#obi: i went to a spot with mitsuhide last week / zen: first of all youre spending a lot of time with mitsuhide and i feel left out
bidokja · 2 years
zen and obi doing the entire "you're spending a lot of time with tobi" video is so vital to me, and equally vital is that it HAS to be zen doing the jealous bit
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reaperthegenius · 5 years
Invisible Ties (Part 1?) - My Hero Academia AU
    The monotony of a school day is a familiar feeling, one I almost missed, but not quite. Studying to be a hero at UA was a dream and every day was so exciting. I was happy just getting to be around so much talent and to learn what I would need to be a hero one day. Yesterday those days were put in my past when I got bumped to the general studies path for my lackluster performance. I thought I was improving, but for a second-year student, it wasn’t enough. Now I am back to monotonous school days and trying to fit into a group of people where I’m the odd man out. It won’t be easy going, but I’m determined to win my spot back in the hero course and in the meantime, I’m going to try to survive the general studies path.
    I struggle to find my new classroom since I’ve never been to this part of the school, but it doesn’t take me long to get going in the right direction. Within a few minutes, I’m standing outside of class 2-G and trying to build up the confidence to walk in with my head held high. I take a deep breath and just as I reach for the door, someone comes barreling toward me in a rush to enter the classroom. I step back to avoid colliding with the student and he throws the door open to run into the class. Before I can begin to enter myself, another student comes chasing after the first and flies after him through the door. Maybe my school days won’t be a monotonous as I thought.
    I finally enter after the boys to see them still running around the classroom. Luckily, the teacher quickly tells them to both sit down or risk getting detention. The threat of more hours spent at school stop both in their tracks and they sit down in their seats, but not without grumbling as they do so. I start to head for the teacher when she catches sight of me and calls me over.
    “You’re our new student from the hero path, correct?” She asks.
    “Yes, that’s me. I’m Shirayuki.” I tell her.
    “Nice to meet you Shirayuki, I’m Ms. Adachi. I’ll be your teacher for the rest of the year. Once everyone shows up, I’ll have you introduce yourself to the class and assign you a seat. Sound good?”
    “Yes. I hope for a good year under your care.” I say and bow my head slightly. I decide to wait near the door until the bell rings and I can be introduced to my new classmates. While I wait, I observe the people I’ll be with every day from now on. There are the two boys from before, one is a bit taller and has dark hair while the other boy is shorter with silver hair. They seem to have a playful relationship and there is a third boy sitting with them who seems a bit more reserved than the other two, but he still joins in on their banter. Sitting just outside the small circle the boys have created, there is a beautiful blonde girl who seems to be their friend as well, but she doesn’t seem very interested in their playful conversation at the moment.
    I continue to scan the room and spot several groups of friends chatting before the school day officially starts. Almost no one seems to be anyone special which is jarring after spending over a year with the hero course kids who are all someone special. Looking back over at the dark-haired boy, he seems special in some way, though I can’t seem to place how. He doesn’t appear to have a quirk, but the energy around him feels different. I can’t seem to stop looking over at him until the bell rings pulling me out of my thoughts. Once the bell rings and everyone is in their seat, Ms. Adachi calls me over to stand next to her at the front of the room.
    “This is your new classmate, take care of her. I’ll let her introduce herself.” She tells the class.
    “Hello everyone, I’m Shirayuki. I’ll be joining your class from today on, please take care of me!” I say and bow at my peers. Most of my classmates yell out a quick hello before Ms. Adachi begins to speak again.
    “Shirayuki, the only open seat is in the back beside Obi. You may sit there and if you need any school materials, you can share with Obi for today.” As I go to the back of the room to take my seat, I observe my new seatmate is the dark-haired boy from before. At least I know his name now and maybe sitting next to him will give me an idea as to why he seems so interesting.
    I go to sit down and Obi leans over and whispers, “Do you need the math notes or textbook? That’s our first lesson for today.”
