#not as pretty as your samandriel but i tried my best
archangelraphael · 3 years
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Alicorn Raphael because @heavensmostadorableangel made me do it
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impala-in-gotham · 3 years
This Destiel/finale fix-it ficlet I wrote...
This is my first attempt at writing fic so be gentle haha but I had a dream close to this and kinda tweaked it from there but it’s basically a finale fix-it in which I’ve decided Dean’s still alive. He lost consciousness a few sentences into his speech and imagined the rest, which is what we saw. There’s just too much about “heaven” that has been used before as a façade. So here goes…
“Okay. P-Please. I'm fading pretty quick, so...there's a few things that I-...” before he can even start the next words Dean’s head lolls to the side and his eyes fall closed.
Sam feels like everything is moving in slow motion as the nightmare of losing his brother plays out in front of his eyes.
Sam holds Dean in place the best he can and his dread drains away slightly as he hears Dean’s shallow breaths despite his sudden loss of consciousness.
Sam's thoughts start racing, time-induced panic ticking away. Nothing they haven’t dealt with before but this isn’t Chuck’s tale of heroes anymore. It’s just them now.
"Shit, shit, shit...the nearest hospital is still too far...I can't...there's too many bodies to even try to explain...I can't even let Dean go to hide them...shit. Shit...Jack!"
"Hang on, Dean. Just hang on as long as you can. I'll fix this."
Sam prays loudly into the empty barn, "Jack?? Jack, I know you can see this, I hope you can do something, please. It can't end like this. It wasn't supposed to end like this. Not after everything we've been through, everything Dean's survived, he doesn't deserve this. You know he doesn't. Please, Jack. He's not gone yet, he can still be saved. I'm not asking for resurrection here, just...just heal him, please, he deserves to be saved."
As if on cue, the barn roof starts to rattle, a few bulbs burst overhead and Cas walks through the barn doors, rushing to their side while Sam's eyes widen in shock.
"Cas?!? but...", Sam stammers out with only a little bit of shock and a lot more relief.
Cas darts his eyes straight at him and it feels like he's looking straight at his soul.
"Sam, I need you to hold him steady, I'll start healing, but I need you to slowly pull him forward as I heal, alright?... Sam?!...Ok?!"
"Yeah...Yes...Ok, I'm ready.", Sam’s words stumble out as he refocuses onto Dean's weight in his arms.
The familiar golden glow pours from Cas steadier than it did the last time Sam watched him heal Dean's hand. So easily that Sam is holding all of Dean's weight mere seconds later. Cas helps him lay Dean down. Dean's breathing has evened out, but his face is still clammy and pale.
Cas holds Dean's head in his lap for a few moments, as he pulls off his trench coat and folds it up as a makeshift pillow, easing his head onto it. The care and intimacy of the moment, it feels like Sam needs to look away, but then Cas stands and looks up at the relief and tears on Sam's face.
"He'll be alright, Sam. He lost a fair amount of blood so he just nee-".
Sam practically slams his entire body into Cas as he crushes him into a hug, "Cas, I can't believe you're here. Of course, you're here. You saved him. You always save him. Thank you, Cas. I didn't know what to do. Jack said he'd be hands-off but it's Dean."
"Of course. Jack sent me as soon as he heard you. We’re lucky we made it in time.", Cas looks around at the lifeless bodies and their lost heads strewn about, "I'll help you clean this up but first, I'll get those boys home."
As Sam piles up the bodies a familiar but long since heard sound of wings flutter near Dean and Cas is back. He's looking down at Dean with such adoration but with his matter-of-fact tone states, "They're back with their mother, who was thankful to you both...and to have her tongue healed back. I took the liberty of altering their memories. They shouldn't have to live with that trauma." His eyes still lost to watching Dean’s chest rise and fall.
"You got your wings back," Sam says without realizing he thought it aloud.
Cas smiles coyly and looks back at Sam, visibly spreading them out, while Sam watches in awe as their shadows encompass the barn behind him. "Along with a few other powers I've missed now that Jack has restored heaven to what it should be."
Sam sighs, "Yeah, about that..."
While cleaning up the barn, Sam and Cas catch each other up on what happened since they last saw each other. Sam talks about defeating Chuck, Jack bringing everyone back, and how mundane the past months of freedom have been. Cas tells Sam how Jack rescued him from the Empty as well as other angels like Michael (with Adam), Gabriel, Hannah, Samandriel, and Balthazar to name a few.
Sam throws his lighter into the pile of vamps and looks over at Cas, "It's great to have you back, Cas. Dean didn't...well more like couldn't I guess. He couldn't talk about you much after... all he told us was you made a deal and you summoned the Empty to save him from Billie...but after that, he could barely say your name. Didn't stop him from asking Chuck to bring you back", he says with a small smirk, then presses his lips together and sighs, "but it was like a part of him had shut down or just broke. He wouldn't tell me and if you don't want to, I won't push it but you're my best friend, Cas and I...I still don’t know...Can you tell me what happened?"
Cas looks into Sam's puppy dog eyes, now glistening either from the fire or the topic, and then over at Dean still peacefully asleep a few feet away. He reaches out his grace and maybe Dean's soul recognizes it because he is sleeping soundly as if he hasn't in months. Cas guesses that's probably true. Contemplating how much of the story is his to tell and how much Dean would allow him to say since Sam and Cas both know it's not that he won't, he can't.
Cas reaches out and squeezes Sam's shoulder. "I'm sorry for any pain I caused you, I didn't have a choice. I knew it was the only way to beat Chuck. That only you and Dean could find a way. I made the deal to save Jack when he was dying, the Shadow agreed to take me instead but not until I had experienced true happiness. With Chuck in charge, any happiness seemed impossible, but I thought proving to Dean that he is worth saving, that all he's ever done was driven by love, not anger, prove to him why I love him." His voice betrays him by cracking on the last words. Still new to his mouth and his ears.
Cas searches Sam's face for any sort of shock or surprise but finds none. Instead, there’s a kind understanding that only Sam would have.
Sam sighs and says, "That's why." he continues as Cas' head tilts, "When we faced Chuck, he called Dean the ultimate killer but Dean just walked past him, no anger or malice, and just said 'that's not who I am'. It was because of you. He must have finally started to see himself the way you see him. How we all see him."
Cas brightens at that, looking back over at Dean, "Then it worked. The only thing I ever wanted was for Dean to love himself. I didn't ever think I'd be enough. That how I feel about him was enough after everything...after every time I tried to prove it. It was never enough before."
Sam smiles warmly, "You were enough, Cas. I've been trying almost our whole lives to get Dean to believe he wasn't a killer, that his life was worth more. I think we all tried, but you got through to him. He tried so hard after you...he tried but I could tell he was forcing it. Tonight, before you got here, it sounded like he'd given up. It sounded like the last time we lost you.” Sam shakes his head, trying to push away the image of Dean plunging a syringe into his heart, “Cas…every time we lost you it's been hard. For me too, but for Dean... it's different, each time it was different. He’d close himself off. He’d lose all faith. He’d give up. He’d want to die. I think...I think that he loves you more than he lets on. He's better when you're back. He's only happy when you're back."
Cas looks back over at Sam, a trace of a smile, "I know. I always felt it, just... well", he huffs, "We both know he's not one for words. But I know how he feels. I think his fear was more so in having something to lose. We’ve lost each other too many times."
The fire is dying down with the bodies not quite recognizable. Sam collects their gear into Baby's trunk. Cas walks out of the barn carrying Dean as if he's as light as a feather. Sam offers to drive Baby back to the bunker if Cas wants to fly Dean back instead. Cas nods and another flutter of wings echoes in the space left behind. Sam climbs into Baby, places his hands tightly on the wheel, closes his eyes, and prays to Jack.
A few hours later, Dean wakes up. He slowly realizes he's back in the bunker, he's in his room, there's no pain in his back, and his hand is being held. He looks over to meet gleaming blue eyes he thought he’d never see again and can barely get anything out. “Cas... but how... you...?” and just pulls him into an awkwardly angled hug but holds on so tightly. It's just them. He doesn't have a time limit.
Dean feels as Cas inhales to explain but Dean cuts him off with “It doesn’t matter how. Is this real? Are you really back? For good."
Cas smiles as if his true happiness reaches a new level and simply says, “Hello, Dean." tightening his embrace, "Yes, Jack brought me back-- new and improved”.
Dean holds him and breathes in that familiar ozone smell, feels the pulse of grace within him stronger than before, something only he seems to be able to feel. "I thought I lost you forever. I thought you...wait," he pulls back to look at Cas again, "Didn't I die? I was in heaven, but it felt...wrong, you were there but you didn't come to see me, Bobby was there but he didn't even hug me after... what? 8 years?! No one else showed up. I just drove to a bridge…Tell me you didn't make a deal or -" his face freezes and his entire body goes tense, "Where's Sam?"
"No, you didn't die. Sam prayed to Jack and I came straight to you. You're healed but the blood loss left you pretty lethargic; though, I think that was your own exhaustion. Sam’s fine, he took the Impala. Should be here soon. You’re safe, it was just a dream. Those boys are back with their mother. I healed her. Altered their memories. Everyone's safe now. Sam told me everything that happened since...I...," a brief sadness flashes in his eyes before he brightens and smiles at Dean, "I knew you would save the world."
“I’ve been trying to find a way into the Empty for months, Cas. I…I read everything I could find but there was barely anything. I tried to use your blood from the sigil to summon you like what Nick tried to do but I guess I didn’t get the ingredients right or I don’t know…nothing worked. Jack never answered any of my prayers but I kept asking him to bring you back. I tried--…”
“Dean.” The tone over that one syllable calmed Dean the same way only Cas has always managed to be able to do.
Cas continued, “I’m back. Jack only recently was able to get me back but he heard your prayers. It took a lot of time and bargaining to get me and as many angels as we could save back out. The Shadow’s asleep again. I’m back and I’m not going anywhere. This is my home. I’m home.”
Dean sits processing this. Shaking off the fake heaven and submerging himself in Cas being alive and here. Now. In his grasp. He doesn't know how he gets to have a second...or seventh? chance but all that matters is everyone he loves, everyone he cares about is safe.
Dean meets Cas’s eyes and stares into the bright, deep blue he's fallen in love with so many times, eyes that have seen every part of who he is, good and bad, and says, “I love you too, Cas.”
Cas smiles very much like he did before the Empty was summoned but without tears because the one thing he wants is right in front of him. Looking at him like he is the most important being in every possible alternate universe. Still so beautiful.
Dean's eyes drift to Cas's lips as they have many times before, asking the same question Cas has yet to answer. Cas places a hand behind the base of Dean's neck, his fingers warm and strong as they pull Dean closer. Finally, their lips come together and it feels like no other kiss either of them has ever had. It feels like swirling grace entangling into his soul; it feels like being healed. It feels like every jagged piece of each other is clicking into place, completing and filling what was empty and longing before. It feels like being saved.
Sam parks in the garage and leaves everything as-is to deal with later. He heads down the hallway to check on Dean when suddenly the overhead lights flicker but before he can run for iron or salt, the bulbs burst. First the one over Dean's door, then a few more heading his direction, then nothing. Sam relaxes and sighs deeply, “Finally!”
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clairenatural · 4 years
destiel, 2k. dean’s self loathing but it ends up fluffy so it’s ok. pining. destiel finally becoming canon because sam just wants to drink smoothies in peace (this is a repost because the original got deleted!)
It’s a few weeks into all of them being back in the bunker, Sam and Dean and Jack and a rapidly humanizing Castiel, when Sam decides he’s had enough. It had been bad enough the past decade, when Castiel was always leaving and there was always another apocalypse to distract them, but the past few weeks have become damn near domestic and the mutual pining is driving him up the wall.
Sam finally snaps at a small bar in Lebanon. Cas is caught up by a pretty girl at the bar and Dean has barely touched his beer, instead watching the interaction with a mixture of longing and heartbreak, and Sam can’t take it anymore.
“Dude,” he starts, and when that fails, “Dean.” Dean looks at him. He frowns.
“What, Sam?”
“Just go talk to him. Or drag him back to the bunker and talk to him there. I’ll go stay with Eileen this weekend, I’ll even take Jack with me—just please, Dean. For me.”
Dean blinks at him, glowers a bit, and takes a sip of his beer. “Dunno what you’re talking about.”
Sam gives him a look, unimpressed. “It’s been ten years. And—” he puts up a hand to stop the protests. “And listen, I know it’s been…rough, but by some miracle things are calm right now. So just tell Cas you’re in love with him so I can stop feeling like I’m interrupting something every time I walk into the kitchen.” 
