#nothing to do about it unforts
autism-corner · 2 years
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best ttwf moments in history
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matchavellichor · 1 year
Hi, I hope your day is going well when you read this!! I know you said you were currently taking a slight break from writing due to school, and first of all, I'm wishing you the very best of your studies! But I thought I would send a request just in case you do resume writing fics in the future, but feel free to ignore this! This seems a bit plain, but I was wondering if you could write an ominis x fmc where mc is terribly shy and avoidant to no one but ominis due to her feelings for him? Over time, though, Ominis observes her personality when interacting with other people, becoming fond of her but is left conflicted seeing how nervous she is around him, leaving him to wonder if she hates him or not. Since Ominis can’t see MC staring at him or how her cheeks go red around him, we could perhaps have Sebastian take note of this and act like the typical tease-playing wingman to set Ominis and MC up? It’s a pretty fluffy request, but you can lead it down any road you want, whether it turns out suggestively or not.
A/N: hi!!! tysm for the kindness <3 uni is still kind of hectic at the moment unfort, but i LOVED this idea sm so i decided to write a lil something anyway. ty for the request, hope you enjoy!
Great Expectations
Ominis x f!MC - Fluff - 3k words
Summary: Urged on by Sebastian's insistence that the reason for MC's evasiveness is that she harbors a secret crush, Ominis decides to take Sebastian's advice and find this out for himself.
Tags: Miscommunication, Wingman Sebastian, Clueless Ominis, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Banter, First Kiss
"Some light reading?"
Ominis can sense the way she startles, nearly dropping the tall stack of books balanced carefully in her arms.
“Oh, uh…hello, Ominis,” she greets as she rights herself, voice oddly tight. “I hadn’t realized you were here.”
“Always am. The library’s practically my second home at this point,” he smiles warmly, making some attempt at small talk.
There’s an awkward pause before he clears his throat to break the silence. “I uh, I hadn’t realized you were such an avid reader yourself,” he tilts his head, waving his wand over the topmost title in her pile. “Ah, and you have taste! Dickens is brilliant. I’d love to pick your brain sometime about—”
“I apologize, if—you’ll um, if you’ll excuse me,” she suddenly interrupts, eyes trained at her feet, before she’s brushing past him in the tight corridor of shelves and exiting towards one of the more populated corners of the library.
Ominis frowns, brows knitting together in confusion and what’s beginning to morph into genuine offense at this point.
“Was it something I said?” he mutters under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck.
Ever since they had become acquaintances, any attempts at amicability on his part had been met with brisk dismissals, curt replies, and her avoiding him like the plague. At first he thought her simply timid, but after observing her behavior with the likes of Sebastian or Garreth or any of her other friends, Ominis had been seriously considering some innate character flaw of his own.
He had thought he had made some progress in their relationship at the last gathering they had frequented, a weekend get-together in the Slytherin common room, but it was quickly becoming apparent that he’d been sorely mistaken.
Was he really so unapproachable? Dreadfully unlikeable? Did she simply have no interest in befriending him?
Ominis tries to pretend his ego isn't bruised by this notion, but fails miserably when his brain wanders to more woeful reasons as to why she would want nothing to do with him. His family’s notoriety and the rumors surrounding his person that are frequently pedaled around the castle undoubtedly have already reached her ears.
Filled with a strange sense of defeat, Ominis abandons any of his original plans of reading in favor of sulking in the common room alone. Less than two steps towards the library exit, however, and he’s bombarded by Sebastian.
“Ominis, you sly dog, don’t think I didn’t see you two warming up in the back shelves,” he grins, poking his friend in the ribs and waggling his brows.
Ominis frowns, swatting at the brunette’s hand. “Warming up is certainly not the term I would use. She despises me.”
“Despises you? Are you blind?”
“I refuse to believe you’re that blind,” Sebastian amends, scoffing. “Don’t tell me you really haven’t noticed.”
“Noticed what? The way she can’t bear to spend longer than a minute around me?” Ominis grumbles. “Trust me, I’m well aware.”
“Oh Gods, you’re just as hopeless as she is,” Sebastian groans, deeply pained. “She doesn’t despise you, she’s head over heels, Ominis,” he leans in with an all-too smug tone. “Take it from a man who knows the ladies.”
Ominis turns his head over his shoulder as if in search. “And, pray tell, where is this man?”
He receives an indignant smack on the arm. “I’m serious! Trust me, it’s obvious to anyone with eyes. I mean, why do you think she’s always so nervous around you?”
“She probably thinks I’m going to curse her or something,” Ominis mutters. “My reputation isn’t exactly the nicest, Sebastian. Are you forgetting who my family is?”
Sebastian barks out a laugh. “I’m sorry, Ominis, but anyone who takes even a second out of their day to speak to you will know you’re incapable of harming a lacewing fly. Trust me on this, she likes you.”
Ominis pauses for a moment, considering the possibility that had never before crossed his mind before. An involuntary warmth spreads over his skin, surfacing all kinds of unbidden feelings he doesn’t have much experience in handling. Noticing his contemplative silence, Sebastian peeks at the blonde.
“Oh, Salazar, you’re blushing,” he gasps, no small amount of delight seeping through his tone. “You know, for a while I was half-convinced you were incapable of it. Me and Garreth actually had a bet that were half-vamp—”
Ominis scowls, pushing Sebastian’s fingers away from where they were currently trying to prod at his flushed cheeks. “I am not blushing. Look, this whole notion is ridiculous, even for you, Sebastian. She can barely tolerate me, much less harbor some crush on me.”
“Fine,” Sebastian shrugs, feigning acquiescence. “Then flirt with her. See what happens, and if she truly despises you as you say, then no harm, no foul.”
Ominis sputters. “I will not flirt with her, don’t be absurd.”
“Why not? If you already believe she hates you, what do you have to lose?”
“My dignity? My already maimed ego? You’ve seen her in Defence against the Dark Arts, if we’re being realistic I’m probably in risk of breaking a couple bones as well—”
“Ominis, just try,” Sebastian groans, looking ready to rip his hair out. “If you don’t, I’m marching right back into that library and flirting with her for you.”
Immediately, memories of Sebastian’s past trysts with women and the sheer amount of crudeness in even his most tame chat-up lines come to mind. Ominis panics. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, we both know I would,” Sebastian grins, stopping in his tracks and turning back towards the library doors. “Remember that one boiling cauldron line Garreth taught me? I’ll go up and tell her you begged me to use it for you—”
“Stop, stop, alright,” Ominis grits, fisting a hand in the back of Sebastian’s robes to pull him back. He sighs. “I’ll….I’ll speak to her, alright?”
Sebastian claps a hand over his shoulder, pleased. “That’s the spirit.”
As much as Ominis would have liked to postpone the inevitable as much as possible, fate was not on his side. He had the misfortune of running into her while on his way to the Great Hall for dinner, and with Sebastian by his side, he would have no chance of escape.
After urging his friend on with not so friendly threats, Sebastian made himself scarce, though undoubtedly somewhere within earshot so he could listen to disaster unfold.
“Just the person I was looking for,” he greets with as much warmth as he can manage, though his nerves are broiling a storm in his gut. “Have you gotten in any good reading today?”
Once again, she seems startled by his presence. “You were…looking for me?”
“Well, yes. I was wondering if I might accompany you to dinner?” he smiles. “Would give me a chance to bore you with my fascination with muggle literature.”
“Oh,” her eyes widen, looking almost excited before it’s washed over with anxiety. “I’m sorry, I uh, I wasn’t…going to dinner.”
“Oh,” Ominis frowns, noting how close they were to the Great Hall. “Where were you heading then?”
“The library,” she blurts out and Ominis tilts his head in confusion.
“But the library’s in the opposite direction,” he nods over his shoulder. “And haven’t you just come back from there?”
“I–I have to go,” she says, suddenly swiveling in the other direction and brushing past him. “Apologies.”
Once again, Ominis is left perplexed, and increasingly hurt. The only thing the interaction has done is given him a bigger headache, her behavior irrational in the face of Sebastian’s theory. Ominis finds himself even more convinced she hates his guts.
As if on cue, Sebastian ducks out from behind a tapestry shielding an alcove, an almost pained sort of grimace on his face.
“That was…bad.”
“Understatement of the year,” Ominis groans. “Do you see what I mean? She clearly doesn’t like me, Sebastian. All I’ve done is made a bigger fool of myself.”
“She’s nervous, Ominis. She was blushing the entire interaction. Look, maybe try being more direct? Girls like confidence! Tell her you will spend time with her and that you won’t take no for an answer.”
Ominis blinks at him. “Are you trying to get my bollocks hexed off?”
“While that would be deeply amusing, no,” Sebastian assures. “Look, she’s clearly just too shy to let herself spend time with you, that’s why she runs away. You can’t give her a way out, hell, incarcerous her if you have to.”
Ominis looks genuinely concerned for any women that have had the terrible misfortune of being the objects of Sebastian’s romantic interest. “How you’ve not found yourself in Azkaban yet amazes me.”
“Oh, shush,” he scowls before suddenly snapping his fingers, metaphorical lightbulb lighting up his face. “I’ve got it! Remember how Sharp gave her detention this weekend for sneaking ingredients for Garreth? Just muck something up tomorrow in Potions, and done! She’ll be forced to spend a whole evening with you.”
“That’s a terrible idea.”
“It’s brilliant,” Sebastian grins, far too proud of himself. “Everyone knows detention is the best place to snog.”
Ominis chokes. “There will be no snogging—”
“Oh, got bigger plans in mind, have you? Ominis, you dirty little devil—”
The tips of his ears burning bright-red, Ominis pushes through the entrance doors to the Great Hall before Sebastian can get another word in, thanking Merlin she’d foregone dinner tonight.
While sprinkling some erumpent horn powder in Sharp’s cauldron during a practical demonstration was easier than he’d thought, actually having to go to detention the upcoming Saturday evening was not.
Pacing his dorm room anxiously while he counts down the hours until he has to make his way down to the Potions classroom, Ominis can’t help but be besmirched by his own stupidity at how he inevitably let Sebastian talk him into this.
Like the devil, Sebastian pokes his head through the door, not even bothering to knock. He plops himself down on one of the beds, eyeing the blonde with poorly-concealed bewilderment. “What are you so strung up for?”
“Not helping,” he glowers. “What if she runs away again?”
“Relax, would you?” Sebastian rolls his eyes, standing to walk over and muss the blonde’s hair. Ominis scowls and swats at his friend, but Sebastian is nothing if not stubborn, pulling at Ominis’ neatly folded uniform tie until it drapes messily around his neck.
“Perfect,” he grins, standing back to examine his work.
Ominis frowns, attempting with great futility to smooth his hair back into place. “I look like a delinquent.”
“How would you know?” Sebastian raises a brow. “You look great. Girls like a bit of a bad boy, you know. And after your stunt in Sharp’s class you’re certainly starting to build a reputation.”
“You were the one who told me to do it!”
“I told you to get yourself detention, not cause a minor explosion.”
Waving a wand over his wristwatch to check the time, Ominis’ pulse doubles when he realizes he has to be in Sharp’s classroom in a few minutes.
Before he can talk himself out of it, Sebastian is dragging him out the door, blabbering terrible advice as if he’s sending his friend off to a first date and not detention with a grouchy Potions master.
“—And most importantly of all, compliment her, Ominis. I know you’re not very expressive, but for the love of Merlin, tell her she looks nice,” he practically shoves the blonde through the common room door, adding a final, “have fun! Use the contraceptive charm!”
Ominis is promptly left alone in the dimly-lit corridor, a heat involuntarily rising to his cheeks, praying some greater force will strike him down before he has to humiliate himself any further.
The classroom is empty when he finally arrives a few minutes behind schedule, except for where he inevitably finds her scrubbing cauldrons in the back of the room. She tenses when he approaches, but doesn’t startle when he greets her this time. Ominis wonders if he can put it down as progress.
“Sharp asked me to tell you we’re not allowed to use magic,” she nods towards the stack of cauldrons perched on the workspace. “And, um that we’re only to bother him if someone’s bleeding, dying, or dead.”
Ominis nods, pointedly taking the space beside her and dragging one of the soot-covered cauldrons towards him to begin working.
There’s a tension between them that Ominis can’t ignore for the life of him, only the sound of scrubbing to cut through the painstaking silence. After a few unbearable moments, he clears his throat, remembering Sebastian’s advice.
“You look nice tonight,” he attempts, though his voice sounds oddly thick with nerves.
The sound of scrubbing stops. “Sorry?”
“I said you uh, you look very nice,” he attempts with more firmness, though his hands are white-knuckled around the edge of the table to stop himself from bolting from the mortification.
