of your face, trying to make it look like you didn’t just get eaten out and throat fucked in the locker room. (though you doubt anyone is around at this point, or at least you hope.)
“i’ll come around sometime to walk layla, just shoot me a text…and i really will answer this time.” you joke, jake taking the initiative to grab your cheer bag for you.
“sooo…do you still want me to be your tutor?”
“yeah! i do.” you answer simply, an annoying little voice in the back of your head saying that maybe chaeryeong was right, and you really did just need to fuck the frustration out of each other. even though there wasn’t actually any fucking…
“i still have something i’m wondering though,” you say as the two of you walk out of the locker room, jake letting you lead the way out of the stadium.
“what were you doing at basketball practice? on monday.”
“oh, well, normally heeseung comes with jay to our place and we game or something, after their practice. but i got off early and just decided to drop in.”
“where do you work?” you ask, looking over to jake and watching how he slightly swings your bag side to side as he walks.
“part time at the cafe, in the cafeteria…you haven’t seen me?” he asks jokingly, a faux pout on his lips.
“no.” you play along, answering ‘smugly’ as you lift your chin up, before giggling. “no, i usually have my lunch in the library.”
“oh, toooo…study?”
“i wish. if i spent that time studying i probably wouldn’t need a tutor,“ you admit with a bashful smile. “but usually i’m reading something.”
“oh! what do you like to read?”
“ah,” you whine, covering your face as you let out an embarrassed laugh. usually you’re undisturbed in the library, everyone else is typically there to study, have some alone time, or eat their lunch in a place that’s quiet. you’ve never had anyone ask you what you’re reading.
“it’s…embarrassing. i’m gonna sound boring.”
“what?” jake laughs, turning in front of you and walking backwards so he can fully look at you. “tell me, i’m dying to know now.”
“i mean, usually it’s about animal history-“
“right! biology major.” jake remembers.
“yup.” you nod. “buuut, sometimes i read biographies or like, theories.”
jake’s ears practically perk, but you don’t notice, pushing open a door before jake’s back can run into it.
“oh, thanks.” he says before returning to your side after the close call, deciding he’d rather not possibly fall right in front of you with your heavy cheer bag to land on top of him. “theories? what- what kind of theories?”
“right now i’m reading einstein’s.”
jake looks over to you with widened eyes, surprised because he’s never met anyone else that actually has an interest in stuff like that. he’s tried to rant to jay or heeseung about that kind of stuff, be he can tell they’re just replying on auto pilot, not really listening.
jake wonders how far you’ve read, what all you know. he’s practically tingling with excitement, about to ask you if you know about the team of scientists that disproved one of einstein’s theories when-
“well, i’m gonna get back to my dorm now,”you say just as you reach the campus sidewalk, street lamps lighting the path as dusk turns to darkness.
“i can walk you? it’s pretty late.” jake offers, already moving as though to go with you.
you feel your heart stop, a feeling you can only describe as ‘oh no’ burning a hole into the pit of your stomach.
“jake…earlier…it was just casual, yknow…”
jake stares at you, eyes round and capturing the lights in his dark pupils like stars in the sky. he stills, free hand going inside his pocket while the other still holds your bag.
“not that i’m assuming anything!” you hurry to add. “just thought i’d…clarify.”
“yeah…yeah, i know. i just- i just didn’t think it’d be a big deal to walk you home.”
“it’s not a big deal. that’s why i can do it myself.” you explain as nonchalantly as you can, but on the inside you feel like there’s needles pricking your skin, hairs all standing on end. you’re dying to be out of this situation, anxiety making you feel like prey, wanting to run, run, run.
“right! yeah, of course!”
you smile smoothly, leaning in to take your bag from his hand.
“i’ll see you at our next session, okay?”
“okay.” jake smiles softly, but you don’t look for too long, turning your back too soon, listening to the voice yelling in your head to leave.
you hear jake’s voice behind you as you walk down the paved path, his voice slightly carrying into the night.
“stay safe, pom-poms!”
you laugh, little and quiet to yourself as you whisper.
for the next week you’re busier than ever: tutor sessions, cheer practice, competition days, your usual studies and classes, taking layla on walks every now and then when jake is at work.
and yet, you’re thriving.
jake’s ‘hard work on you’— as he put it, is paying off.
you’re at your usual spot that you and jake have your sessions, his house.
the clock strikes 10 pm when you finally call it quits. layla (who’s been switching between sitting on your and jake’s feet from underneath the table) jumps up the second she hears the slam of your notebook and jake getting up to put away his study material.
“what is it, girl?” you laugh, watching the golden furred dog do an excited little wiggle dance in front of you.
she looks from you, to the front door, and back at you again.
“jake, i think she wants to go outside.”
uh-oh. you said her buzzword.
at the mention of ‘outside’, layla becomes twice as restless, whining and pawing at the front door with her claws.
“layla, no,” jake stops her, pulling her away from the door before she can scratch the wood.
“are you gonna take her?” you ask, jake turning his head to you as he continues to pat and scratch layla’s back, trying to sedate her.
“maybe just for a little bit, once you go home.”
“…i’ll go with you.” you offer, jake’s brows raising slightly in surprise.
“you don’t have to, y/n. i know we have a ‘deal’ but i don’t actually care if you-“
“i want to.” you shrug.
“you do?”
“aren’t you tired?” jake asks, standing up and tilting his head at you.
you tilt yours back at him, a teasing smirk on your face. “i’m not. are you?”
jake takes one look at your smirk and falls into your trap, so easily persuaded by even the notion of a challenge. grabbing layla’s leash out of a nearby drawer in the kitchen, he hooks it onto layla’s collar and puts on his slides.
“lets go.” he smiles, you laughing at how his accent really pops out when he says the word ‘go’.
“what’s so funny?” he giggles with you despite not knowing why, watching as you hurriedly slip the shoes closest to you— which happen to be jake’s crocs that he never wears. they’re way too big, you putting them in ‘sport mode’ to try and combat the obvious size issue.
it doesn’t work. but despite that, they stay on.
“you look like a garden gnome,” jake laughs, letting you playfully slap him on the shoulder and watching how you bolt out the door a second later with a screech, like a kid playing tag.
“don’t run in them!! poms, you’re going to fall!” he yells, quickly grabbing a coat off the hook for you in case you get cold before he and layla hurry out the door and after you.
you walk around for about 15 minutes, eventually coming upon a gas station.
“…you hungry?”
you end up being the one to go inside the gas station while jake stays outside with layla, since dogs aren’t allowed in. he watches you closely the entire time though, staring at you while he stands right at the glass door entrance.
“i’m a big girl, you know.” you laugh once you walk back out, jake holding the door open for you. “im not gonna die if you’re not there to watch me.”
“i know, but gas stations at night just kinda freak me out.” jake whines, taking the plastic bag from your hands while you hold the two cups of hot ramen. you go and sit at a nearby bench that’s right beneath a window, the glow of the gas station’s light’s shining a light on the area around you.
“did you make it how i told you?” jake sing-songs as he ties layla’s leash to the bench’s leg, the dog taking the time to enjoy the break as she lays by his feet obediently.
“yes, i followed your obscenely specific instructions down to the very detail to make you the perfect ramen, jake.” you roll your eyes in faux annoyance, handing the cup of ramen to him, as well as a plastic fork.
“thank you.” he smiles coyly, taking the container from you.
“you’re welcome, princess.” you sigh jokingly.
you take a few bites of your ramen before speaking up again, as jake seems completely content to wordlessly munch on his food.
“so what are you and the boy’s gonna do this weekend?”
“mmm,” jake hums, swallowing before continuing. “i think we’re going over to felix’s.”
“oh.” you reply, picking up your drink to take a sip a second later.
even though it was chill when you last saw felix, you still feel a little awkward when his name comes up…or maybe it’s guilt you’re feeling.
“what’s up with that?” jake asks, looking at how your body language has changed to uncomfortable.
“what’s up with what?”
“…all of it, i guess.” jake specifies, and he sounds serious. like he really wants to know your history with felix.
you exhale and hope it doesn’t sound shaky, giving yourself a moment to take another bite of your food as you gather your thoughts. usually you might say ‘i don’t want to talk about it’ or ‘i don’t know’, but after hearing what jake said that first time you were over at your house…you want him to hear your side. even though your side doesn’t really excuse what you did.
“we…i liked him, freshman year. and he didn’t at first, but then he came around and eventually asked me out. and…he was honestly really great, he was a wonderful partner and i…really, really liked him.”
“so then…why? why’d you…”
“drop him?” you finish jake’s trailed of sentence for him.
he nods.
“i just…” you pause, looking down at your shoes and twisting the soles of them into the concrete. your heart wanes in realization that you’re about to talk about it. “sometimes i get really scared when- someone…cares about me? i don’t know. i don’t know how to describe it.”
“why does someone caring for you scare you?”
“i’m not sure. feeling…pressure? to be perfect, to keep them from leaving? or…scared of having someone that i care for so much, because…that means they could really hurt me.”
“when did that start?” jake asks softly, voice free of judgement, even pity— you think. just a gentle desire to understand.
“oh, i don’t know.” you laugh, though there’s no real humor behind it. you look down at layla and the way the light hits her fur, turning the tips a flaming gold. “parent stuff, friend stuff…i had a really shitty ex in high school.”
jake barks out a short laugh. “same, i think it’s a part of the teenage experience.”
“trauma builds character.” you say matter-of-factly, jake giggling as you can’t help but join him.
“i am sorry though, about what happened to you and that it’s made you feel this way. you didn’t deserve that.”
you bite your lip, staring at each other as your stomach twists from the soft timber of his voice and the gentleness of his words.
you look away.
“i know what i did to him was wrong. it doesn’t excuse it….”
“…no.” jake confirms. “but it does make sense. and it’s good that you know what the problem is now.”
“yeah,” you agree with a small smile, heart still heavy, but at the same time you do feel a bit better after talking about it.
“and i have gotten better. i still get scared, and sometimes i have unconscious bad habits, but i’ve gotten better at…telling my brain to shut up, when i realize.” you struggle to explain, but jake nods his head like he gets it.
your arms shiver slightly, from the cool night air or the adrenaline rush after voicing your feelings— you’re not sure.
jake unties the jacket from around his waist and lays it over your shoulders, but your goosebumps remain.
as you walk into physics class you take a small glance at jake, offering a quick smile as you pass by him at his usual spot in front row before you go and sit down towards the middle.
there’s already someone sitting to your right, so you’re about to sit your bag on the left seat for chae (who’s apparently running late) when jake abruptly appears and takes the spot.
you’re staring at him with a confused ‘what the fuck’ face as he finishes opening his backpack and placing his things down, putting on his glasses so he can see the professor and their material from far away before turning to smile at you.
“hi,” he whispers.
you try to change your expression to a more casual one, seeing that he for some reason decided to change his usual seating arrangements to sit next to you, and that seems to be his only prerogative.