He shudders a bit, remembering the day before when he walked into the bunker’s kitchen to see Dean and Cas just staring at each other over two mugs of coffee, hands still touching where Castiel had handed the mug to Dean. Sam had cleared his throat and Castiel had jumped, spilling the coffee, and Dean had glared at his brother as he reached for a towel.
Sam had just wanted a smoothie.
He glances back across the bar table to where Dean is staring at him, open mouthed, and watches as his expression shifts to a glower as he apparently gives up on trying to deny it. Sam counts that as a small victory in itself. 
“Why? So he can freak out and leave again? Dude’s just starting to get comfortable, Sam, I’m not about to chase him away.” Dean’s tone is angry, but Sam knows him well enough to see through the facade. There’s no real anger there. Just fear.
His heart hurts a bit, for both his brother and their best friend. “Dean,” he starts, gently, leaning forward in his chair. “He’s an angel. He’s been here since the beginning of humanity. He put your soul back together. Do you really think he doesn’t already know?”
Dean’s staring at him again, as if he’s never considered that before. He looks apprehensive, and mildly terrified, but before he can respond Castiel appears back at their table. He slides a beer across the table to Sam, then to Dean, who doesn’t look at him, before settling down himself. There’s a half second of awkward silence before Dean changes the subject, and Sam sighs. Nobody could say he hadn’t tried.
Dean can’t sleep. 
He’s staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom, replaying the last few things Sam had said. He’s an angel, Sam had said, as if that wasn’t obvious. And it was, it is, but—it’s too easy to forget sometimes, especially the many times he’s ended up more human than angel, that Castiel is thousands of years old. Dean never forgets that he’s an angel, of course. That’s one of the staples of the voice in his head, the one constantly telling him to keep his feelings for Castiel a secret to the grave. Over the past ten years Angel of the Lord has become nearly synonymous with too good for you and better than you would ever deserve.
It's what being an angel means that Dean doesn’t think about. That Castiel has spent millennia as nothing more than a wavelength of light and celestial intent before giving it all up to drag Dean out of Hell. That he was a soldier, a seraph, a term that Dean thinks he knows but also doesn’t fully understand the weight of. Castiel misses a pop culture reference and Dean forgets that he understands the physics of the cosmos on a level his human brain could never comprehend. Or, not forget—he could never forget. Dean just doesn’t like to look too closely at it, because staring everything that Castiel really is in the face just makes the voice louder. Makes him feel like just a speck of dust in comparison, unworthy of the angel’s presence or time or attention. Makes him wonder why Castiel has given up everything that he is and was, everything he had since the beginning of time, for that one speck of dust.
So maybe Sam is right. And Dean hates that. Because maybe Sam is right, but Castiel has only stayed over the years because he has nowhere else to go. And he has nowhere to go because of Dean. Because the very touch of you corrupts. When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost, Hester said. Because too much heart was always Castiel’s problem, Samandriel said. Because I’m hunted, I rebelled, and I did it - all of it - for you, Castiel himself told him, once upon a time. I’m doing this for you, Dean. I’m doing this because of you.
And Dean had reacted in anger, like he always did. Like he always does. And Cas keeps coming back anyway.
He needs a drink.
He sighs as he hauls himself off his bed, creeping silently through the bunker on the way to the kitchen, but pauses when he hears the murmuring of the television coming from Castiel’s room. It’s a bad decision but he turns towards Castiel’s bedroom door and pauses for a moment, listening to the soft sounds of a nature documentary through the wood. What are you doing? The voice scolds. Sure, Dean. Creep outside his bedroom at midnight, that’ll make him feel real comfortable.
The television clicks off. Dean assumes he’s going to sleep, something he needs to do more and more lately, and is about to keep going to the kitchen when—
“Dean?” Cas calls. Dean freezes. He could leave quietly, and they’d both pretend it had never happened. They were good at that. He could also make some sort of excuse and continue on his merry way. He doesn’t do either.
“Can I come in?” He asks instead, and Castiel says “yes,” and then Dean is pushing open the bedroom door.
Castiel is sitting on his bed, cross-legged, wearing a pair of sweatpants they’d picked up from the local thrift store and a t-shirt that is (was?) definitely Dean’s. The sight makes his heart clench. He hadn’t considered the potential consequences when he’d dumped a bunch of his old clothing on Castiel’s bed, and it sure isn’t making anything easier.
“You sleeping tonight?” Dean asks, and Castiel shakes his head.
“I don’t need to.” He pauses. “You should be, though. Is everything alright?”
Dean shifts on his feet. He shoves his hands deep in his pockets. He looks back at Castiel, meeting his gaze. There's something so uniquely deep about it—it wasn’t there in Jimmy, and even now, nearly human, his blue eyes feel centuries old. But not like the ocean. The blue eyes/ocean metaphor is overplayed, and when Dean looks into Castiel’s eyes he doesn’t feel like he’s swimming in an endless azure ocean. He feels like he’s drowning in the Marianas Trench.
“Do you know?” Dean asks. He doesn’t mean to, but he isn’t surprised when the words come out of his mouth.
Cas blinks at him, then frowns. “Know what?”
“You know.” Eloquent as always.
Cas quirks an eyebrow. “I know many things, Dean, but even with my full grace I can’t read your thoughts.”
Dean blushes. He hopes the darkness of the room, illuminated only by Castiel’s bedside lamp, obscures it. “I guess prayers aren’t quite the same, huh.”
There’s a loaded pause. Cas shifts, moving away from the headboard to sit at the edge of his bed, facing Dean. “Praying is more abstract than humans think it is,” he starts. “Gratitude is often close enough. Longing can come through as prayer. Love… when love gets close enough to worship, it’s the loudest of all.” He pauses there, searching for a reaction. Dean isn’t sure what he’s looking for, but he doesn’t even think he’s breathing—he’d stopped as soon as Castiel said love.
After an excruciating moment, Castiel continues. “So if that’s what you mean…”
Dean braces for impact.
“Then yes, Dean. I think I knew before you did.”
And, well. There it is. For some reason, Dean isn’t running away. He thinks it’s probably because Cas isn’t running away this time—and because he’d come back. He still comes back. Regardless of the many, many times Dean had been the one to push him away.
So “I love you,” Dean says, quietly, voice rough, because there’s really no point in not saying it anymore. Then, “I mean…I love you.” He clarifies, even as saying it twice sets off alarm bells, because if there’s one thing they’re good at it’s miscommunication.
Castiel blinks at him. “I know,” he replies, puzzled. “Is that not what we were just talking about?”
Dean stares at him. “You’re still here.”
The confusion on the angel’s face deepens. “Yes, because I love you too. I thought that was obvious.” In another lifetime he would’ve used air quotes.
Dean pauses for a minute, reeling, trying to figure out if he misheard.
“Obvious,” he clarifies, as if that’s the word he’s struggling with.
Dean is still staring, feeling something akin to shock. Obvious?
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I have. Multiple times, in multiple ways.”
Dean thinks back to profound bond and I always come when you call and I’ll watch over you and I could go with you and hundreds of moments in between.
“You didn’t care that I never got the message?”
“I’m thousands of years old, Dean. Ten years is nothing. I was willing to wait.”
“Jesus Christ,” Dean replies, because that is a whole bunch he doesn’t have the energy to unpack, and his brain still isn’t completely caught up to what’s happening.
“No, I’m Castiel.”
It’s an old joke, said with a smile, and that combined with the absurdity of the situation means Dean can’t help but laugh. He looks up and makes eye contact with Castiel, who grins back, and suddenly there’s way too much space between them.
Dean crosses the bedroom in a few strides, and Cas stands to meet him, and then they’re kissing, and Dean isn’t even sure who started it but they’ve both been waiting long enough that he isn’t sure it matters. He has his arms wrapped around Castiel’s waist, clinging to the soft fabric of the t-shirt that was once his own, when something in the back of his head starts screaming that this is a bad idea and he’s just going to leave tomorrow and are you dumb enough to think you can actually have this?
But then Castiel makes a soft noise in the back of his throat and deepens the kiss, pulling them impossibly closer together, and for all its years of practice Dean’s self-loathing can’t come up with a response to that.
Castiel pulls back first, flushed and breathing heavily, and Dean chases his lips for a moment before Cas catches him in his gaze, in endless blue. Suddenly, Dean isn’t drowning anymore. He’s on a lifeboat, and the trench is impossibly deep beneath him but he feels safer than he has in a long time. Home, his brain supplies, helpful for the first time in years, and Dean smiles.
Cas smiles back, bringing a hand up to Dean’s face to trace his thumb along his cheekbone. “Will you stay here tonight?” he asks, soft, and Dean leans in to press an equally soft kiss to his forehead.
Tonight and every night, he thinks. “’Course,” he says, and then leans in to kiss him again.
Two mornings later, Sam walks into the bunker’s kitchen to find Castiel pushed up against a counter, Dean kissing his way down his neck. He yelps and retreats around the corner.
“Come on, guys,” he yells, from safety, and the two have the audacity to laugh.
“You did this, Sammy,” Dean reminds.
“I said I wanted to stop interrupting things in my own kitchen,” Sam counters, but he can’t find it in his heart to be angry. He sighs. “Whatever. You know I’m happy for you. I just—” he pauses. “Can I at least come get my smoothie?”
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the-and-sign-anon · 4 years
Come To Me
Pairing: Samandriel x reader
Word count: 1,539
Song: Come To Me by The Goo Goo Dolls
I'll be kind, if you'll be faithful
You be sweet and I'll be grateful
Cover me with kisses dear
Lighten up the atmosphere
“If you just tell her how you feel, she’ll be sweet about it. She always seems happier with you.” Sam was trying to give Samandriel advice about you.
“Are you sure?”
“She’s more affectionate with you than any of us and I’ve seen her with you for the last year, so yeah. I’m pretty certain Y/N likes you.”
Samandriel couldn’t help but blush a bit at the reminder that you often gave him kisses on the cheek and quick hugs. The young angel was always so happy with you, as if the entire atmosphere lightened in your presence. There was nothing he wanted more than to be with you all the time.
Keep me warm inside our bed
I got dreams of you all through my head
You asked Samandriel to stay up with you one night when you were reminded of a bad hunt. You always tried to avoid nightmares and talking with the angel in the dim light at three in the morning helped.
Samandriel would hold you close and let his grace ease your fears while you quietly rambled about your favorite book. He would listen carefully and remember every detail. Though angels needed no sleep, he often found himself drifting off with you and dreaming of days spent together in peace.
Fortune teller said I'd be free
And that's the day you came to me
Came to me
During one of Samandriel’s first cases, he ran into a fortune teller with the Winchester brothers. The young woman was sweet and clever, and got along well with the nervous young angel. She knew the moment she saw him that something was coming that would truly set him free from his past pain. That night, he met you at a 24-hour diner after finishing the case with the Winchesters.
Come to me my sweetest friend
Can you feel my heart again
I'll take you back where you belong
And this will be our favorite song
“Feathers, come here. I want you to see something.” He came up by your side to watch your dog snoring on the end of the couch in the fading light.
Monty had been your companion for five years and he adored Samandriel, which you took as a very good sign. The black terrier would follow him everywhere when Samandriel was at your house.
“Not that I don’t love watching Monty sleep, but was there anything else?”
“Of course; watch.” You quietly crossed the room to your speaker where your phone was plugged in and pressed play. When the beginning notes of Come To Me came filtering through the air, Monty sat up and jumped off the couch to herd your angel closer to you.
“Ah, my favorite song.”
“Mine too. You have great taste in music.” You started swaying back and forth together, doing your own goofy little dance.
“Well, I learned from the best.”
Come to me with secrets bare
I'll love you more so don't be scared
“You can be honest with me, Feathers. You’ve always been there for me, so I want to be there for you now.”
You and Samandriel sat on your couch together one evening with Monty on your lap and a blanket around his shoulders. Even years after his encounter with Crowley, the angel was still trying to deal with it all. You were a huge comfort, but he didn’t want to open up too much for fear of scaring you away.
“I know it’s hard, Samandriel. But I promise, there’s nothing you could say to make me love you any less.”
And when we're old and near the end
We'll go home and start again
“I think I’m getting too old for this, Feathers!” You ducked a vampire and swung your blade in return.
“In case you’ve forgotten, I’m a little older than you. If anyone’s ready to end this it’s me.” Samandriel smote two more vampires and joined you at your side when you finished yours.
“Now that that’s over, let’s go home. Monty will be waiting.”
I caught you burnin' photographs
Like that could save you from your past
History is like gravity
It holds you down away from me
Three years after meeting Samandriel, he found you in the garage one October evening burning photographs in a metal bucket. Monty followed him out and the two stood beside you.
