#oh no he angy/mod
fordpinesofficial · 1 month
Bill what is the one fucking thing I told you not to do?
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lu-lus-dicks · 6 months
@huskers-bar x @nunalastor chapter 3
Tags: enemies to lovers, angst?, eventual fluff, yearning?, soft huskers-bar, both mods are separate people, no beta we die like i do in this fic (not yet though), minor character death, ooc, au: hellaverse (hazbin hotel), nunalastor is head of the marketing department of the hazbin hotel (lucifer grabbed them randomly), jealousy?, huskers-bar is an employee at voxtek, lulu as a villain, lulu is a dog, huskers-bar is a liar, secret dating?
chapter: 3/? / chapter Word count: 1,659 / total word count: 4942
nunalastor as a single entity is nunalastor, traumatized mod dickmaster and cursed mod nun. and huskers-bar just husk/huskers. babygirl anon will be babygirl anon. I will be lulu. Angie will be angie but is meant to be read as angel dust.
A/N: peepee poopoo nunalastor lore drop uwu. thinking of removing the enemies to lovers tag on this because the plot has changed so much from what I originally planned. lulu is losing the funny so less funny stuff this chapter
As Huskers stood there, frozen in the doorway, their eyes widened with a mix of surprise and mild anxiety. They couldn't believe their luck-or was it misfortune?-to stumble upon them at a place like this. All the while Dickmaster kept staring at them with that unwavering gaze. One that could only belong to a cat that had too much catnip
"And who are you?" Dickmaster hissed, finger pointed directly at the huskers, their eyes narrowing and emitting an intense glare. "some kind of stalker?"
Huskers cleared their throat, trying to break the awkward tension they had accidentally created. If only this was a normal meeting. "Um, hey there! Fancy meeting you both here... I am not a stalker, actually. I work at voxtek and Angie, who I had to work with, informed me of the hotel and I liked the idea... didn't think I'd see you here" They choked on their words, offering a nervous smile while fidgeting with their fingers and displaying a toothy grin that seemed too wide to be genuine. They grabbed the hem of their shirt and started tugging excessively. Their hands felt way too sweaty.
"You're avoiding my question, who are you?" Dickmaster retorted, taking a step back and finding support on the nearest surface, which happened to be the bathroom door. Their eyes narrowed, radiating skepticism and cautiosness.
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for huskers. Nunalastor genuinely didn't seem to know who they were, which why would they? It's funny to even think that. This meant Huskers had a golden ticket, a second chance. Maybe they'll get to know them and change their mind on hating them? It was in the realm of possibility. At least they hope so.
"oh just one of the anons" Huskers lied through their teeth, waving a hand awkwardly and dismissively. The nervous chuckle was the last cherry on the top for their fabrication. "Love your blog by the way" Huskers offered the compliment, attempting to salvage what was left of the already a horrifying first impression.
Dickmaster though, seemed to loosen up a bit after that answer, though still kept their guard up. One could never know about these things and it wouldn't be the first time their instincts were right.
"ah, there's too fuckin many of you... have some mercy on my lil ol askbox sometimes" They added, slipping back into their online persona. Brushing off imaginary dust from their attire and examining their hand closely, it became apparent that this was probably a nervous habit of some sort.
The atmosphere grew increasingly awkward, leaving Huskers unsure of how to continue the conversation. However, they couldn't just... give up. Their desire to get to know Nunalastor better was the reason behind hiding their identity after all.
"uhm yeah... what, are you even doing here?" Huskers asked, after an uncomfortably long minute of just staring at the wall directly behind Dickmaster. The lump in their throat was starting to annoy them and he was starting to sweat.
"None of your buisness, Stalker" Dickmaster retorted, instantly stiffening up in response to the questioning. Was this turning into an interrogation? how dare someone ask something about them! They are a private person damn it! What'll they ask for next? Their favorite color?! Disgusting
Huskers recoiled, taken aback by the response which felt way more aggressive than it needed to be. The fact that they had just been called a stalker didn't even register in their mind.
"oh sorry, uhm... I should just leave then huh?" huskers asked, gesturing back to where they had come from, their nervous smile faltering to a saddened but genuine expression.
The flushing of the toilet was a lot louder than it needed to be and so was the sound of the door slamming open. Finally, Nun had decided to leave the bathroom, with an emotionless stare towards Huskers. "you should" They said.
Dickmasters eyes sparkled with joy as they reached for the bathroom door. Finally, inner peace-except their mood was immediately spoiled as soon as Nun picked them up bridal style.
'We'll be leaving now" Nun said, not even sparing a glance in Huskers' direction. They turned and started heading towards the direction of their shared hotel room without a second glance.
"Right, see you later" Huskers waved a little dejected, definitely startled but what could he do? ... Besides, they'd probably get more opportunities to interact with them if they decided to stay at the hotel. Though it's back to square zero as it seems, or square negative one.
Dickmaster unapologetically sexily started squirming and thrashing in Nuns grip "what?! wait-Nun-HOLD ON I STILL NEED TO USE THE-"
"Pee on me instead" Nun didn't even hesitate
"i need to shit-"
"sorry, shit on me instead" Nun corrected themself before dissapearing behind their room.
Huskers stood there confused and kind of amused. "What the fuck?" They said, pulling out their phone. They just need to know. They had to kno. They opened nunalastors inbox, hit the anonymous switch and wrote out their question. Within moments, a ding went off on their phone
what are the mods relationship with eachother? - anon
lulu we know this is you - nunalastor
"What the fuck was that, Nun?" Dickmaster angrily shouted as soon as the hotel room door was locked behind them. Managing to wriggle free from Nun's grasp, Dickmaster regained their footing, assuming a stance that demanded attention and respect, one that was clearly not showing.
Nun immediately switched their usually nonchalant or sassy tone to a more serious one. Their eyes were understanding but nevertheless a little angry. Who wouldn't be in their shoes? The annoyance of the demand was very much palpable. "You know you can't be seen out in public like this!"
This response only served to further enrage Dickmaster. They deserved their personal space! They weren't a child! This overprotective behavior was getting out of hand and becoming too unbearable.
"But Nun," Dickmaster began to explain, their voice a mix of frustration and determination, "they were here seeking redemption, I'm sure it's—"
"they could be another one of those stalkers! not like it hasn't happened before!" Nun interrupted, their voice filled with a mixture of frustration and caution. They knew all too well that encounters with obnoxious fans were not pleasant ones, especially considering they were in hell. It didn't even stop when they were out for snacks once in a blue moon. They never wanted a repeat of that incident with that crazy one, Lulu or whatever the fuck his name was, something stupid like that.
Dickmaster though was not budging. Despite the awkward tension of the encounter with huskers, they didn't think the anon was any danger to them. Either of them. Their gut feelings were always trustworthy "They didn't seem like it, they said they worked at voxtek and that Angie invited them, they wouldn't be here if not for Angie"
"That doesn't prove anything," Nun countered, equally stubborn, refusing to give an inch and provide Dickmaster with even a sliver of space. They were aware of how annoying and frustrating their protective stance might be, but their conscience simply wouldn't allow them to come to any form of harm.
This disagreement triggered a hissing fit from Dickmaster, who refused to accept Nun's ridiculous behavior. It had been a month since the last extermination and since Nun had started acting overly protective. Dickmaster paced back and forth in the room, desperately trying to channel their frustration into anything other than punching the nearest wall. "IT SHOULD! I can't be monitored like a hawk! this is ridiculous!"
Nun grumbled, fully aware that this confrontation was inevitable. It was time to employ their ultimate weapon. They put on their most sexiest face, placing a hand on Dickmaster's shoulder and attempting to physically ease the tension. "Sorry, babygirl. Let me apologize with my tongue."
"no" oh no. It's worse than Nun thought.
Nun took a deep breath and let it out, now it was time to get serious, as much as they despised doing so. They locked eyes with Dickmaster, offering the most sincere expression they could muster. Their voice adopted a soft, low, and soothing tone, oozing with genuine concern. "listen, dickmaster, you know I'm just looking out for you right?"
"Maybe" Dickmaster avoided looking at Nuns eyes, they were angry and Nuns eyes were the last thing they wanted to see. Instead, their eyes found comfort in the apartment floorings unusual patterns, refusing to look up.
Nun didn't like that, but didn't try to force it. "And that I want what's best for you?"
Dickmaster scrunched up their nose, not even hesitating with their response. "Debatable, considering you—"
"Please!" Nun interjected, their grip on Dickmaster's shoulder tightening as they cut off their sentence. They didn't need a reminder of what they did. "please, let me get your soul back for you first, let me make it up to you and then I can leave you alone, promise"
Dickmaster was in a whirlwind of thoughts, most of them screaming to slam them against the nearest wall and feed them worms but that was besides the point
"not like you're giving me a choice" Dickmaster very reluctantly gave in, clearly not happy about it, not one bit. They crossed their arms and put some physical distance between them. "fine."
Nun decided not to push further. A heavy sigh sounded throughout the room. "Thank you." Nun finished, finally happy they got through. They opened up their ask box and started answering more headcanons as a distraction.
Back at the hotel, a sinner, looking a little too much like an imp sits at the stairs of the entrance of the hotel, humming a tune to himself. A pair of footsteps could be heard behind him, along with that of a cane, commonly mistaken for a dildo.
"Ah. Lulu my dear, what brings you here this lovely evening?"
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planetaryaether · 1 year
unfortunately i really don't have the time or the attention span to keep up with livestreaming or vods so have just been seing stuff about kirbycraft on dash. If you know/it's too much trouble could you give me the cliffnotes of Rythian kirbycraft stuff of importance?
