#oc: fyoor
dzamie · 2 years
So... tell me about your OCs
Gladly! Here's some quick descriptions of a bunch of them; let me know if you wanna hear more about any in particular!
Dzamie Deshulian - basically the main character. Hypercompetent, definitely a sort of post-edgy cheetah boy who's kinda the central spoke of the OC web. Usually pretty upbeat these days, remarkably egocentric. Loves dragons so much. Has a dragon boyfriend and girlfriend (HM and Dream)
HM Deshulian - sadistic dragon basically kept in check by either tedium, his boyfriend, or his girlfriend (Dzamie and Dream). Very proud of being a dragon. Takes particular pleasure in reminding others of their place in the food chain: below him. Surprisingly mechanically handy, and quite friendly when not trying to kill you.
Mistress Dreamwalker - the manic pixie dream girl to Dzamie's manic pixie dream boy. Extremely corrosive saliva, tears, and other bodily fluids. Wields her Blue Carrot Launcher, which shoots her specially-cultivated lolrandumb explosive blue carrots. Loves YTPs. Has two boyfriends (Dzamie and HM).
Kenneth Oberon - powerful human mage, occupying the only might-makes-right high political seat in the government. Bit of a stick in the mud, if you ask Dzamie. Used to have a bitter, heated rivalry with Dzamie that's since mellowed to a friendly one.
Sylvia the dragon - little golden hammerspace dragon who hangs out in the Dragonslayers Guild Hall to receive affection and strawberries. Has the unofficial duty of "remind newbies that any dragon in our books can kill a person with ease." She usually spits them back out afterwards.
Tesla Coil - MLP OC, a lamia who incapacitates targets with an electrified, rather than venomous, bite. She works for [unnamed secret Equestrian govt agency], and when she's not busy keeping tabs on interspecies relations, she's the building's de-facto innermost security detail (read as: anyone who slips past the real security will probably get eaten)
Eris - MLP OC (stolen from fanon), a draconequus who's gone from a Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony to a Lesser Deity of Chaos and Improbability. Technically Dzamie's god, for all the casual air they take towards each other. Her favorite pastime is usually-harmless pranks, especially on her followers. Has a minor feud with Fyoor. Very casual with warping reality around her.
Fyoor - goddess of most human mages, and basically Rage Given Deity Form. Cannot stand Eris; unauthorized fucking thing, blow it up immediately. Created by mages' prayers. She particularly enjoys actions done in anger.
Wendy - shark girl, works at an aquarium where she basically does dive shows (talk about the fish in the exhibit, maybe do a feeding). Lives nearish to a beach, and approaches stranded people to ask if they want to be rescued or eaten; occasionally moonlights as a moat shark for generic villains. Technically a lemon shark, but got stripes tattooed on her back for the "tiger shark" joke.
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dzamie · 2 years
your own ocs for the ask game
Anonymous I love you. Thank you so much.
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
blorbo (fave character): Dzamie. Indisputable. Gotta play favorites with the cute cheetah boi who's taken up my mind for over a decade.
skrunkly (very baby, So Shaped): Sylvia the hammerspace dragon. She is so smol. She is so cute. She is so hungry. Feed her a strawberry. Hold her and love her.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated): I literally can't answer this, since I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in this fandom. Hey, followers, let me know who your favorite OCs of mine are. Also, please send me more asks about my OCs.
glup shitto (rare fave): ...er, once again. I suppose I'd actually go with Cloaken Dagger, or maybe Rinta. They don't get much time on stage in my mind, but they often occupy the spotlight while they do.
poor little meow meow (Problematic™): Oh, HM by a landslide. He is an immoral destroyer of whatever pleases him and many people who've survived meeting him have done so because one of his partners told him not to kill them. He has done nothing wrong in his entire life except for when he bit Dzamie's arm as a prank to wake him up.
horse plinko (would bat like a cat with yarn): Rekus. I'm sorry, little kitty, but though you train to be a dragonslayer, your fate is to repeatedly be dragon food. At least they're nice dragons. Except for Sleek, who just wants to bite you. Maybe you can kill a mean one.
eeby deeby (Go Directly To Superhell): Fyoor. Look, I know she's a deity born of hatred and fury and her presence compels more of the same, but she's really quite a jerk. It may be impossible for her to chill out by her very nature, but she definitely should. At least it's funny when Eris upstages her.
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dzamie · 2 years
/\ Would you vore your clone?
(directed at everybody, but if thats too much of a hassle then just HM)
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character! They have to 1) Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question, and 2) Answer that question.
Dzbold: "Eh... three? And no, I wouldn't put myself through that. For reference, though, anyone at three or higher would just say no if they weren't being forced to answer honestly. Except for Sleek, who would try to get you close enough to bite."
Dzamie: "Hmm... if it's just a clone rather than a copy, that's a 1 and a no - I try to avoid cannibalism when possible. A full copy, though... 2. I would if either of us were transformed to an easier form to eat or be eaten by. I know I'd go for it if I were him. Not like I'd die or anything."
