#octarian superior is a man
yesyourstalker · 11 months
Octarian superior: alright everyone get up........
Soldiers:........ *Complaining*.........*sleep*......
Octarian superior: Soldiers up now!! Just because it's a low risk mission doesn't mean we don't follow procedures!!!
Inkling caption: oh give it a rest...let them sleep, like you said it's a low risk mission....
Octarian superior: listen. I don't tell you how to run your little"squidbeaks" so I expect you not to tell me how to run the actual military... ON YOUR FEET NOW!!!
Soldiers: .......*complaining*......*complaining*
Inkling caption:.....*sigh*.... Hey fellas we got breakfast ready in the dinner hall hope you like salmon and eggs!........ See colonel all they needed was a little motivation and they're up on their feet. No need for yelling.
Octarian superior:............... Ridiculous...... How did we let you win?
Inkling superior: hahahahaha Don't get your panties in a twist Colonel. They may look like a ragtag team of dumbasses, but they're tougher than they look. Shit they're tougher than our actual military.
Warabi: The food isn't so bad I thought you said the food would be crap
Neta: it usually is....
Warabi:...... Hey Neta how come some of these inklings have different ink colors while everyone else is in blue and where are their uniforms?
Neta: those are usually agents or they call themselves squidbeaks........ The Inkling military is around 50 years old, younger than the actual great turf war. Unlike octarians who had an actual army inkling didn't. Their culture is far different from ours. They're a lot more relaxed, didn't think about organization to that kind of level.
Octoling soldier: bunch of fucking hippies if you ask me.
Neta: yeah....... they just kinda do their own thing...... some switch to the actual military when it was formed but they tend to stick with their small army from villages
Squidbeak inkling: that's our little splatoons were formed. Our homes used to be in small villages separate from each other. During hunting, scavenging, guarding or protecting our village small groups of volunteers would do the job. We did it during the war as well, we had small groups from different villages and different islands. They would go off and fight the war together. We didn't need a big military to win we just needed a community.
Warabi: huh....
Octoling soldier: hmph...... you're so full of shit
Squidbeak inkling: beg your pardon?
Octoling soldier: I said you're full of shit! You put on this act of piece and love persona to separate yourselves from the ruthless acts...... It's all community and support when it comes to Inklings but y'all had no problem forcing us underground in the fucking sewers! Where was that peach and love when you pushed us off our land, from our homes! what about our community what about our villages!
Fishling soldier: hey now let's not act like this! The war is over now we don-
Octoling soldier: oh fuck off! You weren't any better!!
Squidbeak inkling: you don't need to act so rash .... that's what caused you to lose in the first place
Octoling soldier: SAY THAT TO MY FACE MOTHERFUCKER!!.... I lost my brother cuz of you agent fucks...........
Squidbeak: you think y'all weren't heartless. I lost my wife.. killed due to your cold tactics...
Inkling superior:.... The war is over....Stop trying to start another one... understand?
Soldiers: ......Yes ma'am..... Ok.......*murmuring*..... So strict....... This is why I stick to being an agent
Octarian superior: and my panties are in a twist hehe
Inkling superior:. Shut up ........Hit the showers!!...you all smell like shit!!!!........
Neta: hmm... Maybe they should have waited for the tension to die down before having all of us in a single Splatoon...... I'm heading to the showers. Sorry about that incident man. If you seem a good guy...*pat pat*
Squidbeak inkling: No worries I apologize as well...
Warabi: so do we just all get individual showeeerrrss oh my cod! IT'S JUST ONE ROOM!?!!
Neta: yep.... Pretty nice shower room. Just grab a towel from the rack and just throw your clothes in the hamper they'll just give us new uniforms anyway...... They do provide soap and everything it's actually really- What are you doing?
Warabi: I'll just wait for everyone to leave.... I thought they were going to be private showers
Neta: Oh please. It's no big deal. You don't have anything that these guys haven't already seen before. It's fine.
Octoling soldier: hey boys........oooh cute piercing sweetie. Did it hurt?
Neta: like a bitch. Hahaha
Warabi: They don't separate them by gender?
Neta: not on inkling ships..... Like I said nothing they haven't seen before. Just think of it as old bath house, It's nice! Perfect place to unwind and get to know people.
Warabi:.....*sigh*....... Ok....... Doesn't seem that bad everyone is naked
Neta: when I realized I got her pregnant we got married. We didn't love each other.... Honestly, we barely knew each other. We were just both stupid..... She was crying... I didn't know what to do so I kissed her and we... Yeah
Inkling soldier: You guys were vulnerable and young... It happens... At the moment it probably felt right... Can you get my back for me?
Neta: yeah sure........I just don't want my girl to think that she was a mistake...... Or that I didn't want her... I wasn't in her life for a long time I have a lot of reasons why. sometimes they don't feel like good reasons.... Hey this is a weird question. You think you can shave my face..... The mirror is not my friend right now
Inkling soldier: It's no problem....I wasn't prepared to have my kid either. He knows that he's loved deeply. I'm sure she knows it too. You're in her life now, you j-
Superior: everyone get dressed!!We found something on the sonar!!!
