#nessian's version of love letters
talkfantasytome · 3 years
@velarisstate.edu - xzxz Cassian
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It's Valentine's Day at Velaris State! But, of course, Nesta's not celebrating that. She isn't in a "relationship", doesn't have a "boyfriend". Just a Cassian, but that's not the same thing. Nope. Not at all.
Thought I might do something a bit different for @sjmromanceweek! While these are emails, instead of a fan fiction piece, they are canon to the Velaris State AU. And maybe even give you a peek at some things to come in the future. 👀
Velaris State Chronicles Masterlist
Big shoutout to @moodymelanist and @c-e-d-dreamer for helping me out with some ideas on these.
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If you'd like to be added to my Nessian tag list, let me know!
@live-the-fangirl-life @generalnesta @secretlovelybeauty @nestaisgod @julemmaes @boredserpent @autumnbabylon @lady-winter-sunrise @moodymelanist @sv0430 @nesquik-arccheron @gwynrielsupremacy @katekatpattywack @moonstoneriver77 @deedz-thrillerkilller16 @swankii-art-teacher @lemonade-coolattas @emily-gsh @my-fan-side @champanheandluxxury @sayosdreams @simpingfornestaarcheron @perseusannabeth @clemidansleschoux @meher-sumedha @labetenoir @vinylcryes @shinya-hiiragi @starryblueskies7 @the-key-to-me-myself-and-i @a-court-of-milkandhoney
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nikethestatue · 2 years
The Elriel book HAS to have flashbacks because so much of their story has already happened. Feysand was entirely on-page, and the major nessian scenes (letter delivery and the battle) were on-page. Elriel met when Az delivered letters, he flew her to the townhouse, he realized she's a seer, the garden scene, the hybern rescue, the headache powder scene had some detail, but it'll probably be included, and we need the necklace from elain pov since it likely caused major conflict between them.
It does. It does!!!
But SJM is so terrible with flashbacks.
She absolutely had no flashbacks to Cassian/Nesta's relationship in ACOSF. Like you'd think both of them would think a little more about what happened in the war. How she felt about him, when she really started to fall in love with him. How she felt about Mor getting between them. All of it.
Unfortunately, i think we are going to maybe get some condensed version of everything that happened like in chapter 54 in ACOMAF, when Rhys just quickly rushed through everything that happened before he and Feyre met.
I am really really hoping for something more profound, some real thoughts and memories and not just glossing over stuff.
I personally love it when we look at others through someone's eyes, get in their head and understand their thoughts about another person, but SJM is very hit or miss with that.
I am sure there will be a TruthTeller mention and what happened with that. There is a biggest story around that, so it will have to be addressed.
My dream is them discussing their first flight. What he felt in Hybern. At what point he fell for her.
so many things!
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onceupona-chaos · 4 years
So, here I go... I am not writing this because I like Elain as a character or because I am an Elriel shipper (I think they are cute, but my heart is 100% Nessian). I just need to get this out of my system because I can’t stop think about it (and because I am a sucker for literary theory, but unfortunately my professor doesn’t think me writing an academic paper on ACOTAR is a good idea, GIVE ME PATIENT TO DEAL WITH THAT MAN).
Anyway, the thing is I will be SO surprise if the next book isn’t about Elain or if Elriel isn’t endgame. SJM was also surprise to hear that for some people wasn’t obvious, but... It kind is? If we focus on what we already have from the books, and put our personal wishes aside, it is very clear. In ACOSF we basically have all of those moments saying that we don’t know Elain. We never had her POV or more than a few lines about her. We don’t know what was like for her to be able to hear and see things the others didn’t after the Cauldron. We don’t know her powers. We don’t know if it is difficult for her to accept what she has become, her new body. Some people think she is predictable, but then SJM is saying WAIT AND SEE with all letters. And she is changing; Feyre says that she’s never seen Elain so “confrontational”. So we have a character that we don’t know much who is passing through some internal change, which is a great opportunity for a development arc. Besides we are talking about a character who is the ONLY PERSON (except for Nesta) that can find the fourth Trove. She also has a connection with Korschei. So narratively speaking, all signs are pointing for Elain’s book.
