#no secondchances
It’s scary trusting people again.
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swtorramblings · 11 months
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Vaylin trick-or-treating as Galactic Empress Barbie by @fleeting-sanity, thanks a lot, she's lovely!
Happy Halloween
Brief story.
Claudia looked up from the laptop. "Halloween?"
Azula looked over where she was training and raised an eyebrow. "What was that?"
Claudia looked back down to the screen. "Halloween. It looks like it's some kind of ritual to drive off evil spirits?"
Vaylin just looked amused as she stood up from the couch. "I thought you said there weren't any spirits here?"
"I don't think it's magic. I think it's more of a legend, a story. An excuse to dress up and get candy."
"Like, formal wear?" Azula asked.
"Costumes? What kinds of costumes?"
"All kinds! It looks like fun."
Azula had walked around behind her and was now peering over her shoulder. "So we'll need costumes."
"Yeah. I wonder if the others can get them?"
"Oh, don't worry about that," Azula said with a grin. "I'll take care of it."
Claudia didn't look convinced. "Right. I doubt they'll like how you do it."
Vaylin joined in Azula's grin. "That's what makes it fun."
After some creative costume acquisitions and a change of clothes, the three looked at each other. Claudia was looking at a tag that came with her clothes. "Cruella de Vil?"
Azula still hadn't stopped grinning. "Trust me, it's perfect."
Vaylin looked her over. "And you are?"
"Ember. She's new. I can feel more like myself for one night, so leave it."
"All right. But why all this pink for me?"
"Because she can be anything, and isn't that what you said you wanted?"
Now Vaylin grinned again. "It is. All right, let's go get candy."
"And have some fun for once."
"We will conquer Halloween and none shall stand before us!"
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distressedwalnut · 2 years
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Silly oc ship oOOo!! Asmo belongs to @guhtheblog :)
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ivyblytheedits · 1 year
Right person, wrong time. 
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im-madam-baby · 1 year
Every day is a testament to the second chances bestowed upon me, allowing me to resume what was once delayed. Amidst it all, I perceive the unyielding love of God, ever-present, never forsaking me in times of adversity 🙏
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stars-will-shine-x · 14 days
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Check out the first chapter of the book I'm writing, any feedback is welcomed!
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Chapter 17 of Second Chances
Hey you! Yes you! The third act of the Shopping Trip has been published! Go check it out!
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 month
From Darkness to Light Shaina Tranquilino August 15, 2024
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Dr. Evelyn Carter was once at the forefront of biomedical research, renowned for her work on regenerative medicine. She lived for the thrill of discovery, pouring over data and orchestrating experiments late into the night. Her colleagues admired her tenacity, her unyielding belief that science could change the world. But then came the experiment that changed everything. After years of work and millions in funding, her groundbreaking project failed—miserably. The results were disastrous, setting back the entire field and shattering Evelyn’s confidence. Headlines labeled her a cautionary tale, and the research community that once celebrated her now turned away. The fallout was more than she could bear.
Disillusioned and weary, Evelyn left the lab for good. She retreated to a small town far from the research institutions she once called home, determined to leave her past behind. She rented a modest house and found solace in the routine of a quieter life. But the passion for science still flickered inside her, even if she no longer knew how to kindle it.
It was at the urging of a neighbour that she applied for a position at the local high school. They needed a science teacher, someone to take over the classes left vacant after the sudden departure of the previous instructor. Evelyn hesitated, unsure if she could face a classroom after the pressure of her former life. But something inside her nudged her forward, a small voice that refused to let go of the possibility that she still had something to offer.
On her first day, Evelyn stepped into the classroom with nerves fraying her calm exterior. She looked out at the rows of young faces, each one eager, curious, or simply indifferent, and she felt the weight of the moment. She cleared her throat and began to speak, not about the textbook or the syllabus, but about why science mattered.
"It’s not just about what we know," she said, her voice growing stronger with each word. "It’s about what we don’t know. It’s about asking questions that no one else has thought to ask, and it’s about trying to find answers, even if you fail along the way."
The students were captivated. They had never heard anyone talk about science like this, with such raw emotion. She told them about her own journey, carefully omitting the painful details but sharing the excitement of discovery, the thrill of chasing an idea, and the importance of perseverance.