“Is that supposed to be a joke?”
“What?” he asks perplexed, forgetting momentarily a crucial reason as to why the compliment would seem absurd coming from him. “Oh dear Merlin, no, no that’s not how I meant it all.”
“Very funny, Ominis,” she takes in a sharp breath, dropping the brush with a dull clatter into the cauldron before she crosses her arms and faces him, all timidness suddenly replaced by a glaring frustration in her tone. Ominis isn't sure if it's an improvement, but at least she’s talking to him. “Did Sebastian put you up to this?”
“Sebastian? What? Of course not,” he sputters, desperately trying to amend. “I— Look, I’m—I’m sorry. Can I start over? Please?”
She raises an expectant eyebrow.
“You don’t look nice,” he tries, trying to suppress the wince that washes over his features. His only consolance is that Sebastian isn’t here to witness any of it. “I’m sorry, no—that’s not—I meant, I’m sure you do look nice, not that I would…know, but,” he runs a hand over his face, certain that if she didn't hate him before, she certainly does now. “I meant, you smell very nice. That I can tell, you…you smell very lovely, actually.”
There’s a long pause where she simply stares at him before her frustration inevitably only seems to double. “Is this what you find entertaining?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You’re taunting me,” she seethes. “You obviously know what I feel for you and now you’re making fun of me for it, aren’t you? You’ve been doing it all week.”
“What? Salazar, no, that’s not it at all—”
“Truly hilarious,” she scoffs, shaking her head. “Very mature. Maybe try being more subtle—”
“That’s not what I’m—”
“You can stop pretending you want to hang out with me all the time now—”
“Will you listen? I’m not—”
“Next time, if you don’t feel the same way, then simply—hmpph!”
Despite the blaring alarm bells that should be going off in Ominis’ head for doing something so painfully impulsive to someone who could hex his entire bloodline in the time it takes her to take out her wand, his mind blanks out into a puddle of warmth as he crashes his lips to hers.
She freezes, mouth unmoving against his in the time it takes awareness to seep into her brain and for her to realize he’s kissing her.
To his relief, when the realization does set in, she kisses him back.
She seems to melt just as much as Ominis, her body instinctively leaning into his, hands going slack at her sides before they instinctively come to hold at his forearms where he’s cradling her face so she can’t pull away.
Ominis pulls him towards her, and then, urged on by some coiling heat inside of him he’s admittedly not too familiar with, he crowds her against the workspace. He nearly topples over several cauldrons in his franticness to deepen the kiss, muttering sheepish apologies through heavy breaths, but he’s far too consumed to feel embarrassed.
His lips on hers are clumsy and impatient, and maybe far too hungry for a first kiss, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Her hands come up to thread through his hair, to drag down his scalp, and Ominis couldn’t stop the groan that leaves him if he had all the composure in the world.
He’s so far gone he doesn’t even care about all the soot they’re getting on each other, too preoccupied with trying to keep his knees from buckling, to press his body even more against hers as if it’s the greatest offense known to history that they’re not physically molded to one another. When he slots a thigh between her legs and she lets out a little noise against his mouth, he thinks he might just collapse.
Ominis skin feels hot to the touch, nerves prickling with want, with the urge to touch and taste and grind until he goes numb. She finally breaks the kiss, panting heavily against his mouth, eyes glazed over with just as much raw need. Though the loss is almost physically painful, Ominis is grateful for small mercies, because he was a few seconds away from tearing through her uniform top.
“You’re…” she swallows, trying to clear the breathlessness from her voice. “Uh, very committed to the bit, I suppose.”
Ominis can’t help the laugh that escapes him.
His shoulders shake, forehead dropping to meet hers, and when he glances back up he smiles, lips still raw and undoubtedly kiss-bruised. She returns his grin, until he can feel her smile against his mouth when he leans down to press his lips to hers again, because he simply can’t help himself.
They barely register the sound of the door to the professor’s office swinging open. Only when he clears his throat do they finally tear apart, and Ominis wonders if it’s possible to drop dead from sheer mortification.
Sharp lets out a long-suffering sigh, as if he’s accustomed to walking in on much, much worse by now and his hardly fazed.
“Just get the cauldrons clean,” he grumbles, grabbing a few texts on one of the adjacent tables. He hobbles back to the door, shaking his head and muttering under his breath. “Bloody teenagers and hormones, don’t get paid enough for this shit…”
He ducks his head out before closing the door, pointing a stern finger in their direction. “And not on my tables.”
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dojunie · 5 months
fic progress update :3
misdial: working on the jaemin x reader prequel before getting into chapter 6 of misdial in earnest! so, techinically i’m still 'working on misdial', but not exactly a story continuation just yet... apologies for all my jeno luvrs, your time will come soon!
the lake house (njm misdial prequel, possible retitle coming): wordcount is at 27k currently (I KNOW! I KNOW! I’M SORRY!) and i’ve got about 5-7k left (...optimistically... it will probably could be more...) i must’ve written like 5k for this in the last three days alone because i’m very excited about it, so here’s to hoping the energy sticks up. i’m planning for this to be the next thing i upload!
messenger: is on baby hiatus! the outline is finished! just have to motivate myself to make the texts, LOL
courtside (itwd retitle, njm or ljn basketball au): wordcount is at 55k. this is my child, idk, i carry her around in my locket necklace like an old victorian lover, i write very sporadically for this (like 5k in one night or nothing for a month) which means she will not be coming out into the world for a while. but when i tell you this is on my mind every day. atp i’m genuinely thinking this fic might be like 80k plus
into you: indefinitely on hiatus……………… i think about her so often but im not happy with the way it flows at the moment, and i just do not have the energy rn to rework what i’ve already written (its at 9k) but i still really like the existing parts + the concept itself! its on hiatus, idk when i’ll sit down and work on it again, but i 100% plan to finish it
swimming for dummies: next on my wip roster after either i finish lake house (plus, or) misdial ch 6! currently at 32k? just need to wrap up the final scene and edit for flow and clarity before part 1 is done and potentially ready to post!
other info: looking at all these big number seems kind of ridic for how little i post, like im writing like crazy and just hoard it all instead of posting (if u do the math of the stuff above i have one hundred and twenty three thousand words of stuff in the works) but i promise you these things will be posted!!!! i luv writing. i luv dream. i am also just a perfectionist who cant upload something until it makes perfect sense + i am a serial editor, which means i have to reread + spot edit the whole fic every time i open the doc or i think i'll die. really slows the process down, unfort
anyway, i'm making this post so you don't think i've given up on some of these things!!! progress is being made, i pinky promise, but thank you all for sticking with me either way :D
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mythical-bookworm · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
(Thanks to @professorsaber for tagging me!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
99,759 (Minus About 13,000 if you don't want to include the Discord Blind Writing game, most of which I did not write)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
In order of amount of fics:
Gravity Falls
Back to the Future
Wings of Fire
The Cyclist
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lost With a Second Chance (Amphibia)
Two Deaths, Five Perspectives (Amphibia)
I've been thinking of our future, 'cause I'll never see those days (Amphibia)
The Fourth Wall (Gravity Falls)
Leaves Fall Just Like Me When It Is Over (Amphibia)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
95% of the time! For one it's always polite. But also it means the world to me when I get a comment! That means someone read my story, and has something to say. They were moved enough to take the risk and reach out. Plus it's a way to meet new people!
The only times I don't is when I legitimately have nothing I can respond with, or if it is a hate message.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Argh that is extremely hard.
At first I would say Don't Try to be a Hero. The fic is overall an angsty introspective character study and ends with the character wallowing. But it's all introspective.
But than there's The Fourth Wall, basically a crack meta fic that does anything but take itself seriously. The entire fic is Dipper and Mabel finding the fourth wall and figuring out their in a fanfiction. It ends with them seeing the end and there is nothing they can do to stop it. Once the fic ends, they do to. Which uh yeah, darker implications than I meant.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This one is hard! None of my posted fics necessarily have a super happy all problems solved ending.
In the end I'd have to go with Leaves Fall Just Like Me When It Is Over. Anne finally reveals the full truth of what happened on her last day of Amphibia and she can finally start to heal. She feels lightened, the burden of the secret lifted.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I've had disappointing ones, more raw ones. I had some criticism comments. And while some of it was very true, other parts just hit me like whiplash as it was put pretty bluntly.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope nope nope, and nope.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nah, usually not to much into that stuff anyways.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, unless you count the Blind Bttf Discord Writing Game. (Results here.)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Uh, ok so I'm not a huge shipper. Like I'll support the canon ships and all. but I'm not necessarily all gushy about them. And I'm usually not a fan of fanon ships.
If I had to chose one though it would be Flinn. Now I am no Adventure Time enthusiast, but I did really like this ship between Finn and Flame Princess.
A close second would be Marty/Jennifer, because the two are each others biggest cheerleaders and I love that. :)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh jeez, ok. Probably a Back to the Future Oneshot entitles "Are You Alright?"
Overall, I like the concept. The idea is George doesn't kiss Lorraine. As Marty is fading he runs off stage and collapses by the side of the gym, catching George's attention. George finds him and Marty successfully hides his fading from existence and tells George to tell Doc about him being shot in 1985. George delivers the message and Doc is distraught in realizing what had happened. So he decides to use the lighting strike to go back in time and help Marty get George and Loraine to kiss. George ends up learning exactly who Marty is and goes back in time to get his past self to kiss Loraine. This fails so he does it himself.
Unfortunately there are issues with this:
First is timeline. There is not enough time for all the events to occur before the lightning strike happens. Doc would have totally missed it.
Second, once ensuring Marty's existence, he wouldn't be able to go home. Doc is already using the lightning bolt to go back in time to get George to kiss Lorraine. And I simply don't want that. I want a happy ending for once dang it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
And you have asked the hardest question ever.
I've been told I do some good suspense. Also been told I have good pacing, but others say I don't so who knows on that.
Personally I feel like I'm really good at letting the characters run free. I hardly have any outline when it comes to fics and let my characters make the path. This had lead to some surprising twists that ended up being much better than what I could come up with.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Okay real answer:
-Writing cute fluffy moments to be interesting. I'm working really hard on that, in fact I'm writing a BttF fic focusing a lot on that so I can get better.
-Repetitive words. How do I specify the same character without saying their name 5 times? Am I to repetitive? Am I not saying their name enough? AAAAAAAAAA
-Keeping everything in context and connected. My main issue with my Lost With a Second Chance was I made a character have amnesia, which did nothing in the long run. All it did was make drama. So I'm trying to make everything connect, everything have a reason. Plus creating cool loops.
-Show not tell. I'm a lot better, but I definitely need improvement.
-Not make things to obvious but not so unobvious is seems weird. For example, mysterious villain. I'm struggling to not just have something that magically gives the character all the information, but than I'm struggling to get them the answers so the villain doesn't seem shallow cause he's not, you just don't know it yet. Or, oh this character is acting this way because of a, b, and c, but I dropped you in the middle so I'm not sure how to put the point across without blatantly telling you.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Never thought about it. I only know one language so I'd have to put things into Google Translate. I have taken sections of books and Google Translated it a bunch of times to absolutely destroy it though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Definitely Great Scott! (Doctober 2023) . I had so so so much fun writing it and I truly improved by it!
Tagging @knickynoo @daryfromthefuture @bg-sparrowand anyone else who wants to do it!
