#now if you’ll excuse me my food got cold while I was writing this XD
artsy--shipper · 4 years
Okay, I had a really cute idea- Kiritsuyu making jello jigglers together
Tsu loves jello, and this is the perfect opportunity both to have fun making a sweet treat to share with class 1-A, and to spend time with Kiri
They make two big batches, one cherry and one watermelon, because 1. yummy, and 2. red and green like their hair!
Kiri isn’t confident in his cooking skills, and he feels a little silly for not knowing his way around something as simple as jello, but Tsu is patient and guides Kiri through every step like the mom friend she is, and they both end up having a lovely time cooking together
Especially when it’s time to cut the jello into shapes!
They borrow lots of cute cookie cutters from Satou
After cutting out some animal shapes, they get a little silly and start playing with them
They giggle as they make watermelon turtles swim in the air
And then Tsu makes a cherry shark...
“Look, Kirishima-chan, it’s you!”
Without missing a beat, Kiri makes a watermelon frog
“And this is you!”
Then they boop the frog and shark together
That gets a few eyerolls from some of the kids in the common room, but a couple of them softly “aww”
After that, Kiri and Tsu get a little carried away making comparisons of their other friends
Kiri making a watermelon bunny: “Look, it’s Midoriya!”
Tsu making a cherry octopus: ““And Shouji-chan!”
The kitchen is filled with giggles
At some point, Tsu boops Kiri’s nose, and it makes him blush
Tsu teases him by holding up a cherry jiggler and saying “hehe, your face is the color of this jello, kero~”
Kiri hides his eyes under his headband, a dopey grin on his face- Tsu is just too cute for his heart to handle
Tsu touches a finger to her chin and smiles- Kiri is so adorable when he’s shy
She takes it a step further by making a cherry heart and showing it to him
Kiri smiles and responds by making two cherry hearts
Then Tsu makes three, and Kiri make four...
Before they know it, they’ve used up all the cherry jello
When they’re done making shapes, they cut up the leftover jello to make parfaits
They get the class together to enjoy the treats they’ve made, and it’s a big hit with everyone!
Kiri and Tsu sit across from each other to eat their parfaits, and Tsu giggles because Kiri got some whipped cream on his nose
She instinctively reaches out to thumb the cream off his nose, and it’s only after the fact that she realizes how... tenderly she was touching his face
There’s a moment of blushy awkwardness between the two of them, until Kiri breaks the tension with laughter
Kiri: “I have a napkin right here, you know!”
Tsu: “Force of habit, kero... I do that to my brother and sister all the time.”
Kiri doesn’t mind at all, though- in fact, he thinks it’s cute ^u^
All in all, the two of them have had a very pleasant day together <3
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ohkiyo · 4 years
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character: shiratorizawa team and reader.
warnings: getting sick, mentions of reader neglecting their health. DON’T IGNORE YOUR HEALTH PEOPLE!
word count: 3.4k
a/n: cloud anon, I told you I was going to write a full fic of your fever idea. XD
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You gathered all the dirty towels and training bibs, dropping them into the basket you were holding so they could be wash. Humming a tune under your breath as you walk around the expanse of the gym to collect them all, practice for the day had already ended and the first years were in charge of cleaning up. The higher years were slowly retreating to their own dorm room to retire for the night.
“We’ll be going now” Tendou walks pass you, waving his hand as goes to where the others were standing by the door. Already washed and changed into fresh clothes.
“See you tomorrow”
“You have your umbrella with you right?” Semi looks at the sky and frowning at the approaching thunderclouds. “It looks like it’s going to rain again”
“I have one in my bag”
He nodded his head before they finally head out, leaving you and the rest of the first years to continue cleaning the gym. The boys now mopping the floor while the others gather all the volleyballs scattered in all corners of the gym, then throwing them into the basket where they are usually kept.
You went into the back area, loading the dirty towels and training bibs into the washing machine. Putting in the right amount of detergent and fabric softener before pressing the start button.
“The weather’s been very bad since we came back from Tokyo” Goshiki observes the dark clouds looming over the rest of the buildings around the campus. Flashes of lightning could be seen running through the sky. “It’s not even the rainy season yet”
“A new typhoon’s probably entering the country again” Sagae drops the mop he was holding as he helps you push the basket filled with volleyballs back into the storage room. The others following behind you already finished cleaning up. They pass you the mops, as you neatly place them where they were usually hung together.
You check the gym one last time, surveying the area for any more equipment that was left behind, before walking out and locking the storage room.
“It really started raining” Akakura slings his bag over his shoulder, rummaging through it for his umbrella.
The trees outside were swaying harshly due to the strong winds that blew pass them, raindrops pelting heavily on the rooftop buildings then dropping down on to the ground.
“We’ll go on ahead now” Goshiki waves them goodbye as he waits for you to finish packing your things.
“’Tomu-kun, did you bring your umbrella with you?” he looks down at you frowning at your bag; the items that you stuff inside were once again spread out on the floor. “I think I left mine in my room”
“I don’t have mine either, I was hoping to share with you”
You stared at each other for a whole minute, before realizing that you two are stuck in there until the rain stops or at least calms down. He drops down on the ground beside you, stretching his legs as he sighs.
“Guess we just have to wait it out then” thankfully, the two of you do not have any homework nor any test to prepare for the next day. Classes were a bit lax now that the first round of major exams was finished, the teachers were too busy checking and grading the papers to even bother assigning the students' homework and other school-related tasks.
“I’m hungry” Goshiki places a hand on his stomach as he feels it grumbles, demanding him to provide it nutrients to replenish the ones he had shed during the practice.
You pulled out a ziplock bag containing three sandwiches, the ones you made before going to practice that afternoon. You last class of the day had to be shortened due to your teacher having an emergency to sort out at home, because of that, you had an hour before you were needed for practice and you used that time to get some sleep and prepare yourself some snacks.
“Here you go” you gave him the other two as he gratefully accepts them from you, a quick thank you leaving his lips before he stuffs the bread in his mouth. Eyes closed shut, as his hungry stomach is finally being filled.
“The foods you make always taste so good (Y/n)-chan” he says before he took another large bite as you pass him your water bottle, scared he might choke with how fast he’s consuming those sandwiches.
“Calm down Tsutomu”
You both ate in silence, facing the open steel doors and watching from your spot how the heavy rain wrecks havoc outside of your safe space. Scattering around the leaves that had fallen onto the ground, and destroying the brittle flowerbeds that the gardening club had set up earlier.
“This is hopeless, the rain’s never going to stop” you pout, as the rain becomes even worst. “I don’t want to stay here all night”
“We could run from here to the dorms” Goshiki suggested wiping his hand with his handkerchief before grabbing his bag then standing up. “It will take us about 5 minutes”
You thought about it for a moment, you only have two options present and neither one of them was a good idea. It’s either you wait for the rain to stop - which is never - or you could agree to Goshiki’s plan to just run through the rain, but you’ll end up getting drenched in the process.
“Okay, let’s go” you decided to settle with Goshiki’s suggestion and hope for the best you won’t get sick.
Standing up, you remove your jacket, slinging your bag over your shoulder then rolling your tracks pants all the way up to your knees. Draping your jacket over your head to act as your temporary shelter as you brace the rain.
