#not sure if what we've got going right now compares in snowfall
deanobanion · 6 years
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Surreal Snow Scenes from the Blizzard of 1978
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historian-in-pearls · 3 years
OK, so we've established that I'm a curious George, so for the Winter ask-thingy: All of them! 😘 (It was impossible to just choose a few!) ❄⛄☃🎄✨
Oh my stars, you are amazing 😂👏🏻 Buckle up, everyone!!
Anorak - do you have a winter staple coat?
I actually just ordered a CAPE, which has a dramatic aspect to it that is very much my aesthetic. I also have a red puffy coat with a dramatic collar that's perfect for really cold weather.
Arctic - do you like the cold weather?
YES. Despite the fact that I run cold generally, I'm definitely a cold weather person.
Aesthetic - describe your ideal winter aesthetic.
Twinkling lights, candles, pastel knit scarves
Black Friday - do you like going Black Friday shopping?
I do not. Crowds aren't my favorite thing.
Blizzard - have you ever gotten caught in a snowstorm?
No, because while I adore snow I have a mortal terror of black ice on the roads, so I monitor the weather like a hawk.
Balaclava - do you like wearing hats? what’s your go-to?
I do! I like knit caps and berets.
Brrr - do you like playing in the snow?
Yes!! Especially skating and sledding.
Celebrate - what’s your favorite holiday this time of year?
Christmas. I love everything about Christmas.
Champagne - do you do anything special for New Year’s Eve?
Not usually. Lately my sister and I just watch movies and order food.
Cold - what is the best movie marathon?
Either Classic Hollywood (30s/40s) or Marvel.
Cuddles - how you like to stay warm on a cold day?
I layer up if I go outside, and inside, I'm all about flannel PJs, Ugg slippers, and fluffy blankets on the couch.
Curling - what’s your favorite winter sport?
Skating!!! Fun fact, though: outdoor ice is usually substantially rougher than indoor ice (especially compared to club ice).
Dance - what’s your favorite winter or Christmas song?
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" or "Silent Night". I also adore "In the Bleak Midwinter".
Episode - what’s your favorite holiday episode of your favorite show?
I don't know, but nothing is so hilariously terrible as the Christmas episode from season two of Full House.
Evergreen - describe your ideal winter day?
Lazy morning in bed with coffee, skating during a light snowfall, hot dinner, movies & cocoa at night.
Family - are you close to your family?
I am. It took many years and a lot of therapy, but we're great now.
Festive - how do you get into the spirit?
Music is my go-to, but for Christmas, I'm always there already.
Fireplace - do you like a nice crackling fire?
Yes! A fireplace is on my must-have list when I buy a house.
Frozen - do you have a favorite Christmas movie?
Christmas in Connecticut, Home Alone, Holiday Inn, The Holiday
Gifted - what’s the best gift you’ve gotten or received?
My best friend is a writer, and one year for my birthday she gave me a notebook full of goodies about a series of hers I adore. That's way up there for sure. Also the pearls I got for my 25th birthday.
Gingerbread - do you like baking?
I never did, but I think I'm starting to!
Glow - Early Bird or Night Owl?
Neither. I'm bad at sleeping; I'd rather do something else.
Green - what are some green flags when it comes to a partner?
Kindness to strangers, kids, & animals; loyalty; sense of humor
Growth - what are you looking forward to in the new year?
Turning 35. I think it's going to be a fresh chapter.
Hallelujah - when is the right time to break out the Christmas music?
Beginning of November, though I start before then, usually.
Hallmark - do you like cheesy holiday movies?
YES. I'm a sucker for the Hallmark Christmas films.
Hoodie - do you prefer hoodies or sweaters?
Both!! I just love being cozy.
Hugs - what is your love language?
Words of affirmation.
Ice - do you like going skiing or snowboarding?
I've not tried either, but I'd be open!
Ideal - you enjoy spending time by yourself?
