#nsp down under
peachyfnaf · 2 days
I'm sorry but "MY BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS WITH A DISORDER<3" really made my day and I needed you to know
I can't believe Nexus is bullying peepaw war criminal.
Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?
(Please talk about baby cringe Lord Nexus, I want to hear about your blorbo 🙏)
That's because Nexus IS my beautiful princess with a disorder, I'll have you know <3 they're diseased but it's okay I can give them their tetanus and flu shots and it'll all be better I GOT THIS
But. ahem, okay, blorbo yapping time. I'm not even gonna say "I'll try to keep this short" because I know it wont end up that way HAHAHAHAHA
"Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?"
I... have absolutely no idea!!!1! (and also it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize peepaw war criminal was Ruin KJDFHSDF)
The most frustrating thing about canon Nexus is how his morals, motivations, and goals seem to see-saw back and forth all the time. at first, he became how he is now due to Solar's death. he spiraled in his grief, identity-issues, and abandonment. but... now his motivation is to become an all powerful god??? while it's most likely that NSP is at play and affecting his thought process, it's... well, it's really hard to take him seriously as a villain because of it, lol. for an audience to enjoy, and even sympathize in some cases, with a villain, their goals and motivations have to be concrete. they have to be relatable, or at least understandable, but Nexus' whole thing is... not, Imho. and I know I'm not the only person who feels this way!!!
I see a lot of people calling Nexus "cringe", and the thing is, when it comes to canon Nexus, they're not really... wrong??? The worst thing Nexus has done so far is make Old Moon see his past victims, which is fucked up of him to do, but.. so far, that's kind of it??? other than that, his "villainy" consists of saying empty threats and cheesy evil one-liners. hell, he was supposed to kidnap Sun yesterday but instead spent the whole episode yapping and venting to him, chasing Sun around in the worlds darkest game of tag before getting some lead right in the face dkfjhsdfsd
Also, notice how he's only targeted Old Moon when it comes to actual physical violence? not Lunar, Earth, Solar, or Sun, but Old Moon? yeah, I did too. we already know that Nexus does everything because he's lashing out, but as of rn the only target he's gotten his hands on physically being O.M...? well. I think it says a lot. cause' yeah, he sure as shit scared the life out of the other Celestials, but he's never put his hands on them!! the only other one of them he harmed physically was Earth- and not only was he not aiming for her, she was just in the way- he felt immediate regret for his actions once in space, and has yet to even see Earth ever since that day.
So, I really have no idea if he's going to be "redeemed" or not. one second he's showing signs he might be, and the next he's falling further down the "pretty badly written villain" rabbit-hole. if he does get something akin to a redemption arc, he'll prolly mostly be accepted in the eyes of the viewers, considering a lot of peeps sympathize or at least understand where he's coming from, but I seriously doubt the other Celestials would take him back. the only one's who might see him as family/a close friend again are Sun and Solar, but even then, nothing would ever be the same.
I hope he gets redeemed, or at least freed from the hold Dark Sun has on him and he's able to live his own life, I really do. at his core, Nexus is a good person. a good person who was crushed under the weight of the shadow of the man he was born under. and we know this because he used to be New Moon. sweet, dorky New Moon.
New Moon, who made inventions like sentient knives and whoopee cushions. New Moon, who had matching My Little Pony stickers with his best friend. New Moon, who bought a whole ass island-luxury-house for Sun because he wanted to make him feel better and give him the proper space to heal. and New Moon- the poor freshly-baked A.I who gave his all to make sure he could do everything that Old Moon could, but it just wasn't enough. he tried and tried and tried, but it wasn't enough.
So yeah, idk if he's getting one in canon, but to me, he more than deserves a good ending, for the life he was given. let him be at peace.
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megalommi · 1 year
This is exceedingly indulgent, a song fic!
I wanted to write Baggs using his powers with his voice in another way (also because I don't write him using his powers enough, oddly)
The specific cover this is inspired by is the NSP cover of Don't Fear the Reaper, but I pitched and slowed down while i was writing this, fits the more dark and seductive mood better.