“Ready?” you grip your jacket tighter, before the two of you sprint across the empty field, screaming at the top of your lungs. Your clothes become wetter by the second, the water sipping through the fabric and cooling your warm skin.
“Bye! (Y/n)-chan!”
You both went your separate ways, with you running down the wet pathway leading towards your dormitory, the water splashing beneath your shoes, dirtying the footwear.
By the time you reach your dorm, you were soaked, the water pooling at your feet. You quickly ran up the stairs and towards your room, startling your roommate at the sight of you.
“Let me go get your towel first” she immediately stood from her desk to grab your towel from the hamper, as you wait for her out in the hallway. The rest of the female students residing in your floor were giving you weird looks, as they walk in and out of their dorm room.
“Did you forget your umbrella again?” she passed you the towel, then drops a floormat in front of your foot for you to wipe your wet shoes on.
“I thought I had it in my bag” you close the door behind you, removing your shoes and wet socks, along with your wet clothes and underwear before throwing them into your laundry basket. Hopping into the shower to wash yourself up, then changing into your warmest pair of pajamas, and blow-drying your hair before finally falling asleep.
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You sat down on your desk, the headache you felt that morning had started to spread, now reaching your temples. Your sore throat, which was manageable just a few hours ago had become even worst and swallowing had become a challenge on your part.
“You’re sick” Goshiki leaned forward on his seat, the one that was in front of your desk, and stretch his hand to feel your forehead. “You’re running a fever (Y/n)-chan”
You remove his hand from your forehead, resting it on your desk. “I’m fine; the weather’s just warm is all”
“(Y/n)-chan, it’s raining” he pointed at the glass window to prove his point, as the rain once again showers the ground.
“Some people have high body temperatures ‘Tomu-kun, it’s no big deal” the look on his face really says it all, he doesn’t believe you. “I swear Tsutomu I’m fine”
He didn’t say a word after that, the teacher entering the classroom had ruined his opportunity to add more to his words. He turns on his chair to focus on the board as the teacher starts his lesson.
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“(Y/n)-chan, you’re sick” this was the fourth time Goshiki had said this to you and its only lunch, the first three times you had denied them, you kept telling him that you were fine. However, each time that you do, a new symptom emerges.
During the second period, your throat started to get scratchy, a series of coughs racking your body, disrupting your class multiple times. In the third period a cold manifested, and now, the lunch that you were looking forward to eating does not seem appetizing at all.
“I hate this” you sniffled, staring at the chicken katsudon you bought. The smell of the chicken does nothing but makes you even more nauseous, you shook your head, pushing the bowl towards Goshiki.
“You need to go back to your room and rest; I’ll take you to the infirmary so you can get some medicine”
“I’ll attend our afternoon classes, but I’ll have to skip practice” you took a bite of the banana he gave you, hoping that at least it would compensate for the lack of proper meal.
After eating his lunch, you both went to Coach Saito and Washijou-sensei to request them to excuse you for a few days from practice. Not sure when your fever will subside, they gave you a week off and wish for your fast recovery.
Your afternoon classes went by in a daze; you immediately forgot what you did in class. You kind of regret not skipping the rest of your classes, but at least you got 5 points straight to your final grade because your science teacher was feeling generous that afternoon.
Once classes were done, you immediately went back to your room while Goshiki walks to practice alone.
“Where’s (Y/n)?” Semi asks, your absence from the first year’s side was the first thing he notices. You and Goshiki are always seen together that it was weird to see him alone.
“She had to do something for our teacher” he cleared his throat as he tried to maintain eye contact with the setter, remembering how you requested him not to tell the others of your fever. “So she might have to skip practice”
Semi seems to believe him though as he went back to bouncing the ball, Goshiki scurrying to the other side of the gym to start stretching. Hoping that no one else would have to question him.
“(Y/n)-chan’s absent today?” Yamagata looks around the area, his eyes failed to spot your figure which was usually beside their coach. Goshiki slowly moves to hide behind Ushijima, his tall figure covering him completely from their eyes.
“Tsutomu, you know where she went?” Goshiki had to curse Tendou’s observant eyes; he failed to realize the redhead was just standing beside their and already had his eyes on him the moment Yamagata started talking.
Ushijima look over his shoulder to see a mop of dark hair, he moved to the side, so Goshiki would have to give them properly his answer.
“She had to do something for our teacher” he said the same answer he gave to Semi earlier. However, some were not quite convinced though.
“Really? what would that be?” Shirabu peered at him through his growing bangs, the copper strands almost reaching his eyes.
“One of our teacher’s ask (Y/n)-chan to help her check the exam papers”
Semi places his hands on his hips as he sighs. “Tsutomu, I know you’re lying. What did you two do this time?”
“We didn’t do anything Semi-san!” Goshiki defended, pouting at how they would think you and him got in trouble again. Sure, you both may have served detention before, but it was only once.
“Are you sure Tsutomu?”
“Yes, Reon-san!”
Goshiki could only stare at them in disbelief. Gosh, he really shouldn't have promised to keep your fever a secret.
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"I told you, go back to bed!"
"And I'm telling you, I'm fine!"
"What are they arguing about?" Sagae questioned, eyes never leaving the two first years glaring at each other at the back of the class. "This is the first time I've seen them fight"
"(L/n)'s still sick and Goshiki's been telling her to go back to her room to rest"
They both watch the spectacle happening before them, their voices being drowned out by the other students inside the class. Although, some had been watching as well. Curious as to why the two closest people in their class were fighting, though it could hardly be called a fight.
"(Y/n)-chan if you don't get some rest, you're never going to recover"
You huff, taking a seat on your chair as you adjust the face mask you've worn. "I really am fine Tsutomu, it's not as bad as it was yesterday"
It's not bad, but it doesn't mean you were comfortable, your nose was still runny and you were coughing every few minutes. But you refuse to miss your lessons, if you're still able to attend a class then you're going to do it even if you're sick.
"(Y/n)! Someone's at the door looking for you!" one of your classmates called out, pointing to the close door at the back part of the room.
You stood up, pulling down your mask as it had become harder for you to breathe. Opening the door, you were met with a tall figure. Their chest right in front of your face.
"...uh" you slowly lift your head up to come face to face with Semi's piercing gaze. "Semi-san good morning"
You nervously laugh, shifting from one foot to another.
"(Y/n), why are you in class?" his voice was calm, it’s soft, music to your ears. But the look on his face? One wrong answer and you’re definitely getting an exclusive nag session.
"Because it's a school day?" you knew what he was talking about and you knew for sure why he's here.
But your question is, who told him?
You tried to look behind him to spot the culprit and your eyes spotted the familiar mop of dark hair belonging to your roommate, who was standing behind Semi. When her eyes met yours, she just shrugs her shoulders.
Apart from Goshiki, she was the first one trying to convince you to skip classes and rest. But just as always, you dismissed her worry and ran out of your room towards class.
"(Y/n) answer me properly"
You bit your bottom lip, tightening your hold on the door’s handle. You slide the door close and quickly ran to the other one near the chalkboard, hoping to hide in the girls' comfort room until class starts.
However, just as you step foot out of your classroom, a hand shot out of nowhere, grabbing the back collar of your uniform.