Soldiers:.....*murmuring*..... This better be good..... I hope it's actually something this time.....*murmuring*
Neta: alright let's get dressed... Warabi?... Warabi!? Are you falling asleep in the shower did you sleep last night?
Warabi: sorry I tend not to sleep very well when I'm being put in a chokehold........ How does ikkan go through this at night?
Neta: hahah sorry about that. Let's go
Warabi: so they just put her clothes on our bed?
Neta: yep new underwear and everything....... Hmm they do mix it up sometimes. ANYONE MISSING A BINDER!
urchin soldier: yeah that's mine! You must be Neta Verns
Neta: and you're Neta Uni.... I like the name, Great choice.
Uni: thank you hehe..
Neta: hehehe No problem kid............*sigh* He's just a baby, around my daughter's age....... He had no business being in the military........He should be in school..................shit....he's around the same age I joined.................. I was a baby................all my friends were babies........ pulpo was -
Warabi: Neta!
Neta: AH! SHIT! Don't do that!!What is it?!!
Warabi: sorry. come downstairs you have to see this!
Neta: ok ok what is it.... Wow....it's huge!
Octoling superior: yep, it's a colossal squid around 46 ft in length..... It's a female..... ..Probably around a year old....
Soldiers: ...... Amazing ...* Murmuring*..... Wow ......
Inkling Superior:......look at her........ Could you believe we all descended from these creatures..... Every one of us has an ancestor down here. Even before the dawn of the mammalians we existed... and we're still here.....Let that sink in...
Octoling superior: let's hope we don't end up like them.... Remember this moment.... Remember where we started next time you want to start a stupid fight damn it those stupid
Warabi: so pretty
Neta: danm....... Ma'am, I thought we were heading to a freshwater environment. This is saltwater?
Inkling superior: Yeah it's going to take us another day to get there we're heading to the goldfish gulf.....
Neta:....... goldfish gulf......... I lost my ear there... I lost.......pulpo.....
Warabi: hey Neta you ok?
Neta: yeah..... I need to make a stop though. when we get there. Pay someone to visit...
Mizole: this job is boring!!
Mhai: You're the one who wanted the job..
Mizole: I just wanted that old fuck to stop complaining every time I went into the store... 'Mizole go home. Mizole stop loitering. Mizole stop distracting my employees.... Either buy something or fucking leave'..... They got annoying
Ikkan: You can go home.... You don't really do anything anyway.
Mizole: oh shut up! I do a lot more than you! You don't even talk to the customers. In fact you stay in the office all day doing homework! Not my fault you dropped out of college to join the mediocre band!
Mahi: ........ sorry... you're fired... babe... You did your best......
Candie:.......not really
Mahi: ...hehehehe.....yeah.....you're not a good employee.. hand me your badge.... Go home....hehehehehahahahaha
Mizole: ................... Fine..... Why are you laughing??
Mahi:.... Nothing. I remembered something funny......[kiss]...bye!...................
Mizole: see ya babe
Mahi.... here's your 20g Candie
Candie: thank you!..... He even didn't last three days! hahahahaha
Mahi was knife fighting @fish-at-fish-fish-resort in the McDonald's parking lot
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opal-owl-flight · 1 month
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Your Protege. (Pt 2)
(Pt 1)
This is the only time theyve shown such sheer anger in front of anyone. Theyre usually just cold, or disappointed -- never furious.
Its one of the times Neo3 actually feared the captain.
Not over how Cuttlefish is this fuckign loony old man who pushes his ideas on young 3, constantly goinf "yall kids think Im crazy but LOOK WHOS RIGHT FOR ONCE", "I cant fight anymore, thats why I got you!", "Youre hero material, kid! Youre gonna be big!!"
Then raves abt how the Octarians are evil
3, who was desperate for praise from someone who reminds them of their direct relatives, does everything he says to do just to be appreciated more.
Cuttlefish taught them how to fight hand to hand. How to move and think on their feet. (Though they were given similar in their younger years)
Cuttlefish was... generally more warm and supportive than their dad, but yknow. A lot of this started bc 3 agreed to work for him. Be his deadly weapon.
Cuttlefish was more concerned abt the Zapfish than 3s well-being then... He knew that the constant praising was working so hes gonna keep doing it. (...mostly bc thats what worked on HIM back then)
After 3 does his dirty work, he realized he should probably keep the kid around bc his paranoia with Octaria is a damn bitch and this kid is one hell of an ass kicker. They dont mind. Right??
3 never showed any sign of wanting to leave. Why would they, he was so kind to them, more than their dad or grandad ever was. (Also the paranoia rubbed off on them. Oops!)
Then, he asked them to go on a longer patrol with him. Pushed them to their fucking limit. Bc of what?? Octaria making moves again? (Octavio did make moves but they were already, as we say in the game, "too far from the objective to really contribute to the fight". This is why agent 4 was dragged in.)
There, 3 saw more and more that hes just a loony old man who wanted to have a fancy weapon to protect him in his crusade. A crusade they never really questioned, mind you. Theyve no reason to believe Octaria was nice in any way, not when they keep trying to kill them. (...in self defense. They havent realized, yet.)