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peerlessscowl · 1 year
Deep Dive Time
NAME: Raven
height: 179cm
strength ★★★★☆
dexterity ★★★★☆
health ★★★☆☆ (he lives a fairly subsistence lifestyle - just enough to get by, but I wouldn't accuse him of taking care of himself. Hardy, though. Doesn't get sick often.)
energy ★★★☆☆
beauty ★★★★☆ (hot but not trying)
style ★☆☆☆☆ (definitely not trying)
hygiene ★★★★★ (fastidious as hell, definitely makes time for cleanliness)
perception ★★★★★ (hyper aware of everything)
communication ★★★☆☆
persuasion ★★★☆☆
mediation ★★★★☆ (prefers using words than action to solve problems)
literacy ★★★★★ (fuckin nerd)
creativity ★★★☆☆
cooking ★★★☆☆
tech savvy ★★★★☆
combat ★★★★★ (they don't call him peerless for nothing)
survival ★★★★★
stealth ★★★★☆
street smarts ★★★★☆
seduction ★★☆☆☆ (if he really put his mind to it, and the other party was really super into him - otherwise no)
luck ☆☆☆☆☆ (lmao)
handling animals ★★★★☆
pacifying children ★★★★☆ (adults have issues with his grouchiness, but i think he's very kind to children)
intelligence ★★★★☆
happiness ☆☆☆☆☆ ( :') )
spirituality ★☆☆☆☆ (I think he was raised in a semi-pious household, but has lost his faith over the years)
confidence ★★★★☆ (he knows what he's capable of, and what he's not, and he just happens to be very capable)
humor ★☆☆☆☆ (I think he's laughed once since he got here)
anxiety ★★★★★ (shivering chihuahua of a man in his heart)
patience ★★★★☆ (for most things, very patient)
passion ★★★★☆ (lies to himself about this one and says he doesn't care much)
nice         ★★☆☆☆     mean
brave       ★☆☆☆☆     cowardly
pacifist     ★★★☆☆     violent (prefers to use words to solve issues - except for like his big main thing, sorry Hector)
thoughtful ★☆☆☆☆    impulsive 
agreeable ★★★☆☆     contrary
idealistic   ★★★★★     pragmatic
frugal        ★★☆☆☆     big spender
extrovert   ★★★★☆     introvert
collected   ★☆☆☆☆     wild
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist (an argument could be made for possessive and jealous, but there would have to be very specific circumstances)
charisma ★★★★☆ (people like him, whether he likes it or not)
empathy ★★★★☆
generosity ★★★★☆
wealth ★★★★☆ (independently wealthy, probably)
honest   ★★★☆☆ deceptive (usually honest, but. yknow)
leader   ★☆☆☆☆   follower (raised to be a leader, then worked independently - probably struggles to take orders)
polite     ★★☆☆☆  rude (generally very polite, rude sometimes in the sense of like. quiet, doesn't do small talk)
political ★☆☆☆☆  indifferent (political is unfort his whole thing)
higher power ★☆☆☆☆ (if there is a god, then they are cruel)
fate/destiny ☆☆☆☆☆ (might get genuinely angry if someone tried to convince him there's a set path people must follow)
magic ★★★★★
soulmates ★★☆☆☆
good and evil ★★☆☆☆
luck ☆☆☆☆☆ (he doesn't believe in it bc his is so bad afjdjfk)
family ★★★★☆ (this one's a little funny bc his priority on the surface is his family, but specifically the memory of his family, rather than those living - for example, he will still prioritize revenge over priscilla or lucius every time)
friends ★★★☆☆ (this would be the same as above if he would stop pushing people away long enough to make friends)
love ☆☆☆☆☆ (he does not think love is something he can have)
home ★★★★☆ (same as love, but mixed with family - he prioritizes the idea of a home, since Cornwell is no longer. hasn't occurred to him to make a new home)
health ★☆☆☆☆ (huge advocate that the last 1HP is the most important)
praise ☆☆☆☆☆ (from whomst? the dead?)
justice ★★★★★
truth ★★★★★
power ★★★★☆
fame ☆☆☆☆☆
wealth ��☆☆☆☆
others' opinions ★★☆☆☆ (lmao yeah okay)
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blorbocedes · 2 years
maxiel (i am prepared for you to hurt me)
Why don’t you ship it?
I mean I have written maxiel 😅 but it's a very specific, rancid dynamic that only eye enjoy. I always avoid royal pairings whenever I get into a fandom, which means the biggest/most popular ship cause it's more interesting to me to have to figure a dynamic out than already have it be pre-established and fandom having made their mind on how they want it to be. Nothing wrong with that ofc, if it hits it hits, and maxiel is popular for a reason. I can't be too mean, at least half my mutuals are maxiellers of the world. It's just how fandom sees max in maxiel is very different from how I see him and it's not my cup of ☕️🫖
What would have made you like it?
Uhh if it was less popular 😅 if I got into f1 during 2018 I'm sure I would be a diehard maxieller. Unfort as I got in, my first impression had been Daniel as just Max's flop ex-teammate while Max had moved on to better and bigger things of the world.
Honestly, I would've been super into a reconciliation maxiel angle --they lose touch, max has to get over being betrayed by daniel leaving leaving him, daniel has to deal with Coming Home (rb 3rd driver) and swallow the resentment of everything max has is something that was promised to him etc, and they both have grown up and changed but at the same time are so fond of each other.
in some ways I feel like their characterization is stuck in 2018 and that just doesn't really appeal to me. let them grow up, move on, and come back together!!! i think that's far more compelling.
there's really only so many times I can read established relationship fluff mpreg. or max sobbing cause his dad is mean and being stuffed of the Ric Dick Turbo 3000 will fix him.
i do appreciate your bottom daniel agenda tho!
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
yeah! I think understanding maxiel is fundamental to understanding/writing max. daniel's impact, friendship, support was foundational for max. i think a sense of humour is v important when writing max, and he def took that from Daniel/wanting to impress him. I adore baby maxiel gifs from when they're teammates. also they have a 😳 age gap and it's never properly utilised!!!! Ahhhhh.
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orqheuss · 1 year
The sun does not weep for Icarus PART 3
(Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow/GN!Reader ANGST) Can be read as platonic, implied Ominis/Anne and Sebastian
Parts: 1 2 3 4
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Sometimes, Ominis felt that he was no better than the worst of them.  *** With Sebastian's death date fast approaching, Ominis is struggling heavily with the moral ramifications of what he has to do. Can he truly go through with the plan?
Word count: 2.3k
Tags: discussions of murder, discussions of death, existentialism, panic attacks, discussion of suicide
AN: I’m moving all of my fics over from Ao3 to make them more accessible! These are my fics.
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tldr, Chapter 2:
Anne Sallow writes a heartfelt letter to Ominis, detailing her plan to end her life on her own terms. With her last request, she asks him to concoct a plan to help Sebastian end his life as well and join her in the afterlife because she knows that he is not completely gone to the side of dark magic and he also would want to go out how he wants rather than be forced to be a shell with no soul until his body dies. Ominis mourns the loss of his best friend, and laments over the choice he has to make about if he will go through with Anne's request. The new fifth year is there to comfort him, and they offer up the idea of using deadly nightshade berries, or belladonna, to end Sebastian's life as painlessly as possible. They part the Undercroft together, more broken than they were before but still determined to save their friend in anyway possible, leaving the white Chrysanthemum that Anne sent along with her letter resting against the stone floor of the Undercroft.
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Chapter 3: Do Not Stand At My Grave and Cry
Ominis moved through the remainder of the day in a daze. Each turn of a bend reminded him of a happy memory with one of the twins. Images filled his mind of Anne and Sebastian, unabashedly themselves with caution thrown to the wind like the boisterous trill of their laughter. Mischief seemed to catch them like a dry summer breeze whispering sweet nothings to a tiny forest fire, just waiting for the right moment to blaze into a fiery inferno. The memories of them all, traipsing down the long hallways of Hogwarts and gathering for exhilarating duels and hilarious games in the Undercroft, cracked his heart down the middle. The thought of being the only remaining one of their trio was nearly too much for the boy to bear. Above all else, the twins were the only family he had left. He had renounced the name ‘Gaunt’ long ago in his mind, disowning his monstrous family in favor of the comforts of the Sallow’s. He was no more a Gaunt than a star was anything other than a burning ball of gas. They were beautiful all the same, and so was he. 
Ominis so rarely thought for himself. All his life he had put his family and his friends first, everything else was shoved to the back burner. For once, he wanted to follow his own heart— listen to his own needs. Was it selfish of himself to not wish for Sebastian to die? Even if he was in Azkaban, he was still there and in the world. Ominis couldn’t visit, but he could live with the comfort that his best friend was not dead and gone. The memories could still live in his mind without the harsh sting of guilt or remorse. Yes, sparing Sebastian was selfish, but so was Anne’s last request. A burning anger filled his chest at the thought of her and her wish. How could she do this? How could she leave this world without a word, without a whisper of a clue for the boy? All she left him was a letter, a flower, and a broken heart. On top of it all, instead of just delivering the news of her death to him, she asked him to break into the strongest wizard prison in the world and poison her brother. Ominis leaned against the wall of the Defense Against the Dark Arts hallway, looking up at the tall ceilings in anguish, and silently prayed to whomever was listening to his plea, whatever pantheon was truly up in the heavens above, to please let him be selfish this once. 
Unfortunately, selfishness was a double edged sword dipped in poison, and he had been stabbed by his own grief. Ominis knew that there was no better fate for Sebastian than death. If his best and closest friend, his brother, lived, he would not truly be alive. The boy would be a shell of the person he once was, doomed to live a life of solitude and numbing melancholy at the hands of the dementors kiss. There were only two weeks left until his sentence reached fruition, and each tick of the clock drove the dagger deeper into the young Gaunt’s heart. There was no moral high ground in the laws of nature. Even the smallest creature would still do whatever it could to keep its family safe, even if it meant shielding them from the harshitites of the world through the sweet release of death. 
The boy soon found himself back in the depths of the Undercroft, a half-baked plan riddled with moth-eaten holes where intricacies could snag and complications could slide through forming in his mind. Ominis needed three things: an invisibility cloak, a flask of Polyjuice Potion, and a vial of Felix Felicis. He paced up and down the uneven ground of his safe space, hand on his chin as he pondered the complexities of the plan. He could get an invisibility cloak quite easily, that much he knew. They were rare, yes, but he was still a Gaunt on paper after all, one of the richest and most widely acclaimed wizarding families in all of England. A simple letter sent to the shop-keep at Borgin and Burkes asking for the cloth would suffice; the man may even hand deliver the parcel himself to the boy in awed reverence. The idea of someone worshiping the ground he walked on simply because of his family name sent a shiver down his spine in disgust. Even then, a small part of him, so small he wouldn’t have noticed it if he wasn’t already searching, tittered in pride at the notion that someone saw him as more than his worth. 
Sometimes, Ominis felt that he was no better than the worst of them. 
As for the polyjuice potion, that was more tricky. He was sure that someone in the castle was brewing one, he just had to find out who. He knew that he couldn’t brew it himself, the potion took at least a month to congeal into its final state, and that was more time than he had. It would cost him a pretty penny to order it from Pippin’s, and even then there was no assurance that it would work. The potion was one of the most important elements of his plan. While he had the family name, he did not have the fame to freely walk into the imposing prison. He had to become someone else, someone with that position of power he seeked. 
The groan of the Undercroft gate shook him from his mindless pacing, its vibrations buzzing just under his feet. The sure steps of his friend made their way towards where he stood stagnant. He could hear something rolling around in their hand, bumping against each other like dice in a children’s game. The student stood before him, opening their palm and letting the sweet smell of sugared death waft through his nose. 
In their outstretched palm rested a small bushel of berries, each tinted in a delicious shade of purple, some more tyrian in nature while others were more thistle. A few amongst the bunch, the most pungent and, likely deadliest, were twinged a stark blueish-black. Stringing them together like a macabre holiday garland was a small vine of leaves, three pointed at the tips and a brilliant emerald green. Those encountering it in the wild without the knowledge of deadly plants would simply see a tasty morsel of fruit, beckoning them with their saccharine scent and inviting colors. It was no wonder the berry was so dangerous— the prettiest things were often the most deadly. 
He held his hand out in a silent request to feel them. The fifth year gingerly pried each berry from its vine and dropped them into his awaiting palm. Ominis quietly counted each one as it fell; one turned to five, then to ten, and finally to twenty small orbs. He rolled them against the sides of his hand, tracing his thumb across the smooth surface of their skins. This small handful of fruit was the gateway between life and death— living and dying. He was truly touching death, something that he had hoped to circumvent until well into old age. One wrong move on his part and he would be a goner. He felt his breath stutter in his chest, his throat tightly closing right below his jawbone. He quickly shoved the berries back at his friend, before resuming his sporadic pacing. His lithe fingers ran through his hair before gripping the back of his skull at the root, a few strands being dyed a muted mauve from the residual berry juice still lingering on his fingertips. The finality of what they were about to do truly reached him then. They were going to take a life. A life that could still keep living, a heart that could still keep beating. Not only that, but the life of someone they both loved dearly. The vaults of his mind sprung a leak, and torrential seas of guilt wracked his body. Guilt for what he had done to Sebastian— guilt for what he was about to do. They had only been words until then, life and death. Here he stood, the feeling of the murder weapon still lingering on his skin and the thought of his closest friend’s lifeless body permeating his mind. If he hadn’t turned him in, this all could have been avoided. Ominis knew that he would still be angry at the boy, furious even, but he would still be there at least. He knew Sebastian though. The boy was incredibly headstrong, and when he got an idea into his head there was no stopping it. If the male Sallow decided that he needed to repent for the murder of his uncle and the isolation from his sister, he would do it in the most dangerous way possible. Instead of large stone walls and metal bars keeping him away from his studies and those he loved, he would instead lock himself away in his own mind with only his wand and the fiery magic he loved so much to keep him company. Sebastian would actively seek out danger, be that in the forbidden forest or with some ashwinders that may still be lurking around Hogsmeade or Feldcroft, and would likely not come out of those battles the victor. Either way, he may not be actively trying to end his life, but he would get himself killed one way or the other. 
