#oh shit it's an unnamed au!!!!
therummonster · 2 years
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whoop! Tayrun as a geneticist that actually enjoys his job.
pirate fish technically already drew good quality floofy tayrun {i have a soft spot for floof}
like last time, i have lore below.
Tayrun, lost his family due to an armed break in, and was quick to realize just how much debt could exist in the world. so he saddled up and attempted to find the first job that would pay him.
which was relatively quick seeing as how he got definitely-not-a-sketchy email from a big corporation to come work for them.
he was basically given a living in this place just vibin and creating beasts. of course his mental health declined due to how he felt like he put a piece of himself into every creature, so watching two tear each other apart fatally...
kinda kicked him in the shin. the breakouts were frequent enough that he was given a weapon to defend himself with.
the weapon is one of them stun poles, so he can stab it into something and then click the trigger to release a high electric shock. there's probably a little dial to change the shock amount.
despite saying he has no favorites, the peaceful wolf bat looking thing is absolutely one he will go on a 3 hour rant telling you just random cute things they did recently. aka: violet.
despite never personally meeting the main higher up, he had actually been hired directly by them.
another detail, the entire island is powered by a multiversal orb shard.
so when two folks show up, he immediately notices the main power source in their hands and questions them... before another breakout occurs.
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klausinamarink · 1 year
One Kid Gone, Another Up and Vanished (part 7)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 next: Part 8
spoilers but a phone call gets through!
“You’re a thousand percent sure?”
Mike groans as he checks down the school halls, “Yes, Lucas. How many times do I gotta tell you that?”
“Well, maybe until I’m positive that we’re not having a collective auditory hallucination or the weirdo isn’t tricking us.” Lucas crosses his arms. Beside Dustin, El mutters “auditory hallucination” to herself with furrowed eyebrows.
“You guys hear that?!” Dustin exclaims too loudly, earning equally loud shushes. “Sorry, but El just said a scientific word without mispronouncing it! She really does have superpowers…”
“Not now, Dustin.” Mike hushes as they finally get to the AV club. He unlocks the door and lets everyone inside after peeking in. He guides El to sit in front of the radio while Lucas and Dustin turn it on.
Dustin won’t lie - he’s super excited to see El use her powers for the radio. He couldn’t believe it when she made Will’s voice come out. Will! Alive and singing!
But he’s still confused over Mike’s news of Will being with someone named Eddie. Eddie who? is their biggest question but El can’t say because she doesn’t know his last name or how to describe him.
“He’s a friend.” She keeps telling them.
Dustin prays it’s not Eddie Tremblay from fifth grade. The little sucker doesn’t deserve to be Will’s new friend after his football landed on their rocket project last month.
“Aaaand we’re in!” He announces, hopping behind El. Mike and Lucas squish against him even though they clearly have much more space.
El closes her eyes and listens to the whining static. Then the static changes through channels, voices quickly overlapping until they get more comprehensive. Then the voices get compressed into six, four, two-
“-Control to Major Tom..”
Dustin shoots his hand forward and grabs one of the speakers. But so does Lucas and Mike and now they’re slapping each other’s hands until Lucas finally takes it and yells, “Will, can you read us? Over!”
“‘Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong..’”
At the sound of the second person, Dustin’s first thought is oh thank God, it’s not Tremblay. Then his second thought is hm, this Eddie guy sounds kinda cool. Then his third thought is oh my god, we gotta talk to Will!
“Will! Do you copy? Over!”
“Will, where are you?”
“You feeling a bit better so far?”
“Tell Eddie we’re saying hi! Who is he? Over!”
“I’m getting cold again..”
“Me too. C’mon here.”
“Will! We’re right here!”
“How the hell are they not hearing us?”
“I wish I could go home…”
“So do I…”
El gives out a painful gasp and the radio explodes into flames. Dustin manages to extinguish it before the rest of the room catches, but the fire alarm goes off.
They all stare at the now-ruined transmitter, their only chance of connecting with Will and his mysterious new friend.
Eddie’s definitely missing.
It’s a fact that Jeff grows more sure of every day since Wayne Munson had asked him for Eddie’s secretive hideouts.
He keeps trying to ignore the seed of dread in his stomach, but it’s impossible now with the slightly somber atmosphere in the school after the morning announcement of Will Byers’ death. The fact that Eddie hasn’t shown up for classes or in the cafeteria again today isn’t helping either.
“If Munson’s still gonna be on his bender, he should’ve at least cancelled this week’s session.”
Jeff takes a half-open Skittles bag from Maya’s tray and throws it at Evan, making the two members jump. Maya because those are her Skittles and Evan because the bag hits his chest making more pieces fly out on the table.
“Eddie’s not on a bender.” Jeff hisses at Evan. Across him, Frankie is giving him one of his Don’t-Make-This-Any-Worse looks.
Evan huffs and crosses his arms, “Oh, yeah? Then where the hell is he?”
“Definitely not on a bender of any kind!”
“Gee thanks, that clears things up.”
Jeff’s about to snap back, but Frankie discreetly kicks his leg with a warning glare. It might be a good call because Jeff doesn’t know what to say next. Another defence of Eddie, for sure, but nothing to quench the rest of the club’s antsy-ness.
“Maybe he’s gone to a concert. Like hitchhiked to Indy or Chicago?” Maya asks after picking up her spilled candy.
“But he has a van?” Daniel, the senior member of Hellfire and their current drummer, frowns pointedly.
“What concert could’ve he gone to? Is there even any band playing in this bum state?” Evan raises his eyebrows.
“I dunno, Dio?”
“They’re touring in the UK right now.” Frankie says. Jeff shoots him a bewildered look that’s the equivalent to screaming are you kidding me? Frankie gives him a Play-Along-With-It look.
“Well, that settles it.” Evan raps his knuckles on the table. “Munson’s saved a fucking ticket to the goddamned Iron Lady’s territory and is breeding chicks in Dio’s mosh pit as we speak.”
Jeff stands up, no longer feeling hungry. He throws his half-eaten sandwich at Evan. The other boy gives out a disgusted shriek as the mayonnaise hits and stains his shirt. “Dude! What-”
“Shame on you.” Jeff keeps his voice even, just quiet enough for only Hellfire to hear him. Maybe it would somehow reach Eddie wherever the hell he is right now. “The only good thing about Eddie being absent is that he isn’t ripping the skins off of you and your characters right now. Especially you, Evan.”
He stares Evan down, who visibly gulps. “Eddie took you in the club’s open arms because he saw you were a loner who needed the right people to hang out with or you would’ve been one of the bullies. And this is how you thank him?”
He looks at the rest of the members and points at them accusingly. “When Eddie comes back from whatever he’s doing, I hope that rest of y’all feel guilty for thinking he doesn’t care. Because he absolutely does.” Then he grabs his bag and leaves the cafeteria without a second thought.
Outside is chilly as usual and the breeze helps relax Jeff’s nerves. For a while at least.
He stands at the parking lot, trying to think what he should do when he hears someone running over. He looks up and groans.
“Frankie, leave me alone, man.”
“So you haven’t heard anything from Eddie?” Frankie’s voice isn’t accusing but his look might’ve been.
“No. Not since the band practice days ago.” Jeff walks away but Frankie still follows him. “Then his uncle came and asked if I knew any places Eddie frequents. I told you guys that already.”
“Doesn’t stop Evan’s stupid theories.” Frankie mutters.
“You should’ve shut him up!”
“Are you kidding? You did better than what I could’ve done.”
“Words are stronger than death looks.”
Frankie snorts. He goes quiet as they reach the end of the school parking lot. Then he says, “Are you going to search for Eddie?”
Jeff stops. Turns and stares at him. “Uh, yeah? I mean, from what he said, Wayne’s probably already doing that. So, I dunno, I’m probably gonna do the bare minimum. Like where am I going to look, dude?”
Frankie doesn’t answer. His face is strangely pale and looking at something behind Jeff. He follows his friend’s phase and feels the dread well up in his mouth when he sees a poster on a nearby telephone pole.
He doesn’t need a closer look to recognize the black and white photo of Eddie from two months ago grinning at him or the large word MISSING written in Sharpie above it.
He tries very hard not to notice that it’s stapled right below Will Byers’ already wrinkled poster.
It’s a very strong feeling to see your best friend’s missing poster a few days after you last saw him alive.
Jeff forces to tear his eyes away from Eddie’s captured monochrome cheeriness. “Know what? Fuck it. Let’s find him. Wanna start at the woods?”
There’s something about singing quietly in the nightscape hell mirror version of your bedroom that makes Eddie’s fingers twitch to jolt it down somewhere.
After the meltdown at the house, Will had grew more quiet. Eddie had rocked him until Will complained of motion sickness and then Eddie had held him even when they slept.
After piggybacking the kid and singing “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?” (at least until Eddie admitted death by earworms and convinced a change to “Space Oddity”) on the way back to Forest Hills, Will seemed to be back in his original spirits. Still quiet but no longer on the verge of tears next to Eddie. Although his coughs started to sound more wet and shook his small frame like a leaf.
Eddie prays to god that he can speak to Wayne this time. He hopes his uncle to come up with a cooler code system than Mrs. Byers and maybe get them out somehow.
But the trailer is quiet, save for Will’s whistled breathing as he sleeps in Eddie’s arms, the old itchy quilt cocooning them both. He has to stay up. Keep a lookout for the demogorgon in this hell land and for Wayne in the real world. But he feels so tired. If he can rest his eyes for just a moment…
The sound of muffled crying wakes him up.
The longer Wayne stares at the posters, the bigger the impulse to rip them up grows.
After Hopper left, he had went back inside and started on making the Missing posters for Eddie. The hardest part of it had been trying to find the right photo of his nephew and he had held back tears at how much Eddie had grown. How happier he looks.
He had printed copies at the library, keeping his head down from curious and pitying eyes. Christi Waldon was nice enough not to charge him for the fees.
