flamediel · 4 years
what do you think *is* going on with richard and dougs? i haven’t been able to figure out their vibe since his bday but i know they’ve been hanging out
withouoh hello so ik this is two months old and I suck for not getting to it sooner but it’s been in my drafts I swear. I’m kind of gonna do a long post w my theories so it’s all clear and people don’t have to look through my whole blog for the details, so here we go. 
ok so from what we know, Richard met Olivia at the 2019 AMAs in mid-October of that year. He followed her at the time, they probably started talking and hung out a bit at the time. then we don’t see them in the same place until New Years when she’s at their NYE show in New York. Could they have hung out together before then? I hope so, because if their first date was across the country and with his mom then olivia, hon, idk what you were thinking. but they’d also known each other for just over three months and both were at the height of their careers at the time. olivia was posting nearly constantly with new dances and shoots and uhhh. none of them were in Miami. so unless Richard was hidden away in her LA flat while a doppelganger did all his QQS promo for him, then they didn’t see each other that often. 
So, we see them together on NYE, and at that point, we can assume it’s a relatively new relationship. Then we see nothing about either of them until Cancun. of course, we can assume they hung out before that. Olivia did a lot of traveling around the US and spent a good chunk of time in Florida, but she was in Perdido Key which is nowhere near Miami. that’s like if my ex was in Aswan and I was in Cairo everyone assumed we were hanging out, yk? CNCO was maybe a little less busy around this time, especially later in quarantine, but I think we can assume quite safely while they definitely hung out and saw each other it wasn’t that often. Certainly, there was no evidence to suggest they were steady enough for it to be a relationship. Anyway ik none of this is about Doug but i feel like it’s important backstory for when she enters the picture in August. Richard has known olivia for a while, but how much time could they have realistically spent together when both were so busy and living on opposite sides of the country? can it really have been called a serious relationship up until this point? I sincerely doubt that, at most they were hooking up. 
Anyway, we all know Rich meets Doug from the Beso mv, and immediately she’s everywhere. he’s liking her pics and reposting her on his insta stories. She’s at his house and with his cat. it’s obvious she’s going out of her way to publicise the time she spends with him, and it’s possible olivia spent time with him that we didn’t see, but I also don’t think that would be feasible just logistically. then he takes olivia to cancun and is liking Dougs pics WHILE THERE which?? definitely a fuckboy move lmao. but after the trip, Olivia is back in LA doing her own thing w countless photoshoots and richard is back in Miami.. spending very visible time with doug. 
This goes on. we kind of see them both around a little for a while until in December olivia posts that she just got dumped. Then Doug is at his birthday with aaliyah and all over him after beso until she randomly disappears. 
Ok, time to pause and give my opinion. there’s this narrative in fandom that like, olivia and rich were exclusive and he cheated on her with Doug, and like one relationship was more meaningful than the other. Personally? I see the exact same pattern repeating itself twice lol. 
he meets a girl. he’s obsessed FAST. they meet his family without knowing him for long. Does that mean much to him? No. He’ll fly them out and pamper them and have them around a lot. Does THAT mean a lot? nope. He tells them what they want to hear but I doubt he ever commits, becuase we fucking know him. And then he gets bored or meets someone new or has bigger shit to deal with and moves on. plain and simple. Like, I don’t think it’s as deep as someone getting cheated on. Maybe hurt, but I doubt there was enough of a relationship for there to be commitment. Doug, to me, was just another random hookup. he’s probably still keeping her around for when he’s bored, since it’s convenient af to have her in Miami, but he’s not committed. He’s gonna keep liking other girls’ posts, including olivia’s. does that mean he’s committed to HER? also no lol. he’s a fuckboy, always was, and doug is at worst an ex-hookup and at best a current one. 
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zabadeldejesus · 4 years
We haven’t seen Appa in awhile ☹️ What gives?
I have been asking this myself for a long time now, we see/hear the dogs during the interviews but Appa is literally nowhere to see :(( I need Zabdiel to post something with Appa asap
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chrisdiels-babygirl · 4 years
Definitely go-karting with my boi. I’m super competitive and I get the feeling he is too, and I think we’d have so much fun trying to beat each other. Then he could hug me after and kiss my forehead while we get burgers and fries
Yeah that does sound like fun to be fair, but I'd still prefer mini golf with Chris less of a chance of me killin myself🤭😂
Send an ask and tell me would you rather go, go karting with Richard or would you rather play mini golf with Chris and why?
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h-bea92 · 4 years
Thank you so much. 🥺❤️ I love seeing you on my dash!
