#no exotic pets he would feel way too guilty if they died on him and he'd have researched beforehand so big N O
personuhh · 3 years
do you think yosuke would ever own a pet? and like if so, what kind? he gives off big brother energy to me but im not sure that extends to wanting an animal companion
Honestly my first thought is just a dog he deems badass (whether that's a golden retriever or a big muscular mastiff is up for interpretation) but I could just as easily see him with some sort of smaller pet in a tank or cage. I think he'd probably chill with a gecko as long as he wasn't grossed out by it.
He's pretty responsible, so I think that'd extend to being a good/dutiful pet owner as well, but not to the point where he'd spoil it. I can't see him going overboard and blowing all his money on frivolous things, it'd be a companion pet, and he'd treat it as such.
#ask ada#i think if he was living alone he would probably have some sort of pet to keep him company though#itd be funny if he got a hamster and absolutely decked the fuck out of his apartment with a whole tube system so it could wander around#but tbh i just see him as the type to have a dog that's pretty well trained (if a little too excitable) that he'd take for daily walks#the urge to say he'd have a pet frog is strong but i think he'd be grossed out by the sliminess tbh#i could see a lizard but the feeding process might turn him off of that too#it depends pretty heavily on whether he'd get used to feeding it crickets and worms#he and yu have seventeen cats though and yosuke would 1000% be a BIG SUCK of a cat dad but somehow i doubt he'd own one himself by choice#//sorry ive worked in way too many pet stores#bird - too noisy#snake - in theory cool but he would not be okay feeding it live or frozen mice/rats#i think the routine of misting and keeping a gecko's enclosure at the right temp would be fun for him im just iffy abt the food#maybe he'd feed it freeze dried stuff at first but then be like yea whatever ill go buy it a nice juicy worm lol#self indulgent hc is yosuke with rats because they are tiny dogs whomst i belove but i think he'd be grossed out by their tails#and probably a little too germophobic for that he'd prob think they were nasty :///#hmmm what else#no exotic pets he would feel way too guilty if they died on him and he'd have researched beforehand so big N O#i cant see him with fish i think he'd probably want a pet he can interact with#preferably one that can sit on his shoulder or at least nearby that isnt super skittish or too energetic#//which is why i want rat owner yosuke so bad but i dont think he'd go for it lol#tbh i think he'd like a bearded dragon or a little crested gecko just chillin i somehow cant see him with anything fuzzy aside from a dog#ive thought too much about this im going to post it now djhfvjhsvbfkhsb
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purplesurveys · 4 years
When was the last time you were in pain? Did you take a painkiller? Last Saturday when I stubbed my toe and it made my nailbed bleed. Nah, I just dabbed tissue on it and covered it up a Band-Aid. It didn’t really need one, but I placed one anyway so that I didn’t have to see the cut.
What was the last question that someone else asked you? I was showing my mom some photos of the typhoon’s aftermath in our city and she was asking me where exactly one of the photos was taken. It’s honestly so bad over here rn and I feel kinda guilty for taking surveys when so much of the city still has chest-deep flood...but this is the one thing keeping me from going insane while we still don’t have electricity and internet at home, so.
Do you recall what you were doing last time 7pm came around? Wrapping up work, watching the newest episode of Good Mythical Morning, and was also probably looking for a survey to answer.
What was the last thing you consumed, that tasted sweet? Churros with chocolate dip.
Do you know who Mr Blobby is, or have you ever heard of him? I have never heard of it. Them? Him?
Have you ever befriended someone named Tom? What is/was he like? I don’t think so. I’ve never heard of a Tom where I live. I know Tims though, lol.
Does your father have any hobbies? What are they? He loves cars and motorcycles, and I also always catch him watching compilations of dumb vehicular accidents. He’s also into the latest gadgets and I know he’s been wanting a drone for ages now.
Name a food you enjoy, that starts with the same letter as your surname. Curry. :)
What did the last face mask you wore look like? I always wear those thin plain blue disposable ones because they are light and breathable. < Yeah, same. My mom buys boxes of these all the time so this kind is my only choice, really. I never minded it though.
