#not really looking for discourse or anything i just šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
karebear923 Ā· 8 months
Ok Iā€™m doing it!!!
Iā€™m doing the Vice Versa rewatch!! I know weā€™re on week 2 and Iā€™m behind but I had stuff going on and I didnā€™t have time šŸ™ˆ
I donā€™t usually make my own posts about shows I watch so bear with me Iā€™m kinda new at this šŸ˜…
Just a few minutes in and I realize I forgot so much of it! Of course I remember how much I loved it and how it made me feel but the details of the story have been lost by now.
When Talay described the man as brown like a horse shit I laughed out loud! Did I forget how funny the show was? šŸ˜…
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This is the most iconic intro of a character ever šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ˜šŸ˜Ž KING!! And we all know how I feel about him in the scene with the suspenders šŸ˜
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Look at these smitten kittens!! I love Seaā€™s freckles šŸ„°
As I keep watching I keep remembering so much from when I first saw it. Vice Versa was my second GMMTV BL and my 4th overall and Iā€™ve seen so many since then but this one is really in my top 3 (I have 3 faves but theyā€™re not ranked among themselves, theyā€™re all equally my faves) which is really saying something! I loved this show so much and I really fell in love with Sea at first watch (Jimmy I liked but I didnā€™t love him til later. It took longer to warm up to him cause I didnā€™t like his character in Bad Buddy).
And it was my second GMMTV BL after Bad Buddy which was so good and literally changed my life cause it got me into BLs! And I was excited to see OhmNanon in it too! But I wasnā€™t really as disappointed that they werenā€™t in the show as much or that they didnā€™t end up together as other people were.
The way they switched from Sea to Ohm and back is pretty cool to see!
I remember that each episode was color coded and I remember not paying attention to the colors at all for some eps and trying my hardest to notice them for other eps. Iā€™m so bad at noticing visuals like that šŸ˜… but I would check tumblr after each episode and see how others noticed the colors! I see the ocean blue here in ep 1 šŸŒŠšŸ‘€
Oh thatā€™s right! There was a ForceBook cameo! I never watched Enchante šŸ˜… and oh snap! The password to the secret universe-swapping club is a quote from 2gether! I understand that reference now! šŸ˜
I have questions about this universe-swapping. Are there only 2 universes that do the swapping? Or are there a million universes that anyone could be from? If so theyā€™re so lucky theyā€™re from the same one and swapped to the same one, thatā€™s fate right there. And what if you were swapped with someone of a different culture? Would one automatically know the language of the region theyā€™re in? Or is it that you only switch with someone of your own culture? Is it like you switch with the ā€œyouā€ of that world? But Puen and Talay arenā€™t really like Tun and Tess šŸ¤” questions that will never be answeredā€¦
Seaā€™s voice is beautiful and Have I Found will always be a top tier OST in my book!! šŸ‘šŸ½ one of my faves!!
What a wild ride that was revisiting ep 1 of this show! All the emotions just came flooding back to me! Maybe I donā€™t have anything deep to say to add to the discourse of this show but Iā€™m so glad Monica came up with this rewatch cause Iā€™m having a good time! Thank you @stormyoceans! Iā€™m excited to keep going, maybe Iā€™ll notice more stuff I didnā€™t realize the first time around šŸ˜
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greywoe Ā· 3 months
some thoughts on that first episode bc i might as well
- that first scene in the north did not make me very happyā€¦ maybe itā€™s just me who likes negotiations but i was looking forward to Jaceā€™s World Tour of North/Eastern Westeros and his talks and bargains with the different houses (especially lady jeyne! i guess i can understand why they cut it out but i think when it comes to her thereā€™s material to build an interesting character from, but whatever. another arryn L i guess :(), but what did we get but one (1) scene at the wall for some reason. i mean i like the nightā€™s watch as much as the next person but this just felt like straight up GoT fanserviceā€¦ like what does the threat beyond the wall have to do with this conflict? they could at least have given us some parley but there was barely anything of that either. cregan starkā€™s going to be important later so i thought theyā€™d do more to establish him as a character now. but literally the next scene we see jace in heā€™s back at dragonstoneā€¦.. ok (tho i guess they could return to the north later? idk weā€™ll see) (also, i care less for the sara snow subplot but i was sure they would do something with it since they love to go with the juicy stuff like forbidden love and whatnot)
- on that note i expect theyā€™re going the singersā€™ route with erryk and arryk which i donā€™t really care for (they need to make me care more for those characters first) but it makes sense
- iā€™m ashamed of the fact that the alyn reveal made me go ā€œahhā€ aloud and my mum (who hasnā€™t read f&b) went ā€œwhat???ā€ and i just vaguely waved it off because itā€™s so annoying when people do that and i try not to butā€¦ i was surprised they introduced him so early
- aegon ii keeps being the most entertaining character on the show and he was the highlight to me. thank you for bringing a tinge of comedy. iā€™d say keep it up, butā€¦ well
- this is old discourse but i donā€™t have much of a problem with them showing alicent being groomed and manipulated in the show which probably makes her seem more sympathetic to viewers (and i canā€™t help but fall for every instance the lingering and complex feelings between her and rhaenyra that still clearly affect her come up) but now iā€™d like to see her being more active. i liked her confronting otto but (so far) for the most part she seemed a bit uninvolved and inactive (except for the sex scenes with cristonā€¦ -_- which i guess are intended to bite them in the ass later which is why itā€™s continuously brought up, but so far i do not care for it). i just want to see her contributing more of her own i guess. but thereā€™s plenty of time for that in the upcoming episodes, especially now after the death of another child šŸ˜”
- i sure hope we get to see more of baela and rhaena. this was only the first episode, i will have hope in my heart
- helaenaā€™s line about being scared of the rats felt like clever foreshadowing when i heard it, except that the blood & cheese thing happened just a few scenes laterā€¦ā€¦. suddenly it didnā€™t feel so clever anymore, nobody will have forgotten it at that point (the best foreshadowing imo is stuff that you maybe donā€™t notice at first and only catch on your rewatch)
- and about that, as relieved as i am about the violence being toned down, reading the book the whole ā€œdamning one child to die but the other one is slain, so now you and your child have to live with the fact that you named him to be killedā€ business was very impactful so iā€™m a bit disappointed nonetheless. for a show that so clearly opts for emotional impact, i meanā€¦ though i suppose cutting a kid or two out is understandable. but the way they made a whole deal about not knowing the sex of the twins (and the assassins being surprisingly gentlemanly about it lol) made me wonder if they mean to do a big plot twist where helaena was lying about it and actually rescued jaehaerys, but also that (unnecessarily) changes some things and what would be the point of that. šŸ¤” i did really like helaenaā€™s acting during the scene though, opting for pure shock and dissociation rather than making it a dramatic tearfest. i like helaena as a character too, from what little we have seen of her anyway, and i wish sheā€™d had more moments previously in the show so that we as viewers would be even more emotionally connected to her, but she gets pretty sidelined in comparison to her brothers. we donā€™t get to know much about her in the book so i feel like thatā€™s what the show is for! expanding upon the book!