I read an AMAZING theory about Elain becoming a spy (but I don’t remember who wrote it) and I love it because again it makes sense. At this point we know SJM. We know her patterns. In every book we have a female character learning something and going through an overcoming journey. I mean before ACOSF, some people defended that Nesta would not become a warrior, and now she is practically the female version of Enalius and is thinking about commanding a small unit of females). So if I had to bet, I’d say that Elain is going to learn something with Azriel.
Now about the romantic part, I will say two things: 1) SJM knew exactly what she was doing when she wrote Az’s chapter; 2) SJM writes about choices.
Before someone hate me, let me say that she needs us to be interested in her books. And by “us” I don’t mean us, people who write and read fanfics or even discuss it on Tumblr, I am talking about normal people (LOL) who just like her books and don’t participate in fandons. So when I was reading ACOSF I was feeling zero romantic tension (can I call it that?) between Azriel and Gwyn (I really hope we get to see more of her , Nesta and Emerie btw, I love them so much). So when I read the bonus chapter my first thought was “SARAH, YOUR SMARTASS”. So yes, to me she was just messing with us and it worked super well, right? In one chapter, she initiated a war about who is ending up with whom, established a forbidden romance and got us thirsty as hell for the next book. So smart. I love her.
I also love her because she writes about choices. Feyre is always talking about how Rhys respects her choices. In ACOSF we get to see this as well. And this time it will not be different. We’ve seen Elain reject the bond, maybe not formally, but she is not interested in Lucien. I also think he is not truly interested in her and the bond is the only thing between them. There is no spark. None. In four books. Sarah would probably give us some moment between them by now if it was going to happen.
And then in Az’s POV we get to see that she wanted that kiss, too. She wanted him. She chose him. And he could be interested in her for more than a year. Honestly there are so many moments in ACOSF when Az reacts different when it comes to Elain. All of this is in the book. And after that we have the Blood Duel mentioned and it is basically two males fighting over a female, but the female doesn’t get a saying??? This is against everything SJM stands for in her books. So I honestly believe that the next book is going to be about Elain making her own choices and growing up as a charater.
Soooorry for any English mistakes or typos, English is not my first language. I just needed somewhere to put all of what was going on in my head. Also, be kind, we love the same book.
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flowerflamestars · 5 years
Nessian "arranged marriage that neither of us wanted, but then we fell in love only for our parents to break off the engagement, now we're trying to arrange everything so that it is back on without anyone knowing we're in love" AU
ooo! this is DECADENT
1. The whole thing started off because they were both separately helping Feyre and Rhysand hide that they were in love from their controlling parents.
2. SHENANIGANS ensue, their parents end up seeing Cassian and Nesta together while they’re covering for Feyre + Rhys and decide it’s time to mend the feud between families- it’s perfect, Cas as the younger son isn’t going to inherit, Nesta as the oldest absolutely needs a husband but has been scaring off suitors for years. And look! They already know each other
3. NESTA IS FURIOUS. FURIOUS. Cassian, like all versions of himself that will ever exist is like: God, she’s a nightmare. But like, one I want to keep having forever and ever and ever? SO ANGRY, SO BEAUTIFUL
4. There is at least one sexually charged fencing match. Cassian has already had his uhoh, she’s goddamn amazing moment, Nesta is so very attracted and that makes her even angrier. She’s not going to give in! Not going to let her choices be taken away! Give away control of her business to A MAN. But sweet holy gods is the whole fencing thing working for her.
5. They get locked in the spare ballroom they were using for the match. Cassian talks Nesta out of breaking a window and trying to just jump down three stories. Nesta says fuck you, I’m not going to jump, I’m going to slide over to the solarium roof. Cassian seizing on literally anything, is like: You guys have a solarium? Why?
