#niley songs
maybankswhore · 1 year
summary: jj was your first love. he was your first everything. but rafe was persistent on being your last. jj figured the relationship with rafe would run its course. he didn’t think rafe would get too far , but when you and rafe get engaged , he realizes he might’ve lost you for good.
this is based off the unreleased song ‘wedding bells’ by nick jonas ( obv written about #niley but wtv not my fight !! )
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“ pardon my interruption. the drink’s just setting in and all of my reservations — a reason i don’t exist. she says ‘ can you keep a secret? a ceremony’s set for june. i know it’s a rush but i just love him so much. i hope that you can meet him soon. ”
The night air seemed to suffocate him. He felt like an idiot just sitting there , his fifth beer of the night thus far in his hand. He had been soaking it in. His eyes were entirely on you and he hadn’t tried hiding it , even though you had barely noticed.
He knew why you didn’t.
You were over him. JJ could feel it. You weren’t searching the crowds for his eyes to see if they were also looking for yours. Your gaze didn’t linger on him when you danced , a playful expression on your face.
Instead you danced with yourself , the happiest smile he had ever seen on your face. The night sky seemed to love you , shining on the most attractive parts of your features. The aura around you was alluring , holding him captive.
He loved seeing you like this. So authentically beautiful and warm. He just hated that he wasn’t the cause of it— or a part of it at all , really.
Though JJ knew it had been his fault things were turning out the way they were. He was silly to think a girl like you wouldn’t have somebody better out there for him , snatching you up the first chance he got.
He was being selfish letting you go. He wanted all the things temporary happiness brought him , and it cost him you. JJ hadn’t thought it all the way through , he knew that. He didn’t know why he never thought of the day he’d see you loving someone else.
He watched as you lazily strolled over to him. Your eyes with facing low , red glazing over them. A silly smile on your face as the shots you threw back with Kiara starting to circulate through your bloodstream. “JJ! What’re you doing all the way out here?” You laughed , plopping onto the empty spot beside him.
JJ’s heartbeat quickened , avoiding making eye contact. “Just takin’ a quick breather.” He sniffed , rubbing an imaginary sore spot in his jaw.
You were too cross faded at the moment to notice the falter in his expression and distant tone of his face. A silly grin on your face as you stared at the stars , finding yourself becoming entranced with them. “Remember when we used to stargaze?” The memory still fond in your brain.
JJ nodded lightly , a sad smile on his face as he recollected the memories he held so dear with you. The ones he had taken for granted.
“Those were some good times.” You grinned. Absentmindedly , your head lulled onto his shoulder. A habit you had broken long ago but the drugs made you feel a bit hazy , the unspoken ridge in you and JJ’s friendship seemed non existent.
Even though you and JJ had broken up , you had found yourself in a place to let go of the hurt you had once felt. Finding Rafe— finding love elsewhere had shifted that for you. Now , you craved his friendship , the purity of what it was before then. The platonic , but comforting way that only two bestfriends that had grew up with eachother could feel. It was something nobody else could replace.
“They were.” JJ murmured back , closing his eyes at the feeling of you.
“I have to tell you something.” You whispered to him. You wanted to gush it to the world , you had been holding it in for weeks. The news would shock the island— the gossip going from person to person. It was supposed to stay a secret for a while but now seemed like the time to tell JJ. . . You had liquid courage and you wanted him to be the first one to know.
You weren’t sure how he would take it. While you were over the moon excited and happy— you couldn’t help that nagging guilt in the back of head stop ruining your mood about it.
You had nothing to be guilty about. JJ had broke up with you. JJ chose someone else over you.
But it still didn’t stop you from feeling worried about his reaction.
JJ sat up straighter and faced you. Drunk thoughts were real thoughts. He told himself.
“You can’t tell. . . anyone.” You emphasized , anxiously biting your bottom lip.
“Never a soul between us.” JJ swore , the old words you’d recite to eachother as children touching your heart.
“We’re thinking of a June wedding.” You gulped nervously , digging out the ring Rafe had given you out of your pocket , slipping it onto your right hand.
JJ’s chest nearly caved as he looked at it. The way it just fit your personality so well— it was exactly like something he’d see you choosing yourself.
That hit in for a multitude of reasons. One because Rafe had liked you enough to get to know you and see what you liked. He was surprised Rafe Cameron was capable to taking someone else’s feelings into consideration. Two because he knew how much you probably loved it. The small attention he paid to detail.
God , he felt as though he was going to throw up. His stomach immediately felt nauseous , thinking of you married to him , vowed to him. His girl. His Y/N.
“Isn’t it like. . . rushing into shit?” JJ kind’ve laughed , an awkward sound mimicking one left his throat instead. He tried to sound casual , not like he was panicking and on the verge of passing out.
You giggled like a school girl , awestruck. “I know it’s a rush but I. . . I just love him so much.” You gushed , your eyes turning into hearts at the thought of him. It made JJ feel disgusted.
He didn’t want to ruin everything for you. He didn’t want to open his mouth and made that silly , love drunk look on your face to change.
So he didn’t say anything. He just smiled and nodded. Ignoring the way he felt tears welling up in the corner of his eyes , blinking them away at your oblivious attention.
“ pardon my harsh reaction. you put me on the spot. but if i’m being honest , i’m hoping that i get caught showing you i’m unhappy. letting you see my truth. ’cause if you recall , our anniversary falls eleven nights into june. ”
The next time he had heard about this , his demeanor wasn’t all that cool.
JJ really wished it was all just a really , really , really bad nightmare. When he woke up the next day , he completely avoided talking about it again. He was hoping you were just drunk and it wasn’t actually happening. He did not want to visit those feelings.
But as you stood in front of him with Rafe beside you , telling the Pogue’s– breaking the news , the reality of the situation fell upon him.
“Are you two fucking crazy?” JJ sneered , standing up from his sitting position on the couch. Rafe took a protective stance in front of you at the sudden action , making JJ scoff. “You don’t need to protect her from me.”
“JJ maybe we should just—” Pogue tried to intervene. The way your face fell made him jump into action , but JJ shrugged him off.
“No! Pope. Man , ’cmon. Marriage? You can’t seeing think this guy is good enough for Y/N.” He waved a hand in front of Rafe. “This is coked out , crazy Rafe Cameron who literally beats the shit out of us.”
Pope grew silent , feeling JJ’s point.
You pushed Rafe to the side , boring daggers into JJ’s head. “What the hell’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” He scoffed. “What’s wrong with you thinking we’d wanna hear this?”
“I was thinking you guys were my friends! And you’d be happy for me.” You shouted back at him. Everyone was staring at the two of you cautiously , not wanting to see how this end.
Even Rafe didn’t feel like it was the time to hash out the past. You weren’t ready for that.
“God , Y/N don’t you think you’re being a little bit naive here?” JJ pointed at you. He could feel Rafe’s eyes glaring at him but he didn’t care. His focus was on you , the way your hair fell down your shoulders and framed your face. The way you had just looked so. . . grown up. He was just still so used to feeling like a teenager , like nothing was ever too serious. Nothing really mattered. You weren’t the little sixteen year old Y/N he knew. The one that made him daisy chains while smoking a joint behind John B’s house. The one who skipped school with him and make trouble on the Cut.
Things had changed and he hadn’t even been paying attention. He felt foolish.
“How am I being naive , JJ? It’s been a year since everything’s happened. He’s been doing good—”
“Do you not even remember our anniversary?” JJ said just above a whisper , clear defeat in his voice. “It’s eleven days into the month of June.”
You were taken aback at his words. They hit you like nothing had before. You were expecting alot of things , but the mere remembrance of the anniversary you two shared was not one of them. They seemed so distant to you now , the younger self of you and the weight it held. It had been a long time since things had been that way and you thought JJ had felt the same way about the situation.
But as he turned and pushed past all his friends and flew out the back door , you knew things wouldn’t ever be the same.
“ no , i don’t wanna love if it’s not you , i don’t wanna hear the wedding bells prove that we can’t try one last time. i don’t wanna hear the wedding bells. ”
“It hurts so bad.” JJ cried into Pope’s shoulder. It had been days since he’d seen you but he’d heard from other people and your decision hadn’t changed.