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redpoodlern · 3 years
can you please let jason know I’m not feeling well from the second vax and he’s welcome to come over and take care of me? pls thx
You poor thing. He’s on the way...🥵
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itzjessjen · 4 years
all these pix of richuki are killing meeeee!!!
Girl it's gonna kill you some more. Before I started, I had like around 150 pics of him. Yes I said 150!! I think I have around 90 more to go. We're all gonna be forever ruined by the time I'm done
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cailemp3 · 4 years
happy birthdayyy!!
aaaaa!!!! Thank uuu very much lovely :’)💞🥰
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calums-betch · 4 years
🌸✨ Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome 🌸✨
thank you babe ❤️
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Hank x Reader: Taking a bath together and then sharing a bed 🥰
This is just pure indulgent fluff.
Warnings: Age gap I guess?
Want to join my taglist?
You stretched out in the bath, feeling your toes hit the end of the tub. It wasn’t as hot as you normally liked, but at this stage in your pregnancy you couldn’t end up like a lobster. You looked down at your swollen belly, feeling your baby squirm. It was the weirdest sensation, and every few minutes you’d see your stomach move with a kick.
“How’s the Cabbage?” Hank walked in, pulling off his clothes as he did.
“Moving a lot. They miss their dad, doncha know. Join me?” You sat forward to let him get in, sitting in between his legs. Hank wrapped his arms around your belly, rubbing it gently. The baby always knew whenever he was holding you, and you felt the kicks move to where his hands were.
“Active. So do we have a soccer player, a kick boxer or a gymnast growing in there, Mrs. Voight?” You leaned back, relaxing against his chest.
“All three with how they’ve been going. I thought they would have run out of room by—oof!” A particularly hard kick hit you in the ribs, and you shot forward with the force of it. “I know we said having a baby was a good idea, but I don’t know how I’ll deal with another ten weeks of it.”
“You can do it,” Hank whispered in your ear, kissing your shoulder. “Because you are my strong, capable wife, who’s delivered other people’s babies. You can do this and I’ll be there every step of the way. I even gave Miller my paternity leave papers today.” You laughed at that.
“I bet she was surprised to be getting them from you and not Halstead.”
“You say that like nobody knows. How long’s it been since you’ve been at the 21st?”
You thought back. “When I was still on light duty after my shoulder dislocation. Why?”
It was Hank’s turn to laugh at that. “Well, one of the photos on my desk is the sonogram. Half the team thinks it’s adorable, half of them think I’m insane.”
“I mean, most of Chicago thinks you’re insane, is that really different? C’mon, the water’s getting chilly, I want to get out.”
Hank stepped out first, wrapping himself in a towel before helping you out and giving you a warm one. You dried and got into a nightgown, unable to deal with the bump pushing against now too small pj tops.
Once you were ready for bed you got in, curling up on your side. Hank got in behind you, but before he curled up he got down to your belly, pressing a soft kiss to where the latest movement was.
“I love you, you know that? You’re so lucky to get your mom as a mom, and I’m gonna make you proud that I’m your dad.” He left one last kiss before curling behind you, spooning up against you and wrapping his hand over your bump, intertwining his fingers with yours.
Taglist: @ohitsnicolexo @redpoodlern @wanniiieeee @trishxtrix @mileika @melblacc @mcgreads @securityfriendly-jay
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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It’s Just A Scratch
Jason Hayes x Reader
Requested by Anon // Hey rebel. Can I request a Jason Hayes and reader where the reader is part of bravo and she gets injured on an op and he gets super worried but they have to get on with the op and on the way back home on the plane he showes her how worried he was really fluffy and some smut when they get home ❤❤
Join The Group Chat Here - If You Want Tagging Manually Let Me Know 🖤
Jason Hayes Masterlist
This Months Writing
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“Bravo Seven what’s your sitrep” was the last thing you heard down the coms before the explosion went off.
Both you and Sonny dropped to the floor shielding your head from the grenade that just blew up in your face.
“Fuck” you gasped as you slowly uncovered your head. “Sunshine you okay?”
“Yeah I’m sound” he shouted from across the room “you?”
“Yeah I think” you said as you placed your hand on your thigh, before lifting it to your face seeing the red mixed with the dirt.
“What do you mean you think?” Sonny said appearing over you.
“Got hit” you winced rolling onto your back. “Don’t know how bad but I’m bleeding”
“Can you walk?” Sonny asked as he helped you to your feet.
“Nope” you winced putting all your weight on him.
“Bravo one we got a problem” Sonny said down the coms “little madam got hit by the grenade, we are gonna need medivac”
“How bad?” Jase screamed down the radio. But you shook your head at Sonny not to tell him you currently had a bit of metal jammed into your thigh. “Sonny fucking answer me”
“Jase calm the fuck down” you said down the coms “it’s bad enough I need medivac and can’t be sorted here so quit worrying and get the HVT okay! I’ve got Sonny I will be fine”
“Solid copy” Jase said with annoyance in his voice.
