#oh and i get hit by cars a lot so my blunt impact tolerance is craaaaazy
crowlore · 8 months
overall im grateful for how high my pain tolerance is but with how i was conditioned to approach my pain i sometimes need a reminder that what ive been accustomed to lightheartedly calling a “tummy ache” is what several physicians have said should’ve had me immobilized in a hospital bed
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hemellassie · 6 years
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Restless Days and Restless Nights *(*(*)*)*
Ch. 8 *(*(*)*)*
Photographs and Memories Pt 1
Rick shot up his bed, crying out, "Thomas!" He angrily swiped the tears from his eyes, followed immediately, by a shudder at the memories he'd just revisited in his nightmare.
God, what had triggered that particular memory? He despised that memory with a passion. Oh, now he remembered what triggered it. Well, shit on a shingle...time for a midnight visit to Magnum...why wouldn't Thomas ever just admit when he needed a helping hand? Rick knew he wasn't going back to sleep anyway, so he got up and dressed quickly. Grabbing his go bag, he went into the bathroom and washed his face then grabbed the 'special liniment' Shammy had given him to try, made sure the lid was on tight and added it to his go bag. Slinging the bag's strap over his shoulder, he headed out to his car in the parking lot to get going. He thought about giving TC a call, but decided this was his penance to pay, so why disturb the big guy? He had a tour at sunrise tomorrow.
That thought resolved, Rick slung the go bag into the backseat of his Porsche and began the drive to Thomas' place. Hopefully, he could get to the guest house without Higgy noticing...she didn't have to know every time he was there, did she? That's why he and TC each had their own codes. He drove towards Robin's Nest just over the speed limit until he escaped the city confines. Once out on the H3, he floored it. He'd pay the damn ticket if they caught him. He needed to get there and see just how much damage Thomas had actually done to himself this time. The needle on the speedometer crept up as he drove along the road. *(*(*)*)*
Earlier the same evening...at Robin's Nest
Magnum ambled out of the guest house, hands in the pockets of his swim shorts, whistling an off-key tune.
"Magnum, where are you going?" Higgins's voice, rather stridently, demanded.
Thomas paused in mid-step and turned towards the main house, reluctantly walking towards Higgins who was quick stepping towards him. They met in the middle. Kumu was behind her, making warning faces that seemed to indicate 'Don't rile her up; she is not in a good mood.'
"I'm heading out to go swimming, Higgy," Thomas replied in a calming voice.
"It's rather late for that, surely."
"Higgins, I've gone swimming in total darkness before and it's a good hour before sunset. I won't be gone long."
"Pardon me, if I am not certain, I believe that. I've known you to bloody well be out there three hours on your little swims. You are recovering from a concussion. I don't think you should go swimming without a swim buddy."
"Look, MOM, I'm a big boy...and a former Navy Seal. I have gone swimming with gunshot wounds, with concussions far worse and far fresher than the little knock on the head I got the other day, with broken limbs. I can handle myself out there." Magnum was getting a bit irate.
"Thomas, I'm merely concerned. Wait a moment. Why are you holding your shoulder so funny?"
"Huh? I'm not. I got hit in my head, not my..."
Juliet reached out and squeezed his shoulder and TM dropped to his knees, his face contorted in pain. She looked down at him. "You were saying?"
"Damn, Higgy...what the hell?"
She bent over and helped him up grabbing the other shoulder. "Come over here, right now!" She took him to a nearby lounge chair and pushed him down onto it. "Now, off with your shirt."
"We haven't even dated yet, Higgy." Kumu mimed slapping her own face and then his...mouthing, "Don't make her angry, you won't like her when she's angry." Thomas couldn't help the smirk that tugged at his lips.
Higgins slapped the back of his head lightly. Thankfully she missed the still tender part back there. "This isn't funny. Shirt! Off, now!"