Then he started putting the posters up and Wayne had felt like he was making a mistake.
Nobody never said anything how difficult it is to go around town again, putting a poster with your child’s face silently begging strangers who may disliked them to find them, and to do all of this without the police helping.
Wayne had printed 100 copies. He only managed to put up 18 of them before it became too much and hurried home.
Now there’s a pile of 82 posters with Eddie’s face staring up at him on the table. Wayne can’t bring himself to rip them up no matter what his mind demands it. He has a new superstition that if he does, Eddie will never be found alive.
He checks the time. Seeing it’s only after six, he sighs heavily and takes out his cigarette. He’s briefly overcome with the memory of catching a fourteen year old Eddie trying to smoke and how his smart cookie of a nephew swallowed the lit cigarette, immediately threw up, and sobbed while Wayne had to sit down so he wouldn’t break his own ass from laughing so far. After they’d both calmed down, Wayne showed him how to smoke properly and said-
He said…
What did he say?
Something erupts from his mouth. He clamps a hand over, suddenly worrying that he just got sick. But there’s no taste of bile. Only wet salt. He takes his hand off and, ah. He’s crying.
Wayne gives a wet laugh. Then it gasps into another sob. He covers his mouth again, unable to hold the tears back.
Above him, the lights flicker.
It feels almost comforting.
Wayne sniffs, watching as the bulbs hang on to its dear life of electricity. Then one of the lamps next to the couch start flickering as well. Slow and rhythmic.
The sadness does go away, but it makes Wayne feel the back of his neck hairs stand up.
Eddie drops his hand from the lights, stomping over to the phone. “Fuck this, now’s the chance.”
Will glances at him from where he’s crouching by the lights, still tired from being jostled awake so soon, “Eddie?”
He turns to him and says, “Little Byers the Vanished, how does one make a landline in the Vale of Shadows?”
“You, uh, just pick it up-”
Eddie does exactly that.
“Wait! It won’t even last-!”
The phone rings with a shrill.
Wayne snaps his head over to it. He’s breathing slowly, watching the landline like it’s his childhood spider.
The atmosphere in his trailer feels suddenly colder. As if there are ghosts present. Waiting.
The phone rings and rings until it gets to voicemail, his gruff message for the last decade. “You’ve reached the Munsons. Leave a message after the beep.”
There’s nothing after the beep.
Wayne looks at the lights again. The ceiling light has stopped but ones over the kitchen and door are flickering this time.
The phone rings again.
He stands up slowly, walking over to the phone. It rings louder to his ears now. He tries to ignore the sudden sense of a presence behind and beside him as he picks the phone up and holds it to his ear.
He hears static as if the caller has a bad connection.
He clears his throat and speaks, “Wayne Munson speakin’.”
The static crackles with some kind of harsh breathing. It’s loud to make Wayne cringe away and hang up-
He freezes. The anxiety vanishes in an instant. “..Eddie?” He chokes out.
“Oh my lord…” Wayne clutches the phone closer. “You’re alive, right? Eddie! Tell me where are you!”
The phone bursts into literal shock. He drops it with a yell and it clatters to the ground, dead.
That was him. That was Eddie’s voice.
Breathing raggedly, Wayne’s gaze snaps up to the lamps flashing maniacally. The air around him feels desperate and sinks down upon him. Anxiety comes back as quick as it comes, squashing on the brief spot of hope he felt.
“Nah, fuck this.” He mutters as he swipes his keys and runs out of the door. He can’t deal with more ghosts at this hour.
Eddie slams his hands against the lights too hard. The pulsing glass bulbs nearly crack under the pressure.
None of it stops the sound of the truck engine starting.
“Wayne, it’s me! Can’t you hear me?!” Eddie’s throat is already dry from screaming, but he doesn’t care about it. “UNCLE WAYNE! JUST STOP AND LISTEN TO ME!”
He runs outside to the ever barren yard. He tries not to think about Wayne leaving just like how his dad did in his very last visit. How he had tried to chase after his dad’s car until Wayne stopped him. How he had been a crying mess while Wayne told him that both of them will stay together from now on.
The truck drives away, farther and farther. If Eddie can catch him-
His lungs constrict themselves again. He stumbles, scraping his knees and palms on the ground. He coughs, gulping in too many shaky breaths that almost tastes like glass shards. He calls out-
“Come back! Come back!”
It comes out as a hoarse whisper.
His throat hurts.
The truck disappears. The sounds of the trailers’ muted everyday life and his own painful wheezing replace it.
Eddie is vaguely aware of Will shuffling up next to him and wrapping his arms around his shaking shoulders.
Taglist: @unclewaynemunson @steves-strapcollection @hellion-child @sidekick-hero @mmmmwaffles94 @demolitionjetstar @hbyrde36 @princessstevemunson @sirsnacksalot @tartarusknight @lyriclight @kodaik97 @plsdontdrinkmylavalamp @bookbinderbitch @gutterflower77 @soaringornithopter @angeldreamsoffanfic @panicatthediaz @renaissan-vvitch @manda-panda-monium @newtstabber @little-trash-ghost
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kit-williams · 19 days
First words can damn you
@gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan has a couple of nifty soulmate au's... I personally don't like soulmate au's often please ignore the fact that their oc Petras has a chokehold on me so when I see they have a horror one... Momrad likes horror... here's my take on it. I also wrote this with a minor migraine so sorry if it actually reads like shit
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog @remembrancer-of-heresy
tw: blood; typical momrad insanity
unnamed and unspecified chapter of traitor/female (not really a reader in this situation)
Please... Let me die. As a child he didn't like the words on his wrist. Why would he have the misfortune of meeting them at such a low point in their life. When he became an aspirant those words became such a driving force behind him... he would be the hero! It had to be the context of finding them and he would be their savior! But as he grew and grew and how rarely he did hear those words... he didn't react but he always replied the same... no.
The heresy consumed him whole, retching him back up into something new, something twisted, something powerful. He was in such a position of power that he could hear those words pleaded to him and the sick satisfaction and bitter disappointment of never feeling that burn... not feeling that rush of joy in his hearts to find them.
He became more and more of a monster... anyone he gets his hands on usually begs for death quickly... he's no longer lucky enough to find others begging for death as when he was younger... no no he must be the catalyst for their suffering.
And he would look back on this meeting with relief... with joy that he in fact wasn't the cause for her pain... for her suffering... well not the direct suffering. She was a fresh body writhing on the spike weeping and he practically purred at the suffering of mortals. His eyes kept coming back to that bleeding naked form. Eyes glazed over with pain... fresh and dried blood coated her skin leaking from where she had been skewered on the spikes. "Please... let me die." She asks with a raw throat.
His spine tingled with anticipation of disappointment but he would relish in her suffering as he replies as he always does to this. Leaning in close as he purrs out with sickening delight, "No."
At first she starts to weep but then she screams and writhes as her eyes widen looking at him with horror as for him... his wrist burns. She thrashes upon the painful spikes as she screams no over and over and over again. It's easy to keep her from moving as he looks to her wrist just seeing the word No written there now glowing and warm... just as his is.
"Shhh shh none of that I know it must hurt for you my little mate. Someone will come to help get you down." He purrs petting her face, stealing a few kisses, and relishing the taste of her blood against his tongue.
For her? It's a nightmare. She babbles sobbing prayers to the Emperor to help her, to save her, to make her wake up from this nightmare, to strike her down, to do anything but let her fall into his claws. She cannot try to kill herself anymore by writhing on the spikes... he wont let her. Unconsciousness takes her as she is ripped free of the rusted spikes and there is a faint bit of hope that this is it.
A hope that dies... dies as she wakes up in a soft bed. His eyes looking into hers as his knuckles gently caress her cheek. "Hello my little mate." He whispers as he kisses her forehead, "Oh... oh how I've been looking for you for so long. And now that you are here... we have so much time to get acquainted. Do not cry my little mate... my brothers that hurt you before wont dare hurt you now. Its just going to be the two of us till you heal up; which I know will take some time given your feeble nature being a mortal." His face nuzzles hers as she can't stop the tears and the fear, he understands but knows that she should be happy that he has saved her... he will allow her mortal mind some time to recover from her trauma as well as her mortal body time to recover... he's being a very sweet and very generous soulmate.
Death was no longer an option for her and she wept.
He purred as he gently held and tried to comfort his soulmate feeling such utter joy. And surely she must be crying with joy at being saved...
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gojos-fr-bae · 5 months
Liar pt.8
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Pairing: Gojo x fem!eader
Warnings: ANGSTTTT, but fluff at the end, cussing, drinking, grinding, NOT PROOFRED, i don't think there's anything else but as always lmk if there is.
Note- the italics is a flashback, actually, Satoru's entire section is a flashback from pt 7.
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: VFYVKD. Guys, I think this might be the last part to this series😭😭😔😔 This has been a journey, thank you so much for everyone who has read this far, I truly and deeply appreciate every single one of you❤️❤️ I don't want it to endddd, so lmk if you would like me to keep writing for this au bc I would LOOVE to.
(Requests open)
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He was beginning to feel like he was slipping. He hadn’t had a glass since the shot he took before Kaito came to spend the night with him. Although it was now night and hours since his son had left, he naively thought that he had overcome his addiction since he hadn’t felt the urge to drink the whole time he was with Kaito. 
Oh how wrong he was. He needed to get a drink and fast. He jumped into his car and began speeding to the nearest liquor store, only to find it with an eight-person line. He didn’t have the patience to wait that long and made his way to a bar. Any bar, honestly speaking, he had no idea where he even was. 
He quickly went over, ordered, and chugged five tequila shots consecutively. Once the alcohol finally kicked in, he finally began to feel like himself again. 
‘He is disgusting. What kind of pathetic, sorry excuse of a man can’t survive without drowning himself in alcohol? How was he supposed to win you back and be a father for Kaito in such a state?’ 
