lagt-duck · 1 year
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God I love women
Some sappich shadowpeach for your heart friends
Thank @lunar-wandering for the idea!
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berriblossom · 1 year
( Barely proof red im half awake ^^" )
I've been seeing some very good responces to the other ask i had done, and i've just had so many ideas! But i really didnt want to stress you out, do im leaving you with this mini ask ( please dont push yourself to start it, i dont want this to become a chore instead of a little side hobby)
This is another papa zhongli ask, with the beast swan little baby reader (i love them so much platonically ♡♡♡)
Are you able to do a uncle put down for me? (Its like putting a kid to bed) with xiao ? Or... mayhaps a auntie put down with like.. ninnguane or something!! (Idk how to spell her name off the top of my head, i also just see her as the rich aunt typa person)
Once again, please take your time and make sure to have fun! (Btw if its alright with you, i might start leaving little incouragemental askes every once in a while ^^)
Im so eepy TT
- (v)
Ahh, more ask! Im totally fine with all the encouragements! These ask make my day! Headcanon time!
When evening comes, who will tuck you in and kiss you goodnight?
Featuring: Childe, Beidou, Ganyu, Ningguang, Shenhe, Xiao, and Papa Zhongli.
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Say what you will about the Fatui harbinger. He may have tried to bring the fall of Liyue, destroy its economy, and somewhat helped in the brutal slaying of its archon before the people's own eyes.
Childe [Uncle TarTag]
But he will be the best uncle no matter what. No matter what.
So when it is time for you to go to bed, he will sometimes procrastinate when you plead with him. "One more game, Uncle Tartag! One more movie, Uncle Tartag! One more!" You bet any money he will watch your favorite movie or read your favorite stories with you before putting you down for a nap or for bedtime.
When he is tucking you in, he is a little rough, to say the least. When you're tucked in. You are tucked in. Like you can't move too much, his strength gets the better of him.
Your bedtime story will have some sort of fighting or violence, which Zhongli has lectured him about. You might be an illuminated beast, but you are still a child. He even got in trouble for telling you to say, "The Tsarita is better than Morax" in a story he told you, and Zhongli wanted to murder him.
Rating: 7/10, he is trying but needs some work in the story department.
You will never be sleeping on her ship. Nit at night, at least. Zhongli has a fear thar if you sleep on her ship, you'll be in another nation by dawn. So yeah, no sleeping on Aunty Beidou's ship. But you can take naps!
Beidou [Captain Aunty Beidou]
Beidou will tell you her stories at sea, how she defeated Haishan, and the stories of her crew. She will never sing any sea shanty's...for reasons. But she'll let Kazuha tell you haikuu's. You can run around the ship until. You're tired out and come lay on her lap for a little nap.
The ship and crew will try to be quiet under Beidou's watch and orders for your nap. She'll let you use her coat as a blankie and kiss your forehead to let you have a few minutes of nap time.
Rating: 7.5 out of 10, only because you can't spend the night but she is good!
Ganyu [Big sister Ganyu]
Now, Ganyu is the queen of naptime with you. Putting you to bed, a little different.
When she puts you down for sleep, she slowly falls asleep, too. She makes your bed extra confy when you're at Jueyun Karst, too comfy. When its bed time, shell read you a bedtime story about Rex Lapis, the Adepti like Aunty Cloudy [cloud retainer].
But slowly and quickly, she will fall asleep with you. She has a small Qilin night light for you, similar to her Cryo globe she makes. She'll have some cool warer near your little setup and some snacks.
By the time she is done reading, she'll be laying beside you, drifting off into sleep with you. She'll let you cuddle her and hold her is you get scared like a good big sister.
Rating: 8/10, she is just a little sleepy, but you're not complaining.
Ningguang [Aunty Ning-Ning]
The times Ganyu has accidently had late nights with you, Ningguang is more than honored to let you hang out with her. Your day is filled with shopping, museums, arts trips, and all the natural beauty of Liyue presented to you on a platter. All for her little swan. Zhongli was fine for you to stay in the Jade Chamber as long as you are respectful and polite.
Ningguang would set you up in a room not far from her desk area or place you on a couch near her office area. She'll get you blankets of the finest cotton, silk, or any fabric. She'll give you some nice cushions for comfort and a nice cup of tea to help you settle down for naps.
She will kiss your head, give you some delicate cuddles, and place you down on her lap if you asked her politely.
If she is in a meeting? Oh, put it on hold real quick, her little swan needs their nightly cuddles and she needs to get it done. Want some tea before bed? Oh, she has it done and will have you in some beautiful silk pajamas while she is at it.
