#okay okay so. yalls keyboards have such. tall keys
mirqmarq428 · 10 months
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When I got an office job I got to pick my own keyboard. On a whim I selected this one.
It's so good.
I even bought one for myself at home.
This is the Logitech K750 solar. It's quite thin and quite heavy. If you, like me, grew up typing on laptops, it will feel like a mild improvement but still familiar.
And it doesn't even need batteries! Just have a window in the room and you're good.
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jawnjendes · 5 years
something more than me | shawn mendes
university au, shawn x goth gf. if there’s anything else yall wanna see regarding this series, let me know!
masterlist | series playlist
These days, the only way you could get me out of the dorm room apart from class and work was if you needed a buddy to travel with at night. What I’m trying to say is my roommate, Stella, wanted to go to a coffee shop after the sun went down. She would have gone alone if it wasn’t in a questionable part of downtown. It was also a coffee shop neither of us had been to before, and it was far from campus. She wanted me to go with her because I was always preaching about travelling in pairs at night.
The only thing is, Stella told me we were going out about fifteen minutes before she intended to head out the door. She was already dressed in a hoodie and leggings, a red beanie over her brown hair. She had her boots on and keys in hand. She was ready, while I was the opposite. The moment I woke up today, I decided to throw the whole day away. No interaction, no makeup, no pants.
“Come on!” Stella snapped, pulling off the comforter I was lying under.
I’ll admit, I was a bit under the weather these days. I had been waiting for a prescription refill on my antidepressants. Sleep evaded me, and when it wasn’t, I was having nightmares. Aside from that, my digestive system was giving me a hard time, which added to the mental stress. Finally, there was the fact that I was still in a gloom from, for lack of a better phrase, “breaking up” with my toxic fuck buddy, Luca. You could imagine how much I did not want to go out tonight.
“Isn’t that place, like, on the other side of town?” I asked, mumbling into my pillow. “Why not just go to Starbucks?”
“Because Shawn and Camila are performing at this place and I promised I’d go!” Stella hastily replied as she reached down to the floor to grab my jeans. “Now get dressed so we can go!”
“I don’t know those people…”
“You know Camila!” My pants were thrown at me. “Cover up your granny panties and let’s go!”
I vaguely knew Camila. She sat in the front of my stats class, always chatting to the professor. I was always in the back, close to the exit, staying as invisible as possible. We weren’t friends.
Stella was persistent, so I rolled out of my small bed and pulled my jeans on. “At least it’s not a bar.”
We showed up to the coffee shop after the show had started. People were spilling out the door, but Stella pushed her way in with me on her tail. A boppy tune was booming through the vicinity, and two distinct voices were singing passionately accompanied by an acoustic guitar.
Stella dragged me past the cashier/barista, claiming that there would be time for that later. She stopped near the front of where the singers were; A short girl who was fully jamming to her own song, and a tall guy with a guitar singing beside her.
I knew the short girl was Camila. Who could forget her beauty and voice that was talked about all over campus? I did not recognize the tall curly haired guy, though it was easy to tell he liked the group of girls sitting directly in front of his singing space.
My body was there, but I felt out of place. I thought that only happened at bars and night clubs. I wasn’t fond of being in a crowded space, or out of my dorm. My therapist said it was good for me, though. Being surrounded by strangers is better than being isolated, even if you feel alone in that crowd. Those are her words, not mine.
I snapped back into reality when the song ended and everyone started clapping. I joined in, trying not to look like an obvious stick in the mud. Come on, we can do this.
“Thanks, guys!” said Camila into her microphone. “I’m gonna leave it to my friend Shawn now!”
The girls in front were certainly happy about that. That Shawn guy was too. Must be a Leo.
Stella flagged down her friend as soon as she was offstage. Camila excitedly approached us and hugged us both. I tensed up at the touch, and my nose itched at the scent of her perfume, but she didn’t notice.
“I’m so glad you guys made it!” she exclaimed.
I’ve talked to you exactly once.
