#now i finally got my pc back
beeholyshit · 9 days
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Me when I make a second hsr oc to kiss my man
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yandereshingeki · 2 months
excuse me for disappearing for 5 days I didn’t feel like posting & had a lot going on irl (work, mr forest, & I also completely rearranged my whole room by myself lol)
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lbhslefttiddie · 11 months
I haven’t seen you around much here lately, so I just wanted to say I hope you’re doing well ^^ . If you have any life challenges going on right now, I believe in you to conquer them!!!
thank you!!! the life challenges is my phone and computer both had a stroke and died within a month of each other 😔 it was super cursed but im cool im being very brave about it
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kathy-rah · 2 years
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ADB: "Yeah this is a ugly rat"
Me: "Please, his name is 'Little meow meow'".
Lucoryphus best pet ever lived, 100/100 would pet. Also, I have no idea how to draw a drowned corpse's skin so now he's hot.
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crazy-form · 1 year
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it's so hard to be a military wife
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I’m so sick of waiting for my PC parts to come in, I just wanna be able to use my art tablet again man
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raredrop · 4 months
i am so tempted to see if my pc can run ddv bc i am so sick and tired of the game crashing
now i cant go to the god dang castle
whatever happened in the last update made the switch version so unplayable
want to play with a friend? crash
want to make food outside on the campfire? crash
leave the game idling too long? crash
need to go to the castle? crash
thats not even getting into the large amount of graphical glitches that even plague the loading screen
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indefiniteavatar · 5 months
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So basically, in a case about him shoving money at someone so they shut up about him. . .he can’t shut the fuck up himself. I would say something clever and funny here, except the sad part is that this is just so normal in current politics that it’s just. . .not hilariously absurd behavior anymore? Not to say that it’s not absurd - it is beyond such, but it is just. . . predictable, I suppose.
I guess this is how I feel about politics lately? Either I get mad at everything or I try to laugh at everything and normally that works because politicians usually aren’t so tragically stupid so very often, but now I just kinda have to chuckle at the particularly eyeroll worthy things like this, and try to ignore everything else or my brain will explode.
#maybe that’s my biggest pet peeve about the current state of politics#Normally I like having discussions with people#of various mindsets and lifestyles and backgrounds#while my personal standpoint about many if not most political things is pretty solid. I also enjoy finding out more about things.#It’s always nice to learn more about things.#when it gets to a point like this or let’s be real-a point like where it got a few months ago when. More like a couple years ago honestly#There’s just so much. Too much. And two try to process all of it especially in a way such that one keeps up with useful discussion? oof.#I know I meant to do something else in these tags – something more specific – but at least on mobile#I just lost like three tags because the one I was working on hit 140 but when I was warned#I didn’t get to backspace or anything. I just kind of deleted the whole thing.#And in my confusion and attempt to undo what I had done#I managed to backspace a couple times and lose the finish tag above that one#and of course my first attempt at explaining that I had lost two tags turned into three tags because#I lost the first attempts that said two tags because it went over and yet again my attempt of not backspace this time#I just lost another two tags and then at this point I don’t even remember where I was going with this train of thought either#tl;dr: I wish I could take as much amusement from this as I want to but I can’t because shit like this is just so fucking normal#but hey it’s better than January 6 or trying to nuke a hurricane so I suppose I can live with it#right so I realize that I got to read all of the things I just typed in the page before this#so I did and while I have a laughable amount of nowhere near the fuck enough spoons#there’s a very good chance I am going to come back to this when I get on my iPad or PC#There’s also a very good chance I’m going to completely forget this post exists if not the app entirely#but given that I finally downloaded this on my actual phone instead of my tablet for the first time in years#And I just lost another fucking tag#this time naturally it had to be one with Contant that I remember as semantically important#but similarly naturally of course I don’t bloody well remember#right so I am going to go back to the stuff I was doing now cause I was doing stuff before I saw a Tumblr notification#which I didn’t actually look at at the time but but I can absolutely be sure that it was a hefty part of the reason why#when I found something that I wanted to post about and a context that had a larger audience and not just individuals#didn’t have FB/Reddit (tho lbr I would probably have a 6 foot nose if I tried to imply they were great social networks)#which goes back to seeing the tumblr notif & still having a big Nostalgia so. hi here i am
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einaudis · 6 months
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I FUCKING HATE (love) TRYING TO MAKE FANART!! how come it that everytime I try to get the face right my drawing starts to look LESS like the goddamn character?! I have watched this show 10 times! I should know what his face looks like SO WHY CANT I DRAW IT?!
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dexaroth · 2 years
looong post about missing using backpacks and high-school experiences and personal feelings on the general 'busy/executive' look from carrying luggage and stuff. idk lots of thoughts here to summarize
theres this one hole that being done with high-school left me that's just. having a place to go. being busy, sort of..
having a backpack full of trinkets and your pencil case filled with clips and highlighters. or the rare bunches of printing and colored paper for the art projects or those mathematical rulers you used 3 times the whole year
and most importantly.. the feeling of being a Guy who has Places to go. look at all this luggage! the amount of things I need that goes beyond a simple bag! quite the work eh?
of course half of that perception is just 'wow! executive adult with responsibilities!' but not entirely, there are definitely tasks that require a lot of gear and stuff. filming crews, folks with laptops etc. and then there's the elusive Guy with a Big Bag With Wheels. thats the peak of the ideal
as with everything in my life specifically it all circles back to being disabled and having to stay at home bc I literally am not capable of physically doing anything even remotely close to what the generic student/employed person does and I think that helps a lot to the kind of romanticized view I have of this sorta thing
in a good day a majority of people would rather not have to carry and worry about a pack full of stuff or having to carry the weight of a computer and then some. but it's not that bad if you like/love what you're doing even if it requires those things yknow?
every year of high-school, even if it was the worst experience of my life that degraded me mentally physically and made me so fucked I had to cut myself in between or during classes.. I still looked up to the starting week and the feeling of a kind of new beginning. and packing everything to be super ready to whatever was to come like I was about to spend a month in the wild or climb a mountain
camping and stuff is another kind of 'look at all this shit we're packing and gadgets we have to make fire or little lanterns or makeshift homes (tents) that we have' and its just. holy shit man you sure are busy with a lot of stuff to do huh. and you've got the money to buy it all and friends to enjoy it with you. and you're going to the woods for fun and not to run away from your life because everything sucks. you've got your life all figured out! if only I could also match this unrealistic utopic vision that's sold in every sleeping bag package lol! 🙃
and the rest of this romanticized view also extends a bit to gender and self esteem in a way
of course I, a disabled person, would love to be a person that Can go places and even Has places to go and is important enough to have a complex task that needs all that luggage. and looks like a guy. maybe even a fancy guy with fancy bags and fancy clothing. it's all very important, being all that! unlike being a nobody that has to ask for a seat bc he can't stand for 2 minutes without crumpling like a wet sock because of his fucked up spine and spaghetti muscles
everybody looks up to someone who has something that they don't and wish they had or were like.. and I'm so miserable I just wish I mattered enough to be that average guy crossing the street with his bag on his shoulder. and it just so happens that's asking too much of life in my case
#i even managed to find possibly the prettiest backpack that ive had for like 6 years or more by now#when we were re-stocking on school supplies one year#its got more than 8 pockets on the front and is a silvery black with a subtle camo pattern in it. everyhting i could ask for#and its just picking up dust in my wardrobe now. i legit feel bad bc its such a good backpack#last year i had a college class that actualy required writing materials (unlike the other programming classes which had the uni's pcs)#and i was so excited! finally i can justify using my backpack!! but the weight was just not worth it bc of my back. and i already had a>#>notebook binder that was good enough so.. no luck.#self harm mention#<can never go too long without mentioning it huh..#its hard not to.. just prodding my brain for any crumble of memory of the time i was still in highschool but its all gone. pure fog.#and to have the parts that i do remember being genuine torture and making me want to kill myself every week because of it#suicide mention#<lol anyways. its just crazy. to think i somehow managed to scrape by living like that for a decade despite it all#knowing full well the amount of pain it was to go through 3(?) stories of stairs at least twice everyday carrying 5 books in my back..#..and still longing for just the image. of being someone once. going Somewhere. the privilege-even if temporary-of having a path to follow#college will start soon and while it isnt as soul crushing as hs was it does not spark a single grain of joy in me.#even if i got to use my backpack and pretend i had something to do id still be doing it with distaste. its not fun anymore.#everything fucking sucks and i dont know how much else ill be able to block it and pretend i dont fully exist.i wanna strangle someone‼
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cavegirlpoems · 3 months
I see we're talking about XP!
@thydungeongal and @imsobadatnicknames2 have interesting posts up, and now it's my turn to throw my thoughts out there. SO. I think of XP as the game itself offering you a little bribe. Do the things the game wantss you to be doing, and the game gives you an XP to say thank you. Get enough XP, and you're reward is greater a permanent bump in power, meaning greater ability to exert your will over the world and therefore greater agency. (Systems like Fate Points, Willpower, Inspiration etc work the same, except the increased agency is a temporary one-time thing, not permanent, so at times I'll lump them in).
So. Let's talk about a few different systems and how they handle this.
Let's start at the very begining (a very good place to begin). In the very early editions of D&D - back when Elf was a class - you got XP for treasure. Every gold coin you got out of a dungeon (or equivallent value of other treasure) was 1 XP. This worked well; the game wanted you to go into a dungeon and explore it for treasure, while trying not to die. If you succeeded, you got XP, which made you better at doing that so you could do it again in a more dangerous dungeon. And because treasure is XP, and treasure weighs you down, getting it out is a meaningful activity. Hell, many of these games measure weight and encumbrance on a scale of 'how many coins' to drive this home. It was a good loop. Early D&D has many faults (like the weird racism in the MM) but the xp system is something it absolutely nailed.
Next up, let's look at classic vampire the masquerade. At the end of each session, you get 1 xp just for being there, and then another if your character learned something, if you portrayed your character well, and if your character was 'heroic'. So, what's classic VtM rewarding? Ultimately, it rewards the player for being the kind of player the game wants. If you get into character, engage with the game world, and act like an interesting protagonist, you get rewarded for it. It's a bit fuzzy, and at the GM's discretion, but its very up-front with what it wants to incentivise. It was the 90s, they were still working out how to be a narrative-driven game, but you can see where they were going with it.