Then they encounter 8, who had dropped her weapon at the sight of them. Raising her hands in surrender. 3 was far ahead of the coot, and managed to actually talk to her and everything. They were this close to bringing her back to Inkopolis as a friend, until the bastard ruined the moment.
Cuttlefish still told them that she was a danger. It might be a trick! Dont put your guard down! Pressured to follow their superior, 3s mask returns to their face, turning onto 8 with the herl shot ready to fire.
Then they all tumbled into the metro.......
....for Cuttlefish to use yet ANOTHER kid (8) to get him out of a hairy situation.
Hes a crazy old man. Only caring for any of the kids beyond the platoon after they do his dirty work.
Like "mmm! Thank you for committing the war crimes in my stead. Youre a good kid, you know that? Anything I can do to support you further? Mmmm???"
...I dont think hes aware.
Hes not aware that hes harming the entire platoon, bc in his mind hes doing the greater good here. Get some easily manipulable kids on the street, shower em with praise and promises of glory and valor, and theyll do ANYTHING for you.
Including the warcrimes you keep wanting to do.
I think...I think he doesnt know hes manipulating the kids. I think he genuinely believes his own promises. He glamorizes the valor of war bc hes a commander who sits in the back of it. He really believes that this is for the best. He believes that this is how you inspire your troops to fight.
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askmrgrizz · 2 years
well well well if it ant the bear who lost to a 14 year old kid and that phone you blended so many octarian yet lost to a octoling and 2 idols how far you have fallen .... or I guess flew because of you being in space and all
(@ghost-vessel I know it's you)
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So i know i already did a question but you responded so good tho the last one and i can't resist so what would Splatoon 1 squidbeak splatoon think about the new Splatoon 3 (especially about octavio and lots of octos being part of it)
Sorry if it's so long🥲
im curious to know if you mean the new squidbeak splatoon from splat 1 (consisting of cap'n cuttlefish, agent 3, callie, and marie) or the original squidbeak splatoon so I'll give you my thoughts for both!
splat 1's NSS wouldn't feel too different I don't think, Cuttlefish is the one who would have to adjust the most since hes old and very clearly is still a little stuck in the old ways of the world, so the addition of octolings would throw him off. Especially if this is pre-final boss fight when the calamari inkantation is played to the octarians, since that was when the movement of octolings reintegrating into inkling society started, and in the octo expansion cuttlefish is only fine with octolings if they've shown to be fans of the inkantation ("no fan of the inkantation is a foe of mine, i don't see species.") but I honestly think three, callie, and marie don't really care about octolings joining the NSS. they're all young and don't really get the whole great turf war ideology anymore so why would there really be a problem with having octolings on the team?
However having OCTAVIO join them even just temporarily for the splat 3 final boss,,,, I think they would all be apprehensive about that. past agent three would be like "so I fought this guy for him to just join the good side in the end? i did this for nothing???"
Past Callie and Marie would be confused as to why he's helping them, again if this is pre-final boss they wouldn't understand his reasoning for wanting to help, and of course this is pre splat 2 so the callie kidnapping incident hasn't happened yet. basically what I'm trying to say is past callie and marie don't understand why octavio is here in splat 3.
As for the original Squidbeak Splatoon, again Cuttlefish would be shocked as to why the "enemy" is a part of the NSS when the reason for the SS existing was to fight the octarians. The other members of the original SS are Shellendorf, who is related to Sheldon of Ammo Knights, Judd the cat, and two unnamed inklings. Shellendorf we don't really know much about, his backstory isn't really revealed to us so I'm not sure how he would feel seeing the NSS be so diverse. I think he might have been a more peaceful minded guy so perhaps he would see the unity between species as a good thing? who knows! Judd was also suspected to only be a part of the SS because he liked to judge things, he didn't really serve a purpose on the team besides... idk being a cat? sleeping? making biscuits?? so I don't think he really cares At All about the inkling vs octoling thing.
Overall the theme is really just seeing how a person changes overtime, cuttlefish went from being the captain of a team who fought against the octarians to a kind old man who is starting to accept the world for how it has changed. and he himself has changed too, he doesn't think all octolings are the enemy anymore, he even has befriended some and worked with them. Octavio went from being a controlling dictator to a shameful outcast who regrets the pain he caused from trying to prove octarians were the superior society. Agent 3 went from being a rookie teenage turf war battler to Captain 3 of the NSS who has the most experience on the team and is crazy good at what they do.
Everyone has experienced change in some way, and if their past selves met their future selves, they wouldn't understand why things turned out the way they did because they haven't lived through that experience yet. They might even think "there's no way I'll turn out like that" until they go through something that makes them see things from another perspective, and it changes their mind. there's a reason why the NSS doesn't look the same as the original SS did, different people have different skill sets that are useful to the team and the type of threats they experience in modern day are different than those of the great turf war's time. as society changes and evolves, so must the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
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splatoon-odf · 2 years
The effect of the Great Turf Wars on Inkling and Octarian society (Part 1)
As many of you likely know by now, 100 years before the events of the Splatoon games, the previously friendly Octarians and Inklings were forced to battle for land due to rising sea levels in what came to be know as the Great Turf Wars. These battles play a large part in Splatoon's lore, so today I'm going to go over a rough timeline of what happened, and any other important details that may come up.