As weeks turned into months, Evelyn’s classroom became a place of wonder. She turned the lab into a playground of curiosity, encouraging her students to think beyond the confines of the curriculum. They built models, conducted experiments, and debated scientific ethics. The students were eager to learn, and Evelyn found herself rediscovering her own love for the subject through their eyes.
One day, a student named Maya stayed after class, a notebook clutched tightly to her chest. She had been one of the quiet ones, always sitting in the back, never raising her hand.
"Dr. Carter," Maya began hesitantly, "I’ve been working on something. It’s not much, but I wanted to show you."
Evelyn took the notebook and flipped through the pages. What she saw stopped her in her tracks—a series of complex diagrams and hypotheses, each one more ambitious than the last. They were rough, but they had potential.
"This is incredible, Maya," Evelyn said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You have a real gift. Have you thought about pursuing this further?"
Maya looked up, her eyes shining. "I didn’t think I was good enough. But… maybe, with your help?"
In that moment, Evelyn realized that her failure in the lab had led her to something even more important. She had found a new way to contribute to the world, not through her own discoveries, but by nurturing the potential in others. She had found her purpose again.
Years later, when Maya stood on a stage accepting an award for her groundbreaking research, she would thank her high school teacher, Dr. Evelyn Carter, for believing in her when she didn’t believe in herself. In the audience, Evelyn would smile, knowing that sometimes, failure is just the beginning of a new journey.
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 2 years
Felonious wasn’t sure why he even bothered coming here. All the other nobles did was trash talk him, his late husband, and their baby. It’s like that was all they were GOOD for or something!!
“Daddy? Can I have a strawberry tart?” The soft tugging of his petty coat made the raven haired lord pause to smile down at his rose haired darling. Fel bent down to pick her up, the little four year old weighing nothing to him, as he carried her off to the sweets table.
“Of course Juilana, you’re being such an Angel tonight you can have as many as you want.” That made his freckled baby light up, her emerald eyes sparkling as thoughts of sugary treats filled her mind. It was enough to keep her deaf to mocking jeers of the other snobs around them. There was nothing more the raven haired man wanted to do, than to pick up that platter of beef tar tar, and throw it at the crowd.
there was one pair of eyes, watching them from within the crowd, who didn't make fun of them. far from it!
an older, silver haired gentleman was staring at the long haired royal in awe.
of course, he knew of lord d'uvalt, how couldn't he? the story of the lord and his tragedy spread throughout the kingdom.
while the nobles saw it as scandalous enough to mock, Alistair felt a great deal of pity for Felonious and his daughter.
well..maybe that wasn't the only thing he felt..
a possibly tipsy noble, who stood right beside Alistair, hollered even more mockery towards the lord, nudging the brit's shoulder while doing so.
it may have been the physical contact, or the choice of words this supposed 'noble' used, but whatever it was, it sent Alistair into an immediate rage.
"dont you have anything better to do than to insult a widower's ears with the sewage you spew from your mouth?!" he snapped.
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I know I pushed you away, and I deleted every way possible for you to contact me, but I still wish you tried to find a way..
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rayvnwolf17 · 4 months
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mooner3 · 2 years
A Chance to Change ch1 page29
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saanvisays · 6 months
1. 25 Years of Darkness.
The last time I saw my little boy, he was 5; young, full of energy, sharp and always asking questions. He was the sweetest kid who changed my life forever. On the other hand, let's say I was not an ideal father, and that's to say it politely. I was doing all sorts of wrong things: stealing cars, selling drugs and whatnot. There is a thing called karma, and it hits you like a truck. I was caught selling drugs in a police raid, and I was sentenced to 25 years in jail; it is a long time.
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(image credit to ChatGPT - AI generated)
(Credit to SoundEffectsFactory - Youtube)
My ex-wife didn't want to maintain any contact with me, nor did she want our son with me; I don't blame her; who'd want to be associated with a convict? I am not proud of what I did, but I had no other option; I had to feed my family. I know there are honest ways to go about doing this, and I don't deny that; thinking this gives me solace. Prison is brutal, let me tell you all. It is dull and claustrophobic, and you are around the worst members of society; some of them are trying to learn better ways of living and trying to be better, but most are just waiting to get out and commit the same crimes again. They toughen you up, and you have to fight for survival and guards; they do nothing. I have had the same mundane routine for the past 25 years; I used to wake up, brush my teeth, shower, and go out for work.
