#nolan doesnt have a tag
*with the intent to make you cry* notice the lack of neil?
Charlie: I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society. Meeks: Charlie, we can’t do this. We’re breaking the rules. Charlie: Rules? We don’t need rules. We’re poets. We’re rebels. We’re free spirits. Pitts: Yeah, until we get caught and expelled. Charlie: Relax, Pitts. No one’s going to catch us. We’re too smart for them. *Headmaster Nolan walks in* Nolan: What is going on here? Charlie: Uh… nothing, sir. We were just… studying. Nolan: Studying? In the middle of the night? In a cave? With candles and a saxophone? Charlie: Yes, sir. It’s a new… learning technique. Nolan: A learning technique? Charlie: Yes, sir. It’s called… jazz poetry. Cameron: I can’t believe you guys. You’re all crazy. You’re all following Keating like sheep. Don’t you see what he’s doing to you? He’s filling your heads with nonsense. He’s making you disobey the rules. He’s ruining your futures. Todd: Cameron, you don’t understand. Keating is not ruining our futures. He’s opening our eyes. He’s teaching us to think for ourselves. He’s inspiring us to live. Cameron: Live? What do you mean live? You call this living? Sneaking around, reading poems, acting in plays, kissing girls? That’s not living. That’s wasting your time. You should be studying, working, preparing for your exams, applying for colleges. That’s living. Todd: Cameron, you’re wrong. That’s not living. That’s surviving.
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loveyouanyway · 9 months
Would you be open to dating a trans man? Asking for a friend.
yes ofc i would love to have a trans bf! i love everyone <3 im pan (also demiromantic and somewhere on the ace spec)
idk maybe your friend is who im looking for in a partner 👀
thanks for the ask 🥰 reminder to everyone that im talking tumblr best friend/potential future partner applications sdjdkdjsdj you can send applications by my ask box (anons welcome) or dms! im like half joking half serious about this btw
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hauntingblue · 1 year
I think every time a Christopher nolan movie comes out people forget that he makes movies about men in suits and that's it. Like in tenet people complained about how the emotional core the movie tries to build is not even there bc the woman character is badly written or stereotypical and now again with Oppenheimer and the sex scene (which wouldn't get as many complaints if it was you know normal aka without the catchphrase in there) and every female character in there. And maybe I'm cynical but movie critics or reviewers or whoever do not care about this because the movie despite all that is good even if in some places (the sex scene with the catchphrase) the badly written women would make it bad.
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theflyindutchwoman · 8 months
I’m watching 5x04 at the moment, and I’ve been paying closer attention to Tim (and Lucy) during the episode…
And the worry on this stupid man’s face the whole freakin time 😭 and he keeps looking at Lucy like he’s checking that she’s okay.
Like so far this whole episode, he’s just got this look on his face and he keeps making subtle glances in Lucy’s direction.
And I am so emo right now 😭
Eric really said “Rosalind episode? Bet. Watch me make Tim the ultimate Lucy protector without any words” 😂
I haven't rewatched that episode since it aired so I'm writing from memory (on a side note, I seriously need to start my s5 rewatch…).
But yes, those looks… *screaming internally* The worry, the pining… Like the one in the shop, where he subtly tries to check on how she's doing without drawing attention to her, knowing that she would probably hate that… Or the one they exchange when Lucy panics after Bailey asks her where Nolan is and Tim is right there to take over for her… 'Just be a friend. And if you need a cop, tag me in'… And, of course, the one when he is being lowered to the basement… That moment is just exquisite. The love, the longing, the fear… So much emotions… And I'm emo too now!
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But for all those little moments, I still felt let down on the Chenford front in that episode. I get that this was rushed due to what was going on behind the scenes with the actress playing Rosalind… But I guess I wanted and needed more emotions, if that makes any sense? That storyline in regards to Lucy and Tim has always been so poignant and it didn't entirely deliver.
