#nocturnal magick
wildkinwitch · 3 months
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Abundant bindweed threading through the hedges in my back garden. Forgotten places holding homes for pollinators from far and wide, the convolvulus hawk moth, thorn-tailed and inhabiter of nicotiana. Waiting for spells, a witch's bindings from those who would bind, dried petals for amulets and long cords for tying. Witches meet your ally.
Read on https://wildkinwitchcraft.wordpress.com
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faiyx · 4 hours
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quintessence ghouls !
I have been itching to…design all the ghouls. I have a lot of headcanons and ideas for their different elements and roles and i thought some of you might appreciate! Also changed aethers design a little from my last post!
More details/notes/headcanons under the cut!
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quintessence ghoul headcanons 🫣
-all ghouls are nocturnal to a certain degree, but quintessence ghouls thrive the most at night!
- they have dark eyes with light pupils that capture and reflect light
-quintessence ghouls are rather calm and responsible, often forming the more emotionally inteligent and balanced core of the pack
-quintessence magick: soothing and stimulating. Cannot be used to heal wounds but can enhance recovery and be used as a pain repressor. Can also be used to heighten or lower sensory stimulation.
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thewitcheslibrary · 6 months
Types of witches
hey guys, thanks for those who have been interacting with my blog! if you would like me to cover anything specific you can ask and request it in my ask a question in my bio!
this is a bit of a long one but I will be going through all types of witches and giving you the basics! If any of these seem interesing or it seems like the path you want to follow, I strongly encourage you to do more research on that one type!
please remember this is based off my own research and understanding! - it may be a little different to your own or other peoples
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Green Witch-
these type of witches really enjoy nature and are open to opening themselves up to drawing on the energies of the earth to help with their craft. They communicate with the land and things they find in and on the land to do their spell work and rituals all while respecting every they use and honouring plants, stones and the land help and energies. They embrace the natural world and its abilities.
Sea Witch-
in the modern day sea witches are very draw to working with water and more specifically the Ocean. They feel a connection to the ocean and are very drawn to it, or almost like a bond. (though you can be drawn to it and form a bond over time). They feel connected to the calming yet chaotic force of the oceans energy and power. They draw energy from the ocean to use in their craft.
Lunar Witch-
these witches are verry attracted to the moons energy and divine essence. They are very inclined to practice their craft at night time and often use the moon phases to do spell work. They honour the moon in their practices and spells, they are Intune with the moons cycles and the understanding of how the moon may affect their energy and the energy of people around them.
Kitchen Witch-
The witches that use this practice tend to use their kitchen in their practice (obviously, its in the name...). They tend to make edible spells and make their food as spells. So they can consume the benefits of their spells and use the herbs and ingredients to enjoy them. (not to mention make very tasty recipes!) A lot of their spell work will be done what they can find in their kitchen and the herbs and things they already own. - if you want to follow this path, please research toxic plants and herbs!
Solitary Witch-
A witch who chooses to practice their spiritual faith in the privacy of their home or other designated space, without the need to participate in a group such as that of a coven. This may be by choice, or perhaps they just haven’t yet found a group of fellow witches they would like to work with.  A solitary witch can incorporate various different paths based on their interest and may or may not use witchcraft as part of a wider spiritual path or religion.
Nocturnal Witch-
This is similar to Lunar witches! refer back to that... they like to practice at night time and use the energy of the nights energy
Elemental Witch-
These witches use all the elements and/or the ones they are very drawn to in their craft. They represent each element in spell work and use them as a balance.
Swamp Witch-
From my understanding these are the 'cousins' of the sea and water witches. It is usually a solitary practice and isnt very well known (to my knowledge). They are also drawn to water and its uses, but not just its physical benefits but its deeper spiritual benefits too! As in the name they are very drawn to swamp and swamp area's and its benefits. They like how the murky water relates to their murky practices and what things they can find in the swamps that they can harness and use in their practice. To my knowledge they arent afraid to enter the spirit realm or scared of doing baneful magic.
(website for more knowledge: https://aminoapps.com/c/wicca-pagan-community/page/blog/swamp-witch-the-cousin-of-the-water-witches/QRVL_xdcXuNlqweVnVv2YVrqKNDE7JQBlY)
Crystal Witch-
Crystal Witches focus their magick on healing and manifesting. Crystals are known for their healing energies due to their ability to raise one's own vibration. Known as the crystalline structure, crystals emit this unwavering, constant high vibration, that when met with a lower vibration, has the ability to actually raise, in turn, providing a sense of healing qualities through an energetic level, which can therefore fast track our own physical healing. Crystal Witches not only use crystals to tend to ailments on all levels, but utilise the energy to place power behind their spell work and manifestations. With the unison of crystals, our minds, and intentions, the Crystal Witch is nothing short of powerful! If you’re drawn to crystals, rocks, stones alike, appreciate the gift of nature, find colour therapy helpful, and perhaps find yourself attracted to the study of geology, then you may be heading down the Crystal Witch path! 
Eclectic Witch-
An Eclectic witch is someone who pulls from various witchcraft traditions for their spellwork and rituals.  They rely on a variety of different cultures, beliefs, and systems to formulate their own personal witchcraft practice which may change and evolve over time.
Hereditary Witch-
A Hereditary witch is someone who was born into a family that practices witchcraft.  Usually their knowledge is passed down through generations and each family may have their own traditions and belief system.  Though, just because someone is born in a witch family it does not necessarily mean that they will be more knowledgeable or powerful than a non-hereditary witch.
Traditional Witch-
A traditional witch is someone who takes a historical approach to witchcraft.  They look at old grimoires, witch trials, various witch lore, and historical accounts to lay the foundation for their own spells and rituals.  Often traditional witches focus on working with the nature and history of the place they live and may work with the genius loci, or the local spirits.
Hedge Witch-
A Hedge witch works with the liminal spaces and the spirit realm.  In the past a ‘hedge’ would mark a boundary of a village or settlement and thus represents the boundary between our physical reality and the spirit world.  A hedge witch may be skilled at crossing that boundary through practices like astral travel.
Garden Witch-
See green witch info!
Cosmic Witch-
A cosmic witch incorporates astrology and astronomy into their witchcraft.  They most likely closely follow the alignment of the planets and they will often will coordinate their spells and rituals based on the location of the planets and the moon.
Grey Witch-
These witches focus on the grey magick/magic which is neutral. Do research on they magic type!