You were glued to Rafe’s side since. He had paraded you around the island with the ring loud and proud now that the news was out. His family were beyond happy , even if you had been a Pogue— Rafe’s change was enough to win them over. John B and Kiara weren’t fans of it , but they liked seeing you happy. And Pope did his best to support everyone.
But JJ was heartbroken. Time had left him , passed him without him even noticing. There wouldn’t be a time and a place where you were his , ever again. Marriage was deep. It planted a clear divide between you and Rafe , and you and him.
There would be no another time.
“I know.” Pope sighed , squeezing JJ’s shoulders. “But she deserves to be happy.”
“I know.” JJ sighed , feeling his heart squeeze.
“Even if it’s not with you.”
“Even if it’s not with me.”
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foxes-that-run · 7 months
Part 2: 70 Heart Kisses (1D years)
This post is in three parts:
When Harry got the Heart tattoo
70 Heart Kisses (1D years), and
70 Heart Kisses continued. (Solo career)
The amazing @womanexile and @this-daydream-is-dangerous-13 started this off with finding a good chunk of these. This is by no means a complete list, I think that would be impossible.
It’s also important to note that only Harry knows what this tattoo is about, why he kisses it or if that is for one person and who that may be. Below is a list of times he has kissed it with other events at that time. To me, many kisses appear to be about personal milestones.
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In the 2013 timeline Harry and Taylor started the year infamously with the blue dress on a boat. Taylor went to London after Harry's birthday, they seemed neither together nor properly single. 
12 March 2013 - Dublin - While Niall gave a speech referring to Ireland, his home, Harry kissed the heart. (1:07) Home is clearly special to Harry. Taylor had just sold her Hyannis Point House, in the EHC secret message, ‘August’ and ‘I Love You’.
21 April 2013 - Manchester before Back for You (1:20) this is before Harry went to LA during a break both he and Taylor had from tour, Harry started wearing the peace ring.
16 June 2013 -  Louisville - Harry was feeling himself during “Last First Kiss” and at the end was flirting with someone in the crowd, he mimicked pole dancing then he kissed his heart tattoo (4:04). A few days before, Taylor was in London and did an interview with Nick Grimshaw where he said Best Song Ever 4 times and we saw the Never Gonna Dance tattoo for the first time as he got off a party boat. To me this kiss was similar in meaning to the song Careless Whisper - a commitment to be faithful. This is close to the anniversary of Taylors 2011 Lover Journal entry days after Harry was MIA in the US when Taylor had the Temper Trap arm lyrics in St Paul. 
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2 July 2013 - New Jersey - during “Change My Mind” (0:23) Harry had gotten the cross tattoo the day before and would be in the same city as Taylor soon.
6 July 2013 Hersey during One Way or Another (29 mins). Near Taylors first home while she was also in Pennsylvania and then not seen for 7 days. While Harry and Taylor were both in Pennsylvania, at the next show Harry threw up off stage.
7 July 2013 - Hersey - Last First Kiss, heart kiss at (0:17) (might be a nose wipe) after Niall gets a lyric wrong and other arm at (2:09)
2 August 2013 - Las Vegas - at the start of “Last First Kiss” (0:06). This was in the lead up to the VMAs which Harry and Taylor were texting each other and in the after party at. Taylor had a Lover Journal a week later where she describes the feeling in I Know Places.
13 October 2013 - Auckland - While watching Niall joke about being 'Niley Cyrus' before introducing Last First Kiss (0:17) and again after his chorus before Liam’s part (2:39).
17 October 2013 - Melbourne - after More Than This, (5:09) kissed the anatomical and black hearts. In the same show, Harry cried in Over Again and rushed off to vomit backstage. Taylor was seen with Alexander Skarsgard 3 days later. 
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At the start of the 2014 Timeline Harry was seen backstage at Red when Taylor cut her hair. On Valentines Day Taylor posted a Shirley Temple quote “There’s nothing like real love” and Harry got the Anatomical Heart Tattoo, which he interchangeably kisses with the first heart tattoo. After this they were seemingly together again, Style and Stockholm Syndrome were written soon after. They were seen at parties together and Harry also got the fern tattoo covering “might as well…”. 
8 May 2014 - Rio de Janeiro - in yellow shirt during “You and I” (1:21) on “Silence and sound / did they ever fight like us?” and again (2:38) “['I see what it's like for day and night / Never together,] Cause they see things in a different light like us” before the chorus, which he sang with his eyes closed, and again during Little Things (0:24) on ‘your hand fits in mine like it was meant to be’. The tour has only just started. Harry had been in the same city as Taylor since January. Harry kissed the heart on lyrics about being apart from his love and worrying about the relationship. 
26 May 2014 - London- Niall’s charity football match, after scoring the penalty shot Harry hugged Niall then kissed his heart tattoo (1:22) 1D, Ed, Lorde and Lily Allen had played Radio 1 Big Weekend before this and Ed wrote 18 this week. Taylor was MIA, she had been in NY then reappeared a week later in Shanghai.
1 June 2014 - Manchester - start of Story of My Life (0:12) Harry Kissed things I can. 
8 June 2014 - Wembley during ‘You and I’ (0:41) on “'Cause they see things in a different light like us” again. This was the last show before a week’s break, Harry wasn’t seen, Taylor had shows in Asia. 
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17 June 2014 - Copenhagen - ‘You and I’  (1:22) 
30 August 2014 - Chicago - You and I (0:29) Last show before both Harry and Taylor are MIA. 
13 September 2014 - Rose Bowl Los Angeles, during You and I on “did they ever hold each other tight like us?” (1:21) Harry had chest pains later in this show. Harry and Taylor had the week before off and both went from London and LA, 2 days earlier the Rolling Stone article ‘things you learn hanging out with Taylor Swift’ included: “now I go in thinking, ‘How long do we have on the clock — before something comes along and puts a wrench in it, or your publicist calls and says this isn’t a good idea?'”
16 September 2014 - Phoenix- You and I - after “Silence and Sound, did they ever hold each other tight like us?” (1:22)
20 September 2014 - iHeartRadio festival - Las Vegas - on the  “Little Things” chorus (1:13). Harry looks like his mind is wandering, and trying to focus on the song. Harry and Taylor both played the iHeartRadio festival that weekend, Taylor played songs from Red, Love Story and Shake it Off.
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23 September 2014: Tulsa - on “Better than Words” chorus (4:23) and in C’mon C’mon at (1:14)Harry was hurt earlier in the show but was seemingly in a good mood. Taylor was seen in NY this day, but had been MIA since the 19th when they were at the iHeart festival together. 
28 September 2014: Charlotte - during “Right now” (0:06, and nearly again 1:40) Charlotte a few days before Tampa. Taylor held 1989 secret sessions in Nashville this day and talked to sessions about Harry. On their 28 September Anniversary
3 October 2014: Tampa Florida during “Right Now” Between ‘lights go down’ and ‘lets go crazy’. (1:00 and 2:20). This was the second last show before both Harry and Taylor went to London, Taylor did a Riptide performance on BBC 1 5 days later with the lyric "I love you when you're singing that song / And I got a lump in my throat / 'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong"
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Harry and Taylor dated throughout the rest of 2014. At the start of 2015 timeline Harry went to LA 3 weeks early to start writing for MITAM and saw Taylor. This post on the 6th seemed to mark a break up and so began Harry’s horrible year, he was seen with Kendall and models after that.
11 February 2015 - Brisbane - WDBHG - things I can - (10:31) and the right shoulder at the start of you and I (1:18:27)
15 February 2015 - Melbourne- (Valentine’s Day in US) during Night Changes (0:13) The Style Music Video was released the day before (13th in the US). On what would have been their 1 year anniversary Harry kissed the heart. 
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20 February 2015 - Perth - ‘You and I’ (2:16) other shoulder kiss. During Happily in Perth Liam asked Harry "Are you OK?" (1:01), it was song 7 for 8 shows, then never played again. Harry posted a photo of a crosswalk B&W stripes caption 'chains around my feet'. His feet have 'never gonna dance again' tattooed on them, George Michael lyric about being faithful. 