“Who are the people in those photos?”
“Family. Friends. People who have hurt me. I guess this sort of separates me from it all a little more.” You never elaborated on things like that.
Samandriel often felt like your history was dragging you down away from him. He knew the Winchesters knew your past better than him, but he didn’t want to violate your trust by going to them. For now, he’d just be here for you however he could.
You and me, we've both got sins
And I don't care about where you've been
Don't be sad and don't explain
This is where we start again
Start again
“I feel like I need to tell you about-”
“Y/N it’s okay. If there’s one thing you’ve taught me, it’s that everyone has mistakes and misfortune in their lives. You have no obligation to explain or feel bad anymore. Let’s just start again. You and me.”
You and Samandriel were standing beside your car one night after a particularly grueling hunt. You’d frozen right as the djinn leaped at you and Samandriel had barely gotten to you in time.
Come to me my sweetest friend
Can you feel my heart again
“Y/N, come here.” You took a step closer and he gently wrapped an arm around you.
You let your head rest on his chest and focused on his heartbeat. You stood that way for ten minutes while the sky got darker and the air got colder. When you started to shiver, Samandriel gently ushered you into your car and he drove you home.
I'll take you back where you belong
And this will be our favorite song
You were fast asleep when you pulled into your driveway. Samandriel carried you through the door, gently shushing Monty when he came running to the door to greet you. When you were settled in bed, he turned on the radio in your room so you could sleep better. He couldn’t help but smile when he heard Come To Me playing again.
Come to me with secrets bare
I'll love you more so don't be scared
And when we're old and near the end
We'll go home and start again
Start again
Five years after you met Samandriel, you were lying on the floor together with Monty on his chest and a new Shih Tzu puppy on yours. Monty had been accepting of Moose and loved playing with her despite her never-ending energy.
“I don’t think I ever told you how you changed my life.”
“Yeah? I thought you changed your own life.” Moose hopped to the floor and woofed softly at Monty until he left Samandriel and sat with her instead.
“Well, I was partly responsible. But I never would have become the person I am without you. It felt like I was at the end of my rope, but you came along and it was like my life started all over again.”
“I feel the same way. I seem to love you more with each day.” Samandriel rolled over onto his stomach and looked closely at your smiling face.
“Do you want to see how long that could last?”
Today's the day I'll make you mine
So get me to the church on time
“Castiel, can we drive any faster please?”
“Samandriel. Relax. You won’t be late to your own wedding.” Cas drove his beat up old truck to the small church in the meadow an hour from your house.
Sam and Dean were already there making sure everything was going according to plan. Jody, Claire, Donna, and Alex were helping you get ready while Jack and Adam set up a perimeter and ensured that no unexpected enemies found the event.
“I just- I can’t wait to see her face when she comes down the aisle. I’ve been waiting for this moment since before I even knew I was waiting.”
Take my hand in this empty room
You're my girl, and I'm your groom
Come to me my sweetest friend
This is where we start again,
“How does it feel to be married, Feathers?” You changed from your wedding dress into jeans and a sweater as soon as you made it home.
“Pretty good. How about you?” You slipped your hand into his, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Fantastic.” He pulled you close and smiled that goofy, endlessly happy smile that you loved.
You knew you’d be leaving for England tomorrow for your honeymoon, but tonight you could relax as husband and wife. Samandriel had changed into jeans and a hoodie while you greeted Monty and Moose. Once you were all settled in, your little family spent the entire night watching movies and snuggling.
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pherryt · 4 years
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(SPN) Destiny (Dean/Cas/Benny) Fic Rec List Part 2 
(with Bonus)
Picture above is a commission by @purgatory-jar​​ for my fic: Benny’s Surprise (rec’d in the FIRST Destiny Fic Rec list) 
Also, I do try to tag authors on tumblr whenever I can find them (and yes, I check their AO3 profile).
By Pherryt/Me
All under 7k
Revelations in Purgatory Rated: G with  a/b/o dynamics (Season 8 compliant)
Dean and Cas are trapped in Purgatory, Benny at their side, when Benny finally speaks up. Dean can't believe his ears, but Cas is nodding along like something's just clicked into place.
What the hell is going on? And is now really the time to be getting into this?
Matchmaker Charlie   - Rated: G (AU)
After Gilda moves out, leaving Charlie with a broken, pining heart, she's resolved that the best way to deal with it is to make sure everyone else is happy.
Some folks are already on track with that, but a few more folks need a little nudge, here and there. Over the course of the year, Charlie spends game nights matchmaking for everyone but herself... but her own happiness is closer than she thinks.
Pure as Purgatory - Rated: E (Season 8 Canon Compliant)
Purgatory was pure. Black and white, adrenaline rush – kill or be killed. Dean could let loose his instincts in a way he never could back home and not worry about civilians or what his brother might think.
It was… a relief, to be honest.
Because it was also a place free of any stupid macho inhibitions Dean may have been harboring over the years. So in Purgatory, he indulged.
Following the Storm  -   Rated: G (Witch/Familiar Modern AU)
Castiel lives alone and works at a bookstore and it's his favorite time of the year. He's content enough with his simple life, so he thinks.
He doesn't expect his life to change with a single Autumn storm. Magic isn't real!
More Recs (Not Mine)
All Rated E:
Creamy Filling  - by @unforth​, 1700 words
A/B/O - Alphas Benny and Dean, Omega Cas, bottom!Cas top!Benny Both!Dean Summary: Dean goes to the local sex club to get laid, and thinks his night is set when he knots a hot omega.
And then the beefy alpha spots Dean's exposed ass...
Entanglement - by @crowleyhasfeels​, 11k 
Summary: Dean is not looking for a serious relationship. So, he turned to Tinder for some hookups. Those hook ups turned into two frequent hook ups, which turned into feelings and shit, now what is Dean to do?
put color in your cheeks - by CherryIce, 12k
Summary: “I can’t help it if you spend so much time copulating,” Cas says when Dean tries to bring up the fact that Cas keeps showing up while Dean and Benny are having sex.
(Or: Cas, what are you doing?)
Bonus - Dean/Cas/Benny/Alfie
Just Right Series - by Pherryt/Me, Rated E
- Three's a Crowd But Four is Just Right - 70k
Summary: Samandriel and Benny head out to a week long music festival for what should have been the highlight of their year, but then Samandriel finds Benny's chatting up some other guy and the conclusion is obvious...
Benny's tired of Samandriel and wants to break up.
-Finding Our Way  - 75k
Summary : The music festival is over but the memory of it still lingers on in everyone's minds.
Benny's working harder than ever at the diner while Alfie's trying to decide whether or not to meet his real family. Cas is trying to convince Dean to keep a kitten, Bobby's checking out the new possible boyfriends, Benny gets a mysterious new hire at the Diner and, all in all, they're just counting the days till Dean and Cas can move to Sioux Falls.
Can their Summer Fling become the Real Thing?
Over Your Shoulder  -   Rated E, 39k 
by DestielHardcoreLove / @bugandkitlovelove , @swlfangirl
It's history class and Dean is completely bored. He's hardly paying attention to the teacher and finds himself looking around at his fellow classmates when he sees something pretty interesting on some kid's phone who's sitting in front of him. When he looks closer, he realizes it's porn and can't help but give the poor blushing guy a huge leer. Dean tries to talk to him but he ends up bolting from the room once class is dismissed.
Later that night, at a very rowdy bachelor party he finds himself and long time best friend Benny being dragged into a strip club. Where one of the best dancers has blue eyes just as vibrant as the kid who was sitting in front of him in history class.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Purgatory of Love
Hello my friends! How are you! We are finally in season 8, one of my favorite seasons! Why? Because this is the season when Dean realizes he's in love with Castiel.
I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder for discussing with me the episodes and because she made the gifs for this meta! 😘💞💞
What happened to Cas?
We will talk about episode 8x01 "We need talk about Kevin" we had a dialogue between the two brothers that showed us that something had happened with Cas...
SAM: What about Cas? Was he there?
DEAN walks a few steps away and speaks with his back to SAM.
DEAN: Yeah, Cas didn't make it.
Okay, the conversation takes another tone when Sam mentions Castiel. If you rewatch this scene, Dean walks a few steps away with his back to his brother... This means... Talk about Cas and Purgatory is painful for him. We, as audience, don't know what happened, but this attitude in Dean tells us isn't good.
SAM: What exactly does that mean?
DEAN: Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go.
Well, Sam is all of us here, we want to know what happened with Cas, and Dean's answer is so vague, but with huge symbolism...
Something happened to him down there Purgatory wasn't down there, I mean, he's referring here I suppose to the position he saw him the last time, as if he is making a relation between CAS+Purgatory+Let go, we will see this in next metas, but if you recall when Dean was trying to save Cas and drag him to the exit portal, the way Dean remembered that happen, was CAS letting go his hand and falling. So, because it was so so painful for Dean to lose Castiel, his head invented an excuse... Yes, Dean, Something happened to CAS when you was trying to save him, he was down there, you were pushing him, holding his hand... And he just let go... He fell... Something happened...
SAM: So Cas is dead? You saw him die?
DEAN: I saw enough.
SAM: So, then what, you're not sure?
DEAN: [turning back to SAM] I said I saw enough, Sam.
SAM: Right. Dean, I'm sorry.
Okay, Sam wants to know if Cas is dead or alive, so the audience, but Dean is being still vague. I SAW ENOUGH what did he saw that is so, so painful to put it in words? What is his head trying to hide? Trying to understand? Dean is sad, and hurt, and mourning his friend. He felt guilty too, and he doesn't want to talk about it, because is painful, so he cut Sam out with another I SAW ENOUGH, and Sam gets the message, the stop sign. He saw as the audience, is something very hard for Dean to explain.
Okay... After this... I want to talk about Purgatory... And what that meant for Dean Winchester.
The Purity in Purgatory
When Sam asked Dean how Purgatory was, Dean answered...
It was bloody. Messy. 31 flavors of bottom-dwelling nasties. Hell, most days felt like 360-degree combat. But there was something about being there. It felt pure.
And we had this dialogue with Benny too...
BENNY (on phone) I think you had it right, bud.
DEAN (on phone) What's that?
BENNY (on phone) Purgatory was pure. I'm kind of wishin' I had appreciated it more. You know? Like you.
What does it means? I wrote a lot about Purgatory and it's purity here, but let me just point her my idea...
In Purgatory any necessity as hunger, or sleep, didn't exist, so... The mind was clean of that, and thinking more clear. Just remained the pure in your heart and in your mind. Because you didn't had human necessities at all. So then... What was pure in Dean's heart and mind? What remained intact and pure in his mind? What was his unique necessity? Survival and get out of there, of course... But, first of all... TO FIND CASTIEL.
That's why he was desperately running through Purgatory woods searching for him, asking the monsters "Where's the Angel?" Like possesed. And he became famous, one of the mosnters recognized him when he asked that question, as the human. So, I like to think the monsters in Purgatory knew there was a human searching for his angel. And that's so damn romantic.
MONSTER: Three days' journey. Follow the stream. There's a clearing. You'll find your angel there. (This line is from 8x02)
And also, when Dean met Benny, and they made a deal to escape from Purgatory, Dean was clear...
DEAN: Hmm. First we find the angel.
BENNY: Mm, three's a crowd, chief.
DEAN: Well, hey. Either you're in or you're out.
Dean was clear here. Or we find the angel or there's not deal.
So, here we have the proof about what had Dean as purity in his head and heart: HE NEEDES, HE WANTED, HE HAS TO DESPERATELY FIND CASTIEL. But why?
This isn't a reaction a person would have with a friend who had abbandoned in a dangerous place like this. He should be angry, and disappointed with CAS, but no. He's not, because he's so in love with him, that he can't believe CAS had betrayed him. But he covered this, with an excuse of just friendship... And he will see when he find Cas it isn't just friendship.
Dean realizes he's in love with Castiel
In episode 8x02 "What's up Mom Tiger" Samandriel and Dean had a very significant dialogue as a prologue of what had happened with Castiel and his run away leaving Dean alone, situation.
SAMANDIRIEL: I wanted to ask you about Castiel. What happened to him?
DEAN: Well, me and Cas – we, uh – we iced Dick Roman and got a one-way rocket ride to Purgatory for our trouble.
SAMANDIRIEL But you escaped. Did – did Castiel? [DEAN doesn’t respond.] You know, there are some in Heaven who still believe, despite his mistakes, that Castiel's heart was always in the right place.
DEAN Are you one of them?
SAMANDIRIEL: I think too much heart was always Castiel's problem.
