cfaiirchild-a · 7 years
@slayingkitsune bc why not
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“Kira!” Clary called when she saw her friend. “Hey, I’ve been looking for you,” she admitted as she jogged over to her, trying to keep her tone light regardless of the fact that they were surrounded by teams still trying to restore the Institute from the attack.
“I know you don’t need to stay,” she started, “What with the soul sword kind of being redundant now, but I was hoping, if there’s no trouble back in Beacon Hills you might consider staying? I mean, you’re part of this world, and we could use you. Plus, it’s been so nice having you around, like another piece of Brooklyn I didn’t have to lose.”
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dugoutofashes-blog · 7 years
ofpackisms replied to your post: new icon
hun that looks bomb AF!!!
o-o really!?
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Hey, I'm looking for an older FC for Tyler Posey that's not Diego Luna, because eh doesn't really have the resources and doesn't really look like Tyler? Please and thanks :)
Hey! We couldn’t find and FC that matches both ethnically and physically so we are posting this in case one of our followers has any suggestions! 
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blameshimself-blog · 8 years
@ofpackisms - from here
Stiles walked over to the corset and grabbed the Prince’s light coat. He unbuttoned it as he made his way back over and held it open. “Might still be a little chilly out there, your highness. That last thing you need is a cold.”
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deathsdesiign · 8 years
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SCOTT MCCALL - @ofpackisms
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angrybabybeta-a · 8 years
@iincapacity @overthiinker @twiceadaystilinski @facetiious @ofpackisms
ship tag dump! (Robyn and Maddy didn’t ask for one but i wanted to make it so)
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@ofpackisms | x
As far as Stiles was concerned, this was supposed to be no different from any other time he’d pulled Scott aside to cheer him up. He didn’t know how many times they’d done it since they’d found this church --- more often than usual lately, that was for sure --- and realized they could sit there for hours and talk undisturbed. It had sort of become their place in Stiles’s mind, a place they could go to relax and unwind, or vent when they needed to --- or talk about certain things --- where they could be sure no one would overhear them. He liked it, liked the secluded feeling, being away from the judging eyes of others. Liked being alone with Scott.
He liked it a lot more than he let on, in fact. Liked Scott a lot more than he let on, and had for a long time now --- not that he was going to tell him that. FEELINGS were forbidden territory in Stiles’s mind; adding them to any relationship had never gone well for him, and he liked what he and Scott had. He’d never had a friend like Scott before, someone who was a genuinely good person who cared about people, cared about STILES despite having a solid list of reasons not to, someone who always tried to do the right thing. It was the complete opposite of the sort of company he’d kept Before, and Stiles wanted to cling onto that for as long as he could.
Besides, there were a lot of things he didn’t tell Scott about. Things he’d never tell Scott about if he could help it. Things he’d done, to himself and to others, and things that had been done to him, thoughts he’d had. He was perfectly content to pine quietly away after Scott while his friend was none the wiser, perfectly content to spout odd trivia he’d picked up from his late night wikipedia binge sessions to make Scott smile, all the while never giving any indication that anything was different or amiss. He was good at it --- or so he liked to think.
But then Scott had to go and change everything.
He’d paused for a moment to take a drag of the cigarette he’d lit not long before, being careful to blow the smoke away from Scott even though he knew it couldn’t hurt him anymore, the two of them lapsing into a brief silence. He felt relaxed. Content. Safe.
Until Scott started talking.
It didn’t take Stiles long to realize he’d heard this kind of talk before. From his exes --- ex-girlfriends, his ex-boyfriend, ex-friends. It was the sort of talk where they were trying to tell him everything that was wrong with him and why they were leaving. They weren’t always gentle, like Scott seemed to be going for, but it was always the same concept: you’re fucked up, Stiles. you’re too much. this isn’t going to work out.
He didn’t notice that neither Scott’s expression nor his tone were quite right for that talk, just as he didn’t notice that he’d tensed up like he was waiting for a blow --- all he could think about was the words themselves, and how they usually ended. His mood soured so quickly he wondered if Scott would actually be able to smell it, and when Scott plucked the cigarette from his mouth, he glared at him, but didn’t try to reach for it. Just spit it out already, he thought. Just SAY IT.
Scott didn’t say it. Instead, he said something very, very different, and Stiles hadn’t even fully processed the words or what they meant before Scott’s lips were on his; they were warm, a little bit chapped, and the complete, utter opposite of what Stiles had been expecting.
Stiles stared at him. He didn’t kiss back. Part of him wanted to, the part of him that had fantasized about this probably more often than was strictly healthy, the part of him that dreamed about this (and more). That part of him wanted nothing more than to continue this unexpected development as far as it would go, as far as Scott wanted it to go. That part of him didn’t want this to end.
He pulled away from Scott, expression guarded. He licked his lips. Opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened it again.
“Why did you do that?”
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crowneddarko · 8 years
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           ❛  so are there any good places to go eat because i’m starving.  ❜  @ofpackisms
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angrybabybeta-a · 8 years
@ofpackisms be making me cry BUT
Pass it on.
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mccallofthewild · 8 years
"Do, if we touch will that like blow up the universe?"
“Only one way to find out.”
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nxsxcialskills · 8 years
@ofpackisms (from x)
[text: scott] it starts with a t and rhymes with cleo.
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@ofpackisms // liked for screams. 
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A growl escaped her lips as she kept her eyes on the Alpha. “I said stay away from me!” Looking down at the person on the ground, clearly injured she looked back at him. “I swear I’ll kill him!” 
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dreaddoctorspet · 8 years
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“Mason isn’t here. Or Liam.” Corey said. He almost never had to deal with Scott without Liam. Not after the whole neck thing, he almost flat out refused to be in a room without the two of them. “What is it, do you need to go Rider Hunting or something?”
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paintmybodyxargent · 8 years
-slides url-
url meme // accepting
Opinion on;
Character in general: Are you seriously going to ask me this? Scott McCall is a super cute and kind and brave baby and my future husband so it’s obvious that I love him.How they play them: Perfectly!!! 100/100 would reccomend!The Mun: A really good person to talk to, have so many ideas and gives me so painful scallison that my heart aches when we rp because I can literally cry at the replies and everything. Bu not that i don’t like it.
Do I:
RP with them: Yeah we do sometimes.Want to RP with them: *mikaelson family voice* ALWAYS AND FOREVER! Yes, I want to play with them as many time and threads and verses as possible. 
What is my;
Overall Opinion: The mun is super kind and cool and they’re so creative I mean they wrote me a starter when I followed them back and usually I don’t do Allison like being back from the dead because it’s a little bit weird for me BUT ASGJGDJ THAT WAS SO THE THING I WANTED AT THAT MOMENT AND IT GAVE ME REAL PAIN AND I DECIDED YES I ALREADY LOVE THEM. SO GO FOLLOW AND GIVE THEM FEELS!!!
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