#none of it was this bonkers — verse
sincereme · 7 months
continued from here.
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UNFORTUNATELY FOR HER, CONNOR DOESN’T CARE ABOUT GETTING IN TROUBLE. HE SIGHS. IT’S A LONG, drawn out sigh. He hopes it tells her that he doesn’t want to talk to her. He’s never been the most social of people, but being stuck in a psych ward for months on end will do wonders to your social battery. Now he really isn’t a social person. He prefers to just stare at the wall and pick at spots on his clothes. And he glares at anyone that tries to talk to him. It’s worked so far.
The fact that it’s not working on her is starting to annoy him. “Well, fuck them, then.” He glances over to the nurses. They’re staring back at him and Connor rolls his eyes. “Go away.” His head hits the wall behind him and he groans. “No.” He takes a deep breath. “Fine. It’s Connor. Can you go away now?”
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
i very much enjoy the extremely scientific analysis of the naruto verse in which there are three genders, aka naruto, sasuke, and Woman.
AM I WRONG? AM I WRONG? pulls down projection screen and plays powerpoint
Obviously let's give room for nuance. A ton of Naruto characters don't fall into these gender norms. This does predominantly apply to the rampant proliferation of the three-person dynamics that were assigned by the government and dictate your entire life. And, like, society. It does not end. Gender isn't a biological factor in Naruto, it's a social dynamic constructed entirely by your homoerotic tension with other men. And there are so many.
Madara (S), Hashirama (N), Mito (W). Izuna (N) and Tobirama (S) - tragically, Izuna died before women could be invented. Sarutobi (N), Danzo (S, horrifically) - see above about women not being invented yet. Jiraiya (N), Orochimaru (S), Tsunade (W). Yahiko (N), Nagato (S), Konan (W). Obito (N), Kakashi (S), Rin (W). Shisui (N), Itachi (S), that little deeply unimportant girlfriend (W). Um, fucking, Naruto (N), Sasuke (S), Sakura (W). Even - even, fuckin, Rock Lee (N), Neiji (S), Tenten (W).
And what do they all have in common????
(OT3. They're all OT3s. Is what I'm saying).
There is some room for alternative gender expressions here, like being butch or femme. Naruto gender expressions: teacher, otouto, woman who you can't even tell is woman gendered because she has no backstory but you just have to kinda assume that she has a polycule-based backstory where she was Woman Gender. I feel almost as if 2/3rds of the Rookie 9 are liberated from this. InoShikaCho just doesn't fit (their chaotic cousin energy is just too strong and Ino's too much of a lesbian). Hinata's too busy being defined entirely by a different throuple's N to have codependent dynamics with her own N and S (and I'm hesitant to even say that, since I actually don't know if Kiba and Shino have a codependent rivalry - do they?).
I get, like, the reason for all of this. Curse of Hatred. Cycles. N and S Genders being sourced from demigods or something. Narrative parallelism. Sympathy points. It's not the bad guy's fault he's evil, his N and W gendered counterparts died :(. But an extremely strange side-effect of this is that all of the male characters are, like, Just Naruto or Just Sasuke. But the vast majority of the female characters are - like, completely defined by the men in their lives - but also they are more likely to be a unique person. Mito, Sakura, and Rin have actually nothing in common. Writing so sexist it creates more interesting characters?!?!
Unironically, this is why I'm always saying that Sasunaru is the ship of all time, nothing will ever top it, you will NEVER do it like Sasunaru, etc. Every important relationship in the series is meant to evoke Sasunaru. (Notably, none of the explicitly romantic ones. But we're beyond such paltry understandings of the most iconic pairing of all time as fundamentally based in romance. We're operating on a higher level than that). This unbroken chain of toxic yaoi has culminated at the end point of Sasunaru, and it exists to parallel Sasunaru and define their relationship by the dysfunction of generations of tragedy. That's why Naruto has to consciously break the cycle and free them from the generational hate - it was the only way to save Sasuke. This is also why I'm always saying that Sasunaru is the point of Naruto, and that the entirety of Naruto is about Sasunaru. Come back to me when your work has invented new genders in the all-encompassing pursuit of toxic yaoi.
This also means that the only truly gender non-conforming individuals in Naruto are its mightiest heterosexuals: Minato (W) and Kushina (N). Truly insane. The N/S/W configuration is the societal norm, it's bonkers to make a major good-aligned male character a wifeguy. By Naruto standards Minato and Kushina are the only queer couple.
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literaticat · 2 months
I've heard that grade school kids are reading at a lower level nowadays. Could this suggest that middle-grade novels will feature more illustrations than before?
I have written about this at length here. And also have noted that MG as a whole is down considerably sales-wise and it is kind of a bleak market for EVERY kind of MG book.
That said, the trend for MG novels that ARE selling these days seems to be shorter, punchier, more illustrations, and publishers are open to non-traditional formats. (For example: novels in verse, hybrid text/GN, novels that include letters and whatnot) -- basically, high interest and not a slog to get through.
None of that is to say that a MG *must* have illustrations or that a "regular" MG could never sell, that would be bonkers -- but IMO it is more important than ever that MG novels be tight. In other words, it would be harder to sell a more lengthy and meandering text than a fast-paced and shorter (or at least shorter feeling) text.
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rookie-critic · 2 years
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022, dir. Joel Crawford) - review by Rookie-Critic
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I can't believe I'm saying this, but Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is, legitimately, one of the best movies of the year. It is pure in its love for animation and easily one of the most enjoyable theater experiences I've had in 2022. I wasn't even going to see it. I haven't seen any other Puss in Boots movies or series and have only seen the first 3 Shrek films (maybe only the first 2), so I thought that would be a barrier for entry, but it absolutely isn't. You can jump headfirst into this movie knowing absolutely nothing and have a wonderful time. I've also never been the biggest fan of this particular franchise, and thought that this would be an easy skip because of that, but then reviews started pouring in and they were all overwhelmingly positive which, of course, piqued my interest. Even still, when I sat down in my seat at the theater I was skeptical; I thought I would have some fun, laugh at the jokes, and go an a quasi-entertaining adventure with a character that I didn't really care a whole lot about before now. What I ended up getting was not only an absolute laugh-riot, but an animated film that digs deep into death anxiety and has a larger narrative about found family, trust, and, as cliché as this is going to sound, the power of friendship.
The cast is great and surprisingly stacked (Salma Hayek, Florence Pugh, Olivia Colman, and John Mulaney all have major roles), but the obvious standouts are Antonio Banderas and Harvey Guillén. Banderas has been playing Puss in Boots fairly regularly since 2004, so it's no surprise he is effortlessly perfect as the character at this point, but Harvey Guillén (who you might know as the lovable Guillermo from FX's What We Do in the Shadows) really shines and holds his own as a hopeful therapy dog that Puss comes across early on in the story. They play off each other expertly and contribute to a lot of the film's funniest moments. The humor is second-to-none, with comedic timing and sequences that are some of the most cleverly written I've seen in a long time. I'm pretty sure I was either laughing or grinning ear-to-ear for most of the movie from the moment it started to the moment the credits rolled. When I wasn't laughing, I was slack-jawed and dumbfounded by either the amazing animation quality or the incredibly heartfelt story.