She and Stella chatted for a little bit before the next song started. Now, instead of holding a guitar and standing at the microphone, Shawn sat down in front of a keyboard set up. I internally prepared to barf at the incoming slow love song.
Thirty seconds into it, I learned to not judge conventionally handsome singers and assume they only live to make ladies swoon. This song was fucking sad and poking at my own wounds.
“You’ve got ahold of me Don’t even know your power I stand a hundred feet But I fall when I’m around you”
I got that cold ache in my chest just like I did two months ago. My throat burned and tightened up. I was immediately sucked into the song, and mildly resenting it. How dare a handsome singing man make a song that I actually like.
Someone hurting you so bad that you’re begging them for mercy… That feeling was my best friend and worst enemy. She knocked the wind out of me many times, so I had to kick her to the curb. You can find the will to leave someone toxic, but no one ever tells you how hard it is to deal with the sadness and aches that come after. I just couldn’t pinpoint why it was happening. I cut off the toxicity, I removed the bad thing. Why was I so fucking sad?
Applause rippled through the crowd as Shawn hit the bridge. I let out a soft breath and clapped as well. This guy certainly knew how to move a crowd with his voice.
“I’m prepared to sacrifice my life, I would gladly do it twice”
If I was the type to smoke cigarettes, I would have stepped outside to do so. My eyes were starting to sweat, so I looked at the floor and tried to suck it up. The toxic ex was making his was into my brain again. It was bad enough I still saw him at work…
The show ended with that last song. Shawn thanked the audience and waved at the girls in front. As soon as he stepped off the stage, everyone in the shop rushed to the barista to order drinks and whatnot. That was when Stella grabbed my wrist and ushered us back outside. Camila followed close behind, her hands on my waist. Didn’t have boundaries, I guess.
“Y’all are getting popular,” Stella said when we were finally out in the chilly night.
Camila was beaming. “Amazing, right? We had no idea it would turn out like this!”
“So when are you and Shawn tying the knot, eh?” Stella nudged her friend.
“Ha! You’re so funny!” Camila replied with an eyeroll. “We’re looking, just not for each other!”
That made Stella smile mischievously, and she glanced at me. “Inch resting.”
The two girls talked some more, while I merely listened. This was still better than being at a bar… Or alone in my dorm for the millionth time on a Saturday night. Maybe I needed someone, or something more than me. Something to push me to… I don’t know? Something better, I suppose. Stella was good at that when she wasn’t in Full Extrovert Mode. I couldn’t demand she always “takes care” of me, though. She deserved a good time as much as anyone else did.
For convenient timing, the singing man emerged from the overcrowded coffee shop. He spotted Camila and joined our circle. He had a drink holder in his hands, and a big smile on his face.
“Hey guys, I brought drinks!” he greeted, looking at all of us. His face was much kinder when it wasn’t hidden by dim lights.
I also couldn’t look directly at him when he gave me a cup. Nope, we’re looking at the ground now, laid ease.
Stella, on the other hand, was not having it with my quiet, introverted ass. She nudged my arm to make me look up and then she properly introduced me to Shawn.
“Oh, you’re the goth roommate!” he said. “It’s nice to meet you!”
Will I ever be able to trust Stella to make me seem like a normal person to other people? Probably not. At least she was trying to get me out of the shell I made for myself.
“You too,” I replied with an awkward smile. “Good set.”
“Thanks. I saw you tearing up in the crowd.”
“That’s impossible, I don’t do tears,” I said without thinking. Okay, edgelord. You’re so edgy. So original.
Shawn chuckled. “Maybe it was the other girl with black lipstick and the Underoath t-shirt.”
And we’re looking at the ground again!
“Hey, aren’t you and Shawn doing the same major?” Stella asked, nudging me once again.
“Music?” Shawn guessed, looking intrigued.
I was puzzled, glancing at Stella once. “Um. No. Psychology.”
“Oops. Had a brain fart.” My insane roommate giggled.
“It’s cool.” Shawn smiled and lied his stupidly cute eyes on me once again. “A psych major, eh? Are you analyzing my every move?”
Funny joke. First time hearing that one.