Very much so. I need a lot of alone time; it's how I recharge.
Joy - what’s your favorite part about this time of year?
The cozy feeling. Warm lights, togetherness, joy.
Jolly - how do you take time out for yourself this time of year?
I try to intentionally celebrate Advent, so I like vigils in the chapel of the Carmelite convent by my house.
Knit - how do you keep warm?
Layers outside, UGG slippers (basic, yeah) and blankets inside.
Lessons Learned - what’s your biggest take away this year?
That life isn't going to be what you expect, and that's still okay.
Lights - do you like decorating?
I love, love, love decorating!! The brighter, the better. I have several Christmas trees, for example.
Loved - no question, just remember that you’re loved!
Why, thank you :)))
Mail Call - do you send cards out for the holidays?
No. I always mean to, and then I don't. Whoops.
Mistletoe - have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe?
No, actually!
Magic - favorite mythical creature?
I was going to say narwhals, but they're real. I don't know!
Merry - what makes you happy?
My faith, my family, friends, books, coffee
Naughty - what are your turn ons?
Ooh...intelligence, most of all. Kindness and a bit of authority.
Nice - describe your ideal partner.
Smart, loyal, kind, funny, grounded, steady, patient.
Nog - what’s your opinion on egg nog?
Delicious, especially with freshly ground nutmeg.
Nutcracker - do you have a crush on anyone?
Sadly, no, there's no one I fancy at the moment.
Obstacle - what is something you overcame this year?
I made a career change while going through a mental health crisis! That counts, I think.
Ornament - do you wear make-up?
Since I have to be masked at work, I just do my eyes these days--mascara, eyeliner, and a bit of shadow. Dior is my favorite.
Polar - what’s your favorite animal?
Cats and giraffes.
Quiet - what’s your favorite part of the festive season?
The warm, cozy evenings watching Christmas movies with family, especially when the trees are up.
Read - what’s your favorite book you’ve read this year?
That's a hard one!! I read so much. But it's A Giant Among Men by @maiden-of-asgard for sure.
Reflect - what’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I think I'm a kind & empathetic person. I try, anyway.
Scarf - you like wearing scarves, if so do you have a favorite?
A blush pink woven one I got at a little store in London years ago.
Secret - if you could get your ideal gift, what would it be?
A safe, illness-free holiday to see loved ones.
Seasonal - favorite winter beverage?
Either my mom's hot chocolate or a peppermint mocha.
Simple - what are the small things that you enjoy?
Coffee, books, a lazy morning in bed to enjoy both.
Skate - do you enjoy ice skating?
Love. I did figure skating when I was younger and it's still one of my favorite things to do.
Snow - what’s your ideal snow day?
Not having to go anywhere. Pajamas, movies, candles.
Sugarplum - do you have a favorite holiday time dessert?
I love pumpkin cheesecake!! So good!
Sequin - do you like to go out all for the holidays or prefer lowkey holidays?
I like things relaxed, but I make everything festive.
Tree - do you put up a Christmas Tree? If so, when do you set it up?
At my house: the Disney tree is set up beginning of November, the big tree after Thanksgiving. My parents': first weekend of December.
Travel - if you could travel anywhere for the holidays were would you go?
Nowhere! I just want to be home for the holidays.
Warmth - how do you stay connected to your loved ones?
I like texting, actually; it's easy for me with my hearing loss and it's so portable. But I love snail mail too.
Weather - what’s the winter like where you live?
Ups and downs. It gets pretty cold and it does snow, but there are also random stretches of 60-degree days. We had a tornado on New Year's Eve not long ago.
Winter Wonderland - do you like the snow?
ADORE. Snow is magical. Snow is love.
Year’s End - how was this year for you?
A mixed bag, but I think it's going to finish very well indeed.
Zero Degrees - what’s the coldest weather you’ve ever experienced?
Temperature-wise, I'm not 100% sure, but it was probably during that Polar Vortex thing a few years ago.
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