The animation is absolutely bonkers in this film, from CG animation that blows most other modern 3D-animated movies out of the water to stylized animation slightly akin to what we saw out of Into the Spider-Verse back in 2018. The CG, especially when it comes to the unbelievably expressive faces of the animal characters, is mind-blowing. There are times I was staring in disbelief at the screen, not because of any big major action sequence, but because Kitty Softpaws gave Puss in Boots a knowing glance that broke right through the Uncanny Valley to look almost real. Although the action sequences are nothing to scoff at, either, with changes in animation style so subtle and weaved in that you barely even notice it's different, just that it looks amazing. As far as the story goes, I really can't say anything plot-wise because I absolutely do not want to spoil this for anyone, but just know that Puss in Boots: The Last Wish got this 29-year-old to tear up. Multiple times. It's beyond beautiful and I can't heap enough praise onto the film makers and animators for creating a movie that had absolutely no right being this great.
When I got home from the theater and was talking to some friends on Discord about it, I was really trying to find anything, even one thing that I disliked. A single complaint. The only thing I could come up with was that the auto-tune on Antonio Banderas' singing in the opening musical number of the film is very noticeable. That's the worst complaint I can even think to lob at Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. This movie is incredible and everyone should see it. Full stop.
Score: 10/10
Currently only in theaters.
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Holy shit I hit the 1k mark and didn’t even realise. You guys are all bonkers I started this to just keep track of my prompts! Thank you very much!!! To celebrate, have a short story about how writers are awesome and different ways of seeing the world that none of you will probably read, but I hope those who do will enjoy it :)
How Beautiful the World Is
Andy had always admired writers. They were the only people who could manage to make the world sound so beautiful, he thought. The way that even beautiful things could be made more beautiful; the way every sunset blossomed on the clouds the way that sweet, wild clover blossoms in a meadow, hues from burnt orange flame to heather told in soft rolling verse, the way every field was a luscious bounty of daisies and sun-strengthened grass, and every sky was rolling blue like the foam and ice of breaking waves on the winter coast. They had a habit of making each detail wonderfully beautiful, filled with unparalleled splendour.
However, in all actuality, the world was rather dull. Grass was a limp, pitiful green, sunsets were often mild, mostly unnoticed, not worth being looked upon, the sky was grey, clouds floated gloomily like lost, empty ghosts, the night sky was just a dull, navy sort of blue.
Perhaps it was the cold sadness that hung over him that dampened the world into a flattened grey emptiness, an expanse of tarmac and concrete, weather stained and foot-beaten, lacking in any and all beauty, but perhaps books were just optimistic ways of helping children get through the day.
He could still accept that there were certain beauties to the world, there was no denying that, but often the bad outweighed the good. He remembered someone telling him once that everything was made from a pile of good things, and a pile of bad things, and the good didn’t always make the bad better, but the bad didn’t necessarily sour the good, but he thought that even that was being optimistic.
And then he met Jet.
Johnathan Charles Morrow. When he first heard of him, a transfer student who was arriving in a few days, Andy laughed at the name. They speculated as to who the kid was, weaving tall tales about some rich man’s son who had been pulled from some posh private school after his father had lost all of his money to a gambling addiction, or something else that the particularly high-end community would frown upon, who would turn up with an attitude that turned the world around him foul, and who's accent would be so incredulously opulent that it would be an immense source of entertainment for the rest of the time he was in their lives. How unbelievably wrong they were.
When he first arrived, there was one main surprise to him; Jet had had cancerous growths on both of his optical nerves, not that Andy had known that specifically at the time, and had been forced to have both eyes removed at a very young age. He was completely and utterly blind.
The kid had a wolfish grin that he wore on his face almost every second of the day, and accompanying it was a face that smiled with it, all the way from his chin to his hairline. The smile lines of his face stretched from the corners of his sightless eyes like the magnetic poles of the world he couldn’t see, casting shadows across the smooth golden skin of his cheeks. It was infectious. The joy that cascaded across his face leaked onto everyone and everything around him. It was impossible not to be drawn to him.
Andy first spoke to him on the second day he attended school. It was raining, the grey clouds hung like melancholy sorrows, and it was cold enough that his breath danced across the morning air, spinning like a dancer caught in a moment of time, but the air seemed to warm around Jet, around his resplendent smile.
They began to chat, talking about anything and everything, contrasting opinions giving way to arguments that usually would've angered Andy to the point of storming off, but instead it instilled an almost healthy sense of competition in him, and before he realised, Jet had become one of the best friends that Andy had. And then Jet was the best friend that Andy had.
Then one day, one boring, mundane, Thursday evening, as they were making their way down yet another generic suburban road, on their way back to Jet’s house, and Jet told him he thought the world was beautiful.
Andy was so taken aback that he stopped still where he stood, dead on his feet, and it took a few steps for Jet to realise he’d stopped walking. A crumpled look crossed his features like broken waves crashing over rocks. “How? How on earth can you say that? You can’t even see!”
There was the smile again, intoxicating as ever. “Sight is not what makes the world beautiful.”
“I beg to differ. What else is there beyond sight? Corruption? Pollution? People?”
Jet paused, a quizzical look polluting and distorting his smile, Andy felt a twinge of regret coil its way up his throat, which he swallowed back down again, but feeling a little bad for what he’d said.
“When the sun is shining, I feel the heat on my skin, the soft warmth that makes my skin tingle like I am being enveloped in kindness and love. That is beautiful. When I dip my fingers into crisp water, and I feel the brisk, omnipresent coolness, the relaxation of bracing water on your forehead that balances the sometimes stickiness of excessive heat, that is beautiful. I hear the birds chirping in the morning, whistling their own personal symphonies, singing at the top of their lungs, I am safe, I am awake, I am alive. I think that too, is beautiful. When I walk home from school with you and I hear mothers picking up their children from primary school, their children babbling about whatever it is that children find important at that age. That is beautiful.” He paused, putting a hand on Andy’s shoulder, shuffling his stick awkwardly under his other arm and smiling softly. “When I hear the cheerful voices of my friends in the morning, or their laughs, it reminds me that I am not, nor will I ever be, alone with any sadness that I have, and that, above all else is beautiful.”
“But you're never sad, you smile like every day is a celebration!”
Another conflict of emotion flickered across his face. “Just because you can't see something doesn’t mean it's not there. When you go to the seaside, you can't tell what lies in the depths by standing in the shallows.”
“But you're my best friend! You – I,” A strangled sound ripped itself from his lips and he stepped out of Jet’s grasp, letting his arms fall limply in the space between them. “I should know if you're unhappy, Jet.”
“Andy - I didn’t mean anything of it.”
“So, that smile, it's not really a smile?” He folded his arms across himself and rubbed a hand under his chin. “It's a mask? You – you're hiding behind it?”