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acourtofthought Ā· 1 year
you are downplaying elriel scenes thošŸ’€šŸ’€even the way you're talking about azriel saving elain says everything.
as for tt, how old is azriel again? around 500 yeah?? do you really think that a 500yr old illyrian warrior has never been in a situation where he gave his weapons to comrades? for someone who is oh so holy about context, you're forgetting that rhys mentioned to feyre that az never let anyone TOUCH tt. it's not just a matter of lending tt to someone during battle. it's so important to him that he's not let anyone before even hold the damn thing.
'But your claims that TT and his rescuing Elain equals love and feelings is pretty much disproven considering he was still in love with Mor months later on Solstice. He's not simultaneously in love with Elain.' - could you point me to these claims of mine? I don't recall me saying thatšŸ¤”unless, it's your age working tricks on you...
elain reminded azriel of his mother as a servant which is why he helped her?šŸ˜¶how long did it take you to reach for THAT take?šŸ’€
you people are just so dramatic. you're acting like azriel locked elain away and took all her choices when all he said was that the trove has a darkness that elain shouldn't be exposed to. (to which cassian replied "and nesta should?" showing that he has similar thoughts about nesta). he expressed that he doesn't want her involved in something so dark. did he go to elain and tell her that he forbids her from going? no. and your little examples dont change the fact that rhys and cassian DO have their overprotective moments. rhys literally growled at nesta when she so much as looked at feyre wrongšŸ˜‚
it's actually kinda hilarious that you're sitting there accusing me of 'glorifying' elriel scenes when you're the one swooning over lucien giving elain the space she needs which is the bare minimum a decent person could do.
I also don't see where you got the idea of me trying to influence your opinion from?? it's simply discourse on social media. if you donā€™t want to interact then turn off your anons. (I can send you tutorials on how to do that, sweetiešŸ˜˜)
Oh my god, another "sweetie" šŸ¤¦šŸ˜­. You really have no shame šŸ˜‚. And once again trying to insult my age which further proves your immaturity.
I promise you, one day your 40 / 50 year old self look will look back at your actions and be embarrassed.
It's absolutely PATHETIC that I blocked your main account yet you are logging on to a secondary account for the sole purpose of harassing others.
Once again, you misunderstand the true spirit of discourse because snidely sending anons is not it.
You completely miss the point of what I'm saying, a common occurrence for you.
Is it possible Az has lent out weapons to other soldiers? Sure. But have we any proof that Az has ever needed to sit out of battle?
He ALWAYS has TT on him which means if Az is in battle, HE will use TT.
And what reason would Az ever have to let someone touch TT? šŸ˜‚. "Hey baby, want to touch my dagger?"
Everyone in his circle is a warrior and they have their own weapons.
The only reason TT was available for someone else to use was because Mor begged him to sit out. Az was planning on flying into battle after being severely wounded which strongly suggests he doesn't sit out of battle for anything. Yet the female he loved begged him not to go so he suddenly had no need for TT. And in this storyline, there just happened to be a human recently turned Fae who had no weapon on her person.
I highly doubt there has ever been a scenario where Az was preparing to go into battle, decided to sit out, and had a random female hanging around who needed protection but in that case he refused to give it to her because he was saving that action for the female he'd someday love.
If you want to throw context in my face, I'd like to remind you letting Elain touch TT didn't mean what you think it means since he's never thought of her beyond his sexual fantasies. šŸ¤·. You say I'm downplaying E/riel scenes whereas I'm merely explaining why those scenes all amounted to a whole lot of nothing except Az wanting a mate and using Elain as spank bank material.
Rhys growled at Nesta? THAT is what you're trying to compare to Az saying Elain shouldn't be allowed to do something dangerous? REALLY?! šŸ˜‚
And Cassian said, "and Nesta should?" only in response to Az basically saying one female shouldn't be allowed to do something dangerous yet the other females don't matter.
He's not saying Nesta shouldn't be allowed to search for the Trove, he's saying no female is more exempt than any other which is basically what Az is suggesting. He's calling out Az for his idiot comment, something Amren also had to do.
And my take on Elain reminding Az of his mother is a REACH?! It's in the text!