“hey…” you whisper back, turning to face the front after.
the professor begins the class, but you can’t focus. jake keeps trying to help you, leaning close to add on to what the professor is saying, then he notices the eraser on your pencil is almost gone and gives you a new one. but worst of all, when you tilt your head to write something down, hair cascading like a curtain over your face, jake gently moves to tuck your hair behind your ear, smiling sweetly at you when you glance at him.
you’re not confused anymore. you think you know exactly what’s going on and you’re…you don’t know what to do. everything suddenly feels like it’s spiraling into a mess and you desperately want to feel like you’re in control of it again.
so you cross your legs and lean in jake’s direction, taking it slow and simply brushing up against his pant leg.
jake’s eyes look down but quickly move back up to the front of the class, maybe assuming it’s on accident, though his expression does look slightly frazzled.
you want to mess him up more.
thankful for the table that’s about to cover your sins, you place your hand right above jake’s knee.
he fully acknowledges you now, snapping his head to give you a confused look, trying and failing to hide how flustered he is thanks to his blushing ears.
you tilt your head to indicate confusion, your ‘innocent’ act not fooling him at all as you creep your hand farther up his leg, to the meatier part of his thigh. the higher you go, the pinker his cheeks grow, looking more and more adorable.
you feel like a predator that’s caught her prey when you squeeze and his body jerks, hair falling into his eyes before he shakes it away and adjusts his glasses.
you feel like your pupils dilate at the action, watching jake sitting there and not even telling you to stop, letting you touch him in class where anyone could catch you. he’s dressed like the smart boy he is today, his polo shirt and kaki pants paired with oval framed glasses almost giving a nerdy virgin vibe. it makes you really wet, especially since you’re so close to his cock, which you never got to touch with your hands.
a bulge is starting to grow in his pants and you let your fingers barely graze over it as you start massaging his thigh.
“y-y/n?” he speaks so softly you would miss it if it weren’t for how close you sit together.
you glance up at him casually, like you’re fingers aren’t narrowly avoiding his cock right now, and it’s driving him crazy.
it’s making him desperate.
you’re in the middle of class and yet he’s dying for you to just touch his dick already.
he’s debating between if he should ask or not when you finally put your whole hand over his bulge. he stops a whine from bubbling up his throat as your touch is still feather light, not even giving him the grace of more pressure. pushing his hips up into your palm, you pull away, bringing your hands back into your lap and attention back on the professor.
“what? b- baby-“
“what, nerd?” you say with a little bite, and the name has jake twitching in his pants.
“pl- please? can you keep…touching me?”
“we’re in class, jake.” you say, pretending to be mildly annoyed, as if you weren’t the one who started all this.
a tiny noise escapes from jake’s throat, squeezing his eyes shut as he clenches his thighs, trying to relieve the pulsing of his own dick as blood rushes down south.
“jake!” you scold with a harsh whisper, genuinely surprised by how shameless he’s getting.
“please, y/n.” he struggles out, voice whiney. “i need you.”
your breath turns shakey, the facade of being unaffected crumbling as you feel yourself getting more and more turned on. granting him mercy, you bring your hand back down to fully grope his bulge, eyes growing wide as you’re reminded of how big he is.
“fuck.” you sigh, jake giving a twitchy thrust at your voice.
“dirty boy.” is all you say before facing the class again, really trying not to get caught now as your touches turn into you basically jacking him off over his pants.
jake humps into your hand as subtly as he can, almost missing how the professor’s asking him a question if it weren’t for how you pinch his thigh to break him out of it.
“w-what?” jake asks, sounding far from intelligent.
“i said, what is the speed of darkness, mr. sim.”
“oh- um,”
your hand goes right back to jacking him off, stopping at the tip of his dick to massage over it. jake swallows down a cry.
“i expected this to be easy, especially for you, mr. sim.”
“it- it has none.” he croaks out, voice almost raising in his efforts to avoid his building orgasm, the panic almost making him reach that point faster. “darkness is the absence of light, so it doesn’t h- have any speed.”
“correct! dark is simply the absence of photons which means-“
“i’m gonna cum.” jake says as quietly as possible, leaning back in his chair and pushing his face into the side of your arm, hiding his face. “y/n, m’gonna!”
you stop your hand and push him off of you, sitting up straighter as you whisper “after class”, leaving jake trembling in his chair, panting under his breath and too desperate to argue.
it feels like an eternity has passed when class ends, you getting up immediately and jake rushing to follow you. you lead him out into the hallway, hurrying up and opening a closet door before the crowds of other students fill the halls. jake practically moans when you grab him by the shirt and shove him inside, shutting the door behind you. it’s dark as you feel for the light switch, unable to find it.
“fuck, where’s the lights?”
you hear a click and the small closet is dimly illuminated, jake standing right in front of you with wide, shiny eyes, holding a string that’s connected to the one lightbulb that lights the space, which you now can see is a janitor’s closet.
“oh, thank you.” you say normally, like your panties aren’t soaking wet, before pushing him against the wall, almost knocking over a mop bucket as you intensely make out with jake.
the boy lets you swallow down his long moan of relief, needy hands grasping at your hips and already trying to rut against your leg.
“you really that desperate? can’t help but hump your big cock against me?”
jake whimpers, looking at you with big, pretty brown eyes as he wordlessly begs you.
“maybe you aren’t that smart of a nerd. can’t even talk? does your dick getting some attention make you that dumb?”
“yes! yes, yes, m’ so dumb. so stupid for you. please make me cum? it hurts, baby, please?”
“fuck me.” you order. “then you can cum.”
jake takes a second to process your words before he’s stripping himself bare.
“can- can you take off everything, please? wanna feel all of you.” he asks adorably, and you grant him his wish, albeit— you have to tease him. you peel off your clothes so slowly, jake watching every inch of your skin being revealed like he’s never seen a woman’s body before, hands clenching at his sides with the need to touch you.
“please, please, please.” he chants under his breath, almost to himself unconsciously.
“c’mere, jakey.” you coo, him hugging himself up to you a millisecond later.
he’s whimpering and slobbering into your neck as he attempts to give you kisses in his messy state of mind. you start to giggle until his cock catches at the entrance of your pussy and causes you to let out a whine, jake getting more excited (if it’s possible) after feeling how wet you are for him.
“y/n, please.” he blubbers, resting his forehead against yours.
“you can go inside, baby. fuck me, touch me. i don’t care anymore, just give me your cock.”
jake slowly pushes himself inside, the both of you moaning in relief before jake starts fucking into you slowly.
his face is sweating, glasses sliding down his nose bridge as he tries to give you time to adjust fully to his length. you’re so tight, looking so pretty while your eyes are squeezed shut, head leaning back against the wall as you’re stretched out around his dick. jake peppers little kisses all over the exposed expanse of your neck, you letting out happy little noises at his careful care and the feeling of him inside you.
“you okay, babygirl?”
“yeah, jakey. you can go deeper.”
slowly, jake pushes in as far as he can go, hips flush against yours. his cock is long, reaching places that haven’t been reached in a long time, but still…
“no,” you tremble, knowing it can be even better. “hold on.”
pushing his chest off of you a little to give more space, you lift your right leg and hook it around his shoulder, your other still firmly on the ground.
“okay, keep going.” you almost beg, desperate to be fucked into the wall.
“holy shit…” jake marvels, thrusting as deeply into you as he possibly can go, the new angle making his tip press into your cervix.
“oh my god!” he almost growls as his control slips from his grasp, hips gaining speed as he starts to pound into you. the rough quality of his previously sweet tone has you clenching, making him lose it even more. “you’re so fucking flexible.”
“m- m’a cheerleader.” is all you can manage to get out and explain when jake is fucking you so hard, making you feel so good. the slapping noises of jake’s thrusts and your wet pussy isn’t quiet, but you’re too cock drunk to worry about it, and jake is too lost in the way your needy cunt takes him so well.
“damn right, you are, baby.”
forcing your eyes to focus an jake’s intense gaze as he watches every one of your minute expressions, you see how his glasses rest lop sided on his face, releasing the grip you have on jake’s strong shoulders to fix them.
there’s a shift in jake’s eyes after you do this, and you’re beginning to feel as though he’s looking right through your skin and into your soul. then jake’s big hands wrap tightly around your back, stretching your leg further as you’re pressed flush against him and the wall. his rhythm turns erratic as your moans get louder, the hot air in the small space too thick for you to catch your breath.
“sweet girl, with an even sweeter little cunt, yeah?” he drawls, accent turning thicker as he licks into your mouth and presses sloppy kisses onto your lips in between words. “taking my cock like a champ, baby. taking me like a good girl.”
“please, jake. need to cum.” you cry weakly, looking up at him with glassy eyes.
“cum for me, sweetheart. make me all messy.”
you obey his words with a muffled cry as he cradles your head into his neck, trying to make sure no one hears your sounds of pleasure.
he tries his best to hold on long enough to fuck you through your high before he pulls out, fisting his own cock.
you don’t want to miss it, falling on your weak knees and opening your mouth to stick out your tongue, looking up at him and begging with your eyes for him to give it to you.
jake can’t even speak as his hands moves in a blur, the only cognitive thought in his mind how pretty you look kneeling for him, begging for his cum, before he’s unloading into your mouth.
you take it all, swallowing and leaning forward to suck on his tip like a lollipop after, licking him clean.
once jake is able to get himself together and your legs feel a little less like jello, who helps you stand and get dressed.
you laugh once you’re both fully clothed, watching jake clean his glasses lens with his shirt.
“what?” jake smiles tiredly, straightening his polo. “do i look normal?” and like we didn’t just fuck in the janitor’s closet?
“no,” you giggle, shaking your head as you reach up to comb through his very tousled hair. “okay, that’s better.”
“thank you.” jake smiles tenderly, making that funny feeling in your stomach present again before he presses a quick kiss to your lips. “i’ll text you, baby.”
“o-….okay…” you mumble, jake giggling as he thinks your dazed look is just because you’re still a little fucked dumb.
“you want me to slip out first?”
“um, yeah.” you answer, watching jake peek out the door before flashing you one more sweet smile before he’s out, shutting the door behind him.
you don’t know what you’re going to do.
“dude, just ask her out already.” jay says as he lays down to spread out on jake’s bed like a star fish.
“i am!” jake insists, accepting that he’s probably not going to get anymore studying done when jay’s in his bedroom yapping away. shutting his laptop, jake swivels his desk chair around and quirks a brow at how jay lays on his bed like he owns it.
“then do it! what are you waiting for?”
“i just don’t want to overwhelm her, i think if i move too fast it’ll scare her. but…i think I’m gonna ask her tonight.”
jay sits up on his elbows. “you’re inviting her?” he asks, referring to the game night the boys were planning to have with heeseung at their place.
“yeah. i’ve already asked her, she says she can come after some cheer event she’s doing today.”
“wow…” jay sighs, now looking a little surprised as he processes.
“i can’t believe you got a cheerleader girlfriend before me or heeseung.”
jake starts to be offended before he smirks, standing up from his chair and combing his hair out of his face.
“that’s because i’m sexy and smart. now take the L and help me clean up before she gets here.”
it’s 8:00 pm when you finally get to jake and jay’s house, jake waiting for you by the door.
“hi, how was the event?”
“it was good. they had us outside all day but the weather wasn’t too warm.”
“good!” jake smiles as he opens the door for you and leads you to the living room. “ready to beat these guys in a game with me?”
“i really suck at video games, jake.” you laugh just as you walk into the room, seeing jay and heeseung sitting at the sofa.
jake sees heeseung’s eyes light up when he sees you, and jake feels a bit annoyed— then guilty. heeseung doesn’t know about you and jake, the australian not having time to tell him about your ‘thing’ before you showed up.
“hey, y/n! come sit.” jay invites.
you move to sit down on the couch, the only space available being next to heeseung. jake sits against your legs, his cuddly nature making you blush and feel a little self conscious while in front of everyone else, moving your legs to criss-cross them on the cushion instead.
something about being at their house with heeseung over again, in this room, makes you think about what you’ve been trying not to this entire time: what jake said.
do they all think you’re a player?
do they know about you and jake’s hookups?
if the answer is yes, then they probably also think you’re just with jake to get in his pants, to chew him up and spit him out.
but what do you really want?…and what…what does jake want?
you’ve felt off since the classroom incident, and you thought maybe hanging out casually would make you feel better, but it seems to only be making it worse.
heeseung concerned voice snaps you out of your head and you look at him. he’s holding out a gaming controller for you, and you take it, the object feeling a bit big in your hands.
“here,” jake offers gently, turning around from his place on the floor as he positions your hands over the controller. “it’ll probably be easier for you to hold it like this.”