“Not in the way you’re implying.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jet didn’t add anything to his previous comment, only turned his head away, sucking his teeth. He mumbled something under his breath that Andy didn’t catch and sighed. There was something bubbling beneath his usually calm composure, not quite irritation, but leaning in that direction, it was quite strange, Andy thought, to see such different mannerisms in his friend, and it made him almost uncomfortable.
Jet began to walk away. Andy had always admired that even though the boy lacked vision, he always went in the right direction, never into traffic, or off a pavement, he was surprisingly like a Canada goose in that respect, had an internal compass that was completely reliable, even more so that sight itself sometimes.
Andy rubbed his thumbs against his fists, but before he had a chance to retaliate in any way, Jet turned back around.
“You are stupid sometimes, you know that?”
“Happiness only comes when you accept that there are some things that you can't change, I learned that a long time ago,” he gestured to his blackened glasses, “and one example of this is that you can never live in a state of complete happiness. There is no such thing as utopia, as heaven on earth, because there is always going to be something with the potential to ruin your mood, your day, or if you're really unlucky, your life.” Andy watched as he carefully removed his glasses, folded the arms and tucked them into his breast pocket. For the first time, he could see Jets prosthetic eyes, they were a rich hazel, like sun shining through a glass of whiskey, staring emptily at the ground in front of them.
“It all depends on whether you let the things ruin you. I have spent my life trying, desperately, to make sure that the things don’t ruin me, so I smile, and I look specifically for the good things about the world. Whereas you, you look for the sadness, and the grief, and the misery, that covers the world like a depressant, forcing everyone into a constant state of frustration that does nothing but make their life a misery, and then you wonder why you can't see the good in the world.”
“So yes, I think the world is beyond beautiful, and I understand that it is also an awful, awful place, but I choose not to dwell on that, because accepting your fate never gets anyone anywhere. You can't change the problems in the world if you’ve already given up. Life can be beautiful if you let it.”
Andy thought about this for a moment, dumbstruck by the fact that a sightless boy saw more beauty than him.
“And even then, not all beautiful things must be seen. Some beautiful things are the small nothingness that you hold close to your heart and make life worth living.”
Andy nodded, awe filtering through him like adrenaline, filling him up. “You’re right.”
Jet sniggered, that signature Cheshire grin splitting his face ear to ear, “I know.”
And maybe, just maybe, the sunset was just a little brighter that evening
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bonkersdbobcat · 2 years
NAME :  Bonkers D. Bobcat TITLE : Officer Bobcat AGE : 23 BIRTHDATE : 28 February 1993 SPECIES :  Anthropomorphic toon bobcat  GENDER : Male PREFERRED PRONOUN(S) :  No preference ROMANTIC ORIENTATION :  Panromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION :  Pansexual OCCUPATION : Officer for the Hollywood Police Department FACE  CLAIM : Himself PARENTS : Mama (a toon cat who did photo work for old Little Golden Books) SIBLINGS : 7 SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S) : Depends on verse CHILDREN : None CLOSEST FRIENDS : Detective Lucky Piquel, Fall-Apart Rabbit EYE COLOR(S) : Blue HAIR  COLOR(S) : Red HEIGHT : 2′8 WEIGHT:  13-ish pounds
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unknownentitie · 2 years
Breaking down pro-Christian propaganda!
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I want to firstly make something clear to any of my religious followers or people who identify as Christian or believe in Jesus that this is not aimed at you. This is not even really aimed at your religion. This is aimed at the weird organisation who sent this in my mail.
It starts out pretty innocuous enough. Mr Nice Guy believes he's done enough to get into heaven and its pretty obvious the pamphlet is about how he needs to keep praying to Jesus for his sins. Nothing bad too far.
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It's weird because we never see the narrator, but if Mr Nice Guy lies about one thing - why would he lie about stealing as a kid? But again, nothing too bad so far.
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...until we get to the third pages, where we start to hit some problems. Notice how the first sin and the first Bible verse used relates to him committing adultery by listing after another woman? So he's gone from being a liar, to a thief, to an adulter in just a few panels!
The pamphlet tells us he's broken four of the ten commandments and is quite a problematic guy. Although we could spend some time arguing that most people lie and feeling lust is really just being attracted to someone else, we're still broadly in the clear.
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I'm not going to say too much here, because this next page is the really bad one. But keep a pin in "it's also about doing good things too!"
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I know exactly where your eyes went with this picture, because believe me: mine almost popped out of my head.
Lets break each panel down:
So the premise I guess of this whole pamphlet is saying "Sin is bad, imagine if everyone in your life saw every bad thing you did! How embarassing!"
There's a few reasons this is flawed thinking, but the most primary one is: why would everyone in your life care about every single thing you did? And are they without sin themselves? What my friend has done is none of my business, and vice versa.
"God knows the secret of the heart" is an interesting verse to quote here too. Because you could be merely thinking or feeling the urge to sin without acting on it, and that too would hbe considered as bad as committing the sin itself.
So again, all of this so far is fine. If the comic had ended there - I would not even be making this post, let alone taking photos of it.
But then there's THAT panel.
So Mr Nice Guy is clearly a straw man to help the narrator make the point that being a sinner is the worst thing in the eyes of God. He compares himself against Hitler, a Klu Klux Klansman, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Let me repeat; he compares himself against the most evil men in history to...prove a point sinning is okay?
Putting aside the fact that the year is 2022 and the men in the cartoon have been dead for a number of years now, what message is this sending for people who aren't religious and don't prey or don't know about sin? How do any of them relate to this story?
Never mind the fact that, in the case of the KKK, there are some links to religious groups who used the Bible to justify their terrible actions.
Somehow, we aren't done yet.
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This is where things truly go off the rails. The maths part involving the number of sins is just bonkers crazy.
How are we assuming he sins 5 times a day, let alone the same number of sins every day?
It then tries to compare "God's Law" to the actual law, and says he would most likely not be granted leniency for his crimes - even though, aside from being a thief, no sin he has committed is a crime.
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The rest of the comic is pretty bog standard Christian messaging, Jesus is the one who takes the punishment to absolve people of their sins in order to escape the violent eternal flames of hell.
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Seriously, what a wild ride.
I don't think this would convert anyone, let alone convince me as an atheist that:
Sin is real
God is real
Jesus died and resurrected.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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butiknewyou · 3 years
your mind is so 👉👈 let's get m*rried, taylor can be the priest person 😌 we were happy gets me SO feral because "No one could touch the way we laughed in the dark / Talkin' 'bout your daddy's farm we were gonna buy someday / And we were happy" like the way she SAYSSSS it. AND I DONT EVEN LIKE FARMS. and then "Talkin' 'bout your daddy's farm / And you were gonna marry me" you were going to WHAT me. WHAT. absolutely bonkers i tell you
anyway, here are the vault songs, ranked: 1. that's when
2. we were happy
3. bye bye baby
4. you all over me
5. don't you
6. mr. perfectly fine
you’re so funny AJSJSJSJSJS you don’t even like farms 😔 literally when she was like you were gonna marry me I was like 😐😳 they were straight up gonna MARRY her...