Apologies for the late response! I was a few streams behind on KirbyCraft so I wanted to be fully caught up before answering. So KirbyCraft isn't really a rp but there is some lore and plenty of nods to Blackrock, so I have broken it down by stream in case there is a specific moment you are interested in/want to watch for yourself!
Stream 1: 20/01/2023 - Rythian died immediately - Rythian "finagled" his way into the group - "You can't trust endermen" - Ryhian is the only one with a brain cell "deep breaths rythian, deep breaths" - (Exasperated) "don't cause trouble with the endermen!" "don't cause war with the endermen, that's like 3 seasons from now" - "I can give you all the lore if you want" "Their entire world got ruined by a big ol' magical experiment so now it's a wasteland" - (after being called edgy) "listen. edge is my history. I can't pretend I wasn't an edgy boy. I'm holding onto that" - In response to "if we're cold, they're cold" about endermen "He's not cold - he comes from a dimension of void. He has no sense of temperature!"
Stream 2: 27/01/2023 - Rythian is assigned the leaky room below the farm (even out of rp rythian gets the shitty room)
Stream 3: 03/02/2023 - Rythian is a canonical boob man - (In response to Briony being excited about the idea of getting an enderman to pick up a pumpkin) "why are you so excited about an enderman, they re evil" "Briony, you are so naive, you'll be the death of me one day"
Stream 4: 10/02/2023 - (About endermen) "I may or may not speak that language"
Stream 5: 24/02/2023 - Au is different from blackrock lore (Rythian can be friends with endermen)
Stream 6: 03/03/2023 - The gang decides to live in a woodland mansion Rythian's wrestling intro is "the voodoo people" (pendulum remix) by Prodegy - "I may not have a finatical hatred for endermen, based on my character's backstory, anymore, but they're still dangerous enemies!" - Rythian goes into how he joined the Yogscast and that he has always had a passion for creative projects so the moment he had the chance to make one, he made Blackrock
Stream 7: 10/03/2023 - Rythian says endermen deserve nothing but then backtracks and says they can have a block. Is deemed a "big softie" for showing the smallest amount of not-hatred towards endermen - Rythian blames a portion of their house burning on an enderman - Rythian (about getting xp back after dying) "I guess I gotta go either go on a killing spree or find some nether quarts I suppose" Briony "Oh, no it's happening. Rythian has reached peak evil Rythian" "It's the evil alt-rythian"
Stream 8: 17/03/2023 - "Beginning of my villain arc? maybe" literally 5 seconds later quotes the lil jon remix of cooking by the Book - Kirsty calls the idea of the end cute Rythian: "It's not. It's terrifying and despair enducing"
Stream 9: 31/03/2023 - Rythian suggests giving the enderman that lives in their house a gift (something pretty that grows) because the End is devoid of anything twits a conversation about bears to (half-jokingly) say that it is okay that he kills endermen because it is 'in his nature'
Stream 10: 14/04/2023 - Only briony can tame endermen by looking them in the eye. Rythian jokes about how many mystery mods are in the mod pack and how he would prefer that all endermen are automatically hostile and "go full-on ender-war" - Rythian is against adding a big-titty-endermen mod - Because the end was transformed into a wasteland with no resources/food, its inhabitants changed into a form that could survive without sustenance. Endermen can survive most poisons, diseases, and curses. - Rythian compares the 'friendermen' to slave soldiers - Rythian describes as an "angy boy" - Originally Nilesy was supposed to be a part of KirbyCraft
Stream 11: 21/04/2023 - Rythian doesn't like that the endermen seem to think that their mansion is a safe place for them - Rythian tries to befriend an enderman and it says "I remember you" - Rythian acknowledges the usefulness of befriending endermen
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I see that you want something with Kirumi or Ryoma.. would another Tojoshi ask be to your liking? 🤔
If so.. could I maybe have them have some fun times with their kid? Fluffy stuff, y’know?
I'm 100% fine with that >:)
Tojohoshi parenthood hcs
Would they be hesitant about becoming parents? Absolutely. Kirumi is a total workaholic and Ryoma has his fair share of issues to resolve that don't need pointing out.
But that was something both of them had in the back of their mind. If anyone were to bring it up though, it was Kirumi.
She hated being called a mom, but that was for a far different reason than distaste for actual motherhood... But she understood also that it could be one of the reasons why Ryoma never brought up the topic.
With Ryoma's past in the records the possibility of adoption would be pretty much impossible though.
And they talked it through a lot. They wanted to be a 100% sure of everything. Who would go though such a decision on impulse after all.
Once they had a child they made sure their kid has everything. Both were incredibly attentive and did everything for their best future.
During the first years they were very balanced on their chores. As much as Kirumi often picked things out of habit, Ryoma also took care of things before she even noticed they needed to be done.
After all, he was the stay-at-home dad so he can do as little as be decent at it. But he's doing so much better than just decent.
Kirumi was more of a strict parent, but it was mostly about teaching the child responsibility. She was never too harsh on them or anything of the sorts.
Ryoma was definitely more likely to spoil them in secret (like passing them some sweets when nobody is looking). He's also extremely attentive so he's a bit more sensitive to any emotional problems their kid may have.
Of course, Kirumi also has her intuition and she notices a lot too so together they're quite a team when it comes to a good support system. It's just that Ryoma is better at talking things through...
No matter what though they let the kid make their own decisions, their own mistakes with it as well. They'll just be there to help them get back up and face life head-on.
~Mod Angie
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sebastian--solace · 2 months
update on the thing that's watching me um
i ended up shining my flashlight at them and it went away for a moment and i thought they were gone but uh
they ended up throwing a rock at me and flipped me off
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i think it hates me idk
(already showed this oc in my account a few hours ago soo- have this :3
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angry mf,,,)
"Oh yikes."
He was shocked. He had no words.
mod here:
angy mf
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herleaf · 3 months
mundane clara headcanons * RE: Baldur's Gate 3 and gaming in general
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clara is absolutely a gamer in her spare time (either when she is not with the doctor, there is a school break, she is with the maitland's and angie and artie want her to play with them, or she just needs time to just blow off steam).
while she started off playing fps games, she kept hearing the doctor's chagrin against guns and violence in the back of her mind so she opted into playing cozier games (ie. wylde flowers or stardew valley) and she honestly finds the idea of trying to plan a farm while romancing people to be a fun and strategic activity
absolutely plans her farms on a website that helps map out stardew valley farms. oh, is that a spreadsheet you see pulled up on a tablet near her while she's playing? yes, because she is calculating what she needs to do to have specific money by the end of the first season because pelican town hasn't seen anyone like farmer clorbus on timey-wimey farm. no walkthroughs, this is a cozy game of skill and trial and error. she absolutely slammed her laptop shut when she gave penny a hated gift by mistake and she writes down everything. clorbus is nothing if not a learner, not making a bad mistake twice.
absolutely looks to see if anyone made a mod for stardew valley that resembles a blue phone box that people all over forums and reddits online have argued about being a time machine or some sort of government distraction from what's really going on. because like real life, there is too much to do in one day and if she gets her cave carrots and gems stolen one more time because she missed the end of day by a single second she will back joja mart to spite them.
dates as many of the bachelors and bachelorettes as she could in stardew valley (she absolutely gets the bad confrontation scene once and that is the only time she looks up a how-to online and reloads and finds a rabbit's foot that she now carries with her always.) she is scared to settle down with any one villager because that would force them to stop having their own personality and would stay on the farm and not be helpful (though she does woo and settle down with wesley IMMEDIATELY in wylde flowers because he is obviously not a mere mortal--spoilers--and regrets NOTHING)
absolutely names most of her animals after the doctor and silly nicknames from their past regenerations
DISCOVERS BALDUR'S GATE 3 and immediately hyperfocuses on these silly little 3D characters
can't decide if she wants to BE shadowheart or lae'zel or BE WITH shadowheart and/or lae'zel
gale reminds her of the doctor with his longwinded narratives and stories of his travels and also, like gale, the doctor feels like he would be the type to have a longwinded and complicated multi-step process to bring them back to life if they are killed before meeting a very old man with a long beard who has a pension for smelly cheeses and wine
absolutely begins quoting tav in her travels with the doctor.