Ominis felt a soft hand on his shoulder, halting him in his pacing and spinning him into a hug. He gladly clung on to his friend, feeling them rub their palm up and down his spine in a soothing motion. He tried valiantly to match his breathing to it, desperately pleading with his heart to slow to a normal rhythm. Each beat seemed to pound out a new melody, sometimes slow like a waltz and sometimes fast like a tango. He squeezed his eyes tightly closed, focusing on the feeling of the soft skin of his friend’s arms and their soft breath next to his ear. All of his other senses were on overdrive, and he fought to name each sensation he knew. He could taste the mildew and ash that covered the Undercroft in his mouth; he could hear the pitter patter of small debris falling onto the stone floor below his feet. Once his breathing calmed down, he gave his friend one last squeeze and released them from his death grip. 
The smell of the berries still filled the air, soaking everything that lay in the Undercroft with a sickly sweet scent. Ominis breathed it in with determination, turning to face his friend and look them in the eyes. At least, as close as he possibly could get. With a tone of finality, he told them about his plan. They listened, entirely enraptured with the blond’s ideas. He was truly smart, thinking of every possible scenario that could go wrong, and how everything could be right. For once, his anxious, overthinking nature came in handy. Each detail of the plan was accounted for, down to the last second of time. All they needed to do now was pull it off, a feat most definitely easier said than done. 
Ominis leaned against the closest pillar, sighing heavily and rubbing his hands on his face in stress. Yes, the plan was sound, but he still needed the three items. He had already sent off a letter to Borgin and Burkes, so the invisibility cloak would be there in at least a day, maybe two. But the two potions? There was no way he could make either of them. His lack of sight certainly did not make him a top student in potion making, that was for sure. He racked his brain for someone, anyone, that would help him with little questions asked. Weasley? No, he would likely explode the cauldron instead of making a successful brew. Professor Sharpe? Absolutely not. The man was an ex-Auror for Merlin’s sake. All he does is ask questions. 
To the side of him, he heard his companion digging around in their charmed bag. Books tumbled from whatever stack they were in, cloth was pulled out in haste to find whatever they were looking for, vials clacked together like wind chimes on a stormy day, until he heard them make a small sound of victory. He could hear two flasks clack together in their hands, rolling around like gobstones on the stone floor below. His friend quickly made their way over to him, uncorking each bottle and holding them under his nose one at a time. 
The first vial wafted into his space: no smell at all. He smiled— Felix Felicis. 
The second vial came directly after: moldy food and dirty laundry. He gagged, covering his nose with his hand and scrunching his face in disgust— Polyjuice Potion. 
His friend stepped out of his space, corking each bottle once again, as well as collecting the berries from the little cloth they set them on, and stowing them in their canvas bag. A dangerous, brave smirk sang in their tone when they spoke. 
“Where do we start?” 
The clock at the far end of the Undercroft chimed the time, its sound filling the room and ricocheting off of the stone walls like a stray firework. The students clasped their hands over their ears, cringing at the volume. Everything silenced after the twelfth chime— midnight. An air of austere quiet washed over the Undercroft, bathing the two students in the severity of the situation at hand. 
They had one week, six days, twenty-three hours, and fifty-nine minutes to find their friend and kill him.
like what you read? here's more!
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menalez · 1 year
"^_^ but thank u for taking the time to use that to actually defend actual lesbophobia that was expressed'
first of all I'm literally not defending it I agree she's lesbophobic and I've never liked ms-revived-frogs tbh she says so much shit off the cuff and then completely doubles down unreasonably. she's just a contrarian that think she's the only one that really understands anything. maybe a symptom of her age but im still not gonna give her a pass or then she'll just continue to b like that.
second of all I literally wasn't the anon that sent any of those original asks but I did know wtf they are talking about w piqued. idk about the rest im only talking about the piqued thing. i just think its crazy how radblr can correctly recognize those comparisons are lesbophobic and wrong, but when people call us dick worshipers or spread essays on how we're identical to men, suddenly thats no biggie and the only evil is that the bihets think they have the right to complain. piqued was the least bad person to reblog that shit essay bcoz she at least partly acknowledged some bits were bad, but she still thinks that the "bad" parts like comparing our sexual assaults to TIM completely fake murder stats or saying we're dick worshipers or the premise of the essay on how we're identical to men are completely acceptable to pass around even if their 'bad' if she decides she thinks its worth it, and us rape victims are pathetic if we take offense at her choice. and thats the thing even when u all say that harassment or abuse against bi women is "bad", a lot of ppl on here just treat it as like a fart in the room at most nothing real and nothing realated to real pain or oppression just annoying whining. ppl oppose it in theory but in practice they completely let ppl like that off the hook and show way more anger at any bisexuals that bring up the topic of how ppl harass us treating us like we're complaining over nothing. no ones gonna call desisapphic, ornitomoltorinco, like-a-ruby, eliminatedmighty, angrylesbianatwork, and dozens others that passed that shit around homophobes for making light of our rape and using it as a gotcha or misogynists for how they call us dick worshippers. no one's ever gonna spare any anger for them even if they mildly criticize, it all goes only into insisting that bi "male worshipers" exagerate everything and can be believed. And I'm not talking about you but rad spaces as a whole. I actually don't think ur that bad about bi women at all, u at least call bullshit bullshit when its direct, but you seem completely unable to call out sussy shit thats in between the lines, and the thing is i know u can coz ur smart and you do it all the time with other shit. but unfort a lot of people are alot shittier about bi women than u, i don't get why you have to pretend theyre not and bis are just making everything up.
“i just think its crazy how radblr can correctly recognize those comparisons are lesbophobic and wrong”
the idea that radblr is collectively recognising this as lesbophobic & wrong is laughable to me. i’m seeing more ppl outright justifying her lesbophobia n demonising me for criticising it than i am seeing ppl saying it was lesbophobic. and of the ppl calling it lesbophobic, almost every single one is a lesbian.
ur paragraph about piqued is.. literally nothing she even said. “TIM completely fake murder stats” is bizarre to say bc like.
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the rate of transwomen of colour being murdered isn’t a myth. the myth is acting like trans women are the most vulnerable group, which overall they are not. however black or latam trans women are absolutely at high risk of being murdered:
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and almost everything u took issue with is stuff she mentioned as an issue as well:
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like idk i find it absolutely insane that of all the ppl u could have gone after, u specifically chose the lesbian who agreed with ur takes here and chose to demonise her. there’s also the fact that youre expecting *others* to go after what *you* find problematic *on your behalf* instead of just.. doing it urself? i mean none of u did shit when tagai/tonguehurt was harassing me and even happily grouped us together and acted like we were besties when she left. none of u cared when that general circle was being awful to me. and most of u directed not even 1/20th of the attacks directed at me towards the ppl u named above. and then on top of that ur like “hey why don’t u go after these ppl i disagree with harder? even tho we won’t call out the lesbophobia within our circles or call the ppl we disagree with out ourselves or anything else” .. just bizarre frankly
also i actually had no issue with ms-revived-frogs before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i disagreed with some things but the lesbians are unempathetic stuff she said was shocking to me bc i didn’t expect it from her. her inability to take any accountability and readiness to demonise me despite me giving her the benefit of the doubt n simply politely explaining how she was lesbophobic was also shocking to me considering she made it seem like she was an ally to lesbians. so how u felt about her prior to that doesn’t matter to me tbh, no one needs to dislike or hate her or anyone else. but that lesbophobia should be criticised
btw never heard of eliminatedmighty, i did criticise angrylesbianatwork but she’s inactive now anyways, don’t know what ornito did, and at most i disagree with like-a-ruby and desisapphic on some things but i’ve seen ppl go after those two and literally no one else you’ve mentioned which.. again i do find it interesting that the women who say they want front row seats to see a woman being abused by her bf/husband and called women misogynistic terms such as bulldyke-rider or others in her direct circle aren’t ppl that y’all go after nearly as much as ppl like desisapphic
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Do you have any svt fic recs?? You’re such a good writer and I think you have great fic recs too. I know you write more for Ateez (btw, really excited for the new Yunho fic) but I hope you will write for svt too. Your works are 🤌🏻. I loooove every one, especially the ones where Seonghwa has a child 😵‍💫
Hope I didn’t say anything that made you uncomfortable. 🤍
hello!!! i only have a few bc i don’t read them very often and these ones may just be some you’ve already read so im sorry about that but these are my few favourites! most of them are mingyu’s etl’s so hehe 😭😭 i used to read quite a few mingyu ones on wattpad back in 2017 so i’ll share those as well! (i did not find them omf im screaming)
the very first night by shuadrive
spoiled by wonusite
new rules by leejihoonownsmyheart
all svt ones by @/smileysuh!!!
im so sorry i could not find more especially bc the ones i used to read, unfort those authors have deactivated 😭😭 and thank you im vvv glad u liked them!!! i will keep that request in mind for sure and nothing was uncomfortable thank you!!
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houjichaya · 1 year

13 + 71, yamaniku, i believe the rest of the details can fill themselves out???
ah, yes, thank you for requesting one of my favorite ships! tbh, it deserves way more traction in the fandom than it currently gets. 13 (detective AU) + 71 (twenty-four hours to live), ft. yamaniku (nikaidou yamato/@stellamancer) -- written in second-person pov because I wasn't sure how well legit yamaniku would be received by the niku in question. note: proper ship name is still up for debate, so yamaniku is being used as a placeholder for the time being! nikudou could be kind of cute, though. nikainuku? nikaiku? niniku? ninniku? the possibilities are endless... (if only yamato's name were written with different kanji. mountain meat would have been amazing!!!)
"Another love letter arrived for you." The envelope that's being offered to you is a soft pastel green, and nothing about it screams love letter, but your partner has taken to calling them that as of late. It's probably because the last letter you received playfully invited you to dinner, as if the sender wasn't a wanted criminal and you weren't the detective hot on his trail.  "Thanks," you say, taking the envelope without so much as a glance in his general direction. It's already been dusted for prints and checked for explosives, you suppose. If you die, it'll come out of Ishida's paycheck.  As usual, the envelope is addressed to my darling detective, written in crimson ink reminiscent of blood. Your brow furrows in irritation as you make your way over to your desk. In one fluid motion, you grab a letter opener and slice it open.  The contents read as follows: As fond as I've grown of our little game of cat and mouse, I must admit that I tire of your futile efforts to catch me. I thought I provided you with a wondrous opportunity in inviting you to dinner last night, so you can imagine my great sorrow when you failed to show up. I had to find someone else to keep me company and ease the pain of my broken heart.  (You almost crumple the letter up right then and there. Another victim will be found soon. Maybe you should have gone with your gut, after all.)  In the past few months, I feel as though we've come to and understanding of one another. It is my hope that you don't refuse me again, although our first meeting will inevitably be our last.  You have twenty-four hours to set your affairs in order, as I imagine you won't be able to do much else after. Remember: if you don't find me, then I'll find you.  Yours, Nikaidou Yamato Some love letter, you think, folding the page up and stuffing it back into the envelope so you can submit it to evidence later. It's more of a death threat than anything else, but you find that you don't mind all that much. Either way, you'll finally get to see him face to face, which means he's as good as caught.