    “I’m good, I have my own but thank you,” I tell him and pull my notebook and textbook from my backpack. I hold them up for him to see and open to the page Ms. Adachi wrote on the board after my introduction. We don’t speak the rest of the morning besides to share a textbook for English since we were using a different one in my previous class. When lunch comes, I decide to ask about sitting with Obi since he’s really the only person I know in our class so far.
    “Obi, would it be okay for me to eat lunch with you and your friends? I don’t really know anyone yet and I would love the chance to get to know you more.”
    He stops to think for a moment before answering, “Sure, why not? My friends could probably use the excitement of someone new to talk to.” He says that but thinking back to his morning chase I doubt I’ll be any more exciting than his friends already are.
    We move to sit a couple of desks away closer to his friends who all sit right near each other. “Shirayuki is going to join us for lunch, hope that’s okay with everybody,” Obi announces to them as he takes his seat and gestures for me to follow at the desk next to him. “So, to introduce you to everyone. Zen is the resident rich kid with silver hair. Mitsuhide is the handsome guy who keeps me and Zen in check. And our lovely lady friend is Kiki, the most beautiful girl to grace UA’s halls, besides maybe you.” At that last comment, I feel my face heat up a bit, but I just laugh it off.
    “Nice to meet everyone. Thank you for letting me sit with you guys, it’s kind of hard adjusting to being in a new class partway through the year.” I comment as I open my lunch box and start to eat like everyone else.
    Zen is the first one to speak, “Nice to meet you, Shirayuki. It must be hard coming here like this. I am curious though as to how this happened. I didn’t think transferring into UA was possible.”
    “Well, I didn’t transfer. I was originally in the hero course here at UA and I got bumped so now I’m in the general studies course. It seems I wasn’t performing up to the standards of a second-year hero course student. It kind of sucks since it was my dream to graduate from UA’s hero course, but now all I can do is make the best of my time here. I’ve also gotten lucky to meet such nice people already so that makes it a lot better.” I explain to Zen and the group.
    “Wow, I didn’t know that was even possible but I’m glad I got to meet you because of it,” Obi tells me and smiles at me. I smile back at him and the conversation starts to drift into our interests and what we all like. I spend the whole lunch period getting to know everyone more and when lunch comes to an end, I’m sad to go back to learning. I want to keep getting to know everyone, but I have all year to do that, so I go back to my seat. I managed to finish the rest of the day out without any real hiccups and when it’s over, Obi asks me if I would like to exchange numbers and said he’d give me the other three’s numbers as well.
    After exchanging numbers, we go our separate ways for the day. It doesn’t take long before Obi creates a group chat for the five of us after school and by the time, I go to bed that night, we’ve all been sending memes back and forth for hours. It’s nice to know that despite the sadness of my transfer to general studies, I’ve found friends who make me happy. I go to bed thinking about the friends I’ve made and all the things we could get into together.
    The next morning, I awake to find texts from the group about making plans for the upcoming weekend.
Who needs a silver spoon when I have silver hair: So, karaoke and maybe hitting the arcade?
MitsuHottie: Didn’t we do that last week?
Who needs a silver spoon when I have silver hair: Yeah, but not with Shirayuki! Besides, karaoke is always fun!
Rogue One: I’m down, I’d love to see that performance of “Love Story” again! You’re gonna give Shirayuki a real show, Zen?
Who needs a silver spoon when I have silver hair: Why do I have to sing Taylor Swift? Why can’t you embarrass yourself in front of her? Be a good guy and let me keep my dignity for at least a little longer.
MitsuHottie: Did you have any to begin with?
Can and will kick your ass: I haven’t seen it since I’ve met him. Also, karaoke is good with me.
Who needs a silver spoon when I have silver hair: Oh, come on you guys! You shouldn’t gang up on me, I’m your friend.
Rogue One: But that’s what friends are for, mister
    After reading through the messages I figure it’s time for me to respond and put Zen out of his misery.
Hero to Zero: I’m down with karaoke and I’d love to go to the arcade. I’m ready to kick some serious ass at air hockey. I’m excited to see Zen’s performance as well, seems like quite the show!