"i've got a lot on my mind... and, well, in it." clara there are cybermen around this isn't the time for jokes
will try explaining every character to the doctor
what do you mean he goes by the blade of frontiers? what frontiers has be conquered? if he loses his blade would he just be called of the frontiers? doctor it is not that serious. he trusted a devil to continue on with a deal? doctor he did it to save thousands, your jealousy is showing
has a soft spot in her heart for wyll ravengard (and like danny pink, wyll deserves more content AND DESERVES BETTER)
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yayforocs · 8 months
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COLOR!!!! THEY!!!! they all got a little bit of an outfit change, but the rest of the changes i'm blabbing about under the cut:
ALRIGHT ALright so!!! firemite!!! warden influence!!! he's really really good at navigating around underground and is almost uncanny at finding resources :VV his other eyeTM is essentialy just a non-functional eye, but it looks neat bc skulkTM. it can freak ppl out tho so he's let his bangs grow out over it. he's also got Really Good Hearing, sometimes he gotta close his eye to focus on it tho bc it can be a bit much and blocking off one sense can help
aquafinity! i hadn't like Actually Been Committed to giving someone vex stuff but like i glanced over at aqua and it just like Felt Right for him??? so he's vex! i like the lore i'd seen folks do w vex versions of like scar and cub with limited access to vex abilities if not summoned, so i'm using that for him too :V he gets the wings tho bc they look cool but they're so small they're basically just aesthetic, they can't lift him at all. he's got some Vex Blue on his fingertips/ears/feet (he wears shoes all the time tho so u can't see that) and when he gets angy the blue on his ears turns red and spreads a lil, and he loses the color in his eyes to closer match the vex mob. maybe his hands get a lil more claw-y too, i'm tossing that idea around :V but yE he doesn't have much access to vex magic much bc he's a free spirit currently, but maybe he can do small things here or there!
razor is the blazeborn!! i contemplated whether or not to keep him Plain Human but like i just really like blazeborns so i'm making him blazeborn. he doesn't rly show it much tho aside from the hair and eye color, but then he slips into lava in a mining accident and realizes oh wait. oh this doesn't hurt actually. oh this is fine. and then he just keeps going sdflkj
tyratone literally only got the outfit change bUT that's bc i wanted to keep her versatile for like playing diff mods and such :V like i've all those different origins i drew her as, and like idk it'd feel weird to me to like have one of them be CanonTM so i'm keeping her as a plain person to make it easier to AU stuff w her if that makes sense. tho tbh she's not like Just Human, since she does have like. elf ears. so i'm contemplating giving her some Classic Elf TraitsTM like being light on feet and whatnot
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cryptometaphor · 2 months
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Sarah: Can I opt out and just walk away from the lever not being bound to cosmic horror decisions? lol
Me: I mean this is great. Like, Thanos everyone who ever lived and ever would live, or make 100 mods and Liz suffer FOREVEEEERRR
Axel: I like how you just assume people you don't like are the 100 lol
Me: Well one of them might be.
Axel: What if Sarah was one of them?
Me: Well than obviously I wouldn't fucking do it duh
Sarah: What if mods and Liz were in the 100 BUT ALSO ME
Axel: OOOOHHHH (stream heated up with emojis)
Me: Hon I'm choosing you. I love you more than I hate them.
Sarah: You're just saying that cause I'm here lol
Me: Am I? My happiness is more important to me than the many reasons happiness seems always out of reach. Sure, everything about them is wrong and they need to suffer. But it may as well be 101 than because no you, means I'm suffering. So no. I'm not pulling that side of the lever.
Sarah: AW BABY...
Axel: Awwwww ONE PROBLEM RETARDS the other lever just means you swiftly murder each other. Like... Eventually I guess.
Me: I suppose than the only moral conundrum is how far away from infinite train track is Sarah vs other people relative to my perception so she could live a long life
Sarah: I don't think I'm living a long fulfilling life waiting to be ran over by a train lol. I'll take being at the front of the line thank you
Me: I mean, I like how these thought experiments give perspective to our feelings and thought processes even if it's kinda bullshit the premise.
Sarah: I demand if in this dumb scenario, me and Jim are tied right next to each other so I can hold his hand before I meet my demise.
Axel: Sure. In both scenarios you guys can be tied together. Wait... Than whose pulling the lever?
Me: You smart cookie, outsmarting the anime antagonist
Axel: Nigga you the anime antagonist talking about how you just wanna torture people. Whatever, I'm pressing the bottom one too in case it's you two numbskulls
Sarah: You'd torture us for all eternity because you are annoyed with us? lol
Me: I'll make ya a deal. Me and Sarah are not tied to the bottom track and...
Axel: Oh true... Ok maybe I don't pull that lever. You're cool Jim. Sarah however.
Sarah: The fuck did I do? lol
Axel: You're a woman
Me: He's got you there
Sarah: Nibba said he's gonna torture me for all eternity and you're like "well you have a vagina hon..." lol
Me: OHHHHHH he's being hyperbolic. He's too much of a softie to go through with it
Sarah: Still lol I LOVE HOW BOTH OF YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY TRY TO MURDER ME IF I STEP OUT OF LINE makes me feel so appreciated and safe lol
Me: It's what I'm here for lol. Sarah: Ass lol. I love you though.
Me: Ok new plan. If Le'meanie ex can't be on the 100 bottom, could I rig it to where everyone she ever knew or cared about is in front of her and has to watch them die before she goes?
Axel: Jesus Christ Jim calm the fuck down lol
Sarah: I feel like that's asking for waaaay more than just she being on the bottom half anyway
Me: The art of deal
Sarah: You're art of the deal is "give me what I want with a happy face, or give me what I want with an angy' face"
Me: Yeth lol
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auroramoondrop · 2 years
Random modern headcanons for Sevika
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Mentions: mention of death, smut, fluff, slight angst, soft Sevika, switch Sevika, funny shit between y'all, etc.
^Sevika would 100% use her role as an excuse to visit Piltover's expensive casinos with her girlfriend.
^She is so cute cause she is SO excited, going against rich squibs with big egos. With her hot ass arm candy on her lap encouraging her.
^Sevika thinks you look hot when playing the arcade slots. However, nothing beats when you're playing black Jack. She is your personal slut when you play. (If she didn't have a reputation you would make her sit in your lap or sit on the ground with her head nuzzling your inner thigh like the big bad dog she is-)
^When she isn't at work or playing poker, she's at home with you doing whatever y'all can find.
^Both of you can be hard gamers, your favorites to play with each other would be Resident Evil 8, Genshin impact (she wasn't interested until you showed her, only liked the women in there and occasionally the cute monsters she had to slaughter like the slimes),
^Loves Lady Dimitrescu, has those fucking mods where she is in lingerie or something.
^Sevika is the female version of Heisenberg, literally laughs at everything he says and says his mutated form is the most badass one.
^Bullies Moreau, she's so mean to him. Says every insult she could think of when she's trying to avoid acid being thrown at her. Sevika wants to drop kick Angie's annoying ass, one time when Angie jumps scared her, she made a high-pitched scream, and she threatened you not to ever talk about it while your wheezing over her flushed face.
{You nuzzle yourself into your girlfriend's neck, inhaling her scent. A sudden annoying voice announces herself; 'Oh, you're still alive, huh?' A short high pitched scream comes from the woman startling you. She pauses the game and silence.
"We will never talk about thi-," you started to laugh seeing her face so dark with an irritated stare. You kiss her reassuringly as she holds you closer hiding her face.}
^She is a whale on Genshin, her damage is fucking amazing, the best of the best artifacts and weapons. She will remind you to play with her when domains are open to see which characters need what.
^Loves going to secret sceneries with you, maybe shooting fireworks in that one event with the heart-shaped ones with both of your favorite characters. I hc her favorite is Rosaria and yours is Ganyu.
^Gets extremely jealous if you win 50-50 pity and she doesn't, she might have played a long time but man does she want Raiden Shogun (I have her but sadly haven't built her yet-), y'all can destroy the battlefield with Sevika's Zhongli and your Raiden Shogun.
^Shes the girlfriend we all love that farms for you if you dont want to, makes food for you, fights bosses and domains for weapons and artifacts, and does some challenging events for you. She was shocked about your shit but surprisingly good build, you don't understand stats well so she makes sure to help you.
^Sevika plays scary games for both of your entertainment though you both almost piss your pants- (it has happened before but that's a conversation for later)
^FNAF was a hellish nightmare to play cause how she gets mad at Foxy for running, Springtrap for being a creep, Nightmare Fredbear for being a bitch, Ballora's million 'aborted babies' as Sevika calls them, and Sundrop sounding like a predator in her words.
^Oh this bitch hates Balloon boy, threatens to deck him every time she sees him.
^Her favorites are: Foxy (love-hate relationship), Mangle, Marinette, Springtrap cause he in your words is just like her but worse, Plushtrap (her son), Ennard, and Monty and her is literally the same person change my mind.
^Has teared up about the sad storyline, also when she thought about her playing the first game to the last. (It would be half of her adulthood)
^Loves movie nights! Sevika always gets excited jumping into comfortable clothing, soft pillows and warm blankets, many many snacks and drinks, and a variety of movies to choose from.
^She doesn't care what movies she really watches, only wants to hold you and plant your face with kisses. Maybe soft make-out sessions that make her cheeks burn after. (If she's really happy she squeals and it's so cute)
^Sevika loves horror films to make fun of, sometimes it can scare her. Any horror movie involved with dolls will involve her clutching you and declining profusely that she isn't scared. If she does get scared, she will hide herself in your neck.
^You would hold her and give her a comforting make-out with you cradling her face. Sevika might get a little aroused and submissive, take that chance to go behind and fuck her with the strap earning you whines and moans. (The Scoop Me Up position so you can hold her close, this is the intimacy she craves a lot)
^She likes Tim Burton movies, family comedy movies like Over the Hedge and Chicken Run, seasonal movies, and maybe Digimon since you love it. (She bullies you on how it's the rip-off version of Pokemon. Once she watches it, she's invested, if you don't have the whole series, she will get it for you. Will without a doubt sing the intro with you)
^THIS WOMAN WOULD ADORE WHITE CHICKS. Sevika would be choking on her Assult Monster energy drink when Terry and the car meme come on.
^Sevika doesn't wear anything feminine in public, but in private, she enjoys wearing a few clothes out of her usual attire. She wears some nightgowns to see you ogle at her and worship her, she has 3 sets of lingerie, a dark navy blue, a dark orchid purple, and an obsidian black.
