#not specifically hermit craft but
yarns-alt · 10 months
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Scar fell asleep first at the sleepover, what a spoon
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saccharineomens · 7 months
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i've been poking at this too long to care how visually appealing it is anymore. My headcanons for the main characters' sexualities, based on canon information! (has no bearing on ships.) Canon speculation below the cut.
marcille (bi): fascinated by romance and loves romance. we only see her show explicit interest in a male (fictional character (General Halleus from the book series she loves)), but i don't think she's fully straight.
falin (aro? ace? lesbian? genderqueer?): falin's only interest in relationships in canon is 'she considered accepting shuro's proposal because she was afraid nobody else would want her, but felt it'd be unfair to him because she had no feelings for him'. i consider whether she's aroace or a lesbian or maybe bi/pan, and she also seems like she might have some genderqueer feelings, based on some of her discomfort with her body and wearing certain types of femme clothing. (Also the fact that she‘s part male dragon.) Since she ends the story going on a journey for herself, it feels like she'll finally get the chance to figure out what she wants.
laios (pan, demi): he hasn't shown explicit interest in men, but similar to marcille, i don't feel he's fully straight. He’s aesthetically attracted to monsters, at the very least, so gender probably doesn’t factor in for him. romance/sex just don’t seem to be much of a high priority to him in general, but he did think his ex-fiance was cute and didn't seem uncomfortable with the idea of marriage (just seemed unhappy with being trapped in his hometown), so i feel like demisexuality fits him well.
About his succubus: He was very noticeably not stopped in his tracks by it like Chilchuck and Marcille, but that could possibly be because it just….looked exactly like Marcille, not an obvious fantasy. He started blushing and stammering heavily when it turned into a monster, which like….this boy is definitely a furry/monsterfucker, if anything, but that doesn’t speak on his attraction to actual humans.
I think it speaks for something that the succubi are able to literally read minds and craft the perfect fantasy for their specific target. And for Laios, it wasn’t just “his friend Marcille”. It was a version of his friend Marcille that wasn’t grossed out by monsters, didn’t think he was weird for wanting to be one, and was able to turn Laios into one. It was a Marcille who understood him at his deepest level that made him become a blushing, stammering mess to rival Chilchuck. Which is why I think he’s Demi, and needs a strong emotional connection with someone before he finds them attractive.
kabru (pan): his special interest is people, and he's bold enough with his sexuality to kiss rin despite not being in a relationship with her. so being pan/bi feels appropriate.
chilchuck (bi): he has a wife, and they were childhood friends, so he's definitely allo. but his comments and behavior towards senshi makes me suspect he might be bi, and just never considered the possibility due to being in a committed relationship.
senshi (gay, ace): this is 90% off of vibes. he keeps to himself in the dungeon and doesn't seem to have any need for social company, he's a complete hermit. Being ace makes sense to me, but so would him just having a low social drive. His succubus was 'a woman he hadn't seen since he was a child', but his journal implies it wasn't a romantic/sexual attraction.
namari (bi/lesbian): she is at the very least attracted to women, given her behavior with kiki, but she does make a point to say that kaka is also attractive to her, and her friends at the bar tease her about Kaka being her “new” boyfriend (implying previous boyfriends).
shuro: the token straight (in love with falin, asked her to marry him). i love you shuro <3 (but i can also see him being into men. there's no evidence to the contrary)
izutsumi: aroace. literally no question. her succubus is her mother.
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ravendarkwood · 10 months
So, a while ago I thought about making a character design for Scar, because I want to get better at drawing. That made me think "hey, I wonder how many scars Scar would actually have".
So I've gone through all his hardcore series and made a list.
So, baseline premise of this list: if an attack does at least 3.5 hearts of damage it was added to the list. This damage only counts on Hardcore mode or on red life of the life series, because in my mind when you respawn it clears any injuries that you got from after you set your spawn, like a check point. So, injuries from non-hardcore series don't count, and green and yellow life injuries don't count.
Injuries that happen close enough together that the game adds up the hearts together (for example, two arrow shots that happen close enough together where the heart lost flashing adds both of them together) gets counted as one injury for the purposes of the list.
There are two exceptions for this:
In The Crafting Dead the mod that he uses has a bleeding effect that happens sometimes after 2.5 hearts I think? I included all of that. This same mod has a leg breaking effect that's based off of distance fallen and that counts too.
Injuries that cause final deaths always count, no matter how many hearts they cause.
What is included in the list:
The order of the injuries gained (chronological from when the series happen)
The series where the injury was gained
The episode
Who caused the injury
What caused the injury (like weapon)
How many hearts were lost
Location of injury (usually things like "left side" because it's difficult to be specific)
Angle of the attack (if it happened below, above, or at the same level of him)
My headcanons but that's for me
Series that are included on this list:
Scar Goes Hardcore (this series didn't actually make the list, as far as I can tell he doesn't get an injury that would make the list. He doesn't even die, he just stops playing this series as far as I can tell? But I did watch all fifteen episodes)
The Crafting Dead
Hardcore Hermits
Hardcore Hermit Season Two
Third Life
Last Life
100 Hour Hardcore
Double Life
Limited Life
Secret Life
Real Life
This is an ongoing list so as Scar does more hardcore stuff it'll be added. I did my best with this, so let me know if I've made any mistakes so I can correct them!
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
what do you need to love yourself for?
