#no i will not show you the back of this haircut
push-tet · 1 day
what I've done
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The town of Veronaville is one built on little love and one big feud. For years, the Capp and Monty clans have been at each other’s throats; yet this hatred cannot stop the younger generation from crossing borders and falling for one another. Will their actions bring both feuding families to ruin, or spark reconciliation? Can their love truly heal such deep wounds?
Wouldn't you like see Veronaville in entirely different light? K-he.
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Added a massive storyline! The familiar Сapp, Monty and Summerdream families will be seen in a whole new light🌟
Added three brand new families with their own stories and secrets! 🌟
Added some new and special townies. At the end of the town album there will be a list of townspeople who have biographies and memories, so no need to add/resurrect literally everybody on your lot. 🌟
Added 20 new community lots + remade the old ones as well 🌟
This hood is not a retelling of Shakespeare's plays, nor is it a mere makeover of the Maxis’ Veronaville. Think of this neighborhood as an alternate universe.
The Neighborhood contains themes of: fantasy, s*icide and self-harm, body horror, OC X CANON (?)
I may have (unintentionally) spoiled some of your favorite simmies… 
Some townies’ memories could disappear. It happens even with the mod that forbids the townies from losing their memories. I don't know what the reason is so I recommend checking them before you play the game, namely, by going into the family and teleporting the townies to the resident lot. If the memories are already gone, then please re-download the hood.
Hoodchecker might show some minor errors connected to the wrong memory subjects. This was intentional so don't be alarmed! It doesn't affect your game in any negative way.
Don't try to resurrect Julien Cooke. Just forget about him.
Oberon originally had an overlay with a mechanical prosthetic. But for some reason in some testers’ games the overlay was affecting Oberon's complexion, turning his skintone white… So I removed the overlay entirely. You can add it back if you wish!
Cyber Parts by @themeasureofasim (optional, Oberon’s prosthetics)
Restore Default Names for Sims in Subhoods (if you intent to play a subhood version of it)
VD01 ENG is a main hood; contains some of my CCs.
VVBS CC is an archive with some custom content from me for the hood (consists of: some cosmetics, contacts (in the masks section) and one female haircut).
VVBS SUBHOOD is a subhood with two major differences from the main hood: it does not contain pictures from Storytelling folder (so the nhood is less heavy) + you can pick and choose whether you want it with or without my custom content.
EXTRA CONTENT folder is not necessary to download; it contains some extra stuff from my project. This file is locked, but you can gather the password in main hood itself through the storytelling pictures and a little game in the community lots (you can find the rules of this game in the description of 2 Pentameter Parkway lot). Think of it as a reward for your attentiveness!
If you find any errors or bugs, just let me know! THANK YOU!
idk what to put in here so that dads' ranking
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P.S. Destroy this town with your crazy ideas. :))
Well, the English version of this interactive fanfic is finally OUT!
I have Pahleen (translation) and @f1shart (English editing) to thank for that! And I also want to thank the many wonderful testers and people who supported my project!🌹🌹
I will continue to post materials about this neighborhood on this blog, but I also have plans to expand this universe, so for that I created a blog @vv-bs so you can follow the development of the project!
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cakelitter · 15 hours
"It'll Grow Back"
Leon x Reader (fluff drabble)
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words: 306
a/n: Got this idea and could not shake it off for the life of me lol. Been a while since I've written only fluff, love writing Leon being all upset and pouty it's so funny to me.
this was inspired by an edit i saw yesterday.
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Thinking about Leon getting a new haircut 'cause his hair is getting way too long, but the barber ends up cutting it a bit too short, and now he has the same haircut he had back when he was in his early twenties.
He'd stare back in horror at the reflection in front of him, can't believe he paid someone to fuck up his hair.
His usual barber moved states two months ago, and he still feels betrayed. A loyal customer for five years only to find the shop gone when he went there two weeks ago.
Considered cutting it himself, but he'd probably look even worse.
Thinking about how embarrassed he'd feel to show it to you, thinking you'd hate it, swatting away your prying hands from removing his hood off and showing it to you, before eventually caving in and letting you see.
"Aww, you look really cute."
"You can say it looks ugly, it's fine."
"It doesn't! Looks adorable on you." He'd look away, still not fully convinced, brows knotted in frustration.
Curling up next to him, you'd grab his face and pepper kiss all over it, till he's fighting back a smile.