OK, now lets look at something a bit weirder; monsterhearts. The main source of XP here will be Moves. Rather than a bolted-on rewards mechanic, each game mechanic you engage with might grant you xp. You can use your strings on another PC to bribe them with XP when you want them to do something. Lots of abilities just give you an XP for doing a thing, such as a Ghost ability that gives you XP for spying on somebody, or aa Fae ability that gives other players XP when they promise you things. Here, XP is baked into the game, but its very up front about being a bribe. Act the way the game wants, or go along with other players' machinations, and you get rewarded for it. And, critically, XP is just one part of a wider game-economy of incentives and metacurrencies; it links in with strings and harm and +1forward in interesting and intricate ways that push the game forward. Monsterhearts is a well designed game, and you should study it.
Finally, let's look at how D&D 5e does it, as a What Not To Do! We have two different options. The first is XP for combat. When you use violence to defeat something, you get XP for it. Under this option, the only way to mechanically improve your character is by killing things. So, we can conclude that D&D is a game that wants you to engage in constant violence. The other option is 'milestone XP'. IE: you level up at the GM's whim, when they feel like it. What does this reward? Fucking nothing. Or, at best, you're rewarded for following the railroad and reaching pre-planned plot moments in a pre-scripted story. You either have no agency in the matter, or are rewarded for subsuming your agency to the will of the GM. (This pattern continues with inspiration rewards, which are given 'when the GM is entertained by you'. Fucking dire.) "Oh!" the 5e fandom says "But a good GM can write a list of achievements that will trigger milestone XP". And yes, they can, but that's not how the text of the game presents it. That's a house rule. That's the GM doing game design to add a new, better, mechanic to the game to fix its failings. Is it any wonder, then, that the 5e fandom puts so mucn weight on the GM's shoulders, and has such a weird semi-antagonistic relationship between GM and player? Is it any wonder that absolutely brutal railroading (and the resulting backlash of disruptive play) is so rife over there? Look at how the incentive structures are built? It's either killing forever or GM-as-god-king! Anyway, yeah. Consider what you reward with XP, because that will become what your game wants. And if you're hacking a game, one of the most efficient hacks is to change what you get XP for and suddenly the game will pivot to something very different.
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spotsspeciall · 7 months
Factory meetings vol.2 - LN4
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Lando Norris x fem!reader
summary: second part to: Factory meetings
notes: Better late than never lol. Sorry for the long wait! But I write everything on PC, and of course something happened to it so I had to get it fixed. And not only that, but when I sat down to finally write, I had major writer's block! But here it is!! FINALLY!!
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. smut (double smut bby), unprotected (wrap it before you tap it!) p in v, language, jealous!Lando, rough, fingering, soft!Lando (shit got real at the end lol)
word count: 10k
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It had been a week since it happened. And next week you were supposed to see him again, the Chinese grand prix coming up. You were freaking out to put it mildly. 
You had spent your off time at home, and you had shared what happened with Sophie. And as you suspected, she was shocked and a little grossed out. But you knew she would come around. And she did, so she asked you about all the details, when you told her, the two of you screamed and laughed together. Now the whole thing had turned into a sort of inside joke between you and Sophie. 
But as the race week was coming up, you got more and more nervous. What was he going to act like now? You really didn’t want to face him, knowing what the two of you had done together. But you couldn’t stop thinking about it, day and night, it was seared into your brain. (But you didn’t want to stop thinking about it either.)
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Walking into the paddock on Friday, you did your usual routine, unbothered by anyone. You made your way into the garage, and walked over to the workbench against the wall, and started looking through your tools. 
You sorted through a few of them, getting them ready, knowing which ones you would need the most today. 
You enjoyed getting into the garage a little earlier than the others, having some quiet, alone time. And getting in the zone. Focusing on your job so much that you didn’t notice someone walked in.
Lando walked into the garage, knowing you would be here. He only came here for you. He walked up behind you and looked over your shoulder, watching you picking up the different small tools. 
You were so focused, but a familiar scent flooded your nose. He smelled so intoxicating, it literally made your knees weak. And the second it hit you, and you felt his hot breath at the back of your neck. You froze, and dropped the tool in your hand, making a clattering sound as it hit the table. 
“Sorry, did I scare you baby?” 
He was so close to your ear, and you could feel the smirk on his face.
You could not move, or utter a word. So Lando stepped to the side, and leaned his hip against the counter. 
“I’m sorry, I was just curious to see what you were doing” He smiled sweetly at you, making your eyebrows furrow in confusion. 
“I- uh, I was just sorting through my tools, getting the ones I need the most” You answered without thinking, still somewhat confused why he was being nice.
“Oh, ok” he nodded, looking towards the tools like he was thinking about something. 
You felt your jaw clench, and your eyes stared daggers at him. Your brain was connecting the dots. Of course he wasn’t being nice to you, he was looking for ways to annoy you, and tease you.
He reached his hand out to grab a small screwdriver to look closely at it. 
“What is this one for?” He looked up from the screwdriver to meet your eyes with a soft look.
He was not fooling you. Lando could see your whole demeanor had changed. And you could see the look in his eyes changed, for some reason he looked kind of worried? It knocked you off balance, and the look in your eyes softened. 
“Sorry if I'm bothering you, I was just curious” He looked dejected as he went to put the screwdriver back in its place.
Before you had any time to think, your hands flew out to grab onto his hand before he dropped the tool. 
“No, I’m sorry” “You’re not bothering me” Your anxious eyes met his, but he looked back down to where you were both holding the screwdriver, your eyes following after. 
You let his hand go and let out an awkward chuckle. Your eyes looking everywhere but him. But he stretched his hand out to give you the screwdriver. 
“So you want to tell me what it’s for?” His sweet smile had returned, as you were forced to meet his eyes again. 
“Uhm- yeah sure!” You grabbed the tool from his hand and turned on your heel to walk over to the front left tyre suspension. 
You crouched down so your face was closer to the suspension. You turned your head to look for Lando, not feeling him behind you. He was still standing at the counter, so you waved him over. A giggle escaping you when he finally got the hint and walked over. 
Soon enough he was beside you, crouched down just like you. So you pointed a finger to where the suspension was connected to the car. 
“You see those small screws there?”
He looked a bit closer before turning to you. “yeah”
“Yup” “that’s what this is for” you held the screwdriver up as you nodded. 
He let out a small chuckle. “You could’ve just told me that over there” He pointed towards where the both of you had been standing earlier. 
“Yeah, but I wanted to show you.” “It’s good to know your car” You smiled brightly at him.
“Yeah, I guess” he smiled back.
You were just looking into eachothers eyes, completely lost in eachother. Until someone spoke up.
“What are you guys doing?” You looked up to meet the eyes of Jonas, one of your fellow mechanics. 
“Oh- um, I was just showing him what this screwdriver is for” You held the tool up to show Jonas, trying to act as normal as possible, not like you had just been drowning in those gorgeous eyes. 
“Okayyy..” Jonas narrowed his eyes at the pair of you before walking further into the garage. 
You turned your head when you felt Lando stand up. Meeting his eyes when he towered over you, he stretched his hand out for you. It took you a moment to register before you put your hand in his, and he pulled you to your feet. 
Now standing in front of him, you saw his mouth open and close, like he was going to say something. Lando was at a loss for words staring at you. The soft look you had in your eyes as you just looked at him, he felt like no one had ever looked at him that way. But he finally managed to get some words out.
“I- I have to go” “see you later” He nodded, and left before you could even say anything.
When he came back to the garage, to get ready for FP1, you talked with him when he got into the car.
“Everything’s good?” you asked, making sure the car seemed good.
“Yeah” “perfect like always Y/N” He smiled up at you.
“good”... “great”... “alright” You said as you tried to find something else to focus on, walking away to try and pretend to do your job. 
You watched him put on his helmet, and when he finished adjusting it, he looked over at you and gave you a wink before he closed the visor, and drove out of the garage. 
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End of the day you walked towards the exit, ready to head back to the hotel. You had walked out with Jonas, getting a ride with him to the hotel. 
Walking to his car, he nudged your side with his elbow. 
“Hey” “What’s going on with Lando?” “I have never seen him like that” He had a sly smirk on his face.
“I really don’t know” “He just asked questions about the car, and I answered” You tried to laugh it off, he could not know what happened between the two of you. 
“Weird” He laughed back.
Lando was standing by his car door, just about to get in before he heard your sweet laugh. He turned his head and watched you and Jonas talking and laughing together. You were standing so close. Lando felt his jaw clench, and his knuckles turned white when he squeezed his fists. 
He watched the two of you get into the car and drive off, smile still present on your beautiful face. A smile he felt should only be for him. An unfamiliar feeling tugged at his heart, a feeling he didn’t like. And he knew the only person who could fix that, would be you. So he sped off after you, towards the hotel .   
You and Jonas arrived at the hotel before Lando, and you didn’t waste any time making your way to your hotel room, saying goodbye to Jonas when you walked out of the elevator. 
Entering your room, You headed straight to the pile of clothes on your bed, your comfy clothes, that you had left there when you had to change out of them this morning. After taking off your bra and putting the comfy clothes on, you collapsed on your bed, exhausted from the long day. You reached for your phone, and opened tiktok. But not even halfway through the first tiktok, there was a knock at your door.
It was quite aggressive, and it didn’t stop knocking. You figured maybe Sophie had just gotten back, and had some gossip to share with you. So you hurried over to open the door. 
You tore the door open to stop the harsh knocking, and expected to be faced with Sophie, but instead you saw an angry looking Lando standing in front of you. You jerked your head back in confusion, and went to ask what he was doing here. But he was quicker.
He took a step forward, making you step backwards so he didn’t collide with you. He shut the door behind him, now in your room. 
“Is he here?” He asked, frantically looking around the room. 
“Is Jonas here?” He was now staring at you, a fire in his eyes. 
“What the fuck are you talking about Norris?” “And what the fuck are you even doing here?” You felt your eyes narrow at him, anger bubbling up inside you. 
“I saw the two of you getting in his car, laughing and shit” “So you two are a thing now or what?” He took a step towards you, now so close that you could feel his breath on your face. 
“Oh my god Lando!” You threw your hands up in frustration and opened your mouth to say more. 
“Is. He. Here?” His voice was so low, and his eyes were so dark when he looked down at you. 
“NO!” You yelled back. 
And before you could tell him to get the fuck out, he grabbed the sides of your face and smashed your lips against his. 
You melted at the kiss, and you snaked your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to you. You couldn’t control yourself around him. 
