#not quite askganondorf
inspiteofganon · 2 days
UUEGAHAHAHS I ADORRE UR ARTSTYLE if ur the mod of the ask blog. such pretty shapes and pleasing to look at... i adore how u draw ganondorf and twinrova... hard to express the joy i get while seeing it thank you for ur service
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Thank you!!
Updates go a little slow because the entire thing is hand-drawn on paper with pen and ink, and then I have to scan and edit everything in between having a time-consuming real-life job (I'm also gonna be trying to do some prompt-based October art challenges this year, so there's that for the next month too)... and me also drawing non-askblog LoZ art regularly for fun in the meantime so I don't get burnt out...
Glad it makes you happy-- hoping I can keep it going for a solid while!
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