#no this probably won't become a real monthly feature
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animehouse-moe · 10 months
The Animanga Find Of A Lifetime
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Yeah, I haven't really been too active this week. I've been busy during the week with life and whatnot, but a good chunk of the end of this week has been about this pile of anime and manga magazines. It's no longer just a "pile" of Animerica Extra, but a bonafide Mt. Everest encroaching on 400 issues, so I have lot to explain with just this haul alone.
So, where to begin? An outline is probably best.
This haul is a total of about 311 issues (a little more because of a few duplicates and magazines that aren't strongly related to animanga). That huge number is split across 16 different magazines, 4 of which (combining for 37 issues) are Japanese language.
The full list, in alphabetical order, is: Animage (JP), Animerica, Animerica Extra, Anime USA, AX (JP), AX DVD (JP), Mangajin, Neo, Newtype (JP), NewtypeUSA, OtakuUSA, Pulp, Protoculture Addicts, Shoujo Beat, Super Manga Blast, and Yen+.
Protoculture Addicts and Animerica stand out in the bunch because they together combine for over 100 of the issues in the haul, which is good because they're by far the longest running in the lot.
Speaking of those, let me give a bit of broad history in regards to the magazines.
While the majority are English language, there's actually a pair of them that were created/published outside of the US.
Starting it off, Protoculture Addicts was created in Montreal, and was actually ran as a Robotech Fanzine for about a year or so before becoming a full fledged magazine.
And then there's Neo, the UK based magazine. It's arguably the most interesting ongoing magazine out of the lot (with Otaku/Anime USA being the only others). It's also the only monthly animanga magazine to be currently published in English as OtakuUSA is bimonthly, and AnimeUSA is quarterly.
But that's enough history, what about the insides? For the most part they're relatively standard, but there's not "as many" manga anthology issues in this mountain.
Super Manga Blast, Shoujo Beat (only 9 issues), Animerica Extra (which I now have extras of), Pulp (only 2 issues), and Yen+.
That last one is the most interesting to me purely because of an editorial/column penned by "The Otaku Pimp". Yeah, that's a real thing that appears in that magazine which is incredibly funny to me.
More on the interesting side though is Mangajin, a magazine focused on teaching Japanese through Japanese culture, which of course includes manga. This one is especially interesting because it oftentimes features the only instance of the manga inside being translated to English.
And this is all just the tip of the iceberg. There's an insane amount of information and history in the magazines, and an exciting amount of unknowns with the frankly incredible amount of promotional DVDs that remain attached to so many of these issues.
I just have to get through it all.... which will take a long time. Will certainly be recruiting friends and whoever to help out, so hopefully I won't be doing this for the rest of my life haha
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pooja985 · 1 year
Revamp Your Daily Travel: Explore the Benefits of Electric Scooters
Electric scooters are a great way to reduce travel costs if you're on a budget. So, these vehicles can help you save time and money – while you enjoy a comfortable ride! If you're looking to buy electric scooter or upgrade your current model, this post will help you. Check out the major advantages of owning an electric scooter.
Benefits of electric scooters
E scooters are extremely convenient vehicles that help you navigate through crowded spaces. Due to the lightweight and compact design, travelling on it becomes simple. So, if you're stuck in traffic with no room to move, your compact electric scooter will get you out. That's why these electric vehicles are becoming popular in cities like Ahmedabad and Patna, where traffic is slowly increasing. As population levels increase in these urban communities, e scooters help you manage the crowds and move conveniently. If you buy an EV scooter like Lectrix LXS, you can use navigation assist to find the best route through congested areas. In addition, you won't have much trouble finding parking spaces due to these reasons – As these scooters don't take up too much space, you can park them anywhere. You might move through areas where larger vehicles will struggle.
Keep Your Surroundings Peaceful
  Are you tired of petrol vehicles disrupting your peaceful surroundings? Increasing traffic will directly impact the noise pollution levels in any urban community. Petrol vehicles have combustion engines and other parts that vibrate while the vehicle moves. That's why they make a lot of noise and disturb your surroundings. The noise pollution might trouble children, senior citizens, pets, and other residents. Why not take a step to reduce this increasing noise pollution? The best way forward is buying a new electric scooter. Your e scooty has powerful electric motors that work silently with almost no vibration during movement. So, you can easily travel from one place to another without creating a ruckus! Excessive noise pollution can cause problems like hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and hypertension. So, you'll do your neighbours a huge favour by opting for an EV scooter and bringing the noise down.