Well... Dean feeling guilty again, because he could escape and Cas didn't. But... The dialogue is centered on Castiel's heart. His kindness. That's the best characteristic Castiel had but also his weakness... And Dean knows it too.
And now... Let's talk about the scene in which Dean Winchester discovered he is in love with Cas.
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First of all this is the first time Dean hugs Castiel. Cas knew about this love demonstration between humans, he even tried to hug Sam once, and he failed. But... This is Dean... So watch his hand... He is clenching his fist. Is that because he's having feelings he shouldn't? Is because he is containing himself? Look at the way Dean is hugging him, is a big, fond, sentimental hug. Dean is really happy to find him, finally, after looking for him for so many days. There's his Cas, his angel. His desperate search is over. And then... What about that not so Platonic gesture there? Touching Castiel's cheek and peach fuzz? By the way, he's giving him a compliment there, but... Maybe Dean wanted to touch more right there, not just a hug, but... A cheek... Let's make it just a bro touching a peach fuzz to his bro, because is no homo.
Oh yeah, Benny is witnessing the whole thing right there...
But then the dialogue is so vague, and they're not talking about that thing right away, and Benny is loosing his patience with the corny situation there... Why isn't Dean yelling at the Angel who abbandoned him? Right, because Benny, as any of us, would be screaming and yelling WHY DID YOU LEFT??? YOU LET ME ALONE BETWEEN MONSTERS?? WTF??
That was what normal friends would say... But not Dean... Dean is too happy to find Cas, he can't believe it. Because they're not normal friends, they're not just family...
BENNY: Why'd you bail on Dean?
DEAN Dude –
BENNY The way I hear it, you two hit monster land, and hot wings here took off. I figure he owes you some backstory.
And Dean is trying to stop him? Like??? Benny is throwing the card on the table, directly, without anesthesia. But Dean doesn't wait for CAS to answer, he gave an excuse for him. The excuse he invented for himself because he needed to believe CAS hadn't betrayed him, because thinking that would be too much painful for his heart. So Dean says...
DEAN Look, we were surrounded, okay? Some freak jumped Cas. Obviously, he kicked its ass, right?
Okay but, Dean... What kind of excuse is that??
He saw it? No, he invented it, because he needed that in his head, as he will invent the moment when CAS let his hand go.
But Cas answered...
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Look at the disappointment in Dean's face You ran away? He can't believe, because he didn't even think about it, not a second, he never doubted it. And now Cas is saying it .
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This line Dean says is very intimate... I prayed to you, Cas, every night like... Cas you know I don't like to pray, I'm not a man of praying, but I did, because I was looking for you desperately, because I wanted to find you, because I was worried about you, because I missed you, I prayed to you every night !
The every night right there it talks about perseverance, he never lost his faith in Castiel. He knew Cas was there, listening him. And this whole, intimate quote, is very romantic.
CASTIEL I am an angel in a land of abominations. There have been things hunting me from the moment we arrived.
DEAN Join the club!
Dean is so mad with CAS right now...
And then... Castiel says why he left... Pay attention to Dean's reaction to Cas's words...
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There, and I will never be tired to repeat this, right there... When Cas says to keep them away from you, right right there is when Dean found out he's in love with Cas. There's no doubt, there's no bro's excuses, no Platonic stares, there's no way out to what he's feeling right there. And Dean knows it... He realizes in this precisely moment, he loves Cas, not as a friend, not as a brother, but as a male angel. He fell for this angel. That's why he couldn't stop looking for him till he found him, that's why he prayed to him every night, that's why he needed to touch him more than just giving him a hug. That's why. Now he understands. He loves Castiel. His angel. **flips violently the table**
And we had Benny, looking at Dean like whoa... He did that for you?, he's so in love with you, buddy, wait... what is that face?, are you in love with him too? I should suspect that when you said you prayed to him every night...
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Immediately after that scene... Dean's voice softened... You need to rewatch to hear him talking here, people. He-softened-his-f...ing-voice!!!!!!!
And he said this line so sweetly, like a plea... He wants his angel back with him, escaping from that place, coming back home.
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And what about this one here??? Dean sees Cas isn't very convinced to follow him this time, because what he said about Leviathans and all, but he really wants Cas, he can't conceive being without his angel, so he says this... I NEED YOU
And it means a lot... But mostly... Is a foreshadow for the crypt scene, the *love Confession* this I NEED YOU full of feelings, and angsty longing, is what makes Castiel fell for him once and once and again. That's why Castiel's face right there... "Dean..." He's saying with his face DEAN, DON'T DO THAT... YOU KNOW I CAN'T SAY NO TO YOU. GAH!! I can't with my life!!!
But Cas insists ... Is too dangerous...
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That's why Dean had to be more clear here... I'm not leaving here without you... Loyalty, love, desperately needing his angel to come back home with him...
And Cas wanted to Dean to escape from that place, so if Dean wasn't leaving without him... He will go with him... But he had decided to stay. So... Yeah... You won't you leave without me? Okay... I will go with you... And I'll be sure you leave.
I understand.
Can I die now? I love this season ...
To Conclude:
Purgatory was a pure place. In this place there was not human necessity to fulfill, so, just remained the things that were pure in Dean's heart: survival and find Castiel.
It was in this place, in which Dean realizes he is in love with Castiel. He has no doubts about that anymore.
The Destiel encounter in Purgatory is one of the most romantic scenes, and each word they said to each other had a romantic subtext.
That's how it was written, and that's how we should read it.
Thanks for joining me, see you in the next Chronicles.
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @justmeand-myinsight @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname
If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
Buenos Aires, October 2nd 2019 9:16 PM
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norahastuff · 6 years
The Spn canon approved Dean Cas soundtrack (top five)
Youtube recommended a Destiel fan video to me yesterday, and I ended up losing about 2 hours while repeatedly saying ‘’just one more!’’. It got me to thinking about how the canon scenes didn’t need to be manipulated at all to fit the lyrics or show how romantic they were. Of course they don’t. The show itself has used music and montages to underline Cas and Dean’s relationship since season 7. 
They have done this using songs that fit them so well, that you can track the evolution of their relationship pretty accurately, using just the songs the show has used for them.
1. 7x17 : Turn into Earth, The Yardbirds 
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Otherwise known as that time the show created it’s own Destiel fanvideo. Cas returns to Dean, after presumably dying in a Leviathan explosion, only to return with a never again mentioned wife and without his memories, believing himself to be a healer named Emmanuelle. The scene where Cas smites the demons, and in the process recovers his memories, is one of my favourite scenes of the entire series, and part of that is down to the song choice. We don’t hear any of the lyrics, but the melody itself is pitch perfect. The Yardbirds were known for utilising mock Gregorian chant styles in their music and I think that is reflected here. Cas recovering his memories is given an almost religious like quality. And what are almost all Cas��� memories of? A certain broken hearted hunter who carried his trenchcoat around with him for months, hoping against hope that the angel would return to him. The lyrics do somewhat thematically fit, but since we don’t hear them, I see this one as significant mostly for highlighting the importance Dean has in Cas’ life and that they used music to do it effectively, added this as an important tool that could be used in the future in telling Dean and Cas’ story.
2. 8x17 : Goodbye stranger - Supertramp
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Here we come to Robbie Thompson, the king of the end of episode montage. The glorious 8x17, in which on his knees, Dean told Cas ‘’I need you’’, and broke his link with Naomi and heaven. Only for Cas to leave anyway, with the angel tablet.. The song that plays over the final moments, focusing first on Dean and then Cas alone on the bus.
‘’Goodbye stranger it's been nice, Hope you find your paradise.
Tried to see your point of view. Hope your dreams will all come true’’
Since purgatory, Dean has been trying so hard to keep Cas with him, yet at every turn Cas keeps leaving. He leaves at the portal, after their one hunter adventure in 8x08, after killing Samandriel and now again after Dean has laid himself, and his feelings, bare to Cas. I think it finally hits Dean that Cas is an angel. He doesn’t understand these human feelings, or at least doesn’t process them, in the same way that Dean does. It’s why he’s so resigned in the finale to Cas closing the gates and returning to heaven and doesn’t try to stop him. He has to say goodbye and ‘’let him find his paradise’’. He can’t be what Dean needs and wants him to be, or respond the right way to Dean’s feelings and declarations. Those are human things Cas would need to be human to understand and well...it’s almost like there’s a narrative playing out or something.
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3. 9x18:  The sun ain’t gonna shine anymore - Frankie Valli
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Ah fancy meeting you again here Robbie. I felt personally victimized by this episode. From Metatron looking into the camera and telling us to listen to the subtext, to Dean and Cas smiling like idiots in love down the phone at each other over minibar jokes that were not amusing to anybody but them (Sam is here too), to the final montage at the end. 
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‘’Loneliness is the coat you wear
A deep shade of blue is always there
The sun ain't gonna shine anymore
The moon ain't gonna rise in the sky
Tears are always clouding your eyes
When you're without love’’
Nope no subtext to be found there. Cas taking off his coat of loneliness, tied to his angelic identity, only to once again put it back on before meeting the angels. Cas’ decision to take in the other angels stolen grace, to give up his human life that he had found a quiet dignity in, was because duty always comes first. Getting the angels home, and fixing heaven is his responsibility. He still feels the responsibility to heaven that he did last season but things are different now. He’s been human, he knows how it feels to be sorry, to enjoy things and to love. He knows how it feels to want these things. And now, after finding the mark of Cain on Dean’s arm, he knows how it feels to be ‘’without love’’.
4. 10x05 - I’ll just wait here then 
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Oh boy this song. It so perfectly encapsulates Cas’ emotional arc in regards to Dean in season 10, it almost winds me. It’s so thematically on point.
‘’now you need some rest/ so I will do what’s best I’ll just wait here then/ That’s all I’ll do/ I’ll just wait here then/ I’ll wait for you’’.
It’s not like a couple of episodes ago Cas and Dean had an emotionally mature conversation, making it clear that there are no personal grievances between them, after which Cas told Dean to relax and take some time off. And it’s not like they stay relatively drama free for the rest of the season, only to settle into easy domestic patterns when they do meet. The Mark of Cain stalled any significant emotional progress from occurring in their relationship, and all Cas could really do is wait. I could drone on about how significant this song is for Cas for hours so I’m going to make myself stop and just say, fucking hell Robbie kill me now and have it over and done with already!
5. 13x05: It’s never too late - Steppenwolf
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Never mind Robbie, Yockey took up your mantle and finished me off.
This was the culmination of years of subtext. After the emptiness and the pain of their separation, there was no dialogue that could have done their reunion justice, not even ‘’Hello Dean’’. Instead the scene was presented in the classic Destiel language: wordless emotionally charged stares, with a rousing soundtrack saying everything these fuckers can’t/wont. At least not yet. But what does the song tell us:
‘’It's never too late to start all over again
To love the people you caused the pain
And help them learn your name
Oh, no, not too late
It's never too late to start all over again’’
and to hammer it in further:
‘’Tell me who's to say after all is done
And you're finally gone, you won't be back again
You can find a way to change today
You don't have to wait 'til then’’.
Come on! Seriously this song is straight up telling these two to stop dancing around each other. The way they’ve handled their relationship in the past isn’t going to work anymore. It’s not what either of them want. Their reunion is ‘’understated’’ as Jensen called it at the time, because both of them know what the stakes are now, especially Dean. They know what happens when they lose each other, how much this relationship means to them and they want to get it right. Since this was not the end of the story and they’re not going to get to live happy ever after, at least while the show is still running, Dean didn’t quite learn the lesson as well as he should have. There was growth for sure after Cas returned, but they still have a ways to go in regards to communication and just USING THEIR WORDS. Come on boys! I’m rooting for you.
From Cas showing the central role Dean plays in his priorities, to Dean recognising angel Cas couldn’t understand or perhaps reciprocate his feelings the way he needed him too. To a Cas that’s experienced being human realising that angelic life, and a life without love is not something he can be happy with. To Cas’ role being to wait for Dean while he figured his shit out and finally to them both starting to acknowledge that it’s not too late to change the way they’ve been doing things. The highs, the lows, you can get the cliffnotes version of their relationship by charting the music Spn chose to accompany these moments. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that these music choices started appearing in 7x17, the episode from which, at least in my opinion, the show started treating their relationship differently, before veering pretty heavily into the romantic tropes in season 8. Music has a language and power, that sometimes words can’t convey, and remind me - what was that gift that Dean once gave Cas?