HM: "1. No. Dragons aren't for eating."
Mistress Dreamwalker: "What HM said. There are far more fun things I'd do with my clone."
Kenneth: "Ten. Unlike those three, some of us do have a reputation of avoiding utter nonsense. Anyway, of course I wouldn't. I have no desire to look into the magic necessary to make it possible."
Vanille: "Uh... four? I can't think of a reason I'd want to, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to get her back out, so I'd feel bad..."
William: "Four as well, but only because of your choice of words. I don't think I'd get any useful enough info out of the experience to justify it against throwing the clone back up - and I find cannibalism abhorrent."
Sleek: "Eight. Come closer when you ask that; you're a bit out of my strike range. But yes, I would - any so-called clone of mine who I can catch isn't worth leaving uneaten."
Sylvia (dragon): "In a heartbeat."
Sylvia (katul): "Four if we're not friends and I haven't invited you to my workshop. One otherwise. As for my answer... what do you mean, 'would'?"
Sel'riss: "...two. I would, but it wouldn't be a show. Actually, wait, I could frame it as a fight against an alternate version, and... okay, yeah, that could be a fun time."
Cloaken Dagger: "Seven. If I did, it would be in service of faking my own death, not for pleasure. Changelings don't taste very good."
Eris: "Hold on, let me finish my bowl of tiny Erises. What was the question?"
Fyoor: "Ten. You would insult a god with such a juvenile request? Do you see me as some harlot with which to fill your mind with filthy thoughts? No, no, a thousand times no. Now fuck off and I might let you survive the night."
Azurel: "Five. Just once, to see if I could. I'd let him return the favor, of course."
Rinta: "Four, and n- oh, wait, you just said 'vore,' not 'eat?' Ooh, I bet my tail would feel wonderful squirming around between my legs..." (Cloaken Dagger: "I would like to amend my answer in light of miss VitAzurel's analysis.")
Kassar: "One. No. To eat a dragon is heretical, and a kobold, while distant, is still too close for comfort."
Rekus: "I'm pretty sure I would die. Three. No."
Sinera: "Nine. No. Dzamie passed on his magic knowledge, not his fetishes. Why are most of you all so calm about this?"
Galleon: "Two. No. I might die, and I'd certainly not enjoy myself. So why would I try it?"
Smugleaf: "Nine, unless I've eaten you before, in which case four. I think I would swallow my clone, after entrusting her with my ball. Serperior are rare prey, and I wouldn't pass up the opportunity."
Dazzle and Razzle: "Nine." "Two." "I would make a fantastic vibrator for myself, and fill my pussy up just the right amount." "...what she said."
Ji-Lun: "Six. I dare not, for fear of my clone's selves having an unexpected interaction with my own. But if my safety were guaranteed... yes, if only out of curiosity."
Wendy: "Four. Yeah, sure. I can probably fit myself, and it's not like I don't eat plenty of fish elsewise."
Cerise: "Food is food. I would avoid killing a fellow of my group if I could, but if the scenario is not my choice, I would not hesitate. Of course, I don't swallow my prey whole; does that change what my answer would be? Oh, uh, one."
Dzbold: "Ugggghhhhh..... why did I think doing so many of them was a good idea...?"
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dzamie · 2 years
Gives your ocs the "purple dragon" drink from the tipsy bartender YouTube channel.
No sign of inebriation: Dzamie, HM, Sylvia (dragon), Azurel, Kassar
Acts drunk, is probably sober: Eris, Rinta, Sylvia (katul), Cloaken Dagger, Dream
Mildly tipsy: Vanille, William, Sel'riss, Raiyah
Very drunk: Sleek, Sinera, Razzle
Blacked out (yes, from one cup): Rekus, Cerise (not drunk, just poisoned), Wendy (similar), Tesla Coil
Threw it on you and set you on fire: Kenneth, Dazzle, Fyoor, HM if you give him another
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dzamie · 3 years
oc list
figure I should do one of these, as a reference
in no particular order
Dzamie Deshulian (cheetah katul)
HM Deshulian (common dragon)
Mistress Dreamwalker (bipedal dragon - half-fae)
Kenneth Oberon (human)
Vanille (aroma dragon)
William (human)
Sleek (???? dragon)
Sylvia (hammerspace dragon)
Sylvia (panther katul)
Sel’riss (naga)
Cloaken Dagger (changeling)
Eris (minor deity, draconequus)
Fyoor (minor deity, humanoid)
Azurel Dracolis (common dragon)
Rinta VitAzurel (kobold)
Kassar VitAzurel (kobold)
Grace (slime griffon)
Grace (griffon)
Rekus (panther katul)
Sinera (fox katul)
Galleon (griffon)
Smugleaf (Serperior)
Raiyah (human, the previously-unnamed templar woman)
Razzle (Salazzle)
Dazzle (Salazzle)
Ji-Lun (composite dragon, might sell as adopt once drawn)
Wendy (shark)
Cerise (velociraptor)
Feel free to ask me about them ^.==.^
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