#no1curr but still
darsynia · 1 year
I have PLAYED MYSELF, folks
Back on a bit of a writing hyperfocus and am only not back on tumblr fully yet because...
it's daunting to know where to start to catch up (a dear Tumblr friend passed away and I'm brokenhearted),
I want to love on all the people at once and that's daunting, and
I felt the hyperfocus coming on and chose to do A Stupid and rewatched an 30 year old show I didn't think I'd end up wanting to write for, since I never have in the past!
OOPS. What I didn't bank on is that this was deeply formative for my romance preferences ('forbidden' romance to an extent, an age difference, Scottish Male Lead, smart and tortured love interest, idealistic main character, I could go on), and there are precious few stories in the first place. It's not even a rare pairing! The show handed this couple to you on a platter and then canceled the show on a cliffhanger argh argh argh.
SO. I'm working on this story that had 6 fics on AO3 before I posted one (some of my tags: This Show Needs a Prescription For MORE FIC; Shipping Neil/Christy For 30 Years Does Something to a Person; It Was a Crime to Never Show These Two Kissing) but I'm also popping over to Steve/Reader and Toby Ziegler/OC periodically as well. I'd intended to do Flufftober with a new Steve fic idea but that may have to be NaNoWriMo instead, depending on the temperature of the fandom at present, heh.
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If you're curious about that idea, it's set right after Avengers 1, as Steve is adjusting to being in the modern era. Stark Industries has branched out into some TV production as a way to generate goodwill given the destruction in New York. The show is called Cap Comes Home, and it's a 'what if' setting where Steve was able to successfully make it back instead of disappearing. A problem arises when the actor they'd hired to play 1940's Steve Rogers has a stunt injury-- but Steve himself steps in.
It ends up being a great way to be accurate about his 'character,' do some pretty wild stunts without hurting anyone, and eases Steve back into society very nicely. It turns out the actress they'd cast for a love interest has terrible chemistry with the real Steve, but things sizzle between him and their skilled prop technician, who stepped in for a bit part on the show.
Everyone can tell that the two of them are very good for each other, but is it ethical to facilitate a real-life romance on set? Will the two of them realize that's what's happening before the producers can rake in the profits from one of the most unique shows ever created?
Is that something you'd want to read? I'm torn as to whether to make it an OC or a Reader fic (seems that readership is waning on here and IDK if AO3 is more inclined toward Reader or OC). Is there anything you'd love to see portrayed as a plot device in the meta show inside this fic?
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rockerfemme · 28 days
trigger warning for misogyny and FGM
the venn diagram of feminists and people who are into heavy body modification is literally just me so I am 100% sure no1curr BUT I have gotta talk about misogyny in the mod community. specifically from the mod practitioners, who are mostly male. any mod enthusiast who knows anything knows that tongue splitting and similar mods are illegal in the UK and Australia because of a now infamous practitioner (butcher) Brendan Russell aka "B-Slice" botching multiple clients' implants and causing the death of one client. I've seen the case referenced multiple times, but it was only when I looked it up for details that I realized that all the botched clients were female, that set my alarm bells off and I looked more into the cases.
The client he killed, died of an infection in a subdermal implant he gave her and that's the victim who gets referenced the most but upon doing my own research, prior to that, he was convicted on an FGM charge when he botched a labiaplasty on a different woman and burned part of her vagina off. X X
Next I read about another practitioner, this one is widely considered reputable and is still in business today. Whilst recommending him to someone, a commenter informs everyone that he "cut off my friend's huge labia." Disgusting. The fact that he performs that type of procedure tells you everything about how he views women. X
Next I read a review of a documentary about another highly respected practitioner, a pioneer in the field. Reportedly it's revealed that "many of his personal motivations are, indeed, sexual" and describes a scene in which he pressures his long-term girlfriend into having an open relationship (one sided, of course.) Vile. And we clients meant to trust him to perform delicate procedures on us. X
I’m also aware of the “Brutal Blackout” project, a tattoo project in which the “artists” scribble black ink over large portions of the client’s body, while running the tattoo machine at a high voltage to intentionally cause as much pain as possible to the client. Clients aren’t allowed to tell the tattooists when to stop. There’s a mini documentary on YouTube and it’s very disturbing, it’s clear that one of the two “artists” is a deeply sadistic man who is overjoyed that he is paid to harm people. X
This all isn't really something that can be discussed with regular people because they laugh at modified people and call us stupid for even wanting this type of body art (tongue bifurcation, scarification, subdermal implants, coinslots, cartilage punch/removal, elf ears, etc). Neither do I feel that such a discussion would be received well in the mod community, because it is (unsurprisingly) populated by mega liberals.