1. Before the wars
Not much is known about events prior to The Great Turf Wars, but Splatoon 1's Sunken Scrolls do give us some details.
Sunken Scroll 4 has the text "This scroll was found in a deep rock layer, its age estimated at approximately 2,000 years. It details the ancient Turf Wars of the time. It seems the basic four-versus-four battle format had already been established at this stage." This tells us that long before the Great Turf Wars, the turf war sport Inklings kids still play today had already been established, even with Judd as the judge.
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Sunken Scroll 16 tells us "Before the Great Turf War, there were amicable relations between the Inklings and the Octarians. They couldn't have dreamed that rising sea levels would force them to battle fiercely over the remaining territory." Accompanied by a picture of what appears to be DJ Octavio and Cap'n Craig Cuttlefish. The exact time when this photo was taken can't be 100% determined, but we at least know it had to be 100 or more years ago
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Important Events: 2,000 years ago turf war became a popular sport, 100+ years ago Octarians and Inklings got along, this includes DJ Octavio and Cap'n Craig Cuttlefish.
2. The Great Turf Wars
This is when we start to get more detailed information on the events that took place. The following 4 Sunken Scrolls directly tell us the events of the Great Turf War.
Sunken Scroll 12, "The first battles of the Great War ended in victory for the Octarian forces. The diligent Octarians easily dominated the Inklings, who were unable to wake up early enough in the morning to defend themselves."
Sunken Scroll 13, "Heralded by loud explosions, the "Great Octoweapons" quickly stormed the Inklings' central stronghold. Victory for the Octarians seemed all but certain, but due to a plug being carelessly pulled from its socket, their hopes were dashed."
Sunken Scroll 14, "Lady Luck shone down on the Inklings, and historians today agree that the Inklings' victory over the Octarians was mostly due to their superior number of limbs."
Sunken Scroll 15, "This is the only existing photograph of the legendary Squidbeak Splatoon. The young man folding his arms appears to be the leader. When this picture was taken, the Great Turf War had been raging on for over a year.
These scrolls tell us a lot about the events that went down during the wars, but there is one more I have yet to mention.
In Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion, Marina's Chat Room Session 5 gives us this exchange.
"DJ_Hyperfresh > Battery's almost dead. I'm gonna go grab my charger.
MC.Princess > Word
■Webmaster■ > DJ_Hyperfresh has left the chatroom.
MC.Princess > Man, there's nuthin to do when it's just me and you here cap...
CraigCuttlefish > what do you mean
MC.Princess > Uuuuugh i'm booored
MC.Princess > But maybe I'll do a lil research on u. See whhat kinda dirt I can dig up.
CraigCuttlefish > i have nothing to hide
MC.Princess > We'll see
MC.Princess >
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MC.Princess > The heck is this?
MC.Princess > "The Squidbeak Splatoon, led by Second Lieutenant Cuttlefish, visited grievous losses upon the forces of the enemy during the bitter siege of Arowana Castle."
CraigCuttlefish > that takes me back
MC.Princess > Dang cap. Guess ur the real deal."
All of this gives us several important pieces of info. In order of events, it looks something like this (events that don'thave a definitive placement will be labeled in red).
Important Events: the Octarians wons the first several battles due to the Inklings not waking up early enough, the "Great Octoweapons" stormed the Inklings' central stronghold but were defeated due to a plug being pulled, a picture was taken of the Squidbeak Splatoon one year into the war, the Squidbeak Splatoon fought the Octarians (Octavio seeming to be one of them) for the siege of Arowana Castle, Inklings won the war "due to their superior number of limbs".
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The post Great Turf Wars section will be split into its own separate post because this is starting to get a bit long to be a single post.
(Splatoon 1 images taken by a friend. Currently hunting down a copy of Splatoon for myself online)
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Okay, fine, I’ll spill. Here’s the AU idea I’ve had for a while.
If The Octarians Won The War AU:
Splatoon 1:
So, in the AU, Octavio was able to single handily win the war with his octoweapon powers and thus banished the inklings to the now known Ink Valley. Over 100 years later and Octo-opolis is a thriving city of modern and tradition and the freshest spot for turf war and new start for Octos and other sea creatures. Lulu, just Lulu in this AU, has run away from the orphanage she grew up in Octo Country and wants to start a new life for herself . She was still heavily bullied in the orphanage for being a hybrid but after one point she finally stood up for herself and learn to fight. Now she's in Octo-opolis to try and start a career as a DJ and try to pull some octolings or octarians together to make a turf wars team. No luck one day, she finally spots an old looking octopus with a green scar on a tentacle looking around from a man cover near some lockers near the tower where the great Zapfish is suppose to be; no smelly trash cans cause Octolings are better at keeping things clean. 