24 February 2015 - Osaka - Night Changes  -Harry kissed the anchor tattoo (0:28) this was the last night happily was played ever, the show before Harry looked close to tears in Happily and Liam asked if he was ok. 
25 February 2015 - Osaka - Night Changes (1:48) (there’s a great crowd shushing before this). Taylor was pictured with Calvin Harris the night before. Happily was replaced by Stockholm Syndrome this show after a few shows where Harry looked upset. 
18 March 2015 Hong Kong - Night Changes an anchor kiss at the start (2:19) and heart kiss at (3:58) Before this, Harry walked so far back from the microphone Liam checked on him. This was the last show Zayn was at, this Reddit post gets into why the band probably expected him to finish that tour leg, they had a show with songs for his voice in 3 days. Taylor was in Nashville and Calvin was rumored to be seen with her at dinner. This may be a continuation of the Night Changes kisses. Tayvin then went public and the heart kisses become hard to find.
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23 June 2015 - Sweden-  during You and I anatomical heart kiss in Sweden after Liam sings “did they ever fight like Dan” (guitarist) (1:14) Taylor and Harry were both doing European shows. Harry posted a colour picture to IG, that he missed you Sweden, kissed the heart in Sweden the day Taylor flew to Glasgow then Harry posted it felt great to be in Sweden. The next day, Taylor’s Clean speech included “I’ve never been so sure that it’s treacherous and difficult to be happy in 2015.”
26 September 2015 London O2 during “Don't Forget Where You Belong” (3:55) Taylor was in Nashville and gave a longer than usual Clean Speech,it was one of 2 to refer to loss “I was in London making this album […] I was dealing with kind of getting over the loss of a relationship, and everyone else’s kind of speculation on it, and everyone else weighing in on everything I was doing.”
28 September 2015 - London - You and I (1:29) anchored kiss on “a different life like us”. On their 28 September Anniversary. Same show Harry talked to a fan about their anniversary. Taylor also talked about heartbreak and time in her Clean Speech the same night. 
12 November 2015 - BBC Radio one lounge, during Torn. Before this, Harry was really struggling to get through "Story of My Life", he turned around twice, and ended the song on “the story of…”  (2:13) This was the last push of promo for 1D about MITAM. The next day Harry said “you think it’s so funny you sing it” instead of the Perfect bridge and 3 days after Harry was so quiet on Xtra Factor it was on the news.
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Continue to Part 2: 70 Heart Kisses (solo career)
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the-invisible-queer · 5 months
HELLO I'VE DISCOVERED THAT YOU CAN SUBMIT ANONYMOUSLY BY LOGGING OUT OF TUMBLR so now we're finally back, with another wholly unnecessary and novel-length timeline of a Jonas Brother’s hoe ass antics. I almost didn’t do a Nick timeline after the Joe one, for reasons I’ll explain when I get there, but like I said I needed something to distract me/kill some time and writing out an extensive history of this man’s Nonsense turned out to be great for that, so here we are. I’m sorry so much of this focuses on the Disney love triangle (my preteen ass was HOOKED on that soap opera and apparently a lot of it has just been dormant in my brain ever since) and even more sorry it’s INSANELY long. Though at the end of the day it’s not my fault that this man’s teenage years alone were such a goddamn mess that they require extensive lore to fully explain so. Blame Nick for all of this is what I’m saying.
Same disclaimer as with Joe’s, this is all just stuff I remember with no research or anything, so I’m sure some of it is probably wrong and very sure some things were left out. Also I had to kind of weirdly switch up my formatting here since Nick’s first two relationships were extremely…entangled...for a while and couldn’t really be cleanly divided into “every girl gets her own bullet point” the way Joe’s timeline could, so bear with me:
Nick and Miley started dating in 2006, when they were both 13 years old. They were allegedly introduced by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens (which is ICONIC honestly, like the passing of the Official Disney Power Couple torch) and apparently became attached at the hip right away. Here are some random bits of Niley 1.0 lore that I remember:
Nick once claimed that Franklin (who was like five at the time) also had a crush on Miley before they met and “tried to beat him up” when he found out they’d started dating. This is genuinely one of my favorite bits of Jonas lore ever lol like please that’s so funny and cute
At some point in like 2007 Miley was papped holding her phone in such a way that the background was clearly visible, and it was a pic of her and Nick kissing, which was hilariously major news on the tween gossip sites back in the day since they were still playing the “we’re just best friends!” game at the time; the same thing happened again when she was heavily photographed at an event with “I <3 Nick” written on her hand. At some point one has to assume she was doing this on purpose.
In literally like the mid-2010s Nick finally admitted that Miley was his first kiss (which, no shit??? Incredibly funny that he played coy about that info for years when like bro, you were 12 and homeschooled before her, literally who else would you have been kissing), and said he was embarrassed to realize later that he kissed her right after eating something with a bunch of onions on it and his breath probably smelled terrible.
According to a 2007 interview that I still vividly remember to this day, Miley and a certain “friend” (there’s Disney’s favorite word again) dressed up as Sonny and Cher for Halloween 2006. The fact that not a single photo of this has ever surfaced nearly two decades later remains one of the greatest disappointments of my life.
Niley 1.0 lasted roughly a year and a half: according to Miley’s autobiography, they started dating in June 2006 and broke up in December 2007, with one short ‘break’ at some unspecified point in between. During said break Miley wrote the song G.N.O. and a few others, and Nick wrote S.O.S., Still In Love With You and possibly some other songs I’m forgetting. They also worked together a lot during their relationship, filming the boys’ iconic Hannah Montana episode and then going on tour together with the boys opening for her on the Best of Both Worlds tour, which awkwardly was still going on when they broke up. Miley claimed they ended things mutually because they were just too busy to manage a relationship at the time, never getting to spend much time together because they were both so busy with work, and had started fighting a lot from all the stress they were under. Speculation abounded about whether or not that was truly the reason, especially once Selena hit the scene so quickly and the “you love me you like her” of it all, but it was the official story regardless.
Immediately post-breakup Miley dyed her hair black as a rebellion against Nick, who apparently liked her to have blonde highlights when they were together, and Nick seemingly coped with the breakup in a different way because rumors about him and Selena started cropping up as early as January 2008. One such rumor I remember involved them allegedly flirting at the Best of Both Worlds movie premiere, which is so hilariously shameless that I could easily believe it of Baby Fuckboy Nick despite there being, as far as I’m aware, zero actual evidence supporting it. Regardless of when it actually started though, by I want to say spring of 2008 Nick and Selena were definitely a thing and Miley was definitely mad about it. It was at this point that this entire mess truly started derailing into the endlessly chaotic trainwreck that captivated tweens all over the world for the next two years.
Very rough timeline of Nelena 1.0/general 2008 triangle lore, listed in the probably incorrect order that I vaguely remember things happening in when I was like 12:
Miley and her friend Mandy uploaded an episode of their “The Miley and Mandy Show” Youtube series pretty obviously making fun of Selena and Demi, who at the time were very close besties which just made Demi also guilty by association I guess. This video was the official start of The Feud between Miley and Selena (and their respective sidekicks for a while). Shortly after this they uploaded another video ‘apologizing’ for causing drama, saying it was all in good fun and the girls were all friends; this apology was blatantly insincere and nobody believed it.
Private photos Miley’d sent to Nick during their relationship, clearly intended for his eyes only, were leaked online after her computer was hacked. We don’t need to discuss this in any further detail as it was really gross and invasive, especially considering Miley was very much a minor at the time, but it was a notable event within the love triangle lore so I couldn’t not mention it.
The Burnin’ Up music video dropped, featuring Selena as Nick’s love interest. Fans everywhere were SHOOK by this, both because it seemed like much more of an official relationship confirmation than Disney “We’re Just Friends” Channel stars were normally allowed to give AND because fans quickly started putting together that Burnin’ Up was likely written about Miley, who’d worn the famous high heels/red dress combo commonly thought to have inspired it to an event with Nick long before Selena was even in the picture at all. The drama! The mess! To this day I would love to know if this casting choice was Nick’s decision or if it was Disney’s – it was heavily speculated that Disney sometimes escalated the love triangle drama on purpose, either to capitalize on it for publicity or to distance Nick’s image from Miley’s after the photo scandal by associating him with Good Girl™ Selena instead – but it was very entertaining either way. All of this was truly great television tbh.
