#okay but her pouring milk on herself is killing me
sea-lanterns · 6 months
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@flying_frappe strikes again. (full work)
I saw this earlier too, I’m literally nothing but a hole for the Milkwoman now 😭😭
What’s funny is that I’m lactose intolerant (thanks SEA genetics) but GIVE ME THE MILK. IDC IF IT MAKES MY STOMACH HURT IM SLURPING ALL OF IT UP FROM THE STOMACH TO THE—
Ahem, forgive me. As said before, I’m a sucker for women who are covered in blood that isn’t their own. Especially a woman in uniform.
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andsour · 1 month
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trauma candy salad hnlm edition !!
content warning : trauma dumping , illness and death of a parent , death by suicide , absent parents , toxic workplace , body shaming , toxic relationships , implied drug and alcohol abuse , cheating. none of this is actually depicted in detail , but it is discussed by the characters in a flippant joking manner. lmk if there's anything i missed and i'll add it immediately !! ib : @bluwavez <3
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the video starts with joori sitting cross–legged on the floor, dressed in a pink pyjama set and holding up a pack of candies as she waits to begin before whoever’s behind the phone camera whispers, “okay, go!”.
“hello, i’m joori, and when i was a kid my family lost our house and had to move in with my grandma because my dad got sick, so i decided to become an idol so i could be, like, rich and save our family, right? then right before i debuted, he died.” she shares bluntly. “i brought the sweet & sour strawberry chews!” she drops a handful of the unpeeled candies into the bowl.
“hi, guys! i’m ryuhyun, and i never had any real friends growing up because i was homeschooled, so obviously i was really excited to become a trainee and finally make some friends, just for everyone to hate me because they thought i got their friend cut on purpose. i brought strawberry milk candy.” she explains, pushing her glasses up higher on the bridge of her nose before pouring the still–wrapped candy into the bowl. she looks up at the camera like she’s just remembered something. “it’s okay, they all like me now.” she adds sweetly, chuckling along with the other girls.
“hey, i’m meilin, and i was always praised by my dance instructors growing up for staying late at the studio and being so hard–working and driven, but it was really just because neither of my parents were ever home and i didn’t have anything better to do,” meilin shares. “i brought skittles!”
“hiiii! my name’s kenzie, and when i was thirteen on the mickey mouse club, i got bullied for being “annoying” and “ugly” by people on the internet so i left that company and changed literally everything about myself but it didn’t matter because they still don’t like me. i brought nerds gummy clusters!” she explains animatedly, all in one breath, pouring the contents of the bag into the bowl.
“i’m ej, i brought twizzlers nibs, and when i was in first grade, my mom killed herself.” ej states simply, dumping what she can into the bowl and then picking off the pieces that get stuck to the inside of the bag. the video is abnormally quiet as she does so, then cuts abruptly.
“i’m joori, and when i asked our creative director why she refused to put a song i worked really hard on, on our album, that, mind you, our producers had already approved of, she told me it was dogshit! i brought watermelon sour patch kids.” she says, smiling stiffly, which makes the rest of the girls laugh, breaking the tense atmosphere.
anna has to take a second to collect herself, still cracking up, before she starts. “hi, i’m anna, and that same creative director told me i was fat and it was ruining all of our concept pictures,” she forces an exaggerated frown before snickering. “i brought peach rings!”
“i’m ej, and a year ago my mentally unstable ex–girlfriend trashed my room while she screamed at and broke up with me for the hundredth time, but i did cheat on her with her—” the camera whips around to reveal kenzie with her jaw ajar, shocked at being exposed at first, before she clamps a hand over her mouth and laughs, then turns back to ej. “— so it was warranted, i guess. i brought haitai plum candies.” she shrugs, before dumping the candy into the bowl.
“i’m meilin, and a guy led me on for a year, let me buy him a bunch of shit and treated me like his girlfriend, just to tell me he wanted to back to being only friends, then, like, a week later popped out with another girl on his private instagram, and when i confronted him about it he was like, “well, i never asked you to do all that!”,” meilin mockingly puts on an exaggerated deep voice when she says the last part, then rolls her eyes. “and that’s why his group’s comeback flopped. i brought sweet tart chews.”
“ryuhyun again!” the girl chimes, waving to the camera. “at a fansign when we first debuted, this fan straight–up acted like i didn’t exist— like, they wouldn’t even look at me or let me sign their stuff. i didn’t get any gifts. then, people on twitter called me a crybaby for getting up and leaving half–way through… so i could go cry.” she admits the last part sheepishly, laughing at herself a little with the other girls. “i brought gummy bears.”
“i’m anna, and whenever i made a mistake while i was singing opera solos in a literal children’s chorus, because i was a literal child, my mom would get angry and refuse to talk to me for days,” she shares. “i brought jolly ranchers!”
“i’m kenzie and when i was eighteen, i dated this fucking loser— his name is kim daehyun, by the way—” kenzie starts as the rest of the group laughs scandalously at the name–drop. “and when he’d get mad at me, which was basically all the time, he’d repeat my hate comments to me. i stayed with him for eight months, though, and hooked up with him, like, three times after we broke up. i brought green apple sour straws!”
“girl.” anna chides off–camera as the others snicker.
kenzie shakes her head and waves her hands, embarrassed by her past self. “i’ve learned since then, i promise!”
“hey, i’m ej, and i spent the year i turned twenty–one getting fucked up and partying every night, and i almost lost my job because of it,” ej explains, carding her free hand through her dark hair. “i brought mini starbursts.”
the video cuts, but ej is still in the frame, joined by joori who has an arm draped over her shoulder. “i’m joori and i basically had to stage an intervention so she wouldn’t lose her job. best friends!” the girl smiles widely, hugging ej closer. “oh and, i brought trolli sour bite night crawlers!”
the gummy worms fall onto the pile of candy in the bowl with a thud. an unsteady hand holds the camera over the bowl while the girls use their hands to mix the candy together, their voices and laughter overlapping in the background. it cuts again to ej violently shaking the bowl to better mix the candy and making a mess. finally, it ends with kenzie holding up a peace sign while the rest of the group poses behind her, chewing on their candy as they chime, “byeeee!”
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bridgyrose · 11 months
Ladybug Week Day 3: First Kiss
Blake winced as she felt the cool morning air against her skin and the gentleness of Ruby’s fingers against her back. Her body ached from shifting after the full moon had finally set, her head pounding as she continued to feel a rush from the adrenaline that still coursed through her body. She slowly opened her eyes and pulled Ruby’s cloak over herself to keep warm. 
“Finally awake?” Ruby asked. 
“Y-yeah, I’m awake,” Blake said groggily as she slowly got up, her arms shaking as they supported her. “You… you stayed with me. Why?” 
“You’re supposed to be my girlfriend, so of course I stayed with you. Though, you could’ve told me about this.” 
“About me being a monster?” Blake pulled the cloak around herself and looked around the small camp that Ruby had made. They were still in the darkest parts of the forest, light shining around the edges of the camp from the leaves above. Her stomach growled, and then she doubled over and heaved for a moment as her body started to realize it had eaten raw meat the night before. “Why… why didnt you run?” 
Ruby started to dig through her pack and pulled out some fresh clothes for Blake, along with some eggs, pancake mix, and a little milk. “You didnt try to hurt me and seemed more scared of me than I was of you. I hope pancakes will be okay with you for breakfast, I wasnt able to grab much before getting you out of Vale.” 
Blake nodded and grabbed the clothes, getting herself dressed as she tried to piece together the memories from her shift. She remembered shifting in Vale, being brought out with Ruby, a strange smell that seemed to linger around her partner, racing through the forest to hunt… but she couldnt remember if anyone had come to hunt her like they had before. “Yeah, pancakes will be fine.” She finished getting dressed and sat Ruby’s cloak next to her as she watched her partner start a fire and start to mix the pancake batter. “What happened to the people who came out to hunt me?” 
“No one did. I made sure no one saw you.” 
Blake quietly watched Ruby as she placed a pan over the fire and slid a small bit of butter into it to grease it up. It didnt make any sense that someone didnt come to hunt her down, especially after shifting in the middle of the city. People were terrified of wolves, let alone a werewolf that was twice the size of a regular wolf. “What do you mean no one came to find me?” 
“I mean exactly that, no one came to find you.” 
“But someone always does!” Blake yelled, pausing when she caught her reflection on the metal pan catching her canines were still enlarged from her transformation. She took a deep breath to relax, trying to keep her own anger from taking over. “Over the last eight months, someone has always come after me. Farmers, villagers, huntsmen… I’ve only killed when I had to in order to keep myself safe, but someone always comes. As far as anyone is concerned, I’m just a beast to be killed.” 
“And this time, no one came for you.” Ruby poured a little batter into the pan to start a pancake, smiling a bit as she watched it start to bubble. “I used my semblance to get us out of Vale and then I took you deep into the forest. No one saw you and you only went after deer and rabbits this time instead of anything the farmers were herding.” 
“That hasnt stopped anyone-” Blake froze when she felt Ruby kiss her, her thoughts trailing away for a brief moment as her hand went to Ruby’s back. She finally relaxed as Ruby broke the kiss, a blush crossing her cheeks as they seemed to heat up. “You… you kissed me.” 
“I needed you to calm down and try to relax for a moment,” Ruby said, hiding her own small blush as she focused on the pancakes. “Though, I guess that would be our first kiss, wouldn’t it? We’ve been dating since we’ve graduated and we havent kissed once, have we?” 
“Its not like we’ve had a lot of time.” Blake relaxed as she watched Ruby flip the pancake, her stomach growling from the smell. “Ozpin has been keeping you busy, I’ve had to spend some time in Menagerie, and even when we are together, we rarely have time to ourselves without being called on another mission. And then I…” she paused for a moment and put a hand to the scarred bite mark on her shoulder. “I became… this. Ironic though, a cat faunus becoming a wolf once a month.” 
Ruby chuckled a bit. “It is, but please dont hide anything like this anymore.” 
“I wont.” 
“Now eat. I’m sure you’ll feel better on a full stomach.” 
Blake nodded and took the first pancake, biting savagely into it. She savored the taste, already enjoying it more than the thought of eating raw meat. “And then… maybe we can have a bit of time to ourselves, right? Just you and me?” 
Ruby nodded and took another pancake out of the pan. “Of course.” 
Blake blushed at the thought of being alone with Ruby again, cuddling with her and holding her close. Just like she used to at Beacon. She slowly tore a piece of pancake and popped it into her mouth. “That would be nice.”
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dragonmuse · 2 years
reread the pickle stakeout fic and the line about lucius being terrified of small children is so funny. can we see a scene of him interacting with pickle?
(poor Lucius, babies just aren't his thing, Pickle is 18 months here)
“Here,” Izzy handed him the diaper bag. 
“No, Iz,” Lucius tried to back away from him. 
“It’s for a half hour, max. If I don’t get this in the mail, it’s going to really fuck us,” Izzy glanced out side, but it was still pouring rain. Not the weather to take a toddler out in. 
“Bah,” Pickle said authoritatively, then banged two blocks together. 
“What if she needs something?” 
“Just changed her diaper, she already ate. You just need to keep from killing herself for twenty minutes, pup,” Izzy was still holding out the bag expectantly. “Come on.” 
“Fine,” Lucius took the bag with a groan. “But on your head be it.” 
“You’ll be fine,” and then he was gone. 
“Fuck,” Lucius muttered, setting the bag down on the counter. Twenty minutes ago, he’d been sleeping peacefully with no intention of waking before Pickle had been picked up. Now this. His day had already gone wrong and he’d been awake for what felt like ten seconds. 
“Ahlalala,” Pickle agreed, banging the blocks together. At least she was occupied. 
“Coffee,” Lucius decided. “Not for you. Obviously.” 
He walked blearily to the counter and prodded the coffee maker. He could hear her little footsteps behind him and when he stopped she collided into his shins and fell on her butt. He held his breath, but instead of crying, she giggled, grabbed his pajama pants and painstakingly dragged herself back to her feet. 
“You’ve got the Hands determination,” he informed her. “What the hell are we going to do here?” 
“Ball?” she asked hopefully. 
“Uh,” Lucius opened the diaper bag, rooting through it. There was a brightly colored ball on top. He handed it down to her. 
She immediately dropped it. Lucius sighed and prodded the coffee maker. Pickle held on to his pants again as she leaned over and grabbed it. 
“Ball!” she announced again and offered it up to him. 
“Yep, sure is a round object,” he agreed, grabbing at his waistband as everything threatened to slip off. 
“Ball,” she said with some satisfaction, then threw it towards the door. Then she looked at him expectantly. 
“You threw it,” he grumbled. “You get it.” 
She waited, staring up at him with her big dark eyes.  Lucius carefully poured his coffee and realized he’d need to move to get milk. He wasn’t sure about picking her up. Izzy did it with such ease, practically tossing the kid around, but she looked fragile to him. And sticky. 
“Excuse me?” he attempted. 
“Luck?” she blinked. “Ball.” 
“Lucky what?” 
“Luck!” She tugged on his pants. 
“No idea, sorry, try again. Could you move? Scoot? Sashay away?” He suggested. 
She huffed at him. It was a very Izzy sort of sound and he had to repress a hysterical laugh. After a moment’s hesitation, he held both his hands down to her. 
“You want me to pick you up?” 
She wrapped one hand around one of his fingers, studying it with interest. The fridge was so close, yet so far away. With a grimace, he got his other hand under her butt and scooped upwards. She grabbed onto his t-shirt with surprise. 
“Yeah, me too, sorry.” She leaned back and he had to steady her very quickly. She was studying his face. 
“Luck,” she said solemnly.  
“Ooooh, wait. I’m Luck?”
She blinked at him. He booped her nose the way he’s seen Jim do once, “Pickle?” 
She giggled, “P!” 
“Yeah, P is for Prickle,” he agreed, then feeling completely ridiculous, touched his own nose. “Lucius.” 
“Luck!” She reached out and sort of mashed her hand into his nose. She smelled like apple sauce. And she was sticky. Gross. 
“That’s...okay, I’m touched that you figured that out.” He reached for the fridge door at last, managing to juggle her and the milk momentarily. It was touch and go as he poured. “How many words do you have now?” 
“Alahahaha,” she said solemnly. 
“Yeah, right, gotcha.”  He set her back down. “If I don’t drink this, one of us isn’t making it until your uncle gets back. Why don’t you go get your ball?” 
She dropped to her hands and knees and did her frighteningly fast crawl to the ball. Walking was still new concept and apparently she wasn’t all in on it yet. He got to the couch and sat down heavily, taking a gulp of coffee. He watched as she grabbed up ball, then unsteadily pushed back up to her feet, so she could hold the ball and get back to him. 
At least she was shambler, he managed to get a few more mouthfuls swallowed before she got to his knee and sort of just collided with it instead of figuring out brakes. 
“Hi!” She chirped. “Ball!” 
“Yep, ball again. This is riveting stuff.”  Sweeney, who had been lingering in the window, took the opportunity to bolt for the bedroom.  “Traitor.” 
Lucius cast around for something to entertain her. The diaper bag was ten feet away and she had him pinned again. There was burp cloth sitting on the arm of the couch. Looked clean, smelled okay. He picked it up, idly and in it caught a little against the fabric of the couch, taking it out of his hand and landing it on her head.
“Sorry!” he gasped. “I didn’t-” 
She giggled and pulled it off and held it up to him hopefully. 
“You...liked that?” He picked it up and carefully dropped it back over her face. Intense giggling. “Wow, we have got to work on your entertainment standards.” 
The game progressed as he finished his coffee to him dropping it and her attempting to catch it, all while one hand stayed fisted in the fabric around his knee.   It was boring, but he got to finish his coffee and it meant that when Izzy came back in the door, she was laughing.  
“Everyone survived,” Izzy said wryly. “Good job.” 
Lucius flipped him off, after landing the cloth on her face, “Don’t do that to me again.”
“Yes, pup,” Izzy managed to stay straight-faced. “Hey, Pickle, you want some grapes?” 
She nodded eagerly, releasing her hold on Lucius’ pants at last to weave her way towards him. Izzy scooped her up with ease and Lucius collapsed against the couch. He wanted to crawl back into bed, but it was kind of nice to watch Izzy talk her through his process of cutting grapes in half, then setting her on the floor with a bowl of them. 
“Thanks,” Izzy dropped a kiss on Lucius’ forehead.  
“Sure. Next time you leave her with me, she better be at full sentences.” 
“Luck!” Pickle was at his knee again, offering up a grape half. 
“...thanks,” he took it from and popped it in his mouth. 
“Luck,” Izzy repeated with a small smile. “I like that one.” 
“Don’t even,” Lucius warned, but he was smiling too. He’d definitely had worse. Grape was pretty good too.
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steele-soulmate · 8 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 566, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
WORDS: 1260
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“Heya MC.”
I looked up from where I was making a small pot of chicken noodle soup and saw my baby sister. She had wrapped the soft afghan from the foot of her bed around herself and Mittens trotted next to her, looking quite pleased with herself.
“Sammi, hey!” I greeted her as Peter did the dishes in the sink. “The kids are all watching a Disney movie in the back room if you want to join them. Or are you hungry? I made you some chicken noodle soup!”
Sammi’s tummy let out a cry for attention just then.
“Say no more- take a seat,” I urged her, pointing with my lips to the kitchen island, where she tugged out a chair and took a seat.
“Peter, if anything happens to me, I really want you and MC to get custody of Baby Noah.”
I poured some soup into a bowl, setting it in front of my baby sister as I pressed a sweet kiss to her temple.
“I’m already a step ahead of you there,” Peter chuckled fondly. “I’ve already gotten in touch with a lawyer, but he’ll need you to sigh some things- I’m having him send over the paperwork to the family’s PO box.”
“You are the best!” Sammi sagged in her seat, pushing her now empty bowl off in front of her, signaling that she was done eating. “So now what?”
“Can you clarify on what you mean by so what now?” I requested of her, taking a seat next to her.
“i remember Dr. Lamb telling me that my high sex drive was caused by the mass in my brain and that the medication he has me on will not only make it shrink in on itself but kill my need to fuck multiple times a day,” she explained. “I built much of my life around being a professional slut- I mean, I still work at the tattoo parlor, but really, what now?”
“You graduated from college, right?” Peter asked, finishing up with the dishes. He turned the water off and dried his hands off on a dish towel. “You got you four year degree in fashion business management from the Fashion Institute of Technology if I remember correctly.” He caught the expression on my face and chuckled. “You told me at the beginning of our relationship, sweetheart.”
“Did I really now?” I blinked, trying to remember. “I’m afraid I do not recall that.”
“Wow, you really remembered that?” Sammi blinked, obviously impressed with my husband’s memory.
“I remember everything that my sweetheart tells me,” he bragged, puffing himself out.
“Uh huh…” I loved my big beefy silver daddy to bits and pieces, but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure if I really believed him being able to recall everything that I have ever said to him in the four years that we had known each other.
“Hey sweetheart, Sammi, what do you want to tell the kids?” The thought flitted across his mind just then, distracting me from his unproven statement.
“MC? What do you advise?” Sammi asked, turning to me, a more experienced mother.
“Um…” I drew my lower lip in and began to nibble at it. “Well, let’s try to keep it simple, that Sammi is sick and that the hospital will make her feel better, okay?”
“That sounds good!” Sammi hummed. “Hey, where will Baby Noah sleep?”
“Wif mesies!” Baby Tommy announced as he skipped into the kitchen, his little man dollie tucked under an arm. “Mesies and Baa bee Nono have sweep ova’!”
“A sleepover?” I giggled as the kids trickled in just then, their movie clearly having ended. “Well alright then!”
“Now that everyone’s here again,” Sammi shuffled in her seat, drawing her blankie in tighter around her. “Kids, I’m sick, but the hospital is helping me.”
“Sammi…” I clucked before clarifying for the kids. “Auntie Sammi is sick, yes. But she is receiving top notch care at the hospital, as she just stated. So for the unforeseen future, both she and Baby Noah will be staying here with us.”
Elizabeth and Katie both exchanged looks, and I knew that they knew something.
“Mesies and Baa bee Nono sweepi now,” Baby Tommy announced just then, his younger cousin letting out a comically loud yawn.
“Katie and I will pull out an air mattress and get Baby Noah settled in!” Elizabeth announced before herding everyone off again.
“Such sweet kids,” Sammi commented with a smile. “But anyway, coming back from a life where I was the slut who loved a good fucking will be…”
“A challenge, I’m quite certain of it,” I finished up for her. “Sammi, listen. Peter and I have some rules for you to follow while you’re staying here.”
“Such as?” she asked, accepting a glass of water as Peter handed it over to her.
“No doing OnlyFans in the house, no one night stands, and no crass language in the presence of the kids,” I told her with a firm look. “Peter will be your ride to and from the doctor’s for checkup appointments in regards to your brain tumor.”
“Okay,” she shrugged. “But can I make a post up onto @SammiXxXHeart up on Instagram? Just saying that I’ll be going on a hiatus to focus on my mental health?”
“That sounds reasonable,” I agreed with a hum. “My love?”