I think my vault track ranking is
1a. that’s when (greatest song ever written)
1b. bye bye baby (greatest song ever written but gives me emotional problems specifically when she says “you took me home, I thought you were gonna keep me” so false worstie)
2. don’t you (i genuinely think Taylor deserves to be tried in court for saying “she’s nothing like me / I’m sure she’ll make you happy” and “my heart knows what the truth is / I swore I wouldn’t do this”)
2. mr. perfectly fine (for the girls who feel too much who fell for the guys who feel nothing at all. not me btw just the rest of you ♥️)
2. you all over me (one of the most well written first verses ever, criminally underrated lyrics)
3. we were happy (I didn’t mean to put it last sorry 🥺)
how did you feel about the non vault re-recorded tracks, which ones were improved for you and were there any that didn’t match up? TWILY re-recorded is much better to me but YBWM has like. none of the original emotion in my opinion :( especially when she sings my favorite lyric (standing by you waiting at your back door, all this time how could you not know?)
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
The time travel threesome comment made me think of the Imperial Consort Anakin au. Even if that verse is less cracky that the 'Emperor Skywalker Conspiracy' one, the 'op' of the theory exists in 'everybody sins in their own way sins' too, and made a similar post after Vader's coup, and literally his next post is the Monkey puppet looking away meme with the comment 'when you create a completely bonkers theory cut from whole cloth for yourself and your 16 followers, go to sleep, and wake up (1/2)
to the new Emperor doing THAT in live holobroadcast' with the tags #in others news I am disappearing myself before the ISB does #at least we all know how Darth Vader looks like #from a certain point of view #oh god i can't imagine what Luke Skywalker must be feeling like right now. It has 7 million notes. The previous post had 17 billion notes and growing. (2/2) 
Listen, there is just no way you can introduce Anakin Skywalker to the OT time line in which the holonet matters without causing some sort of confused breakdown and I, personally, think that’s hilarious
If not also tragic. There were no news of what happened to Skywalker, none of his death (or Kenobi’s) and hell, maybe Rebel-aligned people had some hope until Luke Skywalker showed up, proving Kenobi-and-Skywalker were dead, Maybe you bring up some crack theories, make jokes and then suddenly, there he is again, no longer Jedi General, but Imperial Consort. Sure sends a message.
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sincereme · 7 months
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HIGH SCHOOL SUCKS. CONNOR HAS KNOWN THIS SINCE DAY ONE. HE ALSO KNOWS THAT HE’S CONTENT TO BE alone. “I have no friends but that’s okay. I don’t need them anyway.” It’s a very unsubtle attempt to get the other to go away. He hopes it works.
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shadowsong26fic · 3 years
Coming Attractions!
Yes, I know it’s Friday, not Monday. <.< ANYWAY.
Before we get started, plugging my Discord server (which is p. quiet lately but it’s there if you want to talk somewhere other than here!); and also we’ll do another Open Question Night because Why Not!
As I said last month, while my askbox is always open, tonight I’ll be actively around to answer questions--about writing in general, anything I’ve posted about here on tumblr; anything on my AO3...let me know what’s on your mind!
Star Wars:
Take a Bond of Fate is officially up! (Previously referred to as just SWBB 2021 or the Dragonshifters AU because I literally titled it less than twelve hours before posting <.<) Well, the first 20k are up, anyway. I will be updating throughout the month and the fic will be complete by the end of the month, per the event rules. (I originally planned to do updates on Tuesdays and Fridays; tonight’s update will be delayed and who knows how well I’ll actually stick to it after tonight but it Will be posted in full by the end of May, I can say that much for sure XD)
As always, I think there are a few things I could’ve handled better/that feel a little rushed, but I think it turned out pretty good! There are some upcoming scenes I’m particularly fond of, but we’ll see if everyone else agrees. The core of this actually ended up being Bo and Padme? Which I was not expecting--I was expecting it to lean hard on the Bo and Anakin parallels, but here we are.
Anyway, there’s some fun bits to come!
No solid update ATM. Uh. Various Life things got bonkers over the past month or two, so TaBoF took pretty much all of my fic brain. However, since that project is essentially finished other than finalizing/polishing each update chunk as I post, I should be able to turn my attention here this month. Which means, fingers crossed, we’ll have a start date sometime in June for Protectors. I’ll post the first Preludes segment at the same time; it will involve Kallus, Lavinia, and Mara Jade, set just before Kallus is reassigned to Lothal.
(Others that I have planned will involve: 1) some combination of Kanan, Ezra, Hondo, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin; 2) Hera and whoever her contact is in this AU, as Ahsoka is otherwise occupied; 3) Whatever Maul is up to in this timeline; 4) Something to do with Palpatine’s fifth apprentice; and two more I haven’t decided on. I am taking suggestions! The purpose of Preludes is to patch some holes now that I’ve decided to write Rebels into the canon, which was not part of my original plan as I hadn’t yet seen it when I started planning/posting this AU. So these are more plot-relevant than the things that turn up in Bonus Content, which is why they’re in a separate fic, but not really enough to make a full arc between Milestones and Escalation, so, there it is.)
our faces like a mirror:
I’m now leaning towards sitting on this and using it for next year’s Big Bang? Because then maybe I’ll finally finish it, lol...anyway, I’m also going to see how people respond to stuff in TaBoF, because that will either Boost my enthusiasm for the project or, uh, the opposite, depending on how people respond to how I write Bo-Katan. So that may change, and I may finally get it out this year instead of next. We’ll see how that goes XD
Other SW Projects:
One of the SW discords I’m on has revived a prompt game we did last summer. I pulled my first prompt but haven’t actually, uh, done anything with it yet. <.< I’ll do that at some point.
As for various outlines or extant AUs I haven’t updated in forever...well, like I said, what little fic brain hasn’t been on BB the past month or two has been drifting back towards Precipice or occasionally co-opted by OFLAM so...yeah, nothing serious to report on that front, lol.
AtLA Projects:
I’m semi-planning/hoping to start posting At Least one of the two longfics I’ve been poking at sometime this summer. I’ve mentioned them here before, but one is long and tragic and focuses on Lu Ten; the other is an Avatar Zuko AU. Not sure which will draw my focus and get up first, but I do plan to write both of them! And possibly more. Because this fandom just Does That to me, lol.
Also, as I’ve mentioned in various times and places--I am pathologically incapable of not creating a bunch of OCs when I seriously fall into a fandom, and my AtLA work, in particular, will probably reflect that. I don’t super plan to write anything really centered on any OCs (I mean, apart from characters who Exist but have very little Canon Characterization (i.e., Lu Ten himself for that one fic, lol); and Lu Ten’s love interest because that’s an important part of the story), but they will be There and Prominent Characters. This is mostly mentioned because I know OCs aren’t for everyone, so that might put you off of my AtLA fic and I figured it was fair to give you a head’s up.
