#no bc I’d react the same way that was truly a cruel act
ihatebnha · 2 years
ok but bakugo
No but the way this has me fucking fuming on his behalf…………. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO you’re so right. The calm but cold anger, the silent stare, the “I’ll throw that yolk at you, if you touch this…” All Bakugo.
Don’t you ever do that to him tho. Anyone, tbh. I stg. Yolks are hard to make like that!!!
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icharchivist · 7 years
So! New sessions with friends! we watched from 105 to 117! So we watched the first part of the attack on the castle session, from Knov infiltrating the palace  up to after the “Since it’s none of your business” scene and Knuckle coming back to fight Youpi!
A. is Her, T. is Him.
-A: “I’m trying to avoid the spoilers of your blog. It’s hard it’s like Hisoka avoiding Gon’s punch. So far all i know is the last thing about Kurapika, it was hard to ignore… i know Leorio is getting some place with i dont know what and Zodiac stuff, i dont know what it is. and i know Meruem died like he lived: heterosexual”
 -T: “Knov’s plan is good… but it’s as tight to play as that other guy’s thong.” T: “….. it’s gonna end up on tumblr right?” 
 -As knov uses his power to behead an ant, T: “fuck thats cool!! if you could do that in assassins creed…”
 -A, at the begining of Morel v Leol: “i knew Morel was a Metalhead. it showed.” 
 -A: “i want a blog full of out of context picture of hxh” 
 -A: “why are they fighting on orangina”
-they squeed when ikalgo was back. T finds his hat cute akdhkd 
 -A: “please tell me nothing happens to the octopus”
 -T: “I seriously love this octopus. he’s an exemple for us all “
 -Pouf started to be overdramatic and they stared in horror like A: “… is he okay? the ultimate dramaqueen omg. its like a shojo”
 -as Youpi looking at Pouf’s breakdown T: “*voicing youpi* the job is great but the colleague, no so much” 
 - A: “Don’t bother going with a plan against the King, just play gungi against him until he rips all his limbs. like Gon, don’t fight him, just tell him to jump off a cliff and he will”
 -A, at Pouf: “arent you done being the third wheel”
 -A: "It’s not easy for Youpi to be with both Pouf and Pitou at this point…” 
 -They started laughing at the King asking for his name to the royal guards
 -when the king says he’s King and dominate everything: A: “meanwhile you get completely controlled by a blind girl. and i thought he was getting better, but hes just a moron” 
 -Narrator : “one day before the selection…” A: “....and the king is more straight than ever” 
 -We made a pause to prepare some tea. as we did i joined T. in the kitchen and he jumped bc he didnt hear me come. direct reaction: T: “tf why did you supress your nen”. my friends are dorks 
 -Morel: “who could have hurt the king? ”  A: “himself, like a huge moron” 
-A: “omg Pouf is a Butterfree ” 
 -A: “i don’t think I’m reassured to see “you can try” on the old man”
-T: “where the fuck is the old man, he’s supposed to be the one attacking the King and we’ve never seen him again, we’re ten minutes to the attack on the castle” 
-As the king is giving the order to lift the En:  A" “hes a moron. but he makes it easy for everyone…” 
 -A: “I’m just saying that if you let them all three more weeks, the king will tears away all his limbs, Pouf will kill himself and you’ll just need to stop the selection and the other two and everything will be fine. or Youpi will end up killing Pouf because he can’t stand the violin anymore” 
 -T: “It’s the plan: Gon has no plan so he could adapt to any situation” 
 -Killua: “why would the king hurt himself?” A: “because he’s as stupid as Gon” 
 -A: “i like Morel. he’s the cool guy” T: “he’s like the cool uncle” A: “it’s good a character with some nerves” T: “at the same time with all the weed….” 
 -A:“why do Knuckle even remove his jacket? it must be a condition for his power. be shirtless.” 
