#nymril elkraen
assventuring · 7 years
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@kaijucorps ‘ Nym carries around a 10 pound ‘Bara tiddy torso’
@kerrtrash‘ Gneiss is judging
Gneiss: Skullfucker, I ain’t even surprised anymore
Nym: Judge all you want, you’re still groping a dead bara tiddy
Gneiss: Gotta respect the tiddy
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wonderlandcrows · 8 years
Kinkshamed Squad + Corpses
  THE GHOST: You walk for hours in a dark forest where the air is oppressing that you hesitate to breath. The forest makes you paranoid, as if alive, but seemingly everything around is dead and as long decayed. That’s when you stumble upon a skeleton. There’s nothing you can distinguish that could tell who it is so you get closer, it’s then you realize..you’re trapped. Blood everywhere, you can’t see anything, and suddenly you find yourself in hell, how did you get here? And your sins are crawling to find you and there you find a husk of the a man that once was. You recognize his insignia….  this is Nymril Elkraen’s . You’ve heard of him, he was called the Ghost Slayer of Ulvenwald, he apparently saved the city a long time ago, but there’s darker things too… His eyes are blank not the emptiness kind of blank ..but just pure white with rage and there’s appear a demon behind him, you don’t recognize it but it smile and release it’s ‘‘pet’‘. The Hero lunges at you and you’re no more.
THE THIEF: You walk in search of treasures, this forest is big, there’s a lot of hiding places. You and you’re party get attacked by a demon, you wonder how it got there, it’s not their usual hunting spot at all, nonetheless , you run for your life. You find a cavern, the entrance well hidden but it catches your eyes. There’s something about it…You’re alone, you worry about the traps that could be in here but your greed takes over you like a sudden rush. You need to go farther. You need to! It’s incredibly dark, so you light a torch… the cave seems to get smaller the farthest you go in and yet no treasure….Nothing. It’s almost ….peaceful. You begin to believe that it should be better to go back , when a small light appears before you. It’s seems like a firefly, except it emits a reddish glow and more begins to pop up, you take it as a sign to walk farther. What you assume to be firefly stops around a crouched up form, it’s quite…fascinating how someone could go that far. The humanoid form, is tiny , is it a child? As you take your time to inspect it, you finally notice the firefly-like lights are standing where the eyes would be it’s creepy..But what’s more interesting is that you notice a lot of shines in the corpse. You came all this way, you deserve it right? As you extend your arm to take an item, a decayed arm stops you with a surprising force, a lot gurgle emits from the corpse you panic. In your head, you hear : ‘‘ You shouldn’t steal from a dead woman….. You do not need it……..’‘ You know now, you’ll die, but you can’t stop thinking how beautiful it is to see the lights floating around, how the riches are glistening inside the small body and suddenly it’s all black.
THE BRAVE : You’ve always been curious about this forest. You remember the stories of your grandmother, she said that this forest used to flourish with live and that it was the most beautiful place in all the land. Now, it’s merely a shadow of it’s past glory…….It actually looks more like a bog. It emits toxic fumes, people can’t live around the area anymore, you can’t even hear insects. They must have been disintegrated by the acidic liquid destroying everything. You recall the story of this place…. This was used has some kind of arena for a legendary battle between a dragon and a dragonborn. The strong dragonborn fought bravely but it wasn’t enough to defeat the evil dragon who had undergone some kind of mutation, to save her love, she sacrificed herself. At least that’s what you heard. But it’s wasn’t just that, if someone were to traverse the acidic farbog, it’s said they would get some kind of legendary power. You had to try. You almost did it…. You remember getting there and seeing the corpse of this giant beast, everything was worst around it except a small patch inside of it. It was full of greenery…. Just this single patch….It’s a fountain. The water , seemingly pure, went out through the skull of a dragonborn. As you stepped into the grass patch, everything wilted and decayed quickly, the water turned into pure acid, you tried to go back but it was too late…
THE SELFLESS : As your adventure reach an end, a beautiful area awaits ahead. Lush greenery, animals you’ve never seen, beautiful flowers…. It feels surreal. And yet, as stunning as it is…. you can’t help but to feel somehow sorrowful. You notice in the middle of this haven, a statue….Or at least you think it is. It has a humanoid form, it’s seems to be made of wood. There’s not much resemblance to any heroes or entity you’ve ever heard of. It’s like, it’s jotting out of this weeping willow, who seems to be protecting it… The statue seems to be praying, not the usual way you see it done. The eyes are hollow… You can see a nose but no mouth. You prepare your camp when you hear sobbing, you turn towards the wooden statue. The sound is indeed coming from there…. Flowers and plant life is coming out of the hollow eyes, they don’t seem to be coming to hurt but that’s when you notice a black blemish on where the heart would be…..It’s spreading very fast… Into the group, into everything, suddenly it turns into a nightmare. The wooden figure, still crying , only now, wilted flowers, stands up. You try to run, but vines jots out of the ground and keep you in place. It holds your face and you see a mouth forming and it speaks to you, in a softer voice you imagined : ‘‘ I …-I have to keep her…alive….. I’m her ….champion. ‘‘ The mouths open whole and you feel weaker as if , whatever this entity is, was draining you of your life force. You see yourself drop, but you feel no sadness. You are part of the forest. You will live forever, the forest returns to this little safe haven, to wait for it’s next victim. The champion prays to our lady, as he had always done in the past and continue to do so even after his…. death. Technically, he is not dead, but not alive either. Just like you, just like the thousand of souls flowing through the forest. Stuck here forever.
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