But for women who want to adorn themselves in this way, it's important to know that some of these so-called "artists" are, in reality, disgusting sex perverts and misogynists. Go to female mod artists whenever possible and dig deep through multiple social media sits for information on any practitioner you're considering.
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the7thcrow · 2 years
HI! finally caught up on natgig (been reading a lot of books & writing a lot hard time reading fic + in the mlm era no1curr anyway) but OH MY GOD I AM GOING TO EAT YOU!!!!!
firstably, reading the way you write action scenes reminds me so much of the horrors of me writing cots butbutbut YOU ARE SO GOOD AT IT. everything flows so smoothly, so easily, so well it's such an easy read and simple to follow...exactly as it should be. CHEFS KISS.
that cliff scene...corynn i was going to jump out of my window fr. you are reckless.
uhghhhhGGHGHGG it's so good. luvluvluv your brain. kisses it. hope you're doing well babygirl.
reporting that i am no longer on my death bed and am finally here to say MELTYYYY🫶🤸‍♀️💕
i’m so glad to see that you caught up and enjoyed natgig. i totally get it. i haven’t had the time to really read a fic in like.. a month lmao. so i appreciate you finding the time to read it <3
it always makes me laugh seeing how much you dread writing action scenes, because they’re honesty one of my fav things to write lolol. sometimes i feel like i go a little bit overboard (the outline for the entire drasilisk scene being as follows: Big monster fight against these giant snake demon things. babies then mother, jump off cliff.) so im glad it still came off as thrilling and flowed like a wanted it to, as i was highkey flying by the seat of my pants.
the cliff scene was indeed a little insane, i must admit it. but that’s how we roll around here😌
kissing your forehead. i’m glad you liked it. thank you wifey <333
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fenris-ranger · 3 years
No one is ever going to see this, but I thought I'd throw it out into the void anyhow:
There are literally TWO fics on AO3 right now tagged with both Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan and Podfic & Podficced works.
I don't want to say this is a blatant call to arms, but hey guys please?
so anyway, if anyone sees this? I just want you to know there's an audience if you're at all willing to try. I'm an fucking rutabaga at leaving actual feedback (but I'm trying to get better, literal New Years Resolution is to get back to my intentional habit of commenting instead of just Kudos-ing on everything I engage with), but swear to god I will have listened to it all and you have made my day better for having done it.
Gonna get vaguely personal but I used to be fairly hardcore Podfic fandom -- grew up with audiobooks and such, assume that's why. Between a) trying to fail out of medical school, b) knowing I will unconsciously assume some hideously mockable facsimile of their accents because that's what I'm hearing in my head c) (most importantly) the new stupid speech impediment tyvm jaw tumor surgery bullshit and the years-prolonged reconstruction because america thinks anything in your mouth is luxury bone
-- I just can't really contribute anymore.
Otherwise honestly I would do it in a heartbeat, but I know I can't make my mouth do what my brain is hearing when I read things, and that's just too much.
But Thasmin fandom, though I've just only in the past month and a half or so dipped my toe back in (also tyvm but this time medical school) seems to be so good with accommodations and such, like image descriptions (looking at you, @rosetylercoded). And I know there are screen-readers and the like but it's just not the same?
Idk, I got joy out of reading people stories, maybe The Youths do not and that's why it's the same group of us ~older folks~ hanging around #podfic fandom? Might.
I mean, sometimes, I literally just put on FayJay's podfics as like comfort white-noise. When you're on high-key autism mode and can't handle Real People but also need something, letting a voice read you a story that you've both read/heard -- I mean, people do it with music all the time, a stim fave [I've been doing it with Jodie's "Yellow" this past week; can't honestly wait for my 2022 recap when they say "hey you played "Yellow" 76938 times this year!"]
Idk like I said before, fucking Tumblr has deleted this literally three times so I probably had more poignant thoughts before but.
I really wish I could podfic some Thasmin shit because why the hell is it basically nonexistent
But I even more really wish someone else would do it because I'm dopamine seeking really really hard right now and trying to stay sane and that would help.