Fuel Savings
  One of the most important advantages of purchasing an electric two wheeler is cost savings. Electric scooters will help you reduce your daily and monthly transportation expenses, as they run on power. You just need to take care of the battery and keep it fully charged when heading out. As you probably know about the rising petrol and diesel prices, vehicles running on these fuels are becoming expensive. Handling these costs can be difficult if you're a student or a young professional. Choosing an e scooty will be a cost-effective alternative. Most importantly, if you travel short distances every day, an e scooty will be ideal. As they travel quickly, your daily journeys will save you money. The approximate running cost is INR 0.12/KM; you just need a charging station. You can utilize the saved cash for educational or professional aspects. No License and Registration Hassles for low-speed models You don't have to handle the licensing and registration issues if you choose electric scooters. If the vehicle's maximum speed is under 25kmph with a power output of maximum 250 watts, it doesn't need a license. So, with no licensing problems, you can avoid insurance and registration for the vehicle. However, you must remember that these regulations might change depending on the State you live in and use the e scooty at. Contact your local transportation authority to understand the latest licensing and registration rules.
High Tech Features for Added Convenience
  Most e scooters have exciting tech features that improve the vehicle's usability. For example, live location tracking helps you track your scooter in real time. So, if the vehicle is lost or someone has stolen it, you can effectively determine its direction and geo-location. Another interesting feature is the convenient mobile applications that help you access the scooter's features. Connecting your scooter with the app lets you check out features like battery life and distance covered. This will enable you to preserve or charge the vehicle's battery when required. Moreover, you can modify your routes to maximize electricity usage by getting insights from the application. The digital LCD screen, which includes all vital information, is also useful.
Low Maintenance
  If you buy electric scooter, you will love how it requires low maintenance. These models don't have complicated parts and machinery, so they need fewer repairs. Compared to traditional scooters, an e scooty has a battery, electric motor, speed controller, and other simple parts. Even if the parts require fixing, the process won't be complicated. Here are some tips you can follow to maintain your electric scooter – Don't overcharge the battery Always use the original battery charger Store the electric scooter in a cool and dry place Clean the external surfaces of the scooty to keep it dirt free You can check out the Lectrix EV scooter having exciting features and an easy-to-maintain structure.
Also read: The Benefits of Owning an Electric Scooter for Daily Use
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knovator · 2 years
Tips for WordPress Plugin Development
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WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, getting an average of 4.9 million unique monthly visitors and being the #1 content platform for websites and blogs globally.
Being open source, WordPress is free to download and use, but that doesn't mean the process of developing a WordPress plugin is. Just like any other type of project, there are various steps you need to follow in order to successfully develop a plugin. In this article, we'll discuss some of the key tips.
Set A Realistic Goal
Before you start racking up costs on expensive tools and hiring developers, set a realistic goal for yourself. One of the biggest mistakes new plugin developers make is trying to build something complex or full-featured right away. This can set you up for disappointment when you realize that what you're trying to build is probably not going to be that popular, and you'll either have to scrap it or find a way to make it work with the current version of WordPress. Your time would be better spent on something that already works as intended and can be expanded upon.
Get A Test Environment Set Up
A good place to start is by getting a test environment set up. It's always a good idea to develop plugins in a separate environment, disconnected from the live site (this will help you avoid any unexpected behavior). You should have heard of Travis (from WordPress itself), which is a continuous integration platform that makes testing plugins much easier. For example, when you push code to GitHub, Travis will automatically run your test suite and give you feedback about any errors it might find.
Plan Your Backend
Planned backend is very important when it comes to developing a WordPress plugin. The backend handles all the database stuff behind the scenes so you can focus on the user experience (UX) without getting tangled up in technicalities. There are many different database systems and settings in WordPress. Just remember: the more you can do on the backend, the easier it will be to make changes to the plugin in the future. So don't hesitate to get creative!