Lando was so tense, and so aggressive. But the second you kissed him back, and held onto him. You felt him relax against you. The kiss immediately turning passionate and sweet. 
But Lando was still jealous, and his hunger for you only grew as you kept kissing him back. He took slow steps forward, making you follow him towards the bed. 
Before your legs hit the bed, you felt Lando grab onto the hem of your sweater and swiftly pulled it over your head, your tits bouncing from the sheer force he used. 
His eyes immediately found your chest and he made the softest moan. 
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you” He muttered.
He tore his own clothes off, and yours. Until you both were completely naked. He wasted no time in capturing your lips again, his hands roaming all over your body, before they found their way to the back of your thighs, squeezing them to signal you to jump. And you did, no hesitation.
A moan escaped your throat when you felt his dick against your inner thigh. But you didn’t even have time to think about it before you back hit the soft mattress, as he threw you onto the bed. 
Opening your eyes, you looked up to see Lando still standing there, looking at you with a hungry look in his eyes before he climbed onto the bed, and made his way between you legs. 
Your legs wrapped themselves around his waist, but he kept enough space between you, so his dick wasn’t near you, making you whine. You just wanted him already. His eyes immediately found yours when you made that sound, catching him off guard. 
“I didn’t know you needed me that bad babe” “Patience darling” He grabbed onto your jaw as he brought your face closer to his and whispered “Patience”. 
You crashed your lips against his, tightening your hold around his waist, trying to pull him closer. When he felt what you were doing, he pulled back and looked down at you with dark eyes. 
“So needy” 
You felt his fingers softly grazing the inside of your thigh, so close to where you needed him. Your hips moved, trying to find his fingers. And he gave in, tracing a finger through your folds.
He pushed a finger slowly inside, making you throw your head back and moan. He saw the effect it had on you, and soon added a second finger. Slowly pushing them in and out. And when he started tracing circles on your clit with his thumb, you were a moaning mess. 
You grabbed a hold of his forearm that was resting on your thigh, and you opened your eyes and met his. He had that same dark look that you were getting used to seeing, and his mouth was slightly open. It was like he was studying your every facial expression, seeing how much effect he had on you. 
You went to close your eyes again, you climax getting close. But he quickly pulled his fingers all the way out, the loss of his fingers making you gasp.
And when you opened your eyes to look at him, you saw him slowly bring his fingers to his mouth, he sucked his fingers clean and let out a groan at the taste. 
“Fuck, you taste so sweet” 
Without warning his fingers entered you again, forcefully sliding in and out. It made you arch your back from the sudden pleasure. You squeezed your eyes shut and grabbed a hold of the sheets beneath you. 
It didn’t take long until he was satisfied and pulled them back out. And before you could complain again, he was above you. 
You opened your eyes to see his face hovering above yours, you looked deep into his eyes, completely mesmerized. Until you felt something wet on your lips. You looked down to see the fingers he just had inside you.
“Now be a good girl and open up”
And you did. Slowly opening your mouth and welcoming his fingers. 
You could taste yourself, and it made you moan. Sucking his fingers completely clean, swirling your tongue around the two digits. You could see it in his eyes, just how weak you made him. 
He went to pull his fingers out of your mouth, but before they completely left your mouth, his grip tightened around your jaw. 
As he was holding on to your jaw, he looked deep into your eyes as he entered you, hard, until he bottomed out inside you. It caught you off guard and you let out a loud moan. 
“Fuck” “I missed you so much sweetheart” His voice was low and rough.
He slowly pulled out of you, until his tip was the only thing inside you, before he slammed back into you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
He kept thrusting at a relentless pace, making your breathing uneven as he was slamming into you. His hold on your jaw softened, as he soon let his hand wander down to softly rest against the side of your throat. 
He buried his head in your neck, making you hear every small sound he made. His breathing heavy, and small groans he let out. You wanted- no. You needed to hear more. 
You wrapped your legs tighter around him, and your fingers raked up his biceps and shoulders, until they found the back of his neck. 
You were clawing and grabbing at anything you could. And you arched your back as much as you could, the pleasure immense. 
You whined in his ear. “Lando”
It made him lift his head out of your neck, his face red and sweaty. Some of his curls stuck to his forehead. He looked heavenly. 
It made you grab the sides of his face, dragging him down so his lips landed on yours. It was sloppy and wet, but god, the way his mouth felt on yours was breathtaking. 
Lando was the one to break the kiss, lifting his head to catch his breath. As he looked down at you, your mouth slightly open, your lips wet and pink, your pupils dilated as you looked deep into his eyes. It made him mutter out a string of curse words as he picked up his pace, chasing his orgasm. 
He found that spot inside you that made you see stars, your own orgasm getting close. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, as you kept looking up at Lando, you couldn’t tear your eyes away. 
Lando’s hand, which had been resting on the side of your throat, moved to wrap itself around your throat, and he tightened his grip. He didn’t make it difficult for you to breathe, but he was putting pressure that made everything feel so much better. 
Your hands wrapped themselves around his forearm, nails digging into his skin. Your mouth opened as you let high pitched moans slip out. 
“You like that huh?” He was almost grinning at you.
You couldn’t get words out, but a drawn out “mhm” came out of you.
Your orgasm was so close, as Lando’s pace had only picked up, and he was still slamming into you with so much force. 
Lando felt it, your pussy clenching just a little bit more around him.
“You close? hm?” 
“Yes” Was all you managed to get out, your eyes closing as you focused.
It took all the strength Lando had to slow his pace and soften his movement just enough to not make you cum yet.
Your hips moved to try and chase your orgasm, but when Lando felt that, his hold on your throat squeezed to get your attention. 
Opening your eyes, you were met with Lando’s dark eyes. You couldn’t help but beg.
“Please let me cum” “Please Lando” You sound as whiny as you could, hoping he would give in.
“I will” “When you tell me who you belong to” His voice was deep and he sounded almost angry. But a smirk grew on his face when he felt your pussy clench again, just from what he said. 
“You Lando” “I belong to you” You were giving him your all, desperate for him to let you cum. 
“And who’s the one making you feel this good?”
“You Lando” “It’s all you” you moaned. “Please”
“Fuck sweetheart” “I can’t resist you when you beg like that”
His hand left your throat and circled around your waist, his palm spread on your back. He lifted you with him as he sat further up on his knees. The only thing holding you in this position was his hand, his other hand on the bed, holding the both of you up. 
Your own hands grabbed onto his shoulder to hold yourself against him. 
He started moving his hips again, still inside you. This new position made him go just a bit deeper, making you feel fuller than before. Your climax nearing quickly. 
His head once again found the crook in your neck, and buried itself there making small sloppy kisses along your neck and shoulder. 
Your hand flew up to grab onto his curls as he fucked up into you, until your climax finally hit. A drawn out moan escaping you as every muscle in your body tensed before they relaxed, finally getting that release. 
You felt Lando’s teeth sink into your shoulder as he filled you up. A low groan coming from him. 
He slowly let you sink back on the bed, collapsing on top of you, breathing ragged as one of your hands caressed the back of his neck.
You hadn’t felt this relaxed in months, his now soft breathing almost lulling you to sleep, until you hear him softly mutter against your skin.
“I can’t get enough of you"
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You stirred awake as the brightness of the sun hit your face. Slowly opening your eyes, you looked out of the window to see the sun rising, it was gorgeous. 
You felt so cozy as you laid tangled in your sheets. You closed your eyes again to just enjoy the quiet morning. But right as you did, you hear someone breath out a quiet sigh against your shoulder. Opening your eyes and turning your head, you were met with a still sleeping Lando. 
His face was turned towards you and both of his arms were wrapped tightly around you. His curls were messy, and cute. He looked so peaceful.
You had never seen him like this, because usually he was being a cheeky bastard. But now, you couldn’t help but marvel at his features as the sun illuminated his face. 
He distracted you, so it took you a moment before you realized he was in your bed, in your hotel room, cuddling with you. You must’ve fallen asleep last night, and he must’ve not left. Why did he not leave? 
You kind of freaked out a little, and you needed to pee. So when Lando turned onto his back, one arm slipping away from you, you took your opportunity and slipped out of bed. 
You grabbed a tshirt and underwear on your way to the bathroom. After you peed, you stood in front of the mirror as you washed your hands. Looking at yourself, you slipped the shirt over your head, and pulled your underwear on.
You decided to do your usual morning routine while you were in here. So you did your skin care, and brushed your teeth before you stopped to look at yourself again. 
What were you going to do about Lando? This time, to stop your mind from overthinking it, you decided to just open the bathroom door and walk out. 
Opening the door, Lando was facing away from you, still sleeping. So you turned around to close the door carefully. 
When you turned back around, a sleepy Lando was looking back at you. You froze in your place, unsure of what to do. He slowly lifted the covers to where you had been previously laying.
“Come back in here” His voice was so gravelly and low, just incredibly sexy.
“Uh- I- um-” 
“Come on” 
Your body acted for you as you stepped towards the bed, before you slid under the covers. His arms wrapping around your waist to pull you into his chest. His head was resting on your shoulder, and he was actually snuggling into you. You didn’t realize how tense you were until he mumbled.
“Relax baby”
So you did. He was so warm and soft, it made you feel so safe and comforted as he was holding you. So you turned over to face him, sliding down so you could bury your face in his chest. You felt a small chuckle escape him, and one of his hands started tracing figures on your back. 
You hadn’t noticed you fell asleep again until he softly asked.
“Do you have to be at the track any sooner than two?” 
You left your place in his chest and looked up at him, you didn’t really understand what he said as you were still half asleep.
You saw a warm smile spread on Lando’s face. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
You lifted a hand to rub your eyes, “Yeah, but it’s fine” 
He stayed quiet, just studying your face.
“But what did you say?” You dropped your hand and stared up at him.
“I just asked if you had to be at the track any sooner than two” You couldn’t place the look he had on his face.
“Oh” “Uh, no” “You?”
You didn’t really know what to say now. He had such an intense look on his face and you didn’t know what to do.
He leaned his head down to capture your lips in the softest kiss yet. It was a loving kiss, so foreign to come from Lando.
You melted against the kiss, humming against him as you let him lay you down on your back as he hovered above you, lips still attached. He was the one to break the kiss, lifting his head to look down at you. 
“You want breakfast?”
“um- yeah” You smiled up at him, and nodded wildly. 
He smiled back and lifted himself off to get out of bed. 