It probably didn't help that it happened right when they were stuck in that limbo. It's a tough act to balance his desire to be there for her with the awkwardness between them, the guilt… So I understand that Tim couldn't be as explicitly supportive and protective as before. Like when he gave her back her ring. Or when he was being the Fierce Protector at the prison. And in a way, it offered the perfect contrast to 5.01, in the sense that you could imagine how hard this must have been for them not to reach out to the other. For Lucy not to have anyone to ground her. For Tim not to be able to comfort her. And that's why I wished we saw more of that struggle. How adrift they probably felt. Those looks were great, but something was still missing. Like, I don't know, Tim about to grab Lucy's hand before stopping himself because he doesnt know if he can do this now… Same with Lucy… They share this history with Rosalind and I didn't think it was properly acknowledged.
And then, there's that last scene that kind of bothered me. The way Tim barely reacted to Lucy's turmoil and conflicted emotions at seeing Rosalind's dead body… I need to rewatch it to be certain, but I remember feeling a bit put out by it. I still can't believe that no one asked her how she was doing… The fact that this felt unfinished and rushed didn't help. (Though when I see what they did to Nolan and Bailey in that episode and how her trauma was not only brushed off, but turned into a joke one episode later, I'm actually happy with what we got lol).
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lolotheparagon · 3 months
Wait, sorry, didn't read through the tags. The Prince from Prince of Persia?
How I feel about this character
I dont like a lot of badass dudebro characters cos most of them REEK of toxic masculinity and fratboy culture that makes me vomit, but Prince gives me Dante from DMC vibes and I like that. He's a witty, snarky yet upbeat guy who's been thrust into this world ending threat with a god of darkness cos he met and teamed up with a hot princess and is like 'alright, im game'. The Prince doesnt brood or get toxic to Elika when things dont go right, he's proactive, impulsive and reckless yet despite his nonchalant attitude, he really cares and it shows. He's a lot more expressive than most action hero protagonists, although that's due to Nolan North's voice acting and the facial animations.
What really seals it is his relationship with Elika. Despite only knowing her for like a day, he quickly grows attached to her. First, he's cynical about healing the fertile grounds just so he can get this over with and get out of here, but by like 2-3 levels, he really grows to care about Elika's struggles and wants to help her achieve her goal of resealing Ahriman. Even though they have differing views about the world, its clear they care about each other.
There's a whole bloody hour of dialogue in this game that is just them bonding which wraps up into the final choice of the game and I love it.
His devotion and love to Elika extends to the animation as well, from the two teaming up with their powers whilst fighting monsters to the little touches like when the Prince parkours and waits for Elika and holds her hand, or carries her as they scale up a cliff.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I mean, come on. Its obvious.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I think him and the Warrior King would be cute as a crack ship lol
My unpopular opinion about this character
Nothing, he's a perfect protagonist. If anything, HE should be the main character in the entire franchise, cos he's got the skill and personality of a PoP protagonist to a T
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I know the whole point is that the Prince is elusive and we're not supposed to learn about his backstory but he's such an interesting protagonist I WANT to learn more about him
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ladysophiebeckett · 9 months
Are there any deleted scenes of Bruce and Selina from TDKR? Or an extended version of the movie? Director's cut?
my dvds are stored away at the moment but iirc...no. nolan doesnt have a director's cut or an extended version.
according to my tags on this post fm 2013 this clip isnt on the dvd. bale and hathway's screentest was dropped one day and also isnt on any dvd.
what i remember fm the dvd is an extra about selina and zimmerman's music. here, here and here. these are just gifsets.
here are some other gifsets fm the screentest: here, here, here,.
there's a novelization of the movie but i can't find the post about it but i think it just confirms that selina is wearing the pearls at the end.
for someone who's all pro physical media nolan's been stingy with extras on tdk trilogy. he needs to get on that.
hope this helps!