"I'm taking you to the infirmary and you're going to stay put in your room until you're healthy" Semi dragged you across the hallway and towards the nurse's office. Your classmates crowding at the door to watch for anything that would happen next.
"Someone's in trouble" Kawanishi snickered, eyes following your and Semi's figure as the third year pulls you towards the infirmary. His large hands lock around your wrist to prevent you from running away.
“Semi-san was bound to find out sooner or later” Shirabu turns on his heel to return to his classroom, Kawanishi tailing behind him.
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You sat on your bed, hugging your knees, staring at the little potted plant your aunt gave you. Its leaves all green and healthy, a product of you endlessly taking care of it.
You were currently alone in your room, your roommate went out to do something. You forgot what it was, but she told you about picking up someone, probably her classmate so they could do their homework.
A knock on your door reach your ears, you remained silent, the pain in your throat had made it hard for you to talk. (e/c) eyes now focus on the knob as it turned and eight tall bodies entered, all clad in their pajamas. Carrying all sorts of items.
"I'll be down the hall, have (Y/n) call me if you need anything"
You heard your roommate say from out in the hallway, before Semi finally closes the door, locking it.
"(Y/n)-chan, good evening" you gave Tendou a weak wave. He motioned for you to stand up as you did so slowly, your head spinning with every little move you make.
He took a hoodie from the bag they brought and put it on you, the material way too big for your body. He pulled out a jacket, putting it over the sweater you just wore before he wrap your neck with a scarf. For the finishing touch, Kawanishi drapes two layers of blanket over your head, wrapping it around your body.
It was soft and smelled nice, you felt so warm now. The layers of clothing coupled with the blanket were what you just needed.
"Don't you think she needs more?" Tendou rubs his chin, as you blink up at him.
"She will suffocate if you add more Tendou" Ushijima carefully sat you down again, folding the excess sleeves of the jacket and sweater you wore.
"Have you eaten anything yet?" you shook your head, which was a bad idea. "We have brought congee for you"
Reon passed you a bowl of the said food, as you cradled it in your hands. "Careful, it's still hot"
You scoop a small amount into your spoon as you gently blew on it, pushing the spoon in your mouth and tasting the food. It was delicious and easy for you to consume, the rice and pieces of shredded chicken sliding down your throat with ease. Your stomach finally settling on its chosen dinner.
Shirabu drags your chair and set up his laptop. A movie ready to be played on the video player for you all to enjoy while eating.
You patted the empty space beside you, Goshiki immediately claimed the spot on your left while Kawanishi and Shirabu claimed the other. The third years, sitting on the floor, each one holding their own bowl of food.
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"So who's carrying who?" Yamagata stared at the cute sight in front of him, their four juniors had fallen asleep in the middle of the movie and was now snuggled against each other on your bed.
"Let's just wake them up" Reon gently shakes them awake, making sure not to disturb you. Goshiki was the first to wake up, followed by Shirabu and Kawanishi, each one letting out a yawn.
"Is the movie finished already?" Shirabu rubs his eyes as he stood up, stretching his arms.
"Yes, let's go back" Semi checked your temperature one last time before he carefully guides your body to lay down on the bed and resting your head on your soft pillow.
They gathered their belongings, leaving the ones they wrapped you with before exiting your room. Your roommate, escorting them out of the building.
The next day you woke up feeling refresh, your nose was cleared, your headache was gone, and your throat feeling better. You finally recovered from your fever and you were finally able to do your manager duties again.
However, you did not expect to be greeted by half of the team going down with the sickness you suffered the week prior.
"Achoo!" Goshiki let out a groan as he pressed a hand on his head. Dropping down on the bench as he accepts the tissue you gave him.
The coaches don’t know where it came from since you never step foot in the gym during the time that you were sick. They suspect that it’s the weather, the constant rain showers, and low temperatures were a definite factor.
"Guess flu season came early" Washijou-sensei let out a sigh before announcing that practice will be put on hold for a few days. Ordering his players to go back to their dorms and rest until it all goes away.
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def-initely-soul · 4 years
Can I get the "we team up for the couples contest every year as friends but this year you’re with someone else and i’m definitely Not Jealous and definitely Not Realising Feelings" prompt with taeyong? I'm asking it to be cute cause I know if I ask for sexual tension you're gonna write a novel 😂😂😂😂 so could you make it fluffy and light? :3
*ignoring your jab at my inability to write anything small xD* 
ofc i’ll make it fluffy and light!
pairing: taeyong from nct x reader (f.)
prompts: we team up for the couples contest every year as friends but this year you’re with someone else and i’m definitely Not Jealous and definitely Not Realising Feelings
genre: fluff; angst; f2l; PG-13
warnings: mature language
words: 1.8k
“So how you holdin’ up?” Johnny asks you and you resist to throw your drink at him.
You’re getting honestly tired of having people ask you that. It’s the sixth time someone did! For heaven’s sake, you’re fine!
You chuckle. “I’m fine, Johnny, why wouldn’t I be?” you respond, casually taking a sip of your apple cider as you walk down the food stalls, the scents of cinnamon and pumpkin filling your nostrils.
Your town has a Halloween fair every year to celebrate the holiday, days before it’s even Halloween. It’s a great opportunity to go out during this month, as families find some time for some quality time bonding and couples walk around to bask in the crisp autumn wind. There are food stalls everywhere, having some of the most delicious treats for the holiday, a haunted house at the end of the food stalls for anyone daring and a corn maze as well. As for those more willing to take a step back and use this opportunity to relax, there is a carousel, faded and dark to fit the mood, a fortune teller’s stall, as well as a ghost train ride.
Honestly, it’s not much compared to other funfairs but you enjoy whatever you can get. Every year you and your friends come here to walk through the corn maze, to board on the ghost train ride, to eat until you’re full. And also to join the couple’s costume contest with your best friend Taeyong. You’re not a couple, not even close but you both had such magnificent ideas for couple's costumes that you decided to give it a try. And it became something like a shtick. You and Taeyong being known among your friends as the ones that joined the couple’s contest together and enduring merciless teasing at that. Even if you said numerous times there’s nothing going on between you.
But this year Taeyong decided to join with someone else. A girl from his work named Dara.
You scoff. You didn’t even know her before he announced he was gonna join with her this year. And it was completely out of the blue too! He never hinted he was interested in someone, let alone tell you might want to stop dressing up with you.
Johnny cocks an unimpressed eyebrow. “Really? Then why are you clenching at your cup like a witch draining her victim?”
Your eyes widen as they immediately fly at your hand to confirm this; only to realize Johnny is lying.
He’s smirking at you as if catching you on the act. “Made you look…” he teases and you roll your eyes, refusing to answer him.
“I don’t get it though, why won’t you admit that you’re-”
“What?” you interrupt him with a stiff voice, “Jealous? It’s because I’m not!” is your zealous reply though Johnny’s features are drawn in, in a mask of suspiciousness. 
“I would’ve said mad…” he admits and once again you freeze, realizing you’ve dug your own grave.
“But now that you’ve mentioned it… Are you jealous?” he looks at you curiously, not an ounce of teasing colouring his voice and you purse your lips together in a stubborn attempt to not give him an answer.
You desperately want to say you’re not. You can’t be. Taeyong is your best friend and who he decides to involve himself with is none of your business. You want to say those spiteful feelings inside of you are simply because he ditched you. You really do.