^She owns a dark magenta sundress that she was embarrassed to show you but after she got comfortable, you would catch her looking at herself in the mirror taking pictures. (Sevika gets flustered knowing you were behind her though she carries you in her big arms and goes to cuddle)
^Acts like she hates when you put make-up on her or dress her up, she really fucking loves it and is surprised she hasn't got on one knee yet. (She will ;)
^Music taste is all over the place, mostly rock like Halestorm, Aerosmith, Alt-J, and Siamés, she loves metal, some hip-hop like icp, alternative indie, won't mind Jazz if the mood is like the song Speakeasy by ernst, and R&B.
^Doesnt seem like the country kind of person? Oh, yes she is. Singing Carrie Underwood to the top of her lungs or some other shit. It grows on you eventually. The reason she likes it so much is because when Vander, Benzo, and Silco we're alive, Vander and Benzo and her would sing drunkenly while Silco hummed the songs. To her, it was good memories and if Vander and Benzo didn't show her country she wouldn't have liked it.
^Sevika goes to concerts when she is able to, mostly rock or metal concerts, you will be on her shoulders and if a brawl pit happened, you would be taken far away from it while she goes back and joins it. (Every concert it happens and bands love her so they give her free stuff and talk to her sometimes. She also gets a lot of injuries depending on the severity which you take care of her with a scowl.
{ "I can not believe you sometimes!" You said with a scowl, Sevika only chuckles wrapping her arm around you.
"Come on babe, it's not as bad the last one. Besides, we got some free merch from my title, and your favorite snacks." She howls with laughter when you punch her arm, saying ow in the process with how built she was. "Careful, doll, I need my little nurse in tip-top shape to care for me."
Rolling your eyes she keeps snickering, sliding into your truck after she had opened it for you, (2022 Ram 1500). Sevika got in on her side and started the car, pulling out of the drive way, her hand resting onto your thigh when she was on the road. An idea popped into your head,
"This little nurse must make sure you don't hurt yourself anymore, I think something more than just bandages is required..." You took her hand and put it on your inner thigh, you hear her slight gasp that turned into a loud groan. Her warm flesh hand gripped hard on the supple flesh, causing whimpers to interrupt your throat.
"Oh, I think I really need something more miss nurse, I haven't been healing properly..."}
^This woman has a emotions like a stone wall sometimes, killing people and having to watch the people you used to talk to, die at your hands, the same people you probably once greeted in respect. Watching Zaun be at it's worst than before, it slowly kills her like a plague
^You can tell when she is overwhelmed and sad cause she becomes too quiet and says a low 'I'm fine', you would ask her a couple more times before she tells you to leave her alone. Sevika would snap at you and yell at you to leave, but, she regrets it after seeing tears, she realizes you're scared to leave her with her thoughts.
^Once you both calmed down and approach the topic again, she only looks at you for a short moment and bawls, you hold her while she grips on you for dear life and sobs into your chest. Sevika would tell you what's on her mind, cuddle her, kiss her forehead, and tell her stories even if it's boring, she would fall asleep on top of you.
^Miss girl can. Not. Handle. Spicy. Shit.
^Lets say you are a spice lover, you build your spice tolerance and can eat super spicy stuff. She can handle max at Buffalo wings, even then it's too spicy. You had challenged her to try Kimchi with you and it didn't go as well.
{ You sigh contently, Kimchi was like your comfort food, you had Hawaiian rolls to dip it in. While you were enjoying yourself, your girlfriend was not.
"BABE IM GOING TO VIOLENTLY THROW UP FUCKING FIRE!" Sevika screamed across the house making you laugh hard, she tried water, vanilla milk, and now the black cherry ice cream.
She walked into the living room with a runny nose and tears, the spice was unreal and Sevika swore her organs would melt. She sat down beside you with her ice cream, she looked cute all pouty.
"It's not fair, I want to enjoy this shit but my fucking tastes buds are sensitive. Have my leftovers." She slides the bowl to you, you kiss her swollen hot lips, Sevika hummed cheerfully.}
^Late night talks are something precious to her, you can talk about things you would never tell anyone else. Sevika talks about her past, her dad, her adopted siblings, her mother, Vander Benzo, Mylo and Claggor. Her deep regrets could kill her.
^She loves when you just listen and map her face. She will also listen to your story, Sevika could cry hearing the shit people put you through.
^If you start crying she is immediately pushing you against her, hushing you with soft affrimations. Sevika understands this pain, she knows how monsterous people can be, and be damned if she could kill every soul that had hurt you.
^Now let's be honest, you both are very open and have no privacy, Sevika thought she had some dignity and respect. But, oh boy when you came into her life, nothing was private. Her little wifey ass, yes you, would bust open the bathroom door while she is trying to use the restroom. She would throw anything in her reach at you to get out.
^It can be her showers, her changing, her doing paperwork, you don't care. You'll just come up and talk about whatever's on your mind, if it's when she is getting out of the shower, you are sitting on the toilet ranting on about your boss not giving you vacation days when it's near Christmas, you'll then stop to admire your girlfriend with a quick comment, 'double cheeked up on Saturday baby? Fine as hell, Vika.' You go back to what your talking about while Sevika carries you to lay in bed. (Dont worry she's listening, she will definitely have a talk with your boss as in life or death)
^Sevika is the same, there's just no privacy, if you're changing or you were caught naked, the wholesome part is her thoughts aren't about sex. Rather, she wants to cling to you and hold your body to a throne. She will leave if you ask but don't think she won't come back.
^If you are clothes shopping, the store is going to hate the both of you. You and Sevika are trouble-makers, if she sees a basket full of 'balls', she's jumping in and some of the balls will escape the basket. Is also disgusted if you make a joke about her being straight.
{The utter disappointment on the worker's face was visual once you and your girlfriend walked in, you look at her and grab her face with both hands.
"We are just shopping for clothes, no funny business Sev." She sneered and put her hands up in a mocking surrender.
"That's the plan baby." You both knew something might happen, Sevika grabbed a grocery cart and she had the mischievous look in her eyes.
"If you fall im going to laugh hard." She looked to you, the back at the cart, she started to speed walk, then sprint, her feet off the floor and leaning her body weight on the cart. She loses her grip. Sevika's face before doom was so fucking funny, her eyes bulging out of her head and mouth agape.
"SHIT-!!" Unfortunately, she caught herself. She was panting from fright. You on the other hand were giggling madly.
"Dumbass! Stop acting like a child and be a responsible adult for once Sevvy." Sevika flipped you off while you still had a wide grin on your face.
On the trip to the clothing aisle, you see an assortment of balls in a large holding basket. An brilliant thought came to mind, looking towards your girlfriend absorbed in a child's toy, your face softens.
Sevika didn't get a lot of toys when she was little, they were too pricey so she watched other kids, mostly topside kids, play. You were definitely going to buy the toy in secret later.
"Hey Sevika." Your tone is delicate, her head flips to you. She hummed in question. "I dare you won't jump in that ball basket!"
She looks ahead of her to see it, she side-eyes you. "Thought you said stop acting like a child and be a responsible adult?" You pout, with your bottom lip puckered out and sad eyes, she lets out a girly laugh and looks back.
Sevika starts charging toward the basket, jumping in. Half of the balls escape and hid behind your cart from being hit. You fall to the ground completely and start howling into fits of giggles, she wouldn't do this shit for anyone except you. That's what made her soft.
After some struggle and with your help she gets out of the basket, you kiss her nose and whisper,
"Damn Sevika I didn't know you have a love for balls, im surprised." She scowls and crushes you in a bear hug.
"Shut the fuck up, you know I love that useless hole of yours, babydoll." You whimper and hid yourself in her neck, she chuckled lowly.
"I guess I'll make the exception, if you use the strap on me tonight." Sevika eagerly nodded and pulled you into a hard kiss, lustfully dangerous.
She pulls back and pulls you into the clothing sections. You start grabbing everything you'll think you and Sevika will like, throwing them into her arms.
"And the only balls I like are on your chest." You pause and look back at her reddened face, you pull her face down to give her kisses on her red-dusted cheeks.
"Sure, darling."}
^You did get her the child's toy. She almost cried, she also bought you a choker matching to hers.
^Sevika would be so excited about the machinery, the toy was of a robotic puppy that can act exactly like a dog. It can also speak so you can talk to it like a person.
^She was delicate to build it, you had to put it on charge and the next morning when you told Sevika it was done, she ran like a child on Christmas morning. You named the dog Bimo! (Pronounced BMO) (Should I make a one-shot of her and Bimo interacting?)
^If you have any holidays you want to celebrate, she'll make sure you get it. Sevika doesn't mind celebrating or not with other holidays however, the one she will only ask to celebrate is Día de Los Muertos, The Day of the Dead.
^Ever since she was a toddler, her family encouraged to celebrate the holiday. Sevika lost a lot of friends, family, and comrades. She would put on the face paint and go to Piltover to get flowers to set on all the graves that had died for Zaun or other causes. Nobody knew much about the holiday until you told everyone that Sevika done it, then half of Zaun celebrate it.
^Silco was the one who planned a huge party every year dedicated to Día de Los Muertos. He done it to thank Sevika for her hard work and to honor those who died for Zaun's cause. She was thankful that you told everyone, not saying it of course, but her actions proved it.
^Sevika had a Boston Terrier named Benji, after an incident that lead him to his death, you surprised her with another named Andromeda who was a Papillon. She is a crazy fluff ball and brings Sevika joy.
^She'll never admit it however, one day she wants to settle down with you and start a family. When she was younger she didn't because she didn't want to treat her child like she was treated. As time went by, she found the perfect wife, you, she thinks she's ready for one.