(...although actually I think none of my old fic that I crossposted to AO3 had significant OC involvement except for Glory...but then again that’s all oneshots and a little different.)
Other Fandoms:
BSG/SG-1 (BSG1?) crossover AU is still coming; I keep getting sidetracked from actually finishing it <.< I haven’t even finished the New Caprica and Haven section, I still have to get to the algae planet and then the Resurrection ship and...maybe I’ll end up posting this in chunks...
Uh, nothing else super planned, but as I mentioned last month, this outline might draw me back into BSG fandom a little more actively because it’s another forever fandom of mine.
Original Fiction:
I’m actually really proud of the Regency AU I wrote for a challenge last month, based on my Apocalypse In SPACE ‘verse Lux.
I need to update the Lux and Farglass Cycle archives still, and will hopefully be posting at least one other thing to RF this month, but we’ll see how that goes. I also might or might not be diving into Arthuriana in all its weirdness and glory this summer to prep for actually writing that Lady Mordred idea I had. And there are always other projects on the back burner, but that’s where things stand here.
...I think that pretty much covers it! Not all that much of an update, but as I said, Life got all...Lifey at me, plus BB had a hard deadline, so that’s where the most detail is.
But what about you guys? What are you working on/what do you have in the pipeline? Like I said, it’s an Open Question Night, and I’d love to hear what’s on your mind!
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brandonflowers420 · 4 years
1. Replaceable
the entire first verse is absolutely HEARTBREAKING the raw emotion of this song is BONKERS.
2. Some Kind Of Love
I skip this song a lot because I get too emotional and I will cry anytime any place. I will not stand for any "soul of a truck" slander because if you can't close your eyes and find yourself in the back seat of a car, head pressed against the window watching as you pass the lights of semi-trucks then I Don't Know How To Talk To You.
Anyway, all I want in my life is to tell me I am worth it this elaborately. Like, you're strong, you're beautiful, you're graceful, you're everything, you're so incredible I can't decribe what you are other than that you have some kind of love. The end of the song is Brandon speaking time Tana directly. Typically The Killers songs are ours in a way and that's what makes this song even more powerful, it is Brandon + his kids singing for Tana. "Can't do this alone / we need you at home / there's so much to see / we know that you're strong / can't do this alone / we need you at home / there's so much at sea / we know that you're strong" and then just Brandon by himeself with the last, "can't do this alone," I AM CRYING AS I TYPE. I think I've done this rant separately but Y'ALL NEED TO HEAR IT. (Yes, it's second, only because it's hopeful...replaceable is fucking Rock Bottom).
3. Christmas in LA
This is the most depressing Christmas song I've ever heard. This is what growing up and out of the excitement for Christmas is like. Christmas in LA is not a place, it is a feeling. I was really struggling December 2019, trying to adjust to college and figure out what I truly wanted to do with my life and this is all I listened to. I was only two hours from where I spent all my Christmases as a child. And the dead inside dreaming of a white Christmas in the end is just the cherry on top.
4. Goodnight, Travel Well
The acceptance of death is so daunting. "every word you spoke, every thing you said, everything you left me rambles in my head— and there's nothing I can say. There's nothing I can do now." There's something about that line that repeats throughout the song, "there's nothing I can say, there's nothing I can do now" that's just so eery.
5. Have All The Songs Been Written?
This is a pretty sad song for a song about writers block. "I just need one to get through to you" me? Us? The victims? I'd like to think so. Also, "or am I the great regret" HOLY SHIT, um ...no??
6. Land Of The Free
This is just telling it how it is. Racism, xenophobia, gun violence is rampant in the land of the free.
7. Desperate
"I wish I was myself again" DAMN I—2002 brandon was not okay, the fact that Dave wasn't like 👀 bro do you wanna talk before we do band things
8. Everything Will Be Alright
This song is absolutely what it's like to drive home sad and hopeless at two in the morning. The loss of someone you still love you're secretly still seeking? Recorded in a closet??? The final line being sung without the effect "will be alright" FUCK
9. Rut
This song definetely made it clear that The Killers have grown up and not that I believe in Moral Development, but if I did I'd say Brandon is in the last stage and understands more than any of us. "I'm not like her, you're not like them," is SO powerful. Also paired with Brandon response in Life To Come? I can't even explain without taking up your entire dashboard.
10. Miss Atomic Bomb
This song just makes me so personally sad. There's just something about, "you were standing with your girlfriends in the street, falling back on forever, I wonder what you came to be," that just makes me so horrifically nostalgic, it makes me miss infatuation that I shouldn't miss, it reminds me that people I once adored moved on without me and I without them. Yet, there is still some sweetness in the bitter, like, "for a second there we'd won" and "the dust cloud has settled and my eyes are clear" you're now at a point where you're able to look at past without raw heartbreak getting in the way, but you still look at the past.
Honorable Mentions:
Just Another Girl
This is a very none-Brandon song but it is more Brandon than Here With Me. "Then why can't I sleep at night and why don't the moon look right?" Why is Brandon so good at writing yearning/breakup songs for someone who met the love of his life when he was like 22??? The talent.
Leave The Bourbon On The Shelf
I have been this kind of drunk before. Like...not to the point of murder, but certainly to the point of looking up at the stars wishing I was home.
Here With Me
This is just me @ brandon despite this song being the least brandon song I've ever heard. I used to sob HARD to this song. The YEARNING
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taste-in-music · 5 years
My Favorite Hit Songs of 2019
This year’s crop of popular music was... absolutely bonkers? I mean, this year we had Billie Eilish crash into the mainstream, Lizzo managed to get multiple hits out of songs she released nearly three years ago, the Jonas Brothers made a comeback, and the longest-running #1 hit in Billboard history became a rap/country crossover that got its start on Tik Tok made by a complete nobody and the dad from Hannah Montana. I’m going to admit, this list was pretty hard to put together, as I found it hard to find 10 songs that I genuinely loved that were hits this year. Despite that, the sheer absurdity of this year’s popular music gave me a spark of hope going into the new decade. For this list, I’ll be selecting my favorite songs off of Billboard’s year end Hot 100 songs list. I’m ready to recount this year in music, so...
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10) Sucker by Jonas Brothers I never watched the Jonas Brothers show or listened to their music back when they were big on Disney, so I’ve got no nostalgic investment in them. However, this was a fun comeback to watch play out. This song was pretty dang good for a while, with the funky guitars and the instantly catchy lyrics. It reminded me of “Feel It Still” by Portugal. The Man. Then it got the point where three separate radio stations were playing it at the same time, and now I can barely stand it. I think that after the radio releases this song from its clutches it will warm up on me again though, because I do like it overall.