These were the thoughts that ran rampant through his mind as he ordered a glass of whiskey, this time much more relaxed, seated on his stool, staring lifelessly into the endless abyss. 
He was slowly sipping his drink when he felt a pair of hands clutch his shoulders before slowly gliding down his arms. Because of his inebriated state, he wasn’t able to sense them approaching, however, he just chose to ignore, only seeming to amuse the stranger. He slowly turned his seat to face them. 
He was completely unamused when his eyes landed on a young woman clearly intent on getting into his pants. She evidently thought that she was the most beautiful girl in the room, therefore deserving a chance at him, but all he could think of was how ugly she looked in comparison to you. He just rolled his eyes, trying to go back to wallowing in self-pity. The lady just wouldn’t let up, turning around before she began grinding against him to the beat of the music. Foul, Satoru thought, feeling his patience run thin.
“Get away from me you fucking slut,” he hissed, venom lacing his words as he placed his hand on her waist, trying to push her away when next thing he knows, a palm is making contact with his cheek, landing a harsh slap across his face. It was only then that he finally sensed your cursed energy. He quickly turned to face you, heart plummeting when he saw tears streaming through your face. 
Shit, he can only imagine what this looked like to you. He tried to reach out to you but you just screamed at him and ran away from him. 
He began to panic. 
His heart was racing. 
The world around him was spinning and despite how hard he tried, he couldn’t move a single inch. His vision was getting spotty and all he could hear was the ringing in his ears. He felt like he was going to vomit. 
WHY! WHY HIM, WHY NOW! WHY COULDN’T HEJUST CONTROL HIMSELF AND STOP FUCKING DRINKING! He was absolutely torturing himself in his head as he spiraled. 
He finally mustered the strength to run after you, leaving the unnamed girl where she stood, utterly confused.
He ran as fast as his legs could take him but you were nowhere to be found. 
He leapt into his car and drove as fast as the vehicle could go. He was at Jujutsu tech in about five minutes but that was the longest five minutes of his entire life. He had to get to you. He needed to explain, he needed to make sure you know that it wasn't what it looked like.
After crying your heart out on the sidewalk, you eventually made your way back to Jujutsu Tech. You texted Shoko and asked her if she could take care of Kaito for the rest of the night. You felt so guilty for staying away from him for two nights in a row but you just couldn’t bear to have him see you like this.
Just as you were about to close the dorm door behind you, you heard running and frantic breathing approach. You didn’t even bother trying to fight Gojo as he forced his way through the door you were trying to shut.
“Y/N p-please” he took a pause, slightly hunched over as he attempted to catch his breath, “I pro- I promise it wasn’t what you looked like!” he tried to explain, clearly panicked. 
“What the fuck do you mean it’s not what it looked like, Gojo.” you questioned, putting emphasis on how you said his name. It felt like you were continuously stabbing him with a jagged dagger and he felt his knees getting weak but he couldn’t let you go, not now.
“My love please! I swear on my life it wasn’t! I wasn’t trying to do anything with her fuck! I don’t even know her name!” “Then what was it Gojo! She was grinding on you and you were FUCKING ENJOYING IT, DON’T YOU DARE LIE TO ME! I KNOW WHAT I SAW!!” You yelled your throat raw.
“I was trying to get her away from me! Please, believe me, I promise,” He dropped on his knees, reaching for your hands with his own shaking ones. Tears began to trickle down his face as his breathing grew heavy.
A small part of you wanted to believe it, but you were struggling. Deep down, you were telling yourself that he was telling the truth. But that was a part of you you hadn’t seen since Gojo was sealed. You survived this long without listening to it, so why start now?
“Gojo… this is enough, let's get a divorce-”
“Gojo you were gone for years! I LIVED WITHOUT A HUSBAND FOR YEARS! And from what it looks like, you CLEARLY didn’t feel my or Kaito’s absence! It seems pretty obvious that you’ve moved on-”
“BUT I HAVEN’T! I HAVEN’T! I GO TO BED HOLDING A PICTURE OF YOU CLOSE TO MY CHEST EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! I HAVE NEVER TAKEN OFF YOUR RING SINCE THE DAY I GOT BACK AND FOUND YOU GONE!” He cried, showing you your ring, which laid on his finger. You would be lying if you said you didn’t notice it, but you just assumed that was due to how expensive it was. It would’ve been a waste to let it collect dust in a drawer.
“Y/N, you and our baby boy are the only fucking reason I wake up every day. You two are the light of my life and when I lost you. I was so distraught I even started drinking and you know better than anyone how much I hate that shit, but it’s the only thing that takes my mind off of everything!”
You were now crying too, touched by what he was saying. You could see in his eyes that he meant every word and it shook you to your core. 
You stayed anchored where you stood, sobbing now as Satoru got up off his knees and took you into his arms. Hugging you as tightly as he could without breaking your ribs.
You couldn't even move. You just stood there and cried with him, feeling the weight of everything that had transpired over the past couple of years wash away.
All that grief, suffering, and pain over the past few years was washing away in your tears.
You love him.
You had pushed down your feelings for him so deep that for a moment, you forgot they were even there. But you love him, and he you, and you knew that there was know way either of you could live without each other any longer.
You love him, and he loves you, and nothing was going to change that. 
Not now, not ever.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
The End...?
@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here, @starlightanyaaa
© gojos-fr-bae
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mins-fins · 9 months
☆ 1, 2, 3 NCT DREAM !
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❝ jaemin really just broke the expensive ass
coffee machine.. how does he
expect to pay for that? ❞
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──── ﹒ 𓇬﹐⬦﹒ ⟡ SYNOPSIS !
𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 it's at times like this that you really wish you were born rich. in your opinion, there's nothing worse than having to wake up and get ready in the morning everyday just to be subjected to verbal abuse from adults who believe the world revolves around them. honestly, the fact that you somehow have enough patience to get up and go through this shit day after day is much more surprising to you then the next women that comes in attempting to assault you because you wouldn't give her a 50% discount.
unfortunately, the expensive ass tuition you have to pay and your basic life necessities mean that you can't exactly up and quit whenever you want to. you know if you hold on for just a little bit longer, you'll eventually be able to get through it, but with customers that enjoy berating you, managers that don't give two shits, coworkers that quite literally make you want to rip your eyes from their sockets, and all while trying to balance college work at the same time, your not sure if your remaining patience is gonna be enough to keep you from finally snapping at everyone.
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⌗ PAIRING 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 nct dream & male!reader
⌗ GENRE 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 college au, the characters work at unnamed retail place, sitcom style fic, fluff, angst, crack, comedy (attempted 😢), isa's written version of superstore, mostly platonic
⌗ WARNINGS 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 swearing, explicit language, the horror of retail working environments, shitty managers, mentions of smoking, mentions of mental breakdowns, depression, and verbal abuse, everyone has their issues and it sucks
⌗ STARRING 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 nct dream (ot7). original characters, other idols, and you of course!
⌗ STATUS 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 updates every now and then.
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⌗ CHAPTER ONE — killing my boss challenge!
⌗ CHAPTER THREE — jaemin the virgin sacrifice.
⌗ CHAPTER FOUR — free boba
⌗ CHAPTER FIVE — jeno x yn otp
⌗ CHAPTER SIX — that's an instruction manual
⌗ CHAPTER SEVEN — no pun intended
⌗ CHAPTER EIGHT — el oh el
. . . more chapters tba!!
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⌗ ISA SAYS ! um hello :]!! happy new year if your reading this and you are ahead of me in terms of timezones. during 2023 i had HORRIBLE luck when it came to actually starting a series and finishing it 🙁 and i am very disappointed in myself but tbh i was never really dedicated to all of those series but this is one im genuinely excited about this one because there's mostly a lack of romance and i am HORRIBLE at writing romance so yeah 🙏 i have to go to work now so i wont be around for a few hours but ily all have a very good new year 🫶
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puntastic-artist · 6 months
Howdy! I saw your tnmn pirate au and was wondering how the world is structured. How did these people from different walks (er swims?) of life end up in the same place on or near the boat?
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Right so lets begin with the setting and when and where everything takes place.
The AU is set in 1755, kings and queens rule many lands and was the golden age of pirates. The crew comes from multiple different backgrounds, poor, middle class, upper class, you name it!
Mermaids, Sirens (the doppelgangers in this AU), and Harpies aren't believed to be real, as the sailors who have seen them could provide no evidence. Cameras are a HUGE LUXURY item that none of them could even afford so not a single soul was believed. However some folks believed in these stories but have inevitably mixed them all up as time goes by (it's why nobody can agree on if Sirens are mermaids or bird people or just a type of mischievous creature of the seas), and as of the AUs present date nobody has gotten a sighting of any of these creatures.
Mermaids and Harpies only go to sailors, usually to mess with them a bit because a majority of the time they're just there to have fun. Sirens however? Their only goal is to satisfy their everlasting hunger by either; shape shifting into crew members so they can board, or luring them into dangerous waters and crash their ships against jagged rocks. Not many have survived sirens, as days if not months of being alone with nothing but rations and sea water will kinda fuck you up a bit mentally and physically, and to catch one you have to identify if they are or are not your crewmate.
Their shape shifting capabilities has ALSO added to the mix up of sirens, harpies, and mermaids and who is who. Sirens will eat mermaids to gain their power to sing hypnotic melodies, and eat Harpies for their ability to fly and their ability to create storms.
Mermaids and Harpies both have the capability to take on human forms! However this ability will usually mean they don't have the ability to sing or create storms. Sometimes if they're lucky they'll have both! But that's a rarity.
But back to sirens, due to the many sailors and pirates who see them, pirates and sailors have begun implementating and assigning an important role to certain members of the crew! The D.D.D or rather the S.D.S (Siren Detection specialist) is a person (typically a look out, medic, or first mate) who is made to run check ups and examinations on crew members to make sure no Sirens have snuck on board... Yeah uh these guys die. A lot.