"So handsome." You'd coo, placing one final kiss on his cheek and pulling away with a dramatic 'mwah!'. How he can't help but feel butterflies in his stomach, and the blood rushing to his cheeks.
The insecurity that he once felt dissipates with each kiss, replaced with the warm feeling of affection.
He fully smiles now, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you onto his lap, before placing a soft kiss on your lips.
You'd wrap your arm around his neck as he caresses your waist, the two of you focusing your attention again onto the show playing on the TV.
Maybe his haircut isn't so bad after all.
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divider by: @/enchanthings
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 days
How would the ROs rate their own attractiveness? Like do they consider themselves attractive?
Huh, good question!
Blade: he is distantly aware that other people/society in general considers him to be good-looking in some capacity. (By Ket standards, he and Gladius both are considered to be blessed with markedly good looks, but almost in a 'pretty boy' kind of way. Gladius is considered like stunningly beautiful while Blade has more of 'effortlessly hot' aura). So he would say other people probably think he's "above-average" in looks (but he also believes it to be more of a muscularity/strength thing than things like his facial features. Like women, if they do find him attractive, probably think so because he looks like a strong provider LMAO). But he himself doesn't think about his own attractiveness or appearance beyond what good hygiene and proper presentation dictate... he hardly spares himself a glance in the mirror most days. As you can tell by his haircut choices
Trouble: he considers himself to be average in looks, neither particularly handsome or particularly ugly, just exactly in the middle of the road! If asked to describe his own attractiveness in more detail, he'd probably say something like, "I clean up okay. I'm a decent-looking working-class guy? *shrug* I don't think anyone would be mad if I showed up at their doorstep with a bouquet of flowers, but artists aren't swooning over my cheekbones, either"
Tallys: Tallys considers herself to be a good-looking woman, probably an 8 if we're using a scale, a 9 if she put more effort into being conventionally beautiful (doing things like growing out her hair (!), using makeup or perfume, dressing well, etc.). She's confident in her own attractiveness and doesn't find much fault with her own features or body, but she also knows that doesn't mean she's everyone's specific cup of tea, either! She just believes that, according to a general standard, she rates highly in most areas, and no one could sincerely call her ugly. It helps that she's an Elf, since most of them have a high standard of confidence when it comes to their natural beauty!
Shery: before she joined the Shepherds, she believed herself to be average or below-average, and believed herself to be "mousy": hiding behind her bangs and spectacles was not something she ever saw conventionally beautiful people doing, so she grew up thinking she was forgettable or unremarkable, though not necessarily ugly or outright unattractive. Just sort of "plain." However, since joining and noticing that there are people who seem to compliment or even crush on her, she's since come to tentatively revise that opinion and thinks she could probably be considered "cute" by some people's standards, but she still thinks that her personality makes it hard for anyone to really notice her or become completely enthralled by her... so she would say she's probably like a 6 or 7 by looks alone, which she's content with!
Riel: as like a work of art or a painting (so judging by pure aesthetics alone, devoid of other considerations), he believes he rates around an 8 just going by the symmetry of his facial features, his taste in clothes, the fact that he's well-groomed, but he's a bit self-conscious of how he rates in terms of desirability or sexual appeal, which is a different thing entirely (in his own mind). Like, you can admit a painting is beautiful, but you don't want to fuck a painting? In those terms, he believes he falls well below the standards of the masculine ideal, probably resting at a 5, though he believes he makes up for it in other areas (wealth, intellect, uniqueness, etc). It doesn't bother him that much, but it is something that he is aware of at the back of his mind!
Chase: He thinks he's pretty good-looking (🙄), but that the effect is best felt and supplemented by his in-person charisma, charm, aura, and general personality. This is an extremely topical/dated example, but it's sort of like how a lot of people were largely indifferent to Glen Powell going strictly by looks alone, but then they saw him acting in Twisters or Top Gun or whatever and saw his chemistry with his co-stars and were suddenly like "oh 😳" Like he needs to be seen in action to really feel attracted to him?? Anyway, Chase thinks that if you were to see a perfect painting of him in a gallery, he's good-looking enough alone to make you stop and admire him, so probably like an 8... but his magnetism in person brings that to a 10 LOL
Red: He "doesn't really think about it" (🙄)--he more spends time grooming and styling himself to his own standards rather than really fretting over what other people would perceive or rate him as, but if you really pressed up, I think he'd say he's an 8 on a good day, potentially a 9 if he were to try very hard, but he'd sort of vaguely look around at everyone else to confirm if this was an arrogant thing for him to say lol, so he's definitely not totally sure about it! There aren't too many things he finds fault with when it comes to his physical appearance or body--he's generally satisfied and content in that department--but he also would never argue he's some great show-stopping beauty or gorgeous model: he just quietly lives with the idea that most people think he's a naturally pretty handsome guy!