           Once I send my response, I hop in the shower and get ready for the day. The school day was pretty much the same as yesterday and went by fast. The rest of the week followed suit and flew by in no time. It was time to get ready to hang out with the gang before I even realized it. I decided to keep it simple with a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I quickly made sure I had everything I needed and headed out to meet everyone at the karaoke place.
Hero to Zero: I got here a bit early so I’m going to head over to the café across the street to wait for you guys.
    Right after sending the message to the group, I run into Obi who also got here early it seems. “Want to go sit in the café with me?” I ask him and point across the road to the storefront.
    “Sure, it’ll be nice to spend a few minutes just us. We haven’t really gotten much one on one time; it’ll be a good change of pace.”
    “Yeah, it’ll be nice to just chill together for a bit. Let’s head on over.” I say and start off towards the café. Once we get there, we both order a drink and sit down for a few minutes to chat and wait for our friends.
    “So, Shirayuki, how are you doing? I know we all joke around a lot, but I know it must be hard losing your dream. I just want to make sure you’re okay and let you know that I’m here for you.” That was a lot heavier of a conversation topic than I thought we would discuss, but I’m touched to know Obi is concerned about me. Maybe that’s why I thought he was special that first day, he has this warmth about him and despite him acting like he doesn’t want to get attached, he really cares about those around him.
    “I’m okay, honestly. It has been hard on me but meeting you and everyone else has made this all so much better. I had no idea what I was walking into on that first day, but I met people who accepted me right away despite my shortcomings. I couldn’t have asked for better friends even though we’ve only known each other a week. Thank you for checking on me, it’s really sweet.”
    “You’re welcome, I’m just glad to know you’re doing okay. I know what it’s like to not get to live out your dream. The other three don’t know this, but I originally applied to the hero course at UA. I took the entrance exam and didn’t make it through. I never really saw much in myself but for once I really wanted to try and I failed. It really hurt to only get into the general studies course but like you, I found some amazing friends there so it’s worth it.” Obi smiles faintly and I can tell he’s thinking about Zen and the others. He’s really lucky to have such great people at his side.
    Obi starts to speak again, and he almost sounds hesitant as he asks me, “Can we keep this between us?”
    “Of course, it’s your story to tell. I’m glad you trusted me with this, it’s nice to know we have a little something in common. I have to ask though, you never mentioned your quirk, what is it?” I ask him.
    Obi looks around a second and gestures for me to lean in and he whispers in my ear, “Invisibility.” He leans back and grins at me. “It’s our secret though, you can’t tell anyone. The only people I’ve ever told were the school because I had to, I like to keep it under wraps in case I ever need it.”
    “Makes sense,” I tell him and pull out my phone to check the time. It looks like our little heart to heart is over since it’s time to go meet the others. “Looks like it’s time, want to head back over to the karaoke place?” I ask and start to grab our drinks to throw away.
    “Sounds good. Let’s go.” Obi says as he takes the drinks from me to throw them away and he heads for the door. I follow behind and as we walk over, I start to wonder how many more secrets Obi holds and when I’ll get to know them.
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shirayuki-wisteria · 7 years
Dancing with Two Left Feet
Zenyuki Week, Day Five: Dance
Title: Dancing with Two Left Feet
Cotillion Arc Part II
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing in this fan-fiction except my horrible grammar and writing skills. All the characters or cities mentioned in this fan-fiction belong to Akiduki Sorata unless said otherwise. Any references to real people or places are purely coincidental.
Synopsis: A quick little snippet of Shirayuki having to learn to dance because she’s Zen’s escort for a party. (I recommend reading my prompt for Day Four: Secrets. This is kinda a squeal(?)) I was too lazy to actually write a summary to get anyone to read this, so…
Just don’t read this. It’s not really worth it, lol
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“Sorry!” Shirayuki apologised once again to her dance instructor, offering a small bow. Presently, she was taking dancing lessons from a professional to better get ready for the ball she was to attend with Prince Zen. Unfortunately, she kept hurting the poor man in numerous ways that shouldn’t even be possible while dancing.