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• pile one •
cards: 3 of pentacles, 2 of wands, the tower, queen of wands. knight of pentacles. 4 of cups (reversed), {the magician at the bottom of the deck}
you are an extremely skilled and powerful manifestor and you may not even realise it. it seems like you work best with chaos - so for those of you who practice witchcraft, you could do really well with chaos magick. whatever you want, you take small steps to move towards. that’s the declaration of your courage towards life. you have enough confidence to take practical steps towards what you want, even if those steps are days, weeks, or maybe even months apart. you still move forward. the decisions that you make are also according to how you’re planning out your life. you manifest instinctively, instead of purposefully like most people. of course, you put purposeful intentions into thinking about what you’re going to do, but it seems like your actions just naturally align to what you need them to be in order for you to achieve what you want. without you even meaning them to. you know how to seemingly disconnect from chaotic situations in order to keep your peace, but you actually receive and transmute chaotic energy from your environment and turn it into practicality. this could mean that you feel quite drained every-time something negative and overwhelming happens, but you recharge emotionally when you can focus on creating something with your frustration that you can then receive a different energy from. it’s almost like you create your own energy sources when you do that. something useful to benefit you. feeling your anger could also be another great power source that you use to push yourself into making a decision to just do something. a lot of you decided to learn a craft and perfect that craft, in order to turn that craft into something that you can live off of. you’ve reached the energy of the knight. you’ve planted the seeds, done the work, and now you’re just needing to figure out the maintenance of something. but i feel like that’s quite easy for you to do. “slow and steady wins the race”. don’t rush anything. you should love yourself for showing your courage to build the life that you want - even if others try to throw hurdles your way in the process, causing tower moments for you. you know how to let go of destructive energy and transmute it into something that helps you build what you want, instead of self destructing. even when nothing seems stable and built around you. you should love your natural ability to manifest, due to you having a spirit that doesn’t actually take no for an answer. even when you’re unsure of succeeding, you still try. and that’s why you can’t ever fail. give yourself the praise that you deserve for that. allow yourself to feel pride. and allow yourself to appreciate that you’re already living on the journey of your ideal life. appreciate what you create thoroughly.
if you’d like a private reading, please check out my pinned post ☺️💞
• pile two •
cards: queen of swords, king of pentacles, the tower, the hierophant, death, king of wands, {the hermit at the bottom of the deck}
this pile is giving similar energy to pile one, so you could be attracted to both.
you are an extremely powerful person. all of these cards are either major arcana or a King/Queen. you should love yourself for the way that you are able to mature yourself based on what you learn about life from tower moments. this is how you specifically transmute a disaster into something of value for yourself, in those situations. and as a result of that, you’ve managed to shed many layers of the conditionings that you were raised with. you go through permanent endings with the structure or priorities within your life. you choose what makes sense to you and you follow your own judgement and opinions after each layer of conditioning is destroyed. it’s like you’re dedicated to self improvement and self development. searching for the truth within philosophies and your own personal morality. you’re extremely cerebral and rational-minded. that’s why you know what aspects of life need to be cut out in order for you to transform into a more mature version of yourself. you may even know when to destroy structures in your life yourself, for the sake of self development. you’re extremely wise and introspective. you definitely know yourself and who you are, considering how much time and effort you’ve put into self discovery. you’re someone who knows that you can only ever truly find the answers within yourself. that you’re only ever going to be satisfied based on what YOU choose to follow. not what someone else chooses for you. so you’ll cause destruction to certain aspects of life to see this individualism fulfilled. but it’s intended chaos to build something better and more true to you personally.
if you’d like a private reading, please check out my pinned post ☺️💞
• pile three •
cards: judgement, 7 of wands, 10 of wands, king of cups, 5 of wands, 2 of pentacles, {queen of wands at the bottom of the deck}
you need to love yourself for your self-governance. you’re extremely emotionally aware. this may not be obvious from the outside, but you’re constantly aware of how you feel and how you would feel in certain situations. your empathy is grand and loud in the spirit realm. it’s felt and heard from far and wide on the metaphysical plane. that’s why you may struggle with spirits or presences trying to be all up in your grill at times 😂. they know that you can feel them, meaning that you’re aware of them unlike many other people. if you were practically invisible to a bunch of people and then came across someone who had the capacity to be aware of your presence, then you’d make yourself known too 👀. but your boundaries are also extremely strong, so you can separate yourself and perhaps even fight off anything and anyone that you need to. your big heart also attracts a lot of energetically vampiric people who are seeking to take the energy that you have. they know very well that they’re draining you but they don’t care because it benefits them. but with the 2 of pentacles, in these situations, you know when to just drop all of the responsibilities that you’re carrying (that you shouldn’t be) and regain balance in your life by refusing to do anything. you fight against expectations put onto you. if you don’t want to do something (and you don’t need to do it), then you won’t do anything. period. i heard that “you move on divine timing”. it doesn’t matter if other people want you to move, if you feel it’s not time to move, you won’t. your stubbornness is something to love about yourself. it saves you from a lot. your dedication to yourself and your own energetic protection is loveable about you.
if you’d like a private reading, please check out my pinned post ☺️💞
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
alright, so I’m gonna pass out and PROBABLY be asleep for when the vote rolls over unless I set an alarm. so, let me make one last propaganda post, this time of a different ilk!
hi, I have heard the campaigning or seen his posts and am curious. who’s joe hills and how do I watch him?