Ayla: this is sad, but she probably rates herself a 3, maybe a 4 on a good day. 😕 Ayla thought she dispensed with thinking about her own appearance or attractiveness long ago, having accepted the fact that most people perceived her as this ragged, scrappy loner who mostly lived on the road and was lucky if she could find a stream to wash her hair in. She never possessed a mirror and, the rare times she stayed in a room that had one, she used it to check herself over for hidden injuries or things on her back and then went on her way... and none of this really mattered to her because she spent so much of her time alone. No one was really looking at her, she wasn't looking at herself, so who cared if she looked like a half-drowned rat with her hair growing into her eyes while she shook sand out of her clothes? Since joining the Shepherds, however, her private consciousness of her appearance has naturally increased, and sometimes she can feel quite down about it (especially when faced with the elegant grace of Tallys, the feminine cuteness of Shery, or the show-stopping beauty of Lavinet). Part of being in a group that she avoided was the vulnerability of natural comparison: no one's comparing you to anyone if you stand alone, but with the Shepherds, of course that's going to happen, even if only in her own mind... Anyway, this is a lot to say that she considers herself to be below-average in attractiveness, but is filled with a sullen self-loathing and pride when she considers doing anything to try to change that fact, so she just... resigns herself to feeling that way forever, if that makes any sense!
Briony: she thinks she's cute and can edge over into pretty when she tries really hard, so she'd probably say she hovers between a 6 and a 7 on an average day? While she thinks she has advantages like her striking hair color and eyes, she has areas that she privately feels a bit insecure about: she feels her face is too round, her nose is too short, feels like she's a bit short and compact and boyish in body when she's rather be tall and leggy like Tallys or buxom and curvaceous like Lavinet, etc. etc. It's not something that really bothers her--she figures that everybody feels that way about themselves--so she's happy with being "above-average" on most days. It's only when she's crushing on somebody and isn't sure of how they perceive her that she gets really unsure and self-conscious about it, and then she really obviously throws herself into styling herself to appear more feminine!
Lavinet: don't hate her, but she definitely thinks she's a 10 LOL. This is partly due to the fact that, by Blest beauty standards, she pretty much is a paragon of desirability, and everyone in her life has treated her as if she were a 10 or even outright said so... so there's really no reason for her to think otherwise! There are always small things she would tweak if she gave any thought to it, but in general she's been very happy with her appearance and how she's been able to use it as a tool to accomplish her goals in life!
Halek: he is well aware that he's gorgeous... he wouldn't say this out loud because he knows he'd get endlessly ragged on, but he'd probably say he's a 10 LMAO, maybe 9 so as to give the appearance of some humility... It's not even something he's arrogant about, he's just like aware of general beauty standards and is like 'yeah by no choice of my own and by complete accident of birth, i happen to fit these really well? *shrug*" It's nbd... and it's part of where his bde comes from, I'm sure
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@absurdthirst's Kinktober 2023 Prompts
Day 25: Leather/Rubber/Latex, Daddy/Mommy Dom, Guns/Knives
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𝐀 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
sequel to 𝐀 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x FEDRA!Comandante Veracruz | RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 2.2k | CONTENT: degradation x ∞, dark!Joel, QZ!Joel, dubcon elements, sir kink, humiliation kink, gun play, Joel is mean and rough, Veracruz is horny and pathetic, butt stuff, cumplay?, one-sided pining? | SYNOPSIS: With a string of harsh circumstances narrowing his options for survival in the QZ, Veracruz attempts to strike a deal with someone he knows can turn things back around.
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“So, do we have a deal?” Veracruz presses.
Joel busies himself with a loose splinter of wood on the edge of the table, barely showing interest in the conversation. He leans further back in his chair and sighs.
“Yeah, I’m not really seein’ where this benefits me ‘n Tess.”
“How the fuck does it not benefit you?! I –” he breaks off and throws his hands in the air “–I’m the one who’s taking a loss here, out of anybody.”
“Your demotion ain’t my emergency, and it certainly isn’t gonna make me cut a deal that’s not worth our time.”