Her unfortunate dance instructor was kneeling on one knee, both hands massaging his injured foot. “It-It’s okay, Shirayuki-san… Maybe we should take a break…?”
She clutched the hem of her dress as she nodded. “I’ll go get you a herbal remedy that could help you with your foot.”
True to her word, she set off in pursuit of the pharmacy.
Zen handed his paperwork to his faithful aide, Mitsuhide, before repositioning his royal cape. “That’s the last of it.”
Obi looked up from his perch on the window sill. “Are you going to see the Young Miss?”
His master gave him a stone-cold look before asking, “Where is she, anyhow?”
Kiki didn’t look up from her book as she answered, “She told me that she was taking more lessons on dancing from the same dance instructor that taught her before she went to Tanbarun.”
Before she had even finished, he was at the door, hand on the knob as he twisted it open. “See you all later, then! You know where to find me!”
The door shut behind him, his aides smirking as they stared at it.
If his memory served him well, he remembered that the room used for her instructing was in the east wing. His feet, though they’ve never travelled down this way before, found their way easily to the room in question. He knew it was the right room because he heard off-beat footsteps striding to a piano measure, accompanied every few seconds by a sharp “That’s my foot!”
A soft chuckle escaped his mouth as he envisioned what was happening in the room. He quietly opened the door and let himself in without catching either of their attention unawares, He took his seat on one of the numerous worn-down couches as he supported his elbow against its inside arm and propped his head down on his hand.
Watching her dance instructor trying to teach her how to dance really was amusing. She had no sense of rhythm, and unconsciously or not, she kept taking the lead during the dance. If she’d just follow his, she would be a perfect dancer, but Shirayuki being herself, she couldn’t be submissive.
When her dance tutor had all that he could take, he made a gesture for the pianist to stop and went to go take a seat, putting his weight on the heels of his feet rather than on his toes, which have no doubt been crushed throughout the sorry excuse for a dance.
“S-Sorry…” Shirayuki apologised, her head hung low. “You’ve been so patient, trying to teach me, but I don’t think I’m cut out for dancing…”
Despite his injuries, the tutor gave her a small smile. “You’re starting to get better then you were. For starters, you don’t have an iron grip like before. Now, it’s more light but strong enough to not lose your grip.”
He winced as he gently tried to put pressure on the injured areas of his foot. “Even so, I think I need to call it a day. Practice a bit more and I’m sure you’ll be a natural.”
A frown settled itself onto the red-haired herbalist’s face. “How can I practice if I don’t have a partner?”
Zen quickly got up from his spot on the couch. “If you’d like, Shirayuki-dono, may I be of some assistance?”
She turned around, her eyes widening in surprise. “Z-Zen?! I didn’t even know you were here!”
He gave her a sly smile. “That was the point, my dear.”
Before she could object his offer, he already had already put his hand in one of hers, the other wrapped around her waist as he guided her through the steps. Her free hand immediately clutched his shoulder as she tried her best to follow.
The King of Clarines now strolled around the castle, stretching his arms as he did so. Sitting at his desk all day made his muscles stiff and sore, so his solution was to send all his aides off on individual errands as he took a much needed break.
He stopped and froze in his tracks, a piano measure echoing down the hall and reaching his ears. He suddenly remembered that he was in the East Wing; the wing that Shirayuki was assigned to during her lessons to better prepare her for Tanbarun. She must be taking more lessons to help her dance at the ball, He surmised. Poor dance instructor… he doesn’t get paid enough.
As if by their own volition, his feet started taking long strides towards the direction of the room used for her dance lessons. He reached it in no time, stopping right in front of the door. He was about to knock and ask to come in, but he was distracted by the window. Shirayuki, as always, was a klutz and managed to completely go off-beat from the pianist’s music. He had to purse his lips together to suppress a laugh, not wanting to give way to his presence. After having all he could take, the dance instructor sat down on one of the numerous couches. Guessing from the expressions Shirayuki was making, he was telling her that they should call it a day.