hi and welcome! whether you be an ally or an enemy or anything else, I hope you stick around after the voting is done! joe hills is a very cool guy and I hope you like watching him. he’s one of the hermitcraft creators, described as the “original new guy”, as he was the first new hermit added in season one. he’s been here for that decade since! joe was added to be a “wild card” and plays that role well, often having a reputation for doing weird things. when it comes to his in-game build style, he’s a big fan of scale models of things, as well as helping out on any and all community projects!
joe’s hermitcraft videos tend to be much lower-key than some of the others, normally with minimal-to-no music. they’re largely recorded on stream, though they’re edited in such a way that they don’t feel like stream clips, but more like “he uses his stream to film video clips”. he enjoys wordplay, intentionally taking storylines and ideas in unintended directions, and marching to the beat of his own drum. if you’re used to the pacing of people like grian (or, for that matter, a dsmp stream), joe’s style can take time to get used to, but if you miss the lower-key days of let’s plays, he’s a great option for exactly that!
this season, he’s making a giant model pinball machine for his megabase! it has pixel art of the jwst deep field on it, and will have scale recreations of pinball parts inside. he also participated in the king ren storyline, has built elvira’s house of horrors (and changed the landscaping to match the seasons twice), and participated in the crossover! give it a shot!
joe streams five nights a week, with his days off being tuesday and wednesday. his usual stream start time is 9:30 PM EST. however, he usually has an afternoon hhh bonus stream on mondays (around 2 EST), a morning crafting stream on wednesdays with cleo (around 9:30 AM EST), and recently, a thursday morning bonus stream with his sister, quinn hills, a musician (also around 9:30 AM EST). he also does other bonus streams depending on the day and his energy. as you may be able to see from this schedule, he’s streaming like, all the time, so feel free to stop in! he streams simultaneously on twitch and youtube, so choose whichever platform is easiest.
joe hills streams are of basically whatever he needs to do on hermitcraft; they can best be described as “hermitcraft behind the scenes”. they’re also weird but in a specific, ritualistic way. his face camera will get bigger and more transparent for every 20 dollars in tips. the first time this happens it can be disconcerting but you do adjust pretty quickly, and it’s part of the charm to me! additionally, he has specific songs he plays during his streams, from the album he and his sibling made! they’re often parody songs, but there are also several original ones, and they’re all original lyrics and recordings. you’ll hear “lay your head down and dream” specifically after the first two songs while he’s setting up; that’s effectively his nightly stream’s theme song. you’ll also hear the songs during hydration breaks.
if anything you’ve seen us say about joe intrigues you, I strongly recommend you give him a shot! I’d recommend either a nightly stream to get the sense of the “average joe hills content”, if you’re considering becoming a regular, or to check out his first episode from this season to get a good sense of what a joe hills episode looks like.
we’d love to have you around, whether you did the right thing and VOTE JOE HILLS or not! but, uh, still vote for him. for me, okay?
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emojackolantern · 6 months
The Fool - PINOF, particularly PINOF 1. the fool is about new beginnings, pinof 1 is the origin of dnp.
The Magician - superamazingproject. the intro to their collaborative content. the dream they put out into the universe. the seed they planted hoping something would come of it.
The High Priestess - BBC Radio 1. they didn't know when it happened how much would come out of it, they just knew they had to do it. that's intuition baby. that being said whoever said sister daniel you're funny as fuck.
The Empress - DAPG. the empress is about fertility and creation, mf they birthed a whole new channel.
The Emperor - DAPC. to me, if the empress is about birthing new ideas, the emperor is about raising them and giving them structure by which to grow. DAPC is just another in the saga of their collaboration, at this point.
The Hierophant - TABINOF. the hierophant is about tradition and also represents the teacher/student archetype. i think of them kind of like profits bringing the word to the people for the first time lol.
The Lovers - TATINOF. think of any picture of them together on tour and tell me im wrong.
The Chariot - DAPGO. im ngl this one is kind of a space filler for chronology's sake, but them writing a second book was definitely a choice they made that furthered their joint image. they willed that into existence.
Strength - Interactive Introverts. Strength speaks on the bravery and fortitude needed to overcome obstacles. Dan particularly has spoken at length about how this tour was hard for him.
The Hermit - Dan's hiatus.
The Wheel of Fortune - The wheel of fortune is about inevitability of change and the cyclical nature of life. I think this one might be too vague for a direct comparison to a specific event? That being said if you can think of an example of a time they were faced with the inevitability of change I am all ears. Either way drawing this card in line with the rws but with dnp motifs would be fun as fuck
Justice - Justice is about karma, about getting back what you gave. I think of their dynamic as a duo, how they give to each other and get the same energy back. I think generally this card would be more negative, talk about literal justice, but I don't think that applies to them.
The Hanged Man - The hanged man is about sacrifice and surrender. I already said this in previous posts but to me this is Phil— going back in the closet for Dan, staying in London while he went on tour, etc. it's the willingness to let things change how they will because you have faith that no matter how much they change they'll always be a little the same.
Death - the changes themselves. sister daniel is a really good representative of this to me, and of the ways dan- but both of them really- have learned to be more comfortable both with themselves and with us as an audience. it's a change for the better.
Temperance - temperance is about balance, to me the most obvious example is their work/life balance. the value they place on their privacy. the taking weeks off after particularly long stints of work. it's doing what you have to do to make sure this work continues to be fulfilling.