“Just don’t tag us or the kids or the house or anything,” he warned her as she began noodling around on her cell phone.
“Okay, will do,” she flashed a crooked smile at the two of us before excusing herself to go to bed. “Oh, hello there!”
I looked and saw Elizabeth and Katie both behind the short wall between the kitchen and entryway.
“Auntie Sammi has a tumor in her head?” Elizabeth asked, her lower lips tremoring as her hazel blue eyes shone with tears.
“Come here now girls!” Sammi held her arms open for the both of them. “I am in good hands now, do you hear me? Your parents and my doctor all know what they’re doing. I will be fine now, alright?”
“Now, go on up to bed, won’t you two now?” I clucked at them. “It’s past your bedtimes, and you both have school tomorrow!”
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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" Our future signed in letter"
2nd Chapter
On Paradise:
"And you received a mail from him again?" Armin looks at her with interest. A knowing smile plays around his lips, which Mikasa knew from him before. Mikasa has poured the tea for both of them and there is a cup of steaming tea for each in front of them on her small table. In addition, this morning she has taken the time to bake a strawberry cake and put a generous piece of cake for everyone on the table with a dollop of cream.
Armin is aware that the letters from her former captain save Mikasa from her sad everyday life. He still remembers how desperate and hurt she was. That Levi, the only one who didn't come back to visit her and Eren's grave. She blamed herself for leaving him and everyone else without words despite being in shock. Mikasa cried herself to him in a quiet moment and told about her dream of Eren before she decided to kill him and put an end to the horror. Annie was also there. She told Armin, that Eren had a lot of similarities to Levi in her dream and in between she didn't know which of the two was standing in front of her. Mikasa talked about the words “Stay with me!” And it was the first time that her former captain had told her very clearly what he wanted and felt for her. Armin had encouraged her and advised to contact him if she felt that way. At that time she could not lose much, only win. The second occurred and a loving pen friendship developed between them. And now she regularly talks about her contact with him and he is happy for her to see her smile again and sees her dreamy look when she talks about the letters and also shows her one or the other letter and then asks him for advice, what the captain might have meant by one or the other remark. He even wrote her a song once that he sang with his former friends. " So ist es immer ", Armin remembers and he interprets it as a love song and Mikasa didn't understand what he was trying to say to her and Levi offered her to sing it together in a quiet hour. Mikasa is definitely not stupid. On the contrary, in combat missions, she has often proven her strategic knowledge again and again, as in the battle of Trost. But when it comes to interpersonal things for herself, she is naive or just doesn't want to have many things true.
The scent of tea and Mikasa's baked cake fills the room. Meanwhile, she plays with Jonathan, who is sitting on her lap. The little boy has a close bond with his "aunt" Mikasa and she looks after him from time to time when Armin and Annie are on their way to the doctor or to be able to be by themselves for a short time, making it the second child soon to be born, both are happy about every short togetherness and Mikasa is happy to be able to spend time with the three old child . The little boy plays with Eren's scarf and Mikasa even allows him to cuddle with the scarf when he takes an afternoon nap. As if Jonathan knows that a third person is missing between them.
At times like these, she wonders if Eren was still alive and if they were both parents too. She will never get an answer to this question, and at the time she felt jealous whenever Eren was with Historia. "Mikasa, is everything okay?", Armin looks at her worried. She now notices that her eyes have got wet and is about to cry again. She quickly wipes away the tears with her sleeve and goes to the cupboard by the small kitchenette to avoid Armin's gaze. “It's okay, Armin”, she takes a deep breath, “it's just that when I see you and your little family, I always think of Eren and wonder how everything would have developed if he were still alive."
Lost in thought, she keeps the little card that was in the package from this morning and left it outside as a reminder so that she can ask Armin for advice. "
“Mikasa, he would have wanted you to start over. And he never wanted you to mourn unhappy after him for a lifetime ”, she feels Armin's gaze on her back. “Maybe”, she sighs and pours Jonathan a warm mug of milk with honey, “here little man!” And gives the boy the warm milk. The little boy is the image of Armin and Annie with golden blonde hair and Annie's light blue eyes, which sometimes take on the bored, but also dreamy look of his mother, but with Mikasa the boy always shines. "Thanks aunti !" He says shyly. Mikasa replies with a pat on the head. Then she turns back to Armin, reads the little card that was attached to the tea box and gives Armin the short letter.
"White Beauty ..." she reads out and she hears her best friend choking on the hot tea and having a coughing fit. She immediately goes to him worried and pats him on the back. After Armin has gradually calmed down, he looks at her with wide eyes. He realizes that the name on the card is Mikasa. Only she is apparently not aware of it or does not want it to be true. Mikasa has the habit of not wanting any rapprochement or chance with the opposite sex. He realizes that it's a subtle, silent declaration of love to her, and it's not the first time he's had this impression. A few months earlier, she had received a type of tea called "lovely Herbs" from her former captain and then the song... Armin would like his childhood friend has the courage to visit her former captain in London. More than ever, especially given the political situation Paradis is getting political rumors and he wants her to be safe. As a precaution, he contacted Onyankopon yesterday afternoon and he should be on his way to see her. That is also the reason for his visit and hopes that Mikasa does not react stubbornly. Mikasa pushes the letter to him . He reads the name L. Ackermann in neat block letters at the end of the letter, recognizing the neat, unadorned handwriting.
"Armin, what do you think? Should I simply address him by name in the next letter? Or do I get something wrong? ", Mikasa has sat down by her friend again. Armin takes her delicate hands, she looks at him expectantly. Armin looks for the right words and decides to speak to her directly to avoid any misunderstandings." Mikasa, he wants to see you ! "he observes her reaction. She replies by trying to cover up his remark," what do you mean Armin? How should I write back to him? "
"Mikasa, do you understand me?", He notices from her reaction that she understood him very well. She pulls her scarf over her face to hide her red cheeks from shame. “How about Armin? Should I leave everything here? That doesn't work! ”, Her eyes are wet again. Armin is still holding her hands, “why not, Mikasa? You also deserve some luck. And after you rejected Jean three years ago, I first thought you needed more time and apparently Jean wasn't the one you needed. But you seem to trust the captain ... "
"But not like that !!!", Mikasa gets quick, feels caught thinking about him and in the end only got the confirmation from Armin. Even the scarf can't even hide the blush on her face. But she calms down quickly, especially since she doesn't want to scare Armin's son. She is holding her hands in front of her face. On the one hand to hide her redness, but also to hide her tears, "I can't leave everything here and I'm also afraid ..." Armin looks at his friend sensitively, "Mikasa, you are the very last one who must be afraid of him. “ It was already clear to him then that Mikasa was the weak point of their mutual superior and that he had always treated her differently from everyone else. He had never yelled at her or snapped at her. She was never kicked like he usually did with Eren or Jean, mostly Mikasa was the reason for it. He even often gave her useful advice and that she always had to act carefully and deliberately in missions. Everyone had a lot of respect for the captain. The only ones who weren't afraid of him were Erwin and Hanji first of all, but also Mikasa. Armin had always been amazed by this curiosity and over time everything makes more and more sense. Even Hanji mentioned it in Armin's presence and the former captain had therefore always worked closely with Mikasa to keep a watchful eye on her and probably to be around her.
“What about you and your family? My life here, which I'm trying to build for myself here? "Mikasa notices Armin's impatience and now also notices worry in his voice," which life? There's just a damn cold stone waiting for you here !!! ” he slips out, which he immediately regrets. Mikasa looks at him with big eyes, "Armin, what are you hiding from me?"
Armin looks at her with wide eyes. This time he's the one fighting back his tears. Mikasa understands him. She sends Jonathan to her room and gives him one of the few picture books to look at so that he is not there during the conversation. She doesn't want the little one to notice his father's concern, "Did you hear about the political rumors ?" He starts to talk.
Mikasa nods to him, she has heard one or two conversations on the market square and lately she has had the uneasy feeling that people are talking about her behind closed doors. Armin continues without further ado, “The Jaegerists are planning a coup and the Queen has been taken out of the country. I contacted Onyankopon yesterday and asked to move you out of here. He will come to pick you up tomorrow ... " Mikasa interrupts him angrily," that is not possible! You can't just decide over my head like that. And where should I go? About the captain? What if he sends me away?” The thoughts roll over in her head.
Armin looks at her seriously, “Mikasa, you have no other option here. The Jaegerists will pursue you and want to execute you for Eren's head. Levi won't send you back. Don't be so scared, besides that, you seem to like him too. Probably more than you'd like to admit. In addition, the captain would never forgive me for leaving you to the Jaegerists! ” Finally, Mikasa slowly understands and no longer gives in to her stubbornness,“ When does it start, Armin? ”She looks sadly to the side, assuming their last meeting together for the time being to have had. “Tomorrow morning, early in the morning, Onyankopon will come for you. Annie is leaving Paradis with Jonathan at noon tomorrow and will travel to her father in Marley and I'll be leaving Paradis in two days. I still have some preparations to do tomorrow evening. We all don't have much time left… There's cash here and I took the liberty of transferring your entire pension to an anonymous account in London, ”Armin slides an envelope over to her.
In the past, Armin and Mikasa decided to use each other as guardians in the event of an emergency, which apparently has now come, “ take your passport with you. The London bank will require you to provide proof that you are the legal owner of this account. Fortunately, your appearance hasn't changed much with your passport photo. You should still trim your hair a bit to match your appearance in the photo, so you should be able to access your account without any problems. Your frugal lifestyle and high pension have saved you a lot of money and you should be able to use it for a long time. If you don't act stupid and risky, you don't have to worry about your finances until the end of your life, "Mikasa only gets by on the sidelines. The topic of money is too unimportant to her, given that she has to leave her home, Armin and his family.
Armin didn't stay long then. “Mikasa, I have to go now. I still have a few things to do before I can go, and you need to make some preparations as well. Make sure you match your hair to your picture before you go to the London bank. It doesn't have to be today, but in the near future. And you should bring enough clothes with you. Clothes are expensive and you should save the money and spend it on more important things. "
Mikasa has to grin when he says: "Armin, I'm not a little child anymore and you could act like my father."
Armin scratches the back of his head, embarrassed: “Maybe. But i know you How I rate you, you would go to him in this elevator. "
Mikasa knows who he is talking about and so immediately blushes: “Now go. You don't have much time left. And say dear greetings Annie for me“, and would like to distract from the topic.
Armin waves to his friend again: “I will. I'll escort you to the port tomorrow. Onyankopon will pick you up there . Be done with everything at 7 o'clock. "
The rest of the day she does the final preparations and packs her suitcase that diplomat Kiyomi gave her for traveling. She would never have expected to leave her home again. She becomes wistful at the thought and tends to fall back into depression. She blurs her gloomy thoughts by further packing her things and arranging her wardrobe and dealing with the new items of clothing that she was given. She decides to take Levis letters with her. Because it would be too embarrassing, if someone stranger reads them. She puts them in a drawer of her wardrobe.
In the end, she decides on a white cotton blouse, a short pink cardigan in fine wool and a wine-red tulip-shaped skirt. Which accentuates her feminine silhouette and goes down to her slim, muscular calves. At the thought of showing so much leg, the blush comes back to her face. Fortunately, Historia has given her a pair of thin white stockings in the past which is provided with an extra holder that shows bare skin between her legs ... Mikasa wonders if Historia was trying to allude to something. She blushes madly. She will still combine her old underpants with it. Maybe she will find something more suitable in London ...
Then she continues with white lace gloves; A wine-red cloche hat made of felt with a black decorative felt flower on the side and black Oxford pumps with a small heel complete the outfit. Mikasa sees a completely different woman in the mirror and feels disguised and uncomfortable. If it were up to her, she would have put on her army clothes from earlier days. But she had discarded this. The memories of it hurt too much because she connected it to people who are no longer alive today.
Finally, she takes care of her hair and cuts a generous piece off to remove the lower matted part of her hair and shorter hairs are easier to maintain. She plans to cut her hair again in London to match the picture in the passport photo, but she can do that in a few days. One thing is still missing, the neck area is too revealing for her, as the blouse does not fit up to the neck and is looking for an accessory that distracts the view of the bare skin.
She looks at Eren's scarf and sighs. “Maybe I should start with something new“, and looks for something else and she can think of something more appropriate. She remembers the Survey Corps cord chain with leather, gold and a green gemstone. Diplomat Kijomi once explained to her that it is a green sapphire, these are very rare and usually blue. The green form is only available from her on Paradis and is therefore an object of value. Mikasa had never had any sense for such unimportant trinkets. In London she can get something more practical when she gets there.
Her gaze falls again on Eren's scarf. She realizes that she is starting a new life and wants to give it up. Still, she doesn't want to throw it away and thinks about it. Something occurs to her and she smiles at the thought. To do this, she wants to plug the holes with red wool so that it looks whole again. So she has something to do for the last night in her old home and can get distracted. Her endeavor lasts most of the night and in the end she holds the mended scarf, which is soft and fluffy again. She looks at the clock: 0 a.m.. Time to bathe and sleep again. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day with a long journey ahead of her and she doesn't want to have a bath in London first when she can do it here as well. Besides, she doesn't want to get there so dirty and sweaty. So this is her last act in her old home .
She has run warm water in her tub and the water smells like the usual core soap from the past. She is looking for some relaxation for herself after such a long day and thinks of him and their most likely time together. She feels a well-known tension rising in her that used to apply to Eren before he started his rumbling, and now she's been thinking of a certain Shorty for over a year now. She imagines his hands feeling her body, her breasts, her ass and her shame to feel them, to taste them and that she feels, that she gets wet at the thought of him and rubs herself unrestrainedly until she climaxes hard with two fingers. After that she can slowly relax and is out of breath, tiredness comes slowly and then goes to sleep. Fortunately, this time she has a dreamless sleep and can sleep through the next morning until Armin knocks on her door with Jonathan.
At the sight of Mikasa, Armin opens his eyes and his jaw almost drops when he sees her. His otherwise rather boyish girlfriend from the past looks like a different person, a young lady is standing in front of him. Embarrassed, she looks at Armin and shyly brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. Mikasa looks at him expectantly. "Mikasa?" Is all he can say.
His friend is completely insecure, “and Armin? Is that okay or do I look too disguised? "She looks down at herself doubtfully," I can also put on my old clothes. Maybe I should put on some pants too. Oh, I do not know…"
Armin shakes his head and takes both of her hands. He has red cheeks, “no. Everything is good. The way you look is just different. But in a pretty way. I think he'll be happy to see you like that .“ At the compliment, Mikasa gets tears in her eyes, " Armin ... "is all she can say. In order not to lose any more time, Armin helps her load her things and looks around to check, “ do you have everything with you? Your passport, your money and everything else important? ” Mikasa points to her small handbag, which was in her new cloakroom. She checks again whether she really has everything with her and then they can be on their way. Mikasa looks wistfully at her old home when she says goodbye and is then conscious of having to say goodbye.
Armin has rented one of the cars that many people drive on the other side of the sea for today. This is faster than with the carriage and they don't have that much time anymore. Armin always expects that they both will be stopped and he is glad that Mikasa and his small family are leaving today. Annie was initially against letting Jonathan go with Armin. But Armin asked Annie that her little son could say goodbye to Mikasa and understand that they won't see each other for a long time.
After a 30 minute drive, they arrived at the port without incident. It is the place where they all went to the sea for the first time 10 years ago. Shortly after learning that there are people outside the walls.
Onyankopon is already waiting. As a precaution, he didn't take a room and was able to spend the night with Annie and Armin so as not to create unnecessary suspicions if a foreigner is only here for one night on Paradis and thus also to protect Armin's family. He has already rented the small plane, which Armin and Mikasa called "flying boat" in the past, checked and prepared for the arduous journey halfway around the world. He's waiting on the landing stage. He hasn't changed much, thought about it Mikasa except that he has turned a little gray at the temples. But otherwise he is the same, Onyankopon cannot say the same about Mikasa. 6 years ago Mikasa had the appearance of a boyish youth, but 6 years can change a person, in front of him there is no longer the soldier from the past, but a pretty young woman who does not seem to be aware of her appearance.
Embarrassed, she takes a strand of hair in front of her face to hide her beginning redness again. Onyankopon greets the two of them so as not to create an uncomfortable mood, “Mikasa, Armin. Nice to see you both! Shall I help with the luggage? ”Onyankopon knows that they have little time and that everything has to be done quickly and sticks to Armin's agreement to start loading their belongings immediately. Mikasa remembers that she has a parting present for Armin's little son. The little one feels that they will not see each other for a long time and looks at his aunt Mikasa with tears. Under her blouse she has hidden the red scarf that she once received from an important person and puts it around Jonathan's neck like Eren did back then. Her tears come to her at this gesture, because the memories come up in her again and are as fresh again as if everything happened yesterday.
“I'll give you Eren's scarf, which you always loved to cuddle with. Jonathan, take good care of your mother and father for me. Do you hear? And be a dear big brother soon! ”Jonathan cries uncontrollably. He clearly inherited this sensitive trait from Armin. She touches the little boy's forehead with her forehead, “I love you and I'll write to you when I'm in London. So your father will soon have to teach you to read. Alright? "Jonathan looks expectantly at his father," Daddy ? "
Armin smiles at this loving scene between her and his son, "we'll do it", he confirms in response. Then Mikasa turns to Armin. He takes her in his arms and hugs her, “don't be afraid, do you hear! If necessary, I added Annie's father's number to the envelope. So you can reach us at any time and if everything goes wrong, you come to us. But I think you will be better off than here and you will be happy, I'm sure of that. ”Mikasa can't answer that much without breaking into tears and she wanted her to be remembered with a smile, “ take care of you!“ Is all she can say and then go on the plane. Mikasa waves goodbye one last time and so she and Onyankopon take to the skies and leave Paradis.
It's 2 years ago since I wrote this fanfiction, which I have written for and with good friend, who helped me through a hard time.
Sadly our contact broke up. I hope, she does go well.
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
the tale of agape I — jjk
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World Info: There are eight types of Love originated from Ancient Greece. In the Realm of Love, these types have been turned into seven Gods and one Goddess. — Agape (universal): OC (Name: Belle) | Pragma (everlasting): Jungkook | Storge (familial): Yoongi | Mania (obsession): Seokjin | Philia (platonic): Namjoon | Eros (sexual passion): Taehyung | Philautia (self-love): Hoseok | Ludus (playful): Jimin
Plot: Agape is a well-loved Goddess in the Realm of Love. Anyone who wins her approval will become the most powerful entity in the land, standing side by side as a co-symbol of eternal Love. Unfortunately with knowledge of this power, Gods and Nymphs are prone to obsession and cunning. So Agapes’ de facto brother, Storge organises a tournament in her honour. Only the winner will become Agapes’ partner. 
Pairing(s): God!Jungkook x Goddess!OC (Name: Belle) ft. God!Seokjin 
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 2.6k 
Genre: Gods & Goddesses | Fantasy | Romance 
Tags & Warnings: betrayal, nothing intense in this chapter but there will eventual smut and violence so 
Authors Note: i miss doing a jungkook series lmao so here you go, there were a lot of people during requests asking for a god/goddess au so I’m going on that with a new plot based on the eight types of love. I’m also extremely sleepy and ready to pass out, please excuse any mistakes. And lastly of course, enjoy and let me know what you think! Is this something you’d want me to continue or nah? 
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Morning began with soft sunlight painting the Love Realm, making the Cherry Palace sandstone glow like a topaz gem. Yoongi, the God of Familial Love stood at the terrace with the God of Platonic Love, Namjoon. Their soft silk robes flowed in the cool breeze as they watched the chariots of red, gold and blue riding into the courtyard; each vehicle pulled by majestic stallions.
“Are you sure about this?” Namjoon asked, eyes gently squinted to adjust to the bright day. His flowing blonde hair looked almost white from the reflection of the sun.
Yoongi shook his head, heart shaped lips pursed. “I don’t like it as much as you do but this is the only way we can filter out the ones on our own accord.”
“Is Belle okay with this?”
“She likes tournaments. Chose the method herself.”
Yoongi hummed in agreement, unable to hide the smile spreading across his lips.
Namjoon chuckled. “Sometimes I think she just likes the knocking of heads.”
“Agape has a cheek to her.” Yoongi leaned forward on the balcony railing. All the heads padded out of their chariots, escorted by servants into the palace. Only one chariot hadn’t arrived yet.
“Seokjin is coming too?” Namjoons’ voice grew deep with slight contempt.
“I have to invite him. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“You know how he gets, Yoongi.” Namjoon shifted to face him completely. “What if he gets out of control in this tournament?”
“I gave him my warning last time.” Yoongi raised a hand to calm him. “He knows what’ll happen.”
“You can’t kill him.”
“Oh I’ll keep him alive.”
Namjoon shook his head, laughing. “How do you make even that sound threatening?”
Yoongi grinned. “I made her my sister for a reason. No one hurts her on my account.”
Refreshing wind brushed through the transparent crème curtains into Belles’ room as her lady-in-waiting fit her into a warm pink georgette dress for the first tournament. The tone matched her pink irises, making them look more otherworldly than ever.