A glint of silver hair caught his eye, and he swiftly apprehended that Zen was quietly watching from afar. Perhaps from seeing Shirayuki’s troubled expressions, he got up from his seat and made his way to her. Surprise crossed the young redhead's face for a split second before the Second Prince started leading her through the steps, slowly at first but eventually picking up speed as it went on.
Izana realised that it wasn’t expertise Shirayuki was lacking; it was chemistry. Unlike when she was dancing with her dance instructor, her steps matched Zen’s perfectly, her body swaying to the rhythm of the music. Watching them, it felt like they were on an entirely different planet; unreachable. As if there was no one in the world but the two of them.
Before he knew it, he had opened the door so quickly that it caught the two of them unawares. He blinked, knowing his cover was blown.
“Lord Brother!” Zen finally managed to utter out, his eyes widening. “W-What are you doing here?”
The king averted his eyes, thinking about a good explanation to use. “I merely heard beautiful music and wanted to know the reason behind it. I never thought the two of you would be dancing, however.”
Shirayuki began to turn a deep shade of red, not courageous enough to meet his eyes. “I was learning dance lessons from my dance instructor, but unfortunately, managed to hurt him in the process. Zen was kind enough to offer to stand in for him and helped me to dance better. Sorry if I took any time away from you by doing this.”
Izana waved her off. “It’s quite all right. In fact, I have a proposal for the both of you.”
The two of them shared a look of confusion before giving him a cautious look. “Exactly what proposal would that be?” “Why don’t I give Zen more free time to use for teaching you how to dance?” He directed the question to Shirayuki. “It seems like Zen can teach you more than your dance instructor ever could, form the looks of it.”
Zen’s eyes widened. “R-Really?! You’d let me do that?”
The king’s gaze remained indifferent. “I don’t see why not. After all, we don’t want her making a mockery out of Clarines, do we?”
Shirayuki’s eyes gleamed happily as she gave him a wide smile. “Thank you so much!”
The dance teacher was all too happy to have her taken off his hands, gladly resigning his position as her teacher. He gave Zen a quick summary of everything Shirayuki was good or bad at, what she needed most to improve, and the list of songs they’ve practiced with so far. With that being done, the Second Prince could take the young redhead under his wing to tutor.
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That’s it for today! Tomorrow, I’ll upload the third (and last) part to the Cotillion Arc for day six of Zenyuki week! Please keep an eye out for it! ( ^ ~ ^ )
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sabraeal · 7 years
here have a bunch: 5, 20, 28, or 53
#5 things you didn’t say at all
(Chapter 4 of The Daisy Chain, meant to fit between these two prompts)
“It should be me,” Suzu declares, hand splayed across his chest. “I am the one who has never met Garrack Gazalt.”
Ryuu’s fingers pinch the bridge of his nose, hardly obscuring his pained expression. Shirayuki suspects he’s found adulthood utterly disappointing; instead of finally understanding everyone’s motivations, he’s only seen how illogical their decisions truly are. “I don’t think your desire to meet Garrack should be taken into account.”
“You only say that because you’ve met her.” Suzu’s lip juts out in a pout. “And I don’t see why I shouldn’t –”
“You take terrible notes,” Ryuu offers at the same time Shirayuki says, “Your wife is pregnant.”
Ryuu nods. “That too.”
Suzu stares at the both of them agape, betrayed. “Yuzuri will understand!”
“No.” Ryuu eyebrows raise in disbelief. “She most certainly won’t.”
“I can just go,” Shirayuki offers. She’s used to traveling by now, and it would be nice to see Kiki, and Mitsuhide, and Zen. If classes weren’t in session she could even make a holiday of it but – break wouldn’t be for another three months at least, and if Higata’s predictions are correct, they’ll be seeing the same virulent strain of measles Wistal dealt with at the beginning of the summer. The training cannot be put off.
Ryuu’s skepticism is thick. “You?”
She blinks. “Is there something wrong?”
“You have classes to teach,” Suzu reminds her at the same time Ryuu deadpans, “You’d have to bring Obi.”
“Also that,” Suzu agrees with an absent nod.
She bristles. “Is there something wrong with Obi?”