But somehow the words won’t come out your mouth. Somehow you can’t find it in your self to speak them into existence, instead resting heavily on your tongue and burning you.
“I-... No! Of course not…” you manage to say instead, swallowing the lump in your throat with great difficulty as you result in looking anywhere else but Johnny.
But your actions, unfortunately, lead your eyes to a much more unwanted sight. Towards the end of the stalls, near the haunted house, your eyes rest on a particular couple dressed as dead Bonnie and Clyde that talk enthusiastically, the girl’s hand resting on the guy’s shoulder.
Your chest constricts painfully, sucking in a breath as you bite roughly at your bottom lip to stop the sound that was about to leave your mouth. Your hands instinctively move upwards to hug yourself, partly telling yourself it’s because of the cold but partly knowing the actual truth.
You actually have feelings for your best friend. And it sucks to see him with someone else, doing a thing you used to do together, only they do it as a fucking actual couple.
Fuck, it seems to hurt more now that you’ve admitted it to yourself.
Your eyes sting as you struggle to not let your face fall and reveal your current state but your eyes don’t move from Dara and Taeyong, not even when Dara leans in to whisper something close to his ear with a deadly smirk. Not even when a few seconds later, Taeyong turns around to look straight at you with wide eyes. 
You turn around immediately, knowing you won’t be able to keep the tears at bay and you spew a ridiculous excuse to Johnny before storming off. Wanting to go as far away as possible. To just disappear.
A few minutes later and you’ve hidden inside the corn maze, too late for anyone to attempt to enter it, much less the one person you’d actually want to.
Taeyong is ridiculously afraid of corn mazes, not much like you. You adore them, finding your way out of one being both thrilling and challenging for you and you’ve never had been lost in one. That’s why the only time Taeyong ever went inside one was with you.
You sniffle at the memory, wiping your tears away and try as hard as you can to not shed another. You refuse to cry anymore over something that can’t change even if it hurts like hell.
And it does. It fucking does.
But purely will isn’t enough to help you stop the tears.
You hear a shuffling coming from somewhere in the distance, signalling someone entered the maze but you pay them no attention. You only hope that in the case they see you, they will be discreet about it and leave you to your misery.
You can’t handle being around people for the time being.
“Y/N? Are you here?” the shuffling is now accompanied by a voice, a voice you know too well and you panic realizing it’s much closer now.
You hurry to get up, brushing the dirt off your bride of Frankenstein costume before walking with a fast pace deeper into the maze. 
Why the fuck is Taeyong here?! And more importantly why in the world did he think going into a maze would be a good idea? He’ll get lost!
Taeyong’s eyes catch you slipping away and at once he runs after you. “Y/N, wait! I need to talk to you!” he calls after you, following you and you curse at his stubbornness. 
You refuse to answer him as you run deeper into the maze, hoping he’ll get the hint and leave you alone. You don’t want to face him right now, not when he probably wants to call you out on your little staring earlier or tell you how he got together with Dara.
You try to pat your face dry as you rush away, hoping you didn’t mess your makeup much. After all, you’ll need to get out at some point, let’s at least save as much dignity as possible.
“Y/N, can you just wait!” Taeyong yells exasperatedly, before murmuring to himself “great, I had to get lost as well…”. You can almost hear the pout in his voice and a giggle escapes you. 
At once Taeyong snaps his head towards the sound before rushing towards you again. You curse yourself before moving again, refusing to get out of the maze cause at least this way it won’t be easy for him to find you. 
“Y/N, please wait, I have to tell you something important!” you hear him say and your heart almost stops. You were right, he wants to tell you he finally got together with Dara. Oh, god, you’re gonna cry again, shit.
You pick up the pace, running once again away from him and you hear him curse in exasperation before-.
“I LIKE YOU!” the declaration fills the empty air and it takes you a second to realise Taeyong was the one speaking. But when you do, your feet stop. They get stuck to the earth beneath you as if you’ve stepped on glue and you can’t move to save your life. Your heart beats erratically, almost out of your chest as you struggle to comprehend what he just said.
“I-... I like you and I only went out with Dara cause I’d thought it’d make you jealous enough to admit you like me too and spur you into action. But it seemed to have the opposite effect…” he reveals with a wary voice, as he sighs, tired.
You stay alert, for everything he says as you struggle to understand. So he’s not with Dara? This was all a ruse?
And most importantly, he likes you?
“I know, it was pretty stupid of me and I’ll understand if you want to stay mad at me and refuse to talk, but please can we just get out? I’ll like to look at you while I’m talking to you and, besides, you know I’ll be probably stuck here if left alone…” he jokes lightly, uncertainty in his voice.
You take a breath and your chest fills and blooms with lightness. The heartbreak from before disappears and gives its space to a wonderful feeling of lightness and hope.
You turn around to find your way to him.
After a few seconds, Taeyong sees you coming up behind a corner and he exhales in relief. Before he sees your intense stare and your firm, decisive stride as you practically march towards him and now he fears for his life.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to tell you like that, please don’t-” he pleads quickly but is soon halted by your hands grabbing at his collar and your lips on top of his.
You take him by surprise as he makes a startling noise, but then as he finally realizes the predicament he’s in, he’s quick to drive his hands on your waist as he reciprocates.
It’s a soft kiss, tender as if enveloping you in his warmth and you bask in the comfort and elation that appear with his lips. You sigh in content as you press closer and his palm cradles your cheek lovingly, his thumb running over the apple of your cheek.
You stop kissing to catch your breath, staring at each other breathlessly with the widest smiles you’ve ever seen on each other.
Because this feels right. It feels like home.
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 4 years
Wintersday Lunch
Kinda made this up as I went along (While watching TV with mum so it might be a bit all over the place, the show we were watching is good so I got distracted quite a bit) I stole @resonatingfern‘s Vasche for this because I wanted to write about Alec preparing a meal and he strikes me as the sort of person to pop into the kitchen to badger him while he does XD I hope everyone’s having a nice time with whatever you are doing too! 
Alec busied himself in the small kitchen - moving between stirring the broth and gently frying the last of the vegetables. Although he could hear the laughter and chatter from the adjoining room, he was glad to be tucked away out of sight. It was nice to be back in Divinty’s Reach, and introducing old and new friends had gone better then he’d thought. Casey had gathered several friends that Alec and her had grown up with and he’d brought Kasmeer, Marjory and Vasche with him (Logan, understandably, was busy with his own celebrations, and Taimi and Canach were off doing their own things). 
He’d been worried about Vasche, but his travelling companion-turned-lover had been not only accepted but welcomed into Casey’s home, and in turn had been polite (If a bit cold which was to be expected) to the other guests crammed into the small house. Casey had given Alec a knowing look when he’d introduced the two, but saved her teasing for another time.
The constant chatter and joyous mood was lovely, yet overwhelming. No one minded when he excused himself to start their Wintersday Lunch. Alone in the kitchen (well not entirely alone, his little risen rat was perched on a shelf, nibbling on food scraps) he’d removed his blindfold to keep an eye on the food. He’d poke his head through momentarily, dutifully giving them updates on timing, before escaping back to the peaceful solitude of his task.