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9) Better by Khalid The strongest attribute of this song is its ATMOSPHERE. The beat, melody, and vocal delivery all compliment one another perfectly, combining to create a smooth, almost sexy sound that washes over you with ever listen. I also like the Daft-Punk-y vocoded lines that pop in at the end, they’re so unexpected and yet they fit in perfectly. I've always loved Khalid’s vocal timbre, it’s so chill and yet warm at the same time. The only thing I can’t praise about this is the lyrics, because I have no clue what they are. Khalid, bless his sweet soul, cannot enunciate. It’s the same problem I have with Ariana Grande. I love your voice, I want to know what you’re saying! 
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8) Trampoline by SHAED Give me the hipster points, because guess who knew about this song before it was cool! I’ve loved SHAED’s music for some time now, so it’s been thrilling to watch this song climb the charts and for them to get the recognition and success that they deserve. While this song isn’t my favorite by them, (that slot would probably be reserved for “Perfume” or “Melt,”) it does showcase the group’s strengths, which are emotive vocals and glossy electronic production. I love the effervescent backing vocals and bubbling keys that pepper this song, it gives the song a floaty feel while still keeping it tense. 
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7) Old Town Road by Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus I can’t think of a piece of music in recent memory that has captured the public’s attention so swiftly and so completely, and you know what? Sometimes something gets big because it’s good. This song, despite all the memes and jokes and radio play and oversaturation, never ever got old to me. Every time it comes on, it puts a giant, goofy smile on my face, and I sing along to the whole thing. I want Lil Nas X to stick around, but even if he doesn’t, I want what this song represents, genre blending, trend-bucking, and a sense of fuck-it fun, to stay.
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6) bury a friend by Billie Eilish Out of all the strange hits we had this year, this was the weirdest one to hear on the radio. It doesn’t have a classic structure! It’s about the monster under your bed! It’s got nothing but a shuffle beat, bass, and the sound of dental drill! It just doesn’t belong on the airwaves next to songs like “ME!” or “I Don’t Care.” Despite that, I’m beyond happy that Billie Eilish is bringing a bit of emo weirdness to the mainstream, because if the success of her music, specifically this song, says anything, it’s that pop is heading in a far scarier and more experimental direction. And I’m on board with that. 
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5) break up with your girfriend, i’m bored by Ariana Grande The groove on this song is fantastic. The combination of eerie synths, bass, reverbed backing vocals, and rolling snares makes it feel tight and controlled, but also loose and flowing at the same time. There was a lot of pushback against this song due the sentiment of the lyrics, but it’s not like Ariana is unaware that she’s the bad guy in this position. There’s enough indifference and sarcasm in her delivery to show that she’s self aware. This was probably my favorite out of the hit singles from the thank u, next era, (”thank u, next” is great but got a bit old to me, and I don’t care for “7 Rings.”) 
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4) Circles by Post Malone  This is embarrassing to admit, because I rarely, if ever, enjoyed any music Post Malone has put out in the past. But this song just hits different. The instrumental feels more acoustic-driven and has a nice pulse to it, projecting a warmth and comfort that none of his other songs have. This was a perfect hit for Autumn, being chill and relaxing enough for Summer, but the underlying bass groove makes you want to move into the productive patterns of the school year. If Post Malone made more music like this I’d reckon I’d enjoy his music quite a bit. 
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3) Dancing With A Stranger by Sam Smith ft. Normani Sometimes radio filler turns out to be spectacular. The ambiance this track builds is relaxing but in an otherworldly kind of way, forming a soundscape of echoing drums and whispering synths. I’ve always stood by the opinion that Sam Smith sounds really good with an electronic beat under them, it helps their great voice move in a more free-flowing way. Normani also sounds amazing on this song, her vocals dipping into smokier territory, and when the two sing together they play off one another’s performances with ease. 
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2) Sweet But Psycho by Ava Max Who predicted this in their last year’s hit song’s list? This bitch! I was so happy to see this hit the U.S. charts, you have no idea. It was such a breath of fresh air in that it was so splashy, sugar-sweet, and unabashedly pop. The lyrics are some of the silliest of the whole year, (”she’s poison but tasty” makes me chuckle every time,) but it doesn’t matter. The addictive melodies and the earnestness in Ava Max’s performance make them sound like Shakespearean poetry, or at least like she believes that they’re Shakespearean poetry. 
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Should Have Been Hits
Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift This should’ve been a single. I get why Taylor chose the singles she did, but this was primed to be a Summer smash, with the glossy synths and vocoded backing vocals and soaring chorus. We were robbed. Robbed, I tell you!
Graveyard by Halsey While “Without Me” got all the glory, this is my favorite of all the Halsey singles we’ve gotten so far by a wide margin. It’s the only one that I’ve made the conscious choice to listen to on my own time for one. I love the way the production rushes as the chorus hits, and the synths that sparkle throughout the verses, and Halsey’s reserved performance.
3 Nights by Dominic Fike This was a hit in the U.K., and I even heard it on a few alternative stations, so why no cross over? If there was any song that should have been the chill Summer hip hop hit, it should have been this. This song is weirdly addictive, the chorus is so inexplicably catchy that once you hear it one time through you will know all the words to it. 
Blame It On Your Love by Charli XCX ft. Lizzo When the mainstream decide that it didn’t need Charli XCX? Because it’s wrong, it needs her very, very badly. The success of “1999″ in the U.K., the name recognition, and the Lizzo feature should’ve been more than enough to boost this onto the charts, but I guess we didn’t want an instantly catchy and fun EDM pop song on the radio. Oh well. 
Motivation by Normani Normani and Lauren are my favorite Fifth Harmony members, so I’ve been rooting for their solo careers like nobody’s business. This single in particular had so much potential: a bouncy beat, a stamp of approval from Ariana Grande, and a kick-ass music video filled with impressive choreography. I hope this gets a bigger push into next year, because Normani is a wildly talented performer that deserves success outside of her collaborations. 
Guilty Pleasures
bad guy by Billie Eilish This was a good song, just not my favorite off the album, or of the hits, (I prefer ”bury a friend,” obviously, and “when the party’s over,” which made last year’s list.) Still, watching this idiosyncratic little tune become one of the biggest pop smashes of the year was enthralling. Like “bury a friend,” it was so strange to hear this on the radio. 
Close To Me by Ellie Goulding ft. Diplo & Swae Lee When a melody gets its claws in me, there’s nothing I can do about it. This is not Ellie Goulding at her best, (I’ll admit that I miss the days of “Lights,”) but the way she delivers the hook on this song is absolutely infectious. I’m not the biggest Swae Lee fan, but he’s fine here too. I never minded when this song came on the radio. 
This year was a bit of a roller coaster for me. Needless to say, there were several instances where I felt quite a bit of stress and insecurity, and oftentimes, I would turn to music to make myself feel better. There was one song in particular that a friend of mine, @hasanminajs​, introduced me to, that instantly became a beacon of self-appreciation and enjoyment to me throughout the year. And when I tell you that I have never been happier to hear a song on the radio than I have with this one, I'm telling the truth. 