White Witch-
These witches focus on the white magick/magic which is neutral. Do research on they magic type! Black witch-
These witches focus on the Black magick/magic which is neutral. Do research on they magic type!
Faerie Witch-
which draws inspiration from the mystical beings known as faeries. This article delves into the fascinating world of the Fae Witch, exploring its origins, core beliefs, and practices, as well as offering insights into how to embrace this magical path.
Solar Witch-
they love to bask in the warmth of a sunny day. Being outside is an important part of their practice and they may enjoy doing rituals outdoors during the day. The sabbats are important to their practice, as they are based on the movements of the sun, and especially, of course, the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. 
One of the biggest challenges they have faced as a witch is connecting with the community that is often primarily interested in the moon, midnight and autumn.
Dragonian Witch-
Draconian is an initiate who follows the path of the Dragon. The word "Draconian" is an adjective that refers to idea of "the Dragon"- the primal, raw energy that empowers every ascent together with evolution on the initiatory path. The term is exploited along with the word "Dragon," to separate esoteric ideas from the mundane use, meaning the reference to mythological and fantasy creatures. In addition, the capitalization shows that we as individuals are dealing with energy of the magickal current, whereas the legendary dragons are merely used as symbols to represent the timeless force.
Hearth Witch-
While the Hearth Witch is in tune with nature, it is the Green Witch who wants to make a home in nature. The Hearth Witch wants to invite nature (and all her elements) inside for biscuits and tea.
They work to strengthen and honor the home as a sacred space, making it simple, peaceful, and nourishing. 
Also known as a House Witch, Cottage Witch, Hedge Witch, the Wise Woman, Herb Wives, Wild Herb Men, and Cunning Folk, records and accounts show that virtually every village at one point in Europe had a healing person of sorts. Other folklore and stories tell of herbal healers in many other cultures too. The Hearth Witch’s practice is part herbalism, part energy healing, part counseling, and part nature mysticism. Hearth Witches are usually tuned into the four elements and observe nature’s cycles, rhythms, and pauses closely. Hearthcrafting is essential to the Hearth Witch. Magical homemaking activities such as candle making, naturally dying fabric, weaving, knitting, and sewing are all things that the Hearth Witch finds grounding and sacred.
Religious Witch-
these witches use witchcraft that is found in or related to their religion that they practice. They may work with deities and pantheons of gods in their craft to help better it or even just to have a deeper connection with the deity of their choice or their religion in general.
Secular Witch-
they practice a style of witchcraft that is separate from their spirituality.  The word separate is absolutely key. What this means that they may have spiritual or religious beliefs but they do not touch upon their witchcraft practices. The witchcraft practice and the spiritual/religious practice are not used in conjunction. They’re two separate things in their life, just like how your witchcraft may not touch your work life or family life.
Techno Witch-
the merging of neopaganism and magical ritual with digital technologies. This may be through the use of technology merely as an aid, such as video conferencing for example, or it may be a worship of the technology itself.
Pop Culture witch-
umbrella term for the transformative use of media in Pagan customs and rituals. Pop culture Paganism covers a wide variety of activities, such as revering book or film characters as deities, using pop culture figures in religious rituals and media, practicing religions or worshiping deity pantheons depicted in pop culture media, or simply depicting traditional deities as they appear in pop culture media. The consumption and creation of fannish media such as fanfiction and fancrafts can also be an important part of a pop culture Pagan's practice.
City Witch- also known as urban witchcraft
Urban witchcraft, like most other types of witchcraft, is not a formalised religion or spiritual practice. Instead, it combines all of the methods utilised by witches who practise in metropolitan areas. It shares some similarities with tech magic and frequently involves a close association with genius loci (the spirit of a place). This practice of city witchcraft is a distinctively contemporary kind of magic; before to the modern era, witches would either avoid cities or, if they were in a big city, limited their practices to divination, poppet work, and other non-location-dependent techniques.
Country Witch-
The opposite of city witchcraft (to my understanding)
Art Witch-
Art Witchcraft is a path of witchcraft focused around the use of color and the creation of physical forms of art imbued with magic.
This path can be catered towards whichever artistic medium you prefer: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Digital, Traditional, Written etc. but typically involves an increased interest in sigil making, visual spellwork, Divination and utilizing the psychological effects of color for magical purposes.
Divination Witch-
The Divination Witch's primary concentration is on divination skills such as tarot and oracle, pendulum, scrying, runes, tea leaf reading, meditation, and communicating with your inner guides/higher being. To them, the most essential thing is to incorporate these divination methods into their daily lives, or at least ceremonial rites. A Divination Witches can draw power from the earthy elements, meditate, or use seasonal changes to create gateways and lower the barrier between the physical and spiritual worlds. For individuals who are very intuitive, have the capacity to hear, see, or sense what others cannot, identify as empaths, and have the uncanny ability to foretell the future, you have an exceptional gift that is best suited to the Divination Witch. You may have a natural skill, but if not, you can always improve your psychic powers via meditation, crystals, and, of course, plenty of practice.
Glamour Witch-
These witches use a lot of glamour magic in their practice and its a perfect way to do spells for closeted witches. They use attraction spells, colour magic and various sigils in their make up and on their perfumes and beauty product to help them throughout daily life.
Necromancy Witch-
They use necromancy
Necromancy is the practice of magic involving communication with the dead by summoning their spirits as apparitions or visions for the purpose of divination; imparting the means to foretell future events and discover hidden knowledge.
Death Witch-
I personally define death witchcraft as working with and honor spirits of the dead (ghosts, ancestors) as well as the power of death itself (endings, resurrections). Death witches reflect upon the concept of death, come to terms with their own death, and work through spiritual deaths in our lives. We also communicate with the dead regularly. Many of us heal and help the dead, and in return, they aid us in our magical workings. Rather than fearing death, we embrace it as a pivotal point in the cycle of life.
Augury Witch-
Similar to a shaman in practice, the augury witch will help to direct those on a spiritual quest by interpreting the signs and symbols the traveler encounters. The term derives from the official Roman augurs, whose function was not to foretell the future but to discover whether or not the gods approved of a proposed course of action by interpreting signs or omen such as the appearance of animals sacred to the gods. It is important to note that augury witches are not "fortune tellers", as their gifts are of prophecy and not divination. In the context of prophecy, in his Scottish play Shakespeare's witches appear as augury witches.