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avatardoggo · 2 years
i am the smartest girl in school
#i was at the bus station waiting for my bus tonight close to 1130 and this guy comes up to me and he’s like ‘i just wanted to say yiu look#really cute and that color (this lavender long sleeve top) looks really good on you and i was like “o ty 😊 on the outside 1000% normal but#SCREAMING on the inside and mind you a couple hours ago when i was dt with my friend this guy stuck his head out the window to say he liked#my top too so when this guy at the bus station complimented me i was like o wow ok guess this is my color even my coworkers were saying so#so bus terminal guy introduced himself and i instantly forgot his name bc i big brain smart and we just started small talking and then my bu#s came so i was like cool i can go but then we take the s a m e bus and the same stop but i didn’t tell him that i let him think i got off l#later at a different stop so we’re on the bus just talking about movies and christopher nolan ans quinton tarantino and movie nerd stuff#y’all know how i get and i’m thinking o this guys cool like i’d be his friend and then when his (our) stop comes up he asks for my number#AND I JUST GIVE IT TO HIM LIKE ???!! and i could’ve lied or given another number or just said no but i was thinking o he’s cool like he’s a#movie nerd and we can have a good discussion and like i wasn’t shaky nervous around him like my social anxiety was non existent so i was lik#o friend? but as soon as i went home to text my friend she was like GIRL WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT AND NOW ITS CLICKING THAT HE MAYBE MOST LIKEL#Y DOESNT WANT TK BE MY FRIEND BUT SOMETHING ELSE ANS HE LOWKEY LIVES NEAR ME ANDBJDJDHDHSKJSBDHDJDJJS THIS#has never happened to me like nothing of the sort i’m blaming the top and it’s color like ahshhdjdjdbdbdbd i’m flattered but no i’m not look#i got for that rn and he looked older like late 20s?and i’m baby so no tanks#hopefully i never see him on th street omgoofness that would be the worst i won’t know how to act like i thought friend as if he didn’t call#me cute upon introducing himself goodness i shouldn’t be allowed to speak for myself smh#i need to search up how to be a Normal Calm Girl Who Can Take A Compliment And Reject A Guy If Necessary Withiut Being Weird#wikihow here i come#vk overshares in the tags
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ft-nostalgia · 3 years
Hello, hi, yes? Please stop leaving Emma alone to fester in her Dark Swan bullshit! She can't come and read books? You scared she's gonna throw a book at you Charming? "We don't trust you." Isn't that what the cuff is about? So no magic AND I have to stay home? Yeah, no way I'm going to ruminate on my lack of a place in my family. Again, A+ decision making from the Enchanted Forest Squad.
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droidmom · 6 years
im rly sad silora had to die. like,, obviously sOMETHING bad was going to happen, be it her intentions weren’t genuine or.... someone would dIE, because an alliance with the vc would be ~too easy~ but she was so pretty!! so good!! and she had such a powerful dynamic with amanda im gay!! 
plus!! i do think an alliance earned due to the whole rahm tak thing would have been beneficial to the show’s storytelling!!! 
season 3 is weird because it just takes anything resembling the power crawl of the last couple seasons and plateau’s it and kinda turns it on its side? they weren’t fighting the vc--they were fighting a stupid rogue. if the vc rly attacked they wouldnt have survived so i get it, but if ur gonna waste our time with a singular threat at least let it amount to something? 
but if the omec storyline is finally taking off and they’re gonna attack earth or whatever,,,, defiance, this small town recovering from a million different disasters, cant rly win that fight on their own. im still only on 3x11 so idk what’s going to actually happen, but wouldn’t it make JUST A LITTLE BIT OF SENSE for defiance to have an alliance with the vc so they could actually have a chance against omecs killing everyone and terraforming the world? and like,, by handing over nolan, maybe they’ll get it... but now kindzi has nolan and their whole deal to ally with the omecs fell through so good luck i guess???
it just feels like an endless tangle of war and fighting where defiance does come out victorious, albeit at a cost, but never actually... advances. cool! they survive rahm tak. nothing comes of it but a lot of death and a broken arch because defiance always endures, no matter how tiring the fighting is to see. cool! we meet characters like silora or the omec guy who are progressive and could help be pillars in the new world so defiance isnt fighting all on its own! but they die. and then datak of all people lived like the goddamn cockroach he is and while im not saying i rly wanted to see him die... it’s an example of how there’s no real... impact when there aren’t consequences and instead, everything reverts to how it once was, albeit with a robot arm this time. 