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Character lore!!!!
Right so lets get on to the lore for each of the (currently drawn) crew members!
Angus and Izaack
Angus grew up in the lower parts of the unnamed city they once lived in, while Izaack grew up in the upperclass as his father was a nobleman. Still the two did everything together growing up. To try and earn Angus some extra cash when he went out to swindle money out of unsuspecting upperclassmen, Izaack would take some "cheap" jewelry nobody would miss and give it to Angus to sell!
This tactic could no longer work as well when they became adults though because Izaack's parents would lose their money gradually. So because Angus was on the verge of living on the streets and his buddy was slowly losing funds, he came up with an idea, the two of them could take a ship, go on an exploration around the world to find hidden treasures, and return home and live the rest of their lives with new found wealth! So they snuck on a Navy ship and set sail. Should be no problem right? No. Angus and Izaack stole it in the middle of the day and now their whole town thinks Angus kidnapped the nobleman's son and there's now a bounty on his head. They're (somehow) making it work though! Angus is the captain and Izaack is the first mate!
The twins
Selenne and Elenois are actually insanely powerful and rich women! However they have tricked the local land population into believing they're humans, as they are a mermaid and harpy respectfully! They get their insane riches from stealing from other pirate ships or from shipwrecks and trade the valuables they find! They have made an alliance with Angus and his crew because they help each other out! Both twins live on land and have Margrette sew their outfits for them (she's their only staff member who is aware they are not human)
Nacha, Francis, and Anastacha
Nacha came from a middle class family who wanted her to marry a wealthy man and live lavishly, while Nacha wanted to explore the world, find true love, and be free from her overbearing family.
Francis is a mermaid who came from an under sea kingdom which... He's not very interested in going back to if he's completely honest. His kingdom was full of festivals, parties, and celebrations galore, Francis just wanted quiet.
The two met one fateful night and fell in love, they dated for a bit, Francis pulled a little Mermaid, and Nacha married him! However because Nacha married a low class man, who doesn't even fucking wear shoes, she got disowned. But to them, it didn't matter. They had Anastacha and were happy!
Slowly though they fell out of love and ended their marriage and relationship on very friendly and sweet terms.
Now Nacha and Anastacha live in a small cottage while Francis visits whenever he can and supports his daughter!
However Nacha and Anastacha were kicked out of the family will years ago. Nacha was struggling to make an income, Francis was trying to support in any way he could, and Anastacha felt completely powerless to do anything. So when Anastacha found Angus' boat hiding as they began to stock up on supplies she took the opportunity to set sail and return to her mother with riches beyond their comprehension, becoming a stowaway.
When Nacha noticed her daughter was gone she and Francis searched for her until they saw her on the pirate ship as it set sail and raced to rescue her.
Now all 3 family members, to their shock, are the new (and before Mia and Afton, only) members of the Cipprianni crew!
Mia and Afton
Their story is very simple! They're a simple, lovey dovey, newly wedded couple looking for adventure and excitement! As they want to spend the best years of their lives together in the most entertaining and adventurous way yet, joining a pirate crew! They promise to aid the crew in their endeavors for as long as they need, after all they have the entire ocean and skies to explore together, so why not get started?
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So really quick just because I wanna make it clear: there's no canon ships in this AU!!! Other than the previously established relationship of Nacha and Francis ofc, nothing is canon, if you wanna draw Francis with Angus or Izaack with your oc, I don't mind! Go for it! Have fun! Just because I draw a shit ton of DairyWheel doesn't mean you can't still draw your favorite ship.
Thank you for getting to the end of all this btw!!! It means a lot!!!
Can't wait to make more stuff for this AU!!!
Keep proshipping or anything of the like AWAY from my AU. I want none of it.
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gravesung · 2 days
chef/cafe au thoughts.
suguru caught a lucky break right out of culinary school and his career skyrocketed — maybe he owned an upscale restaurant. became known at first for his superhuman palette, then for a specific menu he did based on human vices that was meant to make the experience feel like eating the crimes of humanity (but in a delicious way) (you KNOW there was some kind of fucked up ortolan shit involved). kind of cutting edge and out-there, which is how it became so well-known so fast
but he tried to take on too much. crashed and burned, ended up at rock bottom and the restaurant closed. he sold the space and moved away with his daughters and never looked back. got chewed up and spit out real hard.
and like.... initially, he had this idea, right. his first ever idea for a restaurant was a laid back cafe (OBVIOUSLY called blue spring, who do you think i am) with a constantly rotating seasonal menu. but it got shot down by his mentors and colleagues because it wasn't haute cuisine enough, he couldn't get investment or funding for it. shelved it for the [unnamed for now] upscale place
but switching careers would mean wasting the last ten years, so he says fuck it. FUCK IT. he'll do it — on his own this time, with full creative control. the girls are teens now so they help him out with the designs and crafting the menu. it's cozy, but the food slaps and there's a new menu every month with some evergreen dishes he always has on there
the business is slow to start, but he's happy with that — he doesn't publicly link it to his name, tries to stay out of the press. just tryna live slow and spend time with his girls that he wasn't able to before!!!
there is a gojo-shaped blank space in this verse because i have not figured out what to do with him yet — at least in verses where he's a past figure in geto's life. can vary by partner/thread, probably.
potential conflicts: wuh oh, the press find out / kenjaku as his old mentor who pushed him way too hard / the substance use issues he thought he had under control rear their heads again / pspsps bring in your muse's antags / general slice of life/ship conflicts
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coloredsolos · 2 years
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pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader
prompt: 9. "I guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, right?”
content: frat boy!eren, modern au
wc: 1.9k
a/n: longest fic i’ve written yet but it’s the one i hate the most! be gentle I could not bear to proof read this but i’ve worked so hard on it I decided to post it anyways… anyways I hope you enjoy!!
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The first time you met Eren was truly memorable for all the wrong reasons. You weren’t really an avid party goer, however your roommate Hitch had insisted you go to the “hottest party of the year”, so there you found yourself, in some frat house that felt way too cramped and smelled like liquor and vomit. Hitch had ditched you somewhere through the night after she had spotted a taller blonde girl, so you stood by yourself near the drink table, nursing some concoction Hitch had made you before she had disappeared. It was gross but it would get the job done.
A taller boy came up to fix himself a drink, his longer hair pulled back into a bun. You couldn’t help but glance at the unnamed boy a he fixed himself a drink.
Feeling your eyes on him, Eren looked up. Grabbing his drink, he made his way over to stand by you.
“Not having fun?” he asked.
You shrugged, “Not really my vibe.”
He nodded. “Yeah, parties suck. They get repetitive.”
You took a sip of your drink, letting the conversation die off. You weren’t really in the mood for small talk with some random boy you met at a party.
However, he didn’t let up.
“I haven’t seen you around before, you a freshman?”
“Junior. Like I said, not really my vibe.”
Eren nodded, taking a sip of his own drink. Clearing his throat he turned to face you.
“You know who’s throwing this party?” He asked.
You shook your head and laughed, “Probably another copy and paste frat boy.”
Eren let out a loud laugh, “Probably,” he agreed. “I’m Eren.” He offered you a smile.
After introducing yourself, the two of you fell into a steady conversation. Occasionally stopping to refill your drinks.
Leaning in close enough for you to hear, Eren’s breath tickled your ear as he spoke. “Do you wanna head to the balcony?”
You nodded.
Eren offered you his hand as he led you through the crowd. Clutching your drink, careful not to spill any with everyone bumping into the two of you.
“Jaeger!” Someone yelled, although you weren’t able to pinpoint the voice.
A shorter boy with a shaved head pushed his way to where Eren stood in front of you.
“Connie! What’s up man?” Eren let go of your hand to greet his friend. You stood behind him shifting from one foot to another.
“Listen man, awesome party! Shit is fire as always.”
Eren let out a laugh. “Thanks dude, listen I’ll catch up with you later alright?”
Connie, whose name you had gotten from Eren, looked behind his friend to where you stood.
“Good for you man, I’ll catch ya later!” He laughed, clapping his hand on Eren’s shoulder before excusing himself.
Realization had hit you hard. You had been shit talking whoever threw the party to the guy who threw the party. You felt your cheeks grow warm. What should you do? Should you apologize? Pretend it never happened?
Before you knew it you were standing outside with Eren. Few people were scattered about, most choosing to be in the main house where the music was.
“It’s so loud in there.” Eren huffed, breaking the silence.
“I’m so sorry. I had no clue you were the one throwing this party. Oh my god,” you apologized quickly.
Eren laughed once again, placing his hand in your shoulder he bent down slightly to be at eye level with you.
“It’s okay, really. I mean you weren’t wrong we are all kind of the same,” He laughed.
You shook your head, “Really you’re not, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Hey,” Eren stopped you. “I mean it. It’s okay.”
You sighed a breath of relief, before nodding.
The second time you met Eren was memorable as well.m, this time for the right reasons.
“Hey!” Eren called out your name, jogging to catch up with you. Waiting for him, you offered him a small smile when he reached your location.
“Hey Eren, didn’t think I’d see you on this side of campus.” You smiled.
“Well maybe I knew you’d be over here.” He smirked.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, disregarding the slight blush that had made its way to your cheeks.
“So,” he began, “What would you say if I told you I knew the best place to get coffee on a day like today?”
“Hmm” you mused. “I’d say lead the way.”
Eren smiled, “You know, I’ve been wondering when I was gonna run into you. I swear I’ve been planning on running into you after class for like a week straight.”
You let out a giggle, “You know you do have my number right? You could have just asked…”
“Well where’s the magic in that?” Eren pouted.
You gave him a playful shove as you both continued walking.
You and Eren grew closer after that. The two of you didn’t go a day without talking, whether it be in person, over text, or even just facetiming one another when one of you was bored.
You also had started going to parties more often, especially ones thrown by Eren.
“You having fun?” a voice asked from behind you, you grinned turning to face the mystery man.