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You were sitting at a table outside of a cafe. The chair opposite you empty. You sat there staring off into space as you chewed on your bottom lip. Thinking about Lando’s sudden change in personality. 
You didn’t have time to dwell on it too hard before a coffee was placed in front of you. You looked up to meet Lando’s eyes as he sat down across from you. 
“Everything okay?” His eyebrows furrowed, he almost looked concerned. 
“Uh- yeah!” “But how did you know this is my favorite coffee?” You pointed down to the cup in front of you. 
A smile grew on his face. You could never get sick of seeing that kind smile. 
“I pick up on things you know” He seemed so satisfied with himself as he took a sip of his own coffee, leaning back in his chair.
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After a good Friday on track in Miami, you walked towards the garage on Saturday, sporting an unusually bright smile. Maybe the reason for it was the work environment? 
Everyone in the garage had been in such a better mood this race weekend, you couldn’t put your finger on why. But, even Lando had a smile on his face most of the time. He was so much easier to work with, and started being really kind to the mechanics and engineers, and everyone basically. 
The good mood was probably just because the team had been doing so good lately, and Miami was a great track for Red Bull. Yeah, of course it was just that. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw Sophie walking towards you. She looked confused and something akin to anger. It made you slow your speed as your smile dropped, worry setting in.
When she finally caught up with you she whisper-yelled at you. “Have you slept with Lando again?!”
She immediately figured out the answered when you looked down at the ground and mumbled a quiet “oh fuck”.
“Jesus Y/N” she sighed.
“I- uh- shit.” “It just happened one time ok!” Your eyes met her in a pleading look.
She didn’t answer, but relief washed over you when she cracked a smile and chuckled. 
“Shit, this bad isn’t it?” She smiled even more at your question.
“No, actually not” 
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at her answer.
“I just asked because I had to do some media work with Lando and Oscar, and Lando has never been that easy to work with. And he was smiling and laughing more than I have ever seen.” “And I know why” She nodded, seeming so secure in her reason. 
“Oh that's good!” “But yeah, that's because he’s been getting good results lately and Miami’s going to be great for him no?”
“No” You looked at her even more confused.
“He’s more happy now, than when he got his first win. And the only thing that has changed around him since then, is that you have been sleeping with him.” She looked so smug, and so confident.
You let out a short laugh. “You’re insane Sophie” “You’re suggesting he’s happier because we have been sleeping together?” 
“I’m not suggesting. I know”
“Bullshit” You scoffed. “I don’t have time for this Sophie, I have to get to the garage”
“I’ll join you!”
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes.
You walked into the garage with Sophie beside you as she talked about what media work she had for the rest of the day. 
The second you walked towards where Lando’s car was parked, Sophie was interrupted.
“Y/N! there you are!” Lando was almost jogging over towards you, a warm smile on his face.
As he stopped in front of you, and looked down at you with such a soft look, making your breath hitch in your throat. 
“We need to do the seat check, and you’re the only one who can get it right” He chuckled.
Your eyes flickered over to Sophie and you saw her smirking back at the two of you. Looking back at Lando, he just looked at you, like he was waiting for an answer. 
“Oh- uh- Yeah” “Of course” You tried your best to not seem flustered. 
Lando’s smile grew just a bit more and he nodded, making his way to get into his car. You looked back at Sophie and she whispered “I am so right” before she winked at you and turned to talk to some of the mechanics. . 
Coming back to it, you walked over to the car and leaned over the halo, closer to where Lando was sitting. 
“So, you think something needs adjusting?” You turned your head to look him in the eyes.
Your faces so close to each other as he looked back at you. And yeah, you had slept with him two times now, but the atmosphere was so different in a situation like this. 
He quickly turned his head to look straight ahead before speaking.
“Yeah, just this bit here” He pointed at what he was talking about, and you nodded before standing up to go retrieve the tool you needed. 
Coming back, you leaned back over the halo, and luckily it was in a place that was fairly easy to access while he was still in the car. So when you finished, you turned back to Lando.
“Like that?”
Lando didn’t answer, but as he looked at you, he slowly lifted his hand and tucked some hair behind your ear. 
“Perfect” he whispered.
You could feel his breath on your face as you just stared back at him, stunned. And he just kept looking at you with those soft eyes that you were completely lost in. 
Your ”staring contest” was interrupted when someone shouted for Lando. Finally being able to move, you stepped back and turned over to your workbench, and tried to shake it off. Your cheeks warm, you probably resembled a tomato.
You tried reminding yourself that he was still a dick he was probably just faking being nice so you would keep sleeping with him or something. Yes. That was definitely it.
After Lando left the garage with the person who was calling him, Jonas walked up to you. 
“Is it just me or has Lando been weirdly nice lately?” He leaned towards you as he spoke quietly so no one would hear. 
You turned to look at him, eyes wide, your facial expression betraying you. He leaned back and his eyebrows furrowed, clearly confused about your reaction. 
You tried your best to brush it off like it was nothing. “Yeah, I just thought it was because he finally got his win, and is getting consistently good results” You forced a smile to try and seem normal, but your mind was running wild about what Sophie had said. 
“Yeah sure” “That has to be it” He started smirking before he slowly walked away, still smirking at you. Your mind was panicking. 
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You walked into the Red Bull factory, bright and early in the morning, the warm spring sun making you mood ten times better. 
As you walked past the trophy wall, you saw some people putting in two new trophies. One for first place, and one for second. Lando won in Miami, and Max came second. 
You thought back to the podium where you stood underneath it all as you watched Lando get drowned in champagne, huge smile on his face. He looked irresistible up there. Good thing you didn’t get a moment alone with him after the podium. You probably would’ve folded like a lawn chair if you did. 
All you had today was a bunch of boring meetings, and office work.
The day went by slowly, and when it was finally time to go home. You packed up everything into your bag. And while you stood there, you felt a presence beside you.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here today sweetheart” You could hear that familiar smirk in his voice. It made you roll your eyes.
You turned around and looked at him. He was standing so close, no doubt on purpose. 
“Yes, you did” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Now, how would I know that?” His smirk somehow grew.
“Why else did you come all the way over here to my desk?” You narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Hope” He said softly, and the look in his eyes changed.
It took you aback. How he was able to change so quickly from his usual cheeky self, to sweet and kind. You didn’t get to reply before he spoke again.
“You wanna walk out together?”
“Um- Yeah sure” You grabbed your bag and walked beside him through the building. 
Walking out of the doors, The two of you walked towards the car park, and stopped in front of Lando’s car. He looked over at you.
“Did you drive here?”
“Yeah” You smiled at him.
“Oh, okay” He sounded almost disappointed, but quickly brushed it away. “See you soon then!” He smiled big at you before getting into his car. 
You just managed to blurt out “See you!” before he closed his car door, and drove off.
You stood there confused for a second, before you decided not to think too much about it and just get in your own car and drive home. 
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You had made yourself a nice dinner, and plopped down in front of the tv to watch your favorite comfort show. 
After finishing, you put the dishes in the dishwasher, and your phone vibrated from your pocket. You pulled it out, and when the screen lit up, you saw the name “Lando Norris”.
“hey are you home?”
You felt your eyebrows furrow in confusion. But you still typed out a reply.
“yeah why?”
He responded right away.
“sorry, I’m just really bored and I want to see you” 
“do you just want sex?”
“no!” “I know it sounds like that haha but I just want company”
Your heart made the decision for you. Fuck it.
“here’s my address;”
It didn’t take long before you heard a knock on your door, and you opened it for him to come in. 
After he stepped inside, you closed the door behind him. And while your back was still turned to him, you felt his hands wrap themselves around your torso, holding you tight against him. And his forehead rested on your shoulder. It made you stop in your tracks, confused.
“A-Are you okay?” you asked softly.
“Yeah” “I am now” His voice muffled because of your sweater.
You didn’t really know what to do, so you stayed still.
Eventually he said something.
“You smell good” He mumbled as he buried his head further into your shoulder.
“Oh- um- thanks” You felt your face heat up. Strange how a compliment like that had such an effect on you. 
He just kept holding you, and you had been standing like this for a good few minutes now. 
“You wanna go sit down on the couch?”
“Fine” He hesitated, but slowly pulled back until you could step aside and make a move towards the couch.
Sitting down, you reached forward to pick the remote off the table while you felt Lando sit down beside you. You pressed play on what you had been watching earlier, and turned over to look at Lando with a questioning look. 
He looked back at you with an innocent look, like he was kind of intimidated by your stare.
"So.. Why did you really want to come?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“I honestly just wanted to spend time with you” He breathed out. 
“Weirdo” You whispered while you leant back into the couch. You heard Lando let out a chuckle.
You shifted your eyes to the tv, and tried to pay attention to it. But from the corner of your eye, you could see Lando shuffling closer to you, until your shoulders, and thighs were touching. 
You turned your head to look up at him. He was already looking down at you with a look in his eyes that made you feel warm and fuzzy. That man could make you feel so many emotions just from his eyes alone. 
Despite wanting to drown in his eyes, you turned your head away, and looked back at the tv. 
Lando was sitting there, still looking at your face studying the tv. He feared he might have pushed it too far, coming here, sitting so close. But the feeling of you leaning into his body silenced his mind quickly, and he made himself a little more comfortable as he relaxed against you. 
You had been sitting in silence for what felt like 15 minutes, until you decided to say something. 
“Sorry if this is really boring” “You want to do something else?” You looked over at him through the corner of your eye.
“No I’m not bored” “But is there something you had in mind?” He looked back at you.
You had just the thing. You stood up and walked over to where your Nintendo switch was, in the stand by the tv. You hooked everything up and grabbed the controls, walked back over and handed one to Lando.
“Mario Kart” 
Lando’s smirk grew, “Oh baby, you know I’m going to win.” His eyes giving you a sympathetic look. 
“Oh Lando..” “You just wait and see pretty boy” You gave him that same sympathetic look, and your hand reached up to softly hold the side of his face.
Lando could feel his heart beat faster. The way you looked at him and held his face. And when you called him “pretty boy” he was done for. He really considered letting you win just by the sheer confidence radiating from you. But when you booted up the game and started choosing the character, his usual competitive personality came back, and he would do everything he could to beat you. 
You were on the last track, and the two of you had been so even, so whoever won this track, won the game. Lando was sweating, he would say he was surprised that you were this good, but he honestly wasn’t.