Angel let out a satisfied sigh after fixing the train. “Lord Yoongi knows how to pick dresses.” She stood up straight and fixed the gold patchwork bordering the shoulder of the dress.
“He always chooses pink.” Belle observed herself in the silver rimmed mirror, tilting her head. Her curls fell over half her face.
“Well, you can’t wear red just yet.”
“Such a strange rule.”
“Apparently when Agape wears red, it’s only for the most auspicious occasions.” Angels’ voice turned airy as her face lit up with astonishment. Her passion for the Gods of Love was admirable and endearing without the added obsession of climbing the ladder. She respected the concept of love in its purest form. Belle needed more of that around her. “So it’s special that you wear it in specific times.”
“Will I wear it for my wedding?” A small thrill tingled through her belly mentioning her own wedding. Belle remembered all her dreams about being the splash of red amongst pink roses and falling peach blossoms in the Cherry Palace center garden.
Angel stared up at her, eyes glossed and face flushed with excitement. “It could be the most beautiful deep red dress that has a train all down the Realm.” She gestured out through the curtains.
“That’d be a bit hard to move around in.” Belle giggled as she shrugged off the pink dress until she was down to her white underdress. “But I appreciate the enthusiasm.”
“Watch your left, Eros!” Laughter ensued from outside her room.
“You watch your footwork, Pragma!”
Hearing the Gods’ names being used as colloquial nicknames was a strange sound to Angel but it made Belle grin. She rushed forward through the transparent curtains to the sandstone balcony which looked over one of the smaller gardens. The ones with apple trees and the fountain.
“My lady, wait!” Angel whispered harshly.
The sleeve of Belles’ underdress slid off her shoulder but she barely thought to fix it. Angel quickly draped a silk robe over her body to keep her decent.
The two young Gods of Love, Pragma and Eros dueled each other like they were performing in a playful dance. Yoongi called Pragma by Jungkook and Eros by Taehyung. Both of them a true symbol of their role in the Realm.
Taehyung had beautiful deep tan skin, glowing like a bronze pearl and his sharpened eyes constantly brimmed with bliss over the things around him. He wore a loose silk shirt of yellow and white, half-opened to expose his soft chest while his dark brown curls fluffed and flowed like a gentle garden.
Jungkook was of milk tea skin, sweat on his neck and cheeks glistened, matting his raven hair to his forehead. His body was lithe and muscular adorned in a red and black shirt. The smile on his face had the perfect mix of mischief and pure joy. His feet moved like the genteel steps of a blossom dancer but his sword swings were the strength of a rock sentinel. Chuckles flowed from his lips at the sequence of movements, truly enjoying the activity instead of being full of anger and determination to win something.
Belle wanted to continue admiring him but a sense of her own mischief seeped through. The fountain centered this garden which the Gods did an amazing job to avoid in their flexible parries and attacks. When she noticed Jungkook nearing the fountain ready to avoid, she took a deep breath. “Having fun, my lords?!”
As expected, Jungkook lost his balance and toppled over to the fountain. His beautiful shirt splashed with water and his dampened hair from sweat completely soaked from the fountain flow. From up on the balcony, it looked like a Nymph was pouring water constantly on Jungkooks’ head.
Belle couldn’t help but laugh and Angel tried her best not to follow along.
Jungkook winced at his drenched self; almost a hint of anger on his face before he threw his head back and scoffed out a laugh.
Taehyung looked over to follow the sound and his expression softened when he recognized Belles’ face. “Agape,” he whispered with such a baritone voice that it even shocked Jungkook.
He tracked his gaze up to the sandstone balcony, decorated with pink roses and all-spice flowers. Jungkook raked his fingers through his hair, slicking it back so he could see her. Agape. The Goddess of Eternal Love. Beautiful brown curls and glowing skin against the warm sunlit sky. He couldn’t see it clearly from here but the hints of her pink irises twinkled. A smile tugged at his lips. “You got me, my lady.”
Belle smirked, leaning forward as her cheeks heated. “Be sure not to catch a cold, my lord. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the match.”
Jungkooks’ smile turned to a bright grin. “I’ll be as healthy as a God,” he mused before biting his bottom lip.
The day had come for Seokjins’ arrival. Mania: the God of Obsessive Love. This time Yoongi opted to see him personally in the council room. Kiku, the Earth Nymph Queen and his wife stood by his side despite her wish not to see this God again. In the last banquet, Seokjin had less than pleasant things to say to her and Yoongi was on the verge of announcing war. Thankfully Namjoon broke apart the fight, telling them to separate until they calm down.
Black robe train slithered across the white polished stone floor. When Yoongi remembered Seokjin, he saw a plump skinned charmer who saw the world as a trail of possibilities. Today he stood in front of a thinning man. “I thank you for welcoming me back after my horrible behaviour in the last banquet.” Seokjin spoke in his truest charm but it was changed. There was a darkness under his eyes now and his previously plump skin became sunken with age.
Yoongi attempted a smile. “It’s forgotten.”
Beetle black eyes flickered to Kiku with the same deathly sleep-deprived expression. “And Lady Earth, I offer my humblest apologies.”
Kiku nodded in response without a word. Yoongi knew it was her way to tolerating this visit without giving her true opinion.
“I’m happy to be part of this excitement.” Seokjin intertwined his long fingers together like a spiders legs uncurling.
“Both Eros and Pragma will be participating.”
“How wonderful!”
“Jimin will also be giving his famous stories as entertainment with Goddess Gaias’ illusions. I know you enjoy them.”
“My favorites are of ours.” Seokjin always had his way to maintaining the memory of their history. The two oldest Gods of Love. Family and Obsession building the Realm of Love from scratch. There was a twisted beauty about that fact.
“The servants will help you to your temporary chamber in the Palace.” Yoongi nodded to the three servants awaiting his order. “Make yourself at home.”
Seokjin bowed and turned his heel, quietly expecting the servants to scurry after him.
Yoongi glanced over at Kiku. Her entire body exuded a sense of concern and a hint of anger, green vines were twirling around her fingers to relieve her stress. He held onto her hand, her skin as soft as a cloud. A silent comfort to reassure her that it’ll all be well.
Thousands of people in the Realm of Love crowded on the wooden pavilions, waving their flags of rainbow colours representing their favourite jousters. Excitement thrummed in the air with that hint of curiosity. Who would the Goddess Agape stand next to at the end of the festival? Some of the members of the crowd were already deep into debate as to which fighter would be the most appropriate.
At the center and best view of the arena, three velvet lined seats were placed. Yoongi sat in the middle with Kiku on his left and Belle on his right. A step lower than the seats were the three non-performing gods, Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok, the God of Self-Love.
Once the crowd was organized and ready, Yoongi stood up. He didn’t need to move an inch before everyone delved into an attentive silence. “Welcome to our esteemed competition, good people. The rules are simple. You are to clash with your partners in a fair joust and the winner will provide a favor of their colour to the Goddess.” He gestured to Belle. “The one with the most favors will win the match.” Yoongi waved his hand. “Let the games begin.”
A wave of applause and cheer welcomed the first jousting match between Taehyung and an Earth Nymph. Their gold and silver armor glinted against the summer light. Another trail of pin-drop silence as the jousters had their lances ready. Belle kept her eyes on Eros as most of the crowd did. No one expected him to be much of a sportsman but his blooming friendship with Jungkook seemed to have influenced his new hobbies.
With a clap, the stallions galloped towards each other. In a pounding rise of suspense, they grew closer. Closer. Closer. Taehyung smashed the lance against the Earth Nymphs’ chest earning a wild applause.
He reached the other side and one of the servants gave him a white favor for his victory. Taehyung rode out to the platform where Belle sat. Keeping his half-lidded gaze, he kissed the favor and had it levitate towards the Goddess. “For you, my lady.”
Belle smiled and gently accepted the favor. She gave a short bow to acknowledge his gift.
Another series of matches continued on but what Belle truly waited for arrived around five matches later. She may have counted in her head until she saw the red flag matched with green.
Jungkook rode in his glinting obsidian armor and black stallion that had the most beautiful silver mane. He was a picture of magic. Lances at the ready, the crowd stills with anticipation. The Earth Nymph rides first and Jungkook follows suit a few seconds later. There were some murmurs that the God lost his focus in the midst of the match. They soon found out it was another reason altogether.
The sheer brute force of Jungkooks’ lance nearly cracked the Earth Nymphs’ armor and had them falling off their horse. Due to the leather straps, the Nymphs’ struggling body was still being dragged by the stallion while servants tried to get them to safety.
Belle stared at the fallen Nymph in worry, feeling a bit guilty for the sheer excitement brimming through her body at Jungkooks’ explosive victory. He brought a red favor. This time Belle stood up from her chair as the beautiful stallion closed in. Moving down the step platform with Namjoons’ help, she took a moment to caress the stallions’ head.
“For you, my lady.” Jungkook handed her the red favor.
Belle accepted it, feeling the warmth of his palm and the heat exuding from it. “My lord,” she muttered before turning on her heel. Perhaps it was too blatant of an action for her favoritism but she didn’t care.
Yoongi noticed the flushed pleasure on Belles’ face. He couldn’t help but chuckle, rubbing his lips and instinctively holding Kikus’ hand. A part of him remembered how the early thrills of a blossoming relationship felt like. The more Belle smiled, the more he felt grateful for this tournament.
Jungkook stayed still on the spot just watching Belle move back up to her platform. His body and soul grew too comfortable in her aura that it made him dizzy. When the Goddess sat down and faced him, he shook himself back to reality. Giving a quick bow, he rode back for the rest of the tournament.
Night fell into a deep blue blanket of sky and the remnants of thrill from the tournament celebrated with ale, dancing and pleasure. Jungkook had last seen Taehyung in a bedroom full of the most beautiful Nymphs and the smell of incense. With the look on his face, one could only imagine what was going on in there. He, however, was called to Seokjins’ chamber.
He knocked on the door four times and announced himself before Seokjin invited him in with a chirpy tone.
“Welcome, Jungkook!” Seokjin was about the only person other than Yoongi who could call him that. “I hope you had fun in the tournament.” He gestured for him to sit at the dining table.
“Sword fighting is more my favourite—” Jungkook relaxed on the chair, his tired muscles aching when it was finally resting. “—but I liked the favors idea.” He smiled.
“I’m sure you did.” Seokjin picked up an apple from the glass bowl and wiped it on his robe. “Keep going like this and our deal will go smoothly.”
His smile faded, fingers lightly tapping on the arm of his chair. “Do you think it’s fair? Sneaking up on the Goddess like this?”
“Don’t start getting a conscience now, my lord.” Seokjin chuckled. “When you were begging for your friends’ life, you said you’d kill the Goddess.”
Jungkook tasted something bitter on his tongue at the thought.
“Too bad that friend didn’t have your beautiful dedication to friendship.” He scrunched his nose. “Wind Nymphs, they’re a bit filmsy, aren’t they?”
Jungkook pressed his lips together, averting his gaze.
Seokjin let out a deep sigh, raising his palms. “Apologies.” The kindness of his gaze ended as soon as it started when he narrowed his gaze. The shadows cast under his eyes made him look more like a Demon than a God. “But we’re still on this deal, aren’t we?”
It wasn’t a request open for Jungkook to refuse. If he backed out of his deal then the price would be dire. Seokjin was an ancient God of Love like Yoongi. Entities like him could take a God or Nymphs’ powers, rotting their core soul into a Demon. An animalistic creature with no memory of their past self.
Jungkook was trapped the moment he thought of a deal with Seokjin. All he could do was nod and accept the betrayal he was going to perform.
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next chap >>>
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Nora gets jealous of Ren checking out Pyrrha as the girl changes into her pajamas and gets ready for bed. Meanwhile Nora is getting dicked down by Jaune in their bathroom as they also get ready for bed~
*sorry this took so fucking long to write*
If looks could kill, Nora would have probably murdered an entire wing’s worth of Beacon students in their rooms... after having obliterating Ren’s stupid head that was in front of the wall first. His eyes had betrayed him as Nora caught him ogling Pyrrha as she walked out of the bathroom in a teeny tiny tank top and booty shorts that could have been mistaken as her hip-higher panties. He knew he’d fucked up too. His face had gone extremely pale when he caught Nora glaring at him from her bed.
“I’ll be right back,” Pyrrha practically sang as she threw on a robe and slippers before heading to the door. “I promised Ruby I’d tutor her a bit before bed. She’s freaking out about her test tomorrow.”
She was out the door before anybody could reply. Nora’s eyes never left Ren, however. She watched as he did his best to avoid eye contact which only pissed her off even more.
“Geez, Ren, you were practically fucking her with your eyes,” Nora said loudly, a small hint of a smile creeping at the edge of her lips as she head Jaune drop his comic book in surprise. Continuing, she added, “I mean, we all know about nudes she sent to you that one night.”
“T-That was an accident!” Ren stammered as he looked from her to Jaune as if to apologize. She meant to send them to you! I deleted them as quickly as I could! I swear!”
Jaune’s eyes steeled over as he stood and sulked off into the bathroom. He slammed the door behind him and turned the fan on so neither of them could hear him.
“Nora, why would you say that? What’s wrong with you?”
“Wrong with me? All I did was say the truth. You were ogling her as if I wasn’t even in the room. And you’re not even apologizing for it!”
Ren bit his lower lip in irritation but said nothing in reply. Instead he threw the blankets over him an rolled away.
“Asshole,” Nora muttered as she walked over to the bathroom door to check on her team leader. She pressed her ear against the door, at first only hearing the fan. But then a faint slapping noise, like the sound her ass cheeks made when she ran without spanks on, crept over the mechanical whine. “Jaune, you okay in there?”
“Leave me... alone... Nora,” Jaune replied.
Never one to follow orders well, Nora quietly turned the knob and peeked inside. At first, nothing. Then, she caught sight of a flash of color as it bounced up and down. Opening the door a little wider she managed to get the full picture of what was going on.
“Jaune! Those are mine you pervert!”
Nora watched as Jaune fell off of the toilet, his boxers and pajama pants tangling his legs up at the ankle. With only one free hand he managed to break his fall, if only, yet somehow he never lost his grip on Nora’s dirty panties around his cock.
“I’m gonna kill him!” Ren roared as he charged the bathroom. He’d almost made it in the door before Nora grabbed him and shoved him back to his bed.
“No you aren’t. You wanna know how it felt watching you fantasizing about Pyrrha’s body? You’re about to find out!” Turning back to Jaune, she pointed at his cock. “Drop the panties and lean back against the counter. I’m about to rock your world.”
Jaune did as he was told as Nora slid between his legs. She had to admit, he was massive. She gripped his shaft with both hands, one on top of the other, and the head of his cock was STILL uncovered by an inch or two. Stroking slowly, she licked her lips as precum oozed from the tip. Unable to control herself she leaned in close and swallowed the eager lump in her throat. Breathing in deep she took in his overpowering scent, causing her to drool hungrily.
Jaune’s cock slipped passed her lips inch by inch, filling her mouth and pressing against the back of her throat. Nora was amazed at how different he tasted from Ren. She could feel his eyes on her and Jaune as she bobbed her head up and down along his shaft. And when she felt Jaune’s hand grip her hair tightly and guide her mouth and tongue along his shaft, she felt her pussy become slick.
“That’s... That’s enough, Nora,” Jaune moaned. “Anymore and I’m... I’m gonna....”
Nora squeezed around the base of his shaft and pulled her mouth from his cock, gasping for air.
“Not... yet... Jaune. I want you to fuck me like the bitch I am while I look my duchebag of a boyfriend in the eyes. I want to see his reaction as you cum in my cunt.”
Ren’s eyes went wide but didn’t move otherwise. Nora turned to watch him as she raised her ass enough for Jaune to slide up behind her, pressing the head of his cock against her womanhood. The sensation of his tip teasing her made her night her lip eagerly. Slowly, she felt him press into her, spreading her wide as his shaft sunk deeper and deeper into her. With a quick thrust, he slammed the remaining several inches into her wet pussy, knocking the air from her lungs.
“F-F-Fuck... m-m-me!” Nora groaned. Looking down the length of her body towards her hips she could see a bulge pressing out from her stomach. As Jaune pulled his cock back to ready another thrust, Nora watched the bulge dissipate before reappearing with Jaune’s rough thrust.
Each thrust forced an animalistic moan of pleasure from Nora’s lips. Each slam of Jaune’s cock against her womb brbrought her closer and closer to an orgasm that she hadn’t counted on having. And when Jaune grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head up to look into Ren’s betrayed eyes, her orgasm erupted throughout her body. Her womanhood clenched up around Jaune’s member, gripping him tight as it attempted to milk him dry.
“Oh fuck... Nora... I’m gonna... gonna... hnnnng!”
A flood of warmth poured into Nora’s pussy, each pulse pushing more cum inside of her until it dropped from around Jaune’s cock. As he pulled out of her, her body crumpled to the floor, still twitching from her own orgasm as Jaune’s fluids oozed out of her to puddle on the floor.
By the time Nora managed to catch her breath and feel her legs once more Jaune had already cleaned himself up. Nora glanced up and realized Ren was gone, having stormed out of the room while she was recuperating.
“Whatever,” Nora scoffed. “He’ll come back around. Serves him right for eyeballing some other girl.... Speaking of which...”
Just then, the door to the dorm opened and Pyrrha strolled in looking exhausted.
“I’m baaack! ........ What the fuck!”
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Michael Myers X Short! Reader - Part 2
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Y/N was in the kitchen, preparing to make a chocolate shake because, uh, chocky shakes are quite scrumptious if I do say so myself, and I do say so. She grabbed the stool next to the small island in the kitchen and used it to get on top of the counter. She clicked her tongue, keeping her mind on her surroundings in case her roommate, Michael, were to teleport through sheer force of will and pull her down. But she didn't hear him coming.
Y/N grabbed the blender and looked around the room to make sure her stool wasn't moved when she wasn't looking. When Michael would do that, she'd fall down since it's like walking down the stairs but missing a step, making you fall down and lose your will to breath. Of course, Y/N should be smart enough to just look down or get down slowly to see if the stool is there, but that solution would be too simple and intelligent for the likes of this story.
Y/N got off the counter and kicked the stool off the side, looking around more. "Huh,"she clicked her tongue, shrugging off her paranoia. She plugged in the blender and grabbed the ice cream tub she got earlier, scooping some out and putting it in the cup of the blender. She hummed to herself as she poured in milk and whatever toppings she wanted, like oreos or something.
It was about 8am, meaning it was almost time for her to go to work. Usually Michael would be watching tv, doing something out back, or whatever else he does, but she strangely couldn't find him. It was weird for him to just be missing. But to be fair, he's an adult who can leave whenever we he wants.
I sighed, as I turned on the blender, my eyes turning dull from boredom. It felt like a weight was put on her shoulders from the disappointment, but at least getting to work on time would be easier. Michael wasn't used to a modern day home so I would usually have to go on a rundown of things to and not to do before I left. A smile lifted my face as I think back, simultaneously pouring the shake into a cup and putting it in my fridge for now.
I take a large breath again before heading to my room, pushing the door open with a silent squeak coming from it. It smelled like slight dust which kinda makes since because who the hell has time to clean anything, am I right? No one, because this story takes place in America and anyone who's lives in a different country before being here can tell you that a lot for us are depressed because America is designed to be repeatative. Like, can we please do anything other than wake up, work, go watch TV at home, then sleep? Can we have a week long festival instead of getting drunk and shooting fireworks one day in July?
I shake the thoughts that suddenly appeared in my head off, sighing as I walked to my closet. "I need to take schizophrenia pills, I swear," I mumble as I pull open the sliding door— "Yo, what the hell!-"
There the skyscraper was, right in the middle of the same closet where I keep my hoodies. He stared at me for a good four seconds, a dull expression but anyone can tell from the look in his eye that he was shookyth. Probably because he didn't his mask on but who knows.
It was a great battle honestly; as soon as I realized he was maskless, I pulled my phone out quickly for a picture, but he ran at me and took the phone away. Obviously, I wasn't gonna let that slide so I did what anyone would in the situation; kick them in the shjn because that's what everyone was thinking,  right? He reactively brought his hands down fast a protection reflex, giving me enough time to grab his hand.
His grip was stronger than the strength of flex tape however, so I couldn't pull it off him before I was shoved back. I landed on my back, but tried to get back up. But hah, that would mean adding more to the "battle" so of Michael held me down after throwing the phone on the bed. "Michael, get off!" I yelled as his hands squeezed my wrists. It was embarrassing to be straddled when I had so much pride, but this isn't in a situation where I can enjoy it and act like a flustered schoolgirl!
I tried to kick my legs, but that didn't work either. I was never gonna get out of his grip but still, struggling to get out was er than admitting defeat so it's worth it. "Come on! You're heavy enough to kill me, so get up and fight like a man!" Michael had held his head down so getting a good view from my perspective wasn't easy. Basically, his head was above my chest (it's the easiest easy to describe my visionnnn) so him looking down only gives the view of his hair and forehead.