(Can't share it here for obvious DMCA issues that would cause, but would highly recommend seeking that out).
This is non canon.
Each snow packed step takes so much effort, your legs are heavy and you are so tired.
The path was far behind you, having taken off in sheer terror into the thick woods.
What you had seen at a gate in the middle of the road, seeming to await your arrival, a skeletal face with a knowing grin, like the visage of death.
But now, you were hopelessly lost, tired and numb from the cold.
The still, frosty forest seems to swallow any sound, so you startle when under the crunch of your footfalls and your laboured breath, something else pulls your attention.
It drifts so softly through the trees, hard to pinpoint from where, a gentle humming of a tune you think you recognise from somewhere.
It's deep and warm like hot chocolate, oh so pleasant to the ears. You can't help but bask in it a little longer, you think you actually start to feel warmer.
Something tells you that's not a good sign, you need to get out of this cold.
You continue your trek again, the humming is closer now. You note a burgeoning urge to find the source, and you can't help scanning your surroundings for signs of the owner.
All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
The humming blends into a sweet serenade, the words echoing, drifting sweetly into your ears.
Is someone out there? Their words are gentle, a cadence that comforts you instantly. Something tells you this stranger will help you.
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
The buzz of anxiety tensing your body starts to settle, your gasps of exertion evening out and slowing down. The numbness in your limbs are replaced by pleasant tingles.
The snow is no bother to you now, it's effortless to follow that wonderful voice.
We can be like they are
Your mind supplies, a soft trilling in the base of your skull that doesn't sound like your inner voice at all.
Come on, baby
Closer now, peering out from the darkness, a pulsing, pretty magenta glow.
don't fear the reaper
The sweet, tempting voice in your mind urged, chanting the mantra over and over, deep in your mind.
Baby, take my hand
We'll be able to fly
You're reaching out before you can even think to. You feel floaty and nice, you want this stranger to take you away.
Baby, I'm your man
He steps into view, a skeletal face with a knowing grin.
Your heart drops and you still, panic cutting through the haze that had fallen over your mind.
But he serenades you still, a pretty melody like a soothing lullaby, his arms open and inviting.
And like fingers stroking through your hair, tension massaged from your shoulders, your body relaxes.
Your thoughts and fear fall away again, chased by wonderful fuzzy niceness that sends your reeling from the whiplash.
You sway, dizzy with the heady feelings flowing through you, your only anchor is the heated gaze of white and magenta, brightly glowing in their sockets.
You stumble into his arms, that encircle you like a warm blanket, chasing away the cold.
The world falls away into darkness with the sensation of falling, and you squeak in terror, only for that emotion, too, to be scattered and forgotten.
A golden, regal hall bathed in streams of light pouring in from high arched stain glass windows.
You are steadied on solid ground once again, and it's so warm that your skin prickles with the sudden shift in atmosphere.
Valentine is done
The song echoes through the halls, it's just for you to hear.
Here but now they're gone
You think you catch a ripple in his expression, but you're turned around, led to a window.
And you hardly believe what you're seeing.
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity
A kingdom that stretches to the cavern walls. Fields of lava surrounding so many homes. A beautiful grove flowing with water. And a little isolated town caked in snow.
And twinkling above it all, pretty, false stars embedded in the ceiling of the cavern, shining down on so many trapped and desperate people.
40, 000 men and women everyday
like Romeo and Juliet
That tempting voice at the base of your skull whispers to you, and you understand.
40, 000 men and women everyday
So many people to save.
redefine happiness
It's for the best.
Another 40, 000 coming everyday
we can be like they are
Gloved hands smooth up and down your arms.
Come on, baby
You're not afraid.
Baby, take my hand
You accept his outstretched hand. You're lead away, his hands cupping your own.
We'll be able to fly
A hand at your back, and your hand held out in his, your world suddenly spins as you're led in a waltz,
dancing to the thrumming pulse that starts in your chest and radiates calm through your whole body.
Baby, I'm your man
You step perfectly in time with him, spun and dipped, expertly lead by his control.
You don't know how to dance, it does not matter.