Celtic Witch-
incorporates some elements of Celtic mythology. It employs the same basic theology, rituals and beliefs as most other forms of Wicca. Celtic Wiccans use the names of Celtic deities, mythological figures, and seasonal festivals within a Wiccan ritual structure and belief system, rather than a traditional or historically Celtic one.
Dianic Witch-
is a modern pagan goddess tradition focused on female experience and empowerment. Leadership is by women, who may be ordained as priestesses, or in less formal groups that function as collectives. While some adherents identify as Wiccan, it differs from most traditions of Wicca in that only goddesses are honored. The Dianic Wiccan belief and ritual structure is an eclectic combination of elements from British Traditional Wicca, Italian folk-magic as recorded by Charles Leland in Aradia, New Age beliefs, and folk magic and healing practices from a variety of different cultures.
I will do a master list of wiccan practices... theres a lot to cover there imo
Seax witch-
a tradition of neopagan practice blending aspects of Wicca with the iconography of Anglo-Saxon paganism, while not seeking to reconstruct the early mediaeval religion itself.
Sex Witch-
combines occult knowledge with tried-and-true relationship advice to provide spells for each stage of a relationship. Self-love, seduction, sex, love, protection, revenge, and healing are all covered.
Coven witches-
a coven is a gathering or community of witches, like an affinity group, engagement group, or small covenant group. - opposite of solitary witches
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stalkerofthegods · 8 months
Lord Morpheus/Somnina deep dive info
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Lord Morpheus is active in lives, he is a kind and gentle god, always having his worshipers/devotees in his mind, he is amazing.
Herbs • Poppy, Poppy trees, poppy seeds, ivory, Dandelion seed, Chamomile, mugwort, lavender, jasmine, passionflower, basil
Animals• Bats, Nocturnal animals, Cats, Fireflies, Moths, Butterfly, Racoons, Wolves, Crows, Halcyon birds, sheep “counting sheep” (my personal thinking)
Zodiac • None, I couldn't find any evidence, perhaps Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces because they were born in the winter.
Colors • Black, Blue, Gold, Purple, Silver, Red, some folks like associating neon colors and grey. I also think white.
Crystal• Amethyst, Herkimer Diamond, Scolecite, Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, and gemstones associated with dream magick
Symbols• Horns (he passes through a horn gate each night), Portals, gates, feathers, wings, skeleton keys, stars, night, ivory, tea, baths, sweet coffee
wear in their honor • sleep masks, PJs, slippers.
Diety of• of dreams, of sleep
Patron of• from/shape (his name translates to that, and shapeshifts in dreams.), messages to the unconscious, prophecies to the unconscious, influencing people unconsciously, hypnotizing, dreaming about the future, daydreaming, dream jobs, human shapes, hallucinations of humans, meditation, desire, hope, insomnia, opium-based medication, lucid dreaming, imagination, schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like disorders or illnesses, creativity, astral travel, encouragement, communication, divination
Element• Water, air
Offerings• Honey, honey cake, wine, fish and incense, Melatonin, Sleep-related gemstones and crystals, Skulls, Dream Catchers (ethnically obtained), Any type of stress reliever, and sleep indulgent tea, Ivory and/or Horn items, Sleep-related spells,
The imagery of his associated animals, Feathers, demon imagery(?), imagery of his animals, offerings of things like moths, butterflies, skulls, and feathers (ethically sourced), melatonin gummies, skeleton keys, Dream Pillows (herbal satchels filled with lavender to place under your pillow for better sleep)
Devotional• Track your dreams on a calendar, Keep a dream journal, Get enough sleep, Turn off your electronics 1 hour before bed (gets you in deeper sleep faster), Perform a night ritual, Learn about lucid dreaming and practice it, Write a letter to Morpheus before going to bed, Prayers related to Morpheus, Prophetic inducing herbs, Creating a playlist for him with songs that help you sleep, drink mugwort or chamomile tea before bed, set and try to stick to a night routine, write letters or jokes to him, write stories/a book, wear or dress your bed in his associated color, keep crystals for him on your bed or bedside table, have a bath or shower before bed, speak to him before you sleep, go to a sleepover to his honor, washing your bed sheets, cleaning up ur bed, try making your own melatonin, practice divination, try controlling ur dreams
Ephithets• Μορφευς, Morpheus, Shaper of Dreams, Sandman, Mildest of the Gods, Balm of the Soul, Oneiros, Kai’Ckul, Lord L’Zoril, Shaper of Forms, Lord Shaper, Prince of Stories (The Sandman, Neil Gaiman), Dream Giver, Sleep’s Guest, Lord Shaper, Father of Dreams, Lord of the Night, He Who Tells Mortals Stories,  Formshaper, Shadowmaker
Equivalents (alike not the same)• Niorun (Norse), Angus (Celtic), Caer (Celtic), Bes (Egypt), Tutu (Egypt), Morpheus (Greek), Somnina (Norse).
Signs their reaching out• Sudden floating in dreams, better dreams, sleeping better, seeing him in dreams.
Vows/omans• Perhaps wedding vows.
Number• 1, 6, 7
Morals• Morally lawfully neutral follows the gods' bidding.
Courting• no one, but is seen as Iris's husband in some literature,
Past lovers/crushes• I couldn't find any, I think he is Ace? But that is not anyone's business. He is ‘said’ to date Iris because of always being togetherer 
Personality• Morpheus is a very chill and comprehensive God. He’s understanding and he’s happy to help out if he can. He doesn’t ask for much when you worship him, as long as you’re making an effort he’s fine.
Home• Erebus, in the Underworld
Mortal or immortal • Immortal 
Fact• Some say they were able to “heal”, 
Curses• Insomnia, your dream of the ‘good future’ being wrong, your hopes and dreams crashing down, no dreams (If u like your dreams), feeling anger towards you in dreams and just in general. Your baby wakes up with a nightmare. The back/neck problems you wake up with.
Blessings• Good sleep, having good dreams, and your children going to sleep.
Roots• Ancient Greece, born probably in Tarturas
Friends• Iris, Zeus, Hermes, Hera, messengers in general.
Parentage• Pasithea and Hypnos, some say he came from Hypnos asexually, some say from Nyx asexually, I think Nyx.
Siblings• Oneiroi, Icelus, Phobetor, Phantasus
Pet• None.
Children • None 
Appearance in astral or gen• often depicted with wings, he changes into whatever shape is needed at a given moment, decided as a young man in art, and has one ear with wing and one to hear with. He looks like he has short hair.