You shrugged, “It’s alright…”
Eren rolled his eyes. “Well then what do you say we take this party somewhere else?”
You nodded, almost too eagerly, the drinks you had previously downed making your brain feel fuzzy.
Eren grinned, grabbing your hand in his, and lead you up the stairs.
“Where are we going?” You called out, hoping Eren could hear you better now that the source of the music was getting further and further away.
“My room.” Eren said simply.
You couldn’t help but gulp. You hadn’t been to Eren’s room before. The two of you either always hung out at your dorm, or out in public.
“Hey? You still with me? We can go somewhere else if you want.” Eren placed his hand on your shoulder, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“No no it’s ok. I’m good.” You offered him a small smile as he held the door to his bedroom open.
The harsh glow from his red LEDs illuminated the hallway.
Stepping into his room you took note of your surroundings, trippy posters littered the walls. You knew Eren liked to take part in some recreational activities, so you assumed the posters went hand in hand with that. You walked towards his bookshelf. There were a few books, but the shelf was relatively empty. His xbox sat on a table next to his TV that was placed on the floor near his bed.
“You a minimalist?” You joked.
Eren laughed, I just never settled in. Guess I figured why bother now if I’ll be leaving soon.”
This caught your attention.
“Leaving? Aren’t you a junior?”
Eren shrugged. “Yeah but not for long. I’m going back home.”
“Like dropping out? But you made it this far?”
Eren scoffed. “Yeah but I’m failing all my classes. All I do is throw and go to parties. Shit gets boring after a while. Figured once we get to Christmas break I’m done. I just won’t come back.”
You couldn’t help the fact that your mouth hung open. This was news to you. Christmas break? That was a few weeks away.
You had nothing to say, there was nothing you could say. “Who’s going to walk with me to get coffee? Who is gonna keep me company while Hitch is hanging out with Annie? Eren you can’t leave…” you bit your lip.
Eren gave you a sad smile. “Come on now… This is for the best. I don’t wanna keep wasting my parent’s money. Besides, my dad is always gone, my mom needs help.”
“But hey,” Eren continued. “You have my number, I’ll come back and visit you and we can call as much as you want okay?” He came to place a hand on your shoulder.
You nodded, however, your eyes stayed focused on the floor.
“Hey,” His hand lifted your chin so you’d look at him. Finally meeting his gaze, you were surprised to find how close he was.
“I mean it.”
Your eyes never left his as you nodded once more. Noticing the way his gaze dropped down to your lips before his eyes were back on yours. Did you see that right? You couldn’t have, you and Eren were friends, that was all. But a part of you jumped with excitement at the idea of your friend wanting to kiss you. The same part of you that had always wondered what it would be like to be something more with Eren.
You brought your bottom lip in between your teeth, catching Eren’s attention once more. You slowly releases your bottom lip, watching as Eren’s tongue dipped out of his mouth to wet his lips. Without another thought, you pulled Eren closer by the collar of his shirt, crashing your lips onto his. Eren kissed you back without hesitation. The kiss was hungry, animalistic. You weren’t sure what had come over the two of you but at this point you didn’t care.
Eren began to lead you backwards towards the bed presumably, his hands all over you. Everywhere he touched felt on fire.
The next time you saw Eren was at a party one his frat brothers had been throwing.
“Eren!” You called out once you saw the taller boy. However, his attention stayed on whoever he had been talking to. Maybe he hadn’t heard you? Pushing your way through the crowded room you came to stand in front of Eren.
“Hey!” You smiled, Eren gave you a tight lipped smile and a brief nod. “You ok?” you asked once you noticed his awkward demeanor. He gave a short nod before a slightly shorter man with red hair came up to the both of you.
“Jaeger! Oh shit who’s this?” The unnamed man asked.
Before you were able to introduce yourself, seeing as Eren wasn’t going to, a look of realization crossed over the man’s face.
“Holy shit!! You’re the one Eren banged right? Eren said you were wild… up for a little action?”
“What?” You’re attention snapped to Eren, who didn’t seem to have an ounce of remorse. “What are you talking about?”
“Are you dense?” The red head scoffed. You were taken aback by the boy’s rude demeanor.
You looked back at Eren expecting an explanation, to no avail. Eren looked at you with the same blank expression, offering a shrug of his shoulders.
“Eren what is he talking about?”
“We dared Eren to sleep with 2 people the same night beautiful. I guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, right?”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Two people the same night? Was Eren just scouting you out the whole time to use you?
“I guess you’re right. My mistake.” You shrugged, turning around making your way to leave.
The last time you saw Eren was across campus right before Christmas break. The snow had settled around campus and students were few to find now that everyone was going home. You had caught him staring at you, although neither one of you made any move to speak or acknowledge the other. He had boxes in his hands, presumably packing to leave to go back home for good. And honestly? You couldn’t be happier, you were ready to rid yourself of Eren Jaeger.
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cannedapricot · 2 years
midnight bus. || hrj
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in which as much as renjun denies ever caring about you, he can't help but notice the twitch in your eye when you receive your test marks, the smile that doesn't seem to quite reach your eyes when praised by your principal, and the lack of smart remarks when he scores a single point higher. something was wrong, and it was driving him insane. alternatively, two kids ponder about their futures on a late night bus ride because neither of them can drive.
word count: 2.7k
genre, warnings: angst (?), slice of life, some fluff, comfort (?), academic rivals to lovers, high school!au, neighbor!au, teenage uncertainties uttered and lost between tall buildings and lights, profanities, trespassing
bgm: ghost city tokyo by ayase, overdose by natori, cinema by vivid bad squad, you're on your own kid by taylor swift
a/n: i just finished reading this book of mine and i am in absolute shambles.
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Renjun's eyes narrow, squinting at you across the hall. He could clearly see the principal congratulating you on the debate club's latest win, yet, you weren't puffing your chest out in pride like usual.
If this was any normal day in the past five years of your unnamed war for valedictorian, you would've thanked the principal and skipped right up to Renjun with a smug smirk on your face. If this was any normal day he would've rolled his eyes at you and told you that "arguing for climate change isn't a useful skill".
Evidently, this wasn't a normal day. Something's off. You bid goodbye to the principal and shuffle right past Renjun. No snide comment, no shit eating grin, nothing to acknowledge him.
Now, Renjun would much rather jump off a ten meter platform than admit to care for you, but weeks pass by and your usual spark never returned. It wasn't like he needed your attention or anything.
But it was driving him nuts.
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Grade 6. 11 years old. Renjun meets you for the first time. You showed up to the first day of class in bright yellow suspenders, it was hard not to notice you. Renjun thought the two of you would make great friends. After all, his surname did mean yellow.
He changed his mind after you scored higher than him in math. No one scored higher than him in math. He would've let it slide if it were just math, but you had scored higher in everything except art. To top it off, when he made the off comment about it you said,
"Oh, it's not like it was hard."
And from that day on, he decided that you were his biggest rival and his life goal would be to knock you off your high perch.
Somewhere along the line, you had caught onto Renjun's hostility towards you. It was so amusing watching him get ticked off at your smug comments, how could you stop making them? So you decided that your life goal would be to never let Renjun know peace.
This rivalry, of course, bled into high school and where the two of you stood in present time. Senior year, AP classes, volunteer work, college entrance preparation, the future.
Oh, the future.
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"Y/n, can we get a friend discount?"
A sigh escapes your mouth. Friday night, 8pm. Family-run diner packed to the brim with teenagers celebrating their football win against the school across town. Clad in the retro diner uniform your mom insisted on, you glide across the floor back behind the counter to yell whatever the table of jocks ordered to the kitchen.
"Busy night huh?"
You rest your head on your mom's shoulder, a habit you've had since childhood.
"Sometimes I wish our diner was less popular."
"Now that wouldn't be great for business," Your mom laughs in response to your childish grumble. "You'll learn to enjoy it once you take over."
The family business that's been passed down for decades. The future that's been decided for you before you were even conceived. You've known that your whole life, yet, for some reason, you weren't sure about it.
Your response should've been much more enthusiastic. But all you could manage was a quiet "I know" before turning to bring the cheerleaders their curly fries.
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Renjun thinks he's finally lost it. What other explanation could there be to him staring across the fence from his bedroom window to yours. Your light was on, so you were home. But from the shadows moving around he could tell you weren't at your desk preparing for class like usual.
Renjun thinks he's finally gone bonkers. What other explanation could there be to his inability to focus on his four page essay for AP literature. He was usually good at cranking out fancy words and analysis. But for some reason, he found his mind somewhere else.
Renjun thinks he's finally gone deranged. What other explanation could there be to him climbing out his window (his parents could never know), jumping the fence, and standing under yours. A few well aimed twig throws at your glass was enough for you to stick your head out in confusion.
"Renjun what the hell?"
"Come out. We're going for a ride."
So you begrudgingly close your window and look for a coat to wear over your pajamas.
And for the record, Renjun isn't a stalker. Just a neighbor.
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"You know, when you said "we're going for a ride", I kind of thought you meant in a car? As in, car ride?"
"And risk my life for you? No way. We're taking the bus."
11:45pm. You were following Renjun as he sped walked through the quiet residential neighborhood. The two of you passed multiple bus stops along the way but none of them had buses running at this hour.
"Just say you can't drive." You scoff, trying to keep up with the boy in front.
"Well, neither can you. With your brains, I thought you would've breezed the driving test."
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The bus arrived at 12am sharp. The bus stop was a fifteen minute walk away from your houses and the two of you barely got on, eyes squinted at the sudden neon lights of the bus interior. The bus driver, a woman in her late forties you presume, audibly clicks her tongue at the sight of you both. You don't blame her, you would probably do the same if you were still working at midnight.
You find a seat in the back half of the bus as to give the lady some peace (though she chooses to put on headphones anyway). Renjun sits in the seat on the other side, though the seats were made for two and there was definitely no one sitting next to you. An awkward silence fills the air as the bus heaves into motion, taking the two of you somewhere unknown.