The entrancing melody drifts through the hall, his cape flows in a graceful arc, his grip is strong in your hand, his gaze warm and smile amused.
It's all so magical, you must be dreaming.
He slows and lowers you in a deep dip, and he's so close, breath intermingling with yours.
He's stopped humming.
You utter a sleepy murmur in question.
His expression darkens, his grin sharpens.
And that magenta eye
rings of cyan
flow over you, through you, into your mind
and you helplessly drop down
sickly green ambient lights that cast long shadows
Dark, clinical halls
The smell like a hospital, sharp and clean
You pass darkened hallways, and not even the fog could dampen the chill down your spine.
You're moving?
You're on a padded table. You can't move.
You're strapped down.
You feel like you should be more afraid. But you are drifting under waves of bliss that smother your thoughts and emotions as quickly as they build.
Finally you've seemingly arrived at your destination.
An operating room, filled with complex looking machines and devices, some you recognise as heart monitors, drip bags.
Some are completely alien, nothing like anything you'd find in a human hospital.
Before you can even sluggishly blink, you're hooked up to all manner of devices, tested, poked and prodded, in a process that's typical of a hospital check up.
You are overwhelmed by the rush of activity, and you lay your head back.
There's an enormous structure above you, that hangs down from the ceiling.
A machine, but shaped like the skull of some animal you couldn't hope to identify.
But with terrifying teeth like a predator.
Pointed right at you.
You startle as you feel a skeletal hand on your cheek, pulling your focus back
to him.
He trains his features into one of sympathy, but you can see the sharp pull of his grin, the excitement in his eyes.
Love of two is one
But you can't resist.
Here but now they're gone
It almost seems taunting, but you're helpless as you sink into the false, saccharine sweetness.
Came the last night of sadness
He strokes your cheek in something meant to be comforting. You are comforted beyond measure, warm and tingly once more.
And it was clear she couldn't go on
It was true, somehow
Then the door was open and the wind appeared
The machine above stirred awake
The candles blew and then disappeared
Lights blinking and flashing, the engine a deep, monstrous rumble, as if it were alive, as if it were hungry.
The curtains flew and then he appeared
He filled your vision once more, turning your gaze, twitching with your terror bubbling up to the surface.
Saying don't be afraid
Your vision shrunk down to just the two of you, alone in this moment, he was here for you.
Come on, baby
He reached out to hover his ungloved, skeletal hand just above your chest.
and she had no fear
You sunk into bliss.
And she ran to him
A glow burst from your chest, and he crooked his finger in a beckoning motion.
then they started to fly
Your soul hovered pliantly in his gentle hold.
They looked backward and said goodbye
Distantly, you felt the machine lowered closer and closer to your chest.
To your soul.
she had become like they are
Hadn't you seen vials full of other souls down here?
She had taken his hand
His visage had broken into a crazed triumph, too perfect teeth wide and sharp.
she had become like they are
It was for the best.
Come on, baby
don't fear the reaper
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chaoskirin · 2 years
Welcome in Earnest!
Hello, welcome to my blog for real. The post that brought all you new people here is finally starting to die down a bit, so I wanted to kinda get into what I do.
I’m a published author! You can find my first book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09RQ6JBK6
It’s sci-fi with some heavy romantic elements and a bit of sex, so it’s published under a pseud. I plan to write children’s books, so that was necessary.
I also designed the cover myself! (Notice how it’s NOT AI, haha)
I’m also an artist. Here’s some of my works:
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I’m also currently working on an NSP comic. Here’s a preview of that:
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Linework by Joe Martinez, color by me.
And! Sometime this year I will be self-publishing my best work, a book called Shadecursed, which is the first in a trilogy. I decided to go the self-publishing route for various reasons, among which was full creative control. I have a kickstarter nearly ready to go, so expect a link to that, soon!
I also intend to post more on copyright and the fight against AI art, so there will be plenty of that, too.
Thanks for following me!
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thekuraning · 2 years
don't know about any specific charcter playlists but why don't i ask you about the most recent blorbo playlist?(you don't have to answer this, have a nice day!)