“The way you put him in his place amazes me” Sonny laughed as he helped you get behind some cover.
“Yeah he forgets when we are out of the field that he can’t protect me” you laughed “it’s like everything goes out of the window. Have you radioed to HAVOC yet?”
“Not yet” Sonny said “but on it”
Leaning against the wall you stared at your leg and the three inch of metal sticking out of your thigh, you didn’t need to see the wound to know that it was going to leave a nice scar.
“Medivac 10 Mikes out kiddo” Sonny said sitting beside you as he made a makeshift tourniquet around your thigh. “You good?” He asked watching your bite the cap off the needle before gritting your teeth as you injected the shot of morphine.
“Never been better sunshine” you laughed resting your head on his shoulder, with your assault rifle ready just in case.
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You knew what was coming next as you heard the boys pull up. The peace and quiet was going to shattered and the game of cards you and Sonny were playing was abandoned as everyone rushed back.
“You know if we weren’t giving you enough attention you just have to say” Clay smirked kissing the top of your head “no need to get metal jammed in you leg”
“Do you want me to punch you?” You laughed raising your brow at him.
“Nah I’m good” Clay laughed fist bumping you “also Jase is fuming at you”
“When isn’t he let’s be honest” you laughed leaning back on the gurney, the metal was too embedded in your leg to risk pulling out until you were back at base.
“Just warning you” Clay laughed as he wandered off.
Taking a deep breath as Jason appeared next to you with a pissed off expression on his face.
“Seriously baby” he sighed.
“It’s just a scratch” you shrugged as his gaze fell to your thigh.
“Shit that’s more than a scratch” Jase sighed “How many times are you gonna get injured from a grenade or frag?”
“Well I’m sorry the weather forecast didn’t warn of falling grenades” you sassed with a smirk on your face.
“Okay smart arse” he said rolling his eyes before he pulled up a box to sit on, taking your hand in his. “The moment Sonny said you needed medivac I panicked especially after hearing the explosion”
“This is why I told him not to tell you what my injury was because I knew you’d come storming across” you whispered brushing your thumb over his hand. “Because you get very overprotective at times”
“I can’t help it” he laughed looking up at you. “If anything happened to you I don’t know what I would do”
“Jase baby, nothing is going to happen to me, okay” you whispered, placing your hand on his cheek. “I just got impaled with debris, we managed to avoid the blast”
“It’s just a massive fear of mine” he whispered resting his head on your lap as you ran your hands through his hair.
“Trust me, I learned from the best I’m not going anywhere” you smiled.
“I swear when we get home you are on bed rest until that heals” he whispered looking up at you. “I am not being deployed without my girl that is a fact”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @ohitsnicolexo @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading
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flamediel · 4 years
Follow up to your Joel/SS theory, how do we know she knew Joel first? I always thought Maga introduced her to Chris first. But did she already know Sam C who was friends with Joel and met him that way?
Personally, I wasn’t around so everything about this is second hand but most people I’ve spoken to say he met her first. it COULD be that we’ve all confused it w the Emilia stuff since Chris also had a period where he was liking Emilias posts, but that doesn’t add up since he didn’t steal her from joel there, we know that for sure seeing as who dated who. 
plus ik sam s was liking Emilia's posts before she even met the boys, but again it’s all speculation. it’s just fucking weird that he would make that kind of comment at that time esp w everything happening back then and where we are now, but ofc we never know
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zabadeldejesus · 3 years
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!
I love youuu 🤍
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chrisdiels-babygirl · 4 years
I'd rather let Richard choose anywhere to pierce. A piercing can be taken out and heal up, but with Chris' chaotic energy, he might give me a crazy-looking stick-and-poke tattoo that I'd have to get lasered off
I have to respectfully disagree, I think people don't give Chris enough credit, like he would absolutely try his best to give you a good tattoo and make sure you're ok, now Richard I wouldn't trust him to pick ANYWHERE on my body to pierce, absolutely not😳
Send an ask and tell me would you rather let richard pierce any part of your body he wants or would you rather let Chris give you a stick and poke tattoo and why?
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h-bea92 · 3 years
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!
Thank you! 😁💖
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redpoodlern · 3 years
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... and you will be forever if i have anything to say about it 😏
Absofreakinlutely!! The smile gets me every damn time.
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itzjessjen · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog!
Oohh another one!!
1. I used to be an athlete
2. I've had three ghost encounters
3. I've been to space camp
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