"Michael! Where you looking for that hoodie from a week ago? What were you even doing!" I shouted, cause you gotta make sure you keep that pride. I gave a couple seconds of waiting before sighing loudly, limping. Because screw that line in the same paragraph about pride, am I right? Then, he mumbled. It wasn't a word I don't think, considering it sounded more like a groan as conformation. I shivered a bit, still not used to the sound of his voice.
"Is...that a yeah?" He then nodded, but kept his head low. "Um, alright... Well, let me up and I'll get it for you, okay?" Michael then let go, standing up and helping me up in the process. "Thank you," I stated as I walked over to the closet, pulling out two hoodies. One for me, and that blue one for him. When I turned to hand his to him, he sadly put his mask on already, making me sigh again. I handed the hoodie and smiled at him.
"There you go! Let me know if you need anything else before I go, kay?" I spoke as I put on my hoodie then fixing my slightly messed up hair. He put on his hoodie, not responding in any way so I assumed nothing else was needed. I pat his arm and said bye as I walked out of the bedroom. I grabbed the oreo shake and walked out of the house, locking the door.
I shivered in bed, trying to sleep. It doesn't snow much here therefore what's basically a blizzard to happen is definitely surprising. It's worse that I have an old house; the temperature of the house really depends on the outside. There's few vents, so freezing air easily makes it into the house. And get this; the heater conveniently broke! Hah! Who's gonna come fix with weather? It's so funny it makes me want to curl up and cry, haha.
I guess it seems like I'm overreacting, but the house's temperature really is freezing because of the snow. Plus it's night out, so it's even colder. "It felt like summer yesterday though," I mumbled to myself, holding the covers tightly around me. I pressed me face closer to the pillow, closing my eyes tigher with stress. We all know a cold pillow is great but a cold cover is miserable. Michael had it worse however.
He slept on the couch with a few covers rather than a thick mattress and comforter. He got up a few times to microwave food so at least it'll make him a little warmer, but it didn't help much of course. Michael's been shot, ran over, beaten, and so many other things so the cold is nothing to him. But given the conditions he lives in, it wouldn't be wrong to use what he can to be more comfortable. Such as sleeping in a bed for once.
Just the thought of a bed sounded nice to him. The couch was small for someone tall enough to slap the top of the ceiling in schools that probably had some encouraging message on it. Michael pulled the covers off him, sitting up and stretching. His mask was off at the moment but it was too dark for anyone to notice luckily for him. He made his way towards the bedroom, opening the door silently and closing it.
Y/N frowned, nearly falling asleep at this point. Michael made his way over, softly leaning on the bed before laying on it. He wrapped his arm around Y/N for a little of warmth, since snuggles is nice I think. I wouldn't know, I've never dated. He nuzzle into the crook of her neck, closing his eyes. It was silent aside from the strangely obnoxious sound of wind from outside. I wouldn't know if that happens irl, it finally snowed for the first time where I lived and it was so little that the snow didn't pile up.
It was peaceful and Michael almost fell asleep until he heard a small snore from Y/N. Not the loli snore kind, no, I'm not a big fan of "adorable sneezes, yawns, or snores." This is the kind that you never want a significant oth set to wake you up to tell you about. Okay, maybe that not extreme but it was loud enough to be heard.
Michael felt a small smile go on his lips, intertwining his fingers with Y/N's hair. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep now. But his sleep was cut short when a loud squeak shook the house. He shook awake, sitting up immediately and looked around. All there was was a smol reader with a large smile on her face. The lamp besides the bed was turned on, showing a soft reddish feel to the room that made her blush excusable.
His look of concern fell to annoyance when he realized where the yell came from. He sighed, going deep into the covers with his back facing her. Y/N scoffed, "hey! Don't judge me! This is a three in a lifetime experience!" She huffed and pulled her phone out from under her pillow. She already got a picture of his face and hiding the picture would be easy. Uh, maybe. Y/N smirked as she plugged her phone it and turned off the lamp. She sjufgled into the covers, wrapping her smol arm around him this time.
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lovelylexipedia · 4 years
I would love a jackson avery x reader fic where the reader is pregnant and jackson is running around after her at the hospital to make sure she isn’t putting too much pressure on herself so he takes her to the on-call room for a rest and it’s really fluffy because he talks to her belly? i’m sorry if this was really long! welcome to tumblr!🥰❤️
Rest is For The Weak – Jackson Avery x Fem! Reader
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Type: Imagine (2,200+ words)
Requested: Yes! by @elljmaybank
Summary: Expecting her to stay home, Jackson leaves his pregnant wife home alone to go to work. When he catches her at the hospital, he does everything in his power to get her to stop and relax.
Warning(s): Grey's Spoilers, Fluff (lots of it!), Protective Figure, minor Angst
Note(s): Reader is 30 weeks along with Jackson's baby. Thank you for the request! I really hope I did it justice. I kinda rushed it at the end, but I hope it's okay :)
I hear the bathroom door close slowly and scrunch up my face. I try to fall back asleep, but the small noises throughout Jackson and my's bedroom keep me from it. After a while, I let out a small yawn and open my eyes, blinking to adjust to the light coming in from the rising sun.
I make an attempt to sit up in bed, but my back protests, sore and achey. I let out a small groan and catch Jackson's face pop out from behind his closet's doorframe.
"Y/n, crap, did I wake you?" Jackson winces, taking quiet steps toward my side of the bed.
"No no no, my back is just killing me, this little stinker won't let me get comfortable. I tried reasoning with him, but he won't give." I groan again, laying on my right side.
Jackson sighs in relief and walks around the bed to my side. He kneels down and kisses me on the cheek, running a hand through my hair.
"Maybe he'll listen to me." He leans down to my tummy, removing the white comforter covering my body and lifting up my oversized pajama shirt. Jackson taps at my tummy and I giggle at the sight. "Hey, buddy," He whispers, "you gotta let your Momma rest... She's already cranky enough."
I laugh and roll my eyes, pushing Jackson's shoulder, and causing him to stumble over. "Okay, maybe no more talk time for you."
Jackson steadies himself with a chuckle and and stands up straight. He brushes off his dark jeans and zips up a grey jacket, fixing up the hood.
"I made breakfast and happened to have some left over. It's just some eggs and toast. I put it in a little container and left it on the island if you want it later." Jackson says as he makes his way to the other side of the bed to grab his keys from the nightstand.
"Thank you, you gonna be okay leaving me here alone?" I ask as Jackson walks over to the bedroom door.
"I don't know, are you gonna be okay alone?" Jackson replies sarcastically. I grin. "Alright, if you need anything, you can call me and I'll try to get here. If you can't reach me, try my mom."
"Okay, okay'" I say quietly, pushing myself up to sit up in bed despite the pain.
Jackson notices and frowns. He walks over again and leans down to kiss me. "Don't do anything too strenuous, okay? Just get your rest."
I scoot back against the headboard and nod, looking him in his bright green eyes. "Okay, I promise."
"I love you, Y/n." Jackson smiles, kissing me one last time before heading out.
I yell back an 'I love you' and wave as he leaves the room. I hear the front door shut a few seconds later and sit in silence. Every few seconds, I shift and scoot around, trying to find a way to ease the aches.
Jeez, bud, parenting better be less painful than this. I complain to myself.
After a few minutes of sitting alone with my thoughts, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I set my feet down and push myself up, holding onto my belly with my free hand in the process.
I decide to take a few steps, wobbling here and there. After what feels like hours, I finally make it into the kitchen. The eggs and toast sit inside a clear plastic container and I nearly gag at the smell.
No thanks...
I take it upon myself to make myself breakfast. I throw out the toast and eggs in the trash can and ponder what to eat. I find a nearly finished bag of Corn Flakes and take a bowl, pouring the cereal and eating it like popcorn. After that, I snack on a frozen Pop-Tart and drink a glass of milk.
Settling myself on the living room couch, I flick through TV channels, bored out of my mind. Minutes pass by like hours and I end up falling asleep on the couch.
The nap ends after an hour and a half, when I suddenly feel a few sharp pains in my right side. I rub my stomach and lean my head back, trying to calm myself down.
You're okay, bud. You're okay, Momma's okay. We're okay.
I take deep breaths, trying to keep my composure. I grip the arm of the couch with one hand and force myself to stand. I stumble across the house, still rubbing my side and making small, calming affirmations to myself and the baby.
This is the fourth time this month...
I make it back to the bedroom and force myself to change into some baggier clothing. The pain subsides slightly as I begin putting on my sneakers. I groan, taking my set of keys and phone from the dresser in front of our bed.
I make my way around and out of the house, locking the door behind me. I force my keys into my pocket and dial my OB, Carina DeLuca.
"Y/n! What's going on? Are you okay?" Carina answers quickly, concern laced in her voice.
"I just wanted to come in... as a precaution," I say as I walk into the building's elevator. "I've been, getting these shooting pains for the past month. I just want to check if the baby's okay."
"Do you want me to make you an appointment?" Carina asks.
"No- I don't want Jackson to know, he might find out somehow. Could you just squeeze me in quickly?" I bite my lip, tapping my foot as I wait for the elevator doors to open at the bottom floor.
"Okay... Okay, I can try. Right now is perfect. Just tell the nurses up front it's an emergency and they should let you right in." Carina explains.
"Oh, thank you, Carina. You're the best. I should be there in a few." I gush, trying to rush off the elevator.
"Y/n, are you gonna be driv-" I hang up the phone before Carina can finish and try to rush out to my car.
"Carina, is he okay? Is my baby okay?" I ask urgently, looking between her and the ultrasound machine.
Carina continues moving the wand around where the pain would be. "He looks buono e sano, good and healthy, Y/n/n."
I let out a sigh of relief, laying my head back against the headrest. "Oh, thank God... But what could those pains have been?"
Carina purses her lips and removes the wand from my stomach, cleaning off the residue. "Could be stress, could be the hormones, different foods, your muscles could be constricting because they've had to work so hard with supporting the baby."
I shake my head. "Oh, I was so scared. I didn't want to go into early labor. Thank you for squeezing me in, I really appreciate it."
"No problem, amica mia. Now are you sure you don't want to tell Jackson?" She removes her gloves and I can feel her gaze from behind me.
"No, it's okay. I'm probably just gonna head home." I say, scooching off the examination table and grabbing my clothes to change back into.
I tug on my baggy shirt and put my phone in my back pocket, looking up to decide which way to go to get to my car.
Before I can even make a decision, Schmitt runs up, panting like a madman.
"Dr. L/n! We need Ortho. We got a trauma in, motorcycle accident, rider's right and left legs broken in 4 places each, right shoulder dislocated and left arm broken in two places."
He looks me up and down and his face grows red. "You're supposed to be on maternity leave, aren't you?"
"Doesn't matter now, Glasses. Let's go!"
Schmitt ushers me towards the trauma bay and adrenlaine rushes through me. The pain immediately evades my body and everything after is a blur.
I pull on a trauma gown over my loose clothes and tie up my hair into a ponytail. The patient is located in Trauma 1 and I rush in, finding Owem, Meredith, and Amelia already assessing the biker.
"Y/n! Shouldn't you be at home? I thought you were on maternity leave?" Amelia cocks her head to the side and I shake my head.
"Just back for the day," I say quickly. I turn to Schmitt, asking for reassurance, "So, what do we have here?"
He begins, "Multiple broken bones, bruising and cuts everywhere, he's practically roadkill."
"Well by the time we're done with him, he'll be just fine. Let's get an OR booked, order an MRI and page Plastics too!"
Jackson and I met when I transfered from Seattle Presbyterian a few years back. I was a 5th year and he was a Plastics fellow.
By the time I became an Orthopedics fellow, we had already established ourselves as the power couple of the hospital, despite not being a couple yet.
Wherever he went, I was likely to follow. Our cases were often linked and we spent a lot of our time together outside of the hospital as well.
When he first asked me out, it was during a surgery of ours together. We spent our one year anniversary watching over an ICU patient. He proposed to me in an empty OR after a successful surgery. I told him I was pregnant in the Attendings lounge. Our whole story was based in the hospital.
I wait outside OR 4, eyeing the elevator from the corner of my view. Any second now our motorcycle guy would be wheeled in and I'd get to scrub in.
"Y/n! Y/n!" I hear him yell from the elevator, trying to get my attention.
Oh shit.
Jackson jogs over to me, concern washed over his face. I frown slightly, feeling bad that he's so worried about me.
"Jackson, hi, um, how...how did you find me?"
Jackson ushers me into the scrub room and closes the door behind us.
"Y/n, you can't be working, remember? You're on maternity leave. Go home." Jackson grabs me by my shoulders, looking me up and down.
"Jackson, I am fine! It's just one surgery, it's not that bad-" I pull out from his grasp and cross my arms under my chest.
"'Not that bad'? Y/n, that surgery could take more than a few hours. You could barely get out of bed this morning!" Jackson's motions to the operating room, raising his voice and I sigh.
"Jackson, we will continue this conversation at home. Preferably, after I finish this surgery." I say stubbornly. I turn to leave and Jackson follows me. I spot Owen and Amelia walking toward us and smile. "Hey, where's the patient?"
Amelia sucks in a breath. "We're holding off on surgery. He's very touch-and-go, so we're holding him in the ICU until tomorrow."
The both of them frown at me and I nod sadly. "Oh, okay. Thanks anyway, you guys."
"Y/n. Let's go." Jackson says sternly, looking only at me.
"I hope it all goes well tomorrow."
My breathing steadies after I sit on the bottom bunk in an on-call room. Jackson shuts the door behind us and opens the shutter slightly, letting a bit of the setting sun seep into the room.
I keep my head down, eyes closed. Afraid he'll be angry at me.
We're silent for a few seconds, trying to figure out what to say to each other. He starts first.
"Y/n, you know that I love you, right?" Jackson kneels down in front of me, I can feel his gaze resting on me.
"Yeah," I mumble, slowly lifting my head so we can meet each other's eyes.
"And you know that I'm taking your maternity leave so seriously because I want what's best for you and the baby, right?"
I groan and nod, covering my face with my hands. "Yes."
"Is it wrong? To want you both to be stress-free and healthy? Look at me when you answer, please."
Jackson takes my hands off my face and holds them, kissing the the backs of them before I respond. "No, it's not."
"Carina paged me, she said you came in. That you were worried about the baby. She told me he's okay. That you're okay." I can see tears forming in Jackson's eyes. He bows his head down and still clutches my hands tightly.
"Please, just promise me you'll take these last 4 weeks off. Completely. No work, no stress. Just bed rest and someone waiting on you." Jackson pleads softly, searching my face for an answer.
I lean in and kiss him softly. I take my hands out of his and wipe his tears from his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I just miss being at the hospital, on my feet, ready to go wherever I need to be. This little guy just sucks the energy right out of me." I chuckle, holding Jackson close to me.
He kisses the top of my head and rests his cheek there for a few seconds. "Can I talk to him really quickly?" Jackson asks quietly, I'm barely able to hear him.
I let out a small laugh, remembering this morning. "Go ahead, but no Momma slander."
Jackson grins at me and we sit beside each other on the bottom bunk. He lifts my fresh navy scrubs up to the top of my belly and I hold them there for him. He taps again, lightly and clears his throat.
"Hi, bud. You doin' okay in there...?"
We stay there, taking turns talking to the little guy, excited for the day where we get to call ourselves parents.
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eddieheart · 2 years
(Part 2)
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Fandom: Prodigal Son
Pairings: NONE
Words: 785
Description: After Bright accidentally gets high Dani is tasked with babysitting him. She gets to experience both Bright and Aria’s morning routine.
Part One: little-one
Dani woke up that morning with a crick in her neck and a chip on her shoulder.
She couldn't believe Gil had sent her to babysit Bright. Sure she'd made a mistake going to see Estamé, but she knew he didn't do this.
Dealing with Bright had been a task, to say the least. Getting him to bed had been easy enough, when he was passed out that is.
"Morning, Coffee?" Malcolm asked as she raised her head, stretching.
"I'm good." Dani waved off her coworker and straightened her posture where she sat.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked with a smile.
"On a counter." Dani deadpanned in return. She watched Malcolm use his French press, it was quite soothing.
"Why is my jaw killing me?" Malcolm smirked slightly as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
Dani looked to the ground nervously, glancing between the young man and the floor.
"I punched you." She responded timidly.
"It worked, I slept for five hours. I should have you slug me every night." Malcolm laughed and a weight lifted off of her shoulders. Thank god he wasn't mad at her.
Malcolm was about to say something but the soft pitter patter of footsteps filled the room before he could. A small girl walked into the kitchen, blanket in hand.
As soon as her gaze fell to Malcolm she ran forward. He knelt down so the small girl could run directly into his arms and in one fell swoop he lifted her into the air, spun her around and kissed the top of her head.
"Mamorning daddy!" The little girl called out from in between her father’s arms.
"Good morning Ari." Malcolm chuckled out, face in the young girl’s hair.
"Mamorning Shunshine, Mamorning Ms. Dani. Did you sleep over last night? Daddy was so quiet, I almost forgot to wake up." She asked the question so innocently that Dani couldn't help but chuckle to herself.
"I did." Dani had never been great with kids, but she really was trying.
Malcolm held the small girl in his arms and carried her around the island, sitting her into one of the stools. Walking over to the fridge he pulled out milk and poured Aria a glass.
"Time for pills Daddy!" She cheered at the older man.
Dani cocked her head to the side, she couldn't have been more than five, what pills was she on? She watched Malcolm take a seat beside the young girl, garish bottles lined up in front of each of them.
"I take my pills, she takes her vitamins. She likes to do it together." Malcolm gave her an almost embarrassed smile as Dani watched the two take medication almost in unison.
Aria took a big swig of milk before turning to her dad and painting at a small stack of cards.
"Can Dani pick the card today?" She asked.
"I don't know, Dani do you want to pick the card?" Malcolm asked with small smile.
"Umm... sure." She reached out a hand, grabbed the first card and flipped it over.
"You have to read out loud Ms. Dani, that's how you learn!" She chuckled softly at the young girl's enthusiasm.
"Okay, your perspective is unique. It's important and it counts." She handed the note over to the small girl, she read it aloud Malcolm helping her pronounce words.
Dani watched them do yoga and say goodbye to sunshine before they were all on their way out. When they got to the precinct Malcolm got to work leaving Gil in charge of Aria.
Gil was filing paper work, it was almost lunch time which usually meant Aria was asking about food. Oddly enough today Gil didn't hear anything. He sighed and rubbed his face, looking up he searched for the small girl but she was no where to be seen.
"Shit." Gil bolted up from his chair and began searching around the precinct.
Just when he's lost all hope he heard a faint giggle come from an interrogation room. It couldn’t be... could it? Walking into the adjoining room Gil looked through the two way glass with a sense of irony, of course she was in an interrogation room, like father like daughter.
Aria was sitting in the chair across from a suspect. Her arms crossed over the table, hands folded. She looked into the man's eyes and spoke with all seriousness.
"Murder gets you in time out for twenty five years, that's a really long time. My daddy says to always tell the truth. Maybe if you tell the truth you won't be in timeout for so long." She smiled sweetly at the man.
your perspective is unique. It's important and it counts. -Glenn close
Part 3:
@buggylad thanks for editing
6 notes · View notes
cherrybracelets · 4 years
as the world caves in
masterlist | request
spencer reid x bau agent!reader
song inspo: as the world caves in - matt maltese (i highly recommend listening to this before or during reading to fully understand the fic)
summary: you’ve worked in the bau for almost a year now, but this is your toughest case to date. when the unsub puts you and spencer in a near death situation, the complex feeling of mortality causes you to bear your souls to one another 
word count: 6k | warnings: no smut but it is typical criminal minds violence, plot centers around reader being held hostage by an unsub so there is tying up, reader getting hurt, etc. pls be cautious when reading if that makes you uncomfortable
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Your head was pounding, the sound of phones ringing and private chatter ringing through your ears. You shakily poured a cup of coffee, closing your eyes momentarily as you tried to wake yourself up. You glanced at the clock, seeing that it was barely five in the morning. You yawned obnoxiously, assuming no one was around you. But when you heard a quiet snicker from behind, you knew immediately you were not alone. You spun around quickly to see Emily, waving as she set her bag down on her desk. 
“Pretty early to be called in. Must be important,” she concurred, pouring herself a cup of stale FBI coffee as well. 
“Do you ever get used to it?” You groaned, taking a long swig of the cheap coffee. You had doused it with milk and sugar to make it consumable, but it still left a nasty taste in your mouth with each sip. You knew you wouldn’t make it without caffeine, though, so you stomached it down. 
“I’ve been here… five years, now? I can assure you it doesn't get easier,” she laughed. You had missed her laugh, when she was gone. She had become a wonderful mentor to you, and when you thought you lost her, you were shattered. Having her back has been enough to get you through the tough cases, which seemed to be escalating with each one. 
“You know, next week is my one year anniversary with the BAU,” you smiled, excited of your first milestone with the team. The BAU was an exceptionally hard job, and many people didn’t make it as long as you had. It was something to be proud of. 
“You’re kidding! Congratulations, (Y/N).” 