Use The Right Libraries
Another thing that can make a significant difference in your development process is using the right libraries. There are tons of third-party libraries out there that can help you make your life much easier when working with WordPress. For example, the WP-API (WordPress API) makes working with WordPress data much easier, and you can connect to any type of external system (like Google Analytics or Salesforce) using the REST API.
Don't Forget About UX
UX (user experience) is one of the most important aspects of any product, but it can be particularly tricky to focus on while working on a development project. However, it's crucial you do so because without a good UX, your product won't be valuable, and you won't be able to convince others to use it. So, while you're planning your backend and implementing the features your users will love, don't forget about UX and how to make it as good as possible.
Get Feedback
Getting feedback is very important in the development process. So, while you're testing your plugin in a separate environment, don't hesitate to let other people test it too. This will help you find any errors before they become a real problem (and be nice for the people who are helping you out). You can also ask users for feedback directly through your plugin's settings screen (more on that below).
Create Readable Documentation
Another crucial part of any development process is creating easily-understandable documentation. While you're developing your plugin, you'll be doing a lot of things that can't be easily explained in writing. So, to help other people that may be trying to understand your code, create a documentation that is easily accessible. For example, if you're using an IDE (integrated development environment), such as PHPStorm or Visual Studio Code, create a documentation portal that contains all the information people might need, including but not limited to:
a short description of what the plugin does
sample use cases
detailed API documentation
configuration instructions
known issues
Also, don't forget to explain in the documentation why you're doing things the way you are. This will help other developers understand your code better and, more importantly, allow you to explain the reasoning behind your decisions.
Write Unit Tests
Writing unit tests is another important step in the development process. Unit tests are a tool that allow you to test the functionality of your code (single units of code, usually a function or method) independently of any other code. Writing unit tests is crucial because it allows you to:
ensure that your code is correctly implemented
detect future errors before you release the plugin to the public
test the limits of your code's functionality
There are many different ways to write unit tests, but one of the best is through the use of PHPUnit, which is a testing framework for PHP that makes writing tests easier. If you're using PHPUnit, just remember to run the tests before you deploy your plugin to production.
Release Early, Release Often
When you're ready to release your plugin to the public, go for it! But, before you do, remember that you're free to update it as often as you want, so long as you keep the plugin's name and the unique-identifier of the plugin (usually a long number, like 54321). This is very important: it allows you to update your plugin without worrying about breaking other plugins or websites that are currently using it. So, while you're still in the early stages of development, feel free to make the occasional minor update to push out bugs and improve the performance of your plugin.
Give It A Proper Name
Every piece of software (including WordPress plugins) has a name. Names play an important part in making software easier to find, so create a name for your plugin that will be easy for people to remember. Also, give your plugin a proper description that will help people understand what it does. For example, the Google Analytics WordPress plugin has a description that says: "Monitor and track your website's performance across Google Analytics platforms (currently, we support iOS and Android apps as well as website analytics)."
Decide Whether To Release As A Free or Paid Plugin
One of the biggest questions you'll need to ask yourself when deciding whether or not to release your WordPress plugin as a free or paid product is: Is this something that people will value?
If you're going the free route, you'll need to decide whether or not to put a premium price on your product. Just remember: you can't go wrong with free. People will always appreciate the free alternatives.
On the other hand, if you're going the paid route, you'll need to think about the various revenue streams you could pursue, such as subscription fees, one-time fees, or donations. There are many different ways to monetize a product, so you need to carefully consider how you'll make money after you release the plugin.
Consider Your Plugin's Competitors
If you want to develop a successful product, you'll need to consider your plugin's competitors. Just because there are other plugins that do something similar doesn't mean that you need to reinvent the wheel and, more importantly, create a competing product when you could be collaborating.
Deciding which route to go can be a difficult decision, but you'll be glad you did once you've released your product. Don't forget: the more you can do on the backend, the easier it will be to make changes to the plugin in the future. So, while you're still in the early stages of development, write down all the things you need to consider and make a list of pros and cons for each option.
Related : The best wordpress plugin development agency
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recentanimenews · 6 years
The 5 Most Loved and Hated Ghosts in Anime
The 5th and Final article in our 5-Part Halloween-themed October series! Last week we took measure of the fan favorite creature of the night, Vampires, and now, we’ll be looking at the dearly departed that just won't… depart. Lost souls, vengeful spirits, or helpful phantoms, these characters possess varied viscosity and ability to be seen but are always important to the story.