He wasn’t sure how Joel knew about the shake up in the rankings amongst FEDRA officers recently, but he couldn’t deny it. He’d had it in good with the last guy, and things were fine until they made one too many backdoor dealings and got sloppy. Now some new haircut had taken over the position, swept into the QZ, and made a big fuss, switching up positions and weeding out anybody who was more into securing their own side deals than maintaining the status quo.
“You act like you’re not getting anything out of this deal, and that’s complete bullshit,” Veracruz spits.
He hated how domineering and untouchable Joel always was. He made intimidation seem effortless, and he’d carved out a decent way of life for himself along with his partner Tess. They made good enough to stay under the radar but still score little perks here and there that otherwise weren’t possible to your average citizen. He’d made the mistake of trying to gain the upper hand with him before, and he had no intention of trying anything like that again.
“No, I think you’re just underestimating how much more I need to get outta this to offset the fact that I’m dealing with such a prick,” Joel shoots back lazily.
“So now I’m supposed to take even more of a loss because you’ve got a problem with what? My personality? Sounds awfully sensitive for somebody who’s supposed to be all big and bad.”
“Think of it as an Incentive Bonus for me. Somethin’ that motivates me enough to deal with your bitch ass every week.” Joel pauses for a moment and smirks, eyes lifting to meet Veracruz’s. “Besides, I don’t think you need reminding of how big and bad I am.”
Veracruz swallows hard thinking back to the time several months ago in the alleyway where he’d tried and failed to blackmail Joel, only to end up on his knees and covered in Joel’s cum. His cheeks heat with embarrassment at the memory, and Joel’s smile only widens.
“What are you really after?” Joel tilts his head to the side and pins Veracruz with a dubious look. “You could cut a deal with about seven other guys running around, but you for some reason seek me out? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were lookin’ for somethin’ you know only I can offer. Somethin’ to really satisfy you.”
Had he really been so obvious? He wouldn’t go as far to call it a crush or an infatuation, but he couldn’t stop thinking about how Joel made him feel that day in the alley. How the control had been ripped right up under his feet and how it had been the most exhilarating, demeaning, and arousing thing he’d ever experienced. How expertly the power was taken back from him. How the loss of control by someone bigger and stronger had sent an electric buzz through his entire body.
But Veracruz was never delusional enough to proffer Joel for that sort of interaction again and had long ago accepted that physical proximity by way of a business partnership was as close as he was going to get his fix of Joel Miller.
“I sure do remember you runnin’ your mouth a whole lot more the last time we talked,” Joel snorts.
“Sure sounds like you’re angling for a certain type of arrangement, Miller,” he lobs back weakly.
“Just callin’ it like I see it.”
Veracruz stalls for a moment but falls short of a rebuttal.
“Put your gun on the table and put your arms out to the side,” Joel orders.
He stands and looks at Veracruz expectantly, smirking when he wordlessly complies. With his pistol planted on the table, Joel pats him down quickly before settling back into his chair.
“Is it really necessary to give me a fucking pat down?” he huffs.
Joel completely ignores the objection and folds his hands behind his head. “Now that we got that outta the way, I’m giving you a chance to pitch an actual offer for this deal and quit wastin’ my time.”
Veracruz visibly scorns the insinuation but can’t stop the drop of his gaze to the spread of Joel’s legs in the chair. His eyes flit back up to find Joel staring at him with a bored smirk. He lets out a heavy breath and steps closer. There really wasn’t any use skirting around the inevitable. The guise was quickly crumbling, and Veracruz didn’t want to risk Joel walking if he didn’t just get to the point.
“Ain’t gonna take itself out,” Joel murmurs with a deliberate upswing of his hips before settling back.
Veracruz silently sinks to his knees and tries to ignore the searing gaze watching his every move. He’s almost disappointed when he makes it past the zipper and boxers and finds a limp cock. He immediately scolds himself for wishing this was more of a turn on for Joel.
“That little pat down made me realize that pay cut really hit you hard, huh? Seems like you’ve lost a little weight there, babydoll,” he muses, practically laughing in Veracruz’s face at the hardships he’d been given left and right over the past couple of months. “That’s alright. I’ll give you somethin’ to fill that mouth up. Might even give you somethin’ to fill that belly up, too, if you make this real good for me.”
The condescending nickname paired with the hazy promise of drinking Joel down was already making heat pool in Veracruz’s lower belly.