Do you enjoy any songs by The Pet Shop Boys? The name is familiar and I probably know one or two songs of theirs that I enjoy, but I just can’t place any at the moment.
Is there a specific song that you always request at parties? What is it? Eh, not really. I let other people take over the music. Sometimes my friends will request Paramore for me hehehehe and it’s always nice when everyone ends up enjoying whatever song by them is played. But I’m personally often too shy myself to do the requesting because I’m scared it’ll turn out to be a flop. 
Have you ever read 'The Railway Children?' Did you like it? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that.
What was the last thing someone said or did, that made you chuckle? So we have a card game at home wherein each card has a certain category and the game is simply a race to come up with an example under that category. So for example if the game master pulls out a card that says ‘fruit,’ you wanna be the first person to yell apple or orange or something. Anyway, my family pulled it out again because of the current power outage, and while we were playing earlier my mom excitedly yelled “CEREAL” when the category was “breakfast cereal.” All of us died laughing.
Have you ever met anyone named Joyce? What is/was she like? I know multiple people whose second name is Joyce, but I dunno anyone who has that as their main name or preferred nickname.
Who was the last relative you visited? My grandma. Needed to pick up the box of revel bars that my uncle had made for my mom.
Does anyone close to you have blue eyes? Nah, especially not in this part of the world. Who was the last person you messaged on social media? Andrew. He was simply checking up on me because our city is one of the hardest-hit areas of the typhoon so far.
^ Do you know when their birthday is? June or July 20something...I can’t remember at the moment.
Is there anyone you love, whose name starts with H? Hmm Hannah is a good friend of mine, and I guess I can say I love her, sure.
Do you own a hairdryer? What color is it? Yeah, pink. I’ve since given it to my sister since she needed a hairdryer in her dorm, but it was originally a gift for me.
What CDs do you have in your car, if any? I don’t keep CDs in my car anymore. If I wanted to listen to my music, I just link my Spotify to the stereo via Bluetooth.
One hour from now, what time will it be? 4:35 PM.
{found @ pinkchocolate}
When you woke up today, did you find unread messages from anyone? Yeah, because I still talk to my ex like a dumbass. Did the last message you received contain any emojis? No, Angela didn’t use any. Have you recently told anyone that you miss them? Yeah, I said it to Hans today because he messaged me for the first time since my birthday this year. Are you wearing a scrunchie in your hair today? What color? Not right now. I used my hairtie to tie up the bag of chips I wasn’t able to finish earlier, so unless I finish that up soon I won’t be able to tie my hair up in a ponytail for a while haha. Have you sent or received any friend requests on Facebook lately? Yuh, the people I interned with - Angel, Justine, and Bianca - added me on there recently. My cousin Maggie also made an account and added me. Can you recall the last time you turned down an offer, of any kind? My mom offered me the last churro earlier because she knows I love them, but I didn’t feel like eating anymore so I let her have it. What was the last film that you saw for the first time? I’m Thinking of Ending Things. ^ Did you enjoy it? I had a hard time with it, especially with the last 20 or so minutes; and it was the first time I found myself struggling with a Charlie Kaufman work. I wouldn’t say I didn’t enjoy it, though. I guess I just found it a little too complex, and films that make me THINK think are generally a hit-or-miss for me. Which swear word did you utter most recently? Probably fuck or a local swear word. ^ Was it because you were annoyed in some way? A little bit, yeah. My phone’s adapter was missing for a few moments. Do you ever find the smell of your pets’ food unpleasant? No. We feed them the same things we eat, so it would be kind of odd to call that unpleasant. When was the last time you reheated leftovers? Tuesday. It was a burger I failed to finish over the weekend. What was the last thing you ate, that was from a bakery? Can’t even remember the last time we ordered from a bakeshop...a pandesal is my best guess, but I can barely remember the last time I had one of those. Which fruit would you say you eat the most often? Haaaaaaaaaaaa. Is there a lake close to where you live? Nope. There’s a river, though. What was the last song you recall singing along to? Broken-Hearted Girl by Beyoncé. Have you uploaded any photos to social media today? Of what? No. Literally everyone has been posting photos of their flooded houses and neighborhoods all day, and it’d be insensitive to post pics of my otherwise (fortunately) normal and relatively unaffected neighborhood or some other type of photo. Are you in the process of reading a book? Which one? Nope.  ^ Are you enjoying it? - How recently did you charge the battery on your mobile phone? This morning, but I had to charge from my car because no electricity. I have to do it again, actually – my phone’s barely hanging on at 9%. Is there anyone you interact with every day, on social media? Yeah, my co-workers. In my new job, I’ll have to communicate with Ysa, Bea, and Steffi the most as I was placed in their team. What do you typically do to unwind at the end of the day? Watching the new episode of Good Mythical Morning and GMMore. Sometimes I’ll watch some wrestling too.