Nesta, angry and confused because this HOT HOT HOT man is trying to steal her fortune, he should know about the semi-famous Archeron gardens: My sister breeds orchids.
Cassian, praying she will stop eyeing the damned window and also trying not to think too hard about how unbearably flattering her little tight pants beneath a open kirtle fencing outfit is: That’s brilliant. Vanilla ones too?
Nesta, deeply suspicious, because her grandfather became famous for smuggling vanilla orchids back to their country and then completely cornered the market before he got really into international shipping: Yes
Cassian, looking away to hide the sweat literally trying to drip down his face: That’s so cool, you guys must make the best cakes.
Nesta: Cakes???
Cassian, thanking every god he can think of that she sounds at least curious: Yeah! [ proceeds to spend the next half hour telling her about how he learned to bake from his mom before she died, when he was really little. Nesta’s nods of acknowledgement destroy his self control so he goes on: yeah, I was sent off to be trained for the army after that, but it turns about they don’t actually let nobles fight? I cook for Rhys and Az all the time, but my dad hates it. I’d be a chef in another life, you know? And (looking at her and remembering with certain shy, mounting horror that this incandescent, perfect woman is his fiance) or at least, like bake cakes for my family?}
Nesta, internally, realizing this HOT HOT HOT man probably doesn’t want her money?? But whose greatest ambition would be to bake for her with those big beautiful hands. because she HAS noticed the way he looks at her, but was too angry to deal: CAKE. CASSIAN MAKES CAKES.
Aloud, and honest enough that she winces a little: That sounds wonderful.
Cassian, lighting up like a supernova: Maybe i could make you dinner sometime? Not that I don’t know that you have a great cook. And staff-but-
Nesta, interrupting because is he keeps blushing and rambling her mind will be lost: Tonight. When we get out of here.
So they have dinner, after the maid Elain bribed to lock them in for a certain amount of time pretends to have just stumbled on them while dusting the east wing. 
And Cassian is funny. And shy. And kind. And Nesta is FURIOUS, because this big beautiful soldier man that she didn’t get to actually chose herself is great? Sure she’s seen him act like a brash asshole before, but there’s more to him??
6. BUT DISASTER. Lord Archeron finally discovers what Rhys and Feyre have been getting up to and calls everything off, says their houses honor has been tarnished, he’ll be damned if his daughters marry into that family.
7. Nesta feels like she’s been punched through the chest. Cassian is heartbroken. She writes him letters, and he sends her back all these silly gifts because he doesn’t know how else to convince her he really, really does adore her: homemade patisserie, exotic houseplants because of that one time she said she didn’t like bouquets, rare books, and tiny clever daggers she can stick in her hair.
Nesta is like, yep. I’m just going to love him forever.
8. The Archeron sisters, all three screwed over by their father in one way or another, decide they’re not just going to lay down and let him set them up new betrothals. 
But! Helpfully! The king hates him. (Elain totally hasn’t been quietly courting his son or anything, so the royal family isn’t totally RIDE OR DIE COMPLETELY ON THE ARCHERON GIRLS SIDE OR ANYTHING.)
Nesta’s all like, I resign myself to duty, and throws herself into the family business. Reporting back all the while all those taxes their father stiffed the crown on and tariffs he avoided and international laws he just ignored. 
10. Nesta inherits the family title, Cassian shyly shows up on her doorstep and never leaves again. Feyre and Rhys have an insanely grandiose wedding, only overshadowed by the fact that it’s been announced Elain is marrying the crown prince and is someday to be queen.
Nesta and Cassian have this little tiny family wedding inside the solarium. It’s so private people in the kingdom are still habitually shocked when Lady Nesta Archeron, explorer of the high seas, richest woman in the land, always excuses herself early from royal events to get back to her husband.
Cassian comes to the palace sometimes, but overall the bowing and scraping makes him insane. Except for family stuff that isn’t a national occasion, he makes every excuse to stay home with the kids. Nesta’s the famous one, he gets to hang out with their five amazing, terrifying daughters, who all know daddy makes the best cakes in the world. 
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