angelicfailure · 5 days
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soundtrack-for-lovers · 10 months
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Ace had his first ride since August today and he was a very good lad 🥰
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mercurydancer · 2 years
Hi! Really random question but your depiction of Maul is by far my all time favorite, and I would really like to know how do you think Maul would feel about rollercoasters? I know, I know, a really dumb, random question, but I was at the Universal parks in Orlando these past few days and looking up at the newer coaster they have (the Velocicoaster, it's Jurassic World themed and fast as hell) and I don't know why but the thought of "Would Maul like the adrenaline of rollercoasters?" just poofed right into my mind. Like, would he like them or is there something about the whole thing he would avoid? the that got me thinking, how would Savage and Feral would feel? (I just re-read An Unexpected Chance and the three Oppress brothers are living in my head rent free lol) And then having them on the brain got me thinking about Eeth and Agen since they're Zabraks too would they like rollercoasters too? Then that lead to what about Tiq and Plo and MACE?? Like the wait time was about an hour but I spent a good chunk of it trying to think all this through XD Idk I just want all these characters to be happy and have fun at theme parks and live their best lives, Maker knows they deserve it :') Anyway, sorry for the long ass, random ask, but this is all buzzing in my brain and I need to get it out to someone lol
EXCUSE? Your FAVORITE?? Not even just. One of, THE favorite? Shut the fuck up, you're trying to kill me. That is entirely too nice.
Also, aside from that. Your ask ate my brain.
            “You’ve literally never been to a theme park?” Anakin asked, staring at Maul as though he’d grown another head.
          Maul leveled an unamused stare on him. “Why would I want to?”
          “They’re fun?” Anakin answered, his brows rising. “You get to go somewhere where there’s no consequences for going really fast, no one is in danger, and you get to just have fun for a day.”
          Maul’s mouth curled, but before he could answer Ahsoka plopped on the back of the chair next to him. “What are you guys talking about?”
          “Maul’s never been to a theme park.”
          Maul stared at Anakin, waves of betrayal and annoyance and…
          Oh…here it came…
          “No,” Maul said, “between freeing slaves and attempting to free my Brothers from Dathomir, I did not have the time.”
          Both of them got very quiet, “Oh,” Ahsoka mumbled, “yes, that’s…that’s very important.”
          “But you have to have fun sometimes, Maul!” Anakin said, “even when you’re freeing slaves, I podraced and I was a slave.”
          “Your Master made you for the money,” Maul said.
          “Didn’t stop it from being fun,” Anakin kicked the chair, frowning. “But even so, your brothers are free! You’re working on finding… You know, I bet you the Clones would love to go to a theme park.”
          “Anakin all three hundred thousand men could not go to the same theme park.”
          “Well, no, but…we could at least take a few that might want to come?”
          “Who said anything about ‘we’?”
          “Where are you going?” Feral asked.
          Maul closed his eyes and prayed to the Force, whatever Gods paid attention to Nightbrothers, and to the Sith itself to save him.
          He opened his eyes and Feral and Savage were still there.
          “We were talking about going to a theme park,” Ahsoka answered, grinning up at them brightly. “Have you ever gone?”
          “What is a theme park?” Feral asked.
          “You get to go on rides!”
          Feral and Savage both stilled.
          “Rollercoasters,” Maul said, “or other things of that nature. They are designed to go very fast, take you on a short track that runs up, down, side to side, and potentially upside down.”
          “Oh!” Feral said, “that sounds…kind of fun?”
          “No, it does not,” Maul frowned.
          “You don’t know, you’ve never been,” Anakin said, sticking his nose up at him, and turning to Feral and Savage. “It is! You get to have all of the adrenaline of a fast chase or a podrace, but none of the danger. I…would admittedly like the danger, but it was the only thing that Obi-Wan let me go on when I was younger, and…I do like them. Qui-Gon doesn’t like them very much, though. He gets sick.”
          “Qui-Gon gets motion sick?” Maul asked. “That might be rather funny to watch.”