The 7 Things music video also dropped, featuring a lot of very blatant references to Nick and completely gagging all of us again before we’d even finished gagging over Burnin’ Up. (I genuinely don’t remember now if these two songs/videos actually premiered like a week apart or not, but that’s definitely what it felt like at the time lol. Just new bits of wild drama dropping every other day like these damn kids thought they were Kendrick and Drake. It was insane to live through as part of the target demographic and tbh this whole experience probably rewired my brain permanently and is why I’m like this.) Dissecting this song and video kept fans busy for a good while; I still remember how super smart my friends and I felt when we realized the melody of 7 Things was just the melody of Hello Beautiful sped up.
Kevin, of all people, popped up somewhere wearing a “Team Demi and Selena” shirt in reference to the ongoing feud between them and Miley + Mandy. He of course denied that it was referencing this and IIRC tried to claim it had something to do with like a bowling team that Demi and Selena were supposedly starting??? Okay, Kevin. Again, I’d love to know if Disney orchestrated that or what bc otherwise what was his grown ass doing jumping into beef between a bunch of like 15-year-old girls to begin with lmao
At some point Nick was directly asked if 7 Things was about him and said it couldn’t be because his friends aren’t jerks, which is somehow the funniest possible answer he could have given so props to him for that one honestly
Miley performed 7 Things live at some event that all the other Disney kids were at, and during the song she walked into the audience to where Selena was and they sang a line or two together. Around this time (I can’t remember if it was also at this event or a different one) the three Disney girls took pictures together and Demi and Selena took pictures with the boys, but Miley avoided them. I remember there being speculation around this time that Nick and Selena might have been on a break or at least having issues, bc of how very suddenly the two girls appeared to start getting along and bc of Selena lowkey shading her own boyfriend? But I have no idea if that was true or not. Nick was probably rattled either way though lmao
Miley’s album Breakout dropped, obviously featuring a lot of songs about Nick but, infinitely more unexpected than that, also featuring a message at the very end of the dedication page thanking ‘Prince Charming’ for inspiring the album and saying “I loved you then, I love you now, and I’ll love you always.” Fans reached levels of gagged so unprecedented that one girl I personally knew jumped the Team Nelena ship and converted over this.
JB’s album A Little Bit Longer dropped (again, what felt like very very shortly after but may not have actually been idk, I’m not about to look up release dates for this) also obviously featuring a lot of songs about Miley – and ones spanning their entire relationship, at that. I don’t think I truly realized until years later how funny it actually was that Lovebug and Can’t Have You were literally released at the exact same time lol.
At some point in the midst of all this 15-year-old Miley started dating a 20-year-old underwear model, which always creeped me out even as a literal child. Not long into their relationship said pedo boyfriend took the tween gossip world by storm by dressing up as Nick for Halloween, which at the time I found somewhat funny despite my reservations with him, but looking back on that as an adult it’s sooooo…that kid is barely sixteen. Why are you dating this teenager and mocking her also teenage ex over their messy teenage beef that does not concern your grown adult ass literally at all AND ALSO WHY THE FUCK AREN’T YOU IN PRISON. Anyway. 12-year-old me always lowkey tried to avoid learning anything about this pedo since he creeped me out, so I really don’t know when exited the picture, but he must not have lasted super long because…
In roughly early 2009, Nick and Selena broke up. Just like last time it did NOT take Nick long to bounce straight back to his other option and in no time at all he and Miley were fueling rumors, publicly flirting and suddenly hanging out again – the iconic lunch date where they were seen alone together for the first time since their breakup and where Nick embarrassed himself by getting into a fender bender while driving his ex around lmao happened during this time period. I remember that Selena spent a lot of time publicly angsting and vagueposting about all of this on Twitter, but can’t really recall the specifics of that anymore. It was clear she was going through it though.
Niley 2.0/general mid-2009 lore highlights, again probably out of order somewhere (also for the full effect imagine all of these things happening literally back-to-back within the span of like two months):
Miley’s book released, suddenly revealing a ton of Niley 1.0 lore all at once. A lot of fans who met Nick around this time got him to sign the ‘Prince Charming’ chapter page of their copy, which admittedly was very funny and something I’m still surprised he actually did.
Before the Storm was written and recorded somewhere in all of this.
Miley, Selena, Demi and the boys all filmed the Send It On music video and its accompanying Disney Channel ads, including several clips the three girls had to do together in which it was painfully obvious that Miley and Selena couldn’t stand each other and poor Demi looked like she’d rather be eating glass than sitting there between them. Candids from the set dropped showing Nick appearing playful and flirty with both girls during filming, despite Niley being pretty obviously back on by this point and him and Selena still seeming to be on bad terms otherwise?
Joe opened his big mouth on Larry King and accidentally confirmed Niley 2.0 despite Nick trying desperately to avoid this, surprising no one but greatly amusing everyone (except Nick).
Nick flew out to visit Miley while she was filming The Last Song in Georgia, where paps caught potato-quality yet still iconic pics of them making out on a jet ski.
Miley made a surprise appearance to sing Before the Storm with Nick for opening night of the boys’ tour, which remains to this day the only time they’ve ever performed it live as a duet.
Selena Gomez & The Scene dropped a song called I Won’t Apologize which (on top of just dragging Nick for filth in general) pretty obviously referenced the love triangle, basically saying he’d tried to turn her into Miley or at least that she’d felt like she needed to turn into Miley to make him happy, and also seemed to imply there was overlap between Nelena 1.0 and Niley 2.0. At the time this last bit was very scandalous lore for young fans to digest, even though in hindsight that was really like. The least surprising revelation ever lmao. ALSO this song was meant to be like an empowered I Don’t Need No Man anthem, with her being all “you don’t deserve me” and “I won’t go back again” which is just…genuinely so fucking funny in context. Spoiler alert: she sure as fuck will go back again.
Then at some point that summer Miley got into her own insane love triangle which somehow seemed even messier than the first one, and after a few weeks of general chaos and confusion (apparently so confusing that even Miley herself walked away unsure of some of the exact dates involved) things eventually culminated with her and Nick apparently breaking up again and her stepping out with co-star Liam Hemsworth not long after. Mess upon mess. I very vaguely remember that in the months following Niley 2.0.’s death Nick was spotted two or three times with…some girl who had like a bit part in one of the Camp Rock movies, I think? I want to say Courtney or Chloe something but again I’m not looking shit up for this. To this day I’m not really clear on if there was anything to that or if it was just a rumor bc he was seen near a girl during his first time ever being single for more than like a month, but if he and Random Third Girl actually did have anything it must have been very brief because…
Did Nick learn from the experience of seemingly being on the other end of a love triangle, as one of the two people being played with at once by the third, that this feels like shit and maybe he shouldn’t do it to girls anymore? NOPE! By late 2009 he’d already run straight back to Selena, who happily took him right back as if she hadn’t just spent the last year publicly whacking him all over Twitter and in her music. God every single one of these kids was a fucking disaster GIRL WHERE’S THE SELF-RESPECT WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT ENTIRE DISS TRACK YOU WROTE
Anyway. Nelena 2.0 and general 2010 lore highlights, once again probably out of order but oh well:
Miley was very blatantly pissed when Nelena reunited and publicly shaded both of them several times, despite the facts that 1) she actively had a boyfriend at the time and 2) by all appearances she was the one who’d dumped Nick for someone else anyway, because apparently her not wanting Nick did not mean Selena could have him. Okay girl. One of these occasions that I remember being HUGE gossip was when she changed the lyrics in 7 Things to say Nick’s brothers were jerks, rather than his friends; it remains unclear to this day what, if anything, the brothers did around this time to suddenly warrant their own specific lashing.
Nick Jonas & The Administration’s album Who I Am dropped, featuring several songs commonly thought to be about each of the girls, but I don’t think Nick ever explicitly confirmed any of them.