“thanks.” you say unconsciously soft, probably because of the proximity between you and jake’s faces.
he smiles that cute smile at you again, the one that makes his eyes sparkle, and you feel legitimately sick.
“do you want me to explain the game to you?” heeseung offers.
“i can,” jake starts to interrupt, but you stop him as you gesture for him to sit back down.
“it’s fine, jake. hee’s right here.”
you hope the excuse of heeseung sitting right next to you is a good enough excuse for why you don’t want jake coddling over you. you just…you can’t think clearly with him near right now.
once you start the multi player game and you go for a few rounds, heeseung starts getting kinda touchy with you. first letting his thighs touch yours, which is probably unconscious. the sofa is rather squishy and deep, it’s easy to sink into it— and thus, you. but then he starts smiling at you a lot and praising you whenever you do something right. you try not to encourage heeseung’s treatment while also ignoring how jake keeps turning to take peeks at you together.
very unexpectedly, you find a few advantage items and end up winning a round, heeseung throwing up his arms in excitement while jay loudly cheers.
“that was awesome, y/n!” heeseung says before wrapping you in an unexpected hug. you smile proudly at yourself, returning his quick hug.
“y/n and i will go get some drinks.” jake abruptly announces in a low tone before grabbing your arm and pulling you away from heeseung.
“jake. jake! why are you pulling me?” you say as he continues down the hall, not looking or speaking to you until you get to the kitchen.
“what was that?” he asks demandingly after spinning around to face you, eyes hard and looking at you angrily.
“what was what?”
“you and heeseung!”
“there is no me and heeseung, jake.” you sigh, rubbing your temples as you feel a headache coming on. this whole evening has honestly been nothing but stressful, and you’re starting to regret coming.
“well it sure looked like you were a thing…i thought we…”
he trails off and your heart full on stops, eyes wide as you stare at jake.
“you thought…what?” you ask, scared out of your mind.
“i like you.” jake says softly, looking up from the floor to gaze at you with hopeful eyes. “and i think…i think you like me too, right?”
you take a few deep breaths, brows furrowing as panic and fear take over the rational part of your brain.
“you sure you want to like the ‘typical dumb cheerleader’?” you air quote, jake’s face falling as your eyes already start to sting.
“oh my god, you heard that? baby, i’m so, so sorry. i-…i don’t think that now, i was being an asshole.”
despite how hard you try to keep them at bay, to blink them back, to keep the angry facade up— you can’t. your walls finally crumble down as you cry into your hands, letting the ache that’s been slowly growing in your heart over these past few weeks take over your whole chest.
“you- you don’t still think i’m a h- heartbr- break-“
you can’t even get a full sentence out between your crying and gasps of air, jake coming closer with open arms to wrap you in a hug, to squeeze you against his warm chest.
“no, no, no. sweet girl, oh my god.” he says almost like it’s to himself, before he’s culling your damp cheeks.
“c’mon, baby. look at me?” he coos sadly, and you do, putting aside your shame and lifting your face, watching his regretful eyes flit over your teary orbs and broken expression.
“i am so sorry that the harsh, untruthful words i said hurt you so badly, and i’m so sorry it’s taken me this long to apologize. i was legitimately an asshole to you and you didn’t deserve it. i had you pinned down in my head of who i thought you were and i treated you differently because of it, when i didn’t even bother getting to know you. and i’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
jake tries to wipe away the tears that slip down your cheeks as you try to calm down, still hurt but feeling better after his words.
“you- you don’t think i’m a bad person? because- because i honestly wouldn’t blame you if you did.” you dare to ask.
“no!” jake states firmly. “no, baby. you’re not and i don’t think that. i think you’re kind and generous. hardworking and smart. beautiful and funny and so, so easy to fall for.”
“jake…” you whisper, cheeks burning as you attempt to hide you face in his chest. but jake doesn’t let you, cupping your jaw in his palms as he nuzzles his nose against yours.
“do you like me, poms?” he whispers nervously, breath fanning over your lips as you feel like you’re about to drown from the depth of emotions he manages to hold in his eyes.
“i…i do, jake. i really, really like you.”
jake smiles, teeth biting at his bottom lip to try and contain it.
“but,” you’re quick to say when jake starts to lean in, halting his actions. “i…i need time…to think. i…”
“it’s okay, y/n. you don’t have to explain it to me. i’ll wait for you.” jake whispers, staring forlornly at your lips, but not moving. “even if you tell me not to, i’d still wait for you.”
your heart skips a beat and you pull away, afraid you’ll lose your resolve and dive into his kiss if you don’t.
“okay. i’ll…i’ll see you, jake.”
“see you, y/n.” jake smiles, but despite trying his best, it doesn’t make it to his eyes. you walk out of the kitchen before fleeing from his house, speeding to your dorm and collapsing onto your bed and bursting into sobs.
3 days.
3 days, going on four, since you’ve spoken to jake. you know he’s trying really hard not to overwhelm you, to resist coming over and talking to you, but you still catch staring at you in class when he thinks you don’t notice.
you do.
you notice him, always.
you want to go to him, you miss him so much. but it’s feels like there’s chains of fear wrapped around your heart, weighing you down and tugging you away from him.
you’re walking across campus in the afternoon to go back to your dorm, feeling like a zombie like you have been since you last spoke to jake.
you run into something with stops your lazy, slow steps, looking up to see felix staring wide at you.
“oh, y/n! hey!”
“h-hi! sorry, lix.” you apologize for running into him, trying to sound at least half as chipper as him.
“that’s alright. so, jay told me about you and jake,” he implores in a teasing way, nudging your arm with his elbow as he smiles. “how’s that going?”
it takes you a few seconds to feel the pain in your heart at simply hearing his name before you start crying, felix almost flinching back in surprise as you try to wipe your tears away as quickly as they come.
“i’m- i’m so sorry, felix. i’m a mess right now.”
“hey, hey, it’s okay, y/n. why don’t we sit down and you can tell me about it.”
felix wraps a comforting arm around your shoulder and leads you to sit down at a nearby bench. taking a gentle hold of your hand, he encourages you to tell him what happened.
and you do, you tell him everything. from the very beginning to the very end.
“i just- i don’t know what to do, felix. i like him so much it scares me. i’ve never let- let somebody get this close to me this fast before.” you sniffle. “and i just- i can’t stop thinking about how much it would hurt this time, because- because i think if i let myself be with him, i’ll never want to leave.”
“oh, y/n.” felix sighs, pulling you in for a hug. “don’t you see? jake is an amazing guy, and you like him. which isn’t a reason to leave, it’s a reason to stay, to keep going and not give up. don’t you get it?”
he asks, looking you in the eyes as you feel his words click something into place in your brain. it isn’t a reason to leave, it’s why you should stay.
“don’t give him up, y/n.” felix urges softly. your heart squeezes with undeniable fondness, reaching forward to wrap the boy in a tight hug of your own.
“you’re right. thank you, felix.”
“it’s okay, y/n. go get your man.” he smiles genuinely.
“and felix?” you begin as you pull away to look him in the eyes.
“i’m sorry, lixie.” you apologize, and he knows what for.
“i know, y/n.” felix’s voice wavers at the unexpected sentiment, but his sunshine disposition still remains. “i’m happy now. we’re okay. all is forgiven.”
you know it’s not a good enough apology despite his words, but you’ll find another time to properly say sorry, to give him the apology he deserves. but for now, you give him one more tight squeeze before running off to find jake.
he’s not working at the cafe today, all his classes are usually over by now and there’s no basketball practice for him to tag along to, so the only other place you can think to go look is his house.
when you messily park in the driveway and knock at the door, it’s a bewildered jay that answers.
“oh, y/n! he’s- jake’s walking layla right now.”
“do you know which direction he went?”
jay points and you take off down his neighborhood sidewalk, jay watching you disappear around a corner with his jaw slightly open in confusion, finger still raised, before he shrugs his shoulders and goes back inside with a mumbled little ‘whatever’ to himself.
your running turned to jogging, and now you’re sluggishly walking, your exhaustion and the sight of the sun setting making you lose hope as you stare down at your own feet that lazily step on the pavement.
what if jake doesn’t even want you anymore? did you already mess it up?
an echoed voice carries down the street and you lift your head, the tone of it sounding familiar. turning the corner one more time, your heart feels like it’s been brought back to life when you see jake and layla in the distance.
jake crouches in front of layla, the dog looking bored and tiredly panting as he raises his hand to scratch behind her ears, giving her a sad little smile.
“sorry, girl…i know. i miss her too.”
something tugs you forward, those heavy chains that were previously around your heart broken and unable to hold you back anymore.
“jake!” you call, jake looking up to your approaching figure.
your slow steps turn to running when jake opens his arms, practically catching you with how you leap into his embrace.
“y/n?” he repeats, looking deep into your eyes like he can’t believe he’s feeling your smaller body in his arms right now, seeing you so up close again.
you wrap your arms around his neck and crash your lips into his, jake immediately kissing you back with just as much fever. your tongues lick into each other’s mouth like you haven’t tasted the other in ages, jake raising a hand to cup your cheek and press you impossible closer.
“jake,” you gasp in air after fighting to part from jake’s eager lips.
“sweetheart.” jake practically coos, eyes half-lidded and sounding love drunk as he spares you only a moment before he’s kissing you again.
“jake!” you pull away again, your attempt to sound scolding failing due to your little giggles that give your true emotions away. but how can you not when jake’s ticklish butterfly kisses are being peppered across your neck.
“let me talk!”
“hurry.” jake whines, pressing to more pecks to your lips.
“i- i wanna stay! i want to be with you.”
“i wanna be with you too, babygirl.” jake whispers fondly, staring into your eyes and how they capture the sunset’s shining rays. it’s the prettiest sunset he’s ever seen, viewing it in this way. “does this mean you’ll be mine?”
“i think i’ve been yours for a while already, jakey.”
jake’s like a kid at a candy store with your lips right in front of him. you’re unable to enjoy his absolutely gorgeous smile from your words for more than a second before his lips are attached to yours again, capturing you in another passionate kiss.
you whine into it, pushing at his chest much to jake’s displeasure.
“but i’m probably still gonna get scared sometimes.”
“i know, baby.”
a kiss.
“and- and i’m good at communicating but-“
“sometimes i need encouragement.”
“i can do that, sweetheart.” he promises with another deep kiss. you push him away again.
“but, jake?”
he smiles with a defeated groan, leaning his head onto your shoulder before he looks at you.
“yeah, sweetie?”
“what if i…did try? to run away again.” you ask, not because you think you will, but because you want to know his answer.
he answers easily, like it’s a no brainer for him.
“then i’d chase after you every time.”
“i promise.”
jake doesn’t even take layla’s leash off when you bust through the front door, barely taking the time to shut it behind him before he’s picking you up, giggling at your adorable squeal and how your legs wrap around his waist without thinking.
you don’t even stop kissing as he blindly carries and maneuvers you around the house, feeling for his bedroom door knob with his one hand and opening it successfully.
he walks forward until he feels the frame of his bed against his shins and sets you down gently, finally detaching from your lips to gaze at you and how gorgeous you look laying in his bed, staring up at him with so much cb affection in your eyes that it has his cock twitching.
“what?” you smile, feeling a little squirmy under his gaze, but you remain still.
“nothing…you’re just so beautiful.”
your cheeks burn, biting at your smile as you move to take off your clothes. jake rushes to do the same, though it takes him a little longer as he has to stop every few moments to watch you strip.
you rub your thighs together with a moan as you see jake’s throbbing length, it’s pretty pink tip shining with his excitement.
“oh my god, baby. i don’t wanna go a day without you ever again. seeing you, talking to you, kissing you, fucking you. shit, m’gonna make you take my cock every day from now on.”