As it turns out, Nikaidou Yamato looks nothing like the image that's been circulating the tabloids in increasing amounts over the past few months. In fact, he bears little to no resemblance to the photos in his file, which explains why no one (read: you) has been able to pin him down. And that's why you never saw him coming. The twenty-four hours came and went in the blink of an eye, and when you finally returned home to clear your head and maybe grab a bite to eat, he made good on his promise to find you instead. He ambushed you in your own kitchen, holding a knife to your throat to keep you in check. He wasted no time in shoving you down into one of the chairs in your dining room and tying you up. Which brings you to your current predicament. "See something you like?" His lips twitch at the corners as he leans back in his chair, eying you over the table that separates the two of you. You're seated directly across from him, hands bound behind the chair's back with what feels like rope. The knots won't budge. He's smart enough that he also secured your legs, which is something you hoped he'd overlook if you didn't put up too much of a fight. How unfortunate. You narrow your eyes but keep your lips pressed tightly pursed. To be honest, some part of you has noticed that he's incredibly handsome, which explains how he's been so adept at getting close to his victims, but you're not about to tell him any of that. "Come now," he says, his voice a lazy drawl. His eyes appear to be glinting with laughter as he watches you, but maybe it's just a trick of the light reflecting off his glasses. "You might as well say what you want now, or else you'll regret it later." You close your eyes for a short moment, open them again. Yamato is giving you an expectant look, and you quickly glance away, focusing instead on his hands. They're folded together in front of him, resting innocently on top of crisp white tablecloth, as though they've never been stained with the blood of innocents. "...Why are you doing this?" He makes a face. "Boring." "No, I mean"--you try your best to motion towards the tablecloth that you're only now realizing you've never seen before in your life--"why are you doing this?" There's silverware placed neatly in line with your shoulders, as one might expect from a fine-dining restaurant: forks on the left, knives and spoons on the right. It takes Yamato a few seconds to understand that you're not inquiring about his terrible life choices, and soon a smile blooms on his face, misleading in it's warmth and delight. "Ah!" He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table, and you instinctively flinch backwards -- as much as you possibly can given your current state -- which elicits a chuckle from your captor. "I thought you'd be exhausted after running around all day chasing dead ends, so I made you dinner." "How romantic," you say dryly, not quite able to stop your lips from twitching in amusement. And it would be, if you weren't tied up and the man sitting across from you wasn't a wanted criminal. He grins lazily. "A woman like you deserves it." "It'd be nicer if you untied me," you say casually, and Yamato laughs. The look on his face now makes your heart drop. He's toying with you. He knows that you're not able to spring yourself from his trap. And regrettably, he's right. "Later," he says, eyes darkening, and your blood runs cold as you remember his promise. His threat. "I'll leave your body somewhere nice so your partner won't have to look too hard. But let onii-san have a little fun with you first, okay?"
--bad end
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ambreiiigns · 2 years
HIIIIII HOW ARE YOU 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i got your message a few days ago BUT i wanna watch both those films first so i can give you a proper response 💞💞
i started watching Nyx Fears and i'm liking her channel already!!!🥺💖 i love youtubers who make discussions about disturbing shit feel like you're hanging out w a friend who's telling you about fun horrible things<33 i found a couple of those lately but cannot for the life of me remember the channel names so i'll have to check 👀👀👀👀
ALSO i finally watched Hellraiser today because it's been on my (very long) to watch list for a while and people at work were saying they found it terrifying, and like? it honestly felt to me like if an episode of doctor who was gory, like yeah it was fun and i did enjoy it but. once again no fear 😔😔😔
ANYWAY how've you been, what've you been up to!!!! found anything particularly terrifying yet??? HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT 💝💝💝💝
ye that's how you do it baybayyy unfort i don't remember what i wrote you anymore but i'm pretty sure my goal was just like. is it worth the watch or not question mark 🤔🤔🤔 and i hope i didn't spoil anything. i don't think i did but i have been living in fear. YEA LET ME KNOW IF YOU WATCH THEM THO LET ME KNOW ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!
YES YES YES YES YES NYX FEARS LICHRALLY. THE VIBES. OFF THE FUCKING CHARTS. THE ENERGY SHE HAS THE ATTITUDE UGHHHH!!! and she's not. i apologize if i said this already but [EDIT: i have in fact said it already. a couple of sentences have therefore been redacted xx] i Knew you would also find use in the channel hell yeah brother 😎 curious to know if you remember any other youtube guy tho!!
oh Tell me about that. i simply can't get into hellraiser i haven't really seen any :-( it's one of the things i stumbled on as a kid along like. nightmare and child's play but i haven't really cared to watch it??? i really should i KNOW it's fun i know it's silly i know the gore and sfx are Insane but it also feels like... it gets Too sci-fy almost? 🤔 that is Not the right term but. in short i am very conflicted abt it so Tell Me Nate which one did you see how was it i know we're not getting scared but was it fun do you think i should commit do you think it's worth watching 👁👁
i got nothing new for you unfort! apparently i watch two heavyweights in one sitting one after the other and then i step away for a while huh!! i NEED to change this pattern or i'll go insane!!!!!! but i've been showing my brother some slashers here and there and the last one we watched was house of wax 2005. nate it's soooo you us core have you seen house of wax it's so fuckin fun and silly and slay. i wanted to make brother watch pearl 2022 next but apparently no pearl in italian yet :-( so we're either doing like maybe ginger snaps or silent hill next :-( blowing u kissies wishing u a nice time too 💜💜💜💜
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backupmiyuko · 2 years
15 and 11
favorite henshin gimmick: *HOLDS KAMEN RIDER AS A WHOLE*
Least Favorite series: first off: going only off of one's i've Finished
Rider: Faiz,Drive, Hibiki1, And Saber (As a currently running once a week show)
Ultraman: Ultraman X
Sentai: Kyuranger
Garo: Yami o Terasu Mono. -it's the only one i've finished.
oh boy. *clears throat* my opinions can and do change with time and or rewatches, and if a show here is your favorite that's good for you these are my opinions but for currently:
Rider: Faiz, Drive, and Hibiki, and Saber -as a Weekly experience.
Faiz: i knew going in it would frustrate me. i tried to give it the benefit of the doubt, i enjoy inoue as a writer, but not here. -the fanwork for this show is great.
Drive: aged like milk past 2016. -i also Really Really hated Gou, and unfort he's the secondary rider. didn't enjoy it's comedy past a certain point. heart deserved better, as did Kiriko.
Hibiki: another one i knew going in i'd have trouble with, starting from the fact that. no one could summarize this show in a way that sounded painfully boring. -and that was true for me in the first half. i'm sorry hibiki fans nothing happened for 10 eps straight, and the motw stuff was so paint by numbers. i managed to skip ahead by accident at one point and we did not realize for half the ep. i enjoyed the second half more, but by that point there wasn't a lot that could save the show as a whole, though by god inoue and co tried, and tried their best to not lose too many members of the cast according to translations of interviews.
i also. did not really like Hibiki as a character. i just ended up missing Godai.
Saber: i liked this one better on a rewatch, i truly did. but the week to week experience of this one was awful and i'm glad i don't have to do it that way again. it's still not a fav, but it's better than the first viewing.
Ultra: prefacing this with i haven't finished a lot of ultra, list can and will change when i finish more, god i hope, cause i feel bad:
Ultraman X. it just wasn't for me guys, i'm sorry, it also did not help that i'd finished Taiga right before. kickass finale though.
Sentai: I will preface this by saying i have not Finished a lot of sentai either. -in part because i am much more able to forget to come back or drop a show. so this list will very very much change.
Kyuranger: i tried. and i'm fonder of Lucky than most, hell i like him this is not about him. it's just kind of just. off? dunno how to explain it, i also didn't care for stinger that much past his early arc, i'm sorry guys. can explain one thing though, had some of my least liked comedy filler eps. -please let Mouri be head writer on a kamen rider though, cause by god he tried to balance of a cast this large.
oh and it made me experience the double cop hour with the Reboot!Gavan and Dekaranger crossover. -and then put the reboot space sheriffs in the final piece of content.
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sukunastoy · 3 years
Boo bad news! ☹
Lemme just take a crack at getting your mind off of stuff, it might be shit because I'm not great and thinking of this stuff, but what about a strong willed woman who refuses to go down without a fight, a brat if you will 🤣 let's see what Sukuna can do with that. (The more aggressive the better 😏) Nsfw/fluff/AU whatever one sparks joy.
I love your work btw 🥰 💕
AHHH THIS TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG. (Btw the bad news went away, and turned into good news. 🥺❤ All has been okay now...)
But...I really wanted to get my idea straight for it. 😩❤ Ugh...I had so much fun writing this...I truly hope you enjoy!! And thank you so much!! 🥺👉👈💖✨
Rest is below the cut! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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Pairings: Professor!Sukuna-Brat Tamer- x fem!student-Brat-/reader
(All characters are of legal age, Sukuna aged up more into late 30's/early 40's)
Wordcount: 5.8k+
Synopsis: You're a spoiled brat in college who doesn't like to do homework and usually you can just flash your boobs at your professors in their offices and they would drool and change your grades. But, Professor Itadori is the type of man who is going to make you EARN that grade.
CW/TW: College student/professor sex, slapping (once or twice), sorta non/con to con? (Reader already had the hots for him, just never thought it would go farther.) unprotected sex, oral sex (m. receiving), fingering (anal and vaginal), anal and vaginal sex, creampie, breeding kink, degradation, name-calling.
Disclaimer: I own nothing of JJK.
Reblogs and comments are truly appreciated!! ヾ(•ω•`)o
"Auughh...Next class we have those ridiculous reviews..." Nobara groaned while she walked with you down the hall. "Don't you have like, really good grades?" you laughed at her, brushing your hair. "Well yeah but... that's what makes these reviews suck! Total waste of time..." She continued to grumble while crossing her arms and looking at you. "And what are you getting all prettied up for?" she commented on your hair and outfit choice. "Gotta look desperate." you replied while pushing your tits up so they'd show the most cleavage.
"You want a jacket or something to cover up while in those reviews? Cause your tits are like literally hanging out." "That's kind of the point." You smirked while looking at her. "Ohhh...you harlot." She laughed while shoving your arm. You giggled innocently while shrugging. "How else will I get my grades improved? Just show some tit and the professors usually will do anything to see it again cause they're pervs. But whatever, its how I keep all my grades up."
In Professor Itadori's class, your name fell at the end of the roster, and he went in order from the top to the bottom on calling students in. Sitting in the back of the classroom while adding the last bit of makeup you wanted, you finally saw the student prior to you exit the Professor's office and you grinned in mirth. Finally.  You've never taken school seriously. Your parents sent you here to college to 'better yourself'. But it was boring, a waste of time you thought. Why spend most of your nights studying for some degree you didn't care about when you could be out partying? Unfortunately your parents were very close friends with one of the professors, and you didn't know who it was, but you didn't want news of bad grades slipping back to them or they might actually make you start paying rent or something else that was stupid.
You realized pretty quickly that if you had your tits out, face loaded in makeup, and wore provocative clothing, the professors were pretty much putty in your hands. You didn't even have to fuck them, and it made you almost pity how desperate some professors were just for some tits. Well, all besides the one elderly woman you had a class with, but luckily her class was mostly participation points, so just showing up was good enough. Professor Itadori was the only one you hadn't tried to convince yet, but that's because the first half of the semester was just lecture, and he gave like no homework at all.
Unfortunately his lectures have now included homework, and, hell no. It wasn't fair, having no homework for a while and now he wants to assign some? What a jackass.
Strutting into his office, you closed the door behind you and glanced ahead at the older pink haired man sitting at his desk looking down at some papers. Luckily he was super hot, despite being like the age of your dad, but it made it easier to look like a little slut in front of him, plus, dilf's were usually pretty easy to convince, as they were the most desperate for some attention. You've had fantasies about some of the professors here and there, and Professor Itadori was definitely on that list. What was so bad about fantasizing?
He was quiet when you walked in and briefly glanced up from his desk to greet you, cocking a brow up at your rather revealing outfit. "Miss (Y/N), please, have a seat." he said quietly, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk while looking back down at the papers before him.
"Whew, its just sooo hot out today isn't it?" You sighed while plopping down in the seat, making sure your tits bounced with your actions. "Feels like I can't ever wear a small enough amount of clothes to beat the heat."
"Hm.." Was all he replied with a nod to acknowledge you. "So, I've noticed you're not doing any of the homework. Any reason for that?"
"Oh, I don't know. Just some of the material is very, very hard." You sighed breathlessly while flipping your hair to the side and pouting out your bottom lip.
"Is that so?" he questioned, watching you as you leaned forward onto his desk, crossing your arms under your chest to push your tits up more again. "Yeah, I just don't have time to do it, all my other professors are just drowning me in homework, it really isn't fair." His gorgeous eyes never left yours, and his expression remained unfazed, which really concerned you. Most professors were already ogling your tits so hard at this point, and he didn't seem to care?  "Have you even tried to do the homework assignments?" he let out a bit of an irritated sigh, forcing your eyebrows to pinch at the bridge of your nose. What was this guys problem? Was homework honestly more important than even looking at your very obvious cleavage?
"Of course I have!" you whined loudly, plopping back in your seat while crossing your arms up under your breasts to keep them pushed up. A bit of your hair fell down into your face and you huffed out the top corner of your lips to blow it from your view. “Come on…can’t you cut a pretty girl like me some slack?” Surprisingly, that finally got a little bit of a reaction out of him as he lifted both of his eyebrows briefly. He smirked before clicking his tongue and looking back down to the papers.
"You do realize," he began while taking off his reading glasses and putting them into the drawer of his desk. "...that the homework is simply to write three things you remember from the lecture of the day, right? Each day on your online homework tab, I leave an open discussion board, and every student needs to submit something. This is mainly a lecture class. I don't even care if you were to write what color shirt I had on for the lecture. Just three things you can remember to prove to me you're at the very least paying attention in my class."