He was just waiting for the small goose to finish roasting, (the nut roast for those not eating the bird had already finished, and was covered to retain heat) when he nearly jumped out of his skin as he felt an arm snake around his waist. Vasche leant his head on Alec’s shoulder, wings slightly pulled forward, encasing them both.
“You’ve been in here an awfully long time.”
“Meals this fancy take an awfully long time to cook,” Alec smiled and leant back against Vasche, hand still busy finishing all the trimmings “If anyone should be used to waiting for silly over-the-top meals it should be you.”
“They weren’t silly, they were divine, and I never had to wait,” Vasche pressed a light kiss against Alec’s neck before being batted away “There was always food and wine at my beck and call. And warm bodies.” He flashed a toothy grin as he was shooed out of the way as Alec pulled the Goose out of the old stove.
“Sounds wonderful,” With the tray balanced against his hip he nodded at the rest of the food. “Now help me carry all this through and you’ll have my warm body at your beck and call later.” Alec’s own fanged smile matching Vasche’s as he hurried through to the dining room, where a round of cheers greeted him.
Despite everything going on, and everything that happened; right now he allowed himself time to relax and enjoy the evening, surrounded by old and new friends alike.
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Sleepover Date
I like the ASMR recordings so I figured I’d write 3,171 words of what led up to Kiro’s because... what can I say, I was wondering what would lead up to it and I love the guy XD He and Victor are my two favorites
Previous MLQC writings: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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My phone vibrated early Friday morning. I groaned with complaint and swatted around at my bedside table to find it. Once I found it, I peeked through my closed eyelids to see its bright screen with an even brighter smile and eyes on the Caller ID photo.
“Mornin’ Kiro,” I mumbled.
“Good morning, Miss Chips!” His happy tone was a little aggravating this early.
“What’s goin’ on?”
“Oh. Sorry. Did I wake you up?”
“Yeah but you only beat my alarm by four minutes.”
“Okay. Sorry again. I forget that you don’t have to wake up for a morning workout.”
“Thank the heavens,” I muttered. “So, what’s up? To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?”
He giggled like a schoolboy through the phone. “I was just wondering if you’d like to have a sleepover tonight!”
“Uh… what?”
“A sleepover! I’ll come pick you up after work and we’ll eat junk food and watch movies and just hang out, y’know? As friends. I haven’t done something fun like that in years.”
I blinked, brain slowly catching up to me. “Uh, Kiro?”
“We’re, uh, we’re twenty-two,” I pointed out.
“So what? That means we can’t have a fun sleepover?” Kiro asked, sharper than I thought he’d be.
“Uh… I guess not.”
“So you’ll come over tonight?”
“Sure,” I said.
I could hear the celebratory tone of his voice as he cried out, “Yes! Text me when you get home from work. By the time I make it to your place from mine you should have enough time to throw an overnight bag together, right?”
“Probably, if you don’t mind me being super casual.”
“Mind? Why on Earth would I mind? Heck, I welcome it! I’m gonna be one-hundred-percent casual too! Oh this is going to be great! We can put the couch cushions on the floor like we’re little kids and just have a good time!” He sounded so happy that I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Okay. I’m excited now. I’ll see you tonight,” I said.
“See you tonight!” He giggled again and hung up.
I set my phone back on the bedside table and hopped out of bed. I pulled on a more casual outfit for a Friday and threw a few things onto my bed that I could pack when I got home after work.
Once I ate breakfast and finished getting ready, I rushed out the door and headed for the office. A sleepover. With Kiro. Oh my word. This was either going to be insanely fun, or a disaster. Probably the former, but sometimes stuff happened. I was really looking forward to a sleepover.
It was kind of amusing—thousands of die-hard fans only dreamt of having a sleepover with Kiro at his house and I actually got to do it. Because we were friends.
Real friends.
All day I could barely focus on work. Neither could anyone else—it was Friday—but I was too excited for tonight. Victor noticed in my over-the-phone report that I seemed distracted and decided before I could even explain that I was just looking forward to some plans for tonight he decided that we’d finish the report on Monday.
Even better. One less task and no berating.
The day passed quickly after that.
Before I knew it, my phone was to my ear.
“Miss Chips!” Kiro greeted brightly.
“Hey! I just walked out of my building, so I’ll be home soon and then packed. I just thought I’d give you a little extra heads-up.”
“Aw! So thoughtful! Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe and sound and home and then I’ll leave to come get you so you have time to pack!”
“Sounds like a plan. See you soon!”
“See you soon! Aw man, I am so excited for tonight!”
I laughed. “Me too. Thanks for the invite!”
“Of course!”
I was on Cloud Nine all the way back to my apartment. When I got there, I texted Kiro that I was home safe and packing up. I got back a string of emojis that seemed to be mostly of the happy and excited variety.
Once at home, I changed into a more comfortable set of clothes and got started.
While I packed my overnight bag, I listened to one of his albums in the old CD player I kept on the floor of my closet. There was something fun about CDs that I just didn’t get with my phone. They didn’t feel quite the same to listen to. Sure phone audio in my headphones sounded clearer than my slightly-fuzzy old CD player speakers, but with the CD player I felt like I was a kid again—before phones were so commonplace.
I sang along and giggled to myself as I packed. Pajamas, change of clothes for tomorrow, toiletries, some snacks, a book, a couple of my favorite movies, water bottle, hairbrush, all the normal sleepover stuff. I also threw in a pack of cards in case we wanted to play a card game.
Though I was positive that with money like his, Kiro probably owned a deck of cards. Still. I liked mine. They were soft and easy to shuffle after years of use.
I was in the middle of singing the chorus to one of Kiro’s songs when I heard an excited knock at the door. I shut the music off and rushed over to peek through the peephole. I figured only one person I knew would be that excited, but I imagined Gavin might also share some enthusiasm when he was in a good mood.
But no. A head of gold hair was standing out in the hallway. I yanked the door open. “Hi!” I greeted.
“Hey there, Miss Chips!” Kiro greeted brightly, giving me a hug. “You all ready?”
“Yup. Let me grab my bag—”
“Now. What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you do that?” Kiro teased.
I snorted. “That sounds like an excuse to go in my bedroom,” I joked. Kiro’s ears turned a vibrant shade of red.
“N-no! That’s—that’s totally not what I meant!”
But I just kept laughing, my own face going red. “I knooow. I’m just playing around. Let me grab it out of my room and then, if you really want, you can help me with it. But I can totally handle it on my own. There’s barely anything in it apart from the obvious sleepover supplies.”
Kiro laughed too, slightly more awkward than mine. “Oh. Okay,” he said.
I went to my room and grabbed my bag, hauling it off my bed and rolling it out into the main room. Kiro was standing just inside the doorway looking around.
“Is that a cello?” He pointed to the instrument near my window.
“Yup,” I replied.
“I didn’t know you played.”
I shrugged. “I’m better at piano but my cello tends to attract fewer complaints from my neighbors. I have a keyboard with headphones in my room for when I want to play piano.”
Kiro glanced at the door I’d come out of. “You can come play at my place any time you want, if you want! I have a real piano that you can play to your heart’s content!”
I smiled. “You’re sweet, Kiro. Thank you. I’ll probably take you up on that. Electronic keyboards aren’t the same.”