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huntertales · 6 years
Part Two: All Hands On Deck. (Torn and Frayed S08E10)
Episode Summary: Castiel turns to Dean and the reader for help when an angel is being held captive and must rescue him. Meanwhile, Sam is given an ultimatum from Amelia; stay with her or leave and never make contact again. The decision grows complicated when Sam learns a secret the reader has been keeping from him, making him choose between the woman he loves or the family and lifestyle he’s only known. Word Count: 4,093. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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You had to admit, you were having your doubts about how well this search and rescue missing was going to go for Samandriel now that the younger was out of the picture for the meantime. You were trying to respect his wishes to have some space between the both of you while he worked out what he needed and get over the terrible thing you had done. But you were resisting the urge each time to call him and beg for him to at least come back whenever you reached for your phone. You didn't like the idea of him sitting all alone in that motel room just sulking and thinking about the good, old days he had with this Amelia woman. Maybe she had saw him again and found out he was in town, making them both wonder if they should try it again. Either way, you didn’t feel right about it.
However you had more important things to worry about than two fighting brothers and the fate of the future. You were in Nebraska with Dean and Cas as your third partner to fill in for the missing brother. Not that he was going to be any good, you bit your tongue and focused on finding Cas' own missing brother. You lightly tapped on the hospital room wall that was being occupied by the man who came in contact with the burning bush that landed him in the ICU with severe third degree burns all over his body. You politely smiled as you tried not to wince at the sight of him lying in the bed with skin that looked raw and nasty, not to mention gauze all over his wounds.
“Mr. Hinckley? Hi, uh, we’re from the Geneva Gazette.” You introduced yourself to the man as you and Dean stepped inside, showing off your visitor pass you got from the nurses’ station. Nothing a suit and a nice blouse could trick anyone into thinking who you were someone important. “I wanted to ask you a few questions about your...uh—”
“Ambush.” Dean said, coming up with the pun he’d been dying to use since reading the article for himself. Your face dropped when you heard his tasteless joke and turned to him to giving him a scolding glare. The man chuckled quietly as he shrugged his shoulders. "You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine."
"Yeah, well...I'd laugh, too," Mr. Hinckley said between clenched teeth, finding it hard to move his mouth from all the gauze wrapped around his head. And the burns around his body made it painful, too. "If it didn't feel like the sun ate my face."
Dean winced slightly when he realized that he might have been a bit insensitive, you mouthed an apology as you gave him another small smile. "It's a metaphor." Cas whispered to you, as if he was making it clear the man wasn’t being too literal here.
"Sorry. Uh, Now," You pulled out a small notepad and a pen to help jot down some notes that would be helpful for future reference as you got to the reason why you were here. "In the police report, it said that the bush talked to you, yes?”
“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but, yeah.” Mr. Hinckley said, slightly nodding his head.  
“And what did it say?” Cas asked the man.
“No clue.” Mr. Hinckley admitted. “Sounded like klingon to me.”
"Gonna need exact words." Dean told the man.
If Mr. Hinckley could raise his eyebrows, you had a feeling he would. But there was nothing left but a pinkish red muscle that moved ever so slightly from the request. "Are you serious?"
Cas didn't understand rhetorical questions, he thought the man was being literal. The angel leaned over slightly to stare at you and the older Winchester to examine your facial expressions to make sure you were. "That's their serious expression, yes."
You attempted to refrain yourself from rolling your eyes in annoyance, covering it up with another smile as Dean quietly chuckled. "As much as you can remember, Mr. Hinckley," You said to the man. "It would be very helpful."
“Sounded something like…’Sol-voch.’” Mr. Hinckley remembered. “Yeah. ‘Sol-voch-tay.”
You had studied a lot of languages in your lifetime, but it sounded nothing but like gibberish to you. You thanked the man anyway for his help as you jotted down the word, trying your hardest to sound spell it out in your head before making your way out. You made your way out into the hall as you tucked the notepad back into your pocket, passing by a nurse and a doctor on your way out, who seemed wrapped up in their own business to pay no attention to what you were about to discuss.
“Well, what do you think?” You asked the angel. “Mean anything to you?”
"Yes. It's Enochian. It means 'obey.'" Cas explained to you and Dean. You looked at him with a slightly confused expression, wondering why Samanderial would be shouting something about obeying. "I don't know. But the amount of pain an angel must be in not just to manifest through shrubbery but to burn—Dean, Y/N...we have to find him before it’s too late.”  
"Okay. Okay, well, look, a sign like that—Alfie can't be too far, right?" Dean thought out loud, stopping for a moment down a deserted part of the hall to discuss the next plan of action. "So we'll just start at the bush and work our way out."
"And look for what exactly?" Cas asked the older Winchester. "Crowley could have him anywhere."
“Well, if we know Crowley, the place will be swarming with demons,” You suspected the king of hell and his obsession with keeping as many meatsuits out for his protection as possible. “So we’ll just drive until we see their ugly faces.”
+ + +
While the plan sounded like a good one, the execution resulted in the three of you spending the rest of the afternoon driving around Geneva looking for anything that seemed like a perfect hideout for a king of hell to torture an angel. Your guess was an abandoned warehouse of some sort that left him a few miles from civilization to do his dirty work. But it was starting to look like a dead end when Dean pulled up to yet another factory that had been abandoned for years. Yet another factory came into view when you spotted it from the backseat of the Impala, giving Cas the luxury of sitting up front since Dean banned the angel’s ability to pop the three of you from one place to another.
“Wow, will you look at that? Our ninth abandoned factory. Ain’t that America?” Dean remarked as he put the Impala into park, presuming all of you were only going to be here for a few minutes. “Hey, what do you guys say, this doesn’t pan out, we head back to that beer-and-bacon happy hour about a mile back, huh?”
“Wait a minute, Dean. Those derelicts, they’re demons.” Cas said. “I can see their true faces.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly as you leaned forward in your seat to see if you might be able to get a better view as Dean grabbed a pair of binoculars to see things more clearly. He spotted three men that looked like nothing more than a few homeless men trying to stay warm around a fire, along with another one on the roof, probably for lookout for any approaching hunters trying to foil his plan.
“Crowley’s got that many hell monkey’s outside, he’s got to have at least double.”
“And angel warding.” Cas added more to the list of problems. “I can feel it.”
"Well, it looks like the three of us and the demon knife aren't going to cut it." You said, knowing this was going to be more complicated than you were hoping for. But it wouldn't be if someone was still here with you like he should be. You looked over at the older Winchester from what you mentioned next. "Hmm. If only we had some extra backup to help us out. I wonder who..."
“I’ll get Sam.” The angel offered.
“No. We don’t need Sam.” Dean said, stopping Cas from vanishing out of sight and grabbing his little brother, the last person he wanted to see at the moment. You gave the man an annoyed expression as the angel opened his mouth to reference the point you made, but Dean cut him off. “Look, if Sam wanted in, he’d be here, okay? Besides, I got a better idea.”
+ + +
Dean’s brilliant plan involved someone that wasn’t Sam, but another person you hadn’t seen in a few weeks after you got him somewhere safe, Kevin Tran. He'd been hiding out from the monsters and civilization to try and translate the demon tablet, or the half that you got away with after Crowley took the other. You and Dean got to Garth’s boathouse, with the help of Cas, in just a simple blink of an eye. While you didn't have the pleasure of seeing Garth's boathouse, you weren't sure exactly what to expect when you found yourself standing on the inside. You looked around to see that it was decent enough for the time being, and from the looks of it, Kevin made himself at home. You spotted the prophet sitting at the table with his back to you, too involved in the work to realize he had visitors.
“Slow read?” You greeted the prophet, breaking his concentration away from his work. You gave him a small smile when he turned around in his seat to see who was speaking to him. However you felt the friendly gesture drop slightly when you noticed how badly Kevin looked.
“Slowest.” Kevin replied back.
Dean looked around the place to see that it sounded pretty quiet, rather surprised to see the lanky hunter who was supposed to be keeping an eye on the prophet wasn't around here trying to greet him with a hug. "Where's Garth?"
“Supply run? I don’t know. Sort of lost track of him when he comes and goes.” Kevin said. He turned back around in his seat to try and get back to translating the piece of stone. “You guys need help with something? I’m working here.”
Cas, who had been observing Kevin for a moment, spoke about his concerns about the prophet in the most blunt way possible. “You look horrible.”
"Cas. How many times do I have to tell you? Don't say the first thing that comes to mind." You muttered to the angel, giving him a look at the remark. Kevin didn't seem bothered too much by it, brushing it off with a thanks before trying to get back to work. While Cas had said it, you were thinking about it, too. You noticed that Kevin looked like he hadn't slept much, along with taking any time for some personal hygiene. "I mean, he's right. Are you okay, Kevin?"
"Fine. I'm just...in the middle of this." Kevin said. You let out a quiet sigh from what was going on with him and the stress that he must be under. Dean asked if there was any luck as he started to walk towards the prophet. "Interpreting half a demon tablet? No. I got nothing."
“All right, well, buck up,” Dean said, jumping straight into the reason why the three of you were here in the first place. “‘Cause we need some more of that demon TNT ASAP.”
“You used it all?” Kevin asked, turning around in his seat to look up at the hunter.
“Yeah,” Dean said, not seeing what the big deal was. “So let’s whip up another batch.”
"Sure. West bank witch hazel, skull of Egyptian calf, the tail of some random-ass newt that may or may not be extinct—" Kevin said, listing off only a few of the ingredients that all of you would need to complete the spell. You realized that this might be harder than you expected, and struck a sensitive nerve in the young man from asking him to do another favor.
“All right, all right, I get it—ingredients are hard to come by, huh?” Dean cut off the prophet, getting the picture that this wasn’t going to be easy as he thought.
“That’s just the first three ingredients.” Kevin told the hunter.
“Give me the list.” Cas said. “I’ll get what we need.”
Kevin went silent for a moment as he stared at the three of you, making it seem as if he was contemplating on helping. A second later you saw him rolling his eyes and turning to a fresh page in his notebook, writing down every ingredient that Cas would need to get in order to make the demon bomb. You watched the angel disappear right after he got the list, starting off his shopping extravaganza. You and Dean were left back on the boat with Kevin to kill the time until he got back. Kevin had translating to keep himself occupied while you decided to see how it was going as you wandered around the place, quiet as possible to keep from distracting Kevin. Dean had no concept of that.
You stood with your arms crossed over your chest as you stared at some scribbles taped to the wall, trying to make sense of it. Dean paced back and forth, waving his arms back and forth, clapping them together. You didn't know if it was your anger towards him or the hormones in your body that was making you grow annoyed with the clapping sounds from what Dean was doing. You tried your hardest to block it out, but after only a few seconds, you reached your breaking point.
“Oh my God. Can you stop?” You asked the older man, rolling your eyes to show him how frustrated you were starting to get with him. Dean stopped like how you wanted, but he stared at you with a confused expression, wondering what he did now to get you pissed off. “Would it hurt for you to sit down?”
Dean did what you asked him to do, but it resulted in him starting at you with a look of disbelief, wondering what he did now to piss you off. “You know you’re like a minefield lately. Don’t know what I’m gonna do next to to set you off.”
“Well, maybe if you stopped being so annoying I’d be fine.” You grumbled underneath your breath, rolling your eyes as you moved your gaze away from him to stare off into another part of the boat. Dean gave you an annoyed expression when you weren’t looking. A silence fell between the both of you for a moment before you felt a familiar churning of your stomach, making you realize what was about to happen. “I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” Dean asked you.
You barely managed to take two steps before you stopped in your tracks at the question. You inhaled a deep breath from his annoying attitude that seemed to be getting even more under your skin. “To the bathroom.” You said. You managed to leave out the offer if he wanted to hold your hair while you puke your guts out because of his unborn child that was starting to be annoying as their father. “Do you want to join me?”
“No, I don’t want to join you.” Dean said, mocking your question as he rolled his eyes. You returned the gesture as you continued walking again to find out where Garth had somewhere to hide out for a few minutes. Dean looked down at his watch to see what the time was and how much longer the angel was going to be while he gathered up supplies. “I mean, come on. How long does it take to get a calf skull from Egypt?”
Kevin worked for a few seconds longer before he found his curiosity peeking at the argument he hear between the both of you. He dropped his pen to the notebook filled with his writing and turned around in his chair. "Hey, can I ask you something?"
“Yeah, sure.” Dean said. “Shoot, kid.”
"Are you and Y/N married?" Kevin asked, Dean's face scrunched up slightly as his lips stretched into a smile. When he answered no, the kid replied back with a blunt remark that he knew why he was really asking. "Well, you sure argue like an old married couple. And it’s kind of distracting from what I’m doing.”