Festivals • I couldn't find any, I would say hibernation month, and just celebrate being able to sleep when animals are hibernating.
Season • winter 
Day • I would say Saturday because I get the most sleep on Saturday, no school, and no worries, I couldn't find a historic one, or just make a day for him, many people do that for minor gods.
Status• Greek Minor god/personification, a part of the Oneiroi, and the leader of the Oneiroi. plays a major role in day-to-day life. He is a Cthonic deity
What angers them • Insulting them, 
Music they like• I would think Sleep Music, Sleep Asmr
What they like • sleep.
What they dislike• I would say physical touch since he disappears all the sudden when he is almost being touched, I think he only touches those he ‘is okay with’ as a sign of trust or adornment because I heard a person back then say they use to get tapped by them
Planet• Moon (phase new)
Tarot cards• The Four of Swords and the Tower, message card (based on sleep and messages, each their own.)
Reminds me of• sleep, the good resting kind of sleep 
In my opinion • they are pretty rad, and strangely I've been having shit sleep, ain't he just a sweetheart.
Scents/Inscene • Opium, Lavender, Jasmine, Chamomile, Sandalwood, and any other calming scents
Ever-shifting Morpheus, lord of the Oneiroi who bring us our dreams, true or false. Morpheus, swift-soaring courier, twilight messenger of the gods, kind one, dweller in the shadowed land of dreams, dark-winged god who shapes the visions of the night, who tells the tales that must be told, who strips us bare of secrets, who clothes hard truths in subtle raiment, child of the black night, child of the shrouded dark, in the realm of illusion you are king. Morpheus, harbinger of change, concealer of clues, you bury bits of truth among our wishes and fancies; with your aid can we see into the mist of the unknown, with your aid can we find the hidden pieces of the self. Morpheus, I praise and honor you.
With a whisper I call you, o Morpheus,  lord of dreams, greatest amongst the Oneiroi. I call to you as Hypnos draws near.
Phantasos, ancient messenger who  crafts wonder into form who conjures in our minds a tapestry otherworldly. Greatest molder and master of lights,  many-shaped, you cross the night  and take on any face or voice any hue or sound you so desire. I ask you, my lord: shield me from pain  and fear in my dreams, let no anguish burden my heart as I sleep. This only I request: that within your great creations I may rest  and through your hand I may find safe haven. That my words may reach you, o Morpheus  whispered though they may be as Hypnos draws near.
Links/websites/sources •https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morpheus
https://www.thecollector.com/morpheus-greek-god/https://www.britannica.com/topic/Morpheus-Greek-mythology https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hypnos https://despena.gr/morpheus-the-ancient-greek-god-of-dreams/https://kreweofmorpheus.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=174762&module_id=305302 https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/morpheus-greek-god-dreams-who-delivered-messages-gods-mortal-world-002318#google_vignette How Ancient Egyptians Interpreted Dreams - UnEarthed Penn Dream Angus: The Celtic God of Dreams (The Myths) - Amazon.comAmazon.com Caer Ibormeith - Thoughts on PapyrusThoughts on Papyrus Who is Niorun? - Northern Tradition Paganismhttps://greekpagan.com/tag/morpheus/
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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talonabraxas · 7 months
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Planetary Correspondences of the Moon
The energy of the moon is tidal and watery, bringing to mind our deepest dreams, thoughts and emotions and its cyclical nature honors the cycles of our lives and our bodies. The moon shines its light through the darkness to reveal secrets, even those we keep from ourselves.
The moon’s metal is silver.
Stones that correspond to the energy of the moon tend to be white and/or luminescent. moonstone, pearl, white quartz and white or clear crystal spheres.
Lunar Herbs
Lunar herbs tend to be juicy and lightly sweet and with a sweet (sometimes cloying) fragrance. Either they produce watery fruits, or they have succulent leaves or both.
Many moon herbs help to balance hormones, relieve mild pain and/or gently induce sleep. Many moon plants open at night and close during the day or release their scent at night to attract nocturnal pollinators. Moon plants often grow near water.
White or silvery plants tend to correspond to lunar energy and sometimes these plants bear the mark of the moon even more strongly (see the doctrine of signatures).
Here’s a list:
Evening Primrose,
Night Jasmine,
poppy (sedative, pain relief),
Goat’s beard,
Wild Yam(hormones),
Lunar Fragrances- Incense, Oils and Fumigation Herbs
Almond, clary sage, Orris root
Temple of the Moon Portals into the Multiverse. Talon Abraxas
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Chapter 3: Undoing
Chapter 2: Frontiers
Chapter 1: Backstory
Chapter 4: Casting
Chapter 5: Continuing
Chapter 6: Ergonomics
Chapter 7: Facts
Chapter 8: Gods
Chapter 9: Oneiric
Chapter 10: Replaying
Chapter 11: Storing
Chapter 12: Subsumption
Chapter 13: Transfer
Chapter 14: Transience
Chapter 15: Unlearning
Chapter 16: Velocity
Chapter 17: Vietnam
Chapter 18: Vilification
Chapter 19: While you were gone
Chapter 20: Xitalis
Chapter 21: Zooming
Chapter 22: Treatment plan
Chapter 23: What was it?
Chapter 24: Planning
Chapter 25: Acceptance
Chapter 26: Simple
Chapter 27: Editing
Chapter 28: Siphon
Chapter 29: Evening
Chapter 30: Universes
Chapter 31: Belief
Chapter 32: Meeting
Chapter 33: Molly
Chapter 34: The best of times
Chapter 35: Is that why?