  Loved them or hate them, you might just see them off if you can discover the mystery of their death. Our friends over at Anime-Planet spend day and night cataloguing unique features and leaving it to the fans to vote on the best and worst. A note before we begin, these are the result of popular votes that I can and will disagree with. Only your democratic will can determine who makes it on this list. With that out of the way, below are the 5 most loved and most hated ghosts in anime!
  5. Yuuko Kanoe - Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
    Starting off nice and tragic here with the amnesiac ghost trying to get her memories back and, in doing so, maybe discover what’s keeping her in this world. Always thought the idea of a boy meeting a girl’s ghost and the two solving the mystery of her death was a unique story until I realized it was an entire subgenre of anime. A perfectly likeable phantom. While she’s the cause of many of her school’s ghost stories, it’s more an accident than any ill-intent. Yuuko does have sort of a scary face though. Spooky until you get to know her.
  4. Kazuma - Noragami
    It’s one thing to be the last survivor of your clan, it’s another to be the last survivor of your clan of ghosts. Can’t even take solace in the fact that you still have a life to live. Kazuma’s got it rough, is what I’m trying to say. Always thought this guy looked like Yukio Okumura and, thanks to this article, just discovered they actually have the same voice actor, which is a roundabout way of saying absolutely not spooky at all.
  3. Yami Yugi - Yu-Gi-Oh!
    Hell yeah. I mean, you know certain characters are ghosts, but you just don’t expect them to show up in the list. Yami Yugi is living the dream of all pharaohs by surviving death, though I’m not sure many would be satisfied with getting locked in a necklace so they could play card games for the rest of eternity. If you do what you love, you never work a day of your death. Great ghost, although only spooky if you just challenged a spiky-haired kid to a duel and he pulls out the millenium puzzle.
  2. Meiko Honma - Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
    This was inevitable. Menma was a shoe-in for the most loved ghosts. It’s not just any phantom that haunts you to help you get over their death, rebuild your relationships with your old friends, and overcome your mental blocks that prevent you from expressing your emotions. The driving force in one of the most evocative anime of all time and maybe one of the most easily recognizable characters in the medium. Menma is good. Not at all spooky.
  1. Yukine - Noragami
    A very tragic boy. Although he doesn’t remember much, he had a hard life that was cut short, leaving him with an afterlife of yearning to experience a normal childhood. He’s usually the kind of brat I’d find annoying but Noragami found a nice balance and gradual improvement as he finds a place for himself in… whatever you’d call his existence? On the plus side, he can turn into katana(s). Not spooky unless you have a severe phobia of sharp things.
  5. Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
    What the hell. How could you do this to me? Here I am, writing a listicle for your entertainment and you’ve gotta hit me with the most traumatic moment of my childhood? I’m completely blindsided by this. I can’t handle it. The worst part is, I can’t even say this isn’t an anime. Wait, she’s HATED? This is some vote brigading nonsense from Tifa fans, 100%. We’re moving on. I’m so angry. NOT spooky. Very sad.
  4. Fuyumi Yanagi - Blood Lad
    Blood Lad never fails to show up with the horror rep, although I’m surprised to see Fuyumi on the hated side here. She’s just a normal girl that basically ends up in the wrong neighborhood and gets killed by a horrible plant monster then spends the rest of the series trying to not only cope with the fact that she’s a ghost, but that all sorts of nasty horror movie creatures exist, and her potential savior is kind of a creep. Must be some sparse competition in this hated section. Not spooky.
  3. Daemon Spade - Reborn!
    Not many major villains have the advantage of already being dead. While that makes Daemon tough to deal with, I’m not sure if I could really say much about him besides that. Always struck me as your typical revenge-obsessed nihilistic villain.. until his move with Mukuro, that is. Probably a lot of Mukuro fans present for this hate vote and I respect that. First hate vote I’m on board with of the hated to have any real scariness to them. Possession isn’t cool.