          “So long as you’re not anywhere near him,” Anakin said. “He threw up on Obi-Wan’s shoes.”
          Maul laughed.
          “Oh, that’s not a good sound,” Obi-Wan hums, and that is the moment when Maul realizes he is damned.
          He is damned, because the Force, the Gods of the Nightbrothers, and even the Sith itself have all conspired to force him into this position, and he hates it.
          “Be nice, Obi-Wan, he can’t help he laughs like that,” Ahsoka said.
          Maul hated everything.
          “What is the reason for the laughter, if I may ask?” Obi-Wan asked, choosing to ignore the comment.
          Good choice.
          “We’re talking about going to a theme park,” Anakin said. “Maul, Feral, and Savage have never gone. We also were talking about maybe taking some of the Clones?”
          “We’d have to rent out the theme park for over a week!” Obi-Wan said. “We can’t just bring some and not all.”
          “I mean we could do it, though, couldn’t we? We saved all of the Senators!”
          “They’re busy rebuilding the new Senate building, they don’t have the means,” Obi-Wan denied. “But maybe we could ask…”
          “I’ll ask,” Ahsoka beams, “Feral, Savage, come with me! And call…Cote, he knows how to look very polite.”
          Maul blinked, watching as she grabbed his brother’s hands and dragged them out, Anakin following. Maul looked to Obi-Wan.
          Obi-Wan just grinned.
          Maul was staring at a theme park.
          This in itself would have been bad enough, but he was somehow staring at a theme park with an entourage that consisted of Feral, Savage, Ahsoka, Anakin, Agen, Depa, Eeth, Mace, Plo, Qui-Gon, Tiq, Yoda, Yaddle, a handful of Brothers that decided that they would like to come, and a massive amount of Clones. There were also plenty of other Jedi, but they were keeping their distance and had spent more time mingling. Boba had also come, with Bail and Breha who were taking care of him while his father got his shit together, and of course that meant that Padmé was also there.
          Maul still did not understand how this had happened. All he knew is apparently Ahsoka had asked his brothers and Cote to all stand there and look very sad when Ahsoka explained that they had never been to a theme park before.
          Somehow, the combination of the Jedi having saved the Galaxy, the Clones having been trained from decanting to be Soldiers, and the Nightbrothers having been slaves from birth had combined to the agreement of a special day that was to celebrate them, as well as show off to the Galaxy how good the theme park was. The tradeoff for a free time was basically lots of publicity.
          Maul hated publicity.
          They were making a speech, Maul could see, not really paying attention to what they were saying, but aware of how they were speaking of the importance of joy, of laughter, and talking about how important it was to give it to people that had never had it.
          Maul wanted to roll his eyes. They had joy, and plenty of laughter, and he could tell that his brothers were shifting, something unhappy buzzing in their souls. The Clones, the Soldiers also seemed a bit unsure, but…
          Free theme park.
          For more than a week.
          And then they finally opened the gates, clearly hoping for a massive pouring in… But they had forgotten that the people they were welcoming had been slaves and soldiers and also Jedi – who were naturally repressed.
          There was no rush to the gate, the people applauding as they walked through in their lines were forced to applaud for much longer than they clearly had hoped for.
          That was funny.
          They finally made it through, were told to ‘cut loose,’ try what they wanted, everything was open, everything was free, including the food. They had typical theme park fair, which…was fine. Maul thought. He hadn’t ever had any.
          He’d find out.
          They finally made it through the gate which closed behind them, there was a pause as the Nightbrothers and the Soldiers all clearly waited for someone to tell them what to do…
          “Find a ride!” Ahsoka yelled out, “AND START, PLAYING!”
          There was a pause, and they finally started to drift. The Nightbrothers stayed close together, Maul very aware of the small kittens that they were walking with, carefully protected in the center. They had heard that the theme park was meant to be fun for children, and both the Clones and the Brothers had brought their younglings with them. And then, of course, Ahsoka had grabbed his hand and was beaming at him.
