#notably their relationship is still a similar brand of fucked since they’re just waiting for the esper to kill them due to no guiding
limelocked · 5 months
Manhwa smut setting of espers and guides (espers have great powers coming at great costs and guides can heal them through physical touch with the greater healing the more “intimate” the contact) where the mc is a guide who has several esper clients who are trying to make him exclusive to them and by doing this and consistently all toeing the line of consent mcs guiding becomes less effective because “high intimacy” doesn’t just mean sex
Mc gets like dishonourably discharged by being assigned exclusively to this guy who just guiding doesn’t seem to work on him at all so it really is like saying hey be so kind as to both die without putting any blame on us
The guys problem is immediately evident as a fundamental mindset issue where the guy doesn’t see guiding as intimate in the same way that life saving surgery isn’t intimate and if it’s a regular thing then it’s just medication and not something with emotional weight
The story would start with them basically going welp guess we’ll die together, I look forward to working with you before we kill each other. They live together and it’s more or less a slice of life until the guide brushes up against the espers skin while they’re cooking, the guide only needing something on the counter but the esper fucking Buckling because their relationship is now close enough for that to Count
This leading into absolute research on how this fucking works because while both of them were resigned to it, they really do not want to die from the espers abilities going wild
Scenes include:
One of them holding the others hair back as they throw up being the height of guiding
Esper coming back from a mission and passing out instantly on the street where guide catches and cradles them, just rocking back and forth running his fingers through the espers hair out of worry and not knowing that this is super effective first aid
Esper fighting off the jealous “exes” (the possessive espers that wanted the guide for themselves at the start) and grabbing the guides hand to make a run for it and that counting as intimate
The only sex scenes would be at the start or during flashbacks and it would be pretty pg and/or framed as something bad for the guide and esper, not because sex is bad but because relying on sex as life saving medicine is scary and leaves much to be desired in terms of consent on the espers front and on the guides side being expected to devote your everything to a person who is much stronger physically than you who can force themself on you easily is hard if you’re supposed to do it for One person and much harder if you’re not an exclusive guide and thus have several clients who you’re probably not very close to
Aka an exploration of the toxicity inherent in the system and how these two work around it while assuming that their deaths are mutually assured (esper more than guide who could just run away)
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