Letā€™s just say it hit a little close to home. At my beat of confusion, he added, There are some scars when it comes to how his mother was treated. Many scars. His mother, who had been a servantā€”near-slaveā€”when he was born. And afterward. None of us bother to wait for everyone to sit, least of all Cassian. It can strike at odd times.
I'm not sure how many more ways I can say this, in my opinion your interpretation of the text is weak and uninspired. There is no insult you can throw my way, no take on the series that is going to change my mind.
And once AGAIN, you take one sentence of a post and run with it. Lucien has never once demanded Elain make a decision on the bond. That's not all he's done for her but it is a big deal when you consider all the E/riels that claim Lucien harasses her. And the phrasing for that sentence was in regards to that fact and that he has given her space and freedom to deal with her trauma and being made before dealing with the enormity of a mating bond.
I don't know, it seems like a pretty obvious concept to me. Maybe it's just something that comes with old age šŸ˜‰
You are wasting your time sending messages and this will be the last time I respond to them. My anons are open because some Elucien's and Gwynriels want to share their thoughts without becoming a target for people like you. They are not open for trolls who enjoy starting shit "anonymously" under the guise of wanting to have a "peaceful" debate. You're not fooling anyone.
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forest-hashira Ā· 7 months
okay wait i just sent you the message in a bottle ask but i think i accidentally switched on anon for it my bad AHSKDJDB but i have another question for YEWā€¼ļøā˜ļø this time itā€™s a self ship one. if you had met your blorbo of choice on a reality tv series where everyone (including yourself) is depicted in a very specific light (purely meant to dramatize the episodes n keep viewers interested) would you be pitted against or for them? šŸ¤” and how would that fold out as the series progressed/as you got to know each other? >:3
AHAHA yeah anon was on for that one but i tagged it as you dw!!!
hmmmmm. ok this is an interesting one for me bc i don't really watch reality tv, like at all. the most i've seen is an episode here and there of the bachelor or bachelorette, and a handful of episodes of several seasons of big brother bc my parents watch it LMAO. and the great british baking show ig??? that's reality tv, kinda.
ANYWAYS. i think it depends. i get told a lot that i'm talkative and have a really bright and cheerful personality, but i think a lot of that is bc of how hard i still mask around strangers, which i assume is also how i would act if i were on a reality show lol. but in that case, i think it would probably be really played up how much gojo and i get along/are into each other just bc our personalities as so similar (even if that's only bc of how i present myself to other people). not to say that he and i wouldn't get along at all, but the production team definitely knows how to splice things together to make it look like more than it is. because of that, they could go one of two ways with me and geto: either he and i are played as good friends (his best friend is gojo, after all, and we're apparently very similar lol) OR they would play it like my personality drives him crazy bc i'm so friendly and sweet and sunshine-y and he's much more reserved and sticks mostly to himself. there's intense online discourse about which of us are actually having a showmance (& there's a small but loyal faction of people who fully believe all three of us are together. they're correct, obviously.)
tl;dr if we were on big brother all three of us would be in an alliance together and all the viewers would be going INSANE trying to figure out which one of us the other two would sacrifice to make it to final two.
ask me anything you want!
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canayams-art Ā· 10 months
i also feel like the animation this season is different, more crisps or something, because it looks even better than season 1 already gorgeous one. fengqing taking hold of me again was unexpected, but im dealing with the onslaught of emotions! i think it's just been too long since ive seen them in new scenes :"))
LQQ IS THE MVP OF THE DONGHUA AT THIS POINT! i looooove his design so much, more than the manhua one personally, and every scene he was in was soo good, i would have hard time choosing the one favorite as well. i think lqq debut this season was absolutely on point, and honestly i love watching him on my screen. he's so precious and when i tell you every scenes he's in makes me love him more and more im not kidding.
KEJEJJRJRJ FY AND LQQ INTERACTION WOULD HAVE BEEN SOO GOOD! especially considering mq is much more open as fu yao and being touched by lqq's sincerity and concern for mq would be right there on his face. (dw they make me cry as wellšŸ„¹) i think i would also like to explore lqq's reaction to qi rong insulting mq, or maybe even their interactions during the aftermath of the tong'lu. mq being canonically good with children and helping lqq with guzi would be soo cute šŸ„°šŸ„ŗ their potential for a strong and genuine companionship has me squealing as i write this, no lie
im so with you on your view of quirong!! it's definitely not a ship for me, even if i do tend to give every ship i come across a chance. although i think a fandom as well plays a role in my dislike, the overall impression of the ship didn't really give me the right vibe to like it either. im not above liking a pretty fanart for them when i come across it, but overall i just don't care about them. however it is always nice when you come across someone who also isn't a fan of the popular ship, makes you feel less crazy for not liking them šŸ˜­
mhmm if only more people thought like that, the discourses in the fandom would not exist :") it's so silly thinking everyone would have the same taste about fiction and media they watch and choose to interact with, and if that were to be the case the fandoms would be such a dull place to be. everyday i feel like the fandoms have went from a fun place to find like-minded people who enjoy things you do and with whom you can gush over your silly little blorbos, to this draining chore where you're constantly afraid someone will be on your throat for whatever reason if you dare say something about any character whether you like them or don't. it's honestly becoming exhausting but that's exactly why curating your own fandom experience and environment is important to have fun.