^You and her pick out names for the child, how you will raise it, what school, and other opportunities you can save money for. You have everything figured out but you both need Zaun better to achieve your dreams.
^Sevika really loves you, she is working on saying it more but her actions really show it.
Hope you love the hc cause I sure as hell did. Hope you all have wonderful day!
Goodbye my Stardroplets! Aurora out!
Taglist: @pinkrose1422 (ask to be put on!)
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Hello I know requests are closed but could you (May you??) make a Angie Y. x Ultimate Actor S/O?
Angie Yonaga with a SHSL Actor S/O
i still hate the formatting for tumblr but you know yolo i suppose -- it's getting easier to deal with. hanging with my husband tomorrow and it's the last day we will see each other until I go away for the summer wahh wahhh
if this is written like dookie then I am so sorry for some reason I lost all my ability to comprehend english
currently listening: put your head on my shoulder by paul anka
playlist: vincent sinclair being my boyfriend
-Mod Souda
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✯ She considers acting a form of art. To her, you are an artist. She knows you put effort into your craft and that you can flex it just as she can her tapestries. She loves art and she loves artists, and she loves you. She makes sure she is informed on all of your crafts no matter what form they come in. She likes coming to your fan meets or your vip hangouts, but it's the panels she doesn't like to attend. That many people who practically worship you makes her uncomfortable, she wonders if Atua would be jealous (and definitely not... her being jealous, homesick even).
✯ She also expects the love to be reciprocated. She wants you to support of her arts, and she wants you to know a lot about the history of what she does and the reason she does it. She likes it when people listen when she talks, so you better make a deal out of portraying your active listening. Her love language is act of service in the sense of like she wants to you you're thinking about her and what you think she would like.
She rests her head on your lap as you sit up. Her arms are in the air, and she's counting on her fingers.
"And when we get married we can also have famous paintings around the venue. Who do you desire? How do you feel about D. Howard Hitchcock?" You just nod, stroking her hair, listening to her ramble on more and not even give you time to respond. She speaks of statures of marble to your left and right as you give your vows. She loves the idea of marriage — she speaks about it more than anything else. Her love for you is loud and passionate, and her talk of the future portrays this more than anything. You pet her hair a little more. "You're so cute," you say. Her eyes soft for a second. She stares up at you with admiration. "Oh! Thank you very much. You're beautiful as well, I love you very much."
✯ You always manage to find one of her paintbrushes or her pens in your bag (for pens, you know it's hers because of the paint stains or the crusts of clay).
✯ She always makes sculptors relating to the shows that you are apart of. They don't always include your character, but rather an idea that your character is trying to portray.
✯ If a fan approaches you while she's with you and they are getting a little too excited she is just going to stare at them with her wide blue eyes.
✯ She brings up Atua a lot, of course, and she attached a blessed trinket to your bag so that his love is always around you.
✯ She believes that Atua gifted you for her and that his will helped you achieve a happier life, too. She thinks he was pairing the two of you together for some ultimate plan that involves both of your prosperity. Atua loves you because of all of your characters you play and the positive feedback they all get!
✯ She loves giving you gifts and they are almost all diy so there you go.
✯ She does get lonely very easily so she does not like it when you are aware from home for too long.
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team-heavenly · 2 years
Chapter 4
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hi, chat!
The chapter image kind of snuck up on me and I didn't snag a picture in time, so I took a screenshot of a playthrough and edited it 😬
This post is going to be much shorter than the last, hallelujah!
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Hey, Mewtwo! What's up... Youtwo? 
Yeah idk
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Okay so based on past observations, it seems that dialogue text refers to him as "Lumineontwo" but not his name tag. I still have no idea why this would be the case. Any thoughts?
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You know, I just realized... The fact that Magby - a baby Pokémon incapable of breeding - is the father to a grown-up Clefable brings up... waaaay too many uncomfortable questions. Unless Clefable is adopted? But even then... Yeah, I got nothing.
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HE ANGY!! >:l
My god, I could have not picked a better replacement for Loudred 😂
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Just throwing this in here to show that the randomizer doesn't even touch the sentry minigame. Which, like with the art, I totally get. That would get way too messy.
Back in the day, I used to be able to identify most footprints before the timer lost any bars. I've grown a little rusty since then; I lost my two strikes this time.
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But I still did a "perfect" job, so we got the usual rewards from Tropius: a Joy Seed, a Ginseng, and a Life Seed. That surprised me a little, as I expected the items to be randomized.
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The next day, I noticed the Outlaw Board is still unavailable. I guess maybe those jobs are too difficult to randomize? I'm fine with that since trying to do five jobs in Everlasting Bolt-hole was... yikes.
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The recycling shop in the soon-to-be Spinda Rotom cafe will be run by Aerodactyl and Crawdaunt! That's... something!
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I’m still begging someone to make art of this. Seriously, I will pay you. Like $5. (I’m thinking of a sketch.) DM me on my main if you’re interested.
While prepping for the day, we ran into Team AWD! Or as I like to call them, Team Tropical:
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*gasps* Tropius leads a double life?! How scandalous!!
Thankfully, the stretched sssss makes it obvious who’s who. Also Lanturn’s icon is so cute what the heck.
I remembered picking up a Seed Flare TM a while back and seeing that Teresa can learn it. It only has 5 PP but it’s pretty strong and does damage all around the user. So, goodbye, Switcheroo!
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And the TM didn’t break either! Another mod added to the randomizer, I presume. It was a pleasant surprise nonetheless!
Remember that weird Crucial Estate dungeon that popped up out of the blue? Well, I decided to go in and check it out. Intuition told me to check the mission objectives and see if I could garner any insight.
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Ohhhhhhh... that makes sense.
The enemies were pretty strong- they easily had over 80 HP. I gave it a few attempts but it was basically a coin flip whether I survived the first floor or not. A challenge for another day, I suppose.
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Bonus: Turns out Run Away is useful for something after all!
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After one of my resets, I noticed the bedroom changed from Whimsical Furnace...? I have no idea why 🤷‍♀️
I don’t have much to share about the jobs that took me several tries to do but I did have one moment that nearly gave me a heart attack:
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See that explosion trap in the upper left? See how it’s placed right next to the Kecleon Shop?
Yeah so I stepped on the trap, blew up two of his items, and started panicking because I assumed Kecleon would call me a thief (consumption without payment, after all) and start beating us up. I tentatively took us down that corridor and... nothing. What you can’t see in that image is my face of utter relief 😅
Oh and Andrea learned Smokescreen! It was a tough choice, but I ditched Mirror Move since it hasn’t been super useful thus far. The Whiffer status is SUPER OP though, so I have a feeling it’ll save our butts in the future.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading 😊 I heard you ordered the Chapter 5: (Insert nonsensical title here) post, so that’s coming right up! (Might take me a bit though.)
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lu-lus-dicks · 6 months
@huskers-bar x @nunalastor chapter 4
Tags: enemies to lovers, angst?, eventual fluff, yearning?, soft huskers-bar, both mods are separate people, no beta we die like i do, minor character death, ooc, au: hellaverse (hazbin hotel), nunalastor is head of the marketing department, jealousy?, huskers-bar is an employee at voxtek, lulu as a villain, huskers-bar is a liar, secret dating?
chapter: 4/? / chapter Word count: 2,484 / total word count: 7,426
nunalastor as a single entity is nunalastor, traumatized mod dickmaster and cursed mod nun. and huskers-bar just husk/huskers. babygirl anon will be babygirl anon. I will be lulu. Angie will be angie but is meant to be read as angel dust.
A/N: pure lore this chapter. Almost none of the funny :( sorry. i've decided that as an apology for not being active at all today, the entirety of the next chapter is just going to be nunalastor fucking. I will also stop talking about plot from now on, cuz i'm just bullshitting my way through at this point.
"Hi" Lulu greeted. The room fell into an awkward silence, and the air thickened with palpable tension. Lulu locked his gaze with Alastor's, refusing to look away. The seconds stretched into minutes, elongating the unspoken battle of wills and determination, a staring contest neither wanted to lose, although Lulu was undeniably unaware of the game and was just being a menace.
"how may I assist you today?" Alastor finally spoke, his voice punctuated by a forced smile that failed to reach his eyes. The constant staring wasn't enough to get him to blink even once, but the mundane nature of just staring at Lulu was more than reason enough for Alastor to interject their five extremely long minutes of silence. Plus he didn't need the other members of the hotel to start asking questions. they were too persistent anyway.
Lulu snapped out of his reverie, jolted back to reality by Alastor's question. He rummaged through his bag, shuffling items aside in search of something specific, his actions conveying a sense of excitement. Ugh, he could've been a living vibrator with how jarring the immediate mood shift was. "Ah, right," He mumbled, his attention divided between the bag and Alastor. "I'm here to try and convince you to help me... Again."
Alastor let an exasperated sigh slip, pinching the bridge of his nose. This had been the third time lulu approached him this week alone and this feral... whatever that thing was, wasn't giving up on it "we've already went over this lulu, I am not going to help you steal Lucifers blood"
Lulu pouted, letting out a saddened squeak, his hands immediately stopping their search for the list of reasons Alastor should let Lulu steal Lucifers blood "Not even for 75 souls? Really cute ones?" He bargained, shoulders slumping and posture generally turning a lot more depressed, just like the owner of those shoulders probably was.
"No." Alastor reiterated, "No amount of souls is going to cut it."
The very annoyed and pissed expression on lulus face was honestly disgusting. Lulu leaned in closer, as if the proximity would convince Alastor. oh how wrong he was.