For some occasion (maybe Valentine’s Day?) Nick, nothing if not dramatic, built some sort of elaborate rose garden at Selena’s house as a surprise – likely a reference to the NJ&TA song Rose Garden which was allegedly about her. Roughly a year later after they’d broken up again Selena would do her own on-stage lyric change in reference to this, bitterly saying something like “the roses you built me were only made of plastic.”
Justin Bieber made his first appearance in Selena’s life while she was still with Nick. While there’s no evidence that anything beyond some mild public flirting happened between them until after Nelena 2.0 ended, him showing up in this timeline at all is still just…incredibly fucking funny to me. A THIRD love triangle has somehow hit the fucking towers.
Nick performed the song Stay for the first time, setting off a fandom debate over its muse that still persists to this day. Some think it was about Selena because they were together at the time and because she was present and seen crying in the audience when he performed it; others think it was about Miley because she also had a song called Stay that Nick’s seemed to directly respond to in a lot of ways, and because Selena’s tears as he sang it didn’t really look like particularly happy ones. Many OG fans still have passionate opinions about this today, and we will almost certainly never find out which group is right.
Nelena 2.0 was ultimately rather brief, not lasting more than 3 or 4 months into 2010 I’m pretty sure, and with its death the official Disney love triangle era finally concluded as Selena jumped out of the frying pan into the fire left Nick behind to enter her Bieber era, which by all appearances was also a giant chaotic mess because apparently none of these kids ever did anything that wasn’t. It was at this point that Nick finally started to have confirmed relationships with people who weren’t the same two girls over and over, so we can finally try out the relationship bullet points now.
At some point that couldn’t have been more than a couple months at most post-Nelena, in like mid-2010, Nick started dating Samantha Barks whom he met while they were preparing to star in the Les Mis 25th Anniversary Concert together. They were pretty quiet about it, and I was also hyperfixating on something non-JB at the moment and not super interested in general, so I’ve never known too much about this and am honestly not sure if there was even any more public info to know. As far as I remember this relationship was also not particularly long-lived, lasting like 5-6 months maybe, but also didn’t seem to involve any public drama which was a new and refreshing change for Nick.
I’m really fuzzy on the order here but somewhere in 2010, right around the time Jonas L.A. started airing and their characters were will-they-or-won’t-they-ing and then dating, it was rumored that Nick and Nicole Anderson were together. Most fans never believed this (I personally still don’t) as with the timing it seemed like a very obvious ploy for show publicity, but to this day there are some truthers out there who insist something happened between them. If it did then it must have either been very short-lived or overlapped with either Selena or Samantha, if not both – but by this point it was clear Baby Fuckboy Nick was no stranger to his relationships lowkey overlapping so honestly who fucking knows.
GUESS WHO’S BACK, BACK AGAIN. MILEY’S BACK, TELL A FRIEND. Niley 3.0, which happened in I want to say very early 2011, was Nick and Miley’s briefest and last obvious attempt at…something. It was never clear if they were really back together during this period or just hooking up or what, but they were definitely doing something notable enough to include here. (Bonus: Miley was definitely also still being messy with Liam, who by this point she’d also already been on-again off-again with like twice, at the exact same time as this all this was happening because of course she was. Why would any of these damn kids ever have had one unhealthy situationship going at a time when they could have two?) They were pretty quiet about things this time and I also still wasn’t paying super close attention, so I don’t remember much aside from a few spottings of them together and a lot of vague Twitter flirting, and it didn’t seem to last longer than a few months. ALSO there was a really weird incident during this time where the day after an event they both attended, where they were rumored to have been very flirty and left in the same car, several articles came out alleging that Nick and/or his car had been spotted outside Miley’s house that night or the next morning…and then all of these articles just disappeared all at once. Like they were literally scrubbed from the internet, leaving only some gossip site comments from the young fans who’d happened to see them (including me which is how I vividly remember this) as the only recorded evidence that they ever existed at all. The most accepted theory for this bizarre occurrence is that it was true, there were pictures that someone was threatening to publish, and Disney, not wanting to clean up a “purity ring-touting teenage star spends the night with girl he’s not even officially dating” scandal and beyond rich enough to take the hit, just paid everyone off to make the entire situation go away by gaslighting everyone who had seen the original articles. So. That was a thing that happened once.
In like spring 2011 Nick started dating Delta Goodrem, who at the time was 26 or 27 and very fresh out of a broken engagement with another grown ass adult while he was barely 18 with no relationship experience outside of at most a small handful of teenage girls around his age. This relationship always made me uncomfortable at the time and if anything makes me much more uncomfortable now that I’m an adult, so I intentionally did not follow it at all then and am not about to seek out any information about it now either. All I really know is that it did seem to be relatively short-lived, which I can only imagine was probably a good thing.
At some point in like 2012 or early 2013, Nick and Rita Ora were seen talking at a couple of events. They looked kind of flirty but I don’t recall anyone thinking there was anything to it beyond them maybe hooking up once until he namedropped her in the song What Do I Mean, seemingly implying she’d burned him in some way…but when Rita was asked about it, she said she was super confused by the song because they were always just friends and she had no idea he liked her. Apparently she confronted him about it and he admitted he must not have done a good job expressing his feelings, and I guess it was all some kind of weird misunderstanding between them that he...made no attempts to clarify with her before publicly calling her out in an angry song. Alright then?
Olivia Culpo showed up in I want to say mid-2013. For full disclosure I was already not super into Nick when their relationship started, and after he broke up the band and then picked up his solo frat boy Jealous persona that I was just very very not into – it reminded me of my controlling over-possessive ex and grossed me out – I pretty much completely lost interest in him and just stopped following him at all for a few years, so I honestly missed most of their relationship entirely. Mostly all I remember of Olivia is that she wasn’t well-liked in the fandom (at least not in the beginning when I was still paying attention) because she and her family and friends were…incredibly blatant about very much enjoying the attention that her dating Nick brought them, we’ll say, and also quickly developed a reputation for being rude to fans both in person and online. Nick largely seemed happy with her though and they lasted…around two years? I think? She presumably inspired much of his early solo discography and I’m pretty sure appeared in at least one music video. Again, creepy possessive solo Nick gave me the ick, so I wasn’t consuming any of this and only know what I picked up through osmosis while keeping up with the fandom just enough to somewhat keep tabs on Joe and Kevin. (I do vaguely remember seeing a lot of discussion among fans about Nick’s then-bestie Demi not seeming to like Olivia/being subtly snarky about her on multiple occasions, which…hoo boy we’ll get to all THAT in a minute.) I want to say they broke up at some point in 2015. I feel like there should be more things to note in this section considering I’m pretty sure this was his longest continuous relationship until his marriage, but if there are I simply am not the person to note them because I just truly don’t know crap about this era of Nick’s life.
Continuing on from that, there was still at least a good few years post-Nolivia where I wasn’t keeping up with Nick at all, so other than the next few bullet points (that I learned about mostly via keeping up with the other person involved and not him) I really have no clue what he was doing. At some point he was connected to Kendall Jenner, and then I think Kate Hudson??? I have zero idea when these relationships happened, how long either of them lasted, or if they were even relationships at all or just rumors I saw on my infrequent trips through Jonas Twitter. This is why I almost didn’t write a Nick timeline to begin with, because there’s this whole big chunk of time that I’m just blank on so there’s definitely stuff missing. Sorry.
GUESS WHO ELSE IS BACK! BACK AGAIN!!! In I want to say 2015 there was a super weird little moment where Nick and Selena hung out together at some event, looking a little flirty, and then like a few days later he dropped the horny song Area Code out of nowhere and liked a bunch of tweets implying it was about Selena. Clearly this led to nothing, so I can’t count whatever this was as Nelena 3.0, but it was still notable and also very funny so I’m including it anyway. Jury’s still out on if they hooked up that one night and the song was written in response or if they didn’t hook up but he wanted to and put the song out as a request to be booty called; I’m equally amused by it either way. Maybe a tiny bit of subtlety next time, Nicholas.