Your eyes widened a bit at his words and your lips parted slightly as your jaw started to fall. Having never actually looked at the homework, you had no idea it was something as simple as that. He probably mentioned it at some point, but you really never paid attention.
"Even if you started doing the homework now, I doubt your grade could recover before the end of the school year." he drawled while pushing a print out of your grade/assessment towards you. "You'll most likely fail my class as it requires a B or higher to move on. And I have to add, you'd be the first to ever do so. In fact," he continued while leaning back in his chair, setting his elbow on the armrest and his cheek atop his knuckles while looking at you with a displeased expression. "...you're the first student to ever drop below an A in my class. That's a bad look for me."
Scoffing while crossing your legs and returning the same dull face, you gave an uncaring shrug. "So? Just change it to an 'A' then. Can't be that difficult, you professors can do whatever you want anyway."
A grin spread across his face so slowly it honestly gave you chills.
"How about a quick lesson? It will give you a chance to redeem yourself, and I'll adjust your grade if you do well." He offered, that grin starting to show his canines and you moved your arms a bit lower from under your breasts, lessening the amount of cleavage you were trying to expose. His darkened eyes now watched you intently and you couldn't shake your sudden uncomfortable feeling.
"...Okay sure, but, what kind of lesson?"
He cleared his throat then abruptly stood up from his desk, actually making you jump slightly. "I'm assuming you have time today then? For the lesson?" He asked while walking passed you to the door of his office, locking it. You weren't the first student in his career to come into his office playing this type of game. If you wanted a better grade, you were going to get one, but you were going to work for it.
Giving another shrug, you looked back to him briefly. "I guess so. I mean you're my last class for the-....Did you just lock the door?"
"My lessons aren't easy, and once you start them, you're required to finish them." He simply replied, ignoring your question and walking back in front of you. With your jaw slightly ajar, your glared up at him as he leaned back against his desk, putting one hand into his pocket while looking down to you in the chair. His crotch was damn near in your face from his position.
"Uh, excuse me, but why the fuck did you just lock the door?" you snapped at him, standing up from the chair and putting your hand on your pushed out hip.
"Because I don't want anyone coming in, or, would you prefer that? Would you like to make your private lesson a public presentation for others?" A chuckle fell from his lips as he started undoing the buttons to his cuff links, rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. 
“I’ll change your grade sweetheart. But you’re going to give me a lot more than just a look at your tits.” Swallowing tightly at his actions and words, your eyes looked up to him with a mix of anger and worry.
"Look dude, if you touch me, I'll fucking report your ass. And I'll tell my parents, they know someone here at the school who has a lot of power over making decisions about professors, and your career here will be over like that." you snapped your fingers at the end, a smug little grin on your face.
"Oh? And who will they believe? The professor who has been here for years, never having a student report on him before? Or, will they believe the rich, spoiled, little slut who is only good at wearing a push up bra?"
"Fuck you." you scoffed while flipping him off and yanking your bag up from the floor, slinging the strap over your shoulder. Turning to reach for the door, your eyes stared at the lock and you halted. It wasn't just a simple turn style lock...it was one where it needed a key to lock from both sides, so without the key to unlock it...
Your head slowly turned to look back at the man who had a devilish grin on his face, twirling the key ring on his finger while looking to you. "You really should learn to pay better attention to things."
"Let me out." you demanded, trying to keep your voice from cracking and your body from shaking. This clearly amused him as he let another little chuckle slip out of his throat while pocketing the key.
"You're just making all sorts of demands aren't you, ya' brat? You came in here thinking you were going to control this situation, didn’t you? Don’t tempt the lion with meat and not feed it.” Motioning with a single finger for you to come back to him,  you returned with a finger of your own, flipping him off again.  "I said, let me out."
"Get over here, and get on your knees." his voice deepened with demand, pointing down in front of himself to the ground, getting comfortable while leaning back against the desk. "If I have to drag you over here, you're not going to like it."
"If you come over here, you're not going to like it!" you yelled at him while stomping your foot.
The male could not hide the amusement on his face and he pushed away from the desk, making his way over to you and your body stiffened as he quickly approached. "From what I've heard, you don't listen in any of your classes, you don't do any of your homework in any class...you just like to go out and party. Isn't that right?"
He spoke down to you as you backed up against the door, his arms on either side of you with palms against the door frame. Your breath hitched in your throat as he caged you in, unable to keep your thighs from clenching at his domineering pose as his eyes remained on you, staring intently as if you were a meal he was about to enjoy. Fuck. Sure you’ve had fantasies but, you weren’t actually wanting this to happen!
"Answer me, you spoiled, little brat." "Y-yeah I do, but s-so what??" you did your best to remain firm, not crouching down as he was clearly wanting you to do.  "Tell me, how many times have you let those little frat boys fuck you? Or are you just a fucking tease?”
You were taken back at his tone and language, immediately slapping him across the face.  "I will scream if you don't let me out, RIGHT NOW." His head had barely turned at your minor attack, if anything it only brought a bigger smirk to his face, one you really didn't like at all. Was this entertaining to him??
"See...that's the problem with little brats like yourself." He let out a nonchalant sigh while suddenly grabbing a fistful of your hair, turning and jerking you away from the door to in front of him. You yelped out and stumbled down to your hands and knees, dropping your bag and feeling the slight burn of the rug onto your skin.  But before you could even look back or protest, the male was hunched over your back, an arm up under your throat, choking you just enough to silence your screams and another hand quickly found its way underneath your skirt, grabbing onto your lacey underwear and pulling on it harshly.
Letting out muffled and struggling screams, you tried to drop your hips to the floor to avoid his forceful touch, but he took hold of the fabric of your skirt tightly in his hand and yanked you up back onto your knees.  "As I was saying..." deep chuckles rumbled in his chest and throat, followed by almost animalistic growls as he was enjoying your sounds of struggle. Just enough air flow to breathe, but not comfortably.
Going back to your panties, he gripped onto it again and pulled harshly, jerking it down your shaking thighs to your bent knees.  "...the problem with you brats, is that you've never been fucked by a real man, so you have no manners when it comes to knowing your place."  Struggling harshly again you kept gasping for what little air you could get, mentally cursing him as you felt your whole face burn with the little oxygen you were receiving.
As soon as two of his fingers slid through your already soaked wet folds, a whine managed to escape your throat and you screwed your eyes shut, hating that you were wet from this right now. He laughed, cruelly, as he continued to prod the pads of his fingers through your lower lips, gathering slick on them until it was oozing off his hand to the floor.  His arm around your throat lessened only for him to grab onto your hair again, tangling it in his hand and holding it so tightly your head was tilting back just enough to see his face.  "S-Stop touching me!!"
He laughed loudly while tearing your underwear from your legs and scrunching it into a ball before shoving the fabric into your mouth, making your eyes widen in panic. "I love fucking little, spoiled brats like you into submission." he groaned in anticipation while smearing your own slick all over your face with his fingers, making you whine and try to thrash your head away. "The way you little sluts have no idea how to take a grown man's cock is quite amusing. You flaunt your tits and ass for it, begging for that attention, but crumble when you finally get it.”
Still struggling against his grip, he used the weight of his body to press down onto yours, keeping you in place as he stuffed two of his thick fingers inside your soaking cavern, not even wasting time as he curled them upwards, digits in so deeply that his knuckles were squishing your lips. A quiet and long moan came through your body and out as a muffle through your gag, your thighs quivering as he finger fucked you harshly, already harassing that sweet spot of yours like he was an expert at this, already a professional at bringing snotty brats like yourself to the edge of cumming so quickly.
No one has ever been able to bring an orgasm out of you with such haste, especially if even using their dicks. You cursed and screamed at him through your gagged and now dried out mouth as he added a third finger to your already fluttering and stretched hole, making your head tilt back on its own, painful yet pleasurable groans rolling in your throat.
This was it, not even 30 seconds with his thick fingers pounding into your cunt, your walls clenched tightly and you mewled out in anticipation of the hard climax you knew you were about to be given, never having anyone even come close to making you feel so fucking good.
But just as you felt yourself start to tip over that edge and release the tightened coil in your stomach, he jerked his fingers out of your desperate pussy, laughing loudly as you screamed and stiffened your body tightly with the instant loss of your release.  Your glossy eyes immediately cut back to him from the side, brows furrowed and your nostrils flared as you inhaled deeply, feeling your own teased arousal running down your thighs.
"What's wrong, little girl? Suddenly you want me to keep touching you?" his mocking voice made you scowl at him you struggled to pull your body away from him by gripping onto the rug beneath you, trying to pull yourself along it.  Surprising, he let you go and your fumbled forward down onto your face, cussing through the gag which you now pulled out of your mouth.  "You're a p-piece of shit!" your voice cracked as you scolded him, pulling your legs away from him as he stood up, smoothing out his shirt to free it of any minor wrinkles he might have obtained.
Ignoring your fussing, he started to unbuckle his belt and you and you sniffled slightly while scooting back some more from him. Fuck fuck fuck. You weren’t prepared for this. You never imagined actually having to fuck one of your professors for real!
“T-this is rape, you're raping me!"
"Shut up, you want this, you're fucking soaked." he scoffed, staring at you again with an otherwise emotionless expression, undoing the button and zipper on his pants which weren't even hiding the massive tent he was already growing.  His frame began to move towards you and you backed up against the desk more as he stopped before you, stroking the bulge through his boxer briefs.
As he pulled down his briefs and let out his cock, you leaned back in initial shock and gasped almost frightenedly at how it sprung up from his restraints, just massive and already leaking precum from the engorged tip. Literally the biggest cock you've seen in your life and it was inches from your face. 
Of course it had to be fucking gorgeous as well. "D-don't you dare!" you suddenly yelled up to him, trying to stay out of the trance that wanted to know how it felt to be stuffed so full of a cock this size.  "I am reporting all of this!" you continued to yell. "No you wont." he chuckled with confidence, stroking his length and encouraging more of that glistening precum to bead at the slit.
His arrogance only increased as you stared at his cock with wide eyes, and he slipped his shirt off over his head. Briefly your eyes flickered up to his abs and chest, tracing the tattoos over his skin that you had no idea were there, and the arousal from seeing his gorgeous body shot right down to your aching pussy.
This was a whole ass MAN infront of you right now! Not one of your classmates that you fucked around with at parties. While grabbing the base of his cock and a fistful of your hair, you let out an excitedly frightened yelp. "W-whoa! W-wait a seco-Mmph!" Not even able to finish the sentence, your mouth was stuffed full of his thick girth and your eyes widened at how much it filled your mouth.
"If you want that better grade, you have to earn it." he grunted while pulling your head closer to him, forcing more of his length into your mouth and you let out muffled moans around his cock. You held onto his pants for leverage as he quickly fucked himself into your mouth and you squirmed. Desperation grew between between your legs as you were unable to keep the thoughts of his cock fucking your aching cunt out of your mind.
Reaching a hand down underneath your skirt, you tried to relieve some of your pent up tension but Sukuna gripped onto your hair tighter and forced himself more down your throat making you choke out around his cock. "I didn't say you could pleasure yourself, did I?" He held your head tightly in place while leaving himself lodged deep down your throat and you struggled to breathe through your nose. "Not yet ya brat." He chuckled while suddenly pinching two fingers onto your nose, cutting off all air. "You going to behave now?" Looking up at him with teary eyes you whined deeply for mercy and he pulled himself all the way out of your mouth still holding you up by your hair and you choked harshly while drool from your mouth was attached to the end of his cock in thick bubbly strands.
He pulled you to the side by your hair and leaned back onto his desk, lifting one of his feet onto a chair and forcing your head back towards his cock, but you instead tried to bite him. Fuck him for thinking he can control you so easily! Your actions made him jolt his hips back quickly, keeping a firm hand in your hair so you couldn't reach forward to bite him again. "I swear I'll bite you so fucking hard if you try-"
An immediate burning sting came to the side of your face, knocking you down to the ground on your side and tears clung to the corners of your eyes as you realized he had just slapped you so hard it nearly made your vision fade for a moment.
Unable to come back to your senses yet, you felt his body come over yours again, pinning you on your belly to the floor.  "Alright, I get it, you need my fucking cock in you right now, don't you?" he chuckled into your ear and you shrieked while flailing your arms to try and move away from him but to no avail. He leaned up and grabbed both of your struggling arms, pulling them behind your back and holding your wrists firmly together with his large hand and you panted through slight sobs.
"You're a f-fucking asshole!" you cried at him angrily as he painfully pinned your wrists onto your back, your struggles hardly a problem for him.  "How about I fuck your asshole, hm? Is that what you want?" he grinned in mirth at how your body suddenly tightened before you thrashed harshly again, even clenching your thighs tightly together in protest as if you'd be able to keep him out.