"Dear, why don't you just stop with this nonsense?" Alastor said, the corners of his trademark fake smile twitching in irritation. He put his hands back behind him and stepped away. The more distance between this creature and him the more comfortable he felt.
"what if it was the entire west side of the pentagram?" Lulu offered, sort of as a last ditch attempt... for today at least. Lulu was not exactly sane enough to know when to quit.
"I highly doubt a creature such as yourself is going to be able to achieve such a thing" Alastor answered, mostly as a jab to Lulus pathetic self, but the idea of him gathering so many souls was an amusing one.
However, Lulu didn't think so. Lulus eyes lit up with mischief, immediately switching from that almost-scowl to a smirk even the devil wouldn't be able to mimic. He jumped from the realization, "so that is a maybe! progress"
Alastor shouldn't be surprised but he is. Why is Lulu so obsessed with lucifers blood? sure it tasted good but not that good. Alastor sighed, shaking his head in disbelief and spoke "if that was all you came here for than you're welcome to leave"
"yeah, okay-" Lulu cut himself off as soon as he noticed a sexy four armed hottie walking by the door. "woah! who's that sexy thing over there?"
"excuse me?" Angie turned his head at the directed voice at him. he looked left and right, as if to make sure it was really him that this random imp looking creature was talking to. Once he was sure there was no one else, he put on his trademark seductive smile "oh, are you one of my fans?"
"no, never seen you in my life. what's a beautiful thing like you doing here?" Lulu said casually, running up to Angie and circling around him. The concept of personal space must've been a heaven thing because Lulu was prodding at absolutely every part of Angie.
"oh, that's a first." Angie chuckled nervously as he watched Lulu welcome himself to his body. "well the names angie"
"the names lulu." Lulu answered in a heartbeat. He finally relented the assault and turned to Alastor, waving "Bye Alastor, I'll be stealing your bitches"
"he's the most precious thing I have with me here at the hotel!" Angie said petting the pig in question. Little fat nuggets was very comfortably set in his lap and was napping.
"he is a cute pig, i'll admit." Lulu said, laughing along and staring at the adorable little creature. He tapped his fingers against the nearest surface, humming to himself. "hmm... say though, what is it that you actually desire? surely there's more to your existence than just taking care of fat nuggets?"
Angie slumped at that question, he didn't like being reminded of work, especially not when he's supposed to be relaxing. HE looked away, scratching the back of his head "oh, that's complicated"
"how so?" Lulu pried, crossing his legs, picking up his teacup and taking one sip. "It's tea time, and tea needs spillin"
Angie shrugged, reaching out one of his four arms to grab his own cup. he blew on it before taking a sip and sighing. "well, I kinda sold my soul to a blind prick" He began
"ah, gotcha" Lulu nodded, "go on, what's this prick like?" he pried, observing him with a keen eye.
That was all it took for Angie to start going off. "he's a real asshole, and not the sexy kind. he has no sense of personal space and is so insistent on always having me around. it's pathetic really-"
As Angie continued his rambling about how unbearable val was, Lulu listened attentively, observing him with a keen eye. Sensing Angie's frustration and dissatisfaction, Lulu formulated a surprising proposal. "What if I told you," Lulu interjected, his voice filled with intrigue, "that I could help you with that?"
"You're serious?" Angie asked, his voice tinged with both skepticism and caution, but he wasn't too against the idea, who would be?
Lulu nodded, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Absolutely. I have been trying to find a way to gain status you see, and what better way than to steal the porn overlords most prized bitch?"
Angie leaned forward, his attention fully captured by Lulu's proposition. "And what would you want in return? I've learned the hard way that nothing comes without a price. Not making that mistake again"
Lulu's smile widened as he raised his teacup to his lips, savoring another sip before placing it back on the table. "you're absolutely right. The thing is, the plan I have in mind isn't one I can carry out on my own. I need a helping hand. A partner in crime" Lulu said, letting the rest be left unspoken.
"i'm not helping you kill someone" Angie said, crossing his first set of arms over his chest and wrapping the second around fat nuggets almost like a shield.
"kill? nonsense" Lulu said, waving his hand in dismissal, as if even the mere idea of it was ridiculous. |I need you to help me collect souls. souls that will give me a name. nothing more. I can guarantee I will not be harming any soul that I collect"
That sounded very sketchy. On one hand, yes it made sense, collecting souls was how other overlords became overlords, but most overlords were also assholes. Angie couldn't let another one like valentino exist in the world. But the offer was too tempting... "how do I know you ain't lying?"
Lulu got up, extending a hand over to angie, pausing first in confusion. He was having trouble deciding which hand would need shaking "uh..." He shook it off. "I'll make a contract. In exchange for your assistance, I promise to free you from valentino grasp. In addition, I promise that I will not harm a single soul in the process"
Angie was sold. That was enough a reason to think this guy wasn't fucking around. "As you already know, I've already sold a part of my soul. no need for the deal. I'll help you"
"wonderful. I'll be discussing the plan with you two weeks before the next extermination"
Vox stared at Huskers, his crimson eyes narrowing as he processed the situation. Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon, had broken another of Vox's employees watches. His anger was palpable and causing static to appear between his antennas. "That fucking bastard?!"
Husk shifted uncomfortably under Vox's gaze. The pitch shift in Vox's voice was stupid but a little intimidating. "I'm sorry. I didn't get to talk to him, I went to this hotel after Angie offered, and I just stumbled upon him there"
Vox looked like he was about to blow a fuse but for a moment Vox's anger got replaced with a smirk. He paced back and forth across his office, his sharp claws clicking against the marble floor. The gears in his mind (literally) spun rapidly, taking into account every single opportunity he had now that husk was attending the hotel.
"Hmm," Vox muttered, his screen displaying a smirk worthy of the sexiest man on twitter. "Maybe this isn't such a bad idea. Someone to gather intel on my dear Alastor-I mean, that asshole!" He turned his attention back to Huskers, his gaze piercing. "It has failed once, but to be fair, that Pentious was a complete idiot." Vox paused, putting a finger up to his face. "Do they trust you?"
Husker hesitated, unsure how to respond. "Uh... not particularly," they admitted. Sure, they were in hell, but they were almost killed on the first day, that can't be a sign of trust.
Vox waved a dismissive hand in the air. "Unimportant. From now on, you are free from all other duties," He declared, his voice full of pure adulterated joy, one only a horny man like vox could make. "Your primary job will be to gather intel on that radio prick. I want to know his every move, his every plan. What he eats. Where he sleeps. What his favorite color is. What time he goes to sleep. What his hooves look like-"
"But sir—" Husker began, his voice tinged with hesitation.
Vox's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "Do not even try to negotiate with me on this," he warned, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "I own your soul" He reminded.
Husker's shoulders slumped, defeated. "Okay," he muttered, his voice barely audible. It would be fine. He saw Alastor once the entire day anyway and that was when he needed to break his tech. He wouldn't even get the opportunities to gather intel anyway.
"good" Vox turned away, his mind already racing with schemes and plots. He had been blindsided by Alastor once, but this time would be different. He would have his dear Alastor tied up and begging for mercy!
"and that concludes today's exercises! you're free to go about your days as usual now!" Charlie clapped, signaling everyone's dismissal. She turned to huskers and called out before they could leave "Huskers, may I have a moment?"
"yes, your... highness?"
Charlie chuckled, shaking her head. "Just Charlie," she corrected, her warm smile putting Huskers slightly at ease. "You know we have rooms at the hotel for you to stay at, right? I think it would be beneficial for all of us if you were available as soon as we started, and if it's something you'd like?"
Huskers' shoulders slumped and they sighed. "I mean, it's not entirely up to me, Princess. I'd have to consult with my boss first," They explained. It wouldn't be everyday that Vox showed mercy.
Charlie's expression turned thoughtful, and she nodded understandingly. "Alright, we'll let you talk it out with him and hopefully we can get you here!"
Charlie's excitement died down quickly though, realizing that due to short staff (literally), they were out of rooms where people could actually survive. "Unfortunately, we only have one empty and clean room at the hotel right now, and it's up with our marketing staff."
Huskers eyes lit up. The marketing staff? That's Nunalastor!
"And they tend to get messy at nigh-"
"I'll do it!" they far too quickly accepted, not wanting to miss the opportunity. "I don't mind at all. I'd love to take the room! I'm sure nu-the marketing staff are lovely!" they chuckled nervously, making it way too obvious what their intentions were.
Charlie, bless her heart, either didn't notice or didn't mention it. Her eyes sparkled with joy. "Wow, such enthusiasm! See, I knew I was right about you!"
Alastor hummed to himself as he traveled up the stairs. He couldn't help but overhear huskers little interaction with charlie and he just couldn't let the opportunity for some chaos and fun pass. He approached the door to Dickmasters and Nuns room and knocked thrice. Some thumping could be heard on the other side before the door opened in front of him.
Dickmaster answered "yes?"
"greetings, cohorts" Alastor greeted with that charming smile of his. Both Nun and Dickmaster collectively rolled their eyes.
"do you mind? we're in the middle of a fucking..." Dickmaster trailed off.
"we are not fucking, they're just too dumb to finish that sentence" Nun shouted from behind the room. The fact that they were sprawled across the bed in nothing but a shirt on wasn't helping the situation.
Alastor chose to not comment on it. He didn't care. His eyes gleamed with mischief as he began to speak "I have a favor. you see this new resident of ours is here to make my life miserable. I can hear vox's pathetic begging almost from across the pentagram, and they're a spy of his. I'm sure of it, however I don't view them as a threat"
Dickmaster raised a brow, unamused. "uhm, congrats? what's that gotta do with us?"