This is kinda out of order but while we’re talking about the Disney days rising from the dead, Miley also popped back up a few times in surprisingly recent years, especially every time she and Liam broke up because Nick was apparently still perfectly eager to be her back-up plan. I feel like roughly 2015 and early 2018 both had periods where those two were suddenly interacting much more than usual, mostly via social media flirting that made observant fans wonder if something else was going on in private. Obviously we have no way to really know if anything was actually happening or if Nick commenting heart emojis all over every pic she posted was an attempt to make something happen that went nowhere, but either way it’s still enough to include here. (Also I didn’t mention it when we were on 2012 but obligatory shoutout to Nick performing Wedding Bells for the first time after Miley got engaged, which was genuinely ballsy as hell and a lowkey insane thing to do. Gagged the absolute hell out of literally everyone.)
Okay, now we have to talk about Demi. No one truly knows what exactly happened between these two, and unless Demi one of them decides to spill the tea in a memoir or something someday we probably never will, but whatever happened was definitely notable enough to be listed here. Basically they were very close friends for a long time and over that time other feelings definitely developed on at least Demi’s part, which was long suspected but finally confirmed in I think late 2017 when she dropped the songs Ruin the Friendship and Only Forever – both of which were clearly and unsubtly about Nick (No I Can’t Keep Denying Every Minute I think of you!), despite her refusing to outright confirm this no matter how many interviewers bluntly brought it up. She also claimed that the person they were written about had written songs about her too; many theories exist about this to this day but, as far as I’m aware, no one knows for sure which of Nick’s songs are about Demi or if these alleged songs were ever even publicly released in the first place. I can’t remember if Nick ever publicly responded to this whole ‘my best friend just told the whole world she’s both in love with and horny for me’ scandal or not (I kind of want to say he just ignored all of it and acted like nothing ever happened lol which…valid way to deal with that situation, I guess) but they did seem to spend a bit less time together right after that and it’s often speculated to have been the beginning of the end for their friendship. I’m not sure when exactly things exploded but I remember she publicly complained about not being invited to his wedding in late 2018, after unfollowing him on social media I think weeks or months before; there was seemingly a bit of drama between her and the boys when she left their formerly-shared team/manager and they stayed; and by 2020 she said in an interview that she no longer kept in contact with any of the boys. Two unreleased Demi songs have leaked in the years since that seemed to add more context to their falling out: Ain’t No Friend, which basically said he betrayed or abandoned her when she needed him most, and Big Little Lies, which seemed to confirm that there was something romantic between them at some point, or at the very least that Nick had made empty promises of something romantic happening in the future, and also implied he didn’t tell her about his engagement before the public found out and…kind of confirmed that the news was hard for her (I don’t really want to touch this too much but a lot of speculation exists that Nick getting engaged and Demi almost fatally overdosing like a few days later were directly related events). As far as I can tell they still don’t seem to be on speaking terms today, or at least they never interact publicly despite Demi having positive public interactions with Joe and Kevin since then, but apparently she did go to the boys’ Remember This tour in 2021? So. There’s that I guess.
In what must have been like April 2018, there was a series of pap pics of Nick kissing some totally random girl in Australia or somewhere after he like helped her when she fell off her bike or something???? Idk. The whole thing was very strange and I remember a lot of people speculating that it must be staged bc both the pictures and the whole situation were just so bizarre. As far as I know the girl was never identified and never popped back up with Nick again. Also this was very literally the last thing I heard that Nick was up to until literally like two months later when I heard he was suddenly engaged to a completely different person, which was a fucking insane thing to experience. This man’s life is such an enigma.
Anyway in like summer 2018 he got engaged to Priyanka, who I guess he’d met at some previous time when I wasn’t looking, and then a few months later they got married and now they have a kid. There’s…not much else for me to say about that really lol. The fun of these things is truly in recounting the past messiness, not the current longterm relationship everyone already knows.
SO WE’RE FINALLY DONE! That was absolutely ridiculous and I should be ashamed to have spent so much time on it but here it is. This actually was a really good distraction when I needed it but please feel free to judge me for possessing all this useless knowledge regardless lmao
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CATS is in my mind and Nick to do this question is the mix of this djjdjdjf
So, since you're a Nick Nack kinnie.... Do you think whenever Nick makes a production he would dress as the character he's playing every day until the production ends and act like his character around the quarters?
We know that his prime target is Riley for this, but do you think he would try to annoy the others?
For the CATS question
Not exactly Niley (although it sounds a bit like it, so I apologize if it does lol. Answer it as you like)
So whenever Nick wants Riley's attention for whatever reason, do you think that he would decide to play a character from cats while singing songs from the musical until she gets so fed up with him and asks him what the hell he wants?
I do feel like he woukd just stare and continue until she kicks him out lol
Alrighty 👌 here are the answers:
Hmm.. It mostly depends on the outfit + the character he's playing. If he likes it, he would most likely wear it everyday until production ends.
Yes, he would annoy the others too (But he would annoy Riley the most). He's least likely to annoy Mortimer tho. For Daisy, Daisy could take it in sometimes she finds it kinda funny but sometimes she gets annoyed and she goes into danger mode (But it happens rarely)
Alright so I do know CATS and I feel like he would act as one of the characters for Riley's attention. (He would most likely act as Grizabella cause he can sing that iconic song from the musical "Memory")
I do also think that when Riley is annoyed and asks "Why TF are you here? " He would just stare at Riley for a few seconds and then he just restarts the whole thing- (Rule NO. 1, Don't interrupt him)
And there ya have it👌 hope you enjoy these answers (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و
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monismochi · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @94erz
3 Ships: pairings, im not getting on the romance train, im on the this relationSHIP whatever it is is so damn special and enviable or important to me...
jikook, hopemin, minimoni (yes theyre all kpop and bts. fight me)
First Ship Ever: Honestly probably Niley tbh lmfaooo, so 2008?? 2009??
Last Movie: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (i literally never watch anime, idk we just randomly started watching it as a family)
Last Song: Vamos - Omega X (honestly one of my favourite songs I found in 2022 and its still such a banger)
Currently Reading: ummmm... no mental capacity for new fics tbh rn.. so like, just hurt/comfort found family ff.
Currently Watching: nothing really... over christmas i was watching Singles Inferno and enjoyed it but no energy to watch more...
Currently Consuming: mamamoo and le sserafim content.. God guys, i miss vlive so much... :(
Currently Craving: always cheesecake.. and bangtan lives... :(
I am tagging: @yourlocaltimetraveler @taechnological @taetaespeaches @dimplesandcutesmiles @rohsy @minieangelic @hopeinthebox @minkys-world @acciocolinmorgan
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Some goals for October (maybe this week)
Since I've been really stressed out about finishing an important course and literally being one month away from finishing my first term of my freshman year in university, my mental health and motivation has been slipping recently (RL and family makes it worse, but I don't want to talk about it)
I was also suggested to make some goal list to keep my motivation going, which I'll do. I'm a bit exhausted right now for doing some cleaning today (which I'm halfway done because I'm waiting for two things to arrive) This was because I needed a better space for my mental health.
So the previous things mentioned have been slowing me down with the content I'm working on, but to keep me motivated, I'm going to share my goals for this October regarding the blog.
Finish and post Ambition. The story is currently 62% in competition. I still need to edit the first draft, and write the note explaining the lore
Redrawing OCs: Amy Kruber and Sarabeth Jenkins (Redrawing Amy's introductory page, and creating Beth's)
Some WIP: A drawing of past Academy Riley. A memory drawing from the Academy AU inspired by the last lullaby part 1.
Drawings: Either The Addams Family or The Munster crossover with Niley for Halloween. The Handeemen Kiddos in their Halloween costumes.The handeemen on Halloween
Hopefully, I can write (or draw) the comedic story about how Nick found out William Snakespeare (Melody's pet boa) liked pumpkins
Lore drops for "New Divergent Cannon" and "The Academy AU" (Mostly inspired by some Centaurworld songs) drawings and redesigning/ designing the looks for the "Past, Present and Future" of Mort, Riley, and Amy
Do some "Clownfobia" lore exploration (The Dark circus) and finish Sir Maestro's design
Unsure to whether finish it: Nightly gaze (I'll move it to November or something), the painting of Riley's sanctuary in the Academy AU
TBD: Hello Sisterhood chapter 16 & Fatherhood's final chapter. HS I'll try to get CH16 by American Thanksgiving day, Fatherhood will some first.
