#oh...i tend to forget that others can read this too uhhh just ignore this i'm just really really happy
asb-fan · 6 years
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❤💜💜11th may 2018💜💜❤
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grown-clone · 3 years
Yes hi I’m in need of some TLC rn, could I please get a romantic matchup with a male character? Thank you lovely!
So, for the basics, I’m 21, 5’9 and go by he/him pronouns. I’m on the chubbier side but I have some mean leg strength (any day is leg day-). As for hair, I have an undercut atm. My natural hair color is blonde but it’s currently dyed brown and green (half half). My eyes are green. My clothing style swings back and forth between dark academia and … a mix of goth and emo.
I think for a quirk, I’ve always loved fire as an element, but as a child I dreamed of flying (let’s be real here, I still do) and I have two OCs with flight abilities.
So, for personality. I’m pretty easy going and sociable when I need to me but deep down social situations scare the living hell out of me. I’m also incredibly curious and I would love to consider myself a life long learner, some of the things I’m learning are through independent courses so I suppose I can say I’m rather independent as well, though dependable still. I’m incredibly loyal to my friends and I always try to stay true to my word. However, I can be quite forgetful at times… anything else? Eh. I’m rational rather than emotional, and I tend to take on a leading role most of the time. I can be incredibly extroverted but I do love my alone time and I can be on my own for long periods of time without getting bored. I’m also creative, and I draw, paint and write. To get back to the studies, I’m currently teaching myself Japanese, and I’m following a course on abnormal psychology. I’m also not at all afraid to stand out and be loud. Which I’ve been told I am… I’m not lowering my voice, Karen. I have something to say and you’re gonna hear it.
For likes, I love video games, board games, visiting museums, traveling, flying-. I also love learning about psychology and criminology, and I can spend hours upon hours reading up on certain cases. I also love doing research and I’ve taken a liking to Edgar Allan Poe.
Dislikes- well. Ignorant people, or people that are just too judgmental. Slow walkers. Also uh spiders. I don’t have that many dislikes. I’m chill like that.
I hope this’ll do. Thank you! Have a great day~
OMG YES I'm super excited about this one. SO, the person I match you up with iiiiiissssss
Natsuo Todoroki!!!!!!
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Natsuo saw you first in his Fathers agency when you were at U.A., asking him for advice to control your Quirk. You had dubbed the Quirk Avi-flare, a Quirk which allowed you to light your hands and feet on fire to attack others, and turn yourself into a large, beautiful Phoenix for aerial attacks, transporting civilians, or giving other heroes a ride. You were in some desperate need of training, as no one in your family had a quirk like yours. And unfortunately, Endeavor basically told you to f off and solve it on your own.
So Natsuo was left behind with a BIG OLE CRUSH and your angry at him and his bloodline.
Natsuo went looking for you at found you as you walked out of school that day, noticing the abrupt change in your hair from the day before.
"Hey! Dude!! Over here man!" He yelled, jumping up and down across the street. You glanced in his direction, and pointed to yourself. "Yeah, you!!!!" You jogged over, wary of the white haired boy.
"Uhhh, can I help you?" You said, leaning against a light pole.
"Hey, umm, ow this is going to sound weird. You were at my house yesterday, asking my dad for tips? I uhh,,, I felt bad and snuck around his office and..." Natsuo pulled out two notebooks filled with notes his Father had written on Touya when he was still around. "These were for my brother before he....Anyway he doesn't need them anymore. I think they'll do a lot more good in your hands!!!" Natsuo shoved the notebooks towards you and looked away, desperately fighting to keep his blush down. Oh god, why is he so hot? Ugh, dad's gonna kill me. You took the notebooks, curiously flipping through one. You eyes widened at the sheer amount of information of fire quirks, and you broke out in a small smile. "Thanks man!!" You said, looking up to see Natsuo desperately trying to cover his red face. He was not succeeding. "Whats your name?" You asked.
"Natsuo. Yours?"
"You can call me Y/N."
Even his name is hot, Natsuo thought. He stared at you as you tore a piece of paper out of one of the notebooks and wrote a phone number on his, handing it back to him. "Stay in touch, you hear? I might have more questions and need you to sneak back in to your dads notebook stash."
Natsuo only nodded, unable to speak as you turned and walked away.
You and Natsuo texted frequently, sometimes about his quirk, sometimes about school, but mostly about true crime podcasts that you both bonded over. Eventually Natsuo picked up on your need to recharge and have alone time, and you picked up on his need to be told that he was worth your time and energy. Natsuo's crush grew every time he talked to you, and you went totally unknowing. He was your first fan when your graduated and became pro hero Firebird, he got your first autograph(he actually got the first first one when you hung out at the movies once, and asked for it since he knew you would be a huge hero) and always bought your merch. And You were so proud of him when he decided to become a doctor, and supported him through his schooling.
Now, YOU were catching feelings, and catching them hard and suddenly. Natsuo just seemed to fit with you in a way none of your friends or past relationships ever did. And you almost lost him.
As a Todoroki, Natsuo was prone to getting kidnapped, and you knew that. You were normally very careful and always able to step in if you had too, but you had gotten in an argument early, somethign you can no longer even remember, and you told him you had to work and took an extra shift at the agency. A video was sent to you at three AM right as you got off patrol. It was Natsuo, bruised and bloody, with the caption "Since his Daddy wont come to save him, maybe his boyfriend will?". All you felt in that moment was numb. He had gotten caught because you bailed on him. Normally, you were good about keeping emotions out of the way for work, but something about this made you feel as though your body was fighting itself trying to stay calm and freak out at the same time.
You remember flying through the air, carrying none of the exhilaration or adrenaline you normally felt when flying, and then there was fire. Fire and fighting and you breaking someone's arms. Endeavor came to see you cradling Natsuo on your arms as he hung to your form, unconscious body that smelled slightly like charred skin littered around you.
"Natsuo, you big dumb idiot, I told you to be careful!!! I almost lost you!!!"
"But you didn't lose me! And I'm fine anyways, why do you care?" He looked at you
"You moron, I love you! I love you so much, I've loved you since the day you dressed up in that stupid ugly Christmas sweater with All Might on it and wore it to your dads, and I don't know how but I love you more and more every day, and I wouldn't know what to do if I had lost you and-"
His lips were on yours. He was cool to the touch, and you felt pure, raw, love pouring off of him like a fountain.
"I've loved you since the day you came to see my dad at his agency. I loved you even more when you wrote your number on that piece of paper, and I love you more and more every second I look at you. And I was so afraid that I would never confess to you and i would live with this big hole in my heart that you would never be able to fill and you're saying you've loved me since last CHRISTMAS?!?"
You stared in shock. This was not the reaction you expected.
"Y/N think of all the dates we've missed out on!!! All the cute texts we could have sent each other? All the fan mail you wouldn't have to see anymore because you'd be TAKEN!!!! BY ME!!!" He kissed you again, quick and energetic, and pulled you up and towards the door. "C'mon, we're having a date RIGHT NOW!!!"
"Natsu, your covered in blood!!!"
"I don't care!! I've waited YEARS for this!!!! YEARS!!! NEARLY A DECADE!! We're going on a date!!!"
And so you did. Granted it was at your apartment but it was the perfect first date, with snacks and hot tea and you patching him up. And neither of you wouldn't have had it any other way.
OMG I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! I really liked writing this one and i Hope Natsuo fits for you!!!
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