#oc Star
bunny-is-cute · 5 months
Angel Dust: *looking around for triplets*
Angel Dust: *looks over at bar and notices no one is there*
Angel Dust: *walks over behind bar*
Husk: *curled up under bar with kittens sleeping against him*
Husk: *sees Angel* Hey…
Angel Dust: What’s going on here?
Husk: Well it was nap time and I didn’t want to take them all the way upstairs. So I made myself comfy
Angel Dust: *leans in there more* Is Fat Nuggets in there too?
Fat Nuggets: *sleeping beside Husk*
Husk: He’s keeping me warm while I keep them warm *looks down at Noir, Vegas, and Star sleeping*
Angel Dust: *smiles mischievously as he pulls out phone*
Husk: Ang-
Angel Dust: And this is my new Lock Screen image.
Husk: Goddamnit…
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moominpaws · 1 year
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And now for my own amusement I shall plague you all with my ShadowPeach fankid and her appointed older brother
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Husk: *groggily stumbling into the nursery, hearing the crying* Okay, Star, Daddy’s here...
*Husk reaches into the crib and picks up what he thinks is Star, trying to get her to nurse*
Husk: *mumbling* Come on, sweetie, you need to eat...
*Star isn't latching on, and Husk frowns, turning on the light*
Husk: *blinking, realizing he's holding Kee-Kee* What the hell?
Kee-Kee: *meows, looking annoyed but content to be held*
Husk: *groaning* Damn it, Kee-Kee... *puts the cat down gently*
*Husk turns to the crib and sees Star still crying, looking at him with her big eyes*
Husk: *picking up Star* There you are, baby girl. Sorry about that. Daddy’s just a little tired.
*Husk sits down in the rocking chair, helping Star latch on to nurse*
Husk: *sighing in relief* There we go. Much better.
*Star settles down, drinking contentedly*
Husk: *smiling tiredly* You’re a hungry little one, aren’t you? Just like your Daddy.
*Kee-Kee jumps up onto Husk's lap, curling up and purring*
Husk: *chuckling softly* Guess we’re all having a late-night snack, huh?
*He rocks gently, feeding Star while Kee-Kee purrs on his lap*
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ladykagewaki · 2 months
I'm so sorry to bother you with another request but I had a funny scene in my head. Star absolutely adores Echo. He's her precious "big brother" who she watched graduate from Kamino. If you have the time or feel like it, could I request Star hitting Hunter with her shoe for selling Echo? It would actually take place in Cid's bar if that helps. She would be a very angry little ex-Jedi.
So, whole I wasn't down with this scene, I wanted to answer this Ask. Here's an alternate approach. I hope you like it!
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I think the doll yans also have their own wishes outside of Darling being theirs
Angel: to be a real angel, chosen to carry out the word of the Lord
Opal: to create the “ideal doll,” although even he isn’t sure what that means
Candy: to literally become candy, but for now xe’ll settle for making candy
Mina: to be a real human, so she can experience pain the way humans do
Rose: to be a world-famous ballerina
Fang: wants to share her body with a ghost or demon and become a haunted doll like in the movies
Star: wants to go to space, look out at the stars much closer, and experience true weightless
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shishax · 10 months
Star sona!
Shiraz yet again ⭐️
Stay safes, sparkles ⭐️
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I wanted to draw something fluffy so I did.
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kaydreamsart · 7 months
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Star ref! 🌟🌌
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hungwy-sinner · 10 months
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uh oh! Local furry doesn't understand the connection between the burgers she keeps eating and her new fat tummy!
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foxboidrew · 1 year
Snoozy and Mimzy Sitting in a Tree
Snoozy fidgeted with his fingers, staring at the ground as he clung to his pillow. Today was the day he was finally going to ask his crush out. He just had to wait for them to finish their last performance for the day. He was thankful that the Starhopper Daycare wasn’t as popular as the daycare from further down. What was it? Oh right, the Superstar Daycare. How ironic that there were more celestial animatronics…
The blue animatronic jumped awake as a hand patted his shoulder. “Ah, hey Star,” the bot slurred in his sleepy state. He didn’t mean to be this tired, but he had stayed awake trying to rehearse what he was going to say.
