#not as bad as those shein bitches but still
torchickentacos · 2 years
Can we start shaming people who mass-buy cute thrift clothes cheap to resell them upmarked. Can we make that a trend for 2023. Poshmark shaming.
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So, @arcanavoid made me thinking about Lucio in their post
Pleas keep in mind that I'm right now very drunk and I'm not a native speaker and the autocorrect for this phone can only do so much Also I'm in a different time zone so if you see this at, like 10 in the morning or whatever, no worries bc now is definitely night here and I also program my posts I have not a drinking problem thats why I cant hold my f-ing liquor
as a person who is very close to people with serious mental illness, like i legit live with them
Let's start with an assumption: we're all assholes. Somewhere in our life, maybe in the past, or present, or future, we are huge AH. It's not like we're evil and condemned to hell, it's just that as humans we're small, petty and miserable so we behave badly and are very selfish when big difficulties challenge us. Like, sometimes we manage to scramble enough willpower and common sense to act decently as we're afraid and suffering, but lots of times we don't and make shitty things. So here's my first point:
1. We all are a Lucio sometimes. Or often.
Like, way more than we want to admit. We're afraid, we're too full of ourselves, and we behave in petty ways. We're mean towards strangers, we feel happy in humiliating them and showing the world how better than anyone else we are. We need something bc we live in a world that doesn't grant basic human rights (food, shelter, health, safety and human connection), so we strain to get those things, sometimes at others' expenses. Then we tell ourself that those people deserved our scorn and malice because they're bad, and we tell us such lies because facing the guilt of what we've done is painful and complex.
We need to show ourselves we're better, so enjoy picking at others' mistakes without caring who they are in a whole (this is super easy on the internet). All this while low key ignoring what bad we're more or less responsible for.
And we are. Like, if you ever did buy something on sites like shein, you are actually exploiting poor people who are basically slaves. And you're keeping a blind eye on it.
But you know what? You're not evil for this. We're weak sometimes, we're tired, we have little time and really don't have the lucidity to think whether this stupid chicken breast is full of hormones and antibiotics or not. We're humans and we're small. Often we're sad, afraid and tired and we need a malicious self esteem bost.
Often, we're Lucio.
2. A flaming piece of trash can change. And doesn't need others' forgiveness to do so.
Did you notice how everyone is so eager to show of other people are wrong and bad and evil? That's because they, and we as well, need reassurance about how we're the hero of the story.
That's because we can't tolerate being the flaming piece of trash, because the the flaming piece of trash can't change and everyone hates them.
This idea is stupid.
It doesn't matter how low you fell. How many people you hurt, how many times you made the same stupid mistake or how many people deeply despise you. You still can change.
That's why is
To have a Lucio route where it's shown he can choose to be better, no matter how deeply wrong his past deeds were.
The moment we understand this concept is the one our guilt becomes less heavy and we start being less judging of others. Granted.
This doesn't mean you're entitled to people's forgiveness - but the fact that YOU are willing to forgive yourself means that you can really change and forgive others. If some people won't forgive you, it will be fine, no need to hate them: you can always find new people to gift your better self to.
This is what happens to Lucio. Will Asra ever truly forgive him for making him and orphan and killing you? No. But this doesn't mean that Lucio will be a villain forever. He will be still able to change, become a good man and gift his goodness to the MC.
As MC says to Julian: you can always come back.
3. What it takes to change
Now, I'm in general rly humble when talking about mental health bc I'm no doctor nor therapist. But living with people who went through hell and managed to survive (and knowing people who sadly didn't), made me able to figure a couple of things. So, brace yourself. I'm about to give you the ultimate recipe of healing.
It takes two things:
Compassion and Accountability
When all is said and done, this things are the two main things it takes to change and heal. Compassion for believing you can change and deserve happiness, seeing the world through other people's eyes and accountability to motivate you into stop being a dick and owning the shit you did (so yeah, maybe you should stop blaming your parents for who you are, sry, but it doesn't serves your cause).
and there's one and only one way to get them:
Positive human connections.
That's it. When you go to the bone to it, that's how one can change, heal and survive.
It's reduced to the very bone, simple idea: the whole process is much more complicated and it's ok if you get lost in it. But at the very root, this is it.
And this is WHY Lucio's route it's so great:
MC shows compassion, because they don't recall him doing anything bad to them.
MC helps him being accountable. They doesn't shelter Lucio from his guilt, never.
MC believes in them but NEVER puts up with their shit
MC doesn't believe his lies and doesn't lie to them either. No games: they talk through everything, they're kind but firm and true.
MC helps him accept other people's scorn towards him
I love this route because it's the one where the MC is the most clever. There's a murder mistery? Let's ask the ghost of the murdered one who did it. Everyone is mad at him? Let them be. Not bc "he deserves it", but bc people are entitled to be mad at him and to their idea about him. He has troubles with his mother? Don't get between them. Listen, understand, let them unravel their shit. Ghosts are mad at him? Sit with him, but don't do his emotional weightlifting. Mc puts Lucio in front of his deeds and holds his hand as he deals with them.