Chapter 36: Sport
Chapter 37: Starlight
Chapter 38: Effects
Chapter 39: Girlbossification
Chapter 40: Status
Chapter 41: Fearful symmetry
Chapter 42: Reference
Chapter 43: Venom
Chapter 44: Letting go
Chapter 45: Sincerity
Chapter 46: Megido
Chapter 47: Mockery
Chapter 48: Freezing
Chapter 49: Ring
Chapter 50: New
Chapter 51: Discovering
Chapter 52: Destroying
Chapter 53: Conquest
Chapter 54: Liberation
Chapter 55: Seclusion
Chapter 56: Swelling
Chapter 57: Shaking
Chapter 58: Considerations
Chapter 59: Magick
Chapter 60: Dog
Chapter 61: Goncharov
Chapter 62: Lonely
Chapter 63: Hobbits
Chapter 64: Giving up
Chapter 65: Water
Chapter 66: Drops
Chapter 67: Depths
Chapter 68: Improvising
Chapter 69: Quid pro quo
Chapter 70: Hurting
Chapter 71: Anticipating
Chapter 72: Cavity
Chapter 73: Bypassing
Chapter 74: Building
Chapter 75: Assembly
Chapter 76: Nocturne
Chapter 77: Disappearing
Chapter 78: Memory
Chapter 79: Extinguishing
Chapter 80: Approaching
Chapter 81: Interpreting
Chapter 82: Target
Chapter 83: Numbers
Chapter 84: Late
Chapter 85: Safety
Chapter 86: Measures
Chapter 87: Worlds
Chapter 88: Granting
Chapter 89: Jumping
Chapter 90: Fleeing
Chapter 91: Discerning
Chapter 92: Now
Chapter 93: Ultimate
Chapter 94: Brackets
Chapter 95: Instructions
Chapter 96: Severing
Chapter 97: Dire
Chapter 98: Bodies
Chapter 99: Heal
Chapter 100: Consciousness
Chapter 101: Cyclical
Chapter 102: Heaven
Chapter 103: Species
Chapter 104: Empires
Chapter 105: Light
Chapter 106: Waterfront
Chapter 107: Impermanence
Chapter 108: Consummation
Chapter 109: Salving
Chapter 110: Unlimited
Chapter 111: Mediating
Chapter 112: Unity
Chapter 113: Space
Chapter 114: Birds
Chapter 115: Stars
Chapter 116: Telepathy
Chapter 117: Dawn
Chapter 118: Vortex
Chapter 119: Passages
Chapter 120: Defending
Chapter 121: Averting
Chapter 122: Control
Chapter 123: Stars
Chapter 124: Inhabiting
Chapter 125: Stars
Chapter 126: Spoons
Chapter 127: Stars
Chapter 128: Room
Chapter 129: Angels
Chapter 130: Shining
Chapter 131: Offerings
Chapter 132: Rhythm
Chapter 133: Overcoming
Chapter 134: Stars
Chapter 135: Patriarchy
Chapter 136: Rage
Chapter 137: Myopia
Chapter 138: Devouring
Chapter 139: Void
Chapter 140: Juggernaut
Chapter 141: Slumber
Chapter 142: Growing
Chapter 143: Flight
Chapter 144: Showing
Chapter 145: Mutation
Chapter 146: Revolution
Chapter 147: Customization
Chapter 148: Introspection
Chapter 149: Mandates
Chapter 150: Carnival
Chapter 151: Credulous
Chapter 152: Snack
Chapter 153: Earth
Chapter 154: Liberty
Chapter 155: Arete
Chapter 156: Instruction
Chapter 157: Allowing
Chapter 158: Memories
Chapter 159: Traveling
Chapter 160: Binding
Chapter 161: Outside
Chapter 162: Returning
Chapter 163: Birds
Chapter 164: Cabin
Chapter 165: Starlight
Chapter 166: Heat
Chapter 167: Service
Chapter 168: Severing
Chapter 169: Woods
Chapter 170: Siding
Chapter 171: Flowing
Chapter 172: Unreasonable
Chapter 173: Golden
Chapter 174: Unfolding
Chapter 175: Holding
Chapter 176: Sloth
Chapter 177: Wind
Chapter 178: Quarantining
Chapter 179: Awakenings
Chapter 180: Errors
Chapter 181: Motors
Chapter 182: Geometry
Chapter 183: Subsumption
Chapter 184: Crossroads
Chapter 185: Release
Chapter 186: Explaining
Chapter 187: Retrofit
Chapter 188: Returning
Chapter 189: Molly
Chapter 190: Haunted
Chapter 191: Bestowal
Chapter 192: Chances
Chapter 193: Firsts
Chapter 194: Margin
Chapter 195: Thy Kingdom Come
Chapter 196: Harbor
Chapter 197: Crisis
Chapter 198: Searching
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sangaverage · 18 days
So what do I mean by Eclectic Witch?
This might be a long one so text will be under a divider (credit: here)
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Well, here's a list of things that I do:
-I do not consider myself pagan but will celebrate sabats (I think the only ones I don't celebrate are Imbloc and Beltane, mostly because I forget) bare in mind I am not traditional with them and also do not consider myself a traditional witch, you can see what I mean: here (YouTube)
-I celebrate Yule and Christmas, Yule is a separate thing for me and is more about welcoming the darkness and the start of "true winter" whereas Christmas is a time for family and giving thanks and presents (I am not religious so Christmas is more like America's thanksgiving but with presents)
-I practice Demonolatry and have worked with some demonic divine (I still do from time to time, I am constantly nudged into different directions by different demonic that wish to work with me at the time)
-I have worked with (and still rarely do) the elemental dragons, Grael, Sairys, Fafnir and Naelyon
-I do a little pop culture magick and chaos magick on the side, it's not often but it's there when I need it or I can't think of a specific entity for a working
-i have used sigils in my spellwork, some by others, some I made myself (both work wonders but there's a thing going around where apparently your sigils are better as you have personally changed them with your creativity)
-My magick is 90% of the time Nocturnal, I draw more power and energy for spell work at night than during the day, that being said, I do occasionally do magick during the day (nocturnal magick and gothic grimoire aren't bad little books for this sort of thing if your starting out!)
-I do consider myself Vampiric and will incorporate that vampirism into my magick where I feel it suits, I also practice my own Variation of Vampire magick
-Some Spirits will just Visit me instead of me visiting them, Oftentimes these are lesser known or "Local" spirits, I am A-Ok working with them so long as they behave
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ignotabackwoods · 1 year
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Department 3 of 8: Department of Celestial Credence
[Description for those who can't read it: One of the last social departments, DCC has staked claim over the wizard tower built into the right side of the main university building. It houses several rooms all dedicated to different sects and practices ranging from worship of old gods to various uses of magicks. The faint sound of various occult and alternative styled music can always be heard coming from this part of the building as the students fight for control of the aux cord on any given day. The rooms are kept dark with blackout curtains and often don’t contain more than a few phosphorescent items to help the students see. A powerful energy radiates from each room as the students of DCC perform acts often banned from most current religions. DCC holds knowledge that would drive many people mad and enjoy using it to its full extent. This department borders on nocturnal and makes very rare appearances outside of their tower, though they usually have eyes on what goes on. When not honing their craft, these students enjoy playing around with more mundane occult items and even hold weekly Ouija board sessions to gossip. These students are powerful and are best not to anger.