The Devil - Dan and Phil Crafts - Slime (duh lol)
The Tower - upheaval
The Star - hope for the future
The Moon - the unconscious
The Sun - success over the unconscious
Judgement - review
The World - conclusion
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ghosttoastx · 3 months
Bituín Character Lore Stuff
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gonna try my best to sum up as much as I can about them under the cut :3
∘₊✧The Hermit✧₊∘
Name: Bituín (Bits)
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 16
Birthday: April 21
Craft: Paper
Weapon: Pointy Umbrella
Armor: Moth Clip
A shut-in recluse from one of the Houses of Jouvente, on a journey across Vougarde, accompanying their best friend along the way.
- Very socially awkward with terrible communication skills,
- Oftentimes stay quiet around people she is unfamiliar with
- Likes poking fun at and making lighthearted jabs towards the people she's comfortable around
- Can be a bit sarcastic at times
- Always two seconds away from a psychotic break/hj
More Lore important Facts:
- Due too bad anxiety, Bits has always had a difficult time interacting with people, leaving her to spend most of her time locked away in her dorm room at the House of change.
- Bits’ father has been missing since she was about 4 or 5. Bits was too young at the time to really understand when they had disappeared, but her mother was wracked with grief over a person she didn’t even know ever existed in the first place. 
- the disappearance of her Husband drove bits mom a little coo-coo-bananas, causing a strange relationship to form between her and Bits
- One night when bits is about 10 or 11, her mother tells her is a manic, possibly drunken frenzy that she was going to be leaving, in search of something. She wanted to bring bits with her originally, but inevitably decided it’d be safer to just up and leave bits alone in the House. 
- bits would often spend time either cooped up in their lonely dorm, or would be hanging out with her friend and/or his family (probably for like, holidays and diner and stuff)
- while out on this pilgrimage/journey or whatever through Vougarde, Bits is hoping that maybe, just maybe, she might find her mother again. For better or for worse
Miscellaneous Facts:
-Can’t cook for shit
- Has an interest in plants and flora
- The claw clip in their hair is based off of a Luna Moth
- Likes to study craft (because of this, she is also know how to deal weak scissor damage)
- Grew up in one of the Houses of Change in Jouvente due to their mother being a Housemaiden there
- Bits speaks animatedly with their hands
- Favorite foods are Chocolate lava cake, Pineapple bread pudding, and Plain rice
- Bits isn't quite sure of the origins of the necklace she likes to wear, but looking at it makes her head hurt and her heart ache...
- Height is 5’8 (172 cm I think??)
- likes books and reading (specifically stories with found family and and fantasy)
Miscellaneous Art/doodles:
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(these next two are technically from the PartySwap au but they're still just a younger version of Bits so)
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okokok I think I've compiled most of the important stuff :D!!
Please please please feel free to ask me about my OCs!! I want to talk more about themmmm!!!!!
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d0not-disturb · 6 months
Art reqst
Human grumbots
But its all the different grumbots
Oldest is ofc the first, maybe the mentally ill one (cause mumbo and grian locked him up in an island)
Buddy I already posted all the human Grumbot designs dawg
But might as well drop some lore while I’m at it
Oldest- Grumbot (OG from Season seven) “human” name: Luan Ronnie Jumbo (dreamslayer)
For his middle name I picked Ronnie because it means ruler (he pretty much parents his brothers) , and advice (literally his purpose), also Ronnie is such a good name tbh
Middle children- Grumbot Prime and Emperor Grumbot both from season 9, I made them twins since they don’t have a canon age difference unlike Grumbot and Jrumbot who were also made in the same season but have a canon age difference, grian literally saying Jrumbot was grumbots little brother. “Human” names: Parker Charles Jumbo (dreamslayer) for Grumbot Prime, and Emmett Oliver Jumbo (dreamslayer) for Emperor Grumbot
For the twins, their middle names correspond to who they are most like, so Parker is more like Grian and Emmett is more like Mumbo
Youngest- Jrumbot (also from season 7) “human” name: Archie Ryan Jumbo (dreamslayer)
Okay for the middle name he’s named after Scar because he is in fact the only jumbo kid who actually likes him, lazy ik but still
No this isn’t the birds and the bees lesson because THEY WERENT MADE THAT WAY. So Xisuma started to notice how these MASSIVE robots were like conquering the hermitcraft multiverse (which apparently is canon) and killing a crap ton of people, specifically Scar, so he looked into it and turns out! They are Mumbo and Grian’s kids so he walked up to them one day and said, “take care of ya sons” so they go after them, or Xisuma forces them to, they fight and fight, and grian uses this BIG ASS spell that would turn the grumbots into their weakest form, which is human children (low key insulting to us humans ngl)
So they come back and Xisuma sees them like disheveled with like four crying little kids on them and he’s like, let’s take it one at a time mkay? So he takes the younger kids, and makes it so they won’t be ‘born’ until Grian and Mumbo Are ready for another kid because going from no kids to four kids in the span of 2 weeks is crazy
How does he do this? Well he genetically modifies them so that they revert back to just eggs that won’t hatch until exposed to heat, so he keeps them locked up in a freezer until the time is right
Ngl that sounds bad but trust me it’s not
Anyway grian and Mumbo soon realize they can’t really raise a kid none the less four on the hermitcraft server since there are no schools, hospitals, clinics, daycares, playgrounds, etc, and they panic cause they don’t wanna leave, so Xisuma adds a small sub server attached to the hermit craft server called, “the hermit suburbs” were people can live normal lives while still being hermits, and eventually more hermits and even some folks from empires and the life series go and live there and still go on the hermitcraft server.