Alastor chuckled, leaning in font of them, hands resting on his cane. "oh, nothing much. I simply ask that you make their life miserable with your charming little quirks"
Nun and Dickmaster exchanged glances, contemplating Alastor's request. It wouldn't be hard and could prove to be quite entertaining. Plus, Nun wanted to stick it to that guy for some reason. After a brief silence, they smirked and nodded. "oh, will do at some point. What's in it for us though?"
"that's hardly a fair deal"
"By the looks of things, that isn't going to stop you." Alastor doesn't wait for a response and starts to melt away into his shadow. "they'll be staying in the room across from you." is the words he left with.
"fuck that guy with his own cane, seriously"
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ibuki-loves-you · 4 years
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DRV3 Girls with an S/O who's like Mikan
Warnings: Mikan's personality/actions
Mod Ibuki: JSISJDOSJD OF COURSE YOU CAN!! Thank you so much! I'm so happy it was a comfort for you! I know I must sound like a broken record but thank you so much for the compliments!
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Kaede thinks you are "an angel sent from heaven"
She adores you
But like the others she doesn't favor how you are willing to please anyone
"S/O! Get on all fours and bark like a dog or else!" "O-Okay!" "S/O doesn't have to do anything! So why don't you take your request and stick it!"
Kaede doesn't mess around when it comes to you
Like if someone ever bothered you she'd smash their head over her piano no hesitation
The one time you offered to take your clothes off for her, she was very upset
"S/O...? Why would you offer to do that? I don't want you to take your clothes off just to please me. That's not how a relationship works! I love you for you! Not your body! Though it is beautiful!"
If you ever thought she was mad at you, she'd be even more upset than when you offered to take your clothes off
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"I-I'm s-sorry!! I d-didn't mean to hurt y-your f-feelings!" "You didn't hurt my feelings at all, S/O! I promise! I love you far to much to be angry at you, okay?"
Kaede gets a little overbearing sometimes, but it's only because she worries and wants to make sure you are alright
Okay, at first, Miu used your gullibility
She thought it was funny how you would offer to please her
But after you started doing the same for Kokichi, she got a little upset
"Hey, asshole!! Leave her alone!!"
She realized after that there was a problem with what you were doing and that it wasn't something she should make fun of
If you ever took a fall in front of her, she would laugh a little at first, but she definitely helped you
She wouldn't leave you hanging
If you fell in a suggestive position she'd get start screaming and kinda just, throw herself on you
Not in a sexual way, more like she panicked and tried covering you up
If you ever thought she was mad at you, she'd get a little annoyed
With herself and the situation
"Babe, I'm not mad. I'm pissed at Kokichi because he was bein' a little shit again. Are you bein' a little shit? No, you aren't! So you shouldn't act like you did something wrong when you know you didn't."
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Miu may have laughed at first, but she really does love you
Maki got annoyed at first
She thought you were weak
But when Kaito brought you to training as a method to try and break you out of your shell, she went into protective mode
No one even glanced in your direction because she was always there
If someone ever made fun of you, they might actually die
"S/O! I always wanted a dog! Can you show me what one looks like?" "Alr-" "Do you want to die, asshole?"
If you ever took a fall in front of her, she'd act annoyed, but she'd be worried
She would take your hands and help you up while asking if you were alright
If you fell in a suggestive position, you'd see a slight blush on her face as she tried to help you
Anyone who looked would get glared at
You thought Maki was mad at you after you fell because she seemed angry
"No, I'm just a little worried. I'm not mad that you fell. Everyone falls once in a while. It was an accident. Why would I get mad at you over an accident? That's stupid."
Maki may be stoic, but you definitely broke down her walls
She loves you so much because of that
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Kirumi immediately went into mother mode
She doesn't let anything happen to you
On the rare occasion someone made fun of you, she'd make them feel so guilty
"You know, that is very rude of you. I don't understand why you'd say such things. As a result, I suggest you keep to yourself and mind your own."
If you ever took a fall in front of her, her reflexes are very fast
She's sees it happening I swear
So more often than not she catches you, but if she doesn't she immediately picks you back up and covers you if need be
Once, you offered to take your clothes off for Kirumi because you thought she was bothered by you
"Dear! Don't do that! I do not want you to take your clothes off just for the sake of entertaining me. You're body is far too beautiful to be used like that! Only show it to me if you want to, not because you feel obligated."
Because of that conversation, you thought she was mad at you
"Dove, I promise, I am not angry in the slightest. I am just, scared. I am scared others will use you and I don't want that. So let's try and work on this together, okay?"
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You are literally Kirumi's world <3
Atua told Angie that she must befriend you
So she listened, of course
"Hiya! Atua says Angie should be friends with you, so Angie will oblige! So, what do you say?" "O-Only if y-you want..." "Of course I want to!"
If someone ever made fun of you, she'd get very mad
"I'll use your blood as a sacrifice to Atua... Don't say another thing to them."
If you ever fell in front of her, she'd immediately pick you back up and pull you into her chest
If it was a suggestive position you fell in, she'd do the same exact thing except she'd cover you up if need be
"It's okay, my love. Don't cry, it's okay."
If you ever thought she was mad at you, she'd be a little confused
"Why would I be angry? I have no reason to be! So, I promise you, I am not angry with you. Why don't we cuddle for a bit, yes?"
Angie thinks you're precious and just wants to hold you all the time
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Tenko immediately yelled at any male who came in a near vicinity to you
If someone ever made fun of you, they better pray to whatever god they believe in
Because she will throw them
"Don't you dare! If you say another thing to my S/O I'm gonna knock you out so hard! Degenerate!"
If you ever fell in front of her, she'd pick you up immediately
Like full-blown bridal style
If it was a suggestive position, she'd do the same thing with a blush
And if anyone said anything, she'd make a mental note to wreck their shit when you weren't around
When you offered to take your clothes off for Tenko, she freaked out
"S-S/O! Don't do that! No, no, no! Beauty like that should not be shown so easily! Especially if it's just for pleasing someone!"
If you ever thought Tenko was mad at you, she'd immediately shut that down
"I could never be mad at you! I'd never! You are far too adorable to get mad at! I love you!"
Tenko would kick anyone's ass if it made you happy, trust me :)
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Tsumugi was worried for your safety
She thought you would get the same treatment Gonta got from Kokichi
If you did, she'd try her best to keep them away
"Hey! Leave S/O alone! They did nothing wrong!"
She's not very intimidating but she tries
If you ever took a fall in front of her, she'd do her absolute best to help you back up as quick as possible
If you tore a bit of your clothes from the fall, she'd fix it for you as soon as she saw it!
When you offered to take your clothes off for her, she got very confused
"W-What!? Why would you offer that so easily!? S/O, you have the perfect body people could only dream of having. Please, only show it to those who you know are worthy of seeing it!"
If you ever thought she was angry at you, she'd immediately disagree
"No, S/O! I'm not! I'm not mad at all! Kokichi was just getting on my nerves today. Nothing new! You did nothing wrong!"
Even though Tsumugi is a little shy, she'd try her best to protect you
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Himiko thought you were kinda cute
She found your shyness to be very adorable
But when someone bothered you, oh boy
"I'll cast a spell on you that'll turn you into a pig! Maybe you should practice your oinks to prepare!"
If you ever fell in front of her, she can't really catch you because she's tiny, but she'd help you up
"I'm sorry that my magic couldn't help you. My mana is a little low..."
If it was a suggestive position you fell in, she'd screech and cover you up while covering her eyes
Speaking of screeching, if you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she'd start screeching again
"No! That's n-not what I want at all! Don't offer to do that! It's not right! Y-You're body is the most beautiful thing ever! S-So, don't show it to m-me if you don't r-really want to!"
If you ever thought Himiko was mad at you, she'd freak out
"N-Never! I am not mad, S/O! Pinky promise? My pinky is magical, so you know it's real!"
Himiko will use her magic to protect you, don't worry
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Any ideas/headcanons for a mastermind Leon Kuwata?? I’m in the progress of trying to write an au fanfic, anything is appreciated!!
I don't know if by the time I've finished it you're done with your fic but good luck either way!
Mastermind Leon
His motives are not boredom like Junko, he hates all of the society standards and expectations so it's best to put everyone through a test.
Can't think of your future when the world is on fire right? Can't set a life for someone when you can get killed any second right?
He's still charming and regular Leon he is in the cannon game on the outside but on the inside he's always mad.
He hates hypocrites the most. So during the killing game he was just disgusted by the amount of them.
But it made him so happy to see them suffer. It made all of his doubts about putting his "friends" in the test killing game dissappear.
When it comes to despair he finds it exciting. Delight to see when others feel it but when he's the one feeling it it's even better. It inspires him and it helps him think of better ways to be a better mastermind.
As to hope he doesn't hate it but he thinks it's pathetic instead. To him it's comparable to a kid believing in the tooth fairy or something like that. Something harmless but still sad to think about.
When he was revealed as the mastermind he kept his act for a little. But when Makoto started pointing out things he had no excuse for he dropped it.
"Okayyy you win. Happy now?" was what he said before he began shouting about how messed up the world is and he's literally helping everyone now.
In the end he had to play by his rules so he allowed for his execution. The despair of losing was the most satisfying of all... But he wished he had more time to inflict it in more people before dying... Oh the wishes before death were so despairing!!