It was kind of relaxing, you thought. Watching streetlamps pass by in a flash, hearing the faint tune of ABBA songs leaking through the driver's headphones, feeling the bus rumble underneath your body. It was almost like you were running away.
"So... What's up with you," Your neighbor awkwardly begins. "I noticed you weren't really yourself lately."
"Aw, does somebody care about me?"
Renjun never thought that hearing the familiar mocking tone that was the bane of his existence would be so comforting. You were still there. You hadn't changed.
"In your dreams." He hides his smile in his palm and keeps his eyes on the scenery passing by, "Unfortunate for me, living next door to you makes me notice things I don't care for."
His eyes slowly move to check on you when you don't say anything. You sat back in your seat, a long hum as a response.
"I don't know."
"The fuck you mean you don't know-"
"Do you ever feel unsure of the future?"
Renjun's sharp retort was cut short. He was caught off guard by your question. You refuse to look at him, making sure your head was turned to face the glass.
"My family expects me to do one thing but maybe... that's not what I want to do, y'know?"
Honestly, you don't know what's possessed you. Why were you spilling your feelings out to your sworn rival? What if he uses this as blackmail or something?
"I get it."
That's all he says. No mockery in his voice, no teasing to be seen. You look over to find Renjun looking at you with a soft gaze. As if you were something extremely precious to him. So you can't help but reveal more to the boy looking at you so gently.
"The world is so big and I'm not sure if being tied down to the family diner is something I want. Like, I know I'll be disappointing my parents but I don't think that's the future I want."
"Then don't."
"Wow! You're so smart! Why didn't I think of that?" You reply sarcastically. You shouldn't be grinning. But you couldn't help it.
"Thanks. I'm the future valedictorian." Renjun smirks, turning his eyes back outside.
"As if. That's my title."
You continue whining about your parents expectations and plans for you and the diner after college. It was a lot but Renjun didn't once complain. He just sat on the other side of the bus, listening.
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A weight had been lifted off your heart. Who knew you could be such a whiner? The conversation dims down as the warm colored streetlamps turn into fluorescent ones. You notice the buildings turn into grey skyscrapers and the bus was suddenly making its way into the bustling city.
You turn your head in awe at the sights. Truth be told, you don't make many trips into town, always too busy in your little suburb with whatever activity to add onto your college application. Which is why you almost miss Renjun's words.
"I want to go to art school."
It was a quiet murmur. Nearly drowned out by the bus engine and the honks of city cars.
"I thought your dream was med school?" You weren't poking fun, you genuinely thought Renjun was aiming to be a doctor. Your entire grade did. He scoffs.
"That's my parents' dream. They want the entire family to be in the medical field. It doesn't matter what we want." Renjun's eyes are facing the window, yet, they weren't focused on anything at all.
"Well, I think you'd do great in art school. You're always great at anything artsy." You admit, fidgeting with your coat. He raises his eyebrow and looks at you.
"You noticed?"
"It's hard to miss when you make the best pieces in the whole school. And I remember "Singin' in the Rain" in middle school. You're extremely talented at singing too."
Renjun can't help the smile that blooms on his face.
"You remember."
"Uh, yeah? You literally had a standing ovation."
Renjun never thought you would remember or pay attention to any of that about him. For some strange reason, his heart skipped a beat and he turns back to the window to hide his reddening cheeks.
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"Last stop. Get off."
The bus driver said, promptly leaving the second the two of you step off.
"Why is the last stop at a seven eleven?"
"That is kind of weird. Do you think she just kicked us off because she got tired of our bitching?"
You both giggle before stepping into the convenience store. The cashier spares an uninterested glance, then returns the attention back to his phone.
Weaving in and out of the aisles and nearly slipping on some unknown liquid on the tile, Renjun picks out a packet of Haribo bears while you fill a cup of big gulp, nose scrunching up upon touching the sticky machine. Upon exiting the store and leaving the uninterested cashier behind, Renjun tells you he knows a place the two of you could go to share your goods.
"Though we're going to have to break some rules getting there. Think you're up for that, top student?"
"Why of course, second top student."
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You had no idea breaking some rules entailed sneaking past the sleeping security guard and jumping over some barriers in a paid car park building. How did Renjun even know this?
"Isn't this illegal?"
"Only if we get caught." Renjun winks, "and I know for a fact they don't check the cameras regularly."
Renjun holds out his hand for support. You take it and jump off a small ledge. You admit, it was exhilarating. And was your heart beating because of the adrenaline, or was it Renjun's hand that he didn't pull away, even after you landed.
"We're here."
Renjun opens the door and reveals the rooftop parking lot. The air was cold against your flushed face and the empty space seven floors up made you feel like you were floating amongst the grey jungle. You run out, stretching your arms before lying on your back, not caring about how dirty the ground was. You felt free.
"I don't want to make 9pm coffees for the book club ladies for the rest of my life!" You yell into the open air.
Your partner in crime (literally) laughs before joining you on the cold concrete.
"Well, well. Look how far the top student has fallen. How would the principal feel knowing you've trespassed."
You roll your eyes, a stupid smile etched on your face. Placing down your icy drink, you turn your body to face the boy.
"I could say the same about you. Aren't you runner up for valedictorian? After me, of course."
"Actually, I'm number one contender." He responds, turning to mirror your position.
The two of you were closer than expected. Lying on a dirty parking lot floor, noses almost touching.
His eyes flit down to your lips.
You cough awkwardly before sitting up, red in the face.
"Do you want to try some of my drink?"
"Yeah, okay."
He silently sips on the drink. Though it was cold, it couldn't calm his burning ears down.
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A few hours pass. The two of you spent that time stargazing, talking about whatever on your minds, and exchanging shy touches.
"Do you believe in aliens?"
"Uh, yeah I do. Space is massive - I doubt humans are the only intelligent life form out there."
Except all good things must come to an end. Come 3am, the two of you tread back to the seven eleven, hoping a bus would be there to take you home.
"Do you think the guy's still at the register?"
"Probably. I snuck a look at his phone earlier. I think he's been caught cheating."
The pair of you snicker and a bus rolls up. The doors open to reveal the same driver you had coming over.
"Lovebirds on their way home now, eh?"
"What? We're- we're not-"
"Oh give up. I've seen enough of you to know what's going on. Are you two getting on or not."
With matching red faces, you and Renjun board the bus. Except this time, he sits next to you, not on the other side.
"You're awful at drawing." Renjun laughs. Your attempt at drawing him on cold window cries a little, the condensation dripping where you touched it.
"Yeah, well. There's a reason you're always top of art."
He smiles, reaching past you to draw his version of you. It looked much better than whatever you drew and you were never the one to let him win. So you destroyed both drawings with one swipe of your palm.
"Sore loser."
"Cry about it."
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Arm in arm, you walked home together at the same pace. Renjun slowing down so he'd match your comfortable speed. You'd never thought you would ever leave the house, spend time with your rival, only to come back with some weird tension between the two of you.
Renjun sends you to your doorstep and you turn to him.
"Thanks for cheering me up. It really helped."
"Don't worry about it. I also ended up getting stuff off my chest too."
Then he cracks the cutest smile and you couldn't stop yourself.
You kissed him.
On the cheek. You weren't ready for the lip on lip thing just yet.
"I'll see you Monday then." You hurriedly mutter, rushing inside to hide your embarrassment and to avoid seeing his reaction.
"Yeah. Monday." Renjun whispers into the night, a soft smile on his face.
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"Renjun, you've got to start cleaning up your paint pots."
Your boyfriend looks up from his easel, eyes sparkling realizing it was you.
"You're home early!"
It was a couple of years later. Renjun was perusing his art career after having a thorough talk with his family (it took a few months), which explained the apartment-studio thing going on.
You came clean to yours about not wanting to take over the diner. Though you expected them to look at you in disappointment, they didn't. All they said was that they were proud of you for dreaming.
And now, you were sharing an apartment with the love of your life (who was currently covered in paint), once rival (you are now also covered in paint. He gave you a massive hug and a welcome home kiss).
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correctproseka · 1 year
So @queer-prosekai told me to do my own top 10 list of the sets + my favorite card of each, so here's some rules i set for myself
1- i have to REALLY like the full set, not just really like a card but a little less to the others (cough Saki in no seek no find, for one example. Though other sets have also triggered this rule)
2- i also am judging by card only, not the story, however. I am not completely good at this because a lot of the cards that are already good get to be way better because of the event behind it.
3- only counting the trained cards, not untrained, it would be a very different list.
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Oh my poor child are you okay??? Going past how much i like this event. Which would get me here writing for hours mind you. I also just really like the set. The dark colors and the fact that in all 3 cards you can barely see color- its black and then each has their own color showing up, An has red, Toya has blue and Rin has white. It just gives a fucking impact on you looking at them. Would not change a thing, really.
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Anyone else remembers qhen this set just totally broke us? Oh my god. I do. Shizuku in a suit. An in this pretty ass dress. I just cjsjcjsmcjsncjdj. It was mainly those two that really hit for me, specially An. But when it hit it hit hard man
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It was the first lim set, so it was really simple compared to what we get now. But simple doesn't mean bad. I really love the colors and idk man i have a soft spot for it i cant defend everything my brain is a dvd logo bouncing around😭
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Angel Minori is one of the prettiest sets ever, it just isnt higher because personally i like some others more, doesn't mean this shit isnt fucking gorgeous. The lightning, the setting. I love this mmj card with everyone in it bc this is such a beautiful place???? Just. Licks this set like an ice cream then cries bc i ate the pretty ass set.
6: Someday, from the depths of despair
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Lowkey i did not expect this one to be this high before i made this list. But it is just gorgeous setting, gorgeous lightning. It just makes my brain go brrrr looking at it.