{found @ pinkchocolate}
Has anything fallen out of your pocket at any time recently? My vape pen. Luckily I was in my room because I would’ve been a dead daughter if it fell out in front of my parents. Do you have any books that you plan to read sometime soon? Yeah. I plan to resume Midnight Sun one of these days. It’s just a little hard at the moment because I first got it and read it during a rough phase two months ago...opening the book just brings back the memories. It’ll be a while before I’m able to dissociate from those thoughts and enjoy the book. Did anything disturb your sleep at all last night? Yes, the typhoon. The wind was loud enough to wake me up. The electricity also went out a little after midnight, so that also made it hard to fall back asleep. What kind(s) of Facebook groups are you active in, if any? Too many, but I deactivated Facebook again so it doesn’t matter. Do you enjoy any films with Judi Dench in them? Which ones? I respect her contributions as an actress but I’m generally not a fan of the films in her repertoire, so I haven’t seen any of them. I do remember wanting to check out The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, but I just never got around to it. Do you enjoy any herbal or fruit teas? What kinds? No, I don’t like tea. Are you currently wearing anything grey? Yeah, my current shirt is gray. Nice timing :) Name any object in your household that is purple. The pen on my work desk is purple. I also have a purple highlighter that I used while still in college. What was the last food item that you used your hands to eat? Churros. Have you seen anyone today that you consider to be attractive? Nope, I’ve only seen my family and even though I wouldn’t call them ugly, I don’t find them attractive in ~that way either. Do you recall what you were doing at 9:30 this morning? Trying to take a survey before realizing I wouldn’t be able to finish it because I felt a breakdown coming through. Do you use a moisturizer? What brand? No. My skin doesn’t really require lots of maintenance, so I’ve left it be for the most part. Do you currently own or use any toiletries with a fruity scent? I don’t think so. My shampoo has that original scent that just smells like...shampoo, I guess, my conditioner smells like milk, and my toothpaste is minty rather than fruity. Does anyone close to you have a beard? Dad, but he shaves it off all the time. The last time you were in your kitchen, what task(s) did you carry out? I made myself coffee. Name some pop groups that you loved as a child. Wasn’t into any as a child, but as a teenager I liked One Direction. Ok fine, as an adult too heheh Do you recall the first CD you ever owned? The High School Musical soundtrack lol Have you ever worked with anyone named Sophie? What was she like? I went to school with multiple Sophies but I never had to work with them. What terms of endearment do you mostly use when speaking to others? I use “b” or “bb” with nearly everyone, as long as it’s appropriate. Is anyone in your family currently pregnant? No. I used to think I was next, but I think I’ll be waiting a lot longer now. I don’t even know if it would still happen to me...which is sad, because I’ve always wanted a kid of my own. Do you have any specific plans for this weekend? If the typhoon subsides by this week I’ll be expecting my cross-stitch kit that I ordered online, and I can’t wait to start learning all weekend. {found @ pinkchocolate}
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visceralcoma · 5 years
Aria Loiza De Sardet
Finally filled out my own questionnaire for my first De Sardet
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What is De Sardet’s given name?
Aria Loiza De Sardet
What is the name Arelwin would have given De Sardet (assuming Petrus told them and its different than their given name)?
Arelwin never got to see her, much less name her. The Nauts named her instead. But in another life, Seren.
What was their relationship with Constantin like when they were teens?