idk where im rly going with this tbh it’s just one long scattered ramble that isnt rly amounting to anything, but it’s not like season 3 is amounting to anything either  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
#defiance tag#again this is from the pov of 3.11 mAYBE the last 2 eps will make things make more sense idk this is just where im at#but i think that pov is still important bc u cant alwasy guarantee a n audience is going to stick around through stupid decisions#even thoguh. i am#i like when shows fuck up tho bc it lets me figure out why and avoid those mistakes in my own stuff so. i have some#ideas im trying to figure out on how s3 shouldve done things and while im sad the story got so.. scattered and#kinda chore-like?#thats a thing#and im glad there are ways to make more sense of it all#and also im glad the writers kept in mind how much we care abuot the characters bc hONESTLY the shitty story writing doesnt even#bother me a ton bc im just glad the characters are still super developed n relatable#ofc s3 is doing weird things to their development or not appreciating them enough but theyre like. still valued#idk its almost 4 am i am Tired im probably gonna reread this in the morning nd have no fucking clue what i was talking abuot#OH ALSO like e all of the problems nolan is dealing with feel weird like we've eithr already seen this in other characters or we've#seen enough of it to where its just :/ tiring#i get its ark tech and trauma but im not into him spiraling like this#thAT'S RLY THE THING actually is a lot of what the writers did like. it makes sense? but it's not necessarily what i Want to see#and seeing everyone struggle and endure over and over again makes overall victories have more meaning whEN THEY ACTUALLY#AMOUNT TO SOMETHING#but nothing is amounting to anything and the show got cancelled so#bye
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valodia · 3 years
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Drew my OCs speaking some funny interactions i found
from the Holy Nation wikia page & from the High paladin wikia page
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itsallyscorner · 2 years
࿔*:・゚Co-Stars | H.S
↝ pairing: Actress!reader x Harry Styles
↝ faceclaim: Daisy Edgar Jones
↝ summary: You and Harry are co-stars—that’s it.
↝ warnings: spelling errors? Some mistakes, cursing.
↝ a/n: There’s a high chance that this will be a series made up of social media aus, blurbs, etc :) probably a little boring since it’s the first post but you guys can decide, my asks are always open if you want more of this :)
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liked by imsebastianstan, harryfan1, and 20,309 others
enews Tastes like strawberries🍓! Harry Styles and Y/n L/n were spotted sharing a smooch on the set of “Sunshine” in London. Link in bio for a sneak peak of their new film together✨
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harryfan1 how do you manifest being Y/n???
harryfan2 she’s so lucky ugh😩😩
ynfan1 I too would be gripping onto Y/n like that if I were in her presence
critic1 How do you have a talented actress like Y/n work on the same film as a wannabe actor like Harry???
harryfan3 if he was a “wannabe” actor, he wouldn’t have been in a Christopher Nolan movie🙄
ynfan2 don’t know who I wanna be, Y/n or Harry 😭😭
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liked by ynupdates, harryssideboob and 35,937 others
view all 292 comments
harryfan4 HE’S SO??????😭😭😭
harryfan7 bless whoever did his hair today😮‍💨
harryfan8 on my knees rn🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
harrysh0use what a colorful pretty boy🥺
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liked by harryflorals, ynscloset, and 43,833 others
ynscamera Iubi on set today!💕
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ynfan3 someone tell her to stop running, she’s clumsy😭
ynfan4 tag yourself, I’m the bag of crisps
ynfan5 Genuinely excited about the movie, but I have no clue what it’s about💀
ynscamera Everyone’s very hush hush about it, I’ve literally tried figuring out the plot through the clothes but I’m still confused🙃
harryfan9 what does iubi mean?
ynscamera it means sweetheart, baby, or darling in Romanian:) Sebastian Stan gave her the nickname after they worked on Fresh together!
harryfan9 @ynscamera oh, that’s actually so cute🥺
ynfan6 They’ve been filming for like months I need the trailer😩😩
ynfan7 her side profile is just perfect I’m jealous
ynfan8 The fact that Harry gets to work and talk with her everyday
ynfan9 I wanna be Harry Styles
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liked by ynscamera, shroombloom, and 68,383 others
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ynfan10 a couple of babies❤️
harryfan10 cuties literal cuties
ynscamera I wanna know what they talk about
harryfan11 I bet they talk about their favorite types of wine😌
ynfan11 @ynscamera do you think she’s shown him pictures of her dog yet??