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1) Truth Hurts by Lizzo I have never rooted for a song’s success like I have for this one, and watching a hip hop track this bouncy, confident, and enigmatic climb the charts was an absolute joy. There are so many great punchlines in this song, from “why men great till they gotta be great?” to “I don’t play tag bitch, I’ve been it,” to the ever-iconic “I just took a DNA test, turns out, I’m 100% that bitch.” This song raised the standards for lyricism in the mainstream. I want Lizzo to be huge, I want her to be influential, I want her to be one of the biggest pop stars of the next decade if not longer. Everything about this song, from its production to its message to its performance makes me smile. And you know what? Sometimes that’s all that pop music needs to do. 
Do you agree with this list? What were your favorite hit songs of 2019? Leave a comment and let me know!
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bestworstcase · 4 years
thinking about bitter snow ’verse donella like hm
i think the key differences are that, while ulla exists, she’s not varian’s mother (miriam’s backstory just… doesn’t fit the v7k lore at all) and instead of the eternal library and the seven trials is the labyrinth/crypt demanitus built in tarazed. i like the concept of ulla having been the daughter of a wealthier family in azoth whom donella met… somehow in like her early twenties.
this vibe of ulla being a bit spoiled and cosseted and craving adventure while donella’s just. so angry and like twenty but already burnt out; weird complicated mix of resenting ulla’s fascination with her but also sort of inspired by her idealism. [and of course she crushes hard; ulla is the brightest, happiest person she’s ever met.] getting sorta dragged into the demanitus lore thing because ulla is fascinated by the legends of his sunken tower;  donella reluctant at first but gets caught up in the thrill when they actually find the entrance.
probably get their asses kicked by whatever hostile guardians demanitus locked in the tower, maybe ulla wants to quit because she’s not used to dealing with hardship but donella talks her out of it. donella very much seeing the contents of the tower as a possible way to fix the city while ulla’s still in it mostly for the thrill and maybe prestige if they find something important. various adventures exploring the sunken tower and piecing together what they can from all the rotten, waterlogged old notes.
at some point (in their late twenties? a few years in to excavation of the tower) ulla wants to go out and trace demanitus’s steps / seek out the answers in the labyrinth, which is rumored to be where he hid all his life’s work before he died; just, all the bonkers rumors about the wealth of knowledge stored away there. donella reluctant to leave azoth but persuaded because by this point she’s head over heels.
ten-ish years traveling all over the continent trying to (a) pinpoint the location of the labyrinth and (b) puzzle together all the clues to actually survive it. maybe they do actually get together at some point during this period. but also, donella increasingly having second thoughts bc she’s able to better read between the lines re: demanitus’s… sort of terrible footprint on the world. can’t research demanitus without also researching his legacy with zhan tiri and the harm that caused.
so donella uncomfortable by the time they get to the labyrinth. ulla is just excited. things fray more and more as they proceed through the labyrinth and donella finally tries to broach the subject of, hey, maybe this guy wasn’t… good, ulla doesn’t like that, tension ratcheting up. they eventually make it to the heart of the labyrinth, where they find The Crypt. final confrontation happens when they encounter lich!manny inside; donella is horrified, ulla sees this as a grand opportunity to learn directly from demanitus! and it escalates to all hell.
donella escapes the labyrinth by the skin of her teeth and makes her way back to azoth. still reeling from.. everything. feeling like she betrayed her city and abandoned her cause for the sake of a friend or lover who turned out to be… not a good person, and also feeling very.. used and lost and worn out. and azoth is the same as it ever was, still just as broken.
she’s pushing forty now and just as tired and angry as she was two decades ago; but she’s done riots and she’s done misguided noble quests and none of it amounted to anything so what was the fucking point of any of it. and that’s when she finds hugo.
he’s… twelve? thirteen? and fuck but she sees so much of herself in him. the same desperation and hunger and anger burning him up inside and it’s like. it’s like let me just do this one thing right. let me help this kid so he doesn’t end up forty and hating himself. but it’s fraught because he’s accustomed to fending for himself and she has no fucking clue how to be.. a parent, or even really a mentor or whatever. but it’s better than nothing right.
she doesn’t tell him about her past. or she does, but only in the barest details; she traveled, she lost somebody, she picked up a few nasty scars. she passes a lot of her knowledge on to him because he’s a bright kid and it’s nice to see him enjoying something for once, but also trying to strain out the.. nastier edges of demanitus’s approaches to science and magic. probably some minor tension between donella leaning more into the magical side while hugo’s more keen on the science; navigating this as a way of slowly side-stepping closer to each other.
two or three years down the road things are… a little better. donella’s firmly re-established in azoth in some capacity; sitting somewhere at the intersection between criminality and organized resistance. trying to effect change while also surviving. maybe they’re living in the cleared out demanitus tower, because it’s large and secure and donella has the knowledge necessary to make it safe and inhabitable for her people. hugo’s fifteen and still… angry and bitter but with more focus than before. still pretty insecure in his attachment to donella but they’re… getting there. slowly.
team corona rolling into town wanting to investigate demanitus’s tower is exactly the kind of complication she DOESN’T WANT. but what can you do. and from there it’s part wanting to make sure these children don’t get themselves murdered and part… it’s been a few years and she’s getting more and more anxious to find out what exactly happened to ulla. and part this is the goddamn princess of corona. that’s a potential ally she can’t afford to pass up if she wants to actually have a shot at fixing azoth. so she invites herself along. sort of forcefully. and gets away with it by dangling all her demanitus lore in front of them like a carrot.
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acronymsforthewckd · 4 years
Northern Lights | Chp. 2
[Chapter 1] >> [Chapter 3]
Warning(s): None
italics : korean language
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The car went over a bump that awoke the boy from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes to get the blurriness out of his eyes. He yawned and covered his mouth out of politeness. He noticed that the sun had set and night had come. The rest of the passenger in the car was also in the same state as he was before. Dead asleep, tired from the practice that they needed to do.
Their manager had asked the company to actually drove them to the dorm. With the newest case of murder on their neighbourhood, the manager just wanted them to be safe. Their usual routine of going to grab a sandwich or even coffee after practice was all cancel for their own sake. The manager even went with them in the car to the dorm.
He even noticed that the usual crowded and lively streets were replaced with vacant and dead ones. All because of a serial killer on the hunt for another victim, he thought. The car went to the right and stopped in front of an apartment building. They have arrived home.
“All right, everyone, wake up! We’ve arrived. Don’t forget your personal belonging!” their manager called from the front.
The boy opened the window and took a large breath of the night air. It smelled musty and smoky because the fumes from passing cars and working factory. The rest of the member poured out of the car and began to make their way into the building. He would have but he was distracted because of the moving truck in front of the car.
The trunk was open and he could see a turquoise sofa, lamps, and other assortments was waiting to be lifted. An old men and a man probably in his late twenties was with a girl with unusual platinum blonde hair were carrying boxes. The girl approached him and began to went inside the building. He didn’t know that he had a new neighbour.
Mark trailed behind her because she was walking so slow that a turtle could already be ahead of her. But before he could the boxes in her arms was swaying left and right. The woman had yet to notice until the top box tip downwards and Mark skid down the path to catch the box.