Curious when the octopus notices her and ducks down, she follows him and finds herself in Ink Valley. The octopus turns out to be the old King DJ Octavio who relays to Lulu about the kidnapping of the zapfish and the Great Zapfish. Sitting on the little bench that is connected to a traditional looking hut that looks nicely kept is Octavio’s wife Athena as she hands Lulu a cup of Tea as Octavio tells Lulu what's been happening and asks her if she will help. Lulu agrees to do so and thus becomes Agent 3.Once in Ink Valley, it's a sneak and fight situation, like Metal Gear type style of sneaking around, to get her way to the zapfish. Unlike the city and the upper world where it's lively and tons of music plays, down in the valley, it's cold, silent, and dangerous but Lulu took up the mantle to get the zapfish back and back she does. Along the way, she defeats Inkweapons which Octavio relays that were made from the octoweapon X-Trace serum that the inklings stole from the old plans used during the war. In this AU, octoweapons are no longer needed and Octavio is the only one in modern time. It isn't till half way through things, that General Cuttlefish kidnaps Athena as a revenge ploy against Octavio. But now, Agent 1 and 2 have shown up to guide Lulu to the end of things.
At the final boss, Athena is shown to be tied to a pole as General Cuttlefish shows up to suck the Great Zapfish in his giant mecha and the fight begins after giving a monologue about things. Half way through, Agent 1 and 2 reveal they are the Octo Sisters, Hannah and Coraline, and start up the Octo Country Inkantation. With the defeat of General Cuttlefish, he's put in the snow globe so Octavio can watch him. 
In gratitude for bring the zapfish back and for saving his wife, Octavio asks Lulu if there is anything he can do for her. He's king after all, he has means to get her anything she wants. So she asks him if he can help her find someone as she pulls the picture out of her suppose mother and shows them the ruby necklace. Seeing the photo, turns out it's Precious, their missing daughter, and the necklace was Athena's, which means Lulu is their missing grandchild. Breaking down, all three of them cry in each other's arms.
Side Key Notes:
So in it, Lulu's still a princess and Octaivo is still the ruling king. 
Athena is still around cause better medicine since being on the surface, technology, including medicine, had better resources to flourish. So that makes the city being pretty high tech as well. Floating platforms, the gliders being the flying cars stuff. The works.
Ink Valley on the other hand is pretty dark and cold and Cuttlefish is pretty cold and ruthless. Although Octavio has been trying to help, Cuttlefish won't take it.
The platforms above Ink Valley are taken care of by Octaivo and he uses them to farm.They don't live there, but most times, are found hanging out there. They actually own a nice house in the outskirts of the city. Pretty much it looks like the one they got in the main story.
With modern times, even though they are the ruling family, they aren't really needed much. 
Octavio is still a DJ and a very popular one next to the Octo Sisters; still owning his own music company that he gets Lulu in to launch her career.
Since the Inklings were banished to the valley, it means Lulu doesn't have her friends but she does okay on her own. She makes new ones with Turf and mostly just plays as a profeshional single player.
Turf is also better regulated by the octolings so it's much more fair to play. It’s also opened up to other sea creatures with tech that octolings have designed for them to play with.
In this verse, although she's a princess, Lulu won't see the crown because of the modernization, the ruling family is really not needed anymore, so after Octavio steps down, the council will take over. So Octavio works to train Lulu to speak in the council instead.
The key catchphrase, “Stay Fresh,” is now “Stay Happy,” meaning to be you and do what makes you happy in life. This is why there is so many clothes brands. So Octolings, Octarians, and other players have clothes that fit them and their style and they can be happy with.
The stellar system is still a thing here and Sako is still Octavio’s lackey and head scientist. Lulu fights Cuttlefish way deep in the valley instead of in space.
Lulu is still pretty much herself. Plays turf, hangs with the family, ect.
Octaivo has a limp in his walk, so he walks with a cane that at the top has a ball head in the shape of the remixer. Little carved with a little Octavio in it too. Down the cane is music notes in order for “I am Octavio!”
Splatoon 2:
Octavio notices that the old plaza tower isn’t as stable as it once was for the Turf Wars hub and feeling that it needs to be repaired, Octavio moves the hub to the new more sturdier Octo-opolis Square. Much better built for Turf wars and much closer together for shopping and stuff, this becomes the new hot spot for Turf players. Once all moved, Octavio gets the old radio tower fixed up as new stores move in to get the area lively again. Not for turf, but still lively.
Pixie finds herself at the square and stumbles upon Hannah standing over the manhole cover there, and jumping in, finds herself in Ink Canyon. Pixie basically looks like the default Agent 8 for reference.
Hannah explains about the great Zapfish being taken away again and that the Inklings are up to no good again. So the drill is the same. Pixie takes up the ropes as Agent 4 and off she goes to get the zapfish back. Since Coraline lost the last splatfest, she's the one taken by Cuttlefish and has to be rescued. Once Hannah hits Coraline with a hero charger shot and Coraline is free, they sing the Spicy Octo Country Inkantation.
Side Key Points:
Lulu has become successful in her music career and after the events of the story mode, becomes good friends with Pixie.
Off the Hook is still here but it’s Pearl who’s left the valley. Marina is still tech heavy, so she still makes all the shifty stations.