“I agree. Now come on.” He swiped my rolling bag’s handle from my hand and offered me his other elbow before I could complain. “Shall we set out on our grand sleepover adventure?”
I laughed, looping my arm through his. “We shall!”
Stepping out, I locked the door behind me—
And heard a familiar voice that wasn’t Kiro’s asking my name.
Once the key was out of the lock I turned around, other hand still on Kiro’s arm. “Hi Lucien! This is a friend of mine. We’re just going to, uh…” How was I meant to say “have a sleepover” without sounding like a kid? If I even brought up the word “sleepover” in Victor’s presence—heaven forbid—I’d never hear the end of it. Lucien was a little more understanding, but still, I liked to have some dignity.
“I’m a musician,” Kiro cut in. “We’re going to my place to record her playing the piano.”
I squeezed his elbow in thanks.
Lucien seemed vaguely curious. “Sounds like an enjoyable activity. I hope you have a good time.” That last sentence was directed entirely at me—like Kiro didn’t even exist. Since Kiro was usually the center of attention, I wondered if he was irritated or relieved that Lucien wasn’t paying him any attention at all.
“We will. Thanks. See you later, Lucien!” I said as Kiro and I resumed our walk to the elevator. I waved over my shoulder. Lucien waved back. The elevator doors closed and cut off our view.
I sighed in relief.
“Whew. Thanks. Lucien’s an understanding guy but trying to explain a sleepover to my neighbor when we’re both adults just seemed… awkward,” I said.
Kiro couldn’t help but chuckle quietly. “Yeah, that’s why I said we were gonna record and I threw in the piano because… I’ve never heard you sing.”
I made a face as we reached the ground floor. “I’m okay at singing but I’m a much better pianist.”
“Well, you’ll have to sing for me tonight and I’ll be the judge of that,” he teased as we left my building and got in his car.
The drive to his house took a while, but we laughed and chatted the whole way so it didn’t feel that long. Kiro drove markedly slower than Victor did. Victor always seemed to speed everywhere. Kiro didn’t appear to be in any sort of rush. He followed the speed limit signs anyway. And he didn’t needle me for looking at him a lot. Especially when he was talking. Victor would have needled—“You’re looking at my face. Why?” Or something along those lines.
Kiro was very different. Friendly, open, sunshiney.
When we got to his house—villa—he got the door for me and got my bag before leading me inside. He had a nice, warmly-decorated interior. Sure it was spacious—I could probably fit most of my apartment in the foyer alone—but it didn’t have a cold, minimalistic, white look to it that other fancy mansions I’d seen on TV and been in for work had.
His was decorated in pale yellows and other complementary shades, giving the atmosphere a warm homeliness.
“Your place is so pretty!” I couldn’t stop myself from blurting out.
Kiro just chuckled. “Thanks! I didn’t do any of the interior designing but I did say I didn’t want it to feel empty. So there’s stuff everywhere.”
I glanced over at him playfully. “And… where’s Key’s secret room?”
He laughed. “Oh, Key doesn’t need one,” he said. “None of Key’s electronics are suspicious enough that they can’t be stored out in the open. Because Key isn’t an amateur.” He ruffled my hair teasingly—then sobered up. “Okay, no, but seriously, I don’t keep much equipment. Don’t really need to.” He shrugged and changed the subject. “Anyway! Lounge is through here. I got out some snacks. I also thought we could order pizza or something.” He led me through a double glass door with gossamer curtains on the other side to a nice, warm-toned lounge room.
It was decorated in creams and with red accents like throw pillows. I smiled upon seeing it.
“Your house is so beautiful.”
The tips of Kiro’s ears went red. “Thanks,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
I smiled. “My pleasure.” I plopped onto the creamy sofa and looked around casually. “So. What movies did you have in mind to watch tonight? I don’t have any particular preference as long as it’s not gory or gross and it might be fun to go on a run to the store to rent one and—what? Why are you staring at me like I just stabbed a cake with a pencil?”
“You can rent movies?!” Kiro demanded.
I blinked, confused. “Uh… yeah. It’s cheaper than buying them and when you have no intention of watching a movie more than once it’s really the best option. You didn’t know that?”
My posture slouched. “Oh. Well. Okay,” I said, unsure of how else to respond to that without sarcastic contempt for privileged lifestyles that allow someone to just outright buy a movie they’re going to watch once and then never again.
Kiro dropped onto the sofa next to me and grabbed my shoulders. “Let’s do it! Let’s rent a movie!”
His innocent excitement made me laugh. “Okay, okay. Let’s just make sure you don’t look like you so no one mobs you at a supermarket movie rental kiosk.”
“Definitely! Let me go get my disguise stuff!” He hopped to his feet and ran out of the lounge room.
“You’re not wearing a teddy bear costume to the supermarket, okay?!” I called after him.
“No duh!” he shouted back.
Shaking my head in amusement, I pulled out my phone and started looking up new movies we could rent. Somewhere else in the villa, I could hear Kiro bustling around in a hurry, knocking stuff over with quiet exclamations of, “Shoot!”
After a few minutes, he reappeared in the lounge room, wearing a pair of hipster glasses, a dark outfit, and a floppy beanie over his bright hair. “How do I look?” He beamed at me, spreading his hands out and giving me a spin like he was showing off a concert look to his stylist.
“Decidedly not like the Kiro that gets mobbed by fans the second he exits the door,” I teased.
Kiro pumped his fist in the air. “Bullseye!”
I laughed. “Let’s get going, you dork.”
“You know what will really throw people off from believing I’m Kiro,” he remarked as we headed out of the lounge. Before I could even open my mouth to ask what would make him look different, he reached out and took my hand. “Holding your hand. As far as the world knows, I am single as a Pringle, baby!” His giggle made me laugh as we wandered out of the door.
He opened the door to the car for me and helped me in before circling the car and ducking into the driver’s side.
We drove to the store, chatting and laughing all the way.
“I hope I can say this without sounding weird,” I began, “but I really love hanging out with you.”
Kiro shot me a quick glance before returning his gaze to the road. There was a sparkle in his eyes. As usual. “Me too. You’re, like, the only normal part of my life. And even then… we’re both Evolvers. But you’re rarely hustling me around sets or concert venues or nagging after me like my manager does. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate his hard work but I always feel like I can relax around you. And just be me. Not my public face. Heck, you even know about Key.” He gave me another quick look, this one accompanied by a sly smile. “I really love hanging out with you too,” he added.
I smiled at him. “I’m glad. Did I sound weird?”
“Not at all. I’d hope that at this point we’d be close enough friends that you could admit you actually like being around me.” He laughed at his own joke—prompting me to join in. “That’s kinda the point of being friends, right?”
I nodded. “Right.”
A pair of strong arms scooped me up from where I was half-dozing on the sofa cushions on the floor. A gentle rocking sensation alerted my brain that whoever had picked me up was walking. And by “whoever,” I mean Kiro. Because there was no one else in the house besides us two. My brain was just slow at processing when it was sleepy.
After a few moments of the rocking, I was placed gently on a soft mattress.
Footsteps moved away from me.
“Kiro… stay…” I mumbled. “Please?”
There was a pause. Footsteps returned.