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gossipgirloff1 · 3 months
Yeah one time Nilay posted a song that was either French or Portuguese (cant remember which) and they used it as proof of the relationship. The song wasn't anything about a relationship 😭😭
99% of the stuff they use is just them twisting it to fit a narrative and ignoring actual evidence showing otherwise.
Like saying he was seen near a brunette isn't proof it was Nilay or the girl was with him and not his friends who he was on holiday with.
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alias-a · 6 years
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They always say a heart is not a home Without the one who gets you through the storm.
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blueriverrose · 6 years
Standing out in the rain, knowing that it's really over please don't leave me alone
Before The Storm (Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus)
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P.S. I never really shipped them but this song is beautiful.
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
I was a nick girl through and through!
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Plus I too lived for the Niley drama
I’m very impartial to S.O.S believe it or not! Whenever that song comes on, I’m transported back to 2007! And also Burnin’ Up is amazing as well!
Nicks vocals in S.O.S. are amazing! oh my gosh I can’t believe that it was 2007, I feel really old now😅
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sing-tomepaolo · 4 years
For just one second, imagine that Haylor pulls a Niley and gives us some kind of “before the storm” song for a bonus 1989 track 😳
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the-invisible-queer · 5 months
I feel like this is gonna make me sound both like a know-it-all nitpicking you and an insane weirdo who was way too invested in the relationship of two teenagers I don't know but. As someone who literally hyperfixated on both Nick and Miley for basically all of my formative years, and as a result just permanently has an encyclopedia's worth of useless information about their teenage selves stored in my brain even though both fixations died off years ago and I barely pay attention to either of them now, some parts of your post about them are simply killing me and I HAVE to correct and expand on it or I'll explode lol, I'm sorry it's nothing personal:
Kevin misspoke in the doc; the Hannah Montana episode wasn't when they met, they were already dating by then. They met at a charity event on June 11, 2006 according to Miley's book, with Nick also eventually calling June 11 their anniversary in Wedding Bells. IIRC Miley said in the book that Hannah Montana had only been airing for a few months when they met and the boys hadn't really done much of anything with Disney yet, which would definitely indicate emotions happening before any publicity did.
(There's also a very funny/interesting/wtf piece of lore re: this date from yearrrrrs later where Miley either mixed up the dates herself or tried to retcon her own life and gaslight everyone about public information by claiming on Twitter that June 11 was her anniversary with Liam, then deleted it, then announced her divorce very shortly after. That's not really directly related to anything we're discussing here but it was such a bizarre thing to watch happen in real time that it almost dragged me back into the fixation again as a grown ass adult, so I felt compelled to bring it up anyway lmao.)
A LOT of the og Niley Lore came from Miles to Go, where Miley dedicated an entire chapter to Nick (called "Prince Charming" in the book) and their relationship. I don't remember every detail anymore but she definitely said they clicked instantly, became boyfriend and girlfriend the day they met, and stayed up talking on the phone until like 4 a.m. that night, all of which backs up what Kevin said about love at first sight. She also explicitly said in the book that they truly loved each other and had a serious relationship despite how young they were.
A lotttttt of JB songs, especially but not exclusively the ones from the mid-to-late 2000s, are thought to be about Miley and some are very obvious if you know The Lore, but the only ones I know were ever explicitly confirmed besides the ones you mentioned are Sorry, Can't Have You and, of course, Before the Storm. The "hugs are overrated" part of SOS is sometimes thought to be a reference to the day they met, where according to Miley's book he tried to shake her hand and she told him she only did hugs, but I've always assumed that was probably just a coincidence since it seems like logistically it must have been written before they broke up and that would be a weirdly snarky line to write about your current girlfriend. Burnin' Up is also very very heavily thought to have been inspired by Miley, specifically by her look at the 2007 AMAs, which you can Google if you're interested enough; I do believe this one, which makes Selena's appearance in that specific music video much, much funnier.
Essentially all of Miley's earlier Miley songs (as opposed to Hannah ones) are also either confirmed or commonly thought to be about Nick. Also possibly of note is that some of Demi's early songs are also rumored to have a lot of Miley inspiration in them due to Nick co-writing them, which is simply amusing to me, especially considering the chances that at least one song probably ended up being partially about Nick's ex and partially about his brother. I never fixated on Demi or her music as hard as I did on these two though, so I no longer remember which specific songs were implicated here.
Nick confirmed Wedding Bells in his 'answering Google's most searched questions' video, where you could tell even he was thinking "who tf else did y'all think that one could have been about" lmao.
The messy little ping pong game Nick played between Miley and Selena for a while was definitely confirmed; I don't remember if any of them ever explicitly acknowledged it (outside of lyrics like "you love me, you like her" from 7 Things which...damn girl scalp him again), but to me and the other hyperfixated kids following along at the time, the dates alone made it obvious lol. He first got with Selena after the first time he and Miley broke up and then repeated that exact pattern at least two more times over the next few years, rarely being single for any significant length of time at all in between. Baby fuckboi behavior.
In conclusion, both of them have been pretty clear and consistent over the years that the emotions of it all came first and were very real, even if Disney may have capitalized on those emotions for publicity purposes. My specific examples are fuzzy since the fixations were dead by then but I know both of them have described the other as their first love and first heartbreak well into adulthood, including as recently as I think last year for Miley (where she revealed that the first time they broke up she asked if she could give him a hug goodbye and he said no, which is lowkey hilarious even though it makes baby Nick sound like a douche - although knowing his sensitive ass he was probably just afraid he'd start sobbing or something if she hugged him lol).
The only non-Niley piece of input I have to add is that in recent years Miley has definitely expressed negative and complicated emotions about starting her career so young, not in the sense that she didn't actually want it at the time but in the sense that like...children often want to do things that wouldn't be good for them or that they aren't capable of fully understanding the ramifications of, but that doesn't mean their parents should allow them to do those things or that they'll appreciate having been allowed to do those things when they look back as an adult. I don't know a ton about her feelings on it since again, I don't actively follow her anymore and only really see what comes across my feed, but it seems like it was definitely much more complicated than "her dad sold her to Disney Channel" or "she wasn't forced into it so it was fine." For the record I've often wondered if any of the Jonas boys have similar emotions about their young stardom, as most child stars seem to to some degree, but honestly feel like if they do we'll never ever hear about it; they just don't give me the vibe that they'd ever be comfortable talking about that publicly, especially if it involves any complex feelings towards their parents, who they seem to have much closer and healthier relationships with than Miley has with hers.
OKAY I'M DONE sorry that was a whole novel you didn't ask for but I literally have had all these stupid factoids about these two strangers just bouncing around in my head for like almost twenty years and almost never get the chance to put this wealth of knowledge to "use" anywhere, so on the rare occasions I can vomit all this up I kind of get carried away lmao whoops
BESTIE NEVER APOLOGIZE! Especially not when it comes to rambling about fixations. My blog is a safe space!
Though I wish you could add cuts in asks because RIP to everyone's dash I'll try to add tags so people with long posts blocked can ignore.
I'll be the first one to admit my fuck up with Jonas lore. Deadass don't remember anything Miley wrote in her book about Nick and I read Miles to Go twice but I have the memory of a twig.
I can't even remember what I was doing 5min ago - no joke.
Also my timeliness are SO fucking hazy - it's the trauma - because I'm learning shit I thought happened with JB in 2011 happened in 2009.
I am not the most reliable source.
Also I didn't care about Nick much back then. That's from when he was my least favorite (derogatory).
Thank you for illuminating us on the subject! I actually did learn a lot from that.