So that’s where Grian and Mumbo raise the rest of those weird robot human hybrids
also after 2 years of Grian and Mumbo taking care of Luan, they are like, “yeah we can take another now” and then Xisuma gives them the twins and they are like “why are there two” and Xisuma is like, “I want this to be over with as soon as possible so I’m just giving you two deal with it” and so they just deal with it, but they soon realize how much more work it is, since the twins are VERY bad babies, what I mean is they cry all the time, don’t eat food they don’t like, don’t get dressed without a fight , etc, and so they wait 6 YEARS when they are almost teenagers to get the final egg, which is Archie, who is the best by far.
So that explains the age gap if you were wondering
Alright that’s all the lore y’all’s are getting DONT get attached
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ink-flavored · 29 days
Urban Fantasy Animals
I couldn't resist adding a small zoo of magical animals to this WIP, most of which are specifically for the joy of having a little magical pet. Here I have outlined the favorites of mine that I'll be including in the various anthology stories! You can find this and more world-building details on my Neocities site! Unnamed Urban Fantasy Anthology Taglist (Check out my Google Form to get added): @foxys-fantasy-tales @auroblaze @thelaughingstag @auntdarth @damageinkorporated
European and Eastern type, drakes, wyverns, wyrms, etc.
Can be as small as a ferret, or the size of a Great Dane
Are kept as pets regularly
Depending on the species, dragon behaviors can vary from "lazy cat" to "purebred working border collie", so it's very important to research the kind of dragon that's right for the home
Originally a lion and an eagle, but can be any combination of cat and bird after years of selective breeding and the influence of magic in different regions
The larger species’ are big enough for an adult to ride comfortably, but there are also smaller breeds kept as pets
Can be any horse with a horn glued on it
Are particularly picky about who they allow to ride them
Basically just a magic horse, so it's used for transportation, sports, pets, animal therapy, etc.
Can be any horse with wings glued on it
Incredibly skittish, even compared to a standard horse
Basically just a horse with wings, so it's used for transportation, sports, pets, animal therapy, etc.
The upper body of any horse with the lower body of various fish
Used in water rescues, sports, and short-distance water transportation and recreation (think of them like living motorboats or jet skis)
Modern day mimics can copy standard mimic objects (chests, rocks, etc.), but also modern-day objects, like music boxes, safes, microwaves, etc.
Most of them are wild animals, but can be kept as exotic pets
As they grow, they mimic bigger and bigger things, with the treasure chest size being the biggest. Technically, they never stop growing, but as they age, growth and mimicry become a larger and larger burden. Nearly every mimic dies of old age before it can even begin to mimic something bigger than a chest.
Imagine a venus flytrap crossed with a hermit crab
Carved from a special magic rock that comes alive when crafted
Behave like magic pigeons, flying down from buildings to beg for pebbles
Are also kept as pets. Some are even specially commissioned!
Created by a chicken hatching a reptile egg
Giant serpentine creature with chicken features, poison breath, leaves a trail of venom wherever it slithers, and is able to kill with a glance
Often confused with a cockatrice
Created by a reptile hatching a chicken egg
A giant chicken with serpentine features, with similar powers to the basilisk, including being able to kill by glancing at its targets
Often confused with a basilisk
Classic phoenix, the bird that dies and comes back to life from its own ashes
Although it appears to be "coming back to life" it's actually how the phoenix reproduces in stressful situations—the new baby bird is a genetic clone, not the same animal
A well cared for phoenix should NOT be regularly bursting into flames
Bunny with antlers <3
Often kept as pets
“The most widespread description portrays the Wolpertinger as having the head of a rabbit, the body of a squirrel, the antlers of a deer, and the wings and occasionally the legs of a pheasant.” (thanks Wikipedia)
Often kept as pets, but are much more temperamental than a jackalope.
Little blips of magical essence where intense spells have left remnants
Can be any animal or combo of animals
Soul-spirit created through magical willpower that calls the latent magic around you into a fully realized form, bonded to your soul and devoted to helping you
Looks like an animal (standard or magical)
Follows you around like a wisp—you can barely see it out of the corner of your eye, but it lights up and becomes more immediately visible when you’re in need of magical aid
Created by a magic user in an intense emotional state, most often completely by accident. You can attempt to call a familiar on purpose, but it’s not common
Can also be created from two or more people having an intense emotional/magical experience together/when their spells interact. The resulting familiar will be loyal to all parties involved
In the event a familiar has to help more than one bonded individual at once, it can fracture into less powerful mirrors of itself, and snap back together once aid is no longer required
When not in helper mode, the familiar will remain in a quantum state, everywhere and nowhere at once, until one of its soul-bound partners needs its assistance
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allatseapod · 2 months
Meet the crew!
Look what the tide washed in!
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Noah (they/them) is the writer of All At Sea and the voice of February. They're currently in the process of completing their MA in English Literature, which focuses on the importance of the found family trope in queer, POC-led narratives. When they're not drowning in books or literary analysis, you can find them staring blearily at a blank Word Doc, or drowning in all the different audio dramas they still need to listen to.