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Why I love using cats in my witchcraft
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I love cats, they're one of my favorite creatures and one of the few creatures I love using in my witchcraft.
I love cat symbolism, cat figures, cat themed things, cat magick, connecting with cat spirits, and allowing my own pet cats in my witchcraft.
So let's talk about cats!
The spiritual symbolism of Cats:
cats are symbolic of rebirth and resurrection, per their nine lives. Because they are nocturnal, they are also associated with darkness independence, guardian energy, the esoteric, and mystery, elegance, curiosity, independence, protection, magic, and other notable qualities.
Divine cats connect with:
the yule cat
The cat sithe
Li Shou
Bòge cat
And that's not even all not them!
Different cats have different meanings:
Yep that's right! We all know the black cat = bad luck thing but did you know there's lots of superstitions around cats? I'll name a few!
Black cats are bad luck unless you're a sailor or a witch then they're good luck.
For sailors white cats were bad luck!
Calico cats in Japan are actually seen as good luck and even luckier if they have a bobbed tail!
It is bad luck to cross a stream carrying a cat.
If a cat purrs at nothing, a ghost is in the room.
Bathing a cat will cause it to rain.
A cat at a wedding is a good omen
If you can pluck a pure white hair from an all-black cat without being scratched, you will be lucky all your life long
Cats can see death
Fishermen’s wives believe that their husbands will be safe at sea if a black cat is kept in the house
A kitten being born the same day as your baby means your baby will have a lucky life.
Blue eyed cats are good luck
Cats spread gossip so they should not enter rooms where private discussions are taking place.
When you see a one-eyed cat, spit on your thumb, stamp your palm with your thumb and make a wish.
Killing a cat means 17-18 years of bad luck
If a cat jumps across a grave, that corpse will return as a vampire.
If a cat sneezes three times, someone else is going to catch a cold.
If a cat has kittens in your house, it is a sign that your house has no evil spirits
If you head off on a journey and see a cat on your left side, it is a sign of good luck.
Visiting a home with a cat? Kiss the cat for good luck.
And that’s just a few cat superstitions!
Cats in witchcraft/spirituality in history:
Cats were feared and thought to indicate the presence of evil, either being the Devil himself, or a witch in disguise, a demon, a faery in disguise, undead, immortal or a ghost.
As early as the 13th century, the Catholic Church linked cats to Satan, heretics, witches, pagans, demons, ghosts, the fae, vampires and zombies. Over time during slavery of both the Irishs and Africans the church connected them too hoodoo, voodoo and Irish paganism though it was mostly because slaves would keep these creatures as cherished companions during their years of slavery since cats were a plenty and often times were from/born on the plantations. Cats also had a connection to native Americans as well! Many cats essentially pregnant Cats get abandoned by their owners left on many reservations, these abandoned cats become the devoted pets and mouse hunters on reservations helping in keeping rodent populations down And with that came native based spiritual beliefs around cats! Cats have been beloved and faithful companions of the oppressed for centuries!
Also just adding in feng shui cats are seen as protectors and good luck!
Cats also are symbols of femininity, queerness, ABC being on trans spectrum.
There's so much more about cats in mythology, folklore, superstitions, witchcraft and other spiritual beliefs!
So if you wanna add animal symbolism into your craft then the protective, lucky and mysterious cat might be for you!
Artists name on photo!
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windup-yahri · 11 months
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♡ Bio ♡
Y’ahri Ndai
♡ Age: 23
♡ Birthday: 14th of February (in our calendar system)
♡ Sexuality: Bisexual
♡ Main classes: RDM, WHM, SAM
♡ Race: Miqo’te, half seeker of the sun and half keeper of the moon
Born to a Seeker mother and a Keeper father in the outskirts of the Black Shroud, Y’ahri was raised surrounded by nature. Lagging behind her two older brothers in archery, she was sent to the Conjurers’ Guild in Gridania at the age of 17 due to her attunement to magicks. Three years later, at the age of 20 she ventures out into Eorzea and beyond, and joins the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. 
♡ Personality: She is generally an optimistic, encouraging and kind person, with a good side of mischievous playfulness to her. Outgoing and social, Y’ahri loves to get to know new people. Her vulnerabilities and fears are often kept under wraps. 
♡ Likes: Y’ahri is a thrillseeker at heart, and loves spending time with people dear to her. She also enjoys wearing cute, fashionable clothes. When it comes to food she enjoys hearty meals like soups or stews.
♡ Dislikes: Cold foods, solitude, spellcasting (she has started enjoying caster jobs more in recent times).
She wears her white face paint into battle as a nod to her keeper family using the same face paint when hunting. 
Her favorite colors are red and pink. 
She is left-handed. 
Her pupils will become circular when she is in the dark, along with an ability to see well in the dark. 
She enjoys modifying her clothes, and is fairly good at sewing. 
She is physically very agile and flexible, and surprisingly strong for her size, often carrying large, heavy weapons. 
Post- Shadowbringers (MAJOR SHB SPOILERS) she has white, glowing freckles all over her body due to Light corruption. These become more visible in the dark. 
She has keeper fangs, and enjoys biting (lol). 
She is good friends with Tataru, and loves gossiping with her about going-ons wherever adventure has taken her. 
Enjoys to make fun of Y’shtola and Estinien because she gets funny reactions. 
Has been in a relationship with G’raha Tia since Shadowbringers patch quests. 
Ndai is a surname she has taken on due to her mother wishing to give her Seeker names. Her Keeper family’s name is Nelhah.
She was raised nocturnal and has an odd sleeping pattern because of this.
Her mother is an ex-pirate.
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triste-guillotine · 1 year
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RUNEMAGICK “Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind” LP 2023 (’...They chant for me, like a call from the tombs. Conjure me free, like ascending fumes...’)
1. Archaic Magick (After the Red Sun) 2. Endless Night and Eternal End 3. Revocation of Spectral Paths 4. The Storm Rode Beyond the Firmament 5. Nocturnal Deities of Winter 6. Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind
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sanguine-inkwell · 11 months
I feel like I've neglected the blog again, so! Mod Smoke here again. Time for an update on the sanguinarian shenanigans.
I've added a few books to my reading list, and the one on my bedside table is Energy Magick of the Vampyre by Don Webb. I tend to keep my own council and use several grains of salt when it comes to witchcraft, especially when people start spelling magic with a k, but I can definitely see how this could scratch some of the itch. For better or for worse, there's something predatory and preening about the nature of the vampire, and the more educated you are about yourself and your options the easier it is to take your urges out for a little run in healthy ways.