im personally ready to drop a fic if i see a trope i don't like or interpretation i don't agree with, even if i was already invested into the story prior. im willing to look past the characterization issue when the fics are clearly meant to be crack, but otherwise it really is very important to me that characters be the closest to canon as possible, especially in canon universe. modern aus are tricky, but honestly with enough lore throw in to explain it, i can swallow slight mischaracterization. anything fanon related tho, yeah im dipping so fast šŸ˜­ gods i sure sound pretentious and nitpicky about this but it's true, i learned the hard way that the only way to enjoy a fandoms is to set standards for what you like and not and not really care about others opinions, it's so much more enjoyable and you will eventually find the like-minded people who will support your delusions
side characters are gold mine when it comes to fics and general fandom experience, and from what ive noticed, the less popular the better šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ sure you will probably have to make your own fan work but it's soo worth it at the end of the day! also less discourses so it's definitely a win. i also feel like the side characters/pairings usually have more interesting concepts when it comes to fics/art šŸ¤” this is not the case in every fandom but from my experiences, fics and art about side characters somehow feel more satisfying? idk to me it always comes across how people make a thing without it being cut out and served for them by already established canon, so to me it always feels more enjoyable to interact with such works
Iā€™m so sad we have to wait a little longer for the next episode to come out,,,,, I need to see fengqing more šŸ˜­ Also!!! Lqq really is the heart and soul of the season so far!!! I guess that makes sense considering weā€™re right in the middle of his arc but he really is such a joy to see in every sceneā€” they really made him so baby and if last episode is anything to go by theyā€™re about to make him so anguished (affectionate). I love this boy so much.
Also every time we bring up more and more different qianqing scenarios, I canā€™t help feeling that theyā€™re actually so surprisingly complimentary to each other. Now Iā€™m actually just disappointed that mxtx never really explored their dynamic. Lqq wouldā€™ve been a perfect ally in mqā€™s hardships and mq wouldā€™ve been a such an asset to have in the search for qr and the management of Guziā€™s care (not sure if mq would be nurturing but heā€™d definitely come through with a lot of ā€œWhy arenā€™t you [insert form of care here] ?ā€). They couldā€™ve benefited from being closer.
I think thereā€™s something novel about side characters and rarepairs that makes them (personally) so appealing. We donā€™t see so much about them so we want to know more and from that want comes so much unique and interesting exploration. I just read an entire story about a pair of main guysā€” I wanna know more about the people who were a part of their story. Itā€™s about the fun of redirecting the spotlight šŸ„¹
(Also I think in a way everyone is a little pretentious with their personal preferences for what they enjoy and how they enjoy it. If the writing or the art isnā€™t doing anything for you or it loses you along the way then thatā€™s just part of the subjective experience of the arts! Itā€™s okay to admit to being picky or selective.)
Anywayā€”! As a lqq art peddler I am happy to keep peddling more lqq art in the future. Might even start drawing more donghua lqq (manhua lqq is very special to me but donghua lqq has charmed me so much šŸ˜­). I really gotta get back into the frenzied rate at which I used to draw himā€” now with a couple extra boyfriends LMAO.
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imagineitdearies-old Ā· 2 years
Why the fuck did you like those posts? You're a shitty fucking person if you think that omega or fem Luke is homophobic and then write omega Aemond like it's not feminization in the same way. People defended your fic from the discourse and those same authors that are being critiqued in those posts read and supported your work but I guess its a one way street for you. I'm glad they took screenshots of your shit and posted it on twitter
Oooo the girlies are talking about me! Twitter really sounds wild.
I personally donā€™t think authors who write fem!Luke are inherently harmful or homophobic. I enjoy many of those fanfics, and might write one, who knows! And I don't know that any of the OPs were calling out specific authors, but if they do in other posts that'd definitely not be cool. Writing fanfic is hard and I'm not here to hate on any author for doing something they enjoy and others love. General critique in a fandom does interest me once I get in deep with it, like I have with lucemond, but in the end itā€™s all fiction!
If anyone's wanting further explanation and an opinion from me on this matter of fem!Luke, buckle in! Lol.
Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion, but I casually read a lot of lucemond so at this point I have a lot of casual OpinionsTM on the pairing lol. Most of which I keep to myself, because we're all just here trying to find things we like, not get nasty about the things we don't.
But yeah, ngl my favorite omega/bottom/fem!Luke fics involve him having some personality beyond being submissive and salivating for Aemond-dick. I'll rec a few: omega!Luke a/b/o paint me in your colours is a great one, modern!au a losing game is getting SO good, and just started a very fem cam!boy Luke fic you can be the boss that's been fun so far!
Also, I admit it, I appreciate when I find fics where he isnā€™t constantly referred to like heā€™s a girl in all but pronouns.
Thereā€™s nothing wrong with trans characters of course, that can be a great thing to exploreā€”but I think itā€™s concerning when I open up this tag on ao3 and the ā€œLuke has a pussyā€ fics are dominating over anything else that's posted, donā€™t even tag him as trans, and almost always involve him acting very submissive and still looking like a prepubescent boy. And yes, fem!trans men exist, can be subs, and can look young!! Fuck gender roles! But hey, trans men can also look masculine, be doms, and look like adults too, and I have seen zero representation of any of that with Luke. Please somebody point me towards any that I've missed, would love to read!
(Maybe Iā€™ll have to write a one-shot of Luke being trans!masc šŸ¤” seeing the lack of diversity in the a/b/o tag is what prompted D&S after all šŸ˜‚)
So after enough of these flooding the ao3 tag, it starts to feel less like trans!rep and more like a trend we could analyze as a fandom whole. After all, if weā€™re just really cool and shooting for more gender diversity, it should make no less sense to make Aemond trans, you get me? Why are we so hung up on Luke as someone with a vagina?