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Scotchy @secondhand-coelacanth (any pronouns) is a producer of All At Sea and the voice of Sturgeon. They found their passion for podcasting through working on The Hermit Archives as an editor and minor character, and can't wait to bring more sounds and noises right to your eardrums. When he isn't splicing voice lines for enrichment, or surviving the horrors of academia, Scotchy can be found making music, crocheting, or fishing around for a new hobby to try out.
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Louis Wolf @louis-dc (he/they) is a producer of All At Sea, he is a disabled artist/actor based in Colorado. Doing theatre in high school helped to reveal his passion for storytelling, specifically with acting and directing. This has fed in well to a love of dnd. When not playing ttrpgs with friends, Louis can be found playing video games, yelling about superheroes, or watching bird documentaries with their cat. Louis is the assistant producer of Soul Operator, you can hear them as Alex in episode eight of The Grotto and Athena in the upcoming audio drama Forged Bonds. He is creator of upcoming talking head podcast Media Microscope.
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Rowan Odom @twinstrangersp (they/them) Rowan, sound designer of All At Sea, is a non-binary creator whose passion lies in creating stories in a post-Covid world, specifically those filled with queerness, love, and horror. They also make time for D&D and random crafts in their spare time! They are one of the Strangers of Twin Strangers Productions and the creator of the studio’s first AD, Syntax. They are also the main editor in the upcoming Rites of Descendancy and can be heard as a voice in The Moon Crown as Aria, and Syntax as Elora.
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Rusty Cornmagnate @cornmagnate (he/they) 20 y/o artist and graphic designer, author of visuals for All At Sea
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El Carters @waysofink (they/them) is our transcriber & beta-reader/listener. Creative writing graduate from Poland who fell in love with the audio drama format in 2022. Since then they have been getting involved in some projects (like this one) & writing their own show - Nightpocalypse. When not writing, El likes to indulge in some sewing, soundscaping, DnD, media consumption, and various arts and crafts.
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taytei · 2 years
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every once n a while, i fall in love w my ocs
they’re all childhood friends that ended up remaining besties despite all going separate directions after high school. They all originally became friends when they were kids because of their mutual love of pokemon - and each have a keychain of their favorite
with the drawing on the left, from top to bottom it goes
Comet she/her - trans, works at a printing company but spends her downtime hunting down cool places to cave/climb/spelunk. She’s got a pretty big following online for her caving vlogs - specifically cause she tries to find the creepiest, most haunted looking places (Keychain - Treecko)
Aorora (Rory) she/her - currently in med school, training specifically to be a field medic for research/exploration teams. in her down time, she likes to sleep for 13 hours and binge gaming (Keychain - Pikachu)
Nilo They/them - they work as a freelance drummer and part time at the craft supplies shop their apartment is above. They’ve got a pretty busy social life, so they’re either always out and never at their apartment, or you can’t contact them for 2 weeks cause they’re hermiting away binge watching shows (Keychain - Totodile)
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riacte · 2 months
Could you pretty please info dump on your Might Be Over Now, But I Feel It Still au?
This is a month late bc I’ve been saving up brainrot and it’s making my brain go brrrrr soooo :D
The entire premise is based on False saving Ren from mobs on HC sooo if you watch their old eps you might find a plot point or two 😭
Martyn was originally not going to be in because I KNEW the story would spiral into Treebark but in the end fuckass Martyn is simply irresistible to me.
Probably a side effect of watching M*raculous Ladybug: gotta love hero teams with different colour schemes and themes <3 (why did that rhyme)
Minecraft is also weirdly a good setting for hero/villain aus because you HAVE built in enemies of varying difficulties and they are already distinct in terms of visuals and powers. I have so much fun humanising the Mobs and giving them personalities
(I didn’t humanise the Zombie mob because that’s too close to humans and it would cause confusion with Cleo lol)
And it’s also a good basis because in MC, players (heroes) slay the Mobs (villains). The Mobs are specifically created to be enemies and to “make” the players heroes (insert hero of the village achievement). Translating that into a standard hero/villain story has interesting implications that the Mobs are Born Evil and Made To Be The Bad Guys and their very purpose is to elevate people into “heroes”. Which then creates another story of “if the mobs are made to be evil, doesn’t that make the creator/developer/author/storyteller the evil one for imposing such villainy onto blank figures for the purpose of raising up their faves?”
The overworld / nether / end variants of mobs are also reallly interesting for creating different “difficulty levels” of Mobs with even some “boss” Mobs.
(I say all of this without owning a Minecraft game)
Also the thing about hero aus in the mcyt fandom is that they tend to be quite male dominated. Because a lot of the ccs are male. I did not really intend for it to be a all Hermitgals hero team but it came out that way and honestlyyyy I have such a blast writing them. It’s even funnier that the usual hero choices for this fandom (Hotguy and Cuteguy) are the trainees under Pearl. Like it makes sense why they have these silly and matching names 😭
And oh yeah the order in which they join the hero team is based on when they joined HC. Cleo is the OG, followed by False, then Stress, then Pearl (bc she was in hermit adjacent events earlier), and finally Gem.
Having a Cleaning Lady (and her underlings) being specifically in charge of rebuilding solves some logistics problems of damage from fights + fits in with the MC theme of building and crafting + turns it into some tower defence strategy in which Torches ward away Mobs and Mobs can destroy Torches
So yeah MC has a lot of potential for such a setting.