Want to sleep in her expensive bed with her and your plushie, oh she will make some room and let your plushie have its own pillow too.
Ningguang can be really serious at times but if you need her to tuck you in before bed and ask her to tell a story, she will buy the best children's literature book ever written just to read it to you and kiss you goodnight. Yes, she will.
Rating: 7.5/10, your rich Aunty has you covered.
Shenhe [Big sister Shenhe]
She would be lost at first, she knows you aren't human so why sleep like one? But once Ganyu and Cloud Retainer gets it through to her that you are raised in the human world despite being an Adeptus, you act the way you do. Similar to your sleep.
So in some ways, your situation is the opposite but similar to hers.
In comes protective Shenhe mode.
Whatever you want for your nightly routine, she is going to find it, get it, or make Ganyu buy it. She'll learn from Zhongli and Cloud Retainer how to brew and make tea, just for you.
If you ever call her "big sister Shenhe" in your sleep, her yearning to keep you safe even in your dreams grows. Do you want her to kiss your duckie goodnight? She will and tuck it in too beside you. Similarly, with Childe, she can be a little harsh on tucking you in, but over time she learns how to reel it back in.
Do you like her cryo spirits that swirl around you? She'll use them to keep your room cool at night during warm nights.
Want her to tell you stories? She will spend time with the traveler just to come back and tell you about it.
Rating: 8/10, she's a little confused but goodness she has the spirit.
Need him to hold your hand when you get scared of the dark? He will ask Verr Godlet to borrow a night light for you. Or better yet, he will find or make one. He will also still hold your hand.
Xiao [Big Brother Xiao]
Now, this big brother, the conquerer of demons, is the only surviving Yakasha.
He will spoon-feed you almond tofu if you need it before bed. Hell, he will learn the recipe and make it for you. Want to sit on the terrace of the Wangshuu Inn and say hello to the moon? He will have you in his lap while you do it.
Need a little cool air because the room is stuffy or warm? he'll use his anemo vision to bring in a gentle breeze. He will have everything you like and don't like down on a list.
Too much noise? He will find the source and silence it.
Want a bath before bedtime? He will test the temperature himself, and make sure to get your rubber duckies in too.
Need some tea? What's the brew? What type? Hell, where is the leaf so he can pick it himself and make it?
Xiao would sleep beside you too even if he is tense and still as stone. But he will mellow out once hearing you have your big brother here to protect you. Yeah, he will be there to protect you.
Rating: 8.5/10, he will do it only for you. Only for his little sibling.
Zhongli is the standard setter of what bedtime should be like.
Zhongli [He needs no introduction]
Zhongli will not only have your bath ready for when bedtime comes, but also your favorite night-time tea is on the stove ready too. He will pull out your little dragon onesie, with the horns on the hood too. And a little tail, and will put your little yellow socks on too.
You can run around while he folds up your towel and clothes for the next day saying you're a dragon and he will play along, even teaching you about how real dragons act and fly. Zhongli will give you the tea in your special teacup with two pinches of sugar just for you.
Want a little snack? He will be making you little biscuits to enjoy with your tea like little cookies.
When it's really time to settle you in, he will have your nightlight on while reading you a bedtime story. He is the king of bedtime stories he can tell you a story you've heard 100 times like it's never been told before. Want a story about Rex Lapis and the Adepti? He has one, and wants one about the Stove God? he will tell it all.
He will tuck you in gently, making sure you are fully covered and secure. The window will be cracked slightly for some fresh air, and also the coolness.
Have a nightmare and need your Papa?
He will hold you close to his chest and will console you while you cry and talk about it. Assuring you, that your Papa will always come and save you, even from the dark.
He will kiss your forehead and cheeks goodnight, even your plushies too. Repeating how much he loves you, how happy he is to be your papa, and how lucky he is to have you, his little swan with him.
Got scared and want to sleep in his bed?
He will pull you beside him and let you talk to him until you go to sleep finally. He may be exhausted but he will listen to your rambles before bed like it is his morning news.
Rating: ��/10. No questions, comments, or concerns here.
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kathleen-grant · 4 years
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modern!Ninnguang, “Genshin Impact”
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letssugame · 3 years
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Zhongli's Quests spoiler without context, I guess.
I'm so sorry for Havria and Guizhong, but they don't have a design.
Probably I would make this with Lumine, Tartaglia, Ninnguan and Xiao. I'm a multishipper after all.
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