Antagonistic. When they were kids they got along, but something changed in their teens when Loiza did exceptionally better than Constantin at everything. From academics to martial to politics and even social. Constantin withdrew from her, growing resentful that she was better than him at everything. Constantin’s resentment grew when he eavesdropped on his father and Sir De Courcillion and learned Loiza wasn’t even related to him and that his father was intending on wedding them together.
Did your De Sardet and Constantin ever have a fight? If so, about what?
When Constantin’s resentment of Loiza exploded, he shouted that she wasn’t even his real cousin. He said it to hurt her specifically. Unbeknownst to Constantin, she’d always suspected that she wasn’t really related to him given how much different she looked. And so she fled while crying and that’s when Constantin knew he’d went too far.
What is a special heartwarming memory of your De Sardet and Constantin?
Sir De Coucillion set Constantin to apologize to Loiza as she had locked herself away. It took much time but eventually when Loiza went a few days without eating or leaving the De Sardet apartments, he finally went to apologize for his words – now worried she was wasting away. He told her how he felt with her doing so much better than him, and his father preferring her over him. Stated how he was just another shadow he lived under. Only this one was a living one, as his brother was long dead. Loiza then revealed her own doubts about her place in the family. That even though she was the General De Sardet’s daughter, it was like she had no resemblance to her mother Princess Livie. And she suspected she was a bastard. With the air clear, Loiza promised to help Constantin with his studies and Constantin would stop resenting her.
What was the relationship like with Princess Livie (their adoptive mother)?
Very close. Even though Loiza felt like she might not actually be Livie’s daughter, she treasured her mother deeply and mourned with her when the diagnosis came back that she had the Malichor. Princess Livie view Loiza as the culmination of all the children she almost had but ultimately miscarried. A gift from her brother from the Island he had tried to colonize all those years ago.
Did De Sardet ever have a pet growing up? What happened to it?
There was a bird she inherited from General De Sardet. A Grey Al Saadian parrot. It was already forty years old when she took over care for it at the age of 8. Sadly it dies in her care but it lived a very long life and was her early exposure to losing a loved one. So when Livie was diagnosed, she was mentally prepared if anguished.
What was De Sardet’s relationship with their uncle (Constantin’s father)?
Close. Closer than Constantin and his father. Her uncle saw her like a pawn in his future plans and as a balm to Constantin’s rashness. He sought to marry her to Constantin, to temper him and reign him in. and also to be the driving force for the colonization of Tir Fradi. He had high expectations and so gave Sir Courcillion instruction to push her academically to reach her full potential. Loiza met each one head on. He often bought her gifts, commissioned swords and daggers for her use, and even had a custom gunsword made when she mastered both. He never pressured her to be like the other young ladies of court and indeed had her accompany him on many of his diplomatic and mercantile meetings when she grew older.
Did De Sardet ever get into trouble with their mother and uncle? Were they a frequent troublemaker?
She got into trouble once, when she broke under the pressures set before. It was revealed to her she would wed Constantin once colonization of the Island was underway. Though she didn’t hate her cousin – in fact she loved him. Loved him in the way they wished, but to be told she had to marry him as part of their plans, she revolted. Her sole act of rebellion and troublemaking was running away and finding the first brothel to deflower herself. But once there, she had no idea what she was doing and was nearly taken advantage of when mistaken for one of the working ladies.
For the first time since they were children, Constantin was the one to save her, revealing he was a frequent and high paying customer that he had a private room. There he sequestered her away. They spent the night and at her request he recommended one of the working gentlemen to her, someone he trusted.
Did De Sardet have many other friends?
Loiza had little friends given her schedule was packed most of the time. She had Constantin and a few acquaintances in court, no one else besides Constantin she would consider her friend.
How did they handle growing up with their mark? Did people mention it? Talk about? Treat them differently? How did De Sardet respond to them?
Poorly. As a kid, children called her mark a symptom of the Malichor and so they kept their distance from her. They neither wanted to be near her or play with her. As such she had a lonely childhood outside of her time with Constantin. Not that she had much time to play, for as soon as she was old enough her days were spend in study.
What are De Sardet’s favorite: food, color, music (genre/instrument), weather, season, and animal?
Food: A particular stone fruit from Al Saad, called a mango.