          “Come on,” she said, her eyes wide and delighted, “we have to try a roller coaster!”
          “Must we?” Maul asked, but it was over before it had begun, finding himself running after her as she dragged him. Anakin was right next to him, and then his brothers were coming. They ran towards, predictably, the biggest, fastest looking coaster in the entire park.
          Maul noticed though, that as they ran, a few more of the Clones and the Brothers began moving faster towards whatever caught their eye. He could see his Brothers pointing out different rides, crouching down towards the kittens, speaking to them quietly.
          Maul still did not know how he felt about the kittens.
          They were very small.
          There were still reflections in their eyes when he looked at them. Reflections and glimpses of happiness, but also terrible pain.
          Everything was still confused. Tiq said it would get better, and had been working with him to put together his memories. There was so much to sort through… But his introspection was solidly interrupted at the sight of the coaster before them.
          Ahsoka looked up, and up…and then turned to him with the biggest smile. “You ready for your first roller coaster?”
          Maul stared at it, felt his mouth twist at the corners.
          “Yes!” Feral called out, standing next to him. “Do you mind if I steal my twin?”
          Ahsoka grinned, and let go of his hand, Maul finding Feral’s grip on his other hand suddenly, looking up to his brother.
          “You want to go together?”
          Maul sighed, “fine.”
          And then they had walked into line and were lining up. As they walked through the empty walkway that was meant to force them into some manner of order, Maul watched as more Clones and Brothers lined up. There were no younglings, all of them too small, but he noticed a few of the Clones he knew.
          The blond one that had been there for Boba, had taken the name Rex the last he’d heard, was following up Anakin, Anakin striking up a happy conversation with him.
          They were getting closer after that, joining in the conversation, and Maul was happy to see that his Brothers were doing the same.
          Feral grinned at him and Maul found himself smiling back without hesitation. It was a…strange reaction, one he was not used to, but did not mind.
          They finally made it to the coaster itself, standing there for a moment as they decided where to sit, before Feral tugged him towards the front. Maul followed without thought, Savage behind them. The coaster was divided into six separate cars, four seats within them, and Maul was surprised to realize it required them to stand up. Each individual seat would adjust to the height of the person in them.
          “Well, at least your legs won’t be dangling,” Feral grinned, waggling his brows at him.
          Maul sneered.
          One of the operators approached – also a Zabrak, a wide grin on her mouth. Feral’s hand tightened on his own, and Maul held tight, taking a step forward. She paused for a moment, her gaze darting between them and stopped a reasonable distance back, that smile still on her mouth. Maul in that one moment was grateful. Her smile was warm, and there was no hint that she had meant to get closer, no hurt, and nothing to suggest that she was annoyed.
          “Hello,” she said, “welcome to the Jackhammer,” she grinned with all her teeth, “before I let you on, I am going to ask that you put these…” she lifted up a series of caps that Maul realized would fit on their horns, “on the horns most likely to hit the seat. Thank you for your cooperation, as soon as you have them on we’ll get you situated in your ride.”
          She went down the line, another working from the back of the car, the two of them handing out caps.
          Maul sighed, working them on his horns, Feral and Savage doing the same, and finally going over to adjust themselves in the seat, the other operator helping them get situated and buckling them up, making sure they were in place and situated.
          It was a remarkably efficient thing, and Maul wondered mildly about the term ‘jackhammer.’
          He had a feeling that some of the non-Zabraks weren’t about to have a good time.
          Once they were all adjusted they turned their attention to the Operator, who was grinning at all of them.
          “Hello everybody and welcome to the Jackhammer, we are going to take you 62 meters up, drop you at 90 degrees, roll around at a lovely and brisk 70 mph, and take you on more loop the loops and hops than you want to think about. If you’re not seeing stars by the end of it – you’re not on the Jackhammer, thank you for riding~”
          She had pressed the button to start the ride before any of them had time to process, the car rolling forward quickly before the chain caught hold of them, slowly beginning to ratchet them up.