Again, I don't as a blanket statement agree with the OPs of those posts in saying it's always sexist/homophobic to write Luke this way, or that there's inherent harm, but I did appreciate the discourse especially in the first post that addresses the trend as something to watch out for and think more critically about to avoid perpetuating stereotypes. Nothing wrong with portraying top/bottom and dom/sub couples, but itā€™s just as common with irl homosexual relationships for that dynamic to switch or even the one who through a 'hereto lens' seems more fem to be the top/dom. When a fandom as a whole is constantly putting a queer ship in gendered boxes (and the feminized one always seems to be very younger/an actual child, like Luke in canon), and also hates on any opposing portrayal, itā€™s just cause for reflection, ya know?
This ship is already problematic with one being underage and then also being portrayed by an underage actorā€”honestly when some of the more-nsfw art looks too much like a 12 year old next to an adult Aemond I really squick outā€”so Iā€™m personally more cautious of how I portray his character just for that reason alone and appreciate when others are too.
Of course, I always stick with the ā€œDonā€™t like donā€™t readā€ mantra of the olden days. Any harm in stereotyping/assigning heterosexual roles to lucemond is SO much less important than real-life stereotyping it's silly, and Iā€™m personally never going to go hate on a story I donā€™t enjoy, just move on to something I do.
I'm also not going to pretend that I don't enjoy something! I literally just commented on a dead dove fic (derailed by theglitteringdark, the surprise CNC and babytrapping at the end really did it for me haha) with Luke as a trans!femboy because I enjoyed it. If you're looking through my likes, check ao3 too, okay? šŸ˜‚
Last thing, but I have to addā€”writing someone unlikely as an omega is fun for me simply because I can then deconstruct the idea of it and, sort of like gender in real life, show that we are more than what is and isnā€™t between our legs. Idk if youā€™ve read D&S, but Aemond isnā€™t exactly a very feminine person in it. And this call-out is such funny timing, I have to spoilā€”in the very next chapter I'm working on, Aemond (an omega! gasp!) tops Luke! I've alluded to it in many previous chapters so some of you probably aren't surprised, lol.
Alright alright please cherry pick and tell me how I'm awful and wrong now šŸ˜‚ I don't mind, like I said this is my opinion and it's all just fiction in the end.
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jimkirkachu Ā· 2 years
So... in 90-something-degree (F) weather with a hundred-something-degree heat index, there's a group of about 15 people Running. from, like... point A to point B all the way across town to raise money for X/Y/Z charity. (Led by a slow-moving ambulance which is ostensibly there as an escort but which I REALLY hope is equipped to help in case any of the runners pass out from heat stroke, sun stroke, exhaustion, dehydration, etc.)
Yet all I can think as they pass by is, "Why in the world is This the way we humans raise money for charities??" These people are out RUNNING in one of the most lethal heat waves in recorded human history?? And that's really the best way to get other people to either contribute to a cause or become aware of a cause??
(I mean, mad respect to these folks for Caring that much about something. And yes, I do know about crowdfunding. And I think it's great, although I hate that it's gotten to beā€”in the US, anywayā€”essentially an emergency support-network substitute for health insurance/social security for so many people because our healthcare system is so f***ed up, but I digress.)
I just... *keysmash* I'm a cynic through and through, I consider myself to be professionally depressedā€”but even I refuse to believe that a dozen people putting their health and possibly their lives on the scorching pavement like this is truly the most efficient means of fundraising or spreading awareness for a charity, because honestly... how broken is our society that this is what charitable organizations have come to? It just seems like utter brutality to me.
(Disclaimer: I fully understand that I could be 100% wrong. I don't lead or work for a 501(c)3, I'm not an athlete, and I'm definitely not a runner, so maybe these folks actually derive some kind of enjoyment out of these charity runs. šŸ¤· But... in this kind of heat?? I don't buy it.)
Isn't there some way to fundraise for Good Causes that would be actually conscientious toward all parties involved? Like... I don't know. Have people pledge 50 cents for every piece of litter you pick up on a charity walk, and all the walkers go through a different neighborhood in town, and on their own time, when it's not dangerous to their health or safety to do so (aka not exerting their bodies to the maximum capacity at high noon on a sunny over-100-degree day). Or raise five dollars for every row of soil you till or seed in a community garden or something.
No clue what my point is here, but having a gaggle of already toxically-thinspo-looking people try to jog down the road on one of the hottest days of the year while sweating out what I can only imagine is every possible nutrient left in their bodies just doesn't feel like "the answer." šŸ¤”
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so. that was some straight up horror movie shit, huh? for an episode with no daryl or princess i had a surprisingly good time
just gonna do a highlight reel bc itā€™s so very much past my bedtime
on mobile, canā€™t do a cut, sorry, etc
spoilers commencingggg
-thatā€™s some straight up bullshit, man
-fun fact: i 110% forgot that skryim npc alden used to be a negan brony until he talked shit about it in front of negan lol
-anyway, just had to get that off my chest
-neganā€™s role this entire episode, and actually this entire season so far, is ā€œcharacter with common sense who has been dropped into a scenario where everyone around him is acting like a white person in a horror movieā€ and itā€™s very funny
-ā€œso weā€™re just gonna go /towards/ the screaming, then?ā€ i lolā€™d
-the cut scenes between Maggie & Others being stuck in a psychological horror film juxtaposed with Carol & The Girls being in a late 90s horse girl adventure movie was very funny
-some of maggieā€™s scenes straight up freaked me tf out tho, ngl. it felt like that one episode of black mirror, the title of which escapes me and iā€™m too lazy to look it up, but you know, the one with the people in animal masks chasing the lady?