“First things first,” Joel grunts as he leans across the table and grabs the pistol. The bullets clatter loudly onto the wood when he swiftly unloads the gun. He reassembles the now empty firearm and props it between his legs. “Wouldn’t be smart to accept the goods without testing them first.”
Veracruz shakes his head, confused at the remark. The smile twisting Joel’s mouth makes the lightbulb go off in Veracruz’s head, and his entire face flushes.
“Not gonna say it twice,” Joel snips, impatient and domineering.
Veracruz closes his eyes, brow pinching ever so slightly, when Joel’s palm connects with his cheek in a stinging slap. He gasps at the sharp strike and glowers at Joel, who just laughs low and smug.
“Eyes up here.”
The disgraced, embarrassed officer swallows his pride and gently places his lips around the barrel of the gun so as to not knock it against his teeth.
The cold, hard metal is heavy on his tongue as he creates as much suction as he can around the awkwardly shaped object. The taunt of Joel’s now half-hard cock right next to his mouth is almost too much to bear, but the order of eyes up makes it slightly easier to ignore. After a few moments, Joel seems placated enough to trust Veracruz with the real thing.
“You try anything funny, and I’ll drag you out into the street, slice your belly open until you’re fallin’ out all over the place, and feed you your own innards until you choke to death, you understand?”
“Yes,” Veracruz gulps. When Joel gives him a pointed look, Veracruz amends his response. “Yes, sir.”
Usually on the receiving end of these types of situations, Veracruz is at a loss where to start. Surely a man like Joel Miller knows exactly what he likes and how he likes it. There might not even be any pleasing him, which wouldn’t be surprising if that’s all this turned out to be anyway: some big show of dominance and submission. Still, it was better to just start and get this over with so he could jerk himself off the second Joel left.
“Ah ah ah, we’re not in a rush,” Joel chides when Veracruz sloppily takes him into his mouth. “You’re gonna suck my cock nice and slow, got it?”
So with a renewed, hastened pace, he sinks his mouth down until about halfway when it nudges the back of his throat and makes him cough. Glistening lines of saliva are already forming trails from his mouth to Joel’s cock, now rigid and demanding.
“Be a good little soldier and keep those eyes on me when I’m letting you suck my cock.”
He does as he’s told and angles his hips away in hopes that Joel won’t see his own growing bulge. It was bad enough that he was in this position; he didn’t need Joel knowing how much he liked being treated this way on top of it. With his jaw already starting to ache and Joel with no sense of urgency, he tries to take him deeper, only to cough and gag every time. Thankfully this seems to do something for Joel.
“Yeah, choke on it,” he groans. “This is my throat now. Gonna fuck it how I want.”
Without warning, Joel grips the back of his head and begins maneuvering it up and down at a steady, grueling tempo with the only breaks being when he turns Veracruz’s head sideways so he can bulge his cheek out with his cockhead.
“Don’t even respect yourself enough to not crawl back, beggin’ for me to gag you with my cock. What a pathetic piece of shit,” Joel grunts.
“I–I need a break,” he gasps, panting for air while he can get it.
“I’m not done, and you should be fucking grateful that I’m not giving your mouth a break by fuckin’ another hole of yours,” he bites.
A breathy groan slips from his lips before he can stop it, and Joel’s face twists into a malicious smirk. “Un-fucking-believable. You’re really that fuckin’ desperate to be my favorite little fucktoy, aren’t ya?”
When he doesn’t answer – shame and arousal heating his entire face and neck – Joel laughs at him again. 
“It’s your lucky day because I’m feelin’ real generous. Get it realllllll wet because that’s all the help you’re gettin’ before I shove it into that cumhole of yours.”
Veracruz takes it to the back of his throat to coat it in as much slippery, thick slobber as he can before following Joel’s instruction to stand up and drop his pants. The humiliation deepens when he spots the prominent swell between Veracruz’s thighs.
“Bet you’d set yourself on fire if you thought I’d piss on you to put it out,” Joel jeers.
Without waiting for a reply, he shoves the younger man against the edge of the table, knocking his feet wider apart until his hips meet the tabletop.
“This what you like? Bein’ a warm hole for me to fuck? Stickin’ my cock wherever I want because you need it that bad?” he taunts, damp breath fanning against Veracruz’s neck and making him shiver.