With the addition of the new hero weapons, Lulu’s hero weapon choice is the duelies from this point on. It was originally just the hero gun.
Precious and Kane are found about the same way they are in the main story. Just different locations on where the fight with Octavio happens.
Inkling Expansion:
I'm still working kinks out but here's what I got so far.
In a training practice, Octavio and Lulu get attacked by a sanitized inkling and fall into the metro. Lulu gets separated from Octavio as he finds Agent 10, which is Joey. With Joey's help, him and Octavio find the thangs and assemble them to be the blinder. Marina is able to signal Lulu as she crashes in to brake the blender, but his the ground too hard and gets knocked out as Octavio grabs her up and watches over her. So now it's a race to the top as now Lulu's the one being mind controlled and Joey has to fight her which if under normal circumstances, would be one hell of a fight but because of Tartar, Joey is able to handle her with decency. At the end of the fight, it seems one of Lulu's back tentacles got cut off at the tip but she seems fine.
In the final fight, Tartar reveals their plans that they were working to eradicate inklings because they are the ones that started the war and broke the peace that the octolings had. They had been watching the octolings and saw how advance they were and admired them for it. Seeing them as the next evolution. Then inklings came and tried to destroy that. When the war was won by the octolings, Tartar was pleased but then they found out about the story arcs and decided it was time to rid of them. So NILS is aimed at the valley but Marina concludes if they go with this plan, the blast at the angle it is could cause a tide wave that would wipe the city out. So now Joey has to fight to stop that from happening. 
With the stop of Tartar, Joey is free to see the city as other inklings start moving to the surface.
Side key notes:
Now for Lutarna, the story is about the same. It isn't that she takes the cut tentacle, she finds it and uses it. Same ploy. Making the new body, the memories, frees her from her directive but she still has a major superiority complex against inklings so instead of helping the valley, she helps the city. First making her presence known to Lulu, she apologizes for mind controlling her and wants to rekindle connections to help fix the metro. Though she had been experimenting on Inklings to make the sanitized ink, she finds heart to cut the mind control on them and work to make the sanitized ink be more helpful than dangerous to others.
Still though, she’s quite snobby around inklings which Lulu has to put a hold on so Lutarna doesn’t piss anybody off. 
Befoer Inkling Expansion, Sako had figured out the water serum but even still, only Lulu would be the only hybrid able to be in water and the impact of a tide wave to the city would be devastating.
Tatavio still exists in the AU as Lutarna was going to use him as a ploy to play around and mess with Cuttlefish’s head before killing him.
Daisy would still be in this one but the process to revive her is different. Thinking with the octolings’ tech and medicine, they find a way to cure Daisy of the cancer so once Lutarna brings her back, they quickly start her on the treatment.
Lulu doesn't suffer really from the mind control but I like @whethervane HC about the ultra violet light scar marks from the sanitized ink, so shine UV lights on Lulu and you'll see the scar. But unlike @whethervane, I see that under normal circumstances, you never see the scars.
Unlike Cuttlefish where he was wary at first towards the agent 8, Octavio is concerned and relieved Joey was okay when waking up, though concern about the memory loss.
And, that’s what I got so far for this. Like I said, I’ve had this idea since the first game and it would be interesting to implicate this in on the blog but I don’t know who all would interact with this since it’s a big change to things.
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smashwoomy-blog · 6 years
The Inkling appears to have pulled out what looks like a bunch of... scrolls? Oh dear, she’s really going through with telling this story. 
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“I’m going to tell you the story of our people... the story... of the Great Turf War!” 
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"Before the Great Turf War, there were friendly relations between the Inklings and Octarians. Everything was peaceful, and everyone got along wonderfully!
However... They could not have dreamed that further rising sea levels would soon force them to battle fiercely over the remaining territory.
A raging battle began that would last for years between the Inklings and the Octarians!"
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“That man right there with the crossed arms in the picture is the leader of the legendary Squidbeak Splatoon, Old Man Cuttlefish!”
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"The first battles of the Great War ended in victory for the Octarian forces. The diligent Octarians easily dominated the Inklings, who were unable to wake up early enough in the morning to defend themselves.
Heralded by loud explosions, the 'Great Octoweapons' quickly stormed the Inklings' central stronghold. Victory for the Octarians seemed all but certain, but due to a plug being carelessly pulled from its socket, their hopes were dashed."
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"Lady Luck had smiled down upon the Inklings, and this turned the tide. Historians today generally agree that the Inklings' victory over the Octarians in their final struggle was largely due to their superior number of limbs.”
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“I also found this weird picture while I was looking for the sunken sea scrolls, but I’m sure it’s got nothing to do with this story.” 
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tentacle-tales · 7 years
Written by Mod D
You tried to resist, to run away, to betray them. How could you do something so cruel and despicable?
You get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness, but what good is forgiving someone who clearly doesn’t know their place? Is it really worth their time? You’ll just try running away again, won’t you? Then he’ll have to send his best to track you down, only to have a repeat of this exact scenario.