Dear anon, I spent an hour putting together a whole playlist here to rant for you bc I don't use spotify lmfaoo
Unfotunately in my hubris, I accidentally cmd+z'd and deleted the entire bullet list. Q~Q As it seems the gods would prefer brevity on this day, I regret to inform you that I have had to narrow down my list. unu I shall explain more under the cut.
IM SO MAD TOO i had it all laid out in order and everything, but hhhhhh SURPRISE it's (part of) my Augustine Sycamore playlist :') i have contracted the sycamore brain rot, and it has yet to leave me be. A lot of the music I collect for him has to do with plot points for the lil fic series I've got for him and Guzma, and a lot has to do with what I imagine his life was like before we meet him in XY. Some of it has to do with old RPs i used to play him in back when his games came out
He just seems like a dude who's been through the ringer, you know? He's seen some shit and lived through some shit. Even his theme music is a little wistful and sad, and that's a lot of the vibes I get when I look at him. But I also get a lot of vibes that he's in love with life. He's chaos and duality and the sleepiest party boy you'll meet in your life. He'll climb Prism Tower just to get a good view of the sunset and then laugh when he gets into trouble. He loves people so much but has trouble letting anyone in. He stays up too late, he drinks too much, and he jumps at the chance for a new adventure or a new experience. He chases his passions relentlessly and dreams of the day he attains those things he knows he'll never have, and he does it with a smile.
It's a very pretentious way of saying I love blorbo very much, and here are a few of the songs from his playlist that I think encapsulate these traits I see when I look at him. :')
Peace of Mind (Aviici) this one in particular i put on and he just starts pirouetting in my head
Tell Me I'm Alive (All time Low)
Danny Don't You Know (NSP)
Trouble (Aviici)
White Rabbit (Collide vers.)
Self Control (Scissor Sisters)
...And a special bonus!! ;) While in my fics his favorite band is called Yesterday's Jam, this is a Very Fake Band, his favorite Band That Actually Exists is Genitorturers. Bc the last vibe I get from looking at Sycamore is the boy's a bit of a metalhead?? Also very "sex, drugs, rock n roll."
Lecher Bitch (Genitorturers)
I'll cap it there in case the gods bring the hammer down on me again ;v; but hes a good boy he just wants to live life to its fullest man he just wants to sing classic rock to the starter pokemon and dance in the rain and be a little shit to his friends and do science
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aqg-arts · 1 year
NSP - Down Under
I'm dead on the inside so idk what that means 😎
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zandercomics · 2 years
You know what, fuck it, I’m going to make this a big thing now because you just don’t seem to get it.
TL;DR because I’m fairly certain you won’t read this, you aren’t helping anyone with all these comments. You are either stroking your own ego, are oblivious, or both. And it’s fucking disgusting.
I literally used it once, but go on I guess, maybe im taking the quote to literally.
You did say my “willful ignorance” was “hilarious”, which is both making fun of me assuming a lot about me. Also all throughout these interactions you’ve called me part of the problem and other things, implying that I am at least accidentally (though you lose the accidental benefit of the doubt by saying it’s willful) in the moral wrong, while you are saying you are in the mora right. If that isn’t implying you think you’re better than me then idk what would be. Just because it’s not directly stated doesn’t mean it’s not there.
But here let me clarify why I think you are just (again I hesitate to use the word because of how it’s been co opted but it’s so much quicker to type) virtue signaling.
First off this is clearly a joke. OP has made it clear that they are in no way suffering under the delusion that the boys will either come to the wedding, respond to the STD, or even open the letter (though I’d be willing to concede the last point given that they added jokes so at least the HOPE for that one is there). At most their interactions with NSP has been to offer a business transaction; be 99% turned down,but told to send info; and, clearly knowing that it’s a lost cause, send a piece of paper in the hopes of making them and some other people on reddit smile at a joke. Can it be misconstrued as serious after EVERYTHING? I guess, theoretically, someone with an incredible inability to read social queues (digitally or otherwise) and/or with serious mental illness saw this they COULD think that OP was being serious, though I’d question whether they would wait to see the answer before assuming that they see it as okay. I think only THE MOST delusional or oblivious would think that they could get a different result from the same tactic, but there is things like NPD, so maybe there’s a SHRED of a point there, but, and this is important, a stranger’s mental illness/state IS NOT OP’S RESPONSIBILITY! It is solely the responsibility of the person with said illness and (assuming it’s to the point of diminished accountability) their care network (be they family, friends, doctors, etc.) if you like quotes so much here’s one I always liked from a great podcast “your mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility”. To believe anything else is both unfair and unrealistic.