Joel lines himself up and slowly presses inside the puckering ring of muscle. He barely gets the fat tip past the opening before the resistance pushes against him. He snaps at Veracruz to touch himself so he'll relax, which only partially works. Veracruz feels the cool tip of his pistol nudging against his mouth and opens wordlessly for it, already knowing what Joel wants.
“There you go, little boy. Suck on that. Keep ya from cryin’,” he goads, pushing harder into the still too tight ring of muscle. “Suck on your little pacifier to keep from cryin’ while I wreck this hole.”
Veracruz whimpers loudly around the barrel, eyes slipping back as he sucks harder and tries not to come. It’s hardly five half-deep thrusts later before Joel spills inside with a wanton moan, gasping and cursing as he floats down from his high. 
“Best little cum dumpster I’ve ever met,” he muses, still a little out of breath. “I’ll be real generous and let you keep my cum plugged up in there for a little while longer. Remind you what you’re good for.”
He slowly drags himself out of the yawning hole, pulling a hiss from Veracruz despite the gentler than anticipated exit. Joel takes the gun from Veracruz’s mouth and presses it against his leaky opening.
“Now hurry up and finish,” he orders. “I wanna see if your used up cocksleeve can even clench around anything after takin’ me.”
The frantic, borderline hysterical sounds that he makes as he milks himself to completion will no doubt bring a dreadful sense of disgrace later on when he’s alone in his barracks, but right now all he can focus on is the singular most intense orgasm he’s ever experienced. The shrill whistle in his ears nearly blocks out everything else as he lays face down on the table in a puddle of his own spend. He feels the bottom of his shirt being tugged as Joel cleans himself up.
“Good doin’ business with ya, cumrag.”
The next sensation that comes into his consciousness is the hot pearl of spit Joel leans over to spew over the side of Veracruz’s face. 
The zip of Joel’s fly and the jingle of his belt being fastened punctuate the heavy air. “See you at the drop next week,” he calls over his shoulder before walking out without another word.
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tagging everybody from the first one
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@multiversed-daydreamer @covetyou @axshadows @jupiter-soups @vabeachazn
@for-a-longlongtime @goodwithcheese @perotovar @pedrostories @thosewickedlovelies
@nothoughtsjustmeds @pedrit0-pascalit0 @ems-chaos-corner @galaxyedging @legendary-pink-dot
@elegantduckturtle @ghostofaboy @absurdthirst @toxicrecs @ghotifishreads
@sp00kymulderr @wannab-urs @bonezone44
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dufrau · 1 month
Please tell me I'm still cute even though I cut my hair too short. I need the butch appreciation day energy very badly 🙏
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nemmet · 1 year
question: how did you discover/get into scooby doo?
this is something i'm always so interested to hear, being that there are few people who don't have at least some small tie to the franchise. whether you would consider it one of your biggest current interests or it's just something nostalgic from your childhood, i'd love to know how you found scooby and what it means to you!
#for me it was my dad! he grew up with the original show and wanted to introduce it to me#so one day when i was maybe? seven?? he came home with the winter wonderdog dvd and we watched it that night#from there we watched every single scooby doo movie that had ever been made#and got the new ones as they came out in subsequent years!#watching a new scooby movie with my dad every weekend are honestly some of my favourite childhood memories#also what's new scooby doo had also started airing on one of the main cartoon channels here in the uk around 2010#so that's the show i watched the most consistently as a kid#velma was my original favourite of the gang because i looked a lot like her (big glasses/same haircut/etc.)#people would always compare me to her and it genuinely gave me a lot of confidence in my appearance that stays with me to this day#but fred was always my firm second favourite - he made me laugh the most of any character#and took on a deeper meaning to me in my adolescence when i realised i was autistic and strongly identified with his portrayals as such#the characters are probably what's kept me coming back all this time - they've been with me forever#and i love them individually + as a team who support each other with their unique skills and love for one another#but also the wacky adventures and general aesthetic#many people joke about the basic plot being the same every time but it makes my autistic brain happy#i love permanence and consistency baby!!!!!#and the different variations on that same formula always keep things fresh and fun#anyway ramble over#looking forward to hearing you guys' responses! :D#scooby doo#nem misc posts :]
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eldragon-x · 7 months
I honestly think one of the main things holding me back from actually getting started with my hh redesigns that I'm very afraid of what colors I'm gonna put on Alastor. Like don't get me wrong, I know there are some great Al designs out there that use little to no red, but he's the Red Charater in the Red Color Palette Show. Do you guys remember when I complained about Vox being blue and red, saying he should be blue and green to better contrast with Al? I can't just take his reds away, it's all he has left.