"What? Never had one of those frat boys open up your ass? Oh sweetheart, let me teach you." He laughed while reaching a hand to your face, forcing two fingers inside of your mouth.  "Get them nice and wet, I don't think you want me going in dry." Trying to turn your head away you squealed and slightly bit his fingers before he could pull them from your mouth.  "I don't want you going in at all!!" "You know that’s a lie. Aw...well I doubt this is enough." He brought his two fingers back that were in your mouth and he pushed the tips of both of them into your tightened hole, sending a painful burn through your body.  "W-wait! S-stop!!" you begged, starting to cry honest tears as his fingers forced themselves deeper inside, sending more pain through you. He kept his palm turned upwards while humming in satisfaction, beginning to pump his fingers in and out of your ass, and you screamed and writhed your body in protest.  "You wanted to be a slutty little brat, so I'll fuck that attitude right out of you."  He pulled his fingers out and you exhaled sharply in relief, but immediately tensed up again when his hand moved just barely lower, collecting more of your oozing slick to give you some sort of lubrication as mercy.
Though you continued to beg for him to let you go, and to please stop, you knew why you were still so wet, and you felt so embarrassed at actually wanting him to fuck you. A strong, older man just moving you around as he pleases, using your body to humor himself...you couldn't keep your mind clear of these desires.  As you were lost in thought, that engorged tip came to your slightly prepared hole and you held your breath, tensing up harshly at whatever pain you knew was going to follow. You’d never done anal before, and you certainly weren’t prepared for it right now! "The more tense you are, the worse it hurts." he informed before using his hand to guide himself in, slowly but definitely not slow enough.
Your breath seized up in your throat as your mouth fell open, fingers clenching harshly into fists as they shook from the searing pain that was affecting your whole body.  Deep and quiet groans left his mouth as he furthered his thick length inside, inhaling deeply at the almost painful tightness.
You finally managed to make a sound, air rushing back into your lungs before being forced out again with a loud and agonizing scream. A hand was immediately clasped over your mouth, and his deep growl was in your ear. "Shut your fucking mouth and take it."
Shaking your head harshly, you continued to wail through his hand, hardly able to withstand the intense pressure and burning sensation that was not letting up and only getting worse.  "Still a little brat I see."
With a quick snap of his hips, he stuffed the rest of himself inside and you kicked your legs repeatedly, unable to bear the pain. The sound of his laughs at your sobs made you cry and seriously regret trying to get him to change your grade. You weren’t ready for this type of intense fucking!
Letting out his own groans and hums of satisfaction, he only gave you a couple seconds to settle before starting to pull back out and your head snapped up quickly with a terrified gasp as it felt like you were about to do something horrible. Were…were you about to have an accident on him??
Before you could really start to panic in sheer terror and embarrassment, he spoke to you. "It only feels like its happening, its not." he said with reassurance, knowing what you probably felt. His voice was so calming for a moment, letting you relax as your ass was slowly adjusting. 
You gulped hard as a bead of sweat rolled down your cheek, still feeling incredible pressure in your ass. But it wasn't long before he started to thrust himself in and out, forcing you to take it whether you were ready or not.
"St-sto-aah..!" a shaky moan left your lips as the torturous suffering was starting to become a delicious pain. "O-oh...f-fuuuckk..!"  He smirked upon hearing your moans, releasing your hands and gripping onto the sides of your ass, holding you firmly as he started to ruthlessly hammer into you.  Your arms laid motionlessly out to your sides and your cheek smooshed into the rug, your body being jerked back and forth by the force of his thrusts and you continued to wail but now only in erotic bliss.
Hearing his hips slap into your ass with each thrust made your eyes roll back even further. No one has fucked you so roughly before. "I knew you'd like your ass getting fucked...all of you spoiled little brats do." The comment made you shudder hard and he suddenly pulled out of you, flipping you over onto your back and holding his cock to guide it back inside quickly, picking up his brutalizing pace again immediately.
Your belly sucked in at the harsh breath you took, mouth hung open as you stared blankly up at the ceiling, nearly seeing stars as his fat cock continued to abuse your ass. Your pussy throbbed with envy, and you felt so embarrassed to feel like you were going to cum from your asshole getting fucked. "S-Sukunaaa..!" you sobbed, bringing a hand over your face as the intensity started to become too much, but he jerked your hand away and placed his own around your throat, squeezing tightly. "Disrespectful to say my first name..." he grunted with a shit eating grin on his face, moving his other hand to your jealous cunt, stuffing two of his fingers deeply inside. Your back immediately arched up off the ground from the overpowering stimulation, a silent scream barely making it out of your mouth from the tightness of his hand around your throat.
Through little shame at this point, you immediately came all over him, squirting onto his hand as his fingers continued to harshly pump your spasming cunt, the pace of his cock fucking your ass not letting up either.  "Damn...you little, bratty sluts all feel so fucking good!" he groaned in pleasure, releasing your throat and your erotic screams instantly poured out, hands returning to the side of your face as you held your own head, trying not to go insane from the amount of pleasure and stimulation.  "P-please..! F-fuck..Please! I ca...I can't..!"
Pulling his fingers out of your drenched cunt, he flicked his hand off to the side, forcing off any excess slick and removing his cock from your ass at the same time, only to adjust his hips and bury himself deeply inside of your still cumming pussy. Your legs fell wide open to the sides, unable to even stop your body from succumbing to its desires and his hands grabbed tightly at your waist, holding you firmly as he rutted himself harshly into your cunt, silently enjoying hearing his first name leaving your lips again as he was fucking you stupid at this point.
Feeling your gummy walls start to tighten again, you sobbed from the pleasure, your knees lifting and hugging the side of his hips as he panted with every forceful thrust, small droplets of sweat falling from his chest down onto you as he was starting to chase his own release.
One of his hands came up under your back, lifting you up higher as his cock began to hammer into your cervix and your tongue hung from the side of your mouth, eyes rolled back as you were drowning in the best fucking ecstasy and pleasure you've ever felt in your life.  Your walls were so stretched you were convinced you would be sore from the ferocity of his thrusts, and the thought of no one else being able to make you feel this euphoric plagued your mind.
"You wanna cum again on this fucking cock?" he cooed at your dazed face and you whimpered while nodding your head, your hands desperately grabbing onto his shoulders as you couldn't hardly take it anymore.  "Beg me." he lustfully growled and you cried out while leaning your head back.  "P-please...le-let me cum...let me fucking cum o-on your f-fat fucking cock..!"
"More, you little brat. Beg for that grade."
Your nails started to dig into his skin as you couldn't find your voice, your mind delirious at the sound of your sloppy pussy being railed so abusively by this older man with this gorgeously huge cock, who didn't succumb to your bratty desires and demands. Fuck, it was insanely sexy to be put in your place for once...  "I...I wan-wanna cum...and..a-and get a better grade, p-please...fuck!" you babbled incoherently and he moved a hand to the top of your stretched out lower lips, the pads of his fingers quickly circling over your clit and your breath seized in your throat again, all air and sound silencing from your mouth as your body convulsed and shook with the most intense orgasm you've ever felt, tearing through you before finally forcing you to breathe again as you screamed through your high, dropping your head and arms back to the ground. Sukuna kissed your neck while still fucking you mercilessly through your orgasm, no intelligible words spilling from your lips and he grinned in arrogance at how dumb on his dick you were.
"Want my fucking cum, brat?" he panted through a growl, fingertips digging into your skin almost painfully as he held your waist again tightly.  "Want me t-to...hnm...fill your fucking pussy up, send you home dripping with my cum?"  You nodded your head quickly, unable to find your sanity or voice but you wanted to be so full of his cum, wanting to be a little cumslut just for him. "I'm gonna fill your little, fucking cunt..!" He groaned deeply, and you latched your legs around his waist tightly.
He adjusted his hips again as he bullied his cock in further, hitting your womb repeatedly until his thrusts finally faltered and he growled harshly in ecstasy, spurting thick, white ropes of his cum inside your still quivering and gladly accepting walls.
You cried out at his release, a hand back over your bashful face before he finally slowed and halted his movements, stopping a moment to let both of you come down from your highs. You could still feel his cock pulsing and throbbing inside of you and you looked up to him with a heated and flushed face.  "Hmm...not such a disobedient brat now, are you?" A smirk showed off his canines and he brought a hand to your face, gently pushing your other hand away as his thumb wiped your sticky tears from your skin.  Shaking your head at his words, you sniffled and nuzzled his hand, holding it close to your face while trying not to cry again as you still felt the aftershocks of your explosive orgasms traveling throughout your exhausted body.  "I say you've earned your A, you filthy, little slut."
Your face was still flushed and you looked to the side in embarrassment as he sat back up onto his knees from your body.  "Except..." he started and you looked over to him with worry in your eyes. "...I think you need to visit me in my office more. I could give you all kinds of different lessons, help you maintain that good grade for such a good girl..."
You felt like you could cum again just from the idea of knowing you get to enjoy his fat cock again sometime, and hopefully soon. You'd do whatever he wanted, he could have your body, it was all his.  Standing up to his feet and stretching his arms above his head, his muscles flexing with it, you remained on the floor in awe while watching him. "See, all you needed was an older mans dick to put you in your place. Fucked that bratty attitude right out of you. Those little frat boys wont ever be able to fuck you like that, no wonder you were such a little bitch." He chuckled, reaching a hand down to you to help you up off the floor.  You took his hand, legs wobbling as you tried to stand and you finally exhaled deeply, not sure if you were down from your high yet or not.  After you were able to stand on your own, he slapped your ass and you yelped, your face heating up and you looked at him quickly.  "I enjoyed stretching that ass of yours open, teaching you things you've never been taught, next time I'll teach you something else that's new." You swallowed hard and quivered, almost unable to wait for the next time you needed to come talk to him for 'help' with your grade.  “T-thank you, sir.” You struggled, weakly searching around for your panties, already feeling his abundant cum starting to run down your thigh.
He gave a slight nod before picking up his shirt from the floor. “Wait…” he said while standing up straight now and looking over to you with a very serious expression. “…you’re on birth control, right?”
|| Hope you enjoyed! Please comment and reblog! ||
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
We have two main versions of Batman:
- good writen Batman who is trying his best to change the city.
- proto facist Batman who always wins, is always ready for everything and thinks beating his criminals and sending them to hell in an endless cycle will somehow work out some day.
Now there is a lot of in between.
And not all Batman villans are queer, poor or neurodivergent (point to Scarecrow for being all the above). Shocker I now.
He has a lot of villans that can easlly represent systemic inssues (small ones like Lyle Bolton and Arnold Flass or major ones like Hugo Strange and the Court of Owls ) or are mostly capitalisc assholes (some versions of Penguin, he has other tamer mob related versions, ones he is almos an anti-hero and weirdly he also has the one who is just Poison Ivvy for birds; the first Black Mask would also fit here), just plain mob (some versions of Oswald, he is a very multi faceted characther; Maroni; Falcone; Black Mask; both Jason Tood and Two-Face had their mobster time).And some are a mix of both (Joker is queer coded and an abusive piece of shit; while I hate Scarecrow slander he is queercoded, poor and neurodiverget but also he can be saw as contributing to systemic opression by abusing his patients, when narratives make him an ex pyschatrist in Arkham who abused the immates) .
It all depends on how the characthers are portrait. Unfortally when writing grimdark asshole Batman most writers preffer to go to the "let's stigmatize the mentally ill/queer people//and some times the poor and if we really suck middle eastern people (this one is mostly about some depctions of Ra and the League of Assassins as a whole)", I mean they are basing their writings on Frank Miller. Of course it has bad undertones.
Actually we have four main versions of Batman:
- good writen Batman, symbolises hope, fails but is trying his best, has some issues and internalized shit to work on but is working on it.
- asshole Batman in a good writen story, is either deconstructing himself or accidentaly the villan of his own story.
- asshole Batman in a story that endorces it and reinforces societal norms and prejudices. Can still be a good story, but pay atention to the undertones and the mensage in it. Please.
- asshole Batman writen by Frank Miller or someone who thinks Frank Miller is the best thing to ever came to comics. He is facist.
This long introduction is to say that I am talking about number four. The Batman who could've come straigh up from ASBAR.
So a thing that happens in fanfic with this Batman is storys were a different version of Bruce comes and rescues the batkids. Or Jason Todd does it. Or Dick Grayson. Or some of the Rogues (fortunally never Joker or Slade, let's keep it that way, eh). A LOT OT THEM. And honestly this is fine. It IS also very cathartic.