Color: Seagreen,
Music: Opera for the singing. She dreamed once of becoming a performer, but alas her uncle had other plans.
Weather: Rainy weather. It left the air cleaner back on the Continent, almost renewed and refreshed. On Tir Fradi, it was the same, but after each rain it was like she – herself – was rejuvenated. Like she’d taken a large drink of water.
Season: The end of winter. It feels like a fresh new beginning.
Animal: Birds. She has a liking to all the different sorts and has a collection of feathers from her uncle’s ‘friends’ who would try to win her favor, and thus her uncle’s ear, by giving her wild and exotic feathers from various birds.
What was their first thought of Vasco, Siora, Aphra, and Petrus when they met them?
Vasco: Capable, competent, if a little reserved. But beautiful.
Siora: She has a mark! Like me! Did father have an affair with someone from this island? Was father the first people to come to this island from the continent? Is this where I’m from?
Aphra: I could take the gun right out of her hands, but something in her gaze said not to. Determined, calculating, but not a killer unless pushed.  
Petrus: Just like one of uncle’s acquaintances in court. He wants something I can tell but what. He could prove useful though.
If they had one, who was De Sardet’s first kiss and/or love?
Constantin was her first kiss. It was a few months after Constantin had apologized for their big fight when Loiza was re-teaching him what Sir De Courcillion had covered in their dance lessons.  He was following her instructions perfectly when he started doing poorly. His hands were sweaty, and he stumbled over his feet. She didn’t understand why until when he nearly crashed them into a wall during a spin. She was getting up when the next moment he had pressed her against the wall, lips to hers and then he was stumbling back apologizing. She didn’t know what to make of it, as she was only thirteen and he fourteen, she carried on with the lesson.
Did De Sardet have any childhood/teen crushes on anyone? Describe how they realized it and how they behaved.
De Sardet didn’t have any crushes. Though she admired Kurt’s skill and ability it was more akin to hero worship, and though her first kiss was stolen by Constantin. It wasn’t until they were older did she love Constantin and he knew it, but neither acted on it in a silent act of rebellion against their parents. They both denied themselves because this was the one area they wanted to be free from their intrigue.
What subjects were their favorite to learn while being taught by Sir De Courcillion?
Music lessons. Being taught to sing was a passion she rarely got to express and so for as long as De Courcillion taught her it, she enjoyed it, but she quickly surpassed the level they would teach her. And though she continued to practice, it went nowhere. Instead she was encouraged to take an interest in other singers, and thus her love of the Opera was born.
What was their relationship with Kurt initially like when he became their bodyguard and/or when he became their Master of Arms?
When he became their Master of Arms, there was a bit of hero worship on Loiza’s end. He could fight and fight well. Though when he became their bodyguard as well, she tried to engage with him in discussion and had to excuse himself. Later he found her describing him as boorish. A word she regretted using as he would hold it over her head from that moment on for talking behind his back. She still feels guilty for calling him that, but Kurt won’t let her forget it. Especially when she playfully flirts with him.
What was Kurt’s initial assessment of De Sardet when he began teaching them to fight?
Graceful, crafty, and potentially deadly if given the chance. She’d be good for close combat and quick fights, but dreadful for cover and protecting herself. I’d give her a shield, but that would only slow her down. She can move faster than those wielding heavier weapons. Still, she needs to learn to parry. A heavier longer blade but not a long sword would do her well, but nothing too cumbersome. She’s got an aim not to be trifled with but shies away from guns due to the loud noise. A pistol on hand if she needs it but nothing more.
What did De Sardet specialize into first and why?
De Sardet specialized into the more technical aspects of combat. Swords, daggers, traps, explosives, and grenades and the art of subterfuge and misdirection. It was useful for her Uncle as when he entertained, she’d slip out and find what her Uncle needed in court in other cities. Eventually it became her preference.
What did they feel when they learned they were adopted and the circumstances behind it?