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drop-the-curtain-123 · 3 months
ok very specific gripe about assassination classroom
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But how comes the series is all "be yourself, use your hobbies, despite everyone judgement, for good" then just... Never questions the roasting of Mimura air guitaring?
Look at my boy! He's so unwell afterwards
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Ik now there are more scenes later in the manga that again use it as a Punchline. It just encapsulates that weird gap of "things that are just never Not the Joke/Mocked" which kind of defeats the show messaging 😭
t's not even used in a "do it anyway, grow strong and proud" like some others, it's just. There.
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(hi rinka btw happy belated birthday to you)
Anyway unconsequential nitpicking rant over, have a good day.
#assassination classroom#ansatsu kyoushitsu#koki mimura#mimura koki#kouki mimura#mimura kouki#mimura kōki#Kōki Mimura#IDK HOW TO TAG HIS NAME ARGH#koro sensei#i just love my mushroom boy so much :((( he never gets a spotlight AND is the butt of jokes about his harmless hobbies#whilst some classmates i won't name literal do SHADY STUFF that does under the radar#a little bit like our girl hara... the kind kids that were kept in the background... they were too amazing i fear...#like he's not even going to bounce back/roast koro back! he's a peacekeeper! he's just vibing and getting dunked on for it!#ik he's rather forgotten but hey i wanted to do it quickly and post it <3 my son. air guitar all you want fr#anyway yeah i'm a mimura fan idk if anyone knew it publicly. hes just fun. i even made an OC linked to him hehe :) i might share her someda#I DO KNOW in the future (thanks to irraydiance translation of the graduation album time personal history pages) that#“His amazing air guitar bouts become the stuff of legend at the station and he js forcibly dragged on to TV shows and even#the world championshipsto showcase his talent" so I guess happy ending (and trip to Oulu in Finland) but come on!#Forcibly? I hope he learns to have fun and be proud of it#but it's not like canon gives us much... ]:( (<- the ] is meant to represent his bangs/haircut lol)#I know I'm taking it too seriously perhaps but it just. Irks me there's those small shortcomings in the manga! It's valid criticism!
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bugsbenefit · 8 months
scary that there's still Will bowlcut haters around. like... that's his core character design, it looks nice too. sorry to all the different hairstyle enjoyers out there but Will without a bowlcut simply wouldn't be Will to me. that's the side effect of them doubling down on that one single hairstyle for 8 years. they can style it different or make it messier sure, but he needs Some version of a bowlcut otherwise who is that
#Duffers did it to themselves#if they'd change the haircut Now i'll call the s5 hair department a flop no hesitation#not because it would look bad but simply because That's Not My Will that's just noah schnapp with a wig#also unrelated side tangent ik this is just about silly hcs but anytime i talk about Will's hair i get annoyed about how the#bowlcut became the minion meme equivalent of the fandom#i simply refuse to believe people actually hate bowlcuts that much that has to be some kind of moist phenomenon#i've never in my life seen someone irl make fun of bowlcuts or personally even noticed one as 'strange'#but go online and there's apparently consensus that bowlcuts are cringe or something? lmao?#you can probably imagine how surprised i was when i found the st fandom for the first time and everyone just kept talking about Will's hair#when it's literally a normal ass haircut#and meanwhile no one realized that Mike also had a bowlcut for 3 seasons. i swear 'Will bowlcut lmaoo' just became a meme#i'm convinced half of these people don't even know what a bowlcut looks like since they apparently can't recognize one#side tangent over this had nothing to do with what people are talking about actually 😭#my furstration about the way a fucking haircut out of all things became the funny stinger of the show apparently never goes away#and comes back out any time i type the word hair.... oh well#ignore the tags i was having a moment (flashback having nothing to say after a show besides 'the hairrr 😭')
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jichanxo · 4 months
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been a while since i've drawn flex ❤
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carcarrot · 4 months
everytime i go to my regular haircutter and show her reference pictures for what id want my hair to look like i have to preface it with "i know we only have so much to work with"
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zukkaoru · 2 years
why does hair have to take so much effort. why can i not just snap my fingers and instantly have the hairstyle i want
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c0rpsedemon · 8 months
ok fr last one but there's actually a bootleg of my school's anastasia and i'm linking it bc you all NEED to understand that my infatuation with this one girl's voice which started when i was in the 6th grade and still hasn't really worn off isn't based on nothing