“Thank you!”
You saw Hotch and Derek walk in out of the corner of your eye, deep in conversation. You were sure it was an important one, the look on Hotch’s face confirming your suspicions. They walked straight to the conference room, not even looking up to notice you and Emily. You gave Emily a look, and you were both thinking the same thing. ‘We better get our asses in there.’
You followed Emily into the room, Garcia getting the case ready to present. The rest of the team filtered in over the next few minutes, riddled with dark circles, cups of coffee and worry. There wasn’t much small talk made, everyone too out of it to pretend to talk about what they did last weekend. 
“Good morning everyone, thanks for coming in so early,” Hotch addressed, standing up as he welcomed everyone. “We’ve got a bit of a weird case, today. Garcia, why don’t you go ahead and present.” 
“Okay, my loves. This is a bit of a weird one, so strap in to keep up with me. A 21 year old female, Emily Davies, was abducted yesterday morning from the parking lot in her apartment complex. Now, the lot did have security cameras, but the unsub cut the internet cable and they can’t download the video until the can fix the wire.”’
“He’s smart, probably knew it would slow us down. And shows he has knowledge in wiring and electrics.” Derek added. 
“Exactly. The police believe we should have the footage by the time we land. Now here’s where it gets weird. Two hours after she was abducted, there was a shooting at a gas station about 30 miles outside of the city, off I75. Three dead, including the worker. No cameras there, unfortunately.”
“How do we know it’s the unsub?” You questioned, failing to see the connection between the two crimes. 
“Ah, my darling, if there wasn’t a connection we wouldn’t be called in. Our unsub left a note at this crime scene. It read, ‘They were going to take her. I couldn’t let them take her. She is mine, we are in love. Please, leave us be.’” Garcia then pulled up photos of the crime scene and the note on the monitor. 
“These are clean shots, straight to the head, execution style,” Reid said, studying the photos on the screen. 
“He knows how to use a gun, that’s for sure.” Rossi added.
“The 911 call was made by a customer who walked in to see the carnage about a half hour after the unsub left. They believe he is continuing to drive North, but we currently have no idea what him or his car look like.” 
“If he didn’t kill again, he most likely stopped somewhere. He may be lowing low in a roadside motel to keep us off his trail,” Reid said. 
“The gas station seemed unplanned. The abduction was thorough, leaving no evidence. But this scene is sloppy, and rushed. They must’ve seen Emily and panicked, and he shot em. This was never part of the plan, and now he’s freaking out.”
“That’s a good point, Emily’s face is all over the news now. He’d need a place to rest for a bit until he can come up with the rest of his plan. How exactly did people discover that Emily was missing?” You asked, curious about the rest of the unsubs plan. 
“Well, it was actually kind of a fluke, but very helpful for us. Her boyfriend, Michael Adams, discovered she was gone when he came home early from work. He wasn’t supposed to be home for another six hours, but something had happened and they sent him home. He called 911 when he realized her phone, keys, and bag were all at home but she was nowhere to be found. They aren’t sure exactly what time she went missing, but at that point Michael had only been gone for two hours.”
“This guy had to have been stalking her. He knew to take her on a day she’d be alone for hours, he knew to cut the wires for the security cameras… this was meticulously planned,” Derek responded. 
“Except what he didn’t plan for was the boyfriend getting home early, and Emily’s face plastered everywhere. He thought he’d have more time to get away,” JJ added. 
“If he truly doesn’t want to be separated from her, it’s only a matter of time before he kills again. Anybody that gets in their way will die, if we don’t stop him. Wheels up in thirty.” Hotch instructed, dismissing you all as you separated to prepare for another trip. 
You lingered in the conference room for a moment, staring at the photos on the monitor. An uncomfortable feeling floated through you, chills up your spine as you stared at the crime scene. It was far tamer than most things you’d seen during your time here, but something about it made you uneasy. Spencer had noticed you staying back, and he stayed in the room as well. Once everyone cleared out, he cleared his throat to let you know he was there. You turned to him, not sure if you should tell him how you felt or not. Was it weak to say you were nervous? 
“You okay?” He asked calmly, his eyes avoiding yours as he waited for your answer. 
“I… just have a bad feeling about this case. Does that ever happen to you?”
“Mmm, yes.” He chuckled slightly, running a hand through his hair. “And usually, I’m right.” 
The plane landed in Cincinnati only a few hours later, cars awaiting to take you to the police station upon arrival. You were grateful to hear that they were able to pull the security footage from the lot Emily was abducted, and it was ready to be viewed when you arrived at the station. 
You got in a car with Derek and Spencer, a duo that you usually tried to avoid. Derek always joked with you and Spencer that the two of you had a crush on each other. Although it was slightly true on your part, and your heart did race every time Spencer walked into a room, it was embarrassing to see Spencer so confidently deny any feelings for you. 
But, Hotch sent the three of you to the station, instructing you to study the security tapes. The rest of them were going to talk to the boyfriend and visit the crime scene. You sat awkwardly in the back seat, trying to keep quiet, not wanting to say anything that would entice Derek. 
“Judging by the way he worded this note, our unsub is most definitely in love with Emily. Do you think she knew him?” Spencer turned to you, and then to Derek, waiting for someone to respond. 
“It’s impossible to say. There was no sign of forced entry in the apartment.” Derek responded.
“They think she was taking her trash out when she was abducted. Explains why she left all of her things inside, and the door was unlocked,” you added, wanting to be a part of the conversation. Although it had been almost a year, you still felt like you had to constantly prove yourself when you were with them. 
“Even if she knew him, you wouldn’t get in someone's car without your phone, or wallet. He had to have had a weapon,” Derek said. 
“The gun he used to kill everyone in the gas station, probably,” Spencer muttered. You all stayed silent for the rest of the drive, your brain taking a quiet moment to think through the details of the case. 
The police station wasn’t too far from the airport, and you got there pretty quickly. You always felt so small in the police stations, usually dealing with male detectives or sheriffs or cops. You felt like you’d drown in testosterone, and everyone would be so busy in a dick measuring contest that they couldn’t save you. As you walked into the station, you were greeted by yet again another male detective who reeked of desperation and Viagra. 
“Hi, I’m Detective Elijah Guthrie. Thank you so much for coming.” He shook all of your hands, welcoming you into his station. 
“Where do you have the security tapes set up?” Reid asked quickly, realizing the urgency of this case, and that we didn't have time for small talk. 
“Conference room. Everything you said you needed is set up there, as well.” 
“Awesome, we should go get started, then,” Derek smiled, leading the three of you into the room. 
You all sat down and watched the tapes, replaying them over and over to catch every detail that you could. Luckily, the unsub cut the wires after he took the girl. It seemed sloppy, on his end. He had to know eventually that we’d get the footage. But he was smart enough to make sure his face was nowhere in view. Although, his car was still in view, and you were able to pull a plate number. 
“Garcia, baby girl, can you hear me?” 
“Loud and clear. What can I do for you, my sweets?” 
“Run a plate for us. Ohio plates, number EUE 8561.” 
“Of course, give me uno momento....” You could hear the sound of Garcia typing away, finding the mysterious man. In all honesty, you weren’t sure if any of these cases would get solved without her. 
“Alright, I got your man. 24 year old Jacob Lane.” “Are we sure our unsub didn’t just steal this guy’s car?” 
“Good point, Garcia check to see if Jacob has any connection to Emily.” 
“Gotcha… oh, man. Looks like he grew up in the same town that she did.” 
“Well, that’s suspicious,” Derek responded, raising his eyebrows. “Alright, thanks baby. Try and dig up some more on this guy.” He hung up the phone, staring at the paused video in front of him. 
“(Y/N), you call Hotch and give him the update. There’s a good chance this guy’s our unsub. Reid, call JJ and have her ask the boyfriend if they knew this guy.” You and Reid both looked at each other and nodded, standing up and walking into the hallway to complete your tasks. You dialed Hotch’s number swiftly, listening to the ringing as you awaited him to answer. 
“Hotchner,” he answered, sternly. 
“Hey, it’s me. I think we got our guy- Jacob Lane. The car that Emily got into was registered to him, and he grew up in the same town as her. Garcia is digging up some more info, and Reid is on the phone with JJ, gonna see what we can get from the boyfriend.” 
“Alright, well we’ve just been informed there was another shooting. This time at a motel not too far from the gas station. We’re gonna head there, now.” 
“How many, this time?” You asked, dreading the answer. 
“Six. Doesn’t look like anybody made it out.” 
You stayed silent, your head spinning as you thought of six more dead bodies, six more grieving families. 
“Thanks, Hotch.” You hung up your phone, walking back towards Reid and Derek. 
“Detective Guthrie just told me there’s been another shooting,” Derek said to you, unaware if you had been informed. 
“Yeah, Hotch just told me. We have to get this guy before he does this again.” 
“Unfortunately, most cases with spree killers like this end in hostage situations, and eventually suicide by cop. Spree killers' motivations are usually very similar.” Reid stated, his voice emotionless as he rattled off his facts. He was obviously right, and you felt sick as you thought of standing face to face with this man, 
“I’m gonna go talk to Emily’s parents, see if they knew anything about Jacob. You guys stay in here and go over everything we have so far, see if we missed anything.” 
“Alright. Thanks, Derek.” 
He left the room quietly, walking out to find the family. You started looking over the video again, straining your eyes to see if you could make out any overlooked details. But it was the same every time, there was nothing new to report. You were angry, not feeling any closer to catching this guy. 
“What do you make of this?” You asked Spencer, hoping his genius brain would come up with an explanation yours couldn’t. 
“He loves a girl, tries to take her away with him, gets caught and panics, starts killing anybody that calls him out. It’s pretty straight forward. Although, the way he’s killing them is unique. The actual crime seems rushed and panicked, but the killings themselves and calm and exact. One shot, the same place. It’s too… perfect.” 
“He’s killed before,” you concluded, feeling your heart racing as you thought of more victims at the hand of Jacob. 
“Yes, but most likely in the military. These are execution style deaths. This M.O. is very specific to military personnel.” 
“And you would be correct, boy genius,” Garcia shouted through the speaker on the desk, her voice scaring you slightly. “Jacob Lane was in the Air Force. He was deployed once to Iraq, he got back about six months and was recently relocated to Cincinnati.” 
“So something must’ve happened between Emily and Jacob in the past, and when he moved back and saw her again, it must’ve been the trigger. Topped with PTSD, he could’ve easily snapped.” 
“What exactly did he do in Iraq?” 
“Ah, that is classified information, according to the US government. But no worries, nothing is too classified for me. Our buddy Jacob executed war criminals during his time overseas.” 
“Well, that explains the M.O.,” you chuckled, running a hand through your hair, shaking your head in disgust. 
“Other than that, he had a relatively normal life. Average in school, normal family. He bounced around colleges a bit before deciding to enlist, but there’s no red flags.” 
“Could you find any other link between him and Emily?”  
“Well, that’s the other thing. Jacob deleted all of his social media accounts when he got back from Iraq. Twitter, Instagram… everything, gone. But, just because he deleted it does not mean the record doesn’t exist somewhere. I am currently trying to unlock all of his accounts and see if I can find anything, but it’ll take a bit.” 
“Alright, Garcia, call us if you get anything. Thank you,” you replied, disconnecting the call. Spencer had stepped away for a moment, answering his phone. 
“If this guy had a perfectly normal life, why is he doing this?” You asked, your nails digging into your palms in frustration. 
“The military… doing what he did… it could mess a lot of normal people up. Plus, there may be more to the story than we know.” 
“Yeah, there is. Listen to this,” Spencer said, walking into the room and putting his phone on speaker. 
“Hey, it’s me,” JJ said, her voice flowing softly through the phone. “So we talked to the boyfriend, and there is a long history between Emily and Jacob. They met when she was 18, and they were both dating different people. They had apparently had an affair of sorts, though, leading Jacob to break up with his girlfriend for her. But apparently Emily decided to stay with her boyfriend and ditch Jacob. That’s when he joined the military. Before he left for training camp, Emily’s boyfriend committed suicide. Blamed Emily and Jacob for ruining his life.” 
“Jesus…” you muttered under her breath. 
“Well, it gets more interesting. Emily picked up and moved to Florida, after that, transferring to a college down there. She was apparently trying to start over. Her and Jacob didn’t talk for two years, but he was relocated to the same town she was in, and they met up again. They started dating, and that’s when he got deployed. About a month after he left, Emily claimed he started acting really weird, to the point where it was scaring her. She broke up with him and blocked him on all social media.” 
“The boyfriend knew all of this?” 
“She told him because apparently she was afraid of Jacob. She told her boyfriend that if something ever happened to her, she was sure it was Jacob.” 
“Why wouldn’t he have mentioned something sooner?” 
“He didn’t think it was a big deal. Plus, until two weeks ago, he was living in Florida.” 
“Exactly. And he got moved here, found out Emily was here and had a boyfriend, and that was probably the trigger.”
“What I don’t understand is how Emily just… dropped him? She was clearly terrified of him, what could he have possibly done to give her that reaction?”
“He could have told her what he was doing down there. That job is not for someone with a soft heart. She probably couldn’t stomach the thought of being with a man who…” You couldn’t finish your sentence, your mouth choking up your words as they tried to come up. 
“We need to make a statement to the press. The public needs to know who to look for.” 
“I’ll call the media and put together a press conference. I’ll see you guys soon.” JJ hung up, and Spencer put his phone away. The three of you stayed silent for a moment, staring at each other in awe as your minds wrapped around the information. Part of you felt bad for him. He joined the military to get away, and they stuck him in a job that ruined his humanity. And the girl you love turns away from you when you need her most… 
“The hardest part of the job is not to feel bad for the unsubs,” you laughed, your mouth dry and your forehead sweating as you felt more and more anxious about the future of this case. 
“It’s refreshing, actually. To see someone else with enough empathy to feel for someone who has done so many bad things. It’s a sign of a beautiful heart,” Spencer said, his eyes meeting yours as he spoke. You smiled at him, redness creeping up your cheeks as you felt your nerves tingling at his words. 
“Oh, I’m sure Spencer thinks about your beautiful heart all the time, (Y/N),” Derek teased, causing Spencer to blush as well, and quickly dart his eyes away from you. 
“No… c’mon Derek. Why do you have to turn everything into this? Can’t I just be nice to her!” Spencer groaned, pushing Derek slightly on the arm in frustration. 
“We’ve got a problem,” Det. Guthrie yelled, bursting through the door of the conference room and, thankfully, interrupting Derek. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Emily escaped. She just walked into the police station.” 
“How is that a problem?” 
“Because Jacob just shot up another place. A diner, this time. We just got the call a minute ago. We’re only a few minutes away. He must’ve come back to the city after Emily got away.” 
“(Y/N), you and Reid go to the crime scene. I’m going to stay here and talk to Emily.” 
“Alright, we’ll leave now, call us if you need anything.” 
The drive was quick, helped greatly by the use of your sirens. You sped quickly to the diner, you and Reid the first to arrive on the scene. The witness who had called it in greeted you with sobs, not having time to console her as the two of you went quickly inside. The scene was similar to the previous ones, eight bodies, all shot directly in the center of the head. You noticed something wrong, pretty quickly. 
“Reid…” you whispered, staring quietly at a table next to you. 
“What’s up?” 
“Do you see that?” You pointed helplessly to a small plate accompanied with an ever smaller cup, stars and smiley faces printed onto it. 
“That’s a kids meal.” 
“There’s not a kid in here, Reid.” You looked at him nervously, your whole body burning as you imagined the child that Jacob took. 
“There’s a note here, (Y/N)...” Reid handed a crumpled napkin with a sloppy note written across it. 
“Is it an address?” 
“It’s definitely the unsubs handwriting. I studied the previous note, there’s no doubt he wrote this.” 
“This address is only a few minutes away…” 
“We need to leave, now. I’ll call Hotch and tell him to send backup.” Reid ran out of the diner and to the car, and you followed behind quickly. Other cops were now pulling in to the crime scene, and you let them know you were leaving but to stay with the bodies and take care of calling the families. You still weren’t sure who in there had a kid, and you wanted to notify the rest of the family if you could. 
You and Spencer called Hotch in the car, letting him know where you were headed. He told you him and Rossi would be there in twenty minutes or so. Spencer was swerving in and out of traffic, trying to get to the location the unsub left for you. When you finally arrived, you were surprised to find a secluded barn near a small patch of land. You pulled up and got out of the car, arming yourselves as you got near the building. 
“We should wait for backup, Reid… this could be a trap…” you said with caution, a wave of nerves flooding you as you stood in front of the building. 
“He could have a little kid in there, (Y/L/N)... we have to go in.” 
“Spencer, you know that’s not the right protocol.” 
“When has protocol ever done us any good?” 
Spencer starting walking towards the door, and you couldn’t bear to see him go in alone. You followed reluctantly, walking through the open door. As soon as you walked through the doors, you saw him. The face in the photos was finally right in front of you, holding a small item in his hands. You couldn’t make out what it was, you were too focused on the boy, who was tied to a chair next to him. 
“Hello, agents. Thank you for joining me,” Jacob said, smiling devilishly at the two of you. 
“You need to let the boy go, Jacob,” you instructed, your voice remain quiet and calm and your mind spun in circles. 
“That’s not how this is going to go. Do you know what this is?” He waved the device in his hands, smiling down proudly at it. You knew then exactly what he was holding in his hands. 
“It’s a bomb…” 
“Exactly. And if I don’t get exactly what I want, it’s going to detonate. Are we clear?” He looked at you specifically, as if he was nervous you would be the one to try and defy him. 
“Yes,” Spencer answered for you, looking upset as he realized you were right. This was a trap, one that the two of you walked so easily into. 
“Put your weapons down, first,” he instructed, pointing at your guns. The two of you placed them down on the ground slowly, avoiding eye contact with him. 
“Wonderful. Now, I want you to call your boss and tell him I would like to speak with him.” 
You nodded in agreeal, slowly pulling out your phone. You dialed Hotch’s number, your hands shaking as you pressed the buttons. Your heart felt as if it was going to explode, bringing the phone to your ear as you listened to it ring. 
“We’re almost there, what’s going on?” His voice made you feel safe, calm, knowing he would get you out of there safely. He had to get you out. You couldn’t die… not here… not now. 
“Hotch, we’re here with Jacob, and he’d like to talk to you,” you said shakily, your voice trembling as you got the words out. 
“(Y/N)? What’s going on?” 
You handed Jacob the phone, which he ripped out of your hand and placed to his own ear. 
“Listen carefully. I want her back. I want a plane out of here for both of us, or I blow the kid and your two agents up? Is that understood?” You strained hard to see if you could hear Hotch’s voice, but you couldn’t make anything out. You looked over to Spencer, who was staring helplessly at the ground. 
You didn’t bother listening to the rest of Jacob’s conversation with Hotch, not wanting to hear his voice anymore. It was you sick to think about him. When he finally finished, he threw the phone back at you. He walked up to you, grabbing a handful of your hair and pulling your face back to look at him. 
“It would be a shame to kill you… You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, smiling down at you. He pulled hard on your hair, knocking you to the ground with all of his force. You slammed onto the dirt hard, feeling your body jolt as you landed. You felt pain shoot through your body, screaming loudly. 
“Don’t touch her again!” Spencer yelled, running towards him violently. Jacob pulled a gun and pointed it at his head, which made him stop in his tracks. 
“Don’t take another step. Since you want to be her knight in shining armor so bad, why don’t you go ahead and tie her up,” Jacob instructed, pointing the gun at a pile of rope in the corner. Spencer walked slowly over to it, grabbing the rope and tying your hands behind your back. As he tightened the knot, he whispered to you quietly. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, the words bouncing back and forth in your head as Jacob pushed you to the ground and continued to tie up Spencer. After he finished, he sat Spencer next to you. He had put the two of you in the corner, out of sight and mind. You were aggravating Jacob, you could tell. If he could just tie you up and place you in the corner, he wouldn’t have anything to throw him off. 
“Are you okay?” Spencer whispered, looking concerned at your now bruising body. 
“A little sore, but I’ll be fine. What are we gonna do here, Spence?” 
“The team will get us out, okay. I promise.” 
You watched Jacob on the other side of the room, pacing slowly as he awaited another call that would give him his demands. You started to hear the sound of sirens pull up, feeling slightly relieved knowing they were right outside those walls. The sound of helicopters overhead was prominent, and you noticed Jacob wincing as it got louder. 
“Does the sound of helicopters bother you?” You shouted to him, trying to get his attention away from the boy. 
“Shut up! Do I need to tape your mouth shut, too?” He was aggravated, waving his gun around and placing a hand on his head. 
“My dad was in the Army… helicopters reminded him of his time overseas. He’d have a panic attack every time he heard one…” You said, trying to relate to him. If you couldn’t use force to bring him down, maybe you could sympathize with him. 
“It’s just so loud…” he winced, closing his eyes as if all of his senses were betraying him. 
“Let me talk to my boss, if he knew how much they hurt you I bet he’d call them off…” 
Jacob considered your proposal for a moment, the idea of the pain going away calling to him. But he was smart, and realized quickly what was going on. 