You were in first place, Lando hot on your tail. And you had just entered the last round, and Lando could see his victory slipping away. He looked over at you and saw how focused you were, your tongue sticking out of your mouth in concentration. 
He saw his perfect opportunity to strike. So he bumped his knee against yours. 
“Hey!” “No fair!” You kept your eyes on the screen as you tried to keep your focus. 
Lando then decided to do the worst, and threw away everything he worked so hard for when one of his hands left the controller and stretched out to grab onto your waist. Making your whole body jolt with the contact. 
And soon after, he started tickling you. You tried your best to make it to the finish line, you really did. But you had no control over how your body reacted to the insistent tickling. 
So the controller flew from your hands, as you tried to stop his arms from moving, to no use. He kept going, now, somehow hovering above you. 
Finally, he gave you a moment to breathe, his hands still holding on to your sides, as he just looked down at you trying to catch your breath. 
You closed your eyes, focusing on your breath. You felt Lando bury his head in the crook of your neck, and his arms circled your waist so he was holding around you, making you arch your body up against him. He put his whole body weight on yours as he laid down on top of you. And you felt him slowly breathing in and out against your neck.
You didn’t know what to say or do, so you just let him be. You just closed your eyes and figured you might as well enjoy the comfort, because it was really really comfortable. You lifted your arms and carefully wrapped them around him, so they were resting on his strong back. 
When Lando felt your arms wrap around him and rest on his back, he automatically buried his head just a bit more, and tightened his grip around you, so you were even closer than before, if that was even possible. 
You could hear the quiet background music still coming from the unfinished game. And you could both hear and feel that Lando’s breath was slowing down, and his body relaxing against you. 
Lando was almost falling asleep. He tried to fight it, but you were just so comfortable. And he didn’t want to admit it, but just the fact that he was holding around you, and you him, was making him feel safe and sound. Lando was on the verge of snoring, and you were noticing.
“Lando” “Are you falling asleep?” You softly whispered, a question you already knew the answer to.
“No” you felt him mumble against your skin. The sound in his voice making it clear that he was lying. 
Lando felt your body shake as you let out a short giggle.
“Was it that obvious?” You felt him smile against your skin. 
“You were almost snoring” “So, yes.” You kept giggling.
Lando let out a short chuckle before he lifted his head so he looked down at you. 
“Well, It’s your fault that you’re so comfortable” He smiled. Such a sweet smile you loved that you were seeing more of. 
Your smile mimicked his as you looked up at him. Lando’s eyes quickly darted across your face, looking at all of your features, committing them to his memory. You looked angelic. Your smile warming up his heart that had grown a bit too cold in recent years. He was already feeling the effects of your warmth. His smile being more common than it used to be. And portraying a kindness to try and match yours. If anyone knew how he felt, they would say he was falling in Love.
Your smile faded, but a soft look still remained on your face. The way that Lando was looking at you, it was like you were completely naked and vulnerable in front of him. But the emotion behind his eyes showed only comfort and admiration. So it wasn’t uncomfortable, quite the opposite.
In that moment, you hoped he would never stop looking at you like that. And to Lando, he would never even want to stop looking at you at all.
Without either of you noticing, your faces had gotten so close, to the point where your lips were just barely touching. Your hands came up to cradle both sides of his face, and the comfort of the feeling, made Lando capture your lips in a soft kiss.
He was in control, and he was kissing you oh so slowly and carefully. Lando had turned so soft and kind, like he cared for you, deeply. He kissed you like you were fragile, Which you both knew from experience that you weren’t. You couldn’t take it anymore.
One of your hands traveled up to tug at his hair, and the other wrapped around his bicep that was beside your head, nails digging into the skin, hoping it could signal him into doing more. 
Either Lando didn’t pick up on your signs, or he did it on purpose. But that man did nothing to heat up the kiss. If anything, he almost kissed you slower.
So you decided to wrap your legs around his waist, your core meeting the bulge in his pants. Unfortunately, he was only half hard, but that was something you intended on changing in a matter of seconds. 
You started moving your hips slowly, up and down against his length, it solicited a small hum from his throat. But that was all it did. Somehow Lando kept his composure. 
But you could feel his dick twitching in his pants. The friction you received from it was making you quietly moan into his mouth. You were going to break him. Make him snap.
You disconnected your legs from him, and you almost heard him whine at the loss of contact. Both of your hands landed on his chest, and you gave a little push, signaling him. He sat up on his knees, and looked down at you, his eyes hooded. 
You sat up on your knees in front of him and gave him another small shove in the chest. “Lay down.” You breathed out.
He did what you said, and layed down on his back, looking up at you with anticipation. You lifted yourself so you could sit back down over his thighs, straddling him. 
You sat far enough back that his now very obvious bulge was right in front of your core. 
You looked back up to find Lando’s eyes and the darkened, familiar look you saw in them, made a shiver run down your spine. 
As you kept eye contact, you brushed your fingertips over his clothed dick. It made his eyes flutter close, and he tilted his head all the way back, his neck more exposed. 
You flattened your palm over the bulge, and moved your hands up and down along the length, in a slow and soft pace. You could see the veins on Lando’s neck getting more visible, as he was straining himself, trying to chase the movement of your hand with his hips. 
His breathing was ragged, and his eyes squeezed shut. And small, choked whimpers came from him. He looked so pretty. 
You decided to give him what he wanted. And when Lando felt your hand disappear, his eyes shot open to beg you for more. But when his eyes landed on you, you had already opened the button on his pants, and dragged the zipper down. 
Lando didn’t have a moment to register it, before your hand was wrapped around his length. A guttural moan came out of him, eyes squeezing shut again.
While your hand was starting to slowly move up and down, with the other, you wrapped your fingers around the base of his cock. Moving further and further down to hold on to his balls. 
You could tell you were doing a good job, just by the amount of sounds coming from Lando. Both his hands had formed fists, his knuckles white as he was doing everything in his power to not snap. 
You swiped your thumb across the tip, collecting the precum that had seeped out. His breath shuddered, and he opened his eyes to look at you with a pleading look. 
It almost made you do exactly what he wanted, almost. But instead, you stopped your movements, and decided to torture him a little. 
So you made your way to stand up and walk off. But the second your feet were on the ground, and your back turned to him. His arms wrapped around your waist, and he pulled you back down. 
You were both sitting on your knees, your back against his chest, and you could feel him poking against your backside. You felt heat flow to your core just at the thought of what he was going to do now. 
Lando grabbed on to the hem of your shirt, and tore it off. His hands immediately finding your bra, unclasping it, and throwing it towards where your shirt went. 
His hands forcefully grabbed your breasts and he ground his hips into your ass, moaning into your ear. 
You could do nothing but wait for his next move. One of his hands slowly traced along your stomach, making its way down to the hem of your pants, while his other hand was wrapped around your torso, holding you tight against him. 
His hand found the button on your pants, and unbuttoned it with one hand, and slowly slid down the zipper. 
His chin was resting on your shoulder, as he looked down to see his hand sliding into your panties. 
You threw your head back at the feeling, resting it on his shoulder. One of his fingers found your hole, and collected the wetness there. 
“Oh, so wet” He cooed in your ear. 
His finger found your clit as he started circling it slowly. Your mouth had opened, as you let all of your sounds spill out. 
Soon he added more pressure, and his touch was more focused. If he kept it up, it wouldn’t be long before you came. 
You tilted your head so your mouth was close to his ear, and you whimpered. “fuck Lando” “Please keep going” You begged.
Quickly, without warning, he pulled his hand out. You whined in complaint.
“Not so fun now, is it?” He spoke directly in your ear. 
You didn’t even have time to reply before he was pulling your pants down to your knees, and instructing you to lift them, so he could take them all the way off. 
You did what he said, leaning your upper body forward on the couch, ass up towards him. 
After he tore yours off, you turned your head over your shoulder, to see him hurrying to take his own off.
His hand landed on your back, pushing your upper body further into the couch, your face squished in the cushions. 
Both of his hands slid down to your ass, and grabbed it firmly, enjoying the sight. And shoved you even more, so he could see more of you. 
You couldn’t see what he was doing, but you felt one of his hands slide further towards your core. And then you felt how close he was when he spoke.
“God, you’re beautiful” He was in awe, just looking at you. 
But soon, his finger found your wet hole, and slowly slid inside. You sighed into the couch cushion, and moved your hips back onto his finger, taking in as much as you could.  
He couldn’t take it anymore, he needed to be inside you. He quickly removed his finger, and you were about to complain. But before you could get a word out, his hands grabbed onto your hips and pulled you back towards him. His dick slid inside so well, filling you up just like you wanted. The feeling almost making you scream.
He let out a loud groan, finally getting the feeling of you being wrapped around him again. He had a tight grip on your hips as he pulled you back to meet his hips everytime he shoved himself inside you. 
His thrusts were getting rough and hard, and you were loving every second of it. Him in complete control, and you babbling incoherent sounds into the cushions. 
You felt the heat build up inside you, and you were getting close. Lando kept his pace up and you could feel his balls slapping against you, the sound of your skin slapping together and both of you moaning was unholy.
You felt Lando lean forward, arm wrapping around your waist, and the other around your chest, so his palm was flattened right against your beating heart. You didn’t even have time to think about what he was doing, the new angle making you see stars. 
Lando pulled your body up as he sat back on his knees. your back against his chest. Just like you were earlier. 
He held you tight against him, as he now fucked up into you. You didn’t think the angle of him inside you could get any better, but oh, how wrong you were. 
You heard Lando swearing under his breath, and you leaned your head back against his shoulder, a moaning mess, and so close. “Lando..” “I’m clo-”
You didn’t get to finish your words before you felt the hand that was wrapped around your waist, slide down to circle his middle finger around your clit. You almost screamed out, the pleasure almost being too much. 
And when you felt his other hand wrap around your throat and squeeze, you were done for. Your eyes rolling into the back of your head as it all came crashing down.
Your thighs were shaking, and your walls were constricting around him, milking him for all he was worth, which sent him over the edge.
He let out a soft whimper as he came, the sound alone almost making you cum for a second time. 
His arms wrapped tightly around your middle, almost hugging you as his forehead rested against your shoulder. 
He took some deep breaths, breathing in your scent, and hummed against you. You felt him growing soft inside you, and some of your fluids started running down your thighs. 
You felt Lando softly lift your hips so he could slide out of you, the emptiness making you whine. He chuckled before he kissed your shoulder and stood up. You collapsed forward on the couch, too tired so stay sitting on your knees. 