#brielle's the one in the n95 mask (the video is too grainy to actually make out any of the ensemble's faces but she stands out)#and i'm the in my 'teenage tboy's diy first short haircut' era in every scene she's in#apart from everything abt the girl who plays anya. the tea on everyone else is that our director liked the boy who played gleb's voice so#much that she actually lowered some if not all of his parts to be in his range. the guy who played vlad was a total diva and uhm. the phras#'peaked in high school' has been tossed around at him a lot. and the fact that he came back to sub the year after he graduated isn't helpin#his case. also he pressured the girl who played anya's grandmother into wearing old age makeup + spray her hair grey bc he decided he was#going to wear it and since she's supposed to be older than him she had to too and used to waltz into the girls' changing room whenever he#wanted. everyone was like super shocked during auditions though bc we all thought he was a shoe-in for dimitry esp since seniors get#priority casting bc it's their last chance. but at callbacks (we had singing auditions via video and dance auditions in person and callback#were tacked on to the dance auditions) he kinda flubbed his song and then this freshman. who was with us via google meet bc he literally ha#covid at the time absolutely blew him out of the water and i remember walking away w brielle like 'holy shit [first name] [last name] just#lost a part to a freshman' (he's the kind of person you just have to full name otherwise it sounds wrong). that said i do think he made a#much better vlad then he would've made a dimitry and while he is. a lot. he's always been nice to me and i did briefly idolize him and his#stage presence way i did anya's singing voice but that faded when i got into hs and started actually observing his prima donna ways#(the one production we were in together before in middle school we didn't have any scenes together). the girl who played the grandma#actually shouted me out in cast circle and that's the only time that's ever happened to me. also i'm p sure her dad is/was dating someone m#dad and by extension myself work with so that's. Oh My God. like she (the one who works for my dad) brought him w her to a comedy show as i#think her bf but i'm not 100% sure and when he found out what school i went to he mentioned his daughter went there and despite the fact#that i basically have a script for when people ask me that question bc i do NOT pay attention to most of my fellow students and don't know#anyone i was like 'holy shit' bc i actually did. hm what else. the guy who played the tsar and i used to shittalk bad period dramas#backstage during the first part of act 2. also during the press conference scene i need you to picture all the bolshevik soldiers and#romanov royals doing the macarena behind the curtain bc that was absolutely what we were doing back there. speaking of the press conference#the really high singing w/o a clear source was actually anya standing behind the curtain on the other side of the stage bc she's the only#one who physically could sing the part. also in regards to the bolshevik soldiers. we were originally supposed to have wooden rifles but fo#some reason our director took them out so we had to just walk menacingly towards the romanovs. you can't rlly see me that well in that scen#but that jacket would NOT stay closed and for 2/3 performances i had to awkwardly hold it closed the entire time. luckily the one that was#filmed was the one where i was smart enough to bring safety pins and also saved like all of the ballerinas bc their costumes all started#falling apart at once backstage.#romeo.txt#theatreposting
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larmin · 11 months
November 3rd
Armin, the character that brought me to understand myself more.
it probably sounds so stupid, but when I first read aot, I felt a sort of connection with him, feeling his insecurities, and acknowledging some similarities when it came to personal background and overall personality.
my friends often joke about this because they too thought that there were lots of coincidences. it became a running joke in my friend group, and ngl it makes me smile.
so, yeah, happy birthday to the so called "laura's alter ego"
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having watched the third episode of lockwood and co, i’m not quite as thrilled about it. i don’t really like how they fit the whole plot of the screaming staircase into just three episodes. Honestly, i don’t really like in general super long episodes. but here especially, they cut a lot of the more mundane things, of lucy, lockwood, & george building their friendship and showing more of their characters. They also cut a few of the less important cases, like lucy’s first with lockwood, with the motorcyclist. and while those kinds of moments weren’t super important to the plot, it helped to get a feel for both the world(not every case is dramatic and dangerous, this is a normal job) and the characters(lockwood’s growing respect for lucy, her Talent).
And i think this could come back to bite the writers when they introduce Holly, because lockwood being so casual with her so quickly was in contrast to him being formal with lucy for longer. if we don’t see those weeks with that awkwardness and formality, there won’t be that contrast.
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fromedennn · 2 years
something about the wife beater and curly mop of hair does something to the androgyny in me
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