“Ah, no.” Suzu coughs awkwardly, suddenly finding his bench enthralling. “Not – not as such no.”
“I’d bring Obi,” Ryuu tells her. “But if you bring Obi, I might as well just ask Garrack for her notes now, and save us the headache.”
“What?” Her voice is far too high, far too – guilty. There’s no reason for it. She fists her hands on her hips so regain some semblance of calm. “Why – why would you say that?”
Suzu coughs again – she restrains the impulse to ask if he needs some assistance with his sudden illness – and shuffles toward the lab door. “I think I should just – there’s probably something heavy for me to pick up for Yuzuri –”
Ryuu tells her baldly, “You flirt.”
In the end, it’s Ryuu who goes. He brings Obi as well.
“It’s just a month, Miss,” Obi laughs, pack slung over his shoulder. “You’ll hardly notice I’m gone.”
That’s not what her lab thinks, but Shirayuki keeps that observation to herself.
You stand too close when you talk, Ryuu says in her mind. And the last time he came to lab, you let the tea boil over.
You play with your hair too, Suzu adds, and it’s all embarrassing enough as it is, never mind trying to explain it to Obi. He’d jsut give her that cocky smirk the whole time, eyes lit up with mischief –
Ah, yes, she’ll just…never tell him. Not unless she wants him to ask her if she’s flirting every time she inquires about his dinner plans.
“I’m not saying you shouldn’t go.” She wishes he didn’t have to – having both him and Ryuu away will make her free hours seem…empty. She could spend them with Yuzuri and Suzu of course, but…
But they’re a family now. There’s not room for a third wheel every night for month.
His eyes are soft when they turn to her. “I know you’re not. I’m telling you, you won’t even miss me.”
“Of course I will,” she tells him, annoyed. “Who else will warm –”
Her teeth snick shut. That’s not…not a good argument. For a friend. Which Obi is.
“It will be too quiet without you,” she finally settles on. That feels…safe. Feels true.
“Don’t worry, Miss,” he says with a wink. “I’ll find a way to chatter away at you, even with all the miles between us.”
Shirayuki laughs. “I don’t doubt it.”
The stairs have definitely gotten longer since the morning.
The last day has been an education in how much Ryuu maintained the lab. Shirayuki had thought the first day so smooth, a good omen for the rest of the month but –
It’s Ryuu who organizes their stocks, Ryuu who makes sure the apprentices properly sort each herb into its container, Ryuu who makes sure each bottle has his neat print on the outside of it, label-out on the shelf. Without him here, enforcing his exacting standards…
She’s spent he whole day putting out fires – both figuratively and literally – and by the time she gets to her rooms there’s nothing she wants to do more than collapse on her bed and beg the powers that be that the trip to Wistal only takes half the time.
That’s her plan, at least, right up until she nearly trips over the paper on the floor.
“Oh, the post,” she murmurs, scooping the parchment in her hands. Mitsuhide is due to write again soon, and with a visit from Obi impeding, it makes sense that he might try to send it early. She grins, breaking the seal. More than anyone, she knows how unconducive he is towards things that require focus –
The letter is not from Mitsuhide
Dear Mistress, the it begins, in Obi’s friendly scrawl. I thought I might give you time to miss me, but I didn’t want to chance you forgetting instead –
She sits hard on her bed, day forgotten. All that exists for the next few minutes is his words, and the empty space beside her.
They come every day, at least one page front and back.
Still cold here, he says in one, I keep thinking that the cold will never end. That in our time up in Lyrias the whole world has frosted over, and even when we go back to Wistal, you’ll be asking me to keep you warm when your burner goes out.
“If that isn’t wishful thinking,” she laughs, setting it aside.
However, the night feels colder when she lays down to sleep.
Never mind. Saw a blade of grass today. All is right with the world.
Today Ryuu tried a cherry, he writes one day, and the next it is, I saw a man with a bird on his shoulder the color of the horizon at dawn, and it made me think of you. Since you’re so ticklish, of course.
Shirayuki smiles, threading her hair through her fingers.