Folks: THIS is how it's done irl.
4. No dumb justification & the danger of privilege
There are a lot of shows about "why villains are like this" that paint them as a poor misunderstood saint who was mistreated by their parents. Like in Once Upon a Time or the Disney Villain's Live actions. I hate that stuff because they distort the plot to make the villain a misunderstood anti heroe who was a victim all along, so he's justified.
Guess what: they're not. If you actions are evil there's no justification. No retelling of your story: you made very bad choice and were an AH and that's it.
This is what happens with Lucio: in his route his story doesn't gets to be retold. It's an honest story about how Lucio, the villain, can choose to be the better man and benefit from it. It's a story about the inherent dangers of Privilege:
Lucio's story shows how dangerous privilege can be: he wasn't hold accountable for his actions while he was alive, bc he was pretty, powerful and rich. He loses his privilege, he gets his ass kicked, he find motivations to change in his desire to be loved. I know irl folks who got to adulthood without having to face how shitty they were bc of social privilege. It literally kept them from changing, healing and be happy. So beware, folks. Your privilege might be harming you in the first place, and the day you will face who you truly are without it WILL come. The later, the worst.
So, this is why I love Lucio's route. It's relatable and helps us to find the courage to face our demons, knowing that we can change. Knowing that we can forgive ourselves and accept others' scorn. It WILL be hard, it WILL be painful, there WILL be consequences, but eventually it will be worth the hassle.
So, long live the goatman, for he can change. And so do we.
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softcarebears · 4 months
POOKIE I'M ALIVE I PROMISE....I JUST WAS SO SICK THIS WEEK😔(still sick) i did read the asks but did not have time to post on tumblr because of school but i also was not in the mood to post i was taking a mini idk tumblr break idk myself...😔i'm doing good i promise...its just my life is lowkey boring lmfao (no crushes no bitches lol) while my friend's (chingching bestie) life is a freaking kdrama
because of school i can barely do shit and also im bad at time management and also since our school's turning 50 next month we are doing weeks....for example "french week" "science week" yea alot of activities...its so fun!!...kinda slayful our school is doing entertaining stuff and is not monotone af😭
this week was french week it was so fun...we decorated the school the week before,on monday we had a whole ass assembly where we sang + prayed + had poems and the ambassador of fucking france was here boi,he also was present to give students their delf b2 (a french exam) diplomas
...fun fact: i'm gonna go do this exam in july😔..and did i start practicing?...no...i mean i've been starting to speak french at home and with my friends haha...its fine...haha...ha..😭,(since there's so many weeks we only did the delf introduction class...so yea...we haven't practiced yet...deadass) uhh what else we also had poems read in the assembly and there was karaoke session during recess on tuesday, then wednesday there was a dance in recess ,thursday there was a mini tea party for the teachers during the break, a FUNNY AND GOOFY ASS play about a disaster wedding done by the 11th graders😭
(here's some lines i translated since i have the script)
The bride: You Gerard Two by Two, as soon as I saw your snags, I knew I could endure your jackal breath until the end of my days. Your orangina body gives me gas.
The Groom: Shake me,Shake me
The bride: Your eyes…uh your eyes, well I don’t know anymore. I loved you I love you and I will love you until the end
Thanks WHO?
The groom: Wejdene Macaroni. My little sugar macaroni, oh no i meant macaron… honey of my life, my chocolate, my couscous.
Disgusted bride: ewww
The Groom: As soon as I saw your girlfriend I knew you were sexy but her...she's really hot. Winks to the girlfriend*
Guests: She's sexy but her girlfriend is hot (shook)
The bride: Wait, you're still talking about my girlfriend!
The Groom: Wait, I’m not finished. Wejdene you are the plum of my eye…uhh no apple i meant
Your Nicki Minaj Shein version body is driving me crazy… *literally sarcastic*
Love youuuuu.. Come on bye.
Priest: Let's exchange alliances *Exchange
Priest: let's not forget that a woman's place is in the kitchen.
The bride: But uhhhh, that's sexist. I didn’t come here to suffer okeh! Ah no eh. You just have to go to ti baz (local pizzeria in the country)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------on the same day our class did a lil party we did those french charcuterie board and we tried french cheeses...i only liked the camembert one, the gouda skewer and the tartare cream cheese..the blue brie cheese was so bad on god (there were two types so i think i got the stronger one because my friends thought theirs were ok...tasted like dirty socks...bro😔) and that comté cheese...nuh uh traumatising...😭the sausages were good ofc...i will stick to my craft cheddar cheese and creamcheeses boi...