"Okay, okay..." Thomas realized she wasn't going to take no for an answer and began unbuttoning his shirt. His shoulder really did hurt. He hadn't noticed it before this. What was going on? It was where his old injury from the camps was. Why was that acting up? He heard a horrified gasp from Higgins. "What, what's wrong, Higgins?" He started to turn his head to try and see what she was staring at so aghast, but she pushed his head back facing forward.
"What in the bloody hell did you do to yourself here?" The woman demanded.
"What are you talking about?" He again tried to turn his head, but Juliet grabbed both sides of his head and said. "Face forward, Magnum, damn it. Did you get this when you got hit on the back of the head?"
Thomas rolled his eyes and retorted testily. "As I haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about, I can't really answer that question, now can I? However, so far as I know, the shovel hit me right in the back of my head, there was no other impact, but really, you would have to ask the kid who hit me as I was unconscious at the time."
"Kumu, would you please get me an ice pack?"
"You've got it. Be right back."
Magnum heaved a very put upon sigh. "What's the ice pack for? As we are talking about my body, I would like to know what you are seeing, please."
Juliet sighed. "You are definitely NOT going swimming this evening, Thomas. You have a massive bruise back here and your shoulder is extremely swollen. I think you need x-rays."
"What? No way...I'll swim it off. I am not going to the ER, Jules...it isn't needed."
"Will you bloody well listen to me for once, Magnum? I think something may be broken in here."
"Higgins, I think I would know if I broke my shoulder. I probably just aggravated an old injury I have in that area."
"The bruise indicates an injury, probably blunt force. The coloration tells me it is about as old as your concussion. I think the man must have hit you more than just once. Did Katsumoto take you to the ER after that happened?"
"No. I didn't think I needed it."
"Did he even examine you?"
"Why would he examine me? He's a detective, not a doctor." Magnum replied. "Jules, I'll be fine. Let me go back to my original plan and take a swim."
"Like hell, I will allow that to happen. This has to be hurting, Thomas." As Kumu handed her the ice pack wrapped in a dish towel, Higgins slapped it onto his shoulder, causing the man to jump though her hand on his other shoulder kept him seated. "You are staying right there for the time being if I have to restrain you." She realized she had said the wrong thing when she saw how pale he became. She walked around in front of this difficult man and knelt before him. "Thomas, I'm sorry, but I am genuinely concerned here. I must insist..."
Magnum shook his head. "Jules, I appreciate your concern, but it can't be that bad. I rowed this morning and, yeah, it twinged a bit, but not that bad. So it can't be broken again...I'd know."
"Again?" Kumu asked.
Magnum shrugged with his other shoulder. "It wasn't my shoulder but the...aw, I can't remember the name of it...the bone that runs from your neck to your shoulder got snapped by an AK-47 butt when we were in captivity. The scapula was broken, too. I remember the pain from that time and this is nowhere near as bad as that was."
"Perhaps you have built up a higher pain tolerance because of your time in the camps." Juliet offered, hesitantly.
"I don't think so," Thomas sighed. "If anything, I'm more of a wuss than I was back then."
"I don't believe that for a moment, Magnum," Higgins said seriously.
"This, from the woman who told me to man up after I was hit by a car?"
"You had scared me, Thomas...I tend to snap things out when I am frightened. I don't like being frightened, it makes me ..."
"Grumpy? Good to know." Thomas smiled at her. "Is there any way I can see what is going on with my shoulder here?"
Kumu silently handed Higgins two hand mirrors of the type hairstylists use to show you your haircut when it's done. Juliet smiled at the older woman. "I'll show you once that ice bag has been on for 20 minutes and not a moment sooner. Alright?" Her tone had become very conciliatory.
Magnum nodded. "Okay, Higgins. I'll be good. Do you have any ice cream?"
Higgins chuckled. "Ice cream, not a lollipop?"
Kumu offered. "A bowl of vanilla ice cream coming up, Thomas. Juliet, you want any?"