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flintstill · 2 years
When one of your coresidents is trying to date and asks your coresidents who live a few hours away if they have any single girl friends because the pool in this city is not good, and all the friends are in relationships, yet these other coresidents are also trying to get him to get back on the apps and expand his radius etc, like have taken on the project
And then when the topic has gone on enough in a group setting and he wants to deflect the scrutiny and suggests they gotta not only find someone for him but for me, and says I they get me to get on the apps then he’ll make a profile again
And luckily they do focus their attention on him because he talks about the dates he’s gone on since getting into the city, and I don’t talk about anything like that so their attention isn’t on me, but there’s been short lived attention on me before
And it’s like
Idk how to tell them I’m not interested without also saying it’s because I hold a torch for someone, and I don’t want to be subjected to questions about that torch
Like past trauma has made me so ducking guarded about things like that (and that great formative trauma has made me so fearful or repeating it that it has inadvertently fucked things up for me)
But at the same time like, I want the practice and experience of being in a relationship in case I’ve get another chance with whom that torch burns for, but I don’t want to develop a spark with someone else and I’m scared I may, and I’m scared of and potentially unwilling to submit myself to he mortifying ordeal of being known—my baggage and inexperience and insecurities—by even a starter fling (for lack of better or more dignified term)
Which just makes me feel like I’m fucked forever
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inkstained-wretch · 4 years
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imagine being a kid who aspires to become an olympic figure skater and getting advice from the best that roughly translates “if you can’t be perfect - if you can’t do something at your best, you might as well not even try”
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harinezumiko · 5 years
So like y’all I don’t believe in the stupid pain scale because doctors are full of shit and pain is reletive but like
This is my “pain killers are meaningless and really how worth it is continuing to not have this fucking tooth out, like, the nerve’s gotta be close to dead, and I haven’t passed out from pain that transcends numbers in favor of seeing colors, how bad am I at math again and how calculated is the Looney Tunes door string tooth pull method...?”
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Ngl American health care system makes it pretty fucking tempting.
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riftmeanewverse · 5 years
RULES: You can only say guilty or innocent. You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you. Repost, don’t reblog. ( italic on verse depending answers)
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asked  someone  to  marry  you  ?   guilty
kissed  one  of  your  friends  ?   guilty
danced  on  a  table  in  a  bar  /  tavern  ?   innocent
ever  told  a  lie ?  guilty
had  feelings  for  someone  whom  you  can’t  have  ?   guilty
ever  kissed  someone  of  the  same  sex  ?   innocent
kissed  a  picture  ?  guilty
slept  until  5pm  ?  innocent
fallen  asleep  at  work  /  school  ?  guilty
held  a  snake  ?    innocent
been  suspended  from  school  ?    innocent
worked  at  a  fast  food  chain  /  restaurant  ?   innocent
stolen  something  ?     guilty
been  fired  from  a  job  ?      innocent
done  something  you  regret  ?     guilty
laughed  until  something  you  were  drinking  came  out  of  your  nose  ?      guilty
caught  a  snowflake  on  your  tongue  ?       guilty
kissed  in  the  rain  ?       guilty
kissed  someone  you  shouldn’t  ?     guilty
sang  in  the  shower  ?    guilty
been  pushed  into  a  pool  with  all  your  clothes  on  ?    guilty
shaved  your  head  ?      innocent
slept  naked  ?     guilty
made  a  boyfriend  /  girlfriend  cry ?     guilty
shot  a  gun  ?   guilty
still  love  someone  you  shouldn’t  ?   guilty
have  /  had  a  tattoo ?     innocent
liked  someone  ,  but  will  never  tell  who  ?    guilty
been  too  honest  ?     guilty
ruined  a  surprise  ?    innocent
been  told  that  you’re  beautiful  by  someone  who  totally  meant  what  they  said   ?  innocent
still  have  communication  w/  your  ex  ?    guilty
cheated  on  someone  ?    innocent
got  so  angry  that  you  cried  ?       guilty
tried  to  stay  away  from  someone  for  their  own  good  ?     guilty
thoughts  about  suicide  ?   guilty
thoughts  about  murder  ?     guilty
how  about  mass  murder  ?  innocent
stalked  someone  ?   innocent
had  a  girlfriend  /  boyfriend  ?     guilty
gotten  totally  drunk  during  a  holiday  ?     guilty
sat  on  a  roof  top  ?   guilty
tagged by :   @byersmom tagging :  @notapriss @divinitiism @astra11 @byersremorse @itsgumbo @cliched @petitewheeler @photographiic @byerszombie & the person reading this!
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
look the fact y’all think fred and/or nick is gonna die this season just proves they won’t.
they’ll be around til the bitter end...
...7 more seasons from now
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hotwaterandmilk · 6 years
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Early 90′s aluminium business card case featuring the heroines of Silent Möbius as illustrated by series creator, Asamiya Kia. This item was scanned from my personal collection.
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rat-quing · 7 years
So I am on a medication that has a side effect of sleep walking. I’ve been putting a pile of weights in front of my bedroom door so I can tell in the morning if sleepwalking happened. This morning, the weights had been pushed aside and...it looks like I took out the trash? Okay sleeping!me, if all you do is chores I guess that’s not terrible.