“You know what—get back to work.” Dean ordered to the prophet. Kevin was already doing just that before he heard the command from the hunter. He slipped on a pair of noise cancelling headphones and turned on his music, drowning out the distractions around him. Dean narrowed his eyes slightly as he approached the kid, wondering if he could hear him after he called out his name. He snapped his fingers at each side of Kevin's head, but he got no response. He felt a smirk spread across his lips as he bent down close to him. “Your mom’s hot.” Dean thought that would surely get a rise out of the kid, but the compliment about his mother went unnoticed. “I’m serious, your mom is one sexy—”
“What are you doing?” Dean felt himself flinch at the sound of your voice, making him realize that he wasn't alone anymore. He turned around slightly to see you standing right behind him, a dirty glare on your face from how he was talking about Mrs. Tran. "You know you’re a pig, right?”
"I just said she was hot—and saying that out loud, I know how that sounds." Dean suddenly realized that he wasn't doing anymore favors of lingering on the subject. "Seriously? What the hell is your problem? You've been walking around with a stick shoved so far up your ass since we left Texas."
You furrowed your brow slightly form his question as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Good thing you’re cute. Because smarts is obviously not in the cards today for you.” You said. Dean took his turn to give you an annoyed glare at the jab you gave him. You rolled your eyes when you heard a phone start ringing. Dean realized that it was his, and pulling it out, you saw his facial expression change slightly from the name that he saw. And you knew exactly who it was. “Speak of the vampire. Might want to get that. See what kind of favor Benny needs this time.”  
Dean didn’t say anything. He turned his attention to his ringing phone and answered it, brushing past you as he stepped out for a moment to have the conversation in private. You let out a quiet sigh as you made your way over to Kevin, who had tried to block out the world from his headphones. You disrupted him by lightly tapping on them, grabbing his attention. You couldn’t help but ask about Mrs. Tran at the thought of her now.
“Where is your mom?” You asked him. Kevin lifted up one of the headphones to simply say that she was somewhere safe. Part of you was a bit taken back at what he had done to his own mother. “You kicked your mom to the curb?”
"She was too distracting. I couldn't focus." Kevin admitted to you. He took off his headphones and dropped them to the table as he continued talking. "The angels said I had to go to the desert to learn the word of God, all right? So...this is my desert.”
"Yeah, but your mom's your mom." You said.
“I can’t enjoy a world I need to save, Y/N. I can enjoy it when this is all over with.” Kevin said. You felt yourself staring at him with empathy at the pressure he was under as he held the piece of rock that was the reason why he was here in the first place. And his density according to God. “For right now...there’s nothing more important than this.”  
You felt yourself growing with concern as you pulled out the seat across from him and sat down. You placed out your hand to make him put down the tablet. Just because he pushed his mom away didn’t mean you weren’t going to stop looking out after him. “Kev, Rome wasn’t built in a day. We know it’s gonna be a while until we make some progress. And that’s okay.” You told him. “But what’s not okay is you ignoring basic needs like eating a proper meal and sleeping. Don’t become obsessed with this thing. Take some time for yourself every once in a while. Because, honestly, you do look like crap."
Kevin scoffed underneath his breath from your jab at his appearance, “Thanks, Y/N. It's been a while since I've looked in the mirror."
"Hey, if I'm being honest here..." You looked around the boat to see that it was still just you and him so you could tell him how you really felt. "This isn't worth dying over. And I want you to enjoy your hard work when we do get there. You're still young, Kevin. You have your whole life ahead of you after all of this is done. No matter how long it does end up taking. But you can’t kill yourself trying to make it happen. Breaks were invented for a reason. Take one every once in a while, will you?”
You hoped what you said to the prophet might be helpful to him about not making the same mistakes you had made while becoming obsessed with solving a problem. Kevin nodded his head as you let him get back to work. It seemed that your motherly instincts were kicking into high gear early. Not only you did you have to watch over two grown men and an angel, you found yourself now looking over a prophet, making sure all of them didn't do anything too self destructive to screw things up for themselves.At least with the boys fighting it was getting you prepared for the many temper tantrums your and Dean's child was bound to have. Because your patience was sure being tested lately.
+ + +
Some more time passed while you waited for Cas to return with all the ingredients, you found a book to occupy your time while Kevin got back to work trying to decipher the tablet. Dean kept his mouth busy by snacking on some chips he found while continuing to look over the notes that Kevin taped all over the boat. You were a few pages into the book of lore Garth must have kept here to be of some use for Kevin when you heard the familiar sound of rustling feathers. You looked up from the book, expecting to see Cas back from his trip around the world, and he was. Along with someone else.
“I got what we need.” Cas informed the three of you.
“Oh, it’s about time.” Dean said, looking over at the angel. He saw a familiar face, one of his little brother, standing across from the boat. You let out a quiet sigh as you shut the book, having a feeling this was going to be more awkward than helpful. "What's he doing here?"
“Don’t worry, Dean.” Sam reassured his brother that he wasn’t sticking around for long. “Once we save Alfie, I’m out.”
“Oh, once ‘we’ save Alfie. Don’t hurt yourself, Sam. Cas, Y/N and I can handle it.” Dean said, making it quite clear that he didn't want the other man around here. Sam shot back at him, mentioning that the angel didn't think so. Dean ignored the remark, keeping his focus on the angel who brought the unwanted man here. "I told you we didn't need him."
"We need everything, Dean." Cas told the older Winchester. It seemed the angel was growing tiresome of the fighting between the both of them as you were. "And I need both of you, as you say, to stow your crap. Can you do that?"
It was the question that had yet to be answered. You stared at both of the brothers, wondering if their own personal differences were going to get in the way from the work that needed to be done. Having them focus and get to work on the hunt wasn’t the problem. It was what came afterwards that would be.
[Next Part]
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b-earbear · 7 years
Why dont you have a scent, Cas?
By Smak101
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
"How come you don't have a scent?"
Sam has wanted to ask their little angel this question since the first time he came in contact with the heavenly being.
Sam was probably the first to admit that yes, his sense of smell was not the best, ergo, why he always ended up in bed with creatures he and his brother hunt.
Castiel looked away from exploring Deans toiletries bag, "The human sinuses can not handle the intensity of my true scent. Much like my true voice or form."
Dean scoffed, "So that means you're a Beta?"
Castiel set the toiletries down, "No. Other angels can smell my scent."
Dean and Sam shared a glance which went completely over the ravens head.
"Why can't we smell you're vessels scent?" Sam asked changing his shirt.
"A humans scent is a part of their soul. You can not smell Jimmy because he is not in this vessel anymore."
"But we couldn't smell him when you first took control of his vessel, and we found out he was still in there with you," Dean argued.
Castiel nodded, "His soul was still inside but it was not in control. He was on... Vacation. So his scent was not there because it was in the part of his mind where his soul was so it was not in the rest of his body."
Dean looked perplexed, while Sam was going over what the angel had said.
"So you don't have a secondary gender?" Dean asked.
"I do have a secondary gender, the only being in exsistance who doesn't is my Father himself."
"Since angels are such powerful and domineering beings does that make them all alphas?"
"Not quite. We are much like our counterparts, the demons in such way. Angels can be either Alpha or omega. There is no beta in our species. Mostly due to the fact of reproduction. But it also had alot to do with heiarchy. But not many of my brothers or sisters really take our gender into account. That way of thinking stopped around the time Lucifer was put in the cage."
"Wow, so what are you?"
"Do you have to be the same secondary gender as your vessel?"
"No Sam, our genders have no contribution to who we have as a vessel. It does make it more comfortable than if an omega is in an alpha vessel or alpha in an omegas, but in general it does not matter," The angel completely ignored Deans question.
Dean wondered if maybe Cas was trying to avoid answering his question deliberatly. But why?
"I shall try the shower you guys like so much." Castiel says before getting up and going into the bathroom.
Dean and Sam look at each other again.
"He's definatly an alpha," Dean guessed.
Sam shrugged, "I dont know Dean... He might be a omega. You've met Jo, she had all the characteristics of Alpha but she was Omega."
"Come on man. Cas as an Omega?"
Dean had just set down his coffee cup when a loud banging came from the Bunkers doors.
Sam glanced at his brother and Dean quickly moved toward a gun while Sam took the demon smiting knife.
They walked slowly as bangs keep coming from the door.
The both stopped in front of the metal doors that reverted loud noise, nodded to each other, their weapons at the ready and quickly opened the door.
It was raining heavily and pitch dark out, but they could make out a shivering form. The rain blocked out its scent so the alphas could not make out who it was.
"D-dean... Sa-am, " the voice choked out between shivers and heaves.
Dean and Sam's eyes widened, that voise was familiar. When the form lifted its soaked head bright watery blue eyes stared at them and Sam was caught off guard with how much like a puppy this guy looked.
"Shit Cas! Get inside!" Dean shouted dragging the intruder inside the bunker. The blond Alpha looked over the soaked angel, "Shit! Man, why didn't you just mojo yourself here? Or at least keep yourself dry?"
Castiels teeth were chattering and Sam found that odd.
Angels don't get cold.
"Can I please change clothes? I do not wish to be in these any longer," Castiel asked and Dean led the angel to a bathroom while Sam went to get him dry clothes.
Both found the whole ordeal weird because shouldn't Cas be able to just zap his clothes dry?
"Here take a shower to get warm. Sam has clothes that he'll leave on the counter, uh when you're done come to the main room so we can, um, discuss this? "
Castiel nodded and begeam taking off his gross clothes and Dean decided it was his time to leave.
In the main room Sam and Dean sat waiting for their Angel buddy.
"What's up do you think? " Sam asked his brother.
Dean shrugged, "Beats me... Somethings wrong though."
"Yeah, he should've been fine coming inside... And he shouldn't be cold at all."
They sat in silence trying to think until the bathroom door squeaked open and Dean and Sam are hit with a slight scent.
Both Alphas nostrils flaired in delight. It smelt like apple, vanilla, cinnimon, and a summer breeze. Fresh ocean waves and freshly cleaned laundry kiust out of the dryer.
Castiel shuffled in the room, Dean sweatpants and Sams sweater pooling around him due to the fact that he was slighter than the other two. For a beta Jimmy Novak was pretty small.
"Cas? What is that smell?"
Castiel tilted his head like he usually does when confused, "I don't understand your question."
Sam chuckled lightly, "Dude, its the best scent I've ever smelt. At least since Jess..."
Realization seems to come over the angel. Because he looked sheepish and sat in his seat when he says, "Yes, I suppose you can smell me now."
"Thats YOU? "Dean asked in awe, both alphas staring at the angel who nodded.
Sam thought aloud, "But your scent can't be smelt cause you're an angel."
Castiel seems to shrink in on himself as he says, voice filled with sorrow, "Not anymore."
Deam and Sam stared at the... Ex angel? in shock.
Castiel wasn't an angel anymore? He was human? What? how the heck is that possible?
"You're... Human?" Dean asked quietly.
He thought back to the time when he was sent to the future by Zachariah. Castiel has been human... He hoped Cas doesn't end up like that this time.
This scent is slightly familiar! Yes! He'd smelt it then too. It was mixed with other scents that are not in it any longer but Dean knew that smell. It was Castiels from the future as well.
"So... Does this mean you're second gender is...?" Sam trailed off. He really didn't have the best sense of smell. He can smell stuff really well, he just can't identify it to a gender or usually a thing or person. He knew Deans scent and the impala, as well as Bobbys.
Deans and Sams eye widened even further. OMEGA? Their badass angel was an omega?
"Um... How many omega angels are there?" Sam asked in a strained voice.
"You have only met a few. There are much more Alphas than omegas. Samandriel, Zacariah, and myself."
"That ugly old fart was an o
Omega?!" Dean asked.
"He was but his vessel was an Alpha. That might have been why he was so frustrated all the time."
"You know this actually makes alot of sense. Think about it Dean. Cas is an Omega."
It seemed to dawn on Dean as well.
Castiel was always following orders, the angels that were against him always looked down on him, the angels who did like him looked at him with a slight awe. The Winchesters had thought at the time that it was because he'd defied his orders, but now they realized it was because he was such a powerful Omega. There always was a underlying vibe from Castiel that Sam got from him he was very clingy and always wanting to appease the two Alpha brothers.
"Is that why Balthazar was so attached to you? He was your mate? Or gabriel?" Dean asked in a stiff voice that caused Sam to perk up as well.
Castiel turned a flattering shade of red and didn't make eye contact, "No, but both were courting me before Micheal had taken control of the host."
Sam felt a unsettling feeling that he couldn't place. Dean was growling softly.
Castiel looked at them, "You will not look at me any diffrently will you? My brothers and sisters tried not to, but most failed, that is why me rebelling was such a big deal... Not only had I rebelled but an Omega of all things rebelled."
Sam instantly moved to confort the omega, "Of course not Cas."
Dean nodded in agreement, "You're still a baby in a trench coat."