  2. Kugaha - Noragami
    Any enemy of Bishamonten is an enemy of mine, so drop this dude anywhere you like on the hated list. He’s basically the “I know what’s better for you more than you do” kind of boyfriend and I think that’s pretty much canonically his villainous motivation in the series. So yeah, basically he sucks. Only spooky if you’re in a relationship with him.
  1. Nora - Noragami
    Dang usually the most hated is pretty cut and dry but Nora’s kind of complex situation. On the face of things she definitely deserves the hate. Trying to kill anyone who your crush spends more than 2 seconds with is a bad look. In retrospect, it’s hard to know how much of that was dear ol’ dad. Looks like a kid, but she’s definitely got her creepy moments and is scary in the way just about any homicidal stalker is, so there’s that at least.
  I’m just gonna say this. If you have a ghost list that includes Yami Yugi but not Fujiwara no Sai from Hikaru no Go, it’s pretty much a failure. Also, the absence of Dimple from every list involving dead, deathless, or psychic characters is becoming an unfortunate pattern. I’ve got no problem with Noragami taking this list over, but please include some of the greats.
  I can’t believe you hit me with Aerith…
  Have a favorite phantom that didn’t make the list? Want to know where your favorite appears in the list of most popular poltergeists? Head over to Anime-Planet’s list of ghosts to see where they rank, or comment below with your favorite! Tune in next week, for the 5 most loved and hated pipes!
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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burningpainterface · 3 years
Choosing Reliable Courier Service From Relx Hong Kong
Relx Hong Kong is one of the leading international courier companies in the world. Founded in 2021, it has grown to become one of the best-known and most trusted courier service providers in the world. It offers a comprehensive range of products and services, with a focus on convenience and reliability for all of your business requirements. With the aim of making every courier journey hassle-free and enjoyable, Relx has kept its pricing structure as simple as possible. The following are its main offerings.
Package Shipment: Among the many services offered by Relx, package shipping is probably the most popular among business owners. You can choose from various options such as shipping in one whole box, or packing materials in bulk. With the help of this service, you can send a single item or a collection of items. You can also choose to pay an extra fee for shipment of multiple items. This option is ideal for individuals who need to send small but meaningful gifts to friends and family, or for businesses who need to ship out small but meaningful packages to clients and customers.
Insurance: Aside from the services mentioned above, relx 香港 offers a variety of insurance services including worldwide vehicle shipping, courier insurance, and overseas freight services. This helps you choose the right policy for your business needs. You can also choose a package that includes insurance for both you and your belongings.
Tracking And Delivery: When you have a package, it is important to track it as it moves through the transit stages. With the help of this tracking service, you can be sure that your package is going to reach its destination. You can choose an option that offers daily tracking, weekly tracking, or a monthly package tracking. You can even choose a package tracking service that will send you an email when your package is received.
Delivered On Time: No matter where your package is headed, you can be sure that it will arrive on time. You can choose an option that offers next day delivery, two days delivery, or same day delivery. However, if you choose a faster service, it may cost you more. For example, if your package is sent last minute from Canada, it may cost you more because the courier will have to make extra efforts to ensure your package is delivered on time.
Online Ordering: Another feature of this shipping service is the ease of online ordering. All you have to do is choose a product, pay for it, and then enter your credit card number. Once you hit "submit" on the shopping cart, you are done shopping. You don't have to go through the trouble of making or receiving multiple phone calls. There's no need to go through the customs clearance process. And if you choose one of the advanced features, such as inventory tracking or real-time updates, you won't have to pay any extra fees.
Reliable Service: Getting the best services doesn't mean you should always choose the cheapest. If you are buying a single product, choosing the cheapest service may be okay. However, when you have a wide range of products to ship, you'll find that choosing the cheapest option often leads to delays in shipment. If you want your orders to be delivered on time, you should choose a company that has many shipping options, not a few. There's no sense in paying the most for shipping when the amount you'll save by choosing Relx Hong Kong shipping doesn't go very far.
The key to choosing Relx Hong Kong as your shipping provider is to make sure you do your research. Make sure the company has many years of experience in shipping to Hong Kong, and choose companies with a good reputation. If you do these things, you can rest assured that you will always get the best services available in the industry. Choose Relx and you can breathe easy knowing that you'll never have to worry about your goods getting damaged once they arrive at their destination.
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