She knew it was something like this but she had imagined at least her father was actually her father, but instead it was all a lie. She was heartbroken and yet resolute. It was almost a relief to know, until it really sunk in what her “uncle” had done. Stolen a child and raised away all to be a piece, a way to get the Natives to concede to the Congregation. And her mother…Princess Livie an unwilling participant to his schemes but no less responsible – yet Loiza couldn’t fault her. She did the best she could. Instead all her anger directed at her “Uncle”.
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i need to know more about N'kari 👀
I’ll do the Oc Character meme thing for you and answer any other questions you might have after… there is so much on him :D @marbleunderthefridge there is some new canon you might like and I hope you don’t mind me tagging you @occultdetectives but you might enjoy this…
@sisterofsilence thanks so much for drawing my baby
Full name: He has many names; some are daemon names gifted by Slaanesh for excellent acts of excess and indulgence, some are his own inventions to inspire appropriate reactions and some are locked tightly away to prevent rivals from gaining an upper hand. He goes mostly by N'Kari the Shining Subjugator (which referances his war band, the Silver Sàde) or alternatively Silk-strings. As you can tell he likes his phonics to refer back to Slaanesh as you can never be too polite to an multidimensional transcendental beings. N'kari is actually the name of the Keeper of secrets that he has imprisoned in his staff; the Vaas'thi'ek (King of pleasure). His real name is Shukura Nanaja and was in fact one of the only surviving Terran Emperor’s children. He keeps this really locked up tight as names have power.
Gender and Sexuality: N'kari isn’t as fluid as he looks and has a very clear sense of self which is predominantly masculine in nature. This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like experimenting with his presentation like any self respecting Slaaneshi… he is one gorgeous bastard is all I’m saying.He’s very gay and never showed interest in his female astartes colleagues even when not corrupted. Only men have seen his dubious affections which they all wish they hadn’t barr maybe a few.
Pronouns: he/him. He’s not very patient with ‘silly’ and ‘made up’ pronouns though he rarely sees anyone as fully worth his time/respect and mostly refers to others like chattel or inanimate objects.
Ethnicity/Species: Astartes (however Fabius has grafted Eldar DNA to him which has resulted in some interesting developments in his Psychic abilities and visual appearance. He really wasn’t happy about it).
Birthplace and Birthdate:Shukura was born on Terra and the youngest terran Emperor’s children marine made. He comes from the Emperor’s own Birthplace of what was modern Turkey to a noble family of scientists who lived within the imperial palace courtyards. His family were especially honoured when their son was chosen for the Astartes Legions and gave him only the best.
Guilty pleasures: Anything that brings him pleasure for that moment. Actually he’s very much in control of his urges for pleasure which saves much of his sanity though he is deeply sadistic and takes great pleasure in inflicting pain on others. I suppose his really pleasure (and weakness and possibly only love) is August Gerhard… an Ultramarine he captured and tamed into a pet for himself. He has decidedly twisted feelings for poor Gerhard which stem from bad memories, deeply personal desires and straight up corruption. N'kari both adores and hates Gerhard for this. He loves vintage music boxes and carousels on a less morbid note and has been known to restore ancient ones to full glory.
Phobias: Loss of Control. That is really his only fear… he has such a control complex even though it in itself is tightly controlled. When situations go beyond his control, he will seek to tighten his grip on what he does have under his power (usually Gerhard). He rarely lets everything slip away from him and will hoard elements of control like jewellery. It’s all part of his superiority personality that sees only himself and a few select others as actually full and complete beings with totally rights over the imperfect scum.