          Feral was suddenly leaning over. “Maul, Maul, what did she mean seeing stars? Are we going to be okay?”
          Maul paused for a moment, realizing that the end of the chain was coming up shortly, they were getting higher and higher, the view expansive. There were so many Clones, there were so many Brothers, and the realization that a few of them had started to run, to push at each other… Maul was suddenly in a good mood. He turned to Feral.
          And then they were going straight down as the chain released them, and Feral and Savage were screaming.
          Maul laughed.
          And also found that he was right.
          Maul knew what the coaster was going to do, could predict what the forces would be, his natural affinity with machines and with the forces that worked on them meant that it was nearly impossible for it to surprise him. There was not much adrenaline, his body shifting slightly to prepare for each wild loop, and bounce. The speed was nice, and his brothers’ shrieking was also nice, but…
          It wasn’t precisely…exciting.
          He figured that was alright though.
          They finally made it to the end of the coaster, the stops jerking them to a halt, Feral and Savage heaving for breath. Maul couldn’t help the grin on his face.
          They were released from the seats, and Maul turned to Savage and Feral, who were staring at him…
          Maul took off the caps on his horns, put them where they belonged, watching as they did the same…and then ran.
          They chased after him.
          Maul led them on a wild chase down the exit ramp, laughing all the while as they hollered various threats, amusement nonetheless burning bright in the words, and in their auras.
          Feral finally caught hold of him as Maul decided he was done running, lifting him up, and for a moment Maul did not understand where this was going, and then Savage clocked his head against Maul’s own at a high rate of speed.
          That was adrenaline.
           It was a very SOLID thunk! Their horns interlocking and the feeling of another Zabrak latching on after the headbutt was a burst of adrenaline and amusement, and Maul grinned wide.
          “I thought we were going to die,” Savage said.
          “I thought that was part of the appeal?”
          Maul laughed, Feral dropping him down and thunking him a couple times as well.
          “Alright,” Maul laughed, “I’m sorry,” he grinned. “Shall we go on another?”
          “Yeah, sure!” Feral beamed.
          “Another big one?”
          “Why not,” Savage agreed. “Did you enjoy it?”
          “It was…alright,” Maul said. “Your reactions were enjoyable though.”
          “Happy to please,” Feral rolled his eyes and Maul grinned.
          They walked through the park, talking to various Brothers, and Clones, meeting up with Padmé for another ride. She smiled wide, hugging them.
          “I’m so happy you’re all here,” she said, pulling back. “Come on, let’s go.”
          They met different people as they went through various rides, Maul finding that the rides were nonetheless mostly the same.
Maul rode with Tiq and Plo once, finding with surprise that Plo rather loved roller coasters. They were safe adrenaline, as Plo put out, and they weren’t dangerous enough to threaten his rebreather, so he could ride safely. Tiq enjoyed going with Plo because he went on the bigger ones.
And then he found Depa and Mace and the realization that there were racing coasters was enough to get them on a coaster together, while Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were on another. Qui-Gon was looking a particularly interesting shade of green, Savage and Feral cheering for them, planning on racing the winner. Maul couldn’t help but laugh.
Naturally, their car won, leading to much consternation and yelling from Ahsoka and Anakin.
Obi-Wan pretended to be above it until Maul informed him that it was about as slow as he was. And then he was perfectly interested in sassing.
Maul didn’t give him the opportunity.
          Agen and Eeth were more than happy to join them for some of the rides that were too violent for humans, whooping and hollering all the while. It was funny watching Agen tease Eeth, and Maul was happy to bask in the feeling of their amusement, their happiness that they were there, they were safe.
They found Yoda in the kiddie area, as well as a swarm of kittens listening to him talk about Jedi stories, their eyes wide, purring all around.
They immediately jumped on Feral and Savage and Maul when they saw them, happily yelling out about how happy they were to see them. Maul still did not know how to feel about that.