“No, but I can for three hundred dollars,” I said back.
“Is that how much a shrink is?” Camila piped up.
“No!” Shawn answered. “Free healthcare!”
Yeah… yeah, he got me there.
“Somehow, I still think I’m in the States,” I said timidly.
After that, Stella and Camila strolled down the street. That pretty much ended Stella’s Safe Buddy Duty. I felt quite out of place once again as she babbled away to Camila in Spanish. It’s not that I didn’t speak the language, I just really am as much of a hermit as I’m told.
Shawn thought different as we walked someways behind them. “They always do that in class. You can’t understand them either, eh?”
“¿Y porque piensas eso?” I replied, once again without thought. “Simplemente soy muy callada y casi nunca me salgo de la casa. Nomas estoy un poca incomoda con personas que no conozco.”
“Awesome,” he said after a moment of silence. “So… you’re from the US?”
“Yup. Southern California.”
“What made you want to come all the way over here for college?”
“Simple: I don’t like the desert. Or heat. Or the sun.”
I had my eyes on the sidewalk I stepped on until I realized Shawn hadn’t replied. I looked up only to realize he was looking back at me in disbelief.
“That’s it? You moved countries because of the weather?”
What is he expecting, my life story?
Before I could talk back, Stella piped up from in front of us. “She’s a goth, she’s allergic to the sun!”
“Ah, so it was for your own health,” Shawn replied. “I get it now.”
The next time I saw this guy was at a bus stop just outside of campus. I had seen him from where I parked my car, and I secretly hoped he would have forgotten me by now. I made sure to have my headphones on as I walked past him, but he touched my shoulder and stopped me. So much for remaining invisible.
“Do you always look at the floor when you walk?” he asked, amused.
“How else will I know where to step?” I said in return.
He laughed, which was then followed by silence. Why did he stop me? Just to say hi? What kind of fuckery-
“You’re not wearing the black lipstick,” he pointed out.
I shrugged, feeling… inadequate. “Didn’t want people constantly reminding me of my lip color.”
“Well, it looked really cool the other night. It’s kinda what made me notice you.” He offered a smile, to which I changed the subject.
“So, where you headed?”
“Work. I work at this flower shop in the middle of town.” Shawn looked both ways, noticing the empty roads. “I think the bus is late.”
The bus is late. He works with flowers. The bus is late. Flowers.
“Are you running late?” I asked. Don’t do it. Oh god, don’t do it.
“Uh…” Shawn checked the time on his phone. “No, I should be fine. I like to be early.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“I have a question.”
“Uhh…” I said stupidly.
“What really made you want to come here for college?” he prompted.
Someone clearly didn’t forget my lack of interest from the other night. Why was this question so important to him?
“Why are you here for college?” I said back.
“I live here. Now you.”
God fuckign-
“Wanted to travel, I guess. I’ve been in one place my whole life.” I shrugged, looking anywhere except him yet again.
“Hm. Okay. What are you listening to?”
“Five sauce.”
“Aren’t you a goth, though?”
I rolled my eyes and made a noise between a scoff and a laugh. “Firstly, Stella calls me that, I don’t. Secondly, you ask a lot of questions.”
“Well, I just wanna get to know you.”
Any normal, naive person would have been swayed by Shawn’s sweet tone and charming smile. I, however, learned that there’s more than what meets the eye. He doesn’t really want to know you, he just wants something. He doesn’t care, he just wants to make you think he does.
I narrowed my eyes. “You need to unlock level forty seven friendship to know anything,” I told him.
“And how far am I?”
“We’ve talked one time before this. You’re not even on level one!”
“Okay, so we’ll hang out sometime so I can make progress.” Shawn’s grin was now very smug. Then he looked to the street. “Oh, right on time.”
The bus just so happened to pull up right about now. My eyes were still narrow and furious, and I was making sure Shawn knew it. How dare he trap me! How dare he ask questions about me! Just say you wanna use me for sex and go!
He was still grinning as he went to the bus entrance. “I’ll let you know when I’m free to hang out. I’ll see you later!”
This motherfu-
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