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Maybe it’s because I’m from the Niley/Nelena era of disney (like i was a kid, but I was invested) but I don’t think skin is that petty. The one petty thing to me is Sab saying josh is on her skin. Everything else in the song i feel is valid like she was like girl feel what you feel but there was no reason to publicly involve me in your shit, and “don’t drive yourself insane/it won’t always be this way”, just doesnt feel petty to me, it feels like just truth from someone in their 20s to someones who is still a teen, like this isn’t something that you need to focus on, you’ll move on and be fine especially since it was after lyrics like i hope we can laugh about  this someday which to me points the idea that this might feel like a big deal now, but it won’t forever. And maybe I’m bias because a) I don’t think Sabrina is an asshole and b) alot of this was my thoughts after listening to drivers license and I’m around sabrina’s age so i wouldnt be surprised if she had similar thoughts.
Plus as I expressed I think its PR moves, so yeah.
I hope i’m done talking about this now but, who knows. 
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clairabow · 4 years
now i can’t stop thinking about the niley nelena drama like. 7 things music video with nick’s dog tags. selena being in the burning up music video. the way miley performed at the TCA’s and went up to selena and they both sang into the mic. the RED SCARF. nick performing stay while selena was in the audience. miley and nick performing before the storm. selena changing the lyrics to “you BUILT me roses but they’re all just made of plastic”. and nick’s song rose garden. miley getting engaged to liam and nick writing wedding bells shortly after. the way that this all ties into the selena demi fallout because selena dated nick while joe was dating taylor WHICH ALSO leads up to the infamous 27 second phone call
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drifttosleep · 4 years
[ My Jonas Brothers : Chasing Happiness Experience ]
introduction: if you know me, you know how much if a Jonas Brothers fan i am. yes, the first band i ever REALLY got into was The Beatles. but the Jonas Brothers was a boyband i really did fall in love with. we all had that one band from our childhood that switched everything up. mine were the Jonas Brothers. the way the directioners loved One Direction was my love for the Jonas Brothers. when i say “the boys,” i mean Nick, Kevin, and Joe. they’re my “the boys.” if that makes sense. 
history:  i remember the day i got into them. i was 10 years old and it was during the summertime. i had just finished watching ‘taking 5.’ a movie about the click five. the girls in the movie had posters and cut outs of the click five on their wall from posters and magazines. at that age, i was already collecting TigerBeat, Popstar!, J-14 magazines. i was too plugged in to the pop culture and the teeny bopper life. my dad was supportive. i was somewhat, inspired, when i watched that movie and checked out my magazines. i found the jonas brothers. i knew OF them and the song SOS and When You Look Me In The Eyes but nothing else. i had a personal computer in my room back then and newly plugged in internet connection. it started with music videos, and then the stupid videos they had on their yt channel, and i just couldn’t stop watching their videos. i watched all their live chats and interviews. i fell in love LIKE THAT. it was the first i ever obsessed about a boyband like this. a boyband in MY LEAGUE, you know what i mean? i obsessed over hannah montana and lizzie mcguire. but it wasn’t LIKE THIS. i grabbed my magazines and starting taping the Jonas posters on the walls. my routine was to watch all their videos everyday. i even went as far as reading fanfiction on youtube. YES. fanfiction USED to be on YOUTUBE. and that’s when crushes began. my bias was joe, at first, of course. then i slowly crept onto liking nick more. until he was my ACTUAL favorite. nick was my first love, i’m claiming it. the boy had me feeling ALL SORTS OF THINGS. the boy had me WRITING AT 11. 
influence: they were a huge influence on me. other than taylor swift and my dad getting me to pick up a guitar and learning how to play it, the Jonas Brothers wanted me to fulfill the dream. their influence on me was HUGE. it was so big that they were my first fashion icons. i broke gender stereotypes (at least in my circle) at the age of 11, you guys. i wore skinny jeans, converse, collared shirts and neckties all the time. they had me wearing denim and corduroy and my parents were so into me being into fashion at that age cause they were all about that in their youth. i mastered dressing like a guy at the age of 11. it just became a thing growing up. cause that’s where i’m most comfortable. i remember when the JONAS show came out on disney channel and the first episode was of nick having a love interest, i cried. 
other facts: 
i collected all kinds of jonas brothers paraphernelia as a child. 
other than the magazines, i had merch. i remember begging my mom to get me jonas brothers merch from their actual website. when she finally gave in, i was ecstatic. 
i had a jonas brothers t shirt and a necklace (it was a guitar pick with their logo on it) 
i also had a jonas brothers mp3 player that i bought when i was in tampa.
i’ve been to their first concert in the philippines. I REMEMBER HOW I TOLD MY PARENTS. i ran to them and said “THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE COMING HERE” and i didn’t even have to ask cause they already knew. 
my bedroom walls were FILLED with their posters. i had over 150 posters on my walls. 
i cut out their photos from magazines and covered my notebooks and pens with them. i sold a couple at school, too. 
you caNT BELIEVE HOW MUCH I FREAKED OUT WHEN I FOUND OUT ABOUT CAMP ROCK. when it came out in the states, my dad bought a copy of the dvd and i was SO SO SO EXCITED. that’s why i love home made spaghetti so much because it was the meal i was eating when i watched camp rock in my old bedroom for the first time. i squealed half the time. 
them being christian played such a big part in my life because my mom was a strict-ass hardcore christian. and since they wore purity rings, my mom got me a purity ring, too. at 11. which now, seems rather stupid. for me, at least. 
nick jonas & the administration is still one of my favorite albums. HE REALLY DO BE MAKIN ME FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY. for real though. 
i really watched Married To Jonas, Kevin and Danielle’s reality show. it was NOT great but i watched it. 
i even watched some of nick’s movies and i didn’t like any of them really but i enJOYED NICK’S SCREEN TIME 
i did not really stray away from loving them. but i did turn into a teenager. i got into other things and gained a different circle of friends. it was different, okay? i couldn’t just be in love with a rock star anymore. HAHAHA. there were real life boys i kissed now. but still, i did not obsess over anything like that ever again. 
the break up:  i was in high school when they broke up. and even if i had not been keeping tabs on them and watching their every release, i cried really really fucking hard when they announced their break up. i cried so hard that i missed school that day. i was heart broken. and it might not make sense because they are brothers and they’ll really ~never~ break up, it still hurt. 
when i found out about Chasing Happiness, i was stoked. of course, i already knew they had returned back together as the Jonas Brothers. after all the experimenting with other things, they really did return to their roots. 
reaction about chasing happiness:
oh my GOD 
baby nick in les mis :( 
okay so the purity rings were a fucking joke i dont feel so guilty about it anymore
niley :( lowkey cried to niley at a young age but whatever 
please be mine :( 
joe and nick making fun of kevin on the phone with danielle
joe calling danielle “kevin’s future wife” :( 
camp rock :(
more crying really 
YEAR 3000 :( 
okay so basically, it was a ride of emotions. 
it really was though. i also felt like i time travelled. LITERALLY. it felt like i was in my old room again watching the Jonas Brothers on old YouTube. you know. before google bought the damn thing. but for real, it felt that way. it felt like i was reconnecting with my old self, too. the 10 year old me. 
no, wait. even better. it felt like i was reuniting with old friends. the scene when the 3 of them were just drinking and reminiscing and confessing about the old times was so intimate that i felt like i was there. everything they talked about (except for hating each other and how they ACTUALLY broke up), i knew about. they were my whole life back then, really. it really felt like a reunion. like them getting back together meant we were getting back together. the love for the Jonas Brothers. my fangirling over them. god, it sounds so cheesy when i say it out loud. but it really does feel like that. 
it was so familiar and so foreign to me at the same time. they talked about everything they used to never talk about back then. they just let it out in the open, really. and i saw how much they’ve grown. and i saw how much i’ve grown. how i am far from who i was at 10 years old. 
but when they sang ‘please be mine’ along with the old video of them singing it, i felt myself reconnecting with my younger self. i felt her smile at me and hold my hand telling me that the good will always resurface. and fuck yeah, i got that out of the Jonas Brothers. they’re the part of me that remains innocent. they’re a part of me that remains untouched and untampered with. because my heart was whole when i loved them first. and i think it’ll remain that way. 
it hit me harder than i thought it would. and i knew it would hit me. the documentary, i mean. it was beautiful. downright, beautiful. they’re a huge part of who i am today. and i am so so so proud of that. 
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nileyxlove · 7 years
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