“Are you trying to trick me? Do you think you can outsmart me? I have been ahead of you this entire time.” 
“Except you didn’t plan on Emily’s boyfriend coming home early, and you didn’t plan on her escaping, did you? None of this was a part of the plan.” Spencer looked at him desperately, and you wanted nothing more than to curl up next to him and feel him holding you. If you were to die here, today, it would be nice to die in the arms of someone you cared about. You desperately craved his touch, especially now. Who knows if this would be your last chance to experience him? 
“All I want is for me and Emily to be together, okay? Don’t you get that? Have you ever been in love?” 
“I have… and I know how much you love Emily. But if you kill us, you’ll be killing yourself, too. And then Emily will never get to hear how you really feel. Because that’s what all of this is about, right? You just want her to know how you feel?” 
“I told her everything. I bore everything to her and she walked away. It… hurt.” Jacob was crying, tears crawling down his face as he shook the gun in his hand. 
“I don’t want to die without telling the girl I love how I feel. I know you don’t, either, Jacob. We can all walk out of here and you can see her again.” Spencer looked at you, his eyes pleading for your attention as he spoke.
“I don’t want to get locked up, I can’t live like that…” Jacob continued to cry, and you desperately wanted to give him a hug. He was evil, and you despised him, but he was broken and alone and needed a hug.
“No, no. I am not letting you talk me into this… you both shut up and leave me alone!” He yelled, running away from you and back to the young boy. You let out a long sigh, feeling your own tears starting to form. You really thought you might’ve had him this time. But he was too smart, and he wouldn’t fall for any of your tricks. 
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I should be able to save you, and I can’t…” Spencer was pale, his forehead sweating as he leaned against the wall. 
“Spencer, don’t apologize. It is nobody's job to take care of me, except myself.”
“I don’t want to die in here without telling you how I feel, (Y/N).” 
“What are you talking about, Spence?” 
“I am crazy about you. I have been in love with you for months. And every time I think I might want to say something, Derek makes some stupid joke and you get awkward and I realize if I say anything I’d risk our friendship but I’m sorry, I can’t die here with you and not tell you I’m in love with you.” 
“Spencer…” was the only thing you managed to get out. You opened your mouth to try to say more, but the sound of your cell phone ringing stopped you. Jacob ran quickly to the phone, picking it up and placing it on speaker. He looked at you to make sure you were listening. He wanted you to know your entire lives depended on whatever happened on this one phone call. 
“Jacob?” A small female voice came on the line, one that you had not recognized. “Jacob, it’s me, it’s Emily.” 
“Emily!” He cried, placing a hand over his heart as he heard her voice. 
“Jacob, I am right outside for you. I promise we can walk away together if you just leave your weapons inside and come out.” You could hear the pain in her voice and she said those words, knowing how hard it must’ve been for her to do this. But she was the only thing that could end this, that could save four lives. She didn’t have a choice. 
“How do I know you’re telling the truth? You ran away from me, Emily!” Jacob cried into the phone, his voice shaky and his face swollen from tears. 
“I have always loved you, Jacob. I have told you everything. You have to believe me. I’m right on the other side of the door. Put down the weapons and show them you’re unarmed, and we can walk away together.” 
You watched him closely, patiently waiting for his response. You had never been a religious person, but you prayed to whoever was listening that you could walk away from this. 
“Spencer… if we don’t make it out, I want you to know I love you, too. And if we do get out of here, please take me far away from here,” you cried, leaning your head on his shoulder and begging the universe for your life. He kissed the top your head, a small comfort that calmed you down. You watched Jacob slowly look over at the two of you, staying as close as you could, savoring love even in the last moments of your life. 
You think it was that moment, him seeing two people in love and remembering what it felt like, that caused him to walk out. He slowly set the gun down, and another small device that you believed was the detonator. He walked through the doors, the sound of a bullet crunching through the air immediately as he stepped outside. You heard the screams of a girl, who was probably dealing with love and loss and pain all in one second, watching the man she loved and feared dying in front of her own eyes. 
SWAT and the Bomb Squad came in shortly after, JJ and Derek running in to find the two of you. Emily and Rossi took care of the child as the other two untied you. They walked you outside, JJ pulling you far from Spencer and into an ambulance. 
“JJ, I promise I’m fine, but I really need to go see Spencer…” You tried to stand up and walk past her, but you were a little dizzy and she pushed you back down pretty quickly. You saw Spencer arguing with Derek as well, probably for the same reason you were trying to push through JJ. 
“Can I take your blood pressure, Agent?” The paramedic said, holding up an arm band and trying to wrap it around you. You angrily refused, finally getting on your feet and walking away from JJ. She realized it wasn’t worth chasing you down, that you would get checked out when you were good and ready. 
You ran towards Spencer, who was still being blocked by Derek. You pushed passed cops and paramedics and everything in between, your eyes only on the man you loved. The man who loved you. When you finally got to him, he wrapped his arms around you in relief. He held you for a moment, before letting go and kissing you. It was a kiss full of life, celebrating existence and love. 
“Hah, friendly my ass…” Derek whispered, rolling his eyes as he walked away from the two of you. 
“Take me away from here, Spencer Reid.” 
“Wherever you wanna go.”
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I give you the final chapter of Summoning Family. It’s been a fun story, and while I have more ideas for it, there are other things I want to write. I mean, i got 114,984 words out of this thing! (so says ao3) I hope you enjoy, and read to the very end for something extra.
@petrichormeraki @helleborusangel
Grian smacked his alarm as it started to ring, making it shut up. He had been up late the night before getting everything ready. About a minute later, the alarm went off again and Grian groaned before shutting it off. The third time he sat up angrily and stared the clock down as he turned the alarm off. Why had past him set such an early alarm? They had done everything yesterday. Except get the cake. And decorate. And- okay they still had a lot to do.
Grian dragged himself out of bed and poured a bucket of water over his head to wake himself up. He then regretted that as he needed to dry his wings afterwards, but then he flew over to Mumbo’s base and barged into his bedroom. 
“WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!” Grian shouted at the top of his lungs to wake Mumbo up, but was surprised when nothing happened. “Mumbo!” Grian then stomped over to the bed, only to find it empty. Confused, the avian started looking through the base, eventually finding the redstoner feeding it. “What are you already doing awake?”
Mumbo jumped a little before looking over. “I could ask you the same thing. At least for me I rigged up some redstone to make sure I got up at the right time. I’ve already gathered up some supplies and in making sure I’ve got everything ready, I actually remembered to feed this place.”
“Good for you. Do you need me to get anything else? I was going to pick up the cake. Do you think Tommy remembered the message on top when ordering it. Oh no, what if he didn’t and it doesn’t-”
“Calm down Grian. I’m barely keeping myself together as it is. If it doesn’t work out, I’m sure store bought will be fine as an emergency.”
“But this is his first birthday! And it wouldn’t be fair if he got a standard one while Jrum would get a fancy cake!”
“Grian, they can’t even eat cake.”
“You’re right! Why did I even bother wanting to get them a cake?!”
“For the guests who can eat cake.” Mumbo quickly answered before continuing. “Although there is the possibility of a mineral cake. If I get some lava I could theoretically- hang on.” And he put down a shulker box and started going through it. “Of course a diamond on top since it will probably just be a cupcake or something, though we don’t want to leave Jrum out. And I think I’ve still got a chisel in my ender chest.”
“Well, It looks like you’ve got something to do.” Grian responded, feeling much calmer now that it looked like they had a good plan in place. “So even if this cake doesn’t work out, we’ll still have something good. But I’m still going to see if I can pick up the one we ordered so I’m going to run and grab that.” Mumbo half nodded, giving a slight wave, too busy planning on a mineral cake for Grum. 
Grian chuckled before making a portal and heading to the SMP. When he got to the other side, he pulled out a piece of paper. “Okay. Coordinates, coordinates… Ah, okay so the bakery is that way.” He turned in the direction of the coordinates and for a moment considered flying, but he remembered how close everything was and if he flew, he would probably pass it quickly.
It didn’t take long to actually reach the building, though Grian still double checked, even with the various signs of it being a bakery. Finally, he walked inside and went up to the counter, a bell ringing overhead as he opened the door. “I’ll be with you in a minute.” A voice from further in the building called and Grian just waited.
After about a minute and a half, a woman walked out and greeted Grian. “Hello there. Hoping to buy something or order?”
“Neither actually, I’m picking up an order. It should be under the name Tommy Innit but I’m the one picking it up.”
“Ah, yes! Tommy’s cake! I made sure to take special care of it!” The woman smiled and Grian narrowed his eyes slightly as it was a smile he was very familiar with, having used it plenty himself.
“Right, well did he remember to ask for a message to be written on top?” Grian asked, the woman shaking her head. “Right, I was worried about that. I hope it won’t be too much of a hassle to add that. I can pay extra if need be.”
“Hmm, yeah I can do that. What’s the message?”
“Well it’s… Here let me write it down just to be sure, I don’t want it wrong on such a special day.” The avian said before pulling a pen out and writing on his paper.
“Special… day?” The woman asked and Grian could hear the nervousness in her voice.
“Oh yes.” Grian couldn’t help but give a slight sly smile of his own. It looked like he’d have to get a store bought cake after all, but he wanted to see how this would go as he put the paper down. “It’s my kid’s first birthday. He’s… sort of adopted so while he’s not an infant, it’s still the first birthday he’s gotten to have so I’m making sure it’s perfect. So a simple 
Happy Birthday Grum’ will do.”
The woman stared at the piece of paper like it had just shown up and killed her family as she watched. “Right… birthday party for a child. Hmm. I think I got the design a bit wrong. Let me get you a second one. I can always comp the other person for the delay.” And she went into the back again, leaving Grian smiling. This was probably another person who had it out for Tommy, so messing with her was proving to be fun.
Listening carefully, he could pick up the woman panickedly whispering to someone else. “Jack we fucked up, Tommy’s not eating the cake, he ordered it for someone else!”
“What? Who? Ranboo or Tubbo?”
“No! I don’t even know the person out there but apparently the cake is for the birthday of a previously orphaned child!”
“Oh shit!”
“Yeah! So now we need to find a way to quickly make a non-poisoned cake before this guy gets suspicious.”
“You passed that point a while ago.” Grian called out into the shop. “I’ve done my fair share of schemes and recognize a scheming smile when I see it.”
Grian couldn’t help but smile as there was complete silence before the woman slowly came back out of the shop. “Right, so I guess, I don’t really have a cake for you.”
“No it’s fine. You said it’s poisoned? Did you use poison as a substitute for milk?”
“So you put both in there. That’s going to make this much easier. It always depends on the person, but milk normally stops any poisons, so a cake like that will just make someone sick for a bit but not actually poison them. Maybe just cause some nausea. It’s an easy enough fix!”
“You’ve… poisoned cakes before?” The woman asked.
“I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of… but poison cakes are not one of them, that was hilarious. Just not when it’s people I care about, which is why I even know how to fix it. Essentially we just need some milk and some netherwart. I’m guessing you have that somewhere?”
“Uh, let me check.” She turned to yell behind her. “Jack do we have any netherwart?!”
“No, but I can grab some!”
“Hurry up!”
“Yeah I know!”
The woman turned back to Grian. “So… it might take a little bit.”
Grian just leaned on the counter. “Oh I’ve got time since I don’t need to pick up a new cake. How about you start with that message and we can talk. What’s your name?”
“Uh, Niki.” The woman nervously answered as she grabbed the poisoned cake.
“Well Niki, seems like you didn’t like my brother much. I’d like to know why that is if you don’t mind.”
“Alright team, let’s get this place built.” Scar said as he rubbed his hands together. “We’ve technically only got fifteen minutes, so let’s make it count. Plus I managed to get a good sale out of thi-”
“Can we just start building already man?” Ren spoke up, and Scar jokingly glared.
“Oh alright. Start building!” And Scar used some vex magic to set up a little bit of localized time displacement for some super fast build mode. Though he wanted to help out as well, someone needed to stop the spell if any certain robots wandered over. And of course the only one currently around to do that was Scar, so he had to stay outside of it. Having never actually been on the outside of the spell, he got distracted for a bit watching everything happen, which was perfectly fine. Neither of the bots made their way to Aqua Town, and even if they had, Jellie was keeping an eye on things.
As things were still being built, Mumbo arrived and set down shulker boxes. “Sorry I’m late. I was up early of course, and so was Grian, but we got talking and realized there was something we forgot, so then I got busy doing that.”
“Well don’t worry about that Mumbolio, the place isn’t completely built yet, so decorating is still yet to come. The kids are still with Tommy?”
“As far as I’m aware, yes. Hopefully if they’re awake, they’re not causing too much trouble. Do you think they’re upset about not being with us for breakfast?”
Scar thought it over. “Maybe they’re a little disappointed, but I’m sure they’re happy about knowing that you’re setting something up for Grum, even if they don’t know exactly what it is.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“Yeah! Though could you also check with Tommy? I want to make sure I probably don’t have to worry about stopping the bubble and possibly also put up something for cloaking.”
“Right! Yes let me do that.” And Mumbo fumbled just a little bit before getting his comm to message Tommy. He sent a message off and waited for a bit for Tommy to respond. When one didn’t immediately come in, he got a bit nervous, but a few more minutes calmed him. “Well, they’re either still asleep or busy, so that’s probably good.”
“Good to know! Unless something changes in the next, I want to say five or so minutes, we should be good.” Scar responded, Jellie giving and approving meow as she groomed herself at Scar’s side.
“Well then I’ll keep watching for a message.”
“Got it. So, what did you get for decorations?” Scar asked, peeking into a shulker box.
“Well, his favorite colors are red and light blue, so there’s a lot of streamers and balloons and what not in those colors. Also got it in a music theme since I wasn’t sure how to make a party theme out of building.”
“Oh, that sounds nice. And got any plans for Grum?”
“Fantasy themed since he’s always going out to your village to play plus he seems to really like stories with that theme.”
“Alright, I’ll start drawing up plans for that tonight.”
“That sounds alright. Grian already sent an order in to The Boomers so this plot can be cleared again.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Keep it up. Better to keep the history around.I can sell another plot of land for the next party.”
“Well that’s very kind of you.” Mumbo started. “But again, it’s already been paid for. Though I’m sure they would be willing to listen to the change of plans.”
“Well, I normally wouldn’t suggest it, but you might buy a plot of land from Bdubs and get it cheap but using what would have gone to The Boomers.”
“Hmm, I’ll discuss that with Grian when he gets back.” Mumbo glanced down at his communicator. “Ah, they’re awake now. Tommy gave them the old reliable of a bowl or redstone though Grum got his with quartz.”
“Oh yeah, we’ll definitely finish building before they show up.”
“Then I’ll start prepping the decorations.”
Grian waved to Niki and Jack beforing picking up the cake box. “Thanks for the cake! And if you want to try killing Tommy again, you’ll need to try something sneakier to get past me!” Grian smiled at the pair, who gave nervous ones back. As he left, they retreated further into the bakery. To do what, Grian didn’t care since he had other things to pick up. Or rather, he had people to pick up.
Grian flew up into the air and looked around before spotting a snowy town to the north. That was probably Snowchester, which was where he was trying to go anyway. From there, flying to the town was easy, but actually knowing which house to go to was a bit more difficult. He didn’t immediately see any signs saying who lived where, so Grian’s first idea was to just knock on every door. That is, until he saw a certain ziglin looking out the window of one of the houses.
When the child saw him, he immediately started bouncing and ran off further into the house. Grian walked over to the house and knocked on the door, waiting as he heard movement inside. A few moments later, the door opened. Ranboo stood there, Michael now clinging to his leg and looking up at Grian. “Hey! I’m here to start picking people up and to be honest, this is the only place I knew to find people right now.”
“Well, I sort of know where some people are, but I can check if Tubbo is awake enough to help out with that.”
“Sounds good to me.” Grian agreed, then followed Ranboo into the house. As he waited for Ranboo to get Tubbo, the avian watched as Michael showed off some of his toys. Grian smiled and set the cake down to look at what was being shared with him. He was especially happy at the plush chicken, parroting a few clucks which made Michael squeal in delight.
Before long, Ranboo returned with Tubbo, who still looked a little tired, but was still awake and dressed. “Hey, sorry. Guess I slept in a bit.”
“No, it’s perfectly fine. I nearly did the same after being so busy the other day. We’re not supposed to start until a bit after lunch, so I’m early anyway, but Tommy’s back home and I only really knew about this place since Grum remembered it. No clue where everyone else lives.”
“Well, who all are you after again?”
“Fundy, Puffy, Wilbur, Techno and my dad.” Grian answered. “To be honest, just messaging them all would probably work if you could do that. My comm is a mess right now.”
“What happened to it?”
“I have never. Ever. In my life. Hated a chicken like the one I apparently own now.”
Tubbo and Ranboo glanced at each other. “Do we want to know.”
Grian sighed. “Probably not. It’s a long story. All I know is it messed with some ribbons, and when I tried to stop it, it broke my comm.”
“Well, I’ll message Fundy and Puffy. Ranboo, can you message Phil? I’m sure he’ll be near Techno or Wilbur, so that should get two birds with one stone.”
“Um, I’m the only other avian, thank you very much.” Grian said jokingly before he laughed. “But yeah, that sounds good to me.”
Tubbo nodded and sent some messages, Ranboo doing the same. Before long, they had responses from everyone and the only person who needed to be picked up was Techno, who was still living out in the middle of nowhere. Grian begrudgingly picked him up, dropping him on the landing absolutely completely on accident.
“Alright, I’ve got the cake, I’ve got all of you, you guys got presents or cards if you wanted to bring them?” Grian asked, looking at everyone, glaring at Techno to try and will him to not say he forgot something. Fortunately, Ranboo was the only one to have forgotten anything, and even then, Tubbo had remembered it for him. “Okay, good.”
Grian opened up a portal and gestured to it. “Alright, this should take you right in front of town hall, I’ll be the last through and lead you once I’m on the other side with you. Got it? Good! Let’s go.”
One by one, everyone made their way through the portal, the one exception being Ranboo and Michael who went through at the same time. Grian double checked everyone successfully got through before picking up the cake and- jumping as a chicken showed up, poking its head through the portal. 
“Oh come on. Go back through!” Grian tried shooing the chicken with a foot, his hands full with the cake. Instead of listening, it just hissed at him, coming all the way through and pecking at his feet. “Ow! Hey! If you don’t go through, I’m going to close the portal behind me and leave you stuck here!”
The chicken hissed again before jumping back through the portal, Grian following behind. He handed the cake off before closing the portal and taking it back. 
“So, I’m guessing that’s the chicken you talked about before?” Tubbo piped up, making Grian nod.
“Yep. Now let’s just head to the building. Follow me.” And Grian started walking, doing his best to dodge the chicken that kept following him and almost tripping him. “Please, how did you even get here from the mansion?”
The chicken of course didn’t answer, but it did move closer to where Michael was, the child enamored by the bird, especially as it currently donned a shiny ribbon around its neck. Michael wriggled to be put down, but after Grian’s reaction to the chicken, Ranboo was hesitant to let the ziglin leave his arms.
It fortunately didn’t take too long to reach the newly built building, a number of hermits on scaffolding around the place hanging up decorations. “Wait, what are you all doing? This wasn’t part of the plan.”
Etho slid down a bit of scaffolding to get down to Grian. “Yeah, well it’s a special occasion. At least it’s not another war right? But where are we putting the presents? I’ve got mine ready.”
Grian just sighed as Etho held up ribbons floating in the shape of a box. “I thought I paid for that.”
“Yeah, you did. But the kids didn’t.” Etho said, and Grian could hear the smirk from behind the mask.
“Alright fine, but there better not be any walls around.” Grian rolled his eyes and started walking towards the door.
“Wait actually there’s-” And Grian crashed into a wall of glass in front of the entrance. Etho grabbed the cake away just in time that it didn’t get destroyed, and Grian just laid on the ground.
“There’s a wall.”
“Yeah there’s a wall.”
“I hate glass sometimes.”
No one was able to stop Phil before he did the same thing as Grian and walked face first into the wall of glass he couldn’t see.
“Ace of spades.” Jrum said as he set down the card. To his left, Tommy smiled and put down a card of his own.
“As if that would work.” He set down an uno card. “Plus four.”
“Hey! That’s not fair!”
Tommy shrugged. “Too bad, I had it in my hand.”
“Yeah, I think it’s a great choice.” Grum nodded. “Jolteon, I choose you.”
At the same time Tommy and Jrum groaned at the card. “What the fuck Grum, I thought you were out of evolution cards!”
“Because you always forget there are branch ones.” Grum said smugly. “So that makes it your turn Jrum.”
“Okay fine! I’ve got garudamon. That’s a third stage card which stops your jolteon.”
“No it doesn’t, you used queen of hearts to get Philomena in there, so it only counts as a stage two.”
“Dammit! I forgot!” Jrum groaned, but then gestured to Tommy to take his turn.
“I play vertical half fire, half gold!”
“You added a seven dragons card to your deck?!” Jrum stomped his foot. “Where did you even get one?”