He’s growing annoyed. He’s tired of you not complying. After all, he’s already done so much for you… he’s given you a home, a body well suited for all sorts of work, and even high praise before you started questioning your loyalties.
All you can do is shake and stumble in his presence. His glossy green and purple eyes are staring right at yours through your goggles. You tremble as he slowly squints at you.
“We need to turn it up,” he says.
You notice it is becoming louder. What is becoming louder? A drum- a beat. It’s been going on for a while; you noticed it in the back of your mind but made your best attempt to ignore it. As it grows louder, you feel like you need to move- to dance. Your knees are still stuck on the ground, rendering you immobile, but everything inside of you is pulsating. Your inky innards feel like they’re going to burst with every beat that enters your ears. Every bass drum hit makes your eyes feel like they’re popping out of their sockets, and every cymbal crash makes your head seem lighter and lighter.
“Alriiiiight! Let’s pick up the tempo!”
The drums begin to get faster. As it speeds up, crunchy and crisp instruments add to its charm. Your ears tingle as the song becomes more complex. The deep melody feels as if it's rising into your throat, filling it with words of admiration for your superior. You can recognize the chords of the pad synthesizers, and it fills you with determination. After all, as the chords of a song support the melody, you know it is your duty to support your leader. The high tinny noises remind you that even though you are small, you can be wonderful in the grand scheme of things.
“Who’s the man?”
You can’t answer him, as you’re too busy looking at him, your great Octarian leader. You let out a weak moan, and he laughs. The sound of his laughter makes your hearts dance.
“Hey… who’s the man?”
You moan again, as the the music gets louder and louder, filling your brain with nothing but assurance that you must serve your leader. Just as different parts of a song all work together to make it appealing, segments of the military must all work together to make the Octarian nation functional.
“You got an answer for me yet?”
“Yeah,” you reply, now with a thorough understanding. “You’re the man, DJ Octavio.”
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sage-nebula · 7 years
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I’ve been taking a lot of screenshots as I’ve played through Splatoon 2, but I’ve neglected to upload them because it’s difficult to stop playing long enough to do so (whoops). However, I’m going to do so now in order to get caught up, and hopefully be better about posting screencaps of cool things in the future.
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So, first, as per usual, the game starts off with a broadcast. In Splatoon, the Squid Sisters were the ones who always handled the broadcasts. But now, in the sequel---and I have little doubt this has a lot to do with the story mode, as well as just wanting to introduce new characters (and it wouldn’t surprise me if Marina being Octarian played into it), the broadcasts are handled by a pop duo known as Off the Hook, starring Pearl and Marina.
Anyway, the introductory broadcast to the game introduces the single-player campaign, of course, and I love how Pearl references the fact that the Octarians stealing the Great Zapfish is the exact same plot from the first game’s single-player campaign. However . . .
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. . . there is a twist this time around, since Callie is “missing” as well. Hmmm . . .
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Pearl gets over it pretty quickly, though, lmao. (And really, the fact that Pearl doesn’t care about the Great Zapfish is, I feel, another clue that Inkopolis doesn’t necessarily need it, at least not more than the Octarians might . . .)
Once the broadcast ends, the game decides to show you all the different features of Inkopolis Square, just in case you’re not bright enough to explore the place yourself. In so doing, it introduces the new Salmon Run part of the game . . .
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I love how they keep hammering home that this is sketchy and shady and not that great, hahaha. That said, I get the feeling that the Salmonids, like the Octarians, are more victims than villains, despite how they’re being painted. I especially feel that way in this case, since we’re stealing their eggs for some sketchy dude’s profit. :/ Man . . .
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Rude af. I can’t believe I have to already have a job and work experience to get a job to get work experience in Splatoon 2 as well. Art imitates life.
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When you have more experience you can work, though, and like I said, I really love how they keep hammering home that this is not a good job, you are making a poor life choice.
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Inklings can’t swim, though. Tf are you trying to say to me?
Anyway, after I did Salmon Run a couple of times, I went and played some (more) multiplayer, and . . .
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I tried, OK. I did my best. I have no regrets. (Especially since I scored more points than anyone on the winning team, because remember: The winning team gets an extra 1000 points. The highest score anyone on the winning team had before the bonus was 729. I was better than that. Sadly, with two teammates disconnecting partway trhough the match, there was not a whole lot I could do . . .)
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tfw you win a match by .3%.
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And once again, I was the highest scoring person on my team, even if the highest scorer on the losing team had a slightly better score than I did. (Only slightly, though.) I’m still not as consistently good as I was in the first game, but I’m getting there. Once I have better gear / better weapons, I’m sure I’ll be back on top form, especially once I get used to all the new maps. (Though they better add Kelp Dome in an update at some point or so help me . . .)
Anyway, it soon became time for some story mode / single-player campaign playthrough, and once I realized I could unlock Hero Dualies this way, that’s all I’ve been doing. That said . . .