Oh by the way Iskall is gonna appear at some point 👀 he’s like Martyn because he’s just irresistible to me lmfao. They both brute forced their way into the story yayyy
False-Ren dynamic reaches its peak stupidity in which they’re like “yeah I don’t mean that much to the other person 🤡” and they’re both screaming crying shaking sobbing and being pathetic and Not Communicating while being the only people who can match each other’s freak
Yippee thanks for the ask :)
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Roleplaying Races 16: Vine Leshy
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(art by kaerru on DeviantArt)
Today we’ve got another late addition to First Edition, but unlike others, this one got quite the expansive lore to go with it, and even was carried further into one of the early inclusions of Second Edition! I give you, the vine leshy!
In the real world, “Leshy” is a Slavic deity or spirit associated with the wild places of the world and being a temperamental guardian of nature. This figure is often conflated with the Green Man or woodwose, and is at least sometimes a humanoid plant creature.
It’s no surprise then that the closest thing to this guardian deity in Pathfinder are Green Men: quasi-divine plant entities associated with druidism and nature, and are sometimes called Leshy Kings since they are in fact powerful nature spirits given planty bodies to interact with the world.
Which brings us to actual leshies. In Pathfinder, the leshies are much like the Green Men in that they are nature spirits bound into specially grown plant bodies, often made by other sapient plant creatures such arboreals or of course the Green Men themselves, or even by druids who have been taught the art. Regardless of who creates them, however, they all gain abilities based on the nature of the plant matter used to embody them.
Most leshies, while fully sapient, are not quite strong or willful enough to be truly independent and go off on their own, many acting as servants or even familiars. However, vine leshies in particular grow into fully-realized beings that often strike off on their own, finding a natural place to serve as guardian of (and watching over their lesser kin), or else travelling to learn more of the world.
…or at least that was the paradigm when this ancestry was first introduced. In 2E, it was revealed that any type of leshy might have full sapience, having more to do with the strength of the nature spirit than the nature of the vessel. As a matter of fact, I did a conversion of these different types of playable leshy on this very blog if you do some searching. But for now, we’ll be focusing on the base ancestry, though you can assume that this applies to all playable leshies with their monster entries supplementing their behavior.
In any case, most leshy-kind are fiercely devoted to nature, while also delighting and finding fascination on the perspective that a mortal body offers. However, they view death differently than mortals, since their spirits literally directly return to the world upon death, leaving no questions or quandaries past that threshold.
Leshies are… in a word: Adorable. Like seriously, if you’ve never google image searched “pathfinder leshy”, do so. You will not be disappointed. They all essentially resemble small, cute humanoids made out of plant matter, though 2E art also includes many of them having animal features, all of which falls in line with the fact that, since their bodies are magically cultivated and then animated by a nature spirit, there is no set taxonomy or even true genetic connection between leshies unless two were grown from cuttings from the same plant or species. Everything from cutie pies with carved pumpkin heads to surly talking cacti and so on.
Now, if you’re specifically playing a vine leshy (either because you’re not using my homebrew or simply chose to play a vine leshy), they all have some vine elements to them, such as having limbs made from intertwined woody or green vines, leaves based on various vining plants, and so on. Additionally, while many make use of the goods made by societies, those with a more crafty mindset often craft their own clothing and tools from natural materials. (There are multiple pieces of art with leshies wearing “helmets” that are in fact citrus peels.)
Given that they are creations of other beings, most leshies do not have a society of their own, typically living with their creators until striking out on their own, oftentimes living as hermits, though others retain friendly relationships with travelling companions or with like-minded dwellers in the wild that also have a vested interest in protecting nature. Indeed, in regions where there are many leshies, the fully independent leshies may share an almost parental or mentor role for their lesser kin, possibly under a powerful druid, arboreal, or Green Man. In any case, their relationships with other ancestries varies based on the experiences of the nature spirit that forms the core of their being.
Vine leshies tend to be hardy and full of life, with the wisdom of being an immortal nature spirit bound to a mortal body. However, a combination of their naivety of youth or their alien perspective makes intellectual pursuits a lower priority for them.
They are also small in size, and their short limbs limits their speed somewhat, though their supernatural and light-reliant nature gives them superb senses in the dark.
They also constantly are warded against being tracked, leaving no discernable trail for others to follow.
All leshies can disguise themselves by transforming into a mundane specimen of the plant they were grown from, helping them to blend in, at least in areas where a wild plant (a vine in a vine leshy’s case) wouldn’t stand out.
They can also speak with their origin plant variety as well, communicating with them with ease.
Even when not disguised, it can be hard to discern the planty bodies of leshies from surrounding foliage, and vine leshies in particular are excellent climbers, their limbs latching on to handholds just as easily as the anchor roots of natural vines do.
Finally, when a leshy is slain, their nature spirt soul is released into the world in an explosion of positive energy, causing nearby plants to be healed and even spring up in a verdant growth around them in a wide area, making travel difficult and the fact that they’ve been slain nearly impossible to conceal. While the thickness of the foliage reduces with time, the plants are otherwise natural, and may thrive or wither based on the conditions of the area.