I usually didn't do breakfast and only had lunch and dinner; later in the day, I would write about my day and read books. I had a picture of Jack in my room next to me; the shining rays of light in my dull room gave me the energy to get up in the morning and fight off the day.
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(image credit to ChatGPT - AI generated)
(Credit to Jurrivh - Youtube)
I have been dying to see him all these years, doing father-son stuff like playing with him, teaching him, taking him to school and then picking him up, talking to him about his girlfriends - but I have missed all that, and the only person to blame is me. He is 30 now, turning 31 this October. I contacted him to ask him to meet me, and after a lot of convincing and apologizing, he agreed. I can't mess this up; I would never mess it up. I must show him I am a new man who'll work hard to be in society and his life. I didn't experience the boy he was, but I want to experience the man he is. I am nervous but confident, for I have worked hard to get another shot at life. I have learned from my mistakes and will live my life the way I want, honourably. I am excited to meet him and hug him.
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breathandsamadhi · 1 year
¸✿¸.•.❀•.Ser conscientes con la naturaleza es ser conscientes con nosotros mismos •❀.•.¸✿¸.
𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐨 𝐲 𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢́𝐚
Empecemos definiendo dos términos mediáticos actuales de los que necesitamos estar al tanto el second hand y el upcycling.
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Se conoce como second hand o de segunda mano a la ropa de medio uso que se encuentra en buen estado y que aún puede ser usada por alguien más. De esta manera, brindándole la oportunidad de tener una segunda vida y contribuir con prendas que aporten al estilo personal de alguien más.
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Esta opción evita seguir consumiendo en los grandes conglomerados, promueve una economía circular y es una práctica ecofriendly, donde se recicla en lugar de desechar.
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El Upcycling consiste en aprovechar productos, residuos o materiales textiles de desecho con el objetivo de fabricar nuevos productos o materiales de mayor calidad. Traspasado a la moda, se trata de la reutilización de una prenda que por algún motivo se decide dejar de utilizar.
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break the sistem with your style 🌠
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joyffree · 9 months
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❤️‍🔥SALE ALERT❤️‍🔥
Welcome to the South, where wealth and charm can be deceiving.
Fall in love with the bad boys of the Southern Mafia by starting with 𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰, 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 and 𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐦𝐛. Get all three for #99cents each!
Start here→ Smokeshow: https://books2read.com/smokeshowAG
Fireball: https://books2read.com/fireballAG
Smoke Bomb: https://books2read.com/u/4ALJoq
Among the wealth, charm, and power that the Hughes family represents also lies a darkness whispered about but no one outside "The Family" knows for sure. Southern royalty with bad boy flare. When The Family claims you as their own you can't run from them and trusting anyone is a mistake. Friendship is only as deep as the Boss allows it to be. You are never hidden. They will always find you. Falling in love with one of them... well, that's a ride you don't want to end.
Find more books by Abbi Glines: https://abbiglinesbooks.com
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returnlostloverexpert · 9 months
Mama Maria's back and better than ever! Introducing Return Lost Lover Expert!
Love gone MIA? Mama Maria Katega, your fave astrologer for 6 years, has transformed into the Return Lost Lover Expert you've been waiting for! ✨
From rekindling lost flames to casting office blessings for good vibes and binding soulmates together with cosmic glue (seriously!), ♾️ Mama Maria's got your love life covered. And even the tiniest squabbles between you and your boo? Mama Maria can smoothen things out faster than you can say "relationship goals."
Why choose Return Lost Lover Expert?
Guaranteed Happy Endings: Mama Maria's so confident, she puts her money where her moon cycles are with a satisfaction guarantee!
Mama Maria Magic Touch: Get personalized attention and care from the love guru herself!
Experience Like No Other: 6+ years of rekindling hearts and spreading love dust? Mama Maria's got the recipe! ✨
Ready to rewrite your love story? Book a FREE consultation with Mama Maria today and see how she can help you find your happily ever after! ➡️ [Find us here]
Share the love! Tag your friends who need a little Mama Maria magic in their lives!
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