“Still don’t want to sleep?” His voice was tired and soft, but I could sense his usual energy and enthusiasm behind it. “If you don’t want to sleep… how ‘bout we find something to do?”
My brain activity picked up enough to register the question. I nodded.
“Well… what do you want to do?”
I thought for a moment. What did I want to do? It felt like we’d done everything that classic sleepovers involved. Kiro continued before I could answer after a moment of silence.
“Wanna play games? Or… wanna hear me sing?”
I definitely didn’t miss the flirtatious tone to that second question, but was too out of it to be embarrassed.
“I always wanna hear you sing,” I said.
Kiro smiled, but then his expression fell. “But… we seem to do those pretty often…”
I hummed in agreement. There was a long pause between the two of us while we thought up ideas for what to do. It was late and we were both tired, but apparently not tired enough to sleep. Kiro perched on the edge of the bed he’d set me in and settled comfortably.
“How about…” he began. “Let’s do something else.”
“No duh, Sherlock,” I muttered under my breath. He didn’t seem to hear me.
“Oh I know,” he said, softly, as though a glimmer of light illuminated a perfect idea, “read poetry?” His face leaned in close to mine. “Do you want to hear some?”
I hummed thoughtfully. I’d really rather hear him sing, but if he was determined to do something else, poetry was the next-best thing.
“Sure,” I mumbled.
He smiled. “Okay, okay. Let me look…” He trailed off. I felt him get off the bed and walk over to the other side. I heard him pour a glass of water and set it on the bedside next to me before going to look at a shelf on the wall. I barely processed his noise as he looked for some poetry to read.
After a minute or two—time was hard to tell when I was so tired—he came back, sitting on the edge of the bed again. He flipped through a few pages, some faster than others, looking through the book.
“Oh! This one is good,” he said, enthusiastic but quiet. He giggled. “Okay! Ask me why I picked this one!”
“Why did you pick this one?” I mumbled.
“Because this poem… it expresses how I feel…” His voice went from speaking low to a whisper. He scooted closer and gathered me to him. “And now, holding you in my arms, I will read you this poem.”
He paused. Probably for dramatic effect, and took a deep breath.
“Let’s start. You may not believe I have often imagined you…”
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kanasmusings · 7 years
Here’s track 2 of QUELL’s Believer Single! This is for @angrypainternerd because we were both fangirling over the twins a while ago XD
Translations under the cut, enjoy~ There are a lot of translator’s notes on this one because they explain a lot of stuff regarding their names and all that so please bear with my explanations ^^
Track 2 -  「重なる波紋」 “Overwhelming Ripple”
  ISSEI:            (panting) This is…
SHU:              Have you come to? That’s great.
ISSEI:            You are?
STAFF:         Izumi-sama, the food is over here. The spare towels are by the wash basin.
STAFF:          If you need more please don’t hesitate to ask.
STAFF:          Would there be anything else?
SHU:               We’re fine for now.
SHU:               Thank you so much for everything. They were a great help.
STAFF:          Please think nothing of it.
STAFF:          Now then, I’ll be excusing myself.
(staff leaves and closes the door behind him)
  SHU:              Did that wake you?
ISSEI:             No…
SHU:              How are you feeling?
ISSEI:            Before that, where’s Ichiru—ah, where’s my younger brother?
SHU:               He was right beside you until a while ago.
SHU:              I didn’t want him to catch a cold so I told him to go shower.
SHU:              He’s doing great so you don’t need to worry.
ISSEI:            (sighs out of relief) Is that so?
SHU:              Did the medicine work? You look better than a while ago.
SHU:              Your fever is—
(Shu reaches a hand out to touch Issei but Issei swats him away)
SHU:               Ah…
ISSEI:             Ah, that’s um…
ISSEI:            I’m sorry…
SHU:              No, I’m sorry for suddenly trying to touch you.
SHU:              I’ll apologize now but I had a doctor examine you while you were asleep.
SHU:              It’s supposed to be only a light cold but because of your fatigue and hunger it got worse.
SHU:              It seems like it’ll be fine after your fever goes down.
SHU:              Here’s a thermometer. I think it’d be better if you do it yourself.
ISSEI:             …
SHU:              What’s wrong?
ISSEI:            Why do something like this?
SHU:              “Something like this”?
SHU:              Ah, I’m just being meddlesome.
SHU:               I couldn’t leave you two alone.
SHU:               That’s all there is to it.
ISSEI:            A while ago…
ISSEI:            He said “Izumi”…
ISSEI:            I didn’t think it possible but…
ISSEI:            Are you Izumi Shu?
SHU:               You know about me?
ISSEI:            Even if I didn’t, that face—
(door opens suddenly)
ICHIRU:        Hey, um…! I don’t know how to turn that shower off…
ICHIRU:       Issei!
(Ichiru runs to Issei)
ISSEI:            Ichiru.
ICHIRU:        What about your fever? Are you in pain?
ICHIRU:        Does it hurt somewhere?!
ISSEI:            Ichiru. Your hair… it’s dripping.
ISSEI:            You have to dry off properly.
ICHIRU:        (sighs out of relief) I’m so glad…!
ICHIRU:        You’re back to normal!
(Ichiru hugs Issei)
ISSEI:            Ichiru, you’ll get my cold if you stick too close.
ICHIRU:        That’s fine.
ICHIRU:        It’ll get better even if I did.
SHU:               I’ll go turn the shower off.
(Shu walks to the bathroom)
ISSEI:             Ichiru.
ISSEI:            Where are we?
ICHIRU:        In a really big hotel.
ICHIRU:        When you said you can’t go to a hospital, he told the taxi to take us here.
ICHIRU:        This is where he’s staying, he says.
ICHIRU:        Sorry for going with him suddenly.
ICHIRU:        But, I…
ICHIRU:        I thought that you were going to die and…
ICHIRU:        I- I got scared…!
ICHIRU:        That’s why—
ISSEI:            (giggles) I won’t die from just this.
ICHIRU:        That’s great.
SHU:               You two are hungry, right? There’s food prepared at that table there so go ahead and eat.
ICHIRU:        … Issei and I don’t have any money.
SHU:              Don’t worry about that.
ICHIRU:        But…!
(Ichiru’s stomach grumbles)
ICHIRU:        Ah…
SHU:              You don’t have to hold it in.
ICHIRU:        I’m not really—
ISSEI:            Isn’t this too much for just being “meddlesome”?
SHU:              Is that so?
ISSEI:            You won’t benefit from saving us.
ISSEI:            Am I wrong?
SHU:              Well… There’s really no merit to it.
ICHIRU:        Right?! You’re too suspicious!
SHU:              Then, let’s make one.
ISSEI:            Huh?
SHU:              Let’s make it something I can benefit from.
SHU:              If we do that then you’ll eat properly now, won’t you?
SHU:               Let’s see… What’s good?
SHU:               Hmm…
SHU:              Ah, I’ll continue thinking so you guys go ahead and eat. It’ll be a waste if they get cold.
ICHIRU:        You’re so weird.
SHU:               It’s a little too late for that now.
SHU:              I can’t eat that much alone so if you don’t help me eat, all of that will go to the dump.
SHU:              That’s a waste, isn’t it?
ICHIRU:        It’s obvious that you shouldn’t throw away food!
ICHIRU:        We’ll eat properly so you don’t have to guilt us into it.