You heard Lando walk away towards the bathroom, and soon after, you heard the shower start. You furrowed your brows, a bit confused. Kind of a dick move to just hop in the shower and leave you collapsed on the couch. 
You didn’t even hear Lando walk back out until you felt his fingers softly gracing your arm as he asked you; “You think you can stand up?”
You turned your head and looked up at him, you saw a glint in his eyes when he looked at you, no doubt caused by how absolutely fucked out of your mind you looked. 
You softly nodded against the soft pillows and muttered out a “Maybe” as you lifted yourself up and tried to stand up. Lando’s hand held onto your bicep just in case you needed any help. And he looked like he was ready to catch you if your knees even buckled.
Which they did, and Lando immediately wrapped his free arm around your waist, holding you up with such a force that your toes were the only thing touching the ground. 
After he just fucked you like that, he was so soft and caring. You really liked this side of him, and silently wished you could see more of it. 
Lando’s eyes searched yours with a hint of worry. But they softened when you reassured him you were fine. But he kept an arm wrapped around you as he walked the two of you towards your bathroom, where the shower had been heating up. 
He helped you step inside, and followed after you. And the two of you enjoyed a nice warm shower together, him holding around you almost the entire time, constantly worried your legs would give out.
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You were softly awakening, feeling your hair being brushed behind your ear, and soft fingers tracing your face. You slowly opened your eyes to find his eyes looking back at you. 
Lando had a lovesick smile on his face. “You look so beautiful in the morning” His voice was deep and raspy.
You felt yourself blush and you lifted the covers to hide your face. 
Lando sat upright and lifted one of his hands to try and tug the cover away, “No, don’t hide” “I want to see you”
You peeked your eyes over the covers, seeing nothing but truth behind Lando’s eyes. You lowered the covers.
“Thank you baby” His smile grew, and you saw his eyes searching your face, like he was trying to count the freckles on your skin. It gave you a moment to do the same, now really noticing the moles beside his nose, and the ones scattered across his cheeks. 
You noticed his face coming closer to yours, and when you met his eyes you saw how he was looking at your lips. You sat up and met him halfway, reaching up to hold his face, dragging him back down. He threw out an arm to hold himself above you, leaning more into the kiss. 
Lando was the one to pull back, and looked at you with a glint in his eye, like he knew something you didn’t.
Before you had time to think about your words, your mouth opened. 
“Why are you so nice now?” You saw his mouth frown slightly, the sight making you wince. You wanted to take it back. 
You opened your mouth again to try and fix your mistake, but Lando was quicker. 
“I know..” “I have been thinking about it myself” He sighed and laid down beside you, and quickly glanced at you before he looked anywhere but you. 
You saw that he was struggling, regret seeping into your veins. “I’m sorry Lando, I didn’t mean it” “You don’t have to say anything” “I’m so sorry” You carefully looked at him, wanting nothing more than to smack yourself for talking before thinking. 
“No, no” “I’m just trying to collect my thoughts. I’m not that great with words” He let out an awkward chuckle. 
His eyes finally met yours again, and you could see the vulnerability behind Lando’s eyes. He smiled softly before speaking again.
“My last few seasons at McLaren were not good. The car was not working for me, and I wasn’t doing good mentally, so I really started to spiral. I made the mistake of not talking about it, and that only made it worse.” “It made me angry and resentful. Which made me lose the people close to me.” “I got so used to being like that, thinking it was the best solution. And then I made the move to Red Bull, it made it better in the sense that the car was better, I was less miserable. But It still didn’t change my attitude and anger. Thinking that if I went back to being the old me, it would hurt me.” 
“So when we slept together the first time, it made me feel so confident.” He smiled sheepishly at you.
He continued. “And when we slept together that second time, it made me feel unstoppable. And that morning, I was so comfortable around you that I didn’t even think about how I was acting. It was such a nice morning. The nicest one I’ve ever had.” You felt yourself blush.
“And after that day, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I found happiness in everything, something I haven’t felt in a long time. It never even crossed my mind about my change in attitude, until people asked me about it.” “And when I thought about it, I just thought about you.” His eyes no longer met yours, a shyness about Lando that you had never seen.
“When I’m with you, I feel like myself again”
Lando couldn’t bear to look at you. A realization hit him about what he just told you. He just started talking about his feelings, and he had told you everything, something he didn’t think he would ever do. 
Lando felt your soft hand on the side of his face, and he felt you now laying on top of him, hugging him. You buried your face in his neck. You were speechless. Lando had said he wasn’t good with words, but that was a complete lie. 
He had confessed something to you that no one ever had. No one had ever told you that you were the reason they could feel like themselves. You didn’t really know how to feel about that. 
Lando started to feel something wet hit the sides of his neck. His eyes shot open in realization. “Are you crying?” He asked you with so much concern in his voice.
Oh shit, you got caught. You tried to carefully keep your breathing steady as you slowly shook your head. 
“Y/N, look at me please” He almost whispered.
You slowly lifted your head to look at him, and when your eyes met his, you could see the worry in them. 
His hands cradled the sides of your face, and a thumb flew out to swipe away a falling tear. 
“Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong” More worry found its way in Lando’s eyes. 
“No” You softly shook your head as you whispered. 
You lifted a hand to hold on to one of his. “No one has ever said something like that to me before” You let out a small breath before you continued.
“Thank you Lando” You sighed, a soft smile on your face.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Why are you thanking me?”
Your smile grew. “You just bared your soul to me, Lando.” “And you told me that I make you feel like yourself again.” 
“Yeah, so if anything, I should thank you, for listening to me” His thumb swiped across your cheek again. 
“Lando. You shouldn’t have to thank me for listening to you.” “I would never want to stop listening to you” 
“Please never leave me” He said it like he was actually begging you. His eyebrows furrowed.
“I wouldn’t even dream about it” You leaned in to give him a soft kiss.
And when you pulled back to look at him. You started to recognize the look in his eyes, it was like he was looking at the world. The universe. And he found that in your eyes.
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Who's crying? not me! (yes I am.)
@laneyspaulding19 @formula1mount @chonkybonky
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nervoussagittarius · 5 months
to win or not to win
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chris sturniolo x reader
summary: chris and his girlfriend do a twitch stream together and compete at who’s the better fortnite player, request
warnings: fluffy, language
it wasn’t unusual for you and chris to get into friendly competitions. most of them ended in a temper tantrum from one of you, but they were innocent nonetheless.
todays topic of discussion was ‘whos the better fortnite player’. although chris had been playing for a significant amount of time longer than you, you were sure you could hold your own. especially, because chris was the one to teach you how to play.
you both we’re confident in your skills, so the only logical way to decide was to take it to twitch and let the viewers watch the showdown.
“okay guys so here’s what’s happening today. y/n and i are having the fortnite championship and you guys are here to witness” chris said as he took the seat next to you. a very serious look was etched on his face
you looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a look that said ‘really?’
“while we wait for mr. dramatic to calm down i’ll tell you why we’re really here. chris thinks he’s better at fortnite then me.” you said. there was a slight pause before both of you broke into laughter and fell into eachother.
you continued as chris placed his head on your shoulder and watched the chat, “i don’t think chris is better a fortnite then me. so we’re gonna play a few rounds and see who has the best outcomes.”
“yeah so basically we’re gonna be playing 3 rounds, and when we finish we’re going to see who had the overall higher placings.” chris explained.
“that’s quite literally what i just said. thank you for repeating me, love”
“that’s quite literally what i just fucking said” chris mimicked as he poked your side to agitate you.
“stop it” you said giggling, trying to slap his hand away from you.
chris had the split screen set up on his pc. it was a tight fit but you guys were going to make it work. this argument needed to be settled.
the first two games went smoothly. trash talk was being thrown and so were elbows. you both didn’t mind playing dirty. lines had been crossed to many times to count, but it was all in fun.
“it all comes down to this, ma. so far we each have a first and second place finish” chris said cracking his knuckles. no matter how hard he tried, he wasn’t intimidating anyone.
the game went smoothly for a while. you were both able to get through with out any scratches. it was down to the last ten when chris noticed you leg start bouncing in anticipation and nervousness.
as much as chris hated to admit it, he didn’t want to see you lose. he loved seeing how excited you got whenever you win a competition between the two of you, and this was a game chris was willing to throw.
chris looked at you, then at the game before him, then back at you. he could see the distress on your face and he hated it.
“dude i don’t even fucking know where these guys are coming from!” you exclaimed as you started firing random shots to try to hit someone.
you guys were now in the final four. chris made his way over to your character and quickly took out one on the guys shooting at you. you were able to get the other one out not long after that.
“oh fuck chris. please don’t shoot. please don’t shoot. please” you repeat over and over as you tried to get the perfect aim on chris’s player. without warning chris pretended to fumble his controller, dropping it to the ground.
“oh shit!”
this gave you the perfect opportunity to kill chris’s character and win the game and the overall competition between the two of you.
“yes!” you yelled as you threw your arms up and jumped out of your chair.
“oh my fuck. no chance. i just fucking won.”
you did a celebratory lap around chris’s room. chris winked at the camera and held his finger up to his lips telling the chat to not spoil the fact that she is let you win. when you made it back to him you held his face in your hands.
he looked up at you as you said, “you we’re good. simply just not good enough.” you leaned down to place a short peck on his lips and held out your hand for him to shake. he instead grabbed your hand pulling you down to sit on his lap.
“you know chris, me winning really just proves how good you are at fortnite because you taught me everything i know”
chris groaned in joking frustration as he nuzzled his head into the crook of you neck. he placed soft kisses around the area as you watched the chat congratulate your win.
chris finally picked his head up, “thank you guys so much for watching me get my ass kicked by my girlfriend i-”
“kinky.” you interrupted.
“okay that’s it” chris stood up, picking you up by your waist at the same time. he walked over to his bed and gently threw you down. swiftly, he ran back over to his desk chair, taking a seat.
“as i was saying, thanks for watching and we’ll see you again soon”
“bye!” you said blowing a kiss to the camera.
an: this one’s cute. i didn’t want it to seem identical to matt’s so i hope y’all enjoy it🤍
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rowretro · 9 months
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬
An enha reactions
Warnings: None I think other than kissing, not proof read saur do tell me if i do need to warn abt anyth
The male had spent the whole day streaming and gaming while you were patiently waiting for him to finally notice you and shower you in love. And exactly how long did your patience last?... luckily for you, Heeseung had just ended his stream, leaving his PC to find you. There you were sitting on the sofa munching on marshmallows...