I'm on the fence about auras, energy, and all of that, but I'm a theatre kid at heart. The power of presence and presentation, the intersection of stage magic and religious ritual, is absolutely a real tool. Mod Glass is more straightforward about it- she definitely believes, and to my eternal bafflement she manages to feed on trees and flowing water. I can definitely believe in that, and the way she's a little less primal after sitting in a park for an hour. Clearly something is being achieved there, so it's possible- I'm just tragically doomed to my own version of cynicism, and thus the awkward anxiety of trying to ask the butcher for blood.
(I still haven't.)
I've got my coconut water, my pomegranate juice, my aesthetic and my interests. It's enough for now. I don't know if I'm flourishing, but I'm nearer that than not, so I'll take what I've got.
I think in a lot of ways it's easier to separate what you "should" want from what you do want. Especially when you're a teenager, you want the validation of community- community for its own sake, to some extent, but also a mirror to tell you you're real.
I fell into that when I found the otherkin community, pagans, all of it- if I let myself keep on with that, I'd still be content with the idea that dragons are supposed to crave eating rocks or hoarding shiny things. That's not what I need, or even what I really want. I want community, and I'm not going to find it by conforming to any standards, or I quite simply wouldn't be me. I try to hold onto "build it and they will come", for better or for worse, but I do go looking in my own way.
You don't net as much weird, queer, and othered community in the Bible Belt as you might expect unfortunately. It's a work in progress.
Back on the more direct topic though, I'm having fun snatching the other mods for deep philosophical discussions over drinks. I think it named itself Mod Citrine...? It's not on here often, mostly because it's even less inclined to the kind of theatrics I get up to. No roses and candles and gothic spires for that one. We feed on different things, I think, when it comes to blood- and that's why I can't entirely write off the possibility of some strange unquantifiable energy being involved. It's incredibly, deeply intimate for me, and for a moment I could almost convince myself I do have powers beyond doing mostly even eyeliner wings. It's definitely not the same kind of power or even hedonistic high that comes from sex, but I can't define it to save my life except through poetry.
For Citrine... it prefers not to call itself a vampire except by the strictest definition. If pressed, it'll say alterhuman or otherkin, but mostly for someone else's benefit so they can slap a label on and move on. It's not a vampire with all the bells and whistles the way myself, Glass, and Key are, with the gothic yearning and nocturnal tendencies and the fifteen different types of black lipstick on top of the hunger for blood. It calls itself an object spirit, a thing that had enough sentiment attached to it to get reincarnated, with some urges left over. Objects aren't animals, aren't primal the way animals are- but the desires and dreams attached to them are human, in a way, as much as they're not, divorced from the breadth of human emotion and distilled into inhuman too-clean drives, the way a storm or a mountain has drives.
Even so, it has a relationship with blood, just like I have a relationship with blood, and that interests me. I come at it from the perspective of a vampire, the hunger of the human predator that seeks to thrive, and then beyond thriving seeks their own pleasure. Citrine comes at it from the perspective of a sword, skill and fulfilled purpose and occasionally even as an offering. Not a biological hunger, not in the same way, but a hunger of purpose. Maybe ideology or identity. It makes some sense. As a vampire, I have to feed. The community itself is proof enough that the definition of feeding is varied. A sword would want blood, and specifically blood, because that's what it's built for and meant to do.
Needless to say, next time I make my substitute I'm offering some and seeing what it thinks. Partially for science. Partially because I'm pretty sure it'll work and I want to see the look on Citrine's face. Join me in pretentious vampire hell, I drink pomegranate juice out of wine glasses and it's very very fun.
That said, dinner's almost done, so I'll leave off here. Have a good night!
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
tagged by: @ibikus and @leezlelatch <3 <3 <3 Hearts and kisses to both of you
currently reading: too many fanfics. So many fanfics. TRying to start Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik cause it was recced by a friend to me. But also busy reading some nonfiction books (mainly for fanfic inspo), The Complete Grimoire: Magickal Practices and Spells for Awakening Your Inner Witch by Lidia Pradas and re-reading Botanical Curses and Poisons by Fez Inkwright
favourite colour: Black, with red being my second my fave.
last song: Kiss from a rose by Seal (Thank you @aromansoul for that)
last movie: The Omen, a couple weeks ago
sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet, I have a horrible sweet tooth but I love spicy and savory food too.
currently working on: Ex-humation part 2 here's a lil sneak peek unedited thing under the readmore (body horror/dead body being touched/throw up warning [non-descript tho])
tags if you'd like to do this/haven't done it yet!: @nocturnal-birb, @skywarpie & @ghostchems
Stitching fabric has a different feel to it. There’s a different give to cloth or wool. You can press your fingers to the back of it, to help guide you through the way. If you make a mistake, it can easily be undone. 
A mistake here could mean the ritual would fail. 
Skin is different—especially old, dead skin. The Papa’s had been preserved, but there was still a considerable amount that had to be cut away, too weak of flesh that if you pierced it they wouldn’t stay together. But you had enough golden, dark-blessed thread to take care of it.
It was more stomaching what you were doing that was the problem. It’s different on an actual corpse than the practice on plastic or observing the drawings from textbooks. The skin is cold, and damp, and rips easily. Luckily your first poke had been the lesson you needed, to guide you carefully and slowly through it. Trying to forget the unease in your stomach, that’s crawling up your throat. 
The worst is how his body doesn’t have tension to it. There’s no life within it, not a single sign of it. When you grab hold of a shoulder, you don’t expect it to fall to your hand, there’s no firmness and all the muscle and bone simply squish within your grip, cartilage, and joints are the only things holding it together. 
It’s then that you realize, why Copia had given you the bucket. Because after feeling how his muscles simply squish beneath your hand when you adjust him, you are moving to empty out the contents of your stomach into the bucket.
Thank Satan you hadn’t started chanting. You would’ve had to start the entire ritual over.
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roboraptor · 2 years
ten songs on shuffle from my most used playlist, tagged by @redeyesblackdragon thank you!!
been listening almost non stop to this playlist i made a couple weeks ago called elden lord.
dahaka by spire of lazarus
recreant (chelsea grin cover) by nik nocturnal and will ramos
death portrait by lorna shore
no cure by elwood stray
withered sun by half heard voices
...and i return to nothingness by lorna shore
plaguebearer by infant annihilator
the summoning by sleep token
artorias by spire of lazarus
death magick by enterprise earth
tagging @junesqueer @facesidontknow @gee0theo @zestivalfestival if yall wanna give it a shot!