Second, your original reply was a massive exercise in futility. If OP had said something to the effect of “sending NSP an STD for my wedding, I hope they actually come!” Or something to that effect your response would’ve been pertinent and I wouldn’t have said a fucking thing. But, as I said before, OP is under absolutely no delusion that, if they even read the letter, it’ll be seen as anything more than “haha save the date and sexually transmitted disease have the same acronym” plus a few other random jokes to make them laugh. If someone as delusional or oblivious as said above STILL thinks they could send it and NSP Will seriously show up, your post will hardly change their mind. If someone is either unwilling or unable to see that sending a serious STD is futile and unrealistic, a stranger being sardonic on the internet is definitely not gonna be what stops them. To think it will be is both delusional and self centered.
Third, if there was ONE benefit of the doubt I was willing to give you its that, in your original reply, it could be seen as saying “oh well if they are impressionable enough to be swayed by one person being okay trying this then one dissenting voice would be just as noticeable”. I can at least see a bit of logic there. But you lost that benefit with all your bad faith arguments and “caring” (will clarify this part) and hypocrisy (see the response about not making fun of or acting like you’re better.)
Fourth jokes like this are not direct causes of any of the danger of parasocial relationships . Except in potential fringe situations, they arent even indirect causes. There is no research I have found that anybody who has stalked and/or killed someone they were a “fan” of were pushed in that direction by obvious jokes. What I HAVE seen is Untreated Mental illness, lack of a good social and medical security network, and ignoring the causes of mental illnesses, the lack of said networks, and the warning signs that a person is dangerous leading DIRECTLY to atrocities.
This is why I think all your sentiments about caring about people being hurt are made in bad faith. Someone who generally wanted to help people wouldn’t waste their time on this non issue.
Given That, let’s go down a rabbit hole, if you’ll indulge me. If you REALLY wanted to combat that you would be working to address those issues. But maybe you don’t have the time, but when you see something dangerous you call it out. That’s fair, life is busy! But, as I said before, clearly labeled jokes are not a danger that needs to be called out. Maybe you got mixed up, that’s fine, it happens. But wait, you’re doubling down even when you’ve been shown why you’re wrong? maybe you weren’t convinced? But there were direct points where flaws in your argument were shown, why didn’t you address these? If they didn’t convince you surely you can explain why? Oh wait you address them by saying they’re irrelevant or implying the other person is a bad person. Well that doesn’t make a lot of sense, why would you call flaws in your argument irrelevant? Why would you attack my moral character without explaining why you weren’t convinced? I’m sure there’s some other benefit of the doubt I could give you, but honestly it’s getting hard to keep doing so.
So what am I left to think? The most likely, in my opinion, is That you’re just trying to show how awesome and great you are for caring so much about people that you are willing to even call out simple things to strangers OR you derive some enjoyment out of publicly showing people online they’re wrong when you GENUINELY believe they are. Tbh the first one is at least partially true to me, so that’s fine, but, as I said before, you haven’t really shown you were worth giving the benefit of the doubt to and that you are willing to use bad faith arguments.
THAT is why you “explaining the dangers of parasocial relationships” in THIS Thread the way you have been is actually you acting “Holier than thou”. Admittedly it might not be 100% the best phrase to use, but that’s more because I try not to use “virtue signaling” (the actual best phase imo) because it has been co opted by alt right shitheads and now has the connotation of a buzzword to dismiss ANY form of giving a shit. Does that answer your fucking question?