ynscamera @/harryfan11 I’d be surprised if she hasn’t done it yet
harryfan12 Can she pls release pictures from set, I know she has them on her camera👀
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liked by harryflorals, cou_cou, and 67,497 others
ynscamera Y/n and Harry out for dinner in London!! 🍽 #sunshine
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harryflorals LOOK AT MY FAVES
harryflorals I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
ynfan13 I know we said we weren’t gonna ship them—but guys😩😩
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liked by ynscamera, florencepugh, and 78,837 others
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ynscamera not them being in a silly goofy mood together😩
ynscamera @/yourinstagram miss ma’am I can’t be shipping you with another white male PLEASE
harryfan15 sleeping on the highway tonight🤪
ynfan16 I love how the major Harry and y/n fan accounts are just merging and becoming one
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liked by harryflorals, ilovemitchrowland, and 78,936 others
ynscamera Y/n and Harry spotted on set today✨ (submitted by @/ilovemitchrowland)
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ilovemitchrowland Guys I saw them with my own eyeballs
harryfan17 YOURE SO LUCKY
harryfan18 I’m so jealous😭
ilovemitchrowland they were literally so adorable, you can hear the two of them laughing from across the street🥺
ynfan18 hear me out maybe it’s not a bad idea to ship them👀
harryfan19 God, I’ve seen what you do for others—
ilovemitchrowland and Harry’s so sweet, Y/n was practically jogging to catch up with him so he slowed down so they can walk together🥲
ynfan19 bless them🥺🥺🥺
harryfan20 I’m crying that’s so fucking sweet
ynfan20 I forgot how tall Harry is and seeing him next to Y/n’s short ass reminded me of how much he resembles the height of a bloody tree
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purposefully-lost · 3 years
1, 11, 12, 20!!!
1. Do they believe in ghosts / have they ever experienced something unexplained?
Nolan, maybe ironically, 100% believed his childhood home was haunted. That was part of the reason he got so interested in the theoretical side of science later in life- he believed there was more to it! Marla, on the other hand, is a giant skeptic on all things paranormal.
11. If they suddenly had a whole day free to themselves, what would they do with it?
Hiking! Nolan loved (loves?) the outdoors, and he loved hiking. He had a rescue german shepard dog named Cadet that used to hike with him. (She lives with his mother, now).
Marla would honestly just stay home, read, make herself a nice meal- things she doesnt have the time to do, often.
12. Weirdest or most irrational fear.
Nolan is a little claustrophobic! Not a great fear to have as an astronaut, but he eventually was able to push past it. The only exception is if he's underground, he's terrified of being trapped somewhere in a cave-in or something.
Marla fears spiders and jokes she went to space to get away from them.
20. What family traditions do they remember from childhood?
For Nolan, it was summers at his grandmother's house, and how at the end of every July they'd have a big bonfire with the whole neighborhood in attendance. His grandparents lived in NC, up near the mountains, where there's always a good view of the sky.
For Marla, it was big breakfasts on Sundays, every Sunday. Her parents weren't particularly religious, but church was where they socialized, and whether or not the kids tagged along, they always made breakfast before they went.
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kolsmikaelson · 4 years
caitee’s 200 followers celebration
in light of recent events(the quinn & brock thing:/) ive decided to post this now. i haven’t quite hit 200 but im only three away now and we all need something to keep our minds off of the recent news(at least i do) and so im really hoping yall will participate:) you all can send requests for the rest of the week for this(just if its in a few days lmk what its for) anyways on to the fun stuff !!!
okay chari gave me this idea! on my last milestone celebration, i did things like “🌊- cast your mutuals as...” and im doing the same thing just using hockey players names. & the names arent in any particular order, i tried to keep players with the teams theyre on but some i forgot and remembered like halfway through and added them towards the end.
if you have any questions about any of the names and what they mean just send me an ask and i’ll explain it better! also! it doesnt matter if you do anon or not! if youre more comfortable sending an ask by anon then thats okay! but dont feel obligated to send any asks at all!! i just thought this would be a fun thing to do since i hit 200 followers and i didnt think i’d get here:) and if you do participate please include the players name so i know which ones which:)
tagging moots!