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When you go to talk to her, Marie explains about how she wants to go get the Great Zapfish back from the Octarians after they stole it, but that she can’t leave her post because that would mean leaving it defenseless, and so she needs someone else to go get it back and thinks you’d be perfect for the job. She also drops not-subtle hints about Callie, but those, I think, were supposed to be under her breath or in her inner thoughts. Regardless, she recruits you as Agent 4 (Callie was Agent 1, Marie is Agent 2, and you were Agent 3 in the first game) and sends you to go fight the Octarians. You may remember that I mentioned in an earlier post about how Marie is particularly savage toward the Octarians, and, well---
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I was not kidding.
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This really leads me to believe that Marie thinks that the Octarians kidnapped Callie as well as the Great Zapfish. Of course, I now think that Callie took the Great Zapfish when she defected to the Octarians, but Marie doesn’t seem to know / realize that’s what happened.
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Rude af. I am Agent 3! (I can’t believe it’s already been two years since the first game came out, though, omfg.)
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I can’t believe Marie betrayed me like this. (I looked it up and apparently the pineapple pizza debate was a Splatfest topic in the EU for the first game, and Marie was anti-pineapple, and they won . . . but I still feel so betrayed she’d take that stance in the first place. How could you Marie? I know you’ve betrayed me other times, with other Splatfest topics (the Red Version vs. Blue Version debate comes to mind---Callie was right there, too, and you know it), but still!
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The win screen for whenever you clear a level is really cute, though.
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. . . as is the screen when you clear it for the second time and rescue a Zapfish plushie instead, hahaha.
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I can’t believe they dragged Spyke like this. (This is from the book you fill in as you find the pages in the levels. They’re similar to the sea scrolls from the first game, but are more current. ... Pun not intended.)
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SHE’S INVESTED IN ME. ♥ Ily, Marie, even if you don’t know what good pizza is.
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YES, YES IT WAS. (I’m sorry, no offense to Off the Hook, but their catchphrase is just so stupid . . .)
Anyway, at the end of every section you have a boss battle, and there are wireless transmissions at the end of each boss battle. And at the end of the second boss battle . . .
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I have the same reaction whenever Sheldon starts talking, tbh.
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This was the second time I was forced to use a godforsaken charger in one of the maps, and I just
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UNFORTUNATELY, despite it being a “request”, you don’t have the option to say no. You have to play through the level with the assigned weapon at least once. I already complained about this enough yesterday, so I won’t do it again, but god, I hate it so much, particularly since it means I have to play through most levels twice since you have to clear every level with your desired Hero weapon in order to unlock it for multiplayer, and I want the Hero Dualies. Ugh.
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Hahaha, I didn’t grab a screenshot of it, but in an earlier level after making a particularly risky jump, she asks if I consider myself to be “the reckless type”, and that she sure does consider me to be the reckless type. I mean, I am, I won’t deny it.
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I love her.
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It was for a boss fight, too. I FELT SO #BLESSED. Oh, and here was the boss:
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And then I destroyed him and his sweet new coat. Sorry, bro. :/ (Oh, and if you’re wondering, he was a boss from the first game, hence why he was “back”.)
But since this was a boss, that means that we had a post-battle wireless transmission, so . . .
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She loves Callie so much. ;__; And I say this, because look at the word choice: “Even more than the Great Zapfish, I want to find my cousin Callie.” Marie is sending Agent Four after the Great Zapfish because she views it as a duty. This is a necessity, it’s something (and anyone she can recruit to help) must due because Inkopolis (supposedly) needs it. But she wants to find Callie, and she wants to find Callie even more than the Great Zapfish. Callie means that much to her. Callie is her best friend. Biologically, Callie might be her cousin, but in her heart, Callie is her sister. And something tells me she’s going to be in for a lot of emotional pain when she learns the truth . . . poor, poor Marie. ;__;
Anyway, she goes on to explain about how she’s Agent 2 and Callie was Agent 1, and---
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OH, so THAT’S the excuse for why your inkling from the first game is just mysteriously out of the picture, haha. Though that begs the question . . . what is your inkling from the first game doing with Cap’n Cuttlefish? Why is your inkling from the first game with Cap’n Cuttlefish? Things aren’t safe with him! He’s not wise! He gets captured because he’s distracted by crabby cakes! Like, bruh! Have some sense!!
Anyway, then the transmission was interrupted again---
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I mean, I guess there’s still a chance that Callie hasn’t defected. Maybe she’s telling Marie to leave because she’s worried Marie will get hurt, or maybe she was kidnapped and is now brainwashed. Her eyes are red in that icon, after all (but so are the Octolings’, so that could just be because of some fancy goggles). Either way, that’s very obviously Callie, and if she’s helping the Octarians decorate their bases, something tells me she isn’t here unwillingly. Right now, I’m sticking by the theory that she is the one who stole the Great Zapfish (and all the other Zapfish) for the benefit of the Octarians, and that she has defected willingly because she has come to see that they aren’t all evil and that peace should be made between the two races. (Though why she isn’t working to actually make that peace doesn’t make sense. You’d think she’d come forward and talk to Marie (and Cap’n Cuttlefish) about it, rather than letting Marie think she had been kidnapped and is in serious danger, but . . . well. The plot has to happen some way, I guess.)
Anyway, I’ll post more as I can get to it. Stay tuned, and as always . . . stay fresh. ;D
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