"Oh darling~ you waited for me?" Heeseung asked with a smile as he leaned in to kiss your cheek. However, instead of letting him, you moved well away from his lips, making him fall forward, and kiss the butt-warmed seat on the sofa instead. "Oh darling, you only just noticed that you r dear girlfriend had waited a whole 5 hours while you gamed and replied to all those girls's comments?! wAh hEEsEunG oPpAr sO hANDsOme~ Oh hEE bE mInE, hEESeUng nOtICe mEEEE" you poutily imitated as Heeseung snickerred.
"God you're so fucking cute baby~" He simply said as you frowned at him. He simply pulled you into his embrace, despite your protests, his lips now pressed against your lips, as he kissed you passionately, pulling away moments later, having you yearn for his soft lips again. "I'm sorry for not paying you enough attention, but I'm all yours now mkay baby?" Heeseung smiled, as he kissed you yet again.
It's midnight, and you're alone, waiting on the sofa, yet again. He said he'll finish at 6, he promised you that he will have time for you, but he's still not home. You couldn't be mad at him, if anything, being a CEO is pretty hard, especially after the recent scandal in his company. Jay had a lot of cleaning up to do, even though he didn't cause the mess in the first place.
These recent days, Jay hasn't paid any attention to you, he's become pretty cold and distant, and it's really upsetting you. Your thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening. In walked an exhausted Jay, he put down his items, slipped of his shoes, and hugged you. "You didnt have to wait all night- " Jay said as he leaned in to kiss you, but you pulled away before his lips even landed on yours.
"I did have to- you said you will be here at 6 but its way past the time... Jay- you never have time for me- you know- if you have any problems at work I can help you right, even if I cant- at least tell me, i can listen... you've become so cold these recent days its really upsetting..." You finally blurted as Jay sighed and kissed you slightly with force. "first, dont ever dodge my kisses baby, you know my lips too well to make a ballsy move... and second... i've just been a little to busy dealing with the aftermath of the scandal babe, i swear in a week or so, everything will be back to normal ok?" jay reassured as you kissed yet again.
There was no reason why, this boy is a simp, a lover boy, he's head over heels for you and is there at your every call.  But you, being the oh-so-perfect girlfriend you are, just had to try this prank on him. You were expecting him to be a big pouty baby, get all sulky or be extra clingy, but you also had a feeling... he might surprise you.
The moment he got home from practice, he greeted you with a big hug and a loving kiss, to which you pulled away from him. "wah- I- babe wait let me kiss you-" Jake cluelessly said as he tried to kiss you again, too bad you dodged it again, just the realization hit him, in the mirror he saw your little smirk and boy was you messing with the wrong person.
His arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he trailed open mouth kisses up your shoulder, stopping by your lips. He turned you around and kissed you messily, taking you by shock, he lifted you off the ground and carried you to the sofa. "Would you dodge my kisses again princess?" Jake asked as he tilted his head a little. "If dodging your kisses gets me that  then yes hell yes!" You smiled as Jake kissed you softly, seeing how cute you are.
Sunghoon isnt always a PDA kind of guy, but he's still extremely sweet. There are times he gets very clingy, and those are times that you should cherrish. You were sitting on the sofa scrolling through your phone, when you felt Sunghoon sit right beside you. He rested his chin on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist, making you blush. "What are you up to?" he asked, staring up at your eyes,  as your heart flutterred at the action. Boy he was making it so hard for you to do the prank.
"Just chillin-" you said as Sunghoon leaned in for a kiss, to which you ducked, as he froze "Did you just..." Sunghoon trailed off as he narrowed his eyes at you, within seconds he had your arms pinned above your head "Try dodging this." He said as he continuously kissed you on your lips, bruising them a little, and trailing wet kisses down your chest. "You think your little pranks will work on me baby? you're messin with the pro here missy." Sunghoon warned as he left you gasping for air.
You wouldn't dare do something so stupid without a reason. I mean why would you?! he's Sunoo, he'd always kisses you anytime anywhere, the man showers you with love, he spoils you rotten. However, these recent days Sunoo has been giving you extra attitude, he has become pretty rude and EXTREMELY sassy. It's just getting on your fucking nerves, what happened to "I love you y/n" or those cute, cheesy compliments and texts he spams you with. You had it with his chaos... So you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.
He came back from work a little earlier than usual, coming home thinking he would receive a sweet, loving kiss from his girlfriend... But instead he came back to nothing.  A little confused, he frowned and called out for you when he did find you, he leaned in to kiss you, but was taken aback when you pulled away, going to the other side of the bed to fold some clothes.  "What?" you plainly replied to which he scoffed, he didn't know what you're game was but there's no way you're giving HIM any attitude.
"Oh nothing-" Sunoo smiled, simply pulling out your favourite snack hoping that you'll crack. "One kiss is all it takes sweetie..." Sunoo simply said as You narrowed your eyes at him "If you want a kiss why don'tchu come get it yourself?" you asked as you started running, but to your dismay he knew your game, catching you in the doorframe, his arm tightly wrapped around your waist as he leaned down to kiss you rather roughly. After a little he pulled away and walked off  as if nothing happened.
There was no specific reason why you decided to prank him... well- except for that time he had ruined your favourite Spotify playlist with your favourite songs being replaced by Justin Bieber songs... Ok he's a menace, so you had to get him back, take something he loves and make it torment him for the rest of his life...
It was simple, you're something or well someone he loves, and you can also be annoying. Jungwon had just taken a long shower, slipping into the seat beside you. You were focused on the TV, rewatching modern family. Jungwon rested his head on your shoulder, playing with your hand noticing that you seem a little distant. The male leaned in to kiss you, though his cologne is so alluring, and you want nothing more than to be in his embrace, you had to fight your own urges.  
As he leaned into kiss you, you pulled away, going to the far end of the sofa. Jungwon frowned, clearly not liking your ignorance. He yet again tried to kiss you, getting in the way of your view, but you dodged it again, your focus solely on the TV. Jungwon simply carried you, your legs straddling his waist as you immediately snuggled into his chest. Jungwon placed a little kiss on your forehead, snuggling you close to him. he's a little menace... but he's your menace.
Riki was overly annoying at times, purposely testing your patience, teasing you for your height stealing your snacks. Moving in with him was rough, but you tried to be as calm as you can. So what are you going to lash out at him? yell at him? argue? no... you were going to speak to him in his language. no mater how much he teases you, you can't deny that you love those things...
You had been acting a little cold the whole day, though he didn't take it, constantly towering over you, trapping you between himself and whatever surface you were near, just to ask you a question. As you were sitting on your bed, doing something on your laptop, Riki sat down beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist lovingly.
He leaned down to kiss your forehead, only for you to pull away and sit on the other end of the bed. "Is this one of those tik tok pranks or are you mad?" Riki asked, as he sat beside you yet again. "what?" you asked not even looking his way. "Whatever it's not gonna stop me" Riki smirked, placing the laptop elsewhere, pinning you down and showering you with kisses, trapping you with his body. "You going to avoid my kisses from now?" Riki asked as you caught your breath.
"Well if avoiding one kiss gets me infinity then yes I will" You smiled as riki placed a soft peck on your lips, snuggling you.
too long?
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chosok-amo · 4 months
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one day your boss asks you to keep an eye on an IT guy who is fixing his computer— who knows two young men— 10 years younger than you can fix a lot of things than just a computer
content warning : satosugu! smut, age gap, threesome
you picked up the phone as it rang for the second time. you knew by the sound of the ring that it was an internal call and weren’t surprised to hear your boss’s voice on the other end of the line.
“Can you come through y/n please,” he said.
“Sure, Mr. Kento,” you answered. “I’ll be right there.”
you got up from your desk and walked over to the adjoining door that took you into your boss’s office. you always wondered why he didn’t just come across and stick his head around the door when he needed you, but it didn’t seem to be his style and he always phoned you. you entered the office and walked across to sit on the opposite side of the desk from your boss, Nanami Kento. He seemed to be busy trying to finish writing something and you waited patiently until he looked up.
“I’m off out now and will be gone for the rest of the day,” Mr. Kento started.
“OK,” answered you.
“I’ve arranged for the IT guys to come in and get on with fitting out my office while I’m gone,” he continued.
“OK,” you repeated.
“Can you just keep an eye on what they are doing,” he asked. “Just make sure they keep the PC in the same position on my desk and leave the place like they found it.”
“Sure thing Mr. Kento,” you replied. “Is there anything else I need to be aware of?”
“No,” Mr. Kento answered. “If there are any problems just give me a call. my phone will be switched on between meetings so you should be able to catch me if you need anything.”
“No problem,” you said and getting up from the desk made your way back to your office. you left the door open and eventually heard Mr. Kento leave. around one hour later you were sitting concentrating on your work, when you heard a noise from Mr. Kento’s office. you got up and walked through to find two young men pulling cable wire and computer equipment into the office.
“You must be the IT guys,” said you.
One of the men smiled cheekily. “I can see there’s no fooling you,” he said. his little comment flushed you a little. The man had a handsome face and you could see the way his unsettling bright blue eyes suddenly roamed up and down your body. “OK,” you continued. “My boss told me to keep an eye on you.”
“That sounds like fun,” the man continued. “Is there any way you want us while you watch? We always try our best to keep women satisfied,” he smiled while looking back at you. you flushed a little more. the two young men looked around 10 years younger than you, probably in their early twenties. “No,” you finally answered and watched as the two men got to work. “Try to keep the place tidy,” said you.
“Yes boss,” the man said and turned to get on with his work. “Oh, by the way, I’m Satoru and this is Suguru if you’re interested.” you grinned. “What makes you think I’m interested,” you said as you walked back into your office. with the door open you caught sight of the men moving around your boss’s office every now and again. you had felt a little flash of excitement when the man had been speaking, partly at the cheeky innuendo about keeping women satisfied and partly at his handsome good looks.
every so often you would go through to see how they were getting on and Satoru always threw a few cheeky comments in your direction. Suguru seemed quieter, but you had caught his gaze lingering on you when he thought you weren’t looking. you began to get a little excited by the attention the two men were showing you and they noticed that as the day wore on you were coming through to see them more and more frequently.
finally, as the men had almost completed the work, they called you through. “Did your boss say where he wanted the PC on his desk?” Suguru asked you. you looked around. The cabling was all hidden from view and the place looked tidy. “You boys do a good job,” you said. “Like we say,” Satoru replied with a huge smile on his face. “We always work hard to keep women satisfied.” you smiled, but ignored the cheeky comment. “So the computer,” you said.