I'm not here to judge it. I'm here to give this authors who create catharsis for themsefs and their readers (me included) some new ideas:
- Kate Kane saves the batkids. First of, Kate deserves some love. She may not be the most maternal person out there, but she is a great aunt and would likely be the most apt adult to see what Bruce was doing and interving. As she is a cosntant figure in Gotham and in direct contact with both the Batman and the Bruce sides. She would have trouble but also do an amazing job not only as guardian but as the hero Gotham needs. And if nothing more that would be fun.
- Barbara Gordon saves the batkids. Okay, I have a soft spot for older Barbara who acted as Dick older sister and as Bruce's younger sister. The one before DC started gradually deaging her. The one who was a concilwoman. And that Barbara would definitivaly do something. Also I just love her.
- Barry Allen rescues the Batkids. When not used as the watsonian reason for bad reboots, the flashfamily is the most functional family in DC (and I say that as a batfam lover). Also Barry sideckicks all already have a Robin bestie. So it's very easy. Not only that, but Barry it's the only option that can also save the opressed side Batman rogues and actually help them rehabilited and I NEED it. The asshole versions of Bruce treats his rogues soo bad I can't. And like most times they still are redemable. Like the only justification the media will give is "they are sick so they can't change" and like WTF. As a neurodivergent person who also suffers from high anxiety, this is problematic as hell as a jistification. Also it mades no narrstive sense. I mean yeah, Joker is irredimable. But why are Riddler and Ivvy in the same level as him?
- Lord Death Man rescues the batkids. I won't explain. But he is Damian step-great grandfather and he treats the apprentice he considers the daugther he never wanted fairly well.
- The batkids join the Shazamfamily. They are also very fuctional. And people always make Billy joins the Batfam so it's time to the inverse.
[For now that is it. Mostly because I'm trying to give sugestions I never saw im actual fics. If I think of something more I'll add. Also PLEASE PLEASE someone make a fic of Flash rescuing the villans in an asshole Batman scenario, I need it]
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pawsthec · 3 years
Another Lady D/maid ship imagine.
I feel like at the start of Alcina's mutated life she would have been self conscious of showing her claws around anyone,so when she gets a crush on a maid then she is adamant about keeping them hidden.
When the maid is sat on the sofa across from Alcina one evening and she feels them extend, she doesn't have full control of them at this point, she panics.
"my lady, are you feeling alright?"
"perfect dear, I just need some air."
*Alcina stands up and the maid watches with suspicion*
"I thought you said that with your mutated body you don't need to breathe?"
*Alcina hums with a tight smile*
"it is that sometimes, it feels like I need to breathe. I'm sure you understand"
*at this point Alcina has her hands behind her as she can feel her nails growing sharper*
"have I done something to make you uncomfortable? I apologise of I have"
"you have done nothing of the sort dear, I just need to breathe"
*the maid nods and Alcina rushes out to her balcony*
Alcina stands there for a few moments before extending her claws and moving her fingers individually.
Maid feels bad and goes out to check on Alcina and squeals when the claws swing very close to her face. Alcina turns to look at the maid in shock as her expression is matched by the maid.
"(maids name) you were supposed to stay inside!"
*maid just stands and stares while Alcina goes more and more anxious before hiding her hands behind her back*
"my lady... What are those exactly?"
*Alcina sighs before looking down*
"the only thing I've ever called them is claws, I was attempting to hide them from you as I do not have full control of them yet. They appear when I feel any strong emotion."
*The maid looks at Alcina with slight fear*
"what emotion were you fealing inside then? Are you certain I wasn't making you unfortable"
*Alcina looks away with a smile as she feels the claws start to retract*
"no... Quite the opposite in fact. I didn't mean for me to say after something like this but I have... Strong feelings about you. For you? When you're around?"
*the maid giggles before taking Alcina's hand in her own once the claws have fully retracted*
"do you mean to say that the Lady Dimitrescu has a crush on little old me?"
"crush? Is that you young people call it these days? Anyway, yes. I feel safe with you, as if I could spend eternity with you just... doing anything really. Do you not mind the claws?"
"I mean, now that I know it was your strong feelings for me that lures them out in the first place, I find it a little endearing."
"what is wrong with you!?"
"really? I find everything about you endearing, claws included. They don't change anything, I know that you wouldn't hurt me intentional with them"
"so you are comfortable with me having them out?"
"...you could say so, yes"
"good, holding them in for long periods of time starts to make my fingers turn numb"
Alcina brings out her claws and the maid watches as she slashes the air with wonder. They both learnt alot about eachother that night, but they mostly learnt that the other would care for them no matter they threw their way.
Towards the end the maid walks toward Alcina and runs her finger under the blunt side of one the claws, accidently nipping her finger at the end and leaving a slight cut at the top of her finger.
"maybe I shouldn't get too comfortable with them."
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mcubuckyxlokisbitch · 2 years
What if part 2
Part 1 here
heyo im back lmao ‘
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You laid in the chair as the wind from the ocean blew to your face. The open face to the sea calms you from the agonising roars the crashing of the sea to the rocks bring. It reminded you of the explosion from the battle you fought as if it was yesterday yet it has been a long 5 years. 
You and Loki live in a secluded area in the higher part of the hills of new asgard while Thor remains in the bottom refused to be seen and looked up on. But that wasn’t the purpose you both had when choosing the area.
It was quiet and not to mention colder than usual places perfect for the hybrid you birthed. 
“Atlas, grab breakfast before you play outside then if your good I’ll ask your father if we could go buy more candy for you.” You shouted grabbing a coat for your son Atlas, a young boy with long raven hair such as his fathers and eyes shaped and coloured as yours. The spitting image of his father with hints of his mother. 
“I’m here darling I’m here....” Loki appeared with his magic and hugged you from behind. While Atlas came running down the stairs, following his fathers actions in cooling you down by embracing you. You viewed a close by mirror as you see the happiness that stays in the family and will never leave. 
You all laugh as Loki used his magic to have your jackets been worn and zippered as you were about to open the door. But a cold feeling, a very uncomforting unbreezied one washed over you stopping you from turning the door knob, something that told you to not open that door ever to keep the warmth in the house never leave. 
“My love ? The door ? .” Loki glanced into your view breaking the intense tension between you and the doorknob. “Darling, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten to open the door.”
knock knock knock
“Don’t open the door.” A voice in your head whispered as the feeling in your gut churned you and slowly made you gasp for air.
knock knock knock
“My love someones at the door we should probably answer it...” Loki said as he placed his hand. You hand doesnt move from the handle but your powers heat it up out of reflex. 
“hsssss.” Loki flinches as he lifted his hand from the doorknob. “Don’t open the door.” you whisper, scared an explosion or an enemy waits behind it. 
knock knock knock
“Y/N... Loki it’s us Nebula and Rodhey..."
“See Thors friends... probably here to check on us nothing more alright?” Loki reassured you with his unburned hand while he used his charm to cool down the door knob and turn it clicking it open to two figures infron of the door in full armour.
“We need your help-” 
“Don’t open the door.” Loki said slamming it shut understanding what his wife meant.
“You keeping this door close won’t make us leave.”
“Its below cold neb maybe you can stay but im leaving after 5 min.”
“Your child was promised a walk in the park today, you don’t want to break that do you?” Nebulas voice peer through the door. 
“Atlas? We need to stay-
“ENOUGH CHILD GO TO YOUR QUARTERS.” Loki shouted back for the first time in his life. Atlas feared his father for the first time as Loki covered his mouth realising he’s slipping to become his father. 
“Ok lets breathe, Atlas walk down to the park with Meek only alright ?”
“Yay... yes mummy... who are the strange people by the door ? Are they taking you and papa away?”
“No never, were not leaving you anytime soon, now go have fun.” you reassured as you kissed his forhead and he runs out while pulling his scarf of the hanger rack from the side of the entrance. 
The door opens as he runs through between the two Avengers. 
“We need to talk.” Nebula said.
Both you and Loki sighed knowing what the talk might be about.
“So whos bright idea are we handling? Stark? Steve? Nat ? Bruce?”
“Scott’s.” Rhodey blurted out rubbing his two temples.
“Whats a Scott.” Loki sneered while pouring tea for the both of them. 
You were on the couch rubbing your thumbs nervously trying to come up with the words you wanted to say. 
“When we said drop by anytime, this was not something we imagined.” Loki said using his magic to hand over the tea cups.
“This was a last minute thing.”
“We need you both to tell us information about the reality stone. Then we and the team would conjure a time heist to the past to retrieve the stones and we need you to help us out.”
“We will tell you everything you need to know about the ether and its where abouts but nothing more.” You finally say standing your ground.
“We know you’ve lost friends even family but the earth needs your help.”
“No, we’ve lost Asgardians who really are gone, meaning whatever timeline you want to go back to won’t bring them back.” You retorted back as your voice start to crack and your start to tremble. 
“Sush, hush my love, I’m here… I’m here. Im right here.” Loki said placing your head towards his. 
“I think you should leave…”
“You need to consider how much help you could give to us.”
“Leave…”You said gritting your teeth. Trying to contain your sobs.
Nebula and Rodhey don’t hesitate to get up from their chairs and walk towards the door until Nebula stops. 
“I had a sister, shes really gone too. Im still here because sometimes the world can’t give back no matter how much you give it.” Nebula said. You hold your husband tighter as they left with that final statement. 
2 days since then adn that final statement hasn’t left your head. 
You thought about everything you have ever stood for for the past hundreds of years of your Asgardian life. Has anything every stopped you then why should anything stop you now ? 
Then your son runs into the room with his father playing with his old battle helmet. Is that really why you stopped ? just the additional? Maybe helping those that still can be helped wouldn’t be so bad after all.
The night came as you and Loki tucked Atlas into bed and read him his favourite story. “Father, Mother you wont be going anywhere like Laurel and Mia right.”
“We’re here my darling.”
“We are right here.” you reassured as you kissed him goodnight.
In your bedroom you and Loki started from throwing flirtatious comments to throwing eachother around the room. While you two where going at it something caught the corner of your eye. Your spear, the thing that helped you fought through thick and thin the form of loyalty unbreakable and althee trustworthy. Loki stopped placing kisses on your neck as he sighed feeling the tension of the room wasn’t as steamy as it use to be. 
“You’re thinking about the heist correct?.”
“I have no idea what that is.. Midgardian slang?” 
“Y/N…” Oh no, he only uses your name when it comes to something serious. 
“I only refused because you refused…” Loki unfolded himself from you as he rested back on the the beds headrest. “ Do not fight urges my love, they are the hardest enemies to defeat you know. Accept them as they are…”
“Will have Korg, Valkyrie Meek and many others to protect… And even so we wont be gone forever…”
Somehow that last sentence that seems so likely always seemed to be proven wrong. 
“Lets go crack of dawn.”
The last few words weren’t enough, the kisses weren’t long enough with Atlas, the hugs weren’t tight enough. Your worried face concerns Loki as he places a hand over yours.
Loki was right what is there to worry about. You both enter the huge mention you both were once in before. A robotic voice informed that everyone was in the meeting room. So the both of you grabbed your bags and followed the signs towards the meeting room. You slowly heard the sound of an old friend that despite living next to eachother you still haven’t seen so often after the war.
“So you see Jane was an old flame of mine who- who I don’t even know and don’t know where they are…”
“And a topic we wish to not see you touch with a 19 foot spear brother…”
“Ah Loki!!!.”
“Ei we were wondering when the lovebirds were going to join us.”
“Welcome back..”
“Don’t get to comfortable, we are only here to hepl info then-” You face Nebulas anticipated face. “We will see what the future results bring us.” 
“GREAT… shots!!!.”Thor cheered.
“No brother you sit down and my lovely darling please continue…” Loki said using his magic to sit Thor back in his chair. “Right, the aether, also known as the reality stone, has the power to change every molecule and atom that exists within its reach. Jane Foster found it in an abandoned building on Midgard, England to be specific. And for some lousy idiotic reason with her so called bloody PHDs she didn’t even bother think twice and not touch it. The aether stuck itself to her and as seen by screens on asgard the energy was polluting her atoms and her bloodstream cells causing her to be sick and killing her slowly. What we need, is a molecular selective bioneedle to not just absorb but literally suck out every inch of that red piece of shit.”
“Wow girl knows her stuff.”
“I need a drink.”
“You came?.”  Nebula said sitting down beside you. “Yeah well otherwise the thing you told me would haunt me for the rest of my life and I can’t have that.” you giggled back 
“You’ll do fine, you’ll be fine.” She reassured.
“Y/N sister your drink…” Thor said sitting down in between you as Loki sat next to you and wrapped his arm around you tightly.
“Were right here…” you whisoer to yourself
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