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otterpopyt · 1 year
My Predictions & Ideas for Castlevania: Nocturne (Part 1)
The fact that Castlevania: Nocturne comes out this Saturday is driving me absolutely bonkers. I love the original series, and I have anticipated the release of Nocturne for months.
The release of the teaser got me curious (especially with the gorgeous music used in the background), and once the trailer was release, my hype was through the roof. Even though I've never played a single Castlevania game in my whole life and know nothing about the lore I was intensely curious and fascinated by what the teaser and trailer had shown.
I watched both videos over and over again, trying to wrap my head around what I thought was going on. To date, I still only confidently have the names of 3 of the characters (from left to right: Richter, Belmont, Maria, and Annette), the rest are still a mystery to me.
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I don't know how closely tied to the games the story will be (wouldn't matter since I know nothing about the games anyways), and there are still mysteries for obvious reasons. Trailers aren't supposed to reveal all the story and secrets and details after all.
But I at least wanted to put together a list of things that I have observed and predicted based on my countless viewings of both the initial Nocturne teaser and the subsequent trailer:
Based on the teaser, and built upon more by the trailer, Richter has suffered the loss of his mother right before his eyes and still likely hangs on the trauma of that even in his young adulthood. It is also possible he will be suffering further trauma during the series.
Based on bits from the trailer, Richter is likely younger than Trevor from the original series, and so far has come off as more sarcastic, arrogant, and youthful than his Belmont counterpart.
Based on some clips from the teaser, Annette has and/or will suffer similar trauma.
The vampire who killed Richter's mother seen in the teaser admits to killing his mother because she killed someone he loved, but does not kill Richter despite likely knowing he will be a probable threat later. This makes me questions his true motivations and makes me wonder what part he might play in the story if any.
The fact that Richter's mother can use magic (seen in both the teaser and the trailer) is an interesting notion, especially since the use of magic has clearly diversified. Richter's mother and another unnamed female character seem to be able to use natural magic similar to what Sypha uses in the original series. But Maria is only seen using a kind of creature-summoning magic (most notably birds and a lighting cat but there are possibly other creatures) somewhat like magical animal spirits. Annette uses what appears to be weapon and/or metal-transformative magicks; she also seems to use some kind of earth magic as well but that doesn't fully explain her capabilities.
It is possible the unnamed female character is or was a Speaker as her magical capabilities / moves / clothing style (to an extent) are very similar to what Sypha used in the original series. The same could potentially be said of Richter's mother, though being a Belmont could also explain that since she would be Sypha's direct descendant.
The fact that Richter's mother can use magic but he cannot is also interesting. One thing I do know about the games (which I only discovered recently) was that Richter is capable of using magic, and he seems to be using magic as evidenced by the teaser but only potentially doing something similar in the trailer. This could mean that either (a) Richter is attempting to learn magic during the series and could potentially be having difficulty or (b) he was once capable of using magic but suffered a mental block and hasn't been able to use it since. His mother's death before his eyes could have caused this very mental block.
The events of the real life French Revolution were likely used for this particular timeline and it is very possible that instead of the monarchy and nobles and clergy ruling over the peasants that eventually rebel due to bankruptcy / taxes / royal corruption / hard crop seasons, vampires comprise most or all of the nobility in France with some human aides / followers.
In the trailer it is subtly revealed that Richter Maria, and the unnamed female companion at the very least do not know what night creatures are, despite his ancestors only a few hundred years ago being adept at identifying and killing them (notably Trevor and Sypha). This is indicative of the fact that the Belmonts may not have stayed in Transylvania after the events of the original series and that they drastically shifted their home elsewhere for a number of generations. In this case France or anywhere west of there would make the most sense.
Speaking of, the fact that night creatures are apart of this show as seen in both the teaser and the trailer is indicative of another Forgemaster's existence, likely sided with the vampires, since night creatures can only be created by human forgemasters as was stated in the original series (unless vampires have developed special technology for creating their own night creatures which is somewhat possible but also unlikely).
The reference to the vampire Messiah in the trailer seems to indicate a new female antagonist we have not met before who likely controls most or all of the current vampire nobility plotting in France, though from her brief speaking lines her accent seems more eastern than that of the other characters we hear speak.
The vampire Messiah is also referred to in both the teaser and the trailer as being a devourer of light who will eat the sun, with shots of an eclipse being shown in both. It is possible that a solar eclipse has been predicted by the antagonists, and that the plan is to use it or magic revolving around it to allow a more effective takeover of the general population in France.
In the teaser it is hinted that the unnamed female character (seen with Richter and Maria in the trailer) knows the identity and/or personality of the not-yet-named vampire Messiah
(more predictions and observations will continue in a Part 2!)
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talonabraxas · 9 months
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Moon: Astrology, Magick, Healing, Herbs & Minerals
Planetary Correspondences of the Moon
The energy of the moon is tidal and watery, bringing to mind our deepest dreams, thoughts and emotions and its cyclical nature honors the cycles of our lives and our bodies. The moon shines its light through the darkness to reveal secrets, even those we keep from ourselves.
The moon’s metal is silver.
Stones that correspond to the energy of the moon tend to be white and/or luminescent. moonstone, pearl, white quartz and white or clear crystal spheres.
Lunar Herbs
Lunar herbs tend to be juicy and lightly sweet and with a sweet (sometimes cloying) fragrance. Either they produce watery fruits, or they have succulent leaves or both.
Many moon herbs help to balance hormones, relieve mild pain and/or gently induce sleep. Many moon plants open at night and close during the day or release their scent at night to attract nocturnal pollinators. Moon plants often grow near water.
White or silvery plants tend to correspond to lunar energy and sometimes these plants bear the mark of the moon even more strongly (see the doctrine of signatures).
Here’s a list:
moonflower, lotus, Evening Primrose, Night Jasmine, cucumber, melon, bitter melon, almond, agave, moonwort, milkweed, passionflower(sedative), mallow, Willow(pain), poppy (sedative, pain relief), Gooseberry, Goat’s beard, Mugwort, Wild Yam(hormones), Iris Lunar Fragrances- Incense, Oils and Fumigation Herbs Almond, clary sage, Orris root
Astral spaces : portals into the multiverse. Talon Abraxas
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