-itā€™s actually gonna bother me if i donā€™t look it up, hold on
-white bear
-my face was like this for a good half of the episode:
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-the reapers are super fucked up, dude, they legit freak me out. i am looking forward to daryl meeting up with leah and having to be like ā€œoh! so actually youā€™re an insane person! good to know!ā€
-the score for the reapers is really good, too. better than the whispererā€™s score and that one slapped
-rosita and carolā€™s interaction was very nice because it was refreshing to have carol interact with other women on the show, and it was also very funny because the entire interaction amounted to: ā€œso iā€™ve been having some fucked up dreams about abrahamā€ ā€œthat sounds unpleasantā€ ā€œyeah, i think theyā€™re propheticā€ ā€œwhatā€™s the message?ā€ ā€œwho knows? ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ idk why i told you that, lol, anyway, next topicā€
-iā€™m sure that wonā€™t become relevant later
-magna (i remembered her name) hugging carol and carol being like ā€œliterally what is happening?ā€ was sweet
-i like, knew that they were gonna have to eat horse at some point, but having them bring the horses back to alexandria all triumphant and smiling, and then immediately cutting to carol slitting one of their throats and crying while covered in blood was -chefs kiss-
-the children were a fucking delight, ofc. hershel jr. is literally mini glenn, i canā€™t handle it. him and judith have great, adorable chemistry and i want them to be bffs
-(i like how theyā€™re still giving rj one or two word lines bc heā€™s still a terrible child actor lol)
-did i hit all the parts i cared about?
-oh. i donā€™t care about gabriel that much (and kind of resent him bc i still donā€™t understand how rosita could be banging siddiq and then pick fucking gabriel over him, like wtf??) but him being like ā€œgod isnā€™t here anymoreā€ and stabbing that guy was entertaining
-magna telling carol to not give kelly false hope and then carol immediately disregarding that and doing whatever the fuck she wants was very on brand
-anything else?
-probably, but my brain is fried and iā€™m p sure most of this review is gibberish as is, i donā€™t need to add any more to it
-iā€™m really digging s11 so far. gonna need me some princess to balance out the darylrrhea, tho iā€™m actually anticipating that to be juicy and since iā€™m avoiding all discourse i might be able to enjoy it anxiety free
-anxiety limited
-i was also thinking about how carol still has leahā€™s knife. you think there might be a showdown between the two of them? or a ā€œdaryl has to pick who to saveā€ sort of situation?
-donā€™t actually answer that, i donā€™t want to know
-but also šŸ¤”
-i should really read through this and see if it makes any sense but iā€™m not gonna. sorry ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
k the end, bye,
p.s. are they gonna keep dropping episodes a full week in advance? i wasnā€™t expecting this one to drop today. i saw an article on my fucking chrome homepage (bc ofc i did), otherwise i wouldnā€™t have even thought to check. donā€™t they usually drop like the thursday or friday before? iā€™m getting rly mixed up being a week ahead of the actual air dates. amc premiere is a clusterfuck, but whatever gets me through the season faster i suppose
k the end for real
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destinyc1020 Ā· 3 years
Holy shit and it's Tom's fans who are toxic? That anon is exactly the type of trash Z's fans spout, it's just generally not in forums where Tom fans or genuine Tomdayas hang out. They don't like Tom at all, they just like Z and want to police how she lives as some kind of purist fantasy of the perfect Black woman and Tom also having relationships with white women really threatens that.
Anon, there are toxic sides to BOTH fandoms. I've lost count how many times I've repeated that. šŸ„“
I've been saying that for days (even months) in here. Both Tom AND Zendaya have toxic sides to their fandom (let's call a spade a spade šŸ˜’), and like I already mentioned, most of these fans are outliers. EVERY popular fandom has them. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø The majority of their fans are not this way.
Not sure what your last sentence was even trying to imply, but if you have a problem with fans bringing up racism, then maybe you should ask yourself why that is šŸ¤Ø If anything, as a TRUE Tom fan, you all should be outraged that ppl are hating on your fave's gf just because of the color of her skin. But somehow, the only sentiment I've been seeing these past few days in my inbox when ppl being this topic up, is: "Why are we talking about this so much?" , "You only find this stuff if you're looking for it" (seriously? šŸ¤Ø), "Well Z's fans are x,y,z also!"
Very interesting response. šŸ¤”
Enough with the fan wars already. There are toxic fans in all popular major fandoms. And I've already mentioned many times before how Z's fans were rude towards Tom during the Jacdaya era, and how many of them didn't even care about what type of man JE was, and were silly to just focus on his height as being the sole determining factor of what makes a good bf. šŸ™„šŸ™„
I have discussed all of this on this blog. I feel like some ppl have selective amnesia or smthg lol. šŸ„“
Second, in case it wasn't already obvious, I am a black woman. I am not a man, and I am not white. So the issues of race, especially where it pertains to black women is definitely going to affect me deeper, especially when I see more people in my inbox being racist towards Zendaya than I ever see of Zendaya's fans being racist (or rude) towards Tom in my inbox.
I did an exposƩ video on the type of nonsense that used to come into my inbox months back, and if you saw it you would see that an overwhelming portion of those hate asks and anti Tomdaya comments came from Tom fans in my inbox who (for some reason!) are threatened by the fact that Tom is dating a biracial/black woman and not a white woman.
But even after all of that.... even after ALL OF THAT..... I have STILL said in here that I don't believe that all of Tom's fans are this way (I keep saying they are a small minority y'all), AND I don't think it's any reflection on Tom as a person. He can't help who his fans are anymore than you can help who decides to have a crush on you. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø
I already called that Anon out on their rude (and actually racist imo) comment/ask. Idk what else you want me to do Anon. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø
Anyway, I'm so done with the fan wars talk.