"I'll have a small bowl, please, Kumu."
As the older woman turned to go get the treats, Magnum called out. "Thank you, Kumu."
Thomas slowly tried to stretch without moving the injured side too much. "This is why I wanted to swim...I'm getting stiff."
"I shouldn't wonder...you were coshed on the head and fell to the ground, you probably have more than a few bruises to go with the spectacular one here on your shoulder. Thomas, you really need to take better care of yourself. Why in the hell didn't you go to the hospital after you were knocked out?"
Magnum shrugged, both shoulders, but reaching up with his right hand to hold the ice pack in place on his shoulder. "I was on a case...and it was important to Katsumoto. I really didn't think it was that bad."
Juliet sighed... "And I rest my case. I swear you need a keeper, Magnum."
"I'll second that emotion. What's with the ice on your shoulder, Thomas?" Detective Katsumoto asked as he came up the path from the gate.
Silently, Higgins lifted up the ice pack and showed the man Magnum's shoulder. "What in the hell - Thomas, you didn't tell me he hit you in your shoulder, too?
"God, everybody is going to see MY shoulder before I do."
Juliet glanced at her watch. "Just a few more minutes, Magnum."
Katsumoto gave a grumpy huff. "That's it. You are going to the ER - that looks awful."
"My body, my choice...and I say..."
Juliet, Gordon, and Kumu all said together, "You're fine."
"Yeah, Magnum, you are always fine. Your leg could be hanging on one thin strip of muscle, completely torn off otherwise, and you would still say you were bloody well, fine!" Higgins was seriously fed up.
Katsumoto made the mistake of cracking up at that line. Higgins did not look happy at that. Kumu handed Higgins and Magnum their ice cream and immediately asked the Detective. "Would you like some vanilla ice cream or water or something?"
Katsumoto smiled at the older woman and said. "Thank you, Kumu, but no. I just had dinner a while ago. I came by because, Thomas, Mrs. Tak would like you to come to the house on Saturday. Would you be okay with that?"
"Me? Why would she want me to come?"
"After you and Higgins came to the internment, she started asking a lot more questions about who you were, how I knew you...she really appreciates you helping me out on this case and she wants to get to know you."
Thomas blushed. "I don't know, Detective. The credit and stuff should go to you, I didn't..."
The detective snorted. "Forget it, Magnum. You are coming unless you wind up in the hospital with that shoulder."
"Oh for cry-aye! It's ..."
"not that bad!" The other three chimed in together.
"You can't see it, Magnum. It is that bad." Katsumoto advised him seriously. "Look, I'll pay if that's your issue..."
"It's not that," Magnum sighed. "They'll want to do surgery if I get an X-ray. I don't want that. I have an old injury there that didn't heal right from when I was in the camps; when I was a prisoner of the Taliban, but it would be weeks before I could get back to life, and I'm not going for it. I can't...it would be like being back there. I can't do it. NO!" He stood up and walked away. Juliet sighed and followed him, taking the empty ice cream bowl out of his hand.
"Thomas..." She said, gently.
He just shook his head and turned and went into the guest house, slamming the door, and she heard the lock click into place. She sighed and walked back to where the detective stood frowning. As she drew near, he asked her. "Is he alright?"
"I think he's a bit triggered by this injury, Detective."
"Call me Gordon. Do we need to call the guys?"
"Probably, but I don't think he'd be very receptive right now. He was at the King Kamehameha Club earlier, and, if I know those two, they noticed enough that they will show up on their own at some point during the night."
"What? Are they psychic?" The detective asked.
"They are something. He'll be having night terrors and they show up before we even call them. Those three know each other in a way that is almost beyond comprehension...and they must have subtle tells that they each pick up on. It isn't one sided either - them taking care of him, you know? He knows when Rick is having a rough time."
"Oh, I've been in on that, just recently."