“please, jake, just put it in.” you whine, spreading open your legs and causing jake’s eyes to almost pop out of his skull.
“damn, baby.” he marvels, kneeling up on the bed as he comes closer to you, caressing his hands up and down your thighs as he stares at your pussy.
“jaaake, fuck me!”
“be patient, babygirl.” he warns with a small yet stinging slap to your thigh. “i will. but i gotta taste you first.”
he makes a spot for himself between your legs, laying on his belly before spreading open your pussy with his two, long fingers. clear slick webs between, jake shuddering out a heated ‘fuck’ before going in to lick it up with his tongue.
“oh god,” you whimper, raising your hands to your face, embarrassed by how wet you already are and how jake’s slurping every bit of it into his mouth.
“mmm,” jake hums disapprovingly, departing from your pussy only for a moment. “dont don’t do that. wanna watch my baby’s face while i eat her out.”
then jake goes back down to slowly push his tongue inside your entrance, your thighs twitching with the unexpected intrusion.
“j-jake!” you cry as he falls into a rhythm, rubbing your sopping clit while he fucks you with his tongue, big brown eyes staring you down as you find yourself unable to look away.
“o- oh, ffuck!”
your hands grip up the sheets into a fist, toes curling as jake’s incessant licking into your cunt and the perfect little circles he rubs into your clit makes you come more and more undone.
jake groans in pleasure at your own, the sound sending vibrations straight to your core and causing your entire body to flinch as you cry out.
“i- i think m’gonna cum already if you don’t stop, jake.” you whine, voice high pitched and unlike yourself.
the boy doesn’t stop. in fact, he goes deeper, curling the tip of his tongue into the spongy part of you.
you cum with a cry, legs trembling and squeezing around jake’s head as he happily cleans you up with his mouth.
“mmm, such a messy cunt, baby. taste so good.” jake sighs as he repositions to hover over you body, one hand stroking over his dick as he spreads your left over juices from his fingers across it.
he reaches across to his night stand, you presume to get out a condom.
“don’t. want- want you to fuck me raw, please? m’on the pill.”
“…holy shit.” jake murmurs, wide eyed.
he leans on his elbows, dipping closer to your face as you watch how his eyes roam over your every feature, taking in your beauty in the same way as you’re taking in his right now.
“my pretty girl, my good girl...” he gives you that smile that used to make you sick, but now it has butterflies in your stomach and your pussy clenching.
“mine.” jake whispers proudly, rubbing his nose against yours as he pushes inside of you slowly.
“how-“ you struggle, interrupted by your and jake’s moans as his dick is sucked in by your greedy cunt. “how do you talk so sweet when- when you’re doing bad things?”
jake just responds with an out of breath chuckle, bracing himself with a hand to your hip, groping and squeezing at your soft flesh.
as he starts thrusting into you, deep and slow, you feel like all the air has been knocked out of you.
you don’t know why, maybe it’s the angle or how he’s looking at you, maybe it’s because you just came or the emotional high of being reunited. all you know is that it only takes a few minutes for you to be trembling and whimpering into jake’s sheets as he fucks you dumb.
jake’s latched onto your tits— of course, moaning and whining as he slobbers all over your chest like your nipples taste like candy. and they might as well be, because to jake they’re that good.
“mmm, jakey, please. please. m’so close.”
jake is no better off than you, sweat glistening on his skin and his hips start to erratically buck into yours, his pants and your whimpers filling his bedroom.
“yeah, baby? my cock make you feel good?”
“y- yes!”
“y’gonna let me have this cunt every day, sweetheart? take my cum every day?”
“yes, baby, yes!” you either against the sheets, twisting your head to the side from the overwhelming pleasure as you try to hold back your oncoming orgasm, waiting for his permission. “gotta cum, jakey.”
“no, no, sweetie. gotta look at me first, babygirl.” he gently orders in a way that makes your stomach flip, holding your chin between his thumb and fingers before turning your head back to look at him. he brushes your hair out of your face, greeted with your glossy eyes and pouty lips, begging for him to have mercy.
“there she is. there’s my little girl.” he trembles out, biting his bottom lip and forcing his eyes to stay open and look at you, even as the pleasure gets too much. “look so cute while you’re falling apart on my cock.”
“pl-please…jake! need- need’ta-“
“let go, sweetheart. cum with me, baby.”
jake seals your lips with a kiss to suppress the cry you let out as you reach your highs together, trembling bodies holding out for as long as you can to ride out your orgasm.
jake collapses on the bed and cuddles you into his chest, hands brushing through your hair and making sure none of it is in your face.
jake’s phone dings with a text, and he leans over to pick it up. you watch his pretty, brown eyes as he reads the screen, before his lips quirk up in a smirk.
“what?” you ask.
“jay…he‘a asking if we’re done fucking yet.”
“oh my god!” you whine with embarrassment, burying your face into jake’s chest even further as he giggles.
“it’s okay. he said he figured he should put on some noise canceling headphones and make himself scarce when you came by looking for me.”
“still embarrassing…” you mumble, jake cupping your face to lift your head up and press a kiss to your forehead, then your lips.
“m’so glad you found me.” he confesses softly. you smile.
“i think we found each other.”
“mmm,” jake hums, resting his forehead against yours, looking at you like he can’t get enough of you. you’re sure you look the same.
“never gonna be able to go without my dumb little cheerleader girlfriend again.” he smiles teasingly, referencing to his previous harsh words he said about you.
it’s so funny how things can change when you really get to know someone. when you give them a chance.
“and i’m never gonna be able to go without my nerdy little boyfriend again.”
“hey,” he laughs, no real feelings other than happiness behind it. jake sits up on his elbows, caging you in to press a sweet, long kiss to your lips.
he pulls away just enough to be able to look into your eyes as he whispers.
“that was mean, pom-poms.”
you huff, shaking your head with a smile as your hands move to run through his hair, pulling him in for probably the hundredth and definitely not last kiss of the night.
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note) wow, you made it through! i really hope you enjoyed reading my baby 😭
i tried to make reader a lovable character with layers that some might find relatable/comforting, and that she didn’t seem like a pick me. so i hope that came across. the subject of being afraid of emotional intimacy while at the same time desperately wanting it is something that i struggle with myself. also the anxiety of letting someone see you wholly for who you are, and them still loving you. it’s horrific and scary but beautiful if you only let yourself be vulnerable enough.
the reason i ended it with reader still having anxieties and even saying ‘what if i try to run away again’. is because it’s not happily ever after once you’ve found your person, and reader’s problems aren’t going to magically go away because she ‘got the guy’. she’ll keep learning and growing and making mistakes. but the difference is she has someone in her corner who will be with her through it. hence jake saying ‘then i’ll chase after you’.
at some points i thought the dialogue might seem cheesy, but this is based in the way that i/my friends talk and conversations that i’ve had. so…take that how you want. maybe me and my circle is cheesy lol.
pleaaassseee leave a review/ask/comment- whatever. as i said this is my baby and im curious to see whatever you have to say about this work, what it made you feel or think about, and also answer any questions!! i have these characters pretty fleshed out so i’d like to think i have the answers lol.
thank you again for reading!! — jaz
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screampied · 9 months
how jjk men react to you being quiet in bed and trying to hide your moans
ps: love your writing and I don't know if you've done this or not but respond when you can happy new year🎊
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geto, sukuna, gojo, toji, nanami. jjk men dealing with a quiet s/o who hides their moans.
warnings. fem!reader, lots of praise, dirty talk, cunnilingus, hair pulling, overstim, hiding your moans, size kink, 18+
wc. 2.5k
an. happy new year !!!! and thank yew smmm.
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“everything okay?” he’d hum, and nanami’s got you riding him, two soft grasped hands latch onto your waist as you’re slowly lurching and bucking your hips against him. nanami ghosts a few fingers down your waist.
a sly teasing expression with the way he’s leaned back, his eyes trail from up to down as he sees your cute expressions. “you’re awfully quiet today, princess.”
and you were very much quiet, he raised his brows at the way you hide yourself into his neck, trying to deflect the situation by softly nibbling on his skin and he smiles to himself. 
“is the pretty baby shy to make noise?” he coos, his words were warm—full of tenderness with a tad of playfulness. you let off a soft gasp from the way he lightly grips a bit more on both sides of your waist. nanami makes you start to move your hips, bounce against him, your skin ricocheting from each thrust and you’re so full, pumped full of his girth you can’t even think clearly. “you don’t gotta hide from me. ‘s just me, hon. your moans are adorable, y’know?”
you pathetically nod, feeling yourself throb from not only his sloppy hits against you—but his words, the way he was so soft and tender with his praises. 
“i-i know,” you muttered, your arms went around him and he softly chortles, brushing his thumbs against your hips—creating a pattern-like trace of circles against your skin, giving your sweet curves all types of attention and touch. “i just don’t wanna be so loud. it’s…embarrassing.”
“embarrassing?” he repeats, and he’s still leaned back. nanami’s so pretty, blond hair slightly ruffled, a few beads of sweat run down the sides of his head as if they were in a competitive race with each other. 
he’s balls deep to where you slip out a moan from feeling his tip kiss against that spot that always gets you weak. “oh, don’t say that,” he happily sighs, there was a sparse glimpse of sparkle in his eye and he smiles. nanami lightly tilts your chin up to bring a kiss towards your lips. “you could never be embarrassing, my love. if anything, your sweet moans and whimpers are quite adorable. the way only i can make you sound like that makes me feel a certain type of way.”
“really?” you’d moan, squeezing your glossed lips together. 
“really, princess.” he reassures you, your entrance felt as if it was nearly at its limit, nanami’s cock stretched and stretched against you as you felt him throb—giving him a subtle glance. you could spot his sharp jawline, and the perfect way of how it clenched and tightened. you made him so aroused, for a brief moment he stared away before pulling you towards his chest. 
you choke out a whimper, pressure building up inside of you, how filthy it was at the way his tip french-kissed your g-spot, a sloppy smooch with the head of it — you’re spasming, you’re stupid. 
“k-kento, ‘m gonna cum...” you’d gasp.
“can’t hear you pretty girl,” he groans, peppering a few kisses near your face. “i wanna hear you. speak up, wanna hear that voice talk to me nice.”
once you end up creaming down his shaft for a second time. you’re shaking, a mess and he has to hold you in his arms. a warm smile on his lips as your body lifelessly rocked against him.
not exactly moving your hips anymore—you panted, tugging on the front fabric of his shirt before slumping your head against his chest.
“aww, my poor baby’s all exhausted, hm? there there, ‘s okay. i got you, kento’s got you.”
the moment he figures out you’re trying to be quiet purposely — hiding your moans. a hand covering your mouth he grows confused, yet it turns to straight cockiness. 
“heyyy, don’t be like that,” he purses his lips, you’re laid flat on your back with your legs just lightly pushed apart. just open and spread just for him and only him. “hiding your pretty moans from me? aw man, that’s no fun, princess…”
and he gives you a faux pout your right hand that wasn’t occupied, your nails dug into the depths of his skin, marking up his pale toned arm.
gojo looks down at you, one hand lightly pressing against your tummy to feel how good he was fucking you. 
“m-mhm s-sato—,” you’d pant, again and again. your pussy gripped and hugged tight against him. a bear hug practically. your walls grew out to be so needy, suffocating yet you get cut off your words once he grabs your chin. a thumb swipes against the tiny drool seeping down the corner of your mouth. 
“don’t hide from me.” he murmurs. he’s real slow with his movements against you, slow and steady. 
his bare chest presses against you, and he’s so hot, his heat radiates against your skin, almost as if he was sticking against you. “don’t cover that pretty face. matter of fact,” and then he pistons his thrusts—a hand running up and down your waist, squelches of your cunt ringing through your ears like a bell. “moan in my mouth. gimme a little kiss,” and then he teasingly puts a finger against his lips. “riiiight here, baby.”
his body jerks against yours and gojo brings you into a deep kiss once you lean. his tongue traces against yours, heaving before he starts moaning into your mouth from your sweetened taste.