“Merlin’s beard. Thank you!” she cried.
"No problem, miss," he replied.
The woman smiled at him and tried to take the box away from him. He couldn't help but notice her foreign accent and features. Not to mention, he was kind of curious of what she's doing in this neighborhood. To satisfy his curiosity, Mark decided to help the fair young woman. He carried a few of her boxes and decided to have a nice conversation with her.
“So what brings you here to this neighbourhood?” he started.
“My boss decided in the last minute to transfer me here since there’s some work issues for the company,”
“Oh, what kind of work do you do?”
“International business mostly. How about you?”
He told her that he was working for an entertainment industry. Mark tried to explain to her about what an idol was. Yet, the young woman didn’t get the concept of it. Actually, it seemed that she didn’t really grasp the pop culture at all.
“So let me get this straight. You are a celebrity who works for the entertainment field. You are not only a rapper, who basically talks in rhymes and a fast one at that, but also work in four different groups and not to mention dance and produce music at the same time?”
“Yes, basically,”
The woman only stare at him.
“You are either genius and talented or you’re bonkers and stupid,”
Mark could only laugh at her.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,”
The warm air from the heater inside the building gave relief to Mark’s aching body. Cold wind of December and bruises from the dance practice didn’t mix well with one another. He could feel the strain of his body everytime he took a step. And somehow, his new neighbour took note of that.
“You don’t have to do this. I can actually carry these boxes on my own,”
Mark scoffed at that.
“Nonsense! I live on the tenth floor as well. We’re going on the same way anyway,”
The woman only muttered words along the line of “chivalrous men and their ways to impress women” in english but he disregard that. They went inside the elevator and settled into a comfortable silent. Yet, Mark was still curious at this strange woman. He assumed that most people were well acquainted with Kpop but she surprised him that she was blind to everything about entertainment industry.
“So, what type of movies do you like?” he tried to make small talks with her.
The woman only raised an eyebrow at him.
“What are movies?”
“You don’t know anything about movies, woman?” he remarked.
“Well, I’m sorry! I am not well verse in your type of amusement!”
The elevator dinged and they have arrived on their floor. Mark was still left in surprise of her answer. But through his distraction, he didn’t know that they have arrived at their floor and on her front door.
“Merlin’s beard. Muggles are strange as hell,” she added silently.
“Nothing,” she whistled and tried to get away from that conversation.
She fished her key out of her pocket and put the box on the ground. Mark followed her motion and turned towards the woman. Now, he could take in her features. The bright lights of the hallway was complementing the electric blue eyes and somehow the white wallpaper became one with her short platinum blonde hair.
She was quiet petite for a woman but he thought it was adorable. Yet, her style was the polar opposite. The all black clothing that she wore and red lipstick would make people think that she was a witch. But it looked fit for her, he thought.
“I didn’t get your name back then,” he said.
“It’s Zora Salazar and you must be –”
“Mark Lee,”
“Pleasure to meet you then,”
She lend a hand for him to shake and he done so. They fell into another silence and it was all broken by the sound of a door opened. Both of the looked back and saw a man with chocolate dyed hair looking at Mark.
“Aren’t you going to come in, Mark?” the man exclaimed.
“Just a second, Jaehyun-hyung,”
Zora gave Jaehyun a nod and he nodded back. The latter went back inside and left the door open. Mark left Zora on her own and almost close the door when he heard her call. She was fidgeting as if she was holding back on saying something. Finally, she took a deep breath and looked him in the eye.
“Would you mind showing me around the neighbourhood some other time? I still couldn’t grasp the surroundings,” she asked.
Mark was rather surprised that she was willing to ask a stranger for help. Sure, they weren’t complete stranger but they were not exactly friends let alone acquaintances. His long pause was taken as doubt on Zora’s side and her hopeful smile turned into a frown.
“You know what nevermind. I’ll ask somebody else then. It was nice knowing you –”
 “Wait! I was just a bit surprised. But yeah, I would like that,”
The night ended with Mark closing the door and Zora’s took out her wand in secret and use Wingardium Leviosa to carry the boxes. The strange girl on the tenth floor has officially move from her flat in London to the conventional suburbs of a new city.
She had a lot to prepare.
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educatedinyellow · 5 years
Speed dating my own fanworks, 2019 edition
I did a lot of vidding this year! And a little drawing, and a very little writing, too :) Looking back at what I posted this year, I count 11 vids, 6 artworks, and 1 fic. I’ll dust off this little speed dating meme as a quick overview. Wishing everyone a happy and creative 2020!
When it comes to your own fanworks, which one do you think is…
The funniest: I'm a Sucker for You. A Whitehead Holmes/Watson vid, flirty and fun!
The most romantic: I think a lot of them are romantic! I won't choose just one :)
The most unusual: Infinitely Stranger.  Sanguinity chose some of her favorite obscure and bonkers Holmesian verses, and I vidded with them. This is the kind of nonsense that tends to happen over at Holmestice!
The scariest: I have made nothing remotely scary this year.
The sexiest: Work Your Way Out. A Dean/Cas SPN vid, my sole goal was to find the prettiest shots of them I could and revel in the UST. They are gorgeous and their simmering looks are as legend; no regrets.
The saddest: Underwater.  A multi-verse Holmes vid. Have five Reichenbachs for the price of one. You’re welcome?
The prettiest: this slope is treacherous. A Johnlock vid. Series 1 of BBC Sherlock is in fact very pretty; I’m sure this surprises no one.
The most exciting: subject to the requirements of the service. A Master & Commander vid; age of sail! Cannonballs! Stuff blowing up! Near-fatal injuries! Manly tenderness! Plus some swimming iguanas, set to a kick-ass rendition of Vivaldi. What’s not to like?
The happiest: 500 miles (coming home with you). A multi-verse Holmes/Watson vid. They are adorable, a visual essay by me. My most popular fanwork of the year by a long shot.
The most realistic: Quiet. A Granada H/W vid, focusing on Hardwicke’s Watson and the domesticity of long-established life partnership. This comes the closest to what love feels like in my own life.
The most fantastical: Aphrodite's a Great Conversation Starter. At last, a fic! This is the most unashamedly trope-y thing I’ve ever written, but these two characters have suffered so much that I will not apologize for handing them a small bouquet of ridiculous sweetness. (Fair warning, chapter 3 revisits past plots on the show in detail, and is probably incomprehensible for folks who haven’t watched the show. The first two chapters are just NOW KISS, though!)
The most complex: None of my stuff is technically complex; I'd say the one with the most complex emotional tone is Clouds, a BBC Victoria vid that serves as a character study of Lord M and the ways he fails - and succeeds - at grasping something real and meaningful in his life and his relationship with the queen.
The simplest: librarian!Cas. A pencil sketch. I think he came out handsomely, and I like the clean, simple lines.
The closest to what you wanted it to be: Miss Independent. A Dean/Cas SPN vid. I have never had a more perfect match of lyrics and images to enable chronological storytelling in any vid, making this was genuinely like magic.
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