“Yeah, we just need to know where your boss wants it on the desk so we can finish the cabling,” said Suguru.
“Keep it in the same place,” replied you.
The two men got to work. Suguru at the side of the desk and Satoru got on his knees and moved underneath. They worked for a few minutes and then Satoru shouted to you. “Could you just sit at the desk and see that you can reach the PC OK.”
you walked around and sat on the chair. you reached out to the new PC. “It feels fine to me,” you said.
“OK,” said Satoru. “There are a few final adjustments, could you just wait a second.” Under the desk he looked towards your legs. your knees were parted slightly and he moved his head to try and see up the skirt to your panties. “Umm…, your legs are in the way, could you just move them.”
“What way?” asked you, not realizing what was going on at first. “Like this,” laughed Satoru. He put his hand on your knees and pushed your legs a little further apart. “Hey,” laughed at you, but felt a sudden shot of excitement as you realized that Satoru would be looking up at your skirt. “Is this necessary for the PC?” you asked.
“No,’ said Satoru, “But the view is really gorgeous from where I am.” you felt Satoru’s hand slide a little further up your leg and your excitement grew. you looked at Suguru. “Go lock the door,” you said and he could hear the excitement creeping into your voice. Suguru quickly moved to the door and locked it. you could feel the fingers running ever higher up your leg and moaned as Satoru worked them onto her panties. you slid down the chair a little and parted your thighs some more.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned as the fingers worked around your panties, your pussy starting to tingle in excitement at the touch. Satoru could feel the damp patch growing on the panties as he played. He put his chin on the edge of the chair and told you to slide forward. As you did you gasped at the sudden sensation of the tongue licking onto your panties. your breathing began to get a little ragged as Satoru went to work with his tongue. It was a little cramped under the desk for his huge body, but he was far too excited to worry about it and licked hard onto the panties.
As Suguru had walked back from the door, you had clearly seen the bulge growing in his pants. As he came to stand beside you he quickly pulled the hardening cock out and grabbed it in his hand. you turned your head and saw him stroking the hard shaft and bringing it closer to your face. you realized what a complete slut you were being, but it was too late to pull back. Not that you wanted to, but you find that acting slutty was a massive turn and you could feel your excitement surging as the two men started to really use your body as a dirty little sex toy.
you closed your eyes as you felt the tip of the hard cock being stroked onto your face. you could feel the little trails of pre-cum being left on your skin as Suguru worked his cock around. you finally turned your face fully to the side and let Suguru stroke the cock over your lips. you pushed the tip of your tongue out and could feel the hard shaft sliding over it as the cock stroked across her lips. Suguru pushed his hips forward a little, moaning as you parted your lips to let him slide the head of the hard cock inside. He could feel your teeth gently grazing over the sensitive head and it sent a shiver up his spine. He slid in and out a little, enjoying the sensation, before pushing forward a little harder to push his cock in deeper.
you clamped your lips around the hard shaft and moaned as they slid along the cock. you kept your head still as Suguru began to fuck his cock in and out. He finally pushed in deep moved his hands to the back of your head and tried to pull you harder onto him. you resisted a little as you felt the cock hitting the back of your throat, eventually, Suguru push his cock all the way in so that you were taking his entire length.
Under the desk, Satoru was getting more and more excited as his tongue lapped at the wetness of your panties. He finally wanted more and moving his head back, ran his fingers onto the panties and worked them below the material. you gasped as you felt the panties being forced to the side so that your naked pussy was exposed. Your gasp turned to a moan as you felt Satoru lick his tongue onto your pussy. The tongue pushed hard against you, opening you up so that you could feel it start to burrow inside. your moans got louder as you felt the tongue lapping at the wetness on the smooth inner walls of your pussy.
Satoru finally felt too cramped at being stuck under the desk and made his way out. As he stood up he was greeted by the sight of Suguru circling his hips as you took his full length in your mouth.
“Fuck,” said Satoru, stopping to watch the sight of the older woman taking cock. He suddenly felt his excitement surge and quickly moved around the desk. He made you stand up and watched as you managed to do it without taking your mouth from the hard cock inside it. Satoru moved behind you and quickly slid the skirt up around your waist. He wasted no time in grabbing the panties and pulling them down to expose your naked ass. The sight drove his excitement higher and he pushed himself forward onto it, forcing his cock into the butt crease and sliding it up and down.
Satoru reached out and grabbing an ass cheek in each hand, pulled them apart so that the underside of his cock was rubbing against the tight hole that had been revealed. The excitement of having your asshole stroked by a hard cock seemed to spur the excitement in you. you started to bob your head up and down hard on Suguru’s cock. Satoru worked the tip of his cock around your tight hole and then slid it down onto your pussy lips.
He could feel your pushing back onto him and you seemed desperate to get the cock inside you. Satoru quickly worked the head of his hard shaft to the slick opening and teased it around. He pushed forward and moaned as the tightness of the wet pussy closed around his cock. He circled his hips, stirring the head of his hard shaft inside the pussy, before he began to force himself forward. you moaned as you felt the cock push all the way inside you so that you could feel Satoru’s body grinding against your ass.
you wanted to be completely filled at both ends so you quickly slid your mouth down the hard shaft you were sucking. Suguru moaned as his cock hit the back of your throat and his excitement surged again as he felt your soft lips against balls. you were in ecstasy at the feeling of two cocks filling your holes and holding them inside you for as long as you could. you finally pulled back from the cock in your mouth gasping a little for air.
“Just fuck me hard,” you moaned and the two men didn’t need a second invitation. They grabbed you and pulled you to the center of the room, forcing you down onto your back. Suguru dropped down between your legs this time and used his knees to push them apart. He slid the skirt up and lowered his cock onto your pussy and you moaned as you could feel him stroke the head against your clit. It was a new experience for you and you lifted your ass up to push harder against the cock.
Suguru worked his hard shaft over the little hard nub for a short while before finally sliding it down to your pussy lips. you could feel the head of the cock sliding around in the wetness, getting coated in your juice. It finally moved to the wet hole and slid inside. Suguru teased it around gently before finally ramming it in, making you gasp at how hard the cock fucked all the way into you. “fuck suguru— Ahh, yess!” you moaned as Suguru began to fuck you.
As you lay being fucked, you turned your head to look at Satoru who had been watching the action. He was stroking his shaft and he finally moved forward. you got ready to take a cock in your mouth again, but Satoru had other ideas. He quickly stripped open the buttons of your blouse and pulled it open. He then slid your tits out of the bra cups and started to play with the nipples, stroking his fingers over them to make them hard. He got up and stood over you, straddling your body just above your tits. He then moved down and you watched as the hard cock closed in on your tits.
you could feel your anticipation rising as the cock neared and let out a moan as it stroked down onto your tits. Satoru worked his cock into your cleavage and made you push your tits together. He moaned as he could feel his hard shaft being trapped between the breasts. your tits were big enough to completely wrap around his cock and it almost disappeared from sight. Satoru sat still for a moment, just enjoying the sensation of his cock being squeezed by the soft tit flesh. He slowly began to rock his hips, trying to fuck his cock into the cleavage. He could feel his cock sliding along the smooth skin and it spurred his excitement. He sped up his movements, feeling the pressure building in his balls as he tit fucked you.
The two men started to work their cocks into you hard and fast and you could feel your excitement growing. It surged when you heard Suguru speaking. “Lets do her fucking pussy and ass together,” he said. “Fuck, good idea,” said Satoru. “I want ass.”
Suguru felt the two men pull off you. Suguru lay on his back and held his cock straight up. Satoru stood and pulled you up. He moved you to straddle Suguru and watched as you lowered your hips to the cock and took it back inside your pussy. Suguru reached up and pulled you down onto him as Satoru moved behind you and got to his knees. He grabbed his cock and slid the tip onto your ass, forcing it between the cheeks to find your tight hole.
“Fuck— ahh..” you moaned in excitement as you felt the cock press against you. This was another new experience for you and you waited for the sensation of your ass and pussy being filled with hard cock. Satoru pushed the tip of his cock hard against the hole, feeling it open up a little under the pressure. you started to squeal as the cock forced its way inside your tight hole.
“Fuck, go deeper,” you moaned and Satoru pushed forward harder. you could feel your ass being spread wide open and the sensation of your ass and pussy being fucked by a hard cock drove you wild. “yes, yes— oh, fuck! me.. fuck me harder!” you urged the two men to treat you like a dirty little cock slut and they began to fuck you. It was so exciting for you that you u quickly found herself reaching an orgasm.
Your squeals got louder and you bit your lip to silence yourself, fearing someone might hear. As the two cocks pounded you, you finally felt the orgasm burst deep inside you. “Shit, y/n! your pussy feels so good,” Suguru moans. The pleasure flowed from your pussy and ass to the rest of your body and you were suddenly shaking hard as the excitement took hold. you bit your lip harder to the point where she was almost drawing blood, knowing that if you didn’t the scream would escape your lips.
you worked hard to remain quiet as your pussy and ass gripped hard around the cocks inside you and it sent you ou to a peak of ecstasy. As the excitement finally started to fade you could feel your chest heaving. you urged the men to give you everything they had and they worked their cocks harder into her holes.
The tightness of the ass around his hard shaft caused Satoru to be the first to lose control. He could feel his balls tingling as they got ready to release. “fuck, fuck y/n, your ass hug my dick so good!” He worked to hold it back as long as possible, letting the pressure in his body build until it was almost unbearable. He finally cracked and let out a moan as the cum suddenly started to shoot hard into your ass. you could feel it being released into your tight hole and pushed back onto Satoru, clenching your ass cheeks to squeeze his cock. He kept pushing onto you, the pleasure of releasing his cum inside you making him moan louder.
Suguru gave up the fight to control himself soon after. He looked up into your face and the expression of pure pleasure he saw made him lose control. He fucked his cock up hard so that it drove all the way inside your pussy and held it as it jerked again and again, releasing streams of sticky cum into your pussy. As the two men finally calmed down again, you collapsed forward onto Suguru.
“So,” laughed Satoru. “Did we work hard enough to satisfy you?”
You was still breathing hard. “Oh fuck yeah,” you said. “I’ll tell my boss you did a real good job.”
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