Honestly you’re probably gonna make fun of me for this big explanation and not even look at the TL;DR, and that’s fine, I probably should’ve tried to find a way to let this conversation go, but you really pissed me off. It’s not a good look to use a real societal problem to boost your own ego, but it’s fucking disgusting to do that, go in places where it’s not even an issue, and THEN act like you give a fuck and are trying to help just to make yourself look good. That is far more damaging to the people who this issue affects because it not only DOESNT ACTUALLY ADDRESS THE ISSUE, but it in fact MAKES PEOPLE THINK THE ISSUE IS TRIVIAL. People will be more likely to dismiss this issue because of people calling out things that aren’t part of the issue and THAT is far far FAR more damaging than a fucking sex joke.
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wytfut · 2 years
Xmas heat    part 2
We decided that the house was too far gone, to rebuild. And if anyone could, we figured it was going to smell like fire.
The “real” Adjuster finally showed up about a week after the fire, with his own personal contractor in his pocket. He started out very friendly, all the while the contractor was calculating on paper an estimate.
Got thru the whole house, and he says that they’ll pay $107000, to remodel. This number was developed by the contractor.
I was really shocked.... had no idea that they’d want to remodel. This really got me stressed out, and for several days was doing anything I could think of to cancel out that idea.
I finally got a hold of another insurance guy I knew, and with much discussion, it came out in private under the table type of conversation..
It was an end of the year fire. To keep their books aligned with budget, there was no way they were going to total my home. Even if it was to cost them more than the ceiling $115000, to get it done.
Also, the money they offered, was my money, to do with what I wanted. Rebuild or remodel.
Rebuild it was.
Once my “real” adjuster heard that... he was pissed. Only thing I could figure out was that he got a cut from the contractor if the contractor got the job. It smelled very fishy.
Got the fire dept. to burn it the rest of the way down. Got lucky we didn’t burn down my neighbors garage.... it was way too hot fire.
Got the heavy equipment to my home to start clean up and dig the basement.
Phone company was over the top to help me out. “use the cell phone all you need...” ..   These were the days, that cell phone usage was really expensive. You were charged by the minute. This was a huge deal, getting permission to use the company phone. They also got a house phone fired up immediately, for us in the doublewide... I think it was the next day..
Eventually had to remeet with Adjuster, to sign off on paper work. This was going to be ugly. We didn’t see eye to eye.
I’m shuffling thru the complete adjustment/bid/inventory. Some major items were not correct. I noted them to him. He bristled up, I got pissed. And he shouts out “I know exactly what was damaged in your fire, and I will make sure you get every cent you deserve” ... reading his paperwork, it was obvious he just mailed it in with no interest. Missing was the furnace, hot water heater, water softner, and distiller. Plus he had added a window that was never there in the first place.
Other interest
Pop was overwhelmed with the fire... he loved our house. He was crying, and wandering around, trying to help. He was asking folks who they were, and why they were there. As a retired NSP, he was that way.
One gentleman, replied.... “Bruce has helped this community out a lot over the years as a fire fighter/fire chief/rescue captain. Here is an opportunity to help Bruce out, and if you arent here, you missed out”
A Green wood fire fighter I knew (honestly can’t remember his name now), had lived thru a fire tragedy back in the late 60′s. He was a child and his home burned down Xmas morning also, in Havelock (a suburb of Lincoln). He lost his father and brother in that fire.  He told me....”I don’t care who/where/when on Xmas who’s house is on fire, I’ll be there.
We lived in the double wide for 7 months. Insurance paid for “some” rent. Trouts’ owners of the trailer, didn’t want any rent.... but I paid them anyway.
It took me about 2 weeks to clean up the site and bury all of the ashes, and burn items. In the mean time I was also researching what/how to replace the house. I determined that the quickest would probably be with a manufactured home (not a mobile home) in stead of a stick built on site home. 2 Places in our region did that, and we ended up with Wardcraft in Kansas.
These type of homes have 2x6 walls, all wood, real roofs and are completely built indoors until the structure is enclosed. Sizes are hard to comprehend, moving down the road. But they do have some engineering magic to make it all work.