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maliciouslycreative · 7 years
created for @spnpolybingo Title: Player Three Is Now Connected Ship: Dean/Castiel/Michael Square: Retail Workers Rating: T Word Count: 2063 AO3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11242086 Tags: Alternate Universe: Retail, Video Games, Mass Effect, Polyamory, Humour, Awkwardness
Dean would be the first to admit that working at Final Encounter Gaming wasn’t how he’d planned to spent the last 5 years of his life. He’d certainly never intended to stay this long because honestly the pay was kinda shit and retail had a tendency to suck the life right out of you. Not to mention his boss, Zachariah, knew nothing about gaming except that there was a lot of money in it. So here Dean was, working a shit job for shit pay just because at this point Zachariah let him have pretty much free reign of the store.
So when Zachariah waltzed in on Tuesday morning Dean knew something was up. Zachariah never came in this early on a Tuesday. “Good morning, Dean-o!” Zachariah practically sung.
Dean plastered the biggest fake smile on his face that he could muster. “Good morning, boss.”
“So, I know you’re pretty good for staff right now but my nephew needed a job so he’s going to be starting this Friday. He only needs a couple shifts a week, so I’m sure you’ll have no issue working him into the schedule.
“That sounds great,” Dean lied through his teeth.
“Good to hear!” Zachariah clapped Dean on the shoulder then started heading to his office in the back. “I told him to come in while you were here Friday so you can show him the ropes.”
“Sounds great...” Dean made a disgusted face after Zachariah was out of view. This was a disaster. Every one of Zachariah’s family members that he’d given a job to were a nightmare to work with.
First had been Bartholomew. The guy had walked in like he owned the place and had expected Dean to do everything he asked. He’d known virtually nothing about video games and had been endlessly condescending to customers and employees alike. Dean had been ecstatic when Bartholomew had gotten into law school across the country.
Next had been Hael. She’d seemed OK at first but had quickly descended into an unholy terror. She’d hated how sexist and vulgar so many games were and wasn’t afraid to express her opinion on them. Dean totally agreed but he also really wanted to keep his job and scaring any and all of the customers away wasn’t the way to do it. She also had this super intense look in her eyes that screamed murder. He endured nearly six months of her murder glares and watching teenage boys leave the store in tears before she got a job with the IRA as a tax auditor.
Lastly there was Samadriel. Samandriel wasn’t a bad employee and really Dena liked the guy. He was smart and funny and, unlike Zachariah’s last two relatives, really loved video games. He was however extremely shy and horribly clumsy. Yah Dean was prone to doing awkward things when he got nervous but Samandriel had it down to an art form. He’d even managed to give Dean second hand embarrassment a couple of times. On at least three occasions Dena had to coax a sobbing Samandriel out of the bathroom with a chocolate bar. After four months he’d gotten a job at a software design company where he never had to deal with the public again.
So wen Friday rolled around Dean had his bar set pretty low for whoever this Castiel guy was. All Zachariah had told Dean was that Castiel was a good Catholic boy who was going to school to get a business degree. Honestly Dean was expecting a younger version of Zachariah himself.
“Umm, excuse me.” Someone said from the other side of the counter.
Dean jumped a little. He’d been so deep in thought that he hadn’t even heard anyone enter the store. Putting on his best retail smile Dean turned around and locked eyes with a drop dead gorgeous guy. He did a quick once over (dark sex hair, blue eyes, and holy shit was that a tattoo peeking out from under his left t-shirt sleeve?).
“Hi! How can I you to be helped. I mean I can help you. No. Fuck. Shit I mean...” Dean took a deep breath. “Welcome to Final Encounter, how may I help you today?”
The gorgeous guy chuckled and stuck out his hand. “Hi, I’m Castiel and I’m looking for...” he squinted at Dean’s name tag, “you apparently.”
Dean wanted to die. “I’m so sorry.” Dean took Castiel’s hand and shook it. “I’m not usually this much of a disaster. You’re not really what I was expecting.”
“Oh?” Castiel quirked an eyebrow.
“Yeah. You don’t seem like an asshole and you’ve got a tatty and you’re like super hot.” Dean’s eyes widened as he realised what he’d said.
This however caused Castiel to throw back his head and let out a full bodied laugh. After he finished laughing he shot Dean a gummy smile. “I think we’re going to be to get along great, Dean.”
And boy did they get along. Castiel quickly became Dean’s favourite coworker. Sure Castiel’s video game knowledge was pretty limited since he’d only been able to play them since he moved away for college. He’d however listen with rapt attention whenever Dean would talk about various games. The two had even taken to getting together at least once a week for a few hours to play games together to help fill in the gaps of Castiel’s knowledge.
The only downside was the ever mounting sexual tension. For one Dean made a point of never fooling around with coworkers. It never ended well. For two Castiel wasn’t out to his family. He was very unashamedly gay but he didn’t want to make a fuss with his family until after he had graduated since his college was being paid for by his parents. So the two of them had settled on shamelessly flirting with each other. Though it had taken nearly all of Dean’s self control not to ravage him when Castiel had pulled up his shirt sleeve to reveal an N7 tattoo.
That had been nearly three weeks ago and it was still driving Dean wild. It probably didn’t help that Castiel had just casually slapped his ass while walking by. Fuck, Dean was going to have to go out to find a lay because his right hand and mshenko fanficiton weren’t cutting it any more. Thank god they were like 10 minutes from closing.
The door swung open and someone entered the store. Dean had to swallow a sigh. He sure as shit didn’t want to deal with any last minute customers. Dean put on his best retail smile and turned around. “Hi, how can I help you tonight?” He felt so lucky that he didn’t look into those gorgeous green eyes until he was done saying his spiel because he definitely would have fucked it up. His hair was perfectly styled and, so help him, the guy was wearing a black wasitcoat over a dark grey dress shirt. This was not helping Dean’s boner situation.
“Hi, I was wondering if you could give me a game suggestion?” He shot Dean a million dollar smile and then very obviously looked Dean up and down.
“Uhh, sure,” Dean said, gripping the counter tightly.
“You see...” the guy leaned in closer and Dean got a whiff of his cologne. He smelled fucking divine. “I just love Mass effect. The story’s fantastic and I just love the characters. Especially Kaidan, you know? I just want a piece of that sexy Canadian beefcake.”
“Yeah,” Dean swallowed hard and tried to not look at the guy’s lips. Of course instead he made the mistake of locking eyes with the guy and holy shit he was giving him bedroom eyes. Fuck Dean was so weak. He was going to ask this guy out. He was so done with being professional. “Yah, Kaidan’s my favourite too. So how about we-”
“Michael?” Castiel was now standing next to Dean, hands on his hips, glaring at the guy across the counter. “What are you doing?”
“Well, you said Dean was absolutely adorable when he got flustered so I just had to come see for myself.”
Castiel let out an exasperated sigh. “You’re terrible.”
“But you love me.” Michael said.
Castiel’s face softened and he smiled. “I do.”
“What?” Dean croaked.
“Dean, this is my fiance, Michael.” Castiel gestured at Michael.
“What?!” Dean’s mouth fell open and he glanced between Michael and Castiel nervously. Shit fuck goddamn fucking shit how had he missed the fact that Castiel was engaged. ‘I should uhh...” Dean started inching towards the back room. “Just let you two do your thing or whatever. I’ll be back in a few!” Dean all but sprinted to the back.
When he got to the stock room he practically slammed the door shut. Goddamn he was so stupid. Of course a guy like Castiel had a fucking fiance!
Dean grabbed the broom near the door and began aggressively sweeping the floor because he needed something to do. He was on his second pass of the floor when the door swung open and Castiel entered. Dean froze like a raccoon that had just been caught digging through your trash at 3AM.
“Dean,” Castiel tried to being but Dean just waved him off.
“No, it’s cool. You got a fiance. It just surprised me is all. I’m so fucking sorry that I was so goddamn unprofessional and was always flirting. That was really uncool of me and-”
“Dean,” Castiel gently laid a hand on dean’s shoulder, “I’m the one who should be apologising”
“No man, really you-”
“No, Dean, listen-”
“Cas, it’s cool, we’re cool-”
“Dean! Just shut up and let me explain!” Castiel’s grip tightened slightly on Dean’s shoulder then he let out a little sigh, released Dean and stepped back.
Dean’s mouth snapped shut and he stared at Castiel in surprise. He’d never seen Castiel yell before.
“I didn’t tell you because… well I liked you, Dean. And I wanted to see if this could go somewhere.”
“So what, I was just gonna be your booty call? Your man on the side? And then you were gonna go home every night to Michael” Dean was practically yelling by the end, the pitch of his voice steadily rising with the volume.
Castiel sighed. “Of course not, that wouldn’t be fair to either of you. Look, Michael and I have been together on and off since we were 16. We love each other very deeply and we’re extremely honest with each other. I would never cheat on him. However we’re not entirely what most people would call a conventional couple. We have somehwat of an open relationship and we’re both polyamorous.”
Most of the anger Drained out of Dean as the information sank in. “And let me guess, most guys who find this out only want a quick threesome then they split.”
“Yah,” Castiel nodded.
“So you thought I wouldn’t be interested if I knew about Michael.”
“Essentially.” Castiel scrubbed a hand over his face. “Though now I see I handled this poorly.”
“We both kinda did...”
They stood in awkward silence for a moment until Dean let out a small sigh. “I would uhh… i’d stick around. You know. For like more than a threesome. I’ve been going nuts because I liked you so damn much but I didn’t want to get mixed up with a coworker. So I’ve been masturbating so fucking much...” Dean’s eyes widened at the realisation of what he just said.
Castiel smirked. “well, I think Michael and I have a solution to your masturbation problem. But first,” Castiel took the broom out of dean’s hands and set it against the wall. “We should finish closing up the store. Then Michael and I would like to take you out for dinner. Well OK I guess midnight Denny’s because I have no idea what else is even open that isn’t a bar or fast food.”
“I happen to really like Denny’s.” Dean grinned.
“Well then, it’s a date.” Castiel grinned back, took Dean by the hand, and led him towards the front of the store.
It was official, Castiel was the best coworker Dean had ever had. And, as he found out later that night, one of the two the best lovers. And, even later on, one of the two best boyfriends Dean could ever hope for.
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the-and-sign-anon · 4 years
First Winter
Pairing: Supernatural x reader
Word count: 1,238
You grew up in a warmer climate than the boys, so this was your first winter. The only experience you had was watching Christmas movies, but you had no practical know-how, which became obvious to the boys when you tried to leave the bunker in November wearing only a light jacket and capris. Sam was about to stop you, but Dean silenced him and let you walk straight out the door. You came back in less than a minute later, having not even made it to your car before a cold wind cut straight through your jacket and drove you back to the warm bunker.
Now the first snow of the season had fallen and you were completely baffled. Sam took it upon himself to buy you a good coat and gloves while Jody and Alex sent a hat and scarf they’d made since taking up knitting in their free time. Before you went outside, the tall Winchester helped you into your gear and led you into the winter wonderland.
“Can I touch the snow? Or should I not?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. But it’s pretty cold, so be prepared.” Sam was really leaning into treating you like a child. He even had a fatherly sort of tone as he talked to you.
“Okay.” You pulled off one glove and knelt down to touch the cold flakes when a projectile hit you in the back of the head and sent you sprawling in the snowbank.
“Dean! Not funny!”
Dean, despite his brother’s quick scolding, was laughing hysterically and leaning over to steady himself. You had yelped when you hit the snow, so Sam dug you out and hauled you back to your feet before the snow could sink into your clothes. You took off your hat, shook the snow off of it, and returned it to your head before turning a withering glare on the eldest Winchester.
“Dean! What was that for?”
“Snowball fight, Y/N! They’re great!”
You turned to Sam for more information, which he gave while ushering you behind him and back over to the snowbank for protection from his brother. A few minutes later, Cas came at Sam’s request and started silently packing snow into balls and building an arsenal.
“Cas, why do you already know what’s happening?”
“I’ve known these boys for six years. There’s snow, Sam is helping you hide; the pieces put themselves together.”
“I thought you would be on Dean’s side.” You continued the conversation as you put your glove back on and started following the angel’s motions to make a few balls of your own.
“He’s stuffed a few too many snowballs down my shirt to have my support. I want to bury him.” Castiel replied with no emotion in his voice and a determined look in his eyes. “I’ll call in reinforcements while you use this first batch.”
Sam popped up from behind your defenses and hurled a ball at his brother. He missed, instead getting a face full of snow and dropping back down. While he brushed off his face and you threw a few horribly aimed snowballs, you heard the faint woosh of arriving angels. You glanced back and saw Gabriel, Balthazar, Hannah, and Samandriel behind you.