@kempe @mxltifandoms06 @hymarners @calesykar @moritzseider @jackiesquinn @bestestbenn @vinceduhn @damndunner @dunnerbarzal @dunnwithlyfe @teenagekook
mat barzal-ask/tell me an embarrassing story
anthony beauvillier- ask me about anything (just please no political stuff)(it can be like “where did you come up with your username?”)
anders lee- blurbs (chari will be helping me & i normally dont write anything so dont judge pls)
tyler seguin-send a number between 1-250 and i’ll show you what picture that is in my camera roll
jamie benn- send your assumptions about me
jamie oleksiak- send me something you’ve needed to get off your chest, wether it be anon or not doesnt matter
roope hintz- cast your mutuals( ex: cym with harry potter soulmates) (i’ll do it with obx,harry potter&hockey players)
nolan patrick- moodboards(i’ll look at your blog and make one i think would suit it, also you could send one for mine if you wanted)
travis konecny- spotify wrapped, pick a number say what the song in my 2020 wrapped playlist corresponds with your number
cale makar- abc game, if you dont send it anonymously i’ll pick songs that start with the first letter of your username and so on(ex: anthonybeauvy i’d go a-always you by louis tomlinson then n-no control one direction then continue like that)
tyson jost- ask me for any advice
nathan mackinnon- send or ask for a random storytime
matthew tkachuk-biggest fear(ask what mine is/ something im scared of)
vince dunn- if money wasnt an issue what would you buy(ask me what i would buy or tell me what you’d buy)
elias pettersson-if the pandemic was magically over, we didnt have to worry about it anymore, what would you do, dont have to worry about money or anything(tell me what you’d do or ask what i’d do)
brock boeser- where would you travel if money wasnt an issue? (tell me where you’d go or ask where i’d go!!)
quinn hughes(now im changing it and if you’d like please send sindey crosby instead <3)-where would you live, anywhere in the world , if you could!
mitch marner- whats something most people dont knoe about you? (ask me or tell me)
tagging some moots:)
william nylander-if you could only drink one drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?(ask me or tell me)
pierre luc dubios-favorite book?(ask or tell me)
andrei svechnikov-if you had to live in another time period, what would you choose?
erik johnson- if you had to choose a time period to live in, what would it be? why?
gabriel landeskog- tell me about about something you’re passionate about?
andre burakovsky-if you could choose a fictional universe(ex:marvel,obx,harry potter,star wars) to live in, what would you choose,and why?
mikko rantanen- what are your three biggest pet peeves?
welcome to the appreciation part of this post. in gonna tag some of my closer moots and basically tell them how much i care about them:)))
@kempe we’ve been mutuals for a while now, and im so glad i met you. you have been so so kind to me and we’ve grown so so close! i hope to never lose you ever <3 i love you so so much also remember you are so stunning holy shit zoe youre the light of my life<3
@calesykar arianna babe i literally love you so much, im always gonna be here for you, wether you need help with a fic or something personal i’ll help you!! youre so sweet and im so glad we met! and you’re absolutely gorgeous babes
@hymarners im so glad tumblr let you finally get back on and you found my account somehow, you are so amazing and kind and i am so glad we managed to meet, i love you<3 i may not know what you look like but im sure you are insanely gorgeous
@vinceduhn you are such a kind person, youre an amazing writer and i’ve been following you for a while, and im glad we started interacting ilysm<3
@moritzseider thank you for everything youre so amazing and i love you so so much<3 remember always you’re gorgeous and im always always always here if you need anything bub
@mxltifandoms06 thank you so so much for helping me with this, and anything else youve helped me with!! i love you so so much!!
@jackiesquinn i really appreciate you, im do glad we are mutuals and im literally always here for you<3 remember youre STUNNING and i love you so much
@bestestbenn you are such an amazing author and a kind person bot to mention insanely gorgeous like?? i could never! but im always here to help with whatever you need and im super glad we met i love you<3
@dunnwithlyfe youre so sweet and i know we started talking after all my friend drama but im super glad we started you are amazing !!! ilysm!!!
thank you to anyone who may participate, if not thank you anyway! im super thankful for almost 200!!