“sweet girl,” he’d grunt, you could feel his erectness practically plug you full. whilst gojo’s chest pressed against yours, he started to grind slowly against you. your lips parted a bit, eliciting a needy moan from your throat.
it was the way your legs trapped his slim waist, easily locking around. you gasped — feeling gojo move your hand from your face, pinning them towards the sides, and you felt that dumb coy smile of his tug against the corners of his lips.
he smiles at how you start to cover your mouth again, but he moves your hand away. “so damn shy for nooo reason,” he teases. with a blindfold half on, gojo he playfully tugs on the band, clicking his tongue with a swift head shake. “ah ah, i wanna hear you.”
and you grew out to be more flustered the minute he pulls away from kissing. strands of spit depart your lips and his. leaning into your neck to softly, gojo nibbles against your skin all to just to drag out more noises from you.
“think ‘m gonna laugh at your orgasm or somethin’?” he whispers against your skin, still buried deep—inches inside your pussy that gripped and clamped down on him before he giggles at the way you nod. “aw. i won’t do that. ‘m not that mean.”
“promise?” you mumbled.
his thrusts, so fulfilling. it was so deep, reaching directly into those spots to make you your brain short circuit. swallowing thickly, you end up cutely tugging on his arm.
he chuckles. “oh i promise, baby,” and then he plants a kiss near your nose—cheek—then near the corner of your mouth, finally locking his fingers with yours. “be as loud as you want, if it helps, i’ll be loud with you,” and then he runs a hand down his back. “just…not too loud because it’ll be the seventh time the erm…neighbors complain about us, heheh.”
“what’s with you?” he raises a dark brow, your back’s being pressed against his chest.
riding him in reverse and you’re so quiet….
dragging a few nails lightly against his thigh and he gives the right side of your neck a few playful bites. “you’re not all whiney like ya usually are.”
his words were so smooth and sly against your neck, delicately brushing against your skin.
he throbs inside you, and you clamp and clamp down on him. you’re so dizzy—yet you seclude your moans by pressing your glossed lips together, only cute faint soft mutters of moans slipping out here and there.
“…woman,” he grunts, pausing your hips, your eyes briefly widen at the feeling of sukuna’s big hands hold your waist in place—a single shift of his thigh, and you felt his girth expand deep inside your walls. “aw don’t don’t hide from me now,” he smiles, a mere softness gliding against his deep tone.
you started to cover your face with your hands from how embarrassed you were—yet sukuna grabs your hands and chuckles. the way the tips of his fingers graze against you make you tingle. you pulsed so much—it got you off to where you felt yourself start to salivate, all from his touch and words.
“you know better than to not hide your pretty voice,” he murmurs, softly sinking his canines into your neck. nibble after nibble, you panted. a whimper leaves your throat once he starts to bounce his thigh. “or…should i stop?”
“n—no,” you choked out, a swift head shake. the way he softly sucks against your skin, gentle fangs softly seeping into your neck before giving your neck a few sweet kisses. “kuna- don’t stop.”
“i would,” he hums with a chortle. deep voice full of smug and satirize. and his cock was just idle against you. at this point you were cockwarming him, and you wanted to move but he had your hips still. “but i guess someone thought it was a good idea to hide their pretty moans from me.”
he was such a tease—you felt yourself burn up once he drags a a hand down between your legs to rub a few good circles against your clit, maneuvering his fingers, and you’re so wet….
it was sloppy.
squelch after squelch. you whimpered, gripping onto his hand to make him rub harder but then he chuckles, lightly swatting your hand away. “oh…?you like that? or you’d prefer for me to finish?”
“f-finish, ‘kuna..”
“then moan for me,” he whispers, giving your skin a soft suck. sukuna starts to bounce his thigh again and you whine. nails piercing into his thighs, you hit your lip before letting off a moan. “see, that wasn’t so hard, now was it, brat,” and he helps you start to grind your hips against him. reaching so deep, your head fell back against him and he lowly guffaws. “yeah, be loud. don’t care who here’s, ‘s just you and me.”
he’d be propped up in between your legs, eating you out like a starved man. you have the courtesy of tying his long, pretty hair back for him.
a few minutes had past yet he was taking his precious time, pressing sweet kisses against your cunt.
you felt yourself throb and flutter, gripping onto his hair and he has a smile.
“love pullin’ on my hair, huh?” he mutters, swiping a thumb against your slit. you happily coat him with your slick than ran down his chin. you gave him a pathetic nod, and you shiver, lips parting from the way geto presses his tongue against your labia — giving it lick after lick.
geto’s raises a brow at the way you’re covering your mouth with a hand, just barely keeping eye contact with him.
he plants a chaste kiss against your pussy before pausing briefly. breaking himself away and now you pout. “…hey,” he murmurs, a coy cunning voice. “stop that, baby.”
“s-stop what?” you hitched, your legs feeling warm. he was so sloppy with his tongue, yet gentle.
“girl, you know what i’m talking about.” a subtle eye-roll, geto sits up from between your legs. his tone was now filled with playfulness yet a bit of sass.
you stare down at him, a few strands occluding his view of vision.
tightly holding onto his hair, he stares at your pussy then at you.
“you’re being all timid and shy. c’mon, ‘s just me. i wanna hear how good i make you feel,” and then he slowly lays his tongue flat against your cunt. “…so…let….me,” he paused between speech. using two fingers to lightly spread open your folds, geto laps his tongue again to taste your sweet. “—finish my meal, and lemme hear you.”
“o-okay.” you stuttered. gritting your teeth for a split second, your legs felt numb and not even moments later.
he ends up coaxing yet another orgasm out of you, your mind goes blank. you were so loud.
he couldn’t help but chuckle at you, how cute you were. with the way your body jerked and squirmed all because of his tongue.
geto gives your pussy a good suck, he knows all the right spots to swirl and run his tongue across.
“there it is,” he hums, and his head goes forward before you yank a bit too hard between your legs. “e-easy, sweetheart. don’t pull my hair out now.”
toji grunts — two rough hands attached to your waist as he’s got your head pressed against the mattress. you’re biting the sheets with your teeth, strained moans being secluded entirely and toji immediately notices, you feel the curve of his dick throb against you. it was so good, your eyes rolled all the way back, toji’s got your wrists in a good hold before he pauses his sloppy thrusts.
“w-why’d you stop..” you spat out, your voice was a bit shaky and muffled….solely from the way your teeth tugged against the sheets.
toji’s stubborn and doesn’t reply, and instead, he makes you move your ass up just a bit—yet he pulls out, and you gasp at the feeling of him just rubbing his leaky plump tip against your inner folds.
a few inches and he'd be right back in. you cringed. and you started to whine, face down and ass up, your body felt so hot and tingly.
he mocks your voice, and you let off a frustrated sigh, he butchers your tone in the most dramatic way. you don’t even sound like that. “aw, getting frustrated, ey? how come y’er biting the sheets. ya don’t want me to hear you or somethin’—?”
your eyebrows contorted together, and you huffed out a needy breath, back starting to arch idly. “no,” and you feel the tips of your ears grow hot at a scorching temperature—his tip, it was rounded and fat, just swiping against your folds. with just a bit of a push he’d be back inside, but he kept sliding out. “toji, f-finish…finish fucking me.”
“say please.”
you pout, your cheek pressing into the mattress now—desperately craving him to continue. “please…”
“silly girl. ya forgot to say pretty please.”
“toji….” you moaned, craving to feel him again, and he caressed his fingers against your ass, teasing you—a single playful click of his tongue, and he’s got you wrapped around his finger. he starts to make you rollick and move your hips against him, still holding your hips. you grumbled, finally letting off a moan—just wanting him to not tease and finish. “pretty please.”
“good girl,” he purrs softly, dipping his hips against you just slightly before you sit your head up. “now now, lie back,” he mutters, and he starts to go back inside again, a good squeeze and fit and you let off a soft whine once his cock hits there.
you’re seeing blanks, mouth open and all, you whimper before you start getting louder. “there we go….use that whiney voice, jus’ like ya always have, doll.”
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imaginedisish · 30 days
Dare (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
A/N: Hey guys. Just wanted to say thank you for all the support I got this morning. All of your comments really warmed my heart. Thank you so, so, so much. I ended up getting this done pretty fast. Went with "Dare" by Gorillaz for the title. Made me feel better to write. I like this one. Hope you do, too. Enjoy!
Summary: Logan finds out you've never been eaten out while playing a game of "Truth or Dare," and he's more than willing to change that.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!!! SMUT!!! Oral (f!receiving), Fingering, softdom!Logan, pussydrunk!Logan (he does not let up, he is starving for you), older!Logan, implied aged gap (reader is in her 20s/old enough to teach at the institute), cocky!Logan, he is an absolute service dom in this, friends to lovers, mentions of mental health/self worth, fluff, some hurt to comfort, some angst, afab/fem!reader, cursing, def some grammatical errors, I think that's it.
Word Count: 4,235 wowza didn't expect that and oh my god this gif
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You’re lying on your floor—the door to your room wide open. Everyone is out anyway. It’s Friday night at the mansion—no one will see you like this. Students’ papers are scattered around you. You stare up at the ceiling, feeling choked up. It had been a bad day—a bad week. Maybe even a bad year. You feel like you’re slipping, losing yourself. 
Teaching the older students had become beyond challenging—possibly because you aren’t much older than them in the first place. Most days, it felt like everyone expected greatness from you, given the strength of your powers, which naturally comes with responsibility, and that can be incredibly overwhelming. It had all been—if you were being brutally honest—an absolutely terrible time. 
So, you’re lying on your floor, feeling numb. You stopped grading papers at least an hour ago, and simply decided to stare at the ceiling, your head spinning. You wanted to calm the noise, to take a breather. Luckily, you’re alone—everyone is on a mission or out given that it’s Friday night. 
Or so you thought. 
“What on Earth are you doing?” A familiar voice cuts through the silence like a knife, jarring you, and forcing you to look up. And there he is, in a white t-shirt and denim jeans, arms crossed tightly against his chest, leaning in the doorway. Logan. You want to roll your eyes at how good he looks. You want to slap yourself for thinking it in the first place.
He smirks at you, his brows furrowed playfully. You let your head fall back to the floor. “Grading papers,” you mutter. You can hear his footsteps as he walks into the room, drawing closer to you. 
“Doesn’t look like you’re grading papers to me,” he teases. You can hear the smile in his voice. “Why aren’t you out with Jean or Rogue?” 
He stands next to you, and you look up at him. “Didn’t feel like it,” you mumble, forcing yourself to sit up. You draw your knees into your chest. You decide to turn the question around on him. “Why aren’t you out?”
He sits down next to you, stretching his long legs in front of him, his shoulder bumping against yours as he settles in. He shrugs. “Somebody’s gotta keep an eye on you, right?” He jokes, nudging his elbow into your arm. You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. It’s impossible to fight it when he’s next to you. Your eyes meet his, and his smile quickly turns into something else—concern. “You’ve been off lately.”
You swallow harshly. “Did Jean or Rogue say something?” You ask. They’d notice, maybe they told Logan. “Did they ask you to stay with me or something?”
But Logan shakes his head. “No. I could just tell,” he says, worry clear in his voice. “Thought I’d hang back with you. All my idea.” He tilts his head, his jaw working, his brows furrowing again. “Is something going on?” 
You take a deep breath, turning away from him. You’re suddenly overwhelmed by his presence, by his kindness and his care. He stayed home for you. “I’m okay,” you mutter, avoiding the truth. 