“Someone on the SMP had it for some reason. Cost a whole diamond for it.”
“Yeah, because you suck at bluffing.” Grum spoke up as he stared at his hand of cards.
“I do not!” Tommy retorted, crossing his arms.
“Yes you do. Mini outrage crowbar.” Grum put down a card which would normally be about the fourth the size of normal cards, but all of the cards were in sleeves so their backs couldn’t be seen, making it a level playing field.
“Ugh, I guess I’m down a point.” Tommy rested his head in his hand. “Fine, what do you have Jrum?”
“Battle!” He slapped down a very generic looking card. “Rock paper scissors!” Tommy threw rock while both the bots did paper. “Aww, no one did scissors!”
“Oh thank fuck. I need to draw anyway.” And instead of playing a card, he drew two instead.
“Well then that means I can play Legacy. The Revere ring means I won’t lose points the next time someone tries to take them!”
“Then I get to win!” Jrum smiled, making Grum and Tommy both look at him in shock. “I’ve got the two and a half of hearts! Steal double points if they would be protected!”
“Noooooo!” Grum groaned. “My points!”
From there, everyone dissolved into laughter and then put their cards away. “Alright, well I guess while we were playing your dad messaged me. Sounds like it’s birthday time.”
From there, Grum and Jrum stopped smiling to look at each other for a moment. “Are you sure? I mean, technically it’s my birthday, but at the same time, it’s also past then.”
“Because of the whole time thing? I mean, I guess, but did you guys actually celebrate or anything?” Tommy asked, the bots shaking their heads. “Then yeah, it’s your birthday. Don’t fight it. Even if you want to argue, pretend you don’t because you’re just going to get free shit out of it.”
“Hmm… I do like free shit.” Grum nodded. “Alright, I’m in. Let’s go.”
Tommy smiled at how he had rubbed off on the bot before leading them towards Aquoo town. Before they even landed, they spotted the new building and headed straight there, landing in front of it. Jrum and Tommy were both excited, but Grum still looked a bit nervous about it all. “What if something happens?”
Tommy turned around and went back to Grum’s side. “Hey, nothing bad’s gonna happen. Everyone’s in one place, only death that might happen is from minigames, but I think everyone made sure to not make those. I mean, there’s even a regen beacon set up just in case. Iskall and Stress said they’re going to try and stay away just to be safe, so they’ve probably already dropped off presents.”
“Why? I messed up with making it so they couldn’t come.”
“Hey Grum, remember my beach party? How I was freaking out thinking people wouldn’t show up like with my first one?”
“Yeah.” Grum nodded.
“And how I had no reason to be? This is kinda like this. There’s no reason to freak out, it’s safe and everyone’s trying to make you happy. And it’s not like you’re the only one getting this treatment, or are you forgetting my birthday.”
Both of the bots giggled at their memories of that. “Okay, I guess you’re right.”
“Does this mean we can go inside now? I wanna sca- I mean, see who’s here!” Jrum said, bouncing a bit.
“Yeah, let’s go in.”
The party was extremely eventful. A number of minigames kept everyone occupied and everyone was sharing stories. A few motes of interest came up during the stories, such as the wars Hermitcraft had had as well as the fact that L’Manberg started because of a drug van more or less.
When it came time for cake, the one Niki had made was presented for the whole singing of happy birthday. They had a little trouble as Jellie decided she wanted to try and eat some of the cake while the candles were still lit, but Scar managed to pull her away. 
With a bit of help from a piece of paper being used as a fan, Grum blew the candles out. As everyone was given slices of the cake, Mumbo set a special cupcake in front of Grum that he could eat. The redstoner was about to give another one which wasn’t quite as extravagant to Jrum, but in the bot’s few moments of thinking he was left out, he stole a piece of cake and tried smashing it against his screen, only for it to disappear. “Huh… I think we can eat actual food now.”
No one was too upset about Grum getting a slice of actual cake, mainly as they were too busy trying to wrap their heads around what happened. Though it was also since Grum was the guest of honor. Before long, all the cake was eaten, no one showing any signs of being poisoned. From there, a whole cart of presents was pulled over, Grum wide eyed at the amount there was stacked there.
Grum looked at all of them, trying to decide which to grab. His eyes caught Etho’s gift and he pulled it closer and undid the ribbon. “Oh yay. Glass. How thoughtful.” Grum thanked, everyone giving Etho a few eye rolls or glares. Following that, everyone watched as the bot stared Etho dead in the eyes and ate it, Grian Mumbo and Jrum being the only ones that knew he could do that. “I eat quartz, redstone and diamonds. Why is this such a surprise?”
“Well, I guess let’s do real presents now.” Tommy said, handing an actually wrapped present to Grum. “That’s mine. I think you’ll know what to do with it.”
Grum was confused for a second before opening the present, eyes lighting up at the contents. “A stylophone! Yes I know exactly what to do with this!” Grum turned the small instrument on and tested the scale before just a few notes. “Okay, I think we want… eight ten eight ten ten eight, seven nine seven six.” He tested out the keys, glad that it sounded right, then he inhaled loudly before quickly playing the notes. 
As soon as he finished playing the notes, he, Tommy, Jrum, Tubbo and even Grian all shouted at the same time. “LET’S GO!” And the room was filled with an extremely bass boosted song for a few seconds. Fortunately, since Grian had known what was about to happen, he quickly used some Watcher magic to save the ears of everyone with advanced hearing, something that Ren was grateful for since he had already gone through this once before.
When Grum went for the next present, everything shifted a bit and out popped the head of a certain chicken from the middle of the pile of presents. “Wh- how did you get in there?!” Grian asked, trying to pull the chicken out. It just hissed and pecked at him when he tried, leaving him to pull away. 
Grum tried next and it gave no resistance, so he patted the chicken. “Were you trying to be one of my birthday presents?” The chicken gave a single cluck. “Well then, I guess Kokatori is my chicken now.”
“It’s named what?” Phil asked.
“Apparently it’s name is Kokatori.” Grian answered. “That’s what I was told when he was given to me.”
“Huh. Good to know.”
Grum’s next present was from his brother, it being a number of various cards and a new set of card sleeves. After that was from Wilbur, which was a guitar perfect for Grum’s size. Techno had found some sort of journal to give as a present. Scar gave him a diamond statue, which was also packaged together with Bdubs’ gift of lots of bedsheets, which he said were for pillow forts and not just because he had plenty of spares. Beef’s was a voucher for a piano, mainly because he couldn’t wrap it. 
There were plenty of presents after that, but once they were all unwrapped, Grian and Mumbo pulled out one more. “Alright, currently it’s just covered by blankets because we didn’t have wrapping paper to cover something this big.”
“What is it?” Grum asked, walking over to the giant present.
“Well, when building you two, there were some things we had to leave out, so this is a recreation of something we had to leave out of you.” Mumbo explained.
Grum grabbed the blanket covering the thing and pulled it off, revealing a redstone machine that he soon recognized. “My music making system! I can finally make the thing that’s been stuck in my head!”
Before anyone could stop him, Grum started messing with the machine, and before long, a music disc popped out. Tommy always had a jukebox on him in some form, so he put it down and they played the disc. “So, what’s it for?”
“Well, Dad said he wanted to make a minigame for the barge.” Grum started to explain.
“It’s a shopping experience. Not a minigame.” Grian complained, getting a few laughs.
“Yeah, anyway, he needed music for it, and I had an idea, and, well, now he’s got something for it!”
“Well thanks for that.” Grian said, taking the disc out again. “Uh, we can make copies, right?” Grum nodded. “Alright. Well, the next question is if you want to keep this here and we can change this place into a music studio for you, or if you want it at the mansion or the ruin.”
“Hmm, here works, but maybe keep it out of the way ‘cause I want to play more games with people!”
“Yeah, I’m sure everyone’s down with that.”
The presents were put aside and people either went back to games, or excused themselves if they had somewhere to be. Grian had to take Puffy back as well as Wilbur, and then Fundy left to go see Iskall, Grum being understanding that he wanted to be with someone who wasn’t there and he knew longer.
Though he didn’t officially leave, Phil still stepped outside to get away from the noise of the party. When it was quiet enough, he pulled out a communicator and flipped through the contacts, finally reaching one he hadn’t touched in a long time. He pressed the call button and held the comm to his ear, waiting as it rang.
“Yeah, hello?”
“Hey, it’s Phil.”
“Phil? Hey, haven’t heard from you in, what, how many years?”
“Who knows. Just, A lot has happened recently and-”
“Hey while I’d love to talk, I’m sort of running out of battery and I’m currently the prisoner to some pirates who hurt my dragon and got them to fly off. I can call you back when I can, but for now it’s got to be quick.”
“Finally found Xelqua, I’ve got grandkids, looks like there’s a spy here.”
“Haven’t killed the spy yet?”
“Yeah that’s an issue because one of the grandkids likes it and has it as a pet now.”
“Oh wonderful. Whose kid by the way?”
“Huh, thought he’d still be in jail. I didn’t think he had any sort of bail.”
“Wait, what are you talking about? You knew where he was this whole time?!”
“I sent you letters. I mean, before I moved to Minecrack, I was still doing my tv series. I’m actually back to doing it, which is where I am right now.”
“So one of your letters actually said you knew where he was? Now I wish I had read them all. Why couldn’t you just text or call for something important?”
“Because you never know what a spy can get into with all those digital things. The one you’ve got could-”
“Could what? Hello? Paul? Are you there?” Phil sighed and put his comm away. “Right, guess the batter died. Guess that’s something I’ll have to look into.”
The sun wasn’t quite setting when the party officially ended, but it was getting late. Everyone headed home left, Though Ranboo and Tubbo stayed behind to let Michael and the bots have a sleepover. Grum was especially excited about it when Grian came back from taking everyone home and seeming a bit out of it.
“Does this mean we can have a cuddle pile?” Grum asked, getting a nod from Grian.
“Oh hell no. I’m too manly for cuddling.” Tommy tried to argue, but GRum went over to him and gave him big puppy eyes.
“Please? It’s still my birthday.”
“...Fuck you.” Tommy replied, failing to the eyes with a sigh. “Alright fine, but the couples better not get too lovey dovey and shit.”
“No promises.” Grian said, tiredly. “But speaking of, where’s Mumbo?”
“Daddy said he was putting all the presents in some shulker boxes.” Jrum answered. “Amd I gonna get as many presents as Grum did on my birthday?”
“Yup.” Grian answered. “Welp, now that we know where he is, time to go to the mansion.”
Instead of flying them there, Grian just used a bit of magic to teleport them to his nest platform, flopping down on the hay a moment later. Tommy went and got blankets since he knew where they were while Tubbo and Ranboo watched over the bots and Michael as they played. Kokatori had also been brought along and played with the kids, though any time Ranboo or Tubbo got too close to it, it hissed at them.
Eventually Tommy returned with blankets as well as Mumbo, who had returned and helped Tommy with the blankets. Before long, everyone was curled up in blankets or wings or arms. Tommy was the last to fall asleep, thinking about how it all started when he and Grian were hanging out here. Now, here they were, a few weeks later with more friends and closer together.
Tommy shifted a little to pull one of Grian’s wings over him as a blanket, then finally fell asleep, and everyone was quiet.
With everyone asleep, Kokatori carefully got out of Grum’s arms and hopped out of the nest. It opened its wings and let a communicator fall to the floor. Opening it up, it saw the most recent use: a phone call in the middle of the party. Just what they were after.
oh whoops, I’ve got a sequel planned.
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swan-of-sunrise · 4 years
The Winter Soldier (Chapter Five)
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Summary: (Y/N) and Sam are visited by Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff, and the novelist makes a life-altering decision.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings/Disclaimers: Brief discussion of PTSD
A/N: Hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Five (Previous Chapter)
Yawning loudly into her hand, (Y/N) poured some milk into her bowl of chocolate Cheerios, grabbed a spoon and sat on a stool at the kitchen counter. She turned on her laptop and began reading through the day’s top news headlines while she ate her breakfast; thankfully, it appeared that the manhunt for Captain America was still going on, which meant that S.H.I.E.L.D. hadn’t yet apprehended him.
The backdoor of the house opened and Sam entered, breathing heavily and covered in a layer of perspiration; a smile brightened his face once he noticed her presence. “’Morning, Booksmart!”
“Hey Sam, you have a good run today?”
“Yeah, it was okay.” Sam wiped his brow with his sleeve, his expression suddenly sheepish. “Um…thanks again for last night, (Y/N). It really meant a lot to me.”
The night before, Sam had another intense nightmare about the last Air Force mission he’d flown with his partner, Riley. (Y/N) was woken up by his loud moaning and thrashing from the room across the hall, so she quickly threw on her bathrobe and went to him. As she’d done countless times over the past year, she’d carefully wrapped her arms around him and spoke soothing words until his eyes had eventually fluttered open, and as his face filled with pain, Sam flung his arms around her and they fell asleep in each other’s embrace. It hadn’t been the first time she’d helped him through one of his nightmares, and she doubted that it would be the last.
“I’m your best friend, Birdbrain, it’s in my job description. That, and annoying you whenever I think you deserve some annoying.” Her soft smile turned into a frown as Sam opened the refrigerator and pulled out the carton of orange juice. “I swear to God, Sam, if you drink straight from that carton I’m gonna have to kill you. That’s disgusting!”
Sam’s loud laugh was cut short by a knock on the backdoor. They exchanged matching looks of confusion before Sam headed for the door, (Y/N) following closely behind. He raised the blinds and opened the door to reveal Steve Rogers and Black Widow standing on their back porch, both covered head-to-toe in grime and looking completely worn-out. “…Hey, man.”
Steve’s weary eyes glanced between the two of them. “I’m sorry about this. We need a place to lay low.”
Black Widow’s smile was apologetic as she elaborated, “Everyone we know is trying to kill us.”
(Y/N) and Sam exchanged a look before he opened the door wider and said, “Not everyone.” With looks of gratitude, the pair hurried into the house and Sam closed the door behind them, careful to close the blinds and lock the deadbolt.
“We haven’t been properly introduced; I’m Natasha Romanoff.”
(Y/N) smiled politely and shook Natasha’s outstretched hand. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N).” After Sam introduced himself to her, (Y/N) gestured to the hallway and continued. “You guys are welcome to use our shower if you wanted to clean up a little; I think I may even have some spare clothes somewhere…”
After showing Steve and Natasha the bathroom down the hall and letting them use Sam’s bedroom for some extra privacy, (Y/N) dug through her closet until she found the clothes that her brother and girlfriend had accidentally left when they’d visited last; she’d been meaning to send them back, but it would seem that the two fugitives they were harboring had more use for them. Pausing a moment in front of the closed bedroom door, she placed the box on the floor and hurried back to her room to get dressed before going back to the kitchen. When she got there, Sam was in the middle of scrambling eggs so she quietly began buttering some toast.
“They didn’t look too good, Sam. What do you think happened to them out there?”
“Not sure, but it must’ve been pretty serious for them to come here of all places for help. You mind finishing up the eggs while I go change out of these workout clothes and tell them the food’s ready?”
(Y/N) gave him a small smile and took the spatula from him. “’Course not.” Sam patted her shoulder and left the kitchen, and to distract herself from her worries, she began absentmindedly humming to herself while she finished scrambling the eggs.
“Hey, a tune I actually recognize.” (Y/N) glanced away from the stove to see Steve standing near the refrigerator. “You really enjoy music, don’t you?” When she tilted her head in confusion, he elaborated, “I took a wrong turn in the hall and caught a glimpse of your room. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many records and CD’s in my life.”
(Y/N) shrugged noncommittally. “Yeah, I guess I do. There’s something comforting about music to me…it makes me feel like no matter what happens in my life, good or bad, music will always be there for me.” She cringed at how cheesy her words sounded out loud and quickly added, “That probably doesn’t make much sense, though, just forget it…”
Steve’s mouth curved into a small smile. “I think I understand a little…thanks for the clothes, by the way.”
Switching off the burner, (Y/N) took the pan of scrambled eggs and began dishing the food onto two plates. “They fit all right? My brother and his girlfriend visited a while back and forgot some of their things here, they’re about your guys’ size…”
“Yeah, they fit great.” He adjusted the hem of his dark grey shirt before glancing back up at her. “So, were you humming ‘Pistol Packin’ Mama’ just now ‘cause something good’s happening or something bad?”
(Y/N) thought for a moment before answering. “Both, I guess. You guys are both safe, which is obviously good, but something’s going on. Something that must be pretty bad for you to come to the two of us for help.”
Steve stared at her with curious eyes for a few seconds before giving her a brief nod and accepting the plate of food she handed him.
“So, Hydra’s been infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. this whole time…” Sam said, his eyes trained on his clasped hands. After they had eaten, Steve and Natasha had explained everything that had happened, from their mission on the Lemurian Star to the missile strike at Camp Lehigh where they discovered that the terrorist organization had been growing and thriving within S.H.I.E.L.D. for seventy years. “And they’ve been using this Winter Soldier guy to silence anyone unlucky enough to uncover their existence…”
“And they’re planning something big so they can try to take control of the world. Again.” (Y/N) finished, glancing away from Sam and across the table at Steve, who nodded mutely.
Natasha paced beside the table with her arms crossed over her chest. “So, the question is: who in S.H.I.E.L.D. could launch a domestic missile strike?”
“Who happens to be sitting on the top of the most secure building in the world,” (Y/N) pointed out, rubbing her forehead as a headache began to form and wishing that she could play some of her music to calm herself down.
Steve frowned, and she could practically see the wheels turning in his head. “But he’s not working alone, Zola’s algorithm was on the Lemurian Star.”
“So was Jasper Sitwell.”
Natasha’s comment made Steve sigh. “So, the real question is: how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a S.H.I.E.L.D. officer in broad daylight?”
“The answer is: you don’t.” (Y/N) hadn’t noticed that Sam had stood until he dropped a familiar file onto the table in front of Steve. When the super-soldier picked up the file and shot him a questioning glance, Sam added, “Call it a resume.”
“Sam…” (Y/N) jumped to her feet and stood in front of her friend as Steve and Natasha glanced through the file. “Are you sure?”
Sam gave her a comforting smile and nod as Natasha spoke. “Is this Bakhmala? The Khandil Khandil mission, that was you?” She glanced at Steve with an impressed smile. “You didn’t say he was para-rescue.”
“Is this Riley?”
(Y/N) gently took Sam’s hand as he nodded, knowing how difficult his decision was for him. He wouldn’t be getting back into all this if he didn’t believe that it was the right thing to do, she thought grimly, his hand tightening slightly around hers as the others continued to read over the file.
Natasha flicked through the pages of the file, looking up at Sam with a furrowed brow. “I heard they couldn’t bring in the choppers because of the RPG’s. What did you use, a stealth chute?”
“I’d check the next page if I were you.” (Y/N) couldn’t help but smile, remembering when Sam had told her about his military service and shown her the pictures of the EXO-7 Falcon pack. That’s when she began calling him ‘Birdbrain’ in retaliation to his awful nickname for her, but her plan backfired when he ended up taking the insult as a term of endearment.
Steve and Natasha flipped the pages of the file and the super-soldier’s eyebrows raised in surprise as he looked up at them. “I thought you said you were a pilot.”
“I never said pilot.” Despite the serious situation, Sam couldn’t keep the smirk off his face as he spoke and (Y/N) rolled her eyes in amusement.
“I can’t ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason-”
Sam cut off Steve with a wave of his hand. “Dude, Captain America needs my help. There’s no better reason to get back in.”
“…Where can we get our hands on one of these things?”
“The last one’s at Fort Meade, behind three guard gates and a twelve-inch steel wall.”
Natasha shrugged when Steve glanced at her. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”
(Y/N) frowned as the three of them began collecting the files and standing, suddenly getting the feeling that they were preparing to leave without her. In that moment, she knew that she had a decision to make; if she stayed, then her life and career would continue normally as long as all three of them managed to stop Hydra, but she knew she’d feel guilt for not doing her part to help and if they couldn’t stop Hydra, then the organization would succeed in taking over the world and countless lives would be destroyed. But if she left with them, she would become a target; her life, her family, her career…it would all be at risk if Hydra put out a warrant for her arrest; if it meant helping save the world and everyone in it, though, then there was really only one right answer…
“I’m coming with you guys.”
“Um…” All three of them stopped and looked at her, and Natasha was the first to break the silence as she glanced over at Steve. “I thought you said she was a writer.”
“Yes, I am a writer, but I’m still coming with you.”
Steve shook his head, his jaw set with determination. “(Y/N), it’s bad enough that Sam’s being dragged into all this but at least he knows what we’re up against. You’d be putting your life at risk by coming, not to mention your career.”
“You’re right, Steve.” (Y/N) squared her shoulders and stared down the super-soldier, her back straight and her arms crossed. “I’m not a soldier, or a spy or even a goddamn Avenger, I’m just a civilian who wants to help save the world that I live in. You three are about to risk everything to stop Hydra, and I’ve got no right to do any less than you, no matter what my occupation is. It’s true that the price of freedom’s a high one, but it’s a price I’m willing to pay. Besides,” She couldn’t keep the smug tone out of her voice as she spoke. “I already know how to abduct Sitwell in broad daylight without alerting Hydra.”