~Mod Angie
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danganhijinks · 3 years
hello again! i’m the anon who requested the korekiyo,kaito, gonta, and sonia angst!! either of the mods can do it i don’t mind,, both of your writing is lovely!! :)
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💉4 Characters🏩
🌸 Accidentally Killing Their S/O 🌸 (SPOILERS)
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🥀 “We'll escape together, right?”
Korekiyo continued on with his plan. It was unfortunately dark in the three rooms of the third floor hallway. Only a candle was lighting up the dark surroundings.
It was a good thing he was used to preparing in the dark. Monokuma was so desperate, wasn't he? So desperate that he made two motives.
A book to resurrect the dead. And the fact that the blackened, who had killed two victims and if they win, gets to leave with one other person.
He couldn't care less about the resurrection, even he wasn't to actually believe it. But the second motive was the main reason he was going for the double kill.
Or at least.. part of the reason why he's doing it.
Korekiyo picked up the golden katana on the blanket covered ground, his gloves were switched to white plastic ones. He stood near the door, waiting for the person he had expected to enter anytime soon...
Even though he couldn't see a thing, he was certain that Angie would be the one who enters.
Oh... how wrong he was...
The moment door swung open and the person stopped to look at the blanket with confusion, he strike. The tip of his blade cutting their nape deep enough to be an instant death.
"I'm sorry for this" He apologizes as the body fell to the ground. He was glad that he laid out the white blanket on the ground. Cleaning a murder scene is such a pain sometimes.
Though, it hit him... Sudden realization.. the person he killed wasn't who.. he expected...But someone else. Someone he cherished the most.
His eyes blown wide as he dropped the gloves he removed on to the ground. "This... This is.." He couldn't even finish his sentence.
Oh? His body is shaking... He hugged himself.. His eyes feel watery... Why is it so blurry? ... Oh, he's crying.
Or at least.. part of the reason why he's doing it.
The main reason being his dear lover, S/O... After all, they always dreamed of running away together.
Korekiyo grabbed the body's hand. "Together..." He repeated. That's right... They're going to have a trial. He's going to die.
Maybe... Maybe death was their way of running away?
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🥀 “We're going to see the stars together!”
This was it. He says.
This is where we finally get to end it. End the killing game. End this horrible and disgusting game. And finally.. To be able to fulfill their dear friends wishes.
Pointing their weapons at the despair loving bear, Kaito exclaimed "We're ending this damn game here!"
Monokuma was sweating. Sweating bullets despite the fact he wasn't an actual person.
Kaito smirked at the shaken bear. That's it. That's the reaction he wanted. The reaction that screamed that he was defeated before they could even fire.
Monokuma growled, "Why you little.. Fine then! It's punishment time!" He announced as copies of him appeared.
With that, the remaining students of the fourth trial began to fight the robot bears, avoiding the traps and the claws.
The fight goes on, some of them injured but they continued on. Maki turned her head to look at the space loving male, her eyes widen as she called-
He immediately turned around, aimed his weapon and shot the bear— *Bang!*
Kaito cheered in victory when he shot the main— huh? Wait... No no, this can't be right. Nononono—
His laugh was ringing in his ear as Kaito froze on the spot. Wait... How-? Weren't you-!? How did you!? You're supposed to be-
“.. S/O.... S/O!!!!” Kaito dropped the weapon and caught then before they could hit the ground. Everyone looked at them with wide eyes as the announcement played..
End the killing hame... He says...
End this horrible and disgusting game.... He says...
To be able to fulfill their dear friends wishes.
But look at where he is now. He was the blackened... The blackened of his lover who wished to see the stars with him... One more time...
Kaito held back the cough, violently shaking as he pulled you close.
Ah but don't worry... After all... Stars always shine in the depths of the galaxy's darkness.
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🥀 “Let's go explore once we're out of here!”
Gonta followed Kokichi to the roof as the short boy began to explain his plan one more time.
He knows... He knows that what he's doing is wrong.. But if it means they don't get to go out in that- That.. Outside world.. maybe it's for the better?
Kokichi pointed at a spot for the chibi version of Gonta to hide, a finger in front of his lips as a sign to stay quiet and not make any sounds.
Kokichi tossed him the weapon... Toilet paper. As hilarious as it sounds, it's deadly. At least.. in this program it is.
Object are unbreakable... I think that's what Miu said.
Speaking of the inventor herself, she entered the roof as well, looking a bit nervous but the intent to murder was in her eyes. She had a hammer in hand too.
Kokichi simply smiled and turned his back on her, making her even more nervous than before.
Miu shook her head and was about to strike but- Gonta appeared behind her with his eyes closed tight and shut, using the toilet paper to choke the inventor.
"Gonta's sorry! So so sorry!" He continued, but he couldn't stop for he needed to do it for everyone's sake. He had to kill Miu.
“Kill.... Miu? But- But Miu is right here!”
At least... That's what he thought.
Kokichi turned around to tap him on the shoulder but his eyes widen when the person Gonta was choking...
“GONTA! Stop that! Stop!” He tried to warn. But Gonta couldn't open his eyes for he was drowning in guilt.
He did it... He actually did it.. Maybe then-
“The one who killed S/O was no one other GONTA GOKUHARA!”
Gonta froze and visibly turned white at the sight, his eyes wide as he lets go of the murder weapon.
Oh no... Oh no no no no NO..
It wasn't..
I-It wasn't...
“Gonta.... Killed S/O...” The A.I. admitted, looking down.
At least... Once he's gone... Both of them could explore the world... Right?
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🥀 “I want to know more about you, Sonia Nevermind, without the crown”
Sonia never thought she'd be doing this. She never did. But.. Her kingdom.. her family... And the people...
Surely everyone can understand, right?
Sonia waited behind the coconut tree of the beach, the mask of one of her favorite killers.. Sparkling Justice/Kira-Kira Chan.
Ah, that's right! This.. this is for justice! I-I mean.. not only is it justice for the kingdom.. but the others wouldn't mind dying if they knew the game has ended.
As the saying goes... The means justify the ends... Is that really how it goes? She hopes so.
After slipping in one of the letters in her ... 'friend's (Kazuichi) mail box.. It was practically decided that his death should be now.
A few more minutes.
Her thoughts reminded her.
Strange... She was about to kill someone.. Why isn't she shaking? Is this how every blackened from before...
Sounds of crunching sand was heard, causing her to snap out of her thoughts.
Nevermind that! He's here!
With a tight grip on the knife, she immediately ran towards him.. stabbing him on the stomach.
Oh, there's the shaking. Although it's only her hands- wait huh?
This scent... Isn't the bad and gasoline one the mechanic has... And the fabric... Is somehow familiar..
“W-What did I-? S/O!” Sonia lifted her head, her eyes wide and filled with guilt when they didn't even look upset.
If anything, they were smiling at her. Pity.
“This...” They coughed, blood on the corner of the mouth, “W-Was unexpected...I never thought I'd....”
Their eyes were losing light.
Losing light...
Sonia let go of the knife, backing away once she had realized what she's done. Hands covered her mouth as her knees feel numb.
“N-No.. I... I..”
“Hey hey... What's with the tears?” Their voice was getting... Quieter too...
Like a reflex, Sonia caught them and got on her knees, their head resting on their lap as she cried.
They continued to smile. Is this the Sonia they knew? Hmm...
They closed their eyes, drowning in the darkness.
Sonia's breathing hitched, her eyes wide at realization...
They'll be able to know more about her in the afterlife... Right?
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Whoops, looks like I made them drown in guilt and despair.. Heh, anywho- It's quite fun to write something like angst.. I'm not the best at it but I hope you like it! (Especially since I actually had so much ideas for how the S/O will die-)
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doodler-jpeg · 4 years
Banned [TommyInnit]
Haha funny funny. You friend wif tomy int and he mods ban u.I’ve never been banned before, so I don’t really know how to write this. It was just a funny concept. Sorry for the bad quality
Pronouns: they/them
You laughed as you watched your best friend start his ‘once in a lifetime’ Q&A. You were lucky enough that you were subbed, since you couldn’t afford shit, and happily began spamming the chat. However, in the midst of you asking questions, you were banned. You stopped dead in your tracks, looking at your screen with confusion until you hurriedly called Tommy on discord.
“Im so sorry, boys, I’m gonna be right back.” Tommy muted on stream and turned his body to look over at his bed. ““Okay, I’m gonna unban you, but if you spam again, I’ll ban you again.”
““BUT I HAVE OVER 100K POINTS, I JUST WANNA TALK TO MY BEST FRIEND!” Tommy was silent for a moment as he processed what you had said.
“You have over 100k channel points? You’re kidding.”
“What’s your name?”
“Okay.” He stopped talking for a bit before his voice continued, ““Mods, can you unban [Username]?” 
You waited patiently to be unbanned and, before you knew it, you were a VIP. Because Tommy is your best friend. He does that. He is. Swag.
“Tommy. I love you platonically. Can I propose platonic marriage?”
“What the fuck? No. No, I’m not going to platonically marry you, bitch.”
You ended the call in rage and continued watching the stream with a frown as Tommy chortled.
[username]: am angy now >:[
“You bitch. I’m not marrying you platonically. I’ve already said so. Now shut up before I end up calling your parents.”
[username] subbed for 10 months.
IM SORRY, PLEASE DONT BAN ME AGAIN also you were unmuted the whole time >:]
“that’s what I thought, bitch.” The Able Sisters theme played in the background for a bit before he gasped. ““oH SHIT, THEY HEARD ALL OF THAT??”
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