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tennant · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
thank you to the legends @genekellys and @antoniosbanderas for tagging me, ily guys sm and it’s an honour (and tumblr doesnt show y’all notificiations. stupid site). ANYWAY, since i came back making gifs last year (i was retired making contents for 4 years), all i thinking everytime making a set is “to hell with it, i’ll dump whatever i have in mind”. and i do read every tags and reactions for serotonin LMAO
here we go then:
this ten/rose gifset. i love playing with words, and this is one of the set that how i describe them. but i’m terrible at choosing fonts
this jude law set. for thirst reasons. also i love the way the colourings turned out
this donnaten gifset. i love the scene (everyone does), but this one special cos i dedicated to this for my friend on their birthday (and i will protect them at any costs)
brokeback mountain. i love angsty romance. i had fun colouring this film
this tenet set i recently made. why on earth chris nolan gave this brilliant movie a weird colour pallettes :(
anyhow im tagging @arthurpendragonns @expelliarmus @kiraslight @timothyolyphant  @lasersonicked @bladesrunner or whoever wants to do this (obviously no obligation to do this) <3
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bqstqnbruin · 3 years
Idk why u would be actively trying to alienate your reader base when you're writing a nolan patrick fic, like sorry flyers fans get on your nerves so bad but who do u think is reading f is for friends? Certainly not all, but a good chunk must be flyers fans, so i dont understand why you would be publishing content for people that you dont like; i must admit that i've come and gushed over it in your askbox about it before so i guess im just as guilty by consuming content made by someone who doesnt like me/someone who doesnt like flyers fans. Idk i'm obviously getting in my feelings about all this because it is hurtful
If I in any way made you or other Flyers fans feel alienated I am sorry but I don’t think I was “actively trying to alienate [my] reader base”? (is the ? supposed to go before or after the quotation mark I never know)
This turned long so there’s a read more ah also I’m sorry if this sounds mean or aggressive but I am tired and am having a hard time conveying a tone that is not that aodifjoisdf
I just looked back at what I’ve posted since the game and this is what I saw, and I 100% can easily be missing something or interpreting things differently because that’s how people are: a post about the penalties from tonight in which I never said anything about disliking the Flyers or their fans but it’s calling out what happens any time a Bruin does something on the ice at this point which is that people get up in arms about the Bruins doing one thing but then when their team does the same thing they praise it, a post about Miller fighting Konecny saying that I wish I didn’t miss it, because who doesn’t love a good hockey fight, and a post where I had a tag that said ‘carter hart wishes he had what the bruins ahl goalies have’ which is a joke that I can clarify because looking back at it that I can see how that isn’t clear. I never said I didn’t like Flyers fans and anything I have said about what I don’t like in terms of hockey with other teams and their fanbases has been done privately or not at all (barring one post about the Isles that comes to mind).  The only other thing is the blocking tags and filtering content post after tonight's game, which I reblogged without mentioning any team, but was in reference to the Celtics losing tonight (that was just bad timing on my part rip to me)
I’m sorry if my posting about the Bruins winning made you upset in any way but other than what I mentioned, everything hockey related has been about the Bruins and the Bruins only, and I try to post about the Bruins and the Bruins only when I’m not posting fics. It’s the same if you posted about the Flyers winning last night on your blog, or any time the Flyers win in general. 
I’m not exactly sure what you mean but “publishing content for people that you don’t like,” though. Do you mean me publishing stuff with Nolan, saying that I don’t like him? Because I like Nolan. I never said I didn’t. Calling out a player for doing something that warrants a penalty is not disliking them, I call out the Bruins on their shit all the time (that sounds so holier than thou but I’m tired and don’t know how else to say that rip). I’ve liked Nolan since he played for the Wheat Kings. I have a Snapstory saved in my memories from the night he was drafted saying that he was the only reason I would wear something Flyers related and that I wanted him to go number two that year so that I could see him play while I was at school in Philly. If you mean that I'm writing for the fic for Flyers fans, I'm not. Other than when I take requests, I write for me and share with you. F is for Friends is something that I'm writing because I want to, not to please other people.
I appreciate you coming into my ask box about f is for friends, but I never said I didn’t like you (especially since I don’t know you and therefore cannot make any judgment whatsoever but I’m sure you’re a great person who I would like) or flyers fans as a whole. The flyers fans I don’t like are the ones who have: thrown beer and food at me, sworn at me, charged me after games, pushed and shoved me, and tried to tackle, all of which happened while I was just walking (if I did something that warranted any of that then fine but even my friends who I was with who like the Flyers didn’t know why that was happening ah). I’m assuming you do not fall into that category.
I don’t like when people talk shit about the Bruins and Bruins fans for no reason, so I don’t do it when to comes to other teams, especially since (obviously) not everyone likes the same team I do. If you want to talk one on one about this I’m open to it if you are (or just explaining over anon is fine if that’s what you’re more comfortable with)! If I am alienating my readers without realizing it, then I want to know how I’m doing it, especially since what I might think isn’t alienating might be alienating to you, which I guess it is, but that’s never my intention. 