Of course, not every vine leshy (or other leshy) is built the same, especially when the exact species they were grown from can vary. Some of these might be applicable for my homebrew, while others might not. In any case, there’s plenty of options. For example, vine leshies grown from grapevines and other fruiting vines can produce fruit infused with healing and sustaining magic of a goodberry spell. Other prove more dexterous than tough. Others can reconstitute a limb into a whip-like weapon as well as wield whips with great skill. More wizened ones can perform a ritual to speak with all plants, rather than just their own kind. Those living in swamps tend to be especially stealthy in them as well as good swimmers. Meanwhile, some can produce a vine with sensory organs to sneakily peer and listen through small openings. Those interested in other cultures often develop a knack for learning about them. Finally, some leshies are outright toxic, perhaps grown from poison ivy or the like.
With their toughness and wisdom leshies have “druid” written all over them, with perhaps a decent subset dedicated to ranger, hunter, and even tanky shifter, especially since both hunter and shifter have options for leshies and other plantfolk in particular, and druids have the likes of leshy callers for those seeking to be stewards of the lesser of their kind. That constitution bonus also suits them well as kineticists, particularly wood kineticists and even more particularly the leshykineticist archetype. Beyond these tailored options though, they do quite well as tough tanky types, especially with that wisdom bonus helping to protect the minds of those using a martial class. Meanwhile, those that take the dex bonus over con could serve well with agile classes, though their intelligence penalty does somewhat limit them in terms of skills and certain arcane casting classes, but nothing insurmountable. Meanwhile, they also find things like sorcerer and bloodrager, especially with nature-themed bloodlines like fey or verdant to be fun and thematic options.
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theminecraftbee · 11 months
I just started watching today's crafting stream VOD and suddenly got the idea what if the thing Zed's doing for the first time is the same thing Joe's done secretly, even if that doesn't overlap with Life?
Also Joe needs the Xisuma mask and he also possibly needs props to facecam over bizarre footage of people in the series and I can't imagine Xisuma doing Life series lol
Also Cleo said that she won't be recording anything this coming Monday. Also maybe implied or maybe joked that she's in the same thing as Joe instead of the Life series? (There was one point where they mentioned a person who's in both of their videos who they weren't expecting to be, so I think Cleo's still in Life series.)
Later, Cleo: "Me and you have a bunch (of editing) to do, but Etho's got a bunch a bunch" and Joe also made an Etho mask... Etho in both series?
Then later Joe makes Falsesymmetry, Iskall, Jevin, and Welsknight masks! (Which kind of made me think these masks might not be for whatever's coming soon, since we haven't heard from Wels in a while as far as I know?) But he said he needed the masks by the end of the stream, to have time to film with them, but specifically Xisuma and friends. So maybe it's not confirming that any of the others besides Xisuma will be in whatever Joe's video will be? Maybe just any hermits would do for Joe's... masks scene?
So, maybe it is something modded and hermit/Hermitcraft-y... also at the very end Joe did a camera test with the masks and said "we're not just playing Minecraft!" a couple of times, but maybe that will be in reference to them being masks rather than anything about the series?
ohhhh thank you for this further summary. honestly yeah I’m putting in my prediction: tomorrow, zedaph and joe and who knows who else release a modded series. if I’m wrong then I’m wrong but I wanna be right,
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ariapmdeol · 4 months
Sorry to bother you but I swear that you at some point made a post with post S+ changes in the base game of CoE that weren't shown in the YouTube videos? I can't find that post anymore and I kinda need it for theory crafting thanks in advance
I think I've talked about them before but i'm not entirely sure where, so I'll repost them all here! I'm including the ones from the YouTube Videos as well, just so we can have all of them in one place! if i forgot something, let me know and I will add it here!
I would love to hear your theories when you're done, if you're willing to share!! <3
Chapter 1:
This line has changed color from red to purple!
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Chapter 6
my favorite document shows up in the game! the first time that you look at THIS document:
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It will be changed to 'A Story No One Knows'. Author: CODE:DANTE. This only happens the first time that you look at this book. After that, it will only be accessible from Hermit's Room. This is from a friend's TL! I have a lot of thoughts about this document.
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Chapter 7
Both the regular vision and the Vision Shift have new lines added to this book, post S. This is a screenshot of the Post-S+ Purple line!
The added sections are the second screenshot of the normal line, and the second line of the purple text.
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In addition, all mentions of Seodore Riddle has been removed from the game!
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Bonus text that I do not have onhand:
if you beat S+ and THEN get E, the purple text at the end of the game directly references the amusement park from the end of S+! You see this in the Youtube TL but i want to point out that it's specific to beating S+ first, and then E.
The text at the end of S root from the youtube TL is similarly unique-- it's specific to if you beat S first, before the other Roots.
And beating S root another time from the post S files gives you extra text as well!
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Finally creating a freaking intro post ✨🦖
Ayup, I'm alex.
I'm a minor
I don't have a specific dni, I just block if someone makes me uncomfy although I am trans so I'd prefer if anyone who is homophobic/trans phobic would avoid interacting.
I'm currently obsessed with hermit craft, dnd, will wood music, the dsmp, coding, tally hall, lemon demon.
Love the chaos and disorganization that is that list but yk. I'm probably Neuro divergent, likly autism and ADHD so my page will be chaos whether you like it or not 🦖🦖🦖🦖
Also, I do NOT support cc!Wilbur or cc!dream + other controversial ex dsmp members
But I do absolutely love people like Tommy and ranboo, who people often try to make out as 'controversial'
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(Credits for these under the cut)
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