They told me that they could build it in about 10 weeks out. Immediately got the basement graded to grade, and had the walls poured. Got one side of the floor poured, when my Wardcraft salesman showed up and said my house was done. ... ??????
It had only been about 6 weeks... “ we knew you guys were displaced so we rushed it”
I got verbal permission from Wayne Trout to drive our new home thru his field.
House showed up and landed. Early July we moved in after many other contractors got all of the other things done. Actually went very smoothly and quick.
Less than 7 months displaced from home, this was quick. Especially because we really didn’t get a home builder decided and design until late February.
There are many many more stories with this incident.. but this is way too long now.
It was a horrible Xmas. it was the best Xmas ever. The town came to our aid. Real friends showed their best. Personal Values changed. And nothing cannot be attained if you put your heart into it.
We still miss that old house.   ... but this one has worked out very well for us. Thanx everyone!!!
I apologize with these pictures, as I really don’t know who took them. Thank you to who ever you are.
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daily-wecht · 6 years
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“Thank you for the wonderful afternoon, @lonepinekoala! #lonepinekoala #brisbane #australia”
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sarenite · 6 years
i saw a lot of people filming (a lot,, you legends) at the sydney nsp show on tuesday - if you've posted any can you please drop me a link? thanks 🥰
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kanamedaite · 5 years
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I’ve been listening to the new covers non-stop
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clownfactories · 5 years
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So, NSP is coming out with a new cover album.
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drunkendragons · 6 years
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Best concert I've ever been too! 100% going next time they're back!
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napkintr · 6 years
Saw Ninja Sex Party and TWRP at Brisbane today! It was amazing, my life is forever changed!!
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inknstars · 6 years
nsp in brisbane was fucking incredible im still screaming if they come to your city oh my god its so worth going to see them
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zandercomics · 2 years
You know what, fuck it, I’m going to make this a big thing now because you just don’t seem to get it.
TL;DR because I’m fairly certain you won’t read this, you aren’t helping anyone with all these comments. You are either stroking your own ego, are oblivious, or both. And it’s fucking disgusting.
I literally used it once, but go on I guess, maybe im taking the quote to literally.
You did say my “willful ignorance” was “hilarious”, which is both making fun of me assuming a lot about me. Also all throughout these interactions you’ve called me part of the problem and other things, implying that I am at least accidentally (though you lose the accidental benefit of the doubt by saying it’s willful) in the moral wrong, while you are saying you are in the mora right. If that isn’t implying you think you’re better than me then idk what would be. Just because it’s not directly stated doesn’t mean it’s not there.
But here let me clarify why I think you are just (again I hesitate to use the word because of how it’s been co opted but it’s so much quicker to type) virtue signaling.
First off this is clearly a joke. OP has made it clear that they are in no way suffering under the delusion that the boys will either come to the wedding, respond to the STD, or even open the letter (though I’d be willing to concede the last point given that they added jokes so at least the HOPE for that one is there). At most their interactions with NSP has been to offer a business transaction; be 99% turned down,but told to send info; and, clearly knowing that it’s a lost cause, send a piece of paper in the hopes of making them and some other people on reddit smile at a joke. Can it be misconstrued as serious after EVERYTHING? I guess, theoretically, someone with an incredible inability to read social queues (digitally or otherwise) and/or with serious mental illness saw this they COULD think that OP was being serious, though I’d question whether they would wait to see the answer before assuming that they see it as okay. I think only THE MOST delusional or oblivious would think that they could get a different result from the same tactic, but there is things like NPD, so maybe there’s a SHRED of a point there, but, and this is important, a stranger’s mental illness/state IS NOT OP’S RESPONSIBILITY! It is solely the responsibility of the person with said illness and (assuming it’s to the point of diminished accountability) their care network (be they family, friends, doctors, etc.) if you like quotes so much here’s one I always liked from a great podcast “your mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility”. To believe anything else is both unfair and unrealistic.