"Yeah, I'll tell you that story another time. If they or you manage to talk him around to going to the ER, give me a call, okay? That injury is my responsibility. It looks really gnarly...I don't like that he won't go."
"Neither do I, but he is an adult."
"Yeah, well he's acting juvenile." Katsumoto snapped. "Sorry, he's just kind of got me worried. What if the concussion is worse than he thinks, too?"
Higgins sighed. "That thought had occurred to me as well. Let's not go borrowing trouble, Gordon. Sufficient unto the day..."
"Are the troubles thereof." The detective finished. "My auntie used to say that all the time." He smiled... "is it, Shakespeare?"
"The Bible actually...I believe it is from the Sermon On The Mount...Matthew 6:34...if I remember correctly."
"I didn't think you were the religious type."
"Oh, I'm not, but in my day, in English school, we got religious education as a part of our schooling. You see the Queen, in those days was - technically still, is Defender of the Faith. So we never had the complete separation of church and state that you have here in the states. Religion was taught in schools back when I was young. Now, they say if Charles ever makes it to the throne, he will be sworn in as Defender of Faith, not Defender of THE Faith. As Britain is much more multi-faith and multi-cultural these days, I don't know what they teach in school now...comparative religion?"
"I haven't the foggiest idea, Higgins. Back to Thomas, I really am worried. I feel responsible."
"He wouldn't want you to, you know. He'd say it's his choice."
Gordon frowned. "Not on my watch...he got hurt helping me. He didn't have to be there."
Juliet laughed. "Of course he did. There was a mystery to be solved. The man can't resist a puzzle. He even finished a jigsaw puzzle I had planned on working on for the next few weeks while I was out with Kumu at a function last week, a thousand piece puzzle. Although to be fair he bought me a replacement the next day and apologized."
"Wait. He actually paid for something?"
"Yes, Gordon. He does manage to pay for things occasionally." They smiled at each other.
Katsumoto shook his head, musing aloud. "Thomas Magnum is really something else, isn't he?"
Higgins smiled and looked towards the guest house. "He truly is - special in his own unique way, our White Knight. I'm still only beginning to get to know him, but he does grow on you."
The detective wrinkled his nose. "He's an acquired taste, but he does grow on you, like a fungus."
"And he's come through for both of us a time or two now, hasn't he?"
"Him and Rick and TC,…yes, they have."
"They are a matched set." Juliet agreed.
"You have my number?"
"It's in my phone."
"Call me whatever time it is, if someone convinces him to go to the hospital, okay?"
"You've got it, Detective Katsumoto."
"Thanks, Higgins. Good night, ladies." The detective turned and left. His car was parked outside the gate and Higgins opened the gate as he approached it.
"We never did show Thomas his shoulder…" Kumu pointed out.
"The stubborn fool lumbered off before I could."
To be continued…
A/N: At least one person has already seen and reviewed this. I wrote it today starting while I was up in El Dorado Hills, CA to see the movie, APOLLO 11. If you haven't seen it, I urge you to go and see it. It is much more than the old footage we have seen on History Channel and really excellent. I used to work on The USS Hornet, a retired Aircraft Carrier/museum down in the Bay area. I was one of many who actually helped save it from the scrapper's torch. The USS Hornet picked up Apollo 11 when they got back from going to the moon. My father also worked on the Apollo project in a distant, but vital way. He got to go to NASA before the rocket was assembled...he was a technical writer and wrote the technical manuals for the camera equipment that went to the moon. So between the connection to my Dad, long dead now...and my connection to the ship (when I was first aboard her after she was saved, my first job aboard I was trained to deliver the safety briefing.) Myself and my friend, Diana, were also trained to be the Apollo specialists to give folks tours of the Apollo exhibits on the ship and actually got to go inside the MQF on the ship with Buzz Aldrin, more than once. It was great to see that movie today. Well, night all...I am already writing the next section of this in my mind. Hope you all enjoy this first part.
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