What they would be famous for: N'kari is already famous in the Eye of Terror for multiple reasons. He is well-known mostly as a man of business rather than combat. Combatants are a hundred a penny in the Eye and so Chaos marines that make a very successful living out of businesses are quite rare. Runs three businesses on a permanent basis and has his fingers in innumerable others, mostly as a shareholder. His most notable business is Slave raiding/trading which seeing as slaves are practically currency in the Warp, he’s practically the equivalent of a money lender. He tends to specialise in exotic and high quality slaves such as large rare Xenos breeds and unfortunately Astartes. Astartes are his most sought-after commodity so N'kari has developed ways of mass capturing Astartes that have driven Chapters to the brink of extinction. That in itself is considered a feat, has affording him large amounts of privilege in the Eye and granting him unchallenged interaction to exclusive places/people/events.His second and arguably his most famous business is his Psykosurgery and Soulmetrics. The warp is the stuff of souls and thus it’s only natural that its inhabitants want souls to be proud of even if it increases their risk. Think of it like plastic surgery but for the soul… N'kari can imbue souls with flavours, patterns, essences and many other abstract concepts that are only tangible in the Warp. A slaanesh cultist may want to embody a certain concept and have their soul modified so that their very spirit compliments their theme or a warrior might wish to increase the fear they inspire on the battlefield and have a warsong grafted into them. The possibilities are endless and only N'kari truly understands the arcane science behind it. He guards the secrets so jealously that even Slaanesh is kept guessing. Similar methods are frequently applied to slaves that are of particular value to increase their desirability and usefulness. Some are made into ‘living dolls’, their very souls scrubbed clean and prepared for new personalities or purposes.
What they would be arrested for: Literally everything he does is a crime against humanity and life in general.
Oc I ship them with: N'kari has four official ships which are the most plot important. His first relationship is the most plot important but also the most tragic. Shukura as a loyal marine was deeply in love with an Ultramarine Captain called Varius Lucretius. Shukura was a Librarian and thus (wisely) avoided by most but Varius while a little unnerved by Shukura’s possessiveness, was actually rather in love with him. Varius’s levelheaded and emotional healthy person was a good influence on Shukura and if their relationship had survived, it could have saved many lives however it didn’t. In fairness the initial disaster wasn’t Shukura’s fault but his need for control, his suppressed sadism and inability to let go combined together to make a tragedy that could have been avoided. Varius died in complete agony and terror which left such a mark on Shukura that even ten thousand years after, the event is so burned into his mind that it cannot ever dull. The second ship is a follow on from the above but it is so down the unhealthy and abusive scale that it’s not really a ship… more like the worst Master/slave relationship possible however it is the longest and most significant. Varius’s geneseed was successfully recovered and was of course returned to Macragge. It had several hosts over the next thousand years, giving it a respected position and age in the Ultramarine lineage records. The geneseed was actually going to be retired from implantion as it was no longer successfully replicating new ones but it was decided to implant it into one last host. This host was a young peasent neophyte called August Gerhard. To his immense misfortune, Gerhard grew to echo Varius’s features so well that when he faced off against N'kari, N'kari became obsessed with his capture and risked an entire catch of Ultramarines just to snare him in the most perfect way. Gerhard was captured and taken by N'kari back to his ship where he ‘trained’ to be the personal pet of N'kari. It is the most miserable life you can imagine for Gerhard; he’s the subject of intense psychological/emotional/physical abuse which has actually shattered his resistance leaving him broken and deeply traumatised. N'kari loves Gerhard but in the way only a chaos marine can; with a twisted mix of affection and cruelty. Gerhard himself is actually unaware of how much he resembles Varius leaving him with tormenting questions as to why N'kari treats him the way he does. The third ship was the shortest but has a lot of later plot importance. Shukura and Fabius used to be partners. Shukura was the first person to be taught by Fabius in the Haemonculus ways and more importantly the only one to survive. Fabius and N'kari understood each other on a level that was completely unprecedented by both and while it wasn’t really a sexual relationship, it was a deeply intellectual one. It ended very badly of course when their experiments on each other finally reached a limit. Fabius had grafted Eldar DNA to N'kari which in his eyes was like pouring pollution into a lake. N'kari got his revenge however in using his newly found eldar abilities to give Fabius trypophobia (a fear of hole clusters) which greatly impeded his work. They despise each other to this day but sometimes find that they are the only ones that can understand the other.The fourth is way more casual and doesn’t yet have any plot significance; Vicious and N'kari. Vicious and N'kari have had a thing for about as long as they have been traitors. Its more a case of ‘You scratch my itch and I scratch yours’ XD.
Oc most likely to murder them: Oddly enough this is most likely going to be Gerhard. Gerhard after he had escaped from N'kari’s chains and wants revenge with every fibre of his being. N'kari just can’t bring himself to kill the face of his lover despite it being his deepest desire. Though honestly a lot of people have it out for Nkari… he’s not exactly popular for his personality. The other person might actually be my other Slaaneshi Warlord Calliope; an ambitious mortal who is already making a lot of waves in the Eye. She’s powerful enough and if N'kari presents a threat to her plans… it doesn’t matter if he is still technically an ally.