In the end…Maul thought it was not that bad, though the roller coasters remained the least favorite. There were a few that went in different directions, and he didn’t mind the ones that threw a curve at him, but most of the time they were…pleasant. Which he didn’t think was meant to be the point, but he found that while he was not sure about the rides themselves, he more than enjoyed the company.
          Maul had been alone for so long…he was getting to the point where he could feel the edges of his tolerance fraying, but it was not…entirely unpleasant.
          They finally sat at one of the tables after they had ridden so many rides Feral’s legs were like jelly. There was amusement burning between them, Maul finding that he had been in more hornlocks than he had in his entire life. There were Clones around them, ones that he did not know by name yet, but ones that immediately recognized them.
          They were very happy to talk, sharing snacks, and discussing what else they were planning on doing.
          It was getting dark by the time they were on the last ride, and when they came in for a halt the sight of fireworks lighting up the sky signaled the end of the day, and a celebration that would last most of the night.
          All in all…not that bad of an experience.
          Maul would never admit it.
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ugonooztorresi · 10 months
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"Good Boy," Ugo Nooz Torresi's metal sculpture depicting a canine head with a leash in its mouth, captivates with its evocative symbolism. Art critic Alessia Velluti praises it as a piece capable of commanding attention in any room. The juxtaposition of strength and vulnerability in the restrained form engages viewers, sparking contemplation on loyalty, control, and the complex dynamics between humans and animals.
Torresi's "Good Boy" invites reflection on societal constraints and the silent struggles faced by the loyal. The piece, both visually striking and conceptually rich, serves as a conversation starter, urging observers to ponder the nuanced relationships woven into the fabric of our existence. With technical finesse and profound storytelling, Torresi's creation transcends the realm of mere sculpture, becoming a thought-provoking exploration of humanity's interconnectedness with the animal kingdom.
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[h/t Scott Horton]
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badapplearchive · 2 years
Style: Lego Mindstorms EV3 (Terminal)
By: Nooz
Source | Posted: 7 April 2021
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inartinguidance · 11 months
The Republi-wills
Will teach you Republican
Send you to socialism places
They sent you to public school
Your whole life growing up
In up bringing of Hazing
But that’s not ever brought up
Yea it is
And you are that it
Your parents roam freely by taxpayers
You so afraid of dark
Socialist program brought lights to the streets
It keeps ma & pa safe
And they teach
Politics to you
You are not better than those around you
Buy they doooooooooooo!
Tolerate UR being
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The most dangerous canoes are volcanoes
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averycanadianfilm · 2 years
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toshootforthestars · 2 years
via Katherine Abughazaleh on twitter
see also, the real-time jokerfication of tucker carlson
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objectifiedcomic · 4 days
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"For the best coverage of our doomed world, stay tuned to the Nooz Radio." - Pot Support us on itch.io:
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papercwipping · 11 months
yoohoo trick or treet
ohoho NOOZ my friend NOOZ !
why, a TREAT upon ye , of course !!!
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foggymud · 11 months
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The fucking urge to call this toxic yaoi even if i don't ship them and even if i know im gonna get the nooze is killing me [i think its from the Last cookie standing]
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ugonooztorresi · 10 months
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The SOMS is a unique and wonderful place located in the province of Macerata in the small town of Corridonia, famous for its square with a fascist style dedicated to Corridoni, a friend of the Dux (Mussolini) back when he was a socialist and died in the war. But beyond the origin of the name Corridonia, SOMS is a space managed by volunteers that strives to promote community and culture—noble ideals that have become increasingly rare in these dry years. With many friends and an extended family, there is a lot of love; ultimately, this is the revolution that is needed. For the membership card of the 2024 edition, I have decided to create an image that is somewhat connected to the philosophy and the need for a contemporary struggle that must be reconstructed in order to stand against an oppressive and depressive capitalism.
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brisbanime · 1 year
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3/25/2021 nooz
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deathlygristly · 2 months
Cool interview with a local NC representative, Diamond Staton-Williams, a black woman who spoke on the NC House floor about her own abortion.
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