Second, your original reply was a massive exercise in futility. If OP had said something to the effect of “sending NSP an STD for my wedding, I hope they actually come!” Or something to that effect your response would’ve been pertinent and I wouldn’t have said a fucking thing. But, as I said before, OP is under absolutely no delusion that, if they even read the letter, it’ll be seen as anything more than “haha save the date and sexually transmitted disease have the same acronym” plus a few other random jokes to make them laugh. If someone as delusional or oblivious as said above STILL thinks they could send it and NSP Will seriously show up, your post will hardly change their mind. If someone is either unwilling or unable to see that sending a serious STD is futile and unrealistic, a stranger being sardonic on the internet is definitely not gonna be what stops them. To think it will be is both delusional and self centered.
Third, if there was ONE benefit of the doubt I was willing to give you its that, in your original reply, it could be seen as saying “oh well if they are impressionable enough to be swayed by one person being okay trying this then one dissenting voice would be just as noticeable”. I can at least see a bit of logic there. But you lost that benefit with all your bad faith arguments and “caring” (will clarify this part) and hypocrisy (see the response about not making fun of or acting like you’re better.)
Fourth jokes like this are not direct causes of any of the danger of parasocial relationships . Except in potential fringe situations, they arent even indirect causes. There is no research I have found that anybody who has stalked and/or killed someone they were a “fan” of were pushed in that direction by obvious jokes. What I HAVE seen is Untreated Mental illness, lack of a good social and medical security network, and ignoring the causes of mental illnesses, the lack of said networks, and the warning signs that a person is dangerous leading DIRECTLY to atrocities.
This is why I think all your sentiments about caring about people being hurt are made in bad faith. Someone who generally wanted to help people wouldn’t waste their time on this non issue.
Given That, let’s go down a rabbit hole, if you’ll indulge me. If you REALLY wanted to combat that you would be working to address those issues. But maybe you don’t have the time, but when you see something dangerous you call it out. That’s fair, life is busy! But, as I said before, clearly labeled jokes are not a danger that needs to be called out. Maybe you got mixed up, that’s fine, it happens. But wait, you’re doubling down even when you’ve been shown why you’re wrong? maybe you weren’t convinced? But there were direct points where flaws in your argument were shown, why didn’t you address these? If they didn’t convince you surely you can explain why? Oh wait you address them by saying they’re irrelevant or implying the other person is a bad person. Well that doesn’t make a lot of sense, why would you call flaws in your argument irrelevant? Why would you attack my moral character without explaining why you weren’t convinced? I’m sure there’s some other benefit of the doubt I could give you, but honestly it’s getting hard to keep doing so.
So what am I left to think? The most likely, in my opinion, is That you’re just trying to show how awesome and great you are for caring so much about people that you are willing to even call out simple things to strangers OR you derive some enjoyment out of publicly showing people online they’re wrong when you GENUINELY believe they are. Tbh the first one is at least partially true to me, so that’s fine, but, as I said before, you haven’t really shown you were worth giving the benefit of the doubt to and that you are willing to use bad faith arguments.
THAT is why you “explaining the dangers of parasocial relationships” in THIS Thread the way you have been is actually you acting “Holier than thou”. Admittedly it might not be 100% the best phrase to use, but that’s more because I try not to use “virtue signaling” (the actual best phase imo) because it has been co opted by alt right shitheads and now has the connotation of a buzzword to dismiss ANY form of giving a shit. Does that answer your fucking question?
Honestly you’re probably gonna make fun of me for this big explanation and not even look at the TL;DR, and that’s fine, I probably should’ve tried to find a way to let this conversation go, but you really pissed me off. It’s not a good look to use a real societal problem to boost your own ego, but it’s fucking disgusting to do that, go in places where it’s not even an issue, and THEN act like you give a fuck and are trying to help just to make yourself look good. That is far more damaging to the people who this issue affects because it not only DOESNT ACTUALLY ADDRESS THE ISSUE, but it in fact MAKES PEOPLE THINK THE ISSUE IS TRIVIAL. People will be more likely to dismiss this issue because of people calling out things that aren’t part of the issue and THAT is far far FAR more damaging than a fucking sex joke.
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