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xollos · 7 years
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meridianrose · 7 years
The queue continues and I’ll add a couple of things but the hiatus continues.
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this-is-a-witty-url · 7 years
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My temporary set up until I get a nice entertainment set up for my place. It looks like a fucking train wreck tho lmfao
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ageless-aislynn · 4 years
The good news: I’ve finally finished “Cupid’s Kiss” chapter 2 (except for the editing)!
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The bad news: I’d taken a break from this fic for a bit to work on other stuff and, when I came back to it, I’d forgotten it’s going to be 3 chapters.
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Welp, at least finishing ch 2 is something, right? If you like your Eowells/Caitlin fics on the smutty side, well... Ch2 kinda starts out with a bang. :P
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Each chapter is set to be around 4k so that’s almost 12k of unrepentant Snowells smut to avoid look forward to/whatever/you do you. ;)
I tell you this, not because anybody’s out there just on their edge of their seat waiting for my 3 main unfinished fics to update (that’s “Cupid’s Kiss,” “Haunted” and “Unrequited” for those of you playing along at home :P ), but because... Well, I’m struggling with a whole magazine’s worth of issues at the moment and some of that is manifesting as “GIVE UP, NO1CURRS ABOUT ANY OF THIS.”
But I care about them. I started these, I want to finish them. Even after all of the various Snowells fics I’ve written, I still have more to say. I don’t know why. It’s been a lot of years since I’ve had a pairing speak to me this loudly and I know that once the ride’s over, it’ll probably be another long time before it happens again. If ever. So I want to just enjoy writing, you know? I want to enjoy hanging out with mah precious bbs. 
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Anyway, have a cookie.
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[/random post is random]
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justanotherfacet · 3 years
Post-election pre-results local shit
If Prop B in San Antonio fails, it’s gonna be at least partly because the #bluelivesmatter folks’ signs were “DEFUND THE POLICE” and it’s more complicated than that imo.
BASICALLY, it’s not exactly defunding. What it IS is “no to collective bargaining from PD unions”, which are disproportionately white and cis dude-headed even in places that do have vaguely diverse forces and unsurprisingly this tends to lead to “even cops that are bad enough that SOME upper management person(s) WANT gone may end up as ‘ha ha i beat the case you can’t fire me’”. 
Pretty sure this is also linked to how some bad cops hopscotch, but I can’t quote sources on that. IIRC, because I live in Texas there was one time when I think Travis County basically spelled OUT “TOTALLY UNFIT TO BE A COP WHATSOEVER” and somebody else still hired him. Unsurprisingly this ended up in a civilian dead by his hands.
One of the city council dudes (Manny something district 8 he’s thankfully NOT FUCKING MINE) was all “this could make it harder to recruit etc etc”.
FUCK THAT SHIT.  If you don’t want to apply to a PD where if you demonstrate that you are the kind of asshole who’s unfit to serve you’re more likely to face real consequences, then I don’t want you anywhere NEAR me or mine. (I don’t want you anywhere else with LEO power either, but this vote was something I could control and that I can’t)
For the record: I look like a Karen. I am also obviously neurodivergent and I was drugged up on clonazepam due to ongoing tremor issues WHEN i voted and wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it. While I am at much less police risk than my 70-85% Latinx neighborhood from the neurodivergency,  mine’s still not zero it’s just “MY shady stop experience while my symptoms were cranked to 12 just gave me a really nasty scare as opposed to making me a hashtag”. 
Also, unsurprisingly for a working poor mostly Latinx neighborhood, we get the “overpoliced and underprotected” and ICE is a thing. Far as I’m concerned, chinga la migra siempre, because imo about 97% of folks trying that crossing are legit asylees and/or just trying to get paid and a lot of times send money home and I’m disgusted by kids in cages and lately they’ve been locking up a shitload of black pregnant people too. I’m at most fourth-gen from my dad’s dad, but no1curr cuz he was Norwegian as opposed to being “a scary brown dude” by meme Karen standards.
Prop B failed narrowly.
I get to keep my “probably mostly okay” mayor and my city council rep who as far as I can tell is going pretty hard for my district. (I live in Texas. This is better than I can say about either my Austin representation because I hate Abbott/Patrick, Ken Paxton and probably my state *senator* or my DC because I sure as hell didn’t vote for Cornyn or Cruz and while I actually voted for my House Rep my district is sufficiently gerrymandered that we’ve NEVER been Rep-repped. My politician expectations are LOW.)
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