“Hey there, friend! You seem anxious about something. You’re clinging to your pillow for dear life,” Star smiled with a tinge of concern.
“Ah… Yes… I um…” Snoozy struggled to find the correct words. Why was he nervous around Star of all people? He was the face of the Starhopper Daycare! “I just have decided that now was the time to… Y’know…” Snoozy gestured towards the mime performing and making the children laugh and giggle.
“I see! I was wondering when you would get to it. I’m proud of you for working up the courage!”
Snoozy knew Star meant well, but he couldn’t help but be even more embarrassed over how long it had taken. It had been what felt like months. “Yeah, yeah… Don’t jinx it, Star,” He yawned faintly.
“Heh, yeah. Apologies. Well seems now’s your time! I’ll take care of the kiddo’s for ya.”
Snoozy smiled and nodded, making his way to Mimzy. He swore that if he had a heart, it would have exploded by now. His head was already spinning as he approached the mime. “H-hEy-!” He wished for death as his voice box squeaked, now feeling mortified. He clung to his pillow even more as he attempted to regain himself.
“H-hi, Mimzy, uh-”
The bot in question smiled at the stuttering mess before them. They waved with a noise of happiness. ‘Hello, Snoozy! Happy to see you!’ Mimzy signed.
“H-happy to see you too-! I- I-I uh… I, I, I-” Snoozy let out a gentle but frustrated hummed whine. He didn’t like getting stuck on his words like this.
Mimzy tilted their head with a concerned frown, and placed a comforting hand on Snoozy’s shoulder, making the unusually frantic bot jump. ‘Are you okay? Breathe…’
Snoozy let out a “Mhm,” and did a sort of breathing exercise. He felt silly doing this, knowing that they didn’t need to breathe. None of them had lungs after all. Once he grounded himself, he looked up at Mimzy with a flustered squawk. They were close to him. Well, guess it was time to try. Worst they could say was no. “I-I wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me!”
Mimzy blinked in surprise at the sudden raise in volume. They took a moment to process just what Snoozy had said before a bright smile formed on their face. ‘Of course, silly! I would love to!’
The smaller one looked at the taller with oil leaking from his eyes as he let out a sob of relief. He immediately clung to Mimzy, shaking as he cried. Mimzy smiled as they pulled him close, laying his pillow in their lap to prop Snoozy up.
It took a few long minutes for Snoozy to calm down. Of course Mimzy stayed with him as he quickly fell asleep. They rocked gently from side to side, playing with Snoozy’s rays until they too had fallen into slumber. Star only watched from the doorway, glad to see two of his friends finally together peacefully. He chuckled lightly as he left them be, setting the lights in the theater to dim for the two to rest soundly.
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bunny-is-cute · 6 months
Star: *in trouble at school*
Husk & Angel: *in principal’s office*
Angel: So what did our kid do?
Principal: She called a kid a ‘loser’ and held her hand in the shape of an ‘L’ on her forehead.
Husk: *remembering when he sang Loser Baby to Angel*
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Husk: …sounds like Star has her first crush.
Angel: No! She’s too young!
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waytoobsessed · 2 years
Pt2 with silly goofy ocs
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quick question about the triplets. Are they the same size as Kittens? Or are they big like a human baby would be?
Husk: Ha! If only they were the size of a kitten when I gave birth to them! It would have been so much easier.
Angel: They’re still small since they were born premature, and they’re only about two weeks old now. They’re starting to get really fluffy now. Vegas especially is the fluffiest among them. He has my hair at least. Noir too but he’s not as fluffy. Star is a sleek little princess still.
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slightlydeadghost · 2 years
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My character Star from when I was playing Project Zomboid
one of my favourite games of all time 
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Woe! Doll Yans Be Upon Ye!
Opal: the designer, the builder, creative, clumsy, forgetful
Angel: pious, responsible, steady, patient (....?)
Rose: princess complex, picky, bossy, mercurial
Fang: dry humour, musically talented
Mina: inquisitive, obsessed with the vagaries and woes of the human condition
Candy: excitable, impulsive
Star: quiet, thoughtful, studious, aloof
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sundewey · 2 years
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they’re very sorry for the cretaceous-paleogene extinction event
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