“Hey,” Logan whispers, tentatively reaching his hand to your knee, waiting for you to shove him away. His palm is warm against your skin, calming and stabilizing. You turn back to look at him, his brows raised incredulously. “I know that’s not true,” he says. He has always been able to read you like a book. “What’s going on?”
You swallow harshly. “I’ve just been having a tough time lately,” you say, distracted by the way his thumb brushes across your knee. “I…” You trail off, letting your eyes fall closed. “Things are hard.”
“You can talk about it if you want,” he says, his voice deep and steady. “I’m here.” 
You sniffle, struggling to keep yourself in check. “I just…” you pause, looking off to the side. “Everything sucks.” You take another deep breath. “And the students are so hard.” You point to the piles of papers scattered around your floor. “And then there’s me, and all my shit. My powers. The responsibilities we have. I’m young, and I’m still learning. And fuck, Logan, this all just feels so impossible sometimes. It…it…” You trail off, finally running out of words, out of steam.
“It hurts.” He finishes your sentence, taking the words right out of your mouth. You turn back towards him, your eyes instantly meeting his. “It hurts a lot.”
You nod. “Yeah, exactly.” He squeezes your knee comfortingly. “You get it,” you murmur. 
“It’s gonna be okay,” he soothes, his hand lifting off your knee, his arm wrapping around your shoulder instead. “I’ve got you.” You let yourself lean into his touch, resting your head in the crook of his neck. “Let’s take your mind off things, yeah?”
You nod against him, not wanting to move away, not wanting to separate from him. He feels so nice, so solid. “What did you have in mind?” You ask, hoping it doesn’t involve getting up.
“Wanna play a game?” He offers, turning his head to look down at you. You smile widely, almost mockingly. “What?” He chides. “You think I don’t know how to have fun?”
You laugh softly. “I just don’t see you as a game guy, Lo,” you confess. He chuckles, and you can feel his laughter reverberating through his chest. “Can you even think of one to play?”
Logan’s still laughing, shaking his head. “What about truth or dare?” He ever so slightly pulls you in closer, his lips pressed against the side of your head. 
You giggle, feeling light for the first time in a long time. “Are we in seventh grade?” You ask teasingly. You felt like a teenager, honestly—being next to Logan always made you feel like a love-sick schoolgirl. But you know you and him could never be. You were younger than Logan—everyone was—but you, being in your 20s, assume that Logan doesn’t see you the way you see him. 
He just shakes his head and laughs, pulling you back to reality. “Truth or dare?” He asks, ignoring your middle school comment and officially starting the game. 
You don’t want to get up, don’t want to move an inch, so you answer: “Truth,” hoping it isn’t anything too crazy. 
Logan thinks for a second, his head resting on yours. “Why’d you pick truth instead of dare?” He finally asks. 
You roll your eyes. “Boring!” You tease. “I only picked it because I don’t feel like moving.” And then you realize…perhaps your answer is more revealing than you previously considered. Your heart thunders in your chest. 
Logan hums. “And why don’t you want to move, exactly?” He’s onto you. 
“You asked your question, you got an answer,” you protest, trying to shut him down. “No follow-up questions.” It’s your turn now. “Truth or dare?” You ask. 
“Truth,” he says. “Because maybe I don’t feel like moving either.”
You smile, and you can feel him looking down at you. You’re too nervous to meet his gaze. You think for a moment, racking your brain for a question. “Did you really stay home for me, and was it all your own idea?” You finally ask. You regret the question almost immediately, fearful of the honest answer. 
“Yes,” he responds without a beat. “Jean said you were staying in, and said she didn’t know why, so I stayed too.” He pauses, and you can hear his steady breathing amidst the silence. “I was worried, princess.” The pet name burns a hole through your heart. “Needed to know that you were okay.”
You can feel tears building behind your sinuses. “Thank you, Lo,” you whisper. “That means a lot.”
He presses the ghost of a kiss to the crown of your head—almost not quite there. But you can feel it, hesitant and tentative. “It’s nothing, no need to thank me.” You finally find the courage to look up at him and find him smiling down at you. His lips part. “Truth or dare?” He asks again. 
You can feel some sort of tension brewing, building, thick and heavy. You try to ignore it, try to brush it off. Your heart hammers in your chest. “Truth,” you pick again. “But get a little more creative this time.”
He pauses, the gears in his head turning. And then finally: “Why’s your heart beating so fast? It’s loud, too.” 
Your eyes widen, suddenly remembering Logan’s heightened senses. He can hear everything. “Uh…” You trail off, not sure how to get out of this. “I-It’s not…”
He laughs. “You’re a terrible liar. You know that?” His voice is deep and honeyed, smooth. “You gotta answer the question, or I get to ask another.”
“Those are not the rules!” You protest, lifting your head to look at him. He’s got that shit-eating grin on his face, the one that makes your stomach drop. 
He tugs you into his chest again, his lips at the shell of your ear. “Then answer the question,” he whispers, his breath warm against your skin, sending a chill down your spine. He’s so close. Too close. Your heart is only beating faster, louder now. 
“I don’t know,” you whisper. But of course, you know. It’s all because of him. “Just anxious, I guess.” It’s a half-truth—you’re certainly nervous, but you can’t bring yourself to tell him why. 
“No need to be nervous, sweetheart,” Logan coos, his thumb brushing circles into your shoulder. “It’s just me.”
Yes, exactly, you want to say. It’s you. But you don’t. You try to steady your breathing, try to calm down. “My turn,” you force yourself to say. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” he says darkly. “And make it good.” You can hear the cockiness in his voice—a sudden shift in his tone. 
“We should just call this truth or truth,” you say, mulling over a question in your mind. It’s hard to think with him this close—hard to breathe. You want to rile him up, to find out what makes him tick—to make him itch the way he makes you. And then it hits you: the perfect question. “When was the last time you…” You stop yourself, suddenly too nervous to ask. 
“When was the last time I what, darlin’?” He asks, cocking his head to the side, raising his eyebrows. 
You huff. You’ve fallen into your own trap. There’s no backing out now. “When was the last time…” You pause again, biting your lip. You close your eyes. “…somebody got you off?” 
“Been a while,” he says simply. Your eyes flutter open, and Logan is completely relaxed, his eyes trained on you. He isn’t annoyed. He’s unbothered, unprovoked, as if you had asked him what the weather was going to be like tomorrow. “But it depends on how you mean. So, what do you mean?” He finishes. 
You’re slightly frustrated by how easy it was for him to answer. “I don’t know,” you mutter, shrugging your shoulders. “Whatever the last time was.”
“Few years back, not particularly proud of it,” he huffs. “Girl took care of me in a bar. That was it.” 
You nod. “Must’ve been nice,” you whisper, suddenly feeling a bit disheartened. You catch his drift; you know it didn’t mean anything. You likely didn’t know Logan at that time, having only arrived at the Institute two years ago. You know you shouldn’t feel jealous, shouldn’t care that he was ever with someone else, even for a fleeting moment. You’ve had boyfriends. You’ve been with other people. 
“It was fine. Just a blowjob.” He says it nonchalantly. “Didn’t mean a thing.” You look straight ahead, waiting for him to elaborate. But he doesn’t. “Truth or dare?” He finally asks. 
“Truth.” Your fake, plastered-on smile becomes real when his eyes meet yours. It’s just what happens when you look at him. “And make it interesting.”
The corner of his mouth turns up slyly, and you know he has something up his sleeve. “When was the last time somebody did that to you?” He asks. 
You cock your head to the side. “What do you mean?” But you already know exactly what he’s asking. And you desperately do not want to give him the answer.
“Got you off, like that,” he husks. “With their mouth.”
Fuck. “Uh…” You trail off. You can feel heat spreading across your chest and up your neck, your skin prickling. “Never,” you say honestly. 
“What?” Logan’s voice cuts through the tension like a knife. “Never?”
You’re suddenly embarrassed. Your skin feels tight—so do your shorts and tank top. “Never,” you repeat, looking down at your knees, still pulled in tightly to your chest. Your heart beats rapidly. “Just hasn’t happened yet,” you choke out. “I’ve been with people, but…”
“Hey,” he whispers, suddenly grabbing your chin and angling you up to face him. “It’s okay,” he soothes. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, princess.”
You smile shyly, reveling in his touch. “You didn’t,” you insist honestly. “Just a little embarrassed.”
Logan shakes his head, his eyes softening. “Nothing to be embarrassed about,” he assures. “You deserve to be taken care of.” His hand slides across your jaw and cups the back of your neck. “Deserve to feel good.”
Your eyes flutter closed at his touch. “Lo,” you whisper, struggling to keep your composure. Heat pools between your thighs. “Tr-truth or dare.”
His forehead presses to yours. “I think we’re done with the game, pretty girl,” he rasps, the arm around your shoulder slipping down to your waist. “Unless I get to give you a dare this time.”
“What’s the dare?” You ask, your eyes fluttering back open. His lips are so close. Your noses touch softly.
He works his jaw, licking his lips. “Let me eat you out, pretty girl,” he pants, his chest heaving against yours. “Let me take care of you like you should’ve been already.” He hates the idea that you’ve never been touched properly, the idea that those younger guys didn’t know how to treat you right. But he can fix that. He can make you feel good.
“Fuck,” you curse, his breath fanning across your lips. “A-are you sure?” You ask. “I don’t want you to do it just because you feel bad for me or—” “You think that’s what this is about?” He cuts you off, pulling you closer so that your body faces his, your thighs slotting together like puzzle pieces. “You think I want this just because I feel bad for you?”
“Well…” You search his eyes. “Yes,” you say. 
Logan’s face falls, and he shakes his head. “I want you, pretty girl,” he pants, his knee rubbing against your aching core. “Wanted you this whole time.” His palm presses firmly against your back, his other hand gripping your neck tighter. He wants, no, needs you closer. “You ruined me the second I saw you. Haven’t been with anyone since then.”
“Logan,” you whisper, bringing your hands up to his neck. “I want you too. Always have,” you confess.
He smiles, his lips pressing a chaste kiss to yours. “Then let me do this for you,” he rasps, almost begging, like he needs this more than you do. “Need to make you feel good, beautiful.” “Please,” you breathe. “Want you so bad, Lo.”
He curses under his breath, his lips capturing yours, harder this time. This kiss is starving, all-consuming. His tongue swipes across your lower lip, and you open your mouth, inviting him inside. He lowers you down carefully, sure not to break the kiss, guiding your back to the wood floor below. 
His thighs rest on either side of your hips as he hovers over you, bracing himself with his forearm. His free hand trails up your body, exploring your curves, hiking your shirt above your breasts. He smirks against your lips at the realization that you have no bra on. 
“Look at you,” he mumbles, rolling a nipple under his thumb, palming your breast. “Fucking perfect.” His fingertips drag to the other side, massaging you gently, taking your nipple between his thumb and forefinger and pinching softly. “Can smell you, you know,” he grunts. “Know you’re soaking for me, darlin’.”
His hand slides between the valley of your breasts, trailing down your stomach, until his fingertips bump into the waistband of your panties. He hesitates, looking down at you, waiting for you to change your mind, to tell him to stop. “Please,” you beg. “Need you, Lo.”
Logan smirks, his hand slipping under the hem of your shorts and inside your panties. “Love it when you call me that, sweetheart,” he groans. His fingertips flick your clit gently before finding your folds, feeling your arousal. “Barely even touched you,” he tuts. “And she’s already crying for me.”
He prods your entrance, spreading your slick, teasing you. He bites your lips, sucking so hard he might bruise—might draw blood—and you hope he does. You want proof that he was here, proof that he wants you—needs you this badly. You moan as his fingers find your clit again, drawing a few soft circles before pulling away, his hand slipping out of your shorts. 
You grab his biceps needily, impatiently, your nails digging into his skin. “Don’t stop,” you cry out. “Please, Logan.” 
