#no spoilerssss i’m not at the end of the episode yet
emilys-axford · 1 year
“you hit brennan in the head with the ruler” is the spiritual successor to “brennan just punches me in the face”
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zoeekar · 6 years
Supergirl 3x21 Spoilers
@jayssonwolfy so sorry it took me so long, it was like 4:30 in the morning when I started writing this and I had work 4 hours after that so… I kinda fell asleep lol
Overall consensus: Nope.
Okay so, Kara and Mike (I just like calling him that cause it’s such a meh name tbh) got back from Argo with the rock Lena needed to rid Sam of Reign. They kept her occupied while baby girl worked on the cure and the whole thing was really anticlimactic cause it was over in like three minutes. They did some cape tricks, again, like those didn’t stop being cool six episodes ago, and they managed to bring down a 3-in-1 Worldkiller like it was nothing. As if Reign alone hadn’t put Kara in a comma not so long ago. But yay, cape tricks! (I’m so sorry, I’m just salty and bitter). So Sam is all better and reunited with Ruby (genuine yay here, it was about time) and Kara asks Lena to make more of that black goo, cause she wants to help her people. Lena of course agrees and says she’ll do it immediately cause duh, she’ll do anything to help (cause of her evil Luthor side, you know). 
Um… Meanwhile, Kara has decided she doesn’t want to live on earth anymore and she wants to go back to Argo, leaving everyone to fend for themselves. And no, Lena, it’s not weird at all that both Kara and Supergirl suddenly decided to take a leave at the same time. Not. At. All! (side note, Kara is apparently leaving for an assignment?? Like, what kind of assignment requires a farewell party? What did she tell Lena??) So now poor Alex has lost her sister and Ruby and Sam and it’s legit so sad, I just wanna hug her. 
Some… pretty boring stuff happens in Argo, Kara is all like “finally I can relax and be normal” and ends up being paranoid and looking over her shoulder all the time. In the meantime, things on earth are boring as well until they aren’t and James (and his weird Christian Bale Batman impression) has to stop what seems to be a robbery but the dude he comes across has a DEO technology weapon so now the DEO has to figure out the fuck happened and their shit is being mass produced. There’s this scene that introduced pro-gun Lena and it was… Yeah, that was a thing. While I definitely see where she’s coming from, I’m still not 100% here for it. Like, a handgun maybe, yeah. I’d want one too if my life was threatened every fifteen minutes. I just hope she’s not one of those assault rifle kinda people.. Plus, I still kinda think that with the amount of times she’s almost been murdered, she should be all about for stricter gun control, not the opposite. Tbh, that whole part looked suspiciously a lot like a way to make Lena seem bad (they really need to watch out if they’re gonna have Lena voice pro-gun views, especially with the number of young people liking the character, tbh). Anyways, I digress. 
There are some very very awkward and cringy words spoken as Kara and Mike confess their love for each other and I’m like… Girl. He lied to you. And I’m not even gonna talk about past Mike. The one from the future was married. And he lied about it. And Kara said she was over him. And now she’s all like “I had this dream once and I was on a quiet path like this one and you were there with me… And now here you are…” and I’m like “fuck off, I quit” xD So, anyway, turns out things in Argo aren’t as perfect as one would hope. There’s still this… witch lady who I don’t know what to call, I’m sorry I don’t know the terminology, I mean the one who created the Worldkillers anyways, and she’s wreaking havoc. 
Back on earth J'onn and James track down this dude who manufactured their weapons and realize he’s been making more and selling them or sth (I may be getting some details wrong, but honestly? I wasn’t paying too much attention) and anyways they find this guy (the one from the beginning who was stopped by BatJames) and who was apparently recently fired and had it out for his bosses. J’onn manages to talk him out of blowing their brains out saying all about how guns are bad and never the right solution to which James agrees with and he (J'onn) also decides to make the DEO agents stop using those weapons. Half of the people are not happy about it and basically, the whole ep was about guns and whether people should or shouldn’t have the right to them, I guess. 
Back to Alex, she’s now certain she wants a kid so she’s looking up adoption websites and such and, honestly, on one hand, I’m here for mum!Alex cause like she wants it so bad, but on the other, it seems like a way to kinda get her off the dating pool since if she gets a child she’ll be too busy to date, and that’s basically minus one LGBTQ+ character from the show and it’s not like we had an abundance of them in the first place… Also, Lena finds out that Eve has apparently studied science and is very impressed and takes her under her wing and has her work with her on the very secret project Supergirl asked her to. Which was, tbh, the best thirty seconds of the whole episode (also, apparently, the black rock is “more than what it seems” and Lena is on the path to discovering something revolutionary) xD Oh and J’onn and his dad decide to perform the Reach, well, his dad decides that it’s time to perform the Reach, which is an ancient Martian rite during which the older generation passes down all their memories to the younger generations before they die. Also, turns out that, oh no, Sam is not 100% better yet, what a surprise, and that Reign is still somewhere in there, and that asshole who wanted to create Worlkillers, I don’t remember his name, helps the evil Kryptonians get to earth with Kara and Mike’s ship. Aaaaand that’s pretty much all I remember from the ep haha 
Like I said, it was not a good episode (not that I’m too surprised xD) and it seems like they’re actively trying to lose their fans cause they are being stupid with their writing choices. Maybe it’s on purpose, maybe they just can’t write that well, who knows lol
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