Garrack wants to know if you’re working yourself too hard, and Mitsuhide wants to know if I’ve been sneaking in your window. I do not think he’d appreciate that I use the door.
Today His Majesty got the better of Master as he was leaving for a ride, and Master was so angry he fell right off his horse.
She laughs aloud at that one.
How I wish you were here to see it, Miss.
It changes, after that.
I sat in my old spot today, he says, days into his stay. The room’s gone to two more journeymen. I don’t think I’ll be back.
I went to your room in the east wing, says another later. It smelled of lilac. They’ve changed the linens since you’ve last been. I informed Master you prefer lavender.
There’s an ache in her when she reads about the capital, about his days with Mituhide and Kiki, his late nights with Zen, but it’s these that hurt her most. Wistal is a moment in time, an eternal summer and – and –
She wishes he would come home.
It’s a day where she feels as if she’s being picked apart at the seams when the letter she has been waiting for arrives.
We are heading home, Obi writes, letters uneven in his excitement. It’s just in time. I miss the sound of your voice, Miss. I think I might even be happy to hear you scold me.
Her heart beats fast against her palms. It’s because misses him too. That is why she feels like this.
She stays up late into the evening, reading the words over and over until sleep takes her.
The closer he comes, the more he writes about – this. His missing her.
Today I bought herbs from a wandering merchant, and all I could think of was you.
I was awake to see the sun rise, and it was golden. I wish you had seen it.
It’s not your voice I miss, I’ve realized, his most recent one reads, but I miss the way your silence fits into mine. The way my breath pauses to make room for yours. The way you talk to me without talking to me at all.
Her hands shake as she reads it. It’s as if he’s reach right into her, put into words exactly what she never could and – and –
It doesn’t mean anything. She just misses him, that’s all.
The next day, there is no letter. Or rather there is one, but –
Dear Shirayuki, it reads, Obi just departed a few days ago. The castle is already much quieter with him gone. Sorry that he is going back to hamper your peace of mind. Today Kiki and Mitsuhide –
It’s not what she wanted.
Her eyes burn strangely, and she sits heavily on her bed. She must just be – worried. Obi has written every day, and if he has not then – perhaps he cannot write because he is wounded, or maybe Ryuu, or one of them is sick –
That is why she is so disappointed. It must be.
A burst of cold blows over her room, and callused thumbs wipe away her tears.
“Ah, Miss,” Obi chuckles as she looks up, eyes so wide more tears fall. “I didn’t mean to make you worry. I only wanted to deliver the last myself.”
He hold out a folded piece of parchment, the same as all the others. She reaches out with shaking hands, and sets it aside on the desk.
“I’ll read it later,” she croaks. “I have you now.”
“Stay tonight,” she blurts out, holding his hands when he tries to stand. “It’s been so cold.”
His eyes grow wide, darting towards the door. “If that’s what you want, Miss.”
“Please,” she says, and oh, he’s never been able to say no to that.
For the first time in weeks, she is warm.
Shirayuki sighs contentedly, burrowing closer to Obi’s warmth. Another hour won’t hurt, not when she’s been working so hard.
His chest makes a firm pillow for her head, and blearily she runs through the tasks for her day. Ryuu will want to scold them all for the state of her lab, and she has a class to teach later in the morning, duty in the pharmacy in the afternoon. The evening is a mystery still, as it always is, but with Obi home she no longer has to dread the hours at the end of the day. With him here beside her now, breath lulling her back to sleep, she cannot bring herself to think of more than that, more that how right it is that he –
Her eyes fly open. That is – something.
Obi trudges back to his room, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He’s got another hour before his shift – damn His Lordship – and the only reason he’ll survive it is because he finally got sleep last night. The first night of good sleep since he’s been on the road.
He tries not to think of why.
He’s so tired he nearly misses it, but he’s got to stop at his desk to check his schedule and –
There’s a stack of letters. About two weeks worth. He breaks open the seal.
Dear Obi, it reads, in Miss’s painfully familiar loops. I hope you don’t mind I didn’t write as many as you, but you’re on your way home and I’m thinking of you…
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