He swallows your moans with another kiss, his lips trailing down to your jaw, then your neck—that sensitive spot just under your ear. “Don’t worry, pretty girl,” he soothes, biting down on your pulse point, licking the hollow of your throat. “Don’t think I could stop if I tried.” He nips at your collarbone, shoving your tank top further up your chest as his lips drag down the valley of your breasts. 
He kisses his way to your stomach, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your shorts, tugging them down your legs. His palms spread across your inner thighs, yanking them apart. He settles between them, his face just inches from your heat. He presses a chaste kiss to your clit, still all too clothed, hidden behind your panties. 
“Lo,” you whine. He breathes you in, pressing another kiss to your clit. He digs his fingers into the hem of your panties, slowly pulling them down your legs. 
“Wanna take my time with you, sweetheart,” he grunts, finally throwing your panties to the side. He spreads your legs wider, his face settling back between your thighs. You can feel his breath against your cunt, warm and teasing. “Wanna take care of you.” His lips finally find your clit again, and he licks at you. 
His tongue is soft, warm, wet. He laps at you again, harder this time, and you moan his name. “Fuck,” you curse as he licks a long stripe through your folds and back up to your clit, flicking the bud. Your legs twitch, your hips backing away involuntarily at the newfound pleasure. Logan’s hands slide under your ass, yanking you back to his face. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” He mumbles teasingly against you, the vibration of his deep, bassy voice rocking your core. “Not letting you go until I’m done with you, darlin’.”
You curse under your breath as he licks another long, slow stripe through your folds before settling on your clit. His tongue draws gentle circles around the bud, and you can’t hold back the loud moan that falls from your lips. 
“Yeah?” Logan husks between laps. “Feels good, pretty girl?”
“Y-yes,” you stammer, looking down at Logan, his face buried against your cunt. His eyes are trained on yours, watching your every move, taking in the way you’re squirming for him. “D-didn’t know it would feel this good, Lo.”
“Gonna try something, okay?” He says, his eyes searching yours. You nod emphatically, bracing yourself. His lips wrap around your clit, his teeth lightly grazing the bud as he pulls it into his mouth. And then he sucks, hard. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, your back arching off the floor.
He releases the bud, and does it again, sucking harder this time. Tears brim at the corners of your eyes, pleasure coursing through your veins. “Logan!” You cry out, your nails digging into the floor below, searching for purchase. “Fuck!” He laps at you soothingly, drawing tighter, faster circles around your clit. 
“You okay?” He coos between laps, his tongue swirling rapidly. 
You swallow, meeting his gaze again. The sight of him between your legs, working your clit, his hair a disheveled mess—it’s overwhelming. “Yeah,” you heave. “More than okay.”
He smirks against you and wraps his lips around your clit again, sucking on the bud like hard candy. His right hand slides out from under your ass, trailing up your inner thigh. Your heart thunders in your chest as his fingertips find your folds, spreading your slick, your walls clenching down around nothing. 
“Know you need ‘em, pretty girl,” Logan croons, two fingers nudging your entrance. “Beg for it.”
But he’s sucking on your clit again, making it impossible to say a word. You whimper, your legs trembling. “P-please,” you stutter, choking on air. “Need…” You trail off, your eyes fluttering closed. You swallow harshly. “Need your fingers, Lo,” you finally manage. 
“That’s a good girl,” he praises, shoving two fingers deep inside you, down to his knuckles. 
“Fuck, thank you,” you whine, moaning his name as his fingers stretch you out. You suddenly feel so full, so warm, so close. He pulls out, only to plunge back in, deeper this time. He’s lapping at you with reckless abandon—a man starved, like you’re the air he needs to breathe. Your walls flutter around him, the liquid heat in your lower belly threatening to burst. 
“Tastes so good,” Logan mumbles against you, his long, thick fingers thrusting in and out. He hits that sweet spot deep inside you with every pump. “Such a sweet little pussy. Tastes better than I imagined.” You’re crumbling underneath him. His words alone might push you over the edge. “Nothing compares to you, you know that?”
Your walls flutter again, his fingers sinking deeper inside you. “You like that?” Logan husks. “Like knowing how much I want you? How much I need you?”
“Yes,” you groan, his fingers fucking into you, faster now. His teeth graze your clit as he pulls the bud back into his mouth and sucks roughly. “N-need you, too. Always.” 
“I know, pretty girl,” he soothes, scissoring inside you, dragging along your walls. He laps at you, his tongue stroking your clit. “Not going anywhere. I’ve got you.”
You curse under your breath. You can feel yourself melting, your walls contracting and releasing. “Lo,” you call. “I’m so close. Wanna…” You trail off, unable to finish. 
“Can feel you squeezing me, sweetheart,” he breathes. “Don’t hold back. Let it happen,” he coaches, rocking into you. “Wanna taste you, wanna feel you come on my fingers.” He laps at you between sentences. “Come for me. Know you can do it.” And then everything is white-hot and blazing.
It’s earth-shattering—better than anything has ever felt before. The tension snaps, heat boiling under your skin. Everything is blurry, hazy, dizzied as you let go, and let go hard. You cry out Logan’s name, your thighs shaking as waves of pleasure drag you under. Your bones are burning, scorching. Everything is on fire—overwhelming and greedily all-consuming. 
Logan’s pumps slow, and he carefully pulls out of you. He laves at you, his tongue pushing through your folds, milking you dry, savoring every last drop. 
“Logan,” you whisper, your hands reaching down to his head, digging your fingers into his scalp. 
He hums against you, unwavering as his tongue laps at your folds, tasting your release. 
You’re still shaking, still coming down from your high. “Logan,” you call again, and he looks up this time, lifting his face from your cunt. Your release glistens on his chin, and he licks his lips clean of you. His eyes are dark, his palms squeezing your thighs possessively. 
“I’m not done yet, sweetheart,” he says, demand clear in his voice. 
Your heart flutters in your chest as he climbs up your body, hovering over you again. His lips find yours. “You taste that?” He mumbles, kissing you again, harder this time. “You taste how sweet you are?”
“Y-yes,” you answer, his hand sliding down your body, slipping between your legs, finding your overstimulated clit. 
He pinches the bud lightly, your back arching off the ground, your breasts pressing to his all-too-clothed chest. “Need more of you,” he husks, his hand dragging back up your body. He sits up and pulls you into his chest, taking all your weight as he hoists you up and stands. You instinctually wrap your legs around his waist. 
He places you in the center of your bed before striding across the room, closing and locking your bedroom door. “They’ll all be home soon,” Logan says, walking back towards you, spreading your legs and settling between your thighs. “Might have to be quiet for me, darlin’.”
“W-what do you—”
And then his face is buried deep inside your cunt, his tongue lapping desperately at your clit. “I told you,” he rasps. “I’m not finished with you yet.”
tags: @wittyjasontodd @wolverinesslut @galacticglitterglue @silversprings-mp3 @zxaera @spiderset @figsnpassionfruits @alastorssimp @alsoprettyinpink @prettyseaveins @ilysmdovie12 @evasmlp @derbygracie @rammakela @honeyfewr @ricefordays-blog1 @manipulatour
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
In one misfortunate year I ended up getting into several car accidents. It cemented my general fear and anxiety in cars, because in each case I was either in the car but not driving or driving safely when suddenly something hit me.
One was my ex driving in an unfamiliar city and cutting someone off on accident that resulted in a sideswipe. Another was getting rear ended when I came to a required stop.
The last was when I had a green arrow at an intersection. I turned and was smashed into by someone running a red light, T-boning my little car.
Dazed and in shock I tottered out of the car to behold a crusty older man eating a donut step out of the offending vehicle. A fire truck arrived to block us off from traffic since my car could no longer move under its own power.
“Were you on your way home from work?” The firemen asked me.
I shook my head, struggling to focus on them, “No,” I said vaguely, “I was on my way home from volunteering at the animal shelter.”
In an instant they were closing ranks around me, glaring at the ambivalent donut man who would dare to hit a tiny frail angel who volunteered at the animal shelter. They asked if I needed to get anything out of my car. I did.
“It’s… uh. It’s a little weird though.”
They gestured for me to proceed. I grabbed a bag with snacks and books and filled it with things I couldn’t just leave in my car. Last out I pulled my cutlass.
“Is that a sword?!”
It was. They were instantly like giant puppy dogs, excited and delighted but trying to mind their manners. The bravest said, “Can we…?” I held out the sword. They whooped with delight, unsheathing and marveling at it.
“Why do you have that in your car?”
“I honestly don’t remember, it’s just a fun thing to have at a party now.”
“Is your wrist okay?”
My shock was wearing off and I realized I was cradling my wrist to my chest. “Oh.” I rummaged into my bag and pulled out a wrist brace.
“Wh….why do you already have that?” I was starting to confuse the firemen. I volunteered with cats, had a sword offhand, and kept a wrist brace in my car bag.
“Sometimes I try to hold books in a way that sprains my wrist? So I have this in my car just in case.”
They stared at me. Maybe, like my wife, they assumed it was for masturbation induced injuries. They handed my sword back as the tow truck arrived and thanked me for letting them play with it. They gave donut man one last glare and drove their big truck away.
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starkeysprincess · 5 months
Late Night Needs
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pairing: perv!bsf!rafe cameron x oblivious!reader
summary: your best friend, rafe, calls you one night to talk, or so you think.
warnings: male masturbation, smut 18+ only, perv bsf rafe, oblivious/unaware reader, sexual themes
a/n: ty to my faves @oceandriveab for proof reading hehe and @babygorewhore for helping me w the title MWAH
gif creds: @tetragonia
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It was currently two in the morning when you woke up to the sound of your phone going off. You grabbed your phone, squinting as you looked to see several missed calls from your best friend, Rafe.
Just as you were about to call him back, your phone rang again. "Rafe?" you mutter as you answer the call but all you can hear is heavy breathing. "Hello?" you call out again and there's a small pause, "Yeah, 's me" his voice is low, "I've been trying to reach you all damn night".
"It's two in the morning" you groan, your eyes can barely stay open. "Just wanted to talk to my best friend, 's all" he breathes heavily, "Hold on, let me facetime you".
Before you can say anything, he switches the call to a facetime call, which of course, you accept it. As soon as he appears on the screen of your phone, you take notice that he was in his bed, sitting up against his headboard. He held his phone at an angle that showed his face and down to gist shirtless chest. “Why are you up?” was the first thing you asked, which made him chuckle, “Can’t talk to my best friend?”.
You give him a look, “At two in the morning?”. He shrugs, “Couldn’t sleep”. There was a pause and you could’ve sworn you heard the faint sound of heavy breathing but brushed it off, “Just got somethin’ on my mind” he added.
His comment makes you sit up in your bed and reach over to turn your bedside lamp on. As soon as you turned on the lamp, the light illuminated your features, causing Rafe to let out a small groan, one that you didn’t hear.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the FaceTime call, Rafe’s room was filled with the wet sounds of his hand stroking himself as he talked to you. His breathing was heavy and he was more than thankful at how oblivious you are.
For as long as Rafe has known you, he always knew you were an oblivious little thing. You never knew what was going on around you. It honestly turned him on even more knowing that you had no clue what he was doing on the other side of the FaceTime call.
"Wanna talk about what's on your mind?" you question, "No, ‘m fine. Just talk, wanna hear you talk" Rafe grunts, "You always make me feel better". You eagerly nodded because you would do anything to make him feel better. He was your best friend, after all.
He wasn’t really paying attention to exactly what you were saying, his mind is too focused on imagining how you’d sound under him as he moves his hand faster on his length and god, he just knew you’d make the prettiest fucking sounds for him.
As much as he loved listening to your voice and seeing your pretty little face on his screen, he desperately needed more. He needed to feel closer to you, almost as if you were with him in his bed.