Favourite movie and book genre: well he is complying his own encrypted notes on his Psykosurgery and Soulmetrics, reading whatever material he can squeeze from Fabius and the piles of arcane texts he can find but apart from that he doesn’t have the time or the inclination to ‘enjoy’ the creative work of others.
Least favourite tv/movie cliche: He hates Tv. Seriously even as a loyalist… he couldn’t stand it. Shukura was one of those super snobby people that would make passive aggressive comments to people who are always talking about TV programmes or films and make out how much better it was without it. It’s especially ironic because his character originally inspired by the Childcatcher in the film Chitty Chitty bang bang
Talents and powers: N'kari is a very talented person and boy does he know it. He has a very thorough understanding of his own abilities and is always pushing the limits he has found like a true son of Fulgrim. Even as legionnaire, Shukura was never the best close quarters combatant, only ever being just average in swordplay and marksmanship but he really excelled in his psychic abilities and his uncanny strategic planning. His Psychic abilities manifest usually in a mix of illusion, telekinetic energy and highly destructive empathetic channeling. It wasn’t uncommon to see him hang back, casting subtle illusions to confuse the enemy and wait for an opportune moment to unleash a mindflaying torrent of emotional energy against the leader and his minions. Naturally this didn’t earn him much favour with the martial III legion but Fulgrim encouraged Shukura to explore and perfect his abilities. It was in pursuit of this that Shukura began to study Astartes Psychology under the apothecaries, believing that in the understanding of his own mind, he would be able to push his abilities further than ever. This however didn’t happen as intended as he grew more interested in the science and theories behind Astartes Psychology rather than applying it to his own psychic studies. He devoured anything that involved general psychology and began to make his own studies on Astartes behaviour and it’s manipulation. Shukura quickly became the foremost expert in both Astartes Psychology and Psychiatrics, routinely assisting the apothecaries. It was in these studies that Slaanesh would find a businesslike but willing supplicant in Shukura, stoking his fascination for the more extreme behaviours and disorders. As the legion fell, Shukura experimented on his own brothers but rarely to their pleasure or enjoyment. He pulled the threads of their minds and hearts apart, subjecting them to intense psychic stresses that even the slaanesh corrupted marines struggled to handle. N'kari during the heresy had ample astartes captives to perfect his techniques and skills to the point where he can manipulate an Astartes’s deep thinking without even using psychic abilities. This is one of the reasons why he goes unchallenged by most warbands… they are genuinely scared of him. His most useful abilities revolve around this but he does have a few extra ones he developed when the Eldar DNA was grafted. His favourite is psychic strings (hence his name Silk-strings) allow him to control every action, word and sometimes thought of the being in question. They become extensions of his will. His second favourite is soul crystallisation… he will drive souls into a intense frenzy of sensation and pleasure-pain before crystallising them at the peak. These crystals then can be used like stun grenades releasing the huge amount of psychic pressure on unguarded minds.
Why someone might love them: N'kari is charming and terribly charismatic… at least on the surface. To the right people, he’s a lot of fun and will always give highly intelligent conversation that are unlike anything else. He’ll always have what you want…. and give it to you for the right price.
Why someone might hate them: see above XP. A metric ton of reasons… personality wise, he’s callous, cold and incredibly cruel. You never ever know where you stand with him. He has a superiority complex which is sky high…etc. etc.
How they change: welp… he used to have two normal arms, no horns and eyes that didn’t change colour but now he does and his left arm and shoulder is now 6 tentacles with big blinking eyes that he can see through. And he didn’t have eldar abilities. But on the serious tone, Nkari’s story is more about Obsession in its many deadly forms and how it will change a person into a monster if not careful.
Why I love them: because he is my beautiful trash baby. He’s pure evil and really any redeeming quality he had has long been burnt away. Plus he’s the AstartesCatcher!!!! He has the nets and cage chariots to prove it…
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