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hellolittleogre · 4 years
WIP meme
I wasn’t tagged by @dancinbutterfly but I really do need to round up all of my WIP and assess the damage because I have too many and I need to get on finishing some of them!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
 The 33 year old Virgin (The Untamed, Nie Huaisang/ Jiang Cheng) So Jiang Cheng doesnt actually want to die alone and get eaten by his dog, and traumatize Jin Ling when he inevitably is the one who finds him. He would actually maybe like to have someone, to awkwardly kiss like two grandmas at the grocery store, and appreciate his osso bucco cooked to perfection. Somebody to help him find his tie when he is late for important meetings or berate him for not taking his migraine medicine.
One Horse Town (The Magnificent 7, gen) Based on a server discussion about the 200 horses left milling around Rose Creek, “the nearest town over suddenly seeing SO MANY horses come around w saddles and reins but no riderslike ??? what the fuckTWO HUNDRED HORSES JUST??? OUTTA NOWHERE???????
WIP The Untamed Arranged Marriage AU (The Untamed, Wei Ying/Lan Zhan)  Wei Ying had had about five glorious minutes of being absolutely spoilt by their family, of shije babying him and telling him how heroic he was, and Jiang Cheng glowering and insulting him to cover for how touchingly concerned he was was, before Madame Yu stormed in and demanded a full account of what had happened in the Xuanwu cave.
Puppy Matchmaker (the Untamed, Nie Huaisang/Jiang Cheng. Jin Ling is turned into a puppy and matchmakes for his Jiujiu.
WIP Mag7 A Hive Full of Honey (The Magnificent Seven, Billy Rocks/ Goodnight Robicheaux) Goodnight as Francis Fryer from Calamity Jane.
Goody/Billy where they separate for six months (The Magnificent Seven, Billy Rocks/Goodnight Robicheaux) On AO3 started as My Virtues Uncounted, Working on the final chapter.
My Best Friends Wedding (The Untamed, Lan Xichen/Nie Mingjue, Nie Huaisang/Jiang Cheng, Wei Ying/Lan Zhan) At 17 Xichen promised Meng Yao that if they were both unmarried by 30 they would marry. Three weeks after his 30th birthday Xichen calls him to tell him he is getting married to Nie Mingjue. In a desperate attempt to sabotage the wedding Men Yao hires Louts Pier wedding planners run by the two most disastrous human beings he’s ever met (or the one where Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxain have been planning their sister’s wedding since they were five years old and figured they might as well go on planning weddings).
Le peite choux de bonne nuit (Magnificent Seven, Billy Rocks/Goodnight Robicheaux) Goodnight breaks his arm and he and Billy has to lie low in a parlour house run by his friend Mrs Dumont.
The Dog Days are Over (The Magnificent Seven, Billy Rocks/ Goodnight Robicheaux)   Modern day AU where Goodnight is an ex army sniper with PTSD and Billy is a model  and businessman with depression brought together by Goodnight’s therapy dog.
The Bitter Bangs (The Magnificent Seven, Billy Rocks/Goodnight Robicheaux) When a young whippersnapper puts the moves on Billy in a bar Goody has to examine his own emotions.
Unfinished- Kong Skull Island (Marlowe/Ikari)
Unfinished - The Eagle Jane Eyre AU (Esca/Marcus)
Unfinished - The Magnificent Seven Jane Eyre AU (Goodnight Robicheaux/Billy Rocks)
Unfinished - Papa was a Rodeo (Guardians of the Galaxy, Youndu/Kraglin)
Unfinished - Like its going out of fashion (Naruto (god help me) Kakashi/Iruka)
Unfinished-Eddie/Richie fix it (It 2018, Eddie/Richie)
Unfinished - Accidentally in Love (Batman (Nolan) Bruce Wayne/Jim Gordon)
Unfinished - Accidentally Married (Pacific Rim, Newton Geizler/Hermann Gottlieb)
tagging: @inkformyblood @poemsingreenink @iwritesometimes @tramstrams @lazaefair @harvestingred @northstarfan @keycchan
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