“Hello, Y/N. Cassie said you needed help terrorizing Dean?”
“I do. I’m a terrible shot and this is my first snowball fight.”
“We’ve got work to do, then”
Samandriel started building a better defensive wall with Hannah while Gabriel and Cas continued stockpiling snowballs. Balthazar snapped his fingers and you were in snow pants and had heating packets wrapped in your scarf and hat to keep you warmer. Sam explained the rules and started shouting taunts at Dean, who had insisted on getting backup of his own. Cas disappeared and returned with Benny, Lucifer, and Amara.
“Come on! You get a squad of angels and I get the devil and the Darkness?”
“Hey! I want to torture Sam more than I want to torture you, so I’m on your side here. And why aren’t you complaining about the vampire?”
“Don’t drag me into this, devil. Just start making snowballs.”
Amara had no complaints, giving a sort of ‘that’s fair’ shrug and getting to work on their defenses. Benny and Lucifer made snowballs, Cas returned to your side, and the war commenced within ten minutes.
To your credit, you actually hit Dean a few times. Lucifer nailed you in the face, apologized briefly with the promise that he’d meant to hit Sam, and Hannah and Amara actually got quite competitive with each other. After an hour, Benny made Dean call for a truce and everyone warily stood from their forts.
“Are you sorry for hitting me from behind with a snowball when I was just trying to see what snow felt like?”
“If I say yes, can we go make hot chocolate?”
“Will you mean it?” Sam stood at your side giving his brother a stern look. The rest of your team gave protective glares as well.
“Yeah, sure. I’m sorry and I won’t do it again.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die.”
You smiled brightly then and turned around to descend into the bunker to warm up. Everyone else followed, Sam smacking Dean upside the head softly and pushing through the door. Balthazar, Hannah, and Benny gathered in the kitchen to make hot chocolate for everyone while you and the Winchesters warmed up and changed into dry clothes. You could briefly hear arguing from the men in the kitchen over how best to make the warm beverage, but Hannah quickly silenced them and a few minutes later Cas and Gabriel went to help with the drinks as well.
Amara, Samandriel, Lucifer, and the Winchesters sat with you around a big table you’d found in one of the many rooms in the bunker, clearly made for big conferences. You were in your most comfortable sweater and fluffy socks, trying to explain how you’d gone so many years without experiencing snow. When the rest of the group came in with mugs in their hands and passed them around, they took their seats and the conversation continued.
“You did well for your first battle, Y/N. Your aim needs a little work, but that’s not a big thing.”
“Thank you, Balthazar. Also, I’m very sorry for nearly hitting you with a snowball, I released a little earlier than I meant to.”
“It was entertaining for the rest of us, so you’ve got nothing to worry about, kiddo.”
You smiled brightly at Benny and took a sip of your drink.
“Hannah, I have to say I was impressed with your work. I didn’t know you were so good at snowball fights.” Amara looked less intimidating after changing out of her thick coat and into a gray cable sweater. You wished she could hang around more.
“I haven’t personally, but Caroline did growing up, so I sifted through a few memories and knew enough to help. I’m surprised that I didn’t get hit more.”
You all spent the rest of the evening like that; gathered around the table laughing and smiling, telling stories and teaching you more about winter. Before you went to bed, Hannah and Samandriel promised to join you in making your first snowman next week. You drifted off to sleep that night with a pleased sense of peace and accomplishment. Maybe winter wasn’t as mysterious as you first thought.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
I can see your pain...
Hello my friends!! This is another meta from my meta series. Today I'm gonna talk about how Dean starts to see in Cas something is odd, he sees him sad, and depressed, and he begins to be worried about him.
I want to say thank you to my wonderful friend here, @agusvedder , she made the gifs for this meta and discussed the episodes with me.
Castiel's sadness
Knowing Cas from season 7 was depressed, and then that he wanted to stay in Purgatory, gave us a sad idea about how Castiel was feeling.
We are going to talk first about episode 8x08 Hunter Heroici, Dabb's episode.
Cas starts to share more time with their human friends. But he is still kind of clueless about humans, and everything. He's literal with words and human's expression, and that had been the fluel for a lot of jokes in the show.
When Dean and Cas were talking in that gas station, Dean was questioning what Castiel would do now, because it seems he was kind of glued to them. He thought maybe now that they're back on the road, Cas would do the things he used to do, angel's stuffs. But no, he's still there with them. So he had to ask him...
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So is evident, Cas don't want to talk about angels, or Heaven, or coming back to Heaven, he's afraid, and ashamed, and it mortifies him. He needs to avoid anything that hot to do with his past, so he decided to stay with his humans friends. And imitate them. Because he sees in Dean and Sam two good humans that help people.
DEAN: So what now? Move to Vermont, open up a charming B&B?
CASTIEL No. I still want – I still need to help people. So... [smiles] I'm gonna become a hunter.
Is so important the switch in the words here... He changed the WANT for the NEED. He needs to hel people. Because he needs to do it, to feel better with himself. To get better from his sadness.
Castiel tries too hard to be a good hunter, but his lack of "humanity" makes it difficult. That's why he fails in everything he tries to do
And there's a little foreshadow hidden in this piece of dialogue... Trying to decipher the case of the man who's heart jumped out of his chest.
SAM: So he stashes his car at the park across the street, meets Olivia there.
DEAN: His wife probably found out about it, and it broke her heart.
SAM: So she breaks his. Sounds witchy.
DEAN: Yes, it does. Guy was living a lie, and it came back to bite him in the ticker. But nice job on the bladder infection.
He broke her heart so she broke his.
If this isn't a a foreshadow for the incoming crypt scene and for the season 9 scene in which Dean kicked off Cas from the bunker, I don't know what it is...
He was living a lie, that's for sure foreshadowing the crypt scene, when Dean will realize what was happening with Castiel.
Let's jump to the big Destiel dialogue now...
CASTIEL Your father... Beautiful handwriting.
DEAN How you feeling, Cas?
CASTIEL I'm fine.
DEAN Well, I just – I – I know that when... I got puked out of Purgatory, it took me a few weeks to... find my sea legs.
CASTIEL I'm fine.
DEAN Don't get me wrong. I'm – I’m happy you're back. I'm – I’m freaking thrilled. It's just this whole mysterious-resurrection thing – it always has one mother of a downside.
Dean is trying to make Cas talk, because he's seeing Cas is avoiding Heaven's topic. And maybe he's trying to get to him, talking about that huge experience they had in Purgatory. Trying to empathize with the angel...
CASTIEL: [closes the journal] So, what do you want me to do?
DEAN: Maybe take a trip upstairs.
CASTIEL: To Heaven?
DEAN: Yeah, poke around, see if the God squad can't tell us how you got out.
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Dean is still feeling there's some piece missing, he needs answers, but he can't see far more... Cas is in pain, and he will know again and right in this scene.
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Dean goes for the normal way to look things... Of course, angels would kill Cas, but the truth is worst than that...
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Kill himself? Dean is in shock. And Sam is there interrupting.
Cas saw a way out from that conversation, so he ran away towards Sam, but Dean is so in alarm about what Cas had just said, that he can even get up from the bed. And while his brother are talking, he gave a quick glance to Cas... He's worried...
And this episode already gave us a guy with a blue tie, jumping out of the building, commiting suicide.
Acting awkwardly around you
We are still in episode 8x08, I will point two weird attitudes coming from Dean...
The first one is the classis "I'll watch over you."
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Is a simple, honest angelical offer to make. Angel watch over humanity. And why not watch over Dean? Why not if Cas is an angel and that's what angels supposed to do.
But Dean takes this as another kind of offer, it makes him uncomfortable, just thinking about Cas standing there, watching him sleep... Is so "creepy" but mostly... Gay.
So he snapped off that idea "That's not gonna happen," making that face that show discomfort, and some kind of stress. He's very conscious about the offer, because he's in love with Castiel.
Then... We had the old lady scene... I found a couple of good points...
OLD WOMAN: You are so pretty, Charles.
(...) DEAN notices an attractive female CARER walk by.
Why is this immediately pointed after a lady calling Castiel pretty? Because Dean is conscious about that too... Cas is pretty, and then a pretty Young lady passed by and Dean goes there. Yeah. No homo. Is just subtext.
CASTIEL: That's not my name.
OLD WOMAN: Oh! You look so much like my third husband.
I don't know if someone already pointed this in the fandom but... Cassie/Lisa... Are one two... And now Castiel is the third for Dean. 🤣🤣🤣
And this one here...
OLD WOMAN Oh, my diamonds, yes. I hid them there. [to CASTIEL] I'm sorry, Charles. I didn't trust you. You were quite the bounder.
Okay... So Charles/Castiel is the binder, this is a funny foreshadow about what Cas would do to Dean... He will break his heart.
Jumping now to episode 8x10 Turn and Frayed
Not mention the scene in which Castiel actually is watching over Dean, I want to talk about the exaggerated and awkward reaction from Dean when CAS is standing behind him, and he opens his laptop, with the "Busty Asian Beauties" on it...
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Why is he reacting like that? If Cas is a dude, and the normal reaction between dudes would be just poker face maybe a joke or wherever, but no. He's in front of his crush, people! He's ashamed! He even covers the screen with his hand!! He looks back to see if Cas is watching. He's ashamed because he cares about what As would think. Because he is in love with him. Okay I will repeat this a lot of times during season 8...
And this whole episode here is a parallel to 5x03, Free to be you and me, we even had an intent of date!
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And Dean is flirting again, and watching Castiel mouth, then touching his own lips, I mean... This is it. This was another date between them. A hunting date. The whole episode my dears.
Dean is also feeling proud when CAS requested the ingredients list Kevin was writing. Yeah, this is my handsome angel friend, nothing he can't get.
In this episode, Dean and Sam saw Castiel had killed Samandriel, suspecting there was something really bad going on with the way Cas was behaving.
Bi Dean exposition
Episode 8x13 Everybody hates Hitler, written by Edlund, is a big Bi Dean exposition.
Before we will be talking about that, I want to point here, this scene...
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Dean is avoiding Sam's gaze, he is like playing with some books, because he needs to make that question as if that was nothing, just a bro, worried about his best bro, so, yeah...
But while he's doing that, is plenty obvious to the audience, he's trying so hard, and he's really worried, and he's ashamed for asking that. Because he was trying to contact Cas and he didn't answer his phone, so he's really, REALLY, worried, and struggling with Castiel's absence.
But now let's talk about how he's bi self was exposed when he met the rabbi's grandson.
You already recall the scene in the restaurant. The guy and Dean exchanged gazes, and the rabbi's grandson flirted with him.
And when Dean went to face him, he got very VERY flustered, and everything was awkward, and he even gave the guy a flirting gaze... Okay... He named that MY GAY THING.
Now... Why is Dean disappointed in this dialogue... (Also, pay attention to the symbolism and the parallel is hidden here...)
BEARDED YOUNG MAN The rabbi who was murdered, Isaac Bass – he was my grandfather. That's why we're here. When you guys started to follow up on his case, we started following you.
This is placed after the episode in which the guys met his grandfather, so this is a parallel to that episode, but also, what is about to coming, is a Destiel brokenheart parallel (the crypt scene)
DEAN So, wait. What you're saying is that you and me – we, uh, didn't have a moment?
Because Dean had a moment there too... He thought they, together, had a moment. (Bi Dean alarm sounding).
RABBI BASS’ GRANDSON No, man. I was tailing you.
Now... The deception, and the foreshadownfor the broken heart...
Cas I thought we had something special, you and me, but it looks like it was just me feeling that way...
DEAN [to SAM] Told you I was being followed. He was my gay thing.
[to RABBI BASS’ GRANDSON] It was really good. You really had me there. It was very smooth.
Trying to remain cool... But he fooled him.
He will feel fooled by Castiel too.
Can I die now? Okay, after finish this, then I die.
To Conclude
Episode 8x08 showed us a depressed Castiel, thinking about suicide, not being able to come back to Heaven, and trying to stay with Dean and Sam, trying to be a hunter like them, because they're role models to him. And he NEEDS to keep helping people, he need to feel himself as a good person.
We had a worried Dean and and awkward behavior coming from him, with huge heartbroken (crypt scene) foreshadow everywhere.
Episode 8x13 was exppsitional for Bi!Dean, and it had a lot of elements that acted like parallels with MoL legacy and, again, the crypt scene.
I hope you like this one, see you in the next Chronicles.
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @tenshilover20
If you want to be tagged in this list, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas...
Links are right here: vol. XXXI, XXXII and XXXIII.
Buenos Aires, October 23rd 2019 6:20 PM
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