 -A: “I’m curious who Netero brought… it couldn’t be Ging right??? it would be a mess T: “its probably someone op af” 
 -they screamed when Zeno came on screen, they didn’t expect him -
when Zeno recorded message starts, T: “dont tell me it’s his sextape” 
 -A: “Zeno is a vlogger” 
-A: “Netero was good looking when he was young” T: “True” 
 -A: “I love interesting old characters” 
 -At Netero’s training: A: “what was his motivation, did someone break up with him” 
 -T. considers Netero’s fighting style is really too cool. he loves it. they both argue he’s really good looking while young 
-Netero: “I’ll teach you if you give me stuff to eat”, T: “god thats me” 
 -as the attack starts: A: “Chloé i don’t like your smile i’m scared” 
 -A: “Killua is like in Good Omens: “It’s a family business. we gotta go” 
 -they were extremely quiet at the realization Komugi was wounded, during the scene we discover it. They were really into the intensity of the moment, it was seriously chilling
 -T: “it’s fun because after all those slowmo the opening of the episode is like at normal speed”
 -A: “i don’t mind the slowmo. they make clear that it is because too many things are happening at once. although i do hope it speds up a little…” 
 -they find Youpi disgusting and they yelled “no” when they thought he was gonna kill Morel
 -they really like Morel and Knuckle and Shoot and when Shoot hit Youpi to get Morel’s weapon, they cheered and want them to be safe forever 
 -Me: “it’s interesting how killua kept telling Gon to stay focused on Pitou but still go out of his way to protect Ikalgo while Gon stays motivated, you would expect the opposite”  A:“tbh i dont care as long as the octopus is okay” 
 -when Killua kills the guy to protect Ikalgo, T: “you call that supressed their ability to fight, I’m calling that murder. he overkilled.” 
 -A: “Pouf kinda looks like Kurapika.” Pouf: *acts dramatic* A: “okay no never mind” 
 -A: “no but Pouf is pretty and it’s a fucking butterfly I’m jealous” 
 A: “couldnt they teach him another music to play with his violin im.” 
 -Narrator: “pouf is at the limit of fanatism” T: “ye, on the other side of the limit, he’s totally into it” A:“i’d say he’s in love”
 -A: “i almost pity Pouf” T: “well he’s the least cruel one..” 
 -as Gon sees the king A: “no Gon!! it’s too big for you!!” 
 -same scene: A: “i don’t like Gon’s look… Killua if you want to knock him down it’s now”
 -T: “A DRAGON. I always side with the dragon. *sings* calm on my dragon ” 
 -in the “let’s go” scene: A: “i dont like Gon’s look… i dont like Killua’s look… I’m so scared of what’s gonna happen it’s… scary.” 
 -A: “i don’t like the idea that they’re gonna have to chose if they want to kill Pitou and Komugi or not… I don’t like the idea they’ll be in the same room as Pitou anyway…” 
 -A: “Pouf is a fucking pokemon”
-Narrator: “Shoot fights recklessly withot caring for his life” A: “at the same time when you learn from Gon…”
 -T: “let’s be real tho we’re just all waiting for the fight between the king and the sensei” 
-A, at Welfin: “i… honestly don’t know what to say about that thong tho.” 
 -Gon and Killua just arrived in Pitou’s room. they are scared at Gon’s eyes  
-Killua: “Pitou is like a mother protecting her kid” A: “*immiting Killua* “oh the complete opposite of mine” 
 -as Gon’s eyes are empty: T: “he’s really scary…” A:“he reminds me of illumi…” 
 -They are seriously scared for Gon. now they understand why i’m upset the anime removed Kite. They realize from what I explained that it was a stronger blow for Gon and the audience to know Kite from the start.
 -The “since it’s none of your business” scene just happened. (also it was well translated in the French sub version so yay). They are. speechless. but they react the same way i did the first time, ie, more worried for Gon’s mental state than anything. 
 -Gon: “I’m fine” T: “he’s not fine” 
 -We discussed a bit about Gon’s and Killua’s mental health so far and development and they really agree with me. they are concerned for both, since eventually it would have been solved if they talked, since neither talked about their troubles up to that point. but they feel for both of them and see how this happened, and i didnt have to argue too much about it, I’m glad. 
 -We rementioned the gi arc. T: “oh the good old times where the only problems were bombs.”  Me: “Do you get now why i laughed when A. said the gi arc didnt have lot of stakes” A: “now we have them……” 
 -They miss Kurapika and Leorio still. we all agree it would have been better at least for the kids’s mental health if they had been there… 
 -T: “why the FUCK Zeno is coming back home by feet” 
 -Cheetu teasing Zeno, saying he’ll fight against Zeno, A: “no but i almost feel bad for cheetu seeing how unfair and unballanced it is”  
-they gasped as Silva arrived. A. had her hands on her mouth in amazement. A: “that’s not even an ability it’s just summon the son” 
 -As Shoot and Knuckle talk about going back to fight Youpi : "they have... a really misplaced pride" 
 -Shoot: "Please hit him for me" T: "no no you misheard he said bring me to the hospital. go see the octopus" A: "I know an octopus, he knows a guy"
So we had to stop, and it was... amazing. They were invested in the fight, understood the struggles, and are truly looking forward to more, it makes me happy!
It was a nice day dkfjhf
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