5- What lies behind lies ahead
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The hermit set has people in a chokehold for years, and for good reason. The hairstyles are pretty, the au ideas one can get out of it are yummy. AND THE CARD THEMSELVES ARE SO CKSJFKDK. All of them having this golden thing around as if hermit was a story told to us by images. It just could be a poster. Its certainly pretty enough to.
4: Our escape for survival
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Sorry for the amount of niigo here. It will happen again. Niigo never misses. Anyways i just love this set sm. The lightning, muffled colors and backgrounds just hit so fucking hard. The rain shared on the 3 cards from the set is so symbolical and so is the clock and the engines on Mafuyu's and Luka's card. It tells us a story before we even read the event and that is beautiful.
3: Close game offline
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I had to skip this set and i am still sad about it. Man the the the cmsucksjcjx aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa viddygame and neon.
2- Unnamed Harmony
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I like silly, your honor. I also like water. Saki's card has both /hj. No but really i just really like the outfits and colors and just everything in this set it would be a CRIME to not have this here as a Saki stan. Just look at it!!!!
1: Draw your bow in this white world
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.. so, who's surprised? I can barely even find a favorite card in this set. From Kaitos . Kaito. (Does he need more?), Shizuku's gracefulness and beautifulness and Mafuyu just pretty and badass breaking the "screen"/mirror/window with an arrow. Its just soooooo ancjamvjsjchsjxncnsicjsv chomps.
Knock the future, which light up the fire took it off on a technicality (i like 3/3 cards on light up the fire and 2/3 on knock the future bc Honami is very meh compared to the others to me)
Anyways if anyone else wants to do this as a challenge id love it. And @probably-not-niigo i challenge u to do the same
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therummonster · 2 years
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alrighty. weird au that basically takes the characters and jumbles em around a bit.
rambles below!
Dr Champagne McGregor. his placement/lore is based off of the picture below.
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so he spends about 20 or so years before he returns to a human{ish} state. for his childhood he had heard the demons like Tankylosass, or whatever its name is, outside trying to consume any amount of fear inside and had always solidified it in his head that they were real and coming for him.
which because of that: they were. his work grew and he decided to attempt... well, picture above, lore in there.
on to him getting out of the dinosaur like state!!!
the arm {which is where i'm saying the curse gets activated and deactivated at} gets ripped off and he hits the ground, as a human. slightly dazed, with his last sane memories being attacked by this monster of monsters... he immediatly freaks out.
but he can't exactly speak normally, it's basically whatever language he was speaking as the dinosaur thing. he does regain the ability to speak after... probably a week or three? but it still takes him a bit to process what he or others are saying because he just been running on lizard brain for 20 years.
and he REALLY doesn't want to go back to 20 years of nothingness, so for two months he won't even be in the same room as the prosthetic{yep. misspelled it in the picture.} and for the third month he will try not to look at it.
it'll only be when someone else {probably vasilia} urges him to try, and reassures him that they'll help him if he loses control, that he'll put it on.
design wise: he has grey feathers sprouting from behind his ears, big claw slashing scar near his waist and smaller on his right foot, and talismans that are stuck to him and can only be removed by {drumroll} Sauriecluss or the overseer.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
not related au - wow that's absolutely horrible. izuku deserves better than 1-assholes (do you have more)
I've officially decided I'm expelling most of 1A, so Shinsou's challenge to 1A is very different to canon. Izuku has very quickly become a hated figure by the expelled hero students, but since All Might put the fear of god into them, they don't name him.
Basically, Shinsou quickly finds out most of 1A was expelled for almost letting a classmate with a villainous quirk die, upon which he has a lot of complicated emotions very quickly, ranging from 'oh god that could have been me' to 'i can't believe they were punished for that' and 'someone like me made it'.
A lot of students in one 1B aren't happy with the unnamed student ab how so many 1A students got expelled, but Monoma isn't actually one of them - he's received a lot of shit for his quirk too, a lot of people called him a thief and a villain, that 1A student basically has the scarier version of his quirk. They are the only motherfucker in 1A he respects.
The remaining 1A students are: Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Katsuki, Izuku, Aoyama, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Momo, Shouji, Ashido. They either weren't present when the rest of the class abandoned Izuku, or they were actively prevented from helping by other students. Izuku is scared they'll all hate him, but the reverse happens and they all squad up around him. A lot of the students remaining also faced discrimination for villainous or scary looking quirks. Ashido in particular is super upset with Kirishima. The more violent (Uraraka, Katsuki and funnily enough, Iida) are looking forward to the sports festival so they can beat the ever loving shit out of their terrible former classmates.
Shinsou joins the class after the sports festival, none of the former 1A students are allowed to rejoin. A lot apply to other heroics schools.
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emily-prentits · 5 months
wip wednesday (thursday)
tagged by @sillyfroggremlin and @crime-wives!!
disclaimer: writers block is a bitch. i haven't actually written in weeks BUT i'll give some snippets anyway <3
lately she's undressing for revenge (chapter 6):
Derek is the one she wants. She wants things to be simple again, to go back to casual lips pressed to cheeks and coffee in between surgeries and warm smiles at inside jokes, but they can’t. They’re broken and she doubts they can be that close again, like a chasm has opened up between them and is still pulling them apart. She’s still half-sure that Derek still wants Meredith, and that Meredith still wants Derek, in some way, shape, or form. Maybe the problem lies in the fact that she wants Meredith more than she wants Derek, now, that when she closes her eyes she’s seeing Meredith, missing Meredith, needing Meredith.
Take Aim and Reload:
“Addie!” Amelia practically bounces into the arms of a tall redhead, who turns with a surprised laugh and—shit. Addison brushes dark hair from Amelia’s face when she pulls back. “Oh, Amy,” she says, murmurs really as she drinks Amelia in with her eyes, “It’s really good to see you.”
unnamed meraddek pregnancy au:
“Addison.” Meredith’s hand squeezes tight and doesn’t let go until she looks down at her. Her forehead is beaded with sweat, and there is pain shining so brightly behind everything else in those beautiful blue eyes. The hard ball of anxiety in Addison’s gut curls tighter. If she fucks this up—  “Addie. Hey.” Meredith. Her hand is warm in hers. Addison blinks, refocuses. “I trust you.”
no pressure tagging: @itsdappleagain @peridotglimmer @horsetailcurlers2 @walshies @which-star @doomingthenarrative and literally anyone else who wants to! it's been so long since i've had to tag writer mutuals
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odetodilfs · 1 year
Future fics coming!
(NSFW under the cut)
all of these are male!readers btw
(Currently unnamed)
pre outbreak!Joel Miller has a hard day at work, he needs some rest and cuddles... and maybe a good ass eating can help...
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Legs around me
Dieter Bravo wakes up one morning and decides to wear a bathrobe with nothing underneath... his thighs look so damn irresistible and you can't help but go between his legs and cover them in hickeys. (could release this one before the Joel one but I'm working on both)
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Finally you scored to be in a relationship with Javier Peña, but well, his thoughts get to him and he starts flirting with a receptionist, unlucky (or lucky?) for him, his new boyfriend catches him and literally just grabs him by the arm, takes him to his house and dicks him down hard and fucks him dumb to show who he really belongs too..
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Agente Pisco
(Agent Whiskey x chilean!reader) oh this is the most self indulgent shit I've ever come up with, but it's just fluff of you doing little side comments in spanish to flirt with Whiskey, he doesn't know what they mean and assumes they're just ways to say goodbye, until, one day his friend tells him "eres hermoso" does not mean goodbye.. (reader is another agent btw, but it's not that relevant to the story)
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Pero Tovar gives you a blowjob, his tongue on your cock turns you into a whimpering mess, but all you can hear him say as you whimper is "Mírame" (look at me), knowing he has full control.
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A morning in the ranch
(AU, you both live in a ranch together as lovers) You wake up to Silva touching himself, he needs you, and who are you to say no to his request when you want him even more?
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inkyucu · 2 months
Alright, so.... I typed up all of this for a friend because they wanted to know more about this AU, and I was not about to let this amount of typing just go to waste. So I'm posting it. Think of this as an info post for this AU I guess
In other words: The basic story of 'The Cursed Tanzanite' AU - A sams/tsams AU I refuse to call a sams AU most of the time because of how irrelevant it is to actual sams
Ok, so let's start with Sun's backstory before everything (his backstory is like the only one mostly important)
You have Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon are royalty. Sun was the little sister (yes, sister) to Moon. She looked up to her older brother and thought he could do no wrong and that he was always right. Moon was her older brother who was training to be a fighter because having a warrior king is badass. He helped her learn how to fight, but also just hung out with her and was a pretty nice sibling to have, unlike most.
One day, the two heard a rumor from the townsfolk of a demon in a cave in the forest. Moon was uncertain of this and wanted to tell their parents so they could handle the matter, but Sun managed to convince him that they together were strong enough to defeat the demon
They get to the cave and meet Bloodmoon. He was a powerful demon, even though he would've been a younger and weaker demon at this time. Anyway, Bloodmoon brutally murders Moon as he tries to protect Sun, and Sun escapes alive. She's not really blamed (keep in mind this child is probably like a first grader-), but this event leads to her being closed off from everyone and kinda being a state or regret, shock, and depression for a while.
Eventually she starts fighting again and starts presenting themselves as male so they are taken more seriously (and you can't really fight in a dress ajpvlzjbpkab + just like- feeling comfortable with who you are because that's also a factor-). Eventually they work up the courage to go back to the cave to defeat the demon, or at the very least be with their brother again.