ICHIRU:        Issei, do you think you can handle soup?
ISSEI:             Yeah…
ICHIRU:        It’s hot so be careful.
  SHU:              Alright, I’ve decided.
SHU:               I’ll explain it while you’re eating.
SHU:               Please answer my questions.
ICHIRU:        What kind of questions?
SHU:               A lot.
ICHIRU:        “A lot,” you say…
ISSEI:            Is that the payment for this meal?
ISSEI:            Is it?
ISSEI:             Your merit…?
SHU:               You’re quite fixated on that, huh?
ICHIRU:        There’s no such thing as a free meal.1
ICHIRU:        Even we know that much.
SHU:               I understand.
SHU:               Then think of it as a preliminary investigation if you will.
ISSEI:             If that’s so then… sure.
ISSEI:             I understand.
ISSEI:             What’s your question?
SHU:               Thank you.
SHU:              Let’s see…
SHU:              You two are brothers, right?
ISSEI:            Yes. We’re identical twins.
SHU:              That’s why you look so much alike.
SHU:               Your names are?
ICHIRU:        What’re you gonna after hearing that?
SHU:              If I don’t know your names it’ll be harder to talk to you, right?
ICHIRU:        I’m Kuga Ichiru.
ICHIRU:        You write it using the more difficult way of writing “ichi” and “ru” from “nagareru”. Ichiru.2
ISSEI:             I’m Kuga Issei.
ISSEI:            Just like with his “ichi”, my “i” is written the same plus “sei” from “star”. Kuga Issei.3
ISSEI:            By the way, I’m the older one.
SHU:              Ichiru and Issei…
SHU:              The first shooting star, huh?4
SHU:              Those are such wonderful names. Your parents must have adored you to give you those names.
ICHIRU:        That’s not possible.
SHU:               Why?
ICHIRU:        They’re not names that our parents gave us.
ICHIRU:        Plus… If they were happy they wouldn’t abandon us…!
ISSEI:            Ichiru.
ISSEI:            I’m sorry.
ISSEI:            We’re abandoned children.5
SHU:              Ah… I see. I asked something I shouldn’t have.
SHU:              I’m sorry.
ISSEI:             You don’t have to apologize.
SHU:              But it’s not something I should’ve meddled in. I’m sorry.
ISSEI:            Please continue your questions.
SHU:               Thank you.
ISSEI:             Ichiru, you can eat, too, you know? It’s better if you do.
ISSEI:            It’ll be such a waste not to.
ICHIRU:        I get it! There’s nothing wrong with eating, right?
(Ichiru starts eating)
SHU:               You look completely the same but your personalities are different, huh?
ISSEI:            We get told that a lot.
ICHIRU:        We’re our own person so that’s obvious.
SHU:               It seems that way. I seem to be saying a lot of rude things since a while ago.
ISSEI:            Any more?
SHU:              Why were you in a place like that?
ICHIRU:        It was by chance…
SHU:              By chance, huh?
SHU:              It may be rude if I ask this but…
SHU:               Do you have nowhere to go home to?
ISSEI:            Why do you think so?
SHU:               Since that place wasn’t somewhere you should be nor is there a place to rest.
SHU:              Plus, you’ve been wary of me all this time but you’ve never mentioned anything about going home.
SHU:              Is that because you have nowhere to go home to?
ISSEI:            …
ICHIRU:        We’ll be looking for one from here on…
SHU:               I see.
SHU:               Where have you been living until now?
ICHIRU:        We used to live at the factory’s dorms.
SHU:               In past tense, huh?
SHU:              Did you quit?
ICHIRU:        Yeah. Is that bad?!
SHU:              There must be a reason but…
SHU:              Did you leave even if you had nowhere to go to?
ICHIRU:        Yeah, that’s right! It’s exactly like that!
ICHIRU:        We left even if we have nowhere to go to! We didn’t have a choice!
ICHIRU:        I don’t want to continue living in a place where people think of Issei as a thief!
ICHIRU:        What else were we supposed to do?!
SHU:              Thief? That’s not a nice thing to be called.
ICHIRU:        Those guys knew that Issei won’t fight back so they blamed him for their own mistakes and made him do unnecessary jobs.
ICHIRU:        Even today…! He was told to return the money even if he didn’t take it…!
ICHIRU:        Everyone just stood there and watched!
SHU:              Did you object?
ICHIRU:        I did! I did but…!
ICHIRU:        No one wanted to believe me!
ICHIRU:        Everyone called Issei a thief…!
ISSEI:            Ichiru, I’m fine with handling that much..
ICHIRU:        Even if you’re fine with it, I’m not!
ISSEI:            Ichiru…?
ICHIRU:        I don’t want to go back to that place again.
ICHIRU:        As if I would…!
ICHIRU:        But…
ICHIRU:        I ran off on my own and I dragged Issei with me…
ICHIRU:        And now, we’re in this situation…
ICHIRU:        I’ll repent for it. I’m sorry.
ISSEI:            It’s not Ichiru’s fault.
ICHIRU:        If it’s not my fault then whose fault is it?!
SHU:              Ichiru.
SHU:              Calm down for a bit.
ICHIRU:        Shut up! Don’t touch me!
ICHIRU:        Even if they tell us to live there, I’ll refuse!
ICHIRU:        Even if they said that they’ll take care of us or be our guardians.
ICHIRU:        If they go to the police we might get caught!
(Ichiru starts crying)
ICHIRU:        No one…
ICHIRU:        I can’t trust anyone…!
ICHIRU:        There’s no way I can!
SHU:              I see. I understand.
ICHIRU:        I…!
ICHIRU:        I really wanted things to go well.
ICHIRU:        But…!
SHU:               I understand. No more.
SHU:              It’s okay, Ichiru.
SHU:               You did well.
SHU:              You wanted to protect Issei, didn’t you?
SHU:              You love your brother a lot, don’t you, Ichiru?
SHU:              You did well hanging in there.
ICHIRU:        (holding in tears) It’s not like… I’m happy getting praised by you.
SHU:               Yeah, I know. I asked a little too much.
SHU:              Let’s talk more after we’re done eating.
SHU:               I’m a little hungry now, too.
(Shu starts eating)
SHU:               It’s delicious.
 Translator’s Note(s):
1 This is actually a Japanese proverb [只より高い物はない/tadayori takai mono wa nai] that literally means “Nothing costs as much as what’s given us.”
  2 Ichiru’s name is written using the characters [壱] which is the more difficult/traditional way of writing “one/一” and [流] which can be read as “ru”, “ryuu”, etc, (i.e. from the word “nagareru/流れる”.)
3 Issei’s name is written using the characters [壱] which is the same as Ichiru’s and [星] which can be read as “sei”, “hoshi”, or “shou”.
  4 You get this phrase if you combine their names together. [一番流れる星/ichiban nagareru boshi] is what Shu says. You get this by combining: [壱] (from both of their names) and then [流] (which can be read singularly as “nagareru” from Ichiru’s name) and lastly, [星] (“boshi” from Issei’s name). Thus: 壱(番) 流(れる) 星! (First shooting star) That’s such a nice combination of names~
5 Issei actually uses the term [捨子/sutego] here which is literally “abandoned child/children”.
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