Luckily, for Rafe, he knew just exactly how he can somewhat get the feeling of you wrapped around him.
He stopped for a second, unwrapping his hand from around himself before reaching into his pillowcase, pulling out a pair of your panties that he had stolen from the last time he was in your room. Sure, it wasn't anywhere near being what your cunt would feel like but it was the closest he could get to.
He wraps your panties around the base of his cock and starts stroking himself again. "Fuck" he groans, his eyes fluttering shut at the feeling. "Everything okay?" your voice rings through his ears, "Mhm, everything's good" he mutters, "So fuckin' good".
"What are you doing?" you ask curiously, still unaware of what he's really doing. "Just takin' care of something, nothing your pretty little head should worry about" he grunts, his hand moving faster as he opens his eyes to look at you while you were too busy paying attention to god knows what.
He bites his lip as he roughly fists his length up and down. The feeling of your panties wrapped around his cock, your voice, and the sight of you was all starting to get to him and he can feel himself getting close.
"Look at me" Rafe commanded with heavy-lidded eyes, his hand never slowing down. You stopped what you were doing and looked into the camera. "Oh fuck" he grunted as he reaches his orgasm, spurts of his cum covering your panties that he had wrapped around him.
"Are you sure you're okay, Rafe?" you question with concern, only to receive a smirk from him, "Never felt better" he mutters as he stares at your panties covered in his cum.
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sugume · 8 months
COMING DOWN w/Jujutsu Kaisen
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( TW ) BDSM (Sukuna's only), master!Sukuna, punishment, spanking, pussy job, cream pie, praise, fingering, explicit content  
FEATURING: Ryomen Sukuna, Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, and Nanami Kento 
Author’s note: I fear I can only write stern Sukuna, also the way word deleted this and I had the spend my morning rewriting it…
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“Mm–fuck, oh fuck angel, I’m cumming!” Gojo whines, shooting his load into your abused cunt. You arch your back deeper, shoving your face into the pillow. “Fuck, princess—fuck—feel s’good,” He collapses onto you, heaving. 
You whine at his weight unable to stay up. Satoru falls with you. 
“S’ so good princess, you’re always s’good to me.” Satoru spills, drunk on you. You whimper, tilting your head to kiss his cheek. He nuzzles into you, murmuring out incoherent praise.  
“Toru, you’re too heavy, get off.” You try and fail to shrug him off.  
“Mm—don’t wanna, so comfy.” He slurs, and you know if he doesn’t get up within the next five minutes you both are going to fall asleep covered in sweat, tears, and cum. 
“We gotta wash up ‘Ro. C’mon the quicker we clean up the quicker we can cuddle and watch the next episode of our show.” Satoru protest for a several minutes before kissing the side of your face a few times and lifting himself, his cock slipping out. You gasp, suddenly feeling empty. Your pussy clenched in attempt to keep him cum in. You turn to watch a naked Satoru walk over to grab the baby wipes on the dresser. 
“C’mere baby, lemme clean you up.” 
“One more, little girl.” Sukuna grunts, his heavy hand on your back rubbing soothing circles. He brings the belt down again. You gasp, voice hoarse for all the screaming and crying you’ve already done. 
“All done, now c’mere.” Sukuna orders you up from your position across his lap, manhandling you until you wrap around him. 
“M’sorry, m’sorry, won’t do it again I promise, I'll be good now.” You cry into the crock of his neck, overwhelmed with emotions. You feel embarrassed, guilty, and cared for all at once. Only Sukuna can make you feel such contradictory emotions. 
“Shush, it’s okay little girl, I know, you took your punishment like a good girl you know that?” He gently grabs the side of your head, forcing you to look up at him. You have to blink a few times before you can see his face. “Proud of you.” He smiles, leaning down to kiss your lips—swollen from biting down so hard. 
Your heart flutters at the praise, you may not like getting punished but the soft moments after when Sukuna whispers sweet nothings to you will always make it better.  
“I love–” You hiccup. “L-love you Ryo.”  You rub your cheek on his warm palm, ready to fall asleep and start the new day on a clean slate. 
“I love you too little one, you know what to say.” He shakes your head with his hand, the other starting to rub soothing circles on your thighs. “Thank you for my punishment master, I understand why you did it and I appreciate you for correcting me.” 
“Good girl, now lay down on your stomach while I rub this cream on your ass alright?” 
“K-Kento—” You moan, wrapping your arms tighter around his shoulders. 
“Shush, it’s okay love, let it happen, you’re alright.” He whispers into your ear, jackhammering his fingers into your wet cunt. You cry into his now-drenched shoulder, as Nanami finger fucks you to another orgasm. He whispers sweet nothing as you come down from another high, and collapse on his chest.  
“That’s right Love–jus’ relax for me.” he says, as he pulls his fingers out of your pussy and wraps his strong arms around your waist.  
“You relaxed now sweetheart?” 
“Mhm, thank you, Ken.” 
“You gonna tell me what happened?” He rubs your back, patiently waiting for you to tell him what caused you to come home on the verge of a breakdown. 
“I-I don’t wanna. It’s embarrassing.” You mumble ashamed that you let your co-workers get to you. 
“Nothin’ you say will ever make me judge you sweetheart. You know you can tell me anything.” He reassures. 
“I know Kento, thank you for always bein’ there for me.” 
“I love you, sweetheart. That means I'll always will there whenever you need me to be—in any way you need me to.” 
“I love you too Kento. Do you think we can go get some ice-cream then I can tell you what happened?” 
“Of course we can Love.” 
“That’s it sweet girl–mm fuck–that’s it.” Geto grunts, sliding your pussy over his cock before lifting you and releasing his load on your thighs. You gasp at the sight of your boyfriend cumming on your naked thighs. Suguru sighs, the grip on your hips softening after several seconds. 
“I know baby, I know.”  He reassures, bringing his hands underneath the hoodie you’re wearing. He caresses his hands up and down your sides. You blink sleepily about to fall into Suguru’s big chest before you remember the sticky mess between your tights. 
“Sugu, ‘m dirty.” You pout. He grins up at you. 
“The prettiest dirty girl I’ve ever seen.” 
“Suguru!” You slap his chest. He laughs ever harder, grabbing your hand to sprinkle kisses on your knuckles.  You smile down at him. He looks like the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen. Long black hair sprawled against the white pillow. Intense brown eyes that look up at you like you’re the only girl in the world worth his time.  
“Let’s get clean up dirty girl–C’mon, up we go.” Suguru picks you up by the waist and carries you to the bathroom. He sets you down on the counter before he grabs a clean rag.  
“Thank you, baby.” You whisper as you wash him clean your thighs. 
“No, thank you for bein’ so good to me sweet girl.” He stands up to kiss you sweetly. “Never thought I’d get so lucky—you’re the best girl, my best girl. Love you s’much.” 
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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How they’d react to you not kissing/hugging him before leaving for a mission…
Dick acts as though you told him his ass isn’t that fat in his spandex suit-
He’s insulted.
You always, always remember to kiss his cheek before he leaves. His ‘good luck, be safe and kick ass’ cheek kiss!
It’s your thing as a couple! Do you want to see him cry because he fucking will! He’ll do it!
Dick will pout, huff and whine loud as possible in hopes that you’d realise your error and rectify it tenfold. He won’t tell you what’s wrong. No, he wants and expects you to figure it out for yourself, which doesn’t get him anywhere when you’re looking at him confused and lost as to what he was whining about; Literally.
His mood will be down for the entirety of the day and you’ll no doubt have texts from his teammates and family members asking what was wrong with Dick to look so down.
You’re just as confused as them seeing as how Dick didn’t disclose his innermost thoughts and feelings to you despite being his partner, so you were at a loss on how to help them with something even you weren’t privy to knowing…it’s probably one of your biggest issues as a couple but that’s for another time.
Dick will do that pathetic thing where he looks back at you expectantly the closer he gets towards the door, even going so far as to walk extremely slow when he was within reaching distance of the door handle as to buy you enough time to notice before he genuinely had to leave.
When you don’t however, Dick acts like a kicked puppy for the rest of the day and will proceed to exaggerate to anyone with ears about how his lover was restricting him of his affection.
On the other hand, If you do manage to remember to give him a good luck kiss, planting an extra one on his other cheek for extra, extra luck. Dick will have a permanent smile on his face that will not go the fuck away, even when he’s beating someone’s ass, the smile remains glued on his face as though with gorilla glue.
Seeing Dick brutally beat someone’s ass with a smile was horrifying for anyone to witness but it’s okay bc he’s happy that you remembered to kiss him good luck.
Jason will immediately call you out on your bullshit.
And by that I mean cross his arms over his chest and stare at you saying. ‘Well?’
And you’re like: ‘well what?’
And he’s like: ‘where’s my good luck kiss that you owe me? Roy is waiting on me and here I am waiting on my kiss, so give me my kiss chipmunk.’
Jason doesn’t piss about and gets to the meat of the issue at hand. He wants his good luck kisses and he wants them now and he will not leave the apartment until he gets them.
You’d raise a brow at his not so subtle neediness for your affection and decided to tease him. ‘I thought you didn’t need my good luck kisses remember? You’re a big boy who can fight with or without my good luck kisses.’
Jason groans, not expecting you to pull that out. ‘I said that one time. One time and I was being a dick back then too because all you wanted to do was show me that you cared about me and didn’t want me to get hurt.’
You smiled and got up from the couch and walked over to him, resting your hands on his biceps. ‘So now that you admit that you were a dick and the way that you acted was wrong…’ you trailed off as you pressed a kiss to his lips once, twice, three times because you loved to kiss Jason whenever possible and will try to plant as many kisses as you could.
‘Thanks chipmunk.’ Jason murmurs against your lips, feeling everything has gone back to being right again. ‘Now I better be off or Roy will tease me for lingering too long-‘
‘Too late.’ Roy said from the doorway and Jason closed his eyes and silently curse while you smiled and waved at Roy. ‘Hi Roy!’ You said. ‘Hi y/n, mind letting Jason come out to play?’ Roy joked. You played along by making a thoughtful face as Jason mutters under his breath; ‘are you being serious right now?’
You snapped your fingers. ‘As long as you make sure Jason doesn’t get into trouble then yes, he may go out and play.’
‘I hate you both.’ Jason groaned as he walked past you and playfully shoved Roy aside to leave the apartment. Roy then cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted after him. ‘Are you sure you don’t want your goodbye kisses?’ You and Roy laugh together upon hearing Jason cursing him out from a distance.
Damian acts indifferent about it.
He doesn’t need a good luck hug, hell! he doesn’t need luck at all!
He’s skilled enough to win any fight without relying on something silly as Luck. Luck was just probability under a different name and definition. (A/n: Don’t quote me on that.)
So when you forget to give him a hug before a mission, Damian doesn’t think anything of it but it will linger in his mind unnecessarily much to his annoyance.
Why was he so hung up on not getting something a silly as a hug? Or was he instead more upset over the fact that you, his closest friend/partner, completely forgot about it as though it wasn’t anything worth remembering.
Either way he was conflicted and didn’t know how to go about saying any of this to you without getting frustrated over his apparent loss for words. He was a man of action more then anything so when he finally catches up to you, he will stride towards you and stop just a couple of inches and silently stare at you with his resting bitch face.
‘Damian?’ You asked. ‘Are you okay?’
Damian doesn’t say anything because he couldn’t think of anything to say in that moment and instead stays silent as to save himself from further embarrassment.
‘Damian?’ You asked again, getting worried over his unusual silence. ‘I can’t help you if you don’t tell me-‘ before you could finish your sentence, Damian had lunged towards you and brought you into a very tight hug. You smile softly and gladly hugged Damian back, not saying a single word other then;
‘You don’t need me to say it but I’ll reaffirm it anyway, you’ll do great out there Dami. I know you will.’
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