Tumblr media
and on the last day we all wore blue,white and red shirts and also facepainted and there was a mini concert...my french teacher (she was also both my homeroom and french literature teacher last year sang AND SHE ATE!!😩🌹 and my ex-french teacher from last year also sang AND HE DIGESTED FR 😱....
but yea main reason i did not post this week until yesterday was because i was sick😔 @1-800-pastelskies
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hhhemberhhh · 2 years
hahahaha Monster High rant pt. 2
Alright, so as many of you know, there’s Monster High: The Movie that’s coming out on October 6, 2022. So, here’s my thoughts on it— this is mostly gonna be me screaming about how bad it is, so, just giving you a heads up lmao
Warning: lots of CAPS
I can accept the making Frankie non-binary thing, that is actually reasonable, but when you go and make Clawdeen STRAIGHT even tho she’s a LESBIAN, that’s when I snap. And the fact you made CLAWDEEN AND DUECE BE TOGETHER when CLEO AND DUECE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TOGETHER makes me even more pissed. Like, Clawdeen didn’t even like Duece so why bother??? It just don’t make sense. But then you make Clawdeen x Draculaura??? I mean okay but like— which one is it dammit??? I prefer neither but pick one.
Next up, ✨characters✨
since when can Ghoulia talk??? And since when can Lagoona do that weird monster thingy with her mouth??? SINCE WHEN ARE CLEO AND LAGOONA BESTIES??? WTF??? WHEN DID LAGOONA SUDDENLY NOT BECOME AUSTRALIAN??? AND WHY DID THEY MAKE EVERYONE LOOK LIKE SNOBBY, MEAN, PHONE OBSESSED BITCHES, ESPECIALLY ABBEY??? we all know abbey ain’t like that…
and finally…designs. Where to begin on the designs… WHY DOESNT LAGOONA HAVE HER DAMN SKIN COLOR??? WHY ISNT SHE BLUE??? ITS LITERALLY IN HER NAME. L A G O O N A B L U E. AND YOU MADE FRANKIE BLUE INSTEAD OF GREEN??? THEY ARE GREEN DAMMIT. at least y’all kept Draculaura’s skin color, BUT NOT LAGOONA’S??? WTH???
The costumes are built like those cheap ass kids Halloween costumes. Like, Cleo’s hair. WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE STREAK OF GOLD??? ITS BULLSHIT. AND DUECE’S HAIR. THERE AINT NO FUCKIN SNAKES. BITCH HES A GORGON. It’s like they used Shein for their clothing line. Don’t get me wrong, you can find some good stuff on Shein, but you don’t use it for movies 💀 their whole ass budget was $10. Lagoona looks like she got her whole ass fit from Justice. COME ON PEOPLE
stg the only work that went into this movie, and is actually decent, is the opening song… that’s literally it smh.
Anyway, that’s all for right now, so uhh,
bye bitches 💅💅🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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fatphobiabusters · 4 years
Do any of the mods have trouble with finding ethical clothing? Even basic Walmart shirts are uncomfortably tight, cost like $30 each, and are destroyed within a few months. Better quality clothes end up costing upwards of $70+.
I recently found Shein and thought it was great that I could get some actually pretty clothes for a cheap price, but immediately got dogpiled by people telling me it isn't an ethical place to shop. I'm living on PWD and well below the poverty line; after all my basic bills are met I only have about $40 in my pocket for new clothes.
I can understand the concerns about it possibly being poor quality clothing, but if my choice is a $20-30 shirt that is wreck in a few months, or a $9 shirt that's wrecked just as quickly, it only makes sense for me to go with the cheaper option. I try to be ethical when I can, but at this point all my clothes are pretty much destroyed and it's almost impossible to find a good solution.
Really hitting the nail on the head here. Capitalism is a bitch. 
There's a quote I think about a lot: 
"The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.
Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.
But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet." 
If you need to buy fast fashion that will wear out to survive then do. We can only work in the systems that in place, even while trying to improve them (in this case we have to wear shitty clothes until more ethical and cheap options are available while advocating for the market) 
I find it frustrating too. I'm sure the other mods agree. None of (afaik) are particularly well off.  
 My mom knows how to sew so she can patch things for me, like my PJs which can look like crap and are comfy. (Bottoms are the hardest for me to find so these are the super critical ones to make last longer). But sometimes you'll reach a point you'll no longer be able wear a shirt. I cut them up as cleaning rags, for really nasty stuff that I don't want to use paper towel on (like cat vomit) that way the fabric has a short second life. There are crafts you can learn to do to use fabric scraps on, look up "sewing cabbage uses" or "fabric scraps projects" and try to give your scraps a second life. I personally try to reduce my waste as much as possible and have to accept something's have to be thrown out. (For instance I've moved on to body bar soap over body wash because I can't recycle the plastic bottles and bars of soap have less plastic. I drink pop/soda for caffeine over coffee or tea not only because I hate the taste of the two but also because my state has a return on those bottles which puts the plastic back into the system and makes me 10 cents per bottle. The fact every state doesn't at least have a 5 cent return is bullshit imo.) 
You just gotta do the best you can, sometimes you gotta do stuff you know is bad because your hand is tied while putting the pressure on the people who can change things. 
Sorry if this got way off base for you but thinking about trying to be ethical and environmentally friendly as a poor person, let alone a poor fat person just made me think of all this. 
I would say the tldr is I know I've been there, hell rn I'm wearing a dollar store t shirt as pjs. Until we have options we make do. 
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