When he gets there, its abandoned. Bloodmoon left the area. But there was one thing he found. A purpleish gem that was later identified to be tanzanite. He wears it, as a memory of his brother at first. It is later discovered that this gem has magic, and this magic grows more powerful the more demons it consumes, and the more it's used, the more it takes over the user (in other words - it's cursed in a bad way). But of course, Sun doesn't know the second part of that-
After getting this necklace, he quickly becomes stronger and more powerful, eventually becoming a well respected demon killer [which is present day]
(Oh yeah I forgot to mention that he and Moon were really close to Solar since really young- Solar is a bit older than Sun, but young enough that Moon saw Solar as basically another brother)
Ok now the fucking actual story-
Sun casually is just going around killing demons, trying to track down Bloodmoon. Over this time, Sun creates alliances with several kingdoms. Two ruled by Earth (younger - and still a minor - brother being Lunar) and Monty. One being ruled by Solar - he was kind of already alleys with this kingdom though. One being ruled by an Unnamed King and Queen (daughter - and still a minor - being Ruin). Then of course you have Sun's kingdom chilling without a ruler most of the time - they're all chill though so it's fine. During this time, some shit kind of happens
-Solar gets possessed by a demon named Eclipse (neither of them wanted this)
-Ruin starts to learn magic from Lunar
-I kid you not like a few weeks later Ruin gets possessed by Jigsaw (both wanted this) and goes missing for a while
-K.C. - a demon - possesses a towns person in Sun's kingdom and is basically a spy
-Thyone - a demon - possesses a robot servant in Solar's castle
-Lunar nearly gets possessed by a demon that gets beaten the fuck up by Earth
-Sun is slowly losing his mind
-Solar adopts a child named Jack (He is blind when it comes to the normal world, but he can see things like Spirits and Demons)
After all this happens, Sun hears about Solar getting possessed and immediately heads over there and nearly kills Eclipse before finding out Eclipse is actually kinda nice for a demon and could be useful
Then after this Sun and more kingdoms end up hearing about the other possessions and more demons seen possessing townsfolk, the main royals decide to have a meeting to find a way to deal with these demons
And from there there is more to the story but like I dont want to spoil it yet
(This isn't really related to the story part of the AU anymore, so you don't really have to read this part if you don't want-)
Sorry if parts of this made no sense, this is straight up pasted from that conversation because I was not retyping/rewording all that
If you have questions about anything feel free to ask, or if I've gotten something inaccurate with how I portrayed it, or if I use wording that would be considered offensive, please point it out to me or correct me
I really like this AU, and it's helping me experiment with things I don't usually mess around with or touch on - but in consequence to that I am probably severely uneducated in some things that come up in this AU. But if I do make a stupid mistake, I would like the chance to try and correct it
(Thank you for reading all of this if you did)
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zwy01 · 7 months
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Blood Moon AU!! Part 2 - More werewolves
Second part (continued) of my second major AU, Blood Moon AU. The nobles and werewolves basically have a race swap in an almost brand new setting.
For more info, check out my first two posts where I explained the general lore and setting of this AU (highly recommended for a better understanding):
The characters.
Ladybug: Father of Cloudy, whom he had with an unnamed werewolf woman. Many people mistake Ladybug for a dangerous, evil person due to his creepy appearance, but he’s actually a pretty nice dude. The sockets of his eyes are just very deep and people can’t seem to catch a glimpse of his irises no matter how hard they look, hence the assumption that he’s about to suck every passerby’s soul and transfer them to himself to extend his lifespan. Doesn’t help that he’s always smiling. It almost looks like he’s sneering. Ladybug doesn’t mind. He’s too old for this shit. He’d just chuckle and go along with it. He’d strike a menacing pose and bare his fangs, and they’d all run away screaming. Haha, that was fun. Felt great, might do it again.
No one knows how old Ladybug is. It seems like he’s been around since forever ago. The werewolves even call him a living fossil. He takes it as a compliment because it means he’s wise and timeless. Ladybug would be minding his own business and he’d happen to eavesdrop on some werewolves talking about an old story, and he’d spook them by appearing from behind a bush and saying “Oh? Didn’t know the things I did in my youth are being told as Mother Moon’s tales now. Care to recite from the beginning for this old man?” Once again they run away in terror. Oh, poo. Tsk tsk, young pups these days are so sensitive and can’t stand humor at all. At least his daughter understands him and fully embraces his weirdness.
Ladybug lives with his daughter Cloudy, whom he had as an old man. Cloudy’s mother is alive and well; she just doesn’t live with them. Ladybug raised Cloudy for the most part, who is very attached to him. As a retired warrior, Ladybug does farming as a hobby and grows a variety of delicious crops because Cloudy doesn’t eat meat. He breeds special types of vegetables, fruits, and grains for her to enjoy. Currently, his goal is to create the perfect crunchy, tangy sweet berry because his daughter likes those very much. He can’t wait to bake a delicious pie for her with these ingredients and see her smile.
Ladybug’s favorite color is green because his daughter’s eyes are green. It’s also the hair color of his daughter’s mother, who was his lover.
Ladybug is not your typical werewolf warrior. He is also a master of magic, and you can always count on him to know the specific spell to your specific issue if you need help from him. He can both harm and help you, if he chooses to. There’s probably even a proverb that says “if you get fleas up your buttcrack on a full moon night, Ladybug will hunt you down and cook you in a stew” or something. Yikes. Probably made up anyway. Eh, still giving it some credit because it’s a good way to scare the kids and get them to quiet down and go to bed without making a fuss. Lord Peach’s adopted daughter Rosemary is a student and fan of Ladybug. She calls him “Teacher Buggy”. He is extra nice to her because she is part of Cloudy’s core friend group and his daughter always talks about how nice “Rosie” is. Usually, he would reject those who come to him asking for magic lessons, but he gives private lessons to Rosemary. Dang, she must’ve bribed him, lol. Thanks to Rosemary, Ladybug has learned about a certain noble streamer named Zivon Tradio aka “GlitterDream KittyPaws”, who is also a magician. Ladybug isn’t his fan, but he sometimes watches his streams just to criticize his spells. Rosemary thinks it’s hilarious.
Ladybug has no other living relatives aside from his daughter.
Grub: Son of unnamed werewolves. Unlike Ladybug, who just seems creepy but really isn’t, Grub is creepy to the core. It’s just him being… him. 100% original Grub guaranteed. He’s either lying still with his face planted to the ground and mumbling to himself, which can last for hours, or he’s hyper and jumping from tree to tree and finally off a cliff. Once he even tried to dive into an active volcano. There’s rarely any in betweens. It’s okay if he gets hurt, he’ll heal up in no time. It even feels good to get hurt. Fractures, burns, external and internal bleeding, almost-decapitation… he has a new to-do list everyday. He’ll even feel itchy on the inside if he doesn’t let himself bleed every now and then. That’s what the werewolves’ superior healing is for, and he’s totally abusing this ability. He would just shrug it off when people point out to him that he’s basically addicted to self-harm. It’s just called having fun! He would then cackle and squeal and bark back and forth on a crescendo and decrescendo like a total maniac. The werewolves would just assume that he’s under Ladybug’s curse or something, because he clearly isn’t in his right mind. Oh well, it’s not like they have to be friends with him. And who knows if it’s contagious or not, so better leave quickly to be safe than sorry.
Grub’s current self has something to do with his childhood. He was born into a big family, as his parents had many children back to back, litter after litter. He’s just one of the dozens of children. Grub is a quintuplet and the runt of his litter. Initially, his parents wanted to abandon him, as it would’ve been a waste to feed him since he would just die anyway. But little Grub cried and squeaked and howled for milk, as if he didn’t know what giving up was. Then his parents changed their mind. Perhaps they ended up giving him a chance because they were entertained. Sure, they’ll be generous this one time and see how things turn out. If he dies, they’ll just eat him. They even named him Grub out of spite; crawling on the floor on his hands and knees and struggling for life just like a grub. Befitting of such a weak, unimpressive pup.
Grub was strong. He was resilient despite his circumstances. He managed to survive, but his growth is permanently stunted to this day. His childhood was less than ideal. When it was meal time, his parents left little to no prey for him, and he could only watch his brothers and sisters wolf down their dinner because he was too small and weak to even fight for the scraps. He filled his belly by gnawing on bones and whatever had been left over after his family had their share. He learned to break bones and suck on the marrow. Sometimes he’d crush and eat the bones too when he got desperate. Other than that, he’d stuff himself with dried grass, snow, and even dirt in order to stave off hunger. This is why Grub is short and small even in adulthood. Sure, he’s lean and compact, as he’s been eating well ever since he left his hell of a family and taught himself how to hunt, but his height is stuck at where it is now. He’s just a smidge taller than what would be considered a short werewolf woman. Perhaps the lack of nourishment during his vital childhood days had also done something to his brain. Either that, or he was born creepy. Or both. The werewolves are scared of him, but they also pity him. He didn’t choose to become like this anyway. Grub taking extreme measures to hurt himself is probably just his way of coping.
Grub is a warrior, but he isn’t allowed to spar without having many other warriors chaperoning the battleground because Grub doesn’t spar to train. He fights to kill. He disrespects the protocol and has no sense of honor, and won’t stop even when his sparring partner has yielded. There was a time when the warriors had to collectively restrain Grub and pry his fangs off the neck of his sparring partner whom he had defeated in a duel, because he just wouldn’t let go. He wanted to draw blood. More blood. Even more blood. To him, he’s not done until he crushes his opponent’s throat. To this day, the incident’s witnesses haven’t forgotten about all the bleeding and crying and the gruesome screams that had echoed throughout the mountains. Grub’s victim had retired from fighting ever since and went into hiding. And Grub? He never apologized.
Grub doesn’t really have any hobbies other than thrill seeking and self-harming. Maybe he just hasn’t discovered anything yet. Well, he should apply for a job as a communal alarm clock because you can always bet that he’d be screaming and howling by 4:00 am sharp. Even Mother Moon needs her beauty sleep. Grub disagrees.
Grub doesn’t have a crush on anyone as of now. Some werewolves doubt his ability to even recognize members of his pack as his own kind. Can he even see them that way? Hard to say. Grub isn’t dumb in the slightest, he’s just crazy... good for him, then.
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for future posts!
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