Steve kept his eyes on hers for a moment before turning to Natasha, who had an impressed look on her face as she shrugged. “I like her, and we could always use another person on our side, Steve.”
“I’ve known (Y/N) for over a year now; if she says she can help, then she can help.” Sam gave her a small wink, and (Y/N) felt a rush of gratitude for her best friend. “I’ll keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn’t get into trouble.”
Steve sighed and turned back to her; she only raised her eyebrows in expectation as she waited for his response. After a moment, he finally gave her a nod, the corner of his mouth lifting into a small smile. “You’re in. Now, you said you had an idea about getting Sitwell…?”
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy! 
Tagging: @mrs-obrien @lahoete @awkward117 @cminr @momc95 @awkwardnesshabitat @marinettepotterandplagg @khuang3 @supersouthy @benakenalove @brooke0297 @hufflepeople @becausewelie @outoftheregular @supreme-tantrum​
Chapter Six
“The Winter Soldier” Masterlist
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honey-dewey · 4 years
We Can’t all be Sunshine and Rainbows
Pairing: Marcus Moreno/Reader
Word Count: 2,344
Warnings: No big ones. Implied torture and feelings of depression and PTSD. 
Marcus had never seen anyone as powerful as you. With emotions that literally controlled the weather, you were basically a God. But power of that magnitude attracts many kinds of people, and sometimes, you must rely on yourself as much as you rely on the calming voice of Marcus Moreno
Author’s Notes: I don’t usually do an A/N but I want to give credit to the lovely @anetteaneta for their story ‘Weatherwoman’ which inspired the Reader’s power in this story! Go check it out, because it was a very good story. 
“You doing okay?” 
You looked up, sighing as the weather noticeably warmed. Marcus always made the temperature rise, but he never seemed to mind. In fact, he found it funny. 
“Yeah,” you said, flipping a page in your book. “Just thinking.” 
Marcus smiled, settling on the grass next to you. “Your thinking is making it very cold out here. What’s wrong?” 
You closed your book. “This was mom’s favorite book.” 
“Oh.” Marcus shuffled closer to you, so that his thigh was pressed to yours. He could still remember finding you, alone and scared, in the wreckage of your parents house. You’d gotten into an argument with them over something small, and your powers had ignited in that moment, setting the entire house ablaze. He’d been the one to lift you from the smoking remains and bandage your slightly singed hands. Aside from being shaken, you were completely fine. 
The lasting emotional damage had been bad. You’d never learned to control your power, so the city’s weather depended entirely on your mood. Marcus continued to insist you needed to take control and make your power your own, but fear kept you from ever trying. The last time you’d used your power on a scale as large as Marcus was talking about, you’d killed two people and turned your childhood home to ash. But he never pushed, only reminded you he was there for when you were ready to try. 
Now, three years after the accident, you and Marcus were partners, both in a relationship and in hero work. He was your rock, grounding you whenever your emotions got the better of you. He’d prevented many devastating hurricanes and actually jumped into a tornado you had caused so he could calm you down. In return, you gave him sunshine and happiness, rekindling his love and providing him a reason to fight as hard as he did. 
“Is there anything you need?” Marcus asked, nudging your side. 
You shook your head. “Not anything you could get me,” you murmured, resting your head against his shoulder. 
You two stayed like that, enjoying each other in the simplest way, until the sun began to turn Marcus’s skin red. When that happened, you kissed his nose, leaving the tiniest bit of sunburn behind. 
He laughed, standing and helping you up. “The weather is perfect,” he said, putting his arm around you. 
“Thank you,” you said. “I do try.” 
You two ended up in the local park, hand in hand. Heroics headquarters stood high in the background, reminding you of the ever looming responsibility Marcus had on his shoulders. The weather remained nice, sunny and a perfect temperature for a walk. 
“How’s Missy?” You asked eventually, after bouncing from topic to topic. 
“Good!” Marcus said happily. “She’s a natural leader.” 
You smiled. “I wonder where she gets that from.”
Marcus laughed. Before he could say anything, however, his watch beeped. “Crap.” 
“Work.” Marcus took his jacket off and put it across your shoulders. “Keep this safe for me, okay?” 
You nodded, drawing the worn leather tighter around you. “You better come back for it!” 
Marcus began to jog across the park, turning back to smile at you. “I always do!” 
As he ran off, you sighed, turning away and heading back to Marcus’s house. It wasn’t too far, and the weather would remain nice as long as you stayed calm. 
Of course, the sun can’t last forever. 
You got home, seeing Missy already there. “That bad, huh?” You asked, grabbing a glass of milk. 
Missy shrugged. “They wouldn’t tell me.” 
“Well that’s a load of crap,” you said, sitting at the table next to her. “Let’s see if we can’t see him on the news.” 
Missy perked up, following you into the living room and turning on the TV. A bunch of reporters were already covering the attack, and you eagerly nudged Missy. “There he is.” 
As the fighting continued, you grew more and more worried that this wouldn’t go well. Marcus was getting visibly tired, protecting an unconscious Ms. Vox. The faceless enemies piled up around him, staining the ground red. It wasn’t until you felt a hand on your thigh that you realized what was happening outside. 
The sky was dark, a deep blue-purple grey that scared you so much lightning began to flash in the sky, splitting the nightmare clouds and making you jump. 
“You need to calm down,” Missy murmured, crawling into your lap and taking your hands. You breathed with her, feeling her back expand against your chest. Eventually, the sky settled at a gentler grey overcast, a light rainfall hitting the ground as Missy turned the TV off. 
“He’ll be fine,” she promised, scooting next to you and pushing herself into you. “He always is.” 
He was not. 
A heroics agent came to the house within the hour, solemnly telling you that Marcus had been kidnapped. His location was unknown, and the agent handed a shocked Missy Marcus’s shattered watch. 
As soon as the agent gave you two the information, the rain heavily increased until it was pouring. There was no thunder, just a dismally grey sky and a steady downpour. Missy walked over to the kitchen counter, gently placing the ruined watch down next to a photo of the three of you, smiling and happy on a beautiful sunny day. 
Four days of straight, nonstop rain later, you were slowly rolling a pen across Marcus’s desk in Heroic headquarters. Miracle Guy and Tech-No were with you, keeping you and Missy, who was sitting in the corner of the office and doing her homework, safe. However, nothing was really happening, so having them there was pointless. 
Pointless until a beeping startled you, sending a split second of hail across the window. 
“That was me.” Tech-No checked his watch, standing abruptly and gesturing Miracle Guy to his feet. “They found him.” 
“Found who?” You asked, also standing. “Marcus?” 
Miracle Guy hesitated by the door, looking between you and Missy. “Missy, get the kids and meet me on the bus in five minutes.” 
You followed after Miracle Guy, your anxiety making the winds outside pick up. “Hey!” You shouted, but he didn’t turn. No one did. “What’s going on?” 
Missy and the other kids raced over to the bus, Tech-No ushering them on. You tried to follow, but Miracle Guy refused to let you pass. 
“I promised Marcus I’d keep you safe,” he yelled over the wind. “That means you’re staying here.” 
“If they don’t go, I don’t go,” Missy countered, stepping off the bus and standing beside you. 
Miracle Guy faltered. “Missy.” 
Missy stood her ground, glaring at the Heroics until they let you on the bus. 
The ride to wherever you were going was silent, all other noise being drowned by the rain, which only got worse as the bus got further and further from headquarters. 
“Marcus is in the second building on the left,” Miracle Guy said once the bus began to slow. “Missy, you take the kids and secure the surrounding area. We’ll go in teams of two, staggered by a few minutes. Once he’s been retrieved, take him to the ambulance. We don’t know what his current condition is, so be prepared for anything.” 
“What about me?” You asked, hesitantly standing. 
Miracle Guy pointed to the ambulance that had pulled up beside the bus. “Stay here. If we get him out, he’ll want a familiar face. Try and stay calm. The last thing we need right now is a hurricane.” 
You nodded, grabbing an umbrella and setting yourself up under the small tent next to the ambulance. 
The wait was agonizing, but you managed to calm your nerves until the wind was just a slight breeze. The kids got the surrounding buildings secured, flushing out a bunch of low level villains. The police arrested them all, and Missy joined you under the tent. 
“Anything?” She asked. All the Heroics had gone in, and yet, none had returned. 
“No.” You fidgeted with the umbrella handle, your anxiety making the air cold. “Nothing yet.” 
Just as you spoke, Ms. Vox stumbled out of the building, supported by Blinding Fast. Two paramedics rushed over, helping them under the tent and calling for more ambulances. 
“What’s going on?” Missy asked, looking worriedly at Ms. Vox’s injuries. 
She shook her head. “They aren’t very strong,” she said softly, her voice incredibly scratched. “Or organized but there are so many of them. I think Tech-No found Marcus, but couldn’t do much. Lavagirl is out cold, and last I saw of Sharkboy, he was trying to help her. I don’t think they’re doing okay.” 
Missy bit her lip, looking back at the building. “We’re going in.” 
You hesitated. “Who are you taking?” 
She turned to look at you, genuine fear in her eyes. “You.” 
Missy took your hand. “We’ve got this,” she promised. “For Dad.” 
You nodded, the rain lightening substantially. “For Marcus.” 
The two of you raced into the building, followed by Missy’s team. She began shouting directions, sending the kids off in various directions. By the time she was done, it was you, her, Wild Card, and Guppy racing up stairs and down halls. 
In the end, you and Missy reached a door that had been smashed in, Tech-No unconscious just outside the doorway. Missy propped him up on the wall and gestured Guppy over. “Think you can take him downstairs?” 
Guppy nodded, lifting Tech-No easily and carrying him off towards the waiting ambulances. 
Missy gestured Wild Card into the room first, and he immediately began to take out villains. You slipped into the room behind him, trying to keep your bearings beyond the muddled mix of emotions brewing in your chest. 
You spotted Marcus laying, unconscious, in a cage, his body smeared with blood. You gasped, feeling the anger and fear turn your vision dark. 
Missy slipped behind you, pressing a hand to your arm. “Stay calm.” 
“Forget calm,” you growled lowly, looking at her, crouched down beside you. “Get Wild Card out of here. Evacuate the building as best you can. Get everyone away from the area and into sturdy buildings as far away as you can.” 
“What are you going to do?” Missy asked, clearly nervous. 
You balled your fists. “I’m getting your father out of here.” 
Missy left, grabbing Wild Card and going, yelling down the halls to get out. You rushed the remaining villains, the rain getting heavier and heavier as you fought, using the minimal fight training you had. 
Finally, the villains were all out, piled on the floor in limp heaps. You quickly opened the cage and pulled Marcus out, dragging him to the middle of the room. If this didn’t work, it would kill everyone. If it did, it could be your saving grace. 
You sat on the floor, pulling Marcus into your lap. His eyes opened slightly, one of them swollen and bruised. “Babe?” 
“Hush,” you whispered, cradling him with one hand and raising the other to the circular window in the ceiling. The rain pounded, and you concentrated on the feeling behind it, focusing on the soreness in your body until the rain turned to hail. The hail grew in size until it shattered the window, baseball sized chunks of ice hitting the floor, avoiding you and Marcus. 
You kept your hand raised, feeling it burn, the white hot fire racing down your arm as you poured anger into your heart, the red hot emotions mixing with the pain in your body until you were screaming, summoning a huge bolt of lightning to strike the building. 
When you opened your eyes again, it was to sirens and the smell of smoke. You cracked an eye, seeing charred rubble all around you. Sunlight filtered down, warming your face as you collapsed against Marcus. He was limp as well, and you were both supporting each other. 
“You did it,” Marcus murmured into your heat from where his chin was resting against your shoulder. “You turned your power into your own.” 
You smiled, using the last of your strength to grip his shirt. “Don’t you ever do that to me again, okay? I was so worried.” 
Marcus chuckled weakly. “I’ll try not to get kidnapped again,” he promised. 
The rescue team found you a few minutes later, lifting you both from the smoking remains of the building. Missy hugged both of you, crying her eyes out and insisting on riding in the ambulance with you. Aside from being shocked and a bit dazed, you were okay, slumped against the ambulance wall as you watched a paramedic stitch up a wound on Marcus’s arm. 
Two days later, the sun was shining and the weather was warm as Marcus was discharged from the hospital. Heroics had given him a vacation, letting him recover in the safety of his own home for a month. Missy was off from school for a week, using her time off to relax and forget what had just befallen you. 
“Weather’s nice,” Marcus commented happily as you two walked through his house and into the backyard. 
You smiled, sitting next to him in the grass. “The forecast all week is supposed to be sunshine,” you murmured. 
Marcus nodded, leaning his head onto yours. “Y’know, I knew exactly when you got the news,” he said softly. “The rain was so loud.” 
“I’m sorry.” You picked at a loose thread on your shirt, anxiety making clouds roll across the sun. 
“No,” Marcus insisted, taking your hands. “I knew it meant you were missing me. And that you’d come for me.” 
You smiled, the sun beginning to shine bright again. “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” Marcus said. “And by the way, do you still have my jacket?” 
You laughed, the weather warming. “It’s in the house,” you said happily. “Didn’t want to ruin it.” 
Marcus smiled. “You’re the best.” 
You leaned into his chest, looking up at the sky. It was picture perfect, with a few scattered clouds and a bright sun to warm everything. “I know.”
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eminems-skittles · 3 years
broken mugs and broken hearts [spencer reid x reader]
spencer reid x fem!reader warnings: angst, breakup word count: 1.7k ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
the smell of night lingered in the room as a chilled wind rustled the blinds of the open window. crickets chirped in the distance and the hum of car engines from the busy street met her ears. she sighed as she settled into the warm blankets on their shared bed. well, now it was her bed. she let her eyes wander around the room, memories of them, of him flooding her mind. her eyes drifted to the corner of the room, the memory of when they slow danced in candlelight playing in her mind. tears gathered in her eyes. she looked away, focusing on the side of the bed that he slept on. it was still made, untouched since the morning he left. the only thing out of place was his pillow, which she swapped for her own. it smelled like him. the scent of old books and coffee lingered on the pillow even after two weeks. she thought back to the weeks leading up to their demise, silently scolding herself for not realizing sooner. a tear slid down her cheek. she thought about the morning they broke up. the morning he effortlessly shattered her heart into a million tiny pieces, leaving her to clean up the shards of their love by herself.
y/n walked into the sun bathed kitchen humming the song that had been stuck in her head for the past three days. she wasn't sure where she had heard it but she couldn't seem to get the catchy tune out of her head. she floated through the kitchen, the rhythmic click of her heels paired with her humming alerted spencer of her presence. he held his breath as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, mumbling 'good morning, darling.' he stiffly nodded his head, his eyes remaining on the newspaper in his hands. y/n pulled away, confused by his lack of response.
"everything alright, darling?" she asked as she slowly moved to the counter to pour herself a cup of coffee. once again she was met with silence. "darl-"
"i can't do this any more," spencer interrupted, his voice harsh and low.
"you can't do what anymore?" she asked cautiously.
"this. i can't be in this relationship anymore. i can't," he forced out.
"did i do something? we can fix this. please," y/n begged. tears began to slide down her cheeks, her makeup following the wet trails.
"we can't fix this."
"yes we ca-"
"no, y/n." she was taken aback by the force in his voice. "we can't fix this because i don't want to fix it. i don't love you anymore."
and with that final blow to her heart, he grabbed his jacket and walked out the front door. she held onto the counter, gripping it as if her life depended on it. in a strange way, maybe her life did depend on it. if she let go, she would surely collapse and who knows if she'd be able to pull herself up. she couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. in a matter of minutes, her life had been flipped upside down. she stared at the table as hot tears furiously fell from her eyes. his cereal was barely touched, the milk still sitting on the counter. his coffee cup was next to the bowl, mocking her as she wept. of course he had chosen to use the mug she got him for a secret santa that penelope had arranged several years ago. y/n strode over to the table and delicately lifted the mug up to her eyes. she examined it for a second before turning towards the empty wall. she laughed to herself, remembering how her and spencer always said they were going to hang up their pictures but never got around to doing it. her bitter laughter turned into painful sobs as she thought more about it. without even thinking, she threw the mug at the blank wall. she barely flinched when it crashed into a million small pieces. she had done to the mug what spencer did to her heart, and she couldn't bring herself to clean up the pieces of broken glass. not when she had to clean up the pieces of a broken heart and broken relationship. she trudged over to her phone and called her best friend.
"y/n? where are you? you were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago," emily's voice, full of concern, flood through the speakers.
"can you...can you tell hotch i won't be in today?" y/n sniffled.
"are you alright? oh hey, reid. what's up with y/n?" she heard emily ask.
"don't ask him," y/n breathed out. "we...we broke up this morning."
"oh sweetie," emily sighed. "i'll come over tonight okay?"
y/n sighed as she recalled the night that followed their split. she spent several hours crying into emily's shoulder. emily didn't ask about the broken glass on the floor, and y/n didn't explain.
in the two weeks since they broke up, y/n didn't go to work. instead, she laid in bed all day with the blinds drawn shut and blankets piled over her. she cried until she felt her lungs burn and her head ache, longing for spencer to be there holding her. she barely checked her phone, letting all of her phone calls go to voicemail. she had completely cut herself off from the world outside of her bedroom.
more tears fell as she recalled the past two weeks. she brought the back of her hand up to her teary eyes, brushing away as many tears as she could.
a sharp knock on her front door brought her mind back to the room. her eyes lazily dragged from spencer's pillow to the clock on the night stand. 11:34. she hesitantly got out of bed, pulling spencer's old sweater tighter around her body. she slowly padded down the hallway the person knocked again. she froze when she heard the jangling of keys and a lock unlocking. when the door swung open, she gasped in shock.
"what are you doing here?" she asked him. the only thing separating them was the kitchen table. well, that and the broken mug that she had yet to sweep up.
"i was worried about you. emily and penelope said you haven't been returning their calls," spencer explained as he stood awkwardly by the door. his eyes trailed from her to the broken mug strewn across the floor. "what happened?"
"what happened? what happened?" y/n asked, bitter humor in her voice. "what happened, spencer, is you did to me what i did to that mug. you took my heart and you smashed it into millions of tiny pieces and you didn't even bother to clean up the mess."
"no, spencer. now is my chance to speak. you said everything you needed to say two weeks ago. do you know how painful it's been? how hard it is to try to fall asleep knowing that the love of your life doesn't love you anymore? or knowing that the love of your life just left you there to break into a million tiny pieces without caring about the aftermath? because i do. it's hell, spencer. it's actual hell. i've never felt so much pain in my entire life. what did i do wrong? was i not enough for you? did you find someone new who was prettier or-" spencer cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. y/n pushed his chest lightly. "don't do that spencer. you don't get to do that anymore. you don't love me, remember?"
"y/n, i made a mistake," spencer sighed. "i thought that if i cut things off with you, that if i ended things, i'd be able to keep you safe."
"spencer, we have the same job. we are constantly in danger. don't lie to me," y/n said, walking over to the couch. spencer followed her but sat on the coffee table in front of her.
"i'm not lying, y/n. i just- i wanted to protect you from cat. if you're with me, you're a target to her. i didn't want you to be hurt, or..." he trailed off.
"or killed," y/n finish. spencer nodded. he hesitantly picked up her hand, breathing a sigh of relief when she interlocked their fingers. "spencer..."
"i didn't mean it. i still love you. i love you more than i can accurately describe. i honestly don't know why i did it. i really thought that i was helping keep you safe but instead i hurt you more than cat ever could," spencer said, his eyes never leaving hers. "please, take me back, y/n."
"spencer, you really hurt me and that's not okay. i understand why you did it but it still hurt," y/n mumbled.
"i know, y/n. i know i fucked up but please give me one chance and i'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you."
y/n was silent for a second and the sounds of crickets and cars filled the room. she squeezed his hand lightly and smiled at him. "one more chance. but let me make this clear, if you ever pull that shit again, then we're done. for real."
"i completely understand. words cannot express how truly sorry i am, y/n. i was an asshole and i shouldn't have said the things i said. i love you," spencer whispered the last three words.
"i love you too, spencer. now come on, you owe me two weeks worth of hugs, cuddles and kisses," y/n said. spencer smiled at her before leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. when they broke apart, he rested his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling. "oh, um, sorry about your mug."
"don't worry about it," he whispered. he helped her off the couch and led her to their room.
the two of them slid into their respective sides before meeting in the middle, as if a magnet was pulling them together. spencer pulled y/n into his side, peppering several kisses across her forehead and cheeks.
"i missed this," he mumbled into her hair. "again, my love, i am so incredibly sorry."
"i know you are, spence. i know," y/n whispered back, kissing underneath his jaw.
silence fell over the two of them as the cold wind rustled the blinds, as crickets chirped and cars sped down the busy street a few blocks away. but all they focused on was the other's breathing. the sound of each and every inhale and exhale. the sound that told them they were home.
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