End of discourse.
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Reading the Bi Peeta discourse on your blog and your latest piece of amazing work, we totally get that Katniss and Peeta are comfortable talking about their sex lives and their preferences. The ask about the anon who said their friend didnā€™t like the assumption that bi people wanted threesomes or were missing out made me think. Who knows? Maybe Peeta isnā€™t really into threesomes, but he really likes toys and Katniss could help him out. šŸ¤”šŸ˜ˆ
Iā€™m glad you enjoyed the story and thank you for your kind words about it. In regards to the ask you reference here...
Thatā€™s not exactly what the other person said in their ask, Anon. They said itā€™s a widespread problem on this planet that real people face, as in the real world that we all live and love in, that when someone comes out as bi, people assume they MUST be into threesomes and be willing to engage in them. And it IS a problem because of what the assumption implies as well as how it is handled. The person you refer to said that their friend has experienced one of the worst versions of this assumption because it led to their partner pressuring them to do something they had no interest in doing. Thereā€™s a big difference between ā€œdonā€™t likeā€ and bad enough to call it abuse or trauma.
The point there is that those partners were treating a human being like a personal sex toy to enact their own fantasies, not as a fellow human with their own wants, desires, preferences, and boundaries. And itā€™s NOT an isolated example. Itā€™s actually a fairly common thing for bi people to experience. Which makes it a problem, and to brush it off as someone ā€œdidnļæ½ļæ½ļæ½t likeā€ those assumptions when it is a prevalent issue and source of toxicity to outright abuse in relationships, comes off as kind of flippant and dismissive.
No matter what it is your partner wants to try, they should not be pressuring you into it. Thatā€™s not a healthy relationship. And it is an unfortunate reality that a lot of people in the LGBTQA community face this sort of toxicity in some form or another because people donā€™t stop to think about what theyā€™re saying or because they donā€™t actually care about the impact of their words or sometimes they just donā€™t know any better. And yes, Iā€™m intimately aware this kind of pressure isnā€™t unique to the LBGTQA community. It exists everywhere, sadly.
Just because someone is bi doesnā€™t make them open or willing to being a conduit or play thing upon which someone else can act out their sexual fantasies with no regard for that bi person or the things they may or may not want to do. And the reality is that this awful situation occurs with alarming frequency. THATā€™s what we were getting at with that particular discussion.
One of the things I pointed out (I used these words not the person who sent the ask) is that another equally dangerous assumption people make about bisexuality is that a person who is bi and in a committed monogamous relationship feels like they are ā€œmissing outā€ on part of their sexuality because now they are ā€œstuckā€ with a partner of a certain gender. This idea often manifests, intentionally or not, in the implication or assumption that a bi person canā€™t be happily monogamous or feel fulfilled in a monogamous relationship because theyā€™re always gonna want the ā€œthing they donā€™t have.ā€ Itā€™s literally just another version of ā€œthe grass is greenerā€ that isnā€™t necessarily true and often leads to harm specifically because it plays into the stereotype of people who are bi must be promiscuous and up for anything without actually talking to them about it. It also hints at a larger widespread problem of ā€œoh youā€™re in a heterosexual looking relationship... you must not be bi anymore,ā€ essentially erasing a personā€™s sexuality and superimposing someone elseā€™s view of that sexuality on them. It can also lead to a toxic level of insecurity in the relationship, because of course a bi person must want to bang everyone they meet right? They must be up for anything right? They canā€™t be fulfilled so theyā€™re gonna cheat right? Real answer: WRONG.
Yes of course someone who is bi can be promiscuous or sexually adventurous or a cheater, but those are not a given. Just like itā€™s not a given that a straight person is an ignorant, mysoginistic, homophobic asshole. They can be, no doubt, but itā€™s not always the case.
As for the last part of your question, itā€™s a possibility. The thing is... a heterosexual person can also be into threesomes and/or playing with toys. Itā€™s not unique to the bi community. The important thing is that whatever sexual adventures people embark on, they do it with open and honest communication, and with respect for one another, to include desires and personal boundaries. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
EDIT: I wrote this at 4 a.m. and now that Iā€™m more lucid, Iā€™ve added a few things above and down here I wanted to say that I hope you didnā€™t mean to come off as flippant or dismissive of the real pain a lot of people go through every day. Iā€™m hoping you meant it as a way to present another option for some bedroom adventures for Everlark the way I write them. The idea is sweet on some level, but too has the potential to wander into this idea that bi Peeta canā€™t be happy in a monogamous relationship (pardon my crass language here) without having something shoved up his ass. And while Peeta may be a fictional character, the dangers of that belief are rooted very much in real life.
Truthfully, the tone of the ask leaves a kind of sour taste in my mouth that is multilayered and has far more complex sources than just the words you chose here, although they certainly didnā€™t help. Iā€™ve taken flack for writing openly bi Peeta in the past, which is partly why I chose not to post that particular piece publicly. Then I went back to making it not obvious and easily interpreted as heterosexual Peeta. The initial answer I gave a few days ago that sparked all this hoopla took a lot of nerve for me to say what I said. I knew Iā€™d probably take some flack for it. And the sad thing is, I didnā€™t until I wrote that COBLMF piece. A few people said some things that made me roll my eyes but I could brush it off as attempts at humor. But I did get some passive aggressive messages over the COBLMF piece I just wrote. Like I somehow betrayed them by showing Peeta feeling desire for another man. Whether itā€™s just a general sentiment they have or because it happened to be their favorite Peeta/favorite story of mine, I think it says more about the Anons issues than it does about me.
That said, I donā€™t regret what I wrote. Iā€™m pretty pleased with it. But Iā€™m still kinda side eyeing your words here. So Iā€™m not likely to write what you seem to hint at wanting anytime soon because frankly, I donā€™t want the additional drama it could bring.
And I have other things to work on. Thanks again for the kind words about the story at least. I guess.
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annapostsstuff Ā· 4 years
LITG Random Question Tag
I was tagged by @ravena-dottir, luv you boošŸ’•
* When and what made you decide to make a LITG blog?
I didnā€™t choose the blog life, it chose me. Jokes aside, I donā€™t really know, it wasnā€™t a plan or anything, I remember I joined tumblr to find quotes and shit, then idk how happened that I came across the choices community and they mentioned LITG and I downloaded the game and I really liked it, it took me AGES to take active part in both communities, I would mostly look bc I was too shy to make comments or post anything, but hey, Iā€™m thankful that I did bc Iā€™m having a lot of fun here despite the discourses and the drama.
* Opinion on s3 art design?
Yeeeeeah I appreciate the effort made by FB but itā€™s not my cup of tea, it looks like the Kim Kardashian game or like the Kendall and Kylie game (donā€™t ask how I know thisšŸ‘€) but hey, if they give me the drama and the flavor that Iā€™m craving Iā€™m gonna try really hard to look past the art design.
* Do you watch any LITG playthroughs?
Not really, I usually follow my own game since thereā€™s no point system or anything...
* Have you made any friends in the LITG fandom?
Not as many as Iā€™d like bc I think I usually come across as a bitch or a weirdo (sorry about that) but yes Iā€™ve made a couple of friends and Iā€™m extremely thankful for that bc my real life friends donā€™t play this kind of game so itā€™s great to have other people with the same interest to share opinions and everything.
* How many routes have you played, and whoā€™s was your favorite?
Iā€™ve played all of the original guys routes, and from CA Iā€™ve only played Carl bc after CA they all have the same personality, Iā€™ve tried to get Kassam SO MANY TIMES but it hasnā€™t worked for me, my favorite so far is V!Lucas bc I love himšŸ’•
* Who did you vote for to win Mr. Love Island?
I usually vote for the guy whoā€™s route im playing, and when Iā€™m not playing any of their routes I just pick a random, if I could Iā€™d vote for Henrik bc Iā€™m a glitter whorešŸ˜‚
* Underrated friendship?
Everyone knows my favorite friendship is Lurik, but I really like the Gary/Ibrahim friendship, I think itā€™s sweet how Gary sheds some tears when Rahim leaves, makes me feel guilty for kicking him out but I just canā€™t stand JošŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
* Overrated friendship?
Lottie and Hannah, Lottie crying and calling her her best friend for life and whatever, bitch, you knew her for what, two days? Stfu, leave Gary alone move tf onšŸ™„...
* Favorite Casa Amor boy?
Kassam (even if he ignores me and never likes my Mc since the beginningšŸ¤”) and Carl, Iā€™m a sucker for nerdy awkward guys, unpopular opinion but I kinda like Graham as well šŸ¤”
* Least favorite girl?
Fuck, it would be way easier to name my favorites bc I hated most of those bitches, so Iā€™m going with Chelsea and Priya as my faves from S2 and Talia from S1, the rest can choke for all I care...
* Least favorite boy?
Uh, Felix, too annoying for my taste, sorry boošŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
* Favorite story arc in the game?
I really like Gary bc the way they talk about his body image issues, boy I felt that, I wish they developed more Lucasā€™s story with his family bc I have the feeling thereā€™s some good tea going on there as wellšŸ‘€
* Least favorite story arc in the game?
The Jo-Ibrahim-Shannon drama, OMFG itā€™s so dumb and exhausting, specially if you paid for the scene where Ibrahim confirms that he kissed Jo because it doesnā€™t change a single thing, it gets worse if you were previously romancing Rahim bc he looks like a douche, also the NOPE/MC drama, sucks if youā€™re flirting with Noah, now that I think about it, EVERY FUCKING STORY ARC SUCKS FOR THE MC, no matter what you do, you always get clowned in every single route.
* Who shouldā€™ve been an LI and wasnā€™t?
Priya, sheā€™s too hot to just be a side character and be kicked out like that, period.
* How often did you use gems?
Yeeeeah Iā€™m a clown that bought around 90% or the scenes and outfitsšŸ¤”
* Did you win? If so, did you keep the money or split it?
Iā€™ve won in everyoneā€™s route except Rahim, and idk why bc I didnā€™t do anything wrong, didnā€™t cheat or anything so I blame a glitch, and Iā€™ve always split the prize except the Noah route bc he doesnā€™t want a broke bitch.
* Do you have a favorite LITG related meme?
Nope, bc i have an idiotic sense of humor and I laugh at everything and anything which is why I love this fandom, you guys have some really good memes and I love it šŸ’•šŸ˜‚
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destinyc1020 Ā· 4 years
I just saw the video nvm! Sophia fell on the ground with that jacket on and was treating it as if it were her own. Idk about you but I wouldnā€™t treat someone elseā€™s clothes like that unless they were my own šŸ¤”
Yea, and it looked REALLY loooong too... Idk... Maybe sheā€™s just really skinny or something, but yea it just looked really baggy on her.Ā  Like I said before, fans canā€™t even agree on whether itā€™s the SAME exact jacket lol šŸ˜‚
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Either way, itā€™s an EXHAUSTED topic, and doesnā€™t mean anything at this point.Ā  So until some tea comes out that points to Tom and Sophia are spending time w/each other outside of filming, Iā€™m going to close discourse on thisĀ ā€œred jacketā€ thing.Ā Ā 
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