thebloopixie · 3 years
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120 potential Cobnut Trees and I am truly excited about this!!! Last Year I grew Chestnuts and this year again I have put in more chestnuts but I also wanted to add another nut each year. Yes I experimented with Pistachios last year and I have 3 of them but this years main nut will be the humble and incredibly rare Cobnut. . . I shall be popping half of these outside immediately and half of them in the fridge for 2 weeks first just to test out different stratifying methods as I am a bit behind I should really have popped these in around November. . . Our last frost date though is May 10th so honestly they should be fine I just want to experiment and see what happens. . . If you want to follow the cobnuts journey subscribe to my YouTube channel where I will document how they go. Link is in the bio. . . #thebloopixie #cobnuts #nutfarm #raretrees #nativetrees #edibletrees #gardenersofinstagram #gardeners #nuts #kitchengarden https://www.instagram.com/thebloopixie/p/CYa8RcGKOi9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gamerzdownunder · 5 years
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Hey Gamerz New game play footage of Children Of The Eclipse let us know what you think! #gamers #gamer #gamerz #gamerzdownunder #childrenoftheeclipse #nutfarm https://www.gamerzdownunder.com/post/children-of-the-eclipse-pre-alpha-gameplay-teaser https://www.instagram.com/p/B507wGTH3_P/?igshid=e7qdfsqdorq9
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niche-gamer · 5 years
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First Gameplay Trailer for Co-Op Shooter Children of the Eclipse https://nichegamer.com/2019/12/03/first-gameplay-trailer-for-co-op-shooter-children-of-the-eclipse/
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wisdomfromprison · 2 years
"QUESTIONS" by Lucky Stancliff "Well 'hello there!', my family and friends, 'Questions' are a part of a persons 'reasoning tools' for understanding something. "How you doing today, partner?" "What is that stuff in the stew?" "Who's idea was this?" 'Questions' will happen over and over throughout life, thousands of times. The human mind will always 'question' things when he feels that something just 'don't fit. 'Questions' are one of humanities 'tools' for learning. It would sure be hard to learn anything WITHOUT asking a 'question'. A person Will NEVER stop 'questioning' things throughout life, that is just as 'inborn' within humanity as 'finding shelter' or 'eating'. "HEY! LUCKY! Am I 'questionable'?" "NO! WILLIE! You are 'CERTIFYABLE!' ...... for the NUTFARM!" "That's good, at least I EXIST!" Folks, I think that every single thing throughout life should be 'questioned', simply to understand more and more of what 'life' should be like, and with new understanding, humanity itself will prosper to new heights. As the 'old saying' goes, "the mind is a terrible thing to waste", is the solid 'truth'. 'Questions' ...... one of best methods of learning, and, one of the most important words within a society. ALL things have to be 'questioned' for the growth of humanity, so trust me ...... things will be 'questioned' to the max in order for mankind to survive within this universe. My family and friends, just know that 'life itself' is a blessing within this universe. Have a wonderful day if possible, and know that my thoughts are with you. Until next time ...... Stay positive, productive, and focused.
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roominthecastle · 7 years
Room! I'm watching 2x10 and guess what I'm doing?? Ofc I'm crying!! Like a dozen times I've watched it before! Every f-ing time! Damn that bloody show! 😭 But it's just so GOOD you know? Like that hospital scene just guts me. And Walt looks so lost the whole ep. And Vic is so desperate, so disappointed in herself, so crushed with sympathy. And Ferg losing it. And just everyone! welp* One of the best eps imho. Do you have any strong connections to it? Or any other ep? Oh damn that beautiful show!
HA! that’s a rollercoaster ep! I have this reaction to “Population 25” too where Vic has her first run-in w/ Chance on his nutfarm. It’s so brutal and well-done, and I appreciate how the resulting trauma never really disappears from the show. It’s there even in this last season. That being said, I don’t really have a favorite episode, but I do have many favorite moments from each ep and season. It would be too long to list them all here but I’m starting a re-watch and a complementary “fav moments” GIF series, so stay tuned and keep those emotions flowing, anon - this one deserves this kind of heavy investment, imo.
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yourgamecheats · 5 years
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Futuristic Shooter Children of the Eclipse Pre-Alpha Gameplay Revealed Nutfarm Games released a new action-packed teaser for their top-down shooter Children of the Eclipse. The video reveals a cool feature of merging two player characters into one powerful mech unit.
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Como cozinhar amêndoas cruas
Acredita-se que as amêndoas tenham se originado na Ásia Central e na China.
No século XVIII, os monges franciscanos trouxeram a saborosa noz para a Califórnia. A Califórnia é hoje o maior produtor de amêndoas do mundo.
As amêndoas são uma potência nutricional. De acordo com o site da Nutfarm, uma porção de uma onça (20 a 24 nozes) tem 35% da dose diária recomendada (RDA) de vitamina. E, tanto cálcio quanto um quarto de xícara de leite, seis gramas de proteína e três gramas. de fibra, além de ácido fólico, magnésio e fósforo.
Tudo por 170 calorias crocantes.
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Vamos ao passo a passo. E mais, caso você queira saber mais sobre dieta low carb, não é dificil, é só acessar o site do doutor. rico em matérias e muito bem feitas
Branqueie as amêndoas. Se suas amêndoas ainda tiverem suas peles em você vai querer branquear-los para remover as peles antes de assá-los. Se suas amêndoas já estiverem esfoladas ou você as preferir com as cascas, prossiga para a seção 2. Coloque as amêndoas em uma tigela e despeje água fervente para cobri-las.
Deixe descansar por um minuto; em seguida, despeje as amêndoas em uma peneira e lave-as com água corrente. Você quer que as amêndoas ainda estejam quentes, mas esfriam o suficiente para aguentar sem queimar os dedos. Aperte cada amêndoa com os dedos para tirá-las de suas peles.
Isso é divertido para fazer com as crianças. Seque bem as amêndoas. Pat-los secar usando uma toalha.
Pré-aqueça o forno a 350 graus Fahrenheit. Coloque as amêndoas cruas em uma única camada em uma lata de pizza. Asse no forno por 15 minutos. Mexa a cada 5 minutos.
As amêndoas cozidas são de cor castanha dourada. Salgue as amêndoas cozidas. Deixe esfriar por cerca de 15 minutos.
Eles estão agora prontos para servir.
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onehonestmom-blog · 6 years
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Gorgeous!!! A must see... Although you don't want to get Caught behind 4 Japanese Tour buses... Because then it would suck! Ha ha ha ha But we made the best of it.. taste testing galore! All the flavored Mac nuts were so yum! Kids loved getting an opportunity to crack them outside with the loose chickens and roosters running around. They don't just sell different flavored mac nuts, also sell Kona Coffee, hot sauces, oils and more! A beautiful setting and the drive up the coast is a photographers dream! #northshore #hawaii #macadamianutfarm #oahuhawaii #nutfarm #familyvacations #travelingwithkids #thingstosee (at Tropical Farms Macadamia Nuts)
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dq21094 · 7 years
#nutfarm #fire #QdoesHawaii This was awesome. Watching the chickens gobble the coconut was adorable. #oahu
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sarahsoranno · 11 years
Part 3 of our Vernon Adventures is here! You won't want to miss this one! ;)
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onehonestmom-blog · 6 years
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Gorgeous!!! A must see... Although you don't want to get Caught behind 4 Japanese Tour buses... Because then it would suck! Ha ha ha ha But we made the best of it.. taste testing galore! All the flavored Mac nuts were so yum! Kids loved getting an opportunity to crack them outside with the loose chickens and roosters running around. They don't just sell different flavored mac nuts, also sell Kona Coffee, hot sauces, oils and more! A beautiful setting and the drive up the coast is a photographers dream! #northshore #hawaii #macadamianutfarm #oahuhawaii #nutfarm #familyvacations #travelingwithkids #thingstosee (at Tropical Farms Macadamia Nuts)
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onehonestmom-blog · 6 years
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Gorgeous!!! A must see... Although you don't want to get Caught behind 4 Japanese Tour buses... Because then it would suck! Ha ha ha ha But we made the best of it.. taste testing galore! All the flavored Mac nuts were so yum! Kids loved getting an opportunity to crack them outside with the loose chickens and roosters running around. They don't just sell different flavored mac nuts, also sell Kona Coffee, hot sauces, oils and more! A beautiful setting and the drive up the coast is a photographers dream! #northshore #hawaii #macadamianutfarm #oahuhawaii #nutfarm #familyvacations #travelingwithkids #thingstosee (at Tropical Farms Macadamia Nuts)
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dq21094 · 7 years
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#nutfarm